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Attapulgite PDF

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Name /bks_53161_deglins_md_disk/attapulgite 02/11/2014 09:03AM Plate # 0-Composite pg 1 # 1

1 Interactions
Drug-Drug: May decrease the gastrointestinal absorption of concurrently ad- PDF Page #1
attapulgite (at-a-pull-gite) ministered oral medications (administer 2– 3 hr before or 2– 4 hr after attapul-
Children’s Kaopectate, Fowler’s Anti-Diarrhea Tablets, Fowler’s attapulgite gite).
oral suspension, Kaopectate, Kaopectate Extra Strength Route/Dosage
Classification PO (Adults): 1.2– 3 g after each loose stool (not to exceed 9 g/24 hr).
Therapeutic: antidiarrheals PO (Children 6– 12 yr): 600– 1500 mg after each loose stool (not to exceed 4.5 g/
Pharmacologic: adsorbents 24 hr).
Pregnancy Category B PO (Children 3– 6 yr): 300– 750 mg after each loose stool (not to exceed 2.25 g/
24 hr).
Adjunct in the symptomatic management of mild to moderate acute diarrhea. Assessment
● Assess the frequency and consistency of stools and bowel sounds before and
Action throughout course of therapy.
Appears to act by adsorbing bacteria and toxins and decreasing loss of water. Ther- ● Assess fluid and electrolyte balance and skin turgor for dehydration.
apeutic Effects: Decreased number and water content of stools. Potential Nursing Diagnoses
Diarrhea (Indications)
Pharmacokinetics Constipation (Side Effects)
Absorption: Action is local. Attapulgite is not absorbed. Deficient knowledge, related to medication regimen (Patient/Family Teaching)
Distribution: Unknown.
Metabolism and Excretion: Unknown. Implementation
Half-life: Unknown. ● Administer after each loose bowel movement until diarrhea is controlled.
● Do not administer other medications within 2– 3 hr before or after attapulgite ad-
TIME/ACTION PROFILE (antidiarrheal effect) ministration.
ROUTE ONSET PEAK DURATION ● PO: Shake suspension well before administration.
PO unknown unknown unknown Patient/Family Teaching
● Instruct patient to notify health care professional if diarrhea persists longer than
Contraindications/Precautions 48 hr or if fever or abdominal pain develops.
Contraindicated in: Hypersensitivity; Severe dehydration; Diarrhea that may be ● Advise patient or parent not to use attapulgite and to notify health care professional
caused by parasites; Dysentery. if stool contains blood or mucus or is accompanied by fever.
Use Cautiously in: Pedi: Geri: Children ⬍3 yr or geriatric patients have in- Evaluation/Desired Outcomes
creased risk of dehydration. ● Decrease in frequency of loose stools.
● Return to soft, formed stools.
Adverse Reactions/Side Effects
GI: constipation. Why was this drug prescribed for your patient?
⫽ Canadian drug name. ⫽ Genetic Implication. CAPITALS indicate life-threatening, underlines indicate most frequent. Strikethrough ⫽ Discontinued.

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