Risk Management Plan
Risk Management Plan
Risk Management Plan
Excursion details
Date(s) of excursion 15 February 2018 Excursion destination Water Park Creek Day Area
Byfield State Forest
Departure and arrival times Depart school 9:00am, arrive at Water Park Creek 9:50am
Depart Water Park Creek 2:00pm, arrive at school 2:50pm
Proposed activities Walking tour to observe natural, managed and cconstructed Water hazards? Yes/No
If yes, detail in risk assessment below.
Method of transport, including Bus transport via Farnborough Road and Byfield Road
proposed route
Contact number of excursion co- (BH) xx xxxx xxxx (M) xxxx xxx xxx
Educator to child ratio, including 1 adult per 5 children with a further adult assisting between each of the 5 groups of children
whether this excursion warrants a
higher ratio?
Excursion checklist
List of children attending the excursion Contact information for each adult
Contact information for each child Mobile phone / other means of communicating with the service & emergency
Medical information for each child Other items, please list
Risk assessment
Entering, disembarking and Student being struck by a Low Students will be cautioned Coordinating Prior to entering
assembling near the bus vehicle to enter, disembark and Teacher the assembly area
within the car park area assemble near the bus in an of both the school
orderly manner and the field trip
Students will cross roads site
and assemble adjacent to All Supervisors
the bus under strict adult
Students will use
pedestrian crossings where
Entering and exiting the bus Steps may pose a trip Moderate Students will be cautioned Coordinating When applicable
hazard to access the bus in an Teacher
orderly manner
Students will access the bus
under adult supervision All Supervisors
Transport to the site Vehicle accident Low Check operator’s licence Coordinating Prior to excursion
Check operator’s insurance Teacher
Ensure transport is fitted
with seatbelts
Outline expectations for Throughout the
student behaviour All Supervisors journey
Enforce seatbelt usage
Monitor student behaviour
Walking throughout the site Uneven surfaces may Moderate Advise students to walk in All Supervisors Throughout the
pose a trip/slip/fall hazard an orderly manner at all day
All supervisors to assess,
inform students and
manoeuvre around
potential hazards.
Advise students to remain
on designated tracks
Walking throughout the site Students may become Low Advise students to remain All Supervisors Throughout the
separated on designated tracks day
Supervisors to maintain
vigilant supervision at all
Regular headcounts in
small groups
Whole class roll call prior to
and after small group
Walking via a body of water Student entering the Low Students directed to avoid All Supervisors Throughout the
water bodies of water at all times day
Supervisors to maintain
vigilant supervision at all
Member of the supervision
team should have
competent water skills in
case of rescue
Member of the supervision
team should have
resuscitation training
Observation of animals Insect bites/stings Moderate Students are advised to Throughout the
Allergic reactions remain a safe distance from day
Cuts and abrasions all animals
Snake bite
Students are advised to
refrain from touching any
animals, including insects
All supervisors to be aware
of students that may suffer
from allergic reactions
First aid kit to be easily
accessible at all times
Coordinating teacher must
hold a current First Aid
Insect repellent can be
provided at supervisors
Observation of plants Allergic reaction Moderate All supervisors to be aware Throughout the
Cuts and abrasions of students that may suffer day
from allergic reactions
First aid kit to be easily
accessible at all times
Coordinating teacher must
hold a current First Aid
Students are advised to
refrain from touching any
Weather Exposure Sunburn Moderate Parents will have been Throughout the
In the event of unfavourable Dehydration advised of appropriate day
weather conditions, the field Wet conditions clothing before the field
trip may cancelled or
conclude earlier than These will include a wide
brimmed hat, sunscreen,
appropriate clothing,
enclosed footwear suitable
for walking and a raincoat
Sunscreen will be reapplied
by supervisors throughout
the day
All students must carry a
water bottle
Additional water will be
available throughout the
Meal Breaks Contamination Low Ensure that all students All supervisors Fruit Break
Allergies wash their hands
Animal Interaction thoroughly with soap
(provided by coordinating Afternoon Snack
teacher) and water before
Be aware of any students
with food allergies
Remind students that they
should only be eating the
food provided by their
Discourage students from
feeding any wildlife
Make sure all litter is
Student Behaviour Students not following Moderate Expectations for behaviour Coordinating Prior to the field
direction will be made clear Teacher trip
Students being disruptive Students will be given clear All supervisors Throughout the
instructions throughout the day
field trip
Consequences for
unacceptable behaviour at
the coordinating teacher’s
Students will be supervised
at all times
All activities All hazards Low The coordinating teacher Coordinating Throughout the
will have access to all Teacher day
students medical and
emergency contact details
All supervisors and All supervisors
students are aware of
emergency procedures and
group meeting (evacuation)
There is mobile phone
The local ambulance
service are aware of the
field trip
Plan prepared by: Megan Smith Position: Year 1 Teacher Date: 29 January 2018
Reminder: Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the risk assessment if an incident or significant change occurs.
Risk Matrix
certain Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic