MR8497 PDF
MR8497 PDF
MR8497 PDF
1 Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, Shanghai, China
2 Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, Shanghai, China
3Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Large Engineering Equipment Detection and Control, Xuzhou Institute
of Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China
Keywords:Transformer voltage fault; Arc suppression coil; Neutral point ungrounded system;
Abstract: In the distribution network, the single phase grounding fault of potential transformer (PT)
caused by burning phenomena occur. PT transient characteristics of the primary side current, On the
basis of single-phase grounding fault and the equivalent model simulate PT transient characteristics
of the primary side current. The main causes of PT failure are deduced for distribution network
single-phase ground capacitor current value caused by a larger. The simulation of a group of 6kV
PT by using power system simulation software PSCAD/EMTDC, and the comparison of the three
solutions: the PT of one side through the non-linear resistor (harmonic elimination device), Open
triangle parallel resistance and the system neutral grounding via arc suppression coil. Finally
obtains that the neutral point through the arc suppression coil grounding is the most the right way to
solve this problem in the distribution network.
The 6/10kv distribution network is one of neutral point ungrounded system, bus mounted
electromagnetic voltage transformer are Y0/Y0 open delta connection. When the system
single-phase grounding, will cause Blown fuse o the high side bus PT, or even burned phenomenon
PT. Because most of the PT failure after a single-phase ground fault disappears, field technicians
habitually think happened PT ferromagnetic resonance. In this paper, the equivalent model grid
single-phase ground fault disappears before and after analysis of the transient characteristics of PT
primary current, pointing out the main factors which leading to the distribution network failure of
PT. The single phase to ground fault simulation model has been improved, with PSCAD/EMTDC in
three to single-phase custom V-I characteristic curve of volume three UMEC (Unified Magnetic
Equivalent Circuit) module and the three single-phase transformers module, respectively, simulation
6kV bus PT actual operation of the transformer and the ground, the actual operation situation makes
the model can to reflect more accurately the power grid. At the same time, further simulation
comparison of PT primary side through nonlinear resistance grounding, open delta and resistance
and the neutral grounding via arc suppression coil three solutions, choose the most suitable for the
actual situation of distribution network in solving measures.
R < 2 L / C0
Uk is the capacitor voltage When single-phase ground fault elimination. Because ,
U k w0 - d t w
uc = e sin(wt + arctan )
Solution of equation (1) is w d
In the formula:
d = R / 2L
w0 = 1/ LC
w = w0 2 - d 2
U k -d t
i= e sin(wt )
According to equation (2) wL
From equation (4) shows the amplitude of current I high side PT is mainly concerned with.
When ground capacitance value of the system is larger, the smaller the free oscillation frequency,
the greater its corresponding current amplitude, while the low-frequency oscillations under the
current role of PT's core will quickly saturate the excitation current increases rapidly, then the
high-pressure side of the blown fuse can cause severe winding insulation will endanger the PT.
Similarly when the capacitance value C0 is very small, although it will also lead to an oscillating
current, but this time it is much higher, free-running currents have much smaller, but Peterson
resonance condition C0 is small, the system may occur in accordance with the fundamental
frequency , crossover and high frequency resonance. However, combined with the actual situation
of coal production - ground and underground cables are powered by multiple mines capacitive
current test, the value of up 90A, also the smallest 35A, away from the resonance parameters
Peterson conditions, it is considered low-saturated over-current is the main factor causing mine PT
grid failure.
Voltage value Current value Voltage value Current value
Note: The values in Table 1 are the unit value, the voltage reference value is 6000 / 3V , the current reference value is 1.5mA.
Figure 4 distribution system simulation
process[3-9]. Figure6 show the fault phase voltage of bus、the high-pressure side of the excitation
current waveform of PT after PT primary side of the neutral point connects nonlinear resistor,it can
be seen that the PT Saturated over current and overvoltage are suppressed well, but recovery time of
phase voltage is too long.
The system neutral grounding via arc suppression coil
Petersen coil capacity is large, and the impedance is much smaller than the PT field excitation
impedance of the inductor, It is equivalent to the high voltage side coil PT is temporarily shorted
after Single-phase ground fault is eliminated. Low-saturation current constitute loop by Petersen
coil and earth. So as not to cause a PT due to excessive current caused by high voltage side fuse or
itself burnt phenomenon. Also Petersen coil can also be compensated single-phase ground
capacitive current time. Figure 8 the arc suppression coil is in the state of overcompensation. Figure
8 Petersen coil in overcompensation state, off Degree of 6.28%, the inductance value 0.199H,
parallel resistance is 600Ω, fault phase voltage and high-voltage side excitation current waveform
after the failure to eliminate.
Figure 8 the system neutral grounding via arc suppression coil method
We made a detailed simulation analysis on the PT failure which is caused by failure elimination
of6 /10kv distribution network single-phase ground fault and solving measures by PSCAD /
EMTDC, simulation results can be drawn from 6 / 10kv distribution grid PT failures caused by a
single-phase ground mainly by the failure to eliminate low frequency after overcurrent caused.
Using secondary-side shunt resistor method can not be resolved by the elimination of single-phase
ground fault overcurrent caused PT saturation problems, priority should be using the system neutral
point arc suppression coil grounding.
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