UTIMF Transaction Slip
UTIMF Transaction Slip
UTIMF Transaction Slip
*Please sign below in case the EUIN is left blank/not provided/transaction is “execution-only” in nature.
I/We hereby confirm that the EUIN box has been intentionally left blank by me/us as this is an “execution-only” transaction without any interaction or advice by the employee/relationship manager/sales
person of the above distributor or notwithstanding the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the distributor and the distributor has not charged
any advisory fees on this transaction”
Sign Here
First Account Holder Second Account Holder Third Account Holder
Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors’ assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor.
2. Investor Details
Folio/Account No.:
Name PAN No. KYC Copy
Name of First applicant
Name of Guardian (In case of Minor)
Name of Second Applicant
Name of Third Applicant
Enclosures (Please tick any one box): Client Master List (CML) Transaction cum Holding Statement Cancelled Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS)
4. Additional Purchase
Cheque / DD No. ______________________ Date ___________________ DD Charges Rs. __________________________ Cheque / DD Net Amount Rs. ____________________________
Bank Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Branch: _________________________________ City _______________________________
Scheme ____________________________________________________________________ Plan ________________________________________ Option ___________________________________
5. Switch
Partial Switch All Units
Amount Rs. ______________________________ or Units : ____________________________________________________
From Scheme ________________________________________________________________ Plan ________________________ Option ___________________________
To Scheme ___________________________________________________________________ Plan ________________________ Option ___________________________
6. Redemption
Partial Redemption Scheme ____________________________ Plan ___________________ Option__________________ All Units
Amount Rs. ______________________________ or Units : ___________________________________________________________________
*Please specify the bank details in which your wish to receive the redemption proceeds.
*Bank Account No: ________________________________________ Bank Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
(Kindly note that bank account should be one of the registered bank account in the folio. else by default the redemption proceeds will be credited into the default bank account. Also this cannot be treated as change of bank mandate.)
“I/We have understood the contents of the Offer document and addenda issued till date and apply to the Trustees of UTI Mutual Fund as indicated above. I/ We agree to abide by the terms and conditions, rules and regulations of the scheme
as on the date of investment. I/ We undertake to confirm that the applicant/unit holder is empowered to invest/ disinvest and the signatories have necessary authorization to invest/disinvest on behalf of applicant/ unit holder. I/We undertake to
confirm that this investment has been duly authorized by appropriate authorities in terms of all relevant documents and procedural requirements. I/ We have not received nor been induced by any rebate or gifts, directly or indirectly in making
investment. * I/ We confirm than we are Non residents of Indian Nationality/ Origin and that the funds are remitted from abroad through approved banking channels or from my/ our funds from my/ our NRE/ NRO account. I/ We undertake to
provide further details of source of funds and any such other relevant document, if called by UTI Mutual Fund. I/we authorize UTI Mutual Fund, UTI AMC Ltd./its Registrars to refer details related to Aadhaar number to any of the appropriate
authorities including UIDAI / KYC Registration Agency / Authentication Agencies etc. and also authorize such agencies including UIDAI to share the data as per their records, for verification purpose
The ARN holder has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trial commission or any other mode), payable to him for the different competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst which
the Scheme is being recommended to me/us *Appliable to NRIs.
Sign Here
First Account Holder Second Account Holder Third Account Holder
Acknowledgement for submission of Purchase / Redemption / Switch request (to be filled by the unitholder)
1. W.e.f., 15.11.2010, third party cheques are not acceptable Only” cheque /DD. A separate cheque or draft must
for Mutual Fund investments. accompany each Application. In order to avoid frauds and
as a best practice, investors are advised to make the
2. W.e.f., 1.01.2012, SEBI has introduced uniform KYC
payment instrument (cheque, DD, pay order etc) favouring
among all its intermediaries including mutual funds.
“UTI Mutual Fund Scheme A/c First Investor name” or UTI
Accordingly, all investors, other than existing CVL KYC
Mutual Fund Scheme A/c Permanent Account Number” or
compliant investors prior to 31-12-2011, are required to
UTI Mutual Fund Scheme A/c Folio Number”.
follow the new KYC compliance procedure while making
any investment. The KYC forms are available on www. 5. Please submit the unit certificate, wherever issued, along
3. Please use the service request forms as specified by UTI MF 6. If the redemption request exceeds the balance in the
for the services like change of address (for non-KYC account or if the balance falls below the minimum balance
complied folios) updation / change of bank mandate. For required, the account may be closed and the entire (lesser)
balance may be paid by cheque / credited to your bank
the KYC complied Folios, request for change of address is
to be updated with KYC Registration Agency (KRA)The
completed and duly signed forms alongwith the necessary 7. The additional purchase / redemption / switch request
supporting documents can be submitted at any of the UTI must be signed by all joint holders in case the units are
Financial Centres. held jointly.
Check list
The form is complete in all respects.