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Grain-Size Dependent Mechanical Behavior of Nanocrystalline Metals

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Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

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Review article

Grain-size dependent mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline metals$

Eric N. Hahn, Marc A. Meyers n
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Grain size has a profound effect on the mechanical response of metals. Molecular dynamics continues to
Received 18 June 2015 expand its range from a handful of atoms to grain sizes up to 50 nm, albeit commonly at strain rates
Accepted 24 July 2015 generally upwards of 106 s  1. In this review we examine the most important theories of grain size de-
Available online 31 July 2015
pendent mechanical behavior pertaining to the nanocrystalline regime. For the sake of clarity, grain sizes
Keywords: d are commonly divided into three regimes: d4 1 μm, 1 μm od o100 nm; and d o100 nm. These dif-
Nanocrystalline metals ferent regimes are dominated by different mechanisms of plastic flow initiation. We focus here in the
Molecular dynamics region d o 100 nm, aptly named the nanocrystalline region. An interesting and representative phe-
Hall Petch nomenon at this reduced spatial scale is the inverse Hall–Petch effect observed experimentally and in
Inverse Hall Petch
MD simulations in FCC, BCC, and HCP metals. Significantly, we compare the results of molecular dy-
namics simulations with analytical models and mechanisms based on the contributions of Conrad and
Narayan and Argon and Yip, who attribute the inverse Hall–Petch relationship to the increased con-
tribution of grain-boundary shear as the grain size is reduced. The occurrence of twinning, more pre-
valent at the high strain rates enabled by shock compression, is evaluated.
& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2. Physical polycrystalline models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
2.1. Hall–Petch relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
2.2. On the exponent in the Hall–Petch relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
2.3. Inverse Hall–Petch Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
2.4. Special dislocation configurations in nanocrystalline metals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
3. Molecular dynamics fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
3.1. Molecular dynamics foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
3.2. Defect identification methods for crystalline materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
3.2.1. Centro-symmetry parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
3.2.2. Common neighbor analysis (CNA) and parameter (CNP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
3.2.3. Bond angle analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
3.2.4. Dislocation extraction algorithm (DXA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
3.2.5. Orientation imaging map (OIM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
3.3. Interatomic potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
3.4. Polycrystalline sample construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
4. Molecular dynamics simulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
4.1. Face-centered cubic metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
4.2. Body-centered cubic metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4.3. Hexagonal close-packed metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

This article is an invited contribution for the 2014 MSEA Journal Prize. Prof Marc Meyers is the Winner of the 2014 MSEA Journal Prize, an annual prize to recognize
research excellence in the field of structural materials, with special consideration for those who have made outstanding contributions to the Journal.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.A. Meyers).
0921-5093/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
102 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

4.4. Extreme deformation of nanocrystalline metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

4.5. On other technologically relevant materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
4.5.1. Diamond cubic silicon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
4.5.2. Hexagonal carbon graphene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
5. Other computational tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
5.1. Finite element method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
5.2. Quasi-continuum methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
6. Summary and conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

1. Introduction boundary diffusion coefficient, T is the temperature, b is the Bur-

gers vector, τ is the stress, Ω is the atomic volume, μ is the shear
The dependence of strength on the grain size of metals has modulus, and d is the grain size (these symbols will be used
fascinated researchers since the first half of the twentieth century throughout this paper). Indeed, as d increases, at a constant strain
when Hall [1] and Petch [2] obtained the inverse dependence of rate, so does the stress. This interpretation was later disputed since
grain size on strength. This subject has been treated in thousands it relies on diffusion, and was replaced by a broader explanation
of publications and has recently been superbly reviewed by based on grain-boundary sliding. Work by Wolf and co-workers
Armstrong and Li [3,4]. However, the classic d  1/2 relationship is [16] reconciled grain boundary diffusion creep and grain boundary
an approximation which breaks down for small grains. Measure- sliding as a single deformation mechanism, that of sliding-ac-
ments on iron [5,6] showed in clear fashion a reduced Hall–Petch commodated grain boundary diffusion creep.
slope for grain sizes below 1 μm. Fig. 1 shows results by Abra- Nanocrystalline metals and alloys have been synthesized by a
hamson [7] and Malloy and Koch [8] for iron. There is a clear de- number of innovative methods [17] that include the following:
crease in the Hall–Petch slope between 250 nm and 25 nm in the
nanocrystalline regime. Consistent with this, Meyers and Ash-  Vapor condensation and consolidation (inert gas condensation)
worth [9] proposed a core-and-mantle constitutive equation that [10].
predicts a continuous decrease in slope. The grain-boundary re-  Crystallization from amorphous alloys [18].
gion was assumed to have a higher flow stress (sGb) than the grain  Mechanical alloying [19].
interiors (sB). Thus, as the grain size increases, the fraction of  Severe plastic deformation (equal channel angular extrusion,
grain-boundary region increases. Eq. (1) expresses the following: high pressure torsion, cryomilling, etc.) [20,21].
 Chemical vapor deposition, physical vapor deposition, pulsed
σy = σ B + 8kMA ( σGb − σ B ) d−1/2 − 16kMA ( σGb − σ B ) d− 1 (1) electrodeposition [22].
The constant kMA is empirically obtained or can be extracted
from finite element method calculations. Predictions from this In this review we will highlight molecular dynamics simula-
model are shown in Fig. 1 and compared with the aforementioned tions of nanocrystalline face-centered cubic (FCC), body-centered
experimental results. Nevertheless, the model failed to identify cubic (BCC), and hexagonal close-packed (HCP) metals. The num-
grain-boundary sliding or creep as critical mechanisms. It is in- ber of contributions grows daily and the work done in the last
teresting that many metals were observed to show deviation from decade alone is monumental. In the early 2000s, two review pa-
the Hall-Petch relationship, as shown in Fig. 2 for copper, iron, pers on nanocrystalline metals emphasized their unknowns,
nickel, and titanium. Thus, this is a general phenomenon. complexity, and appeal. The review by Wolf et al. [23] tackled the
Gleiter's classic work on nanocrystalline metals [10,11] was a fundamental question of to what extent atomic simulations cap-
tipping point for the global materials research community towards ture reality and, similarly, the review by Meyers et al. [13] eval-
the exploration of ultrafine and nanocrystalline grain sizes. The uated the ability of numerous models to accurately predict
breakthrough work by Chokshi et al. [12] (co-authored by H.
Gleiter), reported a negative Hall–Petch slope in the nanocrystal-
line region for copper and palladium, and was followed by intense
activity (e.g. Meyers et al. [13]). There is still considerable debate
as to the soundness of the experimental data pertaining to the
measurement of grain sizes and residual porosity [6,14,15], and
one of the potential co-authors refused to add his name to the
paper. Indeed, their specimens produced by vapor condensation
followed by high-pressure compaction had residual porosity. Since
the grains were increased from 6.25 nm to 15 nm by annealing, it
was suggested that the reduction in porosity, and not the increase
in grain size, was responsible for the increase in micro-hardness
observed. Nevertheless, this paper stimulated research worldwide
with some confirming and others denying the effect. With clarity
and brevity, Chokshi et al. [12] attributed the effect to Coble creep,
which is expressed as:

kCC ΩμbDGb ⎛⎜ δ ⎞⎟ ⎛ b ⎞ ⎛ τ ⎞
γ̇ = ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
kT ⎝ b ⎠⎝ d ⎠ ⎝ μ ⎠ (2) Fig. 1. Experimentally observed decrease of the Hall–Petch slope in the nano-
crystalline domain and comparison with Meyers–Ashworth model [9]. Experi-
where δ is the grain-boundary thickness, DGb is the grain- mental results from Abrahamson [7] and Malloy and Koch [8].
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 103

Fig. 2. Plots showing the trend of yield stress with grain size for different metals as compared to the conventional Hall–Petch response: (a) copper, (b) iron, (c) nickel and
(d) titanium. From Meyers et al. [13].

deformation behavior at the nanoscale. The complementary con- grain rotation, will be made through atomic-scale simulation and
clusions of these reviews indicate that the capacity of molecular modeling. Simulations deriving from atomic and quantum models
dynamics simulations to directly visualize defects with atomic extend their reach by providing valuable input criteria for multi-
resolution provides a utility unmatched by experimental char- scale models, continuum models, and materials design [24–32]
acterization, but that conclusions must be tempered by experi- especially in iterative feedback loops [33].
mental results. As computation power climbs and cost plummets, In order to clarify and highlight the physical mechanisms re-
it is to be expected that fundamental insights into the structure sponsible for the effects of these grain sizes, we present analytical
and properties of crystalline defects, as well as physical mechan- models predicting such behavior first: Conrad and Narayan
isms ranging from atomic diffusion to interface migration and [34,35], and Argon and Yip [36]. We also discuss the equations of

Fig. 3. (a) Model of nanostructured material showing crystals only a few nanometers or less in diameter. Boundary atoms in the two-dimensional sample are white circles
(from early work of Gleiter [249]). (b) Model of grain boundary showing facets (from [250]). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)
104 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

grain size dependent dislocations, twins, and stacking faults based

on the work of Asaro and Suresh [37].

2. Physical polycrystalline models

Mechanical properties of polycrystalline metals are drastically

different from those of monocrystalline metals; likewise, nano-
crystalline metals behave distinctly from their large grained
counterparts. Crystalline solids commonly consist of grains sepa-
rated by planar interfacial defects, grain boundaries. Nanos-
tructured materials provide us with a means to study the intrinsic
nature of solid interfaces with the potential to extend structure–
property relationships down to the atomic regime. Fig. 3a shows
an early schematic representation of a nanocrystal in comparison Fig. 5. The length of a simple linear chain of n dislocations as they pile up towards
with Fig. 3b, a true atomic simulation. Grain boundary atoms a fixed position x0. The linear chain is shown in the top right where the position of
(indicated in white in Fig. 3a and colored atoms in Fig. 3b) divide the last dislocation xn  1 ¼l. For information on estimates refer to Szego [59] and
adjacent crystals of differing orientation. Grain-boundary faceting Bilby and Entwisle [251]. Figure from Li [4].

observed in Fig. 3b is a characteristic of many interfaces. It is clear

from both simulation and characterization that crystallinity ex- dominating grain interior deformation, the strength of nanocrys-
tends right up to the interface and that an interface may grow or talline metals is affected by the growing volume fraction of grain
shrink during plastic deformation. boundaries, providing a greater number of available shear/sliding
Within the last two decades it has been shown that transitions points [34] and slightly increasing the effective porosity of the
to smaller grain sizes, and thus greater grain boundary density, sample [4].
introduce unique mechanical deformation mechanisms. Enlarge- Early work by Ashby [38] approaches the problem of poly-
ment of interfacial volume and reduction of bulk volume are re- crystalline aggregates by differentiating between grain-boundary
sponsible for causing several atomic-scale interactions, such as interiors and boundaries, representing polycrystals as hetero-
dislocation accumulation, to fail to manifest below a critical grain geneous materials. It is also known that grain boundaries come in
size. The volume fraction of interfaces increases to the first order a wide variety [39–45] and that many interfaces are stronger than
as 3δ/d, where δ represents the interface thickness (shared by two others [46–51]. The interaction of grain boundaries with disloca-
grains) and d represents the average grain diameter. A similar tions, the traditional carrier of plasticity, is of critical importance to
relationship also exists for the volume fraction of triple junctions. the strength of metals [52–55].
Using space-filling tetrakaidecaheda, Tschopp et al. [17] produced
volume fractions shown in Fig. 4, agreeing well with previous il- 2.1. Hall–Petch relationship
lustrations [13]. Typical interface thicknesses on the order of 2–3
atomic distances dictate that the volume fraction of grain There are multiple accepted models that give rise to the classic
boundary atoms is as large as 50% for 4 nm grains, 25% for 12 nm Hall–Petch relationship. The first is dislocation pileup where an
grains, 10% for 24 nm grains, and 1% for 200 nm grains. Without array of dislocations lies along a single slip system. Defined as

Fig. 4. The increase in the volume fraction of grain boundaries and triple junctions as a function of grain size in the nanocrystalline ( o 100 nm) and ultrafine grain (100 nm
to 1 mm) regimes. These plots are based on space-filling tetrakaidecahedra grains with a grain boundary thickness of 1 nm (thick line), where the dotted lines show the
evolution for grain boundary thicknesses of 0.9–0.5 nm in increments of 0.1 nm. From Tschopp et al. [17].
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 105

decreases, the ability to emit a dislocation increases with de-

creasing grain size, and the density of dislocations per grain vo-
lume increases as grain volume decreases. Li [4] gives the total
density of dislocations inside a given grain volume as

πd2m/2 3m
ρ= = ·
πd3/6 d (5)

Here m represents the total length of dislocations emitted into

each neighboring grain per unit area of grain boundary. Combining
Eqs. (4) and (5) we arrive at

σ = σ 0 + αGb 3md−1 = σ 0 + kd−1/2⋅ (6)

Direct observation of dislocation emission from grain boundary

ledges was reported as early as 1975 by Murr and coworkers [62],
in MD simulations by van Swygenhoven in 1999 [63] and Yamakov
in 2001 [64]. Numerous simulations have since shown varying
degrees and parameters that affect dislocation nucleation from
crystal interfaces [65,66]. The assumption that grain boundary
character remains steady with increasing grain size may be valid at
Fig. 6. A dislocation pile-up formed in a single grain. The dislocations move from
top-left to bottom-right corner. A thin slice is shown and a few dislocations on
d4 1 μm, but begins to vary for nanocrystalline grain sizes. Anni-
nearby slip places (not part of the planar pile-up) perturb the pile-up. From Schiotz hilation and/or accommodation of dislocations at grain boundaries
[58]. can also be expected to vary similarly with grain size.

being of the same sign, the stress field resulting from a summation 2.2. On the exponent in the Hall–Petch relationship
over all such dislocations push each toward a common grain
boundary, generating a stress concentration at the “tip” of the Substantial deviations observed in the Hall–Petch relationship
pileup located adjacent to the grain boundary. The equilibrium actually suggest that other relationships are prevalent. In 1956,
positions of linear free dislocations were obtained by Eshelby et al. Baldwin [67] found that in many cases the exponent  1 or  1/3
in 1951 [56]. Fig. 5 shows a simple pileup and estimates for re- provided as good a fit as 1/2. More recent analyses, such as the
lationships between the length of the pileup and dislocation one by Dunstan and Bushby [68], point to the same. Consistent
density. Later, more complex arrangements of dislocations were with the results of Fig. 1, which show a reduction of the prefactor
considered by Lubarda et al. [57]. Fig. 6 demonstrates just such a from 0.48 to 0.21 MPa m1/2, Durstan and Bushby [68] report a
complex pile-up forming in a single grain roughly 30 nm in dia- decrease from 0.52 to 0.054–0.14 MPa m1/2 for the nanocrystalline
meter as simulated by Shiotz [58]. domain, in iron. A more general manner to plot grain size de-
An upper limit to the length of the pileup is l¼ 2nA/sb (refer to pendent strength data is in a double logarithmic form:
Sezgo [59]), where l is related to half the grain size, d/2. The sum of log
stresses at the tip, stip ¼ns. Taken together and assuming yielding −m = d

occurs at a critical value we arrive at the classic Hall Petch re- log d1 (7)
where s1 and d1 are reference points on plot and m is the slope
4σc A −1/2 of the linear fit. Adding a frictional stress expressing the resistance
σy = σ 0 + d = σ 0 + kd−1/2,
b (3) of the lattice in a single crystal:

where s0 is a frictional stress added as an intrinsic stress to Eq. σ 1 −m

σ = σ0 + d ⋅
(3) and sc is the critical value of stip at which the dislocation can d1−m (8)
burst through the grain. A similar argument was made by Cottrell The value of m can thus be obtained independently. However,
[60] by substituting in a locking position (which by definition must the connection of the Hall–Petch equation to the hypothesis of
exert a balancing force) with an external force that displaces the grain-boundary (edge) dislocation pile-ups is historically of such
entire pileup by a small distance δx. The force must then equal import that the ½ exponent is indelibly connected to the fabric of
nσbδx and the stress per unit length then equals nσb and can be materials science. For a more detailed analysis, the reader is re-
transformed into the Hall–Petch form in a similar manner as that ferred to Meyers and Chawla [69]. Interestingly, Durstan and
shown above. Dislocation pileup may be a satisfactory explanation Bushby [68] draw inspiration from the thickness-dependent
for edge dislocations, but may not hold true for screw or mixed strength of thin films in which the stress may be dependent as log
dislocations where the tendency to cross-slip cannot be ignored. (d)/d which introduces an apex in strength associated with an
Thus a supplementary explanation is essential. inversion of the Hall–Petch slope.
Perhaps the simplest, and more general, way of reproducing As mentioned previously, the effect of porosity, especially at
the Hall–Petch relation is through assessing grain boundaries as grain boundaries, cannot be ignored. Porosity may arise in the
sources for dislocations as first considered by Li in 1963 [61]. The form of residual porosity from fabrication methods or may be in-
justification builds from the classic dislocation density dependent trinsic to smaller grain sizes due to excess volume of grain
flow stress: boundary atoms. Excess volume has been shown to affect plasti-
σ = σ 0 + αGb ρ , (4) city occurring at grain boundaries [70], especially relating to the
ability to nucleate dislocations [71]. Simulations have placed ex-
where α is a coefficient (typically on the order of 2/2π(1  ν)), G cess volumes between 1–5% for special grain boundaries and as
is the shear modulus, and ρ is the dislocation density. Assuming high as 80% for disordered grain boundaries [50]. Experimental
that the grain-boundary structure remains constant as grain size measurements place excess volume near 10% [72,73]. This suggests
106 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

that grains in the nanometer regime will have at least 1% porosity explanation for the Hall–Petch phenomenon; as grain size is re-
for 25 nm grains and 5% effective porosity for 5 nm grains. It has duced, the number of dislocations associated with a given grain
also been shown that elastic modulus decreases with increasing and its boundaries is reduced and the summative contribution to
porosity [13,74]. Li [4,75] related impurity content of the grain the stress field is diminished. Yet, although the stress field asso-
boundary (theorizing that impurities stabilize ledges) to porosity ciated with a single grain is diminished, the influence of stress
on the basis that equilibrium segregation decreases with increas- fields emanating across neighboring grains provides sufficient
ing porosity by decreasing internal stresses. Li's equation in- motivation for relaxation of grain boundaries and triple junctions
corporating impurity segregation and effective porosity is by grain boundary sliding [79]. A compilation of yield stress data
x − (ϕ − ϕ0 ) taken by Meyers et al. [13] for FCC Cu indicates that the critical
σ = σ0 + A ⋅ grain diameter for this transition in deformation mechanism is
d/3KNβb (9)
right under 20 nm (Fig. 7).
A is a fitting constant akin to the Hall–Petch slope, x is a fraction As mentioned earlier, the first experimental evidence of the
of possible impurity sites occupied (this term is grain size de- inverse Hall–Petch response in the nanocrystalline regime was by
pendent and defined as 0o xo1), K is the equilibrium constant, Chokshi et al. [12] when it was reported that a negative Hall–Petch
and Nβb is a concentration of impurities per unit of grain boundary, slope was observed for nanocrystalline copper (FCC) and palla-
ϕ is porosity and ϕ0 is equilibrium porosity. For ϕ0 = ϕ , and x dium (FCC).
approaching zero for small grain sizes, a Hall–Petch type plot will Conrad and Narayan [34,35], and Conrad [80] developed a
decrease in slope before plateauing in strength. This type of effect model based on independent atomic shear events and related the
has clear experimental evidence as discussed earlier and shown in shear rate at grain boundaries to the global strain rate. They ob-
FigS. 1 and 2. tained the following equation:
Using static values of excess porosity Li [4,75] demonstrated a
2δνD ⎛v τ ⎞ ⎛ ΔG 0 ⎞
turnover in strength below critical grain sizes. Carlton and Ferreira γ̇ = sinh ⎜ D e ⎟ exp ⎜ − ⎟,
d ⎝ kT ⎠ ⎝ kT ⎠ (10)
[76] produce a similar relationship including a term incorporating
increased dislocation adsorption for small grain sizes. Both models where δ is the grain boundary width, taken as 3b, and
imply that dislocations remain the primary carrier of plasticity τe = τ − τcr . The term 2δνD represents the volume of a grain bound-
down to the smallest grain sizes. Many studies indicate that dis-
ary and the area it sweeps over during shear.
locations continue to play an important role in small grain sizes
Alternatively, the shear stress τ is expressed as
such as strain hardening in 20 nm Ni [77] and that dislocation-
mediated grain boundary rotation occurs at smaller grain sizes ⎡ kT ⎛ δν ⎞ ΔF ⎤ kT
τ = τ0 + ⎢ ln ⎜ D ⎟ + ⎥+ ln d
[78]. The former is an example of traditional intragranular plasti- ⎣V ⎝ γ̇ ⎠ V ⎦ V (11)
city while the latter is a primary example of deformation origi-
nating from intergranular sources and alternative deformation The symbols not previously defined are V, the activation vo-
mechanisms at a reduced size. lume; ΔF, the Helmholtz free energy; νD, the vibrational frequency
of an atom (Debye frequency,  1013 s  1, a first order approx-
2.3. Inverse Hall–Petch Models imation can be taken as the time taken for sound waves to travel
one interatomic distance), and τ0, a frictional stress. Fig. 8a shows
The “negative” or “inverse” trend in yield strength behavior the prediction from the Conrad–Narayan equation together with
with decreasing grain size results from a scale-determined inter- experimental results for copper. The transition from positive to
ruption of dislocation phenomenon associated with the traditional inverse HP relationship is clear and the line, which is from Eq. (11),

Fig. 7. Compilation of yield stress as a function of grain size (plotted by d  1/2) for Cu. The plot illustrates the Hall–Petch relationship for larger grain sizes and the ambiguity
near d ¼25 nm (d  1/2 ¼ 0.2) where some results show a plateau in strength and other results show a decrease indicative of the inverse Hall–Petch relationship [13].
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 107

b ⎡ ΔG 0 ⎛ τ ⎞⎤
γḊ = νd exp ⎢ − ⎜ 1 − ⎟ ⎥,
d ⎣ kT ⎝ τ0 ⎠ ⎦ (13)

where τ0 is the height of the barriers, υd is the dislocation vi-

bration frequency, ΔG0 is the energy of the barriers at 0 K, b is the
Burgers vector. The vibrational frequency of a dislocation is related
to its length by υd ¼ υDb/l and, while lengthy derivations exist,
Kubin [81] offers a concise derivation within the framework of
dislocation dynamics simulations. Typical values of dislocation
vibration frequencies are on the order of 109 s  1. As a dislocation
length becomes confined to smaller and smaller grain sizes its
vibrational frequency will increase. For 25 nm grains υd may be as
large as 1011 s  1.
This is the simplest form of the Seeger equation, assuming
rectangular-shaped barriers. The b/d term adds a grain-size de-
pendence and is related to the emission of dislocations at
boundaries, their crossing of the entire grain, and being annihi-
lated at the opposite boundary, generating a strain of b/d each. It
is, indeed, a tortuous way to introduce a grain-size dependence.
The exponential terms are replaced by more tractable power
⎛ τ ⎞m
̇ = γT νD ⎜
γGb ⎟
⎝ τiGb ⎠ (14)

b ⎛ τ⎞
γḊ = νd ⎜ ⎟
d ⎝ τ0 ⎠ (15)

The volume fraction of grain-boundary is approximated as,

assuming spherical grains of radius, R:

4πR2δ 3δ 6δ
Vf = 4
= =
πR 3 R d (16)

The total strain rate is expressed as

⎛ 6δ ⎞ ⎛ 6δ ⎞
γ ̇ = ⎜ ⎟ γGḃ + ⎜1 − ⎟γ ̇ ,
⎝ d ⎠ ⎝ d ⎠ D (17)

where m and n are fitting parameters.

Combining Eqs. (14)–(17) yields an expression that relates the
stress τ to the grain size d at a constant strain rate, γ .̇ This is shown
in Fig. 8b, in comparison with MD results by Schiotz and Jacobsen
Fig. 8. (a) Experimental points for copper and Conrad-Narayan equation [34,35] [82]. We note that the volume fraction of grain boundaries is in
applied to the inverse Hall–Petch region; data and plot adapted from Conrad [80]. fact closer to 3δ/d bearing in mind that each grain boundary is
(b) Comparison of analytical model by Argon and Yip [36] to the molecular dy- shared by two grains and 6δ/d is double counting. The resulting
namics simulations of a maximum in the strength of Cu by Schiotz and Jacobsen
generalized equation is
[82]. Normalized stress s ¼ s/m and grain size x¼ d/b are used in plot.
⎛ 3δ ⎞ ⎛ 3δ ⎞
γ ̇ = ⎜ ⎟ γGḃ + ⎜1 − ⎟γ ̇
tracks the results well. ⎝ d ⎠ ⎝ d ⎠ D (18)
The Argon and Yip [36] model considers grain-boundary shear
A number of analyses have been proposed in the literature but
and dislocation plasticity as two operating mechanisms, each one
the two above capture the important physical phenomena and
in proportion to the volume fraction of material where they op-
describe, quantitatively, the response in the nanocrystalline range.
erate. The expression for grain-boundary shear is similar to the
It is important to emphasize that the inverse Hall–Petch re-
one by Conrad and Narayan [34] and the one for dislocation
lationship requires grain sizes lower than 30 nm. This is indeed in
plasticity comes from thermally-activated dislocation motion. The
the lower part of the nanocrystalline domain, corresponding to a
activation energy for plastic flow in the boundary, Qv, is taken as
fraction of grain-boundary atoms of  20%.
that for an amorphous phase, since the grain boundary is con-
sidered, to a very first approximation, as amorphous. Thus
2.4. Special dislocation configurations in nanocrystalline metals
⎡ Q ⎛ τ ⎞⎤
̇ = γT νD exp ⎢ − V ⎜ 1 −
γGb ⎟ ⎥, Asaro and Suresh [37] made strides in the description of grain
⎣ kT ⎝ τiGb ⎠ ⎦ (12)
size dependent effects on the emission of defects from grain
where γT is a transformation shear strain, and τigb is the ideal boundaries. Nucleation of dislocations from pre-existing grain
shear strength of the grain boundary, which they take to be equal boundary dislocations, partial dislocations, and deformation twins
to one half of that of the lattice. Correspondingly, the thermally- were analytically represented and the increased partial separation
activated constitutive equation for dislocation slip, with some in the nanocrystalline domain was explained. The reduction of the
adjustments, takes the form: activation volume in FCC metals from  102b3 to  b3 was
108 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

Fig. 9. Future projection of computational power of the Moore’s Law type to

Fig. 10. Increasing single CPU cost of running many-body potentials in seconds per
achievable grain sizes for atomistic simulation by an empirical potential. The solid
atom per time step as a function of year. The black line is indicative of computa-
line is representative of high performance computers and is based on projections of
tional cost doubling of the Moore’s Law type similar to Fig. 3 [116] (LAMMPS
the TOP500 List using the LINPAC benchmark. Dashed line is representative of
molecular dynamics package,; Potential benchmarks,
desktop computers based on projections based on NVidia graphics cards. These EAM, embedded-atom method;
lines represent simulation capability of 5 times the grain diameter in each di-
MEAM, modified embedded-atom method; REBO, reactive empirical bond order;
mension. Green circles are representative of runs completed at US National Labs
BOP, bond-order potential; AIREBO, adaptive intermolecular REBO; ReaxFF, reactive
[252,253], the yellow circle by one of the first systematic studies of 5–50 nm grains
force field; COMB, charge optimized many-body; GAP, Gaussian approximation
[82], and the red circle is a systematic study of grain sizes smaller than 27.3 nm
[166] (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader
is referred to the web version of this article.)

increasingly accurate interatomic potentials, illustrating that the

explained in terms of the shorter mean free path of dislocations desire to extend molecular dynamics to increasing length and time
and less interaction among them. This was also done by Jarmakani scales is tempered by the reality and complexity of metallic sys-
et al. [83]. tems. Increasing complexity is also seen for analysis and visuali-
zation techniques that are presented in the following section.
Another drive for realistic systems and larger number of atoms
3. Molecular dynamics fundamentals requires multiple element types, representing a push towards in-
corporating alloying elements as well as impurities that can
The review by Farkas [84] emphasizes that, in spite of a large strengthen or weaken grain boundaries as shown in Fig. 11.
gap in achievable time scales, atomistic modeling continues to Essentially, a key piece to furthering our understanding of
serve as a unique tool for direct visualization of defects that in- phenomena in nanostructured materials is the ability to precisely
fluence microstructural evolution. This has been rendered more observe how emission, transmission, absorption, rearrangement,
realistic by the continued advance, at an impressive rate, of com- accommodation, and storage of dislocations and other defects
putational power and our ability to characterize complex simula- occur at grain boundaries of different dense crystal systems. It will
tions. Spanning between 2005-2015, the power of our personal be interesting here to compare critical grain size across various
computers has reached what was capable by supercomputers 15 FCC, BCC, and HCP metals. Also of interest is how varying degrees
years earlier. The ability of high-performance computing has been of misorientation and grain size alter inter- and trans-granular
demonstrated with trillion-atom molecular dynamics simulations dislocation interactions.
using a simple pairwise Lennard–Jones form in 2008 [85] and
billion atom simulations of many-body potentials in 2012 [86]. 3.1. Molecular dynamics foundations
Approximately 109 atoms form, in tridimensional space, a simu-
lation box with lateral dimensions of 103 atoms, approximately Even though molecular dynamics (MD) methods, both in their
200 nm. Taking a few standardized variables, such as a femtose- physics and numerical implementations, are complex and fasci-
cond timestep and nanosecond simulation time, grain sizes as nating areas of study on their own, it is not the intention of this
large as 50 nm can be simulated, limited largely by the number review to enumerate physics of MD methodology or the numerical
of grains in each dimension required to ensure a good measure of algorithms used to implement the physical framework. It is likely
polycrystallinity. The current and projected capabilities of personal that this review will fall into the hands of those already acquainted
and high performance computers are shown in Fig. 9 using pro- in the field of molecular dynamics simulations as well as in the
jections derived from the Top500 list for high performance com- hands of those interested in learning state of the art of materials
puting (HPC) and NVidia graphics cards for desktop computers. science, namely the study of metallic imperfections through mo-
The equations relating grain size to year are lecular dynamics simulations. For the latter readers, a brief over-
dHPC = 1.32e (0.214 (y − 1993)) (19) view of the available introductory literature is presented.
Although mainly oriented to the study of liquids, the early
ddesk = 0.55e (0.132 (y − 1993))⋅ (20) contribution by Allen and Tildesley [87] is not only a good in-
troductory text for molecular dynamics researchers, but also a
placing the micrometer (or microsecond) regime between 2025 must-have reference for specialists since it covers both the physics
and 2050 respectively. Fig. 10 shows the implementation of and numerical basics of the method. The later contribution by
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 109

Fig. 11. (left) Thermodynamic stability map for stabilizing nanocrystalline copper at 0.6Tm; the red and black dots indicate the stabilizing and nonstabilizing solutes with
respect to the elastic enthalpy and enthalpy of mixing. (right) Molecular dynamics simulations at 1200 K indicate that nanocrystalline Cu rapidly coarsens [254] while Ta
precipitates in the Cu–5%Ta sample stabilize the surrounding nanocrystalline grain size. From Tschopp [17].

Rapaport [88] extensively covers the practical applications of the Plimpton and Gale [94] based on the well-received LAMMPS code
method and tools available towards undertaking simulations. developed in 1995 by Plimpton [95].
The focus of this review is on the mechanical behavior of nano- Finally, a number of techniques have surfaced over the years for
crystalline metals, which is directly related to the evolution of pre- simulating and evaluating nanostructured materials. A constant
existing defects and those arising from imposed loading on the ma- quest to scale up the number and diameter of grains as well as our
terial. The fundamentals of defects in solids are very well covered in ability to accurately model them through interatomic potentials
classic books on the matter [89,90] and the computer simulation of has stimulated research in this area of computational materials
dislocations and other defects is a topic treated in an number of in- science. Computational advances have principally thrust molecular
fluential papers [91,92]. Fortunately, the book by Bulatov and Cai [93] dynamics simulations to growing level of importance.
gathers many important methods into a single text.
Non-trivially, the implementation of broadly applicable com- 3.2. Defect identification methods for crystalline materials.
munity codes for materials modeling and simulation has been a
boon to the success of atomistic computational modeling as As continuously enumerated, defects play a unique role in
highlighted by a recent opinion article on community codes by materials phenomena and, therefore, their proper identification is

Fig. 12. Visualization of a dislocation traversing a nanocrystalline grain by six different analysis coloring schemes. From Swygenhoven [92].
110 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

a fundamental molecular dynamics tool for developing an in-

depth understanding of material behavior.
The recovery of crystal defects from the complete simulation
domain often involves time consuming post-processing steps that
may surpass the time employed during the simulation itself. Post-
processing is often unavoidable for proper interpretation of si-
mulation results and the importance of appropriate selection tools
can be shown by the different methods of evaluating the same
timestep as seen in Fig. 12. Improved computational analysis
methods provide greater insight into atomic level processes and
inform coupling of atomistic to mesoscale simulations [96].
Here we present a succinct overview of the defect identification
methods based on structural analyses that are currently used in MD
studies; their appearance in this section is based on their computa-
tional cost factor, considering the first as the least expensive.

3.2.1. Centro-symmetry parameter Fig. 14. ABC sequence of FCC {111} planes. 12 nearest neighbor atoms surrounding
The centro-symmetry deviation parameter, commonly named the a center atom, with the 3 dashed atoms belonging in plane A (red), the 7 atoms
centrosymmetry parameter (CSP), is a robust method that relies on a belong in plane B (green) and the last 3 dotted atoms belong in plane C (blue).
characteristic that is common to simple cubic (SC), FCC and BCC
structures: every atom is a center of inversion symmetry, which
means that taking an atom as a center, its neighboring atoms are  The identification of defects with this method is affected by
(centro)symmetric relative to it. This property can be used to distin- elevated temperatures, as shown by Stukowski [99].
guish these atoms from other structures when the local bond sym-
metry is not verified or it deviates from an established value. 3.2.2. Common neighbor analysis (CNA) and parameter (CNP)
This metric for structural identification was developed by Albeit a higher computational cost compared to CSP, structure
Kelchner et al. [97] in equation form and practical applications can analysis algorithms that employ high-dimensional signatures to
be found in several references [93,98]. characterize atom arrangements are usually more efficient to
discern between structures. The Common Neighbor Analysis (CNA)
N /2 2
→ → is one of these methods. Proposed by Honeycutt and Andersen
CSP = ∑ Ri + Ri + N /2
i=1 (21) [100] and later further developed by Faken and Jonsson [101] and
Tsuzuki, Brancio, and Rino [102], the CNA computes a character-
Here the N nearest neighbors, specified as an input parameter, istic signature from the topology of bonds that connect an atom to
→ →
of each atom are identified such that Ri and Ri + N/2 are the vectors its surrounding neighbors.
from the central atom to a given pair of opposing neighbor atoms. The neighborhood of an atom is defined by a cutoff distance so
Opposite pairs of atoms for FCC, BCC, and HCP are indicated in that all the atoms within that distance are said to be neighbors.
Fig. 13 by atoms of the same color. For an atom sitting on an ex- Each neighbor is taken into account for in the calculation of three
pected lattice point the CSP determined by this sum will be zero. characteristic numbers that are computed, yielding a triplet that,
Thermal vibrations will not cause much fluctuation from 0, but when compared with a set of reference signatures, allows for the
defects that break symmetry will produce a larger (positive) CSP establishment of a structural type to the atom whose triplet is
value. Fig. 14 shows a schematic representation of a central atom evaluated.
in FCC surrounded by 12 closest neighbors. They are diametrically Unlike CSP, CNA can be used on non-centro-symmetrical
opposed in pairs. Note that BCC structures have 8 neighbors structures such as HCP crystals. The latter are centrosymmetric
(though the second shell is often considered totaling 14) and SC only if the c/a ratio is ideal, 1.633 (the metal that comes closest to
have 4. We would like to highlight some characteristics of CSP: ideal HCP is magnesium). To see how one of the triplets is com-
puted, a representative Common Neighborhood Parameter (CNP)
 As seen in its definition, the CSP parameter is just a scalar can be defined as:
quantity and therefore, its applicability to oriented defective 2
ni nij
structures is limited. 1
 The parameter is not suitable for treatment of HCP, diamond
Qi = ∑ ∑ ( Rik + Rjk )
ni j=1 k=1 (22)
cubic (DC) and some other structures that do not have the
symmetrical characteristic described before. The index j evaluates the ni nearest neighbors of atom i, and the

Fig. 13. Centro-Symmetry Parameter (CSP) distinguishes between plastically deformed regions of dislocations and stacking faults (asymmetry) from purely elastically
deformed regions (which would have symmetry). Pairs of atoms diametrically opposed from a central atom are identified by the same color; (a) FCC, 6 pairs; (b) BCC, 7 pairs;
(c) HCP, 6 pairs [102].
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 111

Fig. 17. Orientation imaging map using Euler angles as proposed by Rudd [109].

Fig. 15. Common Neighbor Analysis (CNA) provides a measure of degree of crystal-
linity and identification of crystal structures present. Analysis is derived based on the another. Two new tools by have been developed by Stukowski
number of common neighbors (k) shared by an atom pair (i-j):k1, k2, k3, and k4[102].
[99,104,105]. The ‘sharpness’ of dislocations is seen in Fig. 16 in
contrast with the CNA filtering. This enables a better determina-
index k evaluates nij common nearest neighbors of atom i and
tion of dislocation densities, since no dislocations are missed by
atom j. This is visually represented in Fig. 15 where k atoms are
superposition as shown by Ruestes et al. [106]. The voids from
common neighbors to atom i and atom j.
The Adaptive Common Neighbor Analysis (a-CNA), recently which these dislocations emanate are visible in DXA but cannot be
proposed by Stukowski [99] takes CNA as a basis, and is particu- distinguished by CNA.
larly suitable for multi-phase systems, adapting the cutoff distance
of the standard CNA to each individual atom depending on a re- 3.2.5. Orientation imaging map (OIM)
ference structure for comparison purposes. The reader is referred Typical materials exhibit some degree of texture (non-random
to the cited article for a thorough explanation and example of the grain orientation distribution) imparted by processing or past
methodology. We note that similar structures may not be ade- deformation. Twinning is one such deformation mechanism that
quately identified with respect to one another by methods utiliz- can impart texture by preferentially adjusting the orientation in
ing characteristic signatures. soft grains.
The first integration of an orientation imaging map to atomistic
3.2.3. Bond angle analysis simulations was accomplished by Rudd [107] and can be seen in
Developed by Ackland and Jones [103] and with a computa- Fig. 17. Ravelo et al. [108] also demonstrate an OIM mapping
tional cost in the order of the CNA, this method is able to distin- function in the application of the SPaSM code. The foundation of
guish FCC, BCC, and HCP structures effectively. The authors have the method lies in a centro-symmetry-like formulation where
made important efforts in showing the efficiency of this method nearest neighbors are located for each atom and is summarized
for treatment of HCP structures and its comparison with the ap- below for the case of BCC structures:
plication of CNA to HCP structures is worth reading.
(i) Find nearest 8 neighbors for each BCC atom and create op-
3.2.4. Dislocation extraction algorithm (DXA) posing pairs to form the family of o111 4 directions.
Detection of defects from crystalline structures is valuable, but (ii) Take cross products, e^022
¯ = e^111 × e^111 ^ × e^¯
¯ / e111 111 and
the current state of the art is the distinction of one defect from e^422
¯ = e^022 ^ /|e^ ¯ × e^ |.
¯ × e111 022 111

Fig. 16. Comparison of (a) a conventional atomistic visualization using CNA filtering in tantalum and (b) a geometric line visualization of the dislocations provided by the
DXA. In addition to extracting the dislocation line network, the DXA analysis also produces a geometric representation of non-dislocation defects, such as void surfaces,
visible in the center of box [106].
112 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

mechanical response of individual grains and their collective


3.3. Interatomic potentials

A significant advancement in the field of computational ma-

terials science was the development of the embedded atom model
(EAM) by Daw & Baskes [111] for simulating metallic atoms. The
foundation of the method is to include delocalized interactions in
addition to nearest neighbor contributions. The EAM potential
takes the following form:
ETot = ∑ Fi (ρi (Ri )) + ∑ φ (Rij )
2 i, j (23)

The first term evaluates the contribution of electron density, ρi,

at each site, Ri, through a functional, F. The second term considers
a short-range pair potential, φ , for each atom pair, Rij, where the
“½” avoids double counting. The embedding term essentially takes
into account the entire environment of the atom. As implemented,
the embedding function is inherently spherical. This may be a
drawback for many elements of increasing ionic or covalent nat-
ure, but is able to quickly and accurately capture the effect of de-
localized electrons in a large number of metallic systems.
Fig. 18. Deformation of hexagonal nanocrystalline Al during shock compression Further reading on the direct contributions of the embedded-
(t¼ 40 ps) showing various defects, and (b) the corresponding orientation map atom method to material science and engineering can be found in
a recent review article [112] and a historical comparison of its
projected influence back in 1996 [113]. The EAM was also modified
(iii) Three o100 4 directions can be found by by Baskes [114] to account for directionally-dependent bonding
1 2 ^ ^ = 1 e^ − 1 e^ ¯ + 1 e^ ¯ , and and
e^100 = e^111 − ¯ , e
e 422 010 111 022 422 structures and impurities.
3 6 3 2 6
comprise a rotation matrix, R. Our understanding of simulating and understanding materials
(iv) Accounting for symmetry, the Euler angles, z( φ), y( θ), and z( ψ ) at the atomic scale has historically been semi-empirical. Para-
are then found by θ = cos−1 (R33 ); if θ = 0, φ = cos−1 (R11) and
meters are drawn from experimental results and from quantum
ψ = 0; if θ ≠ 0, φ = sin−1 (R31/sinθ ), and ψ = sin−1 (R13/sinθ )
mechanics modeling (referred to as ab initio methods or with
(v) Quaternions can be determined as follows:
varying functionals representing spatially dependent electron
⎛ θ⎞ φ+ψ density termed density functional theory (DFT)). Interatomic po-
q0 = cos ⎜ ⎟ cos ( )
⎝ 2⎠ 2 tentials are then fit to parameters that commonly include elastic
constants, cohesive energy, defect energies, and other parameters
⎛ θ⎞ φ−ψ
q1 = sin ⎜ ⎟ cos ( ) of interest. Semi-empirical potentials principally allow for simu-
⎝ 2⎠ 2
lations that would be otherwise prohibitively costly in terms of
⎛ θ⎞ φ−ψ computation time.
q2 = sin ⎜ ⎟ sin ( )
⎝ 2⎠ 2 Interatomic potential development, specifically many-body
potentials as applied to metals stems from our most basic under-
⎛ θ⎞ ⎛φ + ψ⎞ standing of how electrons and/or bonding operate in solids [115]
q3 = cos ⎜ ⎟ sin ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠ and what the researchers aim to simulate. One ramification of
spherically projected potential forms such as EAM is the difficulty
(vi) The spatial components of the quaternion vector (q1, q2, q3) can of fitting to non-FCC metals [112]. For example, BCC is difficult to
be intensity mapped to RGB color values in the normal way. accurately fit to due to large contributions of d-shell electrons, and
(vii) Rudd [109] offers an alternate color mapping function of the HCP is challenging due to a high degree of mechanical and
form: [( 1 ) sin ψ + 21 ] n^111. structural anisotropy.
Computation complexity continues to grow and with increased
Wang et al. [110] also developed a methodology akin to elec- complexity and number of interactions offers the possibility for
tron backscattered diffraction in order to evaluate crystallographic increasing realism. This draws also draws on the difference be-
orientation of neighboring grains. Fig. 18 shows a range of defects tween simulation and modeling. Typically a model is thought of as
generated upon subjecting an ideal nanocrystalline metal (with a simplification or the bare essence of a system where a true si-
identical hexagonal grains) to external tractions. Four different mulation would attempt to recreate the system in its entirety. A
phenomena are observed: dislocations, stacking faults, twins, and valuable way to look at complexity was visualized by Plimpton and
grain-boundary migration. A new grain is being formed at a triple Thompson [116] and reproduced here in Fig. 10. This illustration is
junction. The stacking faults and perfect dislocations are emitted similar to the familiar Moore’s law expressed previously in the
from grain boundaries, which are also the nucleating sites for grain size “growth” of simulations. Table 1 lists the most common
twins. Fig. 18b shows the defects in a simulated diffraction (or- potentials used for the principal structures. For a digital compen-
ientation) map. The differences in color designated specific or- dium of applicable potentials readers are directed to the Intera-
ientations. It is clear that grain orientation plays a major role in the tomic Potentials Repository Project [117] and work by Sheng [118].
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 113

Table 1
Common Potentials for different Metals and Structures.

Structure Element Potential(s) Ref.

FCC Cu EAM [217]

Al EAM [218]
Ni EAM [218]
Ag EAM [219]
Pd EAM [220]
BCC Ta EAM [108]
MGPT [221–224]
qEAM [225]
Mo EAM [226]
MEAM [227]
Nb EAM [226], [228]
W EAM [226]
FS [229]
HCP Mg EAM/FS [230]
Ti EAM [231], [232]
MEAM [233], [234]
DC Si SW [235]
Tersoff [236,237], [238], [239]
EDIP [240]
ReaxFF [241]
MEAM [242]
2D Hexagonal C Tersoff [239]
ReaxFF [243]
REBO [244]
AIREBO [245]

Fig. 19. (a) Different grains designated by different colors as generated by Voronoi
tessellation, not the straight lines indicative of the geometric relation between Fig. 21. Snapshot of atomic scale stresses shown along the solid black line tra-
grain centers. (b) Grain-boundary atoms in light blue identified by CSP after re- versing multiple grains after Voronoi construction but before thermalization. (top)
laxation [255]. atoms colored by von Mises stress. One fourth of the residual stress averaged over
the entire sample shown in red. Intergranular stresses averaged over each grain
shown in blue. Middle pane shows distribution of von Mises stress and bottom
3.4. Polycrystalline sample construction pane shows hydrostatic stress distribution [120].

Fig. 19a shows a box containing approximately 100 grains, configuration was generated by Voronoi tessellation and the grain-
which are identified by different colors. This structural grain boundary atoms, identified by CNA, are shown in light-blue in

Fig. 20. Vertex growth method (left) vs. Voronoi Tesselation (right). Refer to Wolf et al. [23] for alternatives to Voronoi tessellation.
114 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

Fig. 19b, whereas grain interiors are dark blue. One characteristic
of the Voronoi tessellation is that all boundaries are flat surfaces.
The differences between actual and simulated grain structures are
still significant. For instance, annealing twins and other low energy
boundaries (Σ3, Σ5, Σ7, Σ11, etc) that are prevalent in low stacking
fault energy FCC metals, do not have their higher propensity well
recreated in simulations because of how orientation distributions
are prescribed. In Voronoi tessellation, the orientations of the
generated grains are usually prescribed though a random dis-
tribution of orientation directions, then taking on a McKenzie
distribution of misorientation as prescribed by crystal symmetry.
This does not correspond to actual polycrystals, where the low-
energy grain boundaries are more stable and orientation re-
lationships between neighbors evolve accordingly.
Varying simulated fabrication methods for producing grain-
boundary networks will manifest just as varying experimental
manufacturing techniques, through processing dependent me-
chanical properties. Wolf et al. [23] provides a description of var-
Fig. 23. Snapshot of atomic structure at an asymmetric grain boundary viewed
ious in silico polycrystalline fabrication techniques such as the along the tilt axis [110] The open and filled circles indicate atoms occupying al-
vertex growth method, Voronoi tessellation, and compaction of ternating (220) planes. Arrows indicate faceting with (001)/(111) plane matching.
monocrystalline spheres by presuming assembly followed by The dashed lines indicate intrinsic stacking faults that originate from the junctions
of the nanofacets [256].
heating. A comparison between the first two methods can be seen
in Fig. 20. Nanocrystalline structures have also been fabricated by
such as polycrystalline aggregates[123]. Theirs is the principal
simulated laser irradiation [119]. Guo et al. [120] investigated in-
work that investigates the statistical representation of grain size
ternal stresses in polycrystals, namely the residual stress of as-
and structure distributions that does not draw as much attention
fabricated nanocrystalline Cu.
as deformation mechanism research. Through directed Monte
The Voronoi tessellation creates internal stresses that are of a high
Carlo studies they were able to recreate realistic grain textures.
magnitude, especially in nanocrystals below 25 nm grain sizes [120].
The ability to identify and track triple junctions, grain boundary
Fig. 21 shows the variation of von Mises and hydrostatic stresses
along a horizontal line drawn across three grains. The average von ledges, and faces is seen in Fig. 25. The triple junctions are imaged
Mises stress is 7 GPa and is indicated by the red line referred to the in red, the grain-boundary intersections are seen in yellow, and
right hand side scale (sIvm). The variation in the stress is given by the the grain boundaries in green. This work is due to Xu and Li [121],
individual dots (.) that are labeled siv and Li and Xu [122]. With such information the authors have ac-
vm. These vary from 0 to 15 GPa
(left-hand scale). The same can be seen for the hydrostatic stresses, cess to a complete picture of polycrystallinity including grain
except that they have positive (tension) as well as negative (com- boundary shape, texture, and grain size (as well as its distribution).
pression) values. This shows that annealing (thermalization) of the Readers are directed to their work for a description of accurate
Voronoi construction is essential before plastic deformation. polycrystal construction and appropriate methodology.
Xu and Li [121], and Li and Xu [122] investigated the appro- It was recognized earlier that Voronoi constructions may not
priateness of Voronoi tessellation to represent physical materials generate equilibrium structures and larger grain sizes were often
generated through long annealing processes. Farkas et al. [124]
reported three-dimensional simulations of grain growth beginning
with 5 nm grain sizes and were able to generate larger grains and
possibly more realistic distributions while also obtaining the ac-
tivation energy for annealing-twins and grain-boundary motion.
Fig. 22 shows fivefold twin formation during an annealing simu-
lation of nanocrystalline Cu as directly compared to experimental
evidence of such star shaped twins in nanocrystalline NiW [125] as
well as earlier studies by Zhu et al. [126] that found fivefold twins
formed in nanocrystalline Cu by high-pressure torsion.
After thermalization, the grain-boundary structure can become
faceted as non-equilibrium grain boundaries reach lower energy
configurations. This is a well-known fact and explains the facets

Fig. 22. High resolution transmission electron microscopy image of many-fold twin
formation in nc NiW. Solid lines are twin boundaries and dashed lines are grain
boundaries. A time sequence of formation during molecular dynamics simulation Fig. 24. Special grain boundary configuration indicated by the “E” structural unit
can be found in the original article by Bringa et al.[125]. and transition to the “C” structure after dislocation transmission [53].
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 115

(principally grain-boundary distribution and texture) into con-

tinuum modeling frameworks. There is a direct and stated need,
through both the Integrated Computational Materials Engineering
and Materials Genome Initiative, for the ability to link the pro-
cessing and internal structure history of a material to its me-
chanical properties.

4. Molecular dynamics simulations

We present in this section some salient molecular dynamics

results emphasizing grain-boundary effects. By virtue of the small
size of the simulation box, the results are limited to grains smaller
than 50 nm. The three principal structures FCC, BCC, and HCP are
presented sequentially with emphasis on the defects responsible
for plastic deformation and grain-size effects, and in particular the
Fig. 25. Visualization of a single grain showing tracking of triple junctions (in red),
grain boundary ledges (in yellow), and faces (in green)[121,122]. inverse Hall-Petch relationship.

commonly observed as non-coherent segments in coherent an- 4.1. Face-centered cubic metals
nealing twin boundaries. Thus, for the FCC superalloy Inconel 600
the majority of boundaries are Σ3, Σ7, and Σ13 [127]. For grain Early work by Van Swygenhoven et al. [63,130,131] detailed
boundaries to reach a special configuration, both the grains and nucleation, transmission, and absorption of a partial dislocation as
the boundary have to be properly oriented. Fig. 23 shows two shown in Fig. 26. The sequence shows the emission of partial
grains that are at an orientation close to a special coincidence site dislocations (at the upper left-hand corner) and their progression
through the grain and eventual annihilation on the bottom grain
lattice. The black and white circles designate atoms at two ad-
boundary. The stacking-fault between leading and partial dis-
joining atomic planes. The faceting of the boundary is evident
locations is indicated in red (darker gray in printed version). More
from the polygon sequences drawn along the boundary. The grain-
recent MD simulations have shown that dislocations are emitted
boundary nature is important in the generation of dislocations.
from grain-boundary ledges at a lower stress than from planar
The figure shows two dashed lines which indicate stacking faults
grain boundary regions [26]. Direct evidence of intragranular de-
that were emitted from the nanofacet junctions. These are also
formation mechanisms was observed by TEM [132,133] and Fig. 27
referred, in the older literature, as ledges. Fig. 24 shows two slip
shows that partial dislocations are preferred to full dislocations
systems in neighboring grains intersecting a boundary defined by
below a specific grain size [78]. Van Swygenhoven and co-workers
a polygon sequence designated structural unit E. Upon transmit- [79] also identified varying grain boundary structures of “typical”
ting from one grain to the other, a dislocation changes the local grain boundaries and quantified sliding mechanisms. Haslam,
character of the grain boundary. This is seen by the change of Wolf, Philpot, Gleiter and other coworkers [134] identified the role
polygonal structure from E to C and indicates that certain grain of grain rotation as contributing to plasticity and grain growth via
boundary structures are prone to dislocation transmission while grain coalescence during deformation. Fig. 32 details a visualiza-
others prevent dislocation motion. tion of grain coalescence by mapping the grain dependent [011]
It is clear that a diversity of grain-boundary configurations, or direction of adjacent grains during deformation [135]. This shows
lack there-of, can alter the resulting mechanical properties [128] the first simulated evidence of grain rotation and coalescence. The
and the rapid development of realistic grain-boundary networks is degree of relative misorientation is indicated by solid black line;
critical for well-informed molecular dynamics simulations and the grain-boundary motion rotates each grain to orient with the
continues to be a long-standing goal in the field. One such method other. Thus, a larger grain is formed by the joining of two grains.
to-be-developed is the direct reconstruction of atomistic samples Simulation results by Trautt and Mishin [136] verified predictions
from experimental imaging analogous to DREAM3D [129] for made by Cahn and Taylor [137] regarding dynamics of grain
three-dimensional characterization of microstructural inputs boundary motion. Their results indicate that grain-boundary

Fig. 26. Early work by Swygenhoven et al. detailing nucleation, transmission, and absorption of a partial dislocation [257]. Leading partial emitted from top left-handed
corner propagating towards bottom right hand corner, followed by trailing partial dislocation. Stacking fault between them in red.
116 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

Fig. 27. (a) Full dislocations (marked with ‘T’) in an  11- nm-sized grain. (b) Partial dislocations resulting in stacking faults (as noted by the arrows) in a  7- nm-sized grain.
Scale bars, 2 nm. TB indicates a twin boundary. From Wang et al. [78].

strain hardening in nanocrystalline simulations. The influence of

cross slip within grains can also be seen in Fig. 28 as the mor-
phology of the grain-boundary layer adjusts to allow the adsorp-
tion of the moving partial. However, cross-slip requires the col-
lapse of the partials into a screw dislocation.
Fig. 29 shows MD simulations of flow and yield stress versus strain
for four different grain sizes in Cu. The inverse HP relationship is
shown in the simulations of Fig. 29a while Fig. 29b shows the entire
curves and the ‘Strongest Size’ is shown in Fig. 29c.
The near absence of strain hardening in nanocrystalline metals
is observed both experimentally and computationally. This is
especially visible in Fig. 29b, where the stress-strain curves go
through a maximum at a strain of  4%. Work (or strain) hardening
is inherently connected with the increase in dislocation density
and all theories are based on this premise, starting from Taylor in
1934 [140] to current mechanisms that incorporate greater com-
plexity in the structure evolution and mechanical response. (e.g.,
Seeger [141], Hirsch [142,143], Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf [144]). The
classic Taylor prediction is:

τ ∝ ρ1/2 (24)

In nanocrystalline metals, the closeness of sources and sinks

(approximately equal to d) has a pronounced effect on dislocation
interaction, which is significantly decreased. Plastic deformation
proceeds primarily by the emission of dislocations and their an-
nihilation at the opposite boundary. In tension, this leads to early
necking while in compression there is a virtual absence of work
hardening, after a critical strain. Both are undesirable qualities. Lu
et al.[145] were able to synthesize, through pulsed electro-
deposition, nanocrystalline copper where the majority of bound-
Fig. 28. Snapshots colored according to local hydrostatic pressure. (a) Dislocation aries are coherent twins, resulting in much improved tensile
propagation by several cross-slip events. Only the dislocation atoms are shown to ductility. This is connected to the ability of dislocations to cross
illustrate the dislocation core. (b) Grain boundary atoms onto which the dislocation
was deposited leaving a trace (white line) of the cross-slip events [139].
these boundaries, that nevertheless exert a significant resistance.
Cross-slip is also one of the many properties shown to be
strain-rate dependent [146]. This is also a ramification of the de-
motion is not perfectly coupled. Simulations indicate that grain- layed onset of dislocation propagation at high strain rates. MD
boundary motion will always involve a proportion of sliding. A simulations consistently predict the increase in flow stress with
ramification of this is that, again, grain boundaries continually strain rate in the 107-109 s-1 interval. The elastic-plastic limit for
change and thus grain boundary dislocations content waxes and nucleating dislocations is highest at the highest strain rate of
wanes. A related result indicates that shear boundary motion and 109 s-1. This means that at higher strain rates and large strains,
sliding each have their own critical stress [138]. more dislocations are required to mediate plastic flow. The num-
Bitztek et al. [139] details the driving force to cross slip in order ber of cross-slip events decreases with increasing strain rate. Vo
to decrease compressive stresses in a neighboring grain. This is et al. [147] demonstrated that Young's modulus is independent of
significant because cross slip is known to reduce strain hardening strain rate, but that flow stress is markedly dependent with a large
and thus presents a strong argument for the lack of observed effect at 1010 s  1.
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 117

Fig. 29. (a) MD simulations of flow and yield stress versus strain for four different grain sizes in Cu. Each data point is the average of seven simulations. The yield stress
decreases with decreasing grain size, resulting in an inverse Hall–Petch effect. The maximal flow stress is taken as the stress at the flat part of the stress–strain curves; the
yield stress is defined as the stress where the strain departs 0.2% from linearity.) [216] (b) stress-strain curves for grain sizes from d ¼7.5 to 45 nm in nanocrystalline copper;
(c) flow stresses as a function of grain size showing inverse HP region[53].

 Stacking faults overlapping in the grain interiors.

 Coordinated nucleation of partial dislocations at the grain
boundaries, forming twins.
 Grain-boundary splitting.

Liao et al.[148,149] discuss this twinning mechanism as well as

the increasing separation of partials below a critical grain size.
These mechanisms are distinct from twin formation in large, mi-
crometer-sized grains, that were reviewed by Meyers, Vöhringer,
and Lubarda [150].
Fig. 30 shows the stress-strain and dislocation count-strain for two
uniaxial tensile tests under different conditions. Squares correspond
to constant strain rate of 108 s-1. Circles correspond to a constant
pressure (1.6 GPa). Total number of dislocations in blue and number
of cross-slipping dislocations shown by white [139]. It can be seen
that the mode of application of stress affects the dislocation density.
Fig. 31 shows stress-strain curves for three strain rates, 107 s-1, 108 s-1,
and 109 s-1. As the strain rate is increased the resistance of the metal
to plastic deformation predictably increases. The dislocation density
does not seem to be affected in a systematic way. Dislocations per 1%
Fig. 30. Plot of stress-strain and dislocation count-strain for two uniaxial tensile strain as a function of strain rate for all three strain rates are shown in
tests under different conditions. Squares correspond to constant strain rate of
Fig. 31b. The cumulative count of cross-slip events normalized by the
108 s-1. Circles correspond to a constant pressure (1.6 GPa). Total number of dis-
locations in blue and number of cross-slipping dislocations shown by white [139]. number of grains is shown in Fig. 31c. [146]. The number of cross-slip
events, which increases with strain, decreases with increasing strain
rate. This greater planarity enhances the tendency for twinning.
Below a critical grain size, deformation twinning becomes im- Molecular dynamics also shows how grain rotation can lead to
portant. These twins are formed primarily by three mechanisms, coalescence. Successive snapshots illustrating the atomic scale
according to Wolf et al. [23]. mechanism of a rotation-coalescence event are shown in Fig. 32.
118 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

Fig. 31. Stress-strain curves for three strain rates, 107 s-1, 108 s-1, and 109 s-1. Inset in (a) shows discrete dislocation stress drops associated with individual dislocation
propagation within grains at 107 s-1. (b) Dislocations per 1% strain as a function of strain rate for all three strain rates. (c) Cumulative count of cross-slip events normalized by
the number of grains [146].

The initial misorientation between grains 8 and 14 is 18. At in- dictates that motion of the boundary occurs according to the co-
creasing time steps the angle of misorientation decreases from 18° operative displacement. This coupled motion has also been seen in
to 11°, 9°, and 4°. The decreasing areas of grains 8 and 16 indicate asymmetrical tilt grain boundaries [152]. It was also shown by
that rotation-coalescence and grain boundary migration mechan- Brandl et al. [153] that grain boundaries are not necessarily the
isms are coupled to one another [135]. Fig. 33 shows experimental static structures that we think them to be, especially under dy-
in situ TEM imaging of grain rotation and grain boundary annihi- namic loading. Frolov and co-workers [154] showed that grain
lation of 5-7 nm grains [78]. The white arrow in b indicates the boundary structure was critical in determining such coupling
loading axis. In (a), grain 1 is surrounded by high-angle GBs. With factors and the motion of such boundaries. This work builds upon
straining the grain rotates and the boundaries between grains 1-3 a recent investigation that uncovered first grain-boundary struc-
and 1-4 transition to small angle grain boundaries. With increas- tural phase transitions in metallic grain boundaries [155].
ing strain the grain boundary is annihilated and grains 1 and The main impediment to previous observation of such phase
3 coalesce into a single grain. transitions in atomic simulations was the lack of variation in
Coupled grain boundary motion as detailed by Schäfer et al. atomic density within a given boundary. As temperature increases,
[151] can be seen in Fig. 34 where compatibility between grains the grain boundary thickness increases as seen in Fig. 35. This

Fig. 32. Successive snapshots illustrating the atomic scale mechanism of a rotation-coalescence event. Solid black lines indicate o 110 4 direction and the initial mis-
orientation between grains 8 and 14 is 18°. At timesteps b-d the angle of misorientation decreases to 11°, 9°, and 4 °respectively. The decreasing areas of grains 8 and 16
indicate that rotation-coalescence and grain boundary migration mechanisms are coupled to one another [135].
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 119

Fig. 33. Experimental in situ imaging of grain rotation and grain boundary annihilation of  5-7 nm grains. The white arrow in b indicates the loading axis. In a, grain 1 is
surrounded by high-angle GBs. With straining the grain rotates and the boundaries between grains 1-3 and 1-4 transition to small angle grain boundaries. With increasing
strain the grain boundary is annihilated and grains 1 and 3 coalesce into a single grain. Scale bars, 2 nm. From Wang et al. [78].

thickening would have an effect on strength derived from the ratio The combination of strength and ductility translates into
of grain boundaries to grain interiors as introduced earlier based toughness, and this is shown in Fig. 36.
on work by Argon and Yip [36]. This serves as a reminder of the In Fig. 36a, DPD (Dynamic Plastic Deformation) is a treatment
importance of residual “porosity” within grain boundaries and by which a nanocrystalline structure with high twin density is
reemphasizes the need for imparting increasing degrees of realism produced [156]. SMAT (surface mechanical attrition treatment) is a
into simulations. technique by which the surface is hardened through the formation
The limited work hardening ability of nanocrystalline metals is of a nanocrystalline layer, while the interior has a conventional
the direct result of the availability of sinks (the grain boundaries). polycrystalline structure [157–159]. Both processes push the ten-
Thus, specimens tend to undergo necking right after plastic flow. sile strength-elongation envelope to the right, increasing the
This is corroborated by MD simulations. The decrease is ductility ductility at a fixed level of strength. Fig. 36b shows that some
with increasing strength is a characteristic of all metals, and the nanocrystalline structures can have a combination of strength and
ductility that place them significantly to the right of the blue re-
search for increased ductility has been a challenge for researchers
gion, with higher toughness. Special processing procedures can
worldwide. The development of TRIP steels which use a marten-
access this region. Shifting towards the right is also shown in
sitic transformation the decreases the stress concentrations at the
Fig. 36c, in which the combination of polycrystalline and nano-
crack tip, represents a significant advance. Steels subjected to the
crystalline structures leads to enhanced ductility, at a specified
treatment are shown in Fig. 36a as an 'island.' The DPD nano-
strength level. The gradient structure has both a high strength and
crystalline copper have a better performance than the TRIP
the ductility due to the polycrystalline core.
(TRansformation Induced Plasticity) steels. In nanocrystalline In tensile deformation, grain-boundary void formation is a
metals, several developments are worth mentioning: prevalent mechanism and perhaps a peculiarity of the high-
strain rates imparted by MD simulations. The opening of voids
 The use of pulsed electroplating to generate a nano-scaled at the grain boundaries is accompanied by profuse emission of
structure consisting primarily of coherent annealing twins. This partial dislocations, which transform a sharp separation into a
work has been spearheaded by Lu and coworkers [156] at IMR, broader void. The simulation sequences are shown in Figs. 37
Shenyang, China. and 38, for uniaxial strain tension and hydrostatic tension re-
 Gradient structures in which the surface is nanocrystalline and spectively. The arrows indicate places in the grain boundaries
the interior is polycrystalline are effective in retarding necking where void initiation takes place. The light-blue lines are either
[157–159]. grain boundaries or stacking faults. The simulation views
120 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

Fig. 34. Coupled grain boundary motion in Pd and Cu crystals occurring at a grain boundary of misorientation of about 33 °between grains. Top snapshot shows initial
configuration with marker atoms in red (aligned with mesoscopic slide plane) and green (perpendicular to mesoscopic slide plane), grain boundary atoms in black, and fcc
atoms in light gray. The evolution of the marker lines during loading determines an estimated coupling factor of 0.5 [151].

Fig. 35. The thickness of Σ5(310) GB increases and undergoes phase change at
increasing temperature. The Σ5(310) GB undergoes a transformation at 400 K be-
fore pre-melting near Tm. From Frolov et al. [155]. Fig. 36a. Correlations of tensile strength and ductility. Purple squares are from
Washko and Aggen [258], black square from Truman [259], black and white box
from Chen et al. [260], black triangle from Ucok et al. [261], Stars from Eskandari
et al. [262] and original data from Yan et al. [156]. DPD: dynamic plastic de-
represent slices with thickness equal to a0. The process of ten- formation; CR: cold rolling; SMAT: surface mechanical attrition treatment.

sile failure is one of nucleation, namely of voids at the grain

boundaries, and their subsequent growth and coalescence. In- 4.2. Body-centered cubic metals
terestingly, copper (and other metals) fail in the same inter-
granular ductile mode under tensile pulses created by reflected Among simulations of metals, body-centered cubic structures
shock waves, whereas quasistatic failure occurs by the nuclea- are the second most commonly studied. Of BCC metals, iron is the
tion of voids inside the grains. most studied for its obvious industrial applications. Fig. 39 shows
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 121

travel across individual grains and leave behind residual screw

dislocations. Due to the interplay between plasticity and phase
change, research into purely BCC mechanical behavior has shifted
partly to archetypal BCC elements. Simulations by Kadau et al.
[163] calculated extended x-ray absorption fine structure directly
from atomic configurations and show consistency with experi-
mental data indicating the BCC to close-packed phase change.
Fig. 40 shows snapshots of dislocation activity in nanocrystalline
bcc Fe for varying potentials colored by structure as determined by
CNA: yellow (bcc), blue (other, i.e. grain boundaries, defects, and
non-bcc close-packed structures). From top to bottom the poten-
tials are: Mendelev, MEAM-p, Ackland, Voter. Compressive strains
increase as indicated from left to right [161]. The differences are
Tantalum serves as a prime candidate material for studying
plasticity in BCC metals owing to its high phase stability (lack of
polymorphism and high melting temperature/pressure). Pan et al.
[164] simulated nanocrystalline Ta up to 13 nm and observed an
inverse Hall-Petch response. They also found a strain-rate sensi-
Fig. 36b. Normalized yield strength versus elongation for nanostructured metals. tivity of 0.14 as compared to closer to 0.04 for coarse-grained BCC
Measured yield strength has been normalized by dividing it by the yield strength
its coarse-grained counterpart. The blue region represents the strength-ductility
metals [165]. This was attributed to a reduction in activation vo-
tradeoff for most nanostructured metals. The red points outside of this region re- lume to  b3 indicative of atomic shuffling events. Larger grain
present several nanostructured copper samples that exhibit high strength and good sizes were simulated by Tang et al.[166]. The grains, varying from
ductility. Figure from Y. Zhu [267]. Data is from Kocks [268]. 3 to 30 nm, were produced by Voronoi tessellation; the size of the
samples was (66 nm)3 and the strain rates applied were 108 s-1 in
tension and 109 s-1 in compression. The behavior in tension was
radically different from the one in compression. In tension, grain-
boundary separation occurs with a minimum of plastic deforma-
tion and occasional twinning. This is in contrast with FCC copper
(see Figs. 37 and 38), where tension initiated voids at the grain
boundaries, from which large numbers of dislocations were
emitted. This is probably related to the much greater strain-rate
sensitivity of BCC metals because of the larger Peierls-Nabarro
stress. Thus, the stress for grain-boundary decohesion is lower
than the flow stress at the particular strain rate. Fig. 41a-d shows
the sequence of failure by grain-boundary separation and a sche-
matic Fig. 41 shows the presumed mechanism of grain-boundary
separation. In Fig. 41e-f the interaction of a propagating interfacial
crack and twin is shown.
The presence of a twin helps to open the crack. By comparing
Fig. 37, Fig. 38, and Fig. 41, the difference between BCC and FCC is clear.
In compression, on the other hand, cracks do not open at the
grain boundaries and plastic deformation takes place. Fig. 42
shows the von Mises stress increasing with increasing grain size; it
seems to reach a plateau at 30 nm, although beyond this point was
Fig. 36c. Strength-ductility synergy is achieved with gradient nanograined (GNG)
structures (red line). From Lu et al. [269].
not simulated due to computational limitations.
At d ¼5 nm there is considerable grain rotation and shear as
snapshots of nanocrystalline iron where grain sizes less than 5 nm evidenced by the arrows which indicate the direction and mag-
are devoid of dislocations and  20 nm grains have minimal dis- nitude of in-plane atomic movement (Fig. 43). This was also
shown earlier by Pan et al. [164] for 6.5 nm grains using an earlier
location activity [160]. Accurately capturing a full suite of poly-
EAM potential developed for several bcc metals [167]. The dis-
morphism and plasticity mechanisms leads researchers to com-
location densities were estimated using the DXA algorithm and
pare potential-dependent deformation in nanocrystalline iron
found to be constant for different grain sizes, at equivalent strains.
[161,162]. The inverse Hall-Petch relationship for nc-Fe of peak
As expected, the dislocation density increased with increasing
stress is shown up to a size of 19.7 nm, but the flow stresses show
plastic strain. This behavior is indeed interesting and shows that
return to normal HP behavior above 14.7 nm for 0-4% inelastic
grain-boundary shear is prevalent at the smaller sizes, as will be
deformation and 9.25 nm for 4-15% inelastic deformation [160].
shown below. Tang et al. [166] considered the total strain γT
Thus, there are differences in the evolution of plasticity in these composed of the sum of elastic strain γE, dislocation strain γD, and
grain sizes. Recent studies Gunkelmann and co-workers [161,162] grain-boundary strain γGb:
have focused on the shock response of nanocrystalline Fe. Both
γT = γE + γD + γGb (17)
plasticity and phase change (bcc phase to the high-pressure hcp
phase) were observed in large, 8-million atom nanocrystalline Fe At a constant total strain the sum γD þ γGb is a constant. The
samples. Their findings show that phase transformation is pre- Orowan equation is now applied:
ceded by dislocation generation at grain boundaries and that
γD = Mρbl (18)
plasticity occurs primarily by dislocation loop generation. Loops
122 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

Fig. 37. Slices (a0 thick) of the nanocrystalline copper with d  20 nm subjected to uniaxial tension. Strains are: 6%, 6.5%, 7%, 7.2%, 7.3% and 8%. Lattice atoms: blue; void
surface atoms: red/green; stacking faults, partial dislocations and twin boundary atoms: light blue. Stacking faults show as two planes of atoms while twin boundaries show
as a single atomic plane. (a) Emission of partial dislocations from GBs; (b) void nucleation (marked by an arrow); (c) three voids nucleated at a grain boundary;
(d) coalescence of voids; (e and f) void opening by continued dislocation emission at its extremities. A few twin boundaries are seen in frames (c) and (d). From Bringa et al.

Setting l, the mean free path, equal to d and assuming that the Orowan equation and from MD predictions in uniaxial compres-
grain boundary contribution is zero, one arrives at: sive strain Orowan-based densities for accommodation of plastic
γT − γE strains γt  γe are nearly proportional to grain size 1/d; the role of
ρ= grain-boundary shear decreases with increasing grain size d.
Mbd (25)
Work by Rudd [107,109] indicates that both dislocations and
The results of the MD simulation and Equation 25 are shown in twinning are observed in tantalum during high strain-rate de-
Fig. 44 for a strain of 0.18; they demonstrate that, for d o30 nm, formation. Pan et al. [164,168] observed twins in small grain sizes
the Orowan equation overestimates the dislocation density. The and dislocations in larger grains. Zhang et al. [169] simulated
difference in density is accommodated by grain-boundary shear. o110 4 columnar grains of molybdenum, identifying primarily
This corroborates the results attributing the deformation in the twin deformation, which agrees well with work by Tramontina
inverse Hall-Petch region to grain-boundary shear. From both et al. [170] showing an increased propensity to deform by
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 123

Fig. 38. Slices (a0 thick) of the nanocrystalline copper with d  20 nm subjected to hydrostatic tension. Same color scheme as in Fig. 37. Void nucleation and associated
dislocation strucutres are much more drastic than uniaxial tension. From Bringa et al. [263].

twinning in o1104 single crystals of Ta. Earlier simulations of showed that there is little dependence of sliding on strain
nanocrystalline molybdenum by Frederiksen et al. [171] show a rate.
propensity for both twinning and grain boundary sliding at high Fig. 45 shows peak and average flow stresses as a function of
strain rates. Simulations agree well with nanoindentation of 10- grain size for nanocrystalline Fe [160]. The maximum occurs, at 4%
30 nm nanocrystalline tantalum by Wang et al. [172]. strain for d  15 nm. This is consistent with other metals, as shown
Smith et al. [173] simulated thin films of nanocrystalline in Table 2. The curves show a maximum at  15% and then drop
demonstrating that work softening follows work hardening in
tantalum achieving strain rates as low as 105 s-1. At low strains
nanocrystalline Fe.
and low strain-rates dislocations are the primary means of de-
formation, but above 5% strain and strain rates of 106 s-1 twin- 4.3. Hexagonal close-packed metals
ning was shown to play a significant role, especially at strain
rates above 108 s-1 where twinning is the initial deformation Hexagonal close-packed metals continue to be the least in-
mechanism. They found the strain rate sensitivity to increase vestigated of the principal crystal systems despite the technolo-
markedly above 107 s-1. Analysis of grain boundary sliding gical importance of magnesium, titanium, zirconium, and cobalt.
124 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

Fig. 39. Snapshots of nanocrystalline Fe colored by structure (a,b) and strain (c,d) with white corresponding to non-bcc atoms and green corresponding to highly strained
atoms. Grain sizes are 19.7 nm and 3.7 nm and each are deformed to 15% strain. Dislocations are white clusters in the grain interiors marked by black triangles and are absent
in the small grain size [160].

The relative quantity of studies is owed to a deficiency in intera- Fig. 49 shows snapshots at 300 K, 10% strain, strain rate 5 
tomic potentials for use in molecular dynamics simulations. Zheng 108 s  1, hcp Zr for: (a) d ¼13 nm, (b) d¼ 53 nm, (c) d ¼131 nm. The
et al. [174] were among the first groups to investigate nanocrys- critical diameter for transition to an inverse Hall-Petch relation-
talline cobalt of 10 nm grain size as fabricated by a kinetic Potts ship is dc ¼20 nm. Grayscale atoms are indicative of atomic dis-
model through Monte Carlo simulation. In contrast to nanocrys- placements due to dislocation motion and reveal dislocation paths.
talline FCC metals, both partial and dissociated dislocations were Circular insets illustrate grain boundary sliding through the use of
observed. Dissociated dislocations were shown to emit from both purple marker atoms (originally lying in a straight line in the
grain boundaries and from intragranular defects arising from in- undeformed state) and blue grain boundary atoms [176].
teraction of stacking faults and disordered atom segments. Inter-
action of dislocations with disordered atom segments are shown
4.4. Extreme deformation of nanocrystalline metals
in Fig. 6. Interaction between these two defects cause a split of the
stacking fault with opposite leading partial dislocations [174]. Of
The response of nanocrystalline metals to laser shock has been
further interest is the lack of twinning even at high stresses and
investigated by our group and the findings are well matched by
the deformation-induced allotropic phase transformation to FCC
Fig. 46. MD simulations because both the strain rate and grain sizes are
In 2012, Song and Li [175] were the first to explore the effect of comparable. The MD simulations are limited in time (picoseconds,
grain size on deformation of nanocrystalline HCP magnesium by while laser shock experiments are on the order of 1-3 ns. The
using columnar grains. The turnover was found to be 22 nm for strain rates in both experiments and simulations cover similar
low temperatures and increased to approximately 30 nm for room ranges: 107–109 s  1. The grain sizes of the experimental nano-
temperature deformation. Fig. 47 shows the effect of grain size on crystals (50–150 nm) are slightly larger than the simulated ones.
the flow stress of magnesium, which has a c/a of 1.624 near to the Two metals, Ni and Ta, representative of FCC and BCC structures
theoretical value of 1.633. The inversion in the slope of the Hall- respectively, were investigated. One of the outcomes of the work
Petch slope is clear. was to establish the effect of grain size on the pressure required to
Following on this work, the IHP relationship was also shown in initiate twinning. A constitutive analysis developed by Meyers
nanocrystalline zirconium by Ruestes et al. [176] for zirconium (c/ et al. [150] was applied to the slip-twinning transition. The basic
a¼1.593). MD simulations were carried out in the nanocrystalline assumption is that slip and twinning are competing mechanisms
region with columnar grains oriented in such a manner as to avoid and that the shear stress for slip, τs equals the shear stress for
twinning, which would bring another deformation mechanism. Thus, twinning τ T at the transition:
prismatic slip was activated in the system o11-204{1-100}. The si- τs = τ T (26)
mulations were conducted at 5  108 s-1 and show an apex in strength
at 30 nm. This confirmed experimental results by Wang et al.[177] Converting into normal stresses:
which showed an inverse Hall-Petch relationship for a grain size be-
σ T ≤ σs (27)
low 30 nm. The flow stresses at 10 and 300 K are given in Fig. 48.
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 125

Fig. 40. Snapshots showing dislocation activity in nanocrystalline bcc Fe for varying potentials colored by structure as determined by CNA: yellow (bcc), blue (other, i.e. grain
boundaries, defects, and non-bcc close-packed structures). From top to bottom the potentials are: Mendelev, MEAM-p, Ackland, Voter. Compressive strains increase as
indicated from left to right [161].

Fig. 41. (a-d) Evolution of failure in nanocrystalline BCC Ta. (e,f) Twin head and crack. (f) Only defective atoms are represented, showing a twin associated with crack
opening. (g,h) Schematic of grain boundary separation and linkage of facet cracks. (i,j) Schematic of crack twin interaction. From Tang et al. [166].

There are many constitutive equations for slip, the best known strengthening due to the solid solution addition of W to Ni.
being the Zerilli-Armstrong (ZA) [178,179], which has different
forms for FCC and BCC structures. A Hall-Petch term was in- ⎛ ⎞m
σslip NiW 13% = σG + ⎜⎜ ∑ Ki1/ mCi ⎟⎟ + C2 εn exp ( − C3 T + C4 T ln ε)̇
corporated to represent the entire range of grain sizes, with a ⎝ i ⎠
prefactor ks. These equations were modified and applied by our
group. For the FCC equation, a term was added to represent the + k S d−1/2 (28)
126 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

Fig. 42. Maximum, 5%, 15% and 18% von Mises stress as a function of grain size d
under uniaxial compressive strain (inverse Hall–Petch behavior); note decrease in
slope as d increases (strain rate of 109 s  1). From Tang et al. [166].
Fig. 45. Peak and average flow stresses as a function of grain size for nanocrys-
talline Fe.. Dashed lines are linear regression for each stress state [160].

Table 2
Strongest Grain Size from MD simulations and experimental results.

Metal Apex (nm) Ref.

Cu (FCC) 16 [53]
20a [13]
15 [82]
Ni (FCC) 10 [246]
Mg (HCP) 30b 22c [175]
Zr (HCP) 16b [176]
Zn (HCP) 11 [247]
Ta (BCC) 30 [166]
Fe (BCC) 15 [160]
WC (hex.) 15a [248]
Fig. 43. (a) Residual displacement field for bcc Ta; (b) grain rotation; (c) grain
elongation [166]. experimental result.
T ¼ 300 K.
T ¼ 10 K

Preston-Tonks-Wallace [180] constitutive equation.

⎧ G (ρ , T ) ^ ⎫
σ S = max ⎨ σS⁎ + C2 e−C3 T εĊ 4 T + k S d−1/2
( ) , τdrag ⎬
⎩ G 0 (ρ) ⎭ (29)

In order to predict the twinning stress, an athermal expression

is often used, assuming that it is strain rate and temperature in-
dependent. The grain size dependence is introduced through a
Hall-Petch term. The twinning stress is significantly affected by the
stacking-fault energy γSF in FCC metals, and a term is added to the
twinning equation:

⎛ γsfNiW − 13% ⎞1/2

σ T = k2 ⎜ ⎟ + KTNiW d−1/2
⎝ Gb ⎠ (30)
Fig. 44. Dislocation density (at a uniaxial strain of 0.18) as a function of grain size
for tantalum predicted from Orowan equation and from MD simulation. Gap be-
tween the two consists of contribution from grain-boundary sliding [166].
where k2 is a stacking fault energy parameter and kT is the HP
twinning prefactor.
Alternatively, Armstrong and Worthington [181] proposed an
The ZA equation has a number of parameters: C2, n, C3, C4. The
equation for twinning of the form:
athermal component of stress in a monocrystal is sG. The con-
tribution from solid solution strengthening by i solutes with ⎡ G (P , T ) b ⎤1/2 ⎛ U⁎ ε̇ ⎞
1/ q

concentration Ci each is represented by the second term in σ T = σ0 + m ⎢ ⎥ ⎜ ln ⎟ d−1/2

⎣ C1 ⎦ ⎝ RT ε0̇ ⎠ (31)
Equation 28.
For the BCC structure, Equation 29 was used. A pressure com- C1, m, and q are parameters and U⁎ is an activation energy term.
pensated term G/G0 was added and the regime of drag controlled The parameter q is quite large, 5, and consequently the strain rate
slip was added to the ZA equation. This was done according to the and temperature dependence of the twinning stress are low.
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 127

Fig. 46. Snapshot of nanocrystalline cobalt viewed in the (1210) plane at 9.2% and 11% strain. Atoms are colored according to structure type: hcp atoms (yellow); fcc atoms
(pink); disordered atoms (red); other 12-coordinated atoms (grey). Interactions between disordered atom segments and stacking faults are circled. Interaction between these
two defects cause a split of the stacking fault with opposite leading partial dislocations [174].

= k SG P 4⋅
dt (31)

Application of Equations 28 and 30 to nanocrystalline Ni and

Ni-13%W alloy leads to the predicted transition pressures shown
in Fig. 50a,b, respectively. TEM observations confirm that, at
40 GPa, Ni does not twin but Ni13%W does. The lowering of the
transition pressure for the alloy is the result of the decreased
stacking fault energy, which decreases the twinning stress, and
increased slip stress that results from solid solution strength-
ening. Consequently, the transition pressure is decreased from
78 to 15 GPa.
For tantalum, a model material for the BCC structure, similar
calculations were performed for monocrystalline and nanocrys-
talline conditions, using Equations 29 and 31. The results shown
in Fig. 51(a,b) show is a clear fashion that the twinning transition
is highly dependent on grain size, being on the order of 150 GPa
for the specimen with grain size of approximately 70 nm and
equal to 24 GPa for the monocrystalline specimen. Accordingly,
TEM observations, Fig. 51(c,d), show profuse twinning for the
Fig. 47. Average flow stress vs grain size (d-1/2) for nanocrystalline Mg at 10 and monocrystal and no twinning for the nanocrystalline condition.
300 K [175]. Fig. 52 summarizes the results of the calculations and illustrates
the significant effect of grain size on the critical stress for
This is a direct result of the higher Hall-Petch slope for twin-
ning than for slip. However, there are reports of observations of
twins at very small grain sizes in aluminum (Ma and coworkers
[148,158,183]). This is not predicted by the constitutive description
presented here and can be the result of a separate regime. MD
simulations also predict twinning at a grain size of 6.5 nm in
tantalum [164], especially in grains of o1104 orientation [170].
These twins are very thin, a few atomic layers and can result from
peculiar nucleation sequences at the grain boundaries. Twins are
also observed in the simulations reported by Yamakov et al. [184]
and have been thoroughly reviewed by Zhu et al. [185].

4.5. On other technologically relevant materials

4.5.1. Diamond cubic silicon

Investigations of grain size effects in nanocrystalline silicon by
Fig. 48. Average flow stresses as a function of d-1/2 at 10 K and 300 K for six grain Keblinski et al. [186] show that the Coble equation is validated.
samples of HCP Zr [176]. Two green points represent experimental results. Demkowicz et al. [187] concluded that plasticity in nanocrystalline
silicon occurs exclusively in intergranular regions characterized as
An essential link in shock compression is provided by the amorphous silicon. This builds upon previous simulations
Swegle–Grady [182] equation which relates the strain rate to the of nanocrystalline silicon suggesting that the grain boundary
pressure. This equation is given below: character is amorphous-like [188]. Coordination in excess of 4 in
128 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

Fig. 49. Snapshots at 300 K, 10% strain, strain rate 5  108 s  1, hcp Zr for: (a) d¼ 13 nm, (b) d ¼ 53 nm, (c) d ¼ 131 nm. The critical diameter for transition to an inverse Hall-
Petch relationship is dc ¼20 nm. Grayscale atoms are indicative of atomi- displacements due to dislocation motion and reveal dislocation paths. Circular insets illustrate grain
boundary sliding through the use of purple marker atoms (originally lying in a straight line in the undeformed state) and blue grain boundary atoms. [176].

diamond-cubic structures is analogous to liquid-like structures 4.5.2. Hexagonal carbon graphene

and have a more metallic like behavior. Fig. 53a shows nanocrys- Practical applications of graphene sheets, or two dimensional
talline silicon at a strain of 0.08 indicating localization of plastic hexagonal carbon, inherently introduce polycrystallinity during
deformation along grain boundaries. Fig. 53b shows the de- fabrication [189–191]. An understanding of how defects and grain
formation at a strain of 0.25 and black lines indicate channels of boundaries operate within the graphene structure is of pre-
easy plastic flow. This plastic flow reaches a steady state where dominate importance considering that graphene is one of the
displacement occurs at a steady rate. The flow mediates grain strongest materials, if not the strongest known material [192].
rotation and deformation-induced formation of new grains. Song et al. [193] identified a pseudo Hall-Petch effect in

Fig. 50. Stresses for slip (ss) and twinning (sT) as a function of shock pressure for (a) Ni (d¼ 50 nm) and (b) Ni-13%W (d ¼10 nm); (c) TEM showing dislocations in grains
after 40 GPa pressure in Ni (d¼ 30 nm); TEM showing twins (circled) after 40 GPa pressure in Ni-13% W (d¼ 10 nm). (a, b from Jarmakani et al. [83]; c,d from Wang et al.
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 129

Fig. 51. Stresses for slip and twinning as a function of pressure for (a) monocrystalline (3 mm) and (b) ultrafine grained tantalum (d ¼70 nm); (c) twins in monocrystalline Ta
shocked at P ¼ 40 GPa; (d) absence of twins in UFG Ta shocked at 40 GPa by lasers. From Lu et al. [265,266].

determine strength, but that the strength of tilt GBs increases as

the square of tilt only if pentagon-heptagon defects are evenly
spaced-in all other cases the trend fails. This is due to a build-up of
stresses akin to dislocation pile-up.
Grantab et al. [195] showed that graphene sheets containing large-
angle grain boundaries are stronger than those containing low-angle
gain boundaries and, surprisingly, equivalent in strength to pristine
graphene. This was quickly corroborated by Rasool et al. [196]. Other
studies have introduced varying defects including Stone-Wales defects
[197,198], hydrogenation [199,200] and notches [201]. Many see-
mingly concurrent research efforts were published on grain size de-
pendent strength of graphene. An inverse type relation was first
shown by Sha et al. [202] where the fracture strength was shown to be
directly proportional to the density of grain boundary junctions for
grain sizes up to 11 nm. Subsequent to Sha et al. [202], Mortazavi and
Cuniverti [203] reported work detailing an inverse relationship of
strength with grain size up to 10 nm. During the same time period, Li
et al. [200] detailed an inverse strength relationship with grain size as
well. Li et al. [200] also notably explored the role of hydrogenation
Fig. 52. Effect of grain size on the threshold pressure for twinning in shock com- identifying a drastic reduction in strength with increasingly hydro-
pression. From Lu at al. [265]. genated grain boundary atoms. Fig. 54 shows a 2D Voronoi tessella-
tion, hydrogenated grain boundary, characteristic out of plane buck-
ling, and reduction of strength with increasing hydrogen percent.
polycrystalline graphene and shows this effect for the smallest Some extent of hydrogenation is expected during chemical
grain sizes, but this work was recently called into question due to vapor deposition growth. Chen et al. [204] published on grain size,
the “perfect” nature of the grain boundaries simulated. This effect temperature, and strain-rate effects indicating a larger strain rate
is related to an investigation by Wei et al. [194], concluding that it effect at higher temperatures. Song et al. [193] showed that elastic
is not the density of defects, nor the degree of GB tilt, that modulus increased with grain size as was confirmed by others
130 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

Fig. 53. Nanocrystalline silicon structure at deviatoric strains of (a) 0.08 and (b) 0.25. Dark atoms signify inelastic transformations, while light atoms are those that are purely
elastic. Ellipses indicate intergranular regions of localized plastic deformation. Solid lines in (b) indicate fully developed plastic flow. “C” marks a grain that undergoes
rotation during deformation. From Demkowicz et al. [187].

[202–204]. Li et al. [200] showed that Young's modulus decreased order to produce a grain size dependence of flow stress, Fu et al.
linearly with increasing hydrogen coverage. [206] considered grains as composed of two regions: grain inter-
iors and grain-boundary layers. As the grain size was varied, the
volume fractions of the two regions changed and the mechanical
5. Other computational tools
response was altered, resulting in a Hall-Petch response but with a
decreasing slope as the size decreased. This was later changed into
5.1. Finite element method
a gradient of strains, which is size dependent.
The Finite Element Method (FEM) is limited in its ability to
interrogate the response of materials at the atomic/molecular 5.2. Quasi-continuum methods
scale. Nevertheless, the effect of grain size has been investigated
by introducing an artificial length scale. A short review of com- Quasi-continuum (QC) methods are methods of mixed ato-
posite methods is presented by Mishnaevsky and Levashov [205]. mistic (namely MD) and continuum (namely FEM) approaches
Importantly, FEM predicts correctly the internal stresses due to where fully-atomistic techniques are implemented in areas of di-
compatibility requirements. As early as 1980, Meyers and Ash- rect interest and remote areas are modeled using less costly con-
worth [9] juxtaposed two grains with different orientations by tinuum mechanics. Tadmor and Miller [207] provide a thorough
transforming the stiffness matrix into equivalent elastic moduli. description of QC techniques in their recent book (in addition to
This was done for three orientations:[100], [110], and [111]. Later continuum mechanics, quantum mechanics, atomistic simulations,
analysis by Fu et al. [206] on a polycrystalline aggregate, also using and multi-scale techniques). This method is particularly appro-
FEM, produced the results shown in Fig. 55. These results are priate for the representation of polycrystalline materials where full
analogous to the ones obtained by MD and shown in Fig. 21. In atomistic resolution is too costly and continuum methods do not

Fig. 54. (a) 2D Voronoi tessellation of graphene with 30% hydrogen grain boundary coverage indicated by red atoms in (b). (c) Represents characteristic out of plane buckling
colored by out of plane displacement. (d) Effect of hydrogen content on failure strength. From Li et al. [200].
E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134 131

Fig. 55. Stresses in polycrystalline copper loaded elastically; (a) grain configuration; three grain orientations: white [100], gray [110], and black [111]; (b) maximum principal
stress (s1). From Fu et al.[206].

deformation mechanisms they were able to observe the correct

behavior (solid black line) by the combination of grain boundary
sliding and intergranular plasticity.
Much of the advancements in applicability of coarse graining
molecular dynamics arise from the ability to adjust the degree of
coarse-graining on the fly. This technique is referred to as adaptive
coarse-graining and has recently been implemented by Amelang
and Kochmann [214] (using previously defined fully-nonlocal en-
ergy based QC methods [215]) for evaluating nanostructures
where free surfaces contribute significantly to mechanical beha-
vior. One key aspect of adaptivity is the ability to reduce full ato-
mistic resolution to only where it is required. It is expected that
this technique will transition well to nanocrystalline materials and
expedite arrival of larger and larger grain sizes by simulation.

6. Summary and conclusions

1. The grain sizes of metals are classified into three regions:

Fig. 56. Quasi-continuum modeling predicting stress–strain response of 10 nm
nanocrystalline copper with different deformation mechanisms. The combination
conventional or microcrystalline (greater than 1 μm); ultrafine
of grain-boundary sliding and intra grain plasticity provides the lowest curve. From grained (between 1 μm and 100 nm) and nanocrystalline
Warner et al. [212]. (smaller than 100 nm)[10].
2. As the grain size is reduced from the microcrystalline to the
accurately describe the intricacies of grain boundary phenomenon. ultrafine grained and nanocrystalline size the slope of the Hall-
The outstanding challenge has been by what means these two Petch equation decreases, as was pointed out in 1982 by
methodologies are directly coupled. This has seen difficulty in Meyers and Ashworth [9].
complexity and cost to implement as well as a sacrifice in accuracy 3. There is a critical grain size, termed the ‘strongest size’, at which
at the “boundary” between methods arising from errors in the hall-Petch slope turns over and becomes negative [36].
equating compatibility. The preeminent solution has been a gra- 4. This negative Hall-Petch relationship was discovered by
dual coarse graining method by which representative atoms Chokshi et al. [12] in 1989 and the effect was attributed to
transition from including 1 atom to many. This type of formalism Coble creep.
can be seen in the work of [208] based on the framework of Knap 5. Analytical models by Conrad and Narayan [34] in 2000 and
and Ortiz [209]. The fallback of this type of methodology is the Argon and Yip [36] in 2006 address the two regimes of plastic
time of implementation to new scenarios and synthetic selection deformation, grain-boundary shear and dislocation movement,
of areas of importance. and correctly predict the ‘strongest size’ at which the two
A few coarse-grained simulations of grain-boundary dependent responses intersect.
strength stand out, namely work by Sansoz and Molinari [210,211] 6. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are a powerful tool for
and Warner et al. [212] (implementing an approach where coarse- understanding the mechanical response of metals in the na-
grain simulations inform FEM). Their method does not simply use nocrystalline region.
two distinct “phases”, owing to the fact that crystallinity of nan- 7. The current upper limit of grain sized tractable as polycrystals
ometer sized grains is maintained completely up to the grain in MD simulations is  50 nm (box size of  200 nm). However,
boundary, and is instead similar to simulations by Wei and Anand increased computational capability is expanding this region,
[213] whom use cohesive elements to describe the grain boundary. with the limitation that computational time increases (at least)
The results from their calculation are shown in Fig. 56. By tuning with the cube of grain size.
132 E.N. Hahn, M.A. Meyers / Materials Science & Engineering A 646 (2015) 101–134

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Mechanics of Materials. [265] C.H. Lu, B.A. Remington, B.R. Maddox, B. Kad, H.S. Park, M. Kawasaki, T.
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fully nonlocal energy-based quasicontinuum method,” Journal of the [266] C.H. Lu, B.A. Remington, B.R. Maddox, B. Kad, H.S. Park, S.T. Prisbrey, M.
Mechanics and Physics of Solids. A. Meyers, Acta Mater. 60 (2012) 6601.
[216] J. Schiøtz, F.D. Di Tolla, K.W. Jacobsen, Nature 391 (1998) 561. [267] Y.T. Zhu, X. Liao, Nat Mater 3 (2004) 351.
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[219] G.J. Ackland, G. Tichy, V. Vitek, M.W. Finnis, Philos. Mag. A 56 (1987) 735.
[220] S.M. Foiles, M.I. Baskes, M.S. Daw, Phys. Rev. B 33 (1986) 7983.
Marc André Meyers, Distinguished Professor of Na-
[221] J.A. Moriarty, Phys. Rev. B 16 (1977) 2537.
noengineering, and Mechanical and Aerospace En-
[222] J.A. Moriarty, Phys. Rev. B 26 (1982) 1754.
gineering, University of California, San Diego, has pub-
[223] J.A. Moriarty, Phys. Rev. B 38 (1988) 3199.
lished thirty-five papers in Materials Science and En-
[224] J.A. Moriarty, L.X. Benedict, J.N. Glosli, R.Q. Hood, D.A. Orlikowski, M.V. Patel,
gineering A (and its predecessor MSE) and was Associate
P. Söderlind, F.H. Streitz, M. Tang, L.H. Yang, J. Mater. Res. 21 (2006) 563.
Editor for Brazil (1976-1980); currently, he is on the
[225] A. Strachan, T. Çağin, O. Gülseren, S. Mukherjee, R.E. Cohen, W.A. GoddardIII,
Editorial Board. His research in mechanical behavior of
Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 12 (2004) S445.
materials has focused on dynamic behavior of materials;
[226] G.J. Ackland, R. Thetford, Philos. Mag. A 56 (1987) 15.
nanocrystalline materials; and biological materials. He
[227] H. Park, M.R. Fellinger, T.J. Lenosky, W.W. Tipton, D.R. Trinkle, S.P. Rudin,
has authored/co-authored four books (Mechanical Me-
C. Woodward, J.W. Wilkins, R.G. Hennig, Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 214121.
tallurgy; with K, K. Chawla, Dynamic Behavior of Mate-
[228] M.R. Fellinger, H. Park, J.W. Wilkins, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 144119.
rials, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, with K. K.
[229] J. Wang, Y.L. Zhou, M. Li, Q. Hou, Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 22 (2014)
Chawla, Biological and Bioinspired Materials, with P. Y.
Chen, and ~ 400 papers (10,000 citations and ISI 51 H-index). He has held visiting
[230] D.Y. Sun, M.I. Mendelev, C.A. Becker, K. Kudin, T. Haxhimali, M. Asta, J.J. Hoyt,
professorships at University of Karlsruhe (Institute of Technology), University of
A. Karma, D.J. Srolovitz, Phys. Rev. B 73 (2006) 024116.
Metz, and Cambridge University (Life Member, Clare Hall) and Chinese Academy of
[231] G.J. Ackland, Philos. Mag. A 66 (1992) 917.
Sciences. He is Fellow of TMS, APS, and ASM International and recipient of 2010 Acta
[232] R.R. Zope, Y. Mishin, Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003) 024102.
Materialia Materials and Society Award; Humboldt Society Senior Scientist Award; J.
[233] R.G. Hennig, T.J. Lenosky, D.R. Trinkle, S.P. Rudin, J.W. Wilkins, Phys. Rev. B 78
S. Rinehart Award from EURODYMAT Association; Lee Hsun Lecture Award from
(2008) 054121.
Institute of Metals Research in China; SMD/TMS Distinguished Scientist and Dis-
[234] Y.-M. Kim, B.-J. Lee, Acta Mater. 56 (2008) 3481.
tinguished Service Awards; ASM International Albert Sauveur and Albert White
[235] F.H. Stillinger, T.A. Weber, Phys. Rev. B 31 (1985) 5262.
Awards; JOM/TMS 2010 best paper award (co-recipient) in structural materials and
[236] J. Tersoff, Phys. Rev. B 38 (1988) 9902.
2012 TMS Educator Award; 2015 Morris Cohen Award; 2014 Heyn Medal, DGM.
[237] J. Tersoff, Phys. Rev. B 39 (1989) 5566.

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