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Fabrication of NMOS Transistor

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Chapter 2

MOS Fabrication Technology

Abstract  This chapter is concerned with the fabrication of metal–oxide–semicon-

ductor (MOS) technology. Various processes such as wafer fabrication, oxidation,
mask generation, photolithography, diffusion, deposition, etc. involved in the fab-
rication of MOS devices are introduced. Various steps used in the n-type MOS
(nMOS) and complementary MOS (CMOS) fabrication are highlighted. The latch-
up problem, an inherent problem of CMOS circuits, is introduced and appropriate
techniques to overcome this problem are explained. Various short-channel effects
arising out of the shrinking size of MOS devices are discussed. Some emerging
MOS technologies such as high-K and FinFET to overcome short channel and other
drawbacks are introduced.
Keywords  Wafer fabrication · Oxidation · Mask generation · Photolithography ·
Diffusion · Ion implantation · Deposition · Fabrication steps · p-Well process · n-Well
process · Twin-tub process · Silicon on insulator · Mask generation · Latch-up
problem · Guard ring · Short-channel effect · High-K dielectric · Lightly doped
drain structure · FinFET

2.1 Introduction

Metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) fabrication is the process used to create the

integrated circuits (ICs) that are presently used to realize electronic circuits. It in-
volves multiple steps of photolithographic and chemical processing steps during
which electronic circuits are gradually created on a wafer made of pure semicon-
ducting material. Silicon is almost always used, but various compound semiconduc-
tors such as gallium–arsenide are used for specialized applications. There are a large
number and variety of basic fabrication steps used in the production of modern MOS
ICs. The same process could be used for the fabrication of n-type MOS (nMOS),
p-type MOS (pMOS), or complementary MOS (CMOS) devices. The gate material
could be either metal or poly-silicon. The most commonly used substrate is either
bulk silicon or silicon on insulator (SOI). In order to avoid the presence of para-
sitic transistors, variations are brought in the techniques that are used to isolate the
devices in the wafer. This chapter introduces various technologies that are used to
fabricate MOS devices. Section 2.2 provides various processes used in the fabrica-
tion of MOS devices. Section 2.3 introduces fabrication of nMOS devices. Steps for
A. Pal, Low-Power VLSI Circuits and Systems, 19
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-1937-8_2, © Springer India 2015
20 2  MOS Fabrication Technology

the fabrication of CMOS devices are presented in Sect. 2.4 Latch-up problem and
various techniques to prevent it are highlighted in Sect. 2.5. Short-channel effects
(SCEs) have been considered in Sect. 2.6 and emerging technologies for low power
have been considered in Sect. 2.7.

2.2 Basic Fabrication Processes [1, 2]

Present day very-large-scale integration (VLSI) technology is based on silicon,

which has bulk electrical resistance between that of a conductor and an insula-
tor. That is why it is known as a semiconductor material. Its conductivity can be
changed by several orders of magnitude by adding impurity atoms into the silicon
crystal lattice. These impurity materials supply either free electrons or holes. The
donor elements provide electrons and acceptor elements provide holes. Silicon hav-
ing a majority of donors is known as n-type. On the other hand, silicon having a
majority of acceptors is known as p-type. When n-type and p-type materials are put
together, a junction is formed where the silicon changes from one type to the other
type. Various semiconductor devices such as diode and transistors are constructed
by arranging these junctions in certain physical structures and combining them with
other types of physical structures, as we shall discuss in the subsequent sections.

2.2.1 Wafer Fabrication

The MOS fabrication process starts with a thin wafer of silicon. The raw material
used for obtaining silicon wafer is sand or silicon dioxide. Sand is a cheap material
and it is available in abundance on earth. However, it has to be purified to a high
level by reacting with carbon and then crystallized by an epitaxial growth process.
The purified silicon is held in molten state at about 1500 °C, and a seed crystal is
slowly withdrawn after bringing in contact with the molten silicon. The atoms of
the molten silicon attached to the seed cool down and take the crystalline structure
of the seed. While forming this crystalline structure, the silicon is lightly doped
by inserting controlled quantities of a suitable doping material into the crucible.
The set up is for wafer fabrication to produce nMOS devices is shown in Fig. 2.1a.
Here, boron may be used to produce p-type impurity concentration of 1015 cm3 to
1016 per cm3. It gives resistivity in the range of 25–2 Ω cm. After the withdrawal of
the seed, an “ingot” of several centimeters length and about 8–10 cm diameter as
shown in Fig. 2.1b is obtained. The ingot is cut into slices of 0.3–0.4 mm thickness
to obtain wafer for IC fabrication.

2.2.2 Oxidation

Silicon dioxide layers are used as an insulating separator between different conduct-
ing layers. It also acts as mask or protective layer against diffusion and high-energy
2.2 Basic Fabrication Processes 21



a +HDWHU b
Fig. 2.1   a Set up for forming silicon ingot. b An ingot


Fig. 2.2   Furnace used for oxidation

ion implantation. The process of growing oxide layers is known as oxidation be-
cause it is performed by a chemical reaction between oxygen (dry oxidation), or
oxygen and water vapor (wet oxidation) and the silicon slice surface in a high-
temperature furnace at about 1000 °C as shown in Fig. 2.2. To grow an oxide layer
of thickness tox, the amount of silicon consumed is approximately 0.5tox. Dry oxida-
tion performed in O2 with a few percent of hydrochloric acid added to produce thin,
but robust oxide layers is used to form the gate structure. These layers are known as
gate oxide layers. The wet oxidation produces a thicker and slightly porous layer.
This layer is known as field oxide layer. The oxide thickness is limited by the diffu-
sion rate of the oxidizing agent through the already grown layer and is about 1 µm
at one atmospheric pressure, but can be doubled by using higher pressure, say ap-
proximately 20 atm. Another advantage of a high-pressure system is the possibility
to grow thicker oxides in less time at high temperature.

2.2.3 Mask Generation

To create patterned layers of different materials on the wafer, masks are used at
different stages. Masks are made of either inexpensive green glass or costly low-
expansion glass plates with opaque and transparent regions created using photo-
graphic emulsion, which is cheap but easily damaged. Other alternative materials
used for creating masks are iron oxide or chromium, both of which are more durable
and give better line resolution, but are more expensive.
22 2  MOS Fabrication Technology

A mask can be generated either optically or with the help of an electron beam.
In the optical process, a reticle, which is a photographic plate of exactly ten times
the actual size of the mask, is produced as master copy of the mask. Transparent
and opaque regions are created with the help of a pattern generator by projecting an
image of the master onto the reticle. Special masking features such as parity masks
and fiducials are used on the reticle to identify, align, and orient the mask. Master
plates are generated from reticles in a step-and-repeat process by projecting an im-
age of the reticle ten times reduced onto the photosensitized plate to create an array
of geometrical shapes in one over the entire plate. Fiducials are used to control the
separation between exposures and align the reticle images relative to one another.
This process has the disadvantage that if there is a defect on the reticle, it is repro-
duced on all the chips. The step-and-repeat process not only is slow but also suffers
from alignment problems and defect propagation due to dust specks. The electron
beam mask generation technique overcomes these problems.
In the electron beam masking process, the masking plate is generated in one step.
It is based on the raster scan approach where all the geometrical data are converted
into a bit map of 1’s and 0’s. While scanning the masking plate in a raster scan man-
ner, squares containing 1’s are exposed and those containing 0’s are not. Exposures
are made by blanking and un-blanking the beam controlled by the bit map. Using
this technique, several different chip types can be imprinted on the same set of
masks. The main disadvantage of this approach is that it is a sequential technique.
A better alternative is to use the soft X-ray photolithographic technique in which
the entire chip can be eradicated simultaneously. This technique also gives higher
These master plates are usually not used for mask fabrication. Working plates
made from the masters by contact printing are used for fabrication. To reduce turn-
around time, specially made master plates can be used for wafer fabrication.

2.2.4 Photolithography

The photolithographic technique is used to create patterned layers of different ma-

terials on the wafer with the help of mask plates. It involves several steps. The first
step is to put a coating of photosensitive emulsion called photo-resist on the wafer
surface. After applying the emulsion on the surface, the wafer is spun at high speed
(3000 rpm) to get a very thin (0.5–1 µm) and uniform layer of the photo-resist.
Then the masking plate is placed in contact with the wafer in a precise position and
exposed to the UV light. The mask plate, with its transparent and opaque regions,
defines different areas. With negative photo-resist, the areas of the wafer exposed
to UV light are polymerized (or hardened), while with positive photo-resist, the
exposed areas are softened and removed.
The removal of the unwanted photo-resist regions is done by a process known
as development. Unexposed (negative) or exposed (positive) portions of the photo-
resist are chemically dissolved at the time of development. A low-temperature bak-
ing process hardens the subsequently remaining portion.
2.2 Basic Fabrication Processes  23

To create the desired pattern, actual removal of the material is done by the etch-
ing process. The wafer is immersed in a suitable etching solution, which eats out
the exposed material leaving the material beneath the protective photo-resist intact.
The etching solution depends on the material to be etched out. Hydrofluoric acid
(HF) is used for SiO2 and poly-silicon, whereas phosphoric acid is used for nitride
and metal.
Another alternative to this wet chemical etching process is the plasma etching
or ion etching. In this dry process, a stream of ions or electrons is used to blast the
material away. Ions created by glow discharge at low pressure are directed to the
target. Ions can typically penetrate about 800 Å of oxide or photo-resist layers, and
thick layers of these materials are used as a mask of some area, whereas the exposed
material is being sputtered away. This plasma technique can produce vertical etch-
ing with little undercutting. As a consequence, it is commonly used for producing
fine lines and small geometries associated with high-density VLSI circuits.
Finally, the photo-resist material is removed by a chemical reaction of this mate-
rial with fuming nitric acid or exposure to atomic oxygen which oxides away the
photo-resist. Patterned layers of different materials in engraved form are left at the
end of this process.

2.2.5 Diffusion

After masking some parts of the silicon surface, selective diffusion can be done in
the exposed regions. There are two basic steps: pre-deposition and drive-in. In the
pre-deposition step, the wafer is heated in a furnace at 1000 °C, and dopant atoms
such as phosphorous or boron mixed with an inert gas, say nitrogen, are introduced
into it. Diffusion of these atoms takes place onto the surface of the silicon, form-
ing a saturated solution of the dopant atoms and solid. The impurity concentration
goes up with a temperature up to 1300 °C and then drops. The depth of penetration
depends on the duration for which the process is carried out. In the drive-in step, the
wafer is heated in an inert atmosphere for few hours to distribute the atoms more
uniformly and to a higher depth.
Another alternative method for diffusion is ion implantation. Dopant gas is
first ionized with the help of an ionizer and ionized atoms are accelerated between
two electrodes with a voltage difference of 150 kV. The accelerated gas is passed
through a strong magnetic field, which separates the stream of dopant ions on the
basis of molecular weights, as it happens in mass spectroscopy. The stream of these
dopant ions is deflected by the magnetic field to hit the wafer. The ions strike the
silicon surface at high velocity and penetrate the silicon layer to a certain depth as
determined by the concentration of ions and accelerating field. This process is also
followed by drive-in step to achieve uniform distribution of the ions and increase
the depth of penetration.
Different materials, such as thick oxide, photo-resist, or metal can serve as
mask for the ion implantation process. But implantation can be achieved through
thin oxide layers. This is frequently used to control the threshold voltage of MOS
24 2  MOS Fabrication Technology

transistor. This control was not possible using other techniques, and ion implanta-
tion is now widely used not only for controlling the threshold voltage but also for
all doping stages in MOS fabrication.

2.2.6 Deposition

In the MOS fabrication process, conducting layers such as poly-silicon and alu-
minium, and insulation and protection layers such as SiO2 and Si3N4 are deposited
onto the wafer surface by using the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique in
a high-temperature chamber:
Poly: SiH 4 
1000 C
→ Si + 2H 2
400 − 450 C
SiO 2 : SiH 4 + O 2  → SiO 2 + 2H 2
600 − 750 C
Si3 N 4 : 3SiCl2 H 2 + 4NH 3  → Si3 N 4 + 6HCl + 6H 2

Poly-silicon is deposited simply by heating silane at about 1000 °C, which releases

hydrogen gas from silane and deposits silicon. To deposit silicon dioxide, a mixture
of nitrogen, silane, and oxygen is introduced at 400–450 °C. Silane reacts with oxy-
gen to produce silicon dioxide, which is deposited on the wafer. To deposit silicon
nitride, silane and ammonia are heated at about 700 °C to produce nitride and hy-
drogen. Aluminium is deposited by vaporizing aluminium from a heated filament
in high vacuum.

2.3 nMOS Fabrication Steps [2, 3]

Using the basic processes mentioned in the previous section, typical processing
steps of the poly-silicon gate self-aligning nMOS technology are given below. It can
be better understood by considering the fabrication of a single enhancement-type
transistor. Figure 2.3 shows the step-by-step production of the transistor.
Step 1  The first step is to grow a thick silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer, typically of
1 µm thickness all over the wafer surface using the wet oxidation technique. This
oxide layer will act as a barrier to dopants during subsequent processing and pro-
vide an insulting layer on which other patterned layers can be formed.
Step 2  In the SiO2 layer formed in the previous step, some regions are defined
where transistors are to be formed. This is done by the photolithographic process
discussed in the previous section with the help of a mask (MASK 1). At the end of
this step, the wafer surface is exposed in those areas where diffusion regions along
with a channel are to be formed to create a transistor.
2.3 nMOS Fabrication Steps  25

Fig. 2.3   nMOS fabrication steps

Step 3  A thin layer of SiO2, typically of 0.1 μm thickness, is grown all over the entire
wafer surface and on top of this poly-silicon layer is deposited. The poly-silicon
layer, of 1.5 μm thickness, which consists of heavily doped poly-silicon is deposited
using the CVD technique. In this step, precise control of thickness, impurity con-
centration, and resistivity is necessary.
Step 4 Again by using another mask (MASK 2) and photographic process, the
poly-silicon is patterned. By this process, poly-gate structures and interconnections
by poly layers are formed.
Step 5  Then the thin oxide layer is removed to expose areas where n-diffusions are
to take place to obtain source and drain. With the poly-silicon and underlying thin
oxide layer as the protective mask, the diffusion process is performed. It may be
noted that the process is self-aligning, i.e., source and drain are aligned automati-
cally with respect to the gate structure.
26 2  MOS Fabrication Technology

Step 6  A thick oxide layer is grown all over again and holes are made at selected
areas of the poly-silicon gate, drain, and source regions by using a mask (MASK 3)
and the photolithographic process.
Step 7  A metal (aluminium) layer of 1  μm thickness is deposited on the entire
surface by the CVD process. The metal layer is then patterned with the help of a
mask (MASK 4) and the photolithographic process. Necessary interconnections are
provided with the help of this metal layer.
Step 8  The entire wafer is again covered with a thick oxide layer—this is known
as over-glassing. This oxide layer acts as a protective layer to protect different parts
from the environment. Using a mask (MASK 5), holes are made on this layer to pro-
vide access to bonding pads for taking external connections and for testing the chip.
The above processing steps allow only the formation of nMOS enhancement-type
transistors on a chip. However, if depletion-type transistors are also to be formed,
one additional step is necessary for the formation of n-diffusions in the channel
regions where depletion transistors are to be formed. It involves one additional step
in between step 2 and step 3 and will require one additional mask to define channel
regions following a diffusion process using the ion implantation technique.

2.4 CMOS Fabrication Steps [2, 3]

There are several approaches for CMOS fabrication, namely, p-well, n-well, twin-
tub, triple-well, and SOI. The n-well approach is compatible with the nMOS pro-
cess and can be easily retrofitted to it. However, the most popular approach is the
p-well approach, which is similar to the n-well approach. The twin-tub and silicon
on sapphire are more complex and costly approaches. These are used to produce
superior quality devices to overcome the latch-up problem, which is predominant
in CMOS devices.

2.4.1 The n-Well Process

The most popular approach for the fabrication of n-well CMOS starts with a lightly
doped p-type substrate and creates the n-type well for the fabrication of pMOS tran-
sistors. Major steps for n-well CMOS process are illustrated as follows:
Step 1  The basic idea behind the n-well process is the formation of an n-well or tub
in the p-type substrate and fabrication of p-transistors within this well. The forma-
tion of an n-well by ion implantation is followed by a drive-in step (1.8 × 102 p cm− 2,
80 kV with 1150 °C for 15 h of drive-in). This step requires a mask (MASK 1),
which defines the deep n-well diffusions. The n-transistor is formed outside the
well. The basic steps are mentioned below:
2.4 CMOS Fabrication Steps  27

• Start with a blank wafer, commonly known as a substrate, which is lightly doped.


• Cover the wafer with a protective layer of SiO2 (oxide) using the oxidation pro-
cess at 900–1200 °C with H2O (wet oxidation) or O2 (dry oxidation) in the oxida-
tion furnace.



• Spin on photoresist, which is a light-sensitive organic polymer. It softens where

exposed to light.


• Expose photoresist through the n-well mask and strip off the exposed photoresist
using organic solvents. The n-well mask used to define the n-well in this step is
shown below.



• Etch oxide with HF, which only attacks oxide where the resist has been exposed.

28 2  MOS Fabrication Technology

• Remove the photoresist, which exposes the wafer.



• Implant or diffuse n dopants into the exposed wafer using diffusion or ion im-
plantation. The ion implantation process allows shallower wells suitable for the
fabrication of devices of smaller dimensions. The diffusion process occurs in all
directions and dipper the diffusion more it spreads laterally. This affects how
closely two separate structures can be fabricated.



• Strip off SiO2 leaving behind the p-substrate along with the n-well.


Step 2  The formation of thin oxide regions for the formation of p- and n–transistors
requires MASK 2, which is also known as active mask because it defines the thin
oxide regions where gates are formed.






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