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Entrepreneurial Nursing: What Are The Skills and Opportunities For Addressing Health Related Concerns

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Tamayo, Teanu Jose G.

January 28, 2018

Entrepreneurial nursing: What are the skills and opportunities for addressing health
related concerns:

The concept of entrepreneurship has four main components of skills for addressing health related
concerns: These are being innovative and creative, risk taking, pioneering and competitive

 Being innovative and creative refers to seek creative, unusual and new solutions to the
problems and requirements.

 Risk is a decision-making feature and defines the uncertainty of the outputs to be

achieved as a result of the implementation of decisions.

 Pioneering refers to take responsibility and go into action by taking the necessary
decisions instead of following others.

 Competition creates a healthy environment both for institutions and consumers.

Competition ensures that entrepreneurs produce quality products, work efficiently and are
consumer-oriented in order to be able to exist.

Entrepreneurship initiates and develops change in the structure of business administration and
society, thus it contributes to the growth of entrepreneurial activities as well as playing important
roles in terms of the economic progress and social development of a country (Ekici, 2016).
Entrepreneurship has a strategic significance for developing economies such as the Philippines.

Because the ways to gain profit, to activate the unused potential and to create new business
districts are to encourage entrepreneurs (Korkmaz, 2012; Yılmaz and Sünbül, 2009).

In America, continued skyrocketing of healthcare costs, less than impressive heath status of the
American people, safety and quality issues within the healthcare system, growing concerns that
cost and quality issues would intensify with changing demographics, and the reality that there
were 50 million Americans uninsured and 40 million underinsured in the United States ushered
in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Salmond, 2015).

In the Philippines, the reports notes, the level of per-person healthcare spending is one of the
lowest among Southeast Asia’s major economies. At 4.6%, the same holds true for spending as a
proportion of GDP. Due to weak public financing, that number is expected to drop to 4.5% by

2018. At the same time, the nation’s healthcare spending is projected to increase an average of
8% annually, from an estimated $12.5 billion in 2013 to $20 billion in 2018.

Nursing has a critical contribution in healthcare reform and the demands for a safe, quality,
patient-centered, accessible, and affordable healthcare system (IOM, 2010). To deliver these
outcomes, nurses, from the chief nursing officer to the staff nurse, must understand how nursing
practice must be dramatically different to deliver the expected level of quality care and
proactively and passionately become involved in the change.

Tamayo, Teanu Jose G.

January 28, 2018


Research on the updated Philippine Condition on how to deal with scarcity of healthcare

1. Compare and contrast the national health status of 2001 and now.

National health status of 2001 National health status of Today

a. National  Budget of 2002 provides whole P167.9 B

Health year’s health budget of Php 11.8
Budget. YEAR Total Budget
B and it ranks only 11th among
the government’s appropriation. 2017 95,274,075,000 <-
 Only P149.33 per Filipino per
year. For an American 2000$
per US citizen per year. 2001 P9,456,253,000

 5% from National budget  The total budget for 2016 increased by 41

allocated to Health care but percent from 2015. Majority of the budget is for
DOH only received 1.5% Technical Support Services, which include

 Allocated budget can only treat commodities, training, and deployment programs.
50% of cases which is The next largest share is for Hospital Services,
negligible as it spreads which funds the operations of DOH retained
hospitals. Health Sector Policy Services are spent
on activities such as consultations and research
necessary for policy development. Health Sector
Regulation Services is for the licensing and
monitoring services provided by the DOH

b. Allocation  In 1996, Metro Manila had 169

of Resources tertiary hospitals in a perimeter
of 63,000 hectares. (Big cities)
but in Western Mindanao as
well as other provinces has only
78 hospital which are NOT
tertiary and in a land area of
1,599,734 hectares.

 7 to 8 million Filipinos have

never seen a doctor before; 1
nurse per 16,061 person; 1 H.
worker per 33,670 persons.
 In 2017, the budget increased to PhP 4.27 B
 70% of nurses migrate to other
for the scaled-up procurement of family
planning commodities and micronutrients.

 The decrease in the budget in 2018 is due to

the transfer of the soft components of the
program to the PHM budget line item. The
total program fund (inclusive of soft
components) increased at PhP 4.32 B in 2018
due to the additional procurement of the lipid-
based nutrients intended for infants (6-23
months), pregnant and lactating women as
part of the interventions for Early Childhood
Care and Development (ECCD).

c. Cost of  Antiretrovirals costs  In 2016, the FHRP budget declined to PhP
Drugs and 350,000/year 2.3 B. The reduction of PhP 1 B in
Medicines theapproved GAA were for the object of
 P10 drugs such as Adalat etc
expenditure: drugs & medicine.
(for heart related diseases) can
cost up to P75M daily costs for
patients and revenues for
pharmaceuticals. And this is
only for 1 drug

d. Cost of  Proposed “self-supporting  As of December 2016, PhilHealth covers 91%

Procedures hospitals” that embark on of the projected population which is about
and revenue enhancement measures 93.40 million principal members and
Professional that increase charges and dependents which means 9 out of 10 Filipinos
Fees collection of fees to “stay alive” have the opportunity to claim PhilHealth
according to Dr. Jojo Carabeo. benefits

 In PGH prices of procedure

went up to 49% higher and a
circumcision can cost as much
as P5000.

e. Health  The Leading Causes of

status. Morbidity according to the
Philippine Health Statisitics
during 1996 are

1. Diarrheal disease
2. Pneumonia
3. Bronchitis
4. Influenza
5. TB of all forms
6. Malaria
7. CVD

8. Measles
9. Chicken Pox
10. Dengue Fever


1. Diseases of the Vascular

2. Pneumonia
3. Malignant Neoplasms
4. Influenza
5. TB of all forms
6. Accidents
7. COPD and allied conditions
8. DM
9. Nephritis
10. Diseases of the respiratory

f. Enrollment  10 million enrolled in the

in Philippine formal sector
Insurance  800,000 enrolled in the sub-
program by informal sectors of
Philippine Health Insurance

 600,000 enrolled in the Indigent

program by Informal Sectors  Over 1,895 (758- Government; 1,137-
Private) public and private facilities and
 19,000,000 endigents in the
31,814 professionals are accredited by
entire country
PhilHealth to 91% of rural health centers are
 Pres. At that time eyeing to PhilHealth-accredited which provide primar
enroll the 50% if the urban poor care, maternity care and TB-DOTS benefit
(500k) packages.

 5% increase in benefit payments from Php 97

million in 2015 to PhP 101.7B in 2016 which
means an average of 1, 956.78 million or 1.9
B per week

 As of December 2016, PhilHealth covers 91%

of the projected population which is about
93.40 million principal members and
dependents which means 9 out of 10 Filipinos

have the opportunity to claim PhilHealth

1. How are they going to answer the basic economic health questions?

1. What to produce?

Equipment & health infrastructure:

Deterioration in the quality of health facilities and service delivery resulted to bypassing of lower
levels of care even for primary cases and resulted in congestion in the higher hospital levels
These issues have been the basis for the creation of the Health Facility Enhancement Program

The HFEP is a national program that assists in enabling government healthcar facilities to
provide quality health care towards Universal Health Care through th allocation of Capital
Outlay and procurement of health infrastructure and equipment.

 The Health Facilities Enhancement Program includes construction and upgrading of

Barangay Health Stations (BHS), Rural Health Units (RHU), and LGU Hospitals. All
projects funded in 2014 have been completed, while majority of projects funded for 2015
and 2016 are being implemented.

2. How to produce?

They produce these equipment via:

 Health service delivery network (of health facilities and providers) based on assigned
catchment areas to address the current fragmentation of health services in some areas.

 Provision of financial mechanisms to support the repair, rehabilitation and equipping of

selected priority health facilities and LGU counterpart on human resource complement
and operational expenses.

 Fiscal autonomy through income retention schemes for government hospitals and health
facilities and optimal utilization of PHIC reimbursements And in terms of budget for
buying equipment In 2017, PhP 24.19 B was allocated for improving the primary health
care facilities for gatekeeping and delivery of preventive/primary health care services and

for decongesting DOH hospitals to be able to provide affordable quality tertiary care and
specialized treatments.

3. For whom to produce?

all Filipinos, both the well and the sick. The government ensures that health care services be
available for All Life Stages & Triple Burden of Diseases. This guarantee basically summarizes
that a Filipino is entitled to a comprehensive range of services that promote health and protect
everyone from getting sick at all ages and all stages (from womb to tomb).

Entitlements include services to address (1) Communicable diseases (e.g HIV/AIDS, TB,
Malaria, etc.), (2) Non-communicable diseases including malnutrition (Hypertension, Diabetes,
Cancers, and their risk factors), and (3) Diseases of rapid urbanization and industrialization (i.e.
injuries, substance abuse, mental illness, pandemics, travel medicine, and health consequences of
climate change / disaster)

Reference sources:


Turan, N., Kaya, N., & Aydin, G. O. (2017). Strategies for the involvement of nurses as
entrepreneurs in healthcare. Pressacademia, 4(1), 39-42.

Healthcare Transformation and Changing Roles for Nursing. (2017). Orthopaedic Nursing, 36(1),
26-27. doi:10.1097/nor.0000000000000320

Smeltzer, S. C. O., Hinkle, J. L. ., Cheever, K. H. ., & Bare, B. G.. (2010). Brunner & Suddarth's
textbook of medical-surgical nursing (12th, North American Edition, Combined Volume
edition.).Preoperative Nursing Management (pp. 399-414) Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer
Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


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