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Severity Rating Scales

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The document discusses tools and scales for evaluating and determining the severity of students' language and speech impairments.

The language severity rating scale provides a standardized way to assess students' language skills and determine if they have a mild, moderate or severe language disability based on results from formal and informal assessments.

When determining a student's speech impairment severity, factors like sound production, stimulability, oral motor skills, intelligibility and other speech characteristics are considered and rated on a scale.


Determination of Language Impairment

Student ___________________ School ________________ Grade _____ Date of Rating _______ DOB ________ Age ____ SLT _____________________

standardized 0 2 3 4
measure(s) and scores: Standard score* of 78 or >1.5 SD below test mean >2 SD below test mean >2.5 SD below test mean
above (standard score between (standard score between (standard score below 62) or
70-77) or 2nd - 6th 62-69) or 1st –2nd below 1st Percentile
Percentile Percentile
At least one of the following At least two of the following At least three of the following
INFORMAL ASSESSMENT areas are deficient areas are deficient areas are deficient
Check descriptive tools 0 2 3 4
used: Language skills are Check areas of weakness: Check areas of weakness: Check areas of weakness:
□ Language/communication within expected range. □ Sentence □ Sentence □ Sentence length/complexity
sample length/complexity length/complexity □ Word order/syntax
□ Checklist(s) □ Word order/syntax □ Word order/syntax □ Vocabulary/semantics
□ Observations □ Vocabulary/semantics □ Vocabulary/semantics □ Word finding
□ Other: _______________ □ Word finding □ Word finding □ Word form/morphology
□ Word form/morphology □ Word form/morphology □ Use of language/pragmatics
□ Use of □ Use of □ Auditory perception
language/pragmatics language/pragmatics
□ Auditory perception □ Auditory perception
Functional/Academic The student performs effectivelyThe student needs more cues, The student does not perform
Language skills within most of the time with little or no
models, explanations, and checks
expected range. assistance required. progress most of the time, despite the provision
or assistance than the typical of general education
student modifications and supports
in class
Instructions: 1. Do not include regional or dialectal differences when scoring.
2. Circle score for the most appropriate description for each category: Formal (Standardized) Assessment and the Informal (Descriptive)
3. Compute the total score and record below.
4. Circle the total score on the bar/scale below to determine the severity rating.

0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL SCORE
No Disability Mild Moderate Severe

Based on compilation of the assessment data, this student scores in the Mild, Moderate or Severe range for a Language Disability. ____Yes
There is documentation/supporting evidence of adverse effects of the Language Disability on educational performance. ____Yes

*Determination of eligibility as a student with Speech and/or Language Impairment is made by the IEP team.
*Standard scores are based on a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. The standard score can be a receptive, expressive or total language quotient.


Determination of Speech Impairment: Articulation

Student ________________________ School ________________________ Grade ______ Date of Rating _______ DOB _______ Age _________ SLT

0 1 3 4
Sound Production No sound/phonological Sound errors/ phonological Sound errors/phonological Sound errors/phonological
process errors; errors processes less than one processes one to two years processes two or more years
consistent with normal year below age below age below age
0 1 2 4
Stimulability Most errors stimulable in Most errors stimulable in at Although not correct, most No error sounds are
several contexts least one context errors approximate correct stimulable for correct
production production
0 0 3 4
Oral Motor Oral motor and/or Oral motor and/or Oral motor and/or Oral motor and/or sequencing
and/or sequencing adequate for sequencing difficulties are sequencing difficulties greatly interfere with speech
Motor Sequencing speech production minimal and do not interfere with speech production, use of cues,
contribute to speech production gestures or AD needed
production problems
0 2 4 6
Intelligibility Connected speech is Connected speech is Connected speech Connected speech mostly
intelligible intelligible; some errors sometimes unintelligible unintelligible; gestures/cues
noticeable; more than 80% when context is unknown; usually needed; less than 50%
intelligible 50-80% intelligible intelligible

Instructions: 1. Do not include regional or dialectal differences when scoring.

2. Circle the score for the most appropriate description for each of the four categories, i.e., Sound Production, Stimulability,
Oral Motor, Intelligibility.
3. Compute the total score and record below.
4. Circle the total score on the bar/scale below.

Note: Disability standards for Phonological Processing require ratings at the Moderate, Severe, or Profound Levels of Severity.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Mild Moderate Severe to Profound
TOTAL SCORE __________
Based on compilation of the assessment data, this student scores in the Mild, Moderate or Severe range for Speech Sound Production.
____Yes ____No
There is documentation/supporting evidence of adverse effects of the Speech Sound Production on educational performance. ____Yes
*Determination of eligibility as a student with a Speech and/or Language Impairment is made by IEP Team.


Determination of Speech Impairment: Fluency

Student ____________________ School ____________________ Grade ______ Date of Rating _______ DOB _______ Age _________ SLT ________________________

Forma/Informal 0 1 2 3
Assessment ___Frequency of dysfluency ___Transitory dysfluencies ___Frequent dysfluent ___Habitual dysfluent
is within normal limits for are observed in speaking behaviors are observed in behaviors are observed in
age, sex and speaking situations and/or many speaking situations majority of speaking
situation and/or ___3-4 stuttered words per and/or situations and/or
___≤ 2 stuttered words per minute and/or ___5-9 stuttered words per ___More than 9 stuttered
minute and/or ___5% to 11% stuttered minute and/or words per minute and/or
___≤ 4 % stuttered words words ___12% to 22% stuttered ___≥23% stuttered words
0 1 2 3
___Speech flow and time ___Whole-word repetitions ___Whole-word repetitions ___Whole-word repetitions
patterning are within ___Part-word repetitions ___Part-word repetitions ___Part-word repetitions
Descriptive Assessment normal limits. and/or and/or and/or
Developmental dysfluencies ___Prolongations are ___Prolongations are ___Prolongations are present.
may be present present with no secondary present. Secondary Secondary symptoms
characteristics. Fluent symptoms, including predominant. Avoidance and
speech periods blocking avoidance and frustration behaviors are
predominate physical concomitants may observed.
be observed.
0 1 2 3
___Speaking rate not ___Speaking rate affected to ___Speaking rate affected to ___Speaking rate affected to
affected mild degree. Rate moderate degree. Rate severe degree and distracting
Speaking Rate difference rarely notable to difference distracting to to listener/observer and/or
observer, listener and/or observer, listener and/or

___60-81 WSM 150-175 ___<59 WSM > 175 WSM

___82-99 WSM 125-150 WSM

Instructions: 1. Circle the score for the most appropriate description for each of these categories: Frequency, Descriptive Assessment,
Speaking Rate.
2. Compute the total score and record below.
3. Circle the total score on the rating bar/scale below.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
WNL Mild Moderate Severe TOTAL SCORE __________

Based on compilation of the assessment data, this student scores in the Mild, Moderate or Severe range for Fluency disorder. ____Yes
There is documentation/supporting evidence of adverse effects of the Fluency Disability on educational performance. ____Yes ____No
*Determination of eligibility as a student with a Speech and/or Language Impairment is made by the IEP Team.


Determination of Speech Impairment: Voice
Student ______________________ School ________________________ Grade ______ Date of Rating _______ DOB _______ Age _________

Pitch 0 1 3
Pitch is within normal limits. There is a noticeable difference There is a persistent, noticeable
which may be intermittent. inappropriate raising or
lowering of pitch for age and

Intensity 0 1 3
Intensity is within normal limits. There is a noticeable difference in There is persistent, noticeable,
intensity which may be inappropriate increase or decrease
intermittent. in the intensity of speech or the
presence of aphonia.

0 1 3
Quality There is a noticeable difference in There is a noticeable difference in There is persistent, noticeable,
nasality which may be nasality which may be breathiness, glottaltry, harshness,
intermittent. intermittent. hoarseness, tenseness, stridency
or other abnormal quality.

Resonance 0 1 3
Nasality is within normal limits There is a noticeable difference in There is persistent, noticeable cul
nasality which may be de sac, hyper or hyponasality, or
intermittent. mixed nasality.
Instructions: 1. Do not include regional or dialectal differences when scoring.
2. Circle the score for the most appropriate description for each category, i.e., Pitch or Intensity.
3. Compute the total score and record below.
4. Circle the total score on the bar/scale below.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Mild Moderate to Severe
Based on compilation of the assessment data, this student scores in the Mild, Moderate or Severe range Voice Disorder. ____Yes ____No
There is documentation/supporting evidence of adverse effects of the Voice disorder on educational performance. ____Yes ____No
*Determination of eligibility as a student with a Speech and/or Language Impairment is made by the IEP Team.
Mild 1 Service Delivery Unit Moderate 2 Service Delivery Severe 3 Service Delivery Units Profound 5 Service Delivery
Minimum of 15 30 Minutes per Units Minimum of 31 60 Minutes Minimum of 61 90 Minutes per Units Minimum of 91 + Minutes
Week per Week Week per Week

Severity of Impairment minimally affects Impairment interferes with the Impairment limits the individual's Impairment prevents the
Disorder the individual's ability to individual's ability to ability to communicate individual from communicating
communicate in school learning communicate in school learning appropriately and respond in appropriately in school and/or
and/or other social situations as and/or other social situations as school learning and/or social social situations.
noted by at least one other noted by at least one other situations. Environmental and/or
familiar listener, such as teacher, familiar listener. student concern is evident and
parent, sibling, peer. documented.

Articulation/ Intelligible over 80% of the Intelligible 50-80% of the time Intelligible 20 49% of the time in Speech is unintelligible without
Phonology time in connected speech. in connected speech. connected speech. Deviations gestures and cues and/or
may range from extensive knowledge of the context.
No more than 2 speech sound Substitutions and distortions and substitutions and many omissions Usually there are additional
errors outside developmental some omissions may be present. to extensive omissions. A limited pathological or physiological
guidelines. Students may be There is limited stimulability for number of phoneme classes are problems, such as neuro-motor
stimulable for error sounds. the error phonemes. evidenced in a speech-language deficits or structural deviations.
sample. Consonant sequencing is
generally lacking. Augmentative communication
systems may be warranted.
Augmentative communication
systems may be warranted.

Language The student demonstrates a The student demonstrates a The student demonstrates a The student demonstrates a
deficit in receptive, expressive, deficit in receptive, expressive or deficit in receptive, expressive or deficit in receptive, expressive or
or pragmatic language as pragmatic language as measured pragmatic language as measured pragmatic language which
measured by two or more by two or more diagnostic by two or more diagnostic prevents appropriate
diagnostic procedures/standardized tests. procedures/standardized tests (if communication in school and/or
procedures/standardized tests. Performance falls from 1.5 to 2.5 standardized tests can be social situations.
Performance falls from 1 to 1.5 standard deviations below the administered). Performance is
standard deviations below the mean standard score. greater than 2.5 standard Augmentative communication
mean standard score. deviations below the mean systems may be warranted.
standard score.

Augmentative communication
systems may be warranted.
Fluency 2 4% atypical disfluencies 5 8% atypical disfluencies 9 12% atypical disfluencies More than 12% atypical
within a speech sample of at within a speech sample of at least within a speech sample of at least disfluencies within a speech
least 100 words. 100 words. 100 words. Excessive tension sample of at least 100 words.
and/or secondary characteristics Excessive tension and/or
No tension to minimal tension. Noticeable tension and/or are present. secondary characteristics are
secondary characteristics are present.
Rate and/or Prosody Rate and/or Prosody
Rate and/or Prosody Rate and/or Prosody
Minimal interference with Prevents communication.
communication. Limits communication Interferes with communication

Voice Voice difference including Voice difference is of concern to Voice difference is of concern to Speech is largely unintelligible
hoarseness, nasality, denasality, parent, teacher, student, or parent, teacher, student or due to aphonia or severe
pitch, or intensity inappropriate physician. Voice is not physician. Voice is distinctly hypernasality. Extreme effort is
for the student's age is of appropriate for age and sex of the abnormal for age and sex of the apparent in production of
minimal concern to parent, student. student. speech.
teacher, student, or physician.
Medical referral may be Medical referral is indicated. Medical referral is indicated.
Medical referral may be indicated.


Clinical judgment may necessitate modification of these guidelines.

By the age of 7 years, the student's phonetic inventory is completed and stabilized. (Hodson, 1991). Adverse impact on the student's educational
performance must be documented. If the collaborative consultation model of intervention is indicated at the meeting, the student receives one
additional service delivery unit."

Source: Illinois State Board of Education (1993). Speech-language impairment: A technical assistance manual
Reprinted by permission.

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