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Ethiopia Seed Sector Baseline Study

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Table of Contents

1. Executive summary   ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐1 
2. Introduction‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐2 
3. Performance of Ethiopian Agriculture‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐5 
4. Seed System in Ethiopia‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐10 
4.1. Informal System‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐10 
4.2. Formal System‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐12 
4.3. Integrated System‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐14 
5. Seed Legislation in Ethiopia‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐15 

5.1. Seed inspection and certification‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐16 

5.1.1. Seed production, demand and supply‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐20 
5.1.2. Seed  Production Facilities in Ethiopia‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐23 
5.1.3. Existing seed classes‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  24 
5.1.4. Main findings and recommendations‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐25 
5.2. Variety evaluation, release and registration system‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐26 
5.2.1. Conditions for Harmonizing Seed Laws and Regulations across Regions‐‐‐‐‐
5.2.2. Main Findings and Recommendations‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐30 
5.3. Phytosanitary measures‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 31 
5.3.1. Main Findings and Recommendations‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐33 
5.4. Plant Variety Protection (Intellectual Property Rights)‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐34 
5.4.1. Main Findings and Recommendations‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐36 
5.5. Seed import/export documentation and procedures 
6. Conclusion 
7. Annexes 

A Baseline Survey on the Ethiopian Seed Sector 

1. Executive summary  

The purpose of this paper is to provide information on the Ethiopian seed system and 
existing  seed  policies  and  regulations  that  could  provide  highlights  for  EACs 
harmonization  process.  Information  was  collected  through  a  review  of  available 
literature  and  discussions  with  Federal  and  Regional  Bureau  of  Agriculture  and  Rural 
Development  and  Public  and  Private  Farms,  although  obtaining  information  is  very 
difficult due to frequent restructuring of offices and high turnover of specialists.   

The country's seed law is under revision and seed certification body was decentralized to 
Regional Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Developments. In fact the current structures of 
certification body of the four major crops producing regional states are differing.   

Repeated restructuring of the executing agencies left the responsibilities shared among 
various departments of the MoARD, which is now also being reorganized. This weak or 
feeble  the  enforcement  and  serious  fraudulent  practices  were  reported  by  some 
suppliers. Currently the Input and Marketing Directorate that was responsible for seed 
marketing, demand collection and distribution was disintegrated in to two bodies. The 
marketing part joined with Ministry of Trade while the input part is still under revision.  
The seed certification system (variety release mechanism, phyto‐sanitary regulation and 
seed  import‐export)  documents  are still  under  revision  at  the  Animal  and  Plant  Health 
Directorate of MoARD.  

The  study  includes  an  executive  summary,  introduction,  together  with  sections  on 
Performance  of  Ethiopian  Agriculture,  current  seed  systems,  seed  improvement 
initiatives, summaries and recommendations and conclusions. In addition, in the annex 
attached  number  of  released  varieties  up  to  2008,  Plant  quarantine,  import  and  re‐
export permit formats, revised draft law that includes the suggested improvements; and 
law of plant variety protection rights.   

Agriculture is the main stay of Ethiopian economy, having a lion’s share in contributing to the 
national  GDP.  The  current  agricultural  policy  framework  of  the  country,  which  is  known  as 
“Agricultural  Development  Led  Industrialization  (ADLI)'',  sets  out  agriculture  as  a  primary 
stimulus  to  generate  increased  output,  employment  and  income  for  the  people.  Moreover, 
agriculture  is  serving  as  a  springboard  for  the  development  of  other  economic  sectors  of  the 
country (Keeley and Scoones, 2000). 

Transformation of the agricultural sector in the country was started in the mid of 1990s after 
the formulation of a development strategy centered on agriculture, ADLI. Since then, the sector 
is leading the overall economic development of the country, and eventually will transform the 
economic setup to industrialization. The strategy emphasizes on promoting a green revolution 
in the country through the intensification of smallholder agriculture as best approach to achieve 
the transformation.  

The  sector,  however,  is  still  characterized  largely  by  small‐scale  subsistence  farming  and  low 
productivity. This low productivity is detrimental to the economic development and growth of 
the  country.  Low  productivity  is  purely  due  to  limited  use  of  improved  seeds  and  associated 
technologies. Cognizant of this scenario, the Government of Ethiopia has put great emphasis on 
increasing the production and productivity of small‐scale farmers.  

Seed  is  a  key  input  for  improving  crop  production  and  productivity.  Increasing  the  quality  of 
seeds  can  increase  the  yield  potential  of  the  crop  by  significant  folds  and  thus,  is  one  of  the 
most economical and efficient inputs to agricultural development (FAO, 2006). Generation and 
transfer of new technologies are critical prerequisites for agricultural development particularly 
for an agrarian based economy such as Ethiopia. Seed, especially that of improved varieties, is 
an  essential  input  for  increasing  crop  productivity.  This  suggests  the  need  to  place  much 
emphasis on sustainable and efficient seed production systems.  

In  Ethiopia,  different  seed  production  systems  exist  parallel  to  one  another:  informal  seed 
systems,  community‐based  seed  systems,  formal  seed  systems  (government  supported)  and 
commercial seed systems. The informal seed systems (self‐saved seed or farmer‐to‐farmer seed 
exchange) accounts for 80‐90% of the seed used by smallholder farmers (Zewdie, et al, 2008).  

In  the  formal  system,  the  role  of  Ministry  of  Agriculture  and  Rural  Development  (MoARD), 
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Ethiopian Seed Enterprise (ESE) and Regional 
Seed Enterprises (Oromiya Seed Enterprise, Amhara Seed Enterprise and Southern Region Seed 
Enterprise)  are  crucial  in  breeding,  releasing  varieties,  production  of  breeder,  pre‐basic  and 
basic  seeds.  In  the  multiplication  of  certified  seed,  the  private  sector  (cooperatives/union, 
NGOs, etc.) can increasingly play a great role. 

The emergence of the seed regulations was a response to evolution of technical and economic 
changes  in  the  seed  industry  usually  prompted  by  the  desire  of  the  society  for  government 
intervention  (Tripp,  1997b).  The  structural  changes  to  traditional  agriculture  brought  by  new 
crop  improvement  techniques  and  the  arrangements  for  seed  production  and  marketing 
required  new  institutions  to  regulate  the  industry.  The  regulations  of  particular  relevance  to 
seed systems are: (a) variety regulation for testing, release and registration; (b) seed regulation 
prescribing  field  and  seed  standards  for  certification;  (c)  plant  variety  protection  to  protect 
breeders  of  new  varieties;  (d)  seed  trade  regulation  setting  specifications  for  seed  import  or 
export; and (e) quarantine regulation for exclusion of exotic pests (insects, diseases and weeds).  

The Ethiopian government has favorable policy for agricultural research and fully supports the 
research  system  by  allocating  appropriate  resources.  As  a  result,  the  country's  agricultural 
research  system  has  developed  and  released  about  600  varieties  of  50  different  crops  since 
1966.  However,  the  ESE  has  only  been  able  to  produce  111  different  varieties  of  just  26 
different crops in 2009/10 cropping season 

MoARD  is  an  umbrella  organization  which  coordinates  and  leads  the  various  activities  of  the 
seed industry. The main tasks of MoARD’s various departments include the national seed policy, 
variety  registration  and  release,  seed  import/export,  seed  certification,  quarantine  and 
extension.  Previously,  the  responsibility  for  official  seed  quality  control  and  certification  was 
given  to  the  now  defunct  National  Seed  Industry  Agency  (NSIA).  To  date,  it  is  handled  by  the 
Agricultural  Inputs  Quality  Control  Department  of  MoARD,  which  is  now  being  restructured. 
BoARDs  in  regional  states  and  (Farmers  cooperative  Unions  (FCUs)  play  a  vital  role  in  seed 
distribution while credit is offered by various financial institutions through FCUs. 

The Ethiopian Seed Enterprise is the only public seed enterprise responsible for production of 
seed for all crops (cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables and forage), although its seed production is 
dominated  by  cereals,  especially  maize  and  wheat.  It  produces,  processes,  distributes,  and 
markets  improved  seed  based  on  the  official  demand  projection  of  the  regional  bureaus  of 

The  policy/regulatory  environment,  the  availability  of  relevant  agricultural  technology,  the 
support institutions and the socio‐economic factors have a profound effect on the development 
of  the  national  seed  industry  (Louwaars,  2002;  Turner  and  Bishaw,  2000;  Almekinders  and 
Louwaars,  1999).  The  interactions  between  these  factors  determine  the  extent  of  the 
functioning of the formal and informal seed sector operations. The national seed policy should 
be  viewed  within  the  framework  of  government  policy  to  ensure  the  development  of  the 
agricultural sector in general and the seed sector in particular.  

In  the  past  seed  laws  and  regulations  were  prepared  and  implemented  with  specific  national 
interests  and  with  no  or  little  regional  interactions.  Most  national  seed  laws,  however,  are 
replicas  of  each  other  (Louwaars,  2002;  1996)  with  little  national  flavor.  To  date,  with  the 
increasing  globalization  of  seed  trade  the  existence  of  unrealistic  and  inflexible  national 
regulations become a serious impediment for regional integration.  

This paper, is therefore, aimed at assessing the current seed systems operating in the country 
and  reviewing  initiatives  in  the  area,  documenting  best  approaches  and  also  assessing  the 
variety release procedures and regulations at national levels to come up with recommendations 
that could help for regional harmonization . 

The  study  involved  a  review,  analysis  of  relevant  documents  from  available  literatures  and 
guided  discussions  and  interviews  with  different  stakeholders  from  Federal  and  regional 
governmental  bodies.  The  study  examined  the  current  seed  situations,  identified  issues  and 
factors  and  made  recommendations  on  issues  procedures  and  regulations  for  variety  release 
and registration varieties, transfer, acquisition, multiplication, dissemination and trade of seeds. 

3. Performance of Ethiopian Agriculture 
In  Ethiopia,  84%  of  the  estimated  78  million  people  live  in  rural  areas  are  depending  on 
agriculture  for  their  livelihoods.  The  sector  contributes  41.4%  of  the  GDP  of  the  country.  The 
average  cereal  yields  are  low  at  1,244kg/ha  (World  Bank,  2006).  Despite  the  importance  of 
agriculture  in  its  economy,  Ethiopia  has  been  a  food  deficit  country  since  the  early  1970s.  A 
close  look  at  the  performance  of  the  Ethiopian  agriculture  reveals  that  over  the  last  three 
decades it has been unable to produce sufficient quantity to feed the country’s rapidly growing 
human  population.  Even  worse,  the  country  has  experienced  recurrent  droughts  that  claimed 
the lives of several thousands of people. It is note worthy that food aid has been accounting for 
a significant proportion of the total food supply in the country. For instance, Ethiopia received 
726,640 metric tons of food aid yearly over the 1985‐2000 periods (FDRE, 2002). This is equal to 
about 10% of the national food grain production. 

There  fore,  the  current  main  goal  of  the  Government  of  Ethiopia’s  ADLI  strategy  was  to  raise 
crop  yields  through  a  centralized  and  aggressive  extension‐based  push  focusing  on 
technological  packages  that  combined  credit,  fertilizers,  improved  seeds  and  better 
management practices. 
Policy makers assumed that significant productivity growth could be easily achieved by 
improving  farmers’  access  to  technologies  which  would  narrow  the  gap  between 
farmers’ yield and what agronomists called ‘exploitable yield potential’. Researchers also 
reported  the  existence  of  technologies  that  can  make  a  huge  difference  and  shift 
upwards  farmers’  yield  frontier  in  grain  production.  Based  on  six  years  average  data, 
researchers  indicated  that  maize  yield,  for  instance,  can  be  increased  from  current 
farmers’ yield level of 1.6 ton/ha to 4.7 ton/ha, and wheat from 1.1 ton/ha to 2.8 ton/ha 
and  tef  from  0.7  ton/ha  to  1.5  ton/ha,  if  peasants  use  the  right  type  and  amount  of 
improved  seed  varieties,  fertilizers  and  other  recommended  practices  (Berhane  et  al., 

In the recent years, agricultural GDP grew at levels close to double figure, a pattern that 
appears to be confirmed by looking at cereal production growth. Based on the data from 
Central  Statistics  Authority  (CSA),  cereal  production  in  the  period  2005/06  to  2009/10 
was increased by more than 4% per year. The yields and area cultivated increased at a 
rate of 2.5% and 2% per year, respectively. The largest increases in all dimensions were 
in tef, wheat and sorghum (Table 1).  
In  the  same  way,  the  demand  and  use  of  inputs  by  smallholder  farmers  have  been 
increased tremendously. The supply of inorganic fertilizer (DAP and Urea) was increased 
from 375,717 metric tones in 2006 to 826,564 in 2010. About 826,564 tones of fertilizers 
have been Supplied in 2010, which is about 40 percent more than the volume imported 
in 2009. At the same time, the amount of fertilizers (DAP and urea) supplied to regional 
states were increased from 375,717 tones in 2005/06 to 595,261 tones in 2009/10.   
According  to  CSA  (2010)  data,  fertilizer  was  applied  on  4,734,474  ha  of  land  which  is 
39.38% of the total area cultivated in 2009/10 cropping season. From the above figure, 
one  can  understand  that  the  reason  why  farmers  couldn't  buy  all  amount  of  fertilizer 
imported  may  be  associated  with  little  working  capital,  uncertain  access  to  credit  and 
often cannot afford the cost of improved seed and the fertilizer.  Hence, most farmers 
use less amount of fertilizer per hectare than the recommended rate, thereby reducing 
yield potential of different crops. 
Table 1.  Area covered (ha), Crop production (Q) and crop productivity (Q/ha) during the five 
years (2005/06 to 2009/10) for Cereals, Pulses and Oil crops 
Crops  Description  2005/06  2006/07  2007/08  2008/9  2009/10 
Cereals  Area  8,463,615  8,730,001  9,019,054  8,770,117  9,233,024 
Production  128,660,941  137,169,908  146,800,700  144,964,059  155,342,280 
Ave. productivity  15.2  15.71  16.28  16.61  17.00 

Pulses  Area  1,228,564  1,344,091  1,446,730  1,391,731  1,328,618 

Production  13,661,202  15,806,944  17,445,197  17,452,634  16,451,467 
Ave. productivity  11.12  11.76  12.06  13.04  10.72 

Oil crops  Area  740922  707059  875855  855147.41  780915.89 

Production  4968294  5406849  7454594  6557044  6436144 
Ave. productivity  6.71  7.65  8.51  8.96  9.81 

Source CSA, 2006‐2010 
Table 2.  Area (ha), production (q) and productivity (q/ha) of Cereal crops (2005/06 to 
Crop  Description  2005/06  2006/07  2007/08  2008/9  2009/10  growth 
rate (%) 
Area  2,404,674  2,565,155 2,542,125 2,481,333  2,588,661 1.53
Tef  Production  24,377,495  29,929,235 31,342,437 30,280,181  31,793,743 6.08
Productivity  10.14  11.67 12.33 12.20  12.28  4.22
Area  1,019,314  984,943 950,047 977,757  1,129,112 2.15
Barley  Production  13,521,480  13,548,071 13,436,233 15,194,042  17,504,436 5.89
Productivity  13.27  13.76 14.14 15.54  15.5  3.36
Area  1,473,917  1,424,719 1,509,110 1,453,817  1,683,565 2.84
Wheat  Production  24,630,639  23,144,885 26,877,417 25,376,398  30,756,436 4.97
Productivity  16.71  16.25 17.81 17.46  18.27  1.87
Area  1,694,522  1,767,389 1,977,111 1,768,122  1,772,253 0.92
Maize  Production  37,764,397  37,497,491 41,485,050 39,325,217  38,971,631 0.64
Productivity  22.29  21.22 20.98 22.24  21.99  ‐0.27
Area  1,464,318  1,533,537 1,571,213 1,615,297  1,618,677 2.11
Sorghum  Production  23,160,409  26,591,292 26,335,118 28,043,510  29,712,655 5.66
Productivity  15.82  17.34 16.76 17.36  18.36  3.21
Area  374,072  399,268 406,592 408,099  368,999 ‐0.27
Production  4,844,089  5,379,915 5,999,629 5,603,045  5,241,911 1.64
Productivity  12.95  13.47 14.76 13.73  14.21  1.95
Area  32,798  30,556 30,171 30,605  24,018  ‐5.35
Oats  Production  362,432  365,858 380,815 427,729  330,191 ‐1.78
Productivity  11.05  11.97 12.62 13.98  13.75  4.89
Area  ‐  24,434 32,685 35,088  47,739  23.84
Rice  Production  ‐  713,161 944,001 713,937  1,031,277 11.15
Productivity    29.19 28.88 20.35  21.6  ‐6.50
Area  8,463,615  8,730,001 9,019,054 8,770,117  9,233,024 1.82
Production  128,660,941  137,169,908 146,800,700 144,964,059  155,342,280 4.15
Average  15.20  15.71 16.28 16.61  17.00  2.36

Source CSA, 2006‐2010 
Table 3.  Fertilizer distribution (tones) to the users for the five years  
Year  DAP  Urea  Total 
2006  251,156  124,561  375,717 
2007  259,020  129,121  388,141 
2008  265,768  138,988  404,756 
2009  289,446  158,075  447,521 
2010  394,029  201,232  595,261 
Total  1,459,419  751,977  2,211,396 
Source ESE, 2010 and MoARD personal communication, 2010 
Table 4. Comparison between total amount of fertilizer purchased, supplied    
                 to regions and used by farmers in 2010/11 (tones) 
Fertizer  DAP  UREA  Total  Share of used fert. vs 
purchased and supplied
Leftover from last season  204,412.0  96,874.0  301,286.0   
Purchase  324,792.3  200,485.4  525,277.7   
Total Supply  529,204.3  297,359.4  826,563.7   
Purchased Vs. Used by farmers  337,950.3  177,224.27 515,174.52  62.33 
Transported  to Region  Vs. Total  394,028.56 201,232.05 595,260.61  86.55 
 Source MoARD, 2010 
4. Seed system in Ethiopia
Seed system in Ethiopia represents the entire complex organizational, institutional and 
individual  operations  associated  with  the  development,  multiplication,  processing, 
storage,  distribution  and  marketing  of  seed  in  the  country.  Farmers,  particularly  small 
holder ones, are involved in multiple kinds of seed systems, which can guarantee them 
in obtaining the quantity and quality of seeds they need and to market their produce. 

Seed systems in Ethiopia can be divided into two broad types: the formal system and the 
informal system (sometimes called local or farmers system). Both systems are operating 
simultaneously  in  the  country  and  difficult  to  demarcate  between  the  two.  There  is 
however, a fact that the formal system is the original source of improved seeds in the 
informal  system.  There  is  also  a  system  that  interact  the  two  systems  referred  to  as 
integrated  seed  system.  Other  forms  of  seed  systems  operating  in  both  systems  also 
exist  such  as  Community‐Based  Seed  System  (CBSS).  Though  not  well  developed,  few 
commercial seed systems are also operating in the country.  

4.1. Informal Seed System 

The  informal  seed  system,  also  known  as  local  system  or  sometimes  as  "farmers"  system,  is 
called  informal  because  it  operates  under  non‐law  regulated  and  characterized  by  farmer‐to‐
farmer  seed  exchange.  According  to  Cromwell,  Friis‐Hansen,  and  Turner  (1992),  five  key 
features  distinguish  the  informal  from  the  formal  system.  These  are,  the  informal  system  is  
traditional,  semi‐structured,  operate  at  the  individual  community  level,  uses  a  wide  range  of 
exchange  mechanisms,  and  usually  deal  with  small  quantities  of  seeds  often  demanded  by 

In the context of some countries like Ethiopia, the informal system is extremely important for 
seed  security.  In  Ethiopia,  the  bulk  of  seed  supply  is  provided  through  the  informal  system, 
implying  its  importance  in  national  seed  security.  About  60‐70%  of  seed  used  by  Ethiopian 
smallholder farmers is saved on‐farm and exchanged among farmers, and the remaining 20‐30% 
is borrowed or purchased locally. The informal seed system (either self‐saved seed or farmer‐
to‐farmer  seed  exchange)  accounts  for  90%  of  the  seed  used  by  smallholder  farmers  (Belay, 
2004), while the share of improved seed is less than 10% (Table).  
The majority of Ethiopian farmers show a tendency of depending on the informal system due to 
the following key reasons: 
1. It  is  relatively  cheaper  and  readily  available  in  the  farmer’s  villages  just  at  the  time  of 
seed is needed.  
2. It allows use of seeds after testing on primary adopter farmers.  
3. It is more reliable and its sustainability is more guaranteed than the formal system. 

Ethiopian farmers have a long tradition of settled agriculture contributing to the evolution and 
maintenance  of  the  country’s  rich  agro‐biodiversity,  and  to  a  well  entrenched  informal  seed 
system. Farmers use centuries‐old strategies, including the improvement of farmer‐saved seeds, 
farmer‐to‐farmer seed exchange, and farmer‐managed seed production (Zewde, B. et al. 2007). 
Farmers have rich experience in seed and varietal selection, seed preservation and protection, 
biological resources conservation through cultivation, local knowledge related with local crops 
and varieties.  

As depicted in Table 1, on average more than 12 million hectare of land are cultivated by the 
major  food  crops  over  the  last  five  years  (2005‐2010).  These  are:  cereals,  legumes,  oilseeds, 
root  crops  and  horticultural  crops.  In  2009/10  cropping  season,  out  of  10,979,645  hectares 
(84.75%) were covered by local seeds (Table 2). More over, about 71.3% of the total cultivated 
area is covered by major cereals: tef, maize, barley, wheat and sorghum, followed by legumes 
(11.5%) and oil seeds (6%). In the same cropping season, the annual area coverage of tef, maize, 
sorghum, wheat and barley are 2.59, 1.77, 1.62, 1.68, 1.13 million hectares, respectively. Major 
pulses (faba bean, field peas, Haricot beans, chickpea, grass pea and lentil) occupy 14.9 million 
hectares,  and  oilseed  crops:  niger  seed,  linseed,  rapeseed,  peanut,  sunflower,  sesame  and 
castor bean is about 0.78 million hectares (Table 1).
Table 1. Area cultivated (ha) by major crops over the last five years (2005/06-2009/10)

Cropping season

Crop category 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10

Cereals 8,072,561 8,463,080 8,730,001 8,770,118 9,233,025

Pulses 1,292,063 1,378,939 1,517,662 1,585,236 1,489,308
Oil crops 796,397 740,847 707,059 855,147 780,916
Vegetables 117,578 95,194 119,091 162,125 138,393
Root crops 168,836 188,917 184,329 145,742 212,208
Other temporary 77,554 97,677 84,977 69,103 63,418
Permanent crops 767,582 823,121 1,039,313 906,518 53,086

Total 11,292,572 11,787,775 12,382,434 12,493,989 12,954,749

Source: CSA, 2006-2010

Table 2. Area covered (ha) by local (informal) seeds over the last five years (2005/06- 2009/10)

Cropping season

Crop 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10

Cereals 7,636,935 8,127,710 8,309,899 8,333,097 7,660,560

Pulses 1,283,564 1,373,914 1,509,394 1,568,457 1,358,379
Oil crops 790,471 736,791 702,518 851,626 706,361
Vegetables 116,298 94,636 118,026 159,626 122,832
Root crops 167,189 186,804 180,624 143,761 183,254
Other annuals 77,000 97,575 83,041 68,048 56,431
Permanent 750,353 810,364 1,023,591 885,427 48,927
Total 11,292,572 11,787,775 12,382,434 12,493,989 12,954,749
Source: CSA, 2006-2010

4.2. Formal Seed System

The formal seed system is called formal because it is government supported system and several
public institutions are involved on it. The major actors of the formal system are: National
Agricultural Research Systems (NARS), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
(MoARD), Ethiopian Seed Enterprise (ESE) and private seed companies specializing on specific
crops like Pioneer. Recently, regional seed enterprises (RSE) were also established as public seed
enterprises (such as Oromiya Seed Enterprise-OSE, Amhara Seed Enterprise-ASE and Southern
Region Seed Enterprise-SRSE) and entered into the formal system. All actors have inter-
dependent roles in the system and inefficiency of one actor will automatically affect negatively
the performances of the rest of the actors. NARS (EIAR & RARIs) is responsible for variety
development and supply of initial seed, and ESE and RSEs are playing key roles in mass
production of improved seeds. MoARD is also involved in variety release, multiplication,
certification and distribution of seeds in the country. Private seed growers and other farmer
institutions such as unions and cooperatives are also playing key roles in multiplication,
certification and distribution of different classes of seeds. Legal institutions such as variety
release procedures, intellectual property rights, certification programs, seed standards, contract
laws, and law enforcement are also an important component of the formal seed system of any
country. They help determine the quantity, quality, and cost of seeds passing through the seed
system (Maredia, et al., 1999).

The Ethiopian government has favorable policy for agricultural research and is fully supporting
the research system by allocating appropriate resources. Therefore, the country's agricultural
research system has developed and released more than 664 varieties of 50 different crop types
(MoARD, 2010; Personal communications). ESE has only been able to produce 111 different
seeds of just 26 different crop varieties in 2009 cropping season. Seed multiplication by ESE
focused mainly on two cereal crops (wheat and maize) and annual supply of certified seed by the
enterprise doesn’t exceed 20,000 tons (Marja H. et al., 2008). Wheat and hybrid maize constitute
about 85% of the total output.

The total area covered by improved seeds in 2009/10 (2002 E.C) cropping season was about
364,154 hectares. In the same season, the largest volume of improved seeds used was that of
maize and wheat, which amounted to about 5,720 and 4,690 tons, which has covered the largest
area under improved seeds cultivation estimated to be about 210,000 and 38,000 hectares,
respectively (Table 3).
Table 3. Area covered (ha) by improved seeds (formal) during 2005/06 to 2009/10

Cropping season

Crops 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10

Cereals 429,536 335,369 412,629 430,937 322,819

Pulses 5,224 5,025 6,309 14,918 12,912
Oil crops 1,833 4,056 2,273 2,328 9,139
Vegetables 779 559 501 1,899 2,788
Root crops 813 2,114 2,251 799 3,721
Other annuals 70 102 - - -
Permanent 9,681 11,742 5,828 13,120 9,852
Total 449,186 359,937 432,107 465,809 364,154

4.3. Integrated Seed System

The line between the formal and informal seed sectors can become somewhat blurred, as seeds of
improved varieties can be saved by farmers and eventually considered as “local variety” or “local
seed” after some years of usage. In addition, in Ethiopia there have been attempts made by the
government and NGOs to promote quality seed production and distribution through market
channels for landrace varieties, although until now the volume they represent is quite small
(Lipper et al.,2005). Thus, the formal and local seed systems are not always as distinct or
separated as the two labels may imply something to integrate and synergize both systems.
5. Seed Legislation in Ethiopia 
Seed  legislation  is  a  regulatory  mechanism  put  in  place  to  protect  the  farmer  from 
purchasing  seed  of  dubious  quality.  In  general,  the  objective  of  seed  legislation  is  to 
regulate seed commerce including variety certification and variety protection.  
In  countries  where  there  is  a  fairly  well  developed  seed  inspection  and  certification 
service, the regulatory authority is vested to an autonomous or semiautonomous agency 
away  from  the  main  seed  producer  players  (Marco  A.  Quiñónes,  2010).  This  agency 
carries out control of all processes of seed inspection and certification and has authority 
to  enforce  seed  laws  and  regulations.  It  is  answerable  directly  to  the  Ministry  of 
Ethiopia has recently reviewed her seed legislation and is in the process of issuing a seed 
proclamation. However, there is not perfect seed legislation anywhere in the world and 
the laws and regulations may need to be frequently amended in response to changing 
circumstances.  Even  sometimes  the  seed  legislation  may  need  to  be  temporarily 
suspended as in times of crisis due to drought, floods, disease outbreaks etc. Looking at 
the future, it is recommended that Ethiopia brings her seed legislation and regulations in 
conformity  with  the  International  Seed  Testing  Association  in  order  to  facilitate  seed 
imports and exports of diverse crop cultivars as it may become necessary.  

5.1. Seed inspection and certification 

Successful  seed  program  is  one  which  is  able  to  supply  a  sufficient  quantity  of  high 
quality seed at the required time, at a reasonable cost and at a place where it is needed. 
The  seed  standards  in  Ethiopia  have  been  prepared  under  the  direction  of  the 
agricultural  product  standards  committee  and  published  by  the  Quality  and  Standards 
Authority of Ethiopia. Currently, the Authority revised its seed standards and prepared 
field and seed standards for 174 crops versus the 74 crops standards that were officially 
issued for implementation. 
Ethiopian  Seed  Standards  includes  the  minimum  limits  of  germination,  varietal  purity, 
physical purity and other quality attributes of Certified, Quality Declared and Emergency 
Seed,  or  of  any  other  standard  the  Minster  may  establish  under  article  15  of  the  new 
draft  law.  In  this  system,  the  producer  declares  that  the  seed  meets  the  established 
Quality Declared Seed standards based on internal quality controls, which the regulatory 
authority  later  controls  through  spot  checks.  It  relies  on  the  technical  facilities  and 
competence of seed producers to control quality; as such, it is initially intended to apply 
to large producers.  

Previously, the responsibility for official seed quality control and certification was given 
to  National  Seed  Industry  Agency  (NSIA)  and  later  transferred  to  the Animal  and Plant 
Health Directorate of MoARD.  

To  date,  the  implementation  of  seed  inspection  and  certification  restructured  and 
decentralized  to  Bureaus  of  Agriculture  and  Rural  Development  (BoARDs)  in  regional 
states.  The  management  of  all  10  seed  testing  laboratories  was  also  given  to  regional 
Bureaus  (Ambo  and  Assela  to  Oromiya  Region,  Durbete,  Gondar,  Debre  Markos  and 
Dessie to Amhara Region, Axum and Mekelle to Tigray Region, and Durame, and Wolaita 
to Southern Nation and Nationality Region). The mini seed laboratories and the central 
laboratory  have  a  combined  capacity  to  test  over  30,000  samples  per  year.  With  the 
current seed production trends this limited testing capacity makes it impossible to fulfill 
the requirement that all seed be certified. 
The  Farmers'  cooperative  Unions  (FCUs)  play  a  vital  role  in  seed  and  fertilizer 
distribution  while  credit  is  offered  by  various  financial  institutions  through  FCUs.  The 
FCU’s share in seed supply to small farmers is now growing very rapidly.  
Any  person,  who  wants  to  engage  in  seed  production,  processing,  import,  export  is 
required  by  the  law  to  obtain  a  competence  assurance  certificate  from  the 
MOARD/BoARD,  register  their  fields  for  inspection  and  provide  proof  of  the  parental 
material of the registered variety. 
The new draft law (2010) gives the Regional authority to: 
 coordinate  public  seed  production  and  distribution  at  the  regional  level  among 
regions and with the central public seed producer; 
 issue certificates of competence for seed producers, processors, distributors and 
retailers in accordance with Articles 25 and 26; 
 designate and obtain accreditation for  seed testing laboratories; 
 carry out quality control functions as provided in this Proclamation; and 
 perform other functions within the scope of this article or as agreed between the 
Regional Authorities and the Minister. 

During inspection the authorities consider minimum isolation distance, crop history and 
rotation,  contaminants,  disease  and  health  status.  Seed  samples  are  collected  and 
examined  in  the  laboratory  for  purity,  germination  capacity,  moisture  content  and 
health status (seed‐ borne diseased of seed lots). A seed analysis certificate is issued to 
the seed grower and each bag of certified seeds is labeled according to the standards set 
by former NSIA. Seed Inspectors with the authority to appear at production, processing, 
storage, wholesale and retail sites to inspect seed for its conformity to these standards. 
Certificate holders must make records and samples from laboratory tests of seed quality 
available to Inspectors, and follow any advice the Inspector gives them for improving the 
quality,  before  they  are  allowed  to  sell  their  seed.  Any  prescribed  seed  on  sale  must 
have a label specifying it is Certified, the variety name, and the dates of production and 
The  ESE  operates  a  central  seed  testing  laboratory  at  headquarters  and  five  mini 
laboratories attached to seed processing plants and storage facilities located in different 
regions (Table). ESE has kept its internal seed quality assurance activities even after the 
introduction  of  formal  seed  certification  under  the  MoARD.  The  Regional  Seed 
Enterprises  and  private  seed  growers  are  using  seed  laboratories  of  their  respective 
Region, neighboring regions or ESE laboratories for quality assurance and cleaning and 
labeling their seeds. 
The quality of seed could be tested by sending sample seed to Official Government Seed 
Testing Laboratory. The seed law may allow official testing of seed every year. The seed 
quality  could  be  also  done  in  own‐laboratory  through  proper  sampling  of  seed  and 
following the procedures set by the standard authority 

It  was  observed  that  some  Ethiopian  seed  standards  are  excessively  high,  which  has 
resulted  in  the  rejection  and  destruction  of  good  quality  seed.  It  is  therefore 
recommended  that  standards  be  reviewed  and  revised  as  necessary  to  comply  with 
international standards and otherwise to determine what is appropriate for each variety 
(Draft seed law, 2010).  
Concerning Official laboratories, the draft seed law says 'The Minister shall establish the 
accreditation criteria and testing procedures for all seed testing laboratories in Ethiopia'. 
This  section  takes  into  account  Ethiopia’s  current  seed  testing  capacity  while  still 
requiring the eventual adoption of ISTA procedures. 
In  the  new  draft  law  the  Minister  gives  the  power  to  accredit  and  issue  guidelines, 
procedures  and  standards  for  both  central  and  regional  laboratories  to  promote 
consistent  seed  quality among  regions.  This  will  facilitate  the  inter‐regional  movement 
of seed and otherwise create a coherent seed system in Ethiopia. 
5.1.1. Seed production, demand and supply
Seed security is one of the most important sociological, political, economic and scientific 
challenges in the country. Securing the supply of quality seed and planting materiel of 
the most important food crops is the most effective way to sustain food security. 
In Ethiopia, the seed demand is increasing rapidly due to the agricultural development. 
The  establishment  of  Ethiopian  Seed  Enterprise’s  led  to  advent  of  organized  seed 
production  and  supply  system  in  the  country  and  remained  the  main  supplier  in  the 
formal  sector.  Currently,  government  and  private  seed  enterprises  are  involving  and 
combining their efforts to produce and supply seed to the growers.  
In the country, the supply of improved seeds never fulfilled the need of producers.  But 
for  the  last  two  years  with  the  shift  in  seed  multiplication  strategy,  the  production  of 
improved seeds especially hybrid maize and wheat were considerably improved. 
Table 6.  Demand and supply of  hybrid maize basic seed for five years 
Production year  Demand  Supply  Supply vs. demand (%) 

2006/07  1179  515  43.68 

2007/08  2427  1023  42.15 
2008/09  2224  1145  51.48 
2009/10  2755  1509  54.77 
2010/11  5606.3  6449.8  115.05 
Table 7.  Demand and supply hybrid maize certified seed in Quintals for four years 
Production year  Demand  Supply  Supply vs demand (%) 

2007/08  123777  35244  28.47 

2008/09  143847  86787  60.33 
2009/10  193079  95735  49.58 
2010/11  333249  193123  57.65 
Table 8.  Demand and supply of non‐hybrid certified seed in Quintals for five years 
Production year  Demand  Supply  Supply vs demand (%) 

2006/07  555650  225310  40.55 

2007/08  629422  205680  32.68 
2008/09  841458  246051  29.24 
2009/10  737992  278353  37.71 
2010/11  723588  433049  59.85 
During the last five years, the ESE Produced and distributed its certified seeds through 
the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to the peasant sector. The amount of 
certified  seed  production  was  increased  from  207,459  quintals  in  2005/06  to  543,209 
quintals  in  2009/10.  The  amount  of  seed  distributed  by  ESE  is  shown  in  Table  9.  In 
addition  20,000  quintals  of  hybrid  certified  was  produced  by  Pioneer  Hi‐brid  Seed 
Ethiopia in 2009/10 cropping season.  
In the other hand, Seed sales show fluctuation from year to year and were 86% in 2006 
and 56% in 2010, compared to seed production by ESE.  ESE used to have a problem of 
carry‐over stock, while the majority of farmers are unable to obtain improved seed. This 
problem  was  attributed  to  poor  seed  marketing  (promotion  and  sales  outlets)  for 
reaching the farmer and/or the inabilities of the enterprise to meet the farmers need in 
terms of varietal choice and product quality (Table 10).  

Table 9. Amount of certified seed produced by ESE in Quintals for five years (2006/07‐
Crop  2005/06  2006/07  2007/08  2008/09  2009/10 
Cereals  181,526.28  195,733.60  226,954.11  302,883.37  524,303.24 
Pulse crops  16,783.11  19,771.41  19,689.15  28,407.85  14,847.28 
Oil crops  8,818.68  6,206.26  5,791.77  5,955.07  2,980.58 
Horticultural crops  2.10  29.90  44.69  18.30  29.33 
Spices  ‐  ‐  ‐  ‐  5.55 
Fiber Crops  240.00  ‐  32.58  ‐  1,000.00 
Forage crops  88.95  103.15  ‐  176.14  93.29 
Total  207,459.12  221,844.32  252,512.30  337,440.73  543,259.27 
Source: ESE, 2010 

Table 10. Sales of certified seed produced by ESE in Quintals for five years (2006/07‐
Crop  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010 
Cereals  164,715  138,840  171,905  171,534  293,161 
Pulse crops  12,301  10,061  10,805  10,606  8,235 
Oil crops  1,359  1,242  848  480  331 
Horticultural crops  19  8  45  4  64 
Forage crops  64  63  92  15  5 
Total  178,458  150,214  183,695  182,638  301,795 
     Source: ESE, 2010 
All  the  above  facts  depicted  in  the  tables  indicated  the  official  seed  production  and 
other input statistics distributed to the end‐user during the last five year plan (2005/06 – 
2009/10). Availability and status of seed infrastructure is also highlight in order to assess 
the  capacity  of  the  country  to  implement  requirements  of  seed  certification  that  is 
necessary for the purpose of the harmonization at COMESA level. 

5.1.2. Seed Production Facilities in Ethiopia 
The formal seed sector has built up its seed processing capacity over the past two and a 
half decades. Currently there are quite a number of seed processing facilities in the seed 
sector (Six in ESE, 13 in Oromiya Region, 19 in Amhara Region, 7 in Tigray Region, 13 in 
Southern Peopls and Nationalities Region (SNNP), but most of the processing machines 
found  in  the  four  Regional  states  are  needs  repair.  Concerning  the  seed  testing 
laboratories, ESE has its own 6 laboratories with a capacity of 17500 samples per year. 
At  Federal  MoARD  level  there  is  one  seed  testing  laboratory  with  a  capacity  of  5000 
samples  per  year.  In  addition,  there  are  10  seed  testing  laboratories  found  under  the 
BoARD of four Regional States with a total capacity of 25000 samples per year.  ESE has 
10 storage facilities with a total capacity of 39600 quintals. In addition all three Regional 
Seed Agencies and 33 private seed growers have storage facilities with different amount 
of storage capacities. However, transport facilities are very limited. Most of the facilities 
are  owned  by  the  ESE  but  are  not  located  strategically  for  serving  small  farmers 
throughout  the  country  (Table  11).  Besides  the  ESE,  Pioneer  Hi‐Bred  Seeds  Ethiopia 
owns a seed processing plant with an annual capacity of 6,000 tones and a seed storage 
facility of 2000 tones – both located in Addis Ababa. Moreover, over 40 seed processing 
machines  with  an  over  450,000  tones  seed  processing  capacity  found  in  different 
Regional states. However, only some of the Processing machines are functional. Others 
are either standing idle or needs some spare parts for repair.   
Table 11. Seed processing, storage and laboratory facilities in Ethiopia  
Institute/location  quantity  Seed processing (tons)  Seed testing  Storage 
laboratory  (tons) 
    Per day Seed  (samples   
processed/year tested/year) 
ESE  Seed testing labs. (6)    17,500   
  Seed processing  16‐32  137,952     
machines (6) 
  Storage facilities (10)        39,600 
Sub‐total    137,952  17,500  39,600 
Pioneer  1    6,000    2,000 
Sub‐total    143,952    41,000 
MoARD  Addis Ababa      5,000   
Sub‐total  0  0  5,000  0 
Regional BoARD           
Oromiya  Seed testing labs. (2)      5,000   
Seed processing  2‐30 t  40,880     
machines (13) 
Amhara  Seed testing labs. (4)      10,000   
Seed processing  4‐30 t  46,000     
machines (19) 
Tigray  Seed testing labs. (2)    5,000   
Seed processing  8‐20t  28,835     
machines (7) 
Southern Region  Seed testing labs. (2)      5,000   
Seed processing  8‐30t  64,605     
machines (13) 
Sub‐total    180,320  25,000   
Total    462,224  47,500  41,000 

5.1.3. Existing seed classes  
The  new  varieties,  released  by  private  or  government  must  pass  through  a  series  of 
evaluation, release and registration tests and procedures before farmers can use them. 
Seed  production  of  registered  cultivars  follows  a  generation  system  to  ensure  that  all 
seeds  marketed  to  farmers  should  be  originated  from  a  known  source  (breeder  seed). 
Each  generation  is  produced  under  strict  supervision  and  must  meet  seed  quality 
standards.  Ethiopia  has  adopted  from  Organization  for  Economic  Cooperation  and 
Development (OECD) seed generation scheme which is indicated below: 
 Breeder seed (1st generation) is the initial source of seed and is usually produced by 
the breeder. It is the source for the production of pre‐basic or basic seed. 
 Pre‐basic  seed  (2nd  generation)  is  the  progeny  of  the  breeder  seed  and  is  usually 
produced  under  the  supervision  of  a  breeder  or  his  designated  agency.  This 
generation  is  commonly  used  for  crops  that  have  low  multiplication  ratios  and 
where large quantities of certified seed are required. 
 Basic  seed  (3rd  generation)  is  the  progeny  of  breeder  or  pre‐basic  seed  and  is 
usually produced under the supervision of a breeder or his designated agency and 
under the control of a seed quality control agency. 
 Certified  seed  (4th  generation  and  above)  is  the  progeny  of  basic  seed  and  is 
produced on contract with selected seed growers under the supervision of the seed 
enterprise,  public  or  private.  Certified  seed  can  be  used  to  produce  further 
generations  of  certified  seed  (certified  1,  certified  2,  etc)  or  can  be  planted  by 
farmers for grain production. 

5.1.4. Main Findings and Recommendations 
In  Ethiopia  there  are  favorable  policies  and  incentives  to  attract  and  develop  private 
seed  companies  to  engage  in  the  seed  industry.    However,  needs  more  effort  to 
implement  those  policies  and  strategies.  The  Ministry  of  Agriculture  and  Rural 
Development should enable the private sector to take the lead in production and sale of 
certified  seeds  while  the  public  sector  produces  breeder  pre‐basic  and  basic  seeds.  In 
the  development  and  conservation  of  new  varieties,  seed  inspection  and  certification 
are indispensable processes.  

The new draft law has been revisited and amended to keep up with new developments 
in  the  seed  industry.  A  number  of  articles  were  amended,  particularly  with  regard  to 
seed quality standards, which are very high for some crops. The Seed Law No. 206/2000 
demands conformity with these standards for any commercial seed.  However, it proved 
impossible  to  achieve  such  standards  at  the  current  stage  of  development  in  the  seed 
sector.  This  concern  was  noted  by  the  responsible  agency  but  no  practical  action  has 
been yet taken to improve the situation. 
The establishment of the National Seed Quality Control and Certification Division under 
MoARD and BoARD by itself is not a solution for the current seed quality problem. The 
Ministry should start independent certification agency that could equally serve all seed 
producers and enforce the regulations to build farmers confidence.  
Another major constraint is the inefficiency of the executing agencies. There are serious 
problems in implementation, although the seed sector has now better legal frameworks. 
Repeated  restructuring  of  the  executing  agencies  created  a  gap  and  responsibilities 
shared among various departments of the MoARD, which is now also being reorganized. 
This weak or feeble the enforcement and serious fraudulent practices were reported by 
some  suppliers.  It  is  important  that  the  quality  assurance  is  strengthened  so  as  to 
enforce the seed laws and prevent malpractices which have very serious repercussions 
for the development of agricultural sector. 
Finally harmonization of a Seed Certification System that promotes the use of common 
terminologies, standards, procedures, seals and labels will guarantee the production and 
sale of high quality seed across the region. 
5.2. Variety evaluation, release and registration system 

In  1978,  the  Ethiopian  government  convened  a  National  Seed  Council  to  consider  the 
issue of seed supply. From their recommendations the Ethiopian Seed Corporation was 
founded in 1979 as a state enterprise, run through the Ministry of State Farms, Coffee, 
and  Tea  Development  (Dabi  et  al.,  1998).  In  the  beginning,  there  were  no  clear 
procedures  for  evaluating  which  improved  variety  breeders  had  developed  would  be 
approved  for  multiplication  and  release.  The  National  Crop  Improvement  Committee 
(NCIC), instrumental in founding the ESE, was also important in establishing the National 
Variety  Release  Committees  (NVRCs)  in  1982  (Getinet  Gebeyehu  and  Gebremedhin, 
1999).  Each  major  crop  has  its  own  committee,  though  their  statutory  role  was  not 
legally defined until recently (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, 2000). An NVRC is 
usually chaired by a breeder, and includes agronomists, crop protection specialists and 
social  scientists,  representing  different  institutions  (e.g.  IAR/EARO;  the  Ethiopian 
Biodiversity  Institute50;  ESE;  and  the  Ministry  of  State  Farms,  Coffee,  and  Tea 
Development) (Agrawal and Wolde Mariam, 1995). 
In Ethiopia, two steps are involved in the release of a new variety or a hybrid developed 
by a breeder. These are ‐ testing the new improved variety, and registering and releasing 
the  variety and  both  steps  are  undertaken  by  the  National  Variety Release  Committee 
(NVRC)  Hence,  the  NVRC  is  mandated  with  the  task  of  being  involved  with  both  the 
testing and release of varieties and hybrids. 
The Committee is composed of breeders (4), agronomists (1), crop protection specialists 
(2),  research/extension  (1)  and  socioeconomists  (1)  representing  different  research 
institution and user organizations.  The membership includes the EARI, Institute of Bio‐
divesity Conservation and Research (IBCR), Awassa College of Agriculture, MoARD, The 
functions  of  the  NVRC  are  to  make  decisions  on  variety  release  and  related 
issues,undertake  periodic  reviews  and  approve  recommendations  for  enhancing  the 
system in the country. It develops guidelines and issues important formats to breeders. 
The  NVRC  also  compiles  the  national  variety  list  and  prepares  a  register  book  on  all 
released crop varieties in the country. 
It is headed by a chairperson elected from among the members and an official from the 
Ministry  of  Agriculture  and  Rural  Development  serve  as  its  permanent  secretary.  The 
members of the committee hold office for 3 years but the chairperson and one member 
of the committee serve for 4 years to ensure the smooth transfer of activities to the new 
committee.  The  Animal  Health  and  Phytosanitory  proces  serves  as  the  secretariat  of 
Before a candidate variety is submitted to the NVRC, it must have had at least two years 
of  regional  or  national  trials  on‐station  at  three  to  five  locations,  and  a  one  year 
‘verification trial’ on‐farm, to demonstrate yield, disease‐resistance, or “other important 
characteristics” (Dabi et al., 1998: 2). Once the NVRC has received this data, it elects a 
technical sub‐committee to oversee a further verification trial, evaluating performance 
on a 10x10m plot on‐station and two on‐farms. The committee assessing Plant height, 
days  to  maturity,  resistance  to  pests  and  other  performance  data  that  matches  with 
breeders data. This is to ensure that the variety meets DUS criteria for stability, as well 
as for uniformity. The subcommittee also interviews the breeder in detail, particularly on 
agronomy,  and  solicits  the  farmer’s  views  on  performance  relative  to  both  a  standard 
(improved variety) and a local (Farmer's Variety) check, usually grown on adjacent plots. 
On  the  basis  of  these  assessments,  the  sub‐committee  submits  a  report  to  the  NVRC 
with their recommendation or otherwise for release.  
The  Crops  included  in  the  variety  evaluation,  release  and  registration  system/process 
 cereals  (Wheat,  maize  both  hybrids  and  OPVs,  barley,  oats,  sorghum  both 
hybrids and OPVs, tef, rice, sunflower, mustard, linseed, rapeseed, noug, sesame, 
ground nut, faba bean, field pea,  chickpea, lentil, haricot bean, soy bean vetch)   
 Fiber Crops (Cotton, Sisal) 
 Horticultural crops Vegetable, Roots and Tubers, and Enset (Capsicum, egg plant, 
Tomato, Leek, Onion, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Spinach, Swiss chard,  Green 
beans,    Melon,  Beat  root,  Carrot,  Cassava,  Sweet  potato,  Potato,  Taro,  Yam, 
Garlic, Shallot, Ginger, Turmeric, Cardamom (true), Cardamom (false), and Black 
 Perennial crops (fruits ‐Citrus, Mango and Avocado, coffee, Enset, and tea, Straw 
berry, etc.). (See  Annex for the number of released varieties in the country) 
Today  many  irrigated  and  rain  fed  horticultural  crop  varieties  are  developed  both  for 
local and export market and are ready for release. However, the existing guideline does 
not encompass these crops. Therefore, to promote stability, uniformity and distinctness 
of  horticultural  crops  and  thereby  strengthen  their  development  program,  these 
releases  a  comprehensive  guideline  should  be  prepared  based  on  the  existing  release 
guideline.  (See  the  National  variety  Release  policy  and  Mechanism  document  in  the 

5.2.1. Conditions for Harmonizing Seed Laws and Regulations across 
In  the  past  seed  laws  and  regulations  were  prepared  and  implemented  with  specific 
national  interests  and  with  no  or  little  regional  interactions.  Most  national  seed  laws, 
however, are replicas of each other (Louwaars, 2002; 1996) with little national flavor. To 
date,  with  the  increasing  globalization  of  seed  trade  the  existence  of  unrealistic  and 
inflexible  national  regulations  become  a  serious  impediment  for  regional  integration. 
Given broadly similar agro‐ecology, production environments, and crops at the regional 
level  there  are  opportunities  for  countries  to  pursue  a  more  integrated  regional 
approach  to  the  development  of  the  seed  sector.  Such  harmonized  regulations  and 
technical  procedures  would  facilitate  the  movement  of  varieties  and  seeds  across 
boundaries creating a regionally unified market and attract investment from the private 
sector (Zewdie, 2004).  
In Ethiopia, the huge volume and the rapid growth in production and demand present 
has a unique opportunity for the development of seed sector and trade in varieties and 
planting  materials.  This  process  could  be  achieved  through  a  rapid  movement  of 
improved  planting  materials.  This  would  require  uniform  and  harmonized  policies, 
regulations  and,  procedures  for  the  development,  release,  multiplication,  transfer  and 
exchange of improved planting materials and commodities. 
Therefore, the Ethiopian draft seed laws and regulations were reviewed and prepared in 
relation  to  the  country's  expressed  priorities,  circumstances  and  needs  and  based  on 
International standards. However, it should be necessary to check whether it complies 
with the regional laws and regulations. 

5.2.2. Main Findings and Recommendations 
The variety evaluation and release process i.e. the time from breeders making a cross to 
the improved variety being released and multiplied could take as long as 14 years. The 
current  official  goal  of  the  government  is  to  streamline  the  process,  and  drastically 
reduce delays in variety testing and release Therefore; this process is currently revised 
by EIAR in the Institute's Business Process Engineering (BPR) study and shortened to 8‐
11 years. The other option for shortening the time of variety testing and release could 
be the use of irrigation, so that variety testing could perform twice in a year. 
The  participation  of  some  institutions  in  the  NVRC  was  inadequate,  and  that  late 
reporting of evaluations (and poor attendance by committee members) delayed variety 
release are the common problems. These issues have already been considered the new 
draft law article 6.  
Policies  for  variety  identity  control  (DUS)  are  perhaps  most  relevant  for  crops  that  are 
exported, or where there is an active seed market, such as for F1 hybrid seeds. For the 
horticultural  sector,  where  most  seeds  are  imported,  quality  control  clearly  needs  to 
improve,  since  distributors  sell  impure  or  expired  seed,  which  strongly  impacts  on  the 
value of the harvest to farmers 
The released variety seed that was multiplied should be distributed through institutional 
channels  according  to  administrative  decisions,  rather  than  through  a  distribution 
network  in  response  to  farmers’  expressions  of  seed  needs.  The  lack  of  a  system  to 
monitor  the  status  of  released  varieties  has  hindered  the feedback  on  performance  of 
released  varieties.  Such  feedback  is  useful  for  lesson‐learning  and  improvement  in  the 
quality of new varieties to be developed. Furthermore, variations, incompleteness and 
sometimes absence of agronomic and morphological descriptors have often delayed the 
release of candidate varieties. 
Shortages of personnel and low standard office facility have affected the efficiency and 
effectiveness of the NVRC to accomplish its duties and responsibilities. In addition, the 
assignment  of  a  variety  developer  to  act  as  evaluator  and  also  decision  maker  on  a 
variety has raised concern over a conflict of interest. 
A strong variety release mechanism is a basis in the supply of an adequate quantity of 
quality seed required for production. Therefore, strengthening the NVR office, and the 
establishment of an independent body ( as mentioned in the draft law article No. 6) and 
incentive(allowance  or  other  remuneration)  in  short  and  long  terms  should  get  due 
attention by the Government. 

5.3. Phytosanitary measures

Seed  production  has  to  comply  with  numerous  regulation  and  standards  in  order  to 
access export markets. Such regulations and standards cover such broad areas as human 
and environmental heath, plant health, introduction of alien species, worker welfare and 
consumer  tastes  (Zewdie,2004).  These  regulations  are  enforced  through  a  number  of 
bilateral  and  multilateral  mechanisms  and  arrangements  between  and  among  trading 
partners,  for  example,  the  World  Trade  Organization  (WTO).  The  fundamental 
requirement  of  WTO’s  regulation  is  to  ensure  that  agricultural  products  are  safe  and 
pose no risk to human, animal and plant health. 
WTO’s  Sanitary  and  phyto‐sanitrary  (SPS)  agreement  has  two  main  objectives:  to 
recognize the sovereign right of members to provide the level of health protection they 
deem appropriate and ensure that SPS measures do not present unnecessary, arbitrary, 
scientifically unjustifiable or disguised restrictions on international trade. SPS measures 
refer  to  the  actions  taken  to  protect  (a)  human  life  from  plant  or  animal‐carried 
diseases,  (b)  animal  or  plant  life  from  pest,  diseases  or  disease‐causing  organisms,  (c) 
human  and  animal  life  from  risks  arising  from  additives,  contaminants,  toxins  or 
diseases‐causing  organisms  in  their  seeds,  food,  beverages  or  feedstuffs;  and  (d)  a 
country from damage caused by entry, establishment or spread of pests.  
These  measures  allow  countries  to  set  their  own  seed  or  food  safety  and  animal  and 
plant health standards and regulations based on science and encourage members to use 
international standards, guidelines and recommendations where such exist.  

In Ethiopia, in 1992, a revised Plant Quarantine Regulation No. 4/1992 was issued based 
upon the Plant Protection Decree No.56/1971. All imported plants and materials, which 
are liable to be infested or infected with plant pests, are subjected to plant quarantine 
checks.  The  regulation  restricts  the  importation  of  some  plants,  plant  products  and 
other articles without import permit duly issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural 
Development.  It  positively  contributes  to  MoARD's  regulatory  function  on  seed  import 
and/or export in checking the seed health and issuing the phyto‐sanitary certificates. 

A  Seed  Import  Permit  must  be  obtained  from  the  Animal  and  Plant  health  Regulatory 
Directorate of the MoARD before importing seed into the country. The permit specifies 
the  requirements  for  plant  health,  indicating  prohibitions,  packaging,  conditions  for 
release  at  the  point  of  entry,  and  any  other  additional  declaration  with  regard  to  pre‐
shipment  treatments.  Any  seed  consignment  arriving  in  the  country  must  be 
accompanied by a copy of the Import Permit together with a “Phytosanitary Certificate” 
which  verifies  that  a  competent  authority,  preferably  internationally  accredited  in  the 
exporting country has examined the plant material for pests prior to leaving the country 
and that the materials meets the importing country’s own phytosanitary requirements. 
Without  a  phytosanitary  certificate  plant  material  is  not  allowed  entry  and  may  be 
destroyed or reshipped at the owner's cost.  
5.3.1. Main Findings and Recommendations 
Phytosanitary Services (PS), often State provided, are expected to diagnose pests found 
on  plant  materials  at  the  point  of  entry,  diagnose  plant  pest  problems  on  samples 
brought by farmers and identify pathogens and pests causing plant damage. They should 
also be able to provide advice on disease and pest management strategies.  

As a measure to minimize the introduction and spread of diseases and pests within the 
region  strict  quarantine  measures  are  required  and  movement  of  vegetative  planting 
materials  must  be  through  disease‐free  tissue  culture  materials.  In  the  current 
conditions, Ethiopia can not meet the requirement because of lack of capacity in tissue 
culture  and  quarantine  services.  In  addition,  Governments  of  the  EAC  through  their 
relevant institutions should develop/ strengthen capacity in pest risk analysis, detection, 
identification  and  elimination  from  plant  samples  targeting  all  diseases  and  pests  that 
are of potential threat to the country. The institutions should develop a list of common 
pest  and  disease  risks  from  each  country  in  the  region,  establish  and  effectively 
implement standards and procedures for detecting; identifying and eliminating the pests 
and  diseases  in  plant  materials  should  they  be  detected.  Finally,  from  EACs  the  ISTA 
accreditation is limited only to Kenya but in other neighboring countries facilities should 
be accredited in shortest time in order to fasten the harmonization process.  
5.4.Plant Variety Protection (Intellectual Property Rights) 

Ethiopia  has  been  an  active  sympathizer  of  farmers’  rights  ever  since  the  mid‐1980s 
when  the  concept  of  farmers’  rights  began  to  emerge.  Since  then,  it  has  played  a 
significant role in all the negotiation processes related to farmers’ rights and access to 
genetic resources. Important progress has been made in developing policy frameworks 
to address the rights of communities, farmers and breeders at national level. However, 
the pace toward implementing farmers’ fights has not been as significant as the role that 
Ethiopia has played at the regional and global levels. (Regassa Feyissa, 2006) 
Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office (EIPO) was established by Proclamation No 320 of 
2003 to study, analyze and recommend intellectual property policies and laws. The Plant 
Breeders’  Rights  Proclamation  (Proclamation  No.  481/2006)  was  developed  to 
encourage  plant  breeders  by  offering  economic  rewards  as  incentive  for  their 
contributions  in  the  agricultural  sector,  realizing  that  the  utilization  of  new  plant 
varieties  developed  through  research  play  a  significant  role  in  improving  agricultural 
production and productivity. 

5.4.1. Main Findings and Recommendations 
The Proclamation also recognizes the contributions of local farmers in the conservation 
and  use  of  genetic  resources  that  constitute  the  basis  for  breeding  new  varieties  for 
agricultural production (Art. 27). In this regard, the farmers’ rights principle as set out in 
Article 27 of the Proclamation contains elements of the African Model Legislation that 
are important components of farmers’ rights. 
The  2006  Plant  Breeders  Act  provides  incentives  for  private  investment  in  breeding, 
multiplication, and distribution of improved seed 
The Plant Breeders’ Rights Proclamation upholds farmers' rights to save, use, multiply, 
exchange  and  sell  farm‐saved  seed  of  protected  varieties,  but  they  are  not  allowed  to 
sell seed protected with plant breeders’ rights.  Although this proclamation provides for 
farmers’ rights in a separate article, these provisions are limited to the conditions under 
which  farmers  can  use  protected  varieties.  There  is  no  mention  of  how  farmers  are 
supported  and  recognized  for  the  role  they  play  in  conserving  and  developing  crop 
genetic  diversity,  and  how  their  rights  to  share  benefits  derived  from  the  use  of  their 
varieties are ensured. 

5.4.2. Main Findings and Recommendations 
Ethiopia’s implementation of a Plant Variety Protection (PVP) regime is provided for in 
the Plant Breeders’ Right Proclamation, No. 481/2006. Though Ethiopia is not currently a 
member  of  the  World  Trade  Organization,  it  has  applied  and  is,  therefore,  seeking  to 
bring  its  legal  system  into  compliance  with  the  Organization’s  requirements,  including 
those of TRIPs (Robert J. Lewis‐Lettington.2008). 
Ethiopia  also  aims  to  expand  its  horticultural  trade  with  the  European  Union  and  is 
seeking  to  promote  plant  breeding  and  the  seed  industry  internally.  Proclamation  No. 
481/2006  follows  the  basic  structure  and  detail  of  the  UPOV  Convention.    Though 
Ethiopia.  Ethiopia  has  also  been  a  leading  country  with  regard  to  the  promotion  of 
community and farmers’ rights in Africa as well as internationally. However, the country 
only  recently  adopted  its  own  legislation  in  this  regard.  Regardless  of  the  policy 
commitments  made  to  address  farmers’  and  community  rights,  the  process  of 
formulating legal instruments for the implementation of the policies has been very slow.  
5.5. Seed import/export documentation and procedures 
The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MOTI) is responsible for seed import and/or export 
trade license while the MoARD is in charge of issuing the certificate of competence, a 
prerequisite for issuing a trade license.  According to Seed Proclamation No. 206/2000 
the requirements for seed import and export include, inter alia, the following: 

1. Seed importers‐exporters must be registered with MoARD to get the certificate 
of competence and must have a trade license from MOTI. 
2. Seed importers‐exporters are required to apply and get import‐export permit 
from MoARD before importing‐exporting any seed. 
3. Seed importers‐exporters must comply with the requirements of the Plant 
Quarantine Service of MoARD. 
In addition to the above the new draft law of Ethiopia on Import and Export of Seed 
suggests the following; 
1. Any variety of seed to be imported for multiplication purposes, except where 
exclusively for re‐export, shall be subject to prior verification trials as 
established by the VRC and shall be listed in the National Variety Register in 
accordance with this Proclamation. 
2. Genetically modified organisms may be imported into Ethiopia only if the 
Minister receives prior assurance of their compliance with applicable 
legislation from the authority designated therein. 
3. No person may import or export restricted seed; or import any seed 
containing terminator gene technology. 
4. The Minister may, by directive, restrict the export of any variety of seed if it is 
determined that such export may adversely affect Ethiopia’s food security or 
any other public interest. 

The organizations involved in seed import and/or export include private traders, private 
producers, and public enterprises (ESE, Horticultural Development Enterprise (HDE), 
NGOs, research institutions, universities and colleges. Crops usually imported or 
exported are cereals, pulses, oil crops, vegetables, ornamentals, fruits, medicinal plants, 
trees and shrubs.  

5.5.1. Main Findings and Recommendations 
Plant  importation  Permit  division  in  Ethiopia  found  under  the  plant  quarantine  service 
department  of  MoARD.  According  to  the  permit  order,  a  seed  import  permit  must  be 
obtained before importing seed into the country. The permit specifies the requirements 
for  country  and  place  of  origin,  plant  health  (free  from  soil),  indicating  prohibitions, 
validity of the permit and any other additional declaration with regard to pre‐shipment 
treatments.  Any  seed  consignment  arriving  in  the  country  must  be  accompanied  by  a 
triplicate  copy  of  the  Import  Permit  together  with  a  “Phytosanitary  Certificate”  which 
verifies that a competent authority.. Without a phytosanitary certificate plant material is 
not allowed entry and may be destroyed or reshipped at the owner's cost. 
Similarly, seed for export also requires the description of consignment (name and adress 
of  exporter,  place  of  origin,  declared  point  of  entry  botanical  name  of  the  plant),  any 
other  additional  declaration  and  disinfestations  and/or  disinfection  treatment  and  it 
must be accompanied by an export permit together with and a phytosanitary certificate 
from the exporting country. (See the plant importation and re‐export permit formats in 
the annex 2) 

The  requirements  for  imports  and  exports  should  be  harmonized  and  the  Pest  Risk 
Analysis (PRA) procedures should be conducted based on FAO guidelines. This will result 
in  faster  seed  flow  across  borders,  and  increased  availability  of  seed  varieties,  which 
would  otherwise  have  restricted  entry  because  of  reasons  which  are  not  scientifically 

6. Conclusions 
Agriculture in Ethiopia is caught in a low input‐output trap, due to partly low levels of 
investment,  low  technology  application,  low  capacity  to  afford  for  high  input  prices 
(seed, fertilize, etc.). The solution needs to involve a structural change, for which major 
capacity development is needed, including a quantum change in human capacity, input 
supply,  technology  adoption,  and  provision  of  infrastructure  Poverty  Accelerated  and 
Sustainable  Development  Eradication  Program(PASDEP),  2005).  Especially,  in  order  to 
increase  the  production  and  productivity  of  agricultural  output,  the  use  of  modern 
agricultural  technologies  are  vital,  out  of  which  fertilizer  and  high  yielding  variety  of 
crops are the most important technologies to increase the level of crop production. 

 The policy/regulatory environment, the availability of relevant agricultural technology, 
the support institutions and the socio‐economic factors have a profound effect on the 
development of the national seed industry (Louwaars, 2002; Turner and Bishaw, 2000; 
Almekinders  and  Louwaars,  1999).  The  policy  and  regulatory  environment  defines  the 
organizations, functions and linkages among the institutions involved in the seed sector 
and the mechanisms for coordinating the activities and monitoring the progress of the 
national  seed  industry.  To  date,  with  the  increasing  globalization  of  seed  trade  the 
existence of unrealistic and inflexible national regulations become a serious impediment 
for  regional  integration.  Given  broadly  similar  agro‐ecology,  production  environments, 
and  crops  at  the  regional  level  there  are  opportunities  for  countries  to  pursue  a  more 
integrated regional approach to the development of the seed sector. Such harmonized 
regulations  and  technical  procedures  would  facilitate  the  movement  of  varieties  and 
seeds  across  boundaries  creating  a  regionally  unified  market  and  attract  investment 
from  the  private  sector.  At  present  there  are  some  promising  developments  aimed  at 
harmonization of regulations in East Africa and Southern Africa. 

The EACs should standardize documentation and rationalize procedures that will require 
plant  import  permit,  phytosanitary  certificate  from  source,  quality  certificate  and 
customs  clearance.  This  will  reduce  time  on  documentation  and  will  speed  up  seed 
movement, thus availing seed to farmers sooner and encouraging seed trade. 
7. References 

Agrawal,  P.K.,  and  W.  Wolde  Mariam.  1995.  Seed  supply  system  in  Ethiopia.  Plant 
Varieties and Seeds. 8: 1‐7. 
Almekinders, C.J.M. and N.P. Louwaars. 1999. Farmers’ seed production. Inter‐mediate 
Technology Publications Ltd, London, UK. 291 pp.  
Annual reports of the Ethiopian Seed Enterprise, 2006‐2010. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 
Berhane  Gebrekidane,  Seme  Debela  and  Ibrahim  Mohamed,  2004.  Development  and 
Application  of  Agricultural  Technology  in  Ethiopia:  A  Discussion  Paper.  A  discussion 
paper  presented  on  the  occasion  of  celebrating  the  50th  Anniversary  of  the 
establishment of the Alemaya University, October 23 and 24, 2004. 
Dabi,  Gurmu,  Gudissa  Shaka,  and  Zewdie  Bishaw.  1998.  The  Ethiopian  Seed  Industry. 
Aleppo, Syria: WANA Seed Network, Seed Unit, ICARDA. Focus on Seed Programs No. 11. 
13 pp. 
Federal  Democratic  Republic  of  Ethiopia.  2000.  Seed  Proclamation  (Proclamation 
No.206/2000). Addis Abeba. 25 pp. 
Keeley,  J.,  and  I.  Scoones.  2000.  Knowledge,  power  and  politics:  the  environmental 
policymaking process in Ethiopia. Journal of Modern African Studies. 38 (1): 89‐120. 
Louwaars,  N.P.  1996.  Seed  legislation  in  developing  countries:  possibilities  and  pit‐falls 
for seed system development, 77‐81. In van Amstel, H., Bottema, J.W.T., Sidik, M. and 
van Santen, C.E. (eds.) Integrating seed systems for annual food crops. Proceedings of a 
workshop, 24‐27 Oct 1995, Malang, Indonesia. CGPRT Center, Bogor, Indonesia. 311pp.

Louwaars, N.P. (ed.) 2002. Seed policy, legislation and law: widening a narrow focus. The 
Haworth Press Incorporated, New York, USA. 260 pp.  
Marco  A.  Quiñónes,  2010. Agriculture‐Led  Development  in  Ethiopia.  Re‐direct 
institutional  support  from  the  National  Agricultural  Research  System,  Extension  and 
Farmers’  Organizations  in  order  to  attain  sustainable,  integrated  agriculture  and  rural 
development (Second draft paper).  
National  Seed  Industry  Agency.  1997.  Draft  seed  Standards  of  Ethiopia.  National  Seed 
Industry Agency, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1997 
Regassa Feyisa. 2006. Farmers' Rights in Ethiopia. A case study  
Reports on area and production for major crops, 2006‐2010. Central Statistical 
Agency. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 
Robert  J.  Lewis‐Lettington.  2008.  International  dimensions  of  plant  variety  protection 
and informal seed supply in Ethiopia.  In: Thijssen, M.H., Z. Bishaw, A. Beshir and W.S. de 
Boef,  2008  (Eds.).  Farmers,  seeds  and  varieties:  supporting  informal  seed  supply  in 
Ethiopia. Wageningen, Wageningen International. 2008. 

Shawn McGuire 2005. Getting Genes: Rethinking seed system analysis and reform for
sorghum in Ethiopia .
Turner,  M.  and  Z.  Bishaw.  2000.  Benefits  of  regional  collaboration  in  seed  program 
development, 649‐666. In The international conference on seed industry. Pro‐ceedings 
of the international conference on seed industry, 27‐30 Mar 2000, Tripoli, Libya. General 
Authority for Agriculture, Animal and Marine Wealth, Tripoli, Libya.  
Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia. 2000. Bulletin on standards, Addis Ababa, 
Ethiopia. 2000 
Tripp, R. 1997b. The structure of national seed systems In R. Tripp (ed.). New Seed and 
Old  Laws:  Regulatory  reform  and  the  diversification  of  national  seed  systems.  London: 
Intermediate Technology Publications. pp. 14‐42. 
World Bank 2006a. Ethiopia: Policies for pro‐poor agricultural growth. Washington, DC: 
World Bank. 
Zewdie Bishaw. 2004. Wheat and Barley Seed Systems in Ethiopia and Syria .PsD thesis, 
Wageningen university 
Zewdie Bishaw, Yonas Sahlu and Belay Simane. 2008. The status of the Ethiopian seed 
industry. In  Thijssen, M.H., Z. Bishaw, A. Beshir and W.S. de Boef, 2008 (Eds.). Farmers, 
seeds  and  varieties:  supporting  informal  seed  supply  in  Ethiopia.  Wageningen, 
Wageningen International. 2008 
8. Annexs

Annex 1. Summary of Released/Registered varieties of crops

Number of released varieties

Crops New varities Released Total
released in 2008 before 2008
Cereal Crops 9 219 228
Tef 2 28 30
Bread wheat 0 41 41
Durum wheat 0 26 26
Triticale 0 4 4
Emmer wheat 0 2 2
Rice 0 15 15
Maize 7 33 40
Sorghum 0 30 30
Finger millet 0 6 6
Pearl millet 0 1 1
Food barley 0 25 25
Malt barley 0 8 8
Pulse Crops 13 115 128
Faba bean 2 18 20
Field pea 2 24 26
Chickpea 0 16 16
Cowpea 1 4 5
Lentil 0 8 8
Haricot bean 5 31 36
Soy bean 2 11 13
Grass pea 0 1 1
Mung bean 1 0 1
Fenugreek 0 2 2
Oil Crops 3 48 51
Noug 0 4 4
Linseed 0 8 8
Rapeseed 0 8 8
Sesame 0 12 12
Ground nut 3 13 16
Sunflower 0 1 1
Vernonia 0 1 1
Castor 0 1 1
Tubers, Roots and vegetable crops 2 77 79
Irish potato 0 23 23
Sweet potato 2 21 23
Taro 0 3 3
Number of released varieties
Crops New varities Released Total
released in 2008 before 2008
Cassava 0 2 2
Tomato 0 13 13
Garlic 0 3 3
Onion 0 3 3
Shallot 0 3 3
Sweet 0 6 6
Condiments and Medicinal Plants 1 12 13
Coriandor 1 1 2
Black pepper 0 2 2
Ginger 0 2 2
Turmeric 0 1 1
Cardammom 0 1 1
Sweet Annie 0 1 1
Citronela grass 0 1 1
Pyretrum 0 2 2
BlaCck cumin 0 1 1
Fruit Crops 7 19 26
Banana 0 12 12
Mango 0 1 1
Pine apple 1 0 1
Wine Grape 0 6 6
Avocado 6 0 6
Forage and pasture 0 9 9
Tree Lucerne 0 1 1
Elephant Grass 0 1 1
Panicum 0 1 1
Dolicos lablab 0 1 1
Phalaries 0 1 1
Trifolium 0 1 1
Vetch 0 1 1
Oats 0 1 1
Fiber Crops 1 14 15
cotton 1 14 15
Stimulant Crops 0 25 25
Coffee 0 25 25
Total 31 336 367
TO : Plant Quarantine Service
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Addis Ababa, (Ethiopia)
(Full Name)
Occupation :
Full Address :
requests that a phytosanitary inspection should be carried out on the consignment
described below :
Description of Consignment
Sender (Name and Address) :
Consignee (Name and Address) :
Number and description of package :
Distinguishing marks :
Origin (Country and place of dispatch) :
Means of conveyance :
Point of entry :
Date of arrival :
Contents of the package(s) :
Type of plants (fruits, seeds, tubers, etc.)
Name of plant and varieties :
Quantity :
Import permit No. :
Phytosanitary Cert. No. :
I the undersigned authorized importer declare that these plants Plant products
Growing medium will be propagated contained (preserved) at
starting the month of 200 and I agree to facilitate :
Field Herbarium Container inspection of the imported materials any time upon the request
of the Plant Quarantine Service.
Signature of Applicant
Annex 3: The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Plant quarantine Service
Plant Importation Permit
Permit No._________________
Date Issued:_______________

Permission is hereby granted to___________________________________________

(Name and address of the importer)
To import from____________________________________________ the following plants/seeds/plant

Common name Botanical name Quantity

1._____________ ________________ _____________
2. _____________ ________________ _____________
through the port(s) of ______________________________________________________
subject to the following conditions
1. country and place of origin__________________________________________
2. The consignment is subject to inspection on arrival and if necessary to treatment or destruction or
return to the country of origin, as the case warrants.
3. Plant or parts must be entirely free from soil
4. Phytosanitary certificate from the country of origin together with one of this permit shall
accompany each consignment.
5. The following materials are prohibited entry as packing materials:_____________
6. Additional Declaration:____________________________________________

Note A/ This permit is valid for __________________ from the date of issue, but may be cancelled at
any time by plant quarantine service,
B / This permit is drawn up in triplicate: two copies are delivered to the importer who should send
one copy to the supplier

Annex 4: Model Phytosanitory certificate for re-export

Plant protection of _________________(contracting party of re-export)
To: Plant protection organization (s) of ________________(contracting party(ies) of import)

I. Description of consignment
Name and address of exporter: ___________________________.
Declared name and addresses of consignee____________________________
Number and description of Package____________________________________
Distinguishing marks ___________________________________
Places of origin: _______________________________
Declared means of conveyance:_______________________________________
Declared point of entry ____________________________________
Name of produce and quantity declared______________________________
Botanical name of plants_________________________________________

This is to certify that the plants, plant products of other regulated articles described above were
imported in to (contracting party of re-export __________________________
from___________(contracting party of origin) covered by phytosanitary certificate No.
________________.Original, Certified true copy, of which is attached to this certificate; that they
are packed, repacked in original *new containers, that based on the original phytosanitory
certificate and additional inspection they are considered to conform with the current phytosanitory
requirements of the importing contracting party, and that during storage in
______________container (contracting party of re-export), the consignment has not been subjected
to the risk of infestation or infection.
*Insert tick in appropriate boxes

II. Additional Declaration

III. disinfestation and/or Disinfection treatment
Date______________ Treatment____________ chemical (active ingredient) __________.
Duration and temperature________________________________
Additional information__________________________________________
Place of issue________________________________________________
(Stamp of Organization) name of authorized officer_________________
No financial liability with respect to this certificate shall attach to___________(name of plant
protection Organization) or to any of its officers or representatives
Annex 5


                                                        NATIONAL SEED INDUSTRY AGENCY 

June, 2001
LIST OF TABLES---------------------------------------------------------------------------ii
LIST OF FORMS.---------------------------------------------------------------------------iii
I. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………1
A. Background ………………………………………………………2
B. Objectives -----------------------------------------------------------------3
C. Organizational Set-up ---------------------------------------------------5
D. Composition of Committee ------------------------------------------5
E. Terms of Reference for the Chairperson ------------------------6
F. Terms of Reference for the Permanent Secretary -------------- 6
G. Terms of Office --------------------------------------------------7
H. Meeting ----------------------------------------------------------.8
A. PART ONE: FIELD CROPS ---------------------------------------------------9
A.1CONDITON FOR RELEASE -----------------------------------------------------9
A.1.2 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS --------------- ------------10
A.1.3 EVALUATION PROCEDURE ----------------------------------------------10

A.4 AMENDEMENT -----------------------------------------------------------------12

B. PART TWO: HORTICULTURAL CROPS ------------------------------20
B.1.1 CONDITON FOR RELEASE ------------------------------------------------20
B.1.2 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ……………..-----------------------------21
B.1.3 EVALUATION PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------22
B.1.4 AMENDEMENT--------------------------------------------------------------23
B.2 1. CONDITON FOR RELEASE--------------------------------------------31
B.2.2 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ………………------------------------32
B.2.3 EVALUATION PROCEDURE -----------------------------------------33
B.2.4 AMENDEMENT ----------------------------------------------------------35

Table Page
TABLE 1. Minimum quantities of breeder’s seed of field crops required in seed stock-----
TABLE 4. Minimum quantities of breeder’s seed of horticultural crops required in seed
stock --------------------------------------------------------------------------29-30
FORM-FC--A-1 to 5 Application for release of varieties of various field crops (FC)-----

FORM- VC-B1-1 to 5. Application for release of varieties of various vegetable crops,

root and tubers and enset(VC)-------------------------------------------24 - 28

FORM- FRC-B2-1 to 6. Application for release of varieties of various fruit crops

(FRC)………..........................................................................................36 - 41



In Ethiopia, research and higher learning institutions with the support and/or collaboration
with government and private organizations are engaged in research geared to
development of varieties of various crops in order to increase productivity per unit area.
The development of new varieties per se and their utilization by farmers in the production
system follows specific procedures in most countries. Some countries have a rigorous
testing system and variety-releasing mechanism before the newly developed variety is
made available to farmers. Other countries have no such mechanism that the varieties
developed could be distributed to farmers by the researchers. The former system is most
widely used. It is more reliable, safe and suitable to an agrarian country like Ethiopia
where high productivity of crops has tremendous impact on the economy of the nation.
Hence, the need for establishing basic rules and regulations as well as a mechanism
governing the release of important varieties or hybrids is unprecedented. The necessary
steps involved, the need for a sub-committee and inclusion of additional criteria need
special emphasis in testing and release of varieties under Ethiopian context.
Two steps are involved in the release of a new variety or a hybrid developed by a breeder.
These are - testing the new improved variety, and registering and releasing the variety.
Though different countries have different approaches in carrying out these steps, in
Ethiopia both steps are undertaken by the National Variety Release Committee (NVRC)
Hence, the NVRC is mandated with the task of being involved with both the testing and
release of varieties and hybrids.

In view of the high number of requests made by breeders for testing and release of
varieties of different crops the need for a sub-committee was sought essential. Therefore,
a sub-committee will be organized/formed that will be accountable/responsible to the
NVRC. Members of the sub-committee for the respective crops shall be strictly
professionals assigned from different public, private and non-governmental institution in
the country. A standing member of the NVRC will be assigned by the NVRC as
chairperson for each sub-committee.
In many instances the important criteria that are considered in testing and release of a
variety are simple yield performances and reaction to diseases. It is however essential and
pertinent that criteria that reflects the chemical composition of seed, and produces as the
case may be, should be considered in the evaluation exercises. Hence the mechanism for
testing seeds for specific quality such as malting quality, fiber quality, oil content and
others should be developed. The inclusion of these criteria will contribute to making the
final decision more complete and hence reliable.
It is therefore with such noble notion that this guideline is prepared by the NSIA in order
to safeguard the distribution and proper utilization of released seeds breeds of different
crops in the national agricultural production system.


The need for the establishment of sound mechanism for variety releases that will safe
guard the production system and assure standardized practice is indisputable. This was
expressed in different fora and as a result, an ad-hoc committee that was elected by the
National Crop Improvement Conference (NCIC) in 1980 created the National Variety
Release Committee (NVRC) in 1982. The terms of reference and guidelines of the NVRC
were developed by the ad-hoc committee.

General Objective
The general objective of the NVRC shall be to test, approve or release and register the
new variety or hybrid developed by a breeder in order to assure the high standard and
quality of the improved variety and safeguard the interest of the farmers and other users,
Specific Objectives
The specific objectives of the National Variety Release Committee are presented as
1. To review the data supporting the release of a new hybrid or variety.
2. To determine the uniqueness and production potential of the variety under
Ethiopian condition.
3. To provide the mechanism for approval and proper release of varieties and
4. To register the released variety and hybrid.

The functions of the National Variety Release Committee shall be: -
1. To approve the release of hybrids and/or varieties developed by
governmental and private institutions.
2. To provide appropriate forms to the breeder to effect the release of a
variety or hybrid. The release of a variety dependence upon distinctness
and the availability of a reasonable quantity of breeders seed of a variety
or seed of the parents of hybrids to the NSIA adequate enough to generate
basic seed (Refer Table 1). Release is also dependent on the provision by
the breeder or the institution which developed the variety a descriptive
information regarding the distinguishing characteristics of the released
varieties or hybrids (morphological, physiological, biochemical etc.) and
the parents of varieties or hybrids (origin, pedigree) including
3. To review and evaluate the data provided by the breeder and decide
whether or not the variety or hybrid can be released.
4. To formally notify the appropriate individuals and agencies that the variety
or hybrid has or has not been released. To compile and provide published
information of released varieties and hybrids on the basis of the descriptive
information provided by the breeder or the institution responsible for
developing the variety regarding the distinguishing characteristics of the
released varieties and hybrids (morphological, physiological, biochemical
etc.) and parents of hybrids, (origin, pedigree) including performance.
5. To determine and assign responsibilities to appropriate institutions
or agencies for maintenance of breeders’ seed.
6. To obtain seed of the newly released varieties or hybrids from the
breeder or the institution that developed them and provide it to the Institute
of Biodiversity Conservation Research for long-term storage and
7. To take appropriate action to recall and remove obsolete varieties and
hybrids from the list of those eligible for seed certification when and if
sufficient information is available.
8. To register released varieties and hybrids and maintains an up to date list
(National Seed Registry) and publish such a list annually along with their
characteristics and recommended ecological zones of production for each
entry. To provide the above information (8) to the national seed and other
appropriate data bases and maintain an up to date cross institutional data base
9. To review and standardize varietal and hybrid naming procedures used in the

10. To give periodic review and status report through the secretary to the National
Seed Industry Agency.

The National Variety Release Committee will function under the organizational set-up of
the National Seed Industry Agency. The Agency shall provide an office for the Permanent

The committee shall be composed of high professional calibers from different concerned
agricultural institutions. The committee members will be selected by the National Seed
Industry Agency. The committee will consist of:
Breeders 1 = 2; Agronomist/Physiologist = 1; Entomologist =1;
Pathologist = 1; Economist = 1; Research/Extensionist = 1; Food scientist
=1; Seed technologist = 1; Private seed produsers representative = 1:
Farmers union representative =1; permanent secretary(NSIA) = 1;and
public sector representative.
The committee members shall be representatives from the following
1. Ministry of Agriculture
2. National Seed Industry Agency
3. Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization
4. Institute for Biodiversity Conservation and Research.
5. Coffee and Tea Development Authority
6. Higher Education Institutions/ universities and colleges
7. Other relevant organizations/institutions
Office Holders of the Committee
A chairperson and permanent secretary shall represent the Committee.

Breeders working on different crop and on crops having different pollination habits will preferably be
The National Variety Release Committee shall have a chairperson elected from among
the professional members. The chairperson shall have the following duties and

 Directs the activities of the Committee and preside over all of its meetings.
 Directs, guides and makes decisions on aspects of variety release meetings
and other related matters.
 Attends the Board’s meeting of the Ethiopian Seed Industry and provides
periodic review and status report on the activities of the Committee.
 Directs and guides the overall activity of the National Variety Release
Committee according to the rules and regulations approved by the National
Seed Industry Council.
 He/she shall step down temporarily when a crop that he/she is involved in,
is presented for release either at the ad-hoc committee or NVRC levels.

The Permanent Secretary shall be an employee of the Agency. Part of his assignment
shall be to serve in the Seed Quality Control and Certification Team under the National
Seed Industry Agency. The Permanent Secretary is also envisaged to serve as a nucleus
towards establishing an independent Testing Agency in the future when conditions such
as human-power, facilities and other requirements are available.

Duties and responsibilities of the permanent secretary are presented as follows:

Make periodic review of the NVRC to assess its activities, make proposals and
develop strategies for improvement including the establishment of an independent
Testing Agency when appropriate and present these to the NVRC for approval and
Give guidelines developed by the NVRC and issue necessary formats to breeders
and institutions involved in the development and multiplication of new varieties
and hybrids.
Receive requests for the release of new varieties and hybrids from breeders and
other institutions and give the appropriate response in consultation with the
NVRC Chairperson.
With the chairperson of the NVRC he shall form and assign a sub-committee to
evaluate the proposed variety or hybrid for release in accordance to the timetable
request of the breeder.
Prepare trip schedules and notify in time standing member institutions and other
members of the evaluation team. Organize the trip and make all the necessary
arrangements including the provision of transport vehicles and notifying the
arrival date of the sub-committee team at the breeder.
Make the necessary arrangements with appropriate foreign and local institutions
(ENI, AAU, ESTIA etc) to conduct quality tests such as oil content, cooking,
baking, malting or fiber quality for varieties and hybrids proposed for release.
Deliver the materials to be tested to the testing institutions.
Collect and compile reports from the evaluation sub-committees team leader and
in the evaluation and testing of varieties proposed for release. Organize the data
and compile a report to present to the NVRC for its deliberations regarding the
release of varieties and hybrids.
Serve as rapporteur to the NVRC during all of its deliberations and keep the
necessary records and minutes.

Compile a list of all the varieties released along with their distinguishing
characteristics and other essential publications related to the National Variety
Release Committee.
Follow up any other activity as deemed necessary by the National Variety Release

The terms of office for the NVRC members shall be three years. However the chairperson
and permanent secretary and one member of the committee, selected by the existing
Committee, shall serve for four years in order to insure continuity and smooth transition
of the NVRC activity when new members are elected. Members are eligible for re-
election for unlimited terms.
The National Variety Release Committee shall have two meetings, one each for highland
and lowland crops, per year to release varieties and to deliberate on issues related to
variety release. However, it can meet more than one time if necessary


The ultimate goal of producing quality crops is primarily based on the development of
superior cultivars fitting to the different production systems. This however, requires
scrupulous scrutiny of germplasms by the breeder and other researchers. An effective
variety releasing guideline for crops is therefore indisputable. The current variety release
guideline has been in use for over two decades now and hence the need for revision
and/or amendment of its contents was found essential and timely.


A.1.1 The new variety must show excellent performance in sufficient number of tests in
comparison with the standard cultivar (s) grown in the ecological zone(s) where it is
intended to be used.
A.1.2 The variety should be tested for yield, disease reaction and other important
characteristics for a minimum of two to three years in Regional or National Variety Trials
at least in 3 to 4 locations.
A.1.3 The variety to be released should be uniform, stable and distinctly superior to the
existing commercial cultivar(s) grown in the area in one or more characteristics important
for the crop, and is satisfactory in other major requirements. However, when there are no
adequate number of released cultivars of a particular crop, the NVRC may consider
releasing a variety even if its is not superior to existing cultivars, without compromising
the requirements of the grower.
A.1.4 The new variety/varieties should be planted along with the established local or
improved cultivar(s) as the case may be in relatively large plots (at least 100 m2 at 2 to 3
sites). One of the sites should be on station and the other two on farm verification trials
during the anticipated year of release for assessment by NVRC.

A.1.5 Prior to preparing proposals for release of varieties, the researcher should consult
with commodity leader and other concerned researchers. The consensus reached on the
merits of the variety should be communicated to the NVRC.
Release requests should be accompanied by:
A. 2.1 Complete morphological description of candidate varieties

A.2.2 Appropriate data to support recommendations-yield, agronomic data, disease

reaction and other supporting data for individual locations and years should be presented
in addition to the summaries. Care should be taken to include performance of appropriate
checks. Other relevant data on important characteristics for local consumption, industry,
export market, as the case may be should also be supplied e.g. canning quality (haricot
bean) oil content (oil seeds), cooking time (faba bean), protein content (malting barley)
A.2.3 Three completed copies each of the variety release request form and a year x
location data summary of the recommended entries, these must be submitted to the
committee chairman before May 30 each year.
A.2.4 A list of locations to be visited with the suggested dates of visit.


A.3.1 The NVRC through its chairman appoints a sub-committee composed of NVRC
members and other relevant specialists to report on varietal performance after examining
the submitted data and field visits. The evaluation report from the sub committee is
expected to cover:
. Performance data evaluation
. Field performance evaluation
. General comments
. Recommendation
A.3.2 In any one season no more than three varieties per crop should be proposed for
release under the same agro-ecological zone in the coming years unless sufficient written
justification is given for such action. Moreover, varieties once rejected by the NVRC
should not be repeatedly put in verification and proposed for release in the coming years
unless sufficient written justification is given for such action.
A.3.3 Variety release proposals should be submitted to the committee Chairman by May
30 of each year. Actions to place varieties on the release list will be taken at the
November/December meeting of the NVRC. The breeder submitting the variety or
varieties for release may be called to appear in person before the NVRC to answer
enquiries regarding the proposal. Decisions reached by the committee will be reported at
the NVRC in April the following year.
A.3.4 A new variety should be assigned a permanent designation by the breeder/team
(preferably a short local name) after it has been approved for release. This is a pre-
condition for release. A variety should not be distributed under more than one name.
Provisionally released variety should be planted in the following year on one hectare plot
at the ESE farm and another suitable site chosen by the breeder for final inspection by the
A.3.5 The breeder or institution responsible for developing varieties that have been
approved for release would be expected to maintain an appropriate quantity of the breeder
and basic seed for use in replenishing and restoring commercial seed of the variety to the
desired genetic purity.
A.3.6 Obsolete varieties arising from genetic deterioration, loss of resistance to diseases,
or a breakdown in resistance/tolerance to a condition the candidate cultivar was
developed for will be communicated to the NVRC by the users (breeders, extension
agents, state farms) for the appropriate action.
A.3.7 A new variety should be assigned a permanent designation by the breeder/team
(preferably a short local name) after it has been approved for release. This is a pre-
condition for registration. A variety should not be distributed under more than one name.
The proposed name(s) can be rejected by NVRC for valid reason.
A.3.8 Up to three cultivars of a crop could be proposed for release for the same agro-
ecology for the same purpose. Moreover, varieties once rejected by the NVRC should not
be repeatedly put in verification and proposed for release under the same agro-ecology for
the same purpose.

The field crops variety release guideline will be subjected to amendment/revision
as deemed necessary
Field Crops Variety Release Request Form
(To be filled in triplicate)

A.1. Name and address of researcher/institution responsible for developing the cultivar

A.2 Research commodity/project


A.3 Crop (with Latin name)


A.4 Variety designation (breeder’s reference)


A. 5. Background of the material including origin and pedigree


A. 6 Main positive feature(s) of the variety which make it an improvement to those in

current use. Indicate also shortcomings, which may restrict its use in some areas:

A.7 Test years and locations providing data for this assessment:

Year 1. ___________ No. of location__________No. of varieties in

Year 2. ___________ No. of location _________ No. of varieties in
Year 3. ___________ No. of location _________ No. of varieties in trial
Regions /locations where trials were conducted
A. 8. Results
A. 8.1Annex yield and other relevant agronomic data
otal yield of the variety as percent of check in trial_____
A.8.2 This variety required (kg/ha) N___________, P___________, K _________
fertilizer to achieve this yield.
A.8.3 The trials received / did not received irrigation. (circle one)

A.8.4 Pesticide applied, was not applied (circle one).

Indicate type, chemical name and rate/ha.
A.8.5. Resistance to disease insects and other hazards (e.g. cold, heat, drought, and
salinity). Explain scoring system and classify resistance in comparison with
standard check.
Disease/insects Local Standard Proposed
and other hazard check check variety

A.8.6 Qualities of products like acceptability, nutritional value/quality, utilization aspects

etc. Provide other information relevant to the crop.


A. 9. Main morphological characteristics which distinguish this variety

Morphological characteristics Measurement or description

A.9. Recommended ecological zones of adaptation

A.10 Source of seed. Indicate which institution or organization is maintaining breeder's

A.11 Other remarks:

A.12 Main contributors for the release of the variety:

Name Institution Profession


I the undersigned attest by my signature that the information given is true to the best of
my knowledge.
I, hereby, apply to the National Variety Release Committee for the release and
registration of this/these

Name ________________________________________ Signature________________

Position _____________________
Institution/Center ____________________
Institution/Center Manager_______________________
(Official Seal for approval) ___________________
Date ___________________
Table A1. Minimum quantity of Breeder's seed of field crops required in seed stock

Breeder's seed Breeder's Nucleus cold

Cereals Seed stock class* required/variety** storage/variety***
(kg) (kg)
Wheat New release 250.0
Renewal stock 250.0 8.0
Barley New release 100.0 6.0
(Malt) Renewal stock 100.0
Barley New release (regional 100.0
or national)
Renewal stock 100.0 6.0
Oats New release 6.0 0.5
Renewal stock 6.0 0.5
Hybrids Maize Inbred parents By arrangement
Note: Inbred parents only
Sorghum will be multiplied and
cold stored till needed
Sunflower by users
Maize open Composites/synthetics
pollinated Per cycle 5.0
Early maturing 10.0 2.0
Medium maturing 20.0 3.0
Late maturing 5.0
Sorghum open Lowland 80 days 100.0 1.0
pollinated Lowland 100 days 50.0 1.0
Lowland 120 days 20.0 1.0
Lowland 150 days 20.0 1.0
Tef New release or 1.5 0.5
Renewal stock 5.0 0.5

*, ** and *** indicate seed stock class, required breeder’s seed and required breeder’s
nucleus seed in cold storage, respectively. A brief description of each is given in the
annex on pages 44
Table A1. continued

Oil Crops & Pulses Seed Stock Class Breeder's seed Breeder's Nucleus
requirement/variety cold storage/variety
(kg) (kg)
New release 0.5 1.0
Mustard Renewal stock
New release 3.0 3.0
Linseed Renewal stock
New release 0.5 1.0
Rapeseed Renewal stock 1.0 1.0
New release 1.0 0.5
Noug Renewal stock 1.0 0.5
New release 1.0 0.5
Sesame Renewal stock 1.0 0.5
Sunflower open New release 0.5 1.0
pollinated Renewal stock 10.0 1.0
New release 50.0 10.0
Groundnut Renewal stock 50.0 10.0
Fababean New release 100 25.0
Renewal stock 100
Field pea New release 13.0 2.5
Renewal stock 25.0 2.5
Chickpea New release
Renewal stock 25.0 3.0
New release 10.0 2.0
Lentil Renewal stock 15.0 2.0
Haricot bean New release 10.0 2.5
Renewal stock 20.0 2.5
Soybean New release 10.0 1.5
Renewal stock 10.0 1.5
Vetch New release
Renewal stock 3.5 0.25


The ultimate goal of producing quality crops is primarily based on the development of
superior cultivars fitting to the different production systems. This however, requires
scrupulous scrutiny of germplasms by the breeder and other researchers. To that effect the
need for an effective variety releasing guideline for crops is also found unequivocal.
Today many irrigated and rain fed horticultural crop varieties are developed both for local
and export market and are ready for release. However, the existing guideline does not
encompass these crops. Therefore, to promote stability, uniformity and distinctness of
horticultural crops and thereby strengthen their development program, these release
guidelines are prepared based on the existing field crops’ release guideline (cereal, pulses,
oil crops, etc.) as Sections A and B of Part Two. Section A covering vegetables, root and
tubers and Section B the perennial crops (fruits, coffee, tea, ensete etc.) as part of the
responsibility of the National Seed Industry Agency (NSIA).



B.1.1.1The new variety must show an improvement in sufficient number of tests in
comparison with the standard or local cultivars grown in the agro-ecological zone(s)
where it is intended to be used.

B.1.1.2 The variety should be tested for yield, diseases, insect pests, and other important
characteristics for a minimum of two years in the respective agro-ecological zones in at
least two locations.

B.1.1.3 The variety to be released should be uniform, stable and distinctly superior to the
existing standard or local cultivar (s) grown in the area in one or more characteristics
important for the crop and is satisfactory in other major requirements.
However, when there are no adequate number of released cultivars of a particular crop,
the NVRC may consider releasing a variety even if its is not superior to existing cultivars,
without compromising the requirements of the grower.

B.1.1.4 The new variety/varieties should be planted along with the established local or
standard cultivar(s) (as the case may be) in relatively large plots (at least 50 m2 replicated
twice or 100 m2) at least in three sites. One of the sites should be on station and the other
two on farm verification trials during the anticipated year of release for assessment by the
B.1.1.5 Prior to preparing for release of varieties the researcher should consult with
program leader and other concerned researchers. The consensus reached on the merits of
the variety should be communicated to the NVRC.

B.1.1.6 A new variety should be assigned a permanent designation by the breeder/team

(preferably) a short local name after it has been approved for release. This is a pre-
condition for registration. A variety should not be distributed under more than one name.
The proposed name (s) can be rejected by NVRC for valid reason.


Variety release request should be accompanied by:

B.1.2.1 Complete morphological description of candidate variety (s);

B.1.2..2 Appropriate data to support recommendations like yield, agronomic data,
diseases, insect pest reactions and other supporting data for each locations and years.
Other relevant data on important characteristic for local consumption, industry, export
market, as the case may be, e.g. canning quality ( tomato, carrot, (etc.), cooking time
(potato, sweet potato, etc.), total soluble solids (tomato, onion, shallot, etc.), pungency
(shallot, pepper, etc.), oleoresin (pepper, ginger, etc.), color (tomato, pepper, shallot,
potato, sweet potato, etc.) should be supplied.
B.1.2.3 Three completed copies for candidate variety/varieties release request form and a
year X location data summary of the recommended entries which must be submitted to
the Secretariat Office of NVRC before Ginbot 30 for rain fed crops and before
Meskerem 30 for irrigated crops. A list of locations to be visited with the suggested dates
of visit should be communicated and confirmed at least one week before the date of
evaluation. Actions to place varieties on the released list will be taken at the
Yekatit/Megabit meeting of the NVRC. The breeder submitting the variety or varieties
for release may be called to appear in person before the NVRC to answer queries
regarding the proposal. Decisions reached by the committee will be reported at the
National Agricultural Research and Development Forum.


B. 1.3.1 The NVRC appoints a sub-committee composed of NVRC members and other
relevant professionals to report on varietal performance after examining the
submitted data and field visits. The evaluation report from the sub-committee is
expected to cover: -
 Research data evaluation
 Verification trials evaluation
 General comments
 Recommendation
B. 1.3.2 No more than three varieties per crop should be proposed for release for a given
agro-ecology in any one season. Moreover, varieties once rejected by the NVRC
should not be repeatedly put in verification and proposed for release under the
same agro-ecology for the same purpose.

B.1.3.3 Provisionally released varieties should be planted in the following year on 1,000
m2 at two appropriate sites for final inspection by the NVRC. If not planted within the
coming two years, it will lose its provisional status but could be considered as a new entry
in another variety trial.

B.1.3.4 Varieties recommended for "repeat" if not tested within the coming two years will
lose its repeat status but could be considered as a new entry in another variety trial.

B.1.3.5 The breeder or institution responsible for developing varieties that have been
approved for release would maintain an appropriate quantity of the breeder and basic seed
for use in replenishing and restoring commercial seed of the variety to the desired genetic

B.1.3.6 Obsolete varieties or otherwise arising from genetic deterioration, loss of

resistance to diseases, etc. will be recommended by the NVRC to be discontinued from
production list when it is reported by the users (breeders, extension agents, state farms

This Annual Horticultural Crops Variety Release Guideline will be subjected to
amendment/revision as deemed necessary.

Application for variety release/registration of vegetables, root and tubers and enset crops
(To be filled in triplicate)

B.1. 1 Name and address of researcher/institution responsible for developing the cultivar
B.1.2 Research commodity

B1.3 Crop (with Latin name)


B1.4 Variety designation (breeder’s reference)


B.1.5 Background of the material including origin and pedigree


A.1.6 Main positive feature(s) of the variety which make it an improvement to those in
current use. Indicate also shortcomings, which may restrict its use in some areas:
B1.7 Test years and locations providing data for this assessment:

Year 1._______No. Of location_________ _No. of varieties in

Year 2._______No. of location ___________ No. of varieties in
Year 3. ______No. of location ___________ No. of varieties in trial

Regions /locations where trials were conducted


B1..8 Results
B1.8.1 Annex yield and other relevant agronomic data
B1. 8.2 Total yield of the variety as percent of check in trial_____


B1.8.3 This variety required (kg/ha) N___________, P___________, K _________

fertilizer to achieve this yield.

B1.8.4 The trials received / did not received irrigation. (circle one)

B1.8.5 Pesticide applied, was not applied (circle one).

Indicate type, chemical name and rate/ha.

B1..8.6 Resistance to disease insects and other hazards (e.g. cold, heat, drought, salinity).
Explain scoring system and classify resistance in comparison with standard check.
Disease/insects Local Standard Proposed
and other hazard check check variety

B1.8.7 Qualities of products like acceptability, nutritional value, TSS, utilization

aspects etc. Provide other information relevant to the crop.

B1..8.8 Main morphological characteristics which distinguish this variety

Morphological characteristics Measurement or description

B1..9. Recommended ecological zones of adaptation


B1.10. Source of seed or planting materials. Indicate which institution or organization is

maintaining breeder's seed.

B1..11. Other remarks:

B1.12. Main contributors for the release of the variety:
Name Institution Profession

I the undersigned attest by my signature that the information given is true to the best of
my knowledge.
I, hereby, apply to the National Variety Release Committee for the release and
registration of this/these

Name ________________________________________ Signature________________

Position _____________________
Institution/Center ____________________
Institution/Center Manager__________________________
(Official Seal for approval) ___________________
Date ___________________
Table 1. Minimum quantity of breeder's seed of some horticultural crops required in seed stock

Breeder's seed Breeder's Nucleus

Vegetable Crop Seed stock class* required/variety cold storage/variety
(kg) ** (mg) ***
Capsicum New releases 0.7 60
Renewable stock 1.0 60
Egg plant New releases 0.7 60
Renewable stock 1.0 60
Tomato New releases 0.3 50
Renewable stock 0.5 50
Leek New releases 4.0 500
Renewable stock 6.0 500
Onion New releases 4.0 500
Renewable stock 6.0 500
Cabbage New releases 0.7 100
Renewable stock 1.0 100
Cauliflower New releases 0.7 100
Renewable stock 1.0 100
Lettuce New releases 0.7 100
Renewable stock 1.0 100
Spinach New releases 8.0 2000
Renewable stock 10.0 2000
Swiss chard New releases 8.0 2000
Renewable stock 10.0 2000
Green Beans New releases 80.0 1600
Renewable stock 100.0 1600
Melon New releases 3.0 400
Renewable stock 4.0 400
Beet root New releases 8.0 2000
Renewable stock 10.0 2000
Carrot New releases 4.0 500
Renewable stock 5.0 500
Cassava New releases 1000 cutting TBA *
Renewable stock 1200 cutting TBA
*, ** and *** -do-

Table B1. Continued

Vegetable Crop Seed stock class Breeder's seed Breeder's Nucleus
requirement /variety cold storage/variety
Potato New releases 2000 TBA2
Renewable stock 2500
Sweet potato* New releases 25000 TBA
Renewable stock 30000 TBA
Taro New releases 12500 TBA
Renewable stock 15000 TBA
Yam New releases 12500 TBA
Renewable stock 15000 TBA
Garlic New releases 600 TBA
Renewable stock 700 TBA
Shallot New releases 1200 TBA
Renewable stock 1500 TBA
Ginger New releases TBA
Renewable stock TBA
Turmeric New releases TBA
Renewable stock TBA
Cardamom (true) New releases TBA
Renewable stock TBA
Cardamom (false) New releases TBA
Renewable stock TBA
Black paper New releases TBA
Renewable stock TBA
Breeder seed requirement for perennial crops will be arranged with the
appropriate researcher.
TBA = To be arranged with Institute of Bio-Diversity Conservation and Research and the
appropriate researcher.
* Softwood cuttings

B. PERENNIAL CROPS (fruits, coffee and tea )


B.2.1.1 The proposed cultivar must show an improvement over existing or currently
recommended cultivar (s) in one or more economic characters (yield,
resistance/tolerance to diseases, pests, soil problems, fruit color, aroma, flavor,
storability, juice/pulp, quality, maturity periods, propagation capability, high
range of adaptability, hardiness, etc.). Other characters should however be
comparable to the existing cultivars, if not superior.
B.2.1.2 The character(s) for which the candidate cultivar is to be released should be tested
against the existing 'standard' local cultivar in the case of indigenous species (e.g. coffee,
enset etc.) and against already established commercial cultivars if the new proposed
cultivar is an exotic crop (e.g. citrus, grapes, etc). In the absence of a standard cultivar for
a particular crop, the cultivar with the highest coverage will be considered as the standard
for that particular growing environment (e.g. citrus in Upper Awash). When such
established cultivars are not available, NVRC may still consider releasing and registering
the candidate cultivar, in the interests of the production sector.

B.2.1.3 The candidate cultivar should be tested for all relevant characters such as
disease/pest resistance/tolerance and susceptibility against the standard cultivar or on
internationally accepted screening systems and parameters.

B.2.1.4 At least two years production data should be provided for any crop in the
respective agro-ecological zones in at least two locations.

B.2.1.5 The cultivar proposed for release should be distinct, stable and uniform.

B.2.1.6 In view of the prolonged growth habit of perennial crops it is mandatory to

design the initial trial program in such a way that variety trial evaluation plots will be
used for verification purpose of promising varieties for release. The candidate cultivar
should be established together with recommended cultivars /clones/ propagules /graft
combinations replicated 3 times for every agro-ecological region. Hence the plot size for:

B. Large plants (citrus, mango, avocado etc.) shall be 144 to 330 m2 or 4 plants per

B. Intermediate plants (papayas, coffee, enset etc.) shall be 40-100 m2 or 8 plants
per plot.

B. Small plants (strawberry, etc.) shall be about 16 m2 or 30 plants per plot.
B.2.1.7 In the case of papaya data of 3 locations for one year will be submitted for NVRC
and its performance will be evaluated in the following year and later, yield and other data
of the second year will be submitted for final approval.

B2.1.8 For enset, complete morphological and yield data of the screening trial will be
presented at the time of request for evaluation. In addition the performance of advanced
clones (variety trial) will be evaluated just before harvest and yield and qualitative data
will be presented to NVRC for appropriate action .The most appropriate period for
inspection shall be communicated to the NVRC, at the time the application is made for
release/ registration.


Release requests should be accompanied by the following:

B.2.2.1 Complete morphological description of candidate cultivar (s) should be provided

by each breeder/researcher/organization to enable identification. If possible suitable
plates, drawings and photographs may accompany each application.

B.2.2.2 Candidate cultivar should be free of serious diseases and insect pests at the
breeders' or nucleus source of seed/ bud wood / propagule / clone supply. A document to
that effect should be attached.

B.2.2.3 Adequate data in support of the application with respect to quantitative and
qualitative characters, under each location and number of years tested, should be
provided. These data should give a valid comparison with the standard cultivar or local
check if available.

B.2.2.4 Three completed copies for each candidate variety/varieties release request form
and a year location data summary of the recommended entries must be submitted to the
Secretariat Office of the NVRC before Ginbot 30 for rainfed crops and before Meskerem
30 for irrigated crops each year. Actions to place varieties on the released list will be
taken at the Yekatit /Megabit meeting of the NVRC. The breeder submitting the variety
or varieties for release may be called to appear in person before the NVRC to answer
queries regarding the proposal. Decisions reached by the committee will be reported at
the National Agricultural Research Review and Development Forum.


B.2. 3.1 The NVRC through its chairman appoints a sub-committee composed of NVRC
members and other relevant professionals to report on varietal performance after
examining the submitted data and field visits. The evaluation report from the sub-
committee is expected to cover: -
 Research data evaluation
 Verification trials evaluation
 General comments
 Recommendation

B. 2.3.2 Breeder's maintenance plots, for scions and rootstock research institution or other
organization should establish foundation or nucleus multiplication blocks. This
will ensure a steady supply of material to the production sector. The commercial
nursery/seed increase cooperator/ agency is the final and crucial bridge between
the plant breeder and the grower.

B.2.3.3 Seed gardens (foundation), nucleus scion wood and rootstock mother plantations,
colonial and propagate foundation blocks have to be maintained and made available for
periodic inspections by the NVRC or delegated specialists after a cultivar is registered
and released provisionally or otherwise.

B.2.3.4 A perennial crop should be provisionally released if there is an urgent need to

develop an exotic crop that has shown sufficient potential in the period stipulated even
though comparisons are not possible in the short term.

B.2.3.5 Provisionally released varieties due to suspicion of disease or other problems

should be further inspected within the following two years by the NVRC.

B.2.3.6 Registering with NVRC should formally regularize cultivars, which have been in
commercial productions prior to the establishment of this guideline.
B.2.3.7 A new variety should be assigned a permanent designation by the breeder/team
(preferably a short local name) after it has been approved for release. This is a pre-
condition for registration. A variety should not be distributed under more than one name.
The proposed name(s) can be rejected by NVRC for valid reason.

B.2.3.8 Up to three cultivars of a crop could be proposed for release for the same agro-
ecology for the same purpose. Moreover, varieties once rejected by the NVRC should not
be repeatedly put in verification and proposed for release under the same agro-ecology for
the same purpose.

B.2.3.9 A breakdown in resistance/tolerance to a condition the candidate cultivar was

developed for, should be communicated to the NVRC by the users. If this occurs the
NVRC will take appropriate action.

This Perennial Crops Variety Release Guideline will be subjected to
amendments/revision as deemed necessary.


Application for variety release/registration/ of perennial horticultural crops
(To be filled in triplicate)

B.1. Name and address of researcher/ institute responsible for developing the cultivar
B.2. Research commodity ____________________________________________
B.2. Name of crop (with Latin Name)___________________________________
B.3. Variety designation (breeders reference) _____________________________
B.4. Origin of cultivar
Information on origin and pedigree, mode of reproduction. (Hybrid/open
pollinated, seedling/bud sprout/clone/selection/imported/unknown)
B.5. Recommended ecological zones of adaptation.
B.6. Main positive feature(s) of the variety which make it superior to those in current
use. Indicate also shortcomings, which may restrict its use in some areas:

B.7. Input Required

B.7.1 This variety required (kg/ha) __________(N), ________(P),____________(K)
fertilizer to achieve this yield.

B.7.2 The trials (received) (did not receive) irrigation (circle one)
B.7.3 Pesticide applied, not applied (circle one). Indicate type, chemical name and
Type Name Rate
__________________ ________________ ________________
__________________ ________________ _________________
__________________ ________________ _________________

B.8 Test years and locations providing data for this assessment:
Year 1.________No. of location______ No. of varieties in trial_____
Year 2.________No. of location _______No. of varieties in trial_____
Year 3. _______No. of location _______No. of varieties in trial _

Regions/locations where trials were conducted:

B.9 Characteristics of the cultivar:
B.9.1 Morphological description
B.9.2 Quality of Product (Acceptability, Nutritional Value, TSS,
Utilization Aspects, etc.)

B.9.3 Regularity in bearing

B.9.5 Harvest period (s)

B.9.6 Resistance to disease/insects and other hazards (e.g. cold, heat, drought,
salinity). Explain scoring system and classify resistance in comparison with standard
Disease/insect Standard Proposed
or other hazard check variety
B.9.7 Processing quality/utilization information
B.10 Additional information (fertilizer regimes, irrigation levels, rootstock preferences
edaphic adaptability, suitability for large scale production or small farmer
cropping systems etc.)
B. 11. Main contributor for the release of the variety
Name Institution Profession

B. 12 Organization/institution responsible for maintaining breeder's stock

I the undersigned attest by my signature that the information given is true to the best of
my knowledge.
hereby, apply to the National Variety Release Committee for the release
and registration of this/these

Name ________________________ Signature ___________

Position ___________________________________________
Institution/Center Manager______________________________
(Official Seal for approval)

Date __________________________

Breeder’s seed/planting materials and/or a recommendation thereof could be obtained

only from the breeders of the respective crops or program leader.


All breeders* will be required to provide "Breeder's Seed for their varieties to the
Ethiopian Seed Industry Agency (NSIA) through the NVRC at the time the varieties are
granted the status of "provisional release" or 'full release" approved by the NVRC.
Request for renewal stocks will be made by the \government and/or other authorized
users direct with the concerned breeder in writing with a copy to NSIA. Breeders should
plan to provide the seed requested within 12 months. Breeders are also required to
provide seed to the Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research for long time
storage and maintain duplicate samples at the time they get approval from NVRC to
release their varieties.

The quantity of breeder seed required for new release or renewal stock is indicated in
column Tables 1 and 2. These are the quantities of seed per variety and seed stock class,
which authorized government, and other users such as ESE should receive from the
breeder, so that the users may produce the breeder-pre-basic seed generation the same
year as received.

The quantity of the nucleus seed that the breeder should preferably keep in cold storage is
shown in column 4 of the same tables. The breeder is responsible to ensure that this
nucleus stock is 100% authentic (represent the variety as released) and viability exceeding
85%. In practice, the breeder will multiply this seed one generation to obtain the Breeder
Seed quantity for authorized government and other users and simultaneously replace his
nucleus stock in cold storage.
* Breeders involved in field crops and/or horticultural crops


Please include the following points in your evaluation visit report of verification plots of
varieties proposed for release. (Any other additional Information is appreciated).

2.1 Performance data evaluation

This will consist of scrutinizing the submitted data for completeness,

relevance, Commissions and assessing if appropriate comparisons were done

2.2 Field evaluation

Insitu performance evaluation and recording of relevant information (data)

that will help in decision making and checking against reported information.


Any general observations regarding the conduct of the verification plots and any
shortcomings and suggestion should be included.

4.4 Recommendation

A recommendation on whether to accept, reject or reassess the variety or varieties

proposed for release should be explicitly stated.
Proclamation No. ……/2010

WHEREAS Ethiopia’s seed sector is vital to the country’s food

security and economic prosperity;

WHEREAS it is essential to ensure that a reliable and accessible

supply of quality seed is made available to farmers, agro-pastoralists
and other seed users;

WHEREAS the production, processing and distribution of quality

seed hinges on the coordinated efforts of public and private actors at
the national, regional and local levels;

WHEREAS in light of the above, it has become necessary to

strengthen the legal and institutional framework related to seed in

NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55(1) of the

Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby
proclaimed as follows:


1. Title

This Proclamation shall be cited as “Seed Proclamation No.


2. Definitions

In this Proclamation, unless the context requires otherwise:

1/ “Certified Seed” means domestically-produced or imported

seed certified as conforming to the Ethiopian Seed
Standards set forth in Article 15(b)(i);

2/ “certificate of competence” means a certificate attesting to

the satisfaction of established requirements to engage in a
specified activity in Ethiopia’s seed sector, as provided in
Part Six of this Proclamation;
3/ “Emergency Seed” means seed of a known provenance
that is intended to meet an acute seed shortage set forth
in Article 15(b)(i);

4/ “Ethiopian Seed Standards” means the minimum limits of

germination, varietal purity, physical purity and other
quality attributes of Certified, Quality Declared and
Emergency Seed, or of any other standard the Minister
may establish under Article 15;

This term has been re-defined to cover the three standards

for seed quality under this Proclamation.

5/ “genetically modified organism” means any living organism

that possesses a novel combination of genetic matter
obtained through the use of modern biotechnology;

6/ “local variety” means a variety that has evolved over a

period of time under particular agro-ecological conditions
within a defined area;

7/ “Minister” or “Ministry” means the minister or ministry

responsible for agriculture in Ethiopia;

This formulation is a useful alternative to putting in the

current name of the ministry, which if changed would
necessitate an amendment of the Proclamation.

8/ “OECD Seed Schemes” means the certification system of

the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development for the international trade of seed;

9/ “person” means any natural or juridical person;

10/ “prescribed seed” means any seed on or intended for the

domestic market for which there are minimum standards or
quality control requirements, as designated by ministerial

The list of prescribed seed must be comprehensive and

should include seed that may not be grown domestically,
but which is imported for the domestic market (e.g. rice).

The term “domestic market”, used throughout the text, has

intentionally been left undefined as counterparts agreed its
meaning was understood but difficult to accurately define.
The Minister is given the power (Article 32) to define the
term by directive if necessary to achieve the stated
purposes of the Proclamation.

11/ “Proclamation” means this proclamation and includes all

regulations, directives and other subsidiary implementing

12/ “quality control” means the process of evaluating seed

quality for compliance with Ethiopian Seed Standards, as
provided under Article 17 of this Proclamation

13/ “Quality Declared Seed” means seed certified as

conforming to the Ethiopian Seed Standards set forth in
Article 15(b) (ii) of this Proclamation;

In this system, the producer declares that the seed meets

the established Quality Declared Seed standards based on
internal quality controls, which the regulatory authority
later controls through spot checks. It relies on the technical
facilities and competence of seed producers to control
quality; as such, it is initially intended to apply to large

14/ “Region” means any state referred to in Article 47(1) of the

Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
and includes the Addis Ababa and Dire Dewa city

15/ “Regional Authority” means the authority responsible for

agriculture at the regional level;

As with the definition of Minister above, this descriptive

term permits changes to, or variations among, the names
of regional agriculture authorities without amending the

16/ “restricted seed” means seed prohibited from being

marketed in, imported into or exported from Ethiopia by
published ministerial directive;

17/ “seed” means true botanical seed, bulbs, tubers, cuttings

rhizomes, roots, seedlings or any other plant propagating
material intended for planting;

18/ “variety” means plant grouping within a single botanical

taxon of the lowest known rank that can be:
a) defined by the expression of the characteristics of a
given genotype or combination of genotypes;

b) distinguished from any other plant grouping by the

expression of at least one of the said characteristics;

c) considered as a unit with regard to its suitability for

being propagated unchanged.

The UPOV definition has been used to bring the legislation

in line with Ethiopia’s Plant Breeder’s Rights Proclamation
and international standards.

Any expression in the masculine gender includes the feminine.

3. Scope of Application

1/ This Proclamation shall apply to seeds of all plant varieties,

subject to sub articles 2 and 3 below.

2/ This Proclamation shall not apply to:

a) the use of farm-saved seed by any person, or the

use, exchange or sale of farm-saved seed by
smallholder farmers;

b) any sale of seed involving persons or seeds

exempted from the provisions of this Proclamation
under sub-articles 3; or

c) seed used for research purposes, which nevertheless

may be subject to regulation under other legislation.

3/ The Minister may, from time to time and by published

directive, exempt any class of persons or category of seed
from the provisions of this Proclamation.

4/ The application of any provision of this Proclamation shall

in no way affect the rights granted under Plant Breeder’s
Rights Proclamation No. 481/2006.

4. Purpose

The Proclamation has the following purposes:

a) ensure reliable access to high quality seed;

b) facilitate the introduction of improved varieties on
the market;
c) protect farmers from sub-standard or fraudulently
sold seed;
d) encourage the emergence of private seed production
enterprises; and
e) meet Ethiopia’s food security and economic needs.


5. Implementing Authority

1/ The Minister shall have the power and responsibility to

implement this Proclamation.

The term “Minister” is used instead of “Ministry” because

responsibility to implement the proclamation ultimately
rests with the Minister; the Ministry is not an accountable

2/ The Minister may delegate any part of the authority

granted under this Proclamation to other entities as may
be necessary.

6. National Variety Release Committee

1/ An independent National Variety Release Committee shall

be established, comprised of a Chairperson to be voted by
the Committee, a Permanent Secretary and at lease one
other member from the Ministry, and members from at
least the following:

a) agricultural research institute at federal and regional


b) public seed producer at federal and regional levels;

c) institute responsible for biodiversity conservation;

d) cooperatives union;

e) private sector seed growers association;

f) private seed producer (non-association); and

g) institution of higher learning.

The Committee may establish such technical or other sub-

committees as may be necessary for it to carry out its

2/ Committee members shall receive a sitting allowance or

other remuneration as determined by the Minister in
compensation for their services. [national counsel to

3/ The Committee shall meet at least twice each year, or as

often as necessary for it to carry out its functions under
this Proclamation. At its first meeting, the Committee shall:

a) establish its operating rules and procedures; and

b) convene a committee of relevant crop specialists to

draft technical guidelines and requirements for
variety release

4/ The Committee shall carry out the following functions in

accordance with published procedures and guidelines:

a) determine the procedures and methodologies for

seed testing;

b) establish and/or improve technical standards for each

species of prescribed seed;

c) order trials and evaluate results;

d) take decisions on applications to release new


5/ The Committee shall report directly to the Minister for

variety release recommendations and the Permanent
Secretary shall list approved varieties in the National
Variety Register.
6/ Committee decisions on the release of new varieties shall
be taken by a 2/3 majority of at least 51% of the voting

7/ The Committee shall engage in disinterested decision-

making and, to that end, shall define in its operational
rules and procedures what will constitute a conflict of
interest and shall require any member who falls within that
definition to abstain from decision-making on the case in

8/ Any person who has grounds to believe his application was

rejected in violation of the Committee’s procedures and
guidelines shall have the right to appeal the decision, first
to the Committee and then to the appropriate
administrative body.

7. National Seed Advisory Board

1/ The Minister shall establish a National Seed Advisory Board

(the “Advisory Board”), which shall comprise a Chairperson
appointed by the Minister, a Secretary from the Ministry,
and representatives from:

a) federal agricultural research institute;

b) Regional Authorities (rotating basis);

c) national standards authority;

d) institute responsible for biodiversity conservation;

e) private sector seed producer;

f) seed importer and exporter;

g) authority responsible for environment

h) ministry responsible for trade and industry;

i) ministry responsible for health;

j) authority responsible for revenu &customs; and

k) institution of higher learning.

The composition is listed in descriptive terms rather than
proper names, which are subject to change.

2/ The Advisory Board shall:

a) advise the Minister on policies and legislation aimed

at strengthening Ethiopia’s seed systems, including
on institutional, capacity-building and other matters;

b) advise the Minister on the implementation of such

policies and legislation, including this Proclamation
and any subsidiary instruments.

3/ The Advisory Board may establish task forces as necessary

for it to effectively perform its functions.

4/ The Advisory Board shall meet at least once annually and

thereafter as often as may be required, and shall adopt its
operating rules and procedures at the first meeting.

An inter-ministerial advisory body is a useful vehicle for

providing broad input on cross-cutting issues that affect a range
of public and private actors in Ethiopia’s seed system.

8. Regional Authorities

1/ Each Regional Authority shall be responsible for

implementing this Proclamation at the regional level.

2/ The Regional Authorities shall, among other things:

a) liaise with the Ministry on matters of regional interest

with respect to plant varieties;

b) coordinate public seed production and distribution at

the regional level among regions and with the central
public seed producer;

c) issue certificates of competence for seed producers,

processors, distributors and retailers in accordance
with Articles 25 and 26;

d) designate and obtain accreditation for seed testing

e) carry out quality control functions as provided in this
Proclamation; and

f) perform other functions within the scope of this

article or as agreed between the Regional Authorities
and the Minister.

3/ Each Regional Authority shall establish or designate such

bodies as may be necessary to carry out its functions
under this Proclamation.

9. Federal and Regional Coordination

1/ a) The Minister and the Regional Authorities shall

coordinate implementation of this Proclamation as
and to the extent necessary to effectively achieve its

b) To the same end, the Regional Authorities shall

communicate and coordinate among themselves.

2/ To further ensure coherent and uniform application of this

Proclamation, the Regional Authorities shall employ
procedures, standards and guidelines issued or approved
by the Minister for, among other things:

a) laboratory accreditation;

b) seed production;

c) quality control, including seed testing and inspection;

d) issuing certificates of competence;

as well as for any other activity identified by the Minister.

3/ The Minister shall provide the Regional Authorities and

institutions with the training, capacity-building and other
support necessary for them to carry out their functions
under this Proclamation.


10. Approval and Release of Varieties

Any new variety of seed may be approved and released by
decision of the Minister upon the recommendation of the Variety
Release Committee, following evaluation of the results of variety
verification trials.

1/ Varieties for Export Only

Varieties for export only shall not be subject to variety

release or registration requirements unless otherwise
required by the importing country, but shall nonetheless be
subject to all controls under prevailing phytosanitary,
biosafety and other relevant legislation.

2/ Varieties for Release on the Domestic Market

a) New domestic and foreign-bred varieties for release on

the domestic market shall undergo multi-year, multi-
location testing as set forth in the variety release and
registration guidelines.

b) Domestic local varieties already in existence in informal

seed systems shall be subject to such testing as the
Committee shall require in accordance with its rules and
procedures prior to their release on the domestic

c) Registered foreign-bred varieties for release on the

domestic market shall undergo single- or multi-season,
multi-location verification trial, as determined by the
Committee in accordance with its rules and procedures.

3/ In order to facilitate the release of new varieties on the

domestic market, the Minister, on advice of the Committee,
may reduce or waive the testing requirements for any
variety falling under paragraph 2(c) above if the applicant
can scientifically demonstrate its adaptability to Ethiopian
conditions, as determined through tests equivalent to those
employed or recognized for other nationally-registered

Safeguards are built into this provision to prevent the

registration of inappropriate varieties. Additional
requirements may be established by directive or

11. National Variety Register

1/ The Minister shall enter the varieties approved in
accordance with Article 10 of this Proclamation in the
National Variety Register.

2/ The Permanent Secretary of the Variety Release

Committee shall keep and regularly update the National
Variety Register and make it available to the public.

3/ The Variety Release Committee shall periodically re-

evaluate the varieties listed in the National Variety Register
and recommend the removal of any obsolete varieties.


12. Production
Seed may be produced by any entity, including (but not limited
a) federal and regional public seed production bodies;
b) private companies;
c) cooperatives;
d) NGOs; and
e) farmers;
subject to the provisions of the Plant Breeder’s Rights
Proclamation (No. 481/2006) and any other applicable

13. Registry of Prescribed Seed Producers

The Minister shall establish a registry of prescribed seed

producers, which shall contain the following information on each
public and private producer:

a) business name and address;

b) description of activity and type(s) of seed produced;

c) validity of certificate of competence;

d) data on the seed being grown, including:

(i) field number and growing history over the
previous five years;
(ii) seed variety and class;
(iii) all field and laboratory inspection reports;
(iv) the quantity produced for certification where
(v) plot testing results; and
(vi) any action taken to reject or downgrade seed in
the previous [five] years; [Recommend clean
slate after a certain number of years have
passed without any such action taken.]
e) production statistics, including imports, exports and
in-country production; and

f) any other information as may be prescribed by

published ministerial directive.

14. Integrated Production Planning

1/ The federal and regional seed production institutions shall,

together with private seed companies and the Minister,
develop, draft and periodically review a strategy for
rationalizing their roles in the production and distribution of
prescribed seed, with an emphasis on integrated production
planning, harmonizing standards and procedures, sharing
best practices and equitably allocating machinery and

2/ The Minister shall keep a prescribed seed production

database containing:

a) planning methodologies;

b) annual production targets and allocation of


c) annual production statistics for each type of seed, by

institution and overall;

d) land, infrastructure and other resources used to

produce the seed in (c) above; and

e) any other information relevant to national seed

The seed production database shall be part of or linked to
the registry of prescribed seed producers established under
Article 13 of this Proclamation.


15. Standards

The Minister shall, through Ethiopia’s national standards

authority, establish the following with respect to prescribed seed:

a) the standards and requirements for different classes

of seed;

b) the Ethiopian Seed Standards for:

(i) Certified Seed;

(ii) Quality Declared Seed;

(iii) Emergency Seed, which shall be of a known

provenance; and

(iv) any other seed standard that may be

established; and

c) which species shall be subject to each standard.

Counterparts observed that some Ethiopian seed standards are

excessively high, which has resulted in the rejection and
destruction of good quality seed. It is therefore recommended
that standards be reviewed and revised as necessary to comply
with – but not necessarily exceed – international standards and
otherwise to determine what is appropriate for each variety.

16. Official Laboratories

1/ The Minister shall establish the accreditation criteria and

testing procedures for all seed testing laboratories in

This sub-section takes into account Ethiopia’s current seed

testing capacity while still requiring the eventual adoption
of ISTA procedures.
2/ The Minister shall establish or designate an accredited
national laboratory to test prescribed seed, which shall
endeavor to comply with International Seed Testing
Association methods as soon as practicable.

3/ The Minister shall accredit official laboratories for seed

testing at the regional level.

The Minister is given the power to accredit and issue

guidelines, procedures and standards for both central and
regional laboratories to promote consistent seed quality
among regions. This will facilitate the inter-regional
movement of seed and otherwise create a coherent seed
system in Ethiopia.

17. Quality Control of Prescribed Seed

The Minister shall establish the procedures and criteria for all
quality control testing of prescribed seed in Ethiopia.

1/ The Regional Authorities shall be responsible for quality

control of domestically produced seed for release on the
domestic market;

2/ The Minister shall be responsible for the quality control of:

a) imported prescribed seed, to ensure its conformity

with Ethiopian Seed Standards; and

b) domestically produced seed for export, to ensure its

conformity with the standards of the country of

3/ The Minister may recognize the quality control designation

of any foreign certification agency as equivalent to
Ethiopian Seed Standards.

4/ OECD Seed Schemes or their internationally accepted

equivalent shall be employed as soon as practicable, with a
priority on domestically produced seed for export.

This provision takes into account Ethiopia’s current

capacity for quality control while requiring that the OECD
or equivalent scheme be put in place as soon as possible.

18. Certificates of Seed Quality

1/ Certified Seed and Quality Declared Seed

Each Regional Authority shall, upon ascertaining that

domestically produced and processed prescribed seed for
supply to the domestic market:

a) is listed in the National Variety Register;

b) has been produced and processed by a person

holding a certificate of competence in accordance
with prescribed procedures, including the use of
appropriate generations of seed;

c) has been tested in accordance with this Proclamation

and found to be in conformity with the applicable
Ethiopian Seed Standards; and

d) fulfils any other requirement as the Minister may

specify by published directive;

upon payment of the prescribed fee, issue a certificate of

Certified Seed or Quality Declared Seed with respect to
such seed.

2/ Emergency Seed

The Minister shall issue a Certificate of Emergency Seed

upon ascertaining that the seed in question is in conformity
with the applicable Ethiopian Seed Standards and fulfils
any other requirement the Minister may establish.

3/ Imported Seed

The Minister shall, upon ascertaining that imported seed:

a) is listed the National Variety Register, unless

imported for breeding and re-export purposes only;

b) was imported into Ethiopia by a seed importer

holding a certificate of competence;

c) has been tested in accordance with this Proclamation

and found to be in conformity with the applicable
Ethiopian Seed Standards; and

d) fulfils any other requirement as may be required by

the Minister by published directive;
upon payment of the prescribed fee, issue a certificate of
seed quality with respect to such seed.

4/ Seed for Export

The Minister shall, upon ascertaining that seed for export:

a) where required by the importing country, is of a

variety listed in the National Variety Register;

b) was produced and processed by a person holding a

certificate of competence;

c) has been tested in accordance with this Proclamation

and found to be in conformity with OECD Seed
Schemes or their international equivalent, or with the
testing procedures of the country of destination; and

This article permits testing procedures to be

equivalent to OECD Seed Schemes in order to bring
exports in line with international standards even if
Ethiopia is not technically able to comply with all of
the OECD requirements.

d) fulfils any other requirement as may be required by

the Minister by published directive;

upon payment of the prescribed fee, issue a certificate of

seed quality for export with respect to such seed.

5/ Revocation

Any certificate of seed quality may be revoked where:

a) it is found to have been obtained on the basis of

false, misleading or incomplete information; or

b) the seed is found not to meet the applicable

Ethiopian Seed Standards following a post-control
conducted under Article 20 of this Proclamation or
any re-testing of seed quality.

Prior to revoking a certificate of seed quality, the Minister

or relevant Regional Authority shall notify the holder of the
certificate and give him the opportunity to be heard.
19. Labeling

1/ No prescribed seed may be put on the domestic market

unless labeled in accordance with this Proclamation.

2/ Prescribed Seed Labels shall be printed according to OECD

color codes and shall contain at least the following

a) the name and emblem of the producer;

b) “Certified Seed”, “Quality Declared Seed” or relevant

seed class;

c) type of crop and name of variety;

d) year of production, date of seed testing and

expiration date of certificate;

e) quantity of seed in the container;

f) symbol of danger for chemically-treated seed; and

g) any other information that the Minister may require

by published directive.

3/ For Emergency Seed, the label shall contain the following


a) name of supplier;

b) the phrase “Emergency Seed”;

c) crop and, if possible, variety;

d) date of seed testing and expiration date of


e) representation that it meets minimum germination


f) quantity of seed in the container;

g) symbol of danger for chemically-treated seed; and

h) any other information that the Minister may require

by published directive.
Seed labels shall be printed or stamped in indelible ink on
the container of the seed or affixed thereto as specified by
published ministerial directive.

20. Pre- and Post-Control

1/ As soon as practicable, the Minister shall put in place a

system of pre- and post-control plot testing of an
established percentage of all classes of seed except
breeder seed lots to verify varietal identity and purity, in
particular when there is reason to doubt the applicable
standards are met and for all higher generation seed.

2/ The Minister and Regional Authorities shall conduct plot

testing to verify the seed quality control procedures and
shall undertake such remedial measures as may be

3/ To verify that a given lot of seed on the domestic market

conforms to the applicable Ethiopian Seed Standards, a
laboratory test using the latest technology may be
conducted at any time on samples of such seed.

21. Rejected or Downgraded Seed

1/ Where a seed lot fails to meet the applicable standards, it

shall be downgraded where possible, or rejected and
disposed of in accordance with directives issued by the
Minister, subject to the provisions of sub articele2 below.

2/ Any person whose seed lot has been rejected shall be

given the option to:

a) use the seed for food or feed; or

b) re-plant the seed in his own fields for personal use;

unless the seed is found to be contaminated or otherwise

unfit for consumption or use.

This novel provision permits the productive use of sub-

standard seed where possible as an alternative to its
automatic destruction.

22. Import and Export of Seed

1/ No person shall import or export seed without a valid
import or export permit issued by the Minister.

2/ Any variety of seed to be imported for multiplication

purposes, except where exclusively for re-export, shall be
subject to prior verification trials as established by the
Variety Release Committee and shall be listed in the
National Variety Register in accordance with this

3/ Genetically modified organisms may be imported into

Ethiopia only if the Minister receives prior assurance of
their compliance with applicable legislation from the
authority designated therein.
4/ No person may:

a) import or export restricted seed; or

b) import any seed containing terminator gene


5/ The Minister may, by directive, restrict the export of any

variety of seed if it is determined that such export may
adversely affect Ethiopia’s food security or any other public

23. Supply of Emergency Seed

In case of an acute seed shortage in Ethiopia, the Minister shall

have the power to declare a seed shortage emergency and to
authorize the supply of Emergency Seed to affected areas.


In post-workshop discussions, it was decided that the requirement for

certificates of competence will remain in the Proclamation, but that the
provisions setting forth the specific criteria for each category will be
moved into regulations and ministerial directives as appropriate. This
approach will help avoid unintended or excessive hurdles, in particular
for small seed enterprises, and will lessen the administrative burden on
the government.

24. Requirement
1/ Any producer, processor, importer, exporter, wholesaler,
distributor or retailer of prescribed seed shall obtain a
certificate of competence from the appropriate authority,
as provided under Article 25.

2/ A certificate of competence must be obtained before

application is made for any required trade license.

3/ The Minister shall have the authority to establish and/or

modify the requirements for each category of certificate of
competence by published ministerial directive, subject to
the provisions of this Proclamation and implementing

25. Application, Issuance and Validity

1/ Applications for certificates of competence shall be made


a) for seed producers, processors, distributors or

retailers, the Regional Authority of the region in
which their headquarters is located; or

b) for seed importers and exporters, the Minister.

2/ Applications shall contain evidence showing the fulfillment

of the requirements provided for in this Proclamation with
respect to the issuance of the certificate of competence in
question and other information that may be required by
published ministerial directive.

3/ The Minister or the relevant Regional Authority shall, upon

ascertaining that the application is complete and correct
and upon payment of the prescribed fee, issue the
certificate of competence in question.

4/ When any application is rejected, the Minister or the

relevant Regional Authority shall state the reasons

5/ Unless otherwise established by ministerial directive, any

certificate of competence issued under this Proclamation
shall be valid for a period of three years, and shall be
automatically renewed for additional three-year periods
upon payment of the prescribed fee unless terminated by
the relevant authority for failure to maintain the conditions
upon which the certificate was granted.
26. National Registry

All certificates of competence shall have national validity and

shall therefore be recognized by all other issuing authorities in
Ethiopia. To this end:

a) The Minister shall establish a national registry of all

certificates of competence issued by both federal and
regional authorities.

b) Each Regional Authority shall transmit to the Minister

the records of all certificates of competence it issues for
entry into the national registry.

c) The Minister shall make the contents of the national

registry available to all federal and regional authorities
that may need to verify for official purposes the
existence of a valid certificate of competence.

The purpose of this provision is to ensure the national validity of

all certificates so producers (or other actors) cannot be made to
obtain a separate certificate of competence for every region in
which it does business. The national registry is intended to
provide a centralized, accessible source of information to
facilitate inter-regional recognition of certificates by all concerned

27. Suspension and Revocation

1/ Where a person issued a certificate of competence in

accordance with this Proclamation:

a) fails to maintain the conditions upon the basis of

which the certificate of competence has been issued;

b) contravenes any material provision of this

Proclamation, including the regulations and directives
issued for its implementation;

the Minister or the relevant Regional Authority may

suspend the certificate of competence and instruct the
holder to rectify the irregularities within a specified
reasonable period of time.
2/ The Minister or relevant Regional Authority may revoke any
certificate of competence issued in accordance with this
Proclamation where the holder of the certificate:

a) is found to have obtained the certificate of

competence upon presentation of false evidence;

b) in the case of suspension under sub-article (1) of this

Article, fails to rectify the irregularities within the
specified time limit; or

c) has committed an offense under Article 31 of this

Proclamation or under the Penal Code.

3/ The Minister or the relevant Regional Authority shall, upon

revoking a certificate of competence, so notify in writing
any authority that issued a business or trade license on the
basis of the certificate in question.

Consider adding administrative right to appeal the denial or

revocation of a certificate of competence.

National legal counsel to advise on the role of courts,

arbitration tribunals or other administrative dispute
resolution mechanisms and whether the denial of a
certificate of competence rises to the level of those
administrative actions that deserve an additional appeal

28. Records and Access

Any holder of a certificate of competence shall:

1/ record and keep particulars of each field and seed

produced or processed, imported, exported, distributed or
retailed, as the case may be;

2/ keep samples of seed on which laboratory test have been

made for at least one year; and

3/ furnish such information or samples upon request by any

inspector authorized under Article 30 of this Proclamation.

29. Waiver of Requirement

The Minister shall have the power to waive the requirement for any
individual or category of certificate of competence in case of severe
seed shortage.


30. Inspection

1/ The Minister and each Regional Authority shall appoint

inspectors to ensure compliance with this Proclamation and
shall issue them an official certificate of authority.

The term “identity card” was replaced by “certificate of

authority” because inspectors need to prove their
delegation of power to act, not just their identity.

2/ The Minister shall:

a) determine the federal and regional inspection


b) ensure standardized inspection procedures

throughout the country; and

c) provide inspection training and support to Regional

Authorities where necessary.
3/ An inspector shall have the power, at all reasonable times,
without a warrant and upon presentation of his certificate
of authority, to:

a) carry out periodic inspections of any land, building,

plant, machinery, facility, vehicle, equipment or
container where seed may be produced, processed,
stored or transported to
determine compliance with the provisions of this

b) require the production of and inspect certificates,

permits, records and other documents relevant to
determining compliance with this Proclamation and
make copies thereof;

c) take samples of seeds and submit same for analysis

for the purpose of post control under Article 20 of
this Proclamation;

d) seize any machinery or equipment, container, seed,

book, record or document that provides evidence of a
contravention of this Proclamation, provided that he:

(i) provides a receipt in the prescribed form to the

person from whose custody the item was
taken; and
(ii) promptly returns the item once the necessary
inquiry or prosecution has been completed,
except when subject to destruction under this

e) carry out other inspection, monitoring or surveillance

activities as may be prescribed by regulations and
directives issued hereunder.

4/ Inspectors shall promptly submit evidence of any violation

of this Proclamation that is gathered in the course of
inspections to the relevant body for prosecution.

5/ All persons shall comply with any order or instruction

issued during the course of inspection and shall otherwise
permit inspectors to carry out their functions under this

6/ Any inspector shall produce his certificate of authority upon

the demand of any person affected by the exercise of his
official duties under this Proclamation.

7/ Inspectors shall have the power to call upon Ethiopia’s

forces of order for support in carrying out any of their
functions under this Proclamation.

31. Offenses and Penalties

To be reviewed by national counsel for consonance with the

Criminal Code and any applicable civil or administrative offences
and penalties.
Any person who:

a) imports or supplies to the domestic market any seed

not registered and quality controlled in accordance
with this Proclamation, or which does not meet the
applicable Ethiopian Seed Standards; or

b) gives or offers to give any thing of value to cause the

commission of fraudulent act in the course of
production, processing, marketing or quality control
of seeds;

c) intentionally present the wrong seed sample for


d) tampers with any sample taken under this


e) knowingly gives any false or misleading information in

making any application or filing any document under
this Proclamation;

f) fails to observe the labeling provisions under Article

19 of this Proclamation, or supplies to the market
seed that does not correspond to the information on
the label; or

g) without lawful authority, alters, defaces, or removes

any register, certificate, label, or other official record
created or issued under this Proclamation;

h) refuses to cooperate with or willfully obstructs the

work of a seed inspector exercising his powers under
this Proclamation; or

i) contravenes other [material] provisions of this

Proclamation; Recommend removing this sub-
paragraph, or reformulating by adding the term
“material”, as it could potentially apply to the even
the most minor deviation from the Proclamation.
Further, it likely provides insufficient notice of what
behavior constitutes a violation and could therefore
be found unconstitutional. TBD by national counsel.
shall have committed an offense under this Proclamation
and shall be subject to such penalties as provided under
Ethiopian civil or criminal law.

2/ Any official or personnel of the Ministry or of any Regional

Authority who:

a) in exchange for value or due to kinship or other

personal relationship, causes the registration of a
variety or the issuance of a certificate or a permit
while the requirements provided under this
Proclamation are not met; or

b) with intent to obtain undue advantage or to injure

the rights or interests of another, delays or
wrongfully disposes of any matter brought before
him in his official capacity;

shall have committed an offense with intent to corrupt

under this Proclamation and shall be subject to such
penalties as provided under Ethiopian criminal law.

Provisions assigning specific amounts for fines were removed to

avoid having to amend the Proclamation whenever inflation or
other changes render them obsolete. Alternatives: proportion of
an amount that (ideally) changes with inflation, e.g. average
monthly wage of a civil servant, or as determined by a judge or
magistrate. To be decided by national counsel according to
applicable drafting rules.


32. Powers and Duties of the Minister

Without prejudice to any other provision of this Proclamation, the

Minister shall have the power to issue published directives and
other subsidiary instruments for the following non-exhaustive list
of purposes:

a) designate the species to be listed as prescribed seed;

b) establish and modify the parameters defining

“domestic market” and “smallholder farmer” as used
in the Proclamation, if necessary;
c) set fees for variety release applications, laboratory
testing, certificates of competence and other
administrative procedures under this Proclamation;

d) ensure the production of an adequate supply of

breeder seed;

e) prepare technical working manuals for seed

production and quality control;

f) provide technical support and training to smallholder

farmers on production and multiplication in the
informal seed system;

g) establish or designate a central seed testing

laboratory and ensure that it obtains and maintains
international accreditation;

h) accredit, supervise and provide technical support to

seed testing laboratories and bring seed testing
services in line with international standards;

i) establish and maintain adequate seed reserves for

emergency situations;

j) encourage private investors to engage in seed

production and distribution; and

k) promote equal access and opportunities to all actors

in Ethiopia’s seed sector.

33. Power to Issue Regulations

The Council of Ministers may issue any regulation necessary for

the implementation of this Proclamation.

34. Repeal

1/ Seed Proclamation No. 206/2000, including any

implementing instrument promulgated thereunder, is
hereby repealed.

2/ No law, regulations, directives or customary practices shall,

in so far as they are inconsistent with this Proclamation, be
applicable with respect to matters provided for by this

35. Effective Date

This Proclamation shall enter into force on the ....... day of
......... 2010.

Done at Addis Ababa, this ............. day of ............ 2010.


Annex 7 : Proclamation No. 481/2006: Plant Breeders’ Rights Proclamation 
12th Year No. 12 
ADDIS ABABA – 27th February, 2006 
Proclamation No. 481/2006 Plant Breeders’ Right 
Proclamation….Page 3339 
WHEREAS, the utilization of new plant varieties developed through research play a significant 
role in improving agricultural production and productivity; 
WHEREAS, the development of new plant varieties requires considerable effort and investment; 
WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide for recognition and economic reward for those who 
contribute to such effort and investment so as to encourage their involvement in the sector; 
WHEREAS, it is necessary and appropriate to ensure that the farming and pastoral communities 
of Ethiopia, who have been conserving and continue to do so in the future the agro‐biodiversity 
resource used to develop new plant varieties, continue to their centuries old customary practice 
of use and exchange of seed; 
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55 (1) of the Constitution of the Federal 
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows: 
1. Short Title 
This Proclamation may be cited as the “Plant Breeders’ Right Proclamation No. 481/2006.” 
2. Definitions 
In this Proclamation unless the context otherwise requires: 
1/ “applicant” means a person who has filed an application with the Ministry for a plant 
breeders’ right; 
2/ “Ministry” means the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; 
3/ “breeder” means a person who: 
a) has bred and developed a new plant variety; or 
b) has employed or commissioned the work of the person who has bred or developed    
     a new plant variety; or 
c) is a successor in title of the person mentioned in (a) or (b) of this Sub‐Article; 
4/ “holder” means a person to whom a plant breeders’ right has been granted by the 
5/ “new plant variety” means a variety that: 
a/ by reason of one or more identifiable characteristics, is clearly distinguishable from all other 
varieties the existence of which is a matter of common knowledge at the date of application 
for a plant breeders’ right; 
b/ is stable in its essential characteristics, in that after repeated reproduction or multiplication, 
at the end of each cycle, remains true to its description; 
c/ having regard to its particular features of sexual reproduction or vegetative propagation, is 
sufficiently homogenous or is a well‐defined multi‐line; and 
d/ its material has not been sold or otherwise disposed of to others by the breeder for purposes 
of commercial exploitation of the variety: 
i) in the territory of Ethiopia, earlier than one year before the date of filling of application for 
plant breeders’ right with the Ministry; or 
ii) in the territory of any other state, earlier than six years in the case of varieties of tree, fruit 
tree or grape vines, or in the case of other species, earlier than four years before the date of the 
6/ “Plant” means a living‐organism which is not an animal and which can reproduce itself 
7/ “protected variety” means a new plant variety that is protected by a plant breeders’ right 
granted by the Ministry; 
8/ “variety” means a plant grouping within a single botanical taxon of the lowest known rank, 
which can be: 
a) defined by the expression of the characteristics resulting from a given genotype or 
combination of genotypes; 
b) distinguished from any other plant grouping by the expression of at least one of said 
characteristics; and 
c) considered as a unit for being propagated unchanged; 
9/ "Farmers variety" means a plant variety having specific attributes and which has been 
discovered, breed, developed or nurtured by Ethiopian farming communities or a wild 
relative of variety about which the Ethiopian farming communities have common 
10/ “Wild relative” means a plant variety which is not domesticated by man and which is found 
in the wild by nature. 
11/ “Propagating material” means any part of a plant which can be propagated. 
12/ “Person” means natural person or juridical person. 
13/ “Institution” means a state or private organization having juridical personality. 
3. Scope of Application 
1/ This Proclamation shall apply to new plant varieties of the genera and species, which the 
Ministry shall determine by directives; 
2/ The Ministry may revise, from time to time, as necessary, the list of the plant genera and 
species to which this Proclamation shall apply. 
4. Protection of Right 
Subject to the conditions and limitations provided for in this Proclamation, a breeder shall 
be granted a plant breeders’ right in respect of his new plant variety. 
5. Scope of Plant Breeder’s Right 
1/ Subject to the exemptions and restrictions provided for in this Proclamation, a plant 
     breeders’ right entitles the holder an exclusive right to: 
a) sell, including the right to license other persons to sell, the seed or propagating    material of 
the protected variety; and 
b) produce, including the right to license other persons to produce, propagating material of the 
protected variety for sale. 
2/ The carrying out of the activities referred to in Sub‐Article (1) of this Article by other persons 
with respect to a protected variety is prohibited unless with the authorization of the holder. 
6. Exemptions to Plant Breeders’ Right 
1/ Notwithstanding the existence of a plant breeder’s right, any person or farmers’ 
    community may: 
a) propagate, grow and use a protected variety for purposes other than commerce; 
b) sell plants or the propagating material of the protected variety for use as food or for   
any other use that does not involve growing the plant or the propagating material of the 
protected variety; 
c) sell plants or propagating material of a protected variety as they are within a farm or     
      any other place where plants of the variety are gown; 
d) use plants or propagating material of a protected variety as an initial source of variation for 
purpose of developing another new plant variety except where the person makes 
repeated use of plants or propagating material of the variety for the commercial 
production of another variety; 
e) sprout a protected variety for use as food for home consumption or for the market; 
f) use a protected variety in further breeding, research or teaching; 
g) obtain, with the conditions of utilization, protected variety from gene banks or plant 
genetic resources centers. 
2/ Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub‐Article (1) of this Article, farmers cannot sell farm‐
saved seed or propagating material of a protected variety in the seed industry on commercial 
7. Restrictions on Plant Breeders’ Right 
1/ The Ministry may, when public interest so requires, due to the following grounds, put 
restrictions on the exercise of a plant breeders’ right where: 
a) problems arise due to competitive practices of holders; 
b) food security, nutritional or health needs or biological diversity are found adversely 
c) a high proportion of a protected variety offered for sale is being imported; 
d) the requirements of the farming community for prorogating material of a particular 
protected variety are not met; 
e) it is considered important to promote public interest for socio‐economic reasons and    
    for developing indigenous and other technologies. 
2/ When the Ministry decides to put restrictions on the exercise of a plant breeders’ right,  
      it shall: 
a) give to the holder the copy of the decision setting out the particulars of the restrictions; 
b) give public notice of the restrictions; and 
c) specify the compensation to be paid to the holder. 
3/ where the holder is dissatisfied with the compensation decided to be paid, he may  lodge his 
appeal in accordance with Article 34 of this Proclamation. 
8. Compulsory Licensing 
1/ Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 8 of this Proclamation, the Ministry may, to 
safeguard public interest, grant a compulsory license upon application by any interested 
2/ The Ministry may grant a compulsory license only if: 
a) the holder is not producing and selling the propagating material of the protected variety in 
sufficient amount to meet the needs of the general public and has refused to license other 
persons to produce and sell the propagating material of the protected variety or is not 
willing to give such license under reasonable terms; or 
b) there exist no condition under which the holder can be expected to give a permit to  
    use his protected variety. 
3/ Where the Ministry grants compulsory license, it shall determine the remuneration 
the person to whom the compulsory license is granted shall pay to the holder, the 
duration of the compulsory license and other conditions as necessary. The duration 
of a compulsory license shall not be shorter than three years and longer than five 
years; provided, however, that the Ministry may extend the duration if an 
application for extension is made and the conditions warranting compulsory 
licensing continue to exist. 
4/ A person to whom a compulsory license is granted shall have a non‐exclusive right to perform 
all or any of the activities for which the authorization of the holder would have been 
5/ Compulsory licensing shall not preclude the holder from using the variety or to grant  
     license to others. 
9. Duration of Plant Breeders’ Right 
Without prejudice to other provisions of this Proclamation, a plant breeders’ right shall exist 
for a period of 20 years in the case of annual crops, and 25 year in the case of trees, vines 
and other perennial trees from the date the successful application for a plant breeders’ right 
was accepted. 
10. Persons Entitled to Plant Breeders Right 
1/ A breeder shall be entitled to a plant breeders’ right in respect of his new plant variety, 
whether or not the breeder is an Ethiopian national or a foreigner, or is an Ethiopian 
resident or not, and whether the variety was bred locally or abroad. 
2/ Where two or more persons bred the variety jointly or that they are joint successors, they 
shall jointly be entitled to plant breeders’ right; provided however, that only one or some of 
such persons may apply for a plant breeders’ right provided that the remaining other 
persons have given their consent in writing to this effect. 
3/ Where the breeder is a public or a private institution, the plant breeders’ right shall be 
granted in the name of the institution. 
4/ Where a variety has been bred by two or more persons independently of each other, the 
entitlement to plant breeders’ right shall belong to the person who has first filed an 
application with the Ministry for plant breeders’ right. 
5/ Where an application is filed by a person who is not entitled to plant breeders’ right, the 
person who is entitled to the plant breeders’ right may apply to the Ministry for the 
assignment of the application to him. 
11. Application 
A breeder who wants to be granted a plant breeders’ right in respect of a new plant variety 
shall, present written application to the Ministry. The conditions and procedure in 
accordance with which applications may be lodged, examined and decided shall be specified 
by regulations. 
12. Provisional Protection 
1/ The applicant shall be deemed to have a plant breeders’ right in respect of the new variety 
during the period between the date the application for plant breeders’ right is filed and the 
granting of plant breeders’ right or the final rejection of the application. 
2/ The genetic material of the new plant variety under provisional protection shall not be used 
for non‐research purposes. The Ministry shall take the necessary measures to prevent the 
use of the genetic material of such variety for non‐research purposes. 
13. Opposition 
Where an application is lodged for a plant breeders’ right, any person, who considers that the 
granting of plant breeders’ right will be contrary to public interest, or that the variety does not 
fulfill the requirements for granting plant breeders’ right, or that the applicant is not entitled to 
plant breeders’ right, may lodge with the Ministry an opposition to the application setting out 
the particulars for the opposition. The conditions and procedure pursuant to which 
oppositionshall be lodged, examined and disposed shall be specified by regulations. 
14. Granting of Plant Breeders’ Right 
The Ministry shall grant a plant breeders’ right if it is satisfied that: 
1/ the plant variety is new; 
2/ there is no ground, as provided for in this Proclamation, to refuse the granting of plant 
breeders’ right to the applicant; 
3/ the breeder has a proof that he has obtained the genetic resource used to develop the variety 
in accordance with the relevant laws on access to genetic resources; 
4/ a plant breeders’ right has not been granted to another person in respect of the   
5/ there has been no earlier application, that has not been withdrawn or rejected, for a plant 
breeders’ right in respect of the new variety in question; and 
6/ all fees payable in relation to the granting of plant breeders’ right have been paid. 
15. Register of Plant Breeders’ Right 
The Ministry shall keep a register of plant breeders’ rights. The particulars that may be entered 
in the register shall be specified by regulations. 
16. Publication of Plant Breeders’ Right 
Where the Ministry grants a plant breeders’ right, it shall give public notice to that effect. 
17. Deposition of Samples 
The Ministry shall, for the purpose of conservation, cause that the holder deposits at the 
Institute of Biodiversity Conservation sample of the new plant varieties with respect to which a 
plant breeders’ right have been granted. 
18. Maintenance of Variety 
1/ The holder shall have the obligation to maintain the variety to ensure that all the 
characteristics of the variety at the date of granting the right are maintained throughout the 
duration of the plant breeders’ right. 
2/ The Ministry may, to ensure that the variety is maintained, require the holder to furnish 
material of the variety or any other necessary information. 
19. Transfer of Right 
1/ Plant breeders’ right may be transferred to other persons by a contract or by the law. 
2/ A transfer of plant breeders’ right by a contract may have no effect unless entered in the 
register of plant breeders’ right. 
20. Surrender of Plant Breeders’ Right 
1/ A holder may surrender his plant breeders’ right by giving notice to the Ministry. 
2/ Upon receiving notice of surrender, the Ministry shall enter same in the register of plant 
breeders right and give public notice thereof. 
3/ Where an action in respect of a plant breeders’ right is pending before a court, the Ministry 
shall not register the surrender except by leave of the court or by consent of the parties in the 
court proceeding. 
21. Plant Breeders’ Right Granted to a Person not Entitled to 
1/ Where a plant breeders’ right has been granted to a person who is not entitled to, the person 
who is entitled to the plant breeders’ right may apply to the Ministry demanding 
that the plant breeders’ right be transferred to him. 
2/ The Ministry shall, upon examining the application for the transfer and the response of 
the holder and ascertaining that the right has wrongly been granted to the holder and that the 
applicant is entitled thereto, cause the plant breeders’ right to be transferred accordingly. 
22. Revocation 
1/ The Ministry shall revoke a plant breeders’ right if; 
a) it is proved that the variety was not new or that facts exist which, if known before the 
granting of the right, would have resulted in the refusal of the right; 
b) the holder has failed to pay the prescribed fee payable in respect of the plant breeders’ 
right within 90 days after having been notified that the payment has fallen due; or 
c) the holder has failed to maintain the variety. 
2/ Where the Ministry decides to revoke a plant breeders’ right in accordance with Sub‐ 
Article (1) of this Article, it shall give written notice of the revocation to the holder stating the 
grounds for the decision, and it shall give public notice of the revocation. 
23. Application for Revocation 
Any person whose interest is affected by the granting of a plant breeders’ right may apply to the 
Ministry for the revocation of the plant breeders’ right in accordance with this Proclamation. The 
procedure in accordance with which an application for revocation of plant breeders’ right may 
be examined and decided shall be specified by regulations. 
24. Act of Infringement 
Any act in respect of a protected variety for which the authorization of the holder is required 
and which is done without such authorization shall constitute an act of infringement of a plant 
breeders’ right. 
25. Legal Action 
1/ A holder whose plant breeders’ right has been infringed may institute an action in court to 
require the cessation of the act of infringement and claim compensation for damage. 
2/ The court shall order the cessation of an act of infringement and the payment of 
compensation for the damage caused on the holder unless the defendant forthwith proves that 
the plant breeders’ right alleged to have been infringed has to be revoked in accordance with 
the provisions of article 23(1) of this Proclamation. 
26. Counter Claim 
1/ A defendant in an action against infringement may institute a counter claim for the revocation 
of the plant breeders’ right in question, if it is revocable in accordance with Article 23(1) of this 
2/ The court shall order the revocation of the plant breeders’ right in question, if any of the 
grounds specified in Article 23(1) of this Proclamation is proved to exist by the counter claim. 
3/ Where the court orders the revocation of the plant breeders’ right, the defendant shall serve 
the copy of the court order to the Ministry. Upon receiving the court order, the 
Ministry shall register the revocation of the plant breeders’ right and give public notice of the 
27. Principle 
Farmers’ Right stem from the enormous contibutions that local farmers have made and will 
contiune to make in the consersvation and sustainable use of plant gentitic resources that 
constitute the basis of breeding for food and agricultural production. 
28. Farmers’ Right 
1/ In relation to the use of plant varieties, farmers shall have the following rights: 
a) to save, use, exchange and sell farm‐saved seed or propagating material of farmers’ varieties; 
b) to use protected varieties including material obtained from gene banks or plant genetic 
resource centres to develop farmers’ varieties; 
c) to save, use, multply, exchange and sell farm‐saved seed or propagating material of protected 
2/ Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub‐Article (1) of this Article, farmers may not sell farm‐
saved seed or propagating material of a protected variety in the seed industry as a certified 
29. Penalty 
Any person who infringes a plant breeders’ right shall, in addition to the confiscation of the seed 
or propagating material of the protected variety which is the proceed of the infringement, be 
punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years or a fine up to five thousand Birr or with 
both such imprisonment and fine. 
30. Appeals 
A party who is aggrieved of a decision on the granting, refusal, revocation or restriction of a 
plant breeders’ right may lodge an appeal to the federal high court within sixty days from the 
date of receipt of the decision. 
31. Fees 
The amount and schedule of payment of fees to be paid in relation to plant breeders’ right shall 
be determined by regulations to be issued hereunder. 
32. Issuance of Regulations 
The Council of Ministers may issue regulations for the proper implementation of this 
33. Implacable Laws 
No law, regulation, directive or practice shall, in so far as it is inconsistent with this 
Proclamation, have effect in respect of matters provided for by this Proclamation. 
34. Effective Date 
This Proclamation shall come into force upon publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta. 
Done at Addis Ababa, this 27th day of February, 2006 

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