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2017-18 Ap English Language

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The schedule provides an overview of the planned activities, assignments, assessments and readings for an English language class over the course of several months. Key elements include novels, speeches and essays to read and analyze, quizzes, discussions, projects like a whiteboard presentation and a rhetorical analysis essay to complete. Developing skills in areas like rhetorical analysis, identifying literary devices and structures are recurring targets or learning objectives mentioned.

Major assignments and assessments mentioned include a rhetorical analysis essay, quizzes on assigned readings like 'The Things They Carried' and 'Hunger of Memory', a whiteboard presentation project, a participation trophies Rogerian essay, and the AP English Language exam towards the end of the course.

Reading materials assigned include novels like 'The Things They Carried' by Tim O'Brien, essays like 'Civil Disobedience' by Henry David Thoreau, 'I Have a Dream' speech by Martin Luther King Jr., memoirs like 'Hunger of Memory' by Richard Rodriguez, and articles on topics like participation trophies.

AP English Language

August 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Activities are listed in 1 2 3 4 5
BLUE; Targets are listed
in GREEN; Major as-
signments or assess-
ments are listed in RED

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Teacher Teacher
Workday Inservice
13 14 15 16 Summer reading 17 I have a Dream 18 I Have a Dream 19
journals due Course PASA SWBAT define
Teacher Teacher welcome and expecta-
tions SWBAT know
speech and discussion
SWBAT begin to the rhetorical situation of
King’s speech by break-
notice patterns and
Inservice Workday what to expect from this
course Assign MLK appeals King uses to
make his argument
ing it into its respective
parts and then synthesiz-
ing it Syllabus due
reading and annotation
20 21 Tone Practice 22 Diction SWBAT 23 Tone/Diction analysis 24 Green Eyed Monster 25 The Things They 26
SWBAT analyze how discuss how often the SWBAT analyze how, Discussion SWBAT Carried Book Check;
an author’s choice of same words carry when key words in a describe the nuanced TTTC Background
passage are changed, the difference between the
words affects the different meanings in entire purpose and tone words Envy and Jealousy SWBAT have a work-
emotional atmosphere different contexts changes too Assign and begin composing ing understanding of
of a piece Green Eyed Monster their own analysis essay the causes that led up
PICTURE DAY of word pairs to the Vietnam War
27 28 Introduction to 29 Syntax practice 30 TTTC Mimicry 31 TTTC syntax analy-
syntax SWBAT de- SWBAT identify sen- SWBAT use a variety sis SWBAT identify
fine syntax and know tences according to of sentence types to sentences according to
how to recognize vari- their structure and express the things their structure and ex-
plain what’s important
ous sentence types explain what’s im- they carry in a style about that structure As-
portant about that that mimics Tim sign Hunger of Memory
structure O’Brien Assign essay
September 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Activities are listed in 1 2
BLUE; Targets are listed
in GREEN; Major as- Teacher
signments or assess-
ments are listed in RED Workday
3 4 5 Hunger of Memory 6 TTTC Mimicry due 7 Hunger of Memory 8 The Things They 9

NO Quiz SWBAT show

their annotation skills
Hunger of Memory
discussion SWBAT
discussion SWBAT
express Rodriguez’
Carried Quiz 1
SWBAT show their
over the reading they express Rodriguez’ argument and whether comprehension of the
SCHOOL had this weekend argument and whether
they agree or disagree
they agree or disagree reading Assign Civil

10 11 NWEA Testing 12 Civil Disobedience 13 Civil Disobedience 14 Civil Disobedience 15 Assign Column 16
SWBAT take an SWBAT discuss in SWBAT discuss as a SWBAT synthesize project; TTTC Rhe-
online test to gauge small groups their whole class their find- the rhetorical situation torical analysis jour-
where they are begin- findings from the ings from the reading established in Tho- nal SWBAT analyze
ning this year with reading reau’s piece an author’s diction
their reading skills choices Thoreau PAS-
TA Due
17 18 Deconstructing the 19 Deconstructing the 20 How to write an 21 Sanders essay 22 The Things They 23
prompt: Sanders passage: Sanders essay SWBAT use workday SWBAT Carried Quiz 2
SWBAT understand SWBAT analyze their work from the analyze the rhetorical SWBAT show their
the implicit and ex- Sanders’ rhetorical last two days and moves Sanders makes comprehension of the
plicit tasks in AP moves that make his know how to structure in order to create an reading
Lang rhetorical analy- argument more effec- an RA essay argument
sis prompts tive
24 25 Counselor’s talk on 26 Columnist check; 27 TTTC discussion 28 TTTC discussion 29 Column Annota- 30
Naviance and career TTTC discussion SWBAT discuss ma- SWBAT discuss ma- tion #1 due Vietnam
and college search SWBAT discuss ma- jor themes, motifs, jor themes, motifs, War Memorial
jor themes, motifs, and symbols in the and symbols in the SWBAT discuss the
and symbols in the novel novel Sanders essay visual and emotional
novel Assign TTTC due impact of the memori-
October 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 Activities are listed in
2 TTTC PASTA due 3 Multiple choice prac- 4 Rhetorical analysis 5 The Right Word 6 The Right Word 7
BLUE; Targets are listed Multiple choice prac- tice SWBAT use their journals; Vietnam war SWBAT analyze how SWBAT analyze how
tice SWBAT answer a answers from yesterday photos SWBAT ana- an author’s diction an author’s diction
in GREEN; Major as- to guide them in select-
signments or assess- series of question lyze rhetorical moves choices affect purpose choices affect purpose
ing the correct answer
ments are listed in RED stems from a multiple from their multiple within a visual text and tone inside a po- and tone inside a po-
choice passage choice options em em

8 9 Sanders Essay scor- 10 Essay revision day 11 Imagery SWBAT 12 Imagery SWBAT 13 End of Quarter 1 14
ing and discussion SWBAT use teacher know how to talk use yesterday’s exam- Column Annotation
SWBAT look at stu- feedback and the ru- about imagery and ple as a model for an #2 due Elements of
dent samples and bric in order to im- how an author appeals analysis of Tim style SWBAT know
score them using the prove their writing to the five senses in Obrien’s imagery the expectations of the
AP 9-point rubric score order to convey mean- elements of style
15 16 17 Sanders Essay Revi- 18 Rhetorical Analy- 19 Rhetorical Analy- 20 Rhetorical Analy- 21
sions Due Rhetorical
Teacher Analysis Journals; Ele-
ments of Style Practice
sis Annotation
SWBAT chunk an AP
sis Essay SWBAT
use their annotations
sis Essay Scoring
SWBAT look at stu-
Lang passage and from yesterday to dent samples and
Workday SWBAT examine an
author’s rhetorical moves
and explain why certain
examine the rhetorical
moves an author
write an AP rhetorical
analysis essay
score them using the
AP 9-point rubric
strategies are chosen makes in small groups
22 23 Multiple choice 24 Multiple choice prac- 25 Elements of Style 26 27 28
practice SWBAT an-
swer a series of ques-
tice SWBAT use their
answers from yesterday
to guide them in select-
Test SWBAT show
their mastery of 10 Teacher Teacher
tion stems from a rhetorical moves and
multiple choice pas-
ing the correct answer
from their multiple
explain their purpose Inservice Inservice
choice options

29 30 Research Ques- 31 Tone Practice

tions SWBAT pose a SWBAT identify the
slid research question tone of a series of
they can use for next poems and select the
semester on the white- words and phrases
board project that lend themselves
November 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Activities are listed in 1 Research Questions 2 The Banking Con- 3 Column Annotation #3 4
BLUE; Targets are listed due Fixing a Four cept in Education due The Banking Con-
in GREEN; Major as- SWBAT improve Reading Day SWBAT cept in Education Socra-
upon another stu- prepare a PASTA and tes Café SWBAT dis-
signments or assess- cuss Freire’s argument
ments are listed in RED dent’s essay from the discussion questions and the effectiveness
Chavez passage for tomorrow’s Socra- therein
tes café
5 6 Satire SWBAT de- 7 Satire SWBAT de- 8 Satire SWBAT de- 9 Satire SWBAT de- 10 A Modest Proposal 11
fine the various types fine the various types fine the various types fine the various types discussion SWBAT
of satire and identify of satire and identify of satire and identify of satire and identify discuss the satire
what the satire is at- what the satire is at- what the satire is at- what the satire is at- Swift uses and his
tempting to critique tempting to critique tempting to critique tempting to critique purpose therein Rhe-
*Assign a Modest PASTA and Discus- torical Analysis Jour-
Proposal sion Questions Due nals Due
12 13 A Modest Proposal 14 Rhetorical Analy- 15 Rhetorical Analy- 16 Rhetorical Analy- 17 Column Annota- 18
discussion SWBAT sis Annotation sis Essay SWBAT sis Essay Scoring tion #4 due Onion
discuss the satire SWBAT chunk an AP use their annotations SWBAT look at stu- Article SWBAT dis-
Swift uses and his Lang passage and from yesterday to dent samples and cuss the satirical
purpose therein examine the rhetorical write an AP rhetorical score them using the moves the author of
moves an author analysis essay AP 9-point rubric the article makes
makes in small groups
19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 Frederick Douglass 28 Frederick Douglass 29 Frederick Douglass 30 Multiple choice
Journals Due; Freder- Discussion SWBAT Discussion SWBAT practice SWBAT an-
ick Douglass Discus- analyze the rhetorical analyze the rhetorical swer a series of ques-
sion SWBAT analyze moves Douglass moves Douglass tion stems from a
the rhetorical moves makes in his argument makes in his argument multiple choice pas-
Douglass makes in his sage
December 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Activities are listed in 1 Multiple choice practice 2
BLUE; Targets are listed SWBAT use their answers
from yesterday to guide
in GREEN; Major as- them in selecting the cor-
signments or assess- rect answer from their
multiple choice options
ments are listed in RED *Assign Dec of Independ-

3 4 Declaration of Inde- 5 Rhetorical Analysis 6 Rhetorical Analysis 7 Reading Day Declara- 8 Declaration of Sen- 9
pendence Discussion Essay SWBAT establish Essay Scoring tion of Sentiments timents and Resolu-
SWBAT discuss the the rhetorical situation SWBAT look at stu- SWBAT prepare discus- tions Socrates Café
exigence for Jefferson’s and analyze the moves dent samples and sion questions for to- SWBAT discuss Cady
declaration and the ef- Banneker makes to con- morrow’s Socrates Café Stanton’s argument and
fectiveness of his argu- vey his argument Col- score them using the PASTA and discussion
AP 9-point rubric the effectiveness therein
ment *assign Dec of umnist Essay Due questions due

10 11 Rhetorical Analy- 12 Rhetorical Analy- 13 Multiple choice 14 Multiple choice prac- 15 Independent read- 16
sis Essay SWBAT sis Essay Scoring practice SWBAT an- tice SWBAT use their ing day SWBAT be-
establish the rhetorical SWBAT look at stu- swer a series of ques- answers from yesterday
to guide them in select- come experts on their
situation and analyze dent samples and tion stems from a
the moves Lincoln score them using the multiple choice pas- ing the correct answer assigned reading and
from their multiple read and annotate
makes to convey his AP 9-point rubric sage *Assign final choice options
argument project reading their passage

17 Independent read- 18 Final exam com- 19 Final exam com- 20 Final exam heteroge- 21 Final exam heteroge- 22 End of Quarter 2 23
ing quiz due by 11:59 mon groups SWBAT mon groups SWBAT neous groups SWBAT neous groups SWBAT
work with those stu- work with those stu- use their individual ex- use their individual ex-
dents who read the dents who read the pertise on their passage
to synergize and create a
pertise on their passage
to synergize and create a
same passage as they same passage as they
did to discern the cen- did to discern the cen-
dialogue with others
who read different pas-
dialogue with others
who read different pas-
tral argument tral argument sages sages NO CLASS
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

January 2018
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Activities are listed in 1 2 3 4 5 6
BLUE; Targets are listed
in GREEN; Major as- NO NO NO NO NO
signments or assess-
7 8 9 Rhetorical Analysis 10 Rhetorical Analy- 11 Pathos, ethos, and 12 Pathos, ethos, and 13
logos SWBAT define
Teacher Essay SWBAT write
an AP rhetorical anal-
sis Essay Scoring
SWBAT look at stu- these rhetorical appeals,
discuss how they’re
logos SWBAT define
these rhetorical ap-
ysis essay that analyz- dent samples and peals, discuss how
Workday es the strategies the
author uses to convey
score them using the
AP 9-point rubric
developed, and explain
why they’re important they’re developed,
and explain why
TSIS book check
his purpose they’re important
14 15 16 Last Child in the Woods 17 RSA Animate: 18 PASTA and Dis- 19 Total Domination 20
Fixing a 4 SWBAT take a
NO student essay that scored a 4
and make improvements to
Smile or Die; white-
board project SWBAT
cussion questions due
Whiteboard Project
Socrates Café SWBAT
discuss Arendt’s argu-
ment and the effective-
observe how a speaker ins and outs SWBAT
it so it scores a 6 or higher
Assign Total Domination uses images to en- know the expectations ness therein Assign
PASTA and Discussion Chapter 1 of TSIS
hance an argument for this project

21 22 6-part Oration 23 Rogerian argument 24 Whiteboard Thesis 25 Participation tro- 26 TSIS chapter 1 27
SWBAT know the SWBAT know the and Proposal Due phies SWBAT find quiz; Rogerian essay
structure of a 6-part structure of a Rogeri- Participation Trophies the common ground workday SWBAT
oration and know in an and know in what SWBAT read two for this issue and continue finding com-
what circumstances circumstances this articles on participa- begin writing their mon ground on the
this argument style is argument style is ap- tion trophies and dis- Rogerian essays on issue of participation
appropriate propriate cuss the topic trophies
28 29 30 31
February 2018
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Activities are listed in 1 2 3
BLUE; Targets are listed
in GREEN; Major as-
signments or assess-
ments are listed in RED

4 5 6 7 Whiteboard research 8 9 10
notecards (40) due

11 12 13 14 Whiteboard full 15 16 17
sentence outline due

18 19 20 Whiteboard scripts 21 22 23 24

NO due

25 26 27 28
March 2018
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Activities are listed in 1 2 3
BLUE; Targets are listed
in GREEN; Major as-
signments or assess-
ments are listed in RED

4 5 Whiteboard script 6 7 8 End of Quarter 3 9 10

revisions and sketches
due Teacher
11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 Whiteboard pro- 24
jects due

25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April 2018
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 Activities are listed in 2 3 4 5 6 7
BLUE; Targets are listed
in GREEN; Major as-
signments or assess-
ments are listed in RED

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30
May 2018
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Activities are listed in 1 2 3 4 5
BLUE; Targets are listed
in GREEN; Major as- NO NO
signments or assess-
ments are listed in RED SCHOOL SCHOOL
6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
AP Language
Exam 8am
Graduation: NO
20 21 22 End of Quarter 4 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31

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