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Introduction S.R

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Introduction s.

An online student registration system streamlines the application, registration, and monitoring of students in a school
or training institute.
According to Morris Wall (1990) : Online registration systems are websites that allow users to sign up for
memberships, events and training by completing a form. Online registration systems are replacing manual processes,
such as registering by telephone, mail or at events using paper forms.

According to Wells (2001): Many universities and educational institutions have a wide range of courses, students
and faculty. Combine this with the need to conserve resources, and it makes sense to computerize the registration
process. Registering for classes on line reduces paperwork, personnel, and costs.

A Student Registration System

According to Ralph E. Johnson (1996): Many of you register for courses online. The computer knows all the courses
that are available each semester and also knows which ones you are taking. It makes sure that you can't register for
too many courses, that you can't take the same course twice, that you have taken the prerequisites, and that a course
is not oversubscribed. A registration system has many users. You have probably only seen the system from the point
of view of a student. You want to know what courses you signed up for, and maybe how many more hours you need
to take to have a full load. But you don't need to know who is signed up for a particular course. This is only needed
by teachers. How to Hire an Online Registration Service

According to an eHow Contributo (2001), every business holds events. Most events are of a serious business-related
variety. However, some others are of more of a social setting. Both types of events have one thing in common
though, registering. It is counterproductive to dedicate a great chunk of your day answering calls about the company
event. Today, more companies are using online registration as a way for those to commit to attending events. What
is an online course?

According to K. Shrivastava ( 2009), an online course is a regularly scheduled course where the Internet is
sometimes utilized for lectures, homework, labs, and tests. There are two formats of online courses, fully online
(asynchronous) and partly online (hybrid) Course Registration System

According to Emma Boroson (1990), this Course Registration System is a web-based program aimed to make easier
and more convenient the class registration process, a hassle through which students go every semester. As it stands,
here at Brown University, in order to officially register for classes, each student must fill out a course registration
form manually, bring it to the Registrar’s Office at University Hall, stand in line (often for upwards of twenty to
thirty minutes), and finally have the form officially approved and stamped. In order to change anything about one’s
current schedule, such as dropping or adding a class, changing grade option, or showing official permission from a
professor, the student must go through the same tedious process. Disadvantages of online registration system
using online registration has many advantages for event planners and event participants. This is especially true when
an online registration system can help deal with collecting event fees. There are several different payment options to
consider when setting up your online registration system and each has advantages and disadvantages for different
types of events. Advantages to Taking Your Event Registration Online

The Exam Registration system will help in registering student details to issue hall ticket for the
exam. This project will help RTUC students to do registration for exams online. It helps the management
to conduct the online registration. And the purpose of this project is to change the basic paper (Traditional
way of use) the way used to students application issues In this project, researcher design website which
helps students to do their exam registration without time consuming. Our Moto is free from page usage It
is very helpful to develop the Green World.
the system/application is to allow institutions administrators to computerize the process of registering
students who wish to participate in exams within the application school administrators are able to register
their students groups and send request to RTUC which upon payment, accept the group and specify
examination center for each student. This whole process is accomplished through web-based
interfaces. The Internet can be regarded as cheaper and improved version of the self-education
resources. The manual procedure used for his manual procedure used for conducting exam registration is time
consuming process and error prone due to human limitations. The system purpose is to completely automate the old
manual procedure of doing exam registration to online web Based Exam system. The Online Exam registration
System is a web based registration software developed in MySQL and PHP designed to help students registration for
exams Online. 7, 2013

The University Student Registration System: a Case Study in Building a High-Availability Distributed
Application Using General Purpose Components

Prior to 1994, student registration at Newcastle University involved students being registered in
a single place, where they would present a form which had previously been filled in by the student and
their department. After registration this information was then transferred to a computerised format.
The University decided that the entire registration process was to be computerised for the Autumn of
1994, with the admission and registration being carried out at the departments of the students. Such a
system has a very high availability requirement: admissions tutors and secretaries must be able to
access and create student records (particularly at the start of a new academic year when new students
arrive). The Arjuna distributed system has been under development in the Department of Computing
Science for many years. Arjuna’s design aims are to provide tools to assist in the construction of fault-
tolerant, highly available distributed applications using atomic actions (atomic transactions) and
replication. Arjuna offers the right set of facilities for this application, and its deployment would enable
the University to exploit the existing campus network and workstation clusters, thereby obviating the
need for any specialized fault tolerant hardware.

M. C. Little, S. M. Wheater, D. B. Ingham, C. R. Snow, H. Whitfield and S. K. Shrivastava

Department of Computing Science, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, England.

Online Registration & Enrollment on Harvard University

FAS students register for the term online. Electronic registration is easy to use and
should take only a few minutes to complete. During the registration process, students
need to verify their name and review and update their directory information.
Additionally, they are provided with informational documents such as U.S. Voter
Registration Forms, FERPA guidelines and Massachusetts Hazing Laws. Students are given
the option to register for MessageMe, Harvard University's emergency notification
FAS students enroll in courses by submitting an electronic Study Card through Prior to enrolling in courses, students must meet with their freshman,
sophomore, or concentration advisor. After the meeting, the advisor will release the
electronic advising hold on the student's Study Card, acknowledging that an advising
discussion has taken place. Students officially enroll in courses by submitting them online at Registration is not complete until students have enrolled in their minimum required
course load – typically 16 credits – and any required petitions for cross-registration or Independent Study
have been approved. A student is considered enrolled in only the courses listed under "My Classes" on for the current term.

Introduction network i.

Network infrastructure refers to the hardware and software resources of an entire network that
enable network connectivity, communication, operations and management of an enterprise network.

Network infrastructure provides the communication path and services between users, processes,
applications, services and external networks/the Internet.

Computer networking may be considered a branch of electrical

engineering, telecommunications, computer science, information technology or computer
engineering, since it relies upon the theoretical and practical application of the related disciplines.

A computer network facilitates interpersonal communications allowing users to communicate

efficiently and easily via various means: email, instant messaging, chat rooms, telephone, video
telephone calls, and video conferencing. Providing access to information on shared storage devices
is an important feature of many networks. A network allows sharing of files, data, and other types of
information giving authorized users the ability to access information stored on other computers on
the network. A network allows sharing of network and computing resources. Users may access and
use resources provided by devices on the network, such as printing a document on a shared
network printer.Distributed computing uses computing resources across a network to accomplish
tasks. A computer network may be used by computer crackers to deploy computer
viruses orcomputer worms on devices connected to the network, or to prevent these devices from
accessing the network via a denial of service attack.
A network infrastructure is an interconnected group of computer systems linked by the various parts
of a telecommunications architecture. Specifically, this infrastructure refers to the organization of its
various parts and their configuration — from individual networked computers to routers, cables,
wireless access points, switches, backbones, network protocols, and network access
methodologies. Infrastructures can be either open or closed, such as the open architectureof the
Internet or the closed architecture of a private intranet. They can operate over wired orwireless
network connections, or a combination of both.
The simplest form of network infrastructure typically consists of one or more computers, a network or
Internet connection, and a hub to both link the computers to the network connection and tie the
various systems to each other. The hub merely links the computers, but does not limit data flow to or
from any one system. To control or limit access between systems and regulate information flow, a
switch replaces the hub to create network protocols that define how the systems communicate with
each other. To allow the network created by these systems to communicate to others, via the
network connection, requires a router, which bridges the networks and basically provides a common
language for data exchange, according to the rules of each network.
When multiple computers in a single household share the same Internet connection, it is considered
a basic form of network infrastructure, whether or not the computers also share information with
each other. The Internet itself is a more advanced network infrastructure, in which individual systems
access a global network that houses information on various systems, and allows access using web
standards and protocols, most commonly framed as web addresses, also known as URLs.
Office intranets are similar to the global Internet, but operate on a closed network infrastructure
accessible only by those within it. This generally consists of a central data store — one or more
computers known as servers — as well as ethernet cabling, wireless access points, routers,
switches, and the individual computers with access to the central data store. The individual
computers connect to the network via either cabling or wireless access. The routers and switches
then determine what level of access they are allowed to have, and act as traffic directors to point
them to the central data store on the servers. As the individual computers send or receive data, the
routers ensure it reaches the appropriate place.
Network security is often a primary concern when building a network infrastructure. Most
architectures use routers with built-in firewalls, as well as software that allows finely-tuned user-
access control, data packet monitoring, and strictly defined protocols. Security can also be controlled
by adjusting network sharing properties on individual systems, which limits the folders and files that
can be seen by other users on the network.
AUTHOR: Zhang Hequn; Wang Rui; [2014]
KEYWORDS: Vehicular Ad hoc Networks; Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication; Geocast routing; Region
based routing; Road traffic simulation; Network simulation; Region based Geocast routing
Simulator; Protocols; Performance evaluation;

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is the main research domain for making road transport safer
and more comfortable. For the sake of increasing the benefits of ITS, projects about Inter-Vehicle
Communication (IVC) system have been proposed to make communications among vehicles possible,
to exchange traffic information and avoid accidents. In order to create communication network among
vehicles or between vehicles and infrastructure, Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) has been
proposed. Many applications in VANETs need to send messages to vehicles within a specific geographic
region. This behavior is called geocast and this specific geographic region is called the Zone of
Relevance (ZOR). Some routing protocols which are related to Geocast have been proposed in
literature for VANETs. So it is significant to evaluate and compare the performance of these known
Geocast routing protocols. In this thesis, categories of the routing protocols, as well as communication
forwarding schemes are introduced. The routing protocols in VANETs are also summarized and
compared. In order to evaluate the performance of these protocols, the evaluation methods are
proposed and then a Geocast routing simulator is designed and used to simulate the Geocast network
environment and several Geocast routing protocols.

Network infrastructure managed services

As one of the world’s largest IT support organizations and a recognized leader in networking
services, IBM is well-equipped to monitor and manage networks, including equipment from a
variety of manufacturers. Our network management professionals use the expertise gained from
decades of experience designing, deploying and managing network infrastructures in complex,
heterogeneous IT environments. We apply world-class project management skills, strong
process disciplines and clearly defined policies to help provide robust network management,
delivering tangible benefits to your business.

Use flexible remote management and monitoring services to help control

costs and improve network uptime
Network virtualization, open source capabilities, Internet of Things and cloud computing
are some of the key trends that are driving network infrastructure transformation. Now
more than ever, you need to automate and optimize your network management to
accommodate new needs and technologies.
Network infrastructure managed services from IBM can provide around-the-clock
monitoring and management of your network to support your ever-changing business
requirements. Delivered by highly skilled networking specialists, our services help you
achieve optimal levels of network performance and availability for a predictable monthly

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