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Beneficiation of Low Grade Graphite Ore Deposits of Tamilnadu (India)

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Ultra Chemistry Vol. 8(2), 159-168 (2012).

Beneficiation of low grade graphite ore

deposits of Tamilnadu (India)
Department of Industrial Chemistry, Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu-630003 (INDIA)
CSIR-Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar-751013, Odissa (INDIA)

(Acceptance Date 23rd May, 2012)

Low grade graphite ore containing 14-15% fixed carbon (F.C)
from Tamilnadu Minerals Limited (TAMIN) have been investigated for
beneficiation. It responds well to the flotation technique. The existing
graphite beneficiation plant has the capacity to process 200 tons of ore
per day to yield graphite concentrate with fixed carbon content of 84 to
96% purity and recovery of 80 to 88 %. The representative sample
collected from the plant in 15 days duration is matching well with the
feed quality of plant. The rod mill discharge sample proximate analysis
of each size fraction was carried out on dry basis. Kinetic flotation study
of Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol (MIBC) and ethyl alcohol 90:10 with
kerosene 10:90 ratio reagent dosages gives better recovery and assay.
Similarly the above reagent dosage gives rapid flotation rate.
Beneficiation studies indicated that the percent recovery of final lock
cycle test is 85% and fixed carbon content of floatation concentrate is
96.24%. The +72 mesh size of float concentrate is 25.2% which is meeting
as per the requirement. Bench-scale flotation test shows that it is possible
to obtain a maximum grade of 97% F.C, with a recovery of 89%.
Key words: Industrial minerals; beneficiation; froth flotation;
reagents; lock cycle test; kinetic study.

Nomenclature 1. Introduction

MIBC Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol Graphite constitutes one of the most

RMD Rod mill discharge important minerals for the manufacture of
MOG Mesh of grind special types of refractory and other materials.
F.C Fixed carbon In nature, it occurs both in flaky crystalline as
V.M Volatile matter well as amorphous forms. Graphite has a unique
BSS British standard sieve role in different industries due to its various
*Corresponding author: V. Ravichandran, E-mail:
Mobile No.: 07875128454
160 V. Ravichandran, et al.

physical and chemical characteristics. India has beneficiation in some form or other to make them
a recoverable graphite reserve of 3.1 million suitable for use in mineral based industries.
tons. Low grade graphite ore forms the bulk As such, these need to be upgraded to the desired
of these deposits, which needs to be specification (within specified tolerance limits).
beneficiated1-7. Crystalline flaky size and the Beneficiation of graphite includes gravity
relationship of graphite with the associated concentration and froth flotation. Sometimes
gangue minerals influence the beneficiation chemical treatment like acid leaching and
process. Commercial graphite is a relatively chloridisation are also applied for production
expensive industrial mineral. To obtain good of high purity graphite over 99% F.C.
quality of graphite concentrate, beneficiation Comprehensive beneficiation studies have
is essential in order to obtain optimal prices for been carried out on Sivaganga graphite ore
the finished product. A survey of literature samples and a brief account is being presented
indicates that there are few references concerning in this paper.
fine graphite concentration. Instead, many
efforts have been made on the concentration 2. Materials and Methods
of flaky graphite8-9 and graphite flotation
2.1. Materials
reagents10. Froth flotation is commonly used
for the concentration of low grade graphite
ore. This paper present the results on the The representative sample collected
beneficiation of low grade graphite ore from from the rod mill discharge in 15 days duration
TAMIN, India, by using mechanical cell and and contains an average of 14.83% F.C.
column flotation. Sodium silicate was used as dispersing reagent
for silicate phase minerals. The sodium
There are several papers in the literature carbonate was used as pH regulator. The
reporting the flotation of graphite. Parks and commercial grade kerosene was used as
Dodd10 described the flotation of Northern collector whereas commercial grade MIBC
Tanzania graphite to give a high grade, large and ethyl alcohol in the ratio of 90:10. The
flaky (>300 micron) product using MIBC above frother is mixed with the kerosene
frother with sodium silicate gangue depressant. collector in the ratio of 10:90.
Wakamasu and Numat11,12 reviewed the flotation
of graphite from a surface chemistry viewpoint, 2.2. Methods :
and discussed the flotation processes in Sri
Lanka, Korea and Japan. Patil et al.,13, discussed The mill discharge (RMD) of size -
the flotation of an Indian ore using sodium 600 µm sample is taken in a mechanical
silicate and a guar gum depressant. In all flotation cell and it is conditioned with Na2CO3
reported cases to date, MIBC or kerosene was
to adjust the pH to 8.5. Sodium silicate solution
used as a frother. A more fundamental paper
published and illustrates the effect of inorganic was added to the pulp to depress the gangue
electrolytes on the flotation of graphite14. minerals and conditioned. Methyl Isobutyl
Carbinol (MIBC) and ethyl alcohol frothers are
Most of the mineral resources in India mixed with the kerosene collector is added and
are low to medium grade which is need the float concentrate is collected. Subsequently,
Beneficiation of low grade graphite ore deposits of Tamilnadu (India). 161

bench scale conventional flotation tests were minutes respectively. The total collection time
conducted after grinding the float sample to a up to 8 minutes and sample was subjected to
suitable fineness. chemical analysis. The experiments were
repeated twice to verify the repeatability of
3. Experimental set-up and procedure the kinetics and to make out the reagents
3.1 Laboratory Denver D12 flotation cell:
Bench scale flotation tests were
Kinetic and bench scale conventional conducted after grinding the sample in rod mill
flotation tests were performed in a flotation to a suitable fineness. Further the RMD sample
machine is shown in Fig.1 supplied by Denver. floats were ground in a ball mill. The grinding
The apparatus provides recirculation and agitation
time is varied to obtain the desired mesh of
to maintain thorough mixing and solid-liquid
grind (MOG). The above recommended
suspension. The vertical position of the agitator
optimized reagents from the gas hold-up studies
can be adjusted by pulling out the stop knob
on the left side of the unit and turning the lever were used.
on the right-hand side. The rotation speed (rpm) 4. Results and Discussion
of the agitator is varied by turning the knob at
the top of the motor and at the back of the unit. The typical results of the flotation
An rpm tachometer is located at the top of the kinetic studies are given in Table.1 and shown
unit. Aeration is controlled using a needle valve. in Fig. 2. From the results, it is observed that
All the tests pertaining to selection and the cumulative percent recovery of 91.3% is
optimization of reagent’s dosages were optimum at 120 seconds. However, 8 minutes
performed in this flotation cell. of flotation residence time is required to
improve the overall cumulative percent
The representative ground ore pulp recovery to 93%. The particle size distributions
from the rod mill discharge of size -600 µm of float concentrate and tailings results are
sample of 1 kg was taken in 5 lit capacity given in Table 2. Hence, it is confirmed that
flotation cell and it is conditioned with Na2CO3 the reagents used in the present study are
(1.4 kg/tons) to adjust the pH to 8.5. Subsequently, working effectively.
sodium silicate was added to the pulp (0.5kg/
ton) to depress the gangue minerals and 4.1 Final open cycle test :
conditioned at RPM of 1500 for 5 minutes.
Further, the pulp was also conditioned with (0.2 The bench scale tests were carried
kg/ton) of MIBC and ethyl alcohol in the ratio out using mechanical flotation cell having 5 liter
of 90:10. The above frother was mixed with capacity. The rod mill discharge (RMD)
the kerosene collector in the ratio of 10:90. sample floats were ground in (26 x 32 cm, 66
The pulp was conditioned for 5 minutes RPM and 40% solids with 12 kg steel balls of
rigorously. Initial float concentrate was 15-18 mm diameter) a ball mill. The grinding
collected every 10 seconds interval and the time was varied to obtain the desired mesh of
final float was collected for additional 2 and 4 grind.
162 V. Ravichandran, et al.

Fig. 1. Denver D12 Laboratory flotation machine


Cumulative recovery, %




0 100 200 300 400 500

Time, sec
Fig. 2. Time verses cumulative percent recovery
Beneficiation of low grade graphite ore deposits of Tamilnadu (India). 163

Table 1. Kinetic Floatation Study

Sl. Floatation Wt, % Assay, Distri- Cumulative Cumu- Cumu- Cumulative
No. Product time, sec. of float % bution, weight, lative lative loss in
concentrate % % assay, % recovery recovery
(R), % (100-R)
1 Float – 1 0-10 11.82 65.46 51.7 11.82 65.46 51.7 48.3
2 Float – 2 10-20 3.98 61.63 16.4 15.80 64.50 68.1 31.9
3 Float – 3 20-30 1.96 54.46 7.1 17.76 63.38 75.2 24.8
4 Float – 4 30-40 1.81 53.14 6.4 19.57 62.44 81.6 18.4
5 Float – 5 40-50 0.77 39.11 2.0 20.34 61.55 83.6 16.4
6 Float – 6 50-60 1.10 38.99 2.9 21.44 60.40 86.5 13.5
7 Float – 7 60-70 0.69 30.08 1.4 22.13 59.45 87.9 12.1
8 Float – 8 70-80 0.60 25.96 1.0 22.73 58.57 88.9 11.1
9 Float – 9 80-90 0.59 20.06 0.8 23.32 57.59 89.7 10.3
10 Float –10 90-100 0.35 20.24 0.5 23.67 57.04 90.2 9.8
11 Float –11 100-110 0.42 14.00 0.4 24.09 56.29 90.6 9.4
12 Float –12 110-120 0.73 13.35 0.7 24.82 55.03 91.3 8.7
13 Float –13 120-240 5.10 3.01 1.0 29.92 46.16 92.3 7.7
14 Float –14 240-480 4.90 2.17 0.7 34.82 39.97 93.0 7.0
15 Tailing - 65.18 1.60 7.0 100.0 14.96 100.0 00
100.0 100.0

Table 2. Particle size distributions of float concentrate and tailings

Float concentrate Tailings
Mesh size Wt, % Cumulative Wt, % Cumulative
(BSS) Wt, % Wt, %
+44 14.24 14.24 15.89 15.89
-44+60 12.27 26.51 09.58 25.47
-60+72 16.09 42.60 15.75 41.22
-72+100 15.07 57.67 14.45 55.67
-100+150 12.55 70.22 13.19 68.86
-150+200 08.45 78.67 08.01 76.87
-200 21.33 100.00 23.13 100.00
164 V. Ravichandran, et al.

Table 3. Conditions of open cycle test

Cell % Dosage Condi- Float

Stages volume, RPM solids pH Reagents kg/t tioning time
in litre time

5 1500 20 7.0 Na 2CO3 1.4 1 -

Rougher x 5 1500 20 8.5 Na2SiO3 0.5 5 -
5 times 5 1500 20 8.5 F/C mix 0.1 5 1

5 1500 15 8.5 - - - -
Scavenger 5 1500 15 8.5 Na2SiO3 0.5 1 -
x 5times 5 1500 15 8.5 F/C mix 0.1 5 7

The composite float concentrate ground in 26 x 32 cm ball mill with 12 kg of balls for 20
min grinding.

Ist cleaner 5 1500 16 8 Na 2CO3 1.0 1 -

mechanical 5 1500 16 9 Na2SiO3 0.5 5 -
cell 5 1500 16 9 F/C mix 0.04 2 2

IInd cleaning AFR

2.5 10 8.5 F/C mix 0.04 5 15
in column 5 lpm

Table 4. Test result of open cycle test on rod mill discharge sample
Product Wt,% Assay,% Distribution,%
Scavenger tails (5 times) 70.0 1.60 7.5
Scavenger float (5 times) 14.0 29.90 28.0
Ist cleaner tails 7.0 31.30 14.6
IInd cleaner tails 1.9 32.25 4.10
IInd cleaner column float 7.1 96.30 45.8
Beneficiation of low grade graphite ore deposits of Tamilnadu (India). 165

Table 5. Conditions of lock cycle test

Cell % Dosage Condi- Float
Stages vol. RPM solids pH Reagents kg/t tion time time
litre min min
5 1500 20 7.0 Na 2CO 3 1.4 1 -
Rougher x 5 1500 20 8.5 Na2SiO3 0.5 5 -
5 times 5 1500 20 8.5 F/C mix 0.1 5 1

Scavenger 5 1500 15 8.5 - - - -

x5 times 5 1500 15 8.5 Na2SiO3 0.5 1 -
5 1500 15 8.5 F/C mix 0.1 5 7

The composite float concentrate ground in 26 x 32 cm ball mill with 12 kg of balls for 20
min grinding.

Ist cleaner 5 1500 16 8 Na 2CO 3 1.0 1 -

mechanical 5 1500 16 9 Na2SiO3 0.5 5 -
cell 5 1500 16 9 F/C mix 0.04 2 2

cleaning in 2.5 5 lpm 10 8.5 F/C mix 0.04 5 15

Table 6. Final lock cycle test results

Description % Distribution % F.C % Recovery

Float concentrate 13.2 96.24 85.0

Tails 86.8 2.17 15.0

Radicals % F.C %V.M % Ash

96.24 1.32 2.44

166 V. Ravichandran, et al.

Table 7. Sieve analysis of column float Based on the kinetic studies, an open
concentrate cycle flotation test was carried out on RMD
Mesh size Cumulative sample comprising of rougher, scavenger,
Weight %
regrinding of rougher float, first cleaner flotation
(BSS) weight %
tests in mechanical cell followed by the IInd
+ 52 6.20 6.20 cleaning in a laboratory column. The test
conditions are given in Table 3. The open cycle
- 52 + 72 18.98 25.18
test results are given in Table 4. From the table,
-72 + 100 15.44 40.62 it can be seen that the open cycle test could
- 100 + 200 30.66 71.28 yield a graphite concentrate of 96.30% F.C
with 45.8% recovery.
- 200 28.72 100
4.2. Final lock cycle test :
Table 8. Chemical analysis of ash
Radicals Percentage The previous open cycle test could
yield a graphite concentrate of 96.30% F.C
SiO2 77.15 with 45.8% recovery. The middling accounted
Al2O3 8.86 for 46.7% F.C distribution with 31.15% F.C
grade necessitating the liberation by grinding
Fe2O3 11.63
followed by recirculation. The above lock cycle
CaO 0.82 test was carried out in 5 cycles, recalculated
MgO 0.41 the ground middling along with the RMD feed.

Na 2O 0.26 The ground middlings (scavenger float

K2O 0.15 of 5 times, Ist cleaner tails and IInd cleaner
column tails) were filtered 1/5 of the middlings
P 2O 5 0.04 were added along with 1 kg of RMD fresh
S 0.22 feed. The 5 times of rougher and scavenger
flotation was carried out to get the feed for
The ground ore pulp from the rod mill grinding and subsequent cleaning. The final lock
discharge of the plant was taken into conside- cycle test conditions and test results are given
ration to simulate the plant conditions. After in Tables 5- 8. From the Table 6, it is evident
optimizing the flotation conditions, the floats that the percent recovery of final lock cycle
were ground in a ball mill to achieve the desired test is 85% and the fixed carbon content of
MOG. The ground rougher float was subjected float concentrate is 96.24%. The +72 mesh of
to cleaning in the flotation column after float concentrate is 25.2% which is meeting
conditioning with the reagents. The reagent the requirement. The complete size and
dosages, column parameters were fixed on no chemical analysis of ash of column flotation
load gas hold-up conditions. concentrate are given in Tables 7-8.
Beneficiation of low grade graphite ore deposits of Tamilnadu (India). 167

Conclusions References

The representative sample collected 1. R.N. Mishra, and R.N. Padhi, Graphite
from the plant in 15 days duration is matching in geology and mineral resources of Orissa,
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with fine size. Hence, the liberation of graphite Reddy, and B.K. Nayak, Characterisation
mineral is better and it contains good amount and beneficiation of graphite samples from
of flaky. The rod mill discharge sample proximate Ganjaudar, Orissa. Utkal University special
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on dry basis. Kinetic floatation study of MIBC 3. IBM, Bangalore first phase plant auditing
and ethyl alcohol of ratio 90:10 with kerosene report on Sivaganga graphite beneficiation
10:90 ratio reagent dosages gives better plant, R.I. No. 348, p.21 (2000).
4. B.C. Acharya, D.S. Rao, Graphite in
recovery, assay and gives fast floatation rate.
eastern ghat complex of Orissa, Journal
The result indicated that the final concentrate
of geological Survey of India, special
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publication, 44, p.190 (1998).
ash. It is observed that the cumulative percent
5. B.C. Acharya, D.S. Rao, S. Prakash, P.S.R.
recovery of 91.3% is optimum at 120 seconds.
Reddy, B.K. Nayak, C.R. Panda and A.K.
However, 8 minutes of floatation residence time
Rout, Utilisation of low grade graphite
is required to improve the overall cumulative
ores occurring in the precambrian eastern
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ghats complex of Orissa, IIM Trans., 51,
that the reagents used in the present study is
p.121 (1998).
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6. B.C. Acharya, D.S. Rao, S. Prakash, P.S.R.
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Reddy, S. K. Biswal, Processing of low
content of float concentrate is 96.24%. The
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is meeting as per the requirement. The results
7. P.R.A. Andrews, The beneficiation of
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processing study at CANMET. CIM
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8. Li Jierong, Practice of Concentration of
The authors wish to thank to the Nanshu graphite mine in China. Preprints-
Chairman and Managing Director, TAMIN, In XIV IMPC, Sponsored by CIM, Montreal,
Chennai and Scientists, IMMT, Bhubaneswar Que, Can. CIM., p.V.9.1 (1983).
and IBM, Bangalore for providing relevant 9. R.J. Pugh, Non-ionic polyethylene oxide
support while preparing the manuscript. frothers in graphite floatation. Min. Eng.,
168 Ultra Chemistry Vol.8(2), (2012).

13, p.151 (2000). 13. M.R. Patil, K.S. Shivakumar, S. Prakash,

10. J.G. Parks, and D.S. Dodd, The merelani and R. Bhima Rao, Estimation of the
graphite project-Tanzania, Min. Eng., 7, liberation size of graphite in schistose rock,
p. 371 (1994). Miner. Metall. Process., p. 41 (1997).
11. T. Wakamasu, and Y. Numat, Floatation of 14. R.J. Pugh, P. Weissenborn, and O. Paulson,
graphite, Min. Eng., 4, p.975 (1991). Floatation in electrolytes, relationship between
12. K.S. Narasimhan, S.B. Rao, and G.S. particle recovery, surface tension and bubble
Choudhury, Column floatation improves coalescence, Int. J. Miner. Process., 51,
graphite recovery, Min. Eng., 173, p.84 p. 125 (1997).

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