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The Detection of Alpha Prime in Duplex Stainless Steels

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Roger Francis Glenn Byrne

RFMaterials Rolled Alloys
Hadfield Blackburn
Glossop, SK13 1QN Lancashire, BB1 2QE


Duplex stainless steels are widely used by the oil and gas and chemical and process industries
because of their combination of high strength and corrosion resistance. The alloys are usually used in
the solution annealed condition and must be fast cooled from the annealing temperature to prevent the
precipitation of third phases, such as sigma, chi, nitrides and alpha prime. Alpha prime precipitates in
the temperature range 550 to 300°C. It forms less readily than sigma phase and other intermetallic
precipitates and so is not normally found in commercially produced duplex alloys. However, poor
cooling of duplex steels through this temperature range or repeated excursions in to this temperature
range can result in its formation. Alpha prime dramatically reduces impact toughness and increases
susceptibility to hydrogen induced stress corrosion cracking due to cathodic protection. However,
corrosion resistance in chloride environments appears to be little affected by this phase. Alpha prime
cannot be seen under optical microscopes, because of its very small size. This means that the
combination of corrosion testing in ferric chloride solution, microstructural examination and impact
testing, can be ineffective in detecting alpha prime precipitation, principally because of the low
toughness acceptance level of 45 Joules at -46°C that is commonly specified. This paper describes a
simple electrochemical reactivation test to detect alpha prime that can be used with both 22%Cr and
25% Cr alloys. The paper also presents some case studies where low toughness occurred but no third
phases were visible in optical microsections. The test was used to confirm the presence of alpha prime
and determine what should be done to correct the problem.

Key words: Duplex Stainless Steel; Third Phases; Impact Toughness; Hydrogen Embrittlement


Duplex stainless steels are widely used by the oil and gas and chemical and process industries
because of their combination of high strength and corrosion resistance, particularly to stress corrosion
cracking (SCC). The most commonly used grades are 2205 (UNS S32205), 2507 (UNS S32750) and
Z100 (UNS S32760). In order to get the best properties the alloys must be solution annealed at high
temperature for sufficiently long to dissolve any third phases and to allow homogeneity in both the
ferrite and austenite1. The alloys must then be transferred rapidly to a water quench tank so that the
metal can be cooled sufficiently fast to prevent any third phases from forming. Figure 1 shows a typical
CCT curve for superduplex stainless steel and it can be seen that sigma, chi and nitrides form at high
temperatures, while alpha prime forms between 550 and 300°C. Although it requires a greater time at
temperature for alpha prime to form, compared with sigma and chi, the cooling rate is slower at lower
temperatures. This is a bigger problem for thick sections and Francis and Hebdon have discussed in
detail the requirements in terms of quench tank volume to charge mass, as well as start and finish bath
temperatures, to ensure a sufficiently rapid quench2.


1,000 Nitrides


Temperature (°C)


Alpha Prime


10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Time (secs)

FIGURE 1 A typical CCT curve for superduplex stainless steel.

However, if the quench tank volume is insufficiently large, or the charge is removed from the tank soon
after the surface temperature is below 300°C, it is possible for the centre of thick sections to spend
sufficiently long at temperatures in the critical range for alpha prime to form.

One of the problems with alpha prime is its small size, which means it is not visible in optical
microsections, even at X500 magnification. It can be seen by transmission electron microscopy, but
this is a tricky and expensive operation. When a duplex alloy fails a qualification test and no cause is
visible in the microstructure the presence of alpha prime may be suspected, but to date no specific test
for it has been available.


Alpha prime is a chromium rich phase that is thought to form by spinodal decomposition, although a
simple nucleation and growth mechanism at temperature cannot be excluded1. When formed by
spinodal decomposition, alpha prime increases the hardness. However, some of the other properties
degrade with small amounts of alpha prime, when a change in hardness is not easily detected. The
effects of alpha prime on several properties are discussed below.

Impact Toughness

It is well known that alpha prime causes a large decrease in the Charpy impact toughness energy at
low temperatures, as shown Figure 2.


Charpy Impact Energy (J)




50 NORSOK Minimum

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ageing Time (h)

Fully Homogenous Commercial HT

FIGURE 2 Charpy impact toughness energy at -46°C after ageing at 450°C.

The fully homogenous curve was derived in the authors’ laboratory from Z100 12mm plate that was
heat treated in the laboratory at 1120°C for 2 hours followed by water quenching. The Charpy impact
toughness at -46°C was then determined for samples that had been aged for different times at 450°C.
This is typical of curves from the literature, showing that it requires a long ageing time before significant
toughness is lost. However, Bousquet et al did similar tests on a commercial heat of 2507 and showed
that the toughness could decease significantly in under an hour at ageing temperatures3. This is
because many commercial heats of duplex stainless steels are not fully homogenous, enabling more
rapid precipitation of third phases under cooling that is not fast enough. A common requirement for
impact toughness of duplex stainless steels is that in NORSOK M-630(1) 4, which is an average of 45J at
-46°C. It can be seen from Figure 2 that this value can be reached after just 10 minutes of ageing.


It is generally accepted that alpha prime has little effect on corrosion and the authors carried out critical

(1) Standards Norway, N-1326 Lysaker, Norway


Critical Pitting Temperature (°C)


NORSOK Minimum

0 5 10 15 20 25
Ageing Time (h)

FIGURE 3 CPT to ASTM G48 E of alloy Z100 as a function of ageing time at 450°C.

pitting tests in ferric chloride solution to ASTM(1) G48 method E on alloy Z100 that had been aged for
various times at 450°C.The results in Figure 3 show that the CPT only decreased significantly after 3 to
4 hours of ageing and even after 24 hours ageing, the CPT was high enough to pass the NORSOK M-
630 criterion of 50°C. The reason that the alpha prime does not have a great effect on the CPT is
because of its small size. The smaller the chromium-rich precipitate, the smaller is the chromium-
depleted zone around it, with reduced corrosion resistance.

Hydrogen Embrittlement

It is well known that duplex stainless steels are susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement when used
subsea with cathodic protection (CP), for example reference 5. There have been a number of service
failures of duplex stainless steel due to hydrogen embrittlement and these led to the development of a
guide to avoid embrittlement in service under CP6. However, this document takes no account of the
possible presence of alpha prime and bases its design criteria solely on the austenite spacing.

Slow strain rate tests of alloy Z100 in 3.5% sodium chloride while polarized to -1.0V SCE showed a
slight reduction in elongation for lightly cold worked material compared with testing in air (Figure 4)5.
However, material aged at 475°C showed a large drop in elongation, demonstrating increased
susceptibility to embrittlement. There have been a few failures in the North Sea of 25%Cr duplex
stainless steel bolts that had been aged to increase their strength5.


The results above show that alpha prime can precipitate in significant quantities in as little as 10

(1) ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, USA

minutes in the critical precipitation region. This is not detected by an ASTM G48 corrosion test, but it
does affect impact toughness significantly. However, the low acceptance criterion in NORSK M-630
means that material with significant levels of alpha prime could be judged acceptable. This has risks
not only for toughness, but also for susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement.




Nominal Stress (MPa)







0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Elongation (%)

Air Cold Worked Aged

FIGURE 4 Slow strain rate tests of Z100 in 3.5% sodium chloride at -1.0V SCE
in different conditions.


The susceptibility of 300 series austenitic stainless steels to sensitization can be assessed using a
reactivation test, as in ASTM G108 7. Similar tests have been experimented with from time to time for
the detection of undesirable precipitates in a range of alloys. Such tests are electrochemical and
sweep the potential anodically until passivation occurs. The shape of the reactivation curve when the
potential sweep is reversed then gives information about the presence, or otherwise, of precipitates.
Such tests often use sulphuric acid with additions of another chemical that will aid in separating the
reactivation reactions.

Hutchings devised a reactivation test for Z100, but it was necessary to use a much stronger solution,
and the most suitable was 5M hydrochloric acid8. He experimented with different sweep parameters
and identified the following as the best for alloy Z100:

Solution: 5M HCl
Potential Range: -800 to +200 to -800 mV SCE
Sweep Rate: 4mV/s
Surface Finish: 1200 grit



Current Density (mA/cm2)







-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200
Potential (mV SCE)

FIGURE 5 Reactivation curve for alloy Z100 containing no alpha prime.



Current Density (mA/cm2)








-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200
Potential (mV SCE)

2h @ 475°C 6h @ 475°C
FIGURE 6 Reactivation curves for alloy Z100 with varying amounts of alpha prime.
The useful data is contained in the reverse sweep from +200 to -400 mV SCE. Figure 5 shows the
reactivation curve for solution annealed material with no alpha prime. The curve clearly shows two
separate peaks for austenite and ferrite. Figure 6 shows reactivation curves for material aged for two
hours and six hours at 475°C, and classed as containing a little and a lot of alpha prime. Figure 6
shows that the ferrite peak gradually decreases as the alpha prime content increases. As the alpha
prime precipitates in the ferrite, this change in the ferrite activation peak is not surprising. Another
characteristic is the shoulder on the rising curve for material with a little alpha prime.

The authors have used the test with various different product forms (bar, plate, forgings etc) and the
test works fine on all, with a surface finish of 1200 grit. The test does not work on welds, but it is very
rare that there is a requirement to test welds for alpha prime, because they cool so quickly that alpha
prime would be most unlikely to form. Because of the high current density in this test it is necessary to
use a commercial lacquer to reduce the exposed area and prevent saturation of the potentiostat

The authors have used the test with other 25%Cr duplex stainless steels and they generally follow the
same trend as in Figures 5 and 6, but it is useful to do calibration curves first to see the shape of the
curve with no alpha prime, and exactly what changes will occur as alpha prime content increases. The
test has also been used with 2205 duplex stainless steel, but the test solution needed modification. In
some quick tests it was found that 4M HCL gave two peaks, but not as distinct as in Figure 5. It is
possible that reducing the concentration to 3.5M HCL might improve the resolution for 22%Cr duplex,
but 3M HCl is too weak.


Case History 1

A well-known pump company was using superduplex stainless steel bar for shafts and they found that if
they did all the machining in one go, the redistribution of interfacial stresses between the ferrite and
austenite could cause the shaft to bend over a few hours. To overcome this, they tried partial stress
relieving the bar at 350°C for two hours before machining. This was successful in stopping the
bending, but the use of the electrochemical reactivation test showed the presence of a lot of alpha
prime phase. Further testing was undertaken and it was found that partial stress relieving for two hours
at 300 to 315°C also prevented the bending, but with only a small amount of alpha prime precipitation
and an acceptable level of Charpy impact toughness.

Case History 2

Some large forgings in a proprietary 25% Cr duplex, similar to 2507, were giving low toughness, 32J at
-30°C, but no third phases could be seen in the microstructure (Figure 7). When a piece of the forging
was evaluated in the reactivation test, substantial amounts of alpha prime were found. It was
recommended that the forging be re-annealed to dissolve the alpha prime and become homogenous
before quenching faster to prevent it re-precipitating.

Case History 3

Some heavy section forgings (250mm) for valve bodies were produced in 2205 for use subsea. The
Charpy impact toughness at -46°C was low (~20J) and did not meet the NORSOK requirements.
Although the microstructure was free of third phases by optical microscopy, the authors detected
significant quantities of alpha prime phase using the reactivation test in 4M HCl. Not only had the heat
treatment time at temperature been for less than two hours, but the forgings had also been removed
from the quench tank before the centre was below 300°C. The short heat treatment time dissolved the
third phases but did not homogenize the composition, making precipitation on cooling easier.
Unfortunately the forgings had been machined before the impact toughness test results were available,
so re-heat treatment was not considered feasible because of the risk of distortion.

FIGURE 7 Microsection of 25%Cr forging showing no third phases at X500.

(etched electrolytically in 10% oxalic acid followed by 40% KOH)

Because of time constraints, replacement valve bodies were ordered as ASTM A995 grade 4A
castings. These were heat treated at 1120°C for 10 hours and were then quenched in a large, agitated
and chilled water tank. Because the quenching was done at the end of the working day, the castings
were left in the quench tank overnight. The castings were tested for alpha prime and no significant
quantities were detected. The Charpy impact toughness energies at -46°C were high, with average
values of ~100J at the ¼T position and ~80J at the ½T position. Castings have no directionality to their
structure, so longitudinal and transverse does not apply. These results have nothing to do with
differences between castings and forgings, but are due to getting the heat treatment right.

Case History 4

The authors examined some 25mm diameter bar to the UNS S32760 composition that had been
manufactured in the Far East. The impact toughness at -46°C was 58J, when it would normally be
expected to be 200J or more for a bar of this thickness. No third phases were visible in the
microsection at X500 and so the bar was tested using the reactivation test, which showed large
quantities of alpha prime to be present (Figure 8). The curve is offset slightly compared with Figure 6,
but insufficient material was available for more extensive tests to ascertain the cause. It was
recommended that the bar be not accepted and returned to the manufacturer for re-heat treatment.

Case History 5

Glenn; Add another???


1. Alpha prime can form rapidly in the temperature range 300 to 550°C in commercial heats of duplex
stainless steel.



Current Density (mA/cm2)







-400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200
Potential (mV SCE)

FIGURE 8 Reactivation curve in 5M HCl for a 25mm diameter superduplex bar.

2. The presence of alpha prime can cause a large reduction in Charpy impact toughness at low
temperatures, and an increase in susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement, but has little effect on
corrosion resistance.
3. Alpha prime is not visible in optical micrographs at X500 magnification.
4. An electrochemical reactivation test has been devised that can show qualitatively the presence of
alpha prime, using hydrochloric acid.
5. The test has been used in commercial applications to confirm the presence of alpha prime and
suggest remedial measures.


The authors would like to thank Rolled Alloys for permission to use some of their data and photographs
in this paper.


1. J Charles, Superduplex Stainless Steels: Structure and Properties, Duplex Stainless Steels ’91,
Beaune, France, October 1991, les editions de physique, page 3.

2. R Francis and S Hebdon, The Limiting Section Thickness for Duplex Stainless Steels, Paper 3651,
Corrosion 2014, San Antonio, TX, USA, March 2014, NACE International.

3. R. Bousquet, F. Roch, G. Gay and B. Mayonobe, Stainless Steel World, Dec 2002, page 21.
4. NORSOK M-630, Material Data Sheets for Piping, Edition 5, September 2010.

5. Dr R Francis, Dr G Byrne and G R Warburton, Effects of Cathodic Protection on Duplex Stainless

Steels in Seawater, Corrosion, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp234-240 (1997).

6. Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F112, Design of Duplex Stainless Steel Subsea Equipment

Exposed to Cathodic Protection, October 2008

7. ASTM G108, Standard Test Method for Electrochemical Reactivation (EPR) for Detecting
Sensitization of AISI 304 and 304L Stainless Steels, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA,

8. D Hutchings, Hydrogen Embrittlement of Duplex Stainless Steel, PhD Thesis, University of

Manchester, March 1994

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