Rafael V. Mariano Manny Piñol: Secretary of Agrarian Reform Secretary of Agriculture
Rafael V. Mariano Manny Piñol: Secretary of Agrarian Reform Secretary of Agriculture
Rafael V. Mariano Manny Piñol: Secretary of Agrarian Reform Secretary of Agriculture
Carlos "Sonny" Garcia Dominguez III (born September 16, 1945) is Alan Peter Schramm Cayetano (born October 28, 1970) is a Filipino
a Filipino businessman and former chief executive of Philippine Airlines politician and diplomat who has served as the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of
who is the 31st Secretary of Finance under President Rodrigo Duterte. He the Philippines since May 2017. From 2007 to 2017, he served as a Senator
had previously held the position of Secretary of Agriculture and Minister of of the Philippines; his father, Rene Cayetano, and older sister, Pia Cayetano,
Natural Resources under the Corazon Aquino presidential administration. were also former senators.
Prior to his appointment to President Duterte's Cabinet, he had served as Cayetano is also currently the chairman of the organizing committee
executive director of PTFC Redevelopment Corp., as independent director of for the 2019 Southeast Asian Games, set to take place in the Philippines and
Alsons Consolidated Resources, and as director of United Paragon Mining the chairman of the Larong Volleyball sa Pilipinas, Inc.
Corp. His family owns Marco Polo Hotel in Davao City, one of the top hotels
in southern Mindanao.
Francisco Duque Eliseo M. Rio, Jr.
Secretary of Health Secretary of Information and
Communications Technology
Eduardo Manahan Año (born October 26, 1961) is a Philippine Vitaliano "Vit" Napeñas Aguirre II (born October 16, 1946) is a
Army General, and the former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Filipino lawyer from Quezon. On May 18, 2016, he was nominated as
Philippines. He served as the 57th Commanding General of the army from Secretary of the Department of Justice under President Rodrigo Duterte,
July 16, 2015 to December 7, 2016. He was the chief of Intelligence Service which he accepted on the same day. He previously served as Vice President
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (ISAFP) from 2012-2014 prior to his and chief legal counsel of Clark Development Corporation under former
appointment as being commander of 10th Infantry Division of Philippine President Benigno Aquino III. He gained wide public attention in 2012
Army. During his leadership in the Intelligence Service of the Armed Forces during the impeachment trial of Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona
of the Philippines (ISAFP), he scores major arrests of CPP chairman Benito when he was cited for contempt after he was caught covering his ears while
Tiamson, he also led the hunt on Jovito Palparan on kidnapping and serious being lectured by the late Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago.
illegal detention, Ferdinand Marcelino for apprehending the Alabang Boys
drug trafficking group and exposed their attempted bribery of P3M.
On May 10, 2017, President Rodrigo Duterte announced that Año
was appointed Secretary of the Interior and Local Government. Año is set to
assume the post following his retirement from the army in October.
Silvestre Bello III Delfin Lorenzana
Secretary of Labor and Employment Secretary of National Defense
Maj. Gen. Delfin Negrillo Lorenzana, AFP (Ret.) (born October 28,
1948) is the 36th Secretary of National Defense of the Philippines.
Lorenzana graduated from the Philippine Military Academy's
Silvestre "Bebot" Bello III (born June 23, 1944) is a Filipino "Maagap" class of 1973. A Special Operations Command (SOCOM),
businessman and lawyer from Cagayan. He is the current Secretary of the Presidential Security Group and Light Armored Brigade (Now-Mechanized
Philippines' Department of Labor and Employment and concurrently Infantry Division) Commander. He was also Defense and Armed Forces
Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process. Bello was appointed by President Attaché from 2002 to 2004 and helped develop ties of the US and the
Rodrigo Duterte to replace Rosalinda Baldoz in the secretaryship. Bello was Philippines in the lines of Defense and cooperation in the Balikatan
a former Justice Secretary, Solicitor General and representative of 1-BAP exercises. He earned his post-graduate degree of Master of Business
party-list during the 16th Congress of the Philippines. Administration, major in Operations Research, from the Ateneo Graduate
School of Business. He also finished a number of courses and training both
here and abroad, including strategic studies at the Australia University in
Canberra, a seminar for Senior International Leaders at Harvard University,
and crisis management course at the US Department of State.
Mark Villar Fortunato de la Peña
Secretary of Public Works and Highways Secretary of Science and Technology
Mark Aguilar Villar (born August 14, 1978) is a Fortunato "Boy" Tanseco de la Peña (born November 12,
Filipino politician and businessman currently serving as 1949) is a Filipino engineer, professor and civil servant. He is the
Secretary of Public Works and Highways of the Philippines. Secretary of Science and Technology at the Philippines' Department of
He is the son of former Senate President and 2010 presidential Science and Technology (DOST) under the current administration of
candidate Manny Villar and incumbent Senator Cynthia Villar. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. Before he assumed leadership of
He served as Representative of Las Piñas in the Philippine the Department, he served as President of the Philippine Association
House of Representatives and has also previously held for the Advancement of Science and Technology (PhilAAST) since
executive positions in his family's real estate businesses. A 2011 and had been Undersecretary of the DOST under two previous
member of the Nacionalista Party, Villar accepted the offer of administrations. He is also a former Chairman of the United Nations
President Rodrigo Duterte to join his Cabinet on May 17, 2016 Commission on Science and Technology for Development.
and assumed office upon his resignation from Congress on
August 1, 2016 replacing Rafael Yabut.
Emmanuel Leyco (OIC) Wanda Corazon Teo
Secretary of Social Welfare and Development Secretary of Tourism