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W S E & P S: Riting Trong Ssays Ersonal Tatements

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Writing   essays   and   personal   statements   represents   a  
large   part   of   the   work   that   goes   into   creating   a   Adapted  from  contributions  by  Tammy  
winning  application.  Here  are  a  few  tips  that  will  help   Hoyer  (Senior  Program  Manager  at  the  
orient   you   to   the   purpose   of   these   pieces   of   writing   Undergraduate  Research  Center,  
and   get   you   started   on   composing   essays   and   University  of  California,  Davis).  
statements  that  will  make  your  application  shine.    
Why   are   essays   and   personal   narratives   so   important?   First,   although   essays   and   personal  
narratives   are   just   one   piece   out   of   an   entire   application   packet   –   along   with   your   GPA,   test  
scores,  letters  of  recommendation,  and  the  relevant  experience  and  skills  in  your  resume  –they  
are  the  one  piece  that  gives  you  the  opportunity  to  use  your  own  voice  and  make  a  case  for  yourself.  It’s  
like  a  pseudo-­‐‑interview  where  the  selection  committee  gets  the  idea  of  who  you  are  through  
your   own   words   and   presentation.   A   well-­‐‑written   essay   or   statement   may   prove   to   be   the  
deciding  factor  that  wins  you  a  letter  of  acceptance!  
Second,  essays  and  personal  narratives  give  you  the  opportunity  to  convey  information  
that   the   selection   committee   will   find   compelling   in   making   its   decision   about   your  
application.  Specifically,  this  is  your  chance  to  describe  why  the  opportunity  you  are  applying  for  is  
important  to  you,  how  it  fits  into  your  aspirations,  and  how  it  will  help  you  achieve  academic  ambitions  
and  professional  goals.  When  a  reader  is  done  reading  your  essays  and  personal  statements,  they  
should  be  able  to  easily  ascertain:  
⇒   the  origin  of  your  interest  in  a  field  of  study  
⇒   the  growth  of  that  interest  over  a  period  of  time  (as  illustrated  by  experience)  
⇒   that  the  opportunity  you  are  applying  for  is  the  next  logical  step  in  the  sequence  
toward  a  specific  goal.  
Third,  essays  and  personal  narratives  give  you  the  opportunity  to  address  what  might  appear  to  
be   gaps   or   weaknesses   in   other   aspects   of   your   application.   Here   is   your   opportunity   to   turn  
weaknesses  into  strengths.  For  example,  if  you  nearly  flunked  out  of  school  in  your  freshman  
year,  highlight  how  you  have  turned  your  work  and  grades  around  since:  “Although  a  lack  of  
focus   caused   my   grades   to   suffer   during   my   freshman   year,   my   transcript   from   more   recent  
semesters   reflects   a   significant   improvement   in   my   grades   and   demonstrates   commitment   to  
my  work  and  a  level  of  readiness  for  [the  opportunity  you  are  applying  for].”  If  there  was  a  
significant   life   event   that   caused   that   lack   of   focus,   explain   it   (but   don’t   offer   excuses).  
Selection   committees   understand   that   some   things   in   life   are   beyond   our   control.   They   just  
want  to  know  what  you  did  about  it.  How  you  handled  a  challenge  and  came  back  strong  can  
speak  very  well  for  you.    

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And  lastly,  these  writing  pieces  serve  as  a  writing  sample.  They  should  be  well  organized,  
concise,  and  completely  free  of  grammar,  punctuation,  and  spelling  errors.  

So  how  do  I  craft  a  strong  piece  of  writing?  A  strong  piece  of  writing  starts  with  developing  
the  content,  addresses  the  questions  asked,  and  ends  with  polishing  the  spelling,  grammar  and  
formatting  to  perfection.  Here  are  some  guidelines  and  strategies  that  will  help  you  with  the  
Start   early,   plan   well,   and   give   yourself   the   luxury   of   enough   time.   Putting   together   a   strong  
application  takes  time  and  effort  –  and  it’s  time  and  effort  that  has  to  fit  in  around  all  your  
other   schoolwork!   Giving   yourself   enough   time   lowers   the   stress   throughout   the   process  
and   results   in   better,   stronger   final   drafts.   It   allows   you   to   tackle   the   writing   in   bits   and  
pieces.  It  allows  you  the  time  you  need  to  go  through  a  series  of  drafts.  And  it  allows  the  
writing  to  develop  naturally  and  grow  into  a  final  draft  without  your  having  to  force  the  
issue.   Believe   it   or   not,   your   brain   thinks   about   these   things   even   when   you   are   not  
working  on  them  directly!    Make  it  easy  for  yourself  and  support  your  efforts  to  succeed  by  
giving  yourself  enough  time.  
Tap   into   help   and   support.   There   are   a   lot   of   resources   out   there,   many   of   whom   would   be  
very  glad  to  help  you  and  very  happy  to  see  you  succeed!  
ü   Use  the  writing  support  services  provided  at  campus  career  or  writing  centers.  
ü   Ask  your  professors,  advisors  and  mentors  to  read  your  drafts  and  offer  input.  
ü   Ask  your  friends  and  family  to  proofread.    
When  you  are  writing:  
ü   Remember   your   audience.   The   selection   committee   likely   consists   of   faculty   and  
professionals.   Although   it’s   likely   that   you   do   not   need   to   define   basic  
terminology,   also   be   careful   not   to   make   assumptions   that   they’ll   know   what  
you’re   talking   about   when   you   are   describing   specific   research   or   work   in   a  
specific  field.  To  communicate  your  work  and  experiences  well,  find  a  balance!  
ü   Establish  your  voice.  Your  tone  in  the  essay  should  reflect  what  is  special,  unique,  
distinctive  or  impressive  about  you.  Find  a  tone  of  voice  that  is  confident  without  
sounding  arrogant.  If  you  are  addressing  what  might  be  otherwise  percieved  as  
weaknesses   in   your   application,   there   is   no   need   to   make   excuses   or   sound  
contrite   or   apologetic.   Usually,   a   straightforward   tone   will   serve   you   best.   Just  
state   what   affected   your   preformance   and   follow   up   with   what   you   did   to  
improve  the  situation.    
ü   Answer  the  question.  When  you  are  posed  with  a  specific  question  or  topic,  stay  on  
point  and  answer  the  question  or  address  the  topic!  
Use  these  prompters  to  generate  relevant  content:    
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1.   Why   are   you   interested   in   the   particular   opportunity   or   institution   to   which   you   are  
applying?  You  should  have  solid  reasons  why  you  are  applying!  The  better  you  
can   express   the   reasons   that   the   program   fulfills   your   intersts,   or   why   the  
strengths  you  offer  matches  what  they  are  looking  for,  the  better  your  chances  of  
putting  a  spotlight  on  a  good  match  that  catches  the  attention  of  the  reviewers.  
2.   What   are   your   academic   or   research   interests?   You   might   indicate   an   interest   in   a  
particular  time  period  or  author,  or  address  one  or  two  questions  or  problems  in  
your   chosen   field.   Remember   that   you   will   be   working   under   or   alongside  
professors   in   research.   It   is   important   that   there   is   a   good   parallel   in   academic  
interests.   At   the   early   undergraduate   level,   this   good   parallel   might   be  
demonstrated   simply   by   the   curiosity,   enthusiasm   and   motivation   you  
demonstrate  toward  the  broad  disciplinary  area  in  which  the  professor  conducts  
research.   Later   on   in   your   undergraduate   and   graduate   career,   it   will   be  
important   to   show   a   closer   match   between   your   interests   or   field   of   study   and  
the     particular   sub-­‐‑discipline   or   narrow   area   of   research   the   professor   is  
3.   How   did   you   become   interested   in   this   field   or   research?   Writing   about   how   you  
became  interested  in  a  field  establishes  the  beginning  point  of  your  interest  and  
lets   you   go   on   to   show   how   you   have   taken   positive   steps   in   pursuing   your  
interest.   You   might   talk   about   how   a   teacher   or   professor,   or   a   life   experience,  
first  sparked  your  interest.    
4.   What   kind   of   activities   or   experiences   have   you   had   that   have   contributed   toward   your  
interest   in,   preparation   for,   or   understanding   of   this   field   or   research   area?   You   can  
order   your   narrative   here   chronologically,   or   you   could   group   experiences   into  
categories   such   as   internships,   work   experience,   summer   research   experiences,  
communitiy   service,   or   life   experiences.   Make   sure   you   describe   what   these  
experiences   taught   you   either   about   yourself   or   about   the   subject   matter   that  
stimulated  your  interest  in  pursuing  the  field  or  research  further.  
5.   What  are  your  aspirations?  Whether  you  are  an  undergrad  applying  to  a  summer  
research  program  or  graduate  program,  or  a  grad  student  applying  for  a  postdoc  
position,  you  need  to  be  able  to  paint  the  picture  of  what  you  are  interested  in,  
what  next  and  where  you  hope  to  go.  What  are  your  goals?  Then,  tie  those  goals  
and   aspirations   in   to   what   this   opportunity   you   are   applying   for   has   to   offer.  
Make  it  clear  how  this  opportunity  is  the  logical  next  step  in  reaching  your  goals. -
We’d  love  to  hear  your  thoughts  about  this  information!    Please  take  a  few  seconds  to  share  your  ideas  at  
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