46 - Sura Ahqaf
46 - Sura Ahqaf
46 - Sura Ahqaf
Mention (Hud) one of ’Ad’s (tribe) own brothren among the winding
Sand-tracts. Warners came and went before him and after him. He told them to
worship none other than God only. If you do not change your evil ways, I fear
for you a severe Penalty on a mighty day. But the evil mongers said: Have you
come to turn us away from our own gods? If you are telling us the truth bring
on us the Penalty of which you are talking about. The Punishment came
suddenly when they least expected it. They were eager to have rain and saw a
cloud coming towards their own tracts, winding through the hills. They started
rejoicing the event. Their fields would be green, irrigational channels would
be full and their crops would be bumper. They were highly mistaken. It was a
furious hurricane carring destruction and death in its wake. A violent blast,
with dust and sand! Lives lost, fields covered with sand-hills! The destruction
was complete! Where were the men who boasted and defied their Lord! There
remained only the ruins of their houses to witness to the past! The ’Ad and
their successors the Thamud were more richly endowned with the faculties of
the arts, sciences and culture than ever were the Quraish before Islam. But
these faculties were of no use to them went on rejecting and mocking the
Signs of God. What they used to mock hemmed them in, and showed that
these had more power and effectness than anything else.