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Silver Jewellery

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses marketing of silver jewelry in Shimoga City, India with a focus on Lingeshwara jewelers. It covers various topics related to silver, jewelry making, and marketing strategies.

The topic of the research project is 'MARKETING OF SILVER JEWELLERY IN SHIMOGA CITY' with special reference to Lingeshwara jewelers.

Some of the uses of silver mentioned are: coins, bullets, ornaments, devotional items, photographic film, and audio disks.


special reference of Lingeshwara jewellers.
1.1 Introduction of silver
1.2 Silver Jewellery for man
1.3 Statement of the problems
1.4 Objective of study
1.5 Scope of Study
1.6 Limitations
1.7 Methodology and Research Design
1.8 Organization of the Project Report

Profile of the Lingeshwara jewellers
2.1 Birth and growth.
2.2. Sales performance
2.3 Evaluation of sales performance

3.1 History of silver
3.2 Polishing of Silver
3.3.Process of silver polishing
3.4 How to burnish the metal
3.5 How to make silver Jewellery
3.6 Is Silver sensitive to your skin
3.7 Uses of silver Jewellery
3.8 Goods once sold
3.9 Pre-Columbian Jewellery
3.10 Modern Jewellery

4.1 Introduction of marketing
4.2 Introduction of Marketing Strategy





1.1 Introduction of silver

1.2 Silver Jewellery for man

1.3 Statement of the problems

1.4 Objective of study

1.5 Scope of Study

1.6 Limitations

1.7 Methodology and Research Design

1.8 Organization of the Project Report

1.1 Introduction of silver
Silver always been a special fascination for mankind, in ancient

times silver were used in making coins. No doubt even today there are

manufacturing silver coins, but at that time coins of silver has a

commercial value that is it was treated as money or currency, but now a

days silver coins are used in Pooja’s and it is gift items. Silver were used

in the manufacturer of bullets depleted uranium. It is a super weapon of

the 90’s and it is used. In the gulf war now a day’s silver used as an

ornaments, Devataha Vigrha, and Pooja items ,coins which are available

in Jewellery shops.

And silver is used in the manufacturer of photos negative silver is

also used in manufacturing of audio compact disk. It is used as a metal

player to the disks it has a wide used than the gold ornaments now a days

silver ornaments can also published in gold colour. It is difficult to find

out the different between the gold and silver so people may get confused

between gold and silver so many different classes of people cans use it

there is a more changes of people can use it silver when compared to


Before 4 to 5 years the value of silver is Rs. 85/- for 10 grams.

Many people use it because. It has a resale value in market it can be

converted into money so it has a very wide scope.

1.2. Silver Jewellery for man

Man wearing silver Jewellery like chain cross or even bracelet is

not so uncommon now days as it was sometime back. Those days are

over, when wearing any kind of Jewellery by man was looked girly. Now

a day for man silver Jewellery can be a perfect way of showing others

that you have your own distinct silver chain or a cross can really make

you star attraction of any party and it shows that you star attraction of any

party and it shows that you like to stand out of the league. Always

remembers that you may have a pleasant personality but it’s to be what

you wear which will count first.

There are factors like being cheats easy handle as compared to gold

and getting customized which makes silver Jewellery popular among

today’s man. The best thing about silver is that you can wear them as

casual wear unlike other costly metal wear you can wear them while on

beach of playing some outdoor game or at some meeting.

The cost of silver Jewellery for man can vary a lot as it depend on

factors like how vary or lot as it depend on factors like how much artistic

work has been done on it. What kinds of finishing it has and weather it’s

having any other costlier metal or gem in it. But still we can get a good

earring or chain around Rs.1000 to Rs.2000.

The most popular silver items among man are chain, rings and

crosses. After that we can count earrings, bracelets and some other


Silver is also used not only making Jewellery but also other purpose

they are :-

 As a fashion accessory.

 To compliment attire.

 As an investment.

 To enhance the natural beauty of skin tones.

1.3 Statement of the problems

By seeing the rich growth in Silver jewellery. There is a lot

competition in local market, so the shop has not possible to given the

right service to consumers.

1.4 Objective of study

1) To ascertain the consumer behavior to words marketing of silver


2) To know the problems faced by the firm. Which is engaged in

marketing of silver products.

3) To determine the factors influencing the purchase decision of the


4) To know the recent trends of silver products.

5) To know the competition.

6) To know the consumer satisfaction.

7) To know the marketing strategy adopted by shop.

8) To know the awareness about Jewellery product.

9) To ascertain the suggestion to overcome the difficulties in


1.5. Scope of Study

1. The scope of this study is to understand the problems of marketing

of silver products.

2. The study is limited to Shimoga city.

3. The scope of study is to understand problem of consumer in the

choice of silver product.

4. Study of marketing strategy adopted by Lingeshwara jewellers.

1.6. Limitations

1. The study is restricted to city of Shimoga city only.

2. The sample size selected for study in small i.e. 50 customers.

3. Inadequacy of relevant data.

4. Finally of the study are based on the assumption the information

collected from respondent is correct.

1.7. Methodology and Research Design

1. The primary and secondary data collected have been used

extensively for the preparation of project report.

a. Secondary data: secondary data is collected from journals, news

papers, magazines, books and also with help of internet.

b. Primary data: primary data is collected using the survey method,

under survey method the questionnaire was employed. .

2. Instrument used for research;-

Questionnaire is used as instruments in gathering and collecting the

primary data the questionnaire prepared contains relevant questions

which are both close ended and open ended.

3. Method used for collecting the data :-

Method which is used for collection data is survey method,

questionnaire method is undertaken as the study on the project is mainly

based on the opinion of customers for this purpose, about 50 customers

are contacted and interviews.

1.8 Organization of the Project Report

Chapter 1: Deals with technical aspects of present study such as

introduction about the study, scope, statement of problem, objective of

study, methodology, limitations of the study etc.

Chapter 2: This chapter deals with the profile of Lingeshwara Jewelers.

Chapter 3 : Information about the product of silver jewellery.

Chapter 4: This chapter discusses the introduction of marketing strategies

and marketing strategies adopted by the dealer.

Chapter 6: This chapter highlights analysis of survey data based on


Chapter 7: This chapter presents suggestions and conclusion.


Profile of the Lingeshwara jewellers

2.1 Birth and growth.

2.2. Sales performance

2.3 Evaluation of sales performance


Profile of the Lingeshwara jewellers

2.1 Birth and growth.

A Lingeshwara jewellers belongs to the well known Mudugundi

family of Shimoga. The persons belonging to Mudugundi family are

engaged in various businesses such as import of Jewellery from other

states. Wholesale and retail of Jewellery items etc.

Mudugundi is a house hole name not only in DVG but also in the

chikkamangalur district In Karnataka for their good business practices.

And in 1965 Mudugundi Patel Rudrappa was doing a business in

chikkamangalur city with the help of his brothers and neighbors. At that

time all the gold and silver items were manufactured by themselves.

Mudugundi Kuberappa is one of the sons of Rudrappa. In 1985 he

thought of starting his own business firm since 1986 Sri. M.R.

Kuberappa, the proprietor was carrying on the business with vast

experience in Jewellery business. The business is carrying on in a

traditional way with his practical knowledge associated with theoretical

knowledge. New he is one of the very few experts in valuing the

Jewellery products, gems testing etc. and attracting the class customers

who give importance for quality uniqueness etc. rather than piece. Since

1986 he never looked back every year there in growth in number of

satisfied customer, turnover and also project.

Location of the shop

Lingeshwara jewellers
Vasantha talkies road, halepet

2.2. Sales performance.

The sales performance of a business is basic function particularly

in a commercial concern. The volume and the value of the sales and the

consequent margin of profit ultimately gives the size of your business, its

pattern of organization, the financial and person’s problems.

The sales management in the items applied to the process of

distribution the goods from the produce to the ultimate user of consumer.

It covers selling, advertising, and sales promotion, and risk taking. One of

the effective ways to improve in sales or in any are of your life for that

matter, is to model the behavior of what people who are already

successful doing it are doing.

How to improve sales performance.

 Prospecting

Successful people spend 45% of their time in prospecting activities

that’s right, 45% cold calling networking researching new companies and
people to speak to is the single biggest area of time spent in sales activity.

The lesson here is that even once you’ve achieved a certain level of

success in sales. You can’t prospecting consistent prospecting is one of

the most important things you can do to get and to stay successful.

 Presenting

20% of the sales people spend time in front of prospectus

understanding what the prospectus does and presenting solutions as to

how their product or service can help the prospect.

 Product knowledge

Another 20% of time is spent on activities and skills related to

product knowledge and product malleability. There is an important

distinction between product knowledge and product malleability. Product

knowledge means understanding the technical side of what your product

or service does or how is works. For example if you were selling silver

products, product knowledge means that have basic knowledge that you

have a basic understanding of how to use of silver in different products

product malleability, on the other hand takes product knowledge to much

higher level in the realm of product malleability, you spend time studying

the real world. Application and uses of your products or service. It means

understanding how your product can be adopted and use a in a variety of

situation that may not always be immediately obvious to the prospect.

 Personnel and professional development

Successful people spend 15% of their time honing their skills

through classes, workshops, books, meeting with mentors and any other

things that will them improve.

2.3 Evaluation of sales performance

There are three reasons to evaluate or appraise the performance of

sales people.

They are:

1. To measure performance against planned sales and marketing


2. To distribute rewards for performance.

3. To guide the development of sales force.

Target for sales performance are set and they act as criteria for

comparison with the actual accomplishment. Sales quotas, expense

control, personnel development objectives are the casual target for the

purpose of evaluation. It is essential that all evaluation should be forward

looking and aims at future and improved performance.

Performance evaluation should be done periodically and

promotion, pay rise, rewards should be offered to the deserving sales

people. Forward looking to positive evaluating and control enable

salesman to severe self advancement or developments.

Effective sales performance measures.

Sales man’s performance can be measured by number of factors,

such as to ability to sell at satisfactory volume, ability to sell at profit,

ability to sell at a low cost, ability to plan and organize his time and

efforts, ability to plan and organize his time and efforts, knowledge of

products, policies, customers and competition, ability to attract, and hold

customers etc.


Year Sales growth in %
over previous year
2003 25
2004 27
2005 28.31
2006 29.54
2007 31.2
2008 32.12
2009 35.33
2010 37.86
2011 39.45

In 2003 the% growth is sales was 25%, but in 2004 it was

increased by 27%. But in 2005 increased by 28.31%, in the 2006 the

sales was increased by 29.54% and in 2007 sales increased up to 31.2%

and finally 2011 sales increased nearly upto 40% so the diagram shows

the shop was gradually increased it sales. It shows its popularity in

Shimoga city.

Organsiation Chart


Employee1 Employee2

Sales man1 Sales man2 Sales man3


Analysis of S W O T

S= stand for strength of shop.

W= stand for weakness of the shop.

O= stand for opportunities of the shop.

T= stand for threat of the shop.

 Strength

Following are the strength of the shop.

1. Shop has huge number of consumers.

2. Capacity to supply the Jewellery when they want.

3. Good will of the shop is fine in the market.

4. Honest dynamic and committed management such as Kuberappa

M.R. and also their brothers.

5. Shop has big sources of modern Jewellery.

 Weakness

1. It suffers from competition in the market.

2. Its operations in limited to only regular customer.

3. It suffers from marketing publicity.

4. Lack of skilled talented employees.

 Opportunities

1. Lot of potential demand for supplying the Jewellery to customer

for several weddings and festivals.

2. Lot of scope for attracting the customer from urban and rural


 Threats:

There is a lot competition from other Jewellery shops. In Shimoga




3.1 History of silver

3.2 Polishing of Silver

3.3. Process of silver polishing

3.4 How to burnish the metal

3.5 How to make silver Jewellery

3.6 Is Silver sensitive to your skin

3.7 Uses of silver Jewellery

3.8 Goods once sold

3.9 Pre-Columbian Jewellery

3.10 Modern Jewellery



3.1 History of silver

This history of silver can be traced back to Babylon when silver

was used as tender or credit instrument around 4500 BC. It started to be

used for decorative and practical use and reached a culminating point in

ancient Greece, around 2000 BC. Techniques such as embossing,

engraving, casting, and so on were already known.

After the edict of Milan in 313Ad, when the Christian faith was

officially recognized, houses of worship started to be adorned with silver

and gold, vast amounts of silver come from ancient Rome, treasure which

were amassed through wars in Greece and Asia and melted down later,

small mines produced silver in many location in Europe, until in the year

900 first are depository were discovered in Germany.

3.2 Polishing of Silver

Is your silver dusty and tarnished? Do you avoid polishing it

because seem like and endless chore? Polishing silver is actually a very

simple process and one household chore that do not take lot of time.

How to polish silver

When a piece of silver needs polishing it will begin to lore its bright

silver quality and take on a slightly yellowish or golden tone. Severely

tarnished pieces turn almost black. When tarnish is not halted by timely

polishing, A piece may need to be entirely replaced by a professional, a

process that is costly and time consuming.

Instead, take care of the silver you have. To polish silver serving

pieces you have found it works well to rise each silver item in hot water

to remover surface dust. Then while that silver is still warm, are

moistened foam sponges to spread the silver polish.

Spread the cream quickly over the silver piece to cover it completely

then begin to gently rub each tarnished area. Move round the piece inside

and out until the tarnish is gone. Finally wash with mild dish soap and

rinse in warm water.

Dry with very soft cotton flour sack towel to remove all water.

Polishing an average bowl should only take less than a minute, so it is

definitely an activity with instant rewards.

Most experts advice that silver “dips” should be avoided expect for

isolidated areas such as fork tines. The dips tend to leave a yellowish

residue on silver. In addition dips will negate the areas of oxidation which

adds to the look of antique patina.


If you have silver pieces that are damaged bent, broken or have

missing parts, contact one of the many firms that specialize in silver

repair, replating and restoration. Most pieces can be repaired to like new

condition, then replated, buffed, and polished you’ll end up with a new

treasure fit for use at your finest holiday celebration.


Store of silver in special flannel bag infused with particulars of

silver that will retard tarnish on your stored pieces. Look for these in

jewelry and department stores in silver and china section. They are often

brown and sold under the name “pacific silver cloth” Never get these

flannel bags wet as they will lore their tarnish resistance.

3.3. Process of silver polishing:

1. Purchase some good silver cream, Wright’s in a jar is one good one. It

is thick pink cream that comes with a foam sponge inside the jar.

2. Read the instructions on your particular container of silver cream and

follow them if they vary from this tutorial.

3. Gather all of your silver to be polished and set the pieces near the

kitchen sink, Spread some paper towels nearly to provide and area to

set the pieces once the cream is applied.

4. Wash or rinse each silver item in hot water to remove dust, and then

while the silver is still warm dip into the cream with a moistened foam

sponge or soft rag, spread the cream quickly over the entire silver


5. Try to cover an area completely with a thin layer of silver cream, then

go back and rub each area just until the tarnish disappears, small items

will take 15-30 seconds, while larger pieces may take up to 2 minutes

to finish.

6. On large pieces such as bowls, cover the entire inside area first so the

cream covers the whole surface. Then go back and rub it in where

tarnish is evident next go on to put cream on the outside surfaces and


7. Rinse right away or set each piece on the paper toweling proceeds to

the next piece. Work quickly you can apply cream to 10 serving

bowls or to flatware for six in less than 10 minutes.

8. When you feel like taking a break, rinse out the sponge and wash your


9. Next pick up the each silver creamed piece and gently rinse it under

warm or cool running water, rubbing away all traces of the silver

cream with a very clean soft sponge or a soft cotton rag.

10. As you wash, be careful of felt covered bottoms and try not to get

them yet. If necessary, dry the item for a several hours in its side so

the felt bottom can dry out completely.

11. Set the clean rinsed silver on a clean dry towel and use that to dry the

silver thoroughly and avoid water marks.

12. Dry intricate crevices with a Q-trip if desired, then air dry the silver

for several hours so all joints and crevices dry completely.

13. Return the silver to its display or storage area.

3.4 How to burnish the metal

Burnishing is the process of polishing metal to give it a smooth

shiny finish .it is often used on soft metal such as brass or aluminum and

is an alternative to diamond dragging. The following steps will show how

to burnish metal.

 Step-1:- Select a burnisher, this is a special engraving tool with a

blunt end instead of the usual sharpened tip, illustrating its purpose of

polishing metal without cutting into it. The spin die motor causes the

burnisher to rotate rapidly. And will provide a smoother appearance

than diamond dragging.

 Step-2:- Set up the engraver for burnishing. Install the light touch

burnishing adapter and insert the burnishes into a solid collect or top

load spindle just like any other cutter.

 Step-3:- remove the none cone and micrometer. They are not needed

for burnishing and removing them will provide a better view while


 Step-4:- loosens set screw and position the burnisher so that it

extends at least ¼ inch past the spindle and tighten the set screw.

 Step-5:- push the burnish with our finger to see if it hangs up. If it

does, loosen the set screw slightly. And rotate the burnisher 30

degrees. The idea is to have the screw as tight as possible and still

burnisher move freely

Tips :

1. Avoid the use of tarnish “rinses” or “dips” as they tend to yellow

the silver and won’t give it that wonderful rich silver glow.

2. Salt is one to the worst foods to touch silver and tarnishes it

quickly. Keep salt away from silver whenever possible. Or wash

salt residues away immediately after use.

3. Polish silver flatware up to 3 weeks before a special occasion, and

polish it in early November to are all through the holidays.

4. Using paste cream, rather than thinner runny solutions in bottles, is

often easier to handle.

5. For the look aged silver leave some of the tarnish in crevices.

3.5 How to make silver Jewellery

 Step 1

Fist step is to think about the design who will be wearing

Jewellery. What kind of piece it will be (Bracelet, ring, necklace or

something else) and how much time and effort can put into it.

 Step-2

Obtain the silver to make our silver Jewellery our need to start out

with the row material, silver. We can use almost any piece of silver for

this purpose.

 Step-3

Make ingot. The ingot is our starting piece of row, melted down

silver that can be banged and shaped into our design. Heat the ingot

periodically and shape it with proper Jewellery making tools until we get

it into the shape and form we want it.

 Step-4

Once we have gotten our silver into the form of our design. It

needs to go back into the oven so that it sets. The oven should be set at a

low temperature and the piece left these for a significant amount of time

in order for you to properly of time in order for you to properly of the


3.6 Is Silver sensitive to your skin:

There is no doubt that for women, one of life’s greatest pleasures is

Jewellery. few woman can resist their allure as men have discovered their

delight and dismay the world over but not all women have luxury of

indulging themselves with Jewellery quite a number of them can’t wear

Jewellery at all.

Nearly 10% of the female population and 6% of male population

are estimated to be allergic to Jewellery but it isn’t the gold, silver, or

platinum used in Jewellery that causes the allergy. It is the nickel added

to the precious metals since pure gold or silver is too soft to craft into

ornaments, nickel is added to gold or silver to give it greater tensile

strength and malleability necessary for creating ornaments.

Allergy to nickel is noticed as a rash or redness of the skin and is

commonly accompanied by itching. This allergy is phenomenon that has

assured growing importance in recent years, largely because of the

introduction of cheap fancy jewellers in which the underlying metal

consists of nickel, the rise is body piercing amongst youngsters is another

contribution factors. The fact that piercing is not restricted to the ears,

nose but has moved on to the eyebrows, chin, lips and even the tongue

makes that matter even more complicated.

Few women can avoid Jewellery altogether but one can make

every effort to reduce contract with nickel. For the sensitive, a shift from
14K to 18K gold, and silver will result in a marked improvement. These

days other metals are findings their way into Jewellery business titanium

and niobium are fast going a reputation for safety.

3.7 Uses of silver Jewellery

Silver always being a special fascination for mankind. In an

ancient time’s silver were used in making coins. No doubt even today

there are manufacturing silver coins, but now a days silver coins are used

in Pooja’s and it is gift items.

Now days silver is used an ornaments, devatha vigrha’s and Pooja

items, coins which are available in Jewellery shops.

Silver is used in manufacturing of photo negatives, sweets as a

decorative foil. Silver a mostly negatives sweets as a decorative foil.

Silver a mostly used as ornaments for women’s like, bangles, rings,

chains, ear rings, finger rings, bracelets, pendants, anklets and many more

for woman’s.

Now a days royal families, spoons, forks, knifes are made up of

silver and furniture covering is also made in silver.

Silver products used for babies.

There’s a popular saying used to describe a specially lucky or rich

person, “Born with a silver spoon in his mouth”. In India however it’s

not just silver spoons, but chains, bracelets, Anklets, and kadas, there is

an amazing variety of Jewellery made exclusively for babies as young as

a few days old. Little bangles, rings, chains, earrings little chains for

waist and of course anklets or kadas.

Every community attaches considerable significance of acquiring

at least apiece or two for their babies, especially significant occasions. In

several communities gold and silver paste is applied to the infant’s tongue

soon after birth. Among the Hindu in Kerala a waist chain, little bangles,

and anklets are integral part of the 28th day. The naming ceremony

similarly, north Indians, Jewellery if given during “namkaran” (Naming

ceremony) as well as earpiercing ceremony. Muslims too have a

ceremony called “chilla(Baptism) ,which is performance either in the 12 th

or on the 40th day after birth where gold and silver Jewellery is gifted to

the baby.

Designs vary from state to state and indeed from jeweller to

jeweller now adays, you even see trendy westernized styles such as baby

shoe pendants earring and rings with little cupids. Teddy bears and dolls,

whatever the design, the key element kept in the mind when designing for

babies is that the piece should be 100% safe. No rough edges or heavy

pieces the Jewellery is invariably smooth, simple and light weight.

And what happens when the baby outgrows his or her Jewellery?

No problem. bracelets and bangles are often adjustable and “grow” with

the baby or they can be worn as earnings waist chains can be converted

into chains for the new styles.

3.8 Goods once sold

How “we are responsible for what we sell is more profitable to

goods once sold will not be taken back”. With modern age business man

fast replacing the older generation, , the age-old business man fast

replacing the older generation the age-old fast replacing are also

becoming obsolete with consumer awareness spreading far and wide,

after sale services is becoming increasing important. “goods once sold

will not be taken back” attitude does not attract consumer anymore

irrespective of the quality or brand of the product.

Retailers today need to take a long hard look at their business

strategies. They need to customer satisfaction, which spell success in

every business. “we are responsible for what we sell “this is new

philosophy is based on the realization that a store need to build a bond of

trust with the customer to entice him to keep coming back quality of the

product is no doubt important but in these competitive and trying times,

customer relationship gives the edge. Further word of mouth spreads

faster than any other publicity stint and goes a long way towards building

the image of the business.

Here are few pointers towards building a healthy customer


 Designing efficient process that take care of all possible

eventualities the shopkeepers should keep checking products,

which are brought back with complaints. They should either

correct the manufacturing defect discontinue production.

 Training staff to correctly respond and behave with the customers

while redressing their problems.

 Continuously tracking customer feedback on products sold by them

and using them as input to improve sales.

 Educating the customer regarding the maintenance of the product

to reduce wear and tear.

There may be arguments regarding the effectiveness of the

aforesaid pointers, since some of the customers or guilty of fraud. But the

percentage of customers cheating shoe keeper is less 2%. This percent is

overwhelmingly offset by the remaining 98% who have the potential of

becoming “life patrons of a business”.

3.9 Pre-Columbian Jewellery

American Indian art created before A.D. 1500 is called pre-

Columbian, because it was produced before Christopher Columbus

arrived in the new world in 1492. During pre-Columbian times, the

Indians of the Inca empire inhabited in large parts of South America. The

Inca authors were highly skilled at working with metals. Especially gold

and silver. Most of the Inca cultures were highly skilled at working with

metals specially gold and silver most of the Inca Jewellery was melted

down by Spanish conqueror in the 1500s. However, a few pieces

survived. These include large round rings, armband headdresses, masks,

ornate necklace and earnings.

The Maya Indians of southern Mexico and Central America made

Jewellery of gold, silver, Jude and other local materials. The Maya

created bracelets, large necklaces and ceremonial masks with geometric


3.10 Modern Jewellery

Most Jewellery today is machine made. However many expensive

pieces are created by hand. Costumer Jewellery, which is in expensive,

mass produced Jewellery is popular.

 Value of silver ( rates of silver)

Date and year Rates/ k.g (in Rs)

3-5-1982 2698.00

3-1-1983 2915.00

2-1-1984 3450.00

2-1-1985 3665.00

1-1-1986 3955.00

2-1-1987 4250.00

2-1-1988 6261.00

2-1-1989 6469.00

2-1-1990 6968.00

2-1-1991 6556.00

2-1-1992 7920.00

2-1--1993 6840.00

1-1-1994 6685.00

11-11-1995 8070.00

4-5--1996 8055.00

3-5-1997 7980.00

10-5-1998 7950.00

15-11-1999 8025.00

20-5-2000 7340.00

21-3-2001 7310.00

10-7-2002 8490.00

10-3-2003 7925.00

11-5-2004 9025.00

5-6-2005 10,426.00

3-9-2006 13,236.00

4-2-2007 17,000.00

31-3-2008 20358.00

12-10-2009 35000

15-03-2010 75000

01-04-2011 60000

Cause of increase the silver price

There is lot of demand for silver products in global market, and

also in local market.



4.1 Introduction of marketing

4.2 Introduction of Marketing Strategy



4.1 Introduction of marketing:

The term marketing is a very comprehensive one. Marketing is

the most complex and challenging function performed by every business

firm. Marketing thinking stars well before production commences and

ends only after sale satisfaction. It is the set of those activities necessary

and incidents to bring about exchange relations.

 According Philip kotler says:

“Marketing is the analysis, planning implementation and control

of programmers designed to bring desired exchanges with target

audiences for the purpose of personal and mutual again. It relies heavily

on the adaptation and co-ordination of products, price, promotion and

place for achieving response”.

 The American marketing association

“Marketing as the process of planning, and executing the

conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods and

services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational


 The modern definition of marketing:

“Marketing is an ongoing process of,

(1) Discovering and translating consumer needs and desires into

products and services through planning and producing and planed


(2) Creating demand for these products and services (thorough

promotion and pricing)

(3) Serving the consumer demand through planned physical distribution)

with the help of marketing channels, and then in turn.

(4) Expanding the market even in the face of keen competition.

 In other words marketing is a system of integrated business activities

designed to develop strategies and plans (marketing mix) to the

satisfaction of customer wants of selected market segments or


Marketing covers:

 Seeking :

It is the first function. The purpose of seeking is to discover the

customer and customer needs.

 Matching:

Marketing is a matching process. Customer demand has to be

matched with organizational resources and environmental limitations.

 Programming:

The market programme called the market mix. Covering product,

price, promotion, and distribution strategies (4P) will be formulated and

implemented to accomplish the twin objectives of customer satisfaction

and profitability.

4.2 Introduction of Marketing Strategy:

Marketing strategy is the heart of a marketing plan. The concept

of strategy usually comes from two plans. We have a grand strategy or

corporate strategy dealing with company mission and company

objectives or goals. Grand strategy is the integrating map that charts the

development and use of resources to meet the challenges of fulfilling the

company mission and company objective or goal as well as functional

objectives. I.e. sub objectives adopted for each functional area of the

business. Marketing strategy is the functional strategy. It is related to

marketing as one functional areas of business.

P. Kotler define Marketing strategy as:

“A consistent appropriate and feasible set of principle through

which a particular company hopes to achieve it long term customer

satisfaction and profitability objectives in a particular competitive


Marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan of action designed to

meet the needs of a certain enterprise operating in a particular

environment. Marketing strategy is based on corporate marketing

objectives and it is implemented by a co-ordinated marketing action

programme. Viz. marketing mix.

The ideal marketing strategy would achieve optimum utilization

of all resource of the firm.

 Marketing strategy formulation involves the following steps:

 Determination of marketing objectives.

 Generating alternative marketing mix option.

 Selecting the most profitable marketing mix option.

 Creating condition for implementing the chosen marketing


Marketing strategy can be divided into two subdivisions.

1. Marketing objectives:

E.g: Sales volume, choice of markets, sales revenue, and

profitability target.

2. Marketing mix:

Marketing mix in the form of marketing programme to achieve

the set marketing objectives as well as overall company objectives.

Marketing mix covers

1. Products mix.

2. Price mix.

3. Distribution mix and

4. Promotion mix.

4.3 Marketing Mix Strategy:-

Marketing mix refers to the amounts and kinds of marketing

variable the firm is using at a particular time under marketing mix we

include product mix, distribution mix, communication mix, and price


The credit of introducing this concept of “marketing mix” goes to

“professor N.H. Borden” of Harvard business school of America.

According to N.H. Borden:

Marketing mix refers to two things (a) a list of important elements

or ingredients that makeup the marketing programme, and (b) the list of

forces having bearing on the marketing operations.

According to Prof. Philip kotler:

“The firm’s task is to find the best solution for its marketing

decision variable; the settings constitute its marketing mix.”

According to Mr. Jerome MC Carthy, an American expert :

“Marketing to the pack of four sets of variables namely, product variable,

price variables, promotion variables, and place variables. In other words,

marketing mix is the blend or the compound of all the marketing efforts

houring round the found ingredients namely product. Price, promotion,

and place. These ingredients are interrelated and all revolve round

potential consumer satisfaction as the focal point.

Nature of marketing strategy:

Marketing mix is a dynamic process. It changes with the change in

needs of consumer. Marketing mix is a difficult task as it involves the

blending of decision in four different areas of marketing. I.e. the product,

price, promotion, and place. In fact, effectiveness of marketing efforts

depends upon the decision made in each of these found areas of their

proper combinations.

Objective of marketing strategy:

The basic objective of marketing mix is to satisfy the needs of the

customer in the most economical manner. The emphasis of marketing

mix is to satisfy the needs of the customer effectively.

The elements of marketing mix strategy :-

Precisely, marketing mix is the master-mix of sub-mixes

namely, product mix, price mix, promotion mix and place mix as a

set of good many variables. These element of marketing decisions

over which the firm has control.

 Elements of marketing mix strategy:

 Product mix strategy.

 Price mix strategy.

 Promotion mix strategy.  Distribution
 Place mix strategy.  Physical

Product mix
* Brand
* Colour PRICE MIX
* Product line  Price strategy
 Pricing policy
* Packing G MIX
 Term of credit
* Warranty
 Discount.

Promotion mix
 Personnel selling
 Advertisement
 Publicity
 Sales promotion
 Dealer aids

Product mix strategy:-

Theory:-The product is the most tangible and important single

component of marketing programme. The product policy and strategy is

the corner stone of a marketing mix. Without product there is nothing to

distribute nothing to promote nothing to price. If the product fails to

satisfy consumer demand no additional cost on any of the ingredients of

the marketing mix will improve the product performance in the market

place. A product greater is a firm’s plan for marketing its products.

Greater emphasis is laid on the product objectives for this reason, the

firms develops a product design to achieve the set objectives. A firm as

a product programme suitable to the product portion in the life cycle,

this product strategy involves the number of issue to be resolved.

 Product mix strategy

 Product positioning

 Sourcing of product

 Product variety

 Quality

 Design

 Packing

 Product mix strategy of Lingeshwara Jewellers.

A Lingeshwara jewellers offers different products for different

segments of customers such as rich, upper middle, middle and poor

class, products (Jewellery) are offered according to their taste and


 Product positioning

Product positioning refers to the manner in which a product is

offered to a particular customer segment or aimed at meeting a

particular customer need. It is a process of identifying the need of

market segment product strength and weakness and the extent to which

completing products are perceived to meet customer needs.

The firm is having good many options to practicing product

positioning the important ones are:-

By making unique claims.

By highlighting the product features.

By promoting a product in new segments.

 Sourcing of product.

Jewellery is obtained from different types of dealers who have

adequate knowledge in Jewellery. That is to say, Jewellery is purchased

from expertise dealers. These specialist dealers come form different

parts of out country such as Mumbai, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Karwar.

Etc. Appropriate Jewellery is offered to the customer at reasonable


 Product variety:

Varieties of Jewellery made with silver such as earrings, finger

rings, necklace, braches, Bracelets, pendants, anklets, etc. is offered

customers according to their taste. Budgets and occasion. Lingeshwara

jeweler’s deals not only silver jewellers but also with precious stones.

Semiprecious, synthetic stone, and pain gold Jewellery.

 Quality:

The quality of the product offered to customer is of excellent

standard or grade. It is because of the motto adopted by Lingeshwara

jewellers is “Trust is tradition” customer satisfaction is a vital important


 Design:

Lingeshwara Jewellers offers different designed Jewellery to the

customers. It the customers desire to have Jewellery which has ethic

look or traditional look than Lingeshwara Jewellers offers the

customer the Jewellery which has ethic look. Proprietor of

Lingeshwara Jewellers M.R. Kuberappa, exclusively designs Jewellery

for the customers with great effort.

 Packing :

Jewellery is packed in exclusive boxes, as it is costly and needs

proper care.

Pricing strategy:-

Theory:-Pricing is an art of translating into quantitative terms.

(Rupees and paisa) the value of the product or a unit of service to

customer at point of time. Price is a major marketing tool and helps in

directing the products to a specific consumer segment. Price is a

powerful instrument in which both the buyer and seller are keenly

interested. It is the price of a product or a service that ensures a decent

return of investment, guarantee stable. Economic structure creates,

maintains and extends market. Pricing task involves establishing pricing

objectives identifying the factors governing the product value in

monetary terms, formation of pricing policies and the strategies

implementing them and controlling them for the best results.

Pricing strategy adopted by lingeshwara jewellers:-

Pricing is an element of uncertainty Lingeshwara jewellers still

believes in value of money to customers. It is because of products

uniqueness and its grader which cannot be measured in terms of money


Pricing strategy involves the following issue

 Discounts

Regular discount are given to the customer for regular customer

more percentage of discounts is offered.

 Credit Terms.

The mode of payment which Lingeshwara jewellers allow is

either payment in cash or in terms of credit. Credit is allowed to the

customer for a period of one or two months. Sometimes it is three or

four months depending on the customer’s reputation and regularity.

 Terms of Delivery

Delivery of Jewellery to the customers is also of vital importance

clear cut policies are to be spelled out regarding the terms of delivery as

to quantity time and place of delivery and the conditions of valid


 Promotion mix strategy:

Theory:-Promotion is the third ’p’ in the marketing mix. The

promotion means to push-forward or to advance an idea in such a

way as to gain its approval and acceptance. In marketing promotion

is a tool of communication in order to move forwards a service idea

in channel of distribution. Promotion is used in marketing to inform

users of the availability and features of products and to convince the

consumers to purchase the offering. All kinds of promotion can be

created demand for our product. Strategy deals with efforts

undertaken to increase and improve demand and sales of the products

of the firm.

 Advertising is one of the major tools, the promotional tool, which the

Lingeshwara jewellers adopt in the word of mouth. The seller

(proprietor) himself explains the uniqueness and advantages of the

product to the customers. He makes an effort to convince the

customers about the product offered so as to give him maximum

satisfaction because satisfied consumer is a permanent asset.

 Lingeshwara jeweler’s good packing bags and boxes for the

customers when they purchase the Jewellery. It allows the customers

to makes free telephone calls at times of necessity Lingeshwara

jewellers create a good ambience (environment) to the customers so

that the customers feels relaxed and comfortable to explain their

needs Lingeshwara jewellers also celebrates Laxmi Pooja in Diwali

gifts are given to customers to express gratitude.

 Lingeshwara jewellers put lots of efforts to maintain the good and

mutual relationship with people or public.

 Place Strategy:

Theory: Place is an important element in marketing mix. The

distribution of tangible goods involves the use of a network of

middle man to distribute the goods. Generally, the function of

production and distribution is divorced for tangible goods. Place or

the location takes important role in the marketing strategy adopted by

any business man.

 Vocational advantage.

Shimoga is a medium sized city with all types of people engaged in

various activities. A Lingeshwara jewellers is near Mandipet. Which

a well known market area in Shimoga. It is located in the heart of the

city. Attracting large number of customers, as Shimoga is a medium

sized city it is not possible to deals only with silver Jewellery. But

also shop has golden Jewellery, gems, and valuable stones.




Whether the buyer is satisfied after purchase depends on the offers

performance in relation to the buyer’s expectations. Satisfaction Is a

persons felling of pleasure or disappointment resulting form comparing a

products. Perceived performance (or out time) in relation to his or her


From this, it is clear that satisfaction is a function of perceived

performance and expectation, if the performance falls short of

expectations. If the customers dissatisfied. If the performance matches the

expectations the customer is satisfied in the performance exceeds

expectation the customer is highly satisfied or delighted, so it is clear that

customer satisfaction is most important in all fields of marketing.

This chapter consists of customer survey and analysis. Survey of

customer is done through questionnaire.

In this chapter customer have given the different opinions

regarding the quality of product (silver jewelers), the variety, design,

choice available of selection, service rendered, price charge, mode of

payment given, and so on. Customer has also given their opinion

regarding the recommendation of Lingeshwara Jewellers to their friends

and relatives.


The table shows numbers of male and female respondents

approached for the survey.
SI no. Gender Number of Percentage
respondents Total
1 Male 13 26
2 Female 37 74
Total 50 100
Source: - field survey

In the above table it is clearly indicates that women customers are

more interested in buying the Jewellery than men’s. Thus the percentage

of women customers’ is74%.

The following is the pie chart showing no of male and female


Number of respondents


The table explains the classification of customer’s according to their
age group.
S.I. No Age group (in Yrs) No. of Percentage total
1 20-25 10 20
2 25-30 15 30
3 30-35 14 28
4 35-and above 11 22
Total 50 100

Source: field survey

In the above table, it is clearly shown that the maximum number of

customer approached for the survey fall within the age group of 25-30

and 30-35 and the no’s as 15 and 14 respectively.

The graph showing customers of different age group.




No. of respondents
40 Percentage %total


20-25 25-30 30-35 35-and Total

The Table illustrates classification of respondents according to their
marital status
S.I. No Marital status No. of Percentage
respondents total
1 Married 42 84
2 Unmarried 8 16
Total 50 100

Source: - field survey

The above table shows the classification of 50 respondents

accordingly out of 50 respondent’s majority of respondents is married

(84%). It show majority of married people have keen interest in

purchasing of silver Jewellery.

The graph give an idea about the classification of respondents

according to their occupation.

No. of respondents
40 Percentage% total
Married Unmarried Total

Educational qualification
The table displays classification of respondent’s according to their
educational qualification
Sl. No. Educational No. of Percentage
qualification Respondents total
1 Below S.S.L.C. 8 16
2 PUC 16 32
3 Graduate 20 40
4 Post graduate 6 12
Total 50 100
Source: - field survey
The above table indicates the educational qualification of 50
respondents. Majority of respondents are educated people, only16% of
people are in below- SSLC level. It clearly shows educated people have
keen interest in buying the silver Jewellery.
The graph showing classification of respondents according to their
education qualification.

60 Percentage %total
40 No. of Respondents

Occupation of Respondents
The table reveals classification of respondent’s according to their
S.I No. Occupation No. of Percentage
respondents total
1 Business 5 10
2 Service 6 12
3. House wife 31 62
4 Others 8 16
Total 50 100
Source: - field survey
The above table shows the classification of 50 respondents’

accordingly to their occupation out of 50 respondents the majority of

respondents (62%) or home makers (house wives). This shows that the

house makers have keen interest in purchasing of silver jewelry.

Graph showing the classification of respondents according to their


50 No. of respondents
Percentage %total
Business Service House Others Total

Annual Income of Respondents
The table shows classification of respondents according to their
monthly/annual income.
S.I No Annual income No. of Percentage
(RS) respondents total
1 50000 to 75000 15 30
2 75000 to100000 20 40
3 100000 to 1.25000 10 20
4 125000 and above 5 10
Total 50 100
Source: - field survey
The above table clearly shows the annual income of 50

respondents. And majority of their annual income is 75000-100000 and

50000-75000. So peoples in the middle class level have keen interest in

buying of silver Jewellery.

The graph showing the classification of respondents according to

their annual income (in Rs)

No. of respondents

50000to 75000
100000 to 1.25000
125000 and above

Customers of silver Jewellery
The table shows users of silver Jewellery of 50 respondents
SI no. Users of silver Jewelry No. of Percentage
respondents total
1 Users 48 96
2 Non users 2 4
Total 50 100

Source:- field survey

The table shows users of silver Jewellery. In 50 respondents 96%

of the peoples are users or silver Jewellery.

Graph showing clearly users of silver Jewellery



Non users




0 50 100 150 200

No. of respondents Percentage %total

Types of customers
The table shows the type of customers visiting the shop.
SI. No. Types of No. of Percentage
customers respondents total
1 Regular 32 64
2 Occasional 18 36
Total 50 100

Source:-field survey
The percentage of regular customers is more when we compare to
the occasional customers. Thus it is clear that the customers buy as and
when the need arises.

The bar diagram showing the type of customer visiting the shop


36 Percentage %total
18 No. of respondents


Types of customers
The table shows the type of articles purchased by respondents.
S.I No Types of articles No. of Percentage
respondents total
1 Pooja articles 28 56
2 Fancy articles 22 44
Total 50 100

Source:- Field survey

The table shows the types of articles purchased by customers. The
above table shows customers go for more pooja articles when we
compared to fancy articles, it is become that are assured of its resale value
and satisfaction which they desire form it.

Graph showing types of articles purchased by customers.

40 No. of respondents

20 Percentage %total

0 Percentage %total
No. of respondents
Pooja Fancy
articles articles Total

Table 10:
Purpose of purchase
The table shows the purpose of reason for which customers buy the
Sl No. Purpose of No of Percentage
purchase respondents total
1 Wedding 23 46
2 Festival 12 24
3 Gift 9 18
4 Investment 6 12
Total 50 100
Source:- field survey.

It is clearly shows from the above table the customer by the

Jewellery more for wedding and festivals.

The graph showing the occasion for which the customer buys

No of respondents


Table 11
The table shows how people get the lingeshwara Jewellery shop
S.I No. How did they No of Percentage
know(by) respondents total
1 Advertisements 21 42
2 Friends 10 20
3 Relatives 10 20
4 Others 9 18
Total 50 100
Source:- field survey

In the above table clearly shows the more number of customers

know about shop by advertisement and their friends and relatives. It

shows shop as number of permanent and regular customers.

The graph address clearly how did customers know about

lingeshwara jewellers


Table 12
Opinion about service
Table Depicts the opinion of the service about the service rendered
by lingeshwara jewellers.

S.I No. opinion about service No. of Percentage

respondents total
1 Bad -- --
2 Better 12 24
3 Good 28 56
4 Excellent 10 20
Total 50 100

Source: Field survey

In the above table shows most of the customers are satisfied by the
service rendered by lingeshwara jewellers.
The graph shows clearly opinion of customers about service
rendered by lingeshwara jewellers.


Percentage %total --
No. of respondents --


0 20 40 60 80 100

Opinion about price
Table shows the opinion of customers about price structure of the
lingeshwara jewellers
S.I No. Price No of Percentage
respondents total
1 Low 5 10
2 Moderate 11 22
3 High 24 48
4 Very high 10 20
Total 50 100

Source :- Field survey

In above table shows clearly that the customers are given opinion

about the price structure of lingeshwara jewellers is high and moderate.

The graph showing the opinion of the customers with regard to the
price for the articles of lingeshwara jewellers

No of respondents

Very high

Table 14.
Opinion about quality
Table shows the opinion of the customers regarding the quality of the
product offered by lingeshwara jewellers.
SI.No Quality No. of Percentage
respondents total
1 Bad -- --
2 Moderate 29 58
3 Good 10 40
4 Excellent 11 22
Total 50 100

Source: - field survey

In the above table it is clearly indicated all customers I.e. Fifty

respondents are completely satisfied by the quality of the product. Which

lingeshwara jewellers offered to them? Thus they are of the opinion that

the quality of the product offered by lingeshwara jewellers is moderate

and excellent.

The following is the graph showing the opinion of the customers

about quality of the product offered by lingeshwara jewellers



60 No. of respondents --

40 Percentage %total --


Moderate Good Excellent Total




On the basis of survey findings it is observed that majority of

customers have expressed their satisfaction about the quality of Jewellery

in gold and silver product, gem and service offered by Lingeshwara

jewellers some of them have given suggestions for improvements of


On the basis of survey findings and also personnel observation. I

and customers would like to give the following suggestions to

Lingeshwara jewellers for improvements of their business and better

service to customers.

Customer’s suggestion

1) The present promise in which Lingeshwara jewellers is housed is not

sufficient for display of Jewellery. There for necessary steps should be

taken to increase the floor area of the showroom.

2) In Shimoga city very few Jewellery shop have displayed adequate

jewellery. Therefore, more and more jewellery should be displayed.

Own suggestion

1) As Jewellery business not an open type of business. I.e. if u offered any

amount of discount people will think the still you make lot of profit.

Therefore, it is suggested to standardize and display/ announce the gold

price, silver price, diamond price, making charges, wastage etc, (an

announced by Jewel De, Pergon, Chammanur jewellers of Bangalore.)

3) In Shimoga very few shops in using silver products. It is suggested to

use the silver products and make arrangements to display the same to

customer. Hence customer confidence can be gained or regained.

4) Regarding jewelry many people have got very poor knowledge. In

order to educate the people, being awareness among the people and thus

creating the desire for silver products it is suggested :-

 To conduct exhibition of silver products.

 To organize customer meet at least once in a year to know

the requirements of customer.

5) Publish a album or book to give information about latest designs in

various Jewellery. Such as Bangles, neckless, Earings, Fingerings,

Anklets, Chains and all types of pooja items.

6) Generally it is felt that all verities of silver articles are not available in

Shimoga. At any point of time, therefore please see that all types of

articles all available throughout the year .

7) Take action to reduce the waiting time as to make waiting a pleasant


8) If possible introduce a product of month or highlight a particular

product every month such as January for pooja items, February for

anklets and so in and offer special discount or gift during the particular



As a part of report we have given the suggestion taking into

consideration various factor like availability of time, administration

limitations. Personal suggestion, tax loss etc. at least some of the

suggestion are implemented and if these is improvement in business and

public awareness about silver products, we think that our mission will be


Dear respondent,
I am a student of final year B.B.M at A.R.G.College, Shimoga. I
have a undertaken a project work on the topic “MARKETING OF
of Lingeshwara jewellers. I have prepared a questionnaire seeking
necessary information from you, please spare your valuable time to fill
I assure you that the information provided will be used to academic
purpose only.

1). Name : --------------------------------------------

2). Address : --------------------------------------------
Phone no : --------------------------------------------
3). Sex : a) Male b) Female

4). Age grope (in years) : a) 20-25 b) 25-30

c) 30-35 d) 35& above

5). Marital status: - a) Married b) Unmarried

6). Educational qualification;-

a) Below SSLC b) P U C

c) Graduate d) Post Graduate

7). Occupation: - a) Business b) Service

c) House wife d) Others

8) Monthly/ Annual income: -

a) 50000 to 75000 b) 75000 to 100000

(in Rs) c) 100000 to 125000 d) 125000 & above

9) Do you use silver jewellery: - a) Yes b) No

10). From which shop do you buy silver ornaments :-

a) Lingeshwara jewellers

b) Others

11). How often do you purchase :-

a) Regular

b) Occasional

12). Types of articles purchase :-

a) Pooja articles

b) Fancy articles

13). Purpose of purchase: -

a) Wedding b) Festival

c) Gift d) Investment

14). How did you come to know about Lingeshwara jewellers:-

a) Advertisement b) Friends

c) Relatives d) Others
15). Opinion on service: -

a) Bad b) Better

c) Good d) Excellent

16). Price : -

a) Low b) Moderate

c) High d) Very high

17). Quality: -

a) Bad b) Moderate

c) GOOD d) Excellent

18). Range of product: -

a) Limited b) Wide

19).Mode of payment: -

a) Cash b) Credit

20). Working hour of this shop;

a) Convenient b) Inconvenient

21). Location of the shop; -

a) Away b) Near

22). Behavior of owner and workers: -

a) Friendly b) Unfriendly

23). Do you like to offer any suggestion, Yes { } No { }
If yes state them



Place: Signature of the respondent


 Text book Philip Kotler

 Magazines of modern jewellery



 Broachers


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