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Grade 1 12 Exam Portion Islamic Non Arab

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YEAR: 1—12


1. Allah ,Our Great Creator

2. Searching for Allah
3. God is one
4. I love God , He loves me
5. Thank you Allah
6. His name was Muhammad
7. Muhammad as child
8. Muhammad worked hard
9. The Prophet’s family
10. Muhammad becomes a Prophet
11. Sahabah: The friends of the Prophet

1. I think of Allah first

2. I obey Allah: The story Prophet Adam
3. The sons of Adam
4. I trust Allah : The story of Prophet Nuh
5. My God is my Creator
6. Taqwa: Allah sees me all the time
7. Aam ul Feel : The year of the Elephant
8. Muhammad the praised child
9. The Orphan
10. As Sadiq Al Ameen: The Truthful, The Trusted
11. Happy marriage


1. What is Iman?
2. I am a Believer
3. I Believe in Allah
4. Allah's Angels
5. The Books of Allah
6. The Shining Treasures
7. Ibraheem’s Iman made him brave
8. When the fire does not burn
9. Prophet Ibraheem Travels to Makkah
10. The hardest test
11. Building Al-Kabah


1. Prophets and Messengers

2. Al-Qadar: Fate
3. Surat-ul-Fajr
4. Prophet Ibrahim’s Children: The story of Prophet Ismail
5. Prophet Ibrahim’s Children: The story of Prophet Ishaaq
6. Prophet Yaqoub and His beloved Son
7. Prophet Yousuf : A leader in Egypt
8. The Quraysh tried to hurt the Prophet
9. Al-Hijrh from Makkkah to Madinah
10. Building the Mosque

1. Prophets of Islam
2. Prophets and Messengers
3. Tawheed: The faith of all prophets
4. Away from Tawheed
5. Surat-un-Naba
6. English translation of Surat-un-Naba Ayaah 1-10
7. Disobedience is harmful : The Battle of Uhud
8. Searching for the truth : The journey of salman Al Farisi
9. Al-Khushoo: The heart of worship

1. Ninty Nine names: One creator 1

2. Ninty Nine names: One creator 2
3. Surat-ul-Insan: The Human Being1(Allah,Creator of man)
4. Surat-ul-Insan: The Human Being 2(The Pious will win Paradise)
5. Surat-ul-Insan: The Human Being 3(Be patient and worship your
6. English translation of Surat-ul-Insan Ayaah 1-10
7. In the Palace of Phiroun
8. Musa leaves Egypt
9. Musa the Prophet
10. Musa and the Magicians


1. Belief in the unseen

2. The first pillar of Iman
3. The Universe speaks Tawheed
4. Surat-us-Saff: Struggling on Allah’s path(verse 1-4)
5. Surat-us-Saff: God’s true religion will prevail(verses 5-9)
6. English translation of Ayaah 1-9 of surat-us-Saff
7. The story of Dawood and Jalut
8. The Prophet king: Story of prophet Dawood
9. Praying the Prophet’s way
10. Prayers step by step
11. Salat-ul-Sunnah

Year 8

1. The second pillar of Iman: The world of the Angels.

2. Jibreel, the Holy Spirit.
3. Jafar and the king of Abyssinia.
4. Khalid Ibn ul Waleed embraces Islam.
5. A threat from the North: The Battle of Mutah.

Year 9

1.Zakah : The third pillar of Islam

2. Some rules and ethics of Giving out Zakah and Sadaqah
3. Sadaqah : The proof of goodness
4. Sadaqah, without paying money
5. Hayaa: Modesty, shyness and honour together
6. Males and Females
7. The Islamic Etiquette of Clothing
8. Hijab, an act of Modesty
Year 10
1. The nature and importance of belief in Tawhid.
2. The sin of shirk and why it is a major sin in Islam.
3. The meaning and importance of belief in the creativity of Allah.
4. The meaning and importance of belief in the Mercy and
Compassion of Allah.
5. The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on the
nature of humans as khalifah.
6. The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on Al-
Qadr and human freedom.
7. The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on
8. The meaning and importance of belief in Risalah.
9. The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on holy
books other than the Quran.
10. The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on
the revelation of the Quran to Muhammad.
11. How belief in Akhirah effects the lives of Muslims.
12. The meaning and importance of belief in Muhammad as the
Seal of the Prophets.
13. Why the Quran has supreme authority for Muslims.
14. How and why Muslims show respect for the Quran.
15. The nature and importance of the Shariah for Muslims.
16. The importance and effects of the ummah.
17. The main features of a mosque and the reasons for them.
18. The role and importance of the imam in a mosque.
19. The role and importance of the mosque for the local Muslim
20. Reasons for difference between Sunni and Shiah
21. The role and importance of groups and movements in British
22. Different attitudes to Sufi forms of worship.

23. Changing attitudes towards marriage, divorce, family and

homosexuality in the UK.
24. Muslim attitudes to sex outside marriage and homosexuality
25. The purposes of a Muslim marriage and how these are
shown in the wedding ceremony
26. Muslim attitudes to divorce
27. Muslim teachings on a family life
28. Different methods of contraception and reasons for them
29. Muslim attitudes to contraception
30. The media and marriage and family life
31. Changing attitudes to the roles oF men and women in the

Year 11
1. Section 1: Belief and values
2. Section 2: Community and tradition
3. Section 3: Worship and Celebration
4. Section 2: Matters of life and death
5. Section 3: Marriage and the family
6. 6.Evil and suffering and belief in Allah
7. The Muslim response to evil and suffering
8. Changing attitudes to the roles of men and women in the
9. Muslim attitudes to equal rights for women in religion
10. The UK as a multi- ethnic society.
11. Government action to promote community cohesion

Year 12
1. Illegal Drugs
2. Tobacco, another addictive substance
3. Dangerous lifestyles: Gambling and lottery
4. Dangerous lifestyles: Wasting time and Energy
5. Purity of Faith: The story of Maryam
6. The miracles of miracles: The story of Prophet Isa

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