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Lab 1: Preparation of Sheep IgG 1 Jan 16

Lab 1 Report due Jan 30

Lab 2: Immunoprecipitation (Part I & II) 2 Jan 23

Lab 2: Immunoprecipitation (Part III & IV) 3 Jan 30

Lab 2 Report due Feb 13

Lab 3: Hemagglutination Assay (Part A) 4 Feb 6

Lab 3: Hemagglutination Assay (Part B) 5 Feb 13

Lab 3 Report due Feb 27


Lab 4: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) 7 Feb 27

Lab 4 Report due Mar 13

QUIZ on lab 5 background information/protocol (15 min) 7 Mar 6

Lab 5: Part I: Induction and characterization of a primary cytokine 9 Mar 13

response in vivo.
Part II: ELISA precision training.
Immunology Department, 6th floor Basic Medical Science Bldg
(Bannatyne Campus) .

Lab 5: Part III: ELISA ASSAY- Quantitative analysis of IL-13 Response 10 Mar 20
Immunology Department, 6th floor Basic Medical Science Bldg
(Bannatyne Campus)
Lab 5 report due Mar 27

Lab Exam April 3








Lab 1: Preparation of Crude IgG by Salt Fractionation 12

Lab 2: Immunoprecipitation 17

Lab 3: Hemagglutination Assay 29

Lab 4: Introduction to the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) 34

Lab 5: Part I: Induction and characterization of a primary cytokine 39

response in vivo.
Part II: ELISA precision training.

Lab 5: Part III: ELISA ASSAY- Quantitative analysis of IL-13 Response 48

Appendix: 53
Solutions 53
Floor Model Centrifugation Operation 54
Pipetman Operation 55
Electrophoresis 57
ELISA Reader Operation 59

Sample Lab Exam 60

Lab 5 & 6 by Dr. Kent Hayglass and Immunology Graduate Students

Location: Immunology Department, 6th floor of Basic Medical Science Bldg.

Lab Instructor: Dr. L. Cameron Office: 414B
Teaching Assistant: Jyothi Seethuraman Lab: 401

Lab Location: 201 Buller

Information available at the website: lab manual, changes/corrections, additional information, marks


1. Lab attendance is compulsory.
2. Read lab standard operations procedure before attending lab.
3. Students work in pairs.


1. The lab is worth 20% of the final course mark; 8% for lab reports and 12% for lab
2. You must pass the lab to pass the course (10/20%).
3. The lab reports due dates are listed in the schedule. All lab reports must be handed in on
due date (by 4:30 pm) or one mark is subtracted for each class day thereafter until all
marks are gone. Marked lab reports will be returned to students the next week. A late
report will not be accepted after that report has been returned to the class. Hand in lab
reports to slotted drawer in room 414 Buller ONLY (demonstrators will not accept
4. Lab report value varies depending on the lab, as some lab reports are far more complex
than other lab reports. Total marks will be given on each lab report. The marks are
added together and divided by total to give a final mark out of 8%.
5. The lab exam takes place during scheduled lab period (refer to schedule for date). The
lab exam is 1.5 hours and must be written in pen.
6. Lab report marks are final unless an obvious error in addition of marks has been made.
If a student feels they have a legitimate complaint, please direct attention to lab
7. A reference file (specific articles relating to lab) is on 1 hour reserve in the science
8. Approximately two weeks prior to the lab exam, a brief outline of lab exam format and
information content will be available on the website.
9. You must notify the lab instructor no later than two school days, after missing a lab
exam, of your intent to write a deferred lab exam. The deferred lab exam must be
rescheduled before the end of this term’s classes. Failure to comply will result in a zero
on your lab exam.
10. Plagiarism (copying another student’s lab report (present or previous year) or
copying published literature without citing is a violation of University regulations.
Refer to the STUDENT DISCIPLINE BY-LAW in your student handbook (rule
book) for action taken for plagiarism.


1. Lab reports may be done as an individual effort or a group effort by the two students that
carried out the experiment. The decision on the number of reports per group is totally
dependent on members of the group. This decision may be changed any time during the
term. Therefore for each lab report the group has the option to hand in one or two
reports exclusive of what has been done before or after that particular report. Indicate on
the cover page of the report if the report is a group report or an individual report. If
handing in an individual report also include lab partner’s name.

2. A reference file is available in the science library (1 hour reserve).

3. If an experiment requires class data for lab report analysis, it will be available on the

4. Lab reports must be written in pen (no pencil) or typed. No binders. Stapled left hand

5. On the front page of the report state:

• Course name and number
• Experiment number and Title
• Group #
• Individual or Group name(s). If handing in an individual report, also include lab
partners name.
• GROUP report or INDIVIDUAL report
• Date

6. Number pages.

7. Lab reports consist of data presentation, data analysis and possibly questions. The
information is to be presented exactly as requested. Number sections the same as the lab

8. Always include a sample of each calculation type.

9. If your group’s data is ‘not workable’ or no data obtained, borrow data from another
group and reference. It does not necessarily mean the correct or expected data. If data is
not as expected always compare to expected data in analysis.

10. Cite reference in text of lab report and record full reference at end of lab report. When
should you cite and reference. The following is a good definition of plagiarism that
explains when you should cite a reference. “The unacknowledged use of another
person’s work, in the form of original ideas, strategies, and research, as well as
another person’s writing, in the form of sentences, phases and innovative
terminology.” (Spatt1, 1983, p.438) This is done by using bracketed reference number
that you used when listing references at end of lab report or by bracketing first authors
name and date. Quote text unless you paraphrase completely in your own words. But
remember, quotes should only be a small part of your work. If you are using the name

Spatt, B. (1983). Writing from Sources. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

year system, list the references alphabetically. Some examples are as follows (McMillan2

Binder V. Hendriksen C, Kreiner S. 1985. Prognosis in Crohn’s disease - - based on

results from regional patient group from county of Copenhagen. Gut 26:146-50.
Danforth DN, editor. 1982. Obstetrics and gynecology. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Harper
and Row. 1316 p.
Petter JJ. 1965. The lemurs of Madagascar. In: DeVore I, editor. Primate behavior:
field studies of monkeys and apes. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. p 2920319.

If available only on the web:

Kingsolver JC, Srygley RB. Experimental analyses of body size, flight and survival in
pierid butterflies. Evol. Ecol. Res. [serial online] 2000;2:593-612. Available from:
Colgate University online catalog. Accessed 2000 Oct 3.

11. Personal or Professional Electronic sources2:

Cite in-text by putting the following in parentheses, author’s last name or file name (if
no author’s name is available) and publication date or the date of access (if no
publication date is available).
At the end of report list
(i) author or organization
(ii) publication date or date last revised
(iii) title of Web site
(iv) URL site in angle brackets
(v) the date accessed.

Cameron, L. 60.344 Microbial Physiology Lab Information

Accessed 2002 April 12.

Table presentationa
• Table number and title (legend) presented above the table body.
• Number tables using arabic numbers, even if only one table in a report.
• Include enough information in title to completely describe table, eliminating the
necessity to search elsewhere in the lab report to understand information presented in
table. Table title starts with an incomplete sentence. Additional complete sentences may
be included to adequately describe the table, eg. number of days of colony growth and
temperature, media type, microorganism source (this also applies to figures).
• If abbreviations are used in table, indicate what abbreviations mean as a footnote. Other
footnotes may be required to clarify material in the table.
• Like information should be in columns making it easier to view the table.
• Data in columns is listed under the centre of each heading. Align decimal points and
dashes. If a number value is less than 1 always include zero before the decimal.
• Column or Row headings should be complete and self explanatory. A heading is a
separate entity from the title. It cannot be assumed information given in the title is
adequate for a heading. The unit of measurement should only be included in the
heading, not in column data.
• Group related column headings under larger headings.

McMillan V.E. 1997. Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences. 2nd ed. Boston:
Bedford Books: 1997. 197 p. and McMillan, V.E. 2001. Writing Papers in the Biological
Sciences. 3rd ed. Boston: Bedford Books. 123 p.

• If information is the same for each column or row do not include but treat as a footnote.
• Make the table as concise as possible but include all necessary information. For example,
when presenting a table of bacteria colony characteristics it is important to state media
type, incubation time and temperature as colony characteristics vary depending on these
conditions somewhere in the table.
• Tables should be properly set up with a straight edge.

Figure presentationa (graphs, diagrams, photographs, films)

• Hand drawn or computer generated are both acceptable.
• Figures are to be numbered separate from tables, using arabic numbers. Include figure
number even if only one figure.
• Following the figure number a figure legend should be presented below graph. The
figure legend, like the table, starts with an incomplete sentence describing the graph. For
example, do not repeat just the labels of the x- and y-axis but present in a descriptive
manner. Additional sentences should be included if additional information is required to
completely describe figure, for example, abbreviations explanation, any constant
experimental conditions, etc.
• All diagrams, photographs, and films are figures and should be completely labelled. For
figures of graphs, there is one dependent variable plotted and one or more independent
variables plotted. The dependent variable is a function of the independent variable. It is
accepted practise to plot the independent variable on the x-axis and the dependent
variable on the y-axis. For example the measurement of absorbance (dependent) with
increasing concentration of protein (independent). The size of the graph should fit the
plot(s). The axis should not necessarily start at zero. Place graph completely within
graph grid, this includes axis labels and legend. The overall size of graph should not be
too large but should not be so small that information is obscured. Graph must be
completely labelled (always include units). Use different symbols for each plot (not
different coloured pens) on a graph. If more than one plot explain symbols in legend or
in a key included in the body of the graph. Graph plots can be drawn in a number of
ways (this depends on the plot): (a) best straight line, (b) join the points with a straight
line, and (c) use a curved ruler or french curve.
Note: Do not drawn a free hand line.
• Complete label diagram figures.

Note: When writing your lab reports you are frequently requested to present both a table and a
figure for a given set of data, similar to keeping a research journal. This is not the accepted
practice for papers published in journals or books. Usually either a table or a figure is presented
for a given set of data and depending on nature of data; it may only be summarized in the text.
How do you make a choice of data presentation? The aim is to effectively and efficiently
demonstrate what you want to show, for example, correlations, comparisons, pattern, trends, etc.
McMillan, V.E. 1997. Writing Papers in the Biological Sciences. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford
Books. 197 p.

The following references are available in the reference binder.

1 DeToma, F.J. and A.B. MacDonald 1987. Isolation of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) from
Rabbit Serum In: Experimental Immunology: A Guidebook. New York: MacMillan
Publishers p.7-8.

2 Johnstone, A and R. Thorpe 1987. Purification of immunoglobulins, constituent

chains and fragments. In: Immunochemistry in Practice, 2nd edition. Boston:
Blackwell Scientific Publications. p. 48-55.

3 Hudson, L. and F.C. Hay 1980. Practical Immunology, 2nd edition. Ion Exchange
Chromatography Scarborough: Blackwell Scientific Publications. p.169-171.

4 Kimball, J.W. 1986. The interaction of Antibodies and Antigens In: Introduction to
Immunology, 2nd edition. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company p. 61-80.

5 Roitt, I., Brostoff, J. and D. Male 1985. Immunological Tests. In: Immunology.
Toronto: The C. V. Mosby Company. p. 251-259.

6 Kimball, J.W. 1986. Antibody-Antigen Assays .In: Introduction to Immunology, 2nd

edition. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company. p. 85-117.

7 Sharon, J. 1998. Basic Immunology. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. p 243.

8 Kuby, J. 1997. Immunology. 3rd ed. New York: W.H.Freeman & Co. p 536-538.


Bench area: Wash bench area before and after use with AIRx109.

Personal safety: You must wear a lab coat. Wear coat only in the lab, transport separately outside
of the lab (in a plastic bag). Wash hands with antibacterial soap before leaving the lab. No eating or
drinking in the lab. Use aseptic technique for transfer of bacteria. This is to protect yourself as
much as to ensure the purity of your culture. Protect hands with gloves and eyes with glasses when
needed. The gloves provided in the lab are to be disposed of after use.

Biohazards: Know biosafety risk groups. Handle all cultures as potential pathogens. Never mouth
pipette. Always use a pro-pipette. If you spill a culture, cover the spill with paper towels. Pour
AIRx109 over the towels to saturate. Gather up soaked towels and discard. Wipe area to dryness
with fresh paper towels. Wash hands with soap and water. Place cultures on discard trolley. All
cultures are autoclaved before disposing. Dispose of eppendorf tubesa in petri plate containers.
Dispose of pipetman tipsa in clear plastic lined basins along with glass or plastic Pasteur pipets,
broken glassware, glass slides, brittle plastic objects, metal objectsa (not needles or blades). Bacteria
dilutions may to be poured down the sink and the tubes rinsed before placing on the discard trolley.
Rinse sink with lots of water.
When handling level 2 microorganisms you must wear disposable gloves, make sure any cuts on
your hands are covered with a bandage, and be aware of the possibility of bacteria aerosol when you
flame your loop.
due to the multi-use nature of the teaching lab, all eppendorf tubes, pipetman tips, Pasteur pipets,
brittle plastic or metal objects will be treated the same as similar items contaminated with

Glassware (unbroken): Remove tape and pen markings (use alcohol) from glassware before
placing on discard trolley. Used glassware should be rinsed and placed on the discard trolley.
Rinsed test tubes should be placed in tray provided on the discard trolley. Used glass pipettes
should be placed in pipette holders.

Petri plate culture and non-sharps solid culture material disposal: use covered plastic containers
lined with clear plastic bags for contaminated petri dishes or any bacteria contaminated solid non-
sharps material (eppendorf tubes, API strips, antibiotic strips, microtitration plates, etc)

Hazardous material disposal: Examples: radioactive material, ethidium bromide, sovents, etc. The
lab demonstrator will instruct proper disposal methods for labs that contain hazardous materials.
These materials must be disposed of in appropriately labelled containers and disposed via the safety
office. Use fumehood when recommended. A MSDS binder available in lab gives information on
all hazardous materials used in the lab. Use extreme care with flammable solvents. Alcohol used to
flame spread rod should never be positioned within 40 cm of flame. Never put a very hot spread rod
into a beaker of alcohol. The alcohol may catch fire. Many of the immunochemicals are preserved
in 0.1% Na azide...handle with gloved hands. Handle caustic (acids and bases) solutions with care.
Never discard an acid or base greater than one molar down the sink. Discard in labelled glass
containers provided. Use lots of water when discard caustic solutions (< 1M). These materials are
disposed of through the university safety office. Never pour solvents down the sink (eg. phenol,
ether, chloroform, etc). Discard in labelled containers provided.

Sharps disposal: Dispose of all sharps (needles, pipetman tips, etc) in specified container. Dispose
of syringe with needle attached - do not take apart. Do not replace the needle cap before disposing
(high frequency of accidents occur when replacing cap). Sharp’s containers are autoclaved before
OR in some labs, bacterial contaminated slides and pasteur pipette disposal: Discard slides in
designated plastic containers lined with clear plastic bags. This type of container may not be
available in all labs. Container is autoclaved before disposing.

Broken glass disposal (not contaminated with bacteria): Dispose of broken glass in labelled plastic
containers. Not lined with plastic. Transferred to boxes before discarding.

Know location: Exits, fire extinguisher, eye wash, sink shower, and first aid kit. This information is
given in the first pre-lab.

Equipment operation: Know how to operate equipment before use. DO NOT use equipment
unless you know exactly how to operate the equipment. The demonstrator is always available to
assist. Please follow instructions in appendix for proper clean up of Spectronic 20D. Ensure the
spec tubes are thoroughly washed and rinsed with distilled water before replacing in rack upside
down as you (hopefully) found the tubes.

Leave your bench area clean All equipment and supplies should be returned to original location.


Although no bacteria are used in this lab, both Level 1 & 2 bacteria risk groups are used in this room
by other labs. Follow standard operation procedures, SOP (see above).

The University of Manitoba Biosafety Guide (Feb 2000) and Health Canada Laboratory Biosafety
Guidelines booklets are available in your lab. Biosafety information is also available at the Health
Canada websites:
MSDS (infectious agents):
There is no listing of level 1 agents in the guidelines or MSDS pamphlets

Risk group 1 bacteria are low individual and community risk and are unlikely to cause disease in
healthy workers.

Risk group 2 bacteria are moderate individual risk and limited community risk. Bacteria in this
group can cause human or animal disease but are unlikely to infect healathy laboratory workers.
Effective treatment is available. Risk of spreading is limited.

CONTAINMENT LEVEL 1 (UM biosafety guide p. 11)

• microbiology lab with washable walls, countertops and hand wash sink
• established safe laboratory practices (hand washing and disinfection of countertops)
• general WHMIS safety training
• UM lab registration

CONTAINMENT LEVEL 2 (UM biosafety guide p.11)

• all of level 1 specifications
• biosafety permit
• biological safety cabinet (not required)
• biohazard sigage
• a written standard operations procedure
• MSDS for the infectious agent


The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is a system for safe
management of hazardous materials. WHMIS is legislated by both the federal and provincial

Under WHMIS legislation, laboratories are considered to be a workplace, and students are workers.
By law, all workers must be familiar with the basic elements of the WHMIS system.

The WHMIS program includes:

1. Cautionary labels on containers of controlled products. Consumer products, explosives,
cosmetics, drugs and foods, radioactive materials, and pest control products are regulated separately,
under different legislation.
2. Provision of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each controlled product.
3. A worker education program


Controlled products must have a label of prescribed design which includes the following
PRODUCT IDENTIFIER - trade name or chemical name
SUPPLIER IDENTIFIER - supplier's name and address
MSDS REFERENCE - usually, "See MSDS supplied"
HAZARD SYMBOL - (see illustration on next page)
RISK PHRASES - describes nature of hazards


All material dispensed in a workplace container must be labelled with the Product Name,
Precautionary Measures (simplified) and Reference to Availability of MSDS.


Individual course MSDS are located in a binder in your lab (Room 201 binder located in 204). The
main MSDS binders are located in the Microbiology preparation room, 307/309 Buller. MSDS are
also available on the local area computer network (see your demonstrator, if necessary).

The MSDS will provide: relevant technical information on the substance, chemical hazard data,
control measures, accident prevention information, handling, storage and disposal procedures, and
emergency procedures to follow in the event of an accident.


The Laboratory Supervisor will provide information on the location and use of safety equipment,
and emergency procedures.



The object of this experiment is to isolate and partially purify IgG from whole sheep serum. The
resulting crude IgG preparation will be analyzed in the immunodiffusion lab.

Since serum contains two major types of protein, globulins and the albumins it is a good source of
immunoglobulins. Especially serum IgG, as it more abundant than IgM, IgA, IgD or IgE. Three
purification techniques are used to isolated IgG from sheep serum, salt precipitation, anion exchange
chromatography and dialysis.

Sodium sulfate precipitation

Sodium sulfate precipitation is the most widely used technique for the preparation of
immunoglobulin from whole serum. As the salt concentration of the medium is raised, there is an
interference with the interaction of water molecules with charged polar groups on protein molecules.
The protein molecules become less hydrophilic permitting greater hydrophobic interaction between
protein molecules. Eventually the proteins become insoluble. The salt concentration differs at
which each protein precipitates, with overlap between similar proteins. When preparing the crude
immunoglobulin fraction, unwanted serum proteins stay in solution while immunoglobulins (mostly
gamma globulin with some contaminating beta globulin) are precipitated out. The protein
concentration in the medium influences the precipitation limits of the protein and affects the co-
precipitation limits of the protein. Therefore, when precipitating serum, sodium sulfate is added
slowly to avoid high local concentrations which would decrease the specificity of the precipitation.

Ion exchange chromatography

Protein molecules bind electrostatically onto an ion exchange matrix that carries an opposite charge
to the protein. IgG can be purified by using the anion exchange resin, DEAE cellulose. Cellulose is
the support for diethylaminoethyl groups which are positively charged. By using appropriate
equilibration conditions (pH and ionic strength), DEAE cellulose with bind all the serum proteins
(negatively charged) except IgG (postively charged). Therefore IgG is separated in the void volume.
Contaminating serum components in the IgG preparation depends upon the ratio of ion exchanger to
serum. The greater the amount of DEAE cellulose added per ml of serum the greater the purity of the
IgG. However, this leads to lose of IgG. For this lab, 5 g of DEAE cellulose will be used per ml
serum to obtain a sample that is reasonably pure with a good yield.

Dialysis separates proteins based on the size of the dialysis pores. Depending on the purchased pore
size molecules larger than the dialysis membrane pore size are contained inside the dialysis tubing
while all smaller molecules equilibrate across the dialysis membrane.

Measurement of proteins
Protein concentration of crude IgG is estimated by UV light absorption. Most proteins absorb
ultraviolet light maximally at 280 nm because they contain tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine
residues. Within certain concentration ranges, protein solutions obey the Beer-Lambert law; A =
Kcl. Where A is the absorbance (optical density) of the light absorbing substance, K is the
proportionality constant (dependent on the chemical nature of light absorbing solution) for IgG = 1.5
ml mg-1 cm-1, c is the concentration of the substance in the solution (mg/ml) and l is1 cm (pathway of
solution UV light passes through).

(1) DeToma, F.J. and A.B. MacDonald 1987. Experimental Immunology: A Guidebook. Isolation
of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) from Rabbit Serum p 7-8.

(2) Hudson, L. and F.C. Hay 1980. Practical Immunology, 2nd edition, Blackwell Scientific
Publications, London 359 p.
(3) Johnstone, A. and R. Thorpe (1987) Immunochemistry in Practise, 2nd edition. Blackwell
Scientific Publications, Boston 306 p. (p.48-52).


Week 1

Part I: Preparation of Sheep Serum

1. Allow fresh blood to stand at room temperature for 1 hour.

2. Store blood overnight at 4oC to allow clot formation.

3. Pour off serum, the majority of clot should remain in bottom of flask.

4. Centrifuge at 3000 rpm for 10 min. Transfer supernatant to new centrifuge tube and repeat
centrifugation. If supernatant is not cleared of contaminating red blood cells, repeat
centrifugation until homogeneous supernatant obtained; serum. Note: The serum usually
has a slight pink tinge due to presence of hemoglobin from lysed red blood cells.

Part II: Crude IgG Preparation by Sodium Sulfate Fractionation (3)

Student lab starts here:

1. Prewarm 10 ml pre-treated* sheep serum sample in a 25oC waterbath for 10 min (10 ml
already dispensed in screw capped centrifuge tube).
*Pre-treated serum: The complement system had been inactivated by incubating the serum
at 56oC for 30 minutes. The serum was centrifuged at 10000 rpm for 30 min at 4oC. The
low temperature is important as serum lipids are soluble above 4oC. The cold serum was
quickly filtered through a small swatch of glass wool placed in a funnel to remove the
insoluble lipids. The lipid-free serum should be clear and colourless.

2. Add 1.8 g sodium sulphate (18% w/v solution). Gently shake/swirl to dissolve.
w = weight, v = volume

3. Centrifuge at 10000 rpm for 15 min at 25oC. The temperature is important as other proteins
will precipitate at lower temperatures. Empty supernatant into a container labelled 'albumin
fraction' located at the front bench. The supernatant contains the crude serum required for a
later experiment.

4. Estimate the volume of the pellet. Add distilled water to 10 ml. Add sodium sulfate powder
to make a 14% (w/v) solution. You must take into consideration the salt carry over from the
first precipitation - ie do not consider pellet volume when calculating the amount of sodium
sulfate to add.

5. Repeat step 3

6. Remove a length of dialysis tubing from PBS buffer. Tie two knots together at one end. Fill
the dialysis tubing with 3 - 5 ml crude IgG and tie the open end with two knots. Tie a string
to one end. Put a piece of masking tape on the string and label with your group #/names.
Dialyse overnight against 4 litres PBS, pH 7.2 at 4oC. Next day change PBS and dialyse
another 2 hours. Store sheep IgG in 2 ml amounts using small plastic vials (located below
glassware) at -20oC (immunology freezer). Label vials with names/group #.

7. Next week determine protein concentration.

Part III: Batch Preparation of Sheep IgG with DEAE Cellulose

A. Equilibration of DEAE Cellulose

1. Add 100 g DE52 DEAE cellulose to 550 ml 0.01 M phosphate buffer, pH 8.0 in a one liter
beaker while slowly stirring.
2. Titrate with 1.0 M HCl back to pH 8.0.
3. Let the slurry settle for 30 min. Carefully decant or aspirate off the supernatant and fines
(small particles that do not settle out of the supernatant in 30 min). Add 0.1 M phosphate
buffer, pH 6.6 to fill flask. Mix gently and again let the slurry settle for 30 min. Remove
4. Repeat wash once more but pour the slurry into a Buchner funnel using 2 layer of Whatman
No. 1 filter paper. Apply suction for 30 sec leaving a damp cake of cellulose.

STUDENT LAB STARTS HERE for batch preparation of sheep IgG with DEAE cellulose
B. Preparation of sheep IgG
1. Place 1 ml pre-treated sheep serum in a small beaker and put on ice. Mix in 3 ml distilled
water that has also been on ice. Mix and return beaker to ice bucket. Add 5 g wet weight
DEAE cellulose (also at 4oC). Swirl or use spatula to mix. Distilled water is added to
reduce the ionic concentration of the serum.
2. Incubate the mixture on ice for 1 hour. Mix thoroughly but gently every 10 min.
3. Place 2 layers of Whatman No. 1 filters in the Buchner filter. Use PBS to wet filter
(approximately 1 ml). Attach funnel to sidearm flask. Suction the slurry of serum and
DEAE cellulose for 30 sec.
4. Using a Pasteur pipette, transfer all effluent in a plastic vial (purified IgG). Label
completely with names (group #) and sample type (be sure to specific DEAE cellulose
purified sheep IgG). Store in the -20oC freezer in room 201. Discard cellulose.
5. Next week determine protein concentration.

Week 2

Determination of the protein concentration

Repeat the following procedure for both IgG samples

1. Prepare dilution in lab before taking to spectrophotometer room (414 Buller). Add 1 ml of
PBS, pH 7.2 to an eppendorf tube. Next add 5 :l sheep IgG. Mix.
2. Using a 1 ml pipetman or a Pasteur pipette transfer you entire sample to a quartz cuvette (1
cm pathway). Measure absorbance at 280 nm. The reference for spectrophotometer is PBS,
pH 7.2. Why are you using a quartz cuvette, not glass or plastic? Hint: sunglasses.


Data Presentation and Analysis.

1. Determine the concentration of crude IgG (mg/ml) for both samples; (NH4)2SO4
precipitation and DEAE cellulose ion exchange. Include sample calculation.

2. Discuss the purification of IgG (pI = 7.2) using DEAE purification with specific reference
to the major contaminating protein albumin (pI = 4.7) and principle of DEAE purification.

3. a) In your lab you added 5 g wet weight DEAE per ml sheep serum. What happens when (i)
more or (ii) less DEAE is added per ml sheep serum.

b) In your immunology lab, like other immunology labs, PBS, pH 7.2 buffer is used as a
“general all-purpose buffer”. Explain why.

c) When PBS buffer is prepared the pH should be pH 7.2 without adjusting with acid or
base. Explain why.

4. In the lab you measure the protein concentration of IgG spectrophotometrically. What two
problems are associated with this method when determining IgG concentration? Name
another method to measure the concentration of IgG. Comment on the acceptability of the

5. Most likely the sheep IgG you purified is only partially pure. What procedure would you
use to further purify the sheep IgG and confirm that you have a pure prep of the polyclonal
sheep IgG?



The object of this experiment is to learn the immunoprecipitation techniques; double

immunodiffusion, immunoelectrophoresis, single radial immunodiffusion and rocket
immunoelectrophoresis all based on the principle that a precipitin line forms in gel at
antigen/antibody optimal ratio (equivalence).

The precipitation reaction occurs when a soluble antigen reacts with a homologous antibody to form
immunocomplexes. The structures and solubilities of immune complexes are dependent on the
natures and relative amounts of the reacting antigens and antibodies, and also on the numbers of
combining sites on each. Antigens may have one to numerous antibody-binding sites, on the other
hand, IgG antibodies are bivalent having 2 antigen-binding sites. Repeated antigen-antibody
linkages can result in large insoluble complexes at antibody optimal ratio (AOR). The AOR is the
ideal antibody/antigen ratio for formation of insoluble immune complexes (equivalence). When the
number of antigen particles is much higher than the number of antibody molecules, many antibody
binding sites on the antigen will remain empty. The complexes that are formed are small and
soluble, not visible with the naked eye. When number of antibody molecules is much higher than
the number of antigen molecules, there is not enough antigen to form cross-linkages. Again the
complexes that are formed are small and soluble. Refer to the figure 4.

Precipitating complexes Soluble complexes Soluble complexes

Ab/Ag = 2 Ag excess Ab excess

Figure 4. Schematic complexes of antigen and bivalent antibody

Ag, Ab.

The antigens used in this experiment is sheep IgG and bovine albumin.

A visible antigen-antibody precipitation reaction occurs in agarose gel at AOR (optimal

antigen/antibody ratio) or equivalence. A single diffusing antibody meeting its cognate antigen will
produce a single line of precipitation. A number of currently used techniques make use of this
principle: double immunodiffusion, single radial diffusion, and immunoelectrophoresis.

Figure 5. Mechanism of precipitation formation in the Ouchterlony Technique

Double Immunodiffusion (The Ouchterlony Technique)

This procedure was developed by Ouchterlony (1966). Wells are cut in a gel (agar or agarose); one
well contains the antibody and the other well contains the antigens. Antigens and antibodies diffuse
towards each other at rates that increase in proportion to their concentrations in the well but decrease
in proportion to their sizes. They form a line of precipitation (precipitin line) where they meet at
equivalence. Generally the agar does not interfere with the diffusion of the two species. The initial
formation of the precipitin line moves the equilibrium between the antibody and antigen towards
formation of more precipitation - increasing the flow of reactants into the zone of precipitation,
figure 5. It also acts as a barrier across which neither components can pass.

The double diffusion technique has many applications:

1. Determine the homogeneity of antigen-antibody complexes.

2. Immunodiffusion can also be used to follow the purification of an antigenic mixture.
3. Determine the minimum number of antibody-antigen complexes present.
4. Determine whether a given antigen shares structural characteristics (cross-reacts) with other
molecules of interest.

This technique has the advantage that several antigens can be compared around a single well of
antibody. There are three basic patterns of precipitation as shown figure 6.

(a) 1 2

(b) 3 4

(c) 5 6

Figure 6. Three basic patterns of precipitation for double immunodiffusion, (a) identilty,
(b) non-identity, and (c) partial identity.

A-D represent antigenic determinants present within a series of protein molecules, 1-6, used as
antigens. An antiserum has been raised against two of these determinants, A and B. Note, the
detection is purely qualitative and, in addition, does not give any information on the other
determinants present. (a) Reaction of Identity: The precipitation lines have fused completely
showing the presence of identical determinants in antigens 1 and 2.
(b) Reaction of Non-identity: The two precipitation lines cross without any interaction. Proteins 3
and 4 do not share any determinants detectable by the antiserum.
(c) Reaction of Partial Identity: The two precipitation lines have fused, but in addition a spur has
formed towards the well containing protein 5. Therefore, proteins 5 and 6 share some common
determinants but protein 6 has additional unique determinants detected by the antiserum. Note: If
there were unique determinants in both antigens, this would give rise to two spurs.

Variation in results of immunodiffusion can occur. This variation is sometimes due to the animals
used for immunization. For example, two rabbits immunized with the same pool of antigen (human
IgG), can produce antisera that can behave differently towards a combination of antigens. Antisera
prepared by immunizing one rabbit recognized IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4 but can only recognize
IgG1, IgG2, and IgG4 when prepared in another rabbit.

Single Radial Immunodiffusion (SRID)

The single radial immunodiffusion technique is used to measure the concentration of a particular
substance in solution that is mixed with other substances when appropriate antiserum is available. In
this technique, which was developed by Mancini, a gel (usually agarose) is prepared that contains
antiserum. A sample containing the antigen is placed in a well cut in the gel and allowed to diffuse
out. As the antigen meets its cognate antibody a visible precipitate is formed as a halo around the
well. As more antigen diffuses into the equivalence zone, there is now excess antigen and some of
the precipitin in this area dissolves. The antigen diffuses further outwards until concentration drops
to that necessary for equivalence, and is reprecipitated by the antibody. This precipitation, partial
redissolving, reprecipitation continues until antigen is too low to redissolve the rim of the precipitin
halo. The precipitin halo stops increasing in diameter.

There is a linear relationship between the amount of antigen and diameter of the halo. Because the
actual diameter of the halo is also a function of temperature and other factors, SRID experiments
always include a set of known varying concentration of the antigen. A standard curve is plotted to
determine the concentration of unknown sample.

Electroimmunoassay (Rocket Immunoelectrophoresis) is very similar to SRID except it has the

added dimension of electrophoresis. Again the antibody is incorporated into the gel (pH 8.6
buffered; generally immunoglobulins do not have any charge at this pH, ie., isoelectric point) and
sample of unknown concentration along with standard antigen of varying concentration is subjected
to electrophoresis. Precipitin line formation is theoretically the same as SRID but under electrical
current a rocket is formed, figure 7. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis is a rapid method to determine
antigen or antibody concentration.

in gel

Concentration of antigen in wells

Figure 7. Diagram of rocket immunoelectrophoresis.

The heights of the rockets increase in proportion to the initial amount of antigens in well. Therefore
a standard curve can be constructed and the concentration of the unknown sample is read off the


Some antigen mixtures are too complex to analyze by double diffusion. To study complex antigen
mixtures the technique of immunoelectrophoresis was developed by Grabar and Williams (1953).
This technique involves the placing of the antigen in a gel well and subjecting it to electrophoresis,
figure 8.

The antibody to one or more of the antigens in the mixture is loaded into a long well parallel to the
electrophoretically separated antigens. The antibody is allowed to diffuse outward and precipitin
arcs form when meet cognate antigen.

When comparing immunoelectrophoresis with double diffusion, immunoelectrophoresis has several

advantages: less chance of precipitin arcs overlapping, characterizes antigen movement in electrical
field, and shape of arcs are of clinical significance. The serum of individuals with suspected disease
can be compared to normal humans quickly by using immunoelectrophoresis.

Kimball J.W. 1986. Introduction To Immunology, 2nd edition, Macmillan Publishing Company,
New York. Chapter 4.


Week 2

Part I: Double Immunodiffusion

1. Slides are pre-coated with an 1% agarose in distilled water to hold the final agarose gel in
place. This is done by first washing a glass microscope slide in ethanol and burning off excess
alcohol to give residue free slides. The clean dry slides are then placed on top of glass pipettes to
raise the slide off the bench surface. The agarose is dissolved by heating while stirring, then cooled
to 55oC. The warm 1% agarose solution is then pipetted on the slides, adding just enough to cover
the entire surface of the slide. The slide is air dried completely. A thin almost invisible plastic-like
layer is formed. The slides can be stored at room temperature in a dust free environment until

Student Lab starts here:

(Four groups should work together when preparing the slides, but not experiment. Each group (pair)
requires two slides for double immunodiffusion or one if put two punch patterns on one slide)

2. Prepare 100 ml 1% solution of agarose in Tris-tricine buffer. Heat with gentle stirring on a
heater/stirrer. Cool to ~ 65oC.
3. Align two 1 ml glass pipettes on a level bench top approximately 3 cm apart and tape to
bench. Pipette approximately 5 to 6 ml of molten agarose (2 slides per group, allow a few
extra for errors) onto each pre-coated glass microscope slide. Take care to prevent agarose
from running off the edge of the slide. Make sure agarose goes out to all edges. Allow the
gel to harden for 10 min (turns opaque).

4. Use Bio Rad template (6 holes surrounding centre hole - see pattern below) for punching
holes. Use water aspirators. Connect to punch attachment via tubing. Have a beaker of
distilled water nearby. Using grid punch ONE pattern per slide. You may punch two

patterns per slide and load all samples on one slide. Turn on water aspirator. Set slide in
punch hole grid. Put end of punch attached through grid perpendicular to slide. Touch

bottom of slide, then remove punch attachment. Put the end of punch attachment in distilled
water for about 5 sec to wash agarose through tubing and aspirator. Repeat for all remaining
required holes and slides.

5. The antiserum is placed in the centre well and the antigens are placed in the surrounding 6
wells. To give the best precipitin lines with little background staining, the concentration of
antigen and antiserum should be 1 mg/ml protein or less. If spillage or a mistake occurs
when filling the wells the slides can be rinsed in distilled water and reused. Excess water
can be removed from well by the capillary action of a paper wick. Add 10 :l per well of the
following antigens and antibodies.

Slide I (1) Anti-sheep whole serum (commercial) - centre well

(2) Antigens - surrounding wells
a) pure sheep albumin (1 mg/ml stock) (commercial)
b) crude sheep albumin (student and demonstrator prepared)
c) crude sheep IgG (student prepared by sodium salt precipitation)
d) pure sheep IgG (1 mg/ml stock) (commercial)
e) whole sheep serum (demonstrator prepared)
f) crude sheep IgG (student prepared with DEAE cellulose)

Slide II (1) Anti-sheep IgG (commercial) - centre well

(2) Antigens - surrounding wells as slide I

6. Place the slide in a humid chamber and incubate overnight at room temperature. A humid
chamber is prepared by covering the bottom of a petri plate with moist paper towels and
placing an unused glass slide on the moist paper towels. Place immunodiffusion slide on
glass slide in humid chamber and seal the lid of the plate with masking tape.

7. Next day, make a diagram of the wells and precipitin lines of each slide. On the diagram,
indicate the contents of each well, including central one.

Note: it is important that you make a drawing prior to staining as crude preparations often
containing other proteins that hide the precipitin lines.

8. Drying of Gel:
a) Rinse the slide briefly with PBS, pH 7.2 and then rinse briefly with distilled water to
wash salt from the slide.
b) Cover the slide first with a piece of good quality filter paper and next with 2-3 cm of
paper towels. Next place a sheet of glass on top of the paper towels and then weigh down
with a 250 ml or 500 ml beaker of water.
c) Allow to dry overnight or weekend. Drying of the slide may take longer depending on
room temperature and humidity.
d) After the slide is dry, remove the paper towels and filter paper. The gel must be
completely dry before staining.

9. Staining of Gel: The dried slides are stained to help distinguish precipitin lines, to allow the
slide to be stored indefinitely and to make photography easier. The slide is stained with the
protein dye, Coomassie blue. Covered containers are provided for the different solutions
used in staining procedure. In these containers a stirring bar is placed below slides so that
the solutions are stirred.
a) Place the slide in a container of 0.5% (w/v) Coomassie brilliant blue R in 20% (v/v)
acetic acid and 30% (v/v) ethanol for 2 to 10 min. DO NOT DISCARD COOMAISSE
BLUE STAIN (the same stain is used by all groups).

b) Destain in two changes of the same solution without the dye (2 destaining containers will
be available). The destaining time will depend on the speed at which the background dye is
removed, destaining time may take overnight. Change destain solution if deep blue.
c) Allow slide to air dry. Do not discard slide. Hand in dried and stained slide with lab
d) Draw stained precipitin lines. Hopefully the pattern is the same as unstained. If more
bands are preset, definitely include. Do not include diffuse background stained proteins.

Part II: Immunoelectrophoresis

Four groups should work together when preparing the slides, but not experiment. Each group (pair)
requires ONE slide for immunoelectrophoresis. Make a few extra for unforseen problems.

1. Use the same 1% agarose in Tris-tricine and slide set up to make immunoelectrophoresis
slide as used for double immunodiffusion slide.

2. Pipette approximately 5 to 6 ml of molten agarose (2 slides per group, allow a few extra for
errors) onto each pre-coated slide. Take care to prevent agarose from running off the edge of
the slide. Make sure agarose goes out to all edges. Allow the gel to harden for 10 min (turns

4. Use Bio Rad template to punch two holes and make trough. Use water aspirators. Connect
to punch attachment via tubing. Have a beaker of distilled water nearby. Using grid punch
for immunoelectrophoresis, see diagram. Turn on water aspirator. Set slide in punch hole
grid. First punch two holes by putting the end of punch attached through grid perpendicular
to slide. Touch bottom of slide, then remove punch attachment. Put the end of punch
attachment in distilled water for about 5 sec to wash agarose through tubing and aspirator.
Using the trough tool run down the trough grid, do not remove the trough agarose yet. The
trough should be approximately 0.5 cm from each end of the slide.

5. Fill one well with 10 :l sheep IgG (prepared by sodium salt precipitation) and the other well
with 10 :l sheep IgG (prepared by DEAE cellulose ion exchange) serum. Position the glass
slide in the electrophoresis unit such that the wells are closed to the negative electrode.
Running buffer is Tris-tricine, pH 8.6 buffer. Electrophoresis for
1 3/4 hours at 240 volts. Refer to appendix for principle of electrophoresis.

6. When the electrophoresis is complete, use a pasteur pipette to remove agarose strip from the
trough. Fill the trough with 60 :l antiserum (anti-sheep whole serum prepared in rabbit).

7. Store the slides in a humid chamber at room temperature overnight.

8. Make a labelled drawing of slide. Refer to lab introduction for expected location of IgG.

9. Dry and stain slide as outlined in double diffusion section. Hand in dried stained slide with
lab report.

Week 3

Part III: Single Radial Immunodiffusion (SRID)

In this experiment the concentration of IgG in normal sheep serum will be determined. The slide has
been prepared similar to that described for immunodiffusion except antiserum (rabbit anti-sheep
IgG) is added to melted, cooled agarose before pouring slides. The hole punch pattern consists of a
single row of evenly spaced wells down the centre of the slide; 6 wells, 4 wells for standard and 2
wells for sample.

1. As this method is quantitative, carefully fill the wells with each sample. Load 5 :l sheep
IgG standards in the first 4 wells; 1 mg/ml, 3 mg/ml, 5 mg/ml, and 7 mg/ml. In the
remaining 2 wells load 5 :l 10-1 dilution of each crude sheep IgG (sodium salt precipitation
and DEAE cellulose isolation). Prepare dilution in total volume of 100 :l using distilled

2. Place slide in a humid chamber, cover, and incubate at room temperature overnight.

3. Measure the diameter of the halos to the nearest 0.1 mm (best before staining if possible).
Stain gel slides only if precipitin halos are not visible and measure diameter of halos.

4. Dry the slide. Start drying slide Friday, as the slide can dry for an extended period of time,
once dry stable.

5. Hand in dried slide with lab report.

Part IV: Rocket Immunoelectrophoresis

In this experiment the concentration of albumin in bovine serum will be determined. Bovine serum
albumin (BSA) is used to demonstrate rocket immunoelectrophoresis instead of sheep serum
albumin as anti-sheep albumin is not readily available. The slide has been prepared similar to that
described for immunodiffusion except rabbit anti-BSA (anti-bovine serum albumin) is added to
melted, cooled agarose before pouring slides. The hole punch pattern consists of a single row of
evenly spaced wells 1/3 distance from one end.

1. As this method is quantitative, carefully fill the wells with each sample. Load 5 :l BSA
(bovine serum albumin) standards in the first 4 wells; 0.01 mg/ml, 0.05 mg/ml, 0.1 mg/ml,
and 1.0 mg/ml. In the remaining 2 wells load 5 :l 10-1 dilution and 5 :l 10-2 dilution of
bovine serum. Prepare dilutions in a total volume of 100 :l using distilled water.
2. Transfer the slide to the electrophoresis chamber (well at negative electrode - black). Cover
ends of gel with wick. Gel electrophoresis buffer is tris-tricine. Carry out electrophoresis
for 60 min at 240 volts.

3. Immediately following electrophoresis, measure and record the heights of the "rockets" and
make a drawing of them. Note if rockets are not visible, stain before measuring the heights
of the rockets.

4. Dry and stain gel (if necessary) as described for double immunodiffusion. Hand in dried
rocket immunoelectrophoresis slide with lab report.
Note: Drying of slide can be done on Thursday or Friday and left over the weekend or mid-
term break. If not drying the slide until Friday, put the slide at 4oC in a humid chamber

Data Presentation and Analysis
a) Dried slides are to be scotch taped to a sheet of paper and attached to the back of your report. Under each slide label
experiment section. This is not a figure, therefore complete labelling is not necessary. Be sure to scotch tape the entire
edge of each slide to prevent breakage. If individual reports, just state partners with slides.
b) If your data does not agree with expected data, state reaction explanation of expected data.

Part I: Double Immunodiffusion

1. Include labelled figure of slide I and II double diffusion (stained or unstained - best diagram
or combination of two).
Hand in dried stained slides.
2. Present a table of information requested below. You just need to photocopy the following
table and present as a table.
Center Well: Anti-sheep whole serum
Adjacent Antigens in Surrounding Wells Precipitin Reaction
Observed Expected
purea sheep albumin: crudeb sheep albumin

crude sheep albumin: crude sheep IgG (sodium sulfate

*crude sheep IgG (sodium sulfate fractionation): pure
sheep IgG
pure sheep IgG: whole sheep serum

whole sheep serum: crude sheep IgG (DEAE cellulose)

*crude sheep IgG (DEAE cellulose): pure sheep albumin

Center Well: Anti-sheep IgG

Adjacent Antigens in Surrounding Wells Precipitin Reaction
Observed Expected
*purea sheep albumin: crudeb sheep albumin
crude sheep albumin: crude sheep IgG (sodium sulfate
crude sheep IgG (sodium sulfate fractionation): pure
sheep IgG
*pure sheep IgG: whole sheep serum

whole sheep serum: crude sheep IgG (DEAE cellulose)

crude sheep IgG (DEAE cellulose): pure sheep albumin

purchased pure chemical
crude albumin fraction collected in the lab

3. Analyze the expected precipitin reaction for reactions footnoted with (*) in above table.

4. Diagram the precipitin lines that would be present for the following double immunodiffusion
(i) centre well: anti-goat whole serum (all possible goat epitopes recognized)
(ii) adjacent wells containing goat serum antigens
(a) antigen 1 - epitopes R, T, U, W
(b) antigen 2 - epitopes, T, R, U

5. Often for a double immunoprecipitation experiment the reaction of anti-sheep whole serum
against adjacent wells respectively containing sheep serum and crude sheep albumin you not
only get the expected variety of precipitin interactions (identity and partial identity) but also
numerous precipitin arcs at varying distances from anti-sheep whole serum well. Explain

Part II: Immunoelectrophoresis

1. Hand in dried stained slide. Include labelled figure of slide.

2. Comment on the similarities and differences between the precipitin patterns for each of your
sheep IgG samples (salt fractionation and DEAE cellulose). From the
immunoelectrophoresis results which method gives the purer IgG prep?

3. How would you change the immunoelectrophoresis experiment to identify only the albumin

Part III: Single Radial Immunodiffusion (SRID)

1. Hand in dried unstained slide.

2. Present data for standard curve in table form. Include log values if using standard grid graph
Note: Standard curve is prepared using amount of IgG (:g) not concentration (mg/ml).
Therefore you need to calculate :g in each well. Include sample calculations.

3. Construct a standard curve of Halo diameter y-axis vs log IgG (:g) x-axis. Use standard grid
paper. OR use semi-log paper and plot IgG (:g) y-axis vs halo diameter (x-axis).

4. From the standard curve determine the concentration (mg/ml) sheep IgG present in each of
your samples. Use either the slope or graph extrapolation to determine the concentration of
sheep IgG.

Part IV: Rocket Immunoelectrophoresis

1. Hand in dried stained slides.

2. Present a labelled figure of rocket immunolectrophoresis.

3. Present data for standard curve in table format. Include log values if using standard grid
graph paper.
Note: Standard curve is prepared using the amount of BSA (:g) not concentration (mg/ml).
Therefore you need to calculate :g in each well. Include sample calculations.

4. Construct a standard curve of rocket height (y-axis) vs log BSA (:g) (x-axis). Use standard
grid paper. OR use semi-log paper and plot IgG (:g) y-axis vs rocket height (x-axis).

5. From the standard curve determine concentration (mg/ml) of BSA in the bovine serum

sample. Use either the slope or graph extrapolation to determine the concentration of sheep
Note: Two different volumes of bovine serum were loaded, only choose data that is located
in the linear part of the standard curve. In reality each volume should be loaded in duplicate
or triplicate but the size of the slide limits this.

6. The agarose gel in rocket immunoelectrophoresis contains anti-BSA and the sample in the
well is BSA. When a current is applied during electrophoresis explain why the formation of
a precipitin rocket is possible when proteins usually move in an agarose gel when a current
is applied.



To determine the titre of antiserum using hemagglutination assays; direct hemagglutination (lectin)
and passive hemagglutination.


In this experiment sheep red blood cells, which contain large amounts of hemoglobin, can serve as
carriers of antigens. The inert carrier particles can be composed of numerous substances other than
red blood cells, for example latex beads. The red blood cells increase the sensitivity of the antibody-
antigen reaction as it can be coated with a number of different types of antigens. Exposure of the
antigen-coated sheep red blood cells to an appropriate antiserum will cause cross linking or
agglutination of the carrier particles thereby decreasing the amounts of antigen and antibody
required to insure that the immune complexes are visible to the naked eye. The titre of an antibody
containing solution is the reciprocal of the greatest dilution of the solution that still has a
strong detectable amount of antibody. For example, refer to figure 10, well 5 would be the well
you would select to calculate the titre as mat size is consistant well 1 through 5.

Red blood cells have different affinities for different antigens, that is, some stick better than others.
Some glycoproteins and proteins will effectively adsorb to red blood cells without the tanning step
and cause agglutination of red blood cells (direct hemagglutination). Lectin is a glycoprotein which
binds and cross-links red blood cell via specific surface carbohydrate determinants (glycoproteins).
But for most proteins, the red blood cells must first be made sticky by 'tanning' - treating cells with
tannic acid.

There are several steps in the procedure that affect the sensitivity and specificity of the test. The
concentration of sheep red blood cells and antigen to be coupled is definitely significant. With
increased red cell concentration there is decreased sensitivity of test. Excess of antigen may result in
nonspecific agglutination. Serum which has been inactivated and absorbed with sheep erythrocytes
is used to resuspend tanned sRBC and to serially dilute antiserum in the assay to prevent nonspecific
agglutination due to complement or heterophile antibodies. It is good practise to use fresh sheep's
blood which helps overcome variables that may occur (reproducibility and occasionally

Briefly, one carries out a passive hemagglutination assay by making twofold serial dilutions of the
test antiserum (Ab) in the wells of a microtitration plate. Next, one adds the tanned and antigen-
coated red blood cells. In the wells where antibody is present in sufficient concentration to cross-
link the cells, they will settle to the bottom as a circular, red 'carpet' - a positive hemagglutination
reaction. Refer to the following diagram for interpretation of results. The reaction is strongly
positive in the first 5 wells. Wells 6 - 9 show increasingly weak reactions. The solid button of
settled red blood cells in well 10, second, and third row are negative reactions.

A direct hemagglutination assay is similar to a passive hemagglutination assay except the sRBC

tanning and antigen coating steps can be eliminated.

Hemagglutination, particularly passive hemagglutination, is a sensitive method for detecting small

amounts of antibody - as little as 0.05 :g/ml - and is often used to 'titre' antiserum (Ab).

Kimball J.W. 1986. Introduction To Immunology, 2nd edition, Macmillan Publishing Company,
New York. Chapter 5.

Roitt, I., Brostoff, J., & D. Male 1985. Immunology, C.V. Mosby Co., Toronto. p.25.3


Week 4

Part I and Part II step 1. has been done by the demonstrator prior to the start of the lab.

Part I: Collection and Washing the sheep red blood cells (sRBC)

1. Sheep blood is collected directly from the sheep into sterile Alsever solution with a final
dilution of 1:1 sheep blood to Alsever solution.

2. The sheep red blood cells (sRBC) are centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes. Carefully
aspirate off the supernatant as the pellet is very loose. Keep cells cold throughout washing

3. Resuspend cells by adding PBS, pH 7.2 to original volume. Centrifuge at 3000 rpm for 5
minutes. Aspirate off supernatant. Repeat twice more.

4. Resuspend cells at a final concentration of 20% sRBC with PBS, pH 7.2 - 3 ml required per
group. Keep the cells on ice or at 4oC.

Part II: Preparation of Normal Serum Diluent

1. Incubate the serum (0.5 ml per group) in a 56oC water bath for 30 minutes. This treatment
inactivates the complement system, which may cause the antigen-coated cells to burst when
exposed to the serum. This step has been done prior to start of lab.
Note: The control serum used to prepare normal serum diluent should come from the host
animal used to prepare test antiserum (in our case rabbit).

Student lab starts here.

Each student is supplied with a large plastic centrifuge tube containing 3 ml washed 20% sRBC.

2. Absorb 0.5 ml heat-treated normal rabbit serum (already aliquoted in a plastic vial) by
adding 2 ml washed 20% sRBC.

3. Incubate the mixture at room temperature for 30 minutes.

4. Divide the solution between 2 eppendorf tubes. Sediment the sRBC by microfuging 2 min at
room temperature. Draw off the serum using a pasteur pipette to eppendorf tubes. To
remove remaining sheep red blood cells, centrifuge for 1 min at room temperature and
transfer serum to clean eppendorf tubes.. Keep the serum on ice or at 4oC. Note: In the
process of absorption, the serum has been diluted fivefold (1:5).

5. Just before using dilute 20-fold (Part IV-step 4).

Part III: Preparation of the Tanned sRBC using the Remaining washed sRBC

1. Add 7 ml PBS, pH 7.2 to the remaining 1 ml 20% sRBC in the screw capped centrifuge tube.

2. Then add 0.3 ml of 0.1% tannic acid solution.

3. Mix, and incubate in a 37oC waterbath for 10 min.

4. Centrifuge for 10 min at 4000 rpm at 4oC and discard the supernatant fraction. Wash the
sRBC once with 7.5 ml of pH 7.2 PBS. Centrifuge as above for 5 minutes and again discard
the supernatant fraction. The sRBC are now tanned. Resuspend the cells in 7.5 ml
physiological saline (0.88% NaCl). Keep cells on ice or store at 4oC.
Part IV: Coating the Tanned sRBC

1. Add 7.5 ml PBS, pH 6.4 to the 7.5 ml tanned cells prepared in Part III.

2. Add 15 ml of 0.2% BSA (bovine serum albumin prepared in PBS, pH 6.4) and incubate at
room temperature for 15 min, shaking occasionally.

3. Centrifuge at 4000 rpm for 10 min at 4oC and discard the supernatant.

4. Dilute inactivated and absorbed normal serum (prepared in Part II) 20-fold by mixing 1.5 ml
serum with 28.5 ml PBS, pH 7.2...this is called NSD, normal serum diluent.
Note: If you do not have quite 1.5 ml absorbed normal serum, dilute what you have

proportionally 20-fold.

5. Wash the cells with 20 ml normal serum diluent. Again centrifuge at 4000 rpm for 10 min at
4oC. Discard the supernatant. Washing the cells with NSD is necessary to maintain stability
- otherwise the cells may agglutinate even if no antiserum was present.

6. Resuspend the cells in 0.5 ml to 1 ml NSD depending on the concentration of the cells. The
cells are now ready for assay. For this lab, the cells will be stored in small plastic vials at
4oC until next week. (Coated tanned sRBC can be stored at 4C for several weeks.)

Week 5


Part 1: The Passive Hemagglutination Assay

Take care NOT to create bubbles when adding assay components. Once the bubbles have formed,
they are very difficult to remove - A TIME CONSUMING PROCESS.

1. Place 20 :l NSD on the bottom of wells 1-24 (use two rows of microtitration place).

2. Add 20 :l anti-BSA to the first well, mix by pipetting solution up and down the tip about 5-
8 times. Remove 20 :l from well 1 and transfer to well 2, again mix and transfer 20 :l to
well 3. Repeat this serial dilution until reach well 23. Do not transfer 20 :l to well 24 but
discard. Well 24 is the control.

3. Gently resuspend tanned sheep red blood cells. Add 20 :l tanned BSA coated sRBC to each
well and mix by stirring with the end of the pipette tip. Start with the control and work from
the highest dilution to lowest dilution so that one tip can be used. It is important that the
sRBC-antisera mixture cover the entire bottom of well with no bubbles. The majority of
bubbles can be removed using one or two syringe needles.

4. Seal the plates with saran wrap and label. Incubate at room temperature. Read the
microtitration plate the next day.
Note: Microtitration plates can be read easily from the underside.

Part 1I: Direct Hemagglutination

1. Place 20 :l PBS, pH 7.2 on the bottom of wells 1-24 (use two rows of microtitration place).
2. Add 20 :l lectin* to the first well, mix by pipetting solution up and down the tip about 5-8
times. Remove 20 :l from well 1 and transfer to well 2, again mix and transfer 20 :l to well
3. Repeat this serial dilution until reach well 23. Do not transfer 20 :l to well 24 but
discard. Well 24 is the control.
Lectin: Helix ponatia, 0.2 mg/ml

3. Gently resuspend sheep red blood cells. Add 20 :l 3% sRBC to each well and mix by
stirring with the end of the pipette tip. Again start with the control and work from the
highest dilution to lowest dilution so that one tip can be used.

4. Seal the plates with saran wrap and label. Incubate at room temperature. Read the
microtitration plate the next day.


Data Presentation and Analysis

Passive Hemagglutination

1. a) Record titration results (+, +/-, -) in table form.

Interpretation of results (settling patterns):
Positive: A smooth mat of agglutinated cells covering the bottom of the tube (+).
Negative: A clearly defined button in the bottom of the tube (-).
Intermediate: Incomplete settling of cells with no clearly defined button (+/-).

b) Determine the titre of anti-BSA (include calculation).

Note: A complete positive reaction (+) must be used to calculate the titre of the antiserum.

Direct Hemagglutination

1. Record titration results.

2. Determine the titre of lectin. Determine the concentration of lectin at titre.


1. Explain why the suspension of sheep red blood cells in PBS, pH 7.2 is a homogenous
solution (not clotted).

2. As a precaution prior to pregnancy, women are often checked to determine if they are
immune to rubella (German measles). Rubella is a disease that causes pregnancy
complications. Outline an experiment that quickly determine if the woman is immune to
rubella from her blood sample. Include interpretation of results.

3. a) Explain why IgM is a better agglutinin of red blood cells than IgG (include diagrams).

b) After doing a passive agglutination experiment similar to the one you performed in lab,
your results showed little agglutination. State what should be changed to get better
agglutination results? Explain your answer.

4. How are red kidney beans related to your hemagglutination lab? What is the human clinical
significance? Answer not available in reference binder. Web search probably best bet.

LAB 4 Introduction to the ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant Assay)


The enzyme linked immunosorbent assay is a sensitive assay that is simple, versatile, and reliable.
ELISA procedure may also be referred to as the EIA system (enzyme immunoassay). It can be
adapted to obtain the titers of either antigen or antibody samples. As the sensitivity of any
immunoassay depends on the ability of the system to detect and to amplify any reaction between
cognate antigen and antibody, the ELISA is a particularly sensitive assay because the detection and
amplification is enzyme dependent. Possible enzymes used in the ELISA system are alkaline
phosphatase (this lab), beta-galactosidase and horseradish peroxidase. Each has a high turnover
number (rapid conversion of chromogenic substrate to coloured product) resulting in high
sensitivity. In addition, the ELISA results can be measured quantitatively by means of a
spectrophotometer allowing quick clinical analysis.

Antigen titre can be determined by the sandwich method, figure 11. First, the antigen-specific
antibody is adsorbed to an immobile surface such as the wells of a microtiter plate. The plates are
washed to remove excess unbound antibody. Cognate antigen is added and binds to antibody.
Excess unbound antigen is washed off and enzyme-conjugated antibody against the antigen is added
binding still exposed determinants on the antigen. Excess unbound enzyme-conjugated antibody is
washed away, and chromogenic substrate added. Colour develops in wells containing the bound
antigen. The absorbance of the solution in each well is proportional to the amount of bound antigen
in it.


Add antigen
Antibody Add antibody-enzyme conjugate


Add substrate

Substrate (colorless)

Product (colored)

Figure 11. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent assay - Sandwich method.


Antibody titre can be obtained by a modification of the enzyme linked immunoassay, indirect
enzyme immunoassay method, figure 12. First, the antigen is adsorbed to an immobile surface such
as the wells of a microtiter plate. The excess unbound antigen is washed off. Dilutions of test
antibody is added to each immobilized antigen sample and allowed to bind to the antigen. The
unbound antibody is washed away. This is followed by addition of a secondary antibody which is
directed against the test antibody. The secondary antibody is conjugated to an enzyme, for our
experiment, alkaline phosphatase. This enzyme catalyses the hydrolysis of D-nitrophenyl phosphate
(a colourless substrate) to phosphate and D-nitrophenol (yellow at alkaline pH). Again, the excess of
this secondary conjugated antibody is washed away. Chromogenic substrate is added and colour
develops which is directly proportional to the amount of bound antibody.

Add antigen

Add antibody

Add second antibody-enzyme conjugate



Substrate (colorless)

Product (colored)

Figure 12. The indirect method of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.



The object of this experiment is to determine the titre of antiserum by the indirect EIA method.


1. Bovine IgG (antigen) is adsorbed to each well of a microtitration plate.

2. The plates is washed to remove excess bovine IgG.
3. Serial dilutions of rabbit anti-bovine IgG are added to the wells.
4. The plate is washed to remove unbound rabbit anti-bovine IgG.
5. The goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to alkaline phosphatase is added to the wells.
6. The plate is washed to remove unbound conjugate.
7. The enzyme substrate, D-nitrophenyl phosphate (D-NPP) is added to the wells.
8. The bound enzyme cleaves the substrate to produce D-nitrophenol which is a yellow colour.
The amount of D-nitrophenol equals amount of antibody present.

Week 7


1. The microtitration plates have been coated with bovine IgG prior to the start of the class lab
as follows: 200 :l of 10 :g/ml bovine IgG prepared in coating buffer was added to each
well, covered with plastic wrap, incubated at room temperature for 1 hour, and then stored
overnight at 4oC (or until lab period).


Class lab starts with step 2.

2. Invert the microtitration plate and dump the liquid out of the wells.

3. Wash the wells by filling them with PBS-Tween solution. This is done quickly using a
plastic squeeze bottle. Allow the plate to sit for 30 sec and them dump PBS-Tween. Repeat
this step twice more.

4. One partner uses the first two rows (A and B) and the other partner uses rows (C and D)
a) Place 100 :l PBS-Tween in well 1 (background) and wells 3 through 17. The ELISA
Reader spectrophotometer test program #14 is set to read well A1 as background..
b) Fill well 2 with 200 :l original anti-bovine IgG (1/5 dilution prior to start of experiment)
c) Serial dilutions: Transfer 100 :l from well 2 to well 3(½ or 2-fold dilution). Mix, repeat
2-fold dilution until come to well 17. Discard the 50 :l extra from the last well. You should
end with 100 :l in each well when you are finished.

5. Cover the plate with plastic wrap and incubate the plate for 30 min at 37oC.

6. Wash the wells as described in step 2 and 3.

7. To all wells used, add 200 :l goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugated with alkaline phosphatase
(1:1000 dilution in PBS-Tween-BSA). Cover the plate with plastic wrap and incubate at
37oC for 30 min.

8. Wash the wells as described in step 2 and 3.

9. Add 200 :l substrate to each well containing blank, sample or dilution. Do not touch the

well or well solution with tip, just drop in the 200 :l substrate. DO NOT create bubbles.
The ELISA reader will give spurious results if bubbles are present.

10. Cover the plate with plastic wrap and incubate the plate for 30 min at 37oC. If there is
insufficient colour development after 30 min at 37oC, put plate at 4oC and again read the
next day - generally there is sufficient color development to read same day.

11. Remove covering from microtitration plate. Wipe bottom of plate with alcohol soaked cloth.
Read absorbance of each well in Easy Reader microtitration plate spectrophotometer.
Program number is 14 (AP, alkaline phosphatase, single wavelength at 405 nm, and blank
position is A - 1). Make sure the plate is inserted properly (sitting flat) by pressing down
gently. Above a 0.100 ELISA reading is a positive test result. The absorbance reading in
well 1 is the blank. This absorbance value has already been subtracted from all your

Kimball J.W. 1986. Introduction To Immunology, 2nd edition, Macmillan Publishing Company,
New York. Chapter 5.
Kuby, J. 1997. Immunology. 3rd ed. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.
Sharon, J. 1998. Basic Immunology. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.

Data Presentation and Analysis

1. a) Present ELISA reader printout (or copy) as a table or figure. Just add table or figure
number and a title.

b) Tabulate ELISA reader data - include a column for well # and interpretation of
absorbance value. Interpret either as positive (+) or negative (-), be sure to include in table
what is the bases of a positive and negative interpretation.

Note: All partner’s ELISA results must be recorded regardless whether the report is group
or individual.

2. Determine the serum titre for anti-bovine IgG for all partners. Do they agree? If not,
explain why.


1. Explain the function of the following ELISA reagents (comment on each component).

2. Briefly outline a relevant clinical ELISA assay (presently in use) that demonstrates (i)
indirect ELISA and (ii) sandwich ELISA.


by Dr. Kent HayGlass and Graduate students in Immunology

Part I: Induction and characterization of a primary cytokine response in vivo.

Purpose: to induce and restimulate a cytokine response via immunization of mice with ovalbumin.

Background: Ovalbumin is a protein antigen that is widely used in immunologic studies, largely
because it stimulates strong (readily quantified) immune responses in vivo and is readily obtained in
pure form. Interestingly, it is also one of the two most clinically significant food allergens in human
neonates. OVA immunization under the conditions used here stimulates CD4 T cell activation
(hence proliferation and cytokine production) as well as B cell activation (hence IgE and IgG
antibody production). Today we will assess the intensity of the IL-13 cytokine response, a key
cytokine in allergic diseases. Numerous other immune activities are also stimulated (proliferation,
IL-2, IFN(, antibody synthesis, etc) but given the time constraints, we will only examine IL-13

Essential definitions:
Wash medium: RPMI plus 5% calf serum as a source of protein
Culture medium: RPMI plus 10% fetal calf serum, antibiotics, L-glutamine and 2-mercaptoethanol.
Counting medium: RPMI plus 15% fetal calf serum

There is a quiz on lab information and protocol the week before the lab.
Students do not attend 60.401 lecture before each of the downtown labs. Notes from Dr.
Court’s lectures will be given to you.
Be on time - at least 5 minutes before lab starts at 1:45 on the 6th floor of the Basic Medical
Science Bldg (Immunology Department).

Week 9
Experimental protocol:

Steps done in advance for you.

1. Prepare 2 :g ovalbumin (OVA ) in 2 mg alum adjuvant.

2. Immunize each C57Bl/6 mouse (an inbred strain that is a high responder to this antigen)
intraperitoneally at day 0.

3. At day 5 post immunization (which we have previously determined to be the time of the
peak primary cytokine response), we sacrifice mice and sterilely remove spleen.

Students carry out this procedure working in pairs. Each group will set up their own culture plate.


assigned biohazard safety cabinet (class II safety cabinet is designed to protect both you and the
environment from exposure to biohazards and to protect samples from contamination during
experiment. See file (p.22 for diagram) for diagram of a class II biohazard safety cabinets (lab
website link or .
Air inside the cabinet moves in a circular motion. As you sit at the front of the cabinet air is drawn
from outside downward through the front grid of work area. Do not put anything on the grid or
remove any sterile item towards you past this grid (no longer sterile area). Refer to diagram, you
will see that air next moves below and up the back of the cabinet drawn by a fan at the top of the
safety cabinet. The percentage of the air either recycled or exhausted through the top depends on the
make of the safety cabinet. Regardless, the air moving down onto the sterile work space or out into
the environment goes through a HEPA filter (sterilizes air). As the sterile air moves downward over
the work space it is drawn out through both the front grid and a back grid where it again it drawn up
the back of the cabinet by the fan. The cycle is repeated. The positive pressure of sterile air keeps
the work space sterile.

1. Put on latex gloves. As a pair, prepare a single cell suspension from the half spleen you are
given, using the homogenizer:
a. Open foil on tissue culture grinder such that you do not touch the inside . Place the foil
sterile side up on safety cabinet work space. Use opened foil as a sterile surface to place
b. Take plunger out and place on foil. Each group will be given a sterile tube containing ½
spleen suspended in tissue culture medium buffer. Flick tube to remove spleen from bottom
of tube then quickly pour into grinder (so spleen does not remain in the tube after the liquid
is transferred. If it does, return medium to tube and repeat so as to transfer the spleen.
c. Insert plunger all the way to the bottom, and mash with a back and forth sideways motion
about 8-10 times then lift plunger up about 4 cm and push down as far as the plunger will go
with reasonable force. Repeat this process for about 30 seconds. There should be no
“chunks” of spleen remaining.

2. While one person is making the single cell suspension, the other member of the pair should
work with the foil covered sterile beaker containing a funnel and forceps. Use the sterile
forceps to place the funnel on top of your original tube the spleen came in or use a clean tube
(sterile). Once this is set up, the person making the single cell suspension should pour the
entire contents of the grinder back through the funnel into the tube to remove remaining
particle matter such as connective tissue.

3. Top up to ~ 10 ml with wash medium. Centrifuge 3 minutes at 1400- 2000 rpm at room
temperature. Speed depends on the centrifuge you are assigned.

4. In hood, pour off supernatant into waste beaker, cap, resuspend cells by vigorously flicking
pellet and turning tube sideways, add wash medium to ~ 5 ml and centrifuge again.

5. Gently pour off supernatant to the waste container, resuspend cells by vigorously flicking
pellet and turning the tube sideways, add culture medium to ~ 5ml. From this suspension,
accurately remove 50 :l cell suspension for counting, transferring to 96 well non-sterile
“counting plate”.

6. Add 50 :l counting medium, 50 :l acetic acid (to lyse RBC) and 50 :l trypan blue (to
differentiate live from dead cells) in that order. Mix gently with P200.

7. Each hemocytometer holds two samples. The hemocytometer is stored in EtOH. Remove
and clean all dye off the hemocytometer and coverslip with a kimwipe. Transfer ~10 :l of

solution to V-shaped grove of the hemocytometer*, cover lengthwise with cover slip and
allow sample to settle for 1 minute then count. After using hemocytometer and cover slip
return to EtOH.
(See attached sheet for protocol and calculation).

8. Count non-blue cells in squares only. Read only 50% of cells on lines or just make sure you
do not read the same cell twice. Each group should find that you have ~10- 20 million
cells/ml. Calculate the volume required to obtain 7 million cells. Each group will then put 7
million cells into each of six wells of a 48 well culture plate.

9. While one partner is counting cells to determine the cell concentration, the other should be
Culture plate should be labelled with your group’s initials on the bottom of plate as well as
the top lid to avoid later confusion. Two groups will share a culture plate as you will need
only 6 wells per group and a plate contains 48 wells.

10. Prior to adding counted cells, add antigen volumes as indicated below.
A: No stimulus (negative control for cytokine response). 100 :l of culture medium/well in
first two wells.

B: Con A (add 100 :l of 1000 :g/ml Con A stock to each of 2 wells) Positive control for
cytokine response.

C: OVA (add 100 :l of 3000 :g/ml OVA stock to final two wells) Experimental group.

11. Add the required volume of your cells from the immunized mouse to obtain 7 million
cells/well. This is likely some volume between 0.25 and 0.7 ml of the counted cell

12. Finally, add culture medium to bring total volume of all wells up to 1 ml total.

13. Place labeled plates in incubator at 37oC, 5% CO2 (for pH balance). We will harvest
supernatant for you at 96 hours (the time of peak production for IL-3) and store at -20oC
until next week for you to use in quantitating the IL-13 concentrations obtained in your

Part II: ELISA technique precision training.

Purpose: Assessment of intra-assay variability: How much you can trust your own data?

Experimental Protocol:


This comparison of 8 vs 2 identical samples will demonstrate the impact of having a larger number
of replicates on your percision.

BACKGROUND: “Expired” ELISA solution is a solution from a previous ELISA containing

intense colour. It is useful to generate a reading in the ELISA plate reader and allow you to
determine how precisely you can reproducibly measure volumes.

Diagram of 96 well ELISA plate design and the specifc wells used (shaded).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A blank


1. Column 1: Do not add anything to well A1 - background (blank) well. Pipet seven 50 :l
volumes of pre-prepared expired ELISA solution into each well ( B1 to H1).

2. In column 2, pipet two 50 :l volumes of expired ELISA solution in the top two wells (A2 &

3. In column 3, pipet eight 100 :l volumes of expired ELISA solution into each well (wells A3
to H3).

4. In column 4, pipet two100 :l volumes of expired ELISA solution in the top two wells (A4 &

5. In columns 5-7, add 50 :l of dilution buffer to all 24 wells (three columns of 8 wells each).
Then pipet 50 :l of expired ELISA solution into the top three wells (A row). Working on
one column at a time carry out 2-fold dilutions. Mix carefully (do not create bubbles).
Transfer 50 :l from A well to B well (½ or 2-fold dilution). Mix, repeat 2-fold dilution until
come to H well. Discard the 50 :l extra from the last well. You should end with 50 :l in
each well when you are finished. This titration will provide information on your capacity to
carry out “identical” titration such as you will use in next week’s ELISA.

6. Using ELISA plate reader and assistance of a demonstrator, determine the absorbance values
for each of your data sets.

7. The Softmax software (demonstration provided) of the ELISA plate reader provides
coefficient of variation “CV” (your variability in dispensing and in titrating samples) data.
The teaching assistant will assist with this and generate a print out of your findings during
the lab. Sample data from this experiment is attached. It demonstrates the plate design and
typical values. For your ELISA to be useful next week, your CV in measuring solutions must
be less than 10%, and should be less than 3% because this amount of error is added at each
step in an ELISA and is cumulative.

1. Protocol for cell counting with diagram
2. Sample data and plate design from Part II
3. Two pages sample data calculation of CV from expired ELISA solution (Part II)

1. Protocol for cell counting with diagram

2. Sample data and plate design from Part II


3. Two pages sample data calculation of CV from expired ELISA solution (Part II)

attachments continued

Week 10
Part III: ELISA ASSAY Quantitative analysis of IL-13 Response
Purpose: to quantify the intensity of the IL-13 response induced following immunization with OVA
and microscope examination of immune cells participating in inflammation.


This is a widely used capture sandwich ELISA. The basic principle behind it is:
• Anti-IL13 antibodies (the “capture” reagent) are used to coat the ELISA plate. These bind
to the polystyrene that has been electrostatically charged to increase its ability to bind any
protein used to coat it.

• A blocking solution (BSA here, sometimes skim milk powder or other sources of unrelated
proteins) is used to bind any sites on the polystyrene not filled by the capture Ab to reduce
non-specific (background) signal.

• The standard (recombinant IL-13 of known concentration) or samples (the complex mixture
of tissue culture proteins which includes any IL-13 generated following OVA or Con A
stimulation) are added. The IL-13 is captured by the capture antibody, all other molecules
are washed out. A titration (rather than a single sample concentration) is used to increase

• A “development” anti-IL13 antibody is added to each well. This antibody must recognize a
different epitope than that bound by the capture Ab. This Ab is usually conjugated with an
enzyme or (more commonly for ELISAs sensitive enough to detect the pg to ng levels of
cytokine produced in most antigen stimulated immune responses) is conjugated with biotin
to enhance sensitivity.

• Streptavidin (or avidin) conjugated enzyme is added to each well. Avidin forms an
irreversible chemical bond with biotin (hence the anti-IL13 development Ab). Because
several biotin molecules are present on each development antibody, this amplifies the signal,
leading to increased sensitivity. The most commonly used avidin-enzyme conjugates are
alkaline phosphatase or horseradish peroxidase. We use alkaline phosphatase in this

• Substrate for the enzyme is added to each well. For alkaline phosphatase, this is PNPP (p-
nitrophenyl phosphate). It is colorless. Its cleavage product is yellow. Wells with larger
amounts of IL-13 in the sample will have bound more anti-IL13 development antibody,
hence enzyme, so more substrate will be converted, leading to a more intense yellow color in
those wells.

• By comparing the intensity of color in sample wells with that generated in the standard curve
by known concentrations or rIL-13, it is possible to determine how much IL-13 is present in
your sample.

insert microscope demonstration sheet


Once the ELISA incubations are underway, you should examine the different fresh preparation of
cell types stained for your benefit.

Experiment protocol: Sterile technique is not required for this laboratory.

1. ELISA plate is coated for you with a predetermined optimal concentration of anti-IL-13 ( 3
:g/ml) in advance, then incubated overnight at 4oC.
2. Plates are blocked with BSA solution for you for ~1 hour, then washed.

3. The plate is divided into equal parts, columns 1-4 for one group and column 7-10 for the
second group. See 96 well ELISA plate diagram below.

one group (columns 1-4) second group (columns 7-10)

Standard Non- Con A OVA Standard Non- Con A OVA
IL-13i stimulated stimulated stimulated IL-13i stimulated stimulated stimulated

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

A blank blank
note: samples added to shaded area

Each group is given four eppendorf tubes to set up ELISA plate:
Standard labeled red
Supernatant from Non-stimuated cells labeled #1
Supernatant from Con A stimulated cells labeled #2
Supernatant from OVA stimulated cells labeled #3

5. Add samples and buffer to shaded area of ELISA plate as described below:

Set up: Add 50 :l dilution buffer to 1 C-H and columns 2,3,4, B-D or for the second pair of
students, to 7 C-H and columns 8, 9, 10 B-D.

a. Standard IL-13 column(either1 or 7): Put 50 :l of neat standard in B1 ir B7 - dry well

AND 50 :l of standard into C1 and C7 (ie. a ½ dilution due to the dilution buffer already
present). Using this well, make 2-fold dilutions by mixing C1 or C7 then transferring 50:l
into the next well below. Mix gently. Do not create bubbles. Repeat these 2-fold dilutions
until you finish well H1 or H7. Discard 50 :l from this well. This will generate a standard
curve ranging from 100 ng/ml to 0.78 ng/ml (the range of the standard curve may vary -
make sure you know what the concentration range is your experiment).

b. Negative control culture (either 2 or 8): Titrate sample from neat (50 :l in well once,
followed by 50 :l into 50 :l dilution buffer at 1/2 in well B, continue for three 2-fold
dilutions (ie. neat, ½, 1.4, 1.8 at the end). Discard 50 :l from well D so final volume in all
wells is the same 50 :l.

c. Con A stimulated column (either 3 or 9): Do titration series as for negative control, but in
row 3 or 9.

d. OVA stimulated column (either 4 or 10): Do titration series as for negative control, but in
row 4 or 10.

6. Cover plate with Saran wrap and incubate at 37oC for 40 minutes.

7. Wash using plate washer. Ensure plate is properly settle into rack to avoid damaging the
machine. The washer is preset to wash 4 times. Afterwards, shake upside down by tapping
3 times on paper towels.

8. Add 50 :l/well of development biotin-anti-IL-13 Ab (300 ng/ml, prediluted for you).

Incubate 40 minutes at 37oC. Wash. Bang dry on paper towels.

9. Add 50 :l of prediluted Streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase, incubate 30 minutes at 37oC.

Wash. Bang dry on paper towels.

10. Add 100 :l of PNPP solution (careful not to create bubbles) and incubate at 37oC for 30

11. Read at 30 to 45 minutes using pre-designed template. Obtain hard copy of your absorbance

1. Protocol for using ELISA softmax plate reader with sample data from an IL-13 assay
2. Plot of standard curve IL-13 ELISA

1. Protocol for using ELISA softmax plate reader with sample data from an IL-13 assay

Lab Report
Data Presentation and Analysis

Part II ELISA technique precision training (This section of the report must be done by each
student even if you are handing in a group report.)

1. a) Present a completely labeled figure of intra-assay variability data (copy of printout for
each student).

b) Can you trust your own data? Explain.

Part III: ELISA ASSAY Quantitative analysis of IL-3 Response (this section of the report may
be done individually or as a group)

2. a) Present a completely labeled figure of ELISA data (copy of printout). This should include
the computer generated standard curve as a figure. Label standard curve specific to your

b) What is the absorbance range of the linear part of your standard curve? Determine mean
IL-13 concentration for each sample using only absorbance values that fit only the linear
part of the curve.
Note: you do not need to calculate the concentration from the standard curve as this data is
part of the ELISA reader computer printout just calculate the mean value.

c) Does your group’s experimental data agree with expected results. Explain why or why

d) List major sources of experimental error in your experiment.

3. What IL-13 production responses would you predict in (i) supernatant from non-stimuated
cells, (ii) supernatant from Con A stimulated cells and (iii) supernatant from OVA
stimulated cells for a mouse immunized with dead measles virus (ie an unrelated antigen)?
What IL-13 production responses from a naive (unimmunized) mouse for each? Explain
why for each.

4. What new techniques were you exposed to?

5. Any comments about the lab (pros/cons) and specific suggestions for future revisions of this
lab? Not required for assessment.



Preparation of Sheep IgG

PBS, pH 7.2 (phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.2): 8.77 g NaCl, 10.1 g Na2HPO4.7H20, 5.1 g KH2PO4
to 500 ml distilled water, check pH and bring volume up to 1 liter.

10x PBS, pH 7.2: as above only 10x reagents/liter

phosphate buffer, pH 8.0: Prepare 0.5 M stocks of mono-basic and di-basic phosphate. Add 69.0 g
NaH2PO4.H2O ( F.W. 138) to final volume1 liter distilled water and 71.0 g Na2HPO4 (F.W. 142) to
final volume 1 liter distilled water. Mix the two solutions to obtain the required pH, pH 8.0, then
adjust to the required molarity (0.1 M).

Saturated Na2SO4 : Dissolve an equal amount of sodium sulfate in distilled water at 50oC with
stirring, let stand overnight at room temperature, and next day adjust pH to 7.2 with dilute ammonia
solution or sulfuric acid.

Tris-tricine Immunoelectrophoresis Buffer: 30.4 g Trisma, 19.4 g tricine, 0.42 g calcium lactate, pH
to 8.6 and distilled water to 4 liters.

Hemagglutination Assay
Alsever's solution: 6.15 g glucose, 2.4 g sodium citrate, 1.26 g NaCl per 300 ml. Adjust pH to 6.1
with 10% acetic acid prior to bring up to volume (300 ml). Filter sterilize. Add to an equal volume
of fresh blood.

Physiological saline: 8.77 g NaCl/liter

0.1% (w/v) tannic acid in PBS, pH 7.2: prepare fresh daily

Diluent: 1:20 dilution of absorbed normal rabbit serum, which has already been diluted 1:5. Use
PBS, pH 7.2 for the dilution.

0.05 M carbonate-bicarbonate buffer, pH 9.6 (coating buffer): Dissolve 1.59 g Na2C03, 2.93
NaHCO3, and 0.2 g NaN3 in 500 ml distilled water. Bring to approximately 6 mM polyethylene
glycol (PEG, MW 6000-8000) by adding 42 ml PEG. Adjust to pH 9.6, bring to 1 liter with distilled

PBS-Tween buffer, pH 7.4: Dissolve 8.77 g NaCl, 5.1 g KH2PO4, and 10.05 g Na2HPO4.7H2O in
500 ml distilled water, check pH, then bring to 1 liter. Add 0.05% Tween.

PBS-Tween-BSA buffer: as PBS-Tween buffer, pH 7.4 with 1 mg/ml BSA added.

D-nitrophenyl phosphate (D-NPP) substrate (1 mg/ml) in 10% diethanolamine buffer, pH 9.8: 10 ml

diethanolamine and 90 ml distilled water. Adjust to pH 9.8 with 1 N HCl. Add 100 mg of DNPP,
adjust pH if necessary.

enzyme-antibody conjugate: Dilute (1:1000) in PBS-Tween-BSA buffer at room temperature

immediately before use.


Note: If procedure varies depending on centrifuge manufacturer a step by step operation procedure
is usually located on or nearby the centrifuge or the teaching assistant will help you.

HITACHI HIGH SPEED HIMAC REFRIGERATED CENTRIFUGE select or change settings the CHECK button must first be pressed (light on). The light stays on
for 16 sec. When the light is off you can no longer select, change setting or carry out any operation,
just press check button again and continue.
3.When the centrifuge is turned on and the CHECK button is not pressed. The centrifuge displays
real time parameters.

Centrifuge tubes should be balanced by scale by adding or removing appropriate solution from one
of the tubes.

1. Turn power switch on. The indicators on the control panel are illuminated. The door lock is
2. Open door. If required set the rotor gently in position and close door. Turn the rotor lightly
by hand to check that the rotor is correctly set. Remove the rotor lid and place balanced
tubes opposite each other in rotor. You cannot run the centrifuge with an odd number of
tubes. SCREW ON LID.
3. Call up memory code number or enter parameters.
Call up pre-programmed memory code number: Press CHECK button, MEMORY button,
memory code number, and CALL button. Each memory code number consists of a specified
set of operation parameter (see sheet on centrifuge cover). See below for a list of operation
parameters and how to set and store operation parameters.
Real time operation (enter original parameters): see setting of operation parameters below.
4. After the parameters are set make sure the check light is still on. If not, press the CHECK
5. Press the START button. The rotor starts running. The start lamp begins flashing. The
timer starts to count down.
6. The timer counts down to zero or press the STOP button. The rotor begins to decelerate.
The stop light begins flashing.
7. The rotor stops. The stop light stops flashing. A buzzer sound occurs. The door lock is
8. Unscrew rotor lid and remove tubes. If required, use tweezers to help remove tubes. Wipe
out rotor if spills occur. DO NOT SCREW ON THE LID just place on top of the rotor.
9. Close centrifuge lid and turn off power.

ROTORS NUMBER: SMALL (maximum volume 40 ml) RPR20-2 = ROTOR #7
LARGE (maximum volume 450 - 500 ml) RPR9-2 = ROTOR #13
SPEED: Rotor number 7 (small) - maximum speed 18,000 rpm
Rotor number 13 (large) - maximum speed 8,000 rpm
Example: for 3,520 rpm, press 3 . 5 2
TIME 0 to 99 min 59 sec, FREE
Example: for 5 min and 30 sec, press 5 . 3 0
ACCEL. Higher the value the faster the acceleration - 9 is good for basic
DECEL. Higher the value the faster the deceleration - 7 is good for basic
Example: for loose pellet or phase separation the deceleration number should
be decreased to 3.


1. Press CHECK button, CHECK button lights up. Parameter for preceding operation are
displayed. The LED light goes off after 16 sec, it is only possible to set parameters with the
CHECK button light on. Press CHECK again if light goes out.
2. Press TEMP button. Position where setting is to be made will flash. Using the ten number
key pad, key in desired value for parameter setting. Data will be displayed in the above
setting position. Press SET button. The flashing stops and selected operation parameter is
Note: if your require 4oC, set at 8oC as the centrifuge often goes below the requested setting.
Your sample may freeze if spinning for greater than 5 min at a high speed.
3. Repeat step 2 for each remaining parameter...SPEED, TIME, ROTOR NO., ACCEL., &
DECEL. Remember to press the CHECK button again if the CHECK light goes out.

STORING OF OPERATION PARAMETERS (Storing of operation parameters is optional.)

4. After setting desired parameters as above, press CHECK if light has gone out.
5. Press MEMORY, memory code number (one that is available) and the RECORD button.
There are nine available memory program code numbers. See chart on centrifuge lid for
memory programs that already exist.

Pipetman Operation

In your lab, you have available three different pipetmen depending on the lab. If you look at the top
of the plunger it states the size of the pipetman. P20 measures accurately from 2 :l to 20 :l. P200
measures accurately from 20 :l to 200 :l. P1000 measures accurately from 100 :l to 1000 :l.
Never turn the pipetman above the maximum volume; 20 :l for P20, 200 :l for P200, and 1000 :l
for P1000 as this breaks the pipetman. The scale on the pipettor is read different for each type -
refer to Figure 5 for an example of how to read the scale.

(Excerpted from Gilson pipetman operation manual.)

1. Setting the volume: The required volume is set on the digital volumeter by turning the
knurled adjustment ring (Figure 3-2A). When the volumetric setting is increased, it is
necessary to go about 1/3 of a turn above the desired setting and then come back to the exact
value. When the volumetric setting is decreased the desired value may be selected directly.
The volumeter display is read from top to bottom in :l for P20 and P200 and ml for P1000
(Figure 3-2).

2. Place a disposable tip on the shaft of the Pipetman. Press on firmly with a slight twisting
motion to ensure an airtight seal. Depress the push-button to the first positive stop (Fig. 3-
3A). While holding the Pipetman vertical, immerse the tip 2-4 mm into the sample liquid.
Release the push-button slowly to draw up the sample (Fig. 3-3B). Wait 1 to 2 seconds, then
withdraw the tip from the sample.

3. To dispense the sample, place the tip end at a 10-45o angle against the inside wall of the
vessel and depress the push-button SMOOTHLY to the first stop (Fig 3-3C). Wait 1 to 2
seconds and then depress the push-button completely to expel any residual liquid (Fig. 3-
3D). With the push-button fully depressed, carefully withdraw the Pipetman, sliding the tip
along the inside wall of the tube. Release the push-button. Remove the used tip by
depressing the tip ejector button (Figure 3-1F).

pipetman operation


Electrophoresis is based on the theory that complex molecules often carry a net positive or negative
charge. If the molecule does not have a charge it is unable to move in an electrical field with first
being complexed with charged compound.

Proteins can be separated from each other by electrophoresis because they have different net
charges. Each protein has a characteristic isoelectric point (pH at which the number of positively
charged amino acids is equal to the number of negatively charged amino acids). The magnitude of
the net charge on a protein molecule depends upon the magnitude of the difference between it pI and
the pH of the electrophoretic buffer. For example, if electrophoresis is carried out in a pH 8.6
buffer, albumin will be strongly negatively charged as its pI is 4.7 whereas, gamma globulins will
not be as negatively charged as they have a pI of 7.2. When electrophoresis is carried out in a 8.6
buffer, the albumin will migrate much more rapidly towards the postive electrode than the gamma
globulins resulting in a separation of these proteins.

An electrophoresis apparatus is composed of four main components; electrodes, the buffer chamber,
power supply, and matrix that supports the components allowing separation, figure 9. The
electrodes are usually made of inert non-conducting material such as platinum or carbon. There are
two buffer chambers, one for the positive electrode and one for the negative electrode.
Electrophoresis is carried out using a constant voltage (caution as may be a problem of overheating
when using constant voltage). Applying Ohm's law I = V/R (I = current, V = voltage, and R =
resistance) the power pack compensates for an increase in resistance by increasing the current which
leads to overheating. THE ELECTROPHORESIS UNIT IS DANGEROUS when using constant
voltage - if a student comes into contact with the supporting medium and is well grounded the
resistance goes down and the power pack compensates by increasing the current the results of which
may be DEADLY to the student. Stay away from electrophoresis apparatus when they are in

The buffer system used should buffer well at the required pH and have low ionic strength (low
conductivity - does not migrate in an electrical field) as a high ionic strength buffer would increase
current leading to overheating. The second requirement, of low ionic strength, interferes with the
buffering capacity of the buffer therefore should only be used once or twice.

Immunoelectrophoresis System

positive (+) negative (-)

slide with well closest to negative electrode

wick overlaps slide wick overlaps slide

buffer centre stand buffer

+ -
power source
constant voltage


The Easy Reader 400 AT is fully automatic microprocessor controlled ELISA reader. The Easy
Reader 400 AT measures the light absorbance (optical density) of samples in microtitration plates.
This instrument features: single or dual wavelength measurement, blanking, and microtitration plate

The advantage of the dual wavelength measurement mode is that it eliminates any background
absorbance caused by the plate itself, the nonspecific absorbance of samples and finger prints,
scratches, dust, etc. on the plates. It takes approximately 10 seconds to read a microtitration using
the dual wavelength method. The principle of the dual wavelength is as follows. The measured
absorbance is equal to absorbance of sample plus the absorbance of any dirt. If the wavelength is
changed to a value where the absorbance of the sample is zero and the sample remeasured, the
absorbance of dirt is measured. The instrument then subtracts the second measurement from the first
measurement to give the absorbance of the sample. Up to 16 individual blank positions can be
selected for blanking. The instrument calculates the average of the individual absorbances and uses
this value as the blank. Alternative to selecting 1 to 16 individual wells, Well A in each row can be
selected or Column 1 wells can be selected. The instrument is able to shake the micro titration
plates before it is measured. There are 4 shake modes available with varying shake width and shake


There are two modes of operation; manual mode and normal run mode. In this lab the normal run
mode will be used. This mode can use either a single wavelength or dual wavelength of light. To
use this mode, a test program has been defined for this particular ELISA assay. The printer must be
connected and on line before starting the test.

Normal Run Mode:

1. Press START.
2. Instrument displays Run test: Enter number of test run (14). Press ENTER.
3. Instrument displays Plate: Enter up to 8 digits for the number (any number acceptable 1, 2, etc).
Press ENTER. (Your plate identification number.)
4. The instrument runs through the following: self check and measuring. The plate support
mechanism is automatically moved under the measuring diodes and the microtitration plate is
measured with the selected filter or filters. The instrument then displays: Test x (plate number)
printing. The instrument then returns to the standby mode.

FINAL LAB EXAM: Microbiology 60.401 IMMUNOLOGY

DATE: April 4, 1996 PAGE: 1 of 2 TIME: 1.5 h
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. L. Cameron
Student Name: _______________________ Student Number: __________________


Write exam in PEN only.
Anwer all QUESTIONS on EXAM PAPER. Spacing of questions has been compressed for
reference binder.

5 1. Briefly answer each of the following questions.

a) Outline procedure to prepare 200 ml of 0.1% tannic acid (w/v)?
w= weight, v = volume
b) Define antibody titre.
c) Compare the sensitivity of the ELISA and hemagglutination assay.
d) Prior to starting the floor model refrigerated centrifuge, outline centrifugation procedure.
e) In rocket immunoelectrophoresis, antibody is added to the agarose and the concentration
of the antigen is determined. Since both are proteins, how is it possible to get rocket
formation during electrophoresis?

9 2. Explain the function of the following reagents or procedures used in your immunology lab.
a) (NH4)2SO4 solution
b) precoating immunodiffusion slides with 1% agarose prepared in distilled water
c) 0.1% tannic acid solution
d) normal serum diluent
e) PBS-Tween
f) Tris-tricine buffer
g) DEAE cellulose
h) wick in immunoelectrophoresis
i) red blood cells in hemagglutination assay

2 4. Determine the concentration at titre for lectin, Helix ponatia using the following data. The
original concentration of Helix ponatia is 0.5 mg/ml.
Two-fold serial dilutions in wells 2 through 24: diffuse carpet of sheep red blood cells wells
2 through 8, weak reaction wells 9 and 10, and solid button well 11 to 24.

2 5. a) Outline an experiment to determine if your crude sheep IgG you purified in the
immunology lab contains impurities and to tentatively identify major impurities.

4 b) Outline an ELISA experiment to detect the presence of HIV antibodies in a patients

blood. Include labelled diagram of experiment to show what is happening at the molecular



FINAL LAB EXAM: Microbiology 60.401 IMMUNOLOGY

DATE: April 4, 1996 PAGE: 2 of 2 TIME: 1.5 h
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. L. Cameron

2 6. a) Explain the mechanism of precipitin line formation.

4 b) Diagram the precipitin lines obtained for a double immunodiffusion plate set up as in
your lab, centre well anti-sera, surrounded by 5 antigenic wells using the following data.
Completely label diagram.
Centre Well: anti-rabbit whole serum
Outside 5 wells in the following order:
1) rabbit whole serum
2) rabbit IgG (pure)
3) rabbit IgG prepared by sodium salt precipitation
4) rabbit albumin, supernatant from rabbit IgG prepared by sodium salt precipitation
5) rabbit albumin (pure)

2 7. In lab you did two ELISA experiments, how do they differ and why?



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