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Org. Geochem. Vol. 28, No. 12, pp.

823±847, 1998
# 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0146-6380(98)00039-4 0146-6380/98/$ - see front matter

Application of light hydrocarbons (C4±C13) to oil/source rock

correlations: a study of the light hydrocarbon compositions of source
rocks and test ¯uids from o€shore Mid-Norway
Statoil a.s., 5020 Bergen, Norway and 2Statoil a.s., 4035 Stavanger, Norway

(Received 29 April 1997; returned to author for revision 11 August 1997; accepted 23 April 1998)

AbstractÐRelatively little work has been published on the correlation between the light hydrocarbon
distributions in reservoir ¯uids and their proposed source rocks [Philippi, G. T. (1981)]. The aim of our
work was to study this relationship in detail for samples from Mid-Norway. The main source rocks o€-
shore Mid-Norway are the marine shales of the Late Jurassic Spekk Formation and the coals and para-
lic shales of the Early Jurassic AÊre Formation. Reliable light hydrocarbon (C4±C13) data for source
rock samples were acquired by thermal extraction-GC of the source rocks. Of these, notably the hydro-
carbons in the C6±C8 range (routinely measured in test ¯uids) were used to discriminate between the
Spekk and AÊre Formation samples. A total of twenty-six samples from the Spekk Formation and
twenty-four samples from the AÊre Formation at di€erent maturity levels and facies were analyzed. In
general, the two source rock types di€er in their light hydrocarbon composition by the presence of rela-
tively more aromatics and cyclohexanes in the AÊre samples, while the Spekk samples are richer in cyclo-
pentanes and acyclic hydrocarbons. We show that source rock facies is a more important indicator of
light hydrocarbon composition than maturity variation. Di€erences in the chemical composition, which
can be used to discriminate between the two source rocks, were supported by di€erences in the carbon
isotope composition of individual components of the same fraction, as determined by GHM-IR-MS
analysis of eleven samples. Further, the light hydrocarbon compositions of reservoir ¯uids (oils and
condensates) were compared with those for the source rock(s). Sixty-six gas chromatograms of oils and
condensates, representing most of the known petroleum accumulations in Mid-Norway, were collected.
Of these, ®ve oil samples were selected for detailed isotopic analysis of individual components (GC-IR-
MS). When using a classi®cation scheme based on data from sediment samples, data for the light hy-
drocarbon fraction of oils and condensates indicate that the Spekk Formation is the dominant source
for most of the ®elds from Mid-Norway, with a signi®cant contribution from the AÊre Formation being
detected principally in one ®eld. Di€erences in the chemical composition of the C6±C8 fractions were
supported by di€erences in the carbon isotope composition of individual components, which also dis-
criminate between the oils. Although the classi®cation diagrams used in this study are based on source
rock data from Mid-Norway, the method can be applied to other areas, providing that the diagrams
are calibrated with source rock data from the area of interest. # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights

Key wordsÐlight hydrocarbons, source rocks, test ¯uids, Mid-Norway, oil-source and oil-oil corre-
lations, carbon isotopes, ®ngerprinting, multivariate modelling

INTRODUCTION Documentation of the importance of the Spekk

and AÊre Formations as sources of the petroleum
Two main source rocks are present o€shore Mid-
has been published by several authors (Elvsborg et
Norway: the marine shales of the Late Jurassic
al., 1984; Ellenor and Mozetic, 1986; Cohen and
Spekk Formation and the coals and paralic shales
Dunn, 1987; Hvoslef et al., 1988; Khorasani, 1989;
of the Early Jurassic AÊre Formation (Fig. 1). The
Whitley, 1992). The Spekk Formation is of marine
principal reservoir units of this region are the sands origin and contains kerogen which varies from type
of the Middle and Early Jurassic Fangst and BaÊt II to type III (Whitley, 1992). Johannesen (1995)
Groups, as well as the Late Jurassic Rogn divided the Spekk Formation chronostratigraphi-
Formation in the Draugen Field. A location map of cally into the Upper Spekk Unit, which contains
the main petroleum accumulations o€shore Mid- dominantly type II to II/III kerogen and the Lower
Norway is illustrated in Fig. 2. Spekk Unit with type III to IV kerogen. The Lower
Jurassic AÊre Formation consists of alternating sand-
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: stones and claystones which are interbedded with coals. The organic matter is dominated by terrest-
824 W. Odden et al.

rially-derived humic material (vitrinite and inerti- main oil contributor (Hollander, 1984; Hagevang
nite) and is classi®ed as a type III to type IV kero- and Rùnnevik, 1986; Heum et al., 1986; Ekern,
gen with a high potential for generation and 1987, Forbes et al., 1991; Espitalie et al., 1991),
expulsion of gas/condensate (Odden, 1986; Cohen based primarily on basin modelling and kinetic stu-
and Dunn, 1987; Hvoslef et al., 1988; Khorasani, dies. Odden (1986), Cohen and Dunn (1987),
1989). The petrographical composition of the AÊre Khorasani (1989) and Karlsen et al. (1995) did not
Formation coals and shales is rather similar. agree with this assertion and claimed that it is deba-
Vitrinite is the major component, inertinite varies table whether AÊre Formation coals and shales can
between 10 and 50% and the exinite from minor to act as an oil source rock based on correlation of
10%. The most abundant exinite submaceral is geochemical data for source rock extracts with oils.
sporinite with a variable input of cutinite and resi- The published geochemical data of the oils and
nite (Odden, 1986). However, to explain the volu- condensates from Mid-Norway (Ellenor and
metrics of the petroleum accumulations in Mid- Mozetic, 1986; Cohen and Dunn, 1987; Goesten
Norway, some authors have used the coals and and Nelson, 1992; Provan, 1992; Karlsen et al.,
shales of the AÊre Formation as a supplementary 1995) focus on the C15+fraction of the petroleums,
source rock to the Spekk Formation, or even as the with little or no attention to the intermediate frac-

Fig. 1. General lithostratigraphy o€shore Mid-Norway.

Application of light hydrocarbons (C4-C13) 825

Fig. 2. The main petroleum accumulations o€shore Mid-Norway.

826 W. Odden et al.

tion (C6±C14), which is more abundant in conden- toluene than organic matter of marine origin. These
sates and oils. Di€erences between individual oils authors also mentioned the evidence of loss of light
have been explained by Karlsen et al. (1995) as hydrocarbons due to improper sample storage.
re¯ecting variations in the extent of the terrestrial Philippi (1975), Jonathan et al. (1975) and
in¯uence in the Spekk Formation, rather than con- Thompson (1979, 1983, 1987) used the C6±C7 hy-
tributions from the AÊre Formation. Further, they drocarbon fraction to interpret maturity and
concluded that the C15+fractions of all reservoired showed that the alkane/cycloalkane ratios increased
oils and condensates from Mid-Norway originate with increasing maturity. Thompson (1983) pro-
predominantly from the Spekk Formation. Where posed that the C7 cycloalkanes progressively
the origin of the light ``condensate-range'' material undergo ring opening with increasing temperature.
has been discussed, the general opinion appears to Thus, the ratio nC7/MCC6 was o€ered as a matur-
be that the AÊre coals have contributed signi®cant ity index, presumably increasing with subsurface
amounts of condensate (Elvsborg et al., 1984; temperature as MCC6 undergoes thermal ring open-
Cohen and Dunn, 1987; Hvoslef et al., 1988; ing. Mango (1990a, 1997) questioned this expla-
Whitley, 1992), but these opinions are not sup- nation and, in opposition to Thompson, claimed
ported by analytical data on the light hydrocarbon that cycloalkanes are more stable than open chain
fraction. alkanes. However, Mango stated that the alkane/
Hunt et al. (1980) noted that the light hydrocar- cycloalkane ratios increase with maturity, but the
bons make up about 30% of a crude oil, and there- reasons are not clear.
fore information derived from these components is Relatively little work has been published on the
more representative of the bulk of an oil than that correlation between light hydrocarbon distributions
from the biological markers, which may make up in reservoir ¯uids and source rocks. Philippi (1981)
1%. Classi®cation by light hydrocarbons may also compared the C6±C7 hydrocarbon fractions of
be used to gain information from samples where crude oils with those for source rocks through ten
biological marker data are unavailable or unobtain- ``similarity coecients''. The latter were calculated
able. to vary from 0 to 1 with increasing correlation.
Light hydrocarbon data from oils and conden- Kornacki (1993) analyzed the C7 hydrocarbon frac-
sates from other locations have been studied by sev- tion in oils and source rocks and used the sum of
eral authors. Thompson (1979, 1983, 1987, 1988) methylhexanes vs the ratio of 1,3-dimethylcyclopen-
published a number of papers which provide source tanes to dimethylpentanes (after Mango, 1994) for
and maturity information on the light fraction (C6± interpretation of the data.
C8) of unaltered petroleums, and which interpret In our study, the light hydrocarbon compositions
transformation processes in the reservoir such as of source rocks and test ¯uids from Mid-Norway
bacterial degradation and phase fractionation. were examined. We selected Mid-Norway as the
Mango (1987, 1990a,b, 1994), Dai Jinxing (1992) study area, since a comprehensive data base of light
and Ten Haven (1996) claimed that some com- hydrocarbon and other ¯uid data already exists. In
ponents of the C7 hydrocarbon fraction in pet- order to facilitate the correlation with possible
roleum can be used to deduce the organic matter source rocks, the initial part of the project focussed
type in the source rock. Halpern (1995) used ratios on obtaining reliable light hydrocarbon data for
of C7 compounds to correlate oils and condensates source rock samples from the Spekk and AÊre
and to assess relative degrees of post-generative Formations at di€erent maturity levels and facies.
transformation among related hydrocarbons. The light hydrocarbon fractions of source rock
A variety of analytical techniques have been samples were thus analyzed by thermal extraction-
developed to extract light hydrocarbons from GC, using the method described by Bjorùy and
source rock samples prior to GC analysis. Durand Solli (1984) and Bjorùy et al. (1984), with quanti®-
and Espitalie (1972) transferred the C1±C5 fraction cation of the individual components in the C4±C13
to a mercury container after vacuum crushing of range. Of these, notably the hydrocarbons in the
the sample and the C6±C15 hydrocarbons were C6±C8 range (routinely measured in test ¯uids),
extracted by CFCl3 in a sealed crusher. Jonathan et were used to discriminate between the AÊre and
al. (1975) employed a process of thermovaporisa- Spekk Formation samples. The light hydrocarbon
tion at 2208C to extract C6±C15 hydrocarbons from compositions of reservoir ¯uids (oils and conden-
sedimentary rocks. Leythaeuser et al. (1979a,b) ana- sates) from Mid-Norway were interpreted with
lyzed the C2±C7 hydrocarbon fraction by a hydro- regard to their source rock(s). For this purpose, gas
gen stripping/capillary gas chromatographic chromatograms of oils and condensates were used
technique. However, of these papers, only with quanti®cation of those components of the C6±
Leythaeuser et al. (1979a,b) distinguished between C8 fraction which are present in relatively higher
di€erent source rock types. They concluded that or- proportions.
ganic matter derived from higher land plants con- The calibration of classi®cation diagrams for dis-
tained a relatively higher proportion of benzene and tinguishing between the Spekk and AÊre Formation
Application of light hydrocarbons (C4-C13) 827

samples is based upon results from multivariate hydrogen indices of 500, 444 and 273 mg HC/g
modelling (PCA) and the previous work by Mango, TOC, respectively. The AÊre Formation samples
ten Haven and Dai Jinxing referred to above. (A1±A24) have hydrogen indices ranging from 35
Further, the source of the light hydrocarbons in test to 324 mg HC/g TOC (Ro=0.65±1.3%; Tmax=428±
¯uids from Mid-Norway was assessed by the par- 4778C) and are classi®ed as type III to IV kerogen
ameters and plots which distinguished the Spekk (Odden, 1986; Khorasani, 1989). Eleven samples
from the AÊre Formation samples. were further selected for GHM-IR-MS analysis (as
Multivariate modelling indicates that the light hy- indicated in Table 1).
drocarbon fraction is most strongly in¯uenced by Oil and condensate samples. To avoid evaporative
source rock type, and less so by maturity. However, losses during sample collection and transportation,
the light hydrocarbon distributions in source rocks the production samples (DST) were collected at the
can be potentially a€ected by losses due to evapor- oil outlet of the separator and stored in closed bot-
ation of these volatile components. The storage tles before analysis.
e€ect was studied here. A total of 66 whole oil/condensate gas chromato-
Interpretation of the compound distribution was grams of stabilized (depressurized) test ¯uids from
augmented by compound speci®c carbon isotope the main petroleum accumulations of Mid-Norway
compositions of selected AÊre and Spekk Formation (Fig. 2) have been collected for this study (Table 2).
samples. These were measured by coupling a The only oil sample from Alve Field (A1) is con-
Geo®na Hydrocarbon Meter (Bjorùy et al., 1984) taminated with mud (about 90% mud and 10%
with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GHM-IR- oil). The samples from Draugen Field (DR) and
MS), which made it possible to analyze the individ- Heidrun Nord Field (HN) range from being par-
ual components of thermal extracts without prior tially to strongly biodegraded. The other ®elds
sample preparation. The carbon isotope compo- included in this study are Trestakk (TRE), Tyrihans
sition of individual components of ®ve oil samples Sùr (TS), Mikkel (MK), Njord (NJ), Smùrbukk
was measured by GC-IR-MS (Bjorùy et al., 1990, (SM), Smùrbukk Sùr (SS), Norne (NO) and two
1991, 1992; Hansen et al., 1995) and these data samples from individual wells (H04-6407/4-1, H06-
have also been compared with corresponding data 6507/6-2). Samples with codes NO1±NO4 come
for source rock thermal extracts. from a well drilled on a separate accumulation
3 km east of the Norne Field. These have been
grouped together with the Norne Field (NO5±NO6)
since the drainage area is assumed to be the same.
Sample set Seventeen petroleum ¯uids were selected for re-
analysis by gas chromatography (as indicated in
Source rock samples. A total of twenty-six
Table 2).
samples from the Spekk Formation and twenty-four
Five oil samples were further analyzed by GC-
samples from the AÊre Formation were collected for
IR-MS: one oil sample from each of Midgard
analysis (Table 1). The samples were selected from
(MG4), Tyrihans Nord (TN1), Njord (NJ2),
seventeen wells, drilled from 1982 to 1997, to pro-
Smùrbukk (SM19) and east of Norne (NO1) Fields.
vide sucient coverage of the di€erent maturity
levels and facies variations of these two formations.
Core samples were preferred where available, but in
many cases, cuttings had to be used, particularly in E€ects of storage of rock samples on light hydro-
the Spekk Formation. The only set of core samples carbon distributions
from the Spekk (SP5±SP14) is from a recent well In order to investigate storage e€ects, the follow-
lying within the oil-window (Ro=0.7±0.8%; ing analytical variations were performed:
Tmax=445±4488C), and having good potential for Spekk Formation samples. The set of fresh core
generating oil (HI = 300±398; Table 1). The late- samples (SP5±SP14) from the Spekk Formation in
mature (Ro=1.0±1.2%; Tmax=444±4618C) Spekk a single well was reanalyzed by thermal extraction-
Formation samples (SP16±SP26) with hydrogen in- GC four times with di€erent time spans between
dices (HI) ranging from 126 to 45 mg HC/g TOC sample crushing and thermal extraction-GC analysis
may have had good initial generating potential. (cases A, B, C and D).
This is supported by their relatively high residual Case A: the samples were crushed immediately
TOC contents (0.9 to 5.3%). The other ®ve samples before analyses (0 min);
from the Spekk Formation are: one immature/early Case B: the samples were crushed 20 min
mature sample and one oil-window mature sample, before analyses (20 min);
both with low hydrogen indices, i.e. SP4 Case C: the samples were analyzed two to
(HI = 78 mg HC/g TOC; Ro=0.6%; Tmax=4288C) three weeks after crushing (2±3 weeks);
and SP15 (HI = 119 mg HC/g TOC; Ro=0.8%; Case D: three samples (SP5, SP11, SP14)
Tmax=4338C) and three immature (Ro=0.5%; were analyzed four months after crushing
Tmax=415±4178C) samples (SP1, SP2, SP3) with (4 months).
828 W. Odden et al.

Table 1. Source rock samples used in this study (A=AÊre; SP = Spekk)

S1 (mg S2 (mg HI (mg PP (mg
Sample Depth HC/g HC/g TOC HC/g HC/g Tmax Sample
code (mRKB) rock) rock) (wt %) TOC) rock) PI (8C) %Ro type

A1 3481.00 3.80 131.80 73.70 179 135.60 0.03 434 0.65 core
A2 3529.00 4.90 66.50 24.70 269 71.40 0.07 428 0.65 cut
A3a 4007.70 1.94 30.97 10.40 298 32.90 0.06 448 0.80 core
A4 4010.70 4.24 47.34 19.00 249 51.60 0.08 452 0.85 core
A5a 4143.00 12.90 116.00 59.20 196 128.90 0.10 458 0.85 cut
A6 4278.00 3.14 26.85 26.00 103 30.00 0.10 465 0.90 cut
A7 4330.00 7.35 159.05 81.00 196 166.40 0.04 455 0.90 cut
A8 4485.00 7.96 114.62 64.50 178 122.60 0.06 459 0.95 cut
A9 4493.00 2.00 14.90 20.90 71 16.90 0.12 n.d 0.95 swc
A10 4530.00 16.03 109.60 64.30 170 125.70 1.13 465 1.00 cut
A11 4539.79 0.73 7.10 4.70 151 7.80 0.09 460 1.00 core
A12 4539.79 1.88 20.00 7.00 288 21.90 0.09 470 1.00 core
A13a 4586.75 11.50 128.30 70.50 182 139.80 0.08 461 1.05 core
A14 4600.00 13.21 139.28 73.80 189 152.50 0.09 458 1.05±1.1 cut
A15 4613.70 0.33 7.37 5.16 143 7.70 0.04 470 1.10 core
A16 4614.54 0.02 0.29 0.80 35 0.30 0.06 n.d 1.10 core
A17a 4614.87 1.38 31.07 9.60 324 32.50 0.04 470 1.10 core
A18 4700.00 9.81 97.73 52.30 187 107.50 0.09 462 1.15 cut
A19 4730.00 1.98 26.34 14.40 183 28.30 0.07 452 1.15 cut
A20 4795.00 9.43 116.03 57.90 200 125.50 0.08 464 1.20 cut
A21 4810.00 1.34 19.79 12.80 155 21.10 0.06 462 1.30 cut
A22 4825.00 0.32 4.00 4.80 84 4.40 0.07 465 1.30 cut
A23 5070.00 3.08 91.63 59.50 154 94.70 0.03 473 n.d. core
A24 5089.00 1.86 87.32 46.60 188 89.20 0.02 477 n.d. core
SP1a 2535.00 2.43 37.80 7.60 500 40.20 0.06 415 0.50 cut
SP2 2881.00 2.86 38.45 8.70 444 41.30 0.07 417 0.50 cut
SP3 3103.00 1.70 18.41 6.80 273 20.10 0.08 417 0.50 cut
SP4 3728.00 1.94 4.68 6.00 78 6.60 0.29 428 0.65 cut
SP5a 3732.90 3.37 12.69 3.30 388 16.10 0.21 448 0.7±0.8 core
SP6 3734.88 2.83 8.35 2.10 398 11.20 0.25 445 0.7±0.8 core
SP7 3736.58 2.89 7.58 2.29 331 10.50 0.28 445 0.7±0.8 core
SP8 3739.71 3.43 11.30 2.95 383 14.70 0.23 446 0.7±0.8 core
SP9a 3742.75 3.18 7.29 2.15 339 10.50 0.30 447 0.7±0.8 core
SP10 3745.70 2.74 9.94 2.91 342 12.70 0.20 446 0.7±0.8 core
SP11 3748.51 3.22 12.23 3.10 393 15.40 0.21 446 0.7±0.8 core
SP12 3751.46 2.96 6.31 2.10 300 9.30 0.32 445 0.7±0.8 core
SP13 3754.07 2.34 6.54 2.02 324 8.90 0.26 448 0.7±0.8 core
SP14a 3757.14 2.84 8.77 2.85 308 11.60 0.24 446 0.7±0.8 core
SP15a 3862.00 3.45 13.85 7.25 191 17.30 0.20 433 0.80 cut
SP16 4093.00 0.42 0.88 1.62 54 1.30 0.32 451 1.0±1.1 cut
SP17 4120.00 0.74 1.40 2.10 70 2.20 0.34 447 1.0±1.1 cut
SP18 4140.00 0.20 0.70 0.90 82 0.90 0.22 n.d 1.0±1.1 cut
SP19 4149.00 0.85 1.60 2.60 60 2.40 0.35 447 1.0±1.1 cut
SP20a 4170.00 1.10 2.20 2.50 86 3.20 0.33 453 1.0±1.1 cut
SP21 4182.00 3.20 6.70 5.30 126 9.80 0.32 453 1.0±1.1 cut
SP22 4209.00 2.50 3.20 4.50 71 5.70 0.44 448 1.0±1.1 cut
SP23 4239.00 1.00 1.50 3.00 49 2.40 0.41 444 1.0±1.1 cut
SP24a 4263.00 1.37 1.80 3.10 60 3.20 0.43 449 1.0±1.1 cut
SP25 4293.00 0.40 0.70 1.50 45 1.10 0.37 455 1.0±1.1 cut
SP26 4470.00 0.72 1.90 3.60 54 2.70 0.27 461 1.20 cut
Samples selected for GHM-IR-MS analysis.
S1 = free hydrocarbons in the sample. S2 = hydrocarbons generated by thermal degradation of
the kerogen. TOC = total organic carbon. HI = S2/TOC  100. PP = (S1 + S2). PI = S1/
(S1 + S2). %Ro = vitrinite re¯ectance measurements.

Further, ten cutting samples stored uncrushed for Experimental

®ve years (SP16±SP25) were analyzed immediately
All samples were screened for total organic car-
after crushing (case A); eight of these (SP16, SP19±
bon (TOC) and by Rock Eval-type pyrolysis
SP25) after two to three weeks (case C) and three
(Table 1). The vitrinite re¯ectance measurements
of these (SP16, SP19, SP24) after 4 months (case
D). (Table 1) are collected from Statoil's in-house data-
AÊre Formation samples. Four samples from the base and Odden (1986) and come from more than
AÊre Formation (A3: core; A8: cuttings; A23±A24: one laboratory.
cores) were analyzed immediately after crushing Thermal extraction-gas chromatography (TE-
(case A) and after four months (case D). Of these, GC). After screening, samples were analyzed by
the set of core samples (A23±A24) is from a recent thermal extraction-GC. The instrument used was a
well. Varian 3400 Gas Chromatograph interfaced to a
Application of light hydrocarbons (C4-C13) 829

pyrolysis oven. Up to 15 mg of the ®nely crushed Packard 5890 gas chromatograph ®tted with a
samples were heated in a pyrolysis chamber at capillary column with a dimethylpolysiloxane
3008C for 4 min, during which time thermal extrac- stationary phase (SE 54, 40 m  0.25 mm i.d.;
tion of the free hydrocarbons occurred (equivalent 0.25 mm ®lm thickness). The temperature program
to the S1 peak of the Rock-Eval). The released was minus 108C held for 5 min then ramped at 48C/
hydrocarbons were ¯ushed on to a fused silica col- min to 3008C with a ®nal hold time of 25 min.
umn (OV-1 capillary column; 25 m  0.32 mm i.d.; Quanti®cation of all components was based on
0.25 mm ®lm thickness) with a liquid nitrogen- peak areas. The compounds were identi®ed through
cooled trap. The temperature program of the gas analyses of a known standard, the Wintershall oil.
chromatograph started at ÿ108C, with a tempera- Thermal extraction-gas chromatography isotope
ture gradient of 68C/min to 2908C. The column was ratio mass spectrometry. The GHM-IR-MS analyses
linked to a ¯ame ionization detector. Quanti®cation were performed on a VG Isochrom II system inter-
of all components was based on peak areas. The faced to a Dani 8510 gas chromatograph. The ther-
compounds were identi®ed through analyses of mal extraction was carried out as described above.
known standards such as Black ven Marl and For the isotope measurements the following con-
SK142. ditions were used: The GC was ®tted with a fused
Gas chromatography. The original data set of silica column (OV-1; 50 m  0.32 mm i.d.; 0.25 mm
¯uids collected for this study have been analyzed ®lm thickness) leading directly to the combustion
over a period of years (i.e. as each well was drilled). furnace. The following temperature program was
The GC analyses were performed on a Hewlett used: minus 108C held for 5 min then ramped at
Packard 5890 gas chromatograph ®tted with a 48C/min to 3008C with a ®nal hold time of 29 min.
capillary column with a dimethylpolysiloxane The accuracy of the instrument (20.5-) has been
stationary phase (CP Sil 5CB, 30m  0.25 mm i.d.; tested by analyzing a standard solution made up of
0.25 mm ®lm thickness). The temperature program n-alkanes and isoprenoids in n-hexane. Full details
was 108C held for 4 min then ramped at 58C/min to of the operating procedure of this isotope ratio
3008C with a ®nal hold time of 20 min. mass spectrometry (IR-MS) system are found in
Seventeen test ¯uids were selected for re-analysis earlier reports (Bjorùy et al., 1990, 1991; Hansen et
and the GC analyses were performed on a Hewlett al., 1995).

Table 2. Test ¯uids used in this study

Sample Phase Sample Phase
code Well Test Field tested code Well Test Field tested

TREa 6406/3±2 DST2 Trestakk oil SM15 6506/12±7 DST1 Smùrbukk oil
TSa 6407/1±2 DST1 Tyrihans S. gas SM16 6506/12-7 DST2 Smùrbukk gas
TN1a 6407/1-3 DST1 Tyrihans N. oil SM17 6506/12-7 DST3 Smùrbukk gas
TN2 6407/1-3 DST2 Tyrihans N. gas SM18a 6506/12-9S DST1 Smùrbukk oil
H04 6407/4-1 DST2 gas SM19 6506/12-9S DST2 Smùrbukk oil
MK1a 6407/6-3 DST1 Mikkel oil + gas SM20 6506/12-9S DST3 Smùrbukk oil
MK2 6407/6-3 DST2 Mikkel gas SM21 6506/12-9S DST5 Smùrbukk oil
MK3 6407/6-3 DST3 Mikkel gas SS1 6506/12-3 DST1 Smùrbukk S. gas
NJ1a 6407/7-1 DST2 Njord oil SS2 6506/12-3 DST2 Smùrbukk S. gas
NJ2 6407/7-1 DST3 Njord oil SS3 6506/12-3 DST3 Smùrbukk S. gas
NJ3 6407/7-1 DST4 Njord oil SS4 6506/12-3 DST4 Smùrbukk S. oil
NJ4 6407/7-1 DST5 Njord oil SS5a 6506/12-3 DST5 Smùrbukk S. oil
NJ5 6407/7-4 DST2A Njord oil SS6 6506/12-5 DST2 Smùrbukk S. oil
NJ6 6407/7-4 DST2B Njord oil SS7a 6506/12-8 DST1 Smùrbukk S. oil
DR1 6407/9-2 DST2 Draugen oil SS8 6506/12-8 DST2 Smùrbukk S. oil
DR2 6407/9-3 DST1 Draugen oil A1 6507/3-1 DST2 Alve oil
DR3 6407/9-4 DST1 Draugen oil A2 6507/3-1 DST3 Alve gas
DR4 6407/9-5 DST1 Draugen oil H06 6507/6-2 RFT2A oil
DR5 6407/9-6 DST1 Draugen oil HN1 6507/8-4 DST2 Heidrun N. oil
SM1 6506/11-2 DST1A Smùrbukk gas HN2 6507/8-4 DST3 Heidrun N. oil
SM2 6506/11-2 DST2 Smùrbukk gas HN3 6507/8-4 DST4 Heidrun N. gas
SM3 6506/11-2 DST4 Smùrbukk gas MG1 6407/2-2 DST1 Midgard gas
SM4a 6506/11-2 DST5 Smùrbukk oil MG2 6507/11-1 RFT Midgard gas
SM5 6506/11-2 DST6 Smùrbukk oil MG3 6507/11-1 DST1 Midgard gas
SM6 6506/12-1 DST2 Smùrbukk gas MG4a 6507/11-3 DST1 Midgard oil
SM7a 6506/12-1 DST2C Smùrbukk gas MG5 6507/11-3 DST2 Midgard gas
SM8 6506/12-1 DST4 Smùrbukk gas MG6a 6507/11-3 DST3 Midgard gas
SM9 6506/12-1 DST4B Smùrbukk gas NO1a 6608/10-4 DST2 East of Norne oil
SM10 6506/12-1 DST5B Smùrbukk gas NO2a 6608/10-4 DST3A + B East of Norne oil
SM11 6506/12-1 DST5D Smùrbukk gas NO3 6608/10-4 FMT1A East of Norne oil
SM12 6506/12-1 DST7 Smùrbukk gas NO4 6608/10-4 FMT1B East of Norne oil
SM13a 6506/12-6 DST1 Smùrbukk oil NO5a 6608/10-3 DST1 Norne oil
SM14 6506/12-6 DST3 Smùrbukk gas NO6a 6608/10-2 DST2 Norne oil
Samples selected for re-analysis by gas chromatography.
830 W. Odden et al.

Table 3. Components and parameters used in this study

Abbreviation Hydrocarbon Abbreviation Hydrocarbon

iC4 i-butane DMCC6 cis-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane

nC4 n-butane TMCC6 trans-1,1,3-trimethylcyclohexane
iC5 i-pentane EBenz ethylbenzene
nC5 n-pentane m + p-xyla meta + para-xylene
DMC4a 2,3-dimethylbutane 2 + 4MC8 2 + 4-methyloctane
CC5 cyclopentane 3MC8 3-methyloctane
2MC5 2-methylpentane o-xyl ortho-xylene
3MC5 3-methylpentane nC9 n-nonane
nC6a n-hexane TeBCC5 tertiary-butylcyclopentane
MCC5a methylcyclopentane SeBCC5 secondary-butylcyclopentane
Benza benzene nPCC6 n-propylcyclohexane
CC6a cyclohexane 2MC9 2-methylnonane
2MC6a 2-methylhexane o-ETol ortho-ethyl-toluene
3MC6a 3-methylhexane DMC8 3,6-dimethyloctane
1c3DMCC5a cis-1,3-dimethylcyclopentane iC10 i-decane
1t3DMCC5a trans-1,3-dimethylcyclopentane nC10 n-decane
1t2DMCC5a trans-1,2-dimethylcyclopentane 4MC10 4-methyldecane
nC7a n-heptane iC11 i-undecane
MCC6a methylcyclohexane nC11 n-undecane
Tola toluene 4MC11 4-methylundecane
2MC7 2-methylheptane iC12 i-dodecane
3MC7 3-methylheptane nC12 n-dodecane
nC8a n-octane iC13 i-tridecane
nPCC5 n-propylcyclopentane
For the original data set of test ¯uidsCross plots and ternary diagrams of parameters:
Cross plots:
m + p xyl (%) = (area of m + p xyl  100)/(a areas of the C4±C13 fraction)
Temary diagrams:
After Dai Jinxing (1992): X : Y : Z = a(cis 1,3 : trans 1,3 : trans 1,2) DMCC5 : MCC6 : nC7
After Ten Haven (1996) X : Y : Z = Tol + MCC6 : 2MC6 + 3MC6 : a(cis 1,3 : trans 1,3 : trans 1,2) DMCC5
Thompson indices: B = Tol/nC7; F = nC7/MCC6.
H; heptane value (1) = (nC7100)/(CC6 + 2MC6 + 3MC6 + DMC4 + 1c3DMCC5 + 1t3DMCC5
+ 1t2DMCC5 + nC7 + MCC6).

Gas chromatography isotope ratio mass spec- areas were used for nine samples (illustrated in
trometry (GC-IR-MS). The GC-IR-MS analyses Table 4) when peak heights could not be measured
were performed on a VG Isochrom II system with a (o€scale; MG2, MG3) and for the most recently
Hewlett Packard 5890 gas chromatograph. The GC analyzed samples.
was ®tted with a fused silica column (OV-1; For quanti®cation of the C4±C13 fraction
50 m  0.32 mm i.d.; 0.25 mm ®lm thickness) leading (Table 3) of source rock thermal extracts peak areas
directly to the combustion furnace. The following were used, but an equivalent result would have
temperature program was used: minus 108C held been obtained if the parameters were calculated
for 5 min then ramped at 48C/min to 3008C with a from peak heights. In order to quantify the same
®nal hold time of 29 min. Splitless injections were components of the C4±C13 fraction as for the source
used. The accuracy of the instrument and references rock thermal extracts, seventeen petroleum ¯uids
are given above. (Table 2) were re-analyzed by gas chromatography
and peak areas were measured.
Data treatment Principal Component Analysis. Principal Com-
ponent Analysis (PCA) gives compressed infor-
The data were interpreted through visual inspec-
mation of the total variation in a set of samples.
tion of the raw chromatograms, cross-plots and
ternary diagrams of parameters, and by multivariate PCA extracts systematic variation in the data
statistical analyses (presented here for source rock matrix as a linear combination of pairwise orthog-
samples only). For the latter, Principal Component onal vectors (principal components). The ®rst prin-
Analysis (PCA) was applied. Detailed description of cipal component (PC1) explains the largest
the PCA method is given in Jolli€e (1986) and a percentage of the total variation in the data set
short summary is included below. (given as % variance explained by the component).
In our original ¯uid database, the data sets were The second principal component (PC2) describes
of varying age, and standardization of the raw data the next most important direction, and the pro-
was necessary. This required re-measurement of a cedure continues until no additional statistically sig-
large number of peak heights (the C6±C8 fraction as ni®cant pattern can be found in the data. This
marked a in Table 3) from the gas chromatograms. procedure reduces the data matrix for the set of
Peak heights were used because the reproducibility samples to a limited number of principal com-
was better than peak areas for this sample set, but ponents that contain all the systematic variation in
Application of light hydrocarbons (C4-C13) 831

Table 4. Thompson indices B, F and H of the test ¯uids from RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Codes for the components and de®nitions of the
Sample Thompson indices Sample Thompson indices
code code parameters measured are given in Table 3.
The hydrocarbon components of the C6±C8 frac-
tion used in this study are those which are present
TRE 1.02 0.85 21.78 SM15 1.11 0.64 20.14 in relatively higher proportions, because we believe
TS 0.90 0.71 21.10 SM16 1.16 0.72 21.72 that the generally small peaks are not reliable for
TN1 1.07 0.61 20.11 SM17 1.03 0.81 22.94
TN2 0.70 0.59 20.28 SM18a 1.60 0.71 19.27 this interpretation.
H04 1.27 0.55 20.20 SM19a 1.72 0.64 20.92
MK1 0.80 0.64 18.64 SM20a 1.54 0.62 19.02 Storage/crushing e€ects on light hydrocarbon distri-
MK2 0.77 0.62 18.18 SM21a 1.54 0.79 19.72
MK3 0.72 0.64 18.82 SS1 0.94 0.59 20.82
NJ1 0.80 0.50 20.07 SS2 1.39 0.47 19.01 A full sample set consisting only of fresh core
NJ2 0.63 0.60 21.32 SS3 1.11 0.69 21.68
NJ3 0.44 0.64 21.46 SS4 0.94 0.73 21.80 samples was not available, and therefore in many
NJ4 1.01 0.55 19.31 SS5 0.91 0.68 20.88 cases cuttings (stored uncrushed for years) had to
NJ5 0.61 0.84 23.58 SS6 0.90 0.64 20.92
NJ6 0.79 0.64 21.59 SS7a 1.02 0.63 19.69
be used. The storage e€ect was studied here.
DR1 0.30 0.66 17.74 SS8 1.12 0.74 20.94 Light hydrocarbon data of source rock extracts
DR2 0.26 0.69 17.61 A1 1.46 0.40 15.88 could be a€ected by the time interval from crushing
DR3 0.31 0.52 14.70 A2 1.59 0.63 20.10
DR4 0.28 0.70 17.25 H06 1.22 0.49 17.26 to thermal extraction-GC and/or by storage of
DR5 0.28 0.75 19.26 HN1 0.70 0.22 7.12 uncrushed material (which is a slower process).
SM1 1.42 0.71 20.43 HN2 0.68 0.19 6.26 There were problems with the reproducibility of the
SM2 1.54 0.57 17.77 HN3 0.15 0.64 15.31
SM3 1.20 0.77 19.81 MG1 1.50 0.51 18.55 Spekk Formation samples that led us to investigate
SM4 0.62 0.77 22.40 MG2a 1.71 0.44 18.23 the e€ects of storage on crushed and uncrushed
SM5 0.58 0.66 19.76 MG3a 1.82 0.47 16.44
SM6 1.33 0.62 21.00 MG4 2.30 0.35 15.02
samples. A set of fresh core samples from the
SM7 1.33 0.69 19.24 MG5 1.40 0.57 18.92 Spekk Formation (SP4±SP14) was exposed for
SM8 1.06 0.70 21.15 MG6a 1.48 0.39 16.07 di€erent time spans between sample crushing and
SM9 1.15 0.58 19.83 NO1 3.70 0.36 17.01
SM10 1.09 0.70 21.08 NO2 2.34 0.45 20.52 thermal extraction-GC (case A: 0 min; case B:
SM11 1.02 0.73 21.48 NO3 1.89 0.22 12.79 20 min; case C: 2±3 weeks and case D: 4 months
SM12 0.99 0.80 22.74 NO4 2.44 0.47 19.93 (SP5, SP11, SP14)). Further, ten cutting samples
SM13 1.07 0.70 21.31 NO5 3.13 0.40 17.56
SM14 0.82 0.74 21.27 NO6a 4.14 0.36 14.93 stored for ®ve years (SP16±SP25) were analyzed im-
a mediately after crushing (case A); eight of these
Peak areas.
(SP16, SP19±SP25) after 2±3 weeks (case C) and
three of these (SP16, SP19, SP24) after 4 months
the data. The co-ordinates of each sample projected (case D). Four samples from the AÊre Formation
on the axis de®ned by the principal components are (A3, A8, A23, A24) were exposed for A (0 min); C
termed ``scores'', while the coecients for each vari- (2±3 weeks) and D (4 months) to study the reprodu-
able, which quanti®es its contribution to each com- cibility. Of these, two of the samples (A23±A24)
ponent, is termed the ``loading'' of the variable were from a fresh core.
(Wold et al., 1984, 1987; Birks, 1987). Spekk Formation. Figure 3(a)±(d) display whole
and partial gas chromatograms of a Spekk For-
Based on measured peak areas, Tmax and depth
mation sample (SP11) showing the spread in the
of the same samples, the systematic variations in
light hydrocarbon composition after di€erent time
the light hydrocarbon distributions of the AÊre and spans between sample crushing and thermal extrac-
Spekk Formation samples were modelled by PCA. tion-GC (varying from none to 4 months; cases A
The systematic variation was used to select those and D). A full range of C4±C13 components are
variables that distinguish between the two source present [Fig. 3(a)±(b)] when the samples were
rock types, and it is possible to infer the in¯uence crushed immediately before analysis (case A), but
of the light hydrocarbon components on maturity. there was a signi®cant loss of light ends [Fig. 3(c)±
Data preprocessing. Data analysis was performed (d)] when crushed material had been stored for four
using the Sirius program (Kvalheim and Karstang, months (case D). Figure 3(d) shows that only some
1987). The measured peak areas of the source rock of the cyclics (such as methylcyclopentanes and
samples were normalized to 100%, to compensate cyclohexanes), aromatics (such as benzene, ethyl-
benzene and m + p xylene), branched alkanes (such
for di€erences in the amounts thermally desorbed,
as the methylhexanes and methylheptanes) and the
prior to the multivariate statistical analyses. All
acyclic hydrocarbons above C11 were retained.
data sets were standardized (scaled to variance Di€erences between the analytical results also occur
equal to 1.0 by division with the standard deviation when the time span between sample crushing and
for each variable) before the analysis was per- analysis is less. However, the late-mature cutting
formed, so that the magnitude of the variables did samples from the Spekk Formation (SP16±SP25),
not in¯uence the results. which have been stored uncrushed for ®ve years
W. Odden et al.

Fig. 3. Chromatograms of a Spekk Formation sample showing the e€ects of di€erent time spans between sample crushing and thermal extraction-GC [case A (a)±(b) and
case D (c)±(d), in full and expanded scale].
Application of light hydrocarbons (C4-C13) 833

Fig. 4. Results of multivariate data analysis of the light hydrocarbon distribution of the Spekk and AÊre
Formation samples (case D excluded for the Spekk) as observed in PCA: (a) Scores and (b) loadings
on PC1 vs PC2 from principal component analysis. Sample and variable codes as in Tables 1 and 3.
834 W. Odden et al.

were already somewhat depleted in light ends, and variance in the data set, and can be viewed as corre-
the di€erences between cases A and C were insignif- sponding to variations of the Spekk Formation
icant. In general, the samples become relatively samples. PC2 is mostly related to the source facies
enriched in aromatics and naphthenes with increas- (see below), where the aromatics (benzene, toluene
ing time interval from crushing to analysis and/or and m + p xylene) and cyclics (cyclohexane and
by storage of uncrushed material (which is a slower methylcyclohexane) enriched in the AÊre, and cyclics
process). Most light hydrocarbons were retained in (methylcyclopentane and the three dimethylcyclo-
the fresh core samples (SP5±SP14) crushed immedi- pentanes) and branched alkanes (2-methylhexane)
ately before analysis. enriched in the Spekk, de®ne the next most import-
AÊre Formation. For the AÊre Formation samples, ant direction of variation (29.5%). Thus, the two
the time period from crushing to thermal extrac- components (PC1 and PC2) together explain 74.7%
tion-GC seems to be of no consequence. Whether of the variance of the data set.
the samples were crushed immediately before analy- Figure 5 shows that PC2 is explained by the aro-
sis, or as long as ten years ago (stored subsequently matics and the maturity-related parameters (Tmax
in sealed bottles at room temperature about 208C), and depth). The separation of the AÊre and Spekk
there were no signi®cant di€erences between the Formation samples is also explained by the same
samples. The four samples from the AÊre Formation principal component (PC2), as shown in Fig. 4(a).
(A3: core; A8: cuttings; A23±A24: cores), which This indicates that the content of PC2 is most
were exposed to cases A, C and D, did not show strongly a€ected by source facies. Also PCA model-
any relative loss of the light components after ling gives the same interpretation of the data when
crushing. It seems that the light hydrocarbons are the maturity-related parameters (Tmax and depth)
absorbed and/or adsorbed better by the coals and are excluded.
shales of the AÊre Formation than the shales of the The vector of m + p xylene, which separates AÊre
Spekk Formation. This may be explained by the from Spekk, forms approximately an angle of 908
small pore diameters of coals that prevent mi- with the vectors of methylcyclopentane, 2-methyl-
gration of hydrocarbons (Hunt, 1991), and/or by a hexane and the three dimethylcyclopentanes
more aromatic type of organic matter which enables [Fig. 4(b)]. This indicates that the latter variables,
better adsorption (Pepper and Corvi, 1995). Littke besides separating AÊre from Spekk, reveal the vari-
and Leythauser (1993) claimed that ``closed'' pores, ations due to di€erent analytical conditions and
which prevent migration, are most abundant in facies of the Spekk Formation samples. Thus, the
vitrinite rich organic matter (such as the AÊre For- optimal parameters to separate AÊre from Spekk are
mation coals and shales). Another possible expla- the relative amounts of m + p xylene and toluene.
nation may be that the AÊre coals and shales contain The benzene, with a relatively high residual stan-
mostly asphaltenes and polar components which are dard deviation does not separate the two for-
relatively non-volatile, and may enclose the volatile mations (Fig. 5). The slight increase in the relative
hydrocarbon material which is present in much proportion of aromatics from the oil-window
lower proportions. mature to the late-mature Spekk Formation
samples is a result of storage e€ects rather than
Multivariate statistical treatment increasing maturity [see Fig. 3(c)±(d)]. PCA model-
ling, performed on the AÊre and oil-window mature
The PCA used for the variable selection was
Spekk samples from case A only, gives the same in-
based on peak areas of the C6±C8 fraction (the
terpretation of which parameters separate AÊre from
same components as measured for the original data
set of test ¯uids, Table 3), Tmax from Rock-Eval py-
rolysis and depth. Data from case D of the Spekk
Formation samples were excluded because of too Discrimination of the Spekk and AÊre Formations
few measurable peak areas. Nearly all samples based on light hydrocarbons
(except three immature Spekk samples (SP1±SP3), Since it was impossible to collect only fresh
two early mature (A1±A2) and three late-mature samples at di€erent maturity levels and facies, dis-
(A15±A17) AÊre samples and variables (except crimination of the Spekk and AÊre Formation
DMC4) remained after a preliminary data analysis samples is based on all our data (except case D for
where insigni®cant variables and outliers were the Spekk samples). However, the oil-window
removed. These were de®ned by high residual stan- mature fresh core samples from the Spekk
dard deviation (not explained by PCA). Formation (SP5±SP14), crushed immediately before
The PCA model is shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b). analysis (where most light hydrocarbons were
Figure 4(a), the score plot, gives the spread of retained) are marked on Figs 7±9.
samples in the plane of the two major principal Figure 6 displays representative partial chromato-
components (PC1 and PC2). Figure 4(b), the load- grams (expanded scale) of thermal extracts from the
ing plot, shows the contribution of each variable re- AÊre and Spekk Formation samples, at a maturity
lated to PC1 and PC2. PC1 explains 45.2% of the level corresponding to the oil window. These chro-
Application of light hydrocarbons (C4-C13) 835

Fig. 5. Distribution of variance in PC's (PC1:PC2:PC3) and residuals for each variable.

matograms show that the AÊre Formation contains higher proportion in the former. The contents of
a relatively higher proportion of aromatics (i.e. ben- 1,2-trans-dimethylcyclopentane of the Spekk For-
zene, toluene and m + p xylene), cyclohexane and mation samples are much more scattered than those
methylcyclohexane than the Spekk Formation, from the AÊre, due to di€erent analytical conditions
which is richer in cyclopentanes and acyclic hydro- [see Fig. 4(a) and (b)] and variable terrestrial in¯u-
carbons. These di€erences are in agreement with ence of the Spekk samples. Although the highest
earlier work (Leythaeuser et al., 1979a,b) where it contents of 1,2-trans-dimethylcyclopentane are
was observed that the proportion of benzene and measured in two immature Spekk samples (SP1,
toluene in source rocks containing land plant-de- SP3) and the lowest in the late-mature Spekk
rived organic matter was higher than in source samples (0.1±0.5%), illustrated on Fig. 7, it is
rocks with marine organic matter which were assumed that this trend is more a€ected by facies
enriched in cyclopentanes. variations and storage than by maturity. The vari-
Classi®cation diagrams based on individual par- ation of the AÊre Formation data may also be facies
ameters. Figure 7 shows a crossplot of the related.
percentages of m + p xylene vs 1,2-trans-dimethyl- In Fig. 8 the light hydrocarbon data are pre-
cyclopentane. This plot supports the results from sented in a ternary diagram, after Dai Jinxing
multivariate modelling that the content of m + p (1992). The diagram shows that a plot of three
xylene separates AÊre from Spekk with a relatively kinds of compounds (SDMCC5, MCC6 and nC7)
836 W. Odden et al.

Fig. 6. Chromatograms from thermal extraction-GC for Spekk (SP10, top) and AÊre (A3, bottom)
samples, on an expanded scale where components from C4 to C13 are identi®ed.
Application of light hydrocarbons (C4-C13) 837

can distinguish the two source rocks. The immature terrigenous organic matter or have been exposed to
Spekk Formation samples are distributed over a the di€erent sample treatments, the hydrocarbons
wide range, but plot in a di€erent part of the dia- that are retained (except three samples) plot signi®-
gram than those of the AÊre. The wide distribution cantly di€erent from the AÊre samples.
of the Spekk samples is probably due to both facies While the diagrams in Figs 7±9 can separate AÊre
and analytical variations. The highest percentage of from Spekk Formation samples and do not seem to
the three dimethylpentanes are measured in two be in¯uenced signi®cantly by storage/crushing
immature Spekk samples (SP1, SP3). These results e€ects, this is not the case for other light hydro-
are qualitatively similar to those reported by Dai carbon parameters such as Thompson indices (i.e.
Jinxing (1992), although he found di€erent cut-o€ the ratios of F vs H and B, see formulae in Table 3).
values for marine and terrestrial organic matter. As When the Spekk and AÊre Formation data were
expected, the percentage of n-heptane and the three interpreted according to the criteria of Thompson,
dimethylcyclopentanes are higher in all the Spekk the AÊre Formation samples appear to be evapora-
samples than in the AÊre, whilst the methylcyclohex- tively fractionated and some Spekk samples biode-
ane is enriched in the AÊre. However, this diagram graded. However, the F parameter (nC7/MCC6)
supports that the Spekk Formation samples, despite distinguishes between the AÊre and Spekk samples
di€erent analytical conditions and terrestrial in¯u- crushed immediately before analysis (case A), with
ence, cluster di€erently from the coals and shales of lower F ratios (<0.4) for the AÊre due to the high
the AÊre Formation. contents of methylcyclohexane.
Figure 9 shows the data for the same samples in Carbon isotopic analyses. Eleven source rock
a ternary diagram after Ten Haven (1996). This dia- samples, seven from the Spekk Formation and four
gram includes seven individual compounds arranged from the AÊre Formation, were analyzed. The iso-
in three compound classes (6-membered rings: tope ratios of the n-alkanes in the source rock
Tol + MCC6; branched alkanes: 2MC6+3MC6 and samples are plotted against the carbon chain length
5-membered rings: SDMCC5), and separates most in Fig. 10. There are signi®cant di€erences in iso-
of the AÊre and Spekk Formation samples. Three of tope ratios between the two source rocks, e.g. the
the late mature Spekk samples from case C (SP16, AÊre Formation hydrocarbons are isotopically hea-
SP20 and SP23) plot among the AÊre data. This is vier than those from the Spekk Formation. The car-
caused by a relatively high content of toluene in the bon isotope ratios of the n-alkanes in the Spekk
these samples, possibly due to the storage e€ects Formation samples vary from ÿ32.9 to ÿ28.6-. Of
(discussed above). However, the same samples plot these, the hydrocarbons of the immature Spekk
di€erently from the AÊre when they were crushed sample (SP1; HI = 500 mg HC/g TOC) are isotopi-
immediately before analysis. As expected, toluene cally slightly more negative than those from the
and methylcyclohexane are enriched in the AÊre three oil-window mature Spekk samples (SP5, SP9
samples and the two methylhexanes and the three and SP14) with hydrogen indices of 388, 339 and
dimethylcyclopentanes have a relatively higher 308, respectively, possibly due to increasing matur-
abundance in the Spekk samples. These data indi- ity. The oil-window mature Spekk sample with a
cate that, even if the Spekk samples contain some relatively low hydrogen index (SP15; HI = 191 mg

Fig. 7. Percentages of m + p xylene vs 1,2-trans-dimethylcyclopentane relative to the C4±C13 fraction of

the Spekk and AÊre Formation samples (case D excluded for the Spekk). The oil-window mature Spekk
samples (SP5±SP14; case A) are marked and the immature (SP1 and SP3) are labelled.
838 W. Odden et al.

HC/g TOC) is somewhat isotopically less negative cate that an increase in maturity and content of ter-
than the other three oil-window mature samples rigenous organic matter results in isotopically
(SP5, SP9 and SP14), possibly due to a higher con- heavier components of the Spekk samples, whereas
tent of terrigenous organic matter in this sample. the AÊre samples do not indicate any systematic
The hydrocarbons of the two late-mature Spekk di€erences between the isotopic values of coals and
samples (SP20 and SP24, with hydrogen indices of coaly shales and with maturity. This may be due to
86 and 60, but high residual TOC contents of 2.5 the coaly kerogen in the AÊre being more uniform
and 3.1%) are isotopically more positive than the than the Spekk kerogen, implying that the isotopic
other Spekk samples which may be due to increas- character and chemical nature of its products
ing maturity. The carbon isotope ratios of the n- change little with maturity.
alkanes in the AÊre Formation samples vary from The results of the speci®c-compound carbon iso-
ÿ27.4 to ÿ24.1-. The heaviest values (up to tope analyses correspond with the isotope data for
ÿ15.3-) of the A17 sample are excluded, as they kerogens from Spekk and AÊre Formation samples
are assumed to be unreliable. The n-alkanes of the (Elvsborg et al., 1984; Cohen and Dunn, 1987). AÊre
oil-window mature coaly shale (A3: HI = 298; kerogens are isotopically heavier than Spekk kero-
TOC = 10.4%) and those of the late-mature coal gens, and are in the same range as described above
(A13: HI = 182; TOC = 70.5%) samples are isoto- for individual components.
pically very close, while the oil-window mature coal
sample (A5: HI = 196; TOC = 59.2%) is isotopi- Source of the light hydrocarbon fraction
cally more positive than the former samples (A3, Figure 11 displays partial gas chromatograms of
A13). This may be due to di€erences in the maceral two oil samples Njord (NJ3) and Norne (NO1).
composition. There is also a trend towards slightly These oils are thought to represent the extremes in
more negative isotope ratios with increasing alkane variability of light hydrocarbon composition for the
number for the AÊre samples. Beside separating the entire data set. The Norne oil contains a relatively
AÊre and Spekk Formation samples, these data indi- higher proportion of aromatics (benzene, toluene,

Fig. 8. Ternary diagram of C7 series (after Dai Jinxing, 1992) of the Spekk and AÊre Formation samples
(case D excluded for the Spekk). The oil-window mature Spekk samples (SP5±SP14; case A) are
marked and the immature (SP1 and SP3) are labelled.
Application of light hydrocarbons (C4-C13) 839

Fig. 9. Ternary diagram of C7 series (after Ten Haven, 1996) of the Spekk and AÊre Formation samples
(case D excluded for the Spekk). The oil-window mature Spekk samples (SP5±SP14; case A) are
marked and the immature (SP1 and SP3) and oil-window mature (SP15) are labelled.

m + p xylene), cyclohexane and methylcyclohexane anes) and the Spekk Formation (enriched in cyclo-
than the oil sample from Njord, which is richer in pentanes and acyclic components).
cyclopentanes and acyclic hydrocarbons. These Individual plots of calculated parameters. Figures
di€erences are similar to those observed between 12 and 13 show the petroleums from Mid-Norway
source rock thermal extracts from the AÊre plotted on the ternary diagrams that distinguished
Formation (enriched in aromatics and cyclohex- between the AÊre and Spekk Formation samples

Fig. 10. Carbon isotope ratios of n-alkanes of selected Spekk and AÊre Formation samples.
840 W. Odden et al.

Fig. 11. C5 to C11 region of the whole-oil gas chromatograms from Njord (NJ3, top) and Norne (NO1,
Application of light hydrocarbons (C4-C13) 841

(Figs 8 and 9). The petroleum samples all fall in Fig. 13 these oils and condensates (HN1±HN3
within the same regions of the diagrams as the AÊre and DR1±DR5) are grouped together, and plot
and Spekk Formation samples. Based on these dia- among the Spekk samples. Their location (lowest
grams, the Spekk Formation is the dominant source toluene + methylcyclohexane) is probably a€ected
rock for most of the oils and condensates, such as by the water washing that often accompanies biode-
Trestakk, Tyrihans Sùr, Tyrihans Nord, Mikkel, gradation. The di€erences between the oils and con-
Njord, Draugen, Smùrbukk, Smùrbukk Sùr (except densates from Midgard and Alve in Figs 12 and 13
the SS2 sample) and the condensates from Alve could very well re¯ect physical processes such as
(A2) and Midgard (MG1, MG5). The test ¯uids phase fractionation and not di€erent source rock
which consistently plot inside the AÊre Formation types (see below, under discussion about phase frac-
part on these diagrams are the oils from Norne tionation).
(NO1, NO3, NO4, NO5, NO6) and the only oil To compare the contents of m + p xylene and
sample from Midgard (MG4). The remaining 1,2-trans-dimethylcyclopentane of source rock ther-
samples, viz. the Smùrbukk Sùr condensate (SS2), mal extracts (shown in Fig. 7) with those for the
the only oil from Alve (A1), one oil from Norne test ¯uids, the C4±C13 fraction of seventeen selected
(NO2) and the Midgard condensates (MG2, MG3, petroleum ¯uids (Table 2) was quanti®ed. Figure 14
MG6) plot close to or at the dividing line between shows that the petroleum samples plot in the same
the AÊre and Spekk samples on both diagrams. The region of the diagram as the AÊre and oil-window
oil from well 6507/6-2(H06) plots at the dividing mature Spekk samples. The ¯uids which plot in the
line between the AÊre and Spekk Formation samples same area of the diagram as the AÊre are three oils
in Fig. 12, but in the Spekk Formation area in from Norne (NO1, NO5, NO6) and the only oil
Fig. 13. The strongly biodegraded Heidrun Nord sample from Midgard (MG4). Two samples plot at
oils (HN1, HN2) plot in the AÊre Formation area in the intersection between the AÊre and Spekk data
Fig. 12, but this is due to loss of n-C7 (bacterial ac- [one oil from Norne (NO2) and the condensate
tivity). The partially biodegraded condensate from from Midgard (MG6)]. The remaining samples
Heidrun Nord (HN3) and oils from Draugen (Smùrbukk (SM4, SM7, SM13, SM18), Smùrbukk
(DR1±DR5) plot inside the Spekk area. However, Sùr (SS5, SS7), Trestakk (TRE), Tyrihans Sùr (TS),

Fig. 12. Ternary diagram of C7 series (after Dai Jinxing, 1992) of test ¯uids from Mid-Norway. The
separated regions were determined from source rock thermal extracts of the AÊre (right) and Spekk (left)
Formation samples. Small ®gures show the distribution of oils and condensates from the Norne,
Midgard and Alve Fields and wells 6507/6-2/(H06) and 6506/12-3/(SS2).
842 W. Odden et al.

Tyrihans Nord (TN), Mikkel (MK1) and Njord Formation samples. Therefore the AÊre Formation
(NJ1)) plot in the Spekk Formation region of the does not seem to be the main source for these oils,
diagram. This is in agreement with the interpret- whereas a Spekk Formation source, perhaps with
ation from the ternary diagrams (Figs 12 and 13). some lesser contribution from AÊre (particularly for
PCA modelling results in the same interpretation Norne, but also Midgard), can explain the data very
of the oils and condensates, i.e. the oils from Norne well. However, the availability of Spekk Formation
and Midgard plot separately from the other oils samples is somewhat limited, such that the variations
and condensates with a high content of aromatics in terrestrial in¯uence may have been biased.
(such as toluene, benzene and m + p xylene) and
methylcyclohexane. Non-source related e€ects
Carbon isotopic analyses. Speci®c compound iso- Evaporative fractionation. Thompson (1987) sta-
tope analysis has been performed on ®ve oil ted that evaporative fractionation alters the aroma-
samples. The isotope ratios for the n-alkanes are ticity and paranicity ratio of his starting oil so
plotted against the carbon number in Fig. 15. The that the B ratio (Tol/nC7)>1 and F ratio (nC7/
pro®les show di€erences between the oil samples, MCC6) < 0.5. In condensates and gas, the shifts
i.e. the hydrocarbons in the oils from Norne and will be in the opposite direction. According to
Midgard are somewhat isotopically heavier than Thompson, the oil MG4 (with a B ratio of 2.30 and
those in the oils from Smùrbukk, Tyrihans Nord F ratio of 0.35) and condensates MG1, MG2,
and Njord. This may be caused by increasing terres- MG3, MG5 and MG6 (with B ratios from 1.40 to
trial in¯uence for the former oils. 1.82 and F ratios between 0.39 and 0.57) from Mid-
The areas of the isotope ratios for the n-alkanes of gard are expected to have undergone evaporative
source rock thermal extracts (shown on Fig. 10) are fractionation (Table 4). The di€erences between the
highlighted in Fig. 15. Comparison of the oils with the only oil (B = 1.46; F = 0.4) and condensate
source rocks shows that most of the oils plot between (B = 1.59; F = 0.63) from Alve could also very
the Spekk and AÊre Formation data. One would expect well re¯ect phase fractionation (according to
that the carbon isotope ratios become isotopically Thompson). If phase fractionation is responsible for
heavier with increased maturity, as for the Spekk the variance in these ratios, Mango (1990a) said

Fig. 13. Ternary diagram of C7 series after Ten Haven (1996) of test ¯uids from Mid-Norway. The sep-
arated regions were determined by source rock thermal extracts of the AÊre (left) and Spekk (right)
Formation samples. Small ®gures show the distribution of oils and from the Norne, Midgard and Alve
Fields and wells 6507/6-2/(H06) and 6506/12-3/(SS2).
Application of light hydrocarbons (C4-C13) 843

Fig. 14. Percentages of m + p xylene vs 1,2-trans-dimethylcyclopentane relative to the C4±C13 fraction

of seventeen selected test ¯uids from Mid-Norway. The separated regions were determined by source
rock thermal extracts of the AÊre (top) and Spekk (bottom) Formation samples.

that the two compounds methylcyclopentane MG3, MG5, MG6) between 2.2 and 2.6. According
(MCC5) and 1,3 (cis + trans) dimethylcyclopentane to Mango these values do not indicate any phase
(1c3 + 1t3DMCC5), which di€er in volatility separation of the petroleums from Midgard. How-
(DBP = 19.78C), should display a variance that is ever, the Midgard system is also suggested by Karl-
proportional to that in Tol/nC7 (DBP = 12.28C) sen et al. (1995) to have been severely modi®ed by
and nC7/MCC6 (DBP = 2.58C). The database from evaporative fractionation resulting in apparently
Mango (1990a) contained 2258 petroleum samples higher maturity for the Midgard gas compared to
with a mean of 3.11 and a standard deviation of the oil leg, while Elvsborg et al. (1984) suggested
1.14 for the MCC5/1,3-DMCC5 ratios. It means terrestrial input for the Midgard petroleum. Based
that if any oils are the products of evaporative frac- on our interpretation of all Midgard data, we agree
tionation they would be enriched in the higher boil- with Karlsen et al. (1995).
ing component, namely 1,3-DMCC5 and the ratio Maturity. Philippi (1975), Jonathan et al. (1975)
of MCC5/1,3-DMCC5 should be shifted to a value and Thompson (1979, 1983, 1987) used the C6±C7
below its mean, since the less volatile 1,3-DMCC5 hydrocarbon fraction to interpret maturity and sta-
will have been concentrated relative to MCC5. The ted that the proportion of linear vs cyclic molecules
mean for this ratio in our total data set is 2.49 with increased with maturity. Durand and EspitalieÂ
a standard deviation of 0.48. The MCC5/1,3- (1972) observed that the iso-/n-alkane ratios for
DMCC5 ratios for the Midgard oil (MG4) is 2.8 butanes and pentanes increased for Lower Jurassic
and for the Midgard condensates (MG1, MG2, shales of the Paris Basin as a consequence of the

Fig. 15. Comparison of isotope ratios of n-alkanes of ®ve test ¯uids from Mid-Norway. The AÊre and
Spekk data from Fig. 10 are highlighted.
844 W. Odden et al.

Fig. 16. Plot of Thompson indices F vs H of test ¯uids from Mid-Norway.

maturation process. However, in a study by (SM12, SM17 and SM21), one from Njord (NJ5)
Leythaeuser et al. (1979b) on samples collected from and the only one from Trestakk (TRE). This is
several sedimentary basins in Northwest Europe, it partly in contrast to the maturity trend based on
was found that the iso-/n-alkane ratios for butanes, the C15+fraction by Karlsen et al. (1995), who sta-
pentanes and heptanes are primarily controlled by ted that the petroleums from Smùrbukk Sùr,
kerogen quality, to the extent that organic matter of Midgard, Trestakk and Njord were more mature
marine origin tends to generate hydrocarbon mixtures than those from Heidrun, Draugen, Tyrihans Nord,
that exhibit signi®cantly lower iso-/n-alkane ratios Tyrihans Sùr and Mikkel (no samples from
than organic matter derived from higher land plants. Smùrbukk). It is clear that the F (nC7/MCC6) par-
Hunt (1984) claimed that lower temperature reactions ameter is in¯uenced by source facies, but it is not
produce mainly branched hydrocarbons, whereas clear how much an increasing value of this par-
higher temperature reactions yield more straight ameter is due to increasing maturity. The petroleum
chains. This causes a reduction in the ratio of ¯uids from Mid-Norway originate from di€erent
branched to straight chain alkanes at the threshold of sources and/or source facies, which may distort the
intense hydrocarbon generation. Our source rock maturity interpretation.
data were plotted on similar diagrams (Durand and
EspitalieÂ, 1972; Jonathan et al., 1975; Hunt, 1984; Comparison with previous work on the petroleums of
Thompson, 1979, 1983, 1987) but were scattered and Mid-Norway
inconclusive concerning maturity. However, there The source determinations of the light (C6±C8)
was a trend of increasing nC6/MCC5 (Jonathan et al., and C15+fractions are listed in Table 5. The light
1975) and nC7/MCC6 (Thompson, 1983, 1987) ratios fractions of the Heidrun and Heidrun Nord Fields
from oil-window mature to late-mature Spekk For- are not interpreted due to biodegradation and con-
mation samples only. sequent loss of acyclic hydrocarbons.
Figure 16 shows a cross-plot of Thompson's F Based on this study, and previous work on
and H parameters for the petroleum ¯uids. The for- mainly biomarker distributions and d13 C values of
mulae are given in Table 3 and the data are pre- the C15+fraction by Karlsen et al. (1995), the fol-
sented in Table 4. The F ratio, besides classifying lowing ®elds contain petroleum dominantly from
di€erent origins of source rocks, increases with the Spekk Formation: Draugen, Mikkel, Trestakk,
increasing maturity (Thompson, 1979, 1983, 1987). Smùrbukk, Smùrbukk Sùr, Njord, Tyrihans Nord,
The rectangle shows the maturity of Thompson Tyrihans Sùr and probably Heidrun (biodegraded).
(1987) classi®cation for Gulf of Mexico oils. The The C15+fractions in Midgard and Alve Fields are
majority of the oil and condensate samples from deemed to have come from the Spekk Formation
Mid-Norway plot inside this region. The ®gure also (Karlsen et al., 1995). There were no samples from
shows that the ¯uids with low F and H ratios are Norne, Smùrbukk and Heidrun Nord in the study
the same as those which plotted in the AÊre by Karlsen et al. (1995).
Formation area in Figs 12±14 (Norne, Midgard, A minor AÊre contribution is possible in the light
Alve, Smùrbukk Sùr (SS2) and well 6507/6-2), fraction in the following ®elds: Midgard, Alve, one
along with the two strongly biodegraded Heidrun sample from Smùrbukk Sùr (SS2) and well 6507/6-2
Nord oils (HN1, HN2). The highest ratios are (H06). A signi®cant AÊre contribution is found in the
measured in three petroleum ¯uids from Smùrbukk Norne Field. This is con®rmed by gas and
Application of light hydrocarbons (C4-C13) 845

Table 5. A comparison of the results from this study with previous work on the oil fractions
Source Hydrocarbon fractions

(this study) (Karlsen et al., 1995)

C6±C8 (light) C15+

Draugen 1: Njord
Mikkel Smùrbukk Sùr:
Smùrbukk (6506/-5, DST1 to 4) marine/
Trestakk Tyrihans Nord 4 anoxic
Smùrbukk Sùr/…except one sample† Tyrihans Sùr facies
6407/4-1; DST2/(H04) Trestakk
Spekk-derived Njord 6506/12-3, DST6
Tyrihans Nord mixed
Tyrihans Sùr 2: Midgard
4 marine
terrestrial facies
3: Draugen
Mikkel a mixture
Smùrbukk Sùr: 4 of 1 and 2
(6506/12-3, DST1)
Mostly Midgard
Spekk, minor AÊre Alve
contribution 6507/6-2, RFT2A/(H06),
(and/or a more terrestrial Smùrbukk Sùr:
Spekk) (6506/12-3, DST2/(SS2))
Mostly Spekk,
AÊre Norne
(and/or a more terrestrial

C15+fraction data (not shown here). However, the For future analysis of light hydrocarbon fractions
availability of Spekk Formation samples is somewhat in sediment samples by thermal extraction-GC, it is
limited, particularly from the Norne area, such that recommended to crush the samples immediately
the variations in terrestrial in¯uence may be biased. before analysis and avoid if possible samples which
Note that Karlsen et al. (1995) stated that the have been stored for many years.
C15+fraction from Midgard and Alve originated Separation of the Spekk and AÊre Formation
from a mixed marine/terrestrial input of the Spekk samples:
Formation. Our study concluded that the light frac-
The thermal extracts of the AÊre Formation are
tion from these ®elds is mostly derived from the
found to contain relatively more aromatics, cyclo-
Spekk Formation with a minor contribution from
hexane and methylcyclohexane than the samples
the AÊre Formation and/or a possible more terres-
from the Spekk Formation.
trial facies of the Spekk Formation.
Multivariate data analysis reveals the source
facies, and shows a clear separation between the
AÊre and Spekk data and that the light hydrocarbon
Storage/crushing e€ects and recommendations: distributions are mostly a€ected by source facies,
Light hydrocarbon data (C4±C13) obtained by and less so by maturity.
thermal extraction gas chromatography of sediment Based on our data, the optimal parameters to
samples are in varying degrees sensitive to vari- separate the AÊre and Spekk Formation samples are
ations in sample treatment. This is particularly the the relative amounts of m + p xylene and those
case for samples from the Spekk Formation and shown on the ternary diagrams (after Dai Jinxing,
much less, if at all, for samples from the AÊre
1992), which compare the relative amounts of
Formation, possibly due to a stronger adsorption of
dimethylcyclopentanes, methylcyclohexane and n-
light hydrocarbons in the latter.
heptane, and a similar diagram from Ten Haven
The Spekk Formation samples easily lose their
(1996), which compares the dimethylcyclopentanes
light components (below C10) after crushing of the
samples and/or by storage of uncrushed material with the methylhexanes and the sum of toluene and
(which is a slower process). Most light hydrocarbons methylcyclohexane.
were retained in a tight fresh core sample when ther- Di€erences in the carbon isotope composition of
mal extraction-GC was performed immediately after the n-alkanes discriminate between the Spekk and
crushing. AÊre Formation samples, re¯ect the maturity and
Nevertheless, separation of the Spekk and AÊre facies variations of the Spekk samples with isotopi-
Formation samples was possible, despite di€erent cally heavier components with increasing maturity
analytical conditions. and terrestrial in¯uence of the Spekk.
846 W. Odden et al.

The greatest uncertainty is if the remaining light this work. F. Mango and H. Halpern are thanked for con-
hydrocarbons in a source rock sample are representa- structive reviewing, and S. George for careful editorial
tive of the material that has been generated (and poss-
ibly expelled at higher maturity levels). These results
have been used to correlate with data from test ¯uids. REFERENCES
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