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Nazi Extermination Methods

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Nazi Extermination Methods During World War II

there Is Probably No Greater Tragedy in This World Than the Holocaust On the Jews

During World War II. The Gentle Jewish Community Was Deemed Unworthy by the Nazis and

Blamed for the Past Transgressions That the Germans Suffered. The Jewish Community

Suffered Much at the Hands of the Germans, Such That It Will Never Be Forgotten. One of the

Most Horrifying Aspects of the Holocaust Was the Extermination Methods of the Germans,

Followed Closely by the Selection Methods of the Nazi Doctors.

the Final Solution a Decision Made by Hitler and a Conference of Allies to Decide What

Was to Be Done About the Jews, Supplies Were Running Low From the War and It Was

Becoming Too Costly to Keep Them Alive. According To( A History of the Holocaust,) A

Revised Edition, The Final Solution Was Decided at the Wannsee Conference. The Conference

Was Held to Decide to What to Do with the Jews, Hitler Wanted to Move Them Into Russia, But

That Was Not Possible. After Only Fifteen Minutes of Discussion, It Was Decided to

Exterminate All of the Jews. Not Just to Exterminate All of the Jews, But to Exterminate Them

As Fast As They Could Leaving No Evidence About What Was to Happen.

the Extermination Methods Started Out As a Mere

Firing Squad and Became More Advanced As the Years Went On. The Firing Squad Was Made

Up of Ss Soldiers, Infantry Men of the Nazi Army. According to the Book (The World Must

Know), The Ss Killing Squad Was Also Called the Mobile Killing Squad, And One Incident of a

Demonstration of Their Terrible Force Where Was at Piryatin Located in the State of Poltava

Oblast in the Ukraine, The Mobile Killing Squad Murdered 1,600 Jews On April 6, 1942. The

Jews Were Led Out of the Cityand Were Marched Five Miles Out Into the Countryside and Were

Forced to Dig Their Own Grave a Massive Pit. They Were Forced to Take Off Their Clothes and

Valuables, Forced Into the Pit and Shot Five at a Time. In 1942 And 1943 When the Germans

Began to Lose, They Returned to These Giant Pits to Dig Up These Mass Graves and to Burn the

Bodies to Try to Get Rid of the Evidence.

the Firing Squad Was Soon to Be Found to Not Be a Very Good Method As the Constant

Shooting of Women, Children, And the Elderly Was a Constant Drain On Moral. According to

the Adolf Eichman Trail Collection (Aetc) The Germans Began Experimenting with Poison Gas

for the Purpose of Mass Murder in the Late Nineteen Thirties, With the Killing of Mental

Patients. It Was Called Euthanasia, A Nazi Word Referring to the Systematic Killing of Those

Germans Whom the Nazi’s Deemed Unworthy of Life Because of Mental Illness or Physical


there Were Six Gassing Installations Were Established As Part of the Euthanasic

Program, These Were Located At; Bernburg, Brandenburg, Grafeneck, Hadannar, Hartheim,

And Sonnenstien. These Killing Centers Used Pure Chemically Manufactured Carbon Monoxide

Gas; That Was Dropped Into the Room Through Vents in the Ceiling and Then Sealed Off.

Furthermore, It Took Only a Few Minutes of Intense Suffering Before the Prisoners Were Killed.

Later On Gas Chambers Were Used to Kill the Jews, Gas Vans Were Hermetically Sealed

Trucks with Engine Exhaust Diverted to the Interior Compartment. It Took Around Forty-Five

Minutes for the Jews to Die, So the Germans Would Have a Round Trip, Then the Germans

Would Burn the Bodies in a Crematorium. (Aetc)

however According to a History of the Holocaust Revised Edition (Ahohre), The First

Gassing Experiment Took Place at Auschwitz in September of 1941 On Soviet Prisoners of War

and a Number of Sick Inmates. Between April of 1942, And November of 1944 In Addition to a

Number of Soviet Prisoner of War, The Gas Extinguished the Lives of Probably Up to 6,000

Roma (Gypsies), And Around 1.25 Million Jews, In That Concentration Camp Alone. Zyklon B

Gas Was Dropped in a Crystalized Form Into the Hermetically Sealed Form Through a Small

Opening in the Ceiling and Then Sealed, It Again Only Took a Few Minutes for the Prisoners to

Die. In the Second and Third Crematoriums of the Camp, 2,500 People Could Be Killed in Just

Thirty Minutes. (Ahohre)

these Extermination Camps, Or Concentration Camps, Were First Set Up to Merely

Contain the Jews, And to Work Them Till Death. However, According to the Article

“extermination Camps,” On the Website Yad Vasham, (Ec) The First Extermination Camp to Be

Established Was Chelmo; The Camp Was Established On December 8, 1941. It Was Located

Near Lodz, And Ceased Operation in the Summer of 1944. The Victims Were Murdered by Gas

Vans, Some 320,000 People Were Murdered Here. Other Extermination Camps Located in

Poland Are; Birkenau (Which Was Known As Auschwitz Birkenau, Auschwitz, Belzec, Sobibor,

Treblinka, And Majdanek. Furthermore, The Most Famous of Concentration Camps Was

Auschwitz, It Was Both a Concentration Camp, And a Extermination Camp, It's Extermination

Camp Birkenau Was Instituted in March of 1942, During It's Short Operation of Only Two

Years, It's Prisoners Were Murdered by Zykon B Gas, And Tens of Thousands of Jews Were

Murdered As Well As Thousands of Gypsies, And Soviet Prisoners. The Other Camps Were Set

Up in Late 1942, And Early 1943; Belzec, Sobibor, And Treblinker. Belzec, Muredered 600,000

Jews, Treblinker Killed the Most Jews Out of the Three with 870,000 Jews Murdered, And

Sobibor Killed the Least Amount Jews, With 250,00 Jews Murdered. These Were Only Three

Out of Many Concentration Camps in Europe; However They Were Three of the Most Famous.

one Aspect of the Holocaust That Always Baffles One Was How the Germans Could

Decide Who Could Live and Could Die. When the People Were Rounded From Their Homes,

They Were Forced Into Train Cars Like Cattle, And Were Taken to the Nearest Concentration

Camp.According to the Book “the World Must Know” (Twmk) Once They Were at the

Extermination Camp, Those Who Did Not Make the Trip Were Removed From the Trains, And

the Living Moved On. However; If Then They Were Also Taken Away Immediately to the

Crematorium, Those Who Could Walk Faced Their First Selection. The German Word for

Selection Is Selektion, And During This Selection, An Ss Officer Would Point to the Left or the

Right, And the People Who Were Sent to the Left to Be Killed Were; Old People, Young

Children Too Young to Work, Pregnant Women, And the Infirm. They Were Not Given a

Chance to Work at All, And These People Segregated by Sex Went to the Gas Chambers, Where

They Were Removed of Their Clothes and Their Valuables. The Germans Deceived These

Condemned Up Until the Last Minute, The Gas Chambers Were Labeled “showers” And They

Were Told That They Were Simply Going to Take a Shower. (Twmk)

those Selected for Work, They Were Immediately Registered, Branded, And Sheared of

All the Hair On Their Head. The Ss Officer in Charge of the Selection Was Usually a Physician,

And the Most Famous of All Was Dr. Joseph Mengele. In According to the Documentary

“forgiving Dr. Mengele,” (Fdm) A Holocaust Survivor Eva Moses Kor, Was a Victim of Dr.

Mengele, He Was an Evil Doctor Who Performed Terrible Experiments On Twins, Simply

Because He Wanted To. He Was Not a Real Dr, However Since He Was Experimenting On

Jews; No One Was Going to Stop Him. Furthermore, Dr, Mengele, Would Torture the Twins to

Test How the Jews Would React, If One Twin Would Die.

in Conclusion the Holocaust Will Be Forever Remembered As One of History’s Most

Horrific Tragedies. Though We Can Never Truly Understand or Relate to the Tragedies of the

Holocaust It Should Forever Be Remembered, And Never Discredited. The Suffers That the

Jews of Poland,

Germany, Austria-Hungary, And Many More Will Always Remain Ingrained in Our Ancestry.

Works Cited

Bauer, Yehuda. A History of the Holocaust Revised Edition. N.P.: Franklin Watts a Division of

Scholastic, 2001. Print. The "Final Solution"

Berenbaum, Michael. The World Must Know: The History of the Holocaust As Told in the

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Boston: Little, Brown, 1993. Print.

"Eichman Title." Yad Vashem. Steven Speilberg Jewish Film Archive & Israel State Archives,

23 June 1961. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

"The Exterminaton Camps." Yad Vashem. N.P., N.D. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

Nueburger, Larry, Mr. "Class Notes." Interview. N.D.: N. Pag. Print. Ozarks Technical

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