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OCR GCSE Physics B Specification PDF

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GCSE (9-1)



For first assessment in 2018

In partnership with
Registered office:  We will inform centres about any changes to the specifications. We will also
1 Hills Road publish changes on our website. The latest version of our specifications will
Cambridge always be those on our website ( and these may differ from
CB1 2EU printed versions.

OCR is an exempt charity. Copyright © 2015 OCR. All rights reserved.

OCR retains the copyright on all its publications, including the specifications.
However, registered centres for OCR are permitted to copy material from this
specification booklet for their own internal use.

Oxford Cambridge and RSA is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in

England. Registered company number 3484466.

Support and Guidance ii

Assessment Preparation and Analysis Service iii

1 Why choose an OCR GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)? 1
1a. Why choose an OCR qualification? 1
1b. Why choose an OCR GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)? 2
1c. What are the key features of this specification? 3
1d. How do I find out more information? 4

2 The specification overview  5

2a. OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) (J259) 5
2b. Content of GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) (J259) 6
2c. Content of chapters P1 to P8 9
2d. Prior knowledge, learning and progression 62

3 Assessment of GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

3a. Forms of assessment  63
3b. Assessment objectives (AO)  64
3c. Tiers  65
3d. Assessment availability 65
3e. Retaking the qualification 65
3f. Assessment of extended response  65
3g. Synoptic assessment  65
3h. Calculating qualification results  66

4 Admin: what you need to know 67

4a. Pre-assessment 67
4b. Special consideration  67
4c. External assessment arrangements 68
4d. Results and certificates 69
4e. Post-results services 69
4f. Malpractice  69

5 Appendices 70
5a. Grade descriptors 70
5b. Overlap with other qualifications 71
5c. Accessibility 71
5d. Units in science 72
5e. Mathematical skills 73
5f. Mathematical skills requirement 74
5g. Health and safety 76
5h. Equations in Physics 77

© OCR 2016
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) i
Support and Guidance
Introducing a new specification brings challenges for will grow throughout the lifetime of the specification,
implementation and teaching, but it also opens up new they include:
opportunities. Our aim is to help you at every stage.
We are working hard with teachers and other experts •• Delivery Guides
to bring you a package of practical support, resources •• Transition Guides
and training. •• Topic Exploration Packs
•• Lesson Elements.
Subject Advisors We also work with a number of leading publishers who
OCR Subject Advisors provide information and support publish textbooks and resources for our specifications.
to centres including specification and non- For more information on our publishing partners
exam assessment advice, updates on resource and their resources visit:
developments and a range of training opportunities. gcse-and-a-level-reform/publishing-partners

Our Subject Advisors work with subject communities Professional development

through a range of networks to ensure the sharing of
Our improved Professional Development
ideas and expertise supporting teachers and students
Programme fulfils a range of needs through
alike. They work with developers to help produce our
course selection, preparation for teaching, delivery
specifications and the resources needed to support
and assessment. Whether you want to come to
these qualifications during their development.
face-to-face events, look at our new digital training
You can contact our Science Subject Advisors for or search for training materials, you can find what
specialist advice, guidance and support: you’re looking for all in one place at the CPD Hub:
01223 553998
An introduction to new specifications
We run training events throughout the academic year
Teaching and learning resources that are designed to help prepare you for first teaching
and support every stage of your delivery of the new
Our resources are designed to provide you with a qualifications.
range of teaching activities and suggestions that enable
you to select the best activity, approach or context To receive the latest information about the training
to support your teaching style and your particular we offer on GCSE and A Level, please register for email
students. The resources are a body of knowledge that updates at:

© OCR 2016
ii GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
Assessment Preparation and Analysis Service
Along with subject-specific resources and tools, you’ll focus on skills development, professional guidance for
also have access to a selection of generic resources that teachers and results data analysis.

Enabling you to build, mark and assess tests
from OCR exam questions and produce a
complete mock GCSE or A Level exam.
Find out more at

Subject Advisor Support Practice Papers

Our Subject Advisors provide Assess students’ progress under
you with access to specifications, formal examination conditions
high-quality teaching resources with question papers downloaded
and assessment materials. from a secure location, well-presented,
east-to-interpret mark schemes
and commentary on marking and
sample answers.

Skills Guides Active Results

These guides cover topics that Our free online results analysis
could be relevant to a range service helps you review the
of qualifications, for example performance of individual students
communication, legislation or your whole cohort. For more
and research. details, please refer to
Download the guides at

© OCR 2016
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) iii
© OCR 2016
iv GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
1 Why choose an OCR GCSE (9–1) in Physics B
(Twenty First Century Science)?

1a. Why choose an OCR qualification?

Choose OCR and you’ve got the reassurance that
you’re working with one of the UK’s leading exam
We provide a range of support services designed to
help you at every stage, from preparation through
boards. Our new OCR GCSE (9–1) in Physics B to the delivery of our specifications. This includes:
(Twenty First Century Science) course has been
developed in consultation with teachers, employers • A wide range of high-quality creative resources
and Higher Education to provide learners with a including:
qualification that’s relevant to them and meets • Delivery Guides
their needs. • Transition Guides
• Topic Exploration Packs
We’re part of the Cambridge Assessment • Lesson Elements
Group, Europe’s largest assessment agency and • . . . and much more.
a department of the University of Cambridge.
Cambridge Assessment plays a leading role in • Access to Subject Advisors to support you
developing and delivering assessments throughout through the transition and throughout the
the world, operating in over 150 countries. lifetime of the specification.

We work with a range of education providers, • CPD/Training for teachers to introduce the
including schools, colleges, workplaces and other qualifications and prepare you for first
institutions in both the public and private sectors. teaching.
Over 13,000 centres choose our A Levels, GCSEs
and vocational qualifications including Cambridge • Active Results – our free results analysis
Nationals and Cambridge Technicals. service to help you review the performance
of individual learners or whole schools.
Our Specifications
• ExamBuilder – our free online past papers
We believe in developing specifications that help you service that enables you to build your own
bring the subject to life and inspire your learners to test papers from past OCR exam questions.
achieve more.
All GCSE (9–1) qualifications offered by OCR are
We’ve created teacher-friendly specifications accredited by Ofqual, the Regulator for qualifications
based on extensive research and engagement with offered in England. The accreditation number for
the teaching community. They’re designed to be OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century
straightforward and accessible so that you can tailor Science) is QN601/8685/9.
the delivery of the course to suit your needs. We aim
to encourage learners to become responsible for their
own learning, confident in discussing ideas,
innovative and engaged.

© OCR 2016
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 1
1b. Why choose an OCR GCSE (9–1) in Physics B
(Twenty First Century Science)?
We appreciate that one size doesn’t fit all so we offer Education Group (UYSEG) in conjunction with subject
1 two suites of qualifications in each science: and teaching experts. Together we have aimed to
produce a specification with up to date relevant
Physics A (Gateway Science) – Provides a flexible content accompanied by a narrative to give context
approach to teaching. The specification is divided and an idea of the breath of teaching required. Our
into topics, each covering different key concepts of new GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century
Physics. Teaching of practical skills is integrated with Science) qualification builds on our existing popular
the theoretical topics and they are assessed through course. We have based the development of our GCSE
the written papers. (9–1) sciences on an understanding of what works
well in centres large and small. We have undertaken
Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) – Learners a significant amount of consultation through our
study physics using a narrative-based approach. science forums (which include representatives from
Ideas are introduced within relevant and interesting learned societies, HE, teaching and industry) and
settings which help learners to anchor their through focus groups with teachers.
conceptual knowledge of the range of physics topics
required at GCSE level. Practical skills are embedded The content is clear and logically laid out for both
within the specification and learners are expected to existing centres and those new to OCR, with
carry out practical work in preparation for a written assessment models that are straightforward to
examination that will specifically test these skills. administer. We have worked closely with teachers to
provide high quality support materials to guide you
Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) has been through the new qualifications.
developed with the University of York Science

Aims and learning outcomes

GCSE study in the sciences provides the foundation • that change is driven by differences between
for understanding the material world. Scientific different objects and systems when they
understanding is changing our lives and is vital to interact
world’s future prosperity, and all learners should be
taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, • that many such interactions occur over
process and uses of science. They should be helped to a distance and over time without direct
appreciate how the complex and diverse phenomena contact
of the natural world can be described in terms of a
small number of key ideas relating to the sciences • that science progresses through a cycle of
which are both inter-linked, and are of universal hypothesis, practical experimentation,
application. These key ideas include: observation, theory development and
• the use of conceptual models and theories to
make sense of the observed diversity of natural • that quantitative analysis is a central element
phenomena both of many theories and of scientific
methods of inquiry.
• the assumption that every effect has one or
more cause

© OCR 2016
2 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
The Twenty First Century Science suite will enable • develop and learn to apply observational,
learners to: practical, modelling, enquiry and problem-
solving skills, both in the laboratory, in the
• develop scientific knowledge and conceptual field and in other learning environments
understanding through the specific disciplines 1
of biology, chemistry and physics • develop their ability to evaluate claims based
on science through critical analysis of the
• develop understanding of the nature, processes methodology, evidence and conclusions, both
and methods of science, through different qualitatively and quantitatively.
types of scientific enquiries that help them to
answer scientific questions about the world
around them

1c. What are the key features of this specification?

Building on research, and on the principles of Beyond cultural aspects of science that are of value
2000, the Twenty First Century Science suite was and interest to all
originally developed by the University of York Science
Education Group (UYSEG), the Nuffield Foundation • develop learners’ abilities to evaluate
and OCR. knowledge claims critically, by looking at the
nature, quality and extent of the evidence,
The 2016 suite continues to recognise the diversity and at the arguments that link evidence to
of interests and future intentions of the learner conclusions
population who take a science qualification at GCSE
level. The specifications will prepare learners for • develop learners’ understanding of the
progression to further study of science, whilst at the concepts and models that scientists use to
same time offering an engaging and satisfying course explain natural phenomena
for those who choose not to study academic science
further. • develop learners’ ability to plan and carry out
practical investigations and their understanding
The Twenty First Century Science suite will: of the role of experimental work in developing
scientific explanations.
• take opportunities to link science to issues
relevant to all learners as citizens, and to the

© OCR 2016
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 3
1d. How do I find out more information?
Whether new to our specifications, or continuing You can contact the Science Subject Advisors:
on from our legacy offerings, you can find more
1 information on our webpages at E-mail:
Telephone: 01223 553998
Visit our subject pages to find out more about the
assessment package and resources available to Join our Science community:
support your teaching. The science team also release
a termly newsletter Science Spotlight (despatched to
centres and available from our subject pages). Check what CPD events are available:
If you are not already a registered OCR centre then
you can find out more information on the benefits of Follow us on Twitter:
becoming one at:

If you are not yet an approved centre and would like

to become one go to:

© OCR 2016
4 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
2 The specification overview

2a. OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) (J259)
Learners are entered for either Foundation Tier (components 01 and 02) or Higher Tier (components 03 and 04)
to be awarded the OCR GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science).

Content Overview Assessment Overview

Foundation Tier, grades 1 to 5
Breadth in physics
Content is split into eight teaching chapters:
• Chapter P1: Radiation and waves
J259/01 50%
• Chapter P2: Sustainable energy 90 marks of total
1 hour 45 minutes

Chapter P3: Electric circuits
Chapter P4: Explaining motion Written paper GCSE
• Chapter P5: Radioactive materials
• Chapter P6: Matter – models and Depth in physics
explanations J259/02 50%

Chapter P7: Ideas about Science
Chapter P8: Practical Skills
90 marks of total
1 hour 45 minutes
Both papers assess content from all eight chapters. Written paper GCSE
Higher Tier, grades 4 to 9

Breadth in physics
Content is split into eight teaching chapters:
• Chapter P1: Radiation and waves
J259/03 50%
• Chapter P2: Sustainable energy 90 marks of total
1 hour 45 minutes

Chapter P3: Electric circuits
Chapter P4: Explaining motion Written paper GCSE
• Chapter P5: Radioactive materials
• Chapter P6: Matter – models and Depth in physics
explanations J259/04 50%

Chapter P7: Ideas about Science
Chapter P8:Practical Skills
90 marks of total
1 hour 45 minutes
Both papers assess content from all eight chapters. Written paper GCSE

© OCR 2016
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 5
2b. Content of GCSE (9–1) in Physics B
(Twenty First Century Science) (J259)
Layout of specification content define the requirements for assessment and any
contexts given in the narratives may also be assessed.
The specification content is divided into eight
chapters. The first six chapters describe the science Within each chapter:
2 content to be taught and assessed. The seventh
chapter describes the Ideas about Science that An overview summarises the science ideas included
should be taught; this will be assessed in contexts in the chapter, explaining why these ideas are
from any of the preceding chapters. The Ideas relevant to learners living in the 21st century and
about Science cover the requirements of Working why it is desirable for learners to understand them.
Scientifically. The final chapter describes the
requirements for practical skills. Following the overview is a summary of the knowledge
and understanding that learners should have gained
In the specification, the content that is assessable is from study at Key Stages 1 to 3. Some of these ideas
presented in two columns: the teaching and learning are repeated in the content of the specification and
narrative and the assessable learning outcomes. while this material need not be retaught, it can be
The narrative summarises the science story and drawn upon to develop ideas at GCSE (9–1).
provides context for the assessable learning
outcomes thereby supporting the teaching of the Learning at GCSE (9–1) is described in the tables that
specification. The assessable learning outcomes follow:

Teaching and learning Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

narrative opportunities
The teaching and The assessable learning outcomes set out the level The linked learning
learning narrative of knowledge and understanding that learners are opportunities suggest
summarises the science expected to demonstrate. The statements give ways to develop Ideas
story, including relevant guidance on the breadth and depth of learning. about Science and
Ideas about Science practical skills in
Emboldened statements will only be assessed in
to provide contexts context, and also
Higher Tier papers.
for the assessable highlight links to ideas
learning outcomes. The mathematical requirements in Appendix 5e are in other chapters.
The narrative is referenced by the prefix M to link the mathematical
Note, however, that
intended to support skills required to the areas of physics content where
Ideas about Science
teaching and learning. those mathematical skills could be linked to learning.
and practical skills may
The requirements for Opportunities for carrying out practical activities are be taught, and will be
assessment are defined indicated throughout the specification and are assessed, in any
by the assessable referenced as PAG1 to PAG8 (Practical Activity Group; context.
learning outcomes and see Chapter P8).
any given context.
i Advisory notes clarify the depth of cover required

The Assessment Objectives in Section 3b make clear the range of ways in which learners will be required to
demonstrate their knowledge and understanding in the assessments, and the Sample Assessment Materials
(provided on the OCR website at provide examples.

© OCR 2016
6 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
Physics key ideas

Physics is the science of the fundamental concepts • the concept of cause and effect in explaining
of field, force, radiation and particle structures, such links as those between force and
which are inter-linked to form unified models of acceleration, or between changes in atomic
the behaviour of the material universe. From such nuclei and radioactive emissions
models, a wide range of ideas, from the broadest
issue of the development of the universe over time • the phenomena of ‘action at a distance’ and
to the numerous and detailed ways in which new the related concept of the field as the key to 2
technologies may be invented, have emerged. These analysing electrical, magnetic and gravitational
have enriched both our basic understanding of, and effects
our many adaptations to, our material environment.
• that differences, for example between
Learners should be helped to understand how, pressures or temperatures or electrical
through the ideas of physics, the complex and diverse potentials, are the drivers of change
phenomena of the natural world can be described
in terms of a small number of key ideas which are • that proportionality, for example between
of universal application and which include: weight and mass of an object or between
force and extension in a spring, is an important
• the use of models, as in the particle model aspect of many models in science
of matter or the wave models of light and of
sound • that physical laws and models are expressed in
mathematical form.

© OCR 2016
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 7
A summary of the content for the GCSE (9–1) Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) course is as follows:

Chapter P1: Radiation and waves Chapter P2: Sustainable energy Chapter P3: Electric circuits

P1.1 What are the risks and benefits of using P2.1 How much energy do we use? P3.1 What is electric charge? (separate science only)
radiations? P2.2 How can electricity be generated? P3.2 What determines the current in an electric circuit?
P1.2 What is climate change and what is the P3.3 How do series and parallel circuits work?
evidence for it? P3.4 What determines the rate of energy transfer in a circuit?
P1.3 How do waves behave? P3.5 What are magnetic fields?
P1.4 What happens when light and sound meet P3.6 How do electric motors work?
different materials? (separate science only) P3.7 What is the process inside an electric generator?
(separate science only)

Chapter P4: Explaining motion Chapter P5: Radioactive materials Chapter P6: Matter – models and explanations

P4.1 What are forces? P5.1 What is radioactivity? P6.1 How does energy transform matter?
P4.2 How can we describe motion? P5.2 How can radioactive materials be P6.2 How does the particle model explain the effects of
P4.3 What is the connection between forces and used safely? heating?
motion? P5.3 How can radioactive materials be P6.3 How does the particle model relate to material under
P4.4 How can we describe motion in terms of used to provide energy? stress?
energy transfers? (separate science only) P6.4 How does the particle model relate to pressure in fluids?
(separate science only)
P6.5 How can scientific models help us understand the Big
Bang? (separate science only)
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

Chapter P7: Ideas about Science

IaS1 What needs to be considered when investigating phenomenon scientifically?

IaS4 How do science and technology impact society?
IaS2 What conclusions can we make from data?
IaS3 How are scientific explanations developed?
Chapter P8: Practical Skills
© OCR 2016
2c. Content of chapters P1 to P8
Chapter P1: Radiation and waves

Overview to evaluate reported health studies and interpret

levels of risk.
There are two key science ideas in this chapter – the
first considers the uses of electromagnetic radiation Topic P1.2 introduces the idea that all bodies emit
and the possible health risks of radiation; both in radiation to explain the greenhouse effect. Evidence 2
nature and from technological devices, which are for global warming is explored; scientific explanations
becoming of increasing concern. The second part of for climate change draw on ideas about the way
the topic considers a wave model for light and sound. that radiation is emitted and absorbed by different
materials. There is an opportunity to use both physical
Topic P1.1 describes the model of radiation, an analogies and computer modelling to demonstrate the
important scientific model for explaining how one explanatory power of models in science.
object can affect another at a distance, and links
this to the idea that all parts of the electromagnetic All waves have properties in common and a
spectrum behave in this way. It then goes on to use wave model can be used to explain a great many
the radiation model to explain how electromagnetic phenomena, both natural and artificial. In Topic P1.3
radiation behaves and to consider the risks and the reflection and refraction of waves on water
benefits of the technologies that use electromagnetic provide evidence that light and sound can be
radiation. In some cases, misunderstanding the term modelled as waves. Finally Topic P1.4 considers
‘radiation’ generates unnecessary alarm. Through the behaviour of light and sound as they pass
considering the evidence concerning the possible through a material interface, including refraction
harmful effects of low-intensity microwave radiation of light in lenses and prisms and the use of sound
from devices such as mobile phones, learners learn and ultrasound in imaging and detection.

Learning about radiation and waves before GCSE (9–1)

From study at Key Stages 1 to 3 learners should: • know that sound is produced when objects
vibrate and that sound waves are detected by
• have observed waves on water, spring, and the vibrations they cause
strings • know some of the similarities and differences
• know the meaning of the terms longitudinal, between light waves and waves in matter
transverse, superposition, and frequency, in the • be able to use a ray model of light to describe
context of waves and explain reflection in mirrors, refraction and
• know that sound waves are longitudinal and dispersion by glass and the action of convex
need a medium to travel through and that lenses
sound travels at different speeds in solids, in • know that light incident on a surface may be
water, and in air absorbed, scattered, or reflected, and that light
transfers energy from a source to an absorber,
where it may cause a chemical or electrical effect.


Statements shown in bold type will only be tested in All other statements will be assessed in both
the Higher Tier papers. Foundation and Higher Tier papers.

© OCR 2016
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 9
Learning about Radiation and Waves at GCSE (9–1)

P1.1 What are the risks and benefits of using radiations?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
A model of radiation can be used to describe and predict the  1. describe the main groupings of the electromagnetic Practical work:
effects of some processes in which one object affects another spectrum – radio, microwave, infrared, visible (red to • Estimate the speed of
some distance away. One object (a source) emits radiation violet), ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays, that these range microwaves using a
(of some kind). This spreads out from the source and from long to short wavelengths, from low to high microwave oven.
transfers energy to other object(s) some distance away. frequencies, and from low to high energies • Investigate how the
intensity of radiation
Light is one of a family of radiations, called the  2. recall that our eyes can only detect a very limited range of
changes with distance
electromagnetic spectrum. All radiations in the frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum
from the source.
electromagnetic spectrum travel at the same speed through
space.  3. recall that all electromagnetic radiation is transmitted
through space with the same very high (but finite) speed
 4. explain, with examples, that electromagnetic radiation
transfers energy from source to absorber
When radiation strikes an object, some may be transmitted  5. recall that different substances may absorb, transmit, or Specification links:
(pass through it), or be reflected, or be absorbed. When reflect electromagnetic radiation in ways that depend on • Why are some materials
radiation is absorbed it ceases to exist as radiation; usually it wavelength radioactive? (P6.1)
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

heats the absorber. • How can radioactive

 6. recall that in each atom its electrons are arranged at
Some types of electromagnetic radiation do not just cause different distances from the nucleus, that such materials be used safely
heating when absorbed; X-rays, gamma rays and high energy arrangements may change with absorption or emission of (P6 .2).
ultraviolet radiation have enough energy to remove an electromagnetic radiation, and that atoms can become ions • How has our
electron from an atom or molecule (ionisation) which can by loss of outer electrons understanding of the
then take part in other chemical reactions. atom developed over
time? (C2.1)
© OCR 2016
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
© OCR 2016

P1.1 What are the risks and benefits of using radiations?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Exposure to large amounts of ionising radiation can cause  7. recall that changes in molecules, atoms and nuclei can Ideas about Science:
damage to living cells; smaller amounts can causes changes generate and absorb radiations over a wide frequency • Use the radiation model
to cells which may make them grow in an uncontrolled way, range, including: to predict and explain
causing cancer. a) gamma rays are emitted from the nuclei of atoms the behaviour of
b) X-rays, ultraviolet and visible light are generated when electromagnetic
Oxygen is acted on by radiation to produce ozone in the
electrons in atoms lose energy radiation (IaS3).
upper atmosphere. This ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation,
c) high energy ultraviolet, gamma rays and X-rays have
and protects living organisms, especially animals, from its Practical work
enough energy to cause ionisation when absorbed by
harmful effects. • Investigate absorption,
some atoms
Radio waves are produced when there is an oscillating d) ultraviolet is absorbed by oxygen to produce ozone, transmission and
current in an electrical circuit. Radio waves are detected which also absorbs ultraviolet, protecting life on Earth reflection of
when the waves cause an oscillating current in a conductor. e) infrared is emitted and absorbed by molecules electromagnetic
radiation e.g. absorption
Different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are used for  8. describe how ultra-violet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays of ultraviolet by
different purposes due to differences in the ways they are can have hazardous effects, notably on human bodily sunscreens, reflection
reflected, absorbed, or transmitted by different materials. tissues and absorption of
Developments in technology have made use of all parts of  9. give examples of some practical uses of electromagnetic microwaves, or mobile
the electromagnetic spectrum; every development must be radiation in the radio, microwave, infrared, visible, phone signals.
evaluated for the potential risks as well as the benefits (IaS4). ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma ray regions of the spectrum Ideas about Science
Data and scientific explanations of mechanisms, rather than
10. recall that radio waves can be produced by, or can • Discuss the different
opinion, should be used to justify decisions about new
themselves induce, oscillations in electrical circuits risks and benefits of
technologies (IaS3).
technologies that use
radiation (IaS4).



P1.2 What is climate change and what is the evidence for it?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked opportunities

Learners will be able to:
All objects emit electromagnetic radiation with a principal frequency that 1. explain that all bodies emit radiation, Specification Links
increases with temperature. The Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere and that the intensity and wavelength • What is the evidence for
which allows some of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Sun distribution of any emission depends on climate change? (C1.2)
to pass through; this radiation warms the Earth’s surface when it is their temperatures
Practical work:
absorbed. The radiation emitted by the Earth, which has a lower principal
2. explain how the temperature of a body is • Investigate climate change
frequency than that emitted by the Sun, is absorbed and re-emitted in all
related to the balance between incoming models – both physical
directions by some gases in the atmosphere; this keeps the Earth warmer
radiation, absorbed radiation and radiation models and computer
than it would otherwise be and is called the greenhouse effect.
emitted; illustrate this balance, using models.
One of the main greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere is carbon everyday examples including examples of
Ideas about Science
dioxide, which is present in very small amounts; other greenhouse gases factors which determine the temperature
• Use ideas about the way
include methane, present in very small amounts, and water vapour. of the Earth
science explanations are
During the past two hundred years, the amount of carbon dioxide in
developed when discussing
the atmosphere has been steadily rising, largely the result of burning
climate change (IaS3).
increased amounts of fossil fuels as an energy source and cutting down
• Use ideas about correlation
or burning forests to clear land.
and cause when discussing
Computer climate models provide evidence that human activities are evidence for climate
causing global warming. As more data is collected using a range of change (IaS3).
technologies, the model can be refined further and better predictions
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

made (IaS3).
© OCR 2016
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
© OCR 2016

P1.3 How do waves behave?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
A wave is a regular disturbance that transfers  1. describe wave motion in terms of amplitude, wavelength, frequency and Ideas about Science
energy in the direction that the wave travels, period • Use the wave model to
without transferring matter. predict and explain the
 2. describe evidence that for both ripples on water surfaces and sound
observed behaviour of
For some waves (such as waves along a rope), waves in air, it is the wave and not the water or air itself that travels
light (IaS3).
the disturbance of the medium as the wave
 3. describe the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves
passes is at right-angles to its direction of Practical work:
motion. This is called a transverse wave. For  4. describe how waves on a rope are an example of transverse waves • Carry out experiments
other waves (such as a series of compression whilst sound waves in air are longitudinal waves to measure the speed of
pulses on a slinky spring), the disturbance of  5. define wavelength and frequency waves on water and the
the medium as the wave passes is parallel to its speed of sound in air.
direction of motion. This is called a longitudinal  6. recall and apply the relationship between speed, frequency and
wave. wavelength to waves, including waves on water, sound waves and across
the electromagnetic spectrum:
The speed of a wave depends on the medium it wave speed (m/s) = frequency (Hz) × wavelength (m)
is travelling through. Its frequency is the number M1a, M1c, M3c, M3d
of waves each second that are made by the
source. The wavelength of waves is the distance  7. a) describe how the speed of ripples on water surfaces and the speed
between the same points on two adjacent of sound waves in air may be measured
disturbances. b) describe how to use a ripple tank to measure the speed/frequency
and wavelength of a wave
The ways in which light and sound waves reflect PAG4
and refract when they meet at an interface
between two materials can be modelled with  8. a) describe the effects of reflection and refraction of waves at material
water waves. interfaces
b) describe how to measure the refraction of light through a prism
A wave model for light and sound can be used to
describe and predict some behaviour of light and
c) describe how to investigate the reflection of light off a plane mirror



P1.3 How do waves behave?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Refraction of light and sound can be explained  9. recall that waves travel in different substances at different speeds and
by a change in speed of waves when they pass that these speeds may vary with wavelength
into a different medium; a change in the speed
10. explain how refraction is related to differences in the speed of the
of a wave causes a change in wavelength since
waves in different substances
the frequency of the waves cannot change, and
that this may cause a change in direction. 11. recall that light is an electromagnetic wave
12. recall that electromagnetic waves are transverse
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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P1.4 What happens when light and sound meet different materials? (separate science only)

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
A beam of light is reflected from a smooth surface, such as 1. construct and interpret two-dimensional ray diagrams to Practical work:
a mirror, in a single beam which makes the same angle with illustrate specular reflection by mirrors • Trace light rays through
the normal as the incident beam (specular reflection). qualitative only glass blocks, prisms and
M5a, M5b lenses and when
Light is scattered in all directions from an uneven surface.
reflected from mirrors.
2. construct and interpret two-dimensional ray diagrams to
Light is refracted at the boundary between glass (and water • Investigate the effects of
illustrate refraction at a plane surface and dispersion by a
and Perspex) and air; this property is exploited in prisms looking at coloured
and lenses. object through coloured
qualitative only
When a beam of white light is passed through a prism, the filters.
M5a, M5b
emerging light beam is spread out showing the colours of • Investigate the
3. use ray diagrams to illustrate the similarities and differences transmission of light
the spectrum. This can be explained using the wave model,
between convex and concave lenses and sound across
different colours have different wavelengths; different
qualitative only interfaces.
wavelengths travel at different speeds when passing
through glass, water or Perspex. 4. describe the effects of transmission, and absorption of waves
What we perceive as white light is a mixture of different at material interfaces
colours, ranging in wavelength from violet light (shortest 5. explain how colour is related to differential absorption,
visible wavelength) to red light (longest visible wavelength). transmission, and scattering
A coloured filter works by allowing light of one or more
6. describe, with examples, processes in which sound waves
wavelength through (transmission) and absorbing light of
are transmitted though solids
the other wavelengths.
7. explain that transmission of sound through the bones in the
An object appears white if it scatters all the colours of light
ear works over a limited frequency range, and the relevance
that fall on it, and black if it scatters none (and absorbs all).
of this to human hearing
It appears coloured if it scatters light of some colours and
absorbs light of other colours. Its observed colour is that of
the light it scatters.


P1.4 What happens when light and sound meet different materials? (separate science only)

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Sound travels better through solids and liquids than 8. explain, in qualitative terms, how the differences in velocity,
through air. The small bones in the middle ear transmit absorption and reflection between different types of waves
the sound waves from the air outside to the inner ear. The in solids and liquids can be used both for detection and for
bones transmit frequencies most efficiently in the range exploration of structures which are hidden from direct
1 kHz and 3 kHz. observation, notably:
a) in our bodies (ultrasound imaging)
The ways in which sound waves are transmitted, reflected
b) in the Earth (earthquake waves)
and refracted as they pass through liquids and solids are
c) in deep water (SONAR)
exploited in ultrasound imaging in medicine, in exploring
the structure of the Earth and in using SONAR to explore 9. show how changes, in speed, frequency and wavelength, in
under water. transmission of sound waves from one medium to another,
are inter-related
M1c, M3c
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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Chapter P2: Sustainable energy

Overview situation, and this is an underlying theme of the

Energy supply is one of the major issues that society
must address in the immediate future. Topic P2.1 quantifies the energy used by electrical
devices introduces calculations of efficiency and
Citizens are faced with complex choices and a considers ways of reducing dissipation in a variety
variety of messages from energy supply companies, of contexts. In Topic P2.2 national data on energy 2
environmental groups, the media, scientists and sources introduces a study of electricity generation
politicians. Some maintain that renewable resources and distribution; nuclear power generation, the
are capable of meeting our future needs, some burning of fossil fuels and renewable resources are
advocate nuclear power, and some argue that drastic compared and contrasted. Electrical safety in the
lifestyle changes are required. Decisions about energy home and a review the energy choices available
use, whether at a personal or a national level, need to to individuals, organisations and society are also
be informed by a quantitative understanding of the included.

Learning about energy before GCSE (9–1)

From study at Key Stages 1 to 3 learners should: • have considered a variety of processes that
involve transferring energy, including heating,
• have compared energy uses and costs in changing motion, burning fuels and changing
domestic contexts, including calculations using position in a field.
a variety of units


Statements shown in bold type will only be tested in All other statements will be assessed in both
the Higher Tier papers. Foundation and Higher Tier papers.

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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 17

Learning about sustainable energy at GCSE (9–1)

P2.1 How much energy do we use?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Energy is considered as being stored in a 1. describe how energy in chemical stores in batteries, or in fuels at the power Practical work
limited number of ways: chemical, nuclear, station, is transferred by an electric current, doing work on domestic • Compare the power
kinetic, gravitational, elastic, thermal, devices, such as motors or heaters consumption of a
electrostatic and electromagnetic and can be variety of devices and
2. explain, with reference to examples, the relationship between the power
transferred from one to another by processes relate it to the changes
ratings for domestic electrical appliances, the time for which they are in use
called working and heating. in stored energy.
and the changes in stored energy when they are in use
• Investigate the effects
Electricity is a convenient way to transfer
3. recall and apply the following equation in the context of energy transfers by of insulation on the rate
energy from source to the consumer because
electrical appliances: of cooling.
it is easily transmitted over distances and can
energy transferred (J, kWh) = power (W, kW) × time (s, h)
be used to do work in many ways, including Maths
M3b, M3c, M3d
heating and driving motors which make • Calculate the cost of
things move or to lift weights. 4. describe, with examples, where there are energy transfers in a system, that energy supplied by
there is no net change to the total energy of a closed system electricity given the
When energy is used to do work some energy
qualitative only power rating, the time
is usually wasted in doing things other than
5. describe, with examples, system changes, where energy is dissipated, so and the cost per kWh
the intended outcome, it is dissipated into
that it is stored in less useful ways (IaS2.2).
the surroundings, ultimately into inaccessible
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

thermal stores. 6. explain ways of reducing unwanted energy transfer e.g. through lubrication,
The power of an appliance or device is a thermal insulation
measure of the amount of energy it transfers 7. describe the effects, on the rate of cooling of a building, of thickness and
each second, i.e. the rate at which it transfers thermal conductivity of its walls
energy. qualitative only
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P2.1 How much energy do we use?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Sankey diagrams are used to show all the 8. recall and apply the equation:
energy transfers in a system, including energy efficiency = useful energy transferred ÷ total energy transferred
dissipated to the surroundings; the data can to calculate energy efficiency for any energy transfer, and describe ways to
be used to calculate the efficiency of energy increase efficiency
transfers. M1c
9. interpret and construct Sankey diagrams to show understanding that
energy is conserved


P2.2 How can electricity be generated?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
The main energy resources that are available to 1. describe the main energy resources available for use on Specification links
humans are fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal), nuclear fuels, Earth (including fossil fuels, nuclear fuel, biofuel, wind, • What determines the rate of
biofuels, wind, hydroelectric, tides and from the Sun. hydroelectricity, the tides and the Sun) energy transfer in a circuit?
In most power stations generators produce a voltage 2. explain the differences between renewable and non-
• What is the process inside a
across a wire by spinning a magnet near the wire. Often renewable energy resources
generator? (P3.7)
an energy source is used to heat water; the steam
3. compare the ways in which the main energy resources
produced drives a turbine which is coupled to an Practical work
are used to generate electricity
electrical generator. Other energy sources drive the • Investigate factors affecting the
generator directly. output from solar panels and
4. recall that the domestic supply in the UK is a.c., at 50 Hz wind turbines.
The mains supply to our homes is an alternating
and about 230 volts and explain the difference between
voltage, at 50 Hz, 230 volts, but electricity is distributed Maths
direct and alternating voltage
through the National Grid at much higher voltages to • Use ideas about probability in
reduce energy losses. Transformers are used to increase 5. recall that, in the National Grid, transformers are used to the context of risk.
the voltage for transmission and then decrease the transfer electrical power at high voltages from power • Extract and interpret information
voltage for domestic use. stations, to the network and then used again to transfer about electricity generation and
power at lower voltages in each locality for domestic use energy use presented in a variety
Most mains appliances are connected by a 3 core cable,
6. recall the differences in function between the live, of numerical and graphical forms.
containing live, neutral and earth wires.
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

neutral and earth mains wires, and the potential Ideas about Science
The demand for energy is continually increasing and
differences between these wires; hence explain that a • Discuss the risks and benefits of
this raises issues about the availability and
live wire may be dangerous even when a switch in a different ways of generating
sustainability of energy sources and the environmental
mains circuit is open, and explain the dangers of electricity and why different
effects of using these sources. The introduction and
providing any connection between the live wire and any decisions on the same issue
development of new energy sources may provide new
earthed object might be appropriate
opportunities but also introduce technological and
(IaS4.3–4.6, 4.11).
environmental challenges. The decisions about the 7. explain patterns and trends in the use of energy
energy sources that are used may be different for resources in domestic contexts, workplace contexts,
different people in different contexts (IaS4). and national contexts
© OCR 2016
Chapter P3: Electric circuits

Overview between series and parallel circuits, leading on to

investigating the behaviour of various components
Known only by its effects, electricity provides an in d.c. series circuits. Topic P3.4 concentrates on
ideal vehicle to illustrate the use and power of quantifying the energy transferred in electric circuits
scientific models. During the course of the 20th and how this is determined by both the potential
century, electrical engineers completely changed difference and the current.
whole societies, by designing systems for electrical 2
generation and distribution, and a whole range of A reminder of earlier work on magnets and
electrical devices. magnetic fields in Topic P3.5 leads into an
introduction to the electric motor in Topic P3.6.
In this chapter, learners learn how scientists visualise Applications of electromagnetism and, in
what is going on inside circuits and predict circuit particular the electric motor, have revolutionised
behaviour. Topic P3.1 introduces the idea of electric people’s lives in so many ways – from very small
charge and electric fields. In Topic P3.2, models of motors used in medical contexts, to very large
charge moving through circuits driven by a voltage motors used to propel ships or pump water in
and against a resistance are introduced. A more pumped storage schemes. In Topic P3.7, the
general understanding of voltage as potential process of electromagnetic induction is placed
difference is then developed in Topic P3.3, which in the context of power generation and the use
then continues with an exploration of the difference of transformers in power distribution.

Learning about electric circuits before GCSE (9–1)

From study at Key Stages 1 to 3 learners should: that conducts an electric current and be able
to predict the current in branches of a parallel
• be familiar with the basic properties of circuit
magnets, and use these to explain and predict • understand the idea of voltage as a measure
observations of the ‘strength’ of a battery or power supply
• know that there is a magnetic field close to any • know that electrical resistance is measured in
wire carrying an electric current ohms and can be calculated by dividing the
• be aware of the existence of electric charge, voltage across the component by the current
and understand how simple electrostatic through it
phenomena can be explained in terms of the • know that the power ratings of electrical
movement of electrons between and within appliances are related to the rate at which the
objects appliances transfers energy.
• understand the idea of an electric circuit (a
closed conducting loop containing a battery)


Statements shown in bold type will only be tested in All other statements will be assessed in both
the Higher Tier papers. Foundation and Higher Tier papers.

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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 21
Learning about electric circuits at GCSE (9–1)

P3.1 What is electric charge? (separate science only)

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
When two objects are rubbed together they become 1. describe the production of static electricity, and sparking, Practical work
charged, because electrons are transferred from one object by rubbing surfaces, and evidence that charged objects • Demonstrate that there
to the other. Electrons are negatively charged. exert forces of attraction or repulsion on one another when are forces between
not in contact charged objects and
Objects with similar charges repel, and objects with opposite
that the effect
charges attract. 2. explain how transfer of electrons between objects can
diminishes with
explain the phenomenon of static electricity
Around every electric charge there is an electric field; in this increasing distance
region of space the effects of charge can be felt; when 3. explain the concept of an electric field and how it helps to between the charges.
another charge enters the field there is an interaction explain the phenomenon of static electricity
between them and both charges experience a force.
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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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P3.2 What determines the current in an electric circuit?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
An electric current is the rate of flow of 1. recall that current is a rate of flow of charge, that for a charge to flow, a source
charge; in an electric circuit the metal of potential difference and a closed circuit are needed and that a current has Ideas about Science
conductors (the components and wires) the same value at any point in a single closed loop • Identify limitations
contain many charges that are free to move. in analogies used to
2. recall and use the relationship between quantity of charge, current and time:
When a circuit is made, the battery causes represent electric
charge (C) = current (A) × time (s)
these free charges to move, and these circuits (IaS3).
M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d
charges are not used up but flow in a
Practical work
continuous loop. 3. recall that current (I) depends on both resistance (R) and potential difference
• Design and
(V) and the units in which these quantities are measured
In a given circuit, the larger the potential construct electric
difference across the power supply the bigger 4. a) recall and apply the relationship between I, R, and V, to calculate the circuits to
the current. Components (for example, currents, potential differences and resistances in d.c. series circuits: investigate the
resistors, lamps, motors) resist the flow of potential difference (V) = current (A) × resistance (Ω) electrical properties
charge through them; the resistance of M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d of range of circuit
connecting wires is usually so small that it can b) describe an experiment to investigate the resistance of a wire and be able components.
be ignored. The larger the resistance in a to draw the circuit diagram of the circuit used
given circuit, the smaller the current will be. PAG7
Representational models of electric circuits 5. recall that for some components the value of R remains constant (fixed
use physical analogies to help think about resistors) but that in others it can change as the current changes (e.g. heating
how an electric circuit works, and to predict elements, lamp filaments)
what happens when a variable is changed 6. a) use graphs to explore whether circuit elements are linear or non-linear
(IaS3). and relate the curves produced to their function and properties
M4c, M4d
b) describe experiments to investigate the I-V characteristics of circuit
elements. To include: lamps, diodes, LDRs and thermistors. Be able to
draw circuit diagrams for the circuits used
7. represent circuits with the conventions of positive and negative terminals, and
the symbols that represent common circuit elements, including filament
lamps, diodes, LDRs and thermistors


P3.3 How do series and parallel circuits work?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
When electric charge flows through a component (or device), work is 1. relate the potential difference between two points in Ideas about Science
done by the power supply and energy is transferred from it to the the circuit to the work done on, or by, a given amount of • Link the features
component and/or its surroundings. Potential difference measures the charge as it moves between these points of a model or
work done per unit charge. potential difference (V) = analogy to
work done (energy transferred) (J) ÷ charge (C) features in an
In a series circuit the charge passes through all the components, so the
M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d electric circuit,
current through each component is the same and the work done on each
identify evidence
unit of charge by the battery must equal the total work done by the unit 2. a) describe the difference between series and parallel
for specific
of charge on the components. The potential difference (p.d.) is largest circuits: to include ideas about how the current
aspects of a
across the component with the greatest resistance and a change in the through each component and the potential
model and
resistance of one component will result in a change in the potential difference across each component is affected by a
limitations in
differences across all the components. change in resistance of a component
b) describe how to practically investigate the
In a parallel circuit each charge passes through only one branch of the of a model (IaS3).
brightness of bulbs in series and parallel circuits. Be
circuit, so the current through each branch is the same as if it were the
able to draw circuit diagrams for the circuits used Practical work
only branch present and the work done by each unit of charge is the
PAG7 • Use d.c. series
same for each branch and equal to the work done by the battery on each
circuits, including
charge. The current is largest through the component with the smallest 3. explain, why, if two resistors are in series the net
potential divider
resistance, because the same battery p.d. causes a larger current to flow resistance is increased, whereas with two in parallel the
circuits to
through a smaller resistance than through a bigger one. net resistance is decreased
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

investigate the
qualitative only
When two or more resistors are placed in series the effective resistance behaviour of a
of the combination (equivalent resistance) is equal to the sum of their 4. solve problems for circuits which include resistors in variety of
resistances, because the battery has to move charges through all of them. series, using the concept of equivalent resistance M1c, components.
Two (or more) resistors in parallel provide more paths for charges to M3b, M3c, M3d • Design and
move along than either resistor on its own, so the effective resistance is 5. explain the design and use of d.c. series circuits for construct electric
less. measurement and testing purposes including exploring circuits to use a
the effect of: sensor for a
Some components are designed to change resistance in response to particular
changes in the environment e.g. the resistance of an LDR varies with light a) changing current in filament lamps, diodes,
thermistors and LDRs purpose.
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intensity, the resistance of a thermistor varies with temperature; these

properties used in sensing systems to monitor changes in the b) changing light intensity on an LDR
environment. c) changing temperature of a thermistor (NTC only)
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
© OCR 2016

P3.4 What determines the rate of energy transfer in a circuit?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
The energy transferred when electric charge 1. describe the energy transfers that take place when a system is changed by Practical work
flows through a component (or device), work done when a current flows through a component • Compare the power
depends on the amount of charge that consumption of a
2. explain, with reference to examples, how the power transfer in any circuit
passes and the potential difference across variety of devices and
device is related to the energy transferred from the power supply to the
the component. relate it to the current
device and its surroundings over a given time:
passing through the
The power rating (in watts, W) of an power (W) = energy (J) ÷ time (s)
electrical device is a measure of the rate at M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d
which an electrical power supply transfers
3. recall and use the relationship between the potential difference across the
energy to the device and/or its surroundings.
component and the total charge to calculate the energy transferred in an
The rate of energy transfer depends on both
electric circuit when a current flows through a component:
the potential difference and the current. The
energy transferred (work done) (J) = charge (C) × potential difference (V)
greater the potential difference, the faster
M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d
the charges move through the circuit, and
the more energy each charge transfers. 4. recall and apply the relationships between power transferred in any circuit
device, the potential difference across it, the current through it, and its
The National Grid uses transformers to step
down the current for power transmission.
power (W) = potential difference (V) × current (A)
The power output from a transformer
power (W) = (current (A))2 × resistance (Ω)
cannot be greater than the power input,
M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d
therefore if the current increases, the
potential difference must decrease. 5. use the idea of conservation of energy to show that when a transformer
Transmitting power with a lower current steps up the voltage, the output current must decrease and vice versa
through the cables results in less power a) select and use the equation:
being dissipated during transmission. potential difference across primary coil × current in primary coil =
potential difference across secondary coil × current in secondary coil
M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d
6. explain how transmitting power at higher voltages is more efficient way to
transfer energy


P3.5 What are magnetic fields?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Around any magnet there is a region, called the magnetic field, in 1. describe the attraction and repulsion between Specification links
which another magnet experiences a force. The magnetic effect is unlike and like poles for permanent magnets • Sound waves (P1.4).
strongest at the poles. The field gets gradually weaker with distance
2. describe the characteristics of the magnetic field Practical work
from the magnet.
of a magnet, showing how strength and direction • Use plotting compasses
The direction and strength of a magnetic field can be represented change from one point to another to map the magnetic
by field lines. These show the direction of the force that would be field near a permanent
3. explain how the behaviour of a magnetic compass
experienced by the N pole of a small magnet, placed in the field. bar magnet, between
is related to evidence that the core of the Earth
facing like/opposite
The magnetic field around the Earth, with poles near the geographic must be magnetic
poles of two magnets, a
north and south, provides evidence that the core of the Earth is
4. describe the difference between permanent and single wire, a flat coil of
magnetic. The N-pole of a magnetic compass will point towards the
induced magnets wire and a solenoid.
magnetic north pole.
5. describe how to show that a current can create a • Investigate the
Magnetic materials (such as iron and nickel) can be induced to become relationship between
magnetic effect
magnets by placing them in a magnetic field. When the field is the number of turns on
removed permanent magnets retain their magnetisation whilst other 6. describe the pattern and directions of the a solenoid and the
materials lose their magnetisation. magnetic field around a conducting wire strength of the
When there is an electric current in a wire, there is a magnetic field 7. recall that the strength of the field depends on magnetic field.
around the wire; the field lines form concentric circles around the the current and the distance from the conductor • Build a loudspeaker.
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

wire. Winding the wire into a coil (solenoid) makes the magnetic field Ideas about Science
8. explain how the magnetic effect of a solenoid can
stronger, as the fields of each turn add together. Winding the coil • Developments of
be increased
around an iron core makes a stronger magnetic field and an electromagnets have
electromagnet that can be switched on and off. 9. explain how a solenoid can be used to generate led to major changes in
sound in loudspeakers and headphones people’s lives, including
In loudspeakers and headphones the magnetic field produced due to a
(separate science only) applications in
current through a coil interacts with the field of a permanent magnet.
The 19th century discovery of this electromagnetic effect led systems, MRI scanners
quickly to the invention of a number of magnetic devices, including and on cranes in
electromagnetic relays, which formed the basis of the telegraph scrapyards.
© OCR 2016

system, leading to a communications revolution (IaS4.1).

GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
© OCR 2016

P3.6 How do electric motors work?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
The magnetic fields of a current-carrying wire and a 1. describe the interaction forces between a magnet and a Practical work
nearby permanent magnet will interact and the wire and current-carrying conductor to include ideas about magnetic • Investigate the motor
magnet exert a force on each other. This is called the fields effect for a single wire
‘motor effect’. in a magnetic field and
2. show that Fleming’s left-hand rule represents the relative
apply the principles to
If the current-carrying wire is placed at right angles to the orientations of the force, the conductor and the magnetic
build a simple electric
magnetic field lines, the force will be at right angles to field
both the current direction and the lines of force of the
3. select and apply the equation that links the force (F) on a • Build a simple electric
field. The direction of the force can be inferred using
conductor to the strength of the field (B), the size of the motor and explain how
Fleming’s left-hand rule.
current (I) and the length of conductor (l) to calculate the it works.
The size of the force is proportional to the length of wire forces involved:
Ideas about Science
in the field, the current and the strength of the field. force (N) = magnetic flux density (T) × current (A) ×
• Describe and explain
length of conductor (m)
The motor effect can result in a turning force on a examples of uses of
M1b, M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d
rectangular current-carrying coil placed in a uniform electric motors that
magnetic field; this is the principle behind all electric 4. explain how the force on a conductor in a magnetic field is have made significant
motors. used to cause rotation in the rectangular coil of a simple improvements to
The invention and development of practical electric electric motor people’s lives. (IaS4.1).
motors have made an impact on almost every aspect of i Detailed knowledge of the construction of motors not
daily life (IaS4.1). required


P3.7 What is the process inside an electric generator? (separate science only)

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Mains electricity is produced using the process of 1. recall that a change in the magnetic field around a Specification links
electromagnetic induction. conductor can give rise to an induced potential • How can electricity be
difference across its ends, which could drive a current generated? (P2.2)
When a magnet is moving into a coil of wire a potential
• Sound waves (P1.4).
difference is induced across the ends of the coil; if the magnet 2. explain the action of a moving coil microphone in
is moving out of the coil, or the other pole of the magnet is converting the pressure variations in sound waves into Practical work
moving into it, there is a potential difference induced in the variations in current in electrical circuits • Investigate
opposite direction. If the ends of the coil are connected to electromagnetic
3. recall that the direction of the induced potential
make a closed circuit, a current will flow round the circuit. induction in
difference drives a current which generates a second
transformers and
In a moving coil microphone sound waves cause a diaphragm to magnetic field that would oppose the original change in
vibrate. The diaphragm is attached to a coil which is in the field field
of a permanent magnet. Sounds make the coil vibrate, inducing Ideas about Science
4. use ideas about electromagnetic induction to explain a
a changing potential difference across the ends of the coil. This • Describe and explain
potential difference/time graph showing the output
potential difference drives a changing current in an electric examples of
from an alternator being used to generate a.c.
circuit. technological
5. explain how an alternator can be adapted to produce a applications of science
In a generator, a magnet or electromagnet is rotated within a
dynamo to generate d.c., including explaining a that have made
coil of wire to induce a voltage across the ends of the coil.
potential difference/time graph significant positive
The induced voltage across the coil of an alternating current differences to people’s
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

6. explain how the effect of an alternating current in one

(a.c.) generator (and hence the current in an external lives (IaS4).
circuit in inducing a current in another is used in
circuit) changes during each revolution of the magnet or • Identify examples of
electromagnet. risks which arise from a
7. describe how the ratio of the potential differences new scientific or
To generate a d.c. split-ring commutator is used so that the
across the two circuits of a transformer depends on the technological advance
current always passes from the same side of the generator.
ratio of the numbers of turns in each (IaS4).
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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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P3.7 What is the process inside an electric generator? (separate science only)

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
A changing magnetic field caused by changes in the current in 8. apply the equations linking the potential differences and
one coil of wire can induce a voltage in a neighbouring coil. numbers of turns in the two coils of a transformer, to
the currents and the power transfer involved and relate
A simple transformer has two coils of wire wound on an iron
these to the advantages of power transmission at high
core; a changing current in one coil of a transformer will cause
a changing magnetic field in the iron core, which in turn will
a) potential difference across primary coil × current in
induce a changing potential difference across the other
primary coil = potential difference across secondary
transformer coil.
coil × current in secondary coil
The discovery of electromagnetic induction and the b) potential difference across primary coil ÷ potential
subsequent development of power generators transformed difference across secondary coil = number of turns
the way we live, although with new developments in in primary coil ÷ number of turns in secondary coil
technology there are often unintended consequences (IaS4). M1c, M3b, M3c

Chapter P4: Explaining motion

Overview vector quantities of velocity and displacement. The

relationships between distance, speed, acceleration
1 Simple but counterintuitive concepts of forces and and time are an example of simple mathematical
motion, developed by Galileo and Newton, can modelling that can be used to predict the speed and
transform young people’s insight into everyday position of a moving object.
phenomena. These ideas also underpin an enormous
2 range of modern applications, including spacecraft, The relationship between forces and motion is
urban mass transit systems, sports equipment and developed in Topic P4.3, where resultant forces
rides at theme parks. and changes in momentum are described. These
ideas are then applied in the context of road safety.
Topic P4.1 reviews the idea of forces: identifying,
describing and using forces to explain simple Topic P4.4 considers how we can describe motion in
situations. Topic P4.2 looks at how speed is measured terms of energy transfers.
and represented graphically and introduces the

Learning about forces and motion before GCSE (9–1)

From study at Key Stages 1 to 3 learners should: • use arrows to indicate the different forces
acting on objects, and predict the net force
• describe motion using words and with when two or more forces act on an object
distance–time graphs • know that the forces due to gravity, magnetism
• use the relationship average speed = distance ÷ and electric charge are all non-contact forces
time • understand how the forces acting on an object
• identify the forces when two objects in contact can be used to explain its motion.
interact; pushing, pulling, squashing, friction,


Statements shown in bold type will only be tested in All other statements will be assessed in both
the Higher Tier papers. Foundation and Higher Tier papers.

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30 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
Learning about motion at GCSE (9–1)
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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P4.1 What are forces?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked

Learners will be able to: opportunities
Force arises from an interaction between two objects, and when two 1. recall and apply Newton’s third law Practical work
objects interact, both always experience a force and that these two • Investigate the effect of
2. recall examples of ways in which objects interact:
forces form an interaction pair. The two forces in an interaction pair different combinations
by gravity, electrostatics, magnetism and by contact
are the same kind of force, equal in size and opposite in direction, of surfaces on the
(including normal contact force and friction)
and act on different objects (Newton’s third law). frictional forces.
3. describe how examples of gravitational,
Friction is the interaction between two surfaces that slide (or tend to Ideas about science
electrostatic, magnetic and contact forces involve
slide) relative to each other: each surface experiences a force in the • Explain how Newton’s
interactions between pairs of objects which produce
direction that prevents (or tends to prevent) relative movement. discovery of the
a force on each object
universal nature of
There is an interaction between an object and the surface it is resting
4. represent interaction forces as vectors gravity is an example of
on: the object pushes down on the surface, the surface pushes up on
5. define weight the role of imagination
the object with an equal force, and this is called the normal contact
in scientific discovery
force. 6. describe how weight is measured (IaS3).
In everyday situations, a downward force acts on every object, due 7. recall and apply the relationship between the
to the gravitational attraction of the Earth. This is called its weight. It weight of an object, its mass and the gravitational
can be measured (in N) using a spring (or top-pan) balance. The field strength:
weight of an object is proportional to its mass. Near the Earth’s weight (N) =
surface, the weight of a 1 kg object is roughly 10 N. The Earth’s mass (kg) × gravitational field strength (N/kg)
gravitational field strength is therefore 10 N/kg. M1c, M3b, M3c
Newton’s insight that linked the force that causes objects to fall to
Earth with the force that keeps the Moon in orbit around the Earth
led to the first universal law of nature.



P4.2 How can we describe motion?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked

Learners will be able to: opportunities
The motion of a moving object can be described  1. recall and apply the relationship: Practical work:
using the speed the object is moving, the direction average speed (m/s) = distance (m) ÷ time (s) • Use a variety of
it is travelling and whether the speed is changing. M1a, M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d methods to measure
distances, speeds and
The distance an object has travelled at a given  2. recall typical speeds encountered in everyday experience for wind,
times and to calculate
moment is measured along the path it has taken. and sound, and for walking, running, cycling and other transportation
The displacement of an object at a given moment is • Compare methods of
its net distance from its starting point together with  3. a) make measurements of distances and times, and calculate measuring the
an indication of direction. speeds acceleration due to
b) describe how to use appropriate apparatus and techniques to gravity.
The velocity of an object at a given moment is its
investigate the speed of a trolley down a ramp
speed at that moment, together with an indication Ideas about Science
M2b, M2f
of its direction. • Use mathematical and
Distance and speed are scalar quantities; they give computational models
no indication of direction of motion.  4. make calculations using ratios and proportional reasoning to convert to make predictions
units, to include between m/s and km/h about the motion of
Displacement and velocity are vector quantities, M1c, M3c moving objects (IaS3).
and include information about the direction. • Explore using simple
 5. explain the vector–scalar distinction as it applies to displacement and
In everyday situations, acceleration is used to mean distance, velocity and speed computer models to
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

the change in speed of an object in a given time predict motion of a

interval.  6. a) recall and apply the relationship: moving object.
acceleration (m/s2) = change in speed (m/s) ÷ time taken (s)
Distance–time graphs and speed-time graphs can M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d
be used to describe motion. The average speed can b) explain how to use appropriate apparatus and techniques to
be calculated from the slope of a distance–time investigate acceleration
graph. PAG3
The average acceleration of an object moving in a  7. select and apply the relationship:
straight line can be calculated from a speed-time (final speed (m/s))2 – (initial speed(m/s))2 = 2 × acceleration (m/s2) ×
graph. The distance travelled can be calculated from distance (m)
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the area under the line on a speed-time graph. M1a, M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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P4.2 How can we describe motion?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked

Learners will be able to: opportunities
The mathematical relationships between  8. draw and use graphs of distances and speeds against time to
acceleration, speed, distance, and time are a simple determine the speeds and accelerations involved
example of a computational model. The model can
 9. interpret distance–time and velocity–time graphs, including relating
be used to predict the speed and position of an
the lines and slopes in such graphs to the motion represented
object moving at constant speed or with constant
M4a, M4b, M4c, M4d
10. interpret enclosed areas in velocity – time graphs
M4a, M4b, M4c, M4d, M4f
11. recall the value of acceleration in free fall and calculate the
magnitudes of everyday accelerations using suitable estimates of
speeds and times


P4.3 What is the connection between forces and motion?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked

Learners will be able to: opportunities
When forces act on an object the resultant force is the sum of  1. describe examples of the forces acting on an isolated Practical work
all the individual forces acting on it, taking their directions into solid object or system • Investigate factors that
account. If a resultant force acts on an object, it causes a might affect human
 2. describe, using free body diagrams, examples where
change of momentum in the direction of the force. reaction times.
several forces lead to a resultant force on an object and
• Investigate the use of
The size of the change of momentum of an object is the special case of balanced forces (equilibrium) when
crumple zones to reduce
proportional to the size of the resultant force acting on the the resultant force is zero
the stopping forces.
object and to the time for which it acts (Newton’s second law). qualitative only
For an object moving in a straight line:  3. use scale drawings of vector diagrams to illustrate the
a. if the resultant force is zero, the object will move at addition of two or more forces, in situations when there
constant speed in a straight line (Newton’s first law). is a net force, or equilibrium
b. if the resultant force is in the direction of the motion, the i Limited to parallel and perpendicular vectors only
object will speed up (accelerate). M4a, M5a, M5b
c. if the resultant force is in the opposite direction to the
 4. recall and apply the equation for momentum and
motion, the object will slow down.
describe examples of the conservation of momentum in
In situations involving a change in momentum (such as a collisions:
collision), the longer the duration of the impact, the smaller momentum (kg m/s) = mass (kg) × velocity (m/s)
the average force for a given change in momentum. M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

In situations where the resultant force on a moving object is not  5. select and apply Newton’s second law in calculations
in the line of motion, the force will cause a change in direction. relating force, change in momentum and time:
If the force is perpendicular to the direction of motion the change of momentum (kg m/s) =
object will move in a circle at a constant speed – the speed resultant force (N) × time for which it acts (s)
doesn’t change but the velocity does. For example, a planet in M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d
orbit around the Sun – gravity acts along the radius of the  6. apply Newton’s first law to explain the motion of objects
orbit, at right angles to the planet’s path. moving with uniform velocity and also the motion of
objects where the speed and/or direction changes
 7. explain with examples that motion in a circular orbit
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involves constant speed but changing velocity

qualitative only
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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P4.3 What is the connection between forces and motion?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked

Learners will be able to: opportunities
In some situations a resultant force acts to make an object  8. describe examples in which forces cause rotation
rotate about a fixed point (pivot). (separate science only)
The rotational effect is called the moment of the force; the  9. define and calculate the moment of examples of Practical work
further the force acts from the pivot, the greater the turning rotational forces using the equation: • Investigate forces
effect. moment of a force (N m) = force (N) × distance (m) that cause rotation,
(normal to direction of the force) including the use of
Levers and gears are used to transmit rotational forces.
(separate science only) levers and gears.
M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d
10. explain, with examples, how levers and gears transmit
the rotational effects of forces
(separate science only)
The mass of an object can be thought of as the amount of 11. explain that inertial mass is a measure of how difficult it
matter in an object – the sum of all the atoms that make it up. is to change the velocity of an object and that it is
Mass is measured in kilograms. The mass of an object is also defined as the ratio of force over acceleration
a measure of its resistance to any change in its motion
12. recall and apply Newton’s second law relating force, Ideas about Science
(its inertia); using this definition the inertial mass is the ratio
mass and acceleration: • Explain why Newton’s
of the force applied to the resulting acceleration.
force (N) = mass (kg) × acceleration (m/s2) explanation of motion
Newton wrote about how the length of time a force acted on M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d is an example of the
an object would change the object’s ‘amount of motion’, and need for creative
13. Use and apply equations relating force, mass, velocity,
the way he used the term makes it clear that he is describing thinking in developing
acceleration, and momentum to explain relationships
what we now call momentum, this has led to Newton’s second new scientific
between the quantities
law being expressed in two ways – in terms of change in explanations (IaS3).
M3b, M3c, M3d
momentum and in terms of acceleration.
Newton’s explanation of motion is one of the great intellectual
leaps of humanity. It is a good example of the need for creativity
and imagination to develop a scientific explanation of
something that had been observed and discussed for many
years (IaS3).


P4.3 What is the connection between forces and motion?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked

Learners will be able to: opportunities
Ideas about force and momentum can be used to explain road 14. explain methods of measuring human reaction times and Ideas about Science
safety measures, such as stopping distances, car seatbelts, recall typical results • Describe and explain
crumple zones, air bags, and cycle and motorcycle helmets. examples of how
15. explain the factors which affect the distance required for
application of Newton’s
Improvements in technology based on Newton’s laws of motion road transport vehicles to come to rest in emergencies
laws of motion have led
(together with the development of new materials) have made and the implications for safety
developments in road
all forms of travel much safer. M2c
safety (IaS4).
16. explain the dangers caused by large decelerations and • Discuss people’s
estimate the forces involved in typical situations on a willingness to accept risk
public road in the context of car
17. given suitable data, estimate the distance required for safety and explain ways
road vehicles to stop in an emergency, and describe how in which the risks can be
the distance varies over a range of typical speeds reduced (IaS4).
(separate science only)
M1c, M1d, M2c, M2h, M3b, M3c
18. in the context of everyday road transport, use estimates
of speeds, times and masses to calculate the
accelerations and forces involved in events where large
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

accelerations occur
(separate science only)
M1d, M2b, M2h, M3c
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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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P4.4 How can we describe motion in terms of energy transfers?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked

Learners will be able to: opportunities
Energy is always conserved in any event or process. Energy 1. describe the energy transfers involved when a system is changed Specification links:
calculations can be used to find out if something is possible by work done by forces including: • P2 Sustainable energy.
and what will happen, but not explain why it happens. a) to raise an object above ground level
Practical work
b) to move an object along the line of action of the force
The store of energy of a moving object is called its kinetic • Use datalogging
energy. 2. recall and apply the relationship to calculate the work done software to calculate
(energy transferred) by a force: the efficiency of energy
As an object is raised, its store of gravitational potential
work done (Nm or J) = force (N) × distance (m) (along the line of transfers when work is
energy increases, and as it falls, its gravitational potential
action of the force) done on a moving
energy decreases.
M1a, M3b, M3c, M3d object.
When a force moves an object, it does work on the object, • Measure the work done
3. recall the equation and calculate the amount of energy associated
energy is transferred to the object; when work is done by by an electric motor
with a moving object:
an object, energy is transferred from the object to lifting a load, and
kinetic energy (J) = 0.5 × mass (kg) × (speed (m/s))2
something else, for example: calculate the efficiency.
M1a, M3b, M3c, M3d
• when an object is lifted to a higher position above
the ground, work is done by the lifting force; this 4. recall the equation and calculate the amount of energy associated
increases the store of gravitational potential energy. with an object raised above ground level
• when a force acting on an object makes its velocity gravitational potential energy (J) = mass (kg) × gravitational field
increase, the force does work on the object and this strength (N/kg) × height (m)
results in an increase in its store of kinetic energy. M1a, M3b, M3c, M3d

If friction and air resistance can be ignored, an object’s 5. make calculations of the energy transfers associated with changes
store of kinetic energy changes by an amount equal to the in a system, recalling relevant equations for mechanical processes
work done on it by an applied force; in practice air M1a, M1c, M3c
resistance or friction will cause the gain in kinetic energy to 6. calculate relevant values of stored energy and energy transfers;
be less than the work done on it by an applied force in the convert between newton-metres and joules
direction of motion, because some energy is dissipated M1c, M3c
through heating.


P4.4 How can we describe motion in terms of energy transfers?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked

Learners will be able to: opportunities
Calculating the work done when climbing stairs or lifting a 7. describe all the changes involved in the way energy is stored when
load, and the power output, makes a link back to the a system changes, for common situations: including an object
usefulness of electrical appliances for doing many everyday projected upwards or up a slope, a moving object hitting an
tasks. obstacle, an object being accelerated by a constant force, a vehicle
slowing down
8. explain, with reference to examples, the definition of power as the
rate at which energy is transferred (work done) in a system
9. recall and apply the relationship:
power (W) = energy transferred (J) ÷ time (s)
M1a, M3b, M3c, M3d
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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Chapter P5: Radioactive materials

Overview gamma radiation are investigated and ideas about

half-life are developed. In Topic P5.2 learners
The terms ‘radiation’ and ‘radioactivity’ are often learn about the penetration properties of ionising
interchangeable in the public mind. Because of its radiation which leads to a consideration of the use of
invisibility, radiation is commonly feared. A more radioactive materials in the health sector, and how
objective evaluation of risks and benefits is they can be handled safely. In the context of health
encouraged through developing an understanding of risks associated with irradiation and/or contamination 2
the many practical uses of radioactive materials. by radioactive material, they also learn about the
interpretation of data on risk.
Topic P5.1 begins by considering the evidence of a
nuclear model of the atom, including Rutherford’s Topic P5.3 describes nuclear fission and nuclear
alpha particle scattering experiment. It then uses fusion. Learners have the opportunity to learn more
the nuclear model to explain what happens during about the issues that surround decisions about the
radioactive decay. The properties of alpha, beta and best way to generate electricity.

Learning about the radioactivity before GCSE (9–1)

There is no formal learning about radioactivity before • recall that gamma rays are emitted from the
Key Stage 4, but learners will have ideas about nuclei of atoms
radioactivity, nuclear energy and radiation from • be able to describe how ionising radiation can
everyday language. From Topic P1.2 learners should: have hazardous effects, notably on human
bodily tissues.
• recall that in each atom its electrons are
arranged at different distances from the


Statements shown in bold type will only be tested in All other statements will be assessed in both
the Higher Tier papers. Foundation and Higher Tier papers.

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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 39

Learning about radioactivity at GCSE (9–1)

P5.1 What is radioactivity?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
An atom has a nucleus, made of protons and neutrons, which is  1. describe the atom as a positively charged nucleus Specification links
surrounded by electrons. surrounded by negatively charged electrons, with • How has our
the nuclear radius much smaller than that of the understanding of the
The modern model of the atom developed over time as scientists
atom and with almost all of the mass in the structure of atoms
rejected earlier models and proposed new ones to fit the currently
nucleus developed over time?
available evidence.
 2. describe how and why the atomic model has
Each stage relied on scientists using reasoning to propose models
changed over time to include the main ideas of Ideas about Science
which fitted the evidence available at the time. Models were rejected,
Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford and Bohr • Explain how the
modified and extended as new evidence became available (IaS3).
development of the
 3. recall the typical size (order of magnitude) of
After the discovery of the electron in the 19th century by Thomson nuclear model of
atoms and small molecules
scientists imagined that atoms were small particles of positive matter the atom is an example
with the negative electrons spread through, like currants in a cake.  4. recall that atomic nuclei are composed of both of how scientific
This was the model used until 1910 when the results of the Rutherford- protons and neutrons, and that the nucleus of explanations become
Geiger-Marsden alpha particle scattering experiment provided each element has a characteristic positive charge accepted (IaS3).
evidence that a gold atom contains a small, massive, positive region  5. recall that nuclei of the same element can differ in Practical work
(the nucleus). nuclear mass by having different numbers of • Collect data to calculate
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

Atoms are small – about 10–10 m across, and the nucleus is at the neutrons, these are called isotopes the half-life of a
centre, about a hundred-thousandth of the diameter of the atom.  6. use the conventional representation to show the radioactive isotope.
differences between isotopes, including their • Use a random event
Each atom has a nucleus at its centre and that nucleus is made of such as dice-throwing
protons and neutrons. For an element, the number of the protons is identity, charge and mass
to model radioactive
always the same but the number of neutrons may differ. Forms of the  7. recall that some nuclei are unstable and may emit decay.
same element with different numbers of neutrons are called the alpha particles, beta particles, or neutrons, and
isotopes of the element. electromagnetic radiation as gamma rays
Interpreting the unexpected results of the Rutherford-Geiger-Marsden  8. relate emissions of alpha particles, beta particles,
experiment required imagination to consider a new model of the atom. or neutrons, and gamma rays to possible changes
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in the mass or the charge of the nucleus, or both

GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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P5.1 What is radioactivity?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Some substances emit ionising radiation all the time and are called  9. use names and symbols of common nuclei and
radioactive. The ionising radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, and neutron) is particles to write balanced equations that
emitted from the unstable nucleus of the radioactive atoms, which as a represent the emission of alpha, beta, gamma,
result become more stable. and neutron radiations during radioactive decay
M1b, M1c, M3c
Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons, and beta
particles are identical to electrons. Gamma radiation is very high 10. explain the concept of half-life and how this is
frequency electromagnetic radiation. related to the random nature of radioactive decay
Radioactive decay is a random process. For each radioactive isotope 11. calculate the net decline, expressed as a ratio, in
there is a different constant chance that any nucleus will decay. Over a radioactive emission after a given (integral)
time the activity of radioactive sources decreases, as the number of number of half-lives
undecayed nuclei decreases. M1c, M3d
The time taken for the activity to fall to half is called the half-life of the 12. interpret activity-time graphs to find the half-life
isotope and can be used to calculate the time it takes for a radioactive of radioactive materials
material to become relatively safe. M1c, M2g, M4a, M4c


P5.2: How can radioactive materials be used safely?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning opportunities
Learners will be required to:
Ionising radiation can damage living cells and these 1. recall the differences in the penetration properties of alpha Specification links:
may be killed or may become cancerous, so radioactive particles, beta particles and gamma rays • What are the risks and benefits
materials must be handled with care. In particular, a of using electromagnetic
2. recall the differences between contamination and
radioactive material taken into the body radiations? (P1.2)
irradiation effects and compare the hazards associated with
(contamination) poses a higher risk than the same
each of these Practical work
material outside as the material will continue to emit
• Collect and interpret data to
ionising radiation until it leaves the body. 3. describe the different uses of nuclear radiations for
show the penetration
exploration of internal organs, and for control or
Whilst ionising radiation can cause cancer, it can also properties of ionising
destruction of unwanted tissue
be used for imaging inside the body and to kill radiations.
cancerous cells. 4. explain how ionising radiation can have hazardous effects,
Ideas about Science
notably on human bodily tissues
Doctors and patients need to consider the risks and • Discuss ideas about correlation
benefits when using ionising radiation to treat 5. explain why the hazards associated with radioactive and cause in the context of
diseases. material differ according to the radiation emitted and the links between ionising
half-life involved radiation and cancer (IaS3).
• Discuss the uses of ionising
radiation, with reference to its
risks and benefits (IaS4).
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
© OCR 2016

P5.3 How can radioactive materials be used to provide energy? (separate science only)

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Nuclear fuels are radioactive materials that release energy during 1. recall that some nuclei are unstable and may split into Specification links:
changes in the nucleus. two nuclei and that this is called nuclear fission • How should electricity
be generated? (P3.2)
In nuclear fission a neutron splits a large and unstable nucleus 2. relate the energy released during nuclear fission to the
(such as some isotopes of uranium and plutonium) into two emission of ionising radiation and the kinetic energy of Ideas about Science
smaller parts, roughly equal in size, releasing more neutrons, the resulting particles • Discuss the risks and
which may go on to make further collisions. benefits of generating
3. explain how nuclear fission can lead to further fission
electricity using nuclear
Energy is released from the nucleus, carried away as kinetic events in a chain reaction
fission. Suggest reasons
energy of the particles and also by gamma radiation. This release
4. describe the process of nuclear fusion and recall that in why different decisions
of energy from the nuclear store is analogous to that released
this process some of the mass may be converted into on the same issue
from the chemical store of explosives like TNT but it is
the energy of radiation might be appropriate
considerably larger.
in view of differences
If brought close enough together, hydrogen nuclei can fuse into in personal, social, or
helium nuclei, releasing energy, and this is called nuclear fusion. economic context
The demand for energy is continually increasing and nuclear fuels (IaS4).
are an alternative energy source to fossil fuels. The risks and
benefits need to be compared when making decisions about how
to generate electricity.

Chapter P6: Matter – models and explanations

Overview properties of matter. Topic P6.1 explores the

relationship between energy and temperature
1 Richard Feynman said: “If, in some cataclysm, all of and the ways in which energy transfer transforms
scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only matter. Topic P6.2 considers how the particle
one sentence passed on to the next generations of model explains the differences in densities
creatures, what statement would contain the most between solids, liquids and gases and the effect
2 information in the fewest words? I believe it is the of heating both in terms of temperature changes
atomic hypothesis (or the atomic fact, or whatever and changes of state. Topic P6.3 considers the
you wish to call it) that all things are made of atoms— behaviour of materials under stress and how the
little particles that move around in perpetual motion, particle model can explain differences in behaviour.
attracting each other when they are a little distance Topic 6.4 deals with pressure, and how it varies in
apart, but repelling upon being squeezed into one fluids (liquids and gases), with the particle model
another. In that one sentence, you will see, there is used to explain the law discovered by Robert Boyle.
an enormous amount of information about the world, Finally, in Topic P6.5 ideas about forces and also
if just a little imagination and thinking are applied.” the particle model are considered in the context of
(Six Easy Pieces, p.4) planets, moons and satellites in their orbit, and
the formation of the solar system, before briefly
In this chapter the particle model described by describing the early stage of the Universe and the
Feynman is used to predict and explain some Big Bang.

Learning about matter and the particle model before GCSE (9–1)

From study at Key Stages 1 to 3 learners should: force is applied, and make a link between the
work done and energy transfer during
• be able to use a particulate model of matter to compression or extension
explain states of matter and changes of state • have investigated pressure in liquids and
• have investigated stretching and compressing related this to floating and sinking
materials and identifying those that obey • be able to relate atmospheric pressure to the
Hooke’s law weight of air overhead.
• be able to describe how the extension or
compression of an elastic material changes as a


Statements shown in bold type will only be tested in All other statements will be assessed in both
the Higher Tier papers. Foundation and Higher Tier papers.

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44 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
Learning about Matter at GCSE (9–1)
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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P6.1 How does energy transform matter?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning opportunities
Learners will be required to:
It took the insight of a number of eighteenth 1. a) define density Specification links
and nineteenth century scientists to appreciate b) describe how to determine the densities of solid and • How much energy do we use?
that heat and work were two aspects of the liquid objects using measurements of length, mass and (P2.1)
same quantity, which we call energy. Careful volume • What determines the rate of
experiments devised by Joule showed that equal M1c, M5c energy transfer in a circuit? (P3.4)
amounts of mechanical work would always PAG1 • How can we describe motion in
produce the same temperature rise. terms of energy transfers? (P4.4)
2. recall and apply the relationship between density, mass and
Energy can be supplied to raise the temperature volume to changes where mass is conserved: Practical work
of a substance by heating using a fuel, or an density (kg/m3) = mass (kg) ÷ volume (m3) • Devise a method to measure the
electric heater, or by doing work on the material. M1a, M1b, M1c, M3c density of irregular objects.
• Measure the specific heat capacity
Mass – the amount of matter in an object – 3. describe the energy transfers involved when a system is of a range of substances such as
depends on its volume and the density of the changed by heating (in terms of temperature change and water, copper, aluminium.
material of which it consists. specific heat capacity) • Measure the latent heat of fusion
The temperature rise of an object when it is 4. define the term specific heat capacity and distinguish of a substance in the solid state
heated depends on its mass and the amount of between it and the term specific latent heat and the latent heat of vaporisation
energy supplied. Different substances store of a substance in the liquid state.
different amounts of energy per kilogram for 5. a) select and apply the relationship between change in • Show that the same amount of
each °C temperature rise – this is called the internal energy of a material and its mass, specific heat work always results in the same
specific heat capacity of the material. capacity and temperature: temperature rise.
change in internal energy (J) = mass (kg) × specific heat • Collect data, plot and interpret
capacity (J/kg°C) × change in temperature (°C) graphs that show how the
M1a, M1c, M3d temperature of a substance
b) explain how to safely use apparatus to determine the changes when heated by a
specific heat capacity of materials constant supply of energy.


P6.1 How does energy transform matter?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning opportunities
Learners will be required to:
When a substance in the solid state is heated its 6. select and apply the relationship between energy needed to Ideas about Science
temperature rises until it reaches the melting cause a change in state, specific latent heat and mass: • Describe and explain how careful
point of the substance, but energy must continue energy to cause a change of state (J) = mass (kg) × specific experimental strategy can yield
to be supplied for the solid to melt. Its latent heat (J/kg) high quality data (IaS1).
temperature does not change while it melts, and M1a, M1c, M3d • Describe and explain an example
the change in density on melting is very small. of how developing a new scientific
7. describe all the changes involved in the way energy is stored
Similarly as a substance in the liquid state is explanation takes creative thinking
when a system changes, and the temperature rises, for
heated its temperature rises until it reaches (IaS3).
example: a moving object hitting an obstacle, an object
boiling point; its temperature does not change,
slowing down, water brought to a boil in an electric kettle
although energy continues to be supplied while it
boils. The change in density on boiling is very 8. make calculations of the energy transfers associated with
great; a small volume of liquid produces a large changes in a system when the temperature changes,
volume of vapour. recalling or selecting the relevant equations for mechanical,
electrical, and thermal processes
Different substances require different amounts of
M1a, M1c, M2a, M3b, M3c, M3d
energy per kilogram to change the state of the
substance – this is called the specific latent heat
of the substance.
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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P6.2 How does the particle model explain the effects of heating?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
The particle model of matter describes the arrangements and behaviours of 1. explain the differences in density Ideas about Science
particles (atoms and molecules); it can be used to predict and explain the between the different states of matter • Use the particle model
differences in properties between solids, liquids and gases. In this model: in terms of the arrangements of the to explain familiar or
atoms or molecules unfamiliar phenomena
• All matter is made of very tiny particles.
and make predictions
• There is no other matter except these particles (in particular, no matter 2. use the particle model of matter to
between them). describe how mass is conserved, when
• Particles of any given substance are all the same. substances melt, freeze, evaporate,
• Particles of different substances have different masses. condense or sublimate, but that these
• There are attractive forces between particles. These differ in strength from physical changes differ from chemical
one substance to another. changes and the material recovers its
• In the solid state, the particles are close together and unable to move away original properties if the change is
from their neighbours. reversed
• In the liquid state, the particles are also close together, but can slide past
3. use the particle model to describe
each other.
how heating a system will change the
• In the gas state, the particles are further apart, and can move freely.
energy stored within the system and
The particle model is an example of how scientists use models as tools for raise its temperature or produce
explaining observed phenomena. changes of state
The particle model can be used to describe and predict physical changes when 4. explain how the motion of the
matter is heated. molecules in a gas is related both to
• The particles are always moving: in the solid state, they are vibrating; in the its temperature and its pressure: hence
liquid state, they are vibrating and jostling around; in the gas state, they are explain the relationship between the
moving freely in random directions. temperature of a gas and its pressure
• A substance in the gas state exerts pressure on its container because the at constant volume
momentum of the particles changes when they collide with walls of the qualitative only
• The hotter something is, the higher its temperature is and the faster its
particles are vibrating or moving.
Careful experimentation and mathematical analysis showed that the temperature
of a substance was linked to the kinetic energy of its atoms or molecules.


P6.3 How does the particle model relate to material under stress?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
When more than one force is applied to a solid 1. explain, with examples, that to stretch, bend or compress an object, Practical work
material it may be compressed, stretched or more than one force has to be applied • Investigate the force-
twisted. When the forces are removed it may return extension properties of
2. describe and use the particle model to explain the difference
to its original shape or become permanently a variety of materials,
between elastic and plastic deformation caused by stretching forces
deformed. identifying those that
3. a) describe the relationship between force and extension for a obey Hooke’s law, those
These effects can be explained using ideas about
spring and other simple systems that behave elastically,
particles in the solid state. A substance in the solid
b) describe how to measure and observe the effect of forces on the and those that show
state is a fixed shape due to the forces between the
extension of a spring plastic deformation.
M2b, M2f
Compressing or stretching the material changes the PAG2
separation of the particles, and the forces between
4. describe the difference between the force-extension relationship for
the particles.
linear systems and for non-linear systems
Elastic materials spring back to their original shape.
5. recall and apply the relationship between force, extension and spring
If the forces are too large the material becomes
constant for systems where the force-extension relationship is linear
plastic and is permanently distorted.
force exerted by a spring (N) = extension (m) × spring constant (N/m)
For some materials, the extension is proportional to M1c, M3b, M3c
the applied force, but in other systems, such as
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

6. a) calculate the work done in stretching a spring or other simple

rubber bands, the relationship is not linear, even
system, by calculating the appropriate area on the force-
though they are elastic.
extension graph
When work is done by a force to compress or M4f
stretch a spring or other simple system, energy is b) describe how to safely use apparatus to determine the work
stored, this energy can be recovered when the done in stretching a spring (PAG 2)
force is removed.
7. select and apply the relationship between energy stored, spring
constant and extension for a linear system: energy stored in a
stretched spring (J) = ½ × spring constant (N/m) × (extension (m))2
M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d
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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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P6.4 How does the particle model relate to pressures in fluids? (separate science only)

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
An object immersed in a fluid (a liquid or a gas)  1. recall that the pressure in fluids causes a force normal to any Practical work
experiences forces acting at right angles to all its surface • Investigate the
surfaces due to the pressure of the fluid. The pressure relationship between
 2. recall and apply the relationship between the force, the pressure,
of the fluid is due to collisions of the particles of the density of an immersed
and the area in contact:
fluid with the surface of the object. object and density of
pressure (Pa) = force normal to a surface (N) ÷ area of that surface
the fluid and the net
The particles of gas in a container collide with the (m2)
force on the object.
surfaces of the container, exerting a pressure. If the M3b, M3c
• Devise an experiment
volume of the container is increased, the particles
 3. recall that gases can be compressed or expanded by pressure to show that pressure
have further to travel between collisions and the
changes and that the pressure produces a net force at right angles in a fluid varies with
pressure of the gas falls. When a gas is compressed the
to any surface depth.
particles are much closer together and will collide with
 4. use the particle model of matter to explain how increasing the • Investigate the
the walls of the container more frequently, exerting a
volume in which a gas is contained, at constant temperature, can relationships between
greater outward pressure.
lead to a decrease in pressure the pressure of a gas
The atmosphere of the Earth exerts a pressure and its volume and its
perpendicular to the surface of any object in it, and  5. select and apply the equation: temperature.
this pressure is the same in all directions at a particular pressure × volume = constant (for a given mass of gas at constant
height. Atmospheric pressure decreases with height temperature)
above the surface of the Earth. M1c, M3b, M3c, M3d
The pressure at a point in a fluid increases with depth,  6. describe a simple model of the Earth’s atmosphere and of
because it is caused by the gravitational force on the atmospheric pressure, and explain why atmospheric pressure
fluid above that point. A fluid with greater density will varies with height above the surface
experience a greater gravitational force and so exert a  7. explain why pressure in a liquid varies with depth and density
greater pressure.



P6.4 How does the particle model relate to pressures in fluids? (separate science only)

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Because pressure increases with depth, the force on  8. select and apply the equation to calculate the differences in
the lower surface of an immersed object will be pressure at different depths in a liquid:
greater than the force on the upper surface, resulting pressure = density × gravitational field strength × depth
in a net force upwards. This explains why the apparent M1c, M3c
weight of an object immersed in a liquid is less than its
 9. explain how the increase in pressure with depth in a fluid leads
weight in air.
to an upwards force on a partially submerged object
It was Dalton’s careful study of the atmosphere and
10. describe and explain the factors which influence whether a
gases that led to him giving a quantitative significance
particular object will float or sink
to the atomic theory which provides the basis for the
particle model of matter.
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
© OCR 2016

P6.5 How can scientific models help us understand the Big Bang? (separate science only)

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked opportunities

Learners will be able to:
The gravitational interaction between the planets and the Sun keeps the 1. recall the main features of our solar system, Specification links
planets in (almost) circular orbits around the Sun, all in the same direction. including the similarities and distinctions • Nuclear fusion
Similarly, it is the gravitational interaction between a planet and its moons or between the planets, their moons, and artificial (P5.3).
artificial satellites that keeps them in orbit. satellites
Practical work
The force needed to keep an object moving in a circle depends on the speed 2. explain, for the circular orbits, how the force of • Investigate the
of the object and the radius of the circle. The greater the speed and/or the gravity can lead to changing velocity of a planet relationship
smaller the radius, the greater the force needed. If a satellite or planet slows but unchanged speed between the force,
down, it will be pulled in to a smaller radius orbit. speed and radius
3. explain how, for a stable orbit, the radius must
of path for an
The solar system was formed over long periods from clouds of gases and dust change if this speed changes
object moving in a
drawn together by the force of gravity. When a force is used to compress a qualitative only
gas, work is done on the gas, leading to an increase in temperature.
4. recall that the solar system was formed from dust
Ideas about Science
During the formation of a star such as the Sun, a cloud of gas is pulled and gas drawn together by gravity
• Use the
together by gravity, its temperature increases and the hydrogen nuclei gain
5. use the particle model of matter to explain how development of
sufficient energy to fuse into helium nuclei, releasing more energy.
doing work on a gas can increase its the ‘Big Bang’
The Universe contains thousands of millions of galaxies. The light coming temperature (e.g. bicycle pump, in stars) model of the
from distant galaxies shows a red-shift that suggests that distant galaxies are beginning of the
6. explain how the Sun was formed when collapsing
moving away from us. The further away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving Universe as an
cloud of dust and gas resulted in fusion reactions,
away from us; this suggests that space itself is expanding. Scientists’ example of how
leading to an equilibrium between gravitational
explanation for these observations is that the Universe began with a ‘Big scientific
collapse and expansion due to the fusion energy
Bang’ about 14 thousand million years ago. explanations
7. explain the red-shift of light from galaxies which become accepted
The acceptance of the ‘Big Bang’ model to describe the early stages
are receding (IaS3).
of the Universe depends on the interpretation of observations, as more
qualitative only
observations were made, the theory became more secure.
8. explain that the relationship between the
Telescope designs have improved over the last 100 years, and modifications
distance of each galaxy and its speed is evidence
have made it possible to observe regions of the electromagnetic spectrum
of an expanding universe model
other than visible light. Placing these instruments outside the atmosphere
has improved the range and quality of data obtained, and these improved 9. explain how the evidence of an expanding
data have increased the confidence in the ‘Big Bang’ model (IaS3). universe leads to the ‘Big Bang’ model

Chapter P7: Ideas about Science

Overview Note that:

In order to make sense of the scientific ideas that • although particular Ideas about Science have
learners encounter in lessons and in everyday life been linked to particular contexts throughout
outside of school, they need an understanding of how the specification as examples, the assessable
science explanations are developed, the kinds of learning outcomes in this chapter should be
2 evidence and reasoning behind them, their strengths developed, and will be assessed, in any context
and limitations, and how far we can rely on them. from chapters P1–P6

Learners also need opportunities to consider the • the assessable learning outcomes in this
impacts of science and technology on society, and chapter will be assessed in all of the written
how we respond individually and collectively to new examination papers
ideas, artefacts and processes that science makes
possible. • terms associated with measurement and data
analysis are used in accordance with their
It is intended that the Ideas about Science will help definitions in the Association of Science
learners understand how scientific knowledge is Education publication The Language of
obtained, how to respond to science stories and Measurement (2010).
issues in the world outside the classroom, and the
impacts of scientific knowledge on society.

Learning about How Science Works before GCSE (9–1)

From study at Key Stages 1 to 3 learners should: • have devised and carried out scientific
enquiries, in which they have selected the
• understand that science explanations are based most appropriate techniques and equipment,
on evidence and that as new evidence is collected and analysed data and drawn
gathered, explanations may change conclusions.


Statements shown in bold type will only be tested in All other statements will be assessed in both
the Higher Tier papers. Foundation and Higher Tier papers.

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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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IaS1 What needs to be considered when investigating a phenomenon scientifically?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
The aim of science is to develop good explanations 1. in given contexts use scientific theories and tentative explanations
for natural phenomena. There is no single ‘scientific to develop and justify hypotheses and predictions
method’ that leads to good explanations, but
2. suggest appropriate apparatus, materials and techniques, justifying
scientists do have characteristic ways of working. In
the choice with reference to the precision, accuracy and validity of
particular, scientific explanations are based on a
the data that will be collected
cycle of collecting and analysing data.
3. recognise the importance of scientific quantities and understand
Usually, developing an explanation begins with
how they are determined
proposing a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a tentative
explanation for an observed phenomenon 4. identify factors that need to be controlled, and the ways in which
(“this happens because . . .”). they could be controlled
The hypothesis is used to make a prediction about 5. suggest an appropriate sample size and/or range of values to be
how, in a particular experimental context, a change measured and justify the suggestion
in a factor will affect the outcome. A prediction can M2d
be presented in a variety of ways, for example in 6. plan experiments or devise procedures by constructing clear and
words or as a sketch graph. logically sequenced strategies to:
In order to test a prediction, and the hypothesis – make observations
upon which it is based, it is necessary to plan an – produce or characterise a substance
experimental strategy that enables data to be – test hypotheses
collected in a safe, accurate and repeatable way. – collect and check data
– explore phenomena
7. identify hazards associated with the data collection and suggest
ways of minimizing the risk
8. use appropriate scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions to
communicate the rationale for an investigation and the methods
used using diagrammatic, graphical, numerical and symbolic forms


IaS2 What processes are needed to draw conclusions from data?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
The cycle of collecting, presenting and analysing data  1. present observations and other data using appropriate formats P6.2 (mechanical equivalent
usually involves translating data from one form to of heat)
another, mathematical processing, graphical display and  2. when processing data use SI units where appropriate (e.g. kg, g,
mg; km, m, mm; kJ, J) and IUPAC chemical nomenclature unless Describe and explain how
analysis; only then can we begin to draw conclusions.
inappropriate careful experimental
A set of repeat measurements can be processed to strategy can yield high
calculate a range within which the true value probably  3. when processing data use prefixes (e.g. tera, giga, mega, kilo, quality data.
lies and to give a best estimate of the value (mean). centi, milli, micro and nano) and powers of ten for orders of
Displaying data graphically can help to show trends or
patterns, and to assess the spread of repeated  4. be able to translate data from one form to another
measurements. M2c, M4a

Mathematical comparisons between results and  5. when processing data interconvert units
statistical methods can help with further analysis.  6. when processing data use an appropriate number of significant
 7. when displaying data graphically select an appropriate graphical
form, use appropriate axes and scales, plot data points correctly,
draw an appropriate line of best fit, and indicate uncertainty
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

(e.g. range bars)

M2c, M4a, M4c
 8. when analysing data identify patterns/trends, use statistics
(range and mean) and obtain values from a line on a graph
(including gradient, interpolation and extrapolation),
M2b, M2f, M2g, M4b, M4d, M4e, M4f
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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
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IaS2 What processes are needed to draw conclusions from data?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Data obtained must be evaluated critically before we can  9. in a given context evaluate data in terms of accuracy, precision,
make conclusions based on the results. There could be repeatability and reproducibility, identify potential sources of
many reasons why the quality (accuracy, precision, random and systematic error, and discuss the decision to discard
repeatability and reproducibility) of the data could be or retain an outlier
questioned, and a number of ways in which they could
10. evaluate an experimental strategy, suggest improvements and
be improved.
explain why they would increase the quality (accuracy, precision,
Data can never be relied on completely because repeatability and reproducibility) of the data collected, and
observations may be incorrect and all measurements are suggest further investigations
subject to uncertainty (arising from the limitations of the
measuring equipment and the person using it). A result
that appears to be an outlier should be treated as data,
unless there is a reason to reject it (e.g. measurement or
recording error)
Agreement between the collected data and the original 11. in a given context interpret observations and other data
prediction increases confidence in the tentative (presented in diagrammatic, graphical, symbolic or numerical
explanation (hypothesis) upon which the prediction is form) to make inferences and to draw reasoned conclusions,
based, but does not prove that the explanation is using appropriate scientific vocabulary and terminology to
correct. Disagreement between the data and the communicate the scientific rationale for findings and conclusions
prediction indicates that one or other is wrong, and
12. explain the extent to which data increase or decrease
decreases our confidence in the explanation.
confidence in a prediction or hypothesis



IaS3 How are scientific explanations developed?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Scientists often look for patterns in data as a means of identifying 1. use ideas about correlation and cause to: Considering correlation and
correlations that can suggest cause-effect links – for which an – identify a correlation in data presented as text, in cause: evidence for risks of
explanation might then be sought. a table, or as a graph X-rays (P1.2)
The first step is to identify a correlation between a factor and an evidence for human
– distinguish between a correlation and a cause-
outcome. The factor may then be the cause, or one of the causes, activities causing global
effect link
of the outcome. In many situations, a factor may not always lead warming (P1.3)
– suggest factors that might increase the chance of
to the outcome, but increases the chance (or the risk) of it
a particular outcome in a given situation, but do
happening. In order to claim that the factor causes the outcome
not invariably lead to it
we need to identify a process or mechanism that might account for
– explain why individual cases do not provide
the observed correlation.
convincing evidence for or against a correlation
– identify the presence (or absence) of a plausible
mechanism as reasonable grounds for accepting
(or rejecting) a claim that a factor is a cause of an
Scientific explanations and theories do not ‘emerge’ automatically 2. describe and explain examples of scientific methods Developing scientific
from data, and are separate from the data. Proposing an and theories that have developed over time and how explanations:
explanation involves creative thinking. Collecting sufficient data theories have been modified when new evidence
Climate change (P1.3)
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

from which to develop an explanation often relies on technological became available

developments that enable new observations to be made. Big Bang model (P4.5)

As more evidence becomes available, a hypothesis may be Nuclear model of the atom
modified and may eventually become an accepted explanation or (P5.1)
theory. The link between work, heat
A scientific theory is a general explanation that applies to a large and temperature (P6.2)
number of situations or examples (perhaps to all possible ones),
which has been tested and used successfully, and is widely
accepted by scientists. A scientific explanation of a specific event
© OCR 2016

or phenomenon is often based on applying a scientific theory to

the situation in question.
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
© OCR 2016

IaS3 How are scientific explanations developed?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Findings reported by an individual scientist or group are carefully 3. describe in broad outline the ‘peer review’ process, in Explanations that relied on
checked by the scientific community before being accepted as which new scientific claims are evaluated by other technological development:
scientific knowledge. Scientists are usually sceptical about claims scientists
Telescopes and the Big
based on results that cannot be reproduced by anyone else,
Bang model (P4.5)
and about unexpected findings until they have been repeated
(by themselves) or reproduced (by someone else).
Two (or more) scientists may legitimately draw different
conclusions about the same data. A scientist’s personal
background, experience or interests may influence his/her
An accepted scientific explanation is rarely abandoned just
because new data disagree with it. It usually survives until a better
explanation is available.
Models are used in science to help explain ideas and to test 4. use a variety of models (including representational, Examples of models:
explanations. A model identifies features of a system and rules by spatial, descriptive, computational and mathematical
Radiation model of light
which the features interact. It can be used to predict possible models) to:
outcomes. Representational models use physical analogies or – solve problems
spatial representations to help visualise scientific explanations – make predictions Wave model of light (P1.3);
and mechanisms. Descriptive models are used to explain – develop scientific explanations and understanding Physical analogies of electric
phenomena. Mathematical models use patterns in data of past – identify limitations of models circuits (P2.2, P2.3)
events, along with known scientific relationships, to predict
behaviour; often the calculations are complex and can be done Equations of motion(P4.2)
more quickly by computer. Atomic model (P5.1)
Models can be used to investigate phenomena quickly and without Particle model of matter
ethical and practical limitations, but their usefulness is limited by (P6.1, P6.2)
how accurately the model represents the real world.


IaS4 How do science and technology impact society?

Teaching and learning narrative Assessable learning outcomes Linked learning

Learners will be required to: opportunities
Science and technology provide people with many things that they 1. describe and explain everyday examples and Positive applications of science:
value, and which enhance their quality of life. However some technological applications of science that have
use of the electromagnetic
applications of science can have unintended and undesirable impacts made significant positive differences to people’s
spectrum (P1.2);
on the quality of life or the environment. Scientists can devise ways lives
of reducing these impacts and of using natural resources in a development of
2. identify examples of risks that have arisen from a
sustainable way (at the same rate as they can be replaced). electromagnetism and electric
new scientific or technological advance
motors (P2.4, P2.5); generating
Everything we do carries a certain risk of accident or harm. New
3. for a given situation: and distributing electricity
technologies and processes can introduce new risks.
– identify risks and benefits to the different (P3.3);
The size of a risk can be assessed by estimating its chance of individuals and groups involved road safety (P4.3);
occurring in a large sample, over a given period of time. – discuss a course of action, taking account of
who benefits and who takes the risks
To make a decision about a course of action, we need to take account Sustainability:
– suggest reasons for people’s willingness to
of both the risks and benefits to the different individuals or groups
accept the risk energy demands and choices
involved. People are generally more willing to accept the risk
– distinguish between perceived and of sources to generate
associated with something they choose to do than something that is
calculated risk electricity (P3.2)
imposed, and to accept risks that have short-lived effects rather than
long-lasting ones. People’s perception of the size of a particular risk 4. suggest reasons why different decisions on the Risks, benefits and ethical
may be different from the statistically estimated risk. People tend to same issue might be appropriate in view of issues:
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

over-estimate the risk of unfamiliar things (like flying as compared differences in personal, social, economic or biodiversity (B6.4) technologies
with cycling), and of things whose effect is invisible or long-term (like environmental context, and be able to make that use ionising radiation
ionising radiation). decisions based on the evaluation of evidence (P1.2, P5.2);
Some forms of scientific research, and some applications of scientific and arguments
energy sources to generate
knowledge, have ethical implications. In discussions of ethical issues, 5. distinguish questions that could in principle be electricity (P3.2, P3.3, P5.3);
a common argument is that the right decision is one which leads to answered using a scientific approach, from those car safety (P4.3);
the best outcome for the greatest number of people. that could not; where an ethical issue is involved
clearly state what the issue is and summarise the use of ionising radiation to
Scientists must communicate their work to a range of audiences, treat disease (P5.2)
including the public, other scientists, and politicians, in ways that can different views that may be held
© OCR 2016

be understood. This enables decision-making based on information 6. explain why scientists should communicate their
about risks, benefits, costs and ethical issues. work to a range of audiences.
Chapter P8: Practical skills

Compliance with the requirements for practical work

It is compulsory that learners complete at least eight learning outcomes’ column. These can count towards
practical activities. each PAG. We are expecting that centres will provide
learners with opportunities to carry out a wide range
OCR has split the requirements from the Department
for Education ‘Biology, chemistry and physics GCSE
of practical activities during the course. These can be
the ones described in the specification or can be 2
subject content, July 2015’ – Appendix 4 into eight practicals that are devised by the centre. Activities
Practical Activity Groups or PAGs. can range from whole investigations to simple starters
and plenaries.
The Practical Activity Groups allow centres flexibility
in their choice of activity. Whether centres use OCR It should be noted that the practicals described in the
suggested practicals or centre-substituted practicals, specification need to be covered in preparation for
they must ensure completion of at least eight practical the questions in the written examinations that will
activities and each learner must have had the assess practical skills. No less than 15% of the
opportunity to use all of the apparatus and techniques questions will assess practical skills. Learners also
described in the following tables of this chapter. need to be prepared to answer questions using their
knowledge and understanding of practical techniques
The tables illustrate the apparatus and techniques and procedures in written papers.
required for each PAG and an example practical that
may be used to contribute to the PAG. It should be Safety is an overriding requirement for all practical
noted that some apparatus and techniques can be work. Centres are responsible for ensuring
used in more than one PAG. It is therefore important appropriate safety procedures are followed whenever
that teachers take care to ensure that learners do their learners complete practical work.
have the opportunity to use all of the required
apparatus and techniques during the course with Use and production of appropriate scientific diagrams
the activities chosen by the centre. to set up and record apparatus and procedures used
in practical work is common to all science subjects
Within the specification there are a number of and should be included wherever appropriate.
practicals that are described in the ‘Assessable

Revision of the requirements for practical work

OCR will review the practical activities detailed in If any revision to the practical activities is made, OCR
Chapter P8 of this specification following any will produce an amended specification which will be
revision by the Secretary of State of the apparatus or published on the OCR website. OCR will then use the
techniques published specified in respect of the GCSE following methods to communicate the amendment
Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) qualification. to Centres such as a Notice to Centres sent to all
Examinations Officers, e-alerts to Centres that have
OCR will revise the practical activities if appropriate. registered to teach the qualification and social media

© OCR 2016
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 59
The following list includes opportunities for choice and use of appropriate laboratory apparatus for a variety of
experimental problem-solving and/or enquiry based activities.

Example of a suitable
physics activity
(a range of practicals
Apparatus and techniques that the practical must use or cover are included in the
specification and
centres can devise
their own activity) *

1 Use of appropriate apparatus to make and record a range of Determine the

Materials measurements accurately, including length, area, mass, time, densities of a variety

2 volume and temperature.1

Use of such measurements to determine densities of solid and
of objects both solid
and liquid
liquid objects1
2 Use of appropriate apparatus to make and record a range of Investigate the effect
Forces measurements accurately, including length, area, mass, time, of forces on springs
volume and temperature.1
Use of appropriate apparatus to measure and observe the effects
of forces including the extension of springs2
3 Use of appropriate apparatus to make and record a range of Investigate
Motion measurements accurately, including length, area, mass, time, acceleration of a
volume and temperature.1 trolley down a ramp
Use of appropriate apparatus and techniques for measuring
motion, including determination of speed and rate of change of
speed (acceleration/deceleration)3
4 Use of appropriate apparatus to make and record a range of Use of a ripple tank to
Measuring measurements accurately, including length, area, mass, time, measure the speed,
Waves volume and temperature.1 frequency and
Making observations of waves in fluids and solids to identify the wavelength of a wave
suitability of apparatus to measure speed/frequency/wavelength.4
5 Use of appropriate apparatus to make and record a range of Determine the specific
Energy measurements accurately, including length, area, mass, time, heat capacity of a
volume and temperature.1 metal
Safe use of appropriate apparatus in a range of contexts to measure
energy changes/transfers and associated values such as work done5
6 Use of appropriate apparatus to measure current, potential Investigate the I-V
Circuit difference (voltage) and resistance, and to explore the characteristics of
components characteristics of a variety of circuit elements6 circuit elements
7 Use of circuit diagrams to construct and check series and parallel Investigate the
Series and circuits including a variety of common circuit elements7 brightness of bulbs in
Parallel Circuits series and parallel
8 Making observations of waves in fluids and solids to identify the Investigate the
Interactions of suitability of apparatus to measure the effects of the interaction of reflection of light off a
waves waves with matter8 plane mirror and the
Making observations of the effects of the interaction of refraction of light
electromagnetic waves with matter4 through prisms

* Centres are free to substitute alternative practical activities that also cover the apparatus and techniques from DfE: Biology,
chemistry and physics GCSE subject content, July 2015 Appendix 4.
These apparatus and techniques may be covered in any of the groups indicated. Number corresponds to that used in DfE: Biology,
chemistry and physics GCSE subject content, July 2015 Appendix 4.

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60 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
Choice of activity

Centres can include additional apparatus and Where Centres devise their own practical activities
techniques within an activity beyond those listed as to cover the apparatus and techniques listed above,
the minimum in the above tables. Learners must the practical must cover all the requirements and
complete a minimum of eight practicals covering all be of a level of demand appropriate for GCSE.
the apparatus and techniques listed. Each set of apparatus and techniques described
in the middle column can be covered by more than
The apparatus and techniques can be covered: one Centre devised practical activity e.g. “Use of 2
appropriate apparatus to make and record a range
(i) by using OCR suggested activities (provided as of measurements accurately, including length, area,
resources) mass, time, volume and temperature. Use of such
(ii) through activities devised by the Centre. measurements to determine densities of solid and
liquid objects.” could be split into two or more
Centres can receive guidance on the suitability activities (rather than one).
of their own practical activities through our
free practical activity consultancy service.

Practical Science Statement

Centres must provide a written practical science Centres should retain records confirming points (a) to
statement confirming that reasonable opportunities (b) above as they may be requested as part of the JCQ
have been provided to all learners being submitted inspection process. Centres must provide practical
for entry within that year’s set of assessments to science opportunities for their learners. This does not
undertake at least eight practical activities. go so far as to oblige centres to ensure that all of
their learners take part in all of the practical science
To aid administration within centres we have opportunities. There is always a risk that an individual
combined the practical science statement learner may miss the arranged practical science work,
requirement with the Head of Centre Annual for example because of illness. It could be costly for
Declaration. By signing the Head of Centre Annual the centre to run additional practical science
Declaration (see Section 4c) the centre is confirming opportunities for the learner.
that they have taken reasonable steps to secure that
each learner: However, the opportunities to take part in the
specified range of practical work must be given to all
a) has completed the practical activities set by learners. Learners who do not take up the full range
OCR as detailed in Chapter P8 of opportunities may be disadvantaged as there will
b) has made a contemporaneous record of: be questions on practical science in the GCSE Physics
(i) the work which the learner has undertaken B (Twenty First Century Science) assessment.
during those practical activities, and
(ii) the knowledge, skills and understanding Any failure by a centre to provide a practical science
which that learner has derived from those statement to OCR in a timely manner (by means of
practical activities. the Head of Centre Annual Declaration) will be
treated as malpractice and/or maladministration
[under General Condition A8 (Malpractice and

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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 61
2d. Prior knowledge, learning and progression
• Learners in England who are beginning a GCSE • GCSEs (9–1) are qualifications that enable
(9–1) course are likely to have followed a Key learners to progress to further qualifications
Stage 3 programme of study. either Vocational or General.

• There are no prior qualifications required in There are a number of Science specifications at OCR.
order for learners to enter for a GCSE (9–1) in Find out more at
2 Physics B (Twenty First Century Science).

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62 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
3 Assessment of GCSE (9–1) in Physics B
(Twenty First Century Science)

3a. Forms of assessment

The GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century are externally assessed. Two are at Foundation Tier
Science) is a linear qualification with 100% external and two are at Higher Tier. Each component carries
assessment. an equal weighting of 50% for that tier of the GCSE
(9–1) qualification. Each component has a duration of
OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Science) consists of four examined components that

Assessment approach 3
The assessment of the content of Physics B (Twenty Depth paper: this paper can assess content from
First Century Science) is achieved using two across the whole specification. The focus of the
components at each tier. Depth paper is to allow learners to demonstrate their
depth of understanding of specific aspects of the
Breadth paper: this paper can assess content from content. This will be achieved by the inclusion of some
across the whole specification. The paper will include short answer response questions. These will include
short answer response questions. These will include structured questions, calculations and questions based
structured questions, calculations and questions on practical skills. The paper will have at least two
based on practical skills. Extended response questions extended response questions marked using Level of
are not found on the Breadth paper. Response mark schemes, each with a total of 6 marks.

Physics Breadth paper (Components 01 and 03)

These components, one at Foundation Tier and one content from across all teaching chapters P1 to P7.
at Higher Tier, are each worth 90 marks and assess Learners answer all the questions.

Physics Depth paper (Components 02 and 04)

These components, one at Foundation Tier and one content from across all teaching chapters P1 to P7.
at Higher Tier, are each worth 90 marks and assess Learners answer all the questions.

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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 63
3b. Assessment objectives (AO)
There are three Assessment Objectives in OCR GCSE These are detailed in the table below.
(9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science).

Weighting (%)
Assessment Objectives
Higher Foundation

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: 40 40

3 AO1 •

scientific ideas
scientific techniques and procedures
Apply knowledge and understanding of: 40 40
AO2 • scientific ideas
• scientific enquiry, techniques and procedures
Analyse information and ideas to: 20 20

AO3 • interpret and evaluate

• make judgements and draw conclusions
• develop and improve experimental procedures

AO weightings in OCR GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

The relationship between the Assessment Objectives and the components are shown in the following table:

% of overall GCSE (9–1) in Physics B

(Twenty First Century Science) (J259)
Component (Foundation Tier)
AO1 AO2 AO3 Total

Breadth paper (Foundation Tier) J259/01 24 18 8  50

Depth paper (Foundation Tier) J259/02 16 22 12  50
Total 40 40 20 100

Component (Higher Tier) AO1 AO2 AO3 Total

Breadth paper (Higher Tier) J259/03 24 18 8  50

Depth paper (Higher Tier) J259/04 16 22 12  50
Total 40 40 20 100

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64 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
3c. Tiers
This scheme of assessment consists of two tiers: the Higher Tier option for learners who are a small
Foundation Tier and Higher Tier. Foundation Tier number of marks below the grade 3/4 boundary.
assesses grades 5 to 1 and Higher Tier assesses Learners must be entered for either the Foundation
grades 9 to 4. An allowed grade 3 may be awarded on Tier or the Higher Tier.

3d. Assessment availability

There will be one examination series available each This specification will be certificated from the June
year in May/June to all learners. 2018 examination series onwards.
All examined components must be taken in the same
examination series at the end of the course.

3e. Retaking the qualification

Learners can retake the qualification as many times as They retake all components in the tier of entry of the
they wish. qualification.

3f. Assessment of extended response

Extended response questions which are marked using learners with the opportunity to demonstrate their
a level of response mark scheme are included in the ability to construct and develop a sustained line of
Depth in biology components (02 and 04). These reasoning which is coherent, relevant, substantiated
are indicated in papers and mark schemes by an and logically structured.
asterisk (*). Extended response questions provide

3g. Synoptic assessment

Synoptic assessment tests the learners’ understanding Synoptic assessment requires learners to make and
of the connections between different elements of the use connections within and between different areas
subject. of physics, for example by:

• applying knowledge and understanding of more

Synoptic assessment has been defined, for the
than one area to a particular situation or context
purposes of this qualification, as allowing learners the
opportunity to demonstrate the ability to draw • using knowledge and understanding or
together different areas of knowledge, skills and/or principles and concepts in planning
understanding from across the full course of study. experimental and investigative work and in the
The emphasis of synoptic assessment is to encourage analysis and evaluation of data
the development of the understanding of Physics B
(Twenty First Century Science) as a discipline. All • bringing together scientific knowledge and
papers contain an element of synoptic assessment. understanding from different areas of the
subject and applying them.

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3h. Calculating qualification results
A learner’s overall qualification grade for OCR GCSE to the qualification level grade boundaries for the
(9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) will entry option taken by the learner and for the relevant
be calculated by adding together their marks from exam series to determine the learner’s overall
the two components taken to give their total qualification grade.
weighted mark. This mark will then be compared

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66 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
4 Admin: what you need to know

The information in this Topic is designed to give an More information about the processes and deadlines
overview of the processes involved in administering involved at each stage of the assessment cycle can be
this qualification so that you can speak to your exams found in the Administration area of the OCR website.
officer. All of the following processes require you to
submit something to OCR by a specific deadline. OCR’s Admin overview is available on the OCR website

4a. Pre-assessment
Estimated entries

Estimated entries are your best projection of the should be submitted to OCR by the specified
number of learners who will be entered for a deadline. They are free and do not commit your
qualification in a particular series. Estimated entries centre in any way.

Final entries
Final entries provide OCR with detailed data for each All learners taking a GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty
learner, showing each assessment to be taken. It is First Century Science) must be entered for one of the
essential that you use the correct entry code, following entry options:
considering the relevant entry rules.

Final entries must be submitted to OCR by the

published deadlines or late entry fees will apply.

Entry option Components

Entry code Title Code Title Assessment type

J259 F Physics B (Twenty First 01 Breadth in physics External Assessment

Century Science) Foundation Tier
(Foundation Tier)
02 Depth in physics External Assessment
Foundation Tier
J259 H Physics B (Twenty First 03 Breadth in physics External Assessment
Century Science) Higher Tier
(Higher Tier)
04 Depth in physics External Assessment
Higher Tier

4b. Special consideration

Special consideration is a post-assessment Detailed information about eligibility for special
adjustment to marks or grades to reflect temporary consideration can be found in the JCQ publication
injury, illness or other indisposition at the time the A guide to the special consideration process.
assessment was taken.

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4c. External assessment arrangements
Regulations governing examination arrangements are Learners are permitted to use a scientific or graphical
contained in the JCQ Instructions for conducting calculator for components 01, 02, 03 and 04.
examinations. Calculators are subject to the rules in the document
Instructions for Conducting Examinations published
annually by JCQ (

Head of Centre Annual Declaration

The Head of Centre is required to provide a Please see the JCQ publication Instructions for
declaration to the JCQ as part of the annual NCN conducting non-examination assessments for further
update, conducted in the autumn term, that they are information.
both aware of and adhering to JCQ regulations and
are meeting the obligations laid down by the Any failure by a centre to provide the Head of Centre
4 awarding organisations. This includes confirmation
that all candidates at the centre have had the
Annual Declaration will result in your centre status
being suspended and could lead to the withdrawal of
opportunity to undertake the prescribed practical our approval for you to operate as a centre. In
activities. addition, for GCSE Sciences, failure to return the Head
of Centre Annual Declaration, also constitutes failure
A signed copy of this declaration must be retained to return a practical science statement  (see Chapter
within your centre and may be requested as part of B8) which will be treated as malpractice and/or
the JCQ inspection process. maladministration [under General Condition A8
(Malpractice and maladministration)].

Private candidates

Private candidates may enter for OCR assessments. There is no direct assessment of the practical skills
part of the course. However, learners will need to
A private candidate is someone who pursues a course have completed the activities to prepare fully for the
of study independently but takes an examination or written examinations as there will be questions that
assessment at an approved examination centre. A assess practical skills.
private candidate may be a part-time student,
someone taking a distance learning course, or Private candidates need to contact OCR approved
someone being tutored privately. They must be based centres to establish whether they are prepared to
in the UK. host them as a private candidate. The centre may
charge for this facility and OCR recommends that the
The GCSE Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) arrangement is made early in the course.
qualification requires learners to complete eight
practical activities. These practical activities are an Further guidance for private candidates may be found
essential part of the course and will allow learners to on the OCR website:
develop skills for further study or employment as well
as imparting important knowledge that is part of the

© OCR 2016
68 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
4d. Results and certificates
Grade scale

GCSE (9–1) qualifications are graded on the scale: Only subjects in which grades 9 to 1 are attained will
9–1, where 9 is the highest. Learners who fail to reach be recorded on certificates.
the minimum standard of 1 will be Unclassified (U).


Results are released to centres and learners for The following supporting information will be available:
information and to allow any queries to be resolved
before certificates are issued. • raw mark grade boundaries for each
Centres will have access to the following results
information for each learner: • weighted mark grade boundaries for each entry
• the grade for the qualification
Until certificates are issued, results are deemed to be
• the raw mark for each component provisional and may be subject to amendment.

• the total weighted mark for the qualification. A learner’s final results will be recorded on an OCR
certificate. The qualification title will be shown on the
certificate as ‘OCR Level 1/2 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B
(Twenty First Century Science)’.

4e. Post-results services

A number of post-results services are available: • Missing and incomplete results – This service
should be used if an individual subject result
• Enquiries about results – If you are not happy for a learner is missing, or the learner has been
with the outcome of a learner’s results, centres omitted entirely from the results supplied.
may submit an enquiry about results.
• Access to scripts – Centres can request access
to marked scripts.

4f. Malpractice
Any breach of the regulations for the conduct as soon as it is detected. Detailed information on
of examinations and non-exam assessment malpractice can be found in the JCQ publication
may constitute malpractice (which includes Suspected Malpractice in Examinations and
maladministration) and must be reported to OCR Assessments: Policies and Procedures.

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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 69
5 Appendices

5a. Grade descriptors

Grade descriptors for GCSE (9­–1) single science (biology, chemistry and physics) and combined science:

1. Grades 8 and 8–8

1.1 To achieve Grades 8 and 8–8 candidates will be able to:

• demonstrate relevant and comprehensive knowledge and understanding and apply these correctly to
both familiar and unfamiliar contexts using accurate scientific terminology

• use a range of mathematical skills to perform complex scientific calculations

• critically analyse qualitative and quantitative data to draw logical, well-evidenced conclusions
4 • critically evaluate and refine methodologies, and judge the validity of scientific conclusions.

2. Grades 5 and 5–5

2.1 To achieve Grades 5 and 5–5 candidates will be able to:

• demonstrate mostly accurate and appropriate knowledge and understanding and apply these mostly
correctly to familiar and unfamiliar contexts, using mostly accurate scientific terminology

• use appropriate mathematical skills to perform multi-step calculations

• analyse qualitative and quantitative data to draw plausible conclusions supported by some evidence

• evaluate methodologies to suggest improvements to experimental methods, and comment on scientific


3. Grades 2 and 2–2

3.1 To achieve Grades 2 and 2–2 candidates will be able to:

• demonstrate some relevant scientific knowledge and understanding using limited scientific terminology

• perform basic calculations

• draw simple conclusions from qualitative or quantitative data

• make basic comments relating to experimental method.

© OCR 2016
70 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
5b. Overlap with other qualifications
There is a small degree of overlap between the between the specifications may allow for some
content of this specification and those for GCSE (9–1) co-teaching, particularly in the area of working
in Combined Science B, GCSE (9–1) in Chemistry B scientifically.
and GCSE (9–1) in Biology B courses. The links

5c. Accessibility
Reasonable adjustments and access arrangements The GCSE (9–1) qualification and subject criteria have
allow learners with special educational needs, been reviewed in order to identify any feature which
disabilities or temporary injuries to access the could disadvantage learners who share a protected
assessment and show what they know and can do, Characteristic as defined by the Equality Act 2010.
without changing the demands of the assessment. All reasonable steps have been taken to minimise any
Applications for these should be made before the such disadvantage.
examination series. Detailed information about
eligibility for access arrangements can be found
in the JCQ Access Arrangements and Reasonable
Adjustments. 5

© OCR 2016
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 71
5d. Units in science
It is expected that learners will show understanding They will be able to use them in qualitative work and
of the SI base units and derived units listed below. calculations. These units and their associated
quantities are dimensionally independent.

SI base units
Physical quantity Unit Unit
Length Metre m
Mass kilogram kg
Time second s
Temperature kelvin K
Current Ampere A
Amount of a substance mole mol

5 SI derived units
Physical quantity Unit(s) Unit(s)
Area squared metre m2
Volume cubic metre; litre; cubic decimetre m3; l; dm3
Density kilogram per cubic metre kg/m3
Temperature degree Celsius o
Pressure Pascal Pa
Specific heat capacity joule per kilogram per degree Celsius J/kgoC
Specific latent heat joule per kilogram J/kg
Speed metre per second m/s
Force Newton N
Gravitational field strength newton per kilogram N/kg
Acceleration metre per squared second m/s2
Frequency hertz Hz
Energy joule J
Power watt W
Electric charge coulomb C
Electric potential difference volt V
Electric resistance ohm Ω
Magnetic flux density tesla T

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72 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
5e. Mathematical skills
The mathematical skills required for the GCSE (9–1) in Biology (B), Chemistry (C), Physics (P) and Combined
Science (CS) are shown in the table below.

Mathematical skills Subject

M1 Arithmetic and numerical computation
a Recognise and use expressions in decimal form B C P CS
b Recognise and use expressions in standard form B C P CS
c Use ratios, fractions and percentages B C P CS
d Make estimates of the results of simple calculations B C P CS
M2 Handling data
a Use an appropriate number of significant figures B C P CS
b Find arithmetic means B C P CS
c Construct and interpret frequency tables and diagrams, bar charts and B C P CS
d Understand the principles of sampling as applied to scientific data B CS 5
e Understand simple probability B CS
f Understand the terms mean, mode and median B P CS
g Use a scatter diagram to identify a correlation between two variables B P CS
h Make order of magnitude calculations B C P CS
M3 Algebra
a Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, Ä, ~ B C P CS
b Change the subject of an equation C P CS
c Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations using appropriate units for C P CS
physical quantities
d Solve simple algebraic equations B P CS
M4 Graphs
a Translate information between graphical and numeric form B C P CS
b Understand that y=mx+c represents a linear relationship B C P CS
c Plot two variables from experimental or other data B C P CS
d Determine the slope and intercept of a linear graph B C P CS
e Draw and use the slope of a tangent to a curve as a measure of rate of change C P CS
f Understand the physical significance of area between a curve and the x-axis and P CS
measure it by counting squares as appropriate
M5 Geometry and trigonometry
a Use angular measures in degrees P CS
b Visualise and represent 2D and 3D forms including two dimensional C P CS
representations of 3D objects
c Calculate areas of triangles and rectangles, surface areas and volumes of cubes. B C P CS

© OCR 2016
GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 73
5f. Mathematical skills requirement
In order to be able to develop their skills, knowledge In the Higher Tier question papers, the questions that
and understanding in GCSE (9–1) in Physics B assess mathematical skills will not be lower demand
(Twenty First Century Science), learners need to than that of questions and tasks in the assessment
have been taught, and to have acquired competence for the Foundation Tier in a GCSE qualification in
in, the appropriate areas of mathematics relevant Mathematics.
to the subject as indicated in the table of coverage
below. The assessment of quantitative skills would include
at least 30% GCSE (or above) mathematical skills at
The questions and tasks used to target mathematical the appropriate tier for physics.
skills will be at a level of demand that is appropriate
These skills will be applied in the context of the
to GCSE (9–1) Physics.
relevant physics.
In the Foundation Tier question papers, the questions All mathematical content will be assessed within the
that assess mathematical skills will not be of a lower lifetime of the specification.
demand than that which is expected of learners
at Key Stage 3, as outlined in the Department for This list of examples is not exhaustive and is not
Education’s document “Mathematics programme limited to GCSE examples. These skills could be
5 of study: key stage 3”. developed in other areas of specification content
from those indicated.

Mathematical skills Specification reference

M1 Arithmetic and numerical computation

a Recognise and use expressions in decimal form 1.3.6, 4.2.1, 4.2.7, 4.4.2, 4.4.3, 4.4.4,
4.4.5 4.4.9, 6.1.2, 6.1.5, 6.1.6, 6.1.8
b Recognise and use expressions in standard form 3.6.3, 5.1.9, 6.1.2
c Use ratios, fractions and percentages 1.3.6, 1.4.9, 2.1.8, 3.2.2, 3.2.4a, 3.3.1,
3.3.4, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.4, 3.4.5b, 3.6.3,
3.7.8b, 4.1.7, 4.2.1, 4.2.4, 4.2.6a, 4.2.7,
4.3.4, 4.3.5, 4.3.9, 4.3.12, 4.3.17, 4.4.5,
4.4.6, 5.1.9, 5.1.11, 5.1.12, 6.1.2, 6.1.5a,
6.1.6 6.1.8, 6.3.5, 6.3.7, 6.4.5, 6.4.8
d Make estimates of the results of simple calculations 4.3.17, 4.3.18
M2 Handling data
a Use an appropriate number of significant figures 6.1.8, IaS2.6
b Find arithmetic means 4.2.3b, 4.3.18, 6.3.3b, IaS2.8
c Construct and interpret frequency tables and diagrams, 2.2.3, 2.2.7, 4.2.4, 4.3.15, 4.3.17, IaS2.4,
bar charts and histograms IaS2.7
f Understand the terms mean, mode and median 4.2.3, 6.3.3b, IaS2.8

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Mathematical skills Specification reference

g Use a scatter diagram to identify a correlation between 5.1.12, IaS2.8, IaS3.1

two variables
h Make order of magnitude calculations 4.3.17, 4.3.18
M3 Algebra
a Understand and use the symbols: =, <, <<, >>, >, Ä, ~ 4.3.13*
*No direct specification statement but
skill will be assessed
b Change the subject of an equation 2.1.3, 3.2.2, 3.2.4a, 3.3.1, 3.3.4, 3.4.2,
3.4.3, 3.4.4, 3.4.5, 3.6.3, 3.7.8, 4.1.7,
4.2.1, 4.2.6a, 4.2.7, 4.3.4, 4.3.5, 4.3.9,
4.3.12, 4.3.13, 4.3.17, 4.4.2, 4.4.3, 4.4.4,
4.4.9, 6.1.8, 6.3.5, 6.3.7, 6.4.2, 6.4.5
c Substitute numerical values into algebraic equations using 1.3.6, 1.4.9, 2.1.3, 3.2.2, 3.2.4a, 3.3.1,
appropriate units for physical quantities 3.3.4, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.4, 3.4.5, 3.6.3, 3.7.8
4.1.7, 4.2.1, 4.2.6a, 4.2.4 4.2.7, 4.3.4,
4.3.5, 4.3.9, 4.3.12, 4.3.13, 4.3.17, 4.3.18, 5
4.4.2, 4.4.3, 4.4.4, 4.4.5, 4.4.6, 4.4.9, 5.1.9,
6.1.2, 6.1.8, 6.3.5, 6.3.7, 6.4.2, 6.4.5, 6.4.8
d Solve simple algebraic equations 1.3.6, 2.1.3, 3.2.2, 3.2.4a, 3.3.1, 3.3.4,
3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.4, 3.4.5, 3.6.3, 4.2.1,
4.2.6a, 4.2.7, 4.3.4, 4.3.5, 4.3.9, 4.3.12,
4.3.13, 4.4.2, 4.4.3, 4.4.4, 4.4.9, 5.1.11,
6.1.5a, 6.1.6, 6.1.8, 6.3.7, 6.4.5, 6.4.8
M4 Graphs
a Translate information between graphical and numeric form 2.1.9, 4.2.9, 4.2.10, 4.3.3, 5.1.12, IaS2.4,
b Understand that y=mx+c represents a linear relationship 4.2.9, 4.2.10, IaS2.8
c Plot two variables from experimental or other data 3.2.6a, 4.2.9, 4.2.10, 5.1.12 IaS2.7
d Determine the slope and intercept of a linear graph 3.2.6a, 4.2.9, 4.2.10, IaS2.8
f Understand the physical significance of area between a 4.2.10, 6.3.6, IaS2.8
curve and the x-axis and measure it by counting squares
as appropriate
M5 Geometry and trigonometry
a Use angular measures in degrees 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 4.3.3
b Visualise and represent 2D and 3D forms including two 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 4.3.3
dimensional representations of 3D objects
c Calculate areas of triangles and rectangles, surface areas 6.1.1b
and volumes of cubes.

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GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) 75
5g. Health and safety
In UK law, health and safety is primarily the Where an employer has adopted model risk
responsibility of the employer. In a school or college assessments an individual school or college then
the employer could be a local education authority, has to review them, to see if there is a need to
the governing body or board of trustees. Employees modify or adapt them in some way to suit the
(teachers/lecturers, technicians etc.), have a legal particular conditions of the establishment.
duty to cooperate with their employer on health
and safety matters. Various regulations, but especially Such adaptations might include a reduced scale of
the COSHH Regulations 2002 (as amended) and working, deciding that the fume cupboard provision
the Management of Health and Safety at Work was inadequate or the skills of the learners were
Regulations 1999, require that before any activity insufficient to attempt particular activities safely. The
involving a hazardous procedure or harmful significant findings of such risk assessment should
microorganisms is carried out, or hazardous then be recorded in a ‘point of use text’, for example
chemicals are used or made, the employer must on schemes of work, published teachers guides, work
4 carry out a risk assessment. A useful summary of the
requirements for risk assessment in school or college
sheets, etc. There is no specific legal requirement that
detailed risk assessment forms should be completed
science can be found at: for each practical activity, although a minority of
employers may require this.
5 For members, the CLEAPSS® guide, PS90, Making and
recording risk assessments in school science1 offers Where project work or investigations, sometimes
appropriate advice. linked to work-related activities, are included in
specifications this may well lead to the use of
Most education employers have adopted nationally novel procedures, chemicals or microorganisms,
available publications as the basis for their Model Risk which are not covered by the employer’s model
Assessments. risk assessments. The employer should have given
guidance on how to proceed in such cases. Often,
for members, it will involve contacting CLEAPSS®.

These, and other CLEAPSS® publications, are on the CLEAPSS® Science Publications website Note that CLEAPSS®
publications are only available to members. For more information about CLEAPSS® go to

© OCR 2016
76 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)
5h. Equations in Physics
Equations required for Higher Tier only are in bold.

(a) In solving quantitative problems, students should be able correctly to recall, and apply the following
relationships, using standard SI units:
force = mass × acceleration (P4.3.12, P4.3.13)
kinetic energy = 0.5 × mass × (speed)2 (P4.4.3)
momentum = mass × velocity (P4.3.4.) (P4.3.13)
work done = force × distance (along the line of action of the force) (P4.4.2)
power = energy ÷ time (P3.4.2, P4.4.9)
efficiency = useful energy transferred ÷ total energy transferred (P2.1.8)
weight = mass × gravitational field strength (g) (P4.1.7)
In a gravity field: gravitational potential energy = mass × gravitational field strength (g) × height (P4.4.4)
force exerted by a spring = extension × spring constant (P6.3.5)
moment of a force = force × distance (normal to direction of the force) (P4.3.9)
average speed = distance ÷ time (P4.2.1)
acceleration = change in speed ÷ time taken(P4.2.6a)
wave speed = frequency × wavelength (P1.3.6)
charge = current × time (P3.2.2)
potential difference = current × resistance (P3.2.4a)
power = potential difference × current = (current)2 × resistance (P3.4.4)
energy transferred (work done) = power × time = charge flow × potential difference (P2.1.3, P3.4.3)
density = mass ÷ volume (P6.1.2)
pressure = force normal to a surface ÷ area of that surface (P6.4.2)
potential difference = work done (energy transferred) ÷ charge (P3.3.1)

(b) In addition, students should be able correctly to select from a list and apply the following relationships:
(final speed)2 – (initial speed)2 = 2 × acceleration × distance (P4.2.7)
change in internal energy = mass × specific heat capacity × change in temperature (P6.1.5a)
energy to cause a change of state = mass × specific latent heat (P6.1.6)
energy stored in a stretched spring = 1⁄2 × spring constant × (extension)2 (P6.3.7)
force = magnetic flux density × current × length of conductor (P3.6.3)
potential difference across primary coil × current in primary coil = potential difference across secondary coil ×
current in secondary coil (P3.4.5)
potential difference across primary coil ÷ potential difference across secondary coil = number of turns in
primary coil ÷ number of turns in secondary coil (P3.7.8b)
for gases: pressure × volume = constant (for a given mass of gas and at a constant temperature) (P6.4.5)
pressure due to a column of liquid = height of column × density of liquid × g (P6.4.8)
change in momentum = resultant force × time for which it acts (P4.3.5)

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80 GCSE (9–1) in Physics B (Twenty First Century Science)

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