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Bremen Town Musicians Answer

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Bremen Town Musicians

Write the word for each picture. Use the words in the box to help
you. Add -s, -es, change the y to i and add -es, or change the f to
ve and add -s.
bunny  bush  calf  fork  fox
house  leaf  candy  shelf  spoon

1. 2.

forks houses
3. 4.


bunnies calves
7. 8.

foxes spoons
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9. 10.

leaves shelves
Home Activity  Your child formed plural nouns by adding -s, -es, changing the y to i and adding -es, or
changing the f to ve and adding -s. Ask your child to name objects in a room, closet, or drawer and then list
the words. Have your child write the plural form of a word when needed.

 Phonics  Plurals -s, -es, -ies  133

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Bremen Town Musicians
Pick a word from the box to match each clue.
Write the word on the line.

bought  people  pleasant  probably 

scared  shall  sign

1. likely 2. man, woman, boy, girl

probably people
3. afraid 4. words on a wall

scared sign
5. nice 6. will

pleasant shall
7. paid for © Pearson Education, Inc., 2


Home Activity  This week your child learned to read the words bought, people, pleasant, probably, scared,
shall, and sign. On small pieces of paper, write each word. Then write clues on other papers. Have your child
match the word with the clue.

134  High-Frequency Words  

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Bremen Town Musicians
Read the fairy tale. Answer the questions.

One Morning in Dragonville

  Long ago in the land of Dragonville, there lived a friendly dragon
named Spots. Spots had brown spots all over his body. One
morning, Spots was sad because he noticed one of his spots was
missing. His friend Sparrow said he would help Spots look for the
missing spot.
“I see my spot!” Spots cried. No, it was just a brown stone.
“I see your spot!” Sparrow exclaimed. No, it was just an acorn.
The two friends walked on. Suddenly Sparrow chirped, “Lift up
your foot, Spots.” There was the missing spot stuck to the bottom
of the dragon’s foot.

1. Why is this a fairy tale?

The characters and events are make-believe.

2. Why is Spots sad at the beginning of the fairy tale?

One of his spots is missing.

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3. Why did the two friends walk on?

They were still looking for the missing spot.

Home Activity  Your child identified causes and effects in a fairy tale. Read a fairy tale with your child. Have
your child identify the make-believe characters, setting, and series of events using cause and effect.

 Comprehension  Cause and Effect  135

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Bremen Town Musicians
Writing • Fairy Tale

The Farmer’s Daughters

Once upon a time, there lived a farmer and his three

daughters. The family had a pretty garden. They grew many
fruits and vegetables.
One morning, a troll came into their garden. He ate lots of
plants! After that, he came back every day. The farmer and
his daughters were very upset.
So the three daughters came up with a plan. That night, they
sprinkled hot pepper on all their plants.
The next day, the troll was back. He picked a tomato and
took a bite. Then he howled and ran away! The farmer and his
daughters laughed and laughed. And they never, ever, saw
the troll again.

Key Features of a Fairy Tale

• It tells a story about magical characters and

events. © Pearson Education, Inc., 2

• The characters usually are either very good or

very bad.

136  Writing  Fairy Tale

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Bremen Town Musicians

Spelling Words
note lunch story tune switch baby
notes lunches stories tunes switches babies

Write the missing list words.

1. I will eat my now.

2. She told a story

about a lost prince.

3. We packed lunches to eat on the hike.

4. My sister wrote two stories .

5. Your baby
loves to eat bananas.

6. The babies
can play in the shade.
Write the list word that rhymes. Then write the word
adding -s or -es.
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dune ditch vote

7. 8.

switch 9. note

10. tunes 11. switches 12. notes

Home Activity  Your child wrote plurals with and without -s and -es. Name a singular word and have your
child explain how the plural is formed.

 Spelling  Plurals  137

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Bremen Town Musicians
Read each pair of sentences.
Write the correct word from the box on the line.

1. a.  I use flour to bake a cake.

b.  I picked a flower from my garden.

2. a.  My sister is two years old.

b.  The boy walks to school.

3. a.  I read the whole book in a week.

b.  The hole in the ground was very deep.

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4. a.  The dolphins swam in the .

b.  I use my eyes to see .

Home Activity  Your child learned about words that sound the same but are spelled differently. Have your
child make up silly sentences that have both homophones in the same sentence.

138  Vocabulary

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Bremen Town Musicians

Plural Nouns That Change Spelling

A plural noun names more than one person, place, animal, or
thing. Some nouns change spelling to name more than one.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
child children leaf leaves
man men wolf wolves
woman women mouse mice
tooth teeth goose geese
foot feet

Choose the correct plural noun in ( ).

Write the noun on the line.
1. A bird has two (foots, feet).

2. The bugs crawl through the (leaves, leafs).

3. All the (children, childs) listen to the music.
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4. The (gooses, geese) are noisy.

Home Activity  Your child learned about plural nouns that change spelling. Together, look through several of
your child’s favorite books. Have your child point out plural nouns that change spelling.

 Conventions Plural Nouns That Change Spelling  139

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Bremen Town Musicians

Story Chart

Sample responses for modeling:
girl, two elves, troll


A girl and two elves were walking in the forest. A troll took
them and put them in a hole.

The girl and elves had an idea. One elf stood on the other’s
shoulders. Then the girl stood on top of their shoulders and
climbed out.
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End of Story
The girl found a long stick. She used it to pull the elves out.
Then they ran home and lived happily ever after.

Home Activity  Your child is learning to write stories, poems, brief reports, nonfiction paragraphs, letters,
and other products this year. Ask what your child is writing this week.

140  Writing  Plan

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Bremen Town Musicians
Today, you reviewed the concept web that explored the Question of
the Week, Why is it a good idea to work together? Use the following
steps to help you add your interests to the list that the class started
and create questions that you have about why it is good to work
Step 1- Ask yourself the following questions:
• What good experiences have I had working with others? What
have I accomplished by working with others?
• What stories have I read or movies have I seen about people
working together? Why was it a good experience for the
characters, or people in the stories?
Step 2- Discuss these questions and your answers with a partner.
What new ideas does your partner’s responses lead to?
Step 3- Write down your new ideas and interests about the class

Accept all reasonable ideas.

Step 4- What do you want to know about why it is good to work
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together? Write four questions you have about why it is good to

work together.

Accept all reasonable ideas.

Home Activity  Your child learned how to generate a list of interests and create questions about topics that
interest them. Discuss with your child your experiences working with others and have your child add new
ideas and questions to the lists.

 Research  Encyclopedia  141

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Bremen Town Musicians

Read the journal entry. Circle three spelling Spelling Words
mistakes. Circle the word with a capitalization
note tune
mistake. Write the words correctly.
notes tunes
My Journal lunch switch
lunches switches
I ate lunch with my freinds. Then
Mrs. perez read a story about a story baby
mother raccoon and her babys. stories babies
I like storys.


1.friends 2. babies Misspelled


3. stories 4. Perez presents

Fill in the circle to show the correctly spelled word.

5. The  baby  beby  babys  is crying.

6. Turn the  switche  switch  swich  off.

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7. Dad whistled some  tunes  tunies  tuns.

8. We can eat our  lunchs  lunches  lunchies  outside.

9. He wrote a  note  not  noties  to his friend.

10. The light  switchies  switchs  switches  are broken.

Home Activity  Your child has identified misspelled words with and without -s and -es.
Ask your child to explain why -es is added to lunch and switch. (The words end with ch.)

142  Spelling  Plurals

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Bremen Town Musicians
Read the story.
Write in the correct words
to finish the sentences.

bought  excitement 
pleasant  probably 
robbers  scared  sign

  Carlos crept up to the old mill. There was a sign

that said “Keep Out!” Carlos still wanted to see if there were really

monsters inside. Would they think there were robbers

breaking in?
  Just as Carlos got close, he heard a racket. Carlos was

scared . He would probably

be eaten.
What would people say if he turned back, though? Carlos stepped
  What was inside? It was an old man playing a horn! The

excitement was gone.

  “What was that horrid sound?” asked Carlos.
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  “I don’t know what you mean,” the musician sniffed.

bought this horn. I think my playing is very

“I just

pleasant. Wait! I shall play you another tune!”

Home Activity  Your child completed sentences in a story using high-frequency and selection words learned
this week. Work with your child to write a story using these words.

 High-Frequency Words/Story Words  143

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Bremen Town Musicians

Plural Nouns That Change Spelling

Mark the letter of the word that correctly completes each sentence.
1. A flock of flew by.
A goose
B geeses
C geese
2. All the ate the cheese.
A mice
B mices
C mouse
3. The three wear hats.
A men
B man
C mens
4. People tapped their .
A foots
B feet
C feets
5. Men and danced.
A women
B woman © Pearson Education, Inc., 2

C womans
6. Does a rooster have ?
A tooth
B tooths
C teeth
Choose a plural noun. Say a sentence for the noun.
Home Activity  Your child prepared for taking tests on plural nouns that change spelling. Have your child
look through a newspaper or magazine article and find plural nouns that change spelling. Ask him or her to
circle the words.

144  Conventions Plural Nouns That Change Spelling

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