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Design and Simulation of A Solar Based DC-DC Converter For Hybrid Electric Vehicles

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Sandu Sridevi et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.4 Issue.11, November- 2015, pg.


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International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

A Monthly Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology

ISSN 2320–088X

IJCSMC, Vol. 4, Issue. 11, November 2015, pg.57 – 63


Design and Simulation of a Solar

Based DC-DC Converter for
Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Sandu Sridevi1, P. Varaprasad Reddy2
M.Tech Student (PE&D), Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
Assistant Professor, EEE Dept., Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad

Abstract--This paper presents modeling, design and analysis of a bidirectional half-bridge DC/DC converter
suitable for power electronic interface between the main energy system and the electric traction drive in
hybrid electric vehicles. A solar based renewable energy system is considered as input. A parallel dc-linked
multi input converter with a half-bridge bidirectional DC/DC cell topology is chosen to link the solar energy
system with the dc-link. The paper focuses on modeling the proposed converter for steady state analysis.
Averaging and linearization techniques are applied to obtain the averaged state space models and small
signal models of the converter in both boost and buck operation modes. A criterion for sizing the converter
passive components based on the imposed design specifications and constraints is illustrated. Simulation
results of the buck-boost converter during normal functioning are presented. The same compared with the
performance of DC-DC converter for the input of hybrid energy storage system which consists of battery and

Keywords: Bidirectional DC/DC converter; hybrid electric vehicles; dynamic modeling; state space
representation; solar cell, components sizing; design; simulation


The use of DC/DC converters is essential in hybrid vehicles. Mainly, there exist two types of DC/DC converters onboard of
a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). The first is a low power bidirectional DC/DC converter which connects the high voltage
dc-link with a low voltage battery used to supply low power loads. The second is a high power bidirectional DC/DC
converter used to connect the main energy storage unit with the electric traction drive system [1]. This paper presents
modeling, design and analysis of the later converter. A Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) composed of a battery unit
and an Ultra Capacitor (UC) pack is considered. Based on the study done in [2], a parallel dc-linked multi-input converter
with half-bridge bidirectional DC/DC cells is chosen to link the battery/UC storage unit with the dc-link. The DC/DC
converter is used to provide a regulated dc voltage at higher level to the inverter and to control power flow to and from the
electric drive during motoring and generating modes respectively. The paper mainly focuses on modeling the proposed
converter for both dynamic and steady state analysis.

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Sandu Sridevi et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.4 Issue.11, November- 2015, pg. 57-63


When designing a bidirectional DC/DC converter suitable for Power Electronic Interface (PEI) between the Energy Storage
System (ESS) and the electric traction drive, it is important to indicate the specifications of the electric traction system.
These specifications include identifying the level of hybridization of the vehicle; as well as the choice of hybrid drive train
configuration, HESS, electric AC drive system, and DC/DC PEI configuration.

A. Level of Hybridization

In order to determine the dc-link voltage and the energy storage unit capacity at the DC/DC converter terminals, it is
empirical to specify the vehicle hybridization level. A full HEV is chosen with large traction motor, high-capacity energy
storage pack and main DC bus voltage around 200-300V.

B. Choice of Hybrid Drivetrain Configuration

A parallel hybrid drive train rather than a series one is chosen for several reasons. As shown in Fig.1, the vehicle can be
driven by the ICE alone, the EM alone or both engines at the same time utilizing the best performance of each. Unlike series
hybrids, parallel hybrids require less number of energy conversion stages and feature less power demands on the electrical
system which makes parallel hybrids less expensive and more energy efficient.

Fig. 1. Parallel hybrid drivetrain configuration

C. Choice of Electric AC Drive System

The AC drive is a classic Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) drive which consists of a PMSM, a three-phase
bridge voltage source inverter and a power electronic controller. Voltage source inverters are commonly used in HEV
applications, where the source delivers a stiff voltage PMSMs exhibit higher efficiency, higher power density and high
torque-to-inertia ratio when compared to induction motors. These advantages as well as the fast torque response make
PMSMs good candidate for use in HEVs. The main disadvantage is the use of permanent magnets which are not only
expensive but also sensitive to load and temperature.


A. Choice of Hybrid Energy Storage System

HEVs rely on the capability of their ESSs not only to store large amounts of energy but also to discharge according to load
demand. A high power, high energy, and high efficiency ESS can be obtained by utilizing a hybrid battery /UC combination.
The UC will increase the ESS power handling capability and reserve the amount of regenerative energy dissipated in the
friction brakes due to the low power handling capability of the battery. The UC is used during transient pea k power
demands and to capture regenerative energy which greatly reduces the voltage variations and stresses across the battery
terminals and releases the burden of power converter interfacing the battery.

B. Choice of Power Electronics Interface Configuration

To get full control over the power flowing to and from the battery and to limit the fluctuating voltage levels at the UC
terminals, it is necessary to utilize a DC/DC PEI between the storage units and the AC drive. The choice of a power
converter as simple yet as efficient as possible to interface the HESS is discussed in [2]. Accordingly, a parallel dc-linked
multi-input bidirectional converter is chosen as shown in Fig. 2. The proposed multi-input bidirectional DC/DC converter
interfacing the battery/UC HESS and the traction drive in the HEV consists of two bidirectional half-bridge cells as shown in
Fig. 3. Each half-bridge cell consists of an energy storage element (inductor), two IGBT power transistors, and two diodes
for bidirectional current flow. IGBT s are chosen since they are suitable for low frequency, high power applications such as
the full hybrid vehicle considered. An input capacitor interfacing the source acts as a filter limiting the source current ripple
and the circulation of high-frequency components through the sources. This filtering is mainly used due to the Equivalent
Series Resistance (ESR) of each of the battery and UC pack. Finally, one common output capacitor is shared between the
two cells to minimize the voltage ripple at the DC bus and the inverter input terminals while t he battery and UC voltages
remain at a level lower than that of the dc-link.

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Sandu Sridevi et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.4 Issue.11, November- 2015, pg. 57-63

Fig. 2. Electric drive subsystem


A. PV array Characteristics

The use of single diode equivalent electric circuit makes it possible to model the characteristics of a PV cell. The
mathematical model of a photovoltaic cell can be developed using MATLAB simulink toolbox. The basic equation from the
theory of semiconductors that mathematically describes the I-V characteristic of the Ideal photovoltaic cell is given by

I = Ipvcell-Id (1)
Id = I0cell[exp(qv/αkT)-1] (2)
I = Ipvcell- I0cell[exp(qv/αkT)-1] (3)
Where, „IPVCell‟ is the current generated by the incident light (it is directly proportional to the Sun irradiation), I d is the diode
equation, Io, cell‟ is the reverse saturation or leakage current of the diode, „q‟ is the electron charge [1.60217646* 10−19C],
k is the Boltzmann constant [1.3806503 *10−23J/K], „T‟ is the temperature of the p-n junction, and „a‟ is the diode ideality
constant. Fig.3 shows the equivalent circuit of ideal PV cell.

Fig.3 Equivalent circuit of ideal PV cell

Practical arrays are composed of several connected PV cells and the observation of the characteristics at the terminals
of the PV array requires the inclusion of additional parameters (as shown in Fig.8) to the basic equation:

I = Ipv-Io[exp(V+IRs/Vtα)-1]-(V+IRs/Rp) (4)
Where Vt = NskT/q is the thermal voltage of the array with „Ns‟ cells are connected in series. Cells connected in parallel
increases the current and cells connected in series provide greater output voltages. V and I are the terminal voltage and
current. The equivalent circuit of ideal PV cell with the series resistance (Rs) and parallel resistance (Rp) is shown in Fig.4.

Fig.4 Equivalent circuit of ideal PV cell with Rp and Rs.

For a good solar cell, the series resistance (Rs), should be very small and the shunt (parallel) resistance (Rp), should be
very large. For commercial solar cells (Rp) is much greater than the forward resistance of a diode. The I-V curve is shown in
Fig.5. The curve has three important parameters namely open circuit voltage (Voc), short circuit current (Isc) and maximum
power point (MPP). In this model single diode equivalent circuit is considered. The I-V characteristic of the photovoltaic

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Sandu Sridevi et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.4 Issue.11, November- 2015, pg. 57-63

device depends on the internal characteristics of the device and on external influences such as irradiation level and the

Fig.5 I-V and P-V characteristics of PV cell


Dynamic modeling of power converter is necessary in order to study its transient behavior and analyze how variations in
the input voltage, load current, and duty cycle affect its output voltage [3]-[15]. However, a switching power converter is a
nonlinear time-varying system which is difficult to analyze due to its intrinsic large signal nature. Small signal modeling is a
commonly used approach to simplify the analysis, control and design of the converter nonlinear system by transforming it
into a linear time-invariant system. This is usually done by taking the average value of the state variables over one switching
period and is known as state space averaged modeling which enables analyzing the system dynamic behavior. The converter
state space equations are used to derive the small signal averaged equations and the system transfer functions which are
further used in the design of the controllers to regulate the system performance. Fig. 4 shows the switching power converter
model. The converter state variables are the capacitors voltages, v Cin and vCo, and inductor current, iL. The input variables are
the load current, io, and the input source voltage, vin for battery or UC. The output variable is the dc-link voltage, vo, for UC
fed converter and the source current, iin, for battery fed converter.

The half-bridge converter i s bidirectional in current; thus, it is analyzed once as a boost converter stepping up voltage
from the battery/UC to the load side and then as a buck converter stepping down voltage from th e dc-link to the source. The
half-bridge converter never operates in discontinuous conduction mode due to the fact that the power devices (T1 with D2
and T2 with D1) function in complementary modes and have bidirectional load and source. This fact reduces current peaks
as well as stresses on passive and active components. Moreover, the half-bridge converter switches function pair-wise,
meaning that when T1 is ON, T2 is OFF, and vice versa. If both transistors lead at the same time there is a SC and risk of
destroying components. Th us, the converter always operate in continuous conduction mod e with only two switching states
for each of the boost and buck operations as shown in Table I.

Fig .6 Parallel dc-linked multi-input bidirectional DC/DC converter

Fig .7 Power Switching Converter Model

Table1. Switching Configuration Of Half Bridge Converter

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Sandu Sridevi et al, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.4 Issue.11, November- 2015, pg. 57-63

Fig. 8. Boost converter normal operation modes

Fig. 9. Buck converter normal operation modes


The simulation circuits of both systems and corresponding results are shown in the following figures.

Fig .10 Simulation of DC-DC Converter with Battery/UC Input

Fig .11 Simulation of DC-DC Converter with Solar Input

Fig .12 Output Voltage of DC-DC Converter with Battery/UC Input (200V i/p)

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Fig .13 Solar Cell Input Voltage (15V)

Figure .14 Output Voltage of DC-DC Converter with Solar Input (50V o/p)


This paper presents design and analysis of a half bridge bidirectional DC/DC converter as a PEI between a HESS and the
main DC bus in HEVs. We considered two different inputs for the proposed DC-DC converter: 1. Hybrid Battery/UC pack
2. Solar input. The performance of the DC-DC converter is analyzed for both the inputs. It is observed that the converter
working efficiently for the solar input too. The converter components are sized based on the design requirements of a full
HEV. To verify the converter operation, the proposed design is simulated using Matlab/Simulink.


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Sandu Sridevi received B. Tech Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Sridevi
Womens Engineering College(JNTUH) in the year of 2013. She is currently M. Tech student in
the stream Power Electronic and Drives. Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India.
And she is interested in the field of Power Electronics and Drives.

P. Varaprasad Reddy is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Vignana Bharathi Institute

of Technology, Hyderabad, India. His research areas include Power Electronic Drives and
Renewable Energy Sources.

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