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Pinger Operation Brochure

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Frequently Asked Questions Technical Specifications

Do Pingers scare fish?

No. All major scientific trials using Pingers over the past 20 years
shows that Pingers have no adverse effects on fish species. Whale Porpoise Dolphin
Pinger Pinger Pinger
Do I have to do anything to the Pingers to make them operate? Operational
Patent Pending
No. Future Oceans Pingers are designed to work as a hands free Specifications
product. The two water contact switches turn the Pingers on Frequency 3 kHz 10 kHz 70 kHz
once they are immersed in water and the Pingers stop operating Sound pressure level 135 db 132 db 145 db

automatically when the water contacts are dry. Emission interval 5 secs 4 secs 4 secs
How many Pingers do I need on my net? Emission duration 400 m/s 300 m/s 300 m/s
Under European EC standards, and USA NMFS regulations, Battery life* 30 Days 9 Months 9 Months
the 10kHz Porpoise Pingers must be spaced every 100 meters, (based on 12 hrs (based on 12 hrs
300 feet or 50 fathoms on gill nets. We apply this same spacing
recommendation for our Dolphin Pinger. We recommend spacing the Design Specifications
soak per day) soak per day)
Technical Specifications
and Instructions
Whale Pingers every 50 meters or 25 fathoms on all gear. Highly Durable Casing
CNC machined from
Do Pingers work on all gear? solid Copolymer rod
Yes. Provided spacing requirements are met and you are using Water Contacts
the right Pinger for the right species, the Pingers will alert marine Hands free operation,
mammals to whatever gear they are deployed on – set nets, purse water activated
electronic switch
seiners, line and trap gear, aquaculture facilities, in fact any
infrastructure that might accidentally entangle Whales, Porpoises Weight
200 grams
and Dolphins can be fitted with Pingers.
How long do the batteries last in each Pinger? 150 mm / 5.9”
The Porpoise and Dolphin Pinger batteries will last 9 months Width
based on 12 hours soak per day. The Whale Pinger batteries 44 mm / 1.7”
will last 40 days based on 12 hours soak per day. Operating
confirmation LED
How do I change the batteries? 5 secs 4 secs 4 secs**
Using Pingers saves you money!
Internal light blinks at
Changing batteries is a very simple operation. Simply unscrew the intervals of:
two ends of the Pinger, slide out the battery tray which houses Internal LED is visible in daylight.
the battery, remove the battery and replace it. Do this in a dry
Pinger operation commences approximately 30 seconds after submersion.
Pingers stop operating 60 seconds after water contacts are dry. • Let Whales, Porpoises and Dolphins
Where do I get replacement batteries and are they expensive?
*Pinger Warranty will be null and void if Future Oceans batteries are not used.
**Dolphin Pinger is inaudible to humans. know where your gear is at.
Replacement batteries cost about US $10.00 (may vary slightly
country to country). Future Oceans batteries MUST be used to Available at:
• Avoid costly fishing interruptions,
ensure our warranty remains valid. Batteries must be disposed of in
compliance with local regulations. PLEASE DO NOT dump batteries
saving time fuel and labor.
• Save on expensive net repairs or
Do I have to maintain the Pingers?
If the Pingers are well maintained you will get better life
expectancy. It does not hurt to wash the Pingers down with fresh
water. Always check the condition of the O ring when changing • Be responsible – fish sustainably!
batteries. If it looks worn, replace it with a -026 size O ring.
Add silicone based grease to the O ring and male threads.

Live and let live

For more FAQ’s visit:
Use 3mm, 1/8” braided, very low stretch, net twine to
Gill Nets – Pinger Deployment Pinger Attachment Instructions serve Pinger to head line. Cut two pieces of twine for
Whale Pingers spaced every 50 meters / 150 feet / 25 fathoms, each Pinger about 450mm / 18” long. Insert twine into
Porpoise and Dolphin Pingers spaced every 100 meters / 300 feet / 50 fathoms
end hole in Pinger casing. Push twine out of side hole.
Tie a figure 8 stop knot in the end of twine with
Whales, Porpoises and Dolphins minimum tail. Pull figure 8 knot tight.
avoid the net with Pingers deployed.
They pass the net unharmed and Pull figure 8 knot tight inside Pinger casing.
fishing continues uninterupted and
your net remains intact. Clip tail if it protrudes outside of Pinger casing. This
Ocean Bottom offers a smooth non-fouling twine connection to
Pinger. Repeat twine attachment procedure on both
ends of Pinger.
Line and Trap – Pinger Deployment
Using a fid, pull twine through head line. Pull Pinger as
Whale Pingers spaced every 50 meters / 150 feet / 25 fathoms
tight as possible to head line.
Main Bouy
Lay a minimum of 6 rolling hitches around head line
Whales detect Pingers and avoid
while ensuring the end of the Pinger stays as tight to
the lines and traps, leaving your the headline as possible. Pull rolling hitches as tight
valuable gear where it should be. as possible.

Using a fid, lead the twine tail through the headline

Ocean Bottom two or three times to seize the serving. Leave bitter
end of tail inside of head line to avoid fouling. Repeat
Purse Seine – Pinger Deployment process on other end of Pinger.

Porpoise and Dolphin Pingers Deployed It is critical to keep the head line as tight and as close
as possible to the Pinger casing. The head line will
Pinger spacing
50 meters / 150 feet / 25 fathoms
stretch and will make the serving even tighter when
under load. When the net is stowed the head line will
relax and the serving will loosen. This why
it is critical to have a very tight Pinger attachment.

Properly served Pingers will not foul nets or deck
Escape Area:
No Pingers placed 50 metres either side of opening gear. Pingers that come loose must be reattached
to allow foraging Porpoises and Dolphins to escape
to avoid damage to nets, Pingers and deck gear. This
attachment method allows the use of net reels or net
Whale Pingers Deployed pounds with minimum risk of net fouling.
Pinger spacing
50 meters / 150 feet / 25 fathoms Future Oceans is the world leader in the design and
manufacture of Pingers, which are used and trusted by
commercial fishermen all over the world.

If you have any questions about our products please

visit our website.

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