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Volume 1
(Based on Acupressure/Reflexology
and other Natural Therapies)
Simple Practical Way to Perfect Health
(This book is also available in Hindi,
Marathi, Bengali & Gujarati)

Twenty Sixth Edition Price : Rs.

(Concessional rate for India only)


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I have gone through the book written by Shri Devendra Vora on
Acupressure Therapy (Reflexology), making available simple
directions for using the acupressure therapy to preserve one's health
and to cure illness if it overtakes one.
The human body is a perfect machine which can regulate itself,
provided the natural rules of food, work and rest are observed. When
we transgress natural rules, we create toxins in the body, which the
body attempts to get rid of. This attempt is considered as disease and
is given different names according to different symptoms. If the
transgression of rules is set right by natural methods available to every
human being, complete cure is possible without any other aid. This is
Nature Cure Treatment which includes the following methods :
( 1) Fasting as long as necessary and then dieting properly, using
enema, mud packs, steam and friction baths. (2) Using wheat sprouts
and their juice along with a raw diet.
(3 ) Living only on fresh and raw vegetables, to be taken
regularly in a proper manner.
(4) Using magnets to cure illness as prescribed in Magneto
( 5 ) Adopting Acupressure Therapy which is described in this
book in simple language with clear instructions.
( 6 ) Adopting Urine (Auto) Therapy which can cure all illnesses
and maintain both mental and physical health.
Every person can use any one or more of these methods
according to his conviction and convenience. What is reguired is faith
in the treatment adopted.
I am glad Shri Vora is publishing this important and
useful manual on Acupressure Therapy, so that any person
who is interested in Natural Treatment can be his own Doctor
of Health. I hope this book will be translated into all Indian
Mumbai, Date : 26.4.1982 -Morarji Desai
Though I am at present engaged in international business as per my
desire, my second choice was to go in for the medical line. I had an abiding
interest in Health Science since my childhood and I used to learn as much as I
could about Health Science. My curiosity was amply rewarded in 1977 when
I got an opportunity to study Health Science during my tour of the U.S.A. I
came to know that Acupressure Therapy was put to test in the U.S.A. and
found very useful. I went deep into it and found its roots in India as remote as
5000 years ago. The chart of the soles given in this book is based on the
writings of "Sushrut". Acupressure is only an offspring of Nature's own
science installed in our body and given as a great boon to mankind.
Acupressure therapy was being followed in different forms in different
countries and even the Red Indians in the 16th century cured diseases by
pressing different points on the patient's soles. Dr. William Fritzgerald and
others of the U.S.A. have carried out research on the same and have brought
this science to light in the 20th century.
This therapy is capable of solving the present-world health problems
and bestowing good health on all in just 10 years.
From the view point of health the world could be divided into :
( 1) (About 60 %)-those people (including those to be born) who are
healthy but liable to catch diseases). With the regular Acupressure treatment,
their illness can be prevented.
( 2 ) (About 25 %)-those people who are suffering at present but can be
cured without cost with the help of this science and prevented from falling ill
(3) (About 15%)-who require medical help, medicine and/or surgery.
There are enough practitioners and hospitals in the world that can take care of
these people. Afterwards, they can also be prevented from falling ill, with the
use of Acupressure Therapy.
Thus, with proper propagation and teaching of this science, most of the
health problems of the world can be solved. This can be done easily as
mentioned below ;
( 1 ) This therapy should be learnt by the teachers of high schools and
professors at the college level and taught as a voluntary subject. These
students, in turn, will propagate this therapy not only in their homes but also
in the community around during their vacations.
(2 ) Retired teachers, professors, government servants and other
educated people can learn it and conduct classes to teach it to others.
(3 ) The press can greatly assist by regularly publishing articles on
various aspects of this therapy and the experiences of their readers.
(4 ) It can also be propagated through the media like Radio, TV and
(5 ) Philanthropists and charitable organisations, religious-minded
people and religious institutions can adopt this as a God-given therapy and
work for its propagation.
The huge amount which is being spent on health problems can better be
diverted towards better hygiene, better and cheaper supply of nutritious food
to the people and thus create a goodwill cycle to bring health and happiness
to all.
The World Health Organisation is now giving attention to this therapy.
The West has accepted acupuncture. Very soon the world will accept this
Health Science which is the mother of Acupuncture, Siatsu or Pointed
Pressure Therapy.
Nature's gifts like sunshine, air and water are free and so is this science.
Even a child can easily understand and practise it. Any one can practise it
himself for his health. Cheap home devices can be used if so desired.
We shall always be grateful to those unknown Rishis or Sages who
discovered the points installed in our palms and soles to be pressed for
treatment under this therapy and made us aware of these points. We are also
grateful to all those who have preserved this science through the centuries
and to those who have helped to encourage this science.
These Rishis have taught that the body consists of five elements,
namely : Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jal), Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), and Space
(Akash) and all these are governed by Bio-Electricity or Life Battery. In order
to maintain proper balance of these in our body we should take food and
drink according to the season. Some foods which are useful in one season can
be harmful in another season, e.g. buttermilk and curd are useful in summer
but are not advisable in monsoon. Or fresh vegetables which are useful in
summer and winter can be a cause of disease in the

monsoon, because of excess of water substance and the possibility of the
water being polluted in the monsoon. Similarly, the excess of any one of these
substances leads to a national health problem e.g., in Japan, cold is very
common. It is due to (i) dampness of air (ii) and more water substance
contained in their staple food of rice and fish. Incidence of common cold
means that Nature wants to throw out excess of water from the body and any
attempt to retain it would lead to more diseases. The best cure for the people
of Japan is to take food like wheat regularly, have sunbath, drink boiled and
lukewarm water, practise more Sun Pranayam and avail themselves of this
science. In Afghanistan, there is more fire element in the human body. Dry
air, dry fruits and the blazing sun lead to the excess of heat which causes
bleeding through the nose. This can be treated by taking more green watery
fruits like watermelon, honeydew, etc., and also by avoiding the use of dry
fruits in summer and using buttermilk and curd and practising Moon
In this book, on page 120 of fig. 681 have shown an easy way to find
out which eatables/drinks will suit our body. If it is practised regularly, our
diet will become most balanced and as such we shall be able to control and
cure most of the diseases.
I have only to urge all those who love health to follow Nature and carry
out research and accept whatever is found beneficial.
Louis Pasteur's research about germs is a boon to mankind. But in his
enthusiasm, he has overlooked the fact that man-human body-is very much
superior and is capable of fighting all the germs and throwing them out of the
body by creating antibodies. Diseases caused by these germs enter the body
through eatables kept in the open and through overripe fruits as well as
through drinking polluted water. We can avoid these things. Therefore, the
best cure for health is to empower the Human battery-to recharge the organs
and endocrine glands through this therapy and maintain proper hygiene. If
these instructions of Nature are followed properly, good health can be
enjoyed. However, for those already suffering from incurable diseases, drugs
or surgery may be used.
I am most grateful to Shri Morarjibhai Desai, the former Prime
Minister of India, for taking great interest in this science and encouraging me
to write this book and also for blessing me with his 'FOREWORD'.
I am also grateful to all those who have taken great interest in this
Health Science and spread it among a large number of people.
Dr. Jullian N. Kenyon, M.D. of U.K. mentions in his book "21 st
Century Medicine" that all the therapies based on bio-electricity will prevail
in the world. Among all such therapies, Acupressure is the easiest, simplest
and the BEST "Do-it-Yourself" therapy. Only this therapy gives prevention,
proper diagnosis and cure for A to Z diseases. Till mankind survives, this
therapy will be the Therapy of the world".
Dr Andrew Weil, M.D. of U.S.A. in his book "Spontaneous Healing"
maintains that our body has a great capacity to heal itself.
We all stand on the shoulders of our predecessors. We are grateful to
all of them. This book is a humble effort to explain Nature's science and its
technology in a simple way, from a layman's angle in the hope that it will
benefit the people at large.
As laymen, we are interested in quick recovery and would not mind
using harmless, complementary medicines. As such, the use of such
medicines and of some hints of the Pointed Pressure Therapy Siatsu are
included in this book. Acupressure therapy has been tried by more than 5
million people in the past five years and in 85 % cases it has succeeded.
Nobody has reported any side effects. Several instances can be given here.
But the following report of Dr Rahmaney, M.B.B.S. and Homoeopath of
Malegaon is very inspiring :
"Women working on hand spinning wheels suffered from cuts in
fingertips near the nails made by the thread of the yarn. Infection and then
whitlow put them in a very painful condition. Moreover, throbbing pain at
night caused sleeplessness and rendered them unable to work during the day
to earn their daily bread. And this caused loss of labour for a week or two.
Further, the opening of the abscess required dressing for weeks together.
Acu- pressure treatment was given to hundreds of such patients and they were
taught to do the same at home. Pressure was given on the nearest point or on
exactly the same point on the opposite hand. By this treatment patients got
relief from pain, had good sleep at night, and within 3 to 5 days it was found
that the pus and inflammation had gone and the dead skin got peeled off.
Now these women press
their tired fingers after every 1-hour or so. There are no more cuts,
there is no more pain. They bless me and I thank Acupressure Therapy".
Similarly, I have cured many patients of Mastitis i.e., pain in breasts
after delivery, Appendicitis, stomach pain, B. P., etc. by this Acupressure
I request all health-loving people, benevolent institutions and the
Government to give a trial to this therapy and propagate it if found
useful. The suggestions given in this book for the treatment of various
diseases have been found useful and so are given out for the benefit of
all the people without any legal liability to myself.
Let us not forget the kind mother Nature in our pursuit of
science. In the end I pray that :
"Welfare be to all the world;
May all be interested in helping others;
Diseases and misery may perish;
And may all the people be Healthy and Happy."
Now, the revised edition of this book is published. I have
added chapters about our body, its working and also Nature's other
therapies of Nature Cure, Chromotherapy, Urine Therapy and
Biochemic therapy; and many new hypothecations based on my
personal examination of over 1,25,000 people. I am grateful to all
my readers and the publishers.
23 -12 -1989 - Devendra Vora
Based on my experience, this book is revised again to make it
more useful to people. 30-12-97
From the experience of practice for twenty years and personal
examination of over 2,00,000 patients, I am revising this book to make
it more useful and reliable.
Gala Publishers offer Very
useful, low priced health books
1. Be Your Own Doctor with Acupressure
2. Be Your Own Doctor with Foot Reflexology
3. Be Your Own Doctor with Magnet Therapy
4. Nature Cure for Common Diseases
5. Juice-Diet for Perfect Health
6. Efficacy of Fasting
7. Prevent Heart Disease and Prolong Life
8. From Fat to Fit
9. Backache : Prevention and Cure
10. Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Without Any Fear
11. Panacea on the Earth : Wheat Grass Juice
12. Vision Training Programme
13. Care of the Eyes
14. Incurable Disease? Don't Despair
15. Auto-Urine Therapy
16. Be Your Own Doctor Using REIKI
17. Yoga : Yogasanas and Pranayama for Health
18. Holy Basil Tulsi
19. The Pregnancy and Baby-Care Book
20. Health in Your Hands (Reflexology)
21. Defeat the Dragon
22. Homoeopathy for Common Diseases
23. Acupressure Chart
24. Shivambu Geeta
25. Defeat Depression
26. A Unique Remedy for A Hundread Ailments : Fasting
27. Health Aerobic and Beauty
28. Arthritis? Try Yogasanas
29. Our Valued Treasure-Our Children
These books are available in English, Hindi, Gujarati and
Marathi languages with all leading book-sellers

Gift these books to your friends and relatives, so that

they are inspired to live a healthy life.
1. Our Body ........................................................... 11
2. Brain-The Atomic Reactor-Bio-Electricity ... 35
3. Acupressure : Therapy And Practice .................... 62
4. Endocrine Glands-Regulators Of The Body .. 96
5. Root Causes And Eradication Of Diseases _____ 110
6. Nature Cure ......................................................... 131
7. Chromotherapy-Use Of Colours Of The Sun 134
8. Urine Therapy .................................................... 136
9. Twelve Salts -Biochemic Therapy ....................... 138
10. Child Care .......................................................... 143
11. Women's Problems ............................................. 151
12. Men's Problems .................................................. 158
13. How to Prevent Old Age And Maintain
Youthfulness ....................................................... 162
14. Treatment Of Common Diseases ................ : ........ 164
15. Treatment Of Serious Diseases ............................ 206
16. Instructions To The Practitioners ......................... 251
17. Ten Minutes A Day To Keep The Disease Away 253
18. Conclusion .......................................................... 258
. Useful Hints ........................................................ 260
« Other Useful References ..................................... 264
* Ready Reckoner .................................................. 267
* New Concept About Energy ............................... 272

After giving treatment on other points, treatment

must be given on point No. 26 (kidney). For children,
treatment must also be given on
point 38.
(Note : Treatment suggested in this book is
successfully tried on several patients and so is
mentioned here for the benefit of all WITHOUT
ANY LEGAL LIABILITY for the author.)


Of all kinds of happiness, the best happiness is good health
i.e. freedom from any worries about one's body or diseases. That
is why we should know more about our body and how to look
after it.
According to science the human body appeared on Earth
more than 5 million years ago. It is the greatest wonder. It is
intriguing to find out which machine of the present machine-age
is not placed in our body by the Creator. All these delicate but
strong machines can work non-stop even for 100 years and work
in unbelievable harmony. Moreover, this human body is
capable of curing any disease. Acupressure helps the body in
this process of CURE and also to maintain all organs and
endocrine glands in a proper working order-so that we get
PERFECT HEALTH and the possibility of any disease is greatly

Fig. 1 : Human body is like a modern factory


We can compare our body with the most modern, mobile, air
conditioned factory. Its building has a cement concrete structure and is
built on pillars-the legs which give it movement also. Its first floor,
which is up to diaphragm, accommodates the nutrition producing plant,
filteration plant and even sewage plant to throw out wastage-urine and
stools. Surprisingly, it has a unique reproduction plant. On the second
floor of this human building there is a non-stop pump (Heart) and also
air controllers (Lungs). The upper/top floor is dome-shaped and it
accommodates the atomic reactor, super-computer and telephone
exchange (Brain) which has miles-long, a fastest communication
system. And surprisingly, all the different plants work
AUTOMATICALLY and in co-ordination. This human factory has the
following inbuilt systems in it :

Major Organs,
Component Tissues, Functions
or Cells

body bones and support, protection, give

1. Skeletal
cartilage joints. form and shape to the
body; act as levers for
body rfmscles attached skilled and gross body
2. Muscular
to skeleton. movement.
brain, spinal cord, all appreciation of
3. Nervous
peripheral nerves and environment, co-
organs of sensation. ordination and direction
of activities of body
skin and appendages protection against
4. Integu-
(hair, nails, glands) invasion from outside,
dehydration, injury and
temperature regulation

5. Digestive mouth, mouth cavity, ingestion, digestion

pharynx, oesophagus, absorption of nutrients and
stomach, intestines, anus, ejection of residues
liver, pancreas and
salivary glands
6. Respiratory nose, nasal cavities, take in oxygen; expel
larynx, trachea, lungs, carbon dioxide; acid-
(bronchi and bronchioles), base regulation
7. Circulatory heart, artery, veins, transport of nurtients, cell
capillary, blood and products to and wastes from
blood vessels all parts of the body

8. Immune white blood cells, certain defence against foreign

cells of bone marrow, cells, micro-organisms,
lymph nodes, spleen, etc. parasites and viruses

9. Urinary kidneys, ureters, urinary regulation of blood

(excretory) bladder and urethra composition; formation and
elimination of urine
10. Reproductive Female : ovaries, fallopian production of sex cells
tubes, uterus, vagina, (ova, sperm); hormone
external genitalia, production

mammary glands Male :

testes, vas deferens, seminal
vesicles, prostate and
external genitalia

11. Lymphatic Lymph nodes, nodules, return of fluid to circulation;

(lymph vascular) vessels, thymus and spleen clearing of dead cells from
body, part of immune

Skeleton: The frame of a fully developed

body looks like the skeleton shown in the
picture here. It is composed of 206 bones,
which are of different types. The skull bones
are devised to give maximum protection to the
brain-the atomic reactor, supercomputer and
telephone exchange of our body, vertebrae
spine bones give protection to the sciatic
nerves-the main cable, cage of ribs give
protection to the vital lungs and heart, and
bones of hands and legs give movement. This
frame of bones looking like a cement-concrete
structure of a building is made mainly of
calcium and phosphorous and small amounts
of a few mineral compounds.
Many of these bones are hollow inside
Fig. 2 : Skeleton-cement
where the most vital new red cells are concrete structure
generated. So when blood passes through
these bones, red cells get mixed into it. That is
why when a patient suffers from blood cancer, the bone marrow is
also damaged. This in turn leads to less production of red blood cells
and this vicious cycle leads to fatal consequences.

1.3,5 and 6 : Tubular Structure at the ends of bone. 2 : Bone

marrow-Inside 4 : Hollow-inside

Fig. 3 : Structure ot a bone


These bones contain inorganic chemicals like calcium,

phosphorous, iron, etc. which make these bones hard; and also organic
chemicals which produce red blood cells. These bones complete their
growth before 20 to 23 years and so after this age height does not
Muscles : (They are like the brick work with plaster inside.) The
bones and their joints are covered with muscles. There is a network of
muscles in the body and it weighs more than 50 % of the body's
weight. Muscles are fibrous tissues that produce movement in the
body. They are secured to the bones by cords called the tendons. You
can easily see the tendons at work by moving your hand and noticing
where these cords move underneath the skin. The bones of moving
joints are secured together by fibres called ligaments and soft pads of
cartilage. They act as cushions where the bones move over each other.
Muscles work in groups, so in order to move a limb certain muscles
contract and pull on the tendons, thus moving the bone, while
compensating muscles stretch to keep the movement steady. Muscles
are mainly of two types : voluntary and involuntary. The voluntary
muscles work as per our will and are mainly concerned with
movements of limbs. Involuntary muscles are found in the blood
vessels, in the iris of the eye, trachea, food pipe, heart, diaphragm, etc.
in the body. In short, the voluntary muscles carry out controlled
movements, while the involuntary muscles with their slow rhythmic
movements are concerned with automatic functions such as breathing,
working of the heart, food digestion, etc. These voluntary muscles can
be developed and made strong by exercises. Heavy exercises can build
up these muscles, but in that case, these muscles lose their suppleness.
But yogic exercises, walking, swimming, etc. give suppleness and
tone to these muscles.
If there is undue pressure on these joints and ligaments, like
when an ankle gets twisted while walking or when there is a fall, there
is a sprain in these joints and ligaments. In such cases, the pain
subsides with rest, and with the

application of hot/cold packs. The affected part should be

covered with elastic bands.
Fig. 4 : Seven layers of skin

Pore of sweat gland

Duet of Skin : It is like
sweat gland
& > Epidermis

- Sebaceous gland >


Erector plli

connective tissue

Papilla of hair
an outside plaster
of a building. The
framework of
muscle layer

bones, skeleton, muscles and fats, are covered with skin which
has seven layers, but only 1.5 millimeter thick and it is porous. It
has its outer layer with sensory glands which impart to us its
sense of touch; the real skin and respiration glands. They are
connected by both types of afferent and efferent nerves which
take sensations of coldness, heat, softness, hardness, pressure,
etc. to the brain and bring back the orders from the brain. The
skin protects the muscles and fats of the body. It also prevents
bacteria from entering the body. Moreover, many toxins are
thrown out of the body through the skin, thus serving as a blood

purifier. It helps the removal of certain salts of the body through

perspiration. It controls the temperature of the body and prevents
cold from entering the body in cold season and throws out heat
in the hot season through perspiration. The hair on the skin also
assist in controlling the temperature of the body.
Surprisingly, even though the skin is thin and delicate, it is
very strong and elastic.
Digestive System : (Nutritive material manufacturing
wonderful chemical plant of the body.)
For the working of the body and nutrition, the organs,
muscles and other tissues require blood. Pure blood is formed
from the food and drink we take and digest. Our digestive
system consists of mouth, buccal cavity, oesophagus, stomach,
intestines (small and big), ileocaecal valve! pancreas, liver, etc.
Mouth : This is the opening of the system through which
food and drink enter the system.
Buccal Cavity : This is the hollow space behind the teeth
where the food is chewed with the help of teeth. Saliva is
secreted from the salivary glands. This mixes with the food and
helps in the digestion of sugars. Proper chewing of food at least
12-15 times is most necessary. Talks should be avoided while
eating-instead, light music could be played.
Oesophagus (Gullet) : Normally this remains closed, but
when food is forced into it, it directs the food downwards
automatically with special movement called peristalsis. This
food is pushed into the stomach.
Stomach (Mixer) (Point No. 27) : When the food enters
the stomach, it secretes digestive juices like pepsin and renin
which help in the digestion of proteins. The churning of the food
and mixing of the digestive juices goes on for about 4 hours.
Then the semidigested and liquified food finds its way into the
duodenum through the pyloric valve.

1. Salivary glands
2. Gullet
3. Stomach
4. Duodenum
5. Pancreas
6. Colon-big intestine
7. Small intestines
8. Appendix
9. Gallbladder
10. Liver

Fig. 5 : Digestive organs

In order to enable the stomach to function efficiently, one should
not overload it with food more than necessary, so that it can expand
and contract properly. Moreover, one should make a habit of not
eating between two meals and to give 9 to 10 hours of rest to the
stomach at night. "To live long and healthy eat only when you are very
hungry." said Sir M. Visvesvarayya, eminent engineer, educationist
and Bharat Ratna award winner, who lived for 101 years.
Small Intestine (Point No. 19) : It is about twenty-three feet i.e.
seven metres long tube. The anterior (about nine inch) part is called
duodenum. The bile juice created by the

liver (Point No. 23) and stored in the gall bladder (Point No. 22) and
pancreatic juice are poured into the duodenum where it mixes with the
food. Jejunum, the middle part of the small intestine is about seven to
eight feet long. The last part is called Ilium and is about fifteen to
sixteen feet long. Digestive juices secreted here get mixed with the
food and help in the digestion. The bile is alkaline in nature. It
neutralizes and renders the semi-digested acidic food coming from the
stomach, alkaline; so as to allow the pancreatic enzymes to act. Bile
juice also helps the fat to be emulified and made soluble for easy
digestion. Most of the food is digested in the small intestine and
broken down into simpler products like amino acids, monosaccharides
like glucose, monoglycerides and free fatty acids which are absorbed
in the small intestine. These absorbed juices are turned into blood by
spleen. The unabsorbed residue goes into the large intestines through
ileocaecal valve (Point No. 21). It is the world's best sewage system.
The necessary amount of water and certain salts are absorbed here.
This large intestine consists of the caecum (with the appendix) and the
colon which ends into rectum. Depending on their position, parts of
the colon are named as ascending colon, traverse colon, descending
colon and the sigmoid colon. Inflammation of the colon is known as
Colitis. It may be noted that if the food is properly digested and liquid
intake is sufficient, the stool is properly formed-soft and nearly

Appendix (Point No. 21) : It is a worm shaped tube arising

from the caecum. It is about four inches long and has no special
function, but it often gets inflamed due to accumulation of decaying
faecal matter or worms lodged inside it. It causes severe pain and
vomitting. This can be corrected with Acupressure treatment
[(Change in diet-(say green juices and fruit juices), and surgery can be

Pancreas (Point No. 25) : It is a digestive-an exocrine

gland; however as it produces insulin, it is also called an
endocrine gland. Its digestive juices help in digestion of
carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It creates insulin which
assists the body in maintaining of sugar level of blood. It is
likely that whenever energy is required by the body as
demanded by adrenal gland to do some action quickly; the
insulin producing parts of pancreas slows down its process
and allows more sugar / glucose = energy to go to the
necessary parts of the body. Now if this process is repeatedly
continued due to excitement over functioning of adrenal
gland the pancreas slows down its process of creating enough
insulin and over a period of few years becomes sluggish; so
the control of sugar/glucose level in the body slows down
and a stage is reached where diabetes sets in. Therefore, for
those people who are not overweight but have diabetes,
should control adrenal and cure excess excitedness and
worries and activate the pancreas to cure the diabetes. Thus,
if sufficient insulin is not produced by the pancreas, the result
is diabetes. However, its overworking leads to more
consumption of sugar/glucose and leads to low B.P.,
migraine, headache, etc.
Liver (Point No. 23) : Our body has a reactor-producing energy
and heat. Our body requires a cooling system to control this heat. This
is Liver. Its working can be compared with the working of the radiator
of a car. It produces bile juice which is stored in gall bladder (Point No.
22) and from there, whenever necessary, it is poured into the
duodenum-part of small intestine and turns the acidic semi-liquid food
into alkaline. Now, if the liver does not function properly and
produce sufficient bile and if there is no free flow of this stored bile
from gall bladder into the small intestine, acidity in the digestive
system increases. This in turn leads to excess heat in the body. On
the one hand more acidity in the digestive system leads to gases,
burning sensation in the stomach and in gullet, weakening the gums
and the teeth,

and later on leading to ulcer in the intestines and the mouth. On the
other hand, production of excess heat in the body becomes the root
cause of cold due to heat; disturbs the functioning of the eyes, one
of the root causes and it is also that necessitates the use of
spectacles, also it makes the semen, ova thinner-leading to early
ejaculation and discharge in sleep for men and also to Leukorrhea in
women; it also leads to problems of skin, falling of hair and is one of
the main causes of Jaundice. Such a vicious cycle also leads to short-
The proper functioning of liver is most vital and hence it is the
biggest gland in the body. Moreover, it stores fats, minerals and
vitamins. It converts sugar into Glycogen and vice-versa and stores it.
Moreover, liver removes toxins and destroys unwanted by-products.
Thus, it will be observed that as proper functioning of many
organs of the body depends upon proper functioning of the liver. The
quality of life is rightly said to depend upon the liver. However, its
functioning is disturbed by excess heat in side the body. Such an
excess heat in the body is created by less functioning of liver and also
due to cobalt and Infra-Red rays, heat producing anti-biotic drugs,
drugs which disturb the proper functioning of liver and also due to the
exposure to outside heat. In all these cases, it is utmost necessary to
take treatment (shown later on in this book) to reduce excess heat in
the body.
Working of liver is controlled by adrenal gland (Point No. 28).
Respiratory System : As the body requires food for nutrition, it
requires oxygen for energy. For any type of work to be done, the body
requires oxygen which helps in Producing energy from the stored
food materials. This °xygen is of prime importance, because if it is
not supplied

to the brain for more than three minutes, the brain stops
When the air enters the nose, it is filtered and moistened
before it enters the lungs (Point No. 30). Here the impure blood
is sent by the heart. The blood in the capillaries of the lungs
absorbs oxygen from the inhaled air and release impurities like
carbondioxide, hydrogen etc. which are exhaled out. The purified
blood is sent back to the heart from where it is pumped into the
body and thus oxygen is supplied to all the organs (see figs. 6 &

Fig. 6 : Respiratory system Fig. 7 : Enlarged figure of

bronchioles / capillaries

For the efficient working of the lungs, the passage has to be

clear and big enough to allow a two-way traffic for the fresh air
to come into the lungs and carbon dioxide to go out. If these
walls get covered with cold-phlegm, this free flow of ingoing
and outgoing air becomes difficult and causes breathlessness.

The capacity of the lungs

should be fully developed so that
it can purify the blood and free it
from all toxins. This can be done
with breathing exercises,
pranayam, swimming and
running. Easy methods of
pranayam are shown in chapter 5
of this book.
Fig. 8

The air to be breathed in, must be as pure as far as possible.

People working in congested cities, workshops, chemical,
rubber, tobacco factories where the air is polluted must make it a
practice to go out from time to time in the open and do
pranayam and revitalise this important respiratory system which
occupies the maximum space in our body. The lungs are a very
vital organ supplying oxygen to all the parts of our body and the
brain. If this oxygen supply is not maintained for more than
three minutes, the brain stops functioning. The more the air we
breathe in and retain, the better it is for our vitality.
Circulatory Systems - Heart: Point No. 36 (a non-stop
pump). It is a hollow muscle and because of rhythmic
contraction (systole) and expansion (diastole) the blood is
collected and pumped to the whole body. It has four
compartments; when the heart expands, impure blood comes
into upper right compartment known as the right auricle. At that
time, the purified blood also comes into 2nd upper left
compartment known as the left auricle. From there, the impure
blood passes through the valve into the right ventricle-the lower
right compartment and the purified blood passes through the
valve into the lower left compartment known as left ventricle.
Now, when the heart contracts the impure blood is pumped into
lungs and the Purified blood is sent to the whole body (See fig.

Fig. 9 : Heart with four

compartments blood in lungs

For a sedentary adult person, the heart throbs about 72 times in a

minute while for persons doing manual work exercise, it throbs for
about 50 to 60 times-thus less work for the heart and so less danger of
heart attack. This is the main reason why running, swimming,
exercises, yoga, etc. are advised. Moreover, in a minute about five
litres of blood flows from the heart. The heart is like a closed fist and
weighs about 250 gms in a female and 300 gms in a male.

In order that the heart can function properly, the outside wall
muscles also require oxygen, blood circulation and electricity. It can
be revitalised with rest, Acupressure treatment and gold charged

Blood : Out of the extract sucked from small intestines the liquid
juice is turned into blood by the spleen (Point No. 37). It then goes
into the heart from where it is pumped into the whole body providing
nutrition and oxygen to all its

cells. Carbon-toxins are sucked by

the blood and brought back to the
I—I blood

heart which in turn pumps blood into

the lungs for purification before it is
pumped again into the body.

Blood also passes through the

kidney (Point No. 26), where it is
filtered and the toxins are then passed out
by the kidney to the bladder (Point No.
18) and then thrown out of the body. If
the lungs 10 :not
functionof properly, it will
not be able to suck all the carbon
toxins from the blood. This will,
thus, put an excess burden on the
kidney rendering them unfit to filter all
the toxins from the blood and then Fig. 11 : Circulation of blood
throw them out of our system. The unfiltered toxins are thrown out of
the system through the skin and are known as skin problems.

Cerebrospinal Fluid : When the blood goes into the head, it

passes through 1st and 2nd ventricle, where cerebrospinal fluid is
extracted from the blood. This is a very vital life juice-nectar of life.
Yogis call it Nectar (sppr). This cerebrospinal fluid passes through the
brain and goes down in the spinal cord up to prostate gland and keeps
the neuron motors working.

100 millitres of cerebrospinal fluid contains :

Protein 15-45 mg
Glucose 40 - 50 mg
Chloride 720-750 mg
Cells 0.5 mg +lymphocytes, etc.

In about every 5 1/2 hours 125 ml of cerebrospinal fluid is

produced i.e. about 545 ml cerebrospinal fluid and 200 - 250 mg. of
glucose is produced and consumed by the body in every 24 hours and
this gives vital energy to all the organs to function efficiently.

The cerebrospinal fluid does not get mixed with blood. However,
with certain special yogic exercises, the yogis are able to suck a little
of this cerebrospinal fluid through the upper part of mouth-this is
called-drinking of Nectar "In such cases, thrist and hunger are
considerably reduced. The yogis are known to live on a minimum of
food and drink.

Root cause of High B. P. : This

cerebrospinal fluid enters the 3rd ventricle
from the bottom, rises upward and then goes
into the central nervous system through a
small outlet. Now due to the excess common
salt = (Sodium Chloride) in cerebrospinal
fluid or may be due to tension, the tiny hair
like cells in the Fig. 12 : Picture showing
Valve Of OUtlet, get StiffJ and hamper Ventricle and
x Pineal gland
below the small outlet
the proper flow of cerebrospinal
fluid into the central nervous system. So, the pressure- (force to send
the cerebrospinal fluid upward) increases in the 3rd ventricle causing
what is known as high blood pressure (High B.P.) The pineal gland
situated under the valve gets damaged

when B. P. increases and thus its working is impaired. As this gland

controls all the other glands, their working is also damaged leading to
problems in the body. So, the best way to control high B. P. is (1) to
control the Pineal and other endocrine glands through Acupressure as
an immediate cure, (2) for long term cure reduce common salt intake
in food (one can take rock salt i.e. potassium chloride) and (3)
empower the system by drinking two glasses of gold/silver/copper
charged water, reduced from four glasses.

Root cause of Low B. P. : Low blood pressure is caused by the

over functioning of Pancreas which reduces the sugar-glucose level in
the blood; in turn the level of glucose content in cerebrospinal fluid is
also reduced, thereby the supply of energy to the vital brain and motor
neurons is also reduced. Consequently, the body becomes weak. It is,
therefore, necessary to give extra glucose to the patient by giving him
hot tea /coffee, milk with more sugar as an immediate treatment and
control pancreas as a long term cure.

Excretory (Urinating) System : Everyday out of 175 litres of

blood filtered by kidney, about 1.5 litre of waste is sent to the bladder
from where it is periodically thrown out as urine.

Reproductive System : This has a great function of

reproduction through which human race continues. Suprisingly male
and female parts of the human body machine are capable of producing
the same type of humans and also giving one of the great joys of life.
It is therefore, necessary to take proper care of its organs and keep
them hygienically clean and not to waste semen and ova. When
puberty is reached around the age of 12 to 14 years in girls, their
menstruation cycle starts and 14 to 16 years in boys, when they start
growing moustache and beard on the face.

Sacral promontory

Bulbourethral gland7
Membranous urethra7
Urogenital diaphragm

Fig. 13 : Reproductive organs of a male


Utcrosacral ligament Coccyx

Fornix Roctouterine pouch
\ Roctum

Labium minora

Fig. 14 : Reproductive organs of a female

Immune System : Our body has an excellent inbuilt protective

system which creates antibodies through the creation of white cells
and throws out the dead cells through Lymph glands (Point No. 16).
This is a unique defence system always active against intrusion by
foreign cells, micro-organisms, parasites and viruses.

In our body-a mobile factory-there are several delicate but

powerful instruments. These are interrelated through the brain. These
organs of five senses of Touch (Skin); Smell (Nose); Taste
(Tongue); Hearing (Ears) and Vision (Eyes) enable us to learn and
enjoy Life.
Touch : We have seen the
working of the skin through which
we feel and get to know about
things around

15 : Skin

Nose : Over and above breathing

through the two nostrils and maintaining the
equilibrium of heat in the body, the nose
enables us to smell.

Fig. 16 : Nose

Taste : The
tongue enables us to get all types of tastes-one
of the best experiences in life. It also controls
our speech.

Fig. 17 : Tongue

Hearing (Ears) (Point No. 31) : It is a most intricate and

profound sound system that enables us to acquire knowledge by
hearing. Only when we can hear, can we speak. The combination
of hearing and speech is like an accordian (musical instrument)
placed in our throat so that one can sing the finest tunes.

Fig. 18 : Ears
Vision (Eyes) (Point No. 35) : They constitute the camera
and colour projector. All the parts of the eyes work together. The
cornea is like a window that lets in light, and the iris controls the
amount of light. In dark, the pupil opens

Fig. 19 : Eyes

wide to let the light come in and in bright, it becomes smaller.

The lens is a tissue that adjusts like a focus. The retina is the
lining of the inside of the eyes which has many nerve endings.
They react when light falls on the retina which is filled with
small cells called rods and cones. Cones are sensitive to colour.
Rods are not sensitive and enable us to see in less light. The
optic nerve is the pathway to the brain. It carries signals and
nutrition to the eyes. The eyes get the electric current from the
Central Nervous System (Communication System-
Telephone Exchange) : This consists of the brain, brain stem,
sciatic nerve and miles of nerves coming out of this sciatic nerve
spreading all over the body.

Fig. 20 : Central nervous system Fig. 21 : Sciatic nerve


It may be noted that below the brain-the telephone exchange-a

quarter inch thick sciatic nerve (can be called as the cable cord of
telephone system) passes down through the vertebrae of spine going
up to the coccyx, gets divided into two and then goes all the way down
to both the legs and finally to the toes as shown in fig. 21.
It will be observed that the small nerves coming out of the spinal
cord-sciatic nerve-are joined to different organs



Fig. 22 : Picture showing different lines coming out of vertebrae
connected with different organs

in the middle and front part of the body as shown in fig. 20 & 22. If
there is any disturbance in or damage to the spinal cord, the flow of
electricity to the connecting organs is hindered. If, for example,
vertebra no. 4 is subdued, it impairs speech and causes stammering.
When treatment is given on this point of vertebra no. 4, the problem of
stammering is cured.

Similarly, if due to cold, the point on the sciatic nerve between

vertebra no. 6 and 8 is damaged, it transmits pain to the muscles
around the heart and this indication is mistaken as a heart problem.

Thus, it is very vital that the sciatic nerve works properly. For
this reason sitting erect is necessary and the following daily exercise
will be found very useful.

In the morning stand erect

keeping the legs 12/15 inches apart.
Raise the hands and try to go
backward from the waist as much as
possible inhaling at the same time.
Then come forward and bend from the
waist with extended hands while
exhaling at the same time. It will be
observed that due to improper sitting
and sleeping practice, the sciatic nerve
is contracted and it may not be
possible to touch the ground.

However, when this exercise is

repeated, you will be surprised to
observe that not only are you able to Fig. 23 : How to strech
spinal cord
touch the ground but even go further 2
/ Health in your Hands: Volume 1

touching behind the legs. Thus, the spinal cord gets fully stretched and
flow of energy is ensured all over the organs. It is observed that due to
the unexpected jerks and lifting of heavy things, cold, wearing of high
heeled shoes, etc. the sciatic nerve gets damaged, causing pain in the
legs from waist to toes, knees, etc. There is no damage to vertebrae and
so the root cause is not detected even in X-rays. However, when
pressed on the points of sciatic nerve; as shown in fig. 42 (a) & (b); pain
will be felt. After the treatment on the points of sciatic nerve in both the
legs, all pain in the legs including knee pain will subside.


Brain : It is the atomic reactor; supercomputer and also
telephone exchange of our body. It is the most important part of our
central nervous system. Being of great importance, it is protected by
the skull and also kept floating in the cerebrospinal fluid. It consists of

I Brain Mid Brain Fore brain

(Backside) | ___________ |
Medulla Pons |
Cerebellum Central Cerebrum
Medulla Oblongata Part Thalamus
I Brain
Central Nervous
(Popularly known as the Spinal Cord up to lower lumbar & as the
Sciatic Nerve from Coccyx up to toes)
The Cerebellum (Small Brain) : It is a bundle of nerves like an
armature dynamo in a car. When blood passes through it, electricity is
produced. The positive current is sent to the brain through the first
ventricle and the negative current through the second ventricle. These
positive and negative currents recharge the brain cells-the battery of
the body and thus keep the motor neurons working. It controls and
regulates the unconscious internal activities of the body.
and Central Nervous System
Fig. 25 : Inside oi

Cerebrum (big brain)

Fig. 24 :
Central fissure
Frontal bone
Frontal lobe


Moreover, it coordinates the muscular movements while walking and

running and maintains posture and equilibrium of the body. Till birth,
all the activities are controlled by the small brain. After birth, its
control is taken over by the big brain-the cerebrum.
The Cerebrum (Big Brain) : It is the supercomputer. All the
knowledge gathered through the five senses, is passed on to the big
brain through afferent nerves and this information is analysed on the
basis of past knowledge and experience and necessary orders are
prepared and passed on to the required organs through efferent nerves.
This Cerebrum is made of two large hemispheres each containing
different sets of nerves centres. The right side of the brain controls the
left side of the body while the left side of the brain controls the right
side of the body. There are about 20,000 chips in this supercomputer
but we hardly use 10 % of the same. It is said that even for a great
scientist like Albert Einstein, only 15 % of his brain was functioning.
Part oi the Central Controlling
Nervous System activities

Frontal lobe Judgement and reason

Parietal lobe Movement and senses
Occipital lobe Vision
Cerebellum Muscle coordination
Temporal lobe Speech and hearing
Medulla Autonomic activities,
such as breathing
and heartbeat.
Pons PH level and death
From the thalamus all the senses are
controlled, through the cerebral cortex, which
consists of millions of grey matter and millions
of cells of white matter inside and which in turn
Fig. 26 carry messages to and fro (See figure 27).

Fig. 27
and its

various organs oi the body

Brain stem consists of midbrain, pons and medula
Midbrain : It is the upper part of the brain stem and is
composed of the hypothalamus, thalamus, pituitary gland and
limbic system. Together they control the basic drives of hunger,
thirst, body temperature and activities of all the
endocrine glands.
Pons : It has a set of 12 pairs of nerves connected with the
small and big brain on one side and the central nervous system
through the medulla oblongata on the other side working like a
relay station. It absorbs toxins from the cerebrospinal fluid
which passes through it and thus controls the PH level of the
body and death. It controls efferent and
afferent nerves.
Medulla Oblongata : It is also a relay-station connected
with pons on one side and the brain stem-sciatic nerve-spinal
cord on the other. It controls the nerves of automatic activities
such as breathing and heartbeat. And so any damage to it results
in immediate death.

Spinal Cord (Sciatic Nerve) : As mentioned in chapter 1;

It is about 1/4 inch thick cord extending from the brain stem and
going down to the coccyx where it gets divided and extends up
to the end of the toes. It is also covered with three meninges and
also by cerebrospinal fluid. It is made of 31 bundles of nerves
which consist the both sensory and motor nerve fibres and carry
out impulses to and from the brain. Upper part of the spinal cord
is called Peripheral nervous system consisting of (1) somatic
system which controls the skeletal muscles and receives sensory
information from the skin, muscles and (2) automatic system
which controls the involuntary working of the glands, the heart,
the blood vessels and linings of stomach and intestines. This
automatic nervous system is subdivided into the sympathetic and
the parasympathetic which are antagonistic in their action.
While the sympathetic nerve system

"9- 28 : Normal EEG patterns from different regions of the cortex. Alpha waves Pre-dominate in
parietal and occipital areas; beta waves in precentral area. Alpha waves are blocked when eyes
are opened.

stimulates the activities of the connecting organs through tissues and

gangalia the parasympathetic system brings these organs back to
The body functions automatically as long as the vital organs get
nutrition and oxygen through the blood for which the proper functioning
of the lungs, heart and digestive system is absolutely necessary.
Moreover, the controller of these organs i. e., the brain and central
nervous system get nutrition through the cerebrospinal fluid. However,
the whole body becomes listless when there is no supply of power -
energy - electricity - pran - chetana life current in it. Through long
and sustained research, it has been found that there are three types of
electric currents-Alpha, Beta and Gama which are produced in the brain
cells. The picture no. 28 on page 39 shows "the EEG patterns of these
currents and clearly proves the existence of Bio-electricity in
our body.
Characteristics of Normal EEG Waves

Where and When Recorded

___________________ i __________________ , ____

Parietal and occipital, at rest with eyes are

closed. The brain is alert but unoccupied.
Frontal, when the brain is stimulated by
sensory input or mental activity
Delta Sleep, brain damage
Temporal-occipital, emotional stress;
noxious stimuli

In order to know how this electricity is

produced in our body, we must know how the body itself is formed.

Reproduction System : When there is a union-intercourse

between a male and a female, semen containing about 4 to 5,00,000
spermatozoa is discharged by the male organ into the vagina and only
when a sperm is successful in entering the egg of the female, it creates
an atomic explosion-the child is conceived.

Fig. 29 : Picture showing entering of sperm into egg and multiplication

The ovum of a female is like minus ( ----------- ) electricity and

when a spermatozoa which is like (+) positive electricity enters into it,
a battery cell is created-produced-as shown below :

Ovum - Negative electricity Sperm - Positive electricity

Fig. 30

This fertilised egg then goes on dividing into two and

-thus becomes a quadruplicate and afterwards goes on 3health in
your Hands:Volume 1
dividing in quadruplicates only-thus our body has a 4 cylinder
electricity producing atomic reactor-battery. The size of this
quadruplicate cell is so small that it can be seen with electron
microscope but later on it develops into a full sized body of
about 60 to 66 inches in height and 60 to 70 kilos which means
an expansion by more than 600 crores i. e. 60 billion times-the
greatest wonder of the cosmos.
The fertilised ovum passes down to the fallopian tube -
beginning to divide and divide and by the time it reaches the
uterus, it will have formed a mulberry like group of cells. At a
stage later, it grows a placenta to absorb nourishment from the
mother's blood. It passes the fish like stage in the third week (See
fig. 31).

120 grams.

Fiq 31 : Development of foetus in womb


It is, therefore,
extremely necessary for
a pregnant woman to
take calcium and other
minerals in sufficient
quantity for the proper
development of the
foetus. This calcium is
available in milk,
banana, green
vegetables and fruits.
However, this calcium
and minerals should be
properly digested.
Digestion of calcium is
controlled by
glands and so their proper Fig. 32 : Picture of 16 week-foetus fully
working is utmost necessary
during pregnancy; so that the child develops properly and get
strong bones. Therefore, the proper functioning of thyroid-
parathyroid glands is of prime necessity.
Moreover, the proper development of the foetus in the
mother's womb and of the child later on, depends upon the
union of the sperm with the egg; so it is of utmost importance
that this sperm should be strong and the egg as pure and healthy
as possible.
It is really surprising that we take great care in planting a
seed-the earth is ploughed-cleared of weeds, stones etc; made
softer by watering or by rain and then the best of seed is sown
in a proper season. However, while planting a human body, no
such care is taken and is just left to an accident. It is the
bounden duty of a newly married couple to have full knowledge
of the body-the human reproduction system and of the birth of a
child besides, of course, child care.
They should go for a child only when both of them are
healthy in body and mind and are willing to take the
responsibility of the child. This is possible when the girl is more
than 18 years and the boy is over 21-preferably
24 years or more.
Prevention oi Hereditary Diseases : If the semen is
properly preserved by the husband till marriage and if the wife
has regular menstruation for at least seven times before
conception and if the couple takes acupressure treatment for at
least three to four months before the child is conceived, the
possibility of hereditary diseases can be reduced to a
The sex glands become more active around the age of 12,
when the monthly cycle starts in girls and semen-(sperms) starts
multiplying and maturing in boys. It is like a raw clay brick and
requires heat treatment. It is worth noting that semen is not
stored anywhere in the body but it becomes syndrome of the
body and can be seen as pure white half moons in the nails (See
fig. 33).

ft A ft j8)^

If precious semen (^W) and (^T) ova are not wasted

till the age of 24 in male and 18 in female, this syndrome
becomes powerful and strong, so as to protect the body for
lifetime. It may be noted that out of about 40 kilos of food we digest
only one litre of blood is formed and out of one litre of blood only a
few drops of semen are formed in 49 days in a sequence of seven steps
of (1) Liquid (2) Blood (3) Fat (4) Muscles (5) Bones (6) Bone-
marrow and (7) Semen.

This clearly shows that

if due to any reason this
process stops, the body
starts putting on more fat.
Moreover, blood or semen
cannot be produced in a
laboratory-After sperms
created, it takes another 74
days to get them redoubled
as shown in the figure 34.
Due to excessive abuse
of sex, when the level of
semen goes down, the
process of doubling semen
becomes slow and induces
reverse process of
damaging the bone marrow-
bones and blood-which in turn
slows down the process of
creating enough red cells and
enough antibodies. Thus the
syndrome is weakened and when
Fig. 34 : Reproduction a sperm
endocrine glands stop producing vital hormones, this syndrome
breaks and the body becomes prone to serious diseases.

Another cause of 'AIDS' (Acquired Immune Deficiency

Syndrome) is sexual relations with persons suffering from
'AIDS' may also be caused through blood transfusion. If
blood of person suffering from 'AIDS' is given to a patient, the
latter may acquire 'AIDS'. If all the blood collecting agencies,
therefore take precaution and care in checking the blood of the
donor, this possibility can be prevented.
Thus, it may be observed that self-conscious and self-
respecting persons, need not worry about and get frightened of
'AIDS' and should be careful only in taking blood transfusion.
Moreover, if the vital fluid semen is properly preserved till
marriage at the right age and not abused (which is possible if the
husband and wife remain faithful to each other), they will enjoy
a life-time of blissful sex and conjugal happiness. (The problem
of HIV /AIDS is discussed in detail in my book "DEFEAT THE
Base of Body : The human body has an acido - alkaline
base which is represented by grey and white matter in the brain
and because of their action and reaction, electricity is produced
in the body just like electricity produced in a dry
Recharging of this Life Battery : Our body has a special
built-in device to recharge this inner nonchargeable transistor
When we breathe through the right nostril (as it is connected
with sun-positive) the degree of our internal heat increases. In
the same way, when we breathe through the left nostril (which is
connected with moon-negative) the degree of our internal heat
decreases. It has been found recently that the difference between
the highest and the lowest temperature is. 09° C. (British
Medical Journal)

When we breathe through our right nostril, the air goes into
the brain and recharges +ve(Positive) part of our brain cells, grey
or white matter (according to Indian Yogic philosophy). At that
time, blood recharged with the air breathed in through the right
nostril goes into the first ventricle and heat (+ve) is stored. When
it reaches the peak level, the current flows towards - ve
(negative) and breathing automatically changes to the left nostril.
The cooler air then goes in the brain and charges the negative
substance, the grey matter (according to Indian yogic
philosophy). It is not known whether the white matter represents
the (+ve) positive and grey matter represents negative (-ve) or
vice-versa. The blood charged with the air breathed through the
left nostril goes into second ventricle and recharges negative till
it reaches a peak level and the current flows from the negative to
positive. Then, the breathing changes through the right nostril.
Thus the change in levels of positive and negative goes on and
the electricity so produced goes on flowing into the body. This is
why there is an automatic change in the breathing from the right
nostril to the left and vice-versa.
Now, when the cerebrospinal fluid passes through the
spinal cord and goes down from the brain to the coccyx, because
of grey and white matter in the vertebrae, electricity is produced
and stored in the prostate where it remains idle called Kundalini-
(serpent energy in yoga). Through certain yogic exercises, this
latent electric power can be awakened and made to move
upwards through different chakras (endocrine glands) (See fig.
55). When it goes up and Penetrates through Mooladhar Chakra-
(sex glands), the sex power increases. When it penetrates
Swadisthan Chakra -(Pancreas-Adrenal), it improves digestion.
When it Penetrates Vishudha Chakra-(Thyroid- Parathyroid) - it
tensifies the process of purifying the body and tends to
make it strong. When it penetrates Ajna Chakra-(Pituitary gland)
one is able to command and when it penetrates Sahastrar
Chakra-(Pineal gland), there is a light which can be seen in the
middle of the forehead with closed eyes. In pranic healing, this is
called getting Golden Crown on the
When the electricity reaches the brain, it slowly activates
one by one 20,000 chips of the computer and a sense of new
awakening (knowledge) starts emerging from within. One gets
new perception of things, a new meaning of life. This process of
reviving the latent electricity from the base of the body is called
the awakening of Kundalini (the serpent
When the electricity penetrates through the Pituitary and
Pineal glands, there is a predominance of these glands which in
turn changes the whole character and outlook of a
From persons having predominance of Pituitary gland, arise
great geniuses, eminent literary men, poets, scientists,
philosophers, philanthropists and supermen. Persons with
dominant Pineal gland, are worshipped in this world as saints,
great men, incarnations of god, gifted with divine power. They
taste heavenly bliss of self-realisation. They are an embodiment of
great wisdom and tenderness and also have strong will power.
The brain cells are so protected that efforts, so far made, in
the U. S. A. to recharge them directly have not become
successful. However, it is observed, that water charged with
gold/silver/copper has a pep-up effect on the assimilation
process in our body, as it activates the function of digestion,
heart, lungs and creation of cerebrospinal fluid.

That is why in all types of chronic diseases like Cancer, T.

B., Asthma, Arthritis, Paralysis, etc., when vitality of the body is
at the lowest and in all types of problems of brain, concentrated
gold/silver/copper charged water has been found very effective.
If at least one glass reduced from two glasses of
gold/silver/copper charged water, is taken daily from the age of
50, it could help stop the process of ageing while a proper flow
of electricity could be maintained through Acupressure
Working of Electricity : The electricity so produced flows
to the brain and re-activates 2.4 to 3.3 billion cells of the brain.
These cells are thinner than a hair and stand in a line like the
teeth of a comb; when electricity passes the upper part of a cell,
it bends and touches the next cell and passes the flow of
electricity. When this flow of electric current becomes weak and
the flow is otherwise disturbed, the cell dries up and becomes
brainsand. Increase in brainsand weakens the flow of electricity-
slows down, in turn, the function of the other organs of the body
and the ageing process starts. To prevent this process, the brain
cells should be recharged; which is possible through
gold/silver/copper charged water.

Flow of Electricity

Normal In old age

Electricity thus controls 2.4 (according to Western

philosophy) to 3.3 (according to Indian philosophy) billion brain
cells which are found to be of five types representing the five
basic main elements of earth, metal, water, fire, air and space.
These five elements form the metabolism of our body which
controls all the functions as shown in the chart on Page No. 50.
All these five elements and seven endocrine glands are
controlled by the electricity of the body.
The same principle of five basic elements is accepted by
Acupuncture and is shown in the two figures given below :

Fig. 35 (a) : Productive cycle Fig 3.5 (b) : Controlling cycle

The first figure shows the element that helps the other
element. While in the second figure, it is shown which
element controls the other element and how all these
elements are counterbalanced (controlled). Basically, all
hese elements should remain in proper proportion which is.
Hed the Metabolism of the body. Any disturbance (excess
less) of one element leads to disturbance in other
*ients and becomes the root cause of a disease.
Five Elements :
Earth : All the life forces become inert and inactive in this
element and more energy is used to keep it active. People with
more weight, flesh, fat, etc. are good example of the predominance
of this earth matter in our body. They do not show anxiety, are not
eager to acquire any thing. They try to keep away from conflict
and their life moves slowly. When there is a disorder of this
element in the body, people become selfish and get attached to
selfish enjoyments. It is a neutral
Water : It keeps the flow of body and life. But it has a
natural tendency to cool down. As there is more than 70 % water
in the body, it plays a very important role in the maintenance of
heat and circulation of blood etc. It is a
negative element.
Fire : It creates fire in the body. It heats the water. It regulates
sight, provides strength to the body by digesting the food, induces
hunger and thirst, maintains suppleness of muscles and beauty of
complexion. It helps thinking and facilitates the discrimination
power of the brain. It helps the production of antibodies. In short, it
is the starter of our body-car. Defects in the same cause anaemia,
jaundice and other digestive problems. They also cause fainting,
epilepsy, derangement of the brain besides diminishing eyesight and
causing growth of cataract in the eyes, producing acidity and also
creating skin problems and depigmentation.
That is why great importance is given in the eastern therapies
to control and preserve the element of fire. It is a
positive element.
Air : Air is life itself. It is the strength and conducts every
part of our body. It regulates the function of the heart, circulation
of blood and maintains balance of the body. It helps respiration
and downward movement of stools and urine. It produces sound,
nourishes mental faculties and also the faculty of memory. It
moves bile and phlegm {Vd) which cannot move in the body by
themselves. It is a positive element.

Space : In order that air circulates in the body and

maintains a proper balance, there has to be space. If such
circulation is blocked, it creates pain even leading to heart
attack, paralysis, fainting, etc. It is a negative element.
Prakruti-Type-different combinations of elements in
the body : If these five basic elements are maintained in
proper proportion in the body, a proper metabolism is
ensured and the body remains healthy. However, due to
heredity, eating and living habits more often than not, we
disturb one or two of these elements and thus, upset the
metabolism and there is a predominance of three different
types of combinations. Such combinations of these elements
decide our types- (prakrutis.) Ayurved, the Indian medical
therapy, has divided people into three types-
(1) Combination through excess of earth + water "(<Pct?
^ffo)" (2) Combination through excess of fire+air "(forT
?fffw)" and (3) excess of air element. "O^FJ gffa)". This
therapy advocates that while treating the patients, one must
keep in mind their respective types. For those people having
'kapha prakruti', milk will only create problems. People,
therefore, having bronchitis or asthma or indigestion should
avoid milk. For people with 'pitt prakruti', spicy food will
enhance their problem. Therefore, what is good for one type
could be harmful to another.
Kapha Prakruti : This is a combination of earth and
water. These elements occupy the major portion of our body.
Sweet foods and drinks when properly digested are reduced to
saline and the blood becomes alkaline. It sustains the body
system, increases vigour and there is a marked growth of
happiness. It lubricates the joints of bones and keep them
working properly. However, this is possible when there is
Proper element of fire- (heat in the body).
However, because of lack of exercise, overeating, eating
between the meals when not hungry, eating more indigestible
foods like concentrated sweets, fried things, etc.
cause problems of indigestion and fail to produce enough heat in
the body. This, in turn, leads to increase in water content and
reduction of heat in the body, resulting in problems like dullness,
heaviness, increase in fats, common cold, bronchitis and later on
asthma, arthritis, rheumatism,
The best way to cure the above ailments of kapha
prakruti is to reduce the intake of undesirable foods, cold drinks
and cold foods which only aggravate the problems. These people
should eat only light digestble food when hungry, avoid sleeping
during the day and over indulgence in sex. Even milk is harmful
to them. They should take physical exercises and do more of sun
Pitta Prakruti : It is a combination of Fire + Air excess of
heat damages the working of brain. It leads to acidity, ulcer, cold
due to heat, skin problems, even sex weakness,short temper and
falling of hair. Now, in modern times more anxiety, worries, eating
more of fried and spicy foods, more exposure to sun, excessive use
of antibiotics by people increase their problems. It is, therefore,
essential to avoid these things as much as possible.
They should control (1) Adrenal and Pancreas (2) take light
purgative of Harde powder "(ffopft ^)" with a little sugar for 10
to 12 days in the beginning and then once/twice a week. (3) take
sweet fruit juices, first thing in the morning (4) have more fruits,
sweet desserts after eating and drink more green juices (5) and
do more moon pranayam.
Air/Vayu Prakruti : This condition prevails when there is
an excess of the element of air. People belonging to this category
are more talkative and have day dreams, and are prone to excess
sleep and more gas trouble. These imbalances lead to fainting.
The tendency to eat heavy-oily foods like fried and foods made
out of gram, etc. increases this tendency. People in such
condition should avoid

constipation and sleeping during day time, have more physical

exercise so as to increase heat and circulation and should avoid
unsuitable foods. They should do more pranayam.

Easy way to find out which Prakruti is predominant:

From glass of water (at room temperature) take one sip;
pause; take another sip. And think about the the taste.

If it tastes bitter, it denotes Pitta Prakruti.

If it tastes sweet, it denotes Kapha Prakruti.
If it tastes sour, it denotes Vayu Prakruti.

Everyone should try and find out the category and type he
or she belongs to and avoid as far as possible those items which
will aggravate their problems. They should consume food which
will suit their type. This is possible with the method shown on
page 120 (fig. 68) of this book.

It may be noted that each person is different from the other.

So are their tendencies and problems of health. But with proper
changes in the diet, good health can be maintained. The cerebro
spinal fluid is produced from the blood and so imblance in
blood of these basic elements leads to imbalance even in cerebro
spinal fluid. More salt in food for instance increases the sodium
chloride in cerebro spinal fluid which leads to high B. P..

Moreover, the climate also plays an important role in its

effect on the body. In summer and hot climate, for instance,
buttermilk will be useful, but not in monsoon. Therefore, in
Monsoon buttermilk should be warmed and black pepper and
ginger should be added to it before drinking.
__ — . T T U T M VlHIRll^""-



Nature grows the required vegetables and fruits etc. suitable

for the nourishment of the body in all different areas and
seasons. So, wherever possible locally produced seasonal fruits
and vegetables should be eaten. Tea grows in parts of Assam and
Nilgiris which receive abundant rainfall. Tea is therefore useful
in moist climate.
Moreover nature also produces several varieties of fruits
resembling the shapes of the organs of our body and if eaten
regularly they are useful-beneficial to that organ.
Walnut = Brain Mango-Papaya = Stomach
Almonds =Eyes Pears \
Apple -Heart Guava,
Grapes = Lungs and similar ) = Ovary
shaped fruits \
Cashewnuts = Kidney Banana = Sex power
Kidneybeans (Ripe : having black skin)
People belonging to one type or the other type of Prakruti can
easily find out and eat foods which would do them good and reject
foods that will aggravate their problem. It is possible that people
have prominence of two types of Prakruti i. e. more of earth + air-
which leads to severe gastric trouble or having more of Fire
+ Air-which leads to ulcers-hot temper etc. In case of serious
problems, more than two types of Prakrutis are disturbed-known in
Ayurved as Dvidosh (&1<^). But in case of very serious problems,
like Cancer, all the three types of Prakrutis are found to be
disturbed-called Tridosh (fa£ll). In such cases it is utmost
necessary to take proper care of diet and balancing the effects of
medicines on tendencies.
This practice will also enable us to prevent wasting our
energy in digesting and expelling these food intakes not suitable
to our body.

Energy : In order that the body and brain can function

properly, it is necessary to create energy from the five basic
elements. That is why we take food and drinks.
The whole cosmos gets its energy from the sun. All types
of natural foods, fruits, vegetables, cereals, pulses, etc. have in
them almost equal measure of positive and negative of sun
energy. However, foods contain positive and negative properties
in varying degrees. All foods can be divided in six tastes which
all foods/drinks have :
Bitter = Air + Space Sweet = Earth + Water
Astringent = Air + Water Salty = Earth + Fire
Pungent = Air + Fire Sour = Water+Fire
(as per Charak Samhita)
In our daily diet it is necessary to maintain a proper balance
of all these six tastes. Surprisingly, Ayurved, the Indian medical
science, has made elaborate research in all kinds of fruits,
vegetables and minerals and has established their after effects on
the human system. Medical students should study this dietary
system with great care.
Ly taking foods more of negative types or more of positive
types, we create imbalances, leading to diseases. The body tries
to balance that positive and negative excesses in the system and
its efforts are called disease. In Acupuncture, the expert tries to
bring this balance between positive (chi + ) and negative (chen-
Surprisingly, China has made indepth research in energy
derived from food and has come to the conclusion that one's
food intake should consist of 65 % in cereals and pulses like
wheat-rice-millets, grams, etc. and the balance 35 % in milk-
milk products, vegetables, dry fruits, oils, etc. these Would °e the
ideal contents of a balanced diet. Health in your Hands: Volume 1
After the body is fully developed one must eat and drink only those
things which are suitable to one's body (see page 120) and only when one
feels hungry. The fruits and vegetables have in them a natural storage of
the sun's energy and if we make a daily practice of having one glass of fruit
juice and two to three cups of green juice of vegetables, our requirement for
food will be reduced to a minimum and we will have enough energy to
maintain the body in a healthy condition. This change in diet has been
successfully tried in cases of chronic diseases including cancer and results
are astounding. Deficiency of nutrition can be greatly reduced by green
juice, (page 169)
Such a practice on a mass scale will lead to less requirement of
food and help prevent wastage of food and famine conditions.
Working of Atomic Reactor-i. e. Production of Energy :
Chemicals, which are created from the food we eat, through a chemical
process and oxygen are supplied to the brain by blood. This is like petrol
in a car. The quadruplicate cells in the brain generate constant sparks in it
and through a combustion there, energy H+ (Hydrogen) is produced
which in turn creates the necessary heat and energy. Excess of this heat is
thrown out of the body through exhalation. However, if there remains
excess of it, it creates problems and to remove the same, through electric
process the body turns it into H 20 to be thrown out as common cold.

Control of Body :
Through Nucleic Acids : The picture below is that of a brain
cell. The nucleus of a cell contains nearly all its DNA and 10 % of its
RNA. Both nucleic acids are involved in directing the primary
synthesis of protein molecules that in turn act as structural elements
(enzymes or hormones) as under :

It will be observed that there is an autonomous

functioning - (recycling) oi DNA which is effected by the food
we take and therefore, it is very essential that we do not take
food which will aggravate our prakruti (weakness-tendency)
for any particular basic element.
PH Level and Death : The necessity to have a balanced
diet is further corroborated by a close look at the following

____ 1_____ _1 -------------
normal mechanisms to maintain pH
Fig. 37 : Normal mechanisms to maintain pH
This figure clearly indicates that there should be a balance
between positive acids and negative alkalies in the body within a
normal level oi +6.5 and -6.5. If such a level is maintained, the
body remains healthy and efficient. You will notice that due to
over-working of acid proaucmg mechanism, there is increased
production of organic acids and when these are not thrown out of
the body, there is more retention of C02 (creates excess heat).
This disturbs the power flow of electricity in the body.

In the same way, when there is an increased loss of heat

due to continuous cold (when more water H 20 is thrown out of
our system) there is an excess of alkalies in the body leading to
The level of positive and negative bioelectricity is called
PH. This level should remain between+ 6.5 PH and -6.5 PH. If
due to any reason this PH level is not maintained, death takes
This PH level is well maintained by pons which function to
absorb excess of acids and toxins. These pons remain active
with the regular flow of cerebro spinal fluid created in our brain.
Production and balance in cerebrospinal fluid can be maintained
only by a balanced diet and proper flow of electricity which is
possible by Acupressure.
For every living being Death is definite, but we can
maintain our body, remain healthy till our last breath and here
Acupressure can play a vital role as it is the only 'Do it yourself
therapy' which teaches us how to send the life current to all parts
of the body, how to control all endocrine glands. It is the ONLY
THERAPY, which gives Prevention, proper Diagnosis without
Tests and costs and yet equal to such Diagnosis made with MRI
test; and surprisingly CURE for all types of A to Z diseases.
According to Acupressure, all types of cancer are the easiest
diseases to be cured. It may be noted that HEALTH IS OUR
BIRTHRIGHT and we can easily achieve it.

■ -
From the study of these first two chapters you must have come to
know that the greatest wonder in this cosmos is the human body.
Our body is well equipped with the best, automatic, delicate but the
most powerful machines-Heart and Lungs (a non-stop pumping set)-
, Eyes-a wonderful camera-cum-projector system; Ears-an
astounding sound system; Stomach-a wonderful chemical
laboratory; Nerves -miles of communication system. Brain-an
unparalleled computer with infinite capacity. And the greatest thing
about it is the unbelievable co-ordination of all these machines so
that this body can easily work for over a hundred years or
It is a fact that in any good machine, provision is made
whereby it automatically stops when there is a danger and
restarts when you push its switch e. g. refrigerator and hot
water geyser. It is not surprising that such a provision is made
in the human body also. It is true that the system of our body
is very intricate. But to maintain it is easy. Nature has
provided in our body an 'in-built mechanism' to maintain
these machines and to repair them if need be. This science
of health which makes use of this in-built mechanism is
popularly known as Acupressure. This therapy is the most
precious gift to mankind from the Creator Himself.
The Acupressure therapy was known in India even 5000
years ago, (according to Sushrut Samhita). Unfortunately, it was
not preserved properly and went to Sri Lanka (Ceylon) in the
form of Acupuncture. From Sri Lanka (Ceylon), this therapy was
taken to China and Japan by Buddhist monks or nomadic Aryans
took it there and at present China is


teaching Acupuncture to the world. This therapy was known to

the Red Indians way back in the sixteenth century. In the
twentieth century, researches have been made in the U.S.A.
which have contributed greatly to the development of this
therapy. It is practised by many Allopathic and Naturopathic
doctors there. Now, the World Health Organization, too, has
paid attention to this simple and easy therapy.
The word 'Acupressure' is related to Acupuncture'. 'Acu'
means a needle and 'puncture' means to 'pierce'. Acupuncture
means the art of treating diseases by piercing specific points in
the body. Acupressure means the art of treating diseases by
applying pressure on specific points with the help of one's
thumb or unpointed things.
Principle : As mentioned in Chapter 2 our body consists of
five basic elements :
Human Body

Wood/Earth Water Fire Air Space

Controlled by Electricity of Life Battery
Known as

chi (Positive) chen (Negative)

These five elements are controlled by the electricity of the

body known in the West as Bio-Electricity. The current of
electricity, 'Chetana', comes from this non-changeable Life
Battery. This battery has been installed in our body at the time
of conception. The white dazzling light generated by this battery
can be seen in the middle of one's forehead with eyes closed,
through certain Yogic methods. Many people, including myself,
have seen this light.
Out of this battery, electric current ('%5Rl') passes in the body
through the lines shown in fig. 38. These lines known as
'Meridians' start from the tip of each finger of the right hand, go all
over the body and end in the toes of the right foot and so also on
the left side. Now so long as this current of electricity flows
properly in the body, the body remains fit and healthy. If for any
reason this current does not reach any part of the body, there is
malfunctioning of that part accompained by pain in some cases,
if not attended to in time, it may invite illness. So, if any, would
subside and the disease of malfunctioning of that part would
be cured. Thus, Acupressure is the Science of Nature which
teaches us to cure diseases through the in-built mechanism
of the body-the technigue of how to send the current to all the
desired parts
r of the body. 1
5432 12345

Fig. 38 Flow of (Chetana)

electric current-lines
(meridians) which are divided into 5 zones
each on the right and left sides.
Fig. 39 (a) : Lett-Hand

Location and Number of points connected

with different organs and endocrine glands.

Fig. 39 (b) : Right-Hand

For treatment: Pressure is to be applied
on and around these points oi palms

Fig. 40 (a) : Right-Sole For

treatment: Pressure is to be applied on and

around these points ot the soles

Fig. 40 (b) : Left-leg Sole

Location and Number of points connected
with different organs and endocrine glands

Fig. 42 (a) : Inside oi Foot



Fig. 41 (b) : Back side of Right Hand Pressure Points

20. Colon
21. Appendix (front)
Allergy (back side)
22. Gall Bladder
23. Liver
24. Shoulder
25. Pancreas
26. Kidney
27. Stomach
28. Adrenal
29. Solar Plexus
30. Lungs
31. Ear
32. Energy
Fig. 42 (a) : Outside of Foot
33. Nerves of Ear
34. Cold
35. Eyes
36. Heart
37. Spleen
38. Thymus

Mechanism (Working) : According to Acupuncture, Shiatsu or

Pointed Pressure Therapy, there are about 900 points all over the body
on the meridians shown in fig. 38. Puncturing is done or pressure is
applied on these points to cure illness or pain or to create an
anaesthetic effect. However, this requires a good deal of study and
skill and so, a layman cannot do it.
However, Acupressure treatment is so simple and easy that
any layman-even a child of ten years-can learn and
practise it.
The switch board of electric current flowing in our body is
located in the palms and soles. In fig. 39 and 40, you will see the
location of the different switch points. In these figures you will find
the names of the organs and endocrine glands to which these switch
points are connected.
Most of the organs and endocrine glands are in the right or the
left side of the body and so their corresponding points are on the right
or the left palms and soles. However, as the heart and the spleen are on
the left side of the body, their corresponding points are only on the left
palm and sole. Similarly, since, the liver, gall bladder and appendix are
on the right side of the body and so their corresponding switches are
only on the right palm and sole.
In the same way, the points of all the organs like eyes, throat, ears,
heart, lungs, stomach etc. which are in front of the body are shown in
front in palms and soles-fig. 39 (a), (b) and 40 (a), (b). And the points of
spinal cord, nerves, optic nerve, allergy etc. are on the back side of our
body and so are shown on the back of palms/soles, see fig. 41 (a), (b)
and 42 (a), (b). These divisions prove that this therapy is scientific. We
are familiar with almost all the organs mentioned above except Solar
Plexus and energy, which require a special mention and hence are
explained in detail below :
Solar Plexus (Point No. 29) : This is also known as 'Nabhi
Chakra'-('Hlf*H*') the controlling centre for all the organs below the
diaphragm. This concept of 'Nabhi Chakra' is not

found in any other therapies except in Ayurved', the Indian Medical

Science of Life. This proves that this therapy had originated in India.
For disturbances in all the organs below the diaphragm it is necessary
to apply pressure treatment to this Point No. 29.
Methods to confirm whether the Solar Plexus is in order or
(1) In the. morning, on an empty stomach, when you lie
down on a flat surface on your back and if you press your
finger or thumb in the navel, you will feel a throbbing sound
just like that of the heart. That means the system is O.K.
(2) Lie down on your back. Keep the arms (hands)
straight on your sides. Keep legs straight and the toes
upright. The two big toes should be in level, if they are not,
it indicates disturbance in the Solar Plexus.
( 3 ) Join the two palms as per
fig (a) shown here and match the
lines of No. 1 (i. e. heart lines as
per Astrology). At that time, if the
Solar Plexus is in order, the upper
line small finger No. 4 shown in
figure will match. If the Solar
Plexus has shifted, the line No. 4
will not match. Figure (a)
This centre shifts upward or downward when
weight is lifted or when there is severe gas trouble. In such
cases, the throbbing will not be noticed in the centre of the
navel, but it will be noticed somewhere around the navel.
The upward shifting of the Solar Plexus leads to constipation
nd downward shifting brings more motions every time when
nere is a pressure. This cannot be cured by drugs. And when
se problems persist, it can damage the digestive system
nd may require an operation. It may even lead to Cancer.
of the causes of Cancer of Colon (lower, and greater part
large intestine) is chronic constipation. In such cases,
it has been found that this Solar Plexus has moved upwards. It is,
therefore, advisable to check the position of Solar Plexus before
starting any treatment. The Solar Plexus is like the mainspring of
a watch. Unless it is set right, treatment may not give the desired

weight on the navel and trying to press
it towards the centre.
(3) Ask the patient to lie down on the back on a flat surface
and keep the arms straight on the sides. Then with one hand
apply pressure on the knee of the leg of which the big toe is at a
lower level and with other hand keeping the long finger between
two big toes, try to pull up the big toe which is lower. Repeat
this action 2 to 4 times till both the big toes come in level (refer
fig. 43).
(4 ) By putting up a small oil lamp/candle on the navel (a
coin or something can be kept on the navel as a base to

Fig. 44

hold the candle), cover it with a metal glass and press it for a
minute (as shown in figure 44). The air inside will burn out and
a vacuum will be created. This vacuum will bring the Solar
Plexus to the centre. Then lift the glass from one side after one
minute. Repeat this three to four times till the throbbing is felt at
the centre.

( 5 ) Lie down on
your back, keep the
arms on the sides and
the head on the
ground without
pillow. Lift both the
legs and bring them
up to 90° from the
ground as shown in
the figure. after this, bring the legs as Fig. 45 slowly as possible
on the ground keeping them straight and without lifting
the head from the ground. Repeat - same five to six times and
feel the throbbing (See fig. 45).
(6) Lie down on your back, exhale. Now, before breathing again,
inflate the stomach and maintain that position as long as you can.
Repeat it till the Solar Plexus is
in order.
(7 ) As per fig. 39 (a) and (b) press intermittently the points of
the Solar Plexus in both the palms both in the front side and the back
side. After half a minute, check whether the Solar Plexus is in order.
Otherwise the following method can also be tried.
( 8 ) Keep your right palm
on the joint of left hand elbow
and hold hard the muscles
there. Then with a jerk bring
up the left hand and try to touch
the left shoulder with the open
thumb. Repeat five times. In the
same way, do it on the right
hand five times. Then check if
the Solar Plexus is in order as
per fig. (a) on page 73. This is
one of the easiest way.
Hence, you are advised to do so
every morning without
worrying whether the Solar
Plexus is in order t or not.
This can be done every
Figure (b)
day morning on an empty
stomach or 3 to 4 hours after meals. Please ensure that the Solar
Plexus is in order.
After correcting the Solar Plexus, drink water or milk adding dry
ginger in it.
What to do in case oi frequent shifting of the Solar Plexus :
Due to severe gas trouble, weakness of intestines, lifting of heavy
articles, sometimes, there is frequent shifting

of Solar Plexus. In such cases, it gets shifted in the afternoon even

though, it was corrected in the morning. Do the following :
First correct the Solar plexus. Take a little string (thicker than
the sewing thread) and tie eight to nine rounds of this thread around
the base of big toe and tie a knot. Do the same with the other big toe.
(It should not be very tight). Ask the patient to keep it on for a
minimum of three days. The Solar Plexus will remain in order.
During this period if there is unbearable pain in the big toes, then
only this string may be removed. Once the Solar Plexus has been
fixed, the patient can check it every alternate day and correct it if
necessary. For complete cure, the patient must have a diet of green
juices, fruit juices and light food. The patient should also do some
exercises to strengthen the muscles of digestive organs. Also check up
about worms and remove them, if necessary, by the method shown
later on in chapter 14. Since the Solar Plexus is like mainspring/
quartz of a watch, it must always be kept in order.
Whenever the complaint about constipation or loose motions
continues, first check up the Solar Plexus and correct it, if necessary.
Similarly, for any problem of any organ below the diaphragm or
above the diaphragm like heart, please check up the Solar Plexus and
correct it. e.g. pain in abdomen, stomach, etc. or pain in chest/heart or
even in case the medical adviser informs that the heart is enlarged.
Case study : (a) "A patient was getting pain in chest quite often.
Every time. E.C.G. would be taken. But it would be normal. X'Ray
showed enlarged heart. The Solar Plexus was corrected. Pain stopped
and next X'Ray confirmed that heart was normal."

(b) A patient was suffering from Hiatus Hernia. He was

advised operation. His Solar Plexus was corrected; within
2 days, his trouble disappeared.
(c) A lady Doctor, a gynaecologist, was suffering from
pain in abdomen for many years. Her Solar Plexus was
corrected and then she became alright.
(d) A young girl, could not retain any food or even
drink. She would vomit it out. She was kept in a leading
hospital in Mumbai for 21 days. No diagnosis was made. The
complaint continued and developed into acute colic pains-, at
that time she would toss from side to side on a double bed.
The root cause was found in the disturbance of the Solar was corrected, she stopped vomitting. She was put
on green juices and fruit juices. Within a week, she became
(e) A patient was advised operation of colon-because of
long term problem of fistula. Only 3 days before the date of the
operation, he consulted an Acupressurist. His Solar Plexus was
corrected. And recovery was so fast that operation was not found
Energy (Point No. 32) : When you feel tired or have passed
sleepless nights, you will feel pain on the point, which means
recharging has not been done properly. It is essential at such a
time to give treatment on that point and drink lukewarm water,
preferably Health Drink or charged water. (Details about the
Health Drink and charged water are given
in chapter 14.)
Webs : Over and above all these points, it is necessary to
apply pressure on the webs. The large one is situated between
the thumb and the first finger and the small ones are between the
fingers. And so also between the toes. These webs are the
starting points for the nerves and so pressure should be applied
on these points daily (See fig. 46).

Fig. 46

Method of Pressure : According to this therapy, pressure

is to be applied on and around all points on the two palms and
soles only. That will send the current to the corresponding
organs and activate them. For example, when you press Point
No. 1 shown on the thumb, the current will flow to the brain.
When you press deeper on the point of any of the endocrine
glands which are called the controllers of all organs, the current
is sent there and it corrects the function of that particular gland
i.e. if the gland is functioning less efficiently, it will be activated
and normalised. However, if it is working more vigorously, it
will reduce its activity and bring it to normal. Thus, simply by
appling pressure on the points of the endocrine glands, we
are able to control these most vital glands.
Pressure can be applied by pressing with the thumb or the
first finger on the point or with unsharpened pencil etc. (See fig.
41, 48 & 49) or by massaging that point and around it. The
pressure is to be applied intermittently like pumping and
continued pressure is to be avoided. This action is to be
repeated for 1 to 2 minutes.
80 IN YOUR Fig. 47

showing how to apply pressure with a horizontal thumb

How much pressure to be applied : The pressure to be
applied should be just enough for you to be able to feel it.
However, on all the points of the endocrine glands, viz. Point
Nos. 3,4,8,14, 15, 16, 25, 28 and 38 shown bold in the figures
Pig. 48

: Picture showing how to apply deeper

pressure on the points of endocrine glands with vertical thumb

which are situated in the middle of the body, deeper pressure is

to be applied. This can be done with the verticle thumb as shown
in fig. 48 or with an unsharpened pencil or a wooden stick as
shown in fig. 49. Except on these points of endocrine glands,
pressure is to be applied on all other points by keeping the
thumb horizontal.

Fig. 49 : Picture showing how to apply deeper pressure on the point of

endocrine glands with a blunt or rounded wooden stick

Body and its subdivisions : Our body is divided into two

parts, the right side and the left side. For anything wrong with
the organs or the parts on the right side of the body, treatment is
to be given on the corresponding points of the palm of the right
hand or the sole of the right foot, and vice versa on the left side.
Further, the body is subdivided into front and back. For the
spine, nerves, back, lower lumbago, sciatic nerve and hips,
pressure is to be applied on the back of the palms and soles (See
fig. 50). But for all other organs and endocrine glands, the
pressure is to be applied on the palms or soles. Refer to figs. 39
(a), (b) and 40 (a), (b) on pages 66, 67, 68 and 69.

Fig. 50 : Picture showing how to apply

pressure on the spinal cord (Point No. 9) on the back oi the
Duration : For the treatment of any disease or organ,
pressure is to be applied for one minute on each point which is
paining when pressed and this has to be repeated three times a
day. This treatment is to be continued till the pain on these
points subsides.
Threefold Benefits of Acupressure : (1) PREVENTION of all
types of diseases including heart problem, paralysis and even
( 2 ) Instant and proper DIAGNOSIS without any tests and
cost and yet equal to that of MRI test.
(3) CURE of all types of diseases including that of
cancer/brain and even HIV/AIDS.
(1) How to maintain good health : You will observe that
all the points on the palms are up to 1 inch below the wrist. So,
without bothering about where the different points are situated,
you should start pressing from one inch from the wrist i.e. Point
No. 16 and slowly press the full palm and all the fingers on both
the front and back side. By pressing both the palms or soles for
five minutes each, you will cover an

the points thus stimulating all the organs of the body. It is like
complete servicing of the car. And when all the organs are
properly stimulated and the endocrine glands are working
properly, you will feel more agile and energetic and can
maintain good health.
Remember that continuous pressure is not to be applied
but only intermittent pressure like pumping is to be applied
as mentioned above.
For children under 5 : For maintaining general good
health and physical development of children below 5, pressure
to be applied on each palm and sole for 2 to 3 minutes.
Prevention of Sickness or Disease : This is a very unique
feature of this therapy. When you press all the points of either
palm or sole daily for about 10 minutes, all the organs are
activated and recharged like a battery cell and all the endocrine
glands are normalized. The net result of this is that all the organs
and glands of the body get properly aligned and they function
properly, as a result of which health is maintained and the
possibility of any type of disease, including that of cancer, is
greatly reduced.
(2 ) Wonderful Way of Diagnosis-Medical Check-up :
By taking this treatment (pressing all the points daily for 10
minutes) you not only maintain good health but also get a
It may so happen that when you pressed all the points
yesterday, there was no pain on any point; it means that you
were in good health. But today when you press all the points,
you may find some pain inside or around some point, that means
there is something wrong with the organ connected with that
point. And this disturbance has developed in the body during the
last 24 hours. Any pain or disease of any orqan or part of the
body is reflected in the corresponding >oint of the palms or
soles. That is why this therapy is also called 'Reflexology'.
When you find the pain, it can be said the language of electricity
that the 'Fuse' has gone from

that part. That point would be found tender. So when you press,
the part below that point. It hurts. Thus, you become your own
doctor and can diagnose the disease instantly without any
cost or laboratory tests.
It is possible that for the first two days you may not get any
response from pressing your points because uptill now you have
not used them. However, from the third day, you will start
getting the response.
In case there is no pain on the points on palms when
pressed, press the same points in the soles. Most probably you
will observe pain on the points in the soles.
It is most important for any medical practitioner to have the
correct diagnosis of the problem of the patient before proceeding
with the treatment. The correct diagnosis is possible only when the
root cause is found out. It will be observed that apart from physical
checking, it is necessary for the doctors to have urine report, blood
report, X'ray, cardiogram, sonography and brain scanning, etc.
before the diagnosis is made. That is a lengthy and costly procedure
which most of the patients cannot afford.
Because of the rapid scientific progress, the training
necessary to master the techniques of diagnosis has become
long and expensive. In Ayurvedic, Acupuncture and Unani
systems, for example, diagnosis can be made by an expert
thorough the knowledge of Nadis (frit) and as such its study
takes more than six to ten years. In Homeopathy, prolonged
sessions with patients are necessary and so very few patients
can be attended to even by an experienced Homeopath.
While, treatment under Nature Cure is lengthy and there also
the Naturopaths in most cases do not go to the root cause.
They try to purify the body and leave the work of cure to
awakened and enriched Chetana.
However, according to Acupressure, the switchboard of this
Bio-Electricity is in palms and soles. In the figs. 39 and 40, you
will see the various points connected with their respective
corresponding organs of the body. It is further
observed that so long as this flow of bio-electricity-life current is
reaching all the organs properly, there will be NO PAIN on these
points when pressed. You will be surprised to note that
acupressure is the only therapy which prevents disease and
helps a person to maintain good health. In order to achieve this,
you simply have to press the full palm/sole slowly for 5 minutes
and the other palm/sole for 5 minutes and when the patient is over
40 years, for two minutes in the one inch circle in the middle of
right forearm (See fig. 81). Thus, by simply pressing both the
palms/soles like pumping in ten minutes, you are recharging all the
vital organs. It is like servicing or realigning a car. When all the
vital organs are working normally, the possibility of a disease
becomes very remote. Thus, just by pressing your palms or soles
for 5-5 minutes each, every day. you will not only prevent any
disease but enjoy good health.
"FREE MEDICAL CHECK-UP. At the same time, you also
get a free medical check-up of the complete body.
Diagnosis : Owing to overworking of these organs or
due to some other cause, when an organ is damaged, carbon
dioxide /toxins gather around that organ and when pressed
on the connecting point of the organ either in the palm or in
the sole of the legs; you will feel pain. This pain is unpleasant
and totally different from the experience of pressure given
on that point. And at that time, there will be a flicker, in the
eyes of the patient. So, even without any information from
the patient or without any tests the diagnosis can be made
just by giving pressure on different points located in
Palms/soles. It will be interesting for you, to know that I have
been challenged on several occasions to diagnose the
problems without being given any background or case
history of the patient. I will quote in this regard only one
Mr. Naiain. Dutt Tiwari, former Union Minister of India
»r finance and former Chiof Minister of Uttar Pradesh, called
to his hotel at Santacruz airport. His wife is a qualified
Allopathic Gynaec doctor. She asked me to examine her husband
and diagnose his problems. One by one, I pressed the
different points of the palms. In 2 minutes I told her about the
improper working of five different organs. Then when I told her that
her husband was suffering from piles and had long-rooted
constipation. She nearly jumped up, duly amazed, I told her that the
Solar Plexus of Mr. Tiwari was not in order. He was asked to lie
down and it was found that the level of the big two toes was not
equal-right big toe was more than one inch higher than the left big
toe. It was immediately corrected. Mr Tiwari was asked to give
pressure on chin to remove constipation and according to the
information received later, within a week his disease of piles was
completely cured due to proper diagnosis and correct treatment by
Thus, you will observe that the pain felt at any point on the
palms or soles when pressed is a clear indication of some
problem connected with that organ. The body is divided into
right and left parts, so any problem connected with the right side
of the body will be reflected on the points on the right palm or sole
and vice versa. Further, the points of our body are subdivided into
front and back. All the organs situated in the front part of the body
e.g. eyes, heart, stomach, etc. are situated on the palms or in soles
and the points connected with the organs on the back part are
situated at the back of palms or on the upper side of the soles e.g.
spinal cord, etc.
It is interesting to note that the diagnosis made this way is
so accurate that on several occasions, I had to challenge the
diagnosis made with results of the X-rays and Sonography. I
shall quote three instances.
(1) An athlete was advised operation of the spinal cord on
the basis of few X-rays examinations. He approached me and I
told him that as there is no pain on Point No. 9 of the spinal
cord, there was no damage to the spinal cord, and so operation
was not necessary. And the root cause of his severe

back pain was found in the damage to his Sciatic Nerve. He was
taught how to take treatment with this 'Do it yourself therapy'
and within 10 days he was alright.
(2) A gentleman was suffering from jaundice,
according to diagnosis on the basis of X'rays and
Sonography; he was told that there was stone-obstruction in
his gall bladder and operation was necessary. I was called
three days prior to operation. After examining the patient in
three minutes; I told him that there is nothing wrong with the
gall bladder. Liver was damaged and the stone was near the
kidney. His heart was in a sound condition. So if he so desired
operation can be done. He was operated upon and his gall
bladder was removed and even after a minute bisection, no
stone was found. After 4 hours of operation, the patient was
put under X'rays. The stone was found near kidney. They
continued the operation for 8 hours and the stone was
removed. Luckily, the heart condition of the patient was good
and so he survived.
(3) A patient was told on the basis of X'rays and
examination that he had cancer of the mouth and operation
was necessary. When called to the hospital, after not even
2 minutes of examination, I told him that there was no cancer
but only soreness in the throat. Doctor insisted on operation
only to find that there was no cancer.
Thus you will observe that without any instruments or
costly tests, exact diagnosis is possible with this Nature's
Health Science of Acupressure. And this checkup is not only
equal to that of MRI Test but instant also.
When a patient comes to you, the very first thing you
can do is to press on Point No. 8 of Thyroid-parathyroid. If
there is no pain there, the problem is a minor one, because
there is a continued problem in the body for more than
10 days, this point of thyroid is first to be disturbed and
hen pressed there will be pain. In such a case, you can go
Pressing the various other points as per the patient's

Many a time, it is observed that young men never disclose

their sex problems. Similarly ladies in India also feel shy in
discussing their problems about menses, sex, etc. Therefore,
even by pressing on Point Nos. 11 to 15 of sex glands, these
problems can be diagnosed.
Now, I will tell you about the exactness of this diagnosis. I
was invited by an eye specialist at his residence. He asked me to
examine his 27 year old son. After examining the palms, I told
him that there was tonsil on the right side and only reddishness
on the left side of throat. Doctor called for a torch and a spoon,
examined the throat of his son and admitted that my diagnosis
was perfectly correct.
The wonderful part of this diagnosis is that the patient can
himself find out his problem. One gentleman had pain in the chest.
He feared heart attack. Cardiogram was taken in the hospital and
as there was no abnormality, he was discharged after 4 days. Later
on every time he had pain in chest, he would call for a doctor, get
his cardiogram and be satisfied to confirm that it was normal. He
was presented with my book. Afterwards whenever he had any
chest pain, he would examine his Point No. 36 of heart and would
be relieved of anxiety in a minute on feeling no pain on that point.
During one year alone he saved over one thousand dollars and had
great amount of relief.
You will be surprised to know that the dreaded disease of
cancer can be detected only in two minutes. In cancer detection
centres or hospitals cancer can be detected only when it has
already developed more than 40%, while with this method it can
be detected even when it is hardly 5 %• Moreover, the exact
location of cancer can be traced. I was asked by a lady to
diagnose her problem. After examining her palms, I was forced
to tell her just in two minutes that she had cancer on her right
breast. She then admitted having got her right breast operated for
cancer. I told her that cancer was not totally cured and it had
started affecting the liver.

She started Acupressure treatment, got cured within 6 weeks

and even after 6 years, she enjoys good health.
This type of diagnosis is very useful in case of children, as
they are not able to tell or explain their problems. Just by
pressing on different points on the soles the exact root cause of
the disease can be found out, because while you are pressing the
soles, the child will cry out or withdraw the sole when any point
is paining. Later on, the child can be given this treatment along
with bio-chemic medicines.
Thus, with the help of Acupressure, a perfect diagnosis
can be made. The patient is not expected to know the name of
his disease because there are thousands of names for diseases.
But all the diseases are connected with the vital organs of the
body. And Acupressure can diagnose as to which organ is
After the diagnosis is made, in the treatment of most of the
diseases, the patient can use this therapy and get cured.
However, in case of chronic and serious diseases, two or three
therapies-Homeopathy, Ayurved, Chromotherapy Natureopathy
etc. can be combined to bring faster relief to the patient.
A lady on the basis of X'ray and other tests was put on
Dialysis-3 times a week. Later on she was told that both the
kidneys have almost failed and she is required to have
transplantation of her kidney. It would cost her rupees 3,00,000
or about 8,000 US dollars. She got scared and came to me.
Thorough examination was made and in five minutes, I told her
that there was a minor trouble in kidneys and she can be cured
within 15 days. The root cause of her problem "was cancer in
the uterus. She was then asked to take treatment at home.
Within 15 days all the swellings were gone and she passed clear
urine quite frequently. She became energetic and with a further
treatment of 30 days, she was cured. 5 / Health in your Hands:
Volume 1

That is why when a patient conies to you, please do not be

carried away by what he says. Get your hints from the symptoms
narrated to you and just think about the root cause and within a
minute you will be able to locate the exact root
cause of the trouble.
In case of common cold, tonsilitis, sinusitis, asthma, etc. many
times the root cause is cold due to heat. In such cases you will
observe that Point No. 28 of Adrenal when pressed would be
paining. Common cold is often misunderstood and it is supressed by
drugs (creating more heat in the body). There is a temporary relief,
but as soon as the body becomes healthy, it tries to throw out excess
water from the system and again diagnosed as a case of common
cold. When such a phenomenon continues, it is declared as an
allergy. The patient becomes a chronic case of sinusitis, tonsilitis,
allergy and sometimes asthma. Later on, such patients get arthritis,
rheumatism, etc.
In all the cases, it is surprising to observe that the lungs of
the patient are clear in the beginning and only after continued
chronic cold, are they sometimes affected and this
leads to asthma.
A lady had asthma for 20 years. On examination, Point No.
28 of her, Adrenal was found damaged. As such, she was put on
treatment for cold due to heat. In the beginnig the cold increased.
She continued treatment and along with the same she took 2/3
glasses of lukewarm gold/silver/copper charged water and to her
own surprise she got rid of this chronic problem in just 40 days.
This method of diagnosis is a very unique feature of
this therapy. It helps you to locate a developing disease even
before its outward symptoms appear. For example, if you
have eaten or drunk anything which contained germs of
jaundice, the liver gets damaged and within 48 hours or less,
you can find that the point related to liver (Point No. 23) is
paining. Now, jaundice normally is traced in blood after 4
days and in urine after five to seven days. An early diagnosis

of any disease is always the most important factor for its

cure. You come to know what is wrong with you without any
tests and can thus cure the disease at the earliest before it
worsens in the body. Such early detection is possible even for
cancer and it is most necessary to control it. (For detailed
stydy read author's book INSTANT DIAGNOSIS)
(3) Cure : As laymen, we are not much interested in
knowing the name of the disease. We are more interested in
getting rid of it once we diagnose it by the above method. The
cure is very simple. After you have pressed your palms or soles
for 10 minutes as a daily routine and located the points where it
pains, you apply pressure intermittently like pumping for two
minutes at a time only on the points where it pains. Repeat this
treatment three times during 24 hours. This treatment is to be
continued only till you feel pain on that point. When the pain
ceases, the disease is also removed with it and you are cured.
Then, this extra treatment is to be stopped. As this therapy is
based on bio-electricity, the relief is many times faster than even
by injections. Therefore, sometimes the pain goes away within
half to one minute.
In case the symptoms of the disease initially aggravate
during the treatment it is a clear sign that this treatment is
working properly. Nature wants to remove the disease from the
body and so when you take this treatment, sometimes the
symptoms initially aggravate. For example, when you have cold
and headache, you will find pain on Point Nos. 1 to 7 and 34.
When you take treatment by pressing them, the congested water
is thrown out of the body, so the nose may start running or you
may start sneezing. But once the root cause is removed, the cold
will be cured very soon.
In the case of a chronic disease, you will start getting some
relief improvement within 8 to 10 days and with continued
treatment the illness will be completely cured.
The motto of Acupressure is : If you feel pain, press it

Position: Treatment can be taken in any position convenient

to you i.e. while sitting, lying, standing or even travelling.
Therefore, no special time is needed for taking this treatment.
This treatment can be taken by the patient himself or can be
given by others. For example, children or invalids can be given
this treatment by parents or other family members (See fig. 51).

Fig. 51 : Picture showing how pressure can be applied by others

Limitation : Most of the diseases are cured with this
natural treatment. However, if you do not find even 15 %
improvement after taking the treatment for 12 to 15 days, it
indicates that the damage/illness is severe and that you are in
need of further assistance by way of change in diet, medical
assistance or even hospitalisation.
Time : Though this treatment can be taken any time during
the 24 hours of a day, it is advisable to avoid it for one hour
after meals.
Side Effects : An important positive feature of this
treatment is that there are no side effects. The treatment is
harmless and can be safely given even to a one day old child. As
there are no side effects, you can take this treatment as a
daily routine and make it a life style.

You will discover the following by making this treatment a

regular habit :
( 1) All the organs will be recharged and all the endocrine
glands will be controlled, thus leading to the proper functioning
of the body and reducing the possibility of illness.
(2) You will get a free daily medical check-up and
anything wrong in your body will by found out immediately.
(3 ) You can cure the disease at the earliest. Thus you
become your Own Doctor.
( 4 ) You will be free not only from minor diseases like
cold, headache, cough etc. but also from dreaded diseases like
cancer, heart-attack, blood pressure, paralysis, diabetes, etc. The
net result will be that you will enjoy perfect Health.
Anaesthetic Effect: If continued pressure on any point is
applied for more than three minutes, it creates an anaesthetic
effect on the organ connected with it. If the points

Fig. 52 : Picture showing how to use clothes-clips or rubber

bands to create an anaesthetic effect

Fig. 53 : Picture showing which ringer is to be pressed

continuously for removing toothache in difierent teeth
are on fingers, clothes-clips or rubber bands can be used as
shown in fig. 52. In case the tips of fingers or toes become blue,
this pressure should be removed. Such continued pressure on
corresponding points is very useful during severe headache,
stomach-ache, etc. For toothache, continuous pressure is to be
applied on the tips of the fingers relating to that particular tooth
(See fig. 52 & 53).
Dr 'M' reports : I went to an exhibition. In one of the stalls, I
found the proprietor sitting in a corner, pressing his mouth. On
inquiry, 1 learnt that he had a severe toothache in the last lower
tooth of the right side. I told him that I was a Medical
Practitioner and asked him to press the tip of the last finger
continuously for five minutes. Afterwards, 1 went away and came
back after about an hour. I had to search for the fellow who was
very busy with his customers. He saw me and came running to
tell me that his toothache had gone completely and he felt that
God had sent me there with a special purpose.

Precaution : It is observed that many people go on

pressing the points for a much longer time or many times
during the day in the hope of an early cure. You may note
that this may damage the switches and due to overworking of
the battery, may lead to weakness. Further, more toxins would
come to the kidney and thereby cause it to overwork which
sometimes might damage it.
You must study the diagrams properly and follow the
instructions. You need not worry even if the pressure is
applied around the point and not exactly on it.
Instruments : A well known Acupressurist of U.S.A. with
a practice of over 50 years, writes that the best instruments are
the thumbs and the fingers. In the picture below, a few handy
instruments like-hand massager, wooden clips, rubber bands,
copper wire, aluminium combs and wooden roller with grooves,
are shown. Costly instruments like fancy wooden rollers,
sandals, mats, etc. are not considered to be necessary. These
instruments only activate the organs in general, but Diagnosis or
Cure is not possible with their help. Moreover, their excessive
use may be harmful.

Fig. 54 : Picture showing handy devices like clothes-pin, rubber band, wooden
stick, copper wire and grooved wooden rolling pin
1 ______________

Nature has provided the body with proper regulators and
protectors. These are the endocrine glands. The knowledge so far
available in the west about these ductless endocrine glands in very
limited. However, yogis in India were aware of their great importance,
working and even before Ayurved-6000 years and have described
them as chakras.

Its Working
Name of Chakra Regulates water balance;
1. Sahastrar acts as a manager of all the
glands; controls cerebro
spinal fluid and sex desire.
Stimulates growth of
nerves. Controls air and
space. It is like king of
all glands : controls growth
of body and brain power
and also memory. Controls
air - so lungs and heart;
controls temperature
regulation; governs energy
production through the
control of calcium.
Acts as a Godmother till
child reaches puberty i.e.
12 to 15 years of age.


Name of Chakra Equivalent Endocrine Gland Its Working

5. Manipur Adrenal and Pancreas Controls fire and pro-

(Point No. 28 & Point duction of digestive
6. Swadhis- No. 25) juices. Regulates blood
than and sugar levels; controls
stress-active-ness and
character building;
controls sodium and
water balance.
Solar Plexus Controls Apan Vayu "()"
7. Mooladhar and so regulates the
(Point No. 29)
movement of stools and
urine; also controls all
organs below the
Sex/gonads (Point No. Controls water and
11 to 15) phosphorous content-
Produces sex hormones.

Fig. 55
These main endocrine glands produce internal secretions
which on getting mixed with the blood, go to build up the body and
maintain it in a healthy condition. The yogis have shown that these
endocrine glands - (chakras) also mould the mind and character. In
the second chapter, it is narrated that with certain yogic
exercises, the latent electricity lying at the bottom can be moved
upwards and the power of these endocrine glands can be increased
manifold. The main function of these glands is to maintain the
metabolism-(control of the five basic elements (shown in chapter II))
of the body; regulate the functions of all the organs and the brain;
also to adjust the body against changing environment and thus
protect the body against any illness. These glands play a very
important role not only in the development of our body and mind,
but also in the development of our looks and even character.
Psychological Effect of Endocrine Glands : From my
experience, I have found that even psychological problems are
connected with one or the other endocrine gland and treatment
of the same has given wonderful results. Thus, these endocrine
glands play a vital role in our well-being and
If these endocrine glands of our body do not function
properly, it adversely affects our nature. For example, if Adrenal
does not function properly, the working of the liver is affected
and one becomes fearful, peevish and illnatured; if Sex glands
become overactive one becomes passionate and selfish; if
Thymus is not normal, one becomes meanminded; if Pituitary is
not normal, one becomes pitiless, perpetrator of crimes and this
leads one to become a thief, a dacoit, even a
It is, therefore, most necessary to control these endocrine
glands and this can be easily done with the treatment of
* Very recently it has been discovered by urologist J. Edwin Blackwell in 1979, that
all the systems of our body can be kept functioning properly by activiting the
exocrine and endocrine glands.

Endocrine Glands : There are seven endocrine glands in

the body. They are interrelated and dependent on one another
and assist one another. So while treating one gland, it is
necessary to treat other glands. In case of any problem for
about eight to ten days, you will find that there is a pain on
(Point No. 8) of Thyroid/Parathyroid. They are the barometers
of the body. In case of chronic problems, you will observe that
points of more than one endocrine gland would be paining.
Thymus Gland (Point No. 38) : This is a very important gland
and can be considered as a God-Mother for the child. It protects
the growing young child against any disease. If treatment is given
for two minutes twice a day on the point of this gland in the soles
till the child is of one year and then also in the two palms till the
age of 12/15 years along with treatment on points of all other
endocrine glands and organs, the child will grow and develop
properly in body and mind. Once the body is fully developed, this
gland shrinks and stops its activities. However, if for some reason,
it becomes active, it produces dullness and general fatigue leading
to total inactiveness. (Known as Myasthenia). The point of this
gland is situated under Point No. 30 and as such, deeper pressure
is to be applied on Point No. 30 to reach the Point No. 38 of
Thymus gland.
Thyroid/Parathyroid Glands (Point No. 8) : These
glands play an important role in the development of the child's
body. As they digest calcium and eliminate poison, toxins, they
assist in controlling of the heat of the body and thus maintain the
child's health. If these glands do not function properly, it leads
to weakness, diseases even twisting of muscles, leading to
rickets and convulsions and so the development of a child is
retarded. The child becomes fat and dull. Similarly, the
overworking of this gland leads to overgrowth, bulging eyes,
goitre, protruding Adam's apple and tendency to become a bully.
Even after puberty, if this gland does not function properly, it
leads to problem of
calcification(stone).This gland controls the element of air and so the
lungs and the heart.
It also helps build human qualities like affection, love,
capacity for high thinking and concentration leading to self
control and balanced temperament, purity of heart and
unselfishness. When it is deranged, a person becomes mentally
unsteady, too talkative and ungrateful. When this gland is
damaged along with sex glands; women, during pregnancy and
or after child birth or removal of ovaries, tend to become plumpy
and put on weight around the abdomen
and waist.
Mr. 'V reports about two patients discharged from a
reputable hospital in Mumbai as being incurable. They were
found to be suffering from toxic Thyroid and were given
Acupressure treatment. On the 4th day, both the patients showed
signs of improvement and within 40 days, they were
completely cured.
As these glands are the barometers of the body, there is a
pain on their Point No. 8 when there is a complaint of over 8/10
days. They play a vital role in our health and happiness and as
such their points occupy a big place in our palm/sole. When
these glands are not functioning adequately, there is a deficiency
of calcium; so it is also necessary to make up deficiency of the
body by taking calcium-(cal. phos + cal flour-biochemic
Ovary-Testes-Sex-Gonad Glands (Points No. 11-15):
These glands maintain the unbroken chain of procreation. They
also regulate water element and also nerves, cells, flesh, bones,
bonemarrow and semen. They also regulate digestion of
phosphorous in the body and thus regulate heat of the
Effects of Malfunctioning of Sex Glands : Malfunctioning
of these glands is noticeable only when children start getting
mature at the age of 12 to 14. Girls have problems of
menstruationdate or painful or too little) leading to pimples and
excess heat in the body; or sometimes too much bleeding leading
to anaemia. This leads to under development in the growth of
the body.

As for boys, they turn to self-abuse, masturbation, start

getting erotic dreams, become shy, often disturbing the growth of
body and beard. Moreover, this creates psychological problems,
which if not tackled immediately, many a time, become the root
cause of unhappiness in couples in their early married life.
A regular and proper functioning of these glands helps in
maintaining the heat of the body and plays an important role in
contributing to the attractiveness of a boy or a girl. Moreover, their
nature becomes amiable. They become charming with good
manners and agreeable words and they enjoy a fine health. Its
disorder makes one selfish, envious-censorious-lustful and of
angry disposition.
After delivery and operation for sterilisation if these glands
function less, fat starts accumulating in the body. So, to maintain
proper figure of the body, women are advised to take treatment on
their Points No. 14 and 15 during and after pregnancy. Further,
these glands secrete sex hormones. Insufficient working creates
rigidity and problems during menopause. Sometimes, the root
cause for not bearing a child can be traced to the damaged
condition of these sex glands
of the couple.
A doctor couple had no issue even after 14 years of their
marriage. Both of them started treatment on the points of these
glands and within 15 months, they became proud parents of a
baby girl.'
Pancreas Glands (Point No. 25) : These glands regulate
digestion of sugar-glucose in the body by creating insulin. In
modern times due to excessive use of sugar, (not the natural sugar
in cereals-fruits-milk-honey-which is easily digestable) it has
become more necessary to look after the proper functioning of this
Further, as per the latest research, it has been observed that
overfunctioning of this gland leads to low B.P., Migraine and at
times creates more desire for sweet food leading to diabetes and
sweet drinks leading sometimes even to alcoholism.

Mrs. G, wife of an Income tax officer, had severe Migraine

for several years. She started taking Acupressure treatment and
within 15 days she was completely cured.
Mr. P, an Acupressurist, observed that Pancreas gland was
overworking in sixty workers who had been alcoholics. He
showed them how to take treatment. More than 70 % of the
workers stopped taking alcohol.
Adrenal Glands (Point No. 28) : This gland controls and
regulates the fire element of the body and so controls spleen, liver
and gall bladder and assists in the creation of biles and digestive
juices. Qualities like keenness of perception, untiring activity,
the drive to action, inner energy and courage are due to proper
functioning of this gland. It also intensifies the flow of blood, helps
proper oxygenation and develops organising power, leads to
leadership. It plays an important part in character building of a child.
In case of disorder of this gland, persons abuse their natural
vigour to satisfy their lust or antisocial activities. They suffer
from a sense of vain glory and are conceited, become extremely
restless, impatient and short tempered. They cannot control diet
and suffer from stomach problems and blood pressure. Such
persons become fearful, timid and lose vigour to face problems
of life.
A prince had lost interest in life from the age of 16. He stopped
studies in the final year at the University and had no interest even
in sex. So he did not marry. At the age of 31, after he
unsuccessfully tried the treatment under various therapies, he
consulted an Acupressurist. On examination it was found that his
Thyroid and Adrenal glands had been damaged. The
Acupressurist told that the cause of all his troubles was some type
of deep fear, a severe shock which had damaged his Adrenal
gland. The father of the prince admitted that the prince had, at
the age of 16, joined him in hunting in a jungle and had fallen
down from the horse and was miraculously saved from a tiger,
and since then had suffered from hallucinations and lost interest
in life. He was

given Acupressure treatment and gold I silver I copper charged

water to drink. Within 30 days he became normal and started
taking interest in his hobby of painting and also in household
Pituitary Gland (Point No. 3) : This gland controls air and
space in the body. This gland is like a king of all glands and
sends orders to all other glands. It controls will-power, sight,
hearing, memory and sanse of discrimination. It also rectifies
the faults of other glands.
When it is predominant, it helps people to become great
geniuses, eminent literary men, poets, scientists, philosophers
and lovers of mankind.
As this gland controls the growth of the body, its
overworking leads to make people physically big in size, while
its insufficient functioning may result in making them dwarfs.
This gland also governs the growth of the mind-brain. This
gland may be damaged due to fear or injury or sometimes,
due to tension during pregnancy. This also leads to the
malfunctioning of other glands. And that results in giving birth to
mentally retarded children. So, if this problem of mentally
retarded children is to be solved, the pregnant women during
their pregnancy should take treatment on all endocrine glands and
avoid damage to foetus. Further, it is observed that in those
children where this gland is not working sufficiently, they tend to
become mean, heartless, mischievous, tend to become bullies,
liars and disobedient. They are even ready to steal. With proper
treatment of this gland, in most cases the parents and teachers
will get amazing results. As this gland and the Pineal gland are
situated in the head, it is harmful to hit the children on the head.
A 16 year old girl of a well-to-do family was reported to be
stealing petty things of her classmates and no amount of
Persuasion, scolding or even corporal punishment had any
effect on her. An Acupressurist found that the point of her
Pituitary gland was tender and on further examination her sex
glands were also found to be damaged. On enquiry, she admitted
that she had scanty as well as painful menses which was the root
cause of her habit of stealing. She started taking, Acupressure
treatment and within 15 days, she stopped stealing and within 45
days, her menses became normal.
If the growth of the body and brain is not normal, give
treatment on Point No. 3 in the middle of thumbs and big toes,
to give necessary stimulation.
This gland could be damaged during pregnancy and child
birth, which can lead to malfunctioning of other glands
especially sex glands which in turn can lead to obesity after
childbirth. All these prove the necessity of maintaining this
gland in proper working condition.
Pineal Gland (Point No. 4) : It acts as an organiser and
controller of all glands. It controls the development of the
glands and regulates them. Malfunctioning of this gland
leads to high B. P., awakening of premature sex glands
and even sex delinquency. Moreover, it controls the
Potassium/Sodium balance in the body and so its
malfunctioning leads to excessive retention of fluids in the
body which is mistaken for a serious kidney problem. It
controls the proper flow of Cerebro Spinal Fluid and thus
keeps all the glands and body vitalised, strong and healthy.
It is also known as a primitive third eye. The
predominance of this gland generates a sense of sublimity
helping men grow into saints, endowed with divine qualities.
These people have great wisdom and tenderness of heart,
but also strong will power and so are not affected by physical
sufferings or sorrow.
Lymph Glands (Point No. 16) : Although they are not
endocrine glands, because of their importance, they have been
included here. The points of these glands are under Point No. 16
in the middle of the wrists. They control the immune defence
system of our body, prevent the formation of pus on any cut or
boil on the body and quickly heal the wounds.

These glands help clear the toxins from the body, clear
the dead cells from the system. But when such toxins and dead
cells are in excess in the body, these glands have to overwork
and so, they become weak and tender. At such time, when you
press on the point of these glands, it pains. If such pain
continues, it means that these glands are not able to stop the
malignant growth forming from toxins and dead cells. As such,
the first symptom to detect cancer even at a very early stage is to
find out about any pain on this gland. Moreover, during recent
observation, it has also been found that if there is a pain on these
glands and also on points of Pancreas, it indicates diabetes,
increase of glucose in the blood. Thus, you will observe that to
prevent cancer and sugar in blood, it is most necessary to keep
these glands in an active condition.
Increasing the Will-Power : Our mind has a great effect
on these glands. For example, continuous fear damages the
Pituitary gland and makes one timid. Similarly, tension and
worry disturb the Pineal gland and so leads to high B.P. and as
Pineal gland controls other glands it also disturbs other glands
and digestive system. In modern times, stress-tension or worry-
fear have increased and they often disturb these endocrine
glands. If these endocrine glands are not treated immediately, it
might lead to malfunctioning of other glands of the body. As
these glands are interrelated, whenever one gland is disturbed,
the other glands also get disturbed. So, when you press on the
points of these endocrine glands you will feel pain on points of
more than one gland especially in case of chronic diseases.
Therefore, it is very important to give treatment on all the
endocrine glands and keep them under proper control.
These glands also control the mind (the will-power). So
m order to get rid of bad habits like smoking, drinking, drug
addiction or even overeating, it is extremely necessary to give
reatment on all the endocrine glands for at least, fifteen days.
-cause, these people lack the necessary will-power to give
up bad habits, they often break their vows to stop such bad
habits and so they are considered unreliable. However, a
treatment of fifteen days will give them necessary will-power to
stop these bad habits after that. And they will be free from the
withdrawal symptoms of stopping these bad habits.
A Government officer had the habit of drinking alcohol
every evening. He started Acupressure treatment and drank hot
water in the evening instead. Surprisingly, he succeeded in
getting rid of his habit of drinking.
A young man was addicted to drugs in spite of many
persuasions by his mother and brother. He continued breaking
vows and taking drugs. He was advised Acupressure treatment
and so after one month he got himself free not only from drugs
but also from smoking and even
It has been observed that if children are taught to take
this treatment from an early age of 8-10; not only will their
physical growth be normal but they will have no problems at
the time of puberty and inclination towards delinquency and
they will become attractive and will develop a well balanced
outlook on life and will be able to live happily as
good citizens.
If the police-crime department tries this treatment on the
juveniles and criminals, it will be possible to reduce the
crime rate.
Psychological Problems : Many problems, considered to
be psychological are a result of improper functioning of the
endocrine glands. So, with proper treatment on the glands such
problems can be easily solved.
Case study : A girl with a bright record in school, had at
the age of 17, a typical problem. About 45 days before the
examination, her hands started shivering five minutes after she
started reading and the book would fall down. So she was not
able to prepare for examination and day by day she became
more and more nervous. An Acupressurist was consulted. Her
Adrenal gland was tender-damaged. On

further examination her sex glands were also found to have

been disturbed. On being asked whether she had profuse
bleeding before this complaint started, she agreed. She started
taking Acupressure treatment and in due course passed the
examination creditably.
A young Professor came to our centre one day (Wednesday)
morning and informed me that he was so much depressed that he
desired to commit suicide. Jokingly, I agreed that he should
commit suicide on next Wednesday evening at 3.00 p.m. But
meanwhile, he should take the treatment on all endocrine glands
and drink charged water during the week and report to me on
next Wednesday morning. Then he came with a smiling face only
to inform that he wanted to live long and enjoy life. His desire to
commit suicide had disappeared. Similarly, thousands of cases
can be guoted.
It has been admitted by Allopathic practitioners that by
taking unnatural hormones like estrogen to counter the effects of
menopause, the possibility of developing cancer in the body
greatly increases. The best way to control hormonal balance, is
to take treatment on Point No. 11 to 15 atleast twice a day. It
will ensure that this natural phenomenon of menopause passes
away without any side effects. Moreover, when Sex glands are
disturbed, Thyroid and Parathyroid glands are also disturbed,
leading either to decalcification or leading to fracture or forming
of stones. As such, treatment on Point No. 8 and other endocrine
glands is necessary.
It has been observed that in case of the cancer, as the disease
progresses, these endocrine glands become more and more
tender, and because of overworking, they become tired and
eventually stop secreting the most vital hormones in the body
and damage the very metabolism of the body and at this stage
this disease is considered malignant, and if proper reatment is
not taken, it develops rapidly and becomes

deadly. Hence, the great necessity of controlling all the endocrine

glands must be properly realised. If all the endocrine glands are
controlled properly and thereby all the organs, the possibility of
cancer becomes remote.
In case of severe damage due to overworking / underworking
of any of the endocrine glands, i.e. hypothyroid; same treatment
as mentioned for cancer on page 227/231
is to be taken.
It is only the Acupressure therapy which shows the proper way to
control these vital glands in the easiest way. As all the endocrine
glands are inter-related, in order to correct the defects of one gland, it
is necessary to give treatment on all the endocrine glands. These
glands are situated deep inside the body and so a little more pressure
preferably with the thumb in a vertical position or un-sharpened pencil
or harder massage on the same will be necessary.
Functions and Effects of the
Malfunctioning of Endocrine Glands
Name oi the Gland

1. Thymus Gland (Point No. 38)

Protects the child up to the age of
2. Pineal Gland (Point No. 4)
Controls sex system and
water of body and is a
primitive eye
3. Pituitary Gland (Point No. 3)
It is the king of glands and
controls the other glands.
Governs the brain and the
development of the body

Name of the Gland Effect of Malfunctioning

4. Thyroid & Para-thyroid Underworking leads to rickets,

Glands (Point No. 8) Para- convulsion, teeth problems,
thyroid gland controls twisting of muscles, fatness and
digestion of calcium in the dullness. Overworking leads to
body. Also controls the over-growth, bulging of the eyes.
development of the body. Adam's apple, stone in the
kidney, etc.
5. Adrenal Gland (Point No. Underworking leads to dullness,
28) Controls production of timidness, less energy, less oxy-
biles and controls the liver and genation. Overworking leads to
the flow of blood, B.P. and high B.P. migrane headache.
also moulds character. Less biles lead to acidity and
vomitting and severe headache.
6. Pancreas (Point No. 25) Underworking leads to diabetes
Controls digestion of sugar and overworking leads to low
in the body, and digestive B.P., dizziness and even to
juices. alcoholism through Hypoglyce-
mia i.e. shortage of sugar.
7. Ovaries, Testes & Sex Glands Reproductive organs are dama-
(Point No. 14 & 15) Controls ged, problems of less or more
digestion of phosphorus and menses, self-abuse, loss of heat
heat of the body, attractive leading to development of fat,
ness and productive side of un-attractiveness of the body,
life. less/more sex desire.
8. Lymph Gland (Point No. 16) Disease called Lymphocytosis.
Stops formation of pus and Leads to increase in blood-sugar.
prevents germs.
The treatment under Acupressure therapy is based on the
assumption that you are taking a balanced diet i.e. a diet containing
seasonal fruits, green vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, fats,
minerals and vitamins in proper proportions. Any disease
caused by the deficiency in such most required food for the body
DIET. For Indians, normal food of chapati or roti, vegetables,
cereals, occasional rice, milk or curd or buttermilk and seasonal
fruits will form quite a balanced diet. In the same way, the diet of
Europeans and Americans is also balanced except that they should
reduce the use of fine flour, coffee (which causes constipation)
and sugar.
As explained in the third chapter, all the organs of the
body can be activated or recharged by Acupressure
treatment. Almost all the parts of the body except lungs and
stomach are autonomous and will function well so long as
they get enough oxygen and proper blood supply. That is
why lungs (respiratory system) and stomach (the digestive
system) play the most important role in the functioning of the
body. It is quite likely that germs of a disease enter our body
through them.
Respiratory System :
Lungs : From childhood, proper care of breathing and
expansion of lungs should be taken. Outdoor games, running and
laughing and even crying by children, give enough scope for the
expansion of their lungs. However, pranayam should be taught
from childhood, from the age of 5/6 years for proper breathing
for proper oxygenation and purification of blood.


Pranayam-The Easy way : While sitting or lying

Inhale air counting 1-2-3-4...
then keep the air in the lungs counting 1-2-3-4....
and then exhale counting 1-2-3-4.
Then pause. Do not inhale counting. 1-2-3-4.

Fig. 56 : 1. Nose. 2. mouth. 3. windpipe. 4. lungs (Point No. 30)

Please repeat this atleast 10 to 15 times. Do such Pranayam
4 to 10 times a day and with practice go on increasing the
counting to about 10. During the pause only, the lungs get rest
and are revitalised. This type of controlled breathing, called
Pranayam, was tried on T.B. patients in a hospital in Chicago
and the results were astounding.

counting 10 you may

Pranayam : Once you reach
develop Pranayam as under :

Control of five basic elements through

Pranayam-Mudras : While doing this Pranayam, even five
basic elements of the body can be controlled because they are
represented by different fingers as under :
Thumb —Fire or Sun
Index finger —Wind or Air
Middle finger — Sky or Space
Ring finger —Earth
(4th finger)
Small finger —

Fig. 57 : Five fingers represent live elements
Now, through different combinations of these fingers-
mudras, we can not only control these elements but also cure
many diseases. This can be done in any position but sitting in a
lotus position or sukhasan is advisable for better results. They
can be started in 10 minutes and performed for at least

30 to 45 minutes. Some of such mudras are shown below and

are to be performed with both hands simultaneously.
(1) Meditation Mudra : Simply
touch the thumb with index finger-
pressing is not neccessary.
Benefits : This helps in increasing
brain power, mental concentration,
memory, etc. and cures problems of
sleeplessness, tension, lack of

(2) Vayu Mudra (Air) : Keep the index

finger on the base of the thumb at the mount
of Venus and press with the thumb as shown
in the figure.
Benefits : It cures rheu:natism, artha-
ritis, gout, Parkinson's disease and blood
circulation problems. For better results, also
do Pran Mudra.

Fig. 59 : Vayu Mudra Fig. 58 : Meditation

( 3 ) Shunya Mudra (Space): Keep
the middle finger at the mount of Venus
and press it with thumb as shown in the
Benefits : It helps in curing earache,
deafness, vertigo, etc. It is necessary to
do this Mudra for 40 to 60 minutes to get
the best results.
Fig. 60 : Shunya Mudra
( 4 ) Prithvi Mudra (Earth) : Put
the ring finger together with the thumb
as shown in figure 61.
Benefits : It cures weakness of the
body and the mind. It increases life force,
(chetana) and gives new vigour to an ailing
person. It also gives peace of mind.
Fig. 61 : Prithvi Mudra
( 5 ) Varun Mudra (Water) : Put the
tips of thumb and little finger together as
shown in figure 62.
Benefits : It cures impurities of blood, skin problems and
makes the skin smooth. Useful in gastro-enteritis and any other
disease causing dehydration.
Fig. 62 : Varun Mudra
( 6 ) Sun Mudra : Bend the ring finger
and on its outer side on second fold, press
with thumb as per figure 63.
Benefits : It creates heat in the body,
helps digestion and helps in reducing fat in the
Fig. 63 : Sun Mudra
{ 7 )
Pran Mudra (Life Energy) : Bend the little
and ring fingers so that their tips touch the tip
(front edge) of the thumb as shown in figure 64.
Benefits : It increases life force and cures
nervousness, and fatigue. It also helps
increasing power of the eyes and in reducing
the number of glasses (spectacles).

^g^T: Pran Mudra


(8) Ling
Mudra : Join both the palms
and interlock the fingers. Keep
the thumb of the left hand
vertically straight and encircle
it with the index finger and the
thumb of right hand as shown
in figure 65.
Fig. 65 : Ling Mudra
Benefits : It increases the power of resistance of the
body against cold and bronchial infections and also against
changes in weather, fever due to cold. It gives power to the
lungs, creates heat in the body and burns up accumulated
phlegm and even fat. While practicing this mudra one must
drink plenty of green and fruit juices and water, at least 8
glasses a day.
Now, while performing these mudras if Pranayam is
done, you will get better results.
Retention of Air : While doing
Pranayam, after inhaling air press the
upper part of the Thumb no. 1 with the
index finger. You will be able to retain air
easily in the lungs for a longer time than
without such locking (See tigure 66).
^^^^^^ Fig. 66
Now if, the middle of the thumb No. 2 is
pressed, the retention increases. See fig. 66. Now if the base of
the thumb (No. 3) is pressed, the retention is maximum.
How to Increase Longevity : If there is more retention
°f air in lungs, it is fully utilised, gives better power to blood
and body. This will also mean that less breaths are taken.
According to Indian philosophy, our life span is fixed and is

measured not in minutes, days and months/years but in the total

number of breaths. Now by doing Pranayam and retaining air in
lungs for a longer time we reduce total number of breaths during
the day. This will help us to increase our longevity.
1st Method (Sun Pranayam) : For increasing heat in the
body, close the left nostril, inhale through the right nostril
and exhale through it whilst counting 1 to 4/10 as mentioned
above. As the right nostril is connected with, the Sun (known
as Pingala Nadi in Yoga) inhaling and exhaling through it
will produce heat in the body. Therefore, such pranayam is
very useful in winter and monsoon and for diseases like cold,
asthma, polio, paralysis, bronchitis, arthritis, T.B., etc.
wherein heat is required. Do this ten times or more.
2nd Method (Moon Pranayam) : For increasing coolness
in the body, close the right nostril, inhale and exhale through the
left nostril whilst counting as above. The left nostril is connected
with the moon (known as Ida in Yoga). So, it produces coolness
in the body. Therefore, such pranayam is useful in diseases like
fever, sunstroke in summer, etc. wherein coolness is necessary.
Do this ten times
or more.
3rd Method (For balancing of heat and cold) : Inhale
through the right nostril and exhale from the left nostril and then
inhale through the left nostril and exhale from the right
During the period the breath is held inside, pull the stomach
inside for more effective results as well as for reducing the
Please see to it that while inhaling, your chest should
expand by 5 to 7 cm. Better results can be obtained by breathing
as above. Pranayam can be done in a comfortable posture, by
sitting upright on the ground or a chair/sofa or can be done in a
standing position or even while walking.
Breathing from the desired nostril-right or left-can be
effected by closing the other nostril. Otherwise, if you lie

down on the left side of the body, the breath will' flow from the
right nostril. In India people are advised to lie down for 10 to 15
minutes on the left side after lunch or dinner so that the breath is
linked with the sun, producing heat in the body and helping
digestion. Similarly, if you lie down on the right side, the breath
will flow from the left nostril which is useful during too much
heat or fever.
4th Method (Kapalbhati) : Sit upright in a quiet place.
Inhale and exhale very fast through the nostrils. Start with 10
times and go up to 50 times in a minute. Do this pranayam for 2
minutes/twice a day.
5th Method (Bhastrika) : Open the mouth, inhale slowly
through it and then immediately blow out hard through nostrils.
Do it for 10 to 15 times. Do this pranayam every time after you
do Kapalbhati. That will clear up congestion in the head.
Regular practice of pranayam and breathing exercises will
ensure proper oxygenation of all parts of the body and cure
many diseases. Proper oxygenation helps in purifying the blood
and removal of toxins and carbon dioxide from the body. This,
in turn, will reduce the unnecessary burden on kidney, reducing
the possibility of skin diseases and failure of kidney. Moreover,
pure blood enables proper functioning of all the organs and
thereby increases vigour and vitality.
These breathing exercises are beneficial to all and should
be practised daily. However, these exercises are a must for the
treatment of cold, cough, asthma, T.B. and mental disorders like
polio, meningitis, nervous breakdown, muscular distrophy, etc.
Time : Pranayam should be done on an empty stomach or
two hours after meals. Mudras can be done any time.
Digestive System : For good health, formation of pure mood
is most important. Pure blood is formed from the food nd drink
we take and digest. Therefore, it is necessary to e proper
attention to our digestive system.

1. Salivary glands
2. Gullet
3. Stomach
4. Pancreas
5. Colon/Large intestine
6. Small intestines
7. Appendix
8. Duodenum
9. Gall bladder
10. Liver

Fig. 67 : Digestive system

All the cells of our
body get changed within a
cycle of seven years. So,
by changing our diet, we
can change the whole
system-even Prakruti of our body. Thus a weakling or a patient
suffering from a chronic disease can become strong and healthy
with necessary change in diet and
"The case of Mr. Bernar Macfaden of U.S.A. is very
illustrative. He got T.B. at an early age of seventeen. The
doctors lost all hope of curing him. He changed his die
completely. He began taking only fruits and vegetables. He
started nature cure treatment including fasting, sunbath
exercises, etc. What he achieved was almost a miracle."
Please note that care of our digestive system should sta
from the mouth. Nature has given us teeth to chew. Therefor
we should form the habit of chewing all food including liqu
food and soft food like sweets, ice-creams, etc. at least 12 to 1
times. This is necessary to add saliva to the food, for it is only
saliva that the sugar is digested. That

is why people eating hastily without chewing and eating

more sugar invite diabetes and fat. The modern dreaded
disease of diabetes can be conquered in your mouth.
Chewing less means double work for the stomach. And over-
exertion of the stomach will invite many diseases and even fat.
Proper chewing gives better taste and satisfaction.
Moreover, it enables you to listen to Nature's signal that your
stomach has become full. This in turn enables you to stop eating
further. Therefore, discussions on a dinning table should be
avoided as far as possible. Instead, soft music may be played.
We should always remember that it is not more quantity or
heavy food but the food that is digested that gives us energy. If
everybody forms the habit of chewing food properly, less food
will be necessary which will incidentally help in solving the
problem of food scarcity.
Diet : The aim of eating and drinking should be to produce
enough blood, produce sufficient heat and energy in the body
and satisfy the taste.
There are six types of tastes : (1) sweet, (2) salty, (3) sour,
(4) hot (chilly), (5) astringent and (6) bitter.
It has been observed that we avoid more and more the last
y two types of taste with the result that it upsets the digestive
e system and balance in our blood, thereby leading to a number of
et diseases, including cancer. These tastes nullify the effect of
e sweets and purify the blood. These two tastes increase the
h digestive power (the fire) and are like a starter in a car and
therefore should be included in our diet. It may be observed that
art Mahatma Gandhi insisted on paste of neem leaves {^m\) in the
re, daily diet. An English medical practitioner has observed that
uid those Indian people who use neem leaves in their diet are
15 healthier and are more immune to disease, including blood
in cancer than those who don't use them.
We take great care about the quality and quantity of coal
wood we put in the cooking furnace or fireplace. We also
e il
enough air to burn properly. This enables the fire to
give maximum heat and reduce smoke and ashes to the minimum.
We should not forget that there is a similar fireplace in our
stomach. We must think of the after-effects of the food and drink
we take. The difference in the proportion of three basic elements
of water, fire and wood in our body depends upon the food we eat.
As laymen, we should see that the fire in the stomach is well
maintained so that the normal food is digested. After the age of 35,
we should be able to know what type of food does not suit us. We
should, therefore, avoid such unsuitable foods. We must know that
a particular food which may be good for certain people may not be
suitable to others e.g. curd/yoghurt, buttermilk suitable to people
having more elements of fire, would not be suitable to people
having more elements of water in them. Again, curd/yoghurt and
buttermilk are advisable in the hot season, but not in the monsoon
season. Easy way to find out what food/drink is suitable to
oneself : First stand straight, keep your left hand fist closed
on the heart, outstretch your right hand parallel to the ground. Ask
someone to pull down the right hand.

Fig. 68 : Picture showing how to find out what iood/ drink is suitable

Resist as much as possible. Now, keep the eatable in your left

hand palm and keep it on your heart and outstretch your right
hand parallel to the ground. Ask someone to pull down your
right hand. Now if this eatable is beneficial to your body
resistance power will increase. If it is harmful, resistance power
will be greatly reduced and right hand will come down easily. In
case of a drink you can keep it in a metal utensil preferably
copper and do as shown above.
This method is based on the electricity of our body. Proper
food /drink enhances the polarisation of electric flow and so
increases the power of resistance. Improper food/drink
depolarises the flow and so the resistance is
This way, you can find out easily what to eat and drink and
what to avoid. Because of difference in the type of Prakruti, it is
very possible that something suitable to someone may not be
useful to another person, e.g. curd/yoghurt mixed with sugar will
be found more suitable to persons having more fire (forT T$fo)
but not to those persons having more of water+earth (Wf> a^fo)
and less of fire element. So everybody can try this method and
find out what foods are useful and what foods are harmful to
them. This way one can find out which one drug, out of many
similar drugs, would be more suitable to one.
It will be observed by this method, that just to satisfy the
taste, we eat so much useless things which do not generate
energy, but in order to digest such useless foods our energy has
to be used and still more energy has to be used to throw out such
useless dead food which many a time produces gases,
constipation, etc.
If we make a habit of eating and drinking only such things
as are useful to our body and chew them properly the total
requirement of food will be reduced considerably, digestion will
improve and the same way discharge of stool "Will be easy.
Thus, maximum energy will be obtained by the body rom a
minimum intake of food. If this principle is accepted ''Health in
your Hands:Volume 1

by mankind on a larger scale, the total requirement of food will be

less and there will be minimum health problems and
How to get maximum energy from the food : Recent
experiments by nutrition experts in the U.S.A. have
confirmed the finding of the Indian philosophy that the best time to
eat food is one hour after we get up in the morning till sunset when
internal temperature increases and the food is digested more easily
and so more energy is obtained. They have maintained that eating
late and taking heavy foods after sunset, tend to slow down
digestion and produces more fat and problems of the stomach.
In Ayurved, the Indian medical system, a detailed
description of the after-effects of all the different types of cereals,
vegetables, spices, fruits, milk, curd, buttermilk, herbs, minerals,
etc. is given. This shows a deep study and research over hundreds
of years. Ayurved describes minutely what food to eat, how to eat
and when to eat and also shows the effective use of kitchen spices
in curing certain diseases. It would be worth the effort to study the
same and implement it. Out of so many important ingredients of
the kitchen spices, one is turmeric (f^Rt) powder. It is very useful
as described
below :
(1) On any cuts, bleeding or burns, turmeric powder should
be applied immediately. It is antiseptic and will stop bleeding
and heal the cut/bum effectively.
( 2 ) Whenever there is pain in bones or swelling due to a
fall, this powder is to be boiled in water and a thick paste has to
be applied for 3 to 4 days on that swelling or the part that pains
and cover it with a bandage; and without any other medication,
the pain and the swelling will subside.
(3 ) In case of Tonsillitis, apply a paste of this powder and
glycerine tanic acid, massage on tonsils with the tip of the
finger, and then gargle with lukewarm salt water. Do this for
two to three days.

In the case of small children, if they do not allow such a

massage, globules of the size of green peas may be made with
this powder and jaggery and 8 to 12 pills a day be given to
( 4 ) Turmeric is blood purifier and so can be taken with
milk. It should be given this way to the mother after delivery.
This helps faster contraction of the ovaries and inner parts.
(5) A paste of turmeric powder and sandalwood powder
mixed with a little edible oil can be applied on your face as a
face mask. Keep it for 15/20 minutes. Then wash your face with
tap water. Within 15/20 days your face will look bright and
( 6 ) In diabetes, regular intake of turmeric powder and
Amla powder has been found very effective.
Like turmeric, other spices are also useful in other ways. So
we should learn about their usefulness and make use of them
To maintain a good digestive system we should see
(1) the food is well cooked and eaten warm/hot.
( 2 ) the use of whole wheat and rice is adequate. Please try
to reduce or avoid use of fine flour and polished rice.
( 3 ) use of fried things is reduced. (4) enough buttermilk and
curd are included in the diet.
( 5 ) enough vegetables, raw and cooked and seasonal
fruits are taken.
( 6 ) the food is properly chewed.
(7) a time gap of 5 to 7 hours is kept between two
(8) the habit of drinking liquids except water or
buttermilk or eating between the meals is stringently

(9) the stomach is given rest of at least one or two meals a

week as it is a machine. At that time, only fruits or fruit juices or
boiled water may be taken.
Traffic Signal : To satisfy our palate is one of the greatest
enjoyments of life. Eat anything you like once in a while. But
respect nature's signal which is given in the form of belching.
Nature gives a first signal to say that the stomach is full. You
should stop eating further at that point. It is an orange/amber signal
like the one at the traffic lights. If that cannot be done, You must
stop at the second signal which is like a red light. If you continue
eating even after the second signal, please be warned that you are
inviting trouble. Necessary changes in the food/diet, should
be made according to the changes in the seasons.
Please observe the motto that the fire in the stomach should
be well preserved and should remain capable of digesting the
food you eat.
A liberal use of ginger, pepper, eatables of bitter taste,
sunbath, regular exercise, etc. helps this fire, while cold water,
cold drinks, icecream, etc. reduce the fire and increase the
burden on the digestive system. Please note that Heat is Life
while Cold is Death. Eat or drink accordingly.
Sprouted Pulses : The beans like green peas and gram
(^TT) etc. which can be splited into exact two parts should be
first sprouted and may be taken by all people uncooked, but can
be mixed while preparing green juice or mixed with til (sesame),
groundnut, raw cabbage, dates, dried grapes or a little jaggery.
They have vitamin B Complex, plenty of vitamins C and E,
proteins and minerals. Children, expectant mothers and old
people should be given this important food. Sprouted pulses are
also very good for reducing weight. In that case the use of dates,
dried grapes or jaggery should be avoided.

Test of proper digestive power and proper eating : After

the meals, you should feel energetic, light in body and capable
of work-even running if necessary. If you feel heavy, sleepy or
dull, it indicates overeating or fast eating or a weakened
digestive system.
Assistance of Acupressure for the digestive system :
Sit on a chair. Keep the wooden roller on the ground, giving as
much pressure as possible, roll the feet on the foot roller for five
minutes-each foot. This will activate all the organs of the
digestive system, kidney, lungs, etc. It is of great help to people
above the age of 40 (See fig. 69). They should increase the use
of ginger, Amla and lemon in their diet.

Fig. 69

Laxatives : Laxatives are not necessary. Check up the Solar

Plexus and correct it if necessary. Give pressure or rub on the
middle of the chin for 3 to 6 minutes in the morning °r while in
W. C. to ensure the cleaning of the bowels and us avoid
constipation which is the root cause of many diseases (See fig.
111). For a long term cure of constipation.

(1) Drink two to three glasses of lukewarm or hot water

first thing in the morning. Lie on your back and roll the
wooden roller on the stomach/abdomen.
(2) Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water during the day. If
possible, drink buttermilk twice daily.
( 3 ) Include leafy vegetables in your diet.
(4) Chew properly and roll your feet on a grooved wooden
roller, 5 minutes every evening to increase your digestive power.
Stools : Occasionally observe the stools . Nature gives us
good indication of our digestive system. Odourless, properly
formed dry stools floating in water or easily cleansible,
indicate proper digestion. Otherwise, it is advisable to drink
lukewarm water, preferably health drink or copper/silver/gold
charged water, (Method of preparation has been described in
Chapter 14) the first thing in the morning and take light food
avoiding fried items and
How to correct Digestive power : In case of long term
complaint about the disorders of the stomach, digestion, biles
etc, it is found useful to take the following medicine for 4 to
6 weeks.
Nux Vomica 200 x 4 Pills twice a week.l (a Homeopathic
Nux Vomica 12x4 Pills twice daily. J medicine) Dental Care
and Mouth Care : After every meal, chew a little salt and gargle
with water. Soft brush can be used to clean the particles caught
between the teeth and the gums. Make it a habit to clean the teeth
every morning and before retiring to bed. In India, people use
thin twig of a Babul, Banyan or a Neem tree (known as Datoon)
as a brush. First it is to be crushed to make it soft and then use it
like a brush. It is advisable to use a Datoon of Babul, Banyan or
Neem tree at least once a day.
It is reported by experienced dentists that tooth pastes
available in the market are not much effective. Instead, the

following tooth powder or paste which can be easily made at

home has been found quite useful for the care of gums and teeth
(1) Tooth Powder : Mixture of finely ground alum
powder 40% and rock salt or regular salt powder 60%. For
better results, a few drops of lemon may be added. In case
of dental problems, adding a little of 'Sudarshan' (a bitter
Ayurvedic powder) is also recommended.
(2) Tooth-paste : For dental problems like bleeding,
pyorrhoea, toothache, etc. make a paste of
50% alum powder
10% rock salt or table salt powder
10% Sudarshan powder (an Ayurvedic preparation)
15% edible oil (unrefined)
10% glycerine tanic acid
5% camphor.
The paste made of this mixture can be massaged on the
teeth and gums in the morning and evening with fingers. It can
be packed in collapsible tubes/jars and used as tooth-paste.
(3) Even massaging the gums with a mixture of 70%
unrefined edible oil (seasame or groundnut or coconut), 15%
glycerine tanic acid and 15% fine powder of rock salt or table
salt is useful for good, healthy teeth and gums. Make it a
daily habit. Please note that healthy gums are more useful
than sparkling white teeth.
(4) Mouth Freshener : Gargling with a little lemon
juice mixed with lukewarm water, freshens the mouth. Take
a quarter of a lemon, massage it on teeth and gums and then
gargle with water. Even chewing of mango, tulsi or betel
leaves after meals is good, and so it is advised in India.
(5) Exercises for teeth : Keep the lips closed. Pound
the upper teeth on lower teeth for 30 to 40 times twice a day.
Then massage the saliva on gums with the tongue. That will
nsure proper blood circulation in teeth and increase the life
°f healthy teeth and gums.

( 6 ) Tongue : It is necessary that the tongue is cleaned

properly with a metallic or non-metallic tongue cleaner. This
will clear the congestion not only on the tongue
but also of the throat. Moreover, as all the meridians
pass through the tongue, little massaging of

the tongue with a tongue cleaner, will activate all the

organs below the diaphragm. The use of the tongue
cleaner is recommended three times daily especially
in case of tonsils, congestion in the throat,
diphtheria, etc. Now, cleaning of the tongue is accepted in
Cleaner the U.S.A.
Skin Care : The Skin is porous and throws out
toxins from the body. So it is very necessary to maintain its health.
For the care of the skin it is necessary to :
( 1) drink plenty of water (6 to 8 glasses), if possible health
drink 3 to 4 times a day.
(2) eat groundnuts, til (sesame) or any type of nuts
especially in winter and plenty of seasonal vegetables and
(3) have oil massage once a week or at least twice a
( 4 ) take sunbath early in the morning regularly.
( 5 ) practise Pranayam regularly.
(6) avoid eating foodstuffs in such combination as would create
disturbance/toxins in the body/blood. For
with any one of the
following : Milk
Avoid eating any one of the
(unwarmed up)
following :
Buttermilk/curd or Milk
Garlic, Onion, Fish,
Citrus fruits
( 7 ) Drink daily 2 to 3 cups of green juice.

( 8 ) Apply waste of green juice paste adding in it little turmeric

powder and cream of milk on all affected parts; also on the face as face
mask then take a blue light for 6 to 8 minutes on it and wash with water
and observe the astonishing results in 15/20 days.
(9) Also activate the points No. 22 and 23 of gall
bladder and liver if necessary three times a day.
(10) When the skin becomes dry and there is a lot of
itching, on the affected parts, apply/massage coconut oil
which is to be prepared as under :
Put garlic in a little quantity of cocount oil and boil it. Let it cool
down. Then filter it and keep it in a bottle. This oil can also be used as
ear drops too.
Posture : It is observed that most people complaining about
digestive problems, backache and pain in the legs, do not usually sit in
an upright, straight position, especially when sitting on the ground.
Upright posture is a must for good health. By stooping, the stomach and
abdomen are not allowed to expand properly while breathing and that
puts extra pressure on the lungs. Moreover, the spinal column is
damaged. See figure 20 and 22.
The result is an improper functioning of the stomach, abdomen
and sciatic nerve leading to less oxygenation. The first thing is to
change the way of sitting. One must sit upright. Secondly, when seated
on a chair with back upright, take out the breath and then pull in and
expand the stomach and abdomen. Do this for 8 to 10 minutes a day.
This is a good exercise for all especially to avoid gas, indigestion, fat,
etc. But this must be done either before meals or at least two hours after
Test of good health :
( 1) The head should be cool. ( 2 ) The
soles should be warm.
( 3 ) The stomach should be soft, which is possible only if
constipation is avoided and solar plexus is in order-
Now in case the head is warmer, and the soles cooler, as is
in case of cold due to heat, Meningitis, brain's problems,
Parkinson's disease, Arthritis, Stroke, chronic disease, etc.
do the following :
Take a nylon brush which is used for washing the clothes.
Rub it under the soles for 3 to 5 minutes three times a day till
the soles become warmer.
Germs : The germs of disease enter our body
(a) through water and /or the drink we take and/or
(b) through the food we eat. Wherever (1) purified water is
not available, water should be boiled as is done by the Jains
in India and by most people in China, (2) when we eat food,
proper care should be taken not to eat-
(1) fruits or eatables kept in the open without washing.
( 2 ) overripe and spoiled fruits
( 3 ) diseased fish or polluted meat of diseased animals.
If the above suggestions are followed properly, causes of
diseases are reduced to a great extent. And the minor ailments
due to change of weather, water and food can be controlled with
Acupressure treatment. The net result will be good health
throughout life.

Nature cure means following the rules of Nature and curing
the disease with the help of the elements of Nature viz. earth,
water, sun and air, in such a way that toxins collected in the
body are thrown out so that body becomes pure and life current
powerful. This enables the body to cure the diseases and make
the body work efficiently.
Earth / Mud : Due to the rising problems of germs in the
earth, the placing of wet mud pack on the stomach and other
affected parts is less advocated. However, the paste of green
juice can be applied. Such a pack can be put on the eyes,
stomach and skin . When it becomes dry, green juice can be
sprinkled on it or the green pack can be changed. For better
results, after applying green pack, sunrays or Blue light can be
taken on it. The results are wonderful even in case of white spots
Water : (1) Drink plenty of water 8 to 10 glasses every
day. In India, there was a custom of drinking 2 to 3 glasses of
water kept overnight in a copper vessel and then walk for about
one mile before going to the toilet in the open. Recently, a
Japanese professor tried this method on 30,000 people and was
convinced of the great benefits of drinking first thing in the
morning, 2 to 3 glasses of water boiled the previous night and
kept in a metal vessel.
Drinking water in the morning : Keep boiled water in a
metal vessel preferably copper overnight. In the morning even
without cleaning the teeth or gargling, drink 3 to 5 glasses of
this water. You can begin with 1 to 2 glasses. Increase the
guantity to 4 to 5 glasses of water i.e 1 litre to
1-litres. Then walk for 10/15 minutes. If walking is not
possible, lie down on back and roll wooden roller on the
stomach. This practice will remove not only constipation but
also excess heat from the body and many diseases connected
with excess heat. Before drinking water in the morning, check up
the Solar Plexus and correct it if necessary. During the day also
drink plenty of water-8 to 10 glasses of water. The habit of
drinking water in the morning plus doing Acupressure regularly
will greatly minimise the possibility of
( 2 ) Use of hot and cold pack is shown on page 200 of this
book. Application of cold pack helps in reducing fever and
removing the morbid matter (toxin) from the body. Hot pack on
the other hand relieves pain and swelling.
(3) Vapour treatment and steam bath are useful to drive out
the cold and toxins from the affected part through perspiration
and increased circulation of blood. It is very useful in polio,
arthritis, rheumatism, paralysis, etc.
(4) Moreover, if facilities are available, one can take
hip bath in a tub filled with cold and hot water. The level of
water should be upto the navel.
(5) In case of fever, wet cotton bedsheet can be
wrapped over the body and covered with woollen blanket for
15 to 30 minutes. This can be repeated after 1 to 2 hours if
Air : Pure air is a great doctor. Methods of easy Pranayams
are, therefore shown in this book on page 111/113. If Mudras,
shown on page are also carried out at the same time, better and
faster results can be obtained.
Sun : As it is of utmost importance a special chapter No. 7
is devoted to it in this book.
Diet : As mentioned in chapter 2, natural products like
vegetables, fruits, sprouted pulses have equal quantity of positive
and negative sun energy stored in them. Therefore, they are
easily digested and they give the maximum energy. Fasting : In
order to remove the toxins mostly in the digestive organs,
fasting of 24 to 72 hours or more is advocated. During fasting
it is advisable to drink lukewarm boiled water and green juices.
One can make it a practice to

skip a meal once a week. Skip meals for a day once a month and
remain on boiled water, green juices and fruit juices for three
days in a year. Such fasts should be broken with fruit
Body and its electricity : The best element of Nature is
our body (its bio-energy) and one can easily use it oneself
through. Acupressure which has been narrated in this book at
One should not forget that even an advanced and best, man
is also an animal of Nature and therefore more and more use of
these basic elements of nature will give good health. For faster
and guaranteed results, use of these therapies of nature to the
maximum extent should be made simultaneously.

Fig. 70 : How to take enema

Enema : In order to remove stools from big intestines,
enema should be taken with lukewarm water. One teaspoon of
coffee powder and one teaspoon of castor oil can be added to
the water for better results. Even 50% healthy self urine can be
added in 50% water. During and after the fast, enema is very
useful. Such enema should be followed with enema of cold

In the Vedas, the sun is greatly praised and rightly so. Our
cosmos exists because of the sun. All the living beings get their
energy from the sun. And this energy is abundant and unlimited,
so it should be used to the maximum.
The sun looks white, but it consists of seven colours viz.
violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Out of these
the first three have cool effect on the body and are also
antiseptic. The last three colours create heat. Green is
Dr Edwin D. Babit, M.D. of U.S.A. proved with
experiments that in all types of patients even with chronic and
dreaded diseases, this chromotherapy is very effective. The effect
of different colours on different diseases : Violet : bones &
bone marrow, tumour, baldness, cataract, blindness.
Indigo : eyes-nose-throat problems, facial paralysis,
diseases of the lungs, asthma, T.B., less digestive power,
problems of nervous system, convulsion, lunacy.
Blue : whooping cough, all types of diseases, due to excess
heat in the body e.g. problems in throat, fever, typhoid, small-
pox, measles, ulcers in mouth, cholera, swelling in the brain,
problems of nerves, insomnia, mental depression, problems of
semen-discharge, burns, bleeding from nose, etc.
Dr Edwin Babit calls the blue colour as the world's best
antiseptic and that is why the cloudless blue sky during the day
has great beneficial influence on the world.
Green : heart problems, low & high B.P., skin problems,
cancer, influenza, syphilis, pain in the eyes, etc.

Yellow : All disorders of digestion, spleen, liver problems,

diabetes, leprosy, etc.
Orange : longterm asthma, bronchitis, swelling in trachea,
gout, swelling, kidney, mental-nervousness, epilepsy, etc.
Red : anaemia, disability, sluggishness, cold, paralysis,
white spots, arthritis., T.B., etc.
How to take rays : 90 minutes from sunrise and 60
minutes before sunset; keep a glass of desired colour in the
sunlight in such a way that the rays will fall on the affected
parts. While taking sunlight care should be taken to see that the
patient is not exposed to strong direct wind.
If that is not possible, take a coloured bulb of 60 to 100
watts. If such a coloured bulb is not available, take a plain bulb,
take coloured gelatin paper, fourfold the same and wrap it
around the bulb, light the lamp, keep the affected part 18 to 20
inches away and take the light for 5 to 10 minutes twice a day.
How to take colours through water : Take a glass bottle
of the desired colour. If it is not available, wrap gelatin paper of
the desired colour on the white glass bottle. Fill it 3/4th and keep
it on a wooden plank. And keep it in sunlight for at least 3 hours
between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Even if such a bottle is kept in the
sunlight for more than 3 hours, it is not harmful. Just take care
that this type of coloured water is not exposed to any other type
of colour.
Now, half a glass colour medicated water can be given to
the patient at an interval of 15 to 20 minutes depending upon the
intensity of the disease. In case, the water of other colours is
necessary, it can be given alternatively.
This is the therapy of Nature and can be effectively used
with Acupressure. An Acupressurist should study this therapy
and use it with care.

Even the allopathic doctors in the west, have accepted that
to fight and clear toxins from the body, our own body creates
antibodies. Now, during sleep the computer of our body
manufactures such medicine according to specific requirements
of the individual and is present in a big quantity in the first urine
in the morning. And so, if the first urine is drunk, the body will
get all its requirements, salts, etc. This is the principle of this
therapy. Realising its great medicinal value, costly life saving
injections are prepared from urine in
It may be surprising to note that even in the religious
scriptures like Shivpuran, Mahabharat, Bible, etc., it is
mentioned that this urine is the nectar of life and details about
how to drink the same are very well narrated in Shivpuran. Even
the culprits know the benefit of the urine. Whenever they are
caught, the first thing they do, is to drink their own urine, so that
when they get a heavy beating, they can recover from it very
soon. Even in long fasting, it is advised to drink one's urine.
Sri Morarjibhai Desai, the former Prime Minister of India
and a great propagator of this Urine therapy, used to drink his
urine and massage the same on his body for 40 years till his
death at the age of 100. That was the secret of his reddishness till
the last minute. His skin was healthy and had no wrinkles. It was
smooth and glowing.
At the age of 61, cataract started in his eyes. He started
using his urine as eye-wash and cured his cataract and had no
need to get cataract removed till the age of 91-thus he prevented
cataract formation for 30 years.
In all types of chronic diseases, it is advisable to drink one's
urine. Dr Beatrice Barter of U.S.A claims to have cured even
patients of AIDS with urine therapy. I am of the opinion, that if
treatment mentioned in this book for cancer of blood

and thalasemmia is combined with this urine therapy, the

problem of AIDS can be controlled quite easily and rapidly.
How to Use : Let the first few drops pass. Then collect the urine
in a clean glass / tumbler or in hands and drink it. For Eyes :
Keep it in an eye glass or in the palm and use it as an eye wash
after the urine has cooled down. It is effective to keep eyes in
good condition and to cure the beginning of cataract.
Teeth : For any types of problems of teeth-even when teeth
are shaking, gargle this urine for at least five minutes. Massage
it on the gums.
Care of Hair : Massaging of urine on hair and scalp makes the
hair soft and silky, clears dandruff, germs, etc. It can be applied
on the face before a shave as a shaving cream and it will give a
clean smooth shave and afterwards can also be used as after
shave lotion. Such an application enhances the glow of face, and
so can be very well used by both men and women. It will be
found to be one of the best shampoos. Skin Problems : It is one
of the best medicines for the skin. In the book, the use of urine in
syphilis, gangrene, white spots, etc. has been separately
How to Apply on Skin : Warm the first urine, let it cool
down. The crust has to be removed. Soak cotton in this
lukewarm urine and massage it on affected parts for 2 to 5
minutes. Before doing so, massage ice on the affected parts for 2
to 3 minutes. Afterwards, wash with clean water.
At the same if two to three cups of green juice is drunk
daily and colour treatment is taken the results are astounding; it
even cures white spots.
Precaution : Before using self urine, please get it 'Tested'.
It should not contain 'Sugar' or 'Pus'. If it contains sugar or
pus, take the treatment to cure the same, and do not use
your urine till then.


The water in our body and the water of sea are the same. The
water we drink does not contain the salts of sea water or those in our
body. We get the necessary salts from the vegetables and other food.
Sometimes, if we are not able to take enough quantity of such
salts, there would be a deficiency of such salt in our body which in
turn can create diseases in the body. And when we take such salts as
medicines the diseases are cured. Dr Shusler of Germany has made a
research about the same known as Biochemistry. He has maintained
that there are billions of tiny cells in the body and so if any of these
twelve salts is taken in such tiny form, it will reach these cells of our
body and cure it and make it work properly.
Now, from experience it has been observed that these salts
should be given on the first day of the week in the potency
(power) of 200 and in 12 or 30 for the rest six days. Continue
such treatment for four to six weeks as may be necessary.
This is an innocent therapy The patient can take it himself.
If necessary more than one salt can be combined and taken
together. It is very useful for children.
These medicines supplement the Acupressure treatment and
so in this book these medicines are prescribed. An Acupressurist
should, if possible, acquire proper knowledge about these
biochemic medicines.
Here in the following table you will find the names of these
twelve biochemic salts (medicines), where the place of such
salts is in the body and for which diseases they are useful.

Name Place Useful in Which Disease

1. Calcar, Phos Teeth, Bones, Useful for all problems connected with
(Calcium Blood & teeth, bones, blood & tissues, in
Phosphate) Tissues all problems connected with tissues i.
e. worry, cold, less appetite.
breathing, painful urination, etc.

2. Calcar Sulf Lying between Useful for-driving out toxins, cold,

(Calcium the tissues. coughing, T.B., boils, ulcer, swelling
in ears, pus & blood in urine, arthritis,
3. Cal. Flour Nerves, It gives contraction, So where-ever
(Calcium Muscles these nerves and muscles have become
Floride) loose, this medicine is used to give
them tone.
4. Ferrum Phos in the blood Anaemia, all problems due to
(Ferrous cells. deficiency in blood, all types of fever,
lack of concentration, forgetfulness.

5. Kali Muir Blood muscles & For all problems regarding blood-
(Pottassium Nerves nerves, indigestion, vomiting-loose
Chloride) motions, and in swelling of
delicate nerves, good for all breathing
6. KaliPhosv Brain-nerves & All the problems connected with brain
(Potassium muscles & central nervous system-is considered
king of all twelve salts.

7. Kali sulf Skin & arteries All problems of skin due to

(Potassium improper functioning of perspiration or
sulphate) due to germs, arthritis-fever. Useful to
ladies to increase skin beauty.

Name Place Useful in Which Disease

8. Mag. Phos Muscles, bone It is expanding vasodilator, all
(Magnesium marrow types of pains headaches con-
phosphate) vulsions. epilepsy and paralysis,
9. Natrum Water of the Sunstroke, dehydration,
Muir body Insomnia-weakness of brain-
(Sodium palpitation, etc.
10. Natrum Water of Body Acidity, worms, dullness of
Phos. memory, improper functioning of
(Sodium the heart.
11. Natrum Water of Body Controls water in the body,
Sulph produces more urine.
12. Silica Water of Body This is the element of earth-
works as a surgeon of body, very
useful in boils.

Further it has been observed with in depth research that zodiac

signs play an important part on the basic deficiency of certain salts in
the body and which in turn, lead to certain problems (diseases) as
mentioned above. Moreover, certain salts are found to be
supplementary. So, a chart is given below of combinations of such
basic salts (which are useful to all the persons - children and adults of
all ages) and the corresponding zodiac signs with birth dates.
Combination of Effective on Birthdates
Biochemic Zodiac Signs of
Medicines :
. 1. Kali Phos "\ Aries 22-3 to 21-4
Cal. Fl. Cancer 22-6 to 21-7
Cal. Phos. V Libra 22-9 to 21-10
Nat. Phos. ( Capricorn 22-12 to 21-1
Fer. Phos. J


Taurus 22-4 to21-i>

2. Nat. Sulph
Leo 22-7 to 21-8
Cal. Sulph
Scorpio 22-10 to 21-11
Mag. Phos
Aquarius 22-1 to 21-2
Nat. Mur
Kali Phos
Pieces 22-2 to 21-3
3. Kali Muir
Gemini 22-5 to 21-6
Kali Sulph
Virgo 22-8 to 21-9
Sagittarius 22-11 to 21-12
Fer. Phos
Kali Phos
Method :
Make a combination of 6x loz
Make a combination of 12x loz
Make a combination of 200 1/2 oz
combination of 200 to be taken once a week,
combination of 6x to be taken for 4 weeks. Then no
medicine to be taken for two weeks. Then
combination of 200 to be taken once a week,
combination of 12x to be taken for 4 weeks.
After every one year, repeat as above for 2 weeks with 6x, no
medicine for a week and then 2 weeks with 12x and during all that
time 200 once a week.
Dose Morning Afternoon Evening

Children 2 2 2 pills
under 5
Children 3 3 3 pills
under 15
For all 4 4 4 pills
over 15

Now, if allopathic medicines are being given previously, m

order to nullify its effects; first give one dose of 4 pills Thuja 200
once in a day for 3 days only.
This supplementation of basic salts can be done by all
people of any age group.
Moreover these biochemic medicines can be put in a glass
bottle of desired colour for 3 to 5 hours in the sun to get faster
In this way, if these bio-chemic medicines (basic salts) are
taken, alongwith regular treatment of Acupressure, the
possibility of diseases will be reduced to the minimum.


Children are like the flowers of the Garden-that is-this
world, and we all would like them to blossom fully. Children are
closer to God, and so their divine laughter is always enchanting.
It is no wonder then that Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Jawaharlal
Nehru saw the image of God in them.
If we want to stop wars and unnecessary killings on this
planet, we must all start taking care of children not only of their
physical health but also of their mental health and make sure
that when they grow up, they have a healthy and happy approach
towards life.
The care of children's health does not start only after their
birth. Even before the baby is conceived in the mother's womb,
both the parents must take care to see to it that they themselves
are in proper healthy condition of mind and body so that the
child to be born does not inherit any disease of the mind or
Planning of Children :
This can be considered in three parts : (1) Before
conception, (2) During conception and (3) After conception.
(1) (a) Parenthood should be properly planned and should
not be a matter of accident. It has been found by the western
people that oral contraceptives have harmful

side-effects and so are no longer recommended, (b) The
couple must start the treatment under Acupressure
therapy at least 3 months prior to conceiving, to ensure their
proper health, creation of hormones and curing of any
possible disease that they themselves suffer from.
(c) The couple should drink one glass each of
gold/silver/copper/iron charged water (4 glasses reduced to
2 glasses) per day.
(d) The wife must have 5 to 7 regular menses before

The total effect of the above would be to get a fully
developed, healthy, child with the possibility of inheriting
hereditary problems reduced to the minimum. Even those
couples desiring children but not getting them would get
their desire fulfilled if they take treatment, especially on both
the sides of the two wrists for 4 to 6 minutes (Pressure Points
No. 11 to 15), daily alongwith the treatment mentioned
(2) How to get the child of the desired sex : Please refer
to page no. 114 about Pranayam. It is claimed by Ayurved that
the following methods, if followed by the couple, will give them
the child of the desired sex.
(a) The day on which the menses are seen, is to be
counted as the first day.
(b) During the period of flow, the couple should strictly
avoid intercourse. For guaranteed results, intercourse is to be
done only once in a month on any one of the dates mentioned
below. Continue the plan till baby is conceived.
(c) For getting a son : On the even dates, i. e. 4th, 6th, 8th,
10th, 12th, or 14th day, the husband should lie with his wife on
his left side for 15 minutes so that he would be breathing with
his right nostril before the intercourse.
(d) For getting a daughter : On the odd dates i. e. 5th, 7th,
9th, 11th, 13th or 15th day, the husband should lie with his wife
on his right side for 15 minutes so that he would be breathing
with his left nostril before the intercourse.
It has also been advised in Ayurved that if the intercourse is
done during the later dates (10th to 15th) there is a greater
possibility of conceiving and the child to be born will be
( 3 ) (a) After the baby is conceived, the mother should take
proper care about its nourishment. She should eat plenty of
seasonal fruits. In order to get natural calcium, she should

drink more milk and eat bananas. Otherwise she should take
daily 4 pills in morning and 4 pills in the evening of Cal. phos
12x+Cal. Fl. 12x (mixed together-Biochemic medicines) for
calcium. If sufficient calcium is taken throughout the pregnancy
and proper diet is taken by the mother, the child to be born will
not have any problem of teeth and bone development later on.
According to the research work done in China, it has been found
out that if properly controlled diet is taken by the mother during
pregnancy, the child will have less craving for sweet things like
chocolates, biscuits, etc.
Now, if the newly born child is not given sweets for twelve
months, then according to American Dentist Association, the
possibility of having a dental problem in child's life will be
(b) The expectant mother should practise the Acu
pressure therapy daily to ensure good health and freedom
from disease and to reduce the possibility of miscarriage.
Atleast give pressure treatment on the two sides of the wrists
to prevent miscarriage.
(c) The expectant mother should drink iron/copper/
silver and gold charged water, two glasses reduced from four
glasses. This will ensure the birth of a healthy baby and
reduce the possibility of the baby being blind and that of
retardedness or muscular distrophy, etc. after its birth.
(d) The expectant mother should do some light exercise
daily at least walking 2 to 3 kilometres.
(e) The child starts learning while in the mother's
womb, The cases of Abhimanyu and Shukdev are very
famous. So the expectant mother must try to be cheerful, read
and listen to books on religion, art, music and culture, etc.
(f) The husband should also help the wife in all these
activities and keep her cheerful during this vital period of
Care after the birth of a baby : The birth of a healthy
hild solves many a problem. With proper nourishment and

rest, the child will grow normally. Further, if Acupressure

treatment is given on the soles of the baby every day only for 3
to 4 minutes, good development will be ensured and there won't
be any major problem of health.
We must not forget that the children are very close to
Nature and the requirements for a good crop, viz., good seed,
enough manure, water and light are also essential for children's
growth. They require proper nourishing diet, mother's loving
care and play which includes sunshine and rest.
Mrs. 'L' reports that her three months old grandson had
complaints of vomitting milk and retarded progress and often
cried. With regular massage on the soles, the child grows
happily without giving any trouble.
Care and treatment of children from the age of 1 day to
14 years :
(1) After the baby is born, it should be breast-fed at least for
9 to 12 months and during that time the mother should take care
of her diet, eat proper nourishing food and drink
iron/copper/silver/gold charged water. If nothing else is possible,
take hot meals twice a day. She should also practise Acupressure
therapy to prevent any disease and tension. If milk other than
mother's (preferably goat's or camel's only, otherwise cow's
milk) is to be given, please add a little water to it. (preferably
iron/copper/silver/gold charged)
(2 ) Between 7-9 months, at the time of teething, care
should be taken to supplement the diet of the child with calcium.
If it is not possible to give bananas and more milk, the child may
be given Calcaria Phos + Cal. Fl 6x or 12x-two pills of each
twice a day.
( 3 ) Proper attention should be paid to cleanliness and
hygiene. Change the nappies, diapers, etc., every time the
■ child urinates or passes stools and clean the parts with wet
cloth. Wash the child's clothes daily and sterilise them at least

once in 3 days by boiling them or by keeping them for some

time in water containing antiseptics like Dettol and then wash
(4) Sleep : This is most vital to children of every age
especially upto 12 months. If the child gets proper sleep
alongwith proper nourishment, half the battle against diseases is
(5 ) Water : Most of the infections come through water, so
please be careful to give boiled water to the child. It is necessary
that schools should arrange to provide boiled water duly cooled
and filtered to the children.
(6) Bath and Soap : Give the baby a bath with
lukewarm water after an oil massage. Use soap most
sparingly. Instead, paste made of cream of milk and gram
flour should be used. Please note that by using soap in excess
you are harming the tender skin of the baby. Moreover, the
use of soap will not make the skin any fairer.
(7) Air and Sun : Just as in the growth of plants and
animals, air and sun play an important role in the
development of the human body also. When the child
completes 3 months, after an oil massage, put the child in the
sun for at least 10/15 minutes after 90 minutes of sunrise.
Please see that the child is taken out daily to get fresh air.
After the baby learns to stand on its legs, let him/her play
out of the house during the day for at least 45/60 minutes.
Food, rest and play are the most vital factors for the proper
development of the body and the mind of the child.
(8) Sugar : In modern times, the use of sugar has
increased greatly. Avoid it as far as possible, at least till the
baby is 12 months old. Afterwards, sugar may be used.
Instead of white sugar, use crystal sugar or jaggery. Please
see that it is added to milk or water at the time of boiling. Do
not add sugar afterwards. This will help in preventing cold
and cough.

( 9) Cold drinks, ice-creams and chocolates : In spite

of many warnings, parents and children still indulge in these
foods. To counter the adverse effects of these harmful foods, the
best way is to give lukewarm water to the child at least 2/3 times
a day. Give them bitter powder like 'Sudarshan' which will
prevent worms and enhance digestive power.
(10) The child's motion : Regular motions and clear
urination are most vital. In the case of loose motion or
unsatisfactory motions, the best course is to stop milk or food
intake. And try to put the child on lukewater and juice of
vegetables and fruits at least for a meal or two. That will
automatically help the body to get over the troubles.
In boiling milk, put a few drops of lemon juice, water will
get separated from paneer, If necessary, add a little sugar and
lemon drops and only give this separated water to drink. The
paneer can be used for preparing vegetables.
Please note that no child will die if kept hungry for half a
day or even a day- Overfeeding disturbs the whole digestive
system and leads to many diseases.
(11) Treatment: It is most vital and important that
treatment of Acupressure therapy is given daily foi 3 to 4
minutes on each palm and/or on the soles. This will definitely
prevent the possibility of disease and ensure the progress of the
children in body, mind and character.
After the child has completed 8 years, 4 to 5 minutes
treatment on each palm should be given daily and he/she should
be taught to continue the same life long.
While giving the treatment, the child will immediately cry
if there is any pain due to pressure on any point. This gives a
clue to the disease, which can be easily cured by this
If proper nourishment is given to children as per the table
given below, along with proper care as mentioned earlier, most
of the children will not suffer from any serious disease.

Diet for Child :

1 day to 3 months old : Milk (breast-feeding) otherwise
goat's, camel's milk or cow's milk.
4 Months to 9 months : Milk (breast-feeding) goat's,
camel's or cow's milk plus seasonal fruit juice plus mashed rice
and banana.
10 months to 15 months : Goat's, camel's or cow's milk
plus fruits-bananas are a must, plus mashed rice/khichdi and
potatoes, chapatis/whole wheat bread, etc., when the child can
16 months to 15 years : Milk plus food containing protein
like wheat, sprouted pulses like mung. Chinese green Peas,
grams, etc., all types of nuts plus seasonal fruits.
(12) Supplement the deficiency of birth salts as shown in
chapter 9 of this book.
As the children are not able to tell about their problem, this
therapy is most useful in immediate and proper diagnosis. Along
with this treatment, Biochemic medicines can be added to get
quick, amazing results.
Just for a petty symptom, do not get panicky. Take the
treatment of Acupressure therapy, reduce the quantity of milk or
food and give more of lukewarm water, fruit juice and fruits and
within 48 hours the child will be normal, laughing to its heart's
Special Instructions for mothers :
( 1) Right from 1st day, press daily each sole of your sweet
child for 2 to 3 minutes till your baby becomes 1 year old.
(2) Then press daily 3 to 4 minutes in each palm or sole-till
8 th birthday.
( 3 ) Then daily teach her/him how to press each palm for 4
to 5 minutes.
(4) Give your child daily 2 to 3 teaspoonsrf charged water
till 60 days. If he/she gets reddishness in stool, reduce the
quantum of gold.

From 61 days to 2 years give a - galss of charged water to

drink. Then 2 years to 5 years x~ glass. From 5 years to 10 years
1 glass. Wherever possible, give this water lukewarm.
(5) Every six months, check about worms and if
necessary, give treatment for same.
(6) Checkup solar plexus every alternate day and if
necessary correct it.
( 7 ) After 4 months, start giving ^cup of green juice and

after 1 year give | cup to 1 cup adding health powder and

( 8 ) If least once in 15 days, skip one feeding, give warm
water/green juice.
( 9 ) Every week give mild laxative like harde.

Woman is different from man as regards sex and
temperament. Moreover, Nature has given her an additional
responsibility of becoming a mother. She has to pay special
attention not only to maintain good health but also to remain
calm and happy. She also needs proper education on childcare
and household duties. She will be capable of handling all these
responsibilities properly, if she is healthy. It would greatly
benefit women to learn about Acupressure. Regular
Acupressure treatment will help them to prevent nervous
tension and breakdown, hysteria, timidness, frigidity, etc. It
is advisable for them to take the treatment shown for
nervous tension and on all the endocrine glands from an
early age of 6 - 7 years onwards. This will also save them
from the problems of menses and ensure healthy growth of
their body and mind.
(1) Problems of Menses : In problems of menstruation,
namely early, irregular or painful menstruation, scanty or
excessive bleeding or backache, before, during or after
menses, etc. treatment of points No. 11 to 15 and on all points
of endocrine glands will show amazing results. Such
treatment can be taken by massaging these points on the two
sides of the wrists.
If this treatment is continued menstruation will be regular
within 2 to 3 months and all the problems connected with it will
be solved.
Dr 'K' reports that Miss 'T had the problem of scanty and
painful menstruation while Mrs. 'Y' had excessive bleeding. In
both the cases treatment was given on points No. 11 to 15 and
the patients were cured effectively. There were no complaints
afterwards. A number of similar cases have been treated
successfully by Acupressure therapy.
(2) Profuse Bleeding : In case of excessive bleeding,
rubber bands may be applied on the base of both the big toes
for 3/5 minutes and this may be repeated after 15/20
minutes, if necessary (Fig. 71).
(3 )
Leucorrhoea :
For leucorrhoea also,
treatment on Points No. 11
to 15 will be useful. It is
also advisable to drink
g o l d / s i l v e r / copper
charged water (1 glass
reduced from 2 glasses).
Moreover, take the
treatment of Anaemia as
mentioned below. Also sit
on a ball for 5 to 10
minutes twice a day as
shown in fig. 80.
Mrs. 'Y' was
suffering from leucorrhoea
for the past
seven years and had tried many medicines without success. After
just 3 sittings of Acupressure treatment, 70 % of her complaints
had gone and within 20 days of this treatment she was free from
the dreaded disease.
( 4 ) Menopause : For ladies over 40 years, this problem
can start especially in the case of those who are less active and
rather more sentimental and care more for the family.
With regular treatment on all points especially
No. 11 to 15 and all endocrine glands and treatment for
nervous tension, this problem can be solved easily. Even the
period of menses will be prolonged. There will be more
interest and joy in married life and the diseases connected
with this period will be easily overcome. After the age of 40,
all the women should make this treatment their daily routine.
Further, treatment on these points will save women from
timidness and frigitidy.
( 5 ) Planning forchildren : Before planning for children, it
is essential for the couple to have this treatment for at least 3 to 4
months before conceiving the child in order to prevent any
hereditary disease. For those couples not getting children, such
treatment for 4 to 6 months, taken by both, greatly enhances the
chances of conceiving.

(6) Prevention of Miscarriage : After the child is

conceived, it is essential to take this treatment regularly to
prevent miscarriage and to reduce the possibility of any
diseases. It will also ensure proper growth of the child to be
(7) Painless Childbirth: At the time of the first
delivery, the mother is very much worried and is under great
tension. This adds to the labour pains. Sometimes, it has been
observed that owing to greater pain or delayed delivery, the
child is vitally affected not only in body but also in mind.
Even in the case of the use of forceps or caesarean operation,
the child's body may get damaged and even the mother may
be hurt. It is, therefore, essential that the delivery is guick
and painless.
At the time of childbirth, after the mother is admitted to
the labour ward or when the labour pain starts, the following
treatment will ensure painless delivery within 20/30 minutes.
Methods for Painless Childbirth: Roll the pulley
vigorously on the back of the two arms (from nails to elbow) for
15/20 minutes. The pulley is in the form of a grooved

7 / Health in your Hands: Volume 1


wooden roller or plastic rollers. If such a pulley is not available,

rolling can be done with grooved wooden rollers. Otherwise, the
back of the two palms or the soles can be rubbed continuously
from nails to wrists with two metal combs. Continue the rubbing
for 5/8 minutes. There is no cause for worry even if the back of
palms and soles become blood-red. If necessary, vaseline may be
applied on the affected area after the delivery (See fig. 12).
Afterwards ask the expectant mother to hold these combs
between the tips of her fingers and the upper part of the palms
joining the fingers as shown in the Fig. No. 73 and ask her to
give a steady pressure on the comb with her fingers and thumbs
for two minutes and leave it for 2 minutes and continue this. If
other things are normal, the child will be born within 20 to 30
minutes and afterwards the mother will not feel exhausted.

Fig. 73

In the meantime, ask the mother to take the tongue out as

far as possible and give continuous pressure on the back part of
the tongue (beyond the teeth) with the handle of the spoon for
one minute. Repeat the same with an interval of three minutes.
This would result in instant painless childbirth (See fig. 74).

A lady social worker of Bombay informs that the daughter

of her relative took this type of treatment and within 25 minutes
delivered a baby without pain.

Fig. 74

(7) Difficult Labour : Press hard on the inner side above

the ankle as shown in figure 75 for 2 minutes and then pause
and press again this way, till the child is born.

Fig. 75

( 8 ) Pain in Breasts : After the

birth of the child, if owing to any
reason it (the child) is not fed on
breast milk, there could be
accumulation of milk causing very
severe pain in the breasts of the
mother. For curing this within a
short time, treatment for 4 to 5
minutes is to be given on the middle
portion of the back of both the palms
as shown here. Repeat this if
necessary. The result is astounding
Fig. 76
(See fig. 76).
(9) Obesity after Delivery: After the
delivery of the baby or operation for sterilization, there is a great
possibility of the lady putting on fat (obesity) because sex glands
are disturbed. Treatment on Point Nos. 11 to 15 and on all the
points corresponding to the endocrine glands is to be taken. Such
a treatment taken regularly ensures maintaining good physique,
cheerful nature, proper production of milk for the baby and the
mental calmness needed to face the added
(10) Anaemia: This is very common in ladies. Treatment
on Point No. 37 together with supplementing the diet by green
juice and health drink at least twice a day will show good
In acute cases, the mixture of powders/pills of the
following Biochemic medicines viz :
CalcariaFl. 12xl/2oz
Calcaria Phos 12 x 111 oz
Ferrum Phos 12 x 1/2 oz
Kali Phos 12 x 1/2 oz
Natrum Mur 12 x 1/2 oz
is to be made and 1/2 gram OR 3 pills of this mixture to be
taken 3 times a day-for 30 to 60 days. Also take treatment to
increase Haemoglobin as mentioned on page 241.

(11) Falling of Hair : This is a great problem especially

with women. In such cases they should rub the nails of eight
fingers against each other for 10 to 15 minutes daily (See fig.
77). For better results, it is advised that rubbing of nails may be
done five minutes in the morning and five minutes before
retiring. Moreover, give treatment on points 8, 11 to 15 and
treatment to remove excess heat from the body as mentioned on
page 260 (a) & (b) may also be taken. If there is a gynec
problem, please cure it. Refer to pages 233/235.

Fig. 77 : Picture showing rubbing oi nails of eight fingers

(12) Delaying Grey Hair : As soon as the first grey hair

is seen, start rubbing of the nails as mentioned above. The
hair will remain black for a longer period.
(13) Pimples : These are due to scanty, irregular menses
and excess of heat in the body. Treatment should be given
on Point Nos. 11 to 15 and treatment for removing excess heat
as mentioned on page 260 should be taken.
Regular use of this health science (Acupressure) will help
the women to maintain good physique, achieve mental
happiness, prolong their interest in sex, curtail their expenses on
medicine and unnecessary beauty care, make their life happy
and make their home a Sweet Home.
The problems of men usually result from an unbalanced
development due to the disturbances in the sex glands. These are
noticed at the time of puberty. Every child must therefore be given
proper knowledge about sex, so that at the time of growth, that is
from the age of 10 to 21, he can understand the changes occuring in
his body and control them. Here, Acupressure, can play a helpful
role. If a child is given this treatment from the early age of 6 to 7
years onwards, all the problems of puberty, self-abuse,
delinquency and the resultant physical and mental
disturbances can be avoided. It is, therefore, most vital to teach
Acupressure therapy to the growing children.
However, there are many growing youths suffering silently
from these problems and too shy or nervous to take the treatment
openly. They can solve their problems and gain self-confidence
simply by taking this treatment especially on Point Nos. 11 to 15
and all the points of endocrine glands. Even in the case of those
youths who are normal, this treatment will prevent them
from going astray. It should be remembered that semen is not
meant for wasting.
After the age of 17/18, if semen is discharged in dreams
once in a while, there is no need to worry. However, if it
becomes regular, it requires proper treatment. Just as raw clay
pots are put into a furnace and treated with heat; if semen is
preserved properly till the age of 24 or more till marriage, sex
problems after marriage could be avoided. Further, this properly
cultured semen will be the basis of good, virile health. Also, it is
the basis of spiritual development.

The same treatment is useful and effective in all the

problems relating to less sexual desire, less satisfaction, etc. In
short, this treatment is useful wherever hormone treatment
is necessary. (Point Nos. 11 to 15)
Less Desire/Less satisfaction/Early ejaculation : The
root cause of all these problems may be masturbation before
marriage. The cause could also be excess heat in the body which
causes thinning of semen. And this is discharged in sleep during
erotic dreams and then through urine-called discharge of
Albumin. To correct this problem do as under :
(a) Control sex as per fig. 80 and reduce frequency of
(b) Remove excess heat as mentioned under 2(a) and
2 (b) on page 260.
(c) Take treatment on all endocrine glands twice a day.
(d) Drink daily two glasses of gold/silver/copper/iron
charged water reduced from four glasses of water for 60/120
(e) Drink 2 to 3 cups of green juice adding in each cup
1 teaspoon of health drink and 1 table spoon of honey.
(f) Take "FIVE PHOS." 6 or 12, 3-3 pills in morning
and evening.
(g) Treatment may be taken on the points shown in the
figures No. 78 & 79.

Fig. 78 Fig. 79

Moreover, after the age of 45-50, this treatment on Points 11 to

15 is useful in maintaining the heat of the body, controlling the
prostate gland and thereby preventing hernia, old-age weakness
and insomnia and overcoming all the problems of male
climactory (known as menopause for men). People following the
spiritual path, if disturbed by erotic dreams and discharge, can
successfully try this treatment on
Point Nos. 11 to 15 and control shown below.
Control : Take a rubber ball
of about 1 - to 2" diameter (like a
tennis ball.) Place it under the seat
between anus and testicles when
loose clothes are worn. Sit on the
ball for 5 to 10 minutes twice a
day. This method can be tried by
women also and is very effective
in leucorrhoea (See fig. 80).
Fig. 80

How to increase Spermatoza in semen

( 1) Abstain from Sex.
( 2 ) Keep control as mentioned above.
(3) Drink 2 glasses of gold/silver/copper charged
water reduced from 6 glasses.
(4) Take one dry fig and one dry date; cut them into
small pieces and soak them in one cup of water. Next day
morning drink this water, chew the small pieces of fig and
date. And drink one cup of hot milk adding therein crystal
sugar and one cardamom. Within 2 to 6 months sperms will
increase to normal level.

Fertility : In about 75 % of the cases, where the couple

does not have a child, even after 3 to 15 years of marriage, it is
found that the problem is with the husband. The above
mentioned treatment is found useful and can be taken by both.
This treatment surely increases the sperm count, corrects
hormonal imbalance and increases the possibility of getting a
child. In all such cases, it is advisable to take treatment to
remove the excess heat from the body and also for V.D., Cancer
of prostate or uterut (for females), H.I.V, if any. (shown under
useful hints, page 260 2 (a) & (b).
Hydrocele: Press point No. 11 to 15 + 3-4 and all
endocrine glands and also take charged water 2 glasses reduced
from 4 glasses.



Problems of Ageing : Death is certain. But everybody
would like to maintain good health till the last breath.
The current of Life (Chetana) is discharged from the body
from the right arm. The control point of this current is one inch
circle on the front part of the right arm between the wrist and the
elbow. By giving two minutes treatment i. e. intermittent
pressure on this point, the excess discharge of Chetana is
controlled. This will enable all to maintain youthfulness for a
longer period and delay old age. This treatment is a MUST for
all men and women after the age of 40.

Fig. 81

It is interesting to note that regular treatment on this

point even by aged people will greatly benefit them and they
will start feeling more energetic, younger and less tired.


Planning : Now, that you have learnt how to prevent old

age and remain youthful, it is almost necessary to have proper
plans for the retirement. Activities of your choice must be
increased, new hobbies common to both or complimentary to
each other must be developed. Start taking interest in reading,
writing and fine arts, music, painting, gardening, etc. Moreover
move around a lot and see the world and meet people. You will
feel a sense of oneness with them.
The most important is that, up till now, your activities were
centred around you; start taking interest in others' welfare and
find new avenues of great joy. Reduce your expectations and try
to fulfill others expectations.
Food : It is observed by the medical world that after the age
of 60 years, the heart and liver start functioning slower and
slower. As such, rest after meals is most necessary. And a
change in diet is a MUST. Try to reduce cooked food as much as
possible. Increase the intake of green juices, fruit juices, green
salads, fruits, yoghurt, etc. which are easily digestible and which
will give you enough energy. Moreover, light exercise,
Pranayam, walking/ swimming for 30/40 minutes are a MUST.
Very soon you will be near Nature and every morning will bring
you new joys and new meanings of life. And you will feel
young, sing merrily like a bird and will feel confident, of living
for 100 years.


The cycle of diseases : You may kindly note that no
disease or illness develops overnight. Most of the diseases and
illnesses are caused by the breach of the laws of Nature,
ignoring her signals, wrong habits of eating and drinking, bad
habits of smoking and drinking, excess working of organs and
the neglect of fundamental rules of hygiene. The illness starts in
the body in the following manner :
( 1) There is less urination and so, more toxins accumulate
in our body.
( 2 ) The fire in the stomach becomes weak. You get less
appetite, so food is not digested properly resulting in
constipation or loose motions.
(3) Owing to the above two reasons, blood is not produced
in adequate quantity and it gets impure.
( 4 ) When the blood is not oxygenated properly, carbon
dioxide and toxins are not cleared from the organs and are not
thrown out of our body.
(5) Carbon dioxide and toxins collected around vital organs
do not allow the current of life electricity to penetrate and
recharge the organs. That is why malfunctioning or disease
develops around that organ and it starts reflecting on the palms
or soles.
( 6 ) Accumulation of carbon dioxide and toxins lead to the
slow functioning of the organs, reduction in vitality and increase
in fatigue.
( 7 ■) In short, our body gets weak and becomes prone to
germs or diseases.
(8) If a disease is prolonged, it affects the endocrine glands
and the first endocrine gland to be disturbed is
Thyroid/parathyroid gland. As these glands are interrelated, the
damage to one gland leads to the malfuctioning of the

other glands also. That is why in the case of prolonged illness,

you find pain on the points related to more than one endocrine
Nature wants our body to throw out the toxins, foreign
matters or disease-causing germs. Acupressure helps our body in
that work. When you press the points, a powerful current is sent
to the corresponding part of our body thereby trying to clear the
carbon dioxide and toxins collected around the organ and make
the organ function effectively. These toxins go to the kidneys
and so after giving treatment on other points, it is necessary to
give treatment on Point No. 26 pertaining to the kidneys.
Language of our body : Before starting the treatment, we
must also know the language of our body, that is, the meaning
of the signals it gives.
( 1) We are well aware of the signals for thirst, hunger,
urination and motion.
(2) The body also gives us a signal in the form of
belching when the stomach is full. We get the first call, it is
followed by a second call and a third call.
(3) Ache or pain in any particular part shows
congestion of carbon dioxide, water, air, etc.
( 4 ) The running nose and sneezing mean that the body is
trying to throw out excess water.
( 5 ) Coughing indicates that
(a) the body is feeling cold and that
(b) it is trying to clear congestion in the throat and
the chest.
(6) Itching shows that a greater flow of blood is required
around that part.
(7 ) Fever indicates the battle in our body i.e. white blood
cells are having a fight with the germs of a disease.
(8) Twisting of the body indicates that it is tired and
requires rest and oxygen.

(9) Loss of appetite indicates that there is congestion

and constipation and that the stomach and other digestive
organs are busy in removing the congestion or the
constipation or the body is busy in fighting the disease. In
such a case only lukewarm water and fruit juices or
buttermilk should be taken instead of further taxing the
stomach with food.
(10) Pain or murmur in the heart indicates that the heart
requires total rest. The best way is to remain in bed for 24 to
72 hours and take treatment on all the points including Nos.
1 to 5 and 36.
We should understand these signals of our body and try to
help our body to get rid of the disease and never try to stop these
signals suddenly by any drugs e.g. sudden stoppage of fever has
many times resulted in some other disease, even in paralysis.
How to recharge the inner battery : In order to get faster
relief and break the vicious cycle of diseases as mentioned
above, it is advisable to do the following to recharge the inner
(1) Perform Pranayam.
(2) Drink lukewarm water, preferably copper/silver/
gold charged and health drink.
( 3 ) Skip a meal or two, reduce the solid food intake and
take fruits, vegetables juices and buttermilk, thereby allowing
rest to the digestive system.
( 4 ) The battery of our body is recharged during sleep. So
it is most important to have good sleep whenever you feel tired
or when there is pain on more than 2 to 3 points on the palms or
The above four things help to recharge our unchangeable
battery. This battery is capable of curing almost all the
diseases. And that is why it is most important to recharge this
inner battery.

Before treating any disease, the root cause must be

found and removed :
( 1) First, check up whether the Solar Plexus is in order or
not. If it is not in order, please get it in order (Refer to pages 73
to 76).
(2) Secondly, see that the nervous system passing through
the spinal cord is in order. This can be checked as under :
Lie down on the stomach. Keep the arms straight on
sides. In the lower lumbar, you will observe two shallow
round depressions on both sides of the spine as shown in
the fig. 82. If this is the case, the
problem in the body is not due to the
nervous system connected with the
spinal cord. If you find such depression
only on the right side, then the
problem is on the left side and
connected with the spinal cord.
Similarly, if the depression is on the
left side, there is some problem with
the right side, connected with the
spinal cord. The sciatic nerve, about a Fig. 82
quarter inch thick which starts from
the brain goes all the way down to the lower lumbar and then is
divided into two. It then, reaches the heels and the toes. The
whole nervous system is connected with this sciatic nerve which
gets the protection of the spinal vertebrae. Now if, for any
reason, there is pressure on any part of this sciatic nerve, the
nervous system connected with that part is impaired and results
in some problem or the other (See fig. 20 & 22).
So, if you find that any of these two shallow depressions
are not seen, check up the spinal cord. Run two fingers from the
first cord of the vertebra and go on till the last. If you observe
that some vertebra is lower, that is the root cause of the trouble,
e.g. if Point No. 4 vertebrae is found lower, it can cause
stammering. If Point Nos. 6 to 9 are not in order, it can

cause pain in chest which sometimes

is mistaken for heart attack. To put
the vertebra in the proper position,
rub it upwards by pressing from both
the sides of the spinal cord as shown
in the figure 83.
Secondly, give treatment on
the point of the sciatic nerve
shown in figs. 42 (a) and (b) of the
feet. Thirdly, karate chops around
those points on the spinal cord for i_
3 to 5 minutes will help to bring Fig-83
that vertebra in proper position.
There are thousands of names of diseases but all of them
are connected with the malfunctioning of the organs and
endocrine glands shown in figs. 39 and 40 (see pages 66 to 69).
Sometimes the root cause may be found in more than one organ
e.g. in the case of bronchitis and asthma treatment is necessary
on Points 1 to 7, 34 and 30 because the root causes of these
diseases are cold and weakness of the lungs. With a little
experience, you will be able to find out the points where it pains.
And so, after recharging all the organs by pressing each palm or
sole for five minutes daily, treatment is to be given only on
those points where it pains.
Health Powder/Drink : In 300 grams of amla powder, add
100 grams of dried ginger powder. Mix them. Take one
teaspoonful of this powder along with water in the morning and
Otherwise, in 4 glasses of water add 2 tea spoonfuls of the
above powder of amla and dried ginger (use fresh amla and
ginger if available) and boil it and reduce it to 3 glasses. Filter
the water and drink it during the day. If desired, honey can be
added to it. This is good for growing children.

Amla is a concentrated vitamin 'C. It has 16 times more

vitamin 'C than the lemon has. Such a drink will give protection
to the body against cold and increase digestive power. It is of
astringent (cT5T) taste and not sour.
People in the West take apple cider which is also
beneficial. The health drink is beneficial to all, especially to the
convalescing people, old people, expectant mothers and growing
Green Juice : Our body requires energy to function
properly and to throw out toxins and diseases. This juice has all
types of salts and minerals required by the body and this juice is
easily digestible. Such green juice was given to patients of blood
cancer, in which cases weight goes on reducing regularly. Even
though green juice has very less calories, these patients gained
weight from 2 to 4 kgs. per month just by drinking 3 to 4 cups of
green juice per day. It is pure energy, (thicker the leaf, more is
energy in it.) From experience, it has been found out that leaves
of any non-poisonous plant/tree could be used.
To prepare such green juice, one can take :
Leaves of tandaljo/spinach, methi (fenugreek), cellery,
lettuce, cabbage, green coriander, pudina (mint), tulsi (holy
basil), even cucumber, radish, simla capsicum, wheat grass and
sprouted cereals, etc. In short, use leaves of any nonpoisonous
plant/tree and vegetables from which juice can be extracted.
While preparing such green juice, add one amla when available
in the season or add dry amla powder/dry ginger powder also,
(amla has 16 times more Vitamin C than an equal size of
In case, such green leaves are not available, dry leaves can
be used. In that case, soak such dry leaves in water for two
hours. Then throw away the water and extract juice.

Such green juice is PURE ENERGY. Those who desire to

lose weight, should take 6 to 8 cups of such juice in a day +
some fruits only. They can lose 7 to 10 kgs. of weight per month
without any side effects. And those who desire to increase
weight /height, should also drink 3 to 4 cups of such green juice
but add one table spoon of honey to each cup.
It is possible that till toxins are cleared from
bowels/intestines, one may get loose motions when they drink
such green juice. Afterwards, such loose motions will
automatically stop.
This green juice is a MUST for sick people, growing
children, expectant mothers and old people. It has no side
effects and can be taken by patients having kidney problems.
Such green juice will make you EVERGREEN.
Green Paste : While preparing such green juice
paste /pulp will be available. Do not throw it. Add little
turmeric powder and cream of milk to it and apply it on the
face or any part having skin problem/even on white spots as
a MASK. Take blue light on it for 6 to 8 minutes. After
15 minutes, wash with water, and see the wonderful result
just in 15 days.
Copper/Silver/Gold and Iron charged water : It has
been found that the following minerals are useful for treating
diseases connected with the organs as shown below :
(1) Copper : Useful for all diseases and problems
connected with the nervous system e.g. high B.P., arthritis,
polio, tension and leprosy.
(2 ) Silver : Useful for diseases of the organs connected
with digestive system and the urinary system.
(3) Gold : Useful for disorders of the breathing
system, lungs, heart, brain and is a general tonic.
(4) Iron : Proper quantity of iron in blood is utmost
necessary because they carry oxygen and supply it all over
the body and thus increases stamina.

The charged water can be prepared as shown below :

Take a pot of Pyrex glass, if possible; otherwise take a
copper vessel, if readily availabe. In that case copper is not to be
included while boiling. Otherwise stainless steel vessel or even
earthen pot can be used. Do not use Aluminium or brass vessel.
(1) Copper charged water : Put 60 grammes of pure
copper plate / ingots / wire or 6 to 8 copper coins in 4 glasses
of water and boil it.
(2) Silver charged water : Put 30 to 60 grammes of
silver-pure bullion or pure coins (.999 purity) in 4 glasses of
water and boil it. Do not use silver ornaments.
(3) Gold charged water : 15 to 30 grammes of gold
pure bullion gold coin or ornaments (chain or bangles not
enameled of 22 carat gold in 4 glasses of water and boil it).
( 4 ) Iron charged water : (In case of deficiency of iron
in blood, anaemia or during pregnancy) Put 60 grammes of
unrusted piece of iron (nails, etc.) in 4 glasses of water and boil
All these metals can be put together in water, in the
proportion of gold 15 to 20 grams/silver 30 grams/copper 60
grams/iron 60 grams. It should be borne in mind that all metals
put in the water are thoroughly cleaned and do not contain any
dust or rust.
Boil away 25% of water i.e. retain 3 out of 4 glasses of
water after boiling. Filter this water, keep it in a thermos if
possible and drink it lukewarm/hot during the day. Drinking of 1
glass of such water the first thing in the morning is. very
beneficial. When this water is reduced by 50%, it becomes
medicine-best antibiotic and is a MUST in treatment of all
serious diseases. In acute cases, this water may be boiled down
to 1 glass or even half a glass. When you drink such
concentrated water (i.e. when more than 60% water is boiled
away e.g. 3 glasses of charged water reduced from 8 glasses)
avoid sour things like lemon, sour buttermilk, etc.
The charged water is found useful for good health. But it is
a must for the treatment of any problems connected with

the improper flow of the current of bio-electricity i.e. high B.P.,

polio, rheumatism, arthritis, paralysis, chronic diseases including
cancer, etc. The use of concentrated gold charged water has
given wonderful results in the case of mental retardation,
muscular distrophy, T.B., heart attack, etc., and is a good brain
tonic too.
Quantity : The above quantity is for all above 12 years.
For children over 2 years 50 % of the quantity is to be given.
For children below 2 years give only i quantity.
Treatment for Common cold, cough, flu, fever, tonsils,
etc. :
The above mentioned common diseases are the biggest
enemy of mankind. They are responsible for the highest number
of working hours lost. Though they are not deadly, they make
you most miserable. The common cold causes headache,
coughing, sinusitis, tonsilitis, fever, bronchitis and when
neglected may result even in deadly pneumonia. We must
properly understand our body and ascertain the root cause of this
common cold.
As mentioned earlier, our body consists of about 72% of
water. Heat and cold have the same effect on the water inside our
body as on the water outside. Our body also has an
airconditioner as well as a heater. In summer or in winter, it
maintains the temperature of 98.6° F (36.9°C). The water in our
body gets heated during the day due to activity and due to
outside temperature, while during the night, it cools down,
creating moisture in the lungs or head. In Nature, it is thrown out
in the form of dew. In the case of our body, it is thrown out by
sneezing or watering of the nose in the morning. Therefore,
sneezing in the morning is considered to be a sign of good
During the year the body tries to throw out excess water
twice through sneezing and running of the nose, which is known
as common cold. The phenomenon lasts for 3 to 5 days each
time. One need not worry about such cold or try to stop it. It is
jokingly remarked that in common colds if you take medicine,
you will be all right within 6 days but if you do not take
medicine you will be all right within 4 days.

Further, the water in the blood and the body is controlled

by heat. The heat of the body depends upon one's digestive
power. So whenever the digestive system weakens the internal
temperature goes down. This reduces the evaporation of water
and gathering of excess water in the body. In turn this excess
water reduces the heat, resulting in the congestion in the lungs,
chest and throat. Whenever this water gets congested in the
head, it causes headache. This cycle leads to tonsilitis, sinus
trouble, bronchitis and fever. The excess of water is aggravated
by cold drinks, heavy foods, sour things like curd, buttermilk,
lemon and by exposing the body to cold winds or coldness
through air-conditioning. All these add to the prolongation and
aggravation of the disease.
Effect of the moon on the body : The moon is the satellite
of the earth, and being very near to the earth, it has great effect
on the water on the earth. The obvious proof of this is that the
time of high and low tides changes daily alongwith the moon

Fig. 84 : Rotation of the Moon round the Earth


From the figure 84 about rotation of the moon around the earth,
you will observe that on the 4th, 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, and 15th, 19th,
23rd, 26th and 29/30th of moon- days, the earth and our body come
directly against the moon. At that time the water level in the sea and in
our body rises. And so, on these moon days, in the Indian religions,
particularly, in Jainism, people are advised-
( 1) to observe complete fast, (not to drink even water, if
possible) or
( 2 ) to eat only once, or ( 3 ) to
eat only twice, or
(4) at least to avoid eating green vegetables (as they contain
about 90% water) and thus control the water in the body, thereby
reducing the chances of cold.
People suffering from chronic colds or sinus trouble or having
allergy to cold should try to carry out as many of the above restrictions
as possible. Moreover, these restrictions can be observed on a national
scale in countries like U.K. and Japan where cold is quite common
throughout the year.
It will also be observed that on the full moon day or the new
moon day, the effect of the moon is most powerful. At that time owing
to the aggravation of the water substance in the body, the heat in the
body decreases and thereby the air content increases. It travels to the
head and causes mental disturbances. Recently, a scientist in Chicago
(U.S.A.) has confirmed the existence of such an effect of the moon on
mental diseases. Therefore, the best treatment for
cold is -
(1) to reduce the intake of food containing much water.
( 2 ) to eat warm, light food.
( 3 ) to drink lukewarm health drink.
( 4 ) to gargle three times with salted lukewarm water.
( 5 ) to take the treatment on Point Nos. 1 to 7, 34 and 30.
( 6 ) to practise the sun pranayam.
Cold due to Heat : The other reason for headache and cold is
sluggish liver. As a result of less biles, the food is not

turned into alkali and so the acidity in the stomach and intestine which
is called 'Pitta' (ftrf) increases. That leads to the warming of air in the
stomach. This heated air occupies the empty spaces in the head and
the face. Now during the day, whenever this heated air is cooled, due
to the cold wind, the running of fan over the head or sitting in an air
conditioned place, it gathers moisture and becomes water. This cooled
water contracts the nerves leading to headache and sinus trouble.
When the accumulated cold starts coming down, it irritates the throat
and the nose and leads to tonsils and causes sneezing and running of
water through the nose. In such a cold, the chest is clear. Now, in such
cases of cold, any pain reliever upsets the stomach and in the long run
leads to ulcer and hyper-acidity. It is observed that this type of cold is
aggravated in summer and autumn. At such a time, when pressed,
there is a pain on Point No. 28 of the Adrenal gland.
The best way to remove this excess of heat from the system is to
take Harde powder (^fcr ^t ^fi) (powder of Terminalia, Chebula Retz).
In 2 to 3 grams of this powder add 1 gram of sugar. Take this the first
thing in the morning with lukewarm water. This may cause one or two
loose motions. This treatment is to be continued for a week, and
afterwards only once or twice a week. If such powder is not available,
drink one glass of water or fruit juice or one cup of green juice the
first thing in the morning after cleaning the mouth.
Secondly, all points connected with cold are to be pressed i.e.
Nos. 1 to 7, 30 and 34.
Thirdly, the points of the Adrenal gland, liver, gall bladder,
stomach and Solar Plexus i.e. Point Nos. 28, 23, 22, 27 and 29 are to
be pressed.
Fourthly, in the case of an old complaint, it is useful to take the
following medicine for 4 weeks. It helps the digestive system.

Nux Vomica 200-4 pills twice in a day but once a week Nux
Vomica 12 or 30-3 to 4 pills ) (Homeopathic
twice daily J medicine)
It is claimed by The Indian Ayurvedic Science that Harde
powder is not habit-forming and can be safely given to small
children duly mixed with honey. This can solve many a problem
connected with constipation. Moreover, it is claimed that if
Harde powder is taken regularly for 45 to 60 days the first thing
in the morning and lukewarm water is drunk throughout the day,
it helps a lot in reducing the fat in the body. During such a
course, light food is to be taken only twice a day, after having at
least two loose motions.
Fifthly, take out excess heat from the body by any of the
methods shown at the end of this book, under 'useful hints.'-page
260; 2 (a), 8 (b).
treatment for some of the common ailments is given below.
If necessary, the treatment may be supplemented by
Ayurvedic or Homeopathic/Bio-chemic medicines and other
treatment also mentioned herein.
(1) Cold and Cough : This is a very common complaint
occuring either due to a change in the climate or owing to
indigestion, overfeeding and consuming of raw
sugar. Treat on all points twice daily plus Point
No.l to 7, 30 and 34, and in the case of
children, Point No. 38 also. Please give the
child only lukewarm water to drink and give
the treatment for constipation.
(2 ) Blocked Nose : In case of cold and
sinus, many times the nose gets blocked. Take
treatment for 2 to 3 minutes on the point of
forehead and on the point on both the sides of
the nose for immediate relief. (See the figure)

Fig. 85

If possible put a drop of lukewarm ghee (boiled butter) in

each nostril at the time of retirement.
( 3 ) Bronchitis Pneumonia-Flu and Hay Fever : When
there is not enough heat in the stomach and so food is not
digested properly, it turns up into phlegm which rises up in the
wind pipe goes into brocili of lungs. In order to remove the
same, body brings coughing and in case of too much congestion,
one gets fever and it is declared as bronchitis. If not treated in
time, it can develop into Pneumonia and Hay fever. For cure, do
as under :
( 1) Stop cold food-like milk, curd, cold stored foods, fruit
juices, canned juices and icecream and anything with sour taste.
( 2 ) Add a little salt and a pinch of turmeric powder in half
a glass of lukewarm water and drink it the first thing in the
morning. Do again the same way in the afternoon and evening.
This may cause vomiting, which is helpful to remove
( 3 ) When hungry, eat only light hot meals.
(4) Drink 2 glasses of charged water reduced from 4
( 5 ) Keep Solar Plexus in order to remove constipation.
(6) Take 2 to 4 cups of green juices adding there in each
cup 1-teaspoon of Health drink (atleast ginger powder) +1
tablespoon of honey.
( 7 ) Remove worms, if any, and take Nux Vomica 200 3/4
pills twice in a day but only once a week. Nux Vomica 12 3 pills
in the morning and evening.
( 8 ) In case of heavy congestion, take Red Light on the
chest and back for 2 to 3 minutes.
(9) Put half ground bishop's seeds (3i^ivi) in a tablespoon-
fill it only half. Then put lemon juice on it to cover it fully. Do
this after sunrise. Keep this for at least two hours and eat it but
definitely before sunset. Within ten days, Eosinophilia will
come under control.

All types of fevers : For any type of fever except typhoid,

take the following treatment :
Put clothes pins and rubber bands on Points No. 1 to 7 and
34 as shown in fig. 86 and keep them for 5 to 10 minutes. Then
remove them for 15 minutes. Then continue in this manner till
the fever comes down. In most cases fever comes down within
15 to 30 minutes.
In case of malarial fever, also give treatment on Point No.
37 and also take 1 teaspoon of "Sudarshan choorna" (Ayurvedic
bitter medicine) in the morning and evening.
During any types of fever, drink lukewarm water half a
glass every half an hour. If possible drink charged water.

Fig. 86

(3) Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Flu and Fever : When there is

acute congestion in the chest or throat, Nature causes fever, even
bronchitis and pneumonia. Take the same treatment as in (1)
above. In case the fever is due to malaria, Point No. 37 should be
pressed. And take only lukewarm water boiled with black pepper
and salt.

( 4 ) Whooping Cough : Press

Point Nos. 1 to 7, 30, 34 and 38. Give
boiled, lukewarm water added to
ginger, turmeric powder and salt. Give
pressure on the first knot of the middle
finger of both the hands. (See the
figure) Correct Solar Plexus.
( 5 ) Sinusitis : Apply pressure on
tips of fingers and toes, and also take the treatment
mentioned in (1) above. Also take the treatment to
remove excess heat-as per page 260-2 (a), 2 (b).
Mr. 'G' had chronic sinusitis trouble. Even an operation
couldn't cure him. During the night, he had to keep his mouth
open in order to breathe. He started this treatment and on the
fourth night, he slept with his mouth closed. And within a
fortnight his complaint was totally gone.
(6) Tonsilitis : Press Point Nos. 1 to 7 and 34. Please see
that the mouth and throat are cleaned, Gargling with lukewarm
water with a little salt aded to it three times a day is also advised.
Tonsilitis shows that the heat of stomach is reduced and so
lukewarm water and light food are to be taken. In cases of
swollen tonsils, apply turmeric powder on the tonsils, then
gargle with lukewarm water with a little salt added to it and
then apply Glycerine Tanic Acid inside the throat and gargle
with salted lukewarm water. There is no necessity to get the
tonsils removed. Get rid of constipation. Whenever possible,
drink lukewarm water and take Acupressure treatment.
Mr 'B' reports that he had been suffering from tonsilitis,
cold and cough since he was quite young. He did not get the
tonsils removed by operation but he had to take injections

when he got fever every 30 to 40 days. Since he started this

Acupressure treatment, his complaints have disappeared and
now, even after 10 years, he enjoys good health.
Coughing-phlegm coming out: It happens when there is
excess heat in the body and digestion also becomes poor, you
feel congestion in throat and with every coughing phlegm comes
out. Only one treatment is not enough-you must not neglect but
attack such problems from all the sides ... e.g.
(a) Remove excess heat as per 2 (a) & (b) on page 260.
(b) Remove worms, if any.
( c ) Take a course of Nux Vomica for 45 days.
(d) In the morning, at noon and in the evening, take
the treatment mentioned above for Tonsilitis. That will
remove a lot of phlegm from the throat.
(e) Keep in the mouth a small piece gum + a piece of
crystal sugar; that soothens the throat and prevents
coughing. Do so 4 to 5 times.
(f) After every meal, chew a little of bishop's seeds
(ai^ivi) adding to it little quantity of sugar.
(7) Loose Motion, Diarrhoea, Dysentery : This is a clear
indication of overeating and indigestion. Reduce diet, drink
plenty of lukewarm water adding some ginger, lemon and barley
to it. Acupressure treatment is to be given on the feet and palms
on Point Nos. 19, 20, 23, 25, 27 and 38 and in the middle of the
chin for constipation. Correct Solar plexus.
From the age of 7 months to 18 months, loose motions may
be due to teething, if not cured by the above mentioned
treatment, the child may be given more of calcium, preferably 2
to 3 pills of Calcaria Phos 12x3 times a day. For patients
exposed to heat, loose motions can be due to excessive heat. In
such a case, over and above the points mentioned above,
treatment may be given on all the tips of fingers and toes and
Point Nos. 1 to 4.

( 8 ) Diarrhoea and Cholera : Over and

above the treatment mentioned above for severe
problems, for a mild attack take treatment for 3-4
minutes twice a day on the point below the knee-
cap as shown in the figure.
. 88
(9) Intestinal Worms : When pressed on the point on the
outer side in the middle of the smallest toe/last finger, if pain is
observed, it is an indication of worms. This is a common
problem with children. Wherever children complain of pain
around stomach, and loss of appetite and their growth has
stopped, then first of all try and find out about worms. In case of
worms, the children even get ear infection and in such cases
point of Lymph gland no. 16 will be found paining.

Fig. 89 Fig. 90
In such cases, the worms have to be removed. Give patients
Cina 200 (A Homeopathic medicine).
For children
Under 6 Under 10 Over 10
4 pills 6 pills 8 pills
Once a day for 4 day. Then, stop medicine for 4 days.
After 4 days repeat the medicine as mentioned above.
On the 13th day, give some powerful laxative and
afterwards give Cina 12-3 pills for 30 days. If allopathic
medicine is taken for worms then supplement it with

medicine for the liver-because such medicine for worms

damages the liver. Also give treatment on Point No. 23 of the
Also give treatment for 3 minutes twice a day on points of
both the small fingers or small toes, as shown in fig. 89 and 90.
In case of ear infection remove worms and give treatment
for the same as shown on page 192. The same treatment for
worms, has been found useful in an Athelete's foot i. e. fungal
infection of skin.
(10) Jaundice and Liver troubles : For jaundice and other
liver troubles, press Point Nos. 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28 and 38.
Stop taking oily and heavy food. Remove cream from milk
before drinking it. Eat gram, chew sugarcane or drink its juice,
eat dates and have buttermilk and curd. Also remove excess heat
from the body as mentioned under' 'useful hints". Page 260-2 (a)
& 2 (b).
(11) Stone in gall bladder : Please note that after the
operation for removing the stone from the gall bladder, such
stone is not found and the gall bladder is thrown away and the
patient becomes a victim of gas trouble and acidity for life. When
there is excess heat in the body, the liquid bile stored in the gall
bladder becomes crystal and hinders free flow of bile into
intestine. At that time, in Sonography these crystals look like a
stone. The best way to cure this problem is to remove excess heat
as per 2 (a)-(b) of 'useful hints' on page 260 and to take a cup of
green juice adding there to one teaspoon of health powder + 1
tablespoon of honey 3 to 4 times a day; +2 glasses of fresh fruit
juice + treatment as mentioned under (10). Also give Blue light
on civer/gall bladder for 5 to 6 minutes twice a day.
Even in case of great damage to liver in advanced stage of
jaundice, when liver is feared to have burst, this treatment has
been found to be very useful and it prevents surgery and lifelong

(12) Hyper-Acidity : Sometimes you

wake up with an unpleasant taste in the
mouth, heaviness in the head, a burning
sensation in the stomach and a feeling of
nausea and vomitting. These signs indicate
hypertension/liverishness. In such cases,
take treatment on the point on the outer side
of the leg, one inch above the ankle, as
shown in the figure for 3 to 5 minutes. Plus
treatment to remove excess heat as
mentioned on page 260-2 (a) & 2 (b). Also Fig. 9i
eat 2/3 pieces of clove or blackpepper after meals.
Further do the following for long term relief : ( 1) Remove
excess heat as mentioned under 2 (a) and (b) on page 260.
( 2 ) Give pressure treatment on Point No. 22, 23 & 28.
(3) Half-an hour before meals, eat a mixture of half
teaspoon of cumin seed powder #U + half teaspoon of sugar.
(4 ) After meals, chew 2 to 3 cloves or black pepper.
( 5 ) Avoid constipation.
( 6 ) Drink 2 to 3 cups of green juice.
(7 ) When you feel uneasy due to too much acidity,
burning sensation, do as under :
(i) Chew 2 to 3 pieces of black pepper with a pinch of
(ii) Drink 3 to 4 table spoonfuls of cooled milk, every
15/20 minutes. If soda is available, add 3 to 4 tablespoonfuls of
it to this cooled milk and drink it every 15/25 minutes till
burning sensation stops.
( 8 ) In case of heaviness/pressure on chest due to gas,
correct Solar Plexus and press on inside border of Point No. 8.
Try to find out root cause which could even damage brain.
Then take the treatment as mentioned on page 246-247.
(13) Epilepsy/Fits : Treat all the points and all the
points of endocrine glands, viz., Points 1 to 4, 8, 14, 15, 25, 28
and 38. Try to find out root cause.
(14) Convulsion : In the case of
children having convulsions, press gently on both
the ear lobes as shown in fig. 92. Within half a
minute, the child will become normal. This is an
instant treatment. Try to find out the root cause.
It may be due to damage to Pituitary/Pineal
gland or even to the brain. In such cases,
treatment on all the endocrine glands plus 1 glass
of gold/ silver/copper charged water reduced
from 4 glasses is necessary. In serious cases,
Fig. 92 take
treatment for brain's problem (page 246-
247). (15) Fainting : Repeated attacks of fainting can be due to
serious problems as mentioned above. Try to find out the root
cause and give the treatment accordingly. For instant
temporary relief, press on point as per fig. 93 on the small
fingers of both the hands and on point No. 36.
Fig. 93

(16) Teething : Press on all points especially on Point

No. 8. Also give the baby 4 pills 3 times a day from the
following mixture :
Calc. Phos -l2x
Calc. Flour-12 x
Fer. Phos -12x
Kali. Phos -12x
Mix them.
Start giving these pills when the baby is 4 to 6 months, that
will enable easy teething.

(17) Crying of Children : In case a child cries due to

fear, irritation or not being able to sleep, give treatment on
all tips of the fingers and toes and back of both the palms or
(18) Overgrowth of the body : Treat all the points
daily + Point Nos. 3, 4 & 8.
Undergrowth of the body :
( 1) Treat all the points twice daily + all the points of
endocrine glands.
( 2 ) Drink two glasses of charged water daily reduced
from 4 glasses.
(3) Drink two to three cups of green juice adding to
each cup 1 teaspoonful of health powder & 1 tablespoonful
of honey.
While preparing the green juice, add 25 % sprouted cereals
like Mung (*jr).
(4) Check as regards worms and remove them, if
( 5 ) Stop any bad habit if any, cure discharge of ova
and semen, i. e. cure problem of white discharge and
(6) Do regular exercises. Expose yourself to plenty of
sunlight. Do Pranayam as much as possible (page 112-113).
(19) How to increase Height and Weight: Even if the
parents are not tall or even below normal; the height of the
children can be increased up to the age of 20 years. However,
such efforts should be made at the earliest. Take the following
( 1) Take treatment on Points Nos. 3-8, 11 to 15-25-28 &
38 for children below 15.
( 2 ) Take 1 glass of gold/silver/copper charged water
reduced from 2 glasses (up to the age of 7-8) and then 2 glasses
reduced from 4 glasses of water.
(3) Take about 75/100 grams of sprouted pulses
(JJT-^TT) daily. It should be chewed thoroughly. Jaggery/
sesame ($ffi) can be mixed with them. 8 / Health in your Hands:
Volume 1

( 4 ) Drink 1 to 2 cups of green juice daily adding therein

carrots and ginger plus honey.
( 5 ) Do exercises as shown in fig. 23 for correcting spinal
cord, at least 8 to 10 times.
( 6 ) Also do exercise on single-bar, jogging, swimming &
yogic exercises.
(7) And refrain from abuse of sex-i. e. masturbation. Girls
must see that they have regular menses.
( 8 ) With this treatment, even weight will increase and
become normal.
(20) Wetting the bed :
Press all points plus Point Nos.
11 to 15, 18 and 26. Also press
the first and second knots of the
last finger of both the hands.
See the figure 94.
An American Doctor's nephew
and niece had this problem. After
they unsuccessfully tried all the
forms of treatment, they began
giving Acupressure treatment to
them. Within a week, these children
stopped wetting their beds.
(21) Urinary troubles (like less urination or stone) :
Press all points and Point Nos. 11 to 15, 18 and 26. Also press
the first and second knots of the last finger of both the hands
(see fig. 94). Also apply cold pack on the abdomen.
Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water to promote free and
regular flow of blood. This will help the kidneys to function
properly and to throw out poisons from the body and you will
have clear urine.
For all the problems connected with urinary troubles,
urinary track, including stones, the combination of the following
Ayurvedic drugs has been found very useful :

(1) 100 grams of powder of seeds of Eugenia Jambolana

(Jamun ke Beej).
( 2 ) 100 grams of powder of Bombax mala baricum-root
(Shimla ke Mool).
( 3 ) 10 grams of powder of Asphalt (Shilajeet)-(These are
available at Ayurvedic Shops).
8 to 10 grams to be taken every day the first thing in the
(22) Failure of Kidneys : When toxins in the blood cannot
be removed through kidney, they gather there and hinder the
function of kidneys. More and more toxins gather. The level of
Kreatine in the blood increases. This condition is known as
Pyletis and patient is asked to go for dialysis; after a few
months, the patient is advised to go for transplantation of one
kidney. Surprisingly, nobody bothers to find out the root cause
of excess toxins. Do not panic. Do the following :
(1) Press all points for 5/6 minutes on each palm + press
PointNos. 3, 4, 8, 11 to 15 + 16, 25, 26 & 28-3 times daily for
1-1 minute each.
(2) Drink 2 glasses of silver charged water reduced
from 8 glasses of water. This helps in reducing excess heat
and activates the kidney.
(3) Drink one cup of black tea, the first thing in the
morning. In case of nausea keep 2 cloves or little sugar in
the mouth. After 15 minutes, regular breakfast can be taken.
How to prepare Black Tea : Put 1 teaspoon of leaf tea
(any tea will do) in one cup of water. Boil till it becomes half
cup. Filter it and add half a cup of ordinary water (not from
refrigerator). Drink it hot for 12 to 15 days.
How to find out whether Kidney has started functioning
properly : On the first day before you start drinking Black Tea,
take your first urine in a glass. It will be observed to be hazy and
having bad odour. On the 12th day or 15th day, take the first
urine and check it. When the urine is found to

be clear and without bad odour, it denotes that kidneys have

started functioning normally.
How to prevent failure of Kidneys : Even healthy persons
can make a habit of drinking such black tea for 12 days every
year-preferably in cold climate. And forget worrying about
problem of kidney.
Stone in Kidney : When Thyroid/parathyroid glands do
not function properly, the calcium in our food is not digested
properly and it is calcified and when it cannot be cleared in
urine, it gathers in kidney and forms a stone. In such a case, the
above mentioned treatment will be found very useful. Stone will
get crushed and be removed in 10/15 days. Continue the
treatment on Point No. 8 and other endocrine glands. When
there is no pain when pressed on Point No. 8 it denotes that
thyroid/parathyroid glands have started functioning normally
and so new stones will not be formed. It may be noted that in
case it is Acetate stone (hardly in case of 10 %) it may not be
removed with the above treatment. But such cases are rare.
Several patients living on dialysis or those who were
advised transplantation of kidney, have successfully tried the
above method.
Root cause : It may be noted that in all cases of kidney
problems, always try to find out the root causes and
treatment to remove such root causes MUST be taken
alongwith above mentioned treatment. In about 90 % of the
cases examined by me, I have observed that in case of males, the
root cause was venereal diseases, cancer of prostate or HIV
developing into AIDS. And in case of females, it is the cancer of
uterus, HIV in advanced stage.
Case Study : One lady of about 35 years of age, came to
our Free Centre at Arya Samaj, Santacruz(W). She was advised
to have transplantation of kidney. Luckily, her mother's kidney
was found to be suitable Imatching and so the operation was to
be performed only after ten days. On examination, I found that
the root cause was cancer in uterus. She was asked to postpone
the operation for just 45/60 days.

She started taking the treatment for cancer of uterus +above

mentioned treatment for kidney. She started passing normal
urine just in 10 days. After 45 days, she went to the same
doctors who had advised her to go for transplantation of kidney.
The doctors were surprised with the healthy condition of the
patient and declared that she was in good health. Her kidneys
were of normal size and functioning properly and as such there
was no necessity for the operation for the transplantation of
Similarly, I have helped avoid over 200 such operations for
the transplantation of kidney. Thousands of patients have been
happy to stop dialysis. And in the same way, thousands of
patients have been able to have the stone removed from their
kidneys with the above mentioned treatment.
(22) Skin Diseases : These are not diseases but
symptoms showing lack of Vitamin C and indigestion due to
sluggish liver, resulting in impure blood. Certain foods mixed
and eaten together create poisonous substances in the body
and if this poison is not removed from the body by the kidney,
it comes out in the form of eruption on the skin, known as
skin disease. It is, therefore, advisable not to eat cereals, fish,
onions, garlic, citrus fruits and antibiotics along with
unwarmed milk, curd and butter-milk. The first urine in the
morning can be applied on the affected parts to ensure early
cure. Treatment on all the points together with more Vitamin
C (amla, lemon, fruit juice, raw vegetables) groundnuts and
til (seasame) in diet will soon cure the disease and also
remove the problem of dry skin. Also take health drink (see
page 168) Also take treatment to remove excess of heat as
mentioned on page No. 260 2 (a) & (b). Check up Point
No. 37, if it hurts immediately start treatment for cancer of
the blood.
(23) Boils : Press the Lymph gland Point No. 16 on the
middle of the wrist and also take the treatment on Point
No. 26. Proper daily treatment will ensure that there are no
boils and if there are any, they will soon dry up.
(24) Anaemia : Press all the points and Point No. 37,
3 times daily. In cases of chronic complaint, take medicine

for Anaemia as advised in chapter 11. Also drink iron charged

water and green juice. In case of serious problem also follow
instructions given on page 241 to increase Haemoglobin.
(25) Allergy : Press Point No. 21 and take 3 to 4 Calcaria
Phos 12x globules or tablets twice a day. Also take Kali Phos
12 or 30, 3-3 pills in the morning and evening. Follow this
course of taking Cal. Phos & Kali Phos. for 45 days only.
(26) Eyes : For anything wrong with the eyes like pain,
watering, reddishness, etc. give treatment on Point No. 35
and put a pack of cold milk or extract of kothmir (coriander
leaves) on the eyes. Eat plenty of raw carrots or drink carrot
juice. If regular treatment is given on these points after the
age of 45, it will prevent cataract. Even during early stages
of cataract, this treatment is very beneficial.
This treatment can prevent "BLINDNESS" due to
cataract. Moreover, even in case of Trachoma of eyes,
operations have been averted with this treatment.
Serious Problems : The optic nerve is governed by the
pituitary gland. For any serious problems of eyes, check the
Point No. 3 and points of optic nerve on the back of palms, (see
fig. 41 (a) & (b)). If found to be tender, paining, give the
treatment on these points as well as on Point No. 3 & 35. Also
drink 1 glass of gold/silver/copper charged water reduced from 4
glasses of water. Also drink at least 2 cups of green
How to do away with spects/glasses : It has been observed
that up to minus number 3 to 4 (for seeing); with the help of
following treatment, the eyesight becomes normal and one can
stop wearing spects/glasses :
(1) Press the Point Nos. 3, 22, 23 and 35 on both the palms
3 times a day for 2/2 minutes each. Give pressure
' treatment around the eyes as shown
in fig. 95 for 2 to 3 minutes on each
eye 3 times a day. Pressure is to be
given on the bones around and not
on eye ball.

( 2 ) Drink at least 2 to 3 cups of green juice which should

include carrots and sprouted pulses like Chinese green peas (w\)
and health drink i. e. amla powder+ginger powder.
( 3 ) Do Pran Mudra as per page 114.
(4) Reading must be done in a right sitting posture
under proper light.
(5) In order to prevent damage to the eyes, children
should be taught from the beginning to read in a proper
upright posture and view the T.V. from a reasonable
distance. They should be taught how to blink the eyes
(6) The mother should stop the use of hydrogenated
oil/vegetable ghee/margarine at least 3 months prior to
conceiving till the child is breastfed. If possible, there should
be a total ban on the use of hydrogenated oil/margarine in
the house. Such use creates excess of H+ in the brain which
in turn damages the eyesight of the children, born and to be
( 7 ) Also blink each eye for 2/3 minutes in an eye glass
filled with rose water or cooled self urine of morning or cold
( 8 ) Wherever possible take the sunrays directly in the
eyes for 5 to 6 minutes within 60 minutes after sunrise or 45
minutes before sunset. If that is not possible, take blue light on
the closed eyes.
Within 3 to 5 months, the eyesight will improve and
become normal. Then, take proper care of eyes throughout the
For all the problems of eyes drink atleast one cup of green
juice adding thereto 1 teaspoonful of health drink powder.
Eye Drops : The best thing is to put the eyes in an
eye-glass filled with pure water and blink them for 2 to 3
minutes each or sprinkle fresh water on the eyes. OR

To 8 oz. of rose water add 1 grain of alum and put these

drops in the eyes regularly.
Eye Ointment: Slightly rub black pepper on a clean stone
surface with few drops of water. Apply this thin paste in the
eyes. Even though there is a little burning, it clears up the eyes
and increases the power of the eyes. Or apply ghee prepared
from cow's milk in the eyes before going to bed.
Cataract: This can be prevented with the above mentioned
treatment. For more details, read author's book "Defeat The
Also in the morning while in bed, apply your own saliva in
the eyes. Drink daily one cup of green juice/carrot juice.
(27) Ears : For any pain or pus or noises in the ears,
points 31 and 1 to 3, 34 and 38 should be pressed. For pus
give treatment on lymph gland (Point No. 16).
Ear drops : Urine is the best form of ear drops. Otherwise,
take 60 ml or 50 gm of edible oil. Put 1 peel of garlic in it. After
the oil is warmed up, filter it and keep it in a small bottle. Use it
as ear drops when necessary.
(28) Deafness : This is not hereditary in most cases. If
mother has sinusitis, cold, mumps, etc., during pregnancy, it
affects the ears of the child in the womb and so sometimes
the child is born deaf.
However this deafness can be cured :
(1) Just check up as regards worms and clear them. The
method is explained earlier on page 181.
(2 ) In case of pus in the ears, give treatment on Point No.
16 of lymph glands; also put 2 drops of hydrogen peroxide 2/3
times a day & clean the ears. Then put 2 drops of ear drops as
mentioned above.
( 3 ) Give treatment on Point Nos. 1 to 6, 31 and 30-34
three times a day for 2 minutes each.
Do not worry if cold increases. In such cases give the
patient lukewarm water to drink.
(4) Give 1 glass of gold/silver/copper charged water
reduced from 2 glasses.

(5) First give yellow light on each ear for 2 minutes. Then
give blue light on the ears for 5 + 5 minutes in the morning and
in the evening.
( 6 ) On the spot of wisdom tooth, pressure may be given
by cotton/rubber studded wooden stick or by chewing there soft
clean rubber/eraser.
The results are amazing. Continue the treatment for further
30 days even after recovery.
Mr. D aged 60 had lost his hearing power for 5 years. He
was given treatment on Point No. 31 of ears. To his
astonishment, within a month, he was able to hear.
A baby aged 7 was reported to be deaf since birth. She was
given this treatment. Within 60 days improvement was noticed
and normalcy was restored within 120 days.
(29) Dumbness : Dumbness is mostly due to deafness.
So treat such patient for deafness and press the tips of all the
fingers and toes. This treatment can also be given when the
patient is not able to speak clearly or stammers. In such cases,
please give treatment on vertebra No. 4 of the spinal cord
(Page 168, fig. 83).
(30) Hiccough : Press hard on the back of the first knot
of the middle finger as shown in fig. 87 for whooping cough,
or bring the tongue outside the mouth as far as possible and
hold it in the same position for 1 to 2 minutes. Check the
Solar Plexus and correct it if necessary.
(31) Sunstroke, Heat
stroke, Fainting, Bleeding
through the Nose : Take the
treatment on tips of fingers and
toes and press hard on the point
below the nose and above the
upper lip as shown in the figure.
Practise Moon Pranayam. For Fig. 96
longterm cure, give the treatment as per 2 (a) & (b) as
mentioned on page 260.

(32) Palpitation : Press the point as

shown in the figure at the corner of the wrist
and palm of both the hands, for 2 weeks.

Fig. 97

(33) Water Worms : In case

there is a hole (mouth) apply wet Multani
Matti (available with all Ayurvedic
druggists) around the mouth. Within a short time, the worm
will start coming out. Roll it on a pencil and very slowly pull
out the worm. Please be careful to see that the worm does
not break. The worm can be 6 to 8 inches in length. In case
there is no mouth or hole, eat the following for 4 to 8 days.
Take a bitter-gourd, clean it and roast it on fire. Afterwards
eat it like boiled corn. If necessary, salt and lemon can be
applied. Eat for 4 to 6 days, there will be an
(34) Hysteria : Give pressure on the
inner first joint of the thumb as shown in
the fig. 98. Check about cancer in uterus
and, if necessary, take the treatment as
mentioned on page 233-234.
. 98

(35) Dizziness and Severe

Pain in Sinus : Press the point
between the two eye-brows as
shown in fig. 99.
Fig. 99

(36) Loss of Voice or Sick Voice : Press inside the

thumb with the other hand at
the point shown in the figure. If
it continues, take the treatment
as mentioned for Tonsilitis and
remove excess heat.
Fig. 100

In spite of this treatment, if the problem continues, check

up Point No. 16 and if it is pains, do the treatment for cancer of
the throat as mentioned on page 236/238.
(37) Corn : Massage the affected part with ice for 2-3
minutes. Afterwards, rub turpentine oil on it and bandage it.
In the morning, this corn will come out. Afterwards, continue
rubbing turpentine daily for 2 to 3 days. Rolling of feet on a
wooden roller has been found to prevent further formation of
corns. Give the treatment on Point No. 8.
Also take 4 pills in the morning and 4 pills in the evening
of the mixture of Calc. Phos 12 x and Calc. Flour 12 x for 3
(38) Fatigue : Under fatigue conditions, do not eat
anything. Drink lukewarm gold/silver/copper charged water
or health drink. If this is not available, drink one glass of
lukewarm water at intervals of half an hour.
Also give this treatment: Take a small comb, preferably
of metal and keep it in the right hand as shown in fig. 73 and
press it with the thumb on the side of the comb and with
fingers on the comb. Press it hard on the upper part of the
palm joining the fingers. After half a minute, do the same
with the comb in the left hand and repeat the same treatment
after one hour, if needed. Also take the treatment on Point
No. 32 of energy. ._
(39) Toothache : Please refer to fig. 53 dealing with the
aching tooth. Give the treatment on that fingertip In the case
of severe pain, press this tip of the finger continuously for

more than 2 to 3 minutes. Remove the pressure when the finger

starts getting blue. Then treatment can be continued again, later
on, if necessary. It could be due to cavity. So see your dentist at
the earliest.
Also take 2 pills in the morning and 2 pills in the evening
of Calc. Phos-12 x and Calc. Flour-12 x each for 3 months.
(40) Bodyache : Pain in any part of the body without an
external cause clearly shows that the battery of the body has
become weak, and that the flow of air is locked up there. So,
one must do the needful as mentioned earlier to help the
battery get recharged. The pain is due to the fact that carbon
dioxide and cold have accumulated in that part. So, the best
cure is to take copper/silver/gold charged lukewarm water
at least 3 to 4 glasses in 24 hours and to give Acupressure
treatment on all the points. In such cases, 'sudarshan' powder
has been found to be very effective. Take half a teaspoonful
of this powder, add half a teaspoonful of turmeric powder
mixed with half a cup of lukewarm water and after drinking
it, drink some more lukewarm water.
If the bodyache continues, press on Point No. 37 of spleen.
If it pains when pressed, it could be serious. Read author's book
"Defeat The Dragon" chapter on HIV/AIDS. Do not neglect.
Please note that it is curable.
(41) Headache : Most of the headaches are due to cold,
change of season, etc., resulting in congestion in the head
and can be cured by treating Point Nos. 1 to 7 and 34. Also
practise sun Pranayam.
Sometimes headache is also caused by heat where the liver
is affected or by overworking of pancreas resulting in migraine.
In such a case, the treatment on Point Nos. 23, 25 and 26 will
give good results. Also practise moon Pranayam. Also remove
excess heat as per 2 (a) & (b) as mentioned on page 260.
Sometimes headache is due to some trouble connected with
the eyes or tension in the neck. In such a case the Point Nos. 35
or 7 should be pressed.

In cases of very severe pain, continuous pressure can be

given on finger 1 and 2 and thumb with the help of clips or
rubber bands, which must be removed before the fingers become
blue (see fig. 52).
If it continues in spite of all the above treatment, it could be
serious. See fig. 115 and press on point 3" above the earlobes of
both the ears and if it pains it could be some problem in the
brain. Treatment for the same is given in the next chapter.
Migraine : If there is severe headache but only on one side,
it could be due to overworking of Pancreas gland. Do the
following :
(1) For temporary relief, eat 100 grams of Jilebi (sr^sft)
(an Indian sweet) and drink sweet hot milk as the first thing
in the morning for only three days. If jilebi is not available,
eat some sweets (100 grams).
(2) Press on all the endocrine glands, each for 1 to 2
minutes, three times a day.
(3) Drink 2 glasses of charged water reduced from
4 glasses.
(42) Back Pain : Please note that Point No. 9 is on the
back of the palm. It starts below the thumb and the first finger
and goes down till the middle of wrists, called Point No. 16-
lower lumbago. The whole line is Point No. 9 and pressure is to
be applied on that, for treatment, see fig. 41 (a) & (b) also see
(45) below :
Vfhat Dr 'P' reports, sounds almost like a miracle : "1 got
rid of the problem of stiff back in the morning with regular
practise of Acupressure. When one of my friends came to see
me, I thought of trying the same on him as he was stooping and
regularly complained of backache. 1 took his hand in my hand
and went on pressing on Point No. 9 for about four to five
minutes. When my wife entered the hall, he got up to say "Hallo"
and, to the surprise of all, he was standing straight and there
was a great relief from backache. My friend

thought I had performed some miracle. Now my friend is an

ardent follower of Acupressure therapy."
(43) Pain in the Legs : Roll your feet for 2 to 3 minutes
on the grooved wooden roller as shown in fig. 69.
(44) Sciatic nerve : When this nerve is pinched
awkwardly and constantly, there is pain in hips, thighs and
legs. Treatment is to be given on the points related to sciatic
nerve shown on the back of the palms and the lower portions
of the legs as shown in fig. 41 (a) & (b) and 42 (a) & (b).
It has been observed that faster relief is obtained by giving
treatment on the points of the sciatic nerve in the legs for
about 5-6 minutes.
A lady dentist had severe pain in the right leg and thigh for
a long time. She had taken many X-rays and other treatments,
without success. She consulted an Acupressurist. He found the
points of sciatic nerve to be tender and suggested treatment
accordingly. Within 10/12 days, she was cured.
(45) Knee Pain : Treatment is to be given for
2/3 minutes thrice a day on the points shown in
fig. 101.
Also check the sciatic nerve points. If it pains,
give treatment on points of sciatic nerve as shown in
fig. 42 (a) & 42 (b).
In case of continuous severe pain, apply the
following paste for only 6 to 7 minutes in the
Take an equal quantity of turmeric powder (?5#) + Bishops
seed (3wm^) + Garlic (^rep) and grind them to make a paste.
Apply it around the knees and wash it after 6 to 7 minutes and if
burning sensation is felt, massage coconut oil on the knees.
(46) Problem of Slip Disc-Severe Pain in the back,
spondylitis, thighs, both the legs, kneepain etc :
In the first chapter, importance of sciatic nerve, the cable
cord of our central nervous system is explained. Now, it is

possible due to several reasons, like falling down, severe jerk,

faulty way of sitting, etc., any of the vertebrae might have
pinched into the spinal cord thereby causing a serious problem.
In such cases, the patient has to wear a collar or waist band, lie
down for a long time in a sandbox, keep hanging heavy weight
on the legs. Swelling in that point in spinal cord is taken as slip-
disc and many a time the operations are advised in such cases.
The severe pain in the back spreads to the legs through the
sciatic nerve and the patient finds difficulty in walking. In all
such cases, the following treatment may be tried before going
for an operation.
Fig. 102

Take a cushioned bed 1- to 2 feet wide and 6 to 7 feet

long and 18 to 30 inches in height. Ask the patient to lie down
on stomach and keep a soft small pillow (14" x 14") under the
chest. Then, 3 strong straps are to be tightened-one as much
high as-possible between vertebrae No. 5 and 9. The second one
is to be tightened in the middle of the spinal cord and third one
is to be tightened on the middle of buttoks. These straps are to
be tightened as much as possible so that the body does not move
but not so tight that the patient finds difficulty in breathing (see
fig. 102).

Then take the head of the patient in both the hands and
rotate it slowly but steadily and with as much pressure as
possible in a round, circle, upper, sideways, down the other side
and rotate it for 3 to 4 times without giving jerks as per fig. 103.

Fig. 103

Then ask the patient to relax the head and keep it down on
folded hands. Now go to the lower side of the body. Lift one leg
and slowly bend it so that the heel touches the buttock. Then
follow the same process with the other leg. Repeat 3 times. Then
take both the legs and bend them slowly on both the buttocks
simultaneously as per fig. 103. In the first sitting do not give
more pressure. The patient may find pain, may cry out in agony
for half a minute. But afterwards, there will be great relief as the
sciatic nerve gets freed.
If necessary, repeat this treatment after one to two days.
With only 2 to 5 sittings, in most of the cases, the patient will
get cured. If not, the patient can consult an osteopath or an
orthopaedic surgeon. If the patient has already undergone an
operation of the spinal cord or the knee within one year this
treatment should not be taken.

Fig. 104

(47) Muscular Pain

and Fibrosis :
( a ) Give treatment
on the tips of

(b) Massage the

affected part lightly
with :
( 1 ) Regal medicated oil and embrocation available in
Hongkong, Singapore and in big Indian cities like Mumbai,
Chennai and Calcutta, which can be prepared at home by
mixing the following :
Methyl Salisylate 15 %
Menthol crystals 25 %
Eucalyptus oil 10 %
Camphor powder 10 % Oil
White oil 33 %
Lavenarspike 7 % (If not
(or kerosene)
available use Enca Pyptusoil)
This is good for massage
on the affected parts of paralysis, polio and severe muscular
(2 ) Mixture of Edible oil (80 %) and Eucalyptus oil
( 3 ) Edible oil + ginger powder or garlic. (Boil this oil
and keep it in a bottle. It is also useful as ear drops.)
( c ) Cold Pack : Take half a bucket^of very cold water.
Take 2 small terry towels, soak them in water. Squeeze one of
the towels and place it on the affected part. Keep it for half a
minute. It will dry up. Remove it and put it back into water. Take
the other towel and repeat the same. Continue the treatment for 5
to 10 minutes. Afterwards, cover the affected part and the whole
body from shoulder to toe with a warm woollen blanket. Keep it
thus covered for 5 minutes.
(d) Hot Pack : Boil 1 bucket of water adding 3 tablespoons
of salt to it. When it starts boiling take it out in a wider tub or
utensil. Take 2 small terry towels. Put them into the water. Take
out one of them, squeeze it and place it on the affected part for 1
minute and repeat the same with the other towel. Continue the
treatment for 5 to 10 miutes. Afterwards, dry up the affected part
and cover it; do not expose it, for 10 minutes.
(e ) Blue Light: Before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. hold blue
glass against the sun and 18 inches (45 cm) away from the
affected part. This is a blue light.
OR Take a 60 watt blue bulb. If it is
not available, wrap 4-fold blue gelatine paper around a regular
60 watt bulb. Light the bulb and keep it 18-20 inches (45-50 cm)
away from the affected part for 10 to 15 minutes at a time.
( f ) Red Light: Instead of blue glass or blue gelatine paper, take
red glass or red gelatine paper and do similarly as mentioned
above. But red light is to be given on affected parts for only two
minutes. Useful in paralysis/Polio. (g) Similarly, yellow light is
useful in deafness.

(48) Chest Pain: There

are several reasons for chest
pain, which is often mistaken
for a heart attack. In the case of
a heart attack, you will find pain
on pressing Point No. 36. If
there is no pain on that point,
there is no cause for worry.
Give treatment on the middle of
the back of the left arm as
shown in figure 105 for 3-5 Fig. 105
(49) Stomach Pain and Gas Trouble : First check up
Solar Plexus and put it in order if it is not. Check up about
worms as mentioned under (9) of this chapter and remove
them. Give pressure on Point Nos. 19, 22, 23 and 27.
(50) Pain Reliever : For all types of pain, the following
treatment gives instant temporary relief :
Take a little of common salt. Heat it on a pan till it
becomes red, brown or dark grey in colour. Keep it in a bottle.
Put about 1 to 2 grains of such salt on the tongue every 5 to 10
minutes till the pain subsides. Do not go on repeating more than
4 times during a day. If this salt is taken at night, it causes sleep.
However, be careful not to take this salt in excess or to form the
habit of taking it.
(51) Swelling : First check Point No. 26 of kidney. If
there is pain, take treatment as mentioned in this chapter for
Pyelitis/ kidney troubles. However, if there is no pain there,
it means that the swelling is local. In that case, take some
rice. Grind it into powder. Add little turmeric powder. Boil
this powder in half a cup of milk till it turns into a paste.
Apply this paste as much hot as bearable on the affected part
and keep the bandage on the same. Repeat it for 3 to 4 days.
It will be cured. Also check point 36 of heart.
(52) Ring Worm: After bath, massage the dried
affected part with Dettol or antiseptic lotion. Then, massage
the part with dry boric powder for 3 to 5 minutes.

If boric powder is not available the following powder can

be used.
Half of alum+half of borax (H^TOK) (Both in equal
quantity). Heat them and grind them into powder. After 3/4
days, massage lemon juice on the affected part. Results are
astounding. Stop the use of nylon and plastic panties.
(53) Appendix: Correct the Solar Plexus. Give treatment
on Point No. 21 of the Appendix.
In case of severe attack, there will be severe pain in
stomach so that the patient tosses from side to side. At that time,
press little hard in the middle of calves. That will be painful but
it will soon cure the problem.
Also give continuous pressure on Point No. 21 for more
than 3 minutes.
Later on, give treatment on Point No. 21, 19 and 27 for
complete cure. Take 2 to 3 cups of green juices. 1 to 2 glasses of
fruit juice and green salads, etc. Avoid foods of fine flour, fried
food, etc.
(54) Vericose Veins : (see fig. 69) Sit on a chair. Keep the
roller on the floor and roll the soles on it for 5 to 10 minutes in
the afternoon and at night before going to bed.
For those persons, in whose family there is a history of
such problem and those who have to stand for long periods, this
treatment should be taken to prevent the problem of vericose
veins and of pain in the legs.
Moreover (a) treatment on Point Nos. 3-4-8-11 to 15-25-28
and 36, (b) Drinking of 2 glasses of gold/silver/ copper/iron
charged water reduced from 4 glasses of water, (c) and doing
Sarvangasan (fig. 1221 twice a day for 2 to 5 minutes is found to
be very beneficial. This problem could be due to a weakened
heart. Check Point No. 36 of heart and if it hurts, take treatment
for heart as mentioned under (8) in the next chapter. Do not

(55) Hernia : Take treatment on Point No. 11-three

times a day, each for two minutes. The following practice is
found to be useful in preventing hernia. After bath, hold two
corners of the towel in two hands keep it between the legs,
and rub it for 2 to 3 minutes in the base of right thigh and
then in the base of the left thigh.
Drink 2 cups of green juice daily and avoid constipation,
Moreover, while sitting in lavotory to pass stools press one hand
on the ball of hernia. Such practice will keep hernia under
control and prevent operation.
(56) Emergency : In case the patient finds it difficult to
breathe, or has become unconscious or similar type of
problem like stroke, brain haemorrhage, etc. has arisen; do
not panic. Do the following :
( 1) Make the patient lie down on the floor.
( 2 ) Start pressing Point No. 36 of Heart and do so for two
minutes like pumping.
(3) Press Point Nos. 1 to 5 on both the thumbs. Take three
to four minutes to do so.
( 4 ) Press each earlobe for 1 minute.
Any type of attack will subside within 5 minutes. Then
give one glass of hot water to drink (preferably charged water).
Give the patient 1 glass of fresh fruit juice (of any fruit
available) or in case the fruit juice is not available, give him 100
grams of jaggery (*J?) to eat. That will give him/her instant
relief. During that day, no food is to be given-give the patient
only liquids, charged water (from 4/6 glasses reduced to 2
glasses) + fruit juices + green juice. If possible give the patient
enema with coffee powder. Next day, try to find out the root
cause and give the treatment for the same.


Besides the common diseases, discussed in chapter 14,
there are some serious and sometimes contagious diseases which
require special care. The following treatment will be common
for all of them :
(1) Give boiled water, preferably lukewarm+two to
three cups of green juice adding health drink and
copper/silver/gold charged water, 2 glasses reduced from 4.
(2) Treat all the points including the tips of all the
fingers and toes twice daily.
(3) Give treatment on all the points of the endocrine
glands twice a day.
Diet: This plays an important role for the cure of all
serious diseases. Follow the following chart :
6 a.m. to 7 a.m.: Correct the Solar plexus. To remove
excess heat, do as per 2 (a) & (b) as per page 260.
Then after 20/30 minutes, drink 1 cup of black tea as
mentioned on page 187.
7 a.m. to 8 a.m. : Drink one cup of green juice adding
1 teaspoon of health powder+one tablespoon of honey (but
not in case of diabetes)
9 a.m. to 10 a.m.: Fruits/fruit juice.
11 a.m. to 12 a.m.: Green juice as mentioned above.
1 p.m. to 2 p.m. : Green salad as much as possible. You
should add sprouted mung 75 to 100 gnis. you may also add
ground nuts + little jaggery and a pinch of black salt.
4 p.m. to 5 p.m. : Green juice ... 1 cup of curd/yoghurt
(after 10/15 days when very hungry) adding a pinch of rocksalt
or 1 teaspoonful of sugar in case of Pitt or Vat prakruti.

6 p.m. to 8 p.m. : fruits/fruit juices.

During the interval, drink charged water and complete its
quota. If desired drink more water, preferably hot to lukewarm.
After 8 p.m. : Nothing except water, if desired.
Over and above these, further treatment should be given
separately for different diseases shown below :
(1) Small Pox and Chicken Pox : Press Point Nos. 22, 23,
28 and 38. Protect the patient from heat. Practise moon
( 2 ) Measles : Press Point Nos. 28, 30, 34 and 38. Take
care against cold. Practise sun Pranayam. After 7 days, practise
moon Pranayam and also take the treatment to remove excess
heat from the body.
(3) Mumps : Press all the points daily, including the tips of
all the fingers and toes. Keep the throat clean by gargling.
Practise sun Pranayam.
( 4 ) Diptheria : Press Point Nos. 6, 7, 16, 30, 34, 36 and
38. See that the mouth, especially tongue, is cleaned 3 times a
day. Gargle with lukewarm water with a little salt added to it.
Give the patient treatment for tonsilitis as mentioned in chapter
14. Practise sun Pranayam.
( 5 ) Typhoid : Press Point Nos. 19, 22, 23, 26 and 27 on
the soles and palms. Take proper care in diet, green and fruit
juices and butter milk only-and take complete rest.
Gold/silver charged water 4 glasses reduced from 16 glasses
is beneficial and so is a MUST. Practise moon Pranayam.
Correct Solar Plexus and check it regularly.
(6) T. B. : One gets this disease because of (a) long stay in
damp air (b) absence of sunshine and (c) malnutrition. So in
order to cure this disease all these causes should be removed.
Do the following :

( 1) One must develop the habit of going to parks and

places where one can get fresh air. There the patient should do
sun Pranayam for 25/30 minutes as mentioned on page 112 and
( 2 ) Wherever possible the patient must sit in sunlight for
30 to 60 minutes. But he should take care that he does not get
cold draft of wind.
( 3 ) The patient must drink at least 3 to 4 cups of green juice,
adding to each cup 1 teaspoonful of health drink+1 tablespoonful
of honey (if honey is not available, add j aggery). ( 3 ) (a) Take
daily 2 glasses of fresh fruit juice, (b) Moreover, twice a day ask
the patient to lay down on back and open his mouth wide open.
Pour one tablespoonful of honey directly in the throat in such a
way that honey does not touch the tongue.
(4) Ask the patient to drink 4 glasses of gold/
silver/copper/iron charged water reduced from 16 glasses
of water.
(5) Acupressure Treatment : If the patient gets,
cold, give the treatment for tonsils, continue all other
(6) Give light of INDIGO colour on lungs and upper
back for 5 to 6 minutes in morning and evening.
Just within 20/30 days, you will observe miracle. Even
after, recovery, continue Pranayam, sunbath and green juice for
life. Another root cause of this disease is smoking, working in
unhygienic conditions. See fig. 113 and do accordingly. Stop the
habit of chewing or smoking tobacco. Stop masturbation and
(7 ) Also do Ling Mudra and Pran Mudra as per page 114-
115 and sun Pranayan as per page 116.
( 7 ) Gastro-enteritis/Dehydration : Give only lukewarm
water adding ginger, lemon, barley and honey as frequently

as possible. Press Point Nos. 19, 22, 23, 26, 27 and 38 on the
soles and palms. Correct Solar Plexus. Check for worms and
remove them, if found.
(8) Heart Attack : Heart is a muscular structure and
supposed to work throughout one's life time. When you have
pain in the chest, please check Point No. 36 by pressing it. If
there is no pain, it means that the cause for this chest pain is
not in the heart. In that case :
( 1) Check the Solar Plexus. If it is not in order, there could
be gas trouble. Correct it.
( 2 ) It can be muscular pain starting from vertebrae 6 to 8.
In such a case, give treatment for 3 to 5 minutes on the point of
middle of the back hand as shown in the fig. 105. Later on, rub
eucalyptus oil or pain balm on the chest as well as around
vertebrae No. 4 to 8 of the spinal column.
If there is pain on Point No. 36, it means the cause of
the trouble is in the heart. Immediately take bed rest for 72
hours and start taking the following treatment:
( 1) Give treatment on Point No. 36 and 1 to 5 for two
minutes each twice a day.
( 2 ) Give treatment on all the other points on each palm for
5 minutes twice a day.
( 3 ) Drink lukewarm concentrated gold/silver/copper
charged water (8 glasses reduced to 2 glasses) 2 glasses a day
for 1 month. Then daily 2 glasses reduced from 4 glasses for
further 60 days.
( 4 ) Take one pomegranate a day. Either eat it or drink its
juice. Just within 30 days, the level of cholesterol will become
normal. For prevention, it is advised to eat one pomegranate for
30 days every year.
( 5 ) Practise Pranayan - stop worrying.

During the rest, think over your life style. You will be able
to trace the root cause. Such a root cause must be removed.
Otherwise, there can be another heart attack.
Afterwards, lead a normal life, practise Pranayam and do
jogging for at least 3 minutes regularly. Continue the treatment
on all points and Point No. 36 once a day. Drink
gold/silver/copper charged water for a month. (8 glasses reduced
to 2 glasses)
(6) It has been observed that masturbation in early youth is
also one of the root causes of heart attack between the age of 40
to 50. With such previous history, please read the chapter for
"Men's Problem" and control sex desire accordingly.
( 7 ) Make a mixture of powders of 100 grams of dried
coriander seeds (?J%TT) + 100 grams of dried cumin seed (^kr).
Keep it in a bottle. Eat 1 teaspoonful of this powder morning
and evening for 40/50 days. This helps in clearing the blockade
if any, and prevents operation for byepass surgery. This powder
is a good anti-oxidant and controls cholestrol.
Please note that giving two minutes treatment a day on
Point No. 36 is like putting a pace maker in the body.
Cholesterol: Reduce fat from diet, drink one glass of fresh
juice of pomegranate for 25 to 30 days. OR Put 2 teaspoonful of
dried coriander (sFTteTT) in 4 glasses of water. Boil it and
reduce it to 2 glasses. Drink this water daily for 30 days. This
will bring cholesterol under control.
If any of these juices or drinks is taken for 30 days in a
year, it will control cholesterol.
Case Study 1 : Mrs. 'C aged 75 had to be admitted to the
intensive care unit, but she was bored. Her son learnt about
Acupressure, brought his mother home and started giving
treatment on all the points including Point No. 36 for heart.
Today alter about lour years, she moves freely around the house
and is able to look after herself.

Case study 2 : Mr. 'B' had a heart attack for the second
time. In angiography 70 % blockade was found in the arteries
and so was advised byepass surgery. His sons fixed up the date.
Before that I was consulted. I suggested above mentioned
treatment. He postponed the operation and followed this
treatment very religiously. After 35 days, he again got another
angiography and the very same heart specialist declared him to
be okay and said that operation was not necessary. Now he is
able to live a normal life and he preaches Acupressure.
In the same way thousands of patients have gone home
from intensive care and taken this treatment. Also hundreds of
operations for byepass surgery are prevented.
(9) Diabetes : Our body requires glucose for energy and so
wherever possible take glucose in the natural form, from fruits,
its juices, honey, cereals, etc. Moreover this glucose/sugar is
easily digestible if it is mixed with saliva. In order to control
diabetes, it is utmost necessary to chew at least 15 times not
only eatables but also drinks. This habit of chewing properly
should be formed right from childhood.
Further, instead of adding sugar to the milk make it a
practise to drink it plain or add a little turmeric powder that
gives milk a good taste and also helps the purification of blood,
thus leading to healthy skin.
Root Causes and their Cure :
(1) Tension : Remove it as per guideli aes given on
page 217 for nervous tension.
(2) Pancreas : In case you find pain on Point No. 25
when pressed, it denotes that this gland is not functioning
properly and so enough insulin is not produced to digest the
sugar. At that time, if the blood is tested, 2 % or more sugar
will be found in urine.
For correcting this problem, it is necesary to give treatment
on all the endocrine glands. Please note that just by giving this
treatment Pancreas can be activated.

(3) When due to any reason, enough glucose is not

extracted from the blood to go into cerebro spinal fluid, the
content of glucose in the blood increases. This can be found out
by pressing on Point No. 16 of Lymph gland. This can be
corrected by drinking daily 2 glasses of charged water reduced
from 8 glasses for 30 days and then reduced from 4 glasses for
further 30 days and giving treatment on point No. 16. (For more
details read author's book "INSTANT DIAGNOSIS" and
Moreover, do the following :
(1) Add half a teaspoonful of turmeric powder to one
teaspoonful of health drink and take it twice a day for 30/45
( 2 ) Cut two lady's fingers (OKRA - *ft#) lengthwise and
soak them in half a glass of water overnight. Squeeze them and
drink this water the first thing in the morning. If you are
susceptible to cold, this squeezed water may be poured on hot
pan and drink warm.
Drink half a cup of fresh juice of green coriandar leaves f?J
£T%TT / ^t^TJfk for 35/40 days as the first thing in the
Take 8 to 10 mango leaves, soak them in water for half an
hour. Then grind the leaves and drink the juice for 35/40 days,
the first thing in the morning.
After drinking any of the above drinks, you can have
regular breakfast after 15/20 minutes.
10 to 12 days after you have started this treatment, check
up the glucose content in the blood. You will be surprised to find
that it is coming down and is under control. Then go on reducing
medication for diabetes-pills or insulin injection in such a way as
to stop it totally within next ten days. Continue the treatment and
just within 30/40 days the sugar level will become normal.
Continue Acupressure, habit of chewing food and drinking green
juice and enjoy the sweet taste and life.

Case Study : A government officer had 4.5 % glucose in

blood. He started drinking the above mentioned juice of green
coriander leaves and two glasses of gold Isilver I copper
charged water along with Acupressure treatment. Within 35
days the glucose level in the blood became normal. Prior to
treatment, he was not able to walk. He is now able to walk 4 to 5
miles at a stretch. Thus, he regained his health.
Thus this dreaded disease can be easily brought under
Glucosemia : Many people, for maintaining figure and
being afraid of diabetes, go for strict diet control and thus create
deficiency of glucose in the body. Another root cause of this
disease is overfunctioning of Pancreas which is not understood
by other therapies. As many as one out of five Americans may
be suffering from this problem. This leads to low B.P., migraine,
headache, and even to alcoholism. Life becomes dull and
miserable. For cure do the following :
( 1) Drink daily two glasses of charged water reduced from
four glasses for 30 days. Then daily drink one glass reduced
from one and half glasses.
( 2 ) Take more of natural sugar e. g. fruits and honey.
( 3 ) Take treatment on Point No. 25 of Pancreas and all the
other endocrine glands, one minute on each point, three times a
( 4 ) Drink two cups of green juice adding one teaspoon of
health powder one tablespoon of honey to each cup.
Just within 10 to 15 days, this disease will be cured and life
will become enjoyable.
(10) Low Blood Pressure : Low Blood pressure is due to
overfunctioning of Pancreas, thereby reucing the glucose
content in the blood and the body. When the blood pressure is
low, drinking of hot tea/coffee or milk with more sugar added to
it is found effective. For long-term treatment, it is necessary to,

(1) take treatment on all the endocrine glands, along

with Acupressure treatment on both the palms/soles.
(2) drink at least two glasses of gold/silver/copper
charged water reduced from 4 glasses of water daily for at
least two months.
( 3 ) correct the Solar Plexus if it is not in order.
(4 ) drink two cups of green juice adding thereto one
tablespoonful of honey one teaspoon of Health powder per cup.
It may be noted that low B. P. is not dangerous. However,
such low B. P. reduces joys of life and makes the life dull. With
the above mentioned treatment, life will soon become worth
High Blood Pressure : The root cause of high B. P. is
discussed in the first chapter. As high B. P. leads to many other
problems, it is utmost necessary to control it at the earliest. At
the time of attack of high B. P. place the small finger in each ear
and press them intermittently or shake them hard for 2 to 3
minutes. That will immediately lower the B. P. Also give
treatment on Points Nos. 3-4-8-11 to 15-25 and 28. For long-
term cure of this dreaded disease take the following treatment:
( 1) Take treatment on all the endocrine glands-2 minutes
on each point-3 times a day, alongwith regular Acupressure
treatment on both the palms/soles.
(2) Drink at least two glasses of gold/silver/copper charged
water reduced from four glasses of water. If the use of gold and
silver is not possible, drink at least copper + iron charged water
two glasses reduced from four glasses of water.
( 3 ) Stop/reduce salt and spices from the diet. Instead rock
salt or black salt can be taken.
(4 ) Drink two cups of green juice adding thereto one
tablespoonful of honey + 1 teaspoon of Health Powder per cup.
( 5 ) Drink at least one glass of fruit juice.

( 6 ) Take treatment to reduce tension as shown in this

chapter page 219.
Many patients have greatly benefited with the above
mentioned treatment and so have stopped taking other
(11) Asthma/Breathlessness/Suffocation : In most of the
cases the root cause is "Cold due to heat" and by taking
treatment as shown in the previous chapter, this disease can be
controlled. In such cases, the lungs would be clear and there will
not be any pain on Point No. 30 of lungs.
In case there is pain on Point No. 30, it could be Asthma.
It may be noted that this is a curable disease, the following
treatment will be found very effective :
( 1) Treatment on Point No. 1 to 7, 30, 34 and tips of
fingers and toes.

( 2 ) Add - teaspoonful of turmeric powder (??fff) and -

teaspoonful of powder of cuminseed (^rkr) in one teaspoonful of
health drink powder and take it twice a day. If possible, also add
- teaspoonful of "Maha- sudarshan" a bitter powder to the
( 3 ) Drink 2 glasses of gold/silver/copper/iron charged
water reduced from 8 glasses of water. This is a very effective
tonic for lungs.
( 4 ) Take first red light on chest and back, for 2 minutes.
Then take blue light for 5 minutes each on chest and back. Do so
twice a day.
( 5 ) Perform sun Pranayam as much as possible.
( 6 ) Do the following twice a day and also when there is
an attack of Asthma.

Press hard on the back, on

the points shown in the figure 106
for 10 seconds and pause. Repeat
for 2-5 minutes.

Fig. 106
At the same time, ask the
patient to rub from the middle
of the chest to the sides 2 to 5
minutes. Also give treatment
for 1 minute on the point
shown below the throat neck
Fig. 107 See fig. 107.
These pressing on the back and rubbing on chest are also
very useful and effective at the time of an attack of asthma
It may be noted that during this treatment, cold will
increase and that is a positive sign of recovery. In that case drink
hot/lukewarm water, reduce food/take more of fruits/green
juices enabling the body to throw out excess water and toxins
from the system.
Breathlessness : Press on the points on the back and rub on
the chest as shown above. Also do sun Pranayam taking quick
short breaths as much as possible. Once you start feeling better
finish the Pranayam with prolonged breaths-alternatively from
right and left nostril-repeat it at least 10/20 times. Also do Kapal
Bhati and Bhrutsana as mentioned in chapter 5, pages 117 -118.
It could also be due to blockade in arteries of heart, check Point
No. 36 and if it hurts, take treatment as mentioned under (8) of
this chapter.

Eosinophilia : In cases of continued cold, Asthma, T.B.,

etc. the percentage of eosinophilia in the blood, is more. In
addition to taking the treatment, please take the following
treatment for 15-20 days.
After sunrise, take half a tablespoonful of half ground
Bishop's seeds (apprr-sR^), soak them in lemon drops for at
least 2 hours before eating them, definitely before sunset.
(12) Rheumatism/Arthritis/Paralysis/Stroke : Frequent
colds, mostly due to excess heat in the body or improper
digestion, damage the working of Thyroid and parathyroid
glands leading to inadequate digestion of calcium in the body.
This in turn damages the working of Gonads/Sex glands which
control the digestion of phosphorus. The combined effect is that
the internal heat of the body reduces giving way to water level in
the body to increase. Now, when the internal heat of the body is
reduced in old age or due to weakness or continuous cold, there
is pain in small joints called "Rheumatic Arthritis". Sometimes
there is swelling in big joints and if not cured, it has a bad effect
on the heart and so it is called "Rheumatoid Arthritis". When
these problems of joint pains are tried to be suppressed by more
and more powerful drugs, it impairs the nervous system.
Moreover, damage to Thyroid, Parathyroid and Sex glands leads
to damage to Adrenal gland which causes less oxygenation in the
body. As a result of all these plus tension leads to
Now, when we know the root causes of this painful chronic
disease, it can be easily prevented by taking treatment on all
endocrine glands and curing the cold in the beginning by
understanding its root cause.
Treatment: This disease can be cured by the following
(1) Take treatment on all points of both the palms, five
minutes on each palm twice a day.
( 2 ) Roll the soles on wooden rollers five minutes-twice a
day. See fig. 69. 9 / Health in your Hands: Volume 1

(3) Take treatment on all the endocrine glands 2/2

minutes on each point twice a day.
(4) Drink 2 glasses of gold/silver/copper charged
water reduced from 8 glasses of water, lukewarm if possible.
- ( 5 ) Rub nylon brush (big one used for washing clothes) on
each sole 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening
till the soles get warmer than the head.
( 6 ) Take half a teaspoonful of Mahasudarshan powder +
half a teaspoonful of turmeric powder with water once in
morning and once in evening. Avoid sour things totally from the
( 7 ) (a) Make a mixture of Calc. Phos 200-+ Calc. Fl. -
200-+ Nat. Mur-200-
+ Fer. Phos-200-and
take 4 pills in the
morning and 4 pills in
the evening for 10
days and then once a week, (b) Make a mixture of
Calc. Phos Calc. Fl. Nat. Mur Fer. Phos
After 10 days take daily 4 pills in the morning
+ 4 pills in evening for two 12 x - oz each
months. 2
(8) Take red light on the affected area (not head) for
4 to 5 minutes on each part. Then take blue light for 5 to 6
minutes on each affected part + on head also. Take this light
twice daily till the disease is cured.
In such cases rolling of feet for 5 minutes on wooden roller
shown in fig. 108 has been found beneficial.

Fig. 108 (See fig. 69 on page 127)

[Note : It may be noted that effect of such plain cheap wooden roller is just the same as
that of costly fancy rollers.)

Mr. 'G' had an attack of paralysis. He found that the points

of thyroid/parathyroid and adrenal glands were paining. He
started the treatment as above and just within 12 days, he
became normal.
Gout: The same treatment as mentioned above for asthma
is found to be useful. Moreover, take 1 tablespoonful of castor
oil alongwith 1 teaspoonful of ginger powder at least twice a
week till complete cure is achieved.
(13)Nervous Tension:
In the modern days because of
fast life and loss of
contentment, nervous tension
keeps on building up
increasingly, tending to
damage our mind and health.
How to find out: Ask
the patient to he down on
the back and ask some one
to press on the base of the
middle toe in both the legs.
If there is a hurting
sensation, it means nervous >g-109
tension. If the hurting is unbearable, it means that the person
is on the verge of collapse and needs immediate attention.
See fig. 109.
Cure : ( 1) While the patient is lying on the back, bend all
the toes of both legs, backward. It may hurt but give little more
pressure and bend them as much as possible. Repeat this three
times a day till the tension is removed.
( 2 ) Clasp your hands tightly interlocking the fingers. Then
with left hand fingers press on the back of the right hand and
then with right hand fingers, press on the back of the left hand.
Repeat for about 1 to 2 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day. See fig. 110.

Fig. 110

( 3 ) Insomnia : The above mentioned treatment can be

taken for 5 to 12 minutes at night in bed to ensure good sleep
and cure insomnia. See fig. 110.
( 4 ) Give 2 glasses of gold/silver/copper charged water
reduced from 8 glasses of water.
(5 ) Kali Phos 1 m (a Biochemic medicine): Give patient
8 pills in the evening between 8 to 9 p. m. for 10 days, then once
a week. After 10 days Kali Phos 12x4 + 4 pills every day.
Complete course is of 45 days.
(14) Constipation : It is not necessary to take laxative.
Acupressure treatment plus drinking of lukewarm water and
giving the stomach some rest at least of one meal during a week
will set the things right. Also include more water/buttermilk and
leafy vegetables in the diet.
First check the Solar Plexus and if
not in order correct it as shown on page
73. Put the thumb on the middle of chin
(see fig. Ill) and rub it or give pressure
around it for 2 to 6 minutes. This will
solve the problems of constipation. An
essential requirement of health is that
there should be no constipation. Fig. in

If it is felt that passing of stools is not satisfactory, wet the

middle long finger with coconut oil/edible oil or butter and put it
as far as possible in the anus and massage around it. Afterwards,
move the belly, inwards and out. Further stools may start
coming out. Clean the part with water. This treatment helps to
clean the bowels, prevent constipation and also the piles.
Moreover, as there is massage around prostate gland, it
activates the same and problems of prostate gland, hernia,
frequent urination, etc. are also cured. This is called
"Ganesh Kriya" in yoga.
(15) Piles/Fissures : These are caused by continuous
constipation. Some times piles not only give severe pain but
also start bleeding. For treatment, first remove constipation
as mentioned above. Also give treatment on Point No. 10 on
both the palms or soles. Also massage coconut oil or castor
oil on piles. Do "Ganesh Kriya".
Mr. 'K' had piles which had started bleeding. He started
treatment under this therapy by applying pressure on Point No
10, 3 times a day. Within 2 days his bleeding stopped and within
8 days the complaint was gone.
(16) Obesity : This is due to :
( 1) Malfunctioning of Thyroid/Parathyroid gland and later
on other endocrine glands e. g. malfunctioning of Pineal gland
leads to retention of water and excess water in the body and
leads to excess fat.
( 2 ) Underworking of Sex glands mainly in ladies after
delivery of a child.
( 3 ) Overeating i. e. taking more calories than required by
the body.
Cure :
( 1) Take treatment on all endocrine glands twice daily.
(2) During pregnancy and after delivery, take treatment on
all the endocrine glands. After delivery, increase heat in the
body as mentioned on page 260 (1) (a), (b), (c).

(3) Drink charged water daily two glasses reduced from

4 glasses.
(4 ) Drink hot to lukewarm water only during the day and
always after meals.
( 5 ) In the morning in one glass of hot water add juice of
half a lemon and one tablespoonful of honey. Drink it That will
reduce the desire to eat/drink sweets.
( 6 ) Chew food at least 15 times.
(7 ) Drink 3 to 5 cups of green juice a day adding 1
teaspoonful of health drink to each cup. This will help to reduce
the body very fast without any side effects and make the skin
fresh. Do not throw away the waste. Add little cream of milk and
turmeric powder and apply it on the face as mask. Also take blue
light on the face for 5 minutes. Wash the face after 15/20
minutes. You will be surprised to see the result in 15/20 days.
Wrinkle and spots will vanish and the colour of skin will
become fair and shining.
( 8 ) Eat plenty of salads adding 100 grams of sprouted
cereals like Mung (*jr). Also eat two seasonal fruits + 1 glass of
( 9 ) Avoid all food if possible. However, in spite of the
above diet, if you feel very hungry, take preparations of only
wheat or only rice. That will reduce the intake of food. But eat
this food only when you are very hungry.
(10) Do Pranayam+Ling Mudra +Acupressure.
Case Study: One obese lady started the above mentioned
treatment religiously-she stopped all food. For energy, she
would take two tablespoonful of honey in a day. Within 30 days,
she lost 10 Kgs, continued treatment for further 60 days and lost
total 22 Kgs. Her skin became smooth and shining. She
continued Acupressure. Even after five years, she has
maintained her normal weight of 62 Kgs and won back the love
of her husband.
Sugar and fat can be reduced and controlled. To reduce
weight, diet has to be very strictly regulated. Sugar, sweets, oil
and butter-ghee in any form should be totally stopped

and salt to be reduced to the minimum or only rock salt should

be taken. Secondly, the diet should include plenty of vegetables,
green juices, a few fruits, sprouted pulses and wheat products.
Rice and its different preparations should be avoided or if the
diet includes rice and its preparations wheat, jowar, bajra, etc.,
should be avoided. This will enable the patient to restrict the
quantity of food intake and fat will start reducing. In short, the
intake of food should be brought down to below 900 calories.
During the dieting, the patient, should drink lukewarm health
drink or lemon water and honey, the first thing in the morning.
Then during the day he should drink boiled lukewarm water
only, preferably copper/ silver/gold charged. He should also
drink two cups of green juice a day.
How to control Hunger and reduce Weight: In order that
hunger itself be reduced, please give deeper pressure on the
three points in the ears half an hour before the meals as shown in
fig. 112.

Fig. 112
Pressure can be given by keeping the thumb behind the ear
and giving deeper pressure by fingers. In order to get better
results, avoid sweets, ice-cream, fried things and rice from diet
and have more of green vegetables and juice and fruits. Drink at
least 4 glasses of gold/silver charged water duly reduced from
10 glasses of water.
Practise sun Pranayam daily for 15-20 minutes and start
taking light exercise, longer walks, etc. If possible, massage the
body with oil at least twice a week.

Once the weight is brought down, regular Acupressure

treatment will help you to maintain your proper weight.
(17) How to stop Bad Habits : Most of the people are
aware of the harmful effects of their bad habits like smoking,
drinking alcohol, chewing of tobacco, overeating, etc. In spite of
their desire to give up such habits, they are not able to do so for
lack of the necessary will-power.
Acupressure can greatly help people to cure themselves of
their bad habits. Give treatment on all the points specially on all
the points of the endocrine glands twice a day. After 15 days,
you will get the necessary will-power to stop these bad habits.
On the 16th day, you take a vow to stop the bad habit. Continue
this treatment to prevent any side effects on the body.
The following treatment will be found useful in specific
problems :
(A) Smoking and Chewing of Tobacco :
( 1) During the 15 days when Acu
pressure treatment is taken as above, give
pressure on the 2 points of both the ears as
shown in the figure. This pressure is to be
given as many times as possible. This will
control the desire to smoke and the quantum
of smoking or chewing tobacco will be
reduced to a great extent.
( 2 ) Pranayam as shown in this book is a
must and may be practised as many times as
possible. That will give strength to the tired lungs. Fig. 113
(B) Alcoholism :
(1) Please check up your Pancreas gland. If it is over
working, you will have more and more desire to drink. It is
therefore necessary to control this gland by the treatment
mentioned above for giving up bad habits.
(2) Cultivate the habit of drinking hot water in the
evening or whenever there is a desire to drink alcohol.

(3 ) Rub the tip of nose for 2 minutes twice

a day (see fig. 114). This treatment is also useful
in case of drunkenness. The person will become
sober instantly. It is possible that he may vomit;
so the person giving this treatment should remain
by the side and not in front of the drunken
ig. 114
Mr. 'X' used to take a minimum of 3 pegs in the evening. He
started this treatment and began drinking half a glass of hot
water. Within 15 days he was satisfied with one peg only. Later
on, he stopped drinking.
(C) Drug Addiction :
( 1) Continue the treatment for 2/2 minutes three times a
day on the point shown in the figure on both the sides of head.
See fig. 115.
( 2 ) Give general treatment
together with 2/2 minutes treatment
each on the endocrine glands at least
thrice a day.
(3) Give 2 glasses of gold/
silver/copper charged water
reduced from 6 glasses for one
month. Then 2 glasses of this water
reduced from 4 glasses for a further
period of 2 months.
ig. 115

(4) Desire for drugs will be greatly reduced within

15/20 days. Then only can the patient be asked to stop the
drugs. Meanwhile the quantity of drug may be reduced
(5) Give the patient 2 to 3 cups of green juices and
1 to 2 glasses of fruit juice.

( 6 ) During the treatment for 3 months, give blue light on

the head and spinal cord for 5 minutes each twice a day.
One young man aged 22, had been taking drugs for about 6
years. He had also the habit of masturbation. He started the
treatment. After 20 days, he stopped taking drugs. Within 45
days,, he was also cured of the habit of masturbation. He
became an ardent follower of Acupressure.
(D) Overeating : Chew your food and drink thoroughly at
least 12 to 15 times before gulping down. Observe silence while
eating. Stop eating at the second signal you get from the
stomach. If necessary, make a habit of taking food after every 4
hours but do not overeat at a time. Control the
endocrine glands.
(18) Burns : Massage the point on both
the hands as shown in the figure strongly
and burning sensation will be reduced
(19) Bone Fracture : First set the bone
in the right place. Then apply the following
paste as hot as bearable :
(1) Litsea chinenses (Menda Lakadi) 100 grams
( 2 ) Rhubarb (Reva chini) 50 grams
( 3 ) Gelatin (Saresh) 50 grams
( 4 ) Mastich (Ruma Mastaki) 4 grams
Grind them to a powder. Mix the powder in water and boil
it to make a paste. Apply the paste on the fractured part and
around it. Allow it to dry. Give support to the affected part by
placing cotton over it and covering it with a cardboard or stick
and then bandage it.
Next day, clean this paste with lukewarm water and Dettol.
Then again apply this paste in the above mentioned way. Repeat
this process for 8 days. During this period, give treatment on the
tips of fingers and toes of the affected side of the body. Also
drink 2 glasses of charged water reduced from 4 glasses of

This treatment is used by the people living in the Marwar

desert and it is found to be very effective by bonesetters. A
leading bonesetter in Bombay reports : 'After properly setting
the fractured bones, I give this treatment for all types of single
and multiple fractures and within 8 to 10 days the patients get
(20) Elephantiasis (Filariasis) :
( 1) Roll your feet on the grooved wooden roller for five
minutes in the morning and in the evening.
( 2 ) Roll the grooved wooden roller on the affected part for
5 minutes twice a day (See fig. 108).
( 3 ) Drink silver charged water 2 glasses reduced from 6
glasses twice a day.
(4) Afterwards take treatment on all points daily especially
on the points relating to kidneys-for 2 minutes three times a day.
( 5 ) Drink black tea as per page 187 for 15 days.
( 6 ) Drink daily 2 to 4 cups of green juice adding thereto 1
teaspoon of health powder.
( 7 ) One can also apply afterwards, remaining paste of
green juice on affected area as mentioned on page 171.
(21) Leprosy/Leukoderma (White Spots) :
(1) The reason for Leprosy is excess heat and non-
perspiration through certain parts of the skin and less
functioning of liver.
( 2 ) As more and more toxins gather under that part of
skin, the nerves ending at that place become dead and numbness
is found on that particular part of the skin and the colour of the
patch changes to white.
( 3 ) When this is not treated at the right time and when
proper nourishment is not taken or when the Adrenal glands are
not functioning properly, the other ends of the nerves situated in
the hands or feet get affected and their deterioration starts.

(4) Later on when lymph glands work less, these affected

parts of the hands and feet become septic and pus starts oozing
out and then other parts of the body, especially nose, etc., are
also affected.
To cure leprosy :
( 1) Treatment should be taken on points of liver, gall
bladder and Adrenal glands and other glands to ensure proper
oxygenation and blood circulation.
( 2) Treatment is to be given on the point of kidneys to
throw out the toxins from the body. And also drink black tea
for 15/20 days; as mentioned under Pyelitis in chapter 14 under
(22) page 187.
( 3 ) On the numb parts of the skin, ice is to be rubbed for 3
to 5 minutes and then heated self-urine or any healthy person's
or cow's urine, after taking out the crust, should be rubbed on the
affected part and around it with cotton wool for five minutes in
the morning and evening and then the parts should be washed
with lukewarm water.
( 4 ) Sunbath is to be given on the affected parts twice a
day for 10 to 15 minutes. If sunbath is not possible, blue light
should be given to the affected parts for 7 to 10 minutes.
( 5 ) Charged silver/copper water (two glasses reduced
from eight glasses) should be given to the patient to drink.
(6) Intake of salt should be totally stopped or if necessary
rock salt may be given.
( 7 ) Drink 3 to 4 cups of green juice.
(8) Make a mixture of whole wheat flour, gram flour and
turpentine; apply it on the affected parts twice a day and keep it
for 15 minutes. If the skin becomes dry and is stretched, rub a
little coconut oil on and around the affected parts. Afterwards,
apply green paste and take blue light.
(22) Gangrene : If the patient is not diabetic, get his first
urine in the morning, otherwise, first urine of a healthy person or
even that of a cow can be used.

Boil this urine and allow it to cool. Remove the crust from
the urine.
In case, gangrene is in the leg, apply ice manufactured out
of ammonia (not from the fridge) and apply it from hips to toes
especially on all joints for 3 to 5 minutes. Afterwards, massage
the above mentioned warm urine with cotton on all the parts
from hips to toes, and rub this warm urine for 5 to 7 minutes on
the affected parts. Cover the affected part with cotton and
bandage it. After 2 hours, clean the affected part with dettol,
savlon or any antiseptic. Repeat the same treatment in the
evening. Within 2 to 5 days, the affected parts will dry up and
gangrene will be cured.
In the same way, in the case of gangrene is on the back
apply ice from the starting point of the spinal cord up to the
thighs, especially on all the joints and then apply warm urine on
all the parts and especially massage the affected part with urine
for 5 to 7 minutes.
Also take treatment on Point No. 16, lymph gland for 2
minutes, 3 times a day and drink 2 glasses of charged water
reduced from 6 glasses.
(23) Syphilis and other Venereal Diseases : (1) Mas
sage ice on the affected part for 2 to 4 minutes. (2) If the
patient is not diabetic, take his first urine and add 1-2
teaspoons of soda-bicarb to it, boil the urine and allow to cool.
Remove the upper crust and with cotton soaked in the urine,
massage the affected part and around it for 5 to 7 minutes.
Afterwards, clean the affected part with water containing
dettol or any other antiseptic. Bandage the affected part.
Continue this treatment twice a day for 3 to 4 days. Also take
the treatment for the control of sex desire as mentioned in
chapter 12, page 158.
(24) Cancer : It is a man-made dreaded disease. The
main point of worry in the case of cancer is that when it is
detected, it has already reached an advanced stage and the
possibility of complete cure is remote. Moreover, the
treatment is so costly that the patient and his/her relatives
get financially and mentally exhausted.

The immediate cause for cancer is the continuous neglect of

the organs of the body by the patient. For example, the lungs of
a chain-smoker are continuously irritated. The cancer of the
mouth or vocal cords is due to the habit of chewing tobacco,
drinking hot tea, etc. In the case of cancer of the uterus,
negligence about internal hygiene is the root cause. It has been
observed that Jewish women who take great care of their
internal organs, do not get cancer of the uterus.
Cancer of the breast is due to non-feeding of the baby by
mother, and suppression of the sexual desire by unmarried
Cancer of the stomach and intestines is due to overuse of
refined flour and rice, coffee, sugar and tea and the habit of
overdrinking of alcohol. It has been observed that labourers in
the sugar factory in the West Indies use brown sugar molasses-
jaggery and so they are immune to cancer. And cancer of colon
is due to continuous constipation caused by wrongful habits
of food and sedentary life. It has been observed that the people
of Gujarat who are vegetarian and use more of milk and milk
products like curd, buttermilk, etc., do not generally get this type
of cancer.
Another reason is a wrongful approach towards the body.
The diseases are nothing but the signals given by the body that
there is something wrong in that organ, e. g. tonsils. Instead of
removing the root cause of the disease, either the signal, tonsils
or appendix is removed by operation or the disease is suppressed
like common cold with powerful antibiotics. The body is to be
treated as a temple-a seat of God and each and every corner of
this temple, body, should be kept neat and clean. Instead, the
body is treated like a dust-bin wherein useless things are dumped
and instead of cleaning out the waste or toxins, they are
suppressed; with the result it becomes a duct and which after a
time results into a malignant growth.

The long-term cause of cancer is the imbalance caused by

disturbing the metabolism of the body through (1) eatables
grown with the help of inorganic manure and pesticides, (2)
more and more use of canned foods, bottled pickles, (3) unwise
use of fluoride (4) working in unhygienic conditions e. g.
working in asbestos factory and smoking, (5) pollution of the
environment by excessive use of diesel, cutting down of trees,
etc. (6) polluting the water through chemical wastes, etc. (7)
going farther and farther away from Nature.
It will, thus, be observed that these root causes of cancer
can be removed and thus cancer can be prevented. You will find
that in the animal world this dreaded disease is rarely found. The
obvious reason is that they follow laws of Nature.
How cancer develops : In our body millions of new cells
are formed every day and they replace the old worn out cells.
This process is carried out by the spleen and it is cleaned and
controlled by the Lymph glands. When we neglect our body,
^thre process of regeneration of new cells slows down while the
process of decaying-destroying of cells-increases, more toxins
gather in the body, the spleen and Lymph glands are
overburdened. Slowly but steadily, there is a malignant growth in
the body, but it is not easily noticed. Meanwhile, these
toxins/wastes gather in the body in the part which is most
damaged e. g. for a smoker, these toxins gather in the lungs or in
the mouth. When these toxins are gathered in a large quantity, it
forms a duct and starts developing fast. In the meantime, the
weak Lymph gland is greatly damaged and through it other
glands are damaged. And a stage is reached when these glands
become tired and stop secreting the most vital hormones in the
body. At that time, this malignant growth becomes fast and the
final signal is given by Nature. There is a change in metabolism,
severe headache, loss of weight, change of voice, colour of the
spots on the body changes, and constant fever. At this time, this
disease is diagnosed as cancer.

Acupressure plays a great role in the detection,

prevention and cure of cancer.
Any minor disturbance of any organ is reflected on the
palms or soles. When there is a continued complaint the first
gland to be disturbed is the Thyroid/Parathyroid gland. The
second gland to be disturbed in case of problems of degeneration
leading towards cancer is the Lymph gland. As mentioned
above, this important gland works to remove the toxins and dead
cells from the body. When the process of regeneration of the
cells of the body slows down, there is increase in the activity of
clearing the dead cells and preventing pus formation. This gland,
thus, gives ALARM. If you touch on its Point No. 16, on hands
and feet, these points are found to be tender and when you press
them, you will feel pain.
How to detect Cancer in differrent parts of body.
Another pointer for detection is that the organ where cancer
is developing is disturbed and there is pain in the corresponding
point on palms and soles. For example, in case of cancer of the
breast, there is pain in the middle point on the back of palm as
shown in fig. 118 or in case of cancer of colon, there is pain in
Point No. 20.
The same way, for cancer in
Throat : There is pain on Point No. 6
Windpipe ) _, „
> -. There is pain between point No. 6 and 27
gullet J
Stomach ; There is pain on Point No. 27
Small ] Hf [sk
} : There is pain on Point No. 19
Intestine J
Large \
Intestine & V . There is pain on Point No. 20 and 10
Colon J
Liver : Point No. 23 and 22

Lungs : Point No. 30

Brain : Point No. 1 to 5 (It is also called tumour)
Blood : Point No. 37
Bones : Point No. 9 & 37
Now, if these signals are ignored, the declining process
starts disturbing other glands also and reaches a dangerous point
where these endocrine glands become tired and stop secreting
hormones. During that time, more and more wastes/toxins
accumulate forming a duct and start multiplying and thus a fast
malignant growth starts in that part of the body damaging the
very metabolism of the body.
Thus, you will observe that cancer can be detected at a very
early stage, and it can be controlled very easily. Moreover, you
will observe that if regular Acupressure treatment is taken daily
or at least 3 times a week the lethargic spleen or lymph gland
can be reactivated, and factors leading to cancer can be checked.
Thus Acupressure can prevent Cancer.
How to detect cancer of the uterus : It is more common in
ladies who do not take proper care of internal hygeine. It is due
to continuous irregularity of menstruation, continuous
Leucorrhoea etc. This type of cancer can be easily detected. In
case of any doubt, press on Point No. 11 to 15 on both the sides
of wrists of both the hands. If there is pain on pressing these
points and also on Point No. 16 of lymph gland, it denotes

Fig. 117

How to detect cancer of breasts

mamography : Just
press on the circle in the
back of the right palm for
right breast and left palm
for left breast. If, there is
NO PAIN when pressed;
it means there is NO
CANCER in the breasts.
Even if, there is pain on
these points, but no pain
on Point No. 16 of Lymph
gland at that time, it
denotes that there is NO
CANCER. And just by Fig. us
giving treatment on those
points on the back of palms, the minor problem like
accumulation of milk in the breast, etc. will be cured. Only pain
on the circles on the back of right palm and also on the Point No.
16 of Lymph gland; denotes cancer degeneration in the right
breast. In the same way, cancer in the left breast can be detected
by pressing the circle on the back of left palm and Point No. 16
of Lymph gland.
At that time, it is possible that when pressed, there will be
pain on Point Nos. 11 to 15 of the sex glands.
Severe pain on those points on the back side of palms and
on Point No. 16 when pressed, denotes that cancer has
developed more.
Cure : Give Acupressure treatment for 2/2 minutes on each
of the following points for three times a day :
( 1) On the circles on the back of palms, for cancer of the
breasts. See fig. 118.
(2 ) On Point Nos. 11 to 15 on both sides of the wrists for
cancer of the uterus. See fig. 117.
( 3 ) On Point No. 16 on both the hands.

(4) On points of all the endocrine glands i. e. No. 3-4-8-25

& 28.
( 5 ) Take general Acupressure treatment on all the points
twice a day. And on Point No. 26 as a last treatment.
( 6 ) Drink 'black tea' one cup in the early morning (see
page 187).
(7) The use of vaginal douche is a must for the
treatment of cancer of the uterus and the breasts.
First clean the douche with
water containing antiseptic. Take
about 1 litre of lukewarm water and
add 2 to 4 drops of antiseptic liquid
to it. Then fill the douche with this
water by pressing the ball. Then
keep the plastic part (2 inches) into
Vagina and press the ball. Fig. 119 I Vaginal Douche
Water will flow inside and clean it. Repeat it for 2/4 times. Such
use of Vaginal Douche is also useful when pus cells are found in
the urine of a lady. i. e. in case of infection in Urine.
(8) Make the necessary change in diet as mentioned
for the treatment of cancer.
( 9) In case of more pain on the points on the back of palms
and Point No. 16 and also when lumps are found in the breasts,
apply North Pole of a (low to medium power) magnet on the
lumps only for 3/5 minutes 2 to 3 times a day.
"A lady of 50 years was found to have cancer in both the
breasts and was advised operation. Instead she took the above
treatment and was completely cured within 45 days."
"A 40 year old lady, a mother of 4 children, was found to
have cancer of the uterus. Cancer was detected even in her left
breast. She started the above mentioned Acupressure treatment
and continued the same for 60 days. Later on, her husband came
and thanked me saying that he got a 'New Wife'-10 years
younger. In the same way several cases have been successfully

It is observed that in more than hundred cases where

dialysis was being done and when proper improvement was not
found, these patients were advised to undergo transplantation of
kidney. In all these cases, on examination, damage to kidney was
not more than 40 to 50%-and the root cause was found to be
cancer of the uterus in females and that of prostate in males.
Within 40 to 60 days of Acupressure treatment all the patients
got cured. It is, therefore, advisable that before undergoing
dialysis and transplantation of kidney to check up about the
possibility of cancer.
It has been also agreed by the Medical World that if cancer
is detected at an early stage, it can be cured.
Cure for all types of cancer : To cure all types of cancer
the whole body is to be treated, the important organs of
regeneration e. g. liver, gall bladder, spleen and kidneys and all
the endocrine glands are to be reactivated. Acupressure
treatment assists the patient in the process and accelerates
recovery by bringing the metabolism of the body in order.
Following treatment is suggested :
(1) Check up the Solar Plexus and put it in order. ( 2 ) Banish
salt and spices from the diet. ( 3 ) For ten days, take an enema of
water boiled with coffee twice a day. That helps to open up the
ducts and remove the toxins from the body. Afterwards, take the
enema three times a week for further four weeks.
(4 ) In case ducts /lumps have developed, take vapour
treatment (as mentioned on page 132), on the ducts and cold
packs treatment in the case of cancer of the stomach and uterus
page 202. Also apply north pole of magnet on the ducts for 3/5
minutes 2 times a day. It will dissolve the duct.
(5) Take concentrated lukewarm water of copper,
silver and gold, 3 to 4 glasses, during the day. Boil 20 glasses
of water and reduce it to 4 glasses.
(6) In diet, have only fresh juices of vegetables as
mentioned on page 169 and of fruits like grapes,

pomegranate, etc. In the diet, juice of sprouted pulses, beet root,

carrot and cabbage should be included. Such a diet helps the
patient to gain weight. Eat plenty of salads and honey.
( 7 ) Take Acupressure treatment on all the points twice a
day. Also give special extra treatment of 2 minutes on each point
of endocrine glands-Point Nos. 3, 4, 8, 14, 15, 16, 25, 28 and 38
(in case of children). After the treatment is taken, take treatment
on Point No. 26 of kidneys also.
( 8 ) Practise Pranayam regularly as often as possible.
( 9 ) Take sunbath and if it is not possible, take blue light
on the affected part of the body for 8 to 10 minutes.
(10) In case of cancer in the mouth, throat and gullet :
( a ) First cure Pyorrhoea, if it is there. If the condition of
teeth is bad and the Dentist advises removal of them, please get
such teeth removed.
( b ) Take 5 drops of Glycerine Acid Tanic (available in
chemist's shop); add little quantity of turmeric powder to the
same. Apply this paste on both the sides inside the throat. Then,
gargle with salted lukewarm water. Do this twice/thrice a day.
( c ) On an empty stomach in the morning, ask the patient
to lie down on the back and open his mouth wide open. Then,
pour 1 table spoonful of honey in such a way that this honey
does not touch the tongue. Repeat this in the afternoon but
definitely before sunset.
(11) For the first 10/15 days, drink pineapple juice as
shown below :
Take a ripe pineapple, cut it into two halves horizontally,
squeeze the juice of the half and drink it the first thing in the
morning and drink the juice of the balance half in the evening
before sunset. If desired, honey can be added to the juice. This
fresh juice of pineapple creates a cooling effect and removes
excess heat. It has got such a therapeutic value that it cures
cancer of gullet, stomach, liver and intestines.

(12) Drink the extract of the following the first thing in the
morning (even before you take pineapple juice). 21 Leaves of bitter
neem with stalk. 21 Leaves of tulsi with stalk. 21 Leaves of
bilipatra (7 x 3) with stalk. This is a MUST in case of cancer of
blood, bones, and brain and wherever to be used as a blood
(Only if such leaves are not available, tincture of the same
is available at Homeopathic medicine shops. Take 5 drops in
half a cup of lukewarm water in the morning and evening.)
(13) After 12 to 15 days or when, the patient gets very
hungry (it is a good sign of recovery), give the patient 3 to 4
ounces of curd, prepared in the following manner. To the boiled
warm milk (preferebly of cow's or goat's milk) add 12/15 leaves
of tulsi and prepare the curd. If the patient is of Pitt Prakruti,
give him this curd, adding thereto little powder of crystal sugar.
For all other types of patients, this curd can be taken with little
rock salt or black salt in it. Such curd can be taken 3 to 4 times a
day. from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. only.
(14) Eat roasted bitter gourd (Karela-^i^i) as
mentioned on page 194. Treatment mentioned especially in
11 to 14 has been found effective even in blood cancer.
(15) Give the following combination of biochemic
powder/pills :
Calc. Phos 30 x 1 oz
Kali Phos 30 x 1 oz
Kali Muir 30 x 1 oz
Ferrum Phos 30 x 1 oz
Kali Iodide 30 x 1 oz
(If Kali Iodide is not available in powder/pills, add its
tincture to other pills/powder) Give 2 grains powder or 6 pills-3
times a day. After taking this medicine, do not take anything for
10/15 minutes.

(15) In case any or more endocrine glands are severely

damaged, e.g. hypothyroid, etc., the above treat- ment is
(16) We should not forget that cancer is the last warning
of nature. Go back to nature and within a short period, you
will be able to control and cure this dreaded disease. It is
likely that during the first 8 to 12 days, the patient may have
nausea, vomitting or severe headache. He/She may refuse
to take enema, etc. But continue the treatment. Improvement
will be observed within 15 to 20 days, and complete cure
within 45 to 90 days depending upon the stage of cancer
when this treatment is started. Even if the development of
cancer is more than 85 % and is not curable, this treatment
will be helpful. The unbearable pain will definitely subside
and death will be peaceful.
(17) After recovery, take a balanced diet consisting of
50 to 60 % whole wheat and cereals, plus vegetables and milk
products. Avoid salt. If desired, use rock salt or black salt. It
has been noticed that people in Gujarat who have this type
of diet do not get cancer of the stomach or intestine.
(18) This dreaded, disease results from utter neglect and
undue harassment of the body and our bad habits in the past
life. Accept the result calmly, forgive all, pray to God and
take a vow to do only good deeds, to be of some help to others
after recovery. Please note that prayers have more power
than drugs. And last but not the least, have self-confidence
and be cheerful.
(19) Get rid of bad habits as already shown in this book
on page 224.
(20) If Allopathic drugs are taken, take Thuja 200-
4 pills for 3 days. If rays are taken, take treatment to remove
excess heat as mentioned under useful hints. 2 (a) & (b) on
page 260.
The following are forbidden :
Processed and canned foods, salted pickle, frozen, jarred,
bleached or refined foods, also coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol,
spices, salt, hair dyes, pain relieving agents and

drugs, fluorinated water and toothpaste, and temporarily (till the

liver starts functioning well), cheese, eggs, fish, meat and milk.
To eradicate this dreaded disease from this world, its root
causes namely, pollution of air, pollution of wheat, rice, barley,
maize etc, staple food, through inorganic manure and over-use
of insecticides, excessive use of preservatives in canned and
bottled fruits and food products, excessive use of tobacco,
alcohol, sugar and coffee, meat etc., must be avoided. This can
be done by the World Health Organization and U.N.O. But
meanwhile, people can take care of themselves and prevent
these root causes in their own interest, and with the help of
Acupressure, can give up their bad habits, and thus prevent this
dreaded disease of cancer.
All types of cancer, including that of blood, are
successfully treated. Even patients, discharged from cancer
hospital, as incurable, were eventually cured with the above
mentioned treatment, given to them by their relatives in
their homes and that too without any costs. Several such
cases can be quoted;
Case Study :
( 1) Mr. "A" was discharged from cancer hospital as his
cancer of throat was considered incurable. He was in such agony
that painkiller injections had to be given 3 times a day. On the
fifth day of treatment, painkiller injections were no more
required. On the sixteenth day, he started getting good hunger
and within 45 days only, he was totally cured and resumed
normal duties.
( 2 ) Mrs. "M" the wife of an M. D. Doctor tried several
therapies for her loss of weight and failing stamina. At last an
Acupressurist was consulted. He diagnosed the problems as
cancer of stomach. Treatment was started at home with the
permission of her husband. Within 60 days, she got cured,
gained weight and stamina. Now, she propagates Acupressure.
(3) A college student, 19 years old, was so much disturbed
with his problem that he started thinking of

committing suicide. An Acupressurist was consulted. He

diagnosed it as a case of cancer of the prostate. Without
knowing any previous history, he told the young man that he
was in a practice of masturbation for a long time. The boy
admitted it. With a treatment of only 40 days, the boy was cured.
Now he intends to be a Professor. He himself has become an
ardent Acupressurist and confidently treats patients.
(25) Thalasemmia : It is a dreaded disease found in
children. In acute cases, total blood has to be transfused every
15 to 30 days. In spite of best treatment and blood transfusion,
chances of recovery are very limited. On examination of such
patients, it has been found that their endocrine glands are
severely damaged and even all organs of digestive system are
found to be sluggish.
The treatment as mentioned above for cancer of blood is
found very useful and effective. At the same time, for the
deficiency of haemoglobin in their blood (the same way for
all patients of severe anaemia) the following treatment along
with the medicines for anaemia as mentioned on page 156 will
give astonishing results.
Treatment for increasing haemoglobin : Take black dried
raisins as may be required daily. Soak them in half a cup of
water overnight. Eat these black raisins as mentioned below and
drink the water.
Morning Afternoon Evening
1st day 1 1 1
2nd day 2 2 2
3rd day 3 3 3
4th day 4 4 4
5th day 4 4 4
6th day 4 4 4
7th day 3 3 3
8th day 2 2 2
9th day 1 1 1

Check the haemoglobin level of the blood. If necessary,

repeat as above after 8/10 days and continue in the same way,
till the haemoglobin level is satisfactory. This treatment may
also be given to all the patients of cancer, T. B., paralysis,
arthritis and brain problem or having chronic problem and also
to the children who have a deficiency of haemoglobin.
Check if the parents too have a deficiency of haemoglobin
and if so ask them to take treatment.
(26) Muscular Distrophy and similar other diseases of
Brain/Neuro disorders/Mutiple Sceleriosis/Retardedness :
This disease is noticed at the end of the third year or afterwards,
when there is difficulty in walking, climbing staircases or when
the patient may start losing control of the leg muscles and may
fall down frequently. Later on, it affects the shoulder muscles
and once the patient is confined to wheel chair, this disease
progressively paralyses the functioning of different organs of the
body. Later on, the brain stops functioning and the patient dies.
This disease has developed in a great proportion causing great
worry. In spite of spending huge amounts every year, the disease
has not been controlled so far. However, Acupressure can play
a great role in preventing and curing this disease.
The root causes of this disease are :
( 1) Hereditary- familial.
( 2 ) Sometimes, when a woman has sex relations with
more than one male, there is hormonal imbalance, which often
affects her children.
( 3 ) In families having Red-Green colour blindness.
( 4 ) Disorder of the female organs. In such cases, proper
care should be taken at the time of child-birth.
( 5 ) Damage to the Foetus during pregnancy, and
( 6 ) Damage to the brain of the child of less than nine

Appearance of the neural tube

Mid Brain

Brain of an embryo of the Brain & Spinal cord

3rd week Brain of an embryo of cf an embryo of the
the 7th week
5th week

Brain section through a facial

human brain in the 12th week of
Profile view of the human
embryo of ten weeks

Fig. 120 : A few stages in the embroyonic development of the nervous system

In order to understand the root cause of the dreaded disease,

one must know the nervous system, the telephone exchange of
our body. The afferent nerves from the five senses of touch,
hearing, sight, smell and taste take the messages to the brain.
The computer in our brain analyses these massages and sends
orders through efferent nerves to the muscles and the muscles
act accordingly. Sometimes, we find that we receive telephone
calls from outside but we cannot make a phone call to others.
Sometimes, the telephone machine becomes dead even though
there is no defect in it. The fault is in the telephone exchange. In
the same way, the root cause of this disease is in the brain. The
power of the battery becomes weak and so the electric current
becomes weak and their passing is disturbed by excitatory
nerves fibre due to de-polarisation of cell membrane of motor
nuclei. That leads to slow and steady degeneration and there is
muscular wasting in the affected muscles. (See Chapter 2)

The development of brain and nervous system during

pregnancy will be more clear from the pictures given above. The
different organs of the brain and other parts of the nervous
system start developing in the foteus during pregnancy and even
up to 9 months after the child's birth. And, therefore, the greatest
care should be taken of the foetus and the child during this
period. A slight damage develops into a major defect at an
advanced stage and then damages the affected part.
As the trouble starts from the brain, it immediately affects
the Pituitary and Pineal glands which are situated there. And
when these glands are affected, they disturb the working of Sex
glands, Thyroid and Parathyroid glands and also Adrenal glands,
leading to hormonal imbalance in the body. So, at the time of
this disease, the points of these glands will be found to be tender
and will be paining when pressed.
In order to prevent this dreaded disease, the root cause,
hereditary and damage to the brain during pregnancy should be
controlled. We take great care of the earth/soil by properly
ploughing, watering and cleaning it before the best quality of
selected seeds are sown in it. We also take great care to see that
these seeds are selected in such a way that the plant develops
properly and can even resist the diseases. However, when
planting a human body, no such care is taken.
Nowadays, semen is not preserved properly and allowed to
be fermented till the age of 21 -24. In the same way, most of the
girls have problems of menses which clearly indicates that their
ovaries are not functioning satisfactorily. Further, excess
drinking of coffee, tea, liquor, smoking and even addiction to
drugs have increased, thereby disturbing the metabolism of the
hormones. And this imbalance of metabolism of hormones in
males and females is one of the prime reasons for the improper
development of the nervous system including the brain of the
child to be born.
Another reason is the improper diet, drinking, smoking
and drug addiction during pregnancy.

It is surprising that methods of preserving and cleaning the

semen (Viryashuddhi) and the egg-ova (Rajshuddhi) are given in
ancient Indian Health Science-Ayurved. The following
instructions are to be carried out to arrest this disease :
( 1) Semen in men and Raj/Ova (^r) in women should not
be disturbed/wasted through masturbation or sex play but should
be allowed to ferment till the age of 21 - 24 in boys and 18-21 in
( 2 ) Proper treatment should be taken to reduce excess heat
of the body and see that menses are regular at least for 6 to 8
periods before conceiving.
(3) The semen and ova (^r) can be purified and
activated by drinking gold/silver/copper/iron charged
water, one glass reduced from 4 glasses and also by taking
Acupressure treatment every day.
(4) After conceiving, the expectant mother should
drink this water and take Acupressure treatment daily. This
will ensure proper growth of the foetus, and its brain.
( 5 ) An expectant mother should take proper care to see
that no damage is done to foetus through lack of nutritious diet,
toxication by liquor, tobacco, drugs or even excess coffee and
tea. And excess of all mental and physical activities should be
(6) All persons suffering from venereal diseases
HIV/AIDS, should be prevented from becoming parents.
( 7 ) In those families where this disease is found in the
boys, their sisters have a 50/50 chance of being carriers of this
disease and therefore should be put to the following tests :
(a) Serum creatine kinase estimation.
(b) quantitative electromyography,
( c ) and muscles biopsy.
And in case they are found to be carrier, they must be
sterilised so that they cannot have children. They can adopt

In case the child falls down often, has a difficulty in

climbing the staircase, not developing properly, has severe
headache for a long time, there is no proper control in activities
of organs, etc., try the following to detect this problem of
Muscular Distrophy :
(1) Press on patients head-three
inches above both the earlobes and see
if there is any hurting. See figure.
( 2 ) Press Point No. 1 to 5 and see
if there is any hurting.
(3 ) Press on Point No. 16 of
lymph gland and find out whether there
is hurting.
(4) Are the calf muscles getting
stiff ?
In case of hurting, it could be
Muscular Distrophy and/or Brains problem. In case the hurting is
observed on Point No. 16 and 1 to 5 it could be a tumour in the
brain. DO NOT PANIC.
Treatment: For those patients who are already affected by
this disease, the following treatment will greatly assist them to
control these and similar other diseases of the brain and the
nervous system : i.e. retardedness/multiple sceleriosis, etc.
( 1) High powered-concentrated gold/silver/copper/ iron
charged water to be given as under :
- glass reduced from 8 glasses for 8 days.
1 glass reduced from 8 glasses for 8 days.
2 glasses reduced from 8 glasses to be given till recovery
and 3 months afterwards.
1 glass reduced from 2 glasses for a long time afterwards.
This treatment will give a push to the brain and motor nuclei and
start their functions.

( 2) Acupressure treatment of 2 minutes 3 times a day to be

given to Point Nos. 1 to 6, 11 to 15, 25, 28 and 38.
( 3 ) Treatment on webs and back of palms twice a day will
be useful to relieve any nervous tension and correct any
impairment to them. Also it will tone them up.
( 4 ) Health drink/powder to be given twice a day. One
teaspoon Health powder can be added to 1 cup of green juice.
( 5 ) Green juices of leafy vegetables and honey is to be
freely given 2 to 4 cups a day.
( 6 ) Fresh fruit juices-2 to 3 glasses to be given daily.
(7) Blue light to be given for 15 minutes each on the head
and on the spinal cord and affected parts twice a day. (Refer
page 136 & 202)
( 8 ) Kapal Bhati and Bhastrika-see page 117.
( 9 ) Pranayam-see page 112.
(10) Rub the soles of the patient for 5/5 minutes in the
morning and evening till the soles are warmer than the head.
Case Study : A lady brought her eight year handsome son,
who was developing well since birth. But after his seventh
birthday, he started finding it difficult in climbing steps of a
staircase and within next six months it developed to such an
extent that he was unable to climb the staircase. On
examination, it was found to be an obvious case of Muscular
Distrophy. Mother was asked to give treatment. After four
months, she came with a complaint that her son was allright but
had become naughty and would go down in the lift and come
running on the staircase all the way upto sixth floor, where they
were residing. What a good news it was!
(27) Polio : This is due to virus infection in the motor
nuclei of brain stem and in the gray matter of the spinal cord and
paralysis of the connected muscles.
( 1) Give treatment as mentioned under 26 mentioned
( 2 ) Give vapour treatment or hot pack treatment on the
affected part for one month.

( 3 ) Afterwards, give hot and cold packs alternately

for 10 minutes twice a day.
( 4 ) After this, dry up the affected parts and rub oil on
them as mentioned on page 201.
( 5 ) First give red light for 4 to 5 minutes on the affected
parts (not on head) and then blue light for 8 to 10 minutes on the
affected parts + on head-twice a day.
( 6 ) Practise sun Pranayam, Kapal Bhati and Bhastrika as
much as possible.
If the treatment is given within 3 months, it is totally cured.
Even if the treatment is tried later, it gives good result and
reduces the defect.
(28) Meningitis : This is due to congestion of water in
the brain.
(1) Please give the patient full bed rest.
( 2 ) All treatments as mentioned under 26 to be given.
( 3 ) Give brain wash as mentioned on page 262 on 1st, 5th
& 10th day only. That will give 20 to 30 sneezings.
(4) Do not worry about fever. Only keep it under control
with cold packs.
Caution : In hospitals fluid is extracted from the top of
head. Many times, this disturbs the Pineal gland and thereby
pituitary and other glands, which leads to malfunctioning of
some organs and leads to early awakening of sex desire, leading
to juvenile delinquency.
(29) Parkinson's Disease : Shivering of any part of the
body-(mostly hands) : This is due to hypertension. Some
times the nerve endings in the brain break down. And control
over hands, and later on, over other parts of the body
becomes weak and so hands start shivering. This is called
Parkinson's disease. As the damage is in the brain, all the
treatment mentioned above for brain under (26) is necessary.
Moreover, give the treatment for nervous tension as
mentioned on page 219 plus treatment as per fig. 115 is also
necessary. Just within 2/3 months, you will get amazing

Case Study : One surgeon, M. S. Doctor of Mumbai was

specialising in operations of the children. He suffered from this
problem and so had to stop doing operations. He started this
treatment. Within four months, he started doing operations
(30) Mental Breakdown/Depression and Madness : All
treatments as mentioned in 26 plus as mentioned under 13.
(31) Coma : When the motor neuron in the brain is
damaged, one goes into coma and remains unconscious
sometimes even for six months before death. In order to start
the stopped engine of a car, sometimes it is necessary to give
it a push. The same way if such a push is given to brain-motor
neuron, it starts functioning and the patient becomes
conscious. To do so do the following :
( 1) Give the patient every day 1 oz (30 ml) of concentrated
gold/silver/pure diamonds (1 to 2 carat) charged water reduced
from 32 oz (2 litre) till the patient becomes conscious.
( 2 ) Give the treatment on Point No. 1 to 5 and 36 for 2
minutes each in the morning and evening.
(3) Give the treatment on both the points above the
earlobes as per fig. 115-for 2 minutes on each point-in the
morning and in the evening.
(4) Rub nylon brush in the soles of the legs for 5
minutes on each sole, twice a day.
( 5 ) Give blue light on the head for 5 to 6 minutes twice
Continue all these treatments till the patient becomes
conscious, Then, follow the treatment as given under (26) page
246. Also find out the root cause and give treatment
The above treatment has been tried on several
patients - even when they were in coma for more than six
months. In all such cases, the patient has not only regained
consciousness but become normal. 10/Health in your Hands:
Volume 1

In all cases of serious and chronic diseases also combine

the treatment shown in chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 for faster recovery.
The cure achieved as a result of this treatment is not
temporary but of lasting nature. The organ starts functioning
normally and will continue as long as the laws of Nature are
observed. You will also note that Nature helps us to cure the
diseases if we give it time to cure us. And Acupressure treatment
helps Nature - (our body) - to get rid of the disease faster. And
thereafter, with regular treatment, health could be maintained.
In case of contagious diseases, it is advisable to keep the
patient isolated. At least, keep the children away from such a
patient. Wash his clothes and utensils separately and maintain
Please note that all the diseases, whatever may be their
names, are related to the functioning organs of the body.
Therefore, for treating any disease, not named here, the root
cause and the organ affected must be found out and
treatment should be given on the point corresponding to that
particular organ. For cure of all dreaded diseases like
common cold Asthma, Cataract, Thalesemmia and
HIV/AIDS, read author's Book "Defeat the Dragon."
Please note that any disease except Death is curable.
And Death is a MUST for every living being. Do not be afraid
of Death. It is the door through which everybody has to pass to
enter a new world. Death is like a kind mother who takes away
this old body, old clothes and gives us new clothes i. e. new
body-a new life.

(1) The practitioners of the Acupressure Therapy must
study Physiology thoroughly so that he/she becomes well
conversant with the functioning of the body. This will help
them to diagnose the root cause of a disease properly.
(2) In case of any problem, just check up the Solar
Plexus, and set it right if it is not in order (see page 65).
Secondly, see that the network of nerves passing through the
spinal cord is in order. Otherwise, correct it as shown in
fig. 83.
(3) He/she should confine the total treatment to not
more than five minutes on the first three days.
( 4 ) Subsequently, longer treatment (2 to 3 minutes) on
each point is possible on the soles but do not give more than 2
minutes treatment on any one point of the palms.
(5) After other points are treated, treatment must be given
on Point No. 26 of the kidney on both the palms or soles because
the toxins thrown out by the other organs of the body will come
to the kidneys. So, the kidneys must be activated to throw out
these poisons/toxins from the body.
( 6 ) In case there is pain on more than 3 points on the palm
or sole, it is a clear sign that the life battery has become weak.
So, in such cases and in cases of chronic diseases, the patient
must be advised to drink lukewarm copper/silver/ gold charged
water and health drink at least 2 to 3 times during the day.
Moreover, light food and longer hours of sleep are a must. This
will help the patient to recharge and empower his life battery
and he will get cured fast.
( 7 ) For the patients suffering from chronic diseases or
confined to bed, feel their endocrine glands (Pituitary, Pineal,

Thyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Sex glands). If you observe that

there is pain in at least 2 of these glands, it means that these
glands are also to be treated first. But be careful not to treat any
of these glands for more than one minute on the first day. Only
after the 3rd treatment if the pain continues, about 2 minutes
treatment can be given for these glands, 3 times a day on the
palms or 4 to 6 minutes on the soles.
(8) The practitioners must never jump upon any Diagnosis.
Please study all angles, symptoms, etc. and postpone Diagnosis
for next sitting. But start general treatment and charged water 2
glasses reduced from four glasses.
The practitioners must also study other therapies like
Chromotherapy, Naturopathy and Biochemic medicines, etc. as
mentioned in this book and also use these therapies wherever
necessary to give faster relief to the patients.
Magnet and Acupressure : When Acupressure treatment
is given, because of flow of Bio-electricity, magnetic field in the
body becomes normal. Therefore, it is not advised to combine
magnetic treatment. At least the use of high power or electric
magnets should be avoided, when Acupressure treatment is
Last but not the least, confidence must be created in the
patient that Nature is very kind and the body is capable of
curing all diseases and that Acupressure therapy hastens the
process of healing. Thereafter, the treatment given on all the
points will hasten the process of healing.
The practitioner should teach this therapy to the patient, so
that the patient can treat himself without the help of others.
The practitioner must bear in mind that this is a God-given
therapy, installed in our body and therefore he can definitely
cure the patients by pressing on the tender spots either in palms
or soles. A blind or even an invalid person can easily master this
art of healing and can earn his bread with dignity.


Daily treatment of Acupressure is to be taken on the two
palms and/or the two soles :
You must have observed that all the points on two palms
are up to 1 inch below the wrists and upto one inch around the
ankles. So, without worrying about where the different points
are located, just go on pressing both the palms OR soles/(front
and back) for 5 minutes each.
For those above 40, two minutes pressure on one inch
circle between the wrist and the elbow of the right hand is to be
taken as shown in fig. 81. This treatment can be taken at any
time in any position and should be made a part of one's daily
routine. Before taking this treatment, check the Solar Plexus and
correct it, if necessary.
Over and above this treatment, the
following exercises may be done for
maintaining good health, strengthening the
endocrine glands and keeping the body fit and
(1) Spot jogging : Running at one spot.
Start with 1 minute daily and reach 2 to 3
( 2 ) Sarvangasan : Lie down on the
back, lift the legs straight up and then
support the body with your hands till you
come to the position as shown in the figure.
It is useful to throat, head and the full body
through proper blood circulation. Fig. 122


( 3 ) Halasan : Lie down

on the back, take the stretched
legs behind to touch the ground
as shown in the figure. Useful
to spine and digestive organs
Fig. 123
and abdomen.
( 4 ) Padpaschimottanasan:
Sit with stretched legs, bend
forward, touch the toes with the
finger-tips, bend still further till
you reach the positions as shown
in the figure. Later on, try to touch
the knees, with the forehead. Fig. 124
Useful to digestive organs and the spine.
( 5 ) Pavanmuktasan :
Lie down, on your back. Bend
the legs and bring them inside,
clasp them with the hands.
Bring the head up to touch the
knees as shown in the figure.
Cures gas trouble.
Fig. 125

( 6 ) Bhujangasan : Lie on
the stomach, pull the hands
below the shoulders. Raise your
head and the trunk from the front
till you come to the position as
shown in the figure. Useful to Fig. 126
digestive organs and the spine.

( 7 ) Shalabhasan :
Lift the head and the
legs and come to the
position as shown in the
figure. Place your hands
(with closed fists) on Fig. 127
your hips. Useful to digestive organs, the spine and the

( 8 ) Dhanurasan : Lie down

on the stomach. Hold the legs with
the hands. Pull up the abdomen as
shown in the figure. Useful to the
whole sciatic nerve, digestive
organs, lungs and the abdomen.

ig. 128

( 9 ) Sinhasan/Sinhamudra :
Bending the legs sit tight. Open the
mouth, take out the tongue, force it out
as far as possible, (see the figure.)
Useful to the throat and eyes and
improves facial beauty.
Fig. 129

(10) Stand erect keeping a

distance of 12 inches between the two legs. Raise the hands as
per fig. 130. Then twist to the left as fast as possible, giving a
jerk. Come to the above position. Twist to the right as fast as
possible. Come back. Repeat 10 times. This exercise is very
helpful for activating the spleen and the liver.

Fig. 130

In the beginning, all the positions shown may not be

mastered. But with practice, one will be able to master each
Duration of all these asans : Starting with 10 seconds reach
upto 1 minute for each asan/position. Breathing : Normal.
Dress : As light and loose as possible. Cotton dress is
Effect: All these exercises help proper digestion, blood
circulation, proper oxygenation, proper functioning of the
endocrine glands, and add to the suppleness of the body.
Net result: Regular exercises would keep the body healthy
and fit. Sinhasan is very good for throat and facial beauty.
People of any age can do these 'asans'.
Pranayam : This can be practised any time half an hour
before meals and 3 hours after meals and anywhere.
Ten minutes a day and keep the diseases away :
Acupressure can be practised at any time during the day-
while lying down, sitting and standing while travelling or in
office and so special time is required.
And only for doing all those 'asans' you require only ten
minutes. Thus, only ten minutes a day are enough to keep the
diseases away.

1. Press your two palms each for 5 minutes - on front and
2. If over 40 years, press for 2 minutes the middle of right
arm (see fig. 81 on page 162).
3. Then on all points where it pains, give treatment
3 times a day for 2/2 minutes on each point like
4. In the evening, while sitting in a chair, roll your soles
of the legs on a roller, see fig. 69 on page 125.
5. Make a habit of drinking :
(1) One glass of hot water, preferably charged water
as the first thing in the morning. ( 2 ) Drink one
cup of green juice adding 1 teaspoon
of health powder and 1 tablespoon of honey to it. (
3 ) Drink one glass of fresh fruit juice.
6. Correct the Solar Plexus and avoid constipation.



In treating any disease, find out the root cause first. It is
necessary to remove the root cause of the disease to cure it
permanently. For example, piles are caused by continuous
constipation. Therefore to cure piles, constipation should be
treated first.
In the same way, cough and cold are caused by constipation
and weak digestive power. Therefore, the root causes should be
removed when taking treatment for that particular disease.
Mind : Mind has a great control over our body. A happy
(healthy) mind in a healthy body is the goal to be attained.
Happiness of mind can be achieved by stopping all
unnecessary worries. It will be observed that in Nature, nobody
worries for future. If a list is made of all the worries, it will be
found that most of them are unnecessary and could be easily
It has been observed that in most of the psychological
problems, the endocrine glands are disturbed and not corrected
afterwards. In such cases, treatment on all the endocrine glands
would prove highly beneficial.
Secondly, everybody should take interest in others and in
literature, music, art, sports, etc. (fine arts)
The third and the most important point is :
To love all beings and be friendly with them :
To forgive them all and ask them to forgive you.
Please note that:
To give is Divine.
To earn a living honestly is Human.
To snatch others' property and cause pain to others in body,
by words or even mentally is a sin.

We all are born as Humans. Let's try to be Humane and

When Mother Nature has provided us with such a simple
and easy treatment to cure diseases and even to avoid them, we
all must follow the instructions given by her. These Therapies
only help Nature to cure us. Let us not ignore Nature in our mad
pursuit of science.
Therapy itself is a science and not a matter of belief.
Dear reader, you know that this treatment does not cost you
any money. Moreover, it is harmless as it has no side effects.
Therefore, as a sensible person craving for good health, which is
our birthright, try this therapy sincerely and regularly for at
least 15 days and observe its wonderful and amazing results.
Thus, you will become your own Doctor and a firm believer in
pressing your palms or soles, please thank the Great Power
which has installed this wonderful system of self-cure in our

(1) For increasing heat in the body :
( a ) Drink - glass of hot water every 30 minutes till you
feel fresh.

(b ) Take the following with hot water : - teaspoon of

Turmeric powder + - teaspoon of ground Bishop's seeds (3R^T)
& OR - teaspoon of Mahasudarshan powder.

(c) Rub the soles with soft nylon brush (used for
washing clothes) 5 to 10 minutes-three times a day, till the
soles are warmer than the head.
(2 ) For removing excess heat from the body :
( a ) Take as first thing in the morning 1 teaspoonful of
haritki chuma (harde powder-powder of terminalia chebula
retz) + - teaspoon of sugar for 8 to 10 days continuously, then
twice a week. This will also keep the bowels clean.
(b ) Soak powder of 15 black pepper (l»rat'lft)+2 tea-
spoonful of (preferably crystal) sugar in 1 - glass of water.
Blend them and sip all as first thing in morning for 10 days.
After 10 days, add 5 almonds to the blending and drink it for
further 10 days. This is very useful even in jaundice, psirosis,
sunstroke, etc.
( c ) Take 5 black pepper (^Mf fw$) + 10/12 black raisins
(^FToft 3TST) + 1 teaspoon of saunf (#T). Soak them in a glass
of water in the evening. Next day, blend them and drink it in the
afternoon. A useful drink in summer.
(d) Take an equal quantity of cumin seed powder
(^kl)i black pepper (^Mf faNf), saunf (*fhr), amla powder
(oilttii), crystal sugar (%Rt), and ginger powder (*js). Grind

them into powder and keep it in a bottle. Take 1 teaspoonful of

this powder with water in the morning and evening.
(3) For Tonsils : Mix 2 drops of glycerine tanic acid
with - teaspoonful of turmeric powder (fpRt). Apply it on both
the tonsils inside the throat and then gargle with lukewarm
salted water. Do this two to three times a day.
(4) Bleeding or pain in gums : Massage the above
mentioned mixture of glycerine tanic acid and turmeric
powder on the gums and then gargle with lukewarm salted
water. Then massage edible oil preferably castor oil on gums.
(5) Earache and pus : Put 2 drops of Hydrogen
Peroxide in the ears. Clean the foams and then put ear drops.
(6) To activate kidney: Over and above giving
Acupressure treatment for 2 minutes three times a day on
Point No. 26 of the kidney, drink 1 cup of black tea. (Put 1
cup of water to boil; put in it 1 teaspoonful of any leaf tea).
l i
Boil till the water is reduced to - a cup. Filter it and add - a
cup of water; drink as first thing in the morning for 12 to 15
days till the first urine of morning becomes clear and odourless.
If possible, drink daily silver charged water 2 glasses
reduced from 8 glasses. For prevention of any kidney problem,
this treatment may be tried once a year. With this treatment,
dialysis and even operations for kidney transplantations are
(7) To cure Rashes : Add 2 teaspoonful of turmeric
powder (j^Rt) + 2 teaspoonful of grounded bishop's seeds
(3RRlfo)+.2 teaspoonfuls of sugar in 4 glasses of water. Boil
it and reduce it to two glasses. Drink one glass of such water
the first thing in the morning and the other glass in the
evening before sunset. Within 2 to 3 days, rashes will be
( 8 ) For Diabetes : Over and above taking treatment on all
endocrine glands for 2/2 minutes 3 times a day.

(i) Drink 2 glasses of gold/silver/copper/iron charged

water-reduced from 4 glasses of water.

(ii) Drink - a cup of juice of corriander leaves

(#TRk-lpi ?J%rr) as first thing in the morning for 30/40 days till
sugar level has come to normal.
(9) Pain reliever : For all types of pain, the following
treatment gives instant but temporary relief. Take 1 tea-
spoonful of ordinary salt. Heat it in a pan till it becomes
brown/gray. Put 1 to 2 grains (a little) of it on tongue/every
fifteen minutes till the pain subsides but limit it to 3 to 4 times
If this salt is taken at night, it causes sleep.
Be careful not to take this salt in excess or form the
habit of taking it.
(10) To purify blood : For 30 days, drink the juice of the
following as first thing in the morning :
21 leaves with the stalk of bitter neem. (Azadi racta Indica)
21 leaves with the stalk of tulsi. (Holi Basil)
21 ( 7 x 3 ) leaves with the stalk of bilipatra (Aegle Mar)
Honey can be added to the juice.
(Only if such leaves are not available, tinctures of the same
duly mixed will be available at Homeopathic/ Pharmacy shops.
Take 5 drops of this mixed tincture in half a cup of lukewarm
water in the morning and evening.)
(11) Head-Brain Wash : In case of severe headache,
congestion of sinus or brain problem, the following powder
is very useful for instant but short term relief.
How to prepare : Take kayfal 70% (+W4)<H). (If not
available-take black pepper), cardamom 20 % (Xi<H|i|-«ft), and

saffron 10% (%$TC). Grind them into very fine powder and keep
it in a bottle. Do not worry if saffron is not added. In that case
80 % of kayfal powder+ 20 % of cardamom powder will give
good result.
How to use : Take a little of this powder and inhale it like
snuff deeply into one nostril-while closing the other one and
then into another nostril, keeping the first one closed. There will
be watering from the nose and the eyes and heavy sneezing for
about 10 to 30 times. Do not worry if the mucus coming out is
reddish. Repeat, if necessary. But only TWICE a week, but not
for more than 2 weeks.
(12) How to create cooling effect in the body : Open the
mouth, put out the tongue and draw in (inhale) air through the
mouth. Close the mouth. And exhale through nose after
retaining the inhaled air as long as possible. Repeat 15/25 times.
You will immediately feel cool. This method is called
'SHITALP (flrafo) in Yoga and found to be very useful in
summer, sunstroke, fever or whenever cooling effect is

Page Nos.
Anaesthetic effect 93
Blue light 202
Care of children ... 143 to 150
Charged water (iron/copper/silver/gold) Cold 170
pack & hot pack/vapour treatment 202
Daily exercises 253
Diabetes 211
Dental care 126
Diet 119
Ear drops 192
Endocrine glands ... 96 to 109
Energy 78
Eye drops/ointment 192
Green vegetable juice 169
Free medical check-up 83
Health drink / powder 168
Hormone treatment 159
How to get the child of desired sex 144
How to increase height & weight 185
How to recharge Life Battery 166
How to bring Solar Plexus to order 74
Increasing will power 105
Instructions to Practitioners 251
Kidney problems 187
Painless childbirth 153
Planning of children 143
Pranayam ... Ill to 116
Reducing weight/obesity ... 221/223
Skin care 128
Solar plexus-how to check 73
Stopping of bad habits 224

stopping uecay/oiu age ana marniam 162

Tooth-paste/powder 127


How to find out which eatables/drink 120

are useful 204
How to control Hernia 205
What to do in Emergency 190
How to do away with glasses, spects 234
How to detect Cancer of the Breast 233
How to detect Cancer of the Uterus 234
How to detect Cancer in any other 198
part of the body 260
How to correct Sciatic Nerve and its cure 260
slip-disc, severe backache and leg pain 261
How to increase heat in the body o 115
How to remove excess heat from the body
How to cure Tonsilitis
How to control five basic elements of the
body with finger-mudras ... 112 t
Biochemic medicines according to Zodiac
Test of Good-health 129


Clarification of words/terms for all Foreigners/Non Indians

= Ancient Yogis-saints
= shot
= short
= flour of a pulse called gram / basin
= A bitter Ayurvedic Powder

= Powder of Terminalia Chebula Retz-an

Ayurvedic medicine
= N. O. Myricacae
= Aegle Mar
= Azadiracta Indica
= Ocimum centum-Holy Basil
= Embalica-an India fruit (containing
concentrated vitamin C)

= Homeopathic medicines =

Biochemic medicines

(All Homeopathic & Biochemic medicines are

available in any Homeopathic Drug Store/Pharmacy).


Diseases/Troubles Points Page

6. Polio (All points twice

gold charged water) ... 247
7. Smallpox/Chickenpox (22, 23, 29 & 38) ... 207
8. Teething troubles (All points + Calcium) ... 184
9. Thalesemmia ... 241
10. Wetting the bed — ... 186
11. Whooping Cough (1 to 7, 30, 34 & 38 +
treatment on Page 79) ... 179
Cancer — ... 229
Cholesterol — ... 210
Coma ... 249
Constipation — ... 220
Cough & Cold (1 to 7, 30 & 34) ... 176
Cold due to heat ... 174
Corn — ... 195
Deafness / dumbness (31) ... 192
Diabetes (25 & 26) ... 211
Dizziness & severe pain
in Sinus — ... 194
Dumbness (31) ... 193
Dysentery/Vomitting (19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27
&38) ... 180
Ears Pain & Puss (31 & 16) ... 192
Elephantiasis / Filariasis — ... 227
Epilepsy-Fits (All points + Press
earlobes) ... 184

Eosinophilia ... 217
Excess of Biles (Pitt) — ... 183
Eyes - Cataract/Tracoma (35) ... 190
Optic nerve back of palms ... 190
Fever due to cold (Flu) or
Bronchitis (1 to 7, 30 & 34) ... 178
Fever due to Malaria (1 to 7, 30, 34 & 37) ... 178

Diseases/Troubles Points Page

Falling of hair/delaying
grey hair — ... 157
Fatigue — ... 195
Faintness/Fainting ... 184
Gas trouble/Stomach pain (19, 22, 23 & 27) ... 203
Gastro-enteritis (19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 38) ... 208
Gangrene — ... 228
Heart Attack (36 +all points twice a
day) ... 209
Hernia/Prostate (11 to 15) ... 204
Hiccough/ — ... 193
Hysteria (11 to 15 +treatment
as on page 169) ... 194
Indigestion fig. 69 ... 125
Insomnia — ... 220
Intestinal worms fig. 89-90 ... 181
Jaundice (Liver troubles) (19, 20, 22, 23, 25,
27, 28 & 38) ... 182
Kidney Problems/Pyletis 26 ... 187
Loose motion/Diarrhoea/
Vomiting (19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 38) ... 180-181
Less desire/Satisfaction
or Impotency — ... 159
Leprosy ... 228
Acidity ... 183
Loss of voice or sick voice 7 +fig. 100 ... 195
Meningitis (all points + 1 to 4 +
Gold charged water) ... 248
Men's Problems (11 to 15) ... 158
Mental breakdown/Mad- (All points + gold "
ness/Mental depression charged water+treat-
ment for mental
tension) ... 249
Mumps (All points) ... 207

Diseases /Troubles Points Pag* I

Muscular distrophy and —

diseases of nervous
system/brain ... 242
Nervous tension — ... 21£
Nose Bleeding (Finger tips & toes +
23 + treatment as on page 85) ... 195
Obesity — ... 221
1. Backache (9 & 16) ... 197
2. Bodyache — ... 196
3. Chest pain — ... 203

4. Muscular pain & —

Fibrosis ... 201
5. Pain in legs (26, Points of sciatic,
nerve + rolling of feet
6. Knee pain on roller) ... 198
7. Pain in neck/stiff ... 198
neck (7 & 9) ... 197
8. Headache due to cold (1 to 7, 34)
/Due to heat (22, 23, 25 & 26) ... 196
9. Slip disc/Cervical
Spondylitis (9 & 16) ... 198
10. Sciatic nerve Pain (9 & 16 and sciatic
nerve on legs) ... 198
11. Stomach pain/Gas
trouble (19, 22, 23 & 27) ... 203 i

12. Toothache (Continuous pressure

on tips of fingers as per
fig. 53) ... 195 Pain reliever ... 203 Palpitation (Points
between 15 &
17) ... 194 Parkinson's disease — ... 248 Piles / Fissures (10
+ treatment for
constipation) ... 221

Diseases/Troubles Points Page

Ringworm ... 203

Sinus (Tips of fingers and
toes) ... 179
Skin diseases (26 +Health drink) ... 189
Stammering — ... 168
Sunstroke/Heatstroke/ (Finger tips and
Bleeding through nose toes + 23+treatment
as on page 169) ... 193
Swelling ... 203
Syphilis — ... 229
T.B. (1 to 7, 29, 30 & 36 +
gold charged water) ... 207
Tonsilitis (1 to 7, 30 & 34) ... 179
Typhoid (19, 22 23, 26 & 27 +
silver/gold charged
water) ... 207
Urinary troubles/Stones (8, 11 to 15, 18 &26) ... 186
1. Problems of Menses/
Leucorrhoea, Meno-
pause, Frigidity, etc. (11 to 15) ... 151-152
2. Profuse bleeding — ... 152
3. Pain in breasts/
Mastitis — ... 156
4. Difficult Labour fig. 75 ... 155
5. Obesity after delivery — . ... 156
6. Pimples — ... 157
Water Worms — ... 194
Whooping Cough ... 179

The therapies of Acupressure, Acupuncture, Shiatsu, etc.
are based on the principle of bio-electricity. Moreover, E.E.G.
and E.C.G. also prove the existence of electricity flowing in the
body, So, to function properly, the human body requires
electricity with equal positive and negative charge. It has been
proved that excess of positive electricity creates excess of heat
in the body-leading to many problems of hyperacidity-sluggish
liver, damage to the brain, etc. and other diseases. Excess of
negative electricity leads to excess of water content in the body,
reducing the digestion power in the body. That is why the food
we take should be as far as possible balanced in positive and
negative electric charges.
It is a well-known fact of science that energy cannot be
created, it can only be transformed. Now due to combustion of
hydrogen gas, the sun has become a tremendous powerhouse of
energy. This is received on the earth in the form of sunlight
which not only gives us light and heat but also electric energy.
All the vegetation, fruits, crops, etc. is there only because of the
sun. The cereals, pulses go on collecting this solar energy for 30
to 45 days after the bush has developed. And when this staple
food is consumed, it is converted into energy in our body. In the
same way, the fruits gather this solar energy and grow bigger
and ripen and when eaten they give good amount of nutrition,
Likewise, this solar energy is collected by the grass and leaves.
The thicker the leaves, the more is solar energy and medicinal
value they have. Moreover, green grass and leaves are easily
digestible and contain in them equal quantity of positive and
negative electricity. The mammals like goat, cow, buffalo and
camel consume green grass and leaves and convert the hidden
energy into nutritious milk. Animals like the horse, the
rhinoceros and the elephant live only on this vegetation and are
considered to be the strongest. Now, we can tap this abundant
and free energy for our body. It is true that we

cannot eat large quantities of grass and vegetation; but the

extract of leaves, grass and of all non-poisonous vegetation can
be consumed easily. It is digestible and it gives the human body
all types of salts, minerals, vitamin C and a good amount of
In case of a dreaded disease like cancer, the main problem
often is loss of weight and stamina because more cells die every
day than are created new in the body. In all types of cancer, the
patients are kept on a special diet of :
(1) 4 to 5 cups of green juice extracted out of all types of
leafy vegetables, cabbage, carrots, etc. adding thereto honey.
(2)2 glasses of fruit juice.
(3) Plenty of green salads + sprouted pulses and after 15
days, 8 to 10 oz of curds.
And surprisingly, these patients gain weight of about 3 to 5
lbs per month, get more stamina and also their disease is cured.
Similarly, in all chronic cases and brain problems, the
patients are kept on the above diet and the results are
astounding. This only proves the great amount of energy and
medicinal value this green juice has.
Every year, lots of these leaves ripen and fall down and are
wasted. These leaves can be used to get their extract. Even the
dried leaves can be soaked in water for two hours and their
extract can be taken. Moreover, it is possible to grow 20 to 24
crops of such vegetation in a year. The waste of these green
leaves can be used as fodder for the animals and can be used as
a wet pack for skin problems. Thus, there will be full utilisation
of the leaves.
Honey is a great source of solar energy and has great
medicinal value, when it is added to the green juice in the
proportion of 1 tablespoon to one cup of green juice, it becomes
a perfect food, is easily digestible and is very quickly
transformed into blood.

Secondly, after the body is fully developed by the age of 18-21,

what the human body requires is enough electric energy to maintain it
in such a condition that the body remains energetic and is capable of
doing all the required work and of enjoying life fully. Therefore, from
the age of 20 onwards, food intake should be reduced gradually and
after the age of 60, the intake of food should be brought down to the
minimum. Our diet should be supplemented more and more with
green juice, honey and fruits. Moreover, if everybody carries out the
experiment shown in this book to find out which eatables/drinks are
suitable to his body and eats accordingly, the total requirement of food
will be minimised to a great extent.

It may be noted that through the experiments carried out in China

and Japan it has been found out that if one develops a practice of
eating preparations of only one cereal like rice or wheat or pulses
without any salt or spices and milk, vegetables or fruits, etc. and stays
on such diet for 12 days twice a year, his body acquires the proper
balance of positive and negative electricity and becomes so immune as
to resist even the nuclear radiation. Afterwards, if a balanced diet
consisting of 65% of staple food+ 35% of milk and its products; oils,
fruits, vegetables, etc. are taken with minimum of spices; the body
remains healthy and energetic throughout life. This is also amply
proved by Jains in India. They do a penance of 9 days twice a year.
They take preparations of rice on the first day, wheat on the second
day, gram on the third day, Chinese peas i. e. Mung, on the fourth day;
black Udada on the fifth day and only rice on the remaining four days.
They have been doing this for thousands of years. Sometimes, some
one performs such penance (called amtf^r) for 500 days. It has been
observed that such a person does not suffer from any disease for want
of nutrition or vitamins. This is only because he consumes food which
has equal quantum of positive and negative electricity in it. Moreover,
he takes such food only once a day and boiled water during

the day. This clearly proves that the human body can stay healthy and
capable of doing the daily chores with the minimum of food. This fact
is also proved by Mahatma Gandhiji, Shri Vinoba Bhave, Morarji
Desai and many others. Moreover, it also proves that there is no
necessity of eating meat, fish, eggs, etc. to get more energy.
If all the people gradually follow this principle of reducing the
food intake and supplementing it with green juice, fruits, etc., there
will be enough food available on the earth and there will not be any
more famine. Moreover, the body will remain healthy and most of the
problems of indigestion, overweight, etc. will be controlled auto-
matically. It may be noted that just by consuming more juice of
GREEN, people will become EVERGREEN.
iconie EVERURCH1N.



"Health in Your Hands" is found to be very useful. The
language is simple and all the suggestions are practical and so one can
become the practitioner of Acupressure only by just reading it
thoroughly. It is a boon to the mankind."
Thousands of readers not only in India but all over the World say
What the Medical Practitioners say about this book :
' 'Your book enabled me to cure my twenty year old constipation
within just 2 days."
-Dr Sat Paul Singh, Professor of Punjab University, Patiala.
"Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai discharged my brother as they
found his Cancer of throat to be incurable. I consulted Sri Devendra
Vora and followed the instructions given in the book. My brother
resumed duty within 45 days."
-Dr R. K. Mehta, a Homeopath, Mumbai.
"My wife was losing weight and stamina and the disease was not
diagnosed. Sri Vora made a correct Diagnosis and she started treatment
as per the book. She gained weight and stamina and within 60 days she
fully recovered."
-Dr Suresh Gandhi, M. D., Porbundar.
"I have found your book most interesting and valuable. We
would like you to conduct a course of Acupressure in our institute." -Dr
(Mrs) Radha, Rest-New Era Development Institute, Panchgani.
"I have just read your book "Health in Your Hands." This is one
of the finest books, I have read on Reflexology. I am a Doctor in South
Africa, practising Acupressure."
-Dr S. Isseri (MB chb.) D. Sc, F.R.C.S.
"On the basis of your book, I had spread health to the people of
Mauritius and now I am spreading health to the people of Fiji. My
blessings and congratulations for writing this book for the benefit of the
- Swami Sanjivani Anand, Suva-Fiji.

"The useful book is now revised to make it more

"Readers are requested to express their views to the
press-so many patients like them can benefit from this


Kind Mother Nature Who has installed this wonderful system

in our body. Who found this Therapy
Ancient unknown sages
Known and Unknown Who developed this Therapy
Ayurved Experts Unknown
Red Indians and all those Who preserved this Therapy
unknown races
Dr William Fritzerald, U. S. Who made research in the 20th century
A. and put this Therapy before the world.
"Reflexology-Foot and Hand"
Mrs Mildred Carter,
U. S. A. Who made research and developed
All other Naturopaths this Therapy "Children's Diseases" "Bio-
chemic Medicines" "Arogya Sathi Yoga"
Dr Rohit Oza, India "Finger Acupressure" For constant
Mr Augustus Muller inspiration, guidance and for suggesting
Mr Sadashiv P. Nimbalkar appropriate name for this book
Mr Pedro Chan For useful hints and cover
Dr Harshad Pandya photograph
For accepting this Therapy and
giving inspiration
Dr Dipak Kamdar, Ph. D. For giving kind attention to this Therapy
"Relief from Pain with Finger
All people, friends and Massage" "Human Mind Power"
relatives "Diseases of Nervous System"
World Health Organisation,
Geneva "Clinical Neuro-Anatomy" "Physiology
Dr Roger Dalet of the Human Body" "A Child is Born"
"Yogic Therapy"
Dr V. G. Rele
Dr Lord Brain & Science of Soul"
Dr John Walton
Dr Richard Snail
Dr J. Robert McClintic
Swedish Doctors
Swami Shivananda
Swami Yogeswaranand

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