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Relics: Buying and Selling Relics

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Relics are magic items that function only for characters who believe in the deity to whom the relic is dedicated. The wielder must sacrifice a spell slot or have the True Believer feat to keep an open divine connection between the relic and the deity's power.

A relic is a magic item that functions only when worn or held by a character who believes in the deity to whom the relic is dedicated. The wielder must temporarily sacrifice a spell slot or have the True Believer feat to keep an open divine connection between the relic and the deity's power.

Relics are much rarer than other magic items, with usually less than a half-dozen copies of each relic existing. They are also tied closely to the worship of a particular deity, so only a few characters can use each relic. Relics generally cannot be purchased and sellers may not always be found for relics that PCs attempt to sell.


A relic is a magic item - often, but not always, a wondrous item - that functions only when
worn or held by a character who believes in the deity to whom the relic is dedicated. That
character must devote a measure of spiritual energy to keep open a divine connection between
the relic he wields and his deity's power.

The wielder of a relic can establish the divine connection in two ways. Any divine spellcaster
such as a cleric, druid, or paladin of the relevant deity can temporarily sacrifice a spell slot of
the level specified in the relic's description; the divine spellcaster can't use the spell slot
anymore, but he can use the relic. Whenever the cleric or druid prepares spells (of each
morning in the case of a spontaneous divine caster such as the favored soul), he decides
whether or not he wants to keep the divine connection to the relic active.

Whether they are clerics or not, believers can wield relics if they have the True Believer feat
and are high enough character level that if they were a cleric, they would have a spell slot
high enough to sacrifice, activating the divine connection to the relic.

Buying and Selling Relics

Relics are generally not available for purchase, nor will PCs trying to sell them automatically
find a buyer. They are much more rare than other magic items; usually less than a half-dozen
copies of each relic exist. Secondly, they're tied so tightly to worship of a particular deity, so
only a very few characters can use them.

Many of the descriptions below have market prices listed for each relic, but those prices are
given to help the DM design appropriate treasure for the NPCs in the campaign - you'll never
find a price tag on a relic. Some churches might offer a finder's fee or other gifts equivalent to
half the market price if the PCs return a lost relic to them. But such a situation could be role-
played, because the deal depends greatly on the relationship between the church and the
specific PCs who've acquired the relic.

Relics In Your Campaign

Most of the relics in the section below are based on the deities of the core D&D pantheon, but
they don't have to be. Moradin's axe of ancestral virtue works just as well for any warlike but
good deity.

Ajira's Rod
This +3 disrupting heavy mace was created for a legendary Pelorian paladin centuries ago (in
a time when paladins of Pelor were much rarer than now). He traveled the land ministering to
the needy and destroying undead whenever he encountered them. Stories tell of him absorbing
the plague from an entire town into his own body to stop an outbreak, using his own blood to
kill a vampire lord, and how each dawn his face shined like the sun itself. After he died, some
of his bones were placed in the weapons hollow hilt, and it is now a relic of the faith.
The rod is a steel-headed mace with a haft made of pale white wood wrapped in golden
thread. A small symbol of Pelor is etched onto one flat place on the head and inlaid with gold.
The bottom of the haft is a plug (to hold the bones in) and is also marked with a seal of Pelor.
It sheds light at will. Any worshiper of Pelor who wields the weapon gains the benefits of a
ring of regeneration. Any paladin of Pelor who wields it gains a +5 natural armor bonus. Her
class ability to use remove disease changes from a number of times per week to a number of
times per day (so a 12th-level Pelorian paladin with this weapon can cast remove disease three
times per day instead of three times per week). The weapon has been missing for some time
and is presumed to be in the lair of an aboleth ghoul somewhere on the southern coast of the
Source:Dragon #346

Armor of the Fallen Leaves

This set of nonmetallic +3 wild full plate armor is a riot of red, yellow, and orange leaves
sewn together by Ehlonna and presented as a gift to Obad-Hai. A command word causes the
leaves to turn brown and scatter on the breeze - and the wearer disappear. In fact, the wearer
has merged with the leaves, which appear to flutter near the ground but are actually under the
wearer's disembodied control. The wearer can move and interact with irs environment as if it
were under the effect of a gaseous form spell for up to 30 minutes.

To use this relic, you must worship Obad-Hai and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, baleful
polyorph, gaseous form, creator must worship Obad-Hai; Price 39,900 gp; Cost 20,775 gp +
1,530 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Arrow, Raptor
Legend says these arrows (there are reputedly five) gained relic status when Ehlonna used
them to slay a great wyrm green dragon that was rampaging through a forest primeval. A
raptor arrow is a +3 arrow with a variant of the returning quality. At the beginning of the
round after it is fired from a bow, a raptor arrow wrenches itself from whatever it hit (dealing
1d8 points of damage), flies up to 400 feet through the air, and restrings itself in the bow from
which it was fired. Unlike most ammunition, raptor arrows are never destroyed when they hit
their target.

If a ranger fires a raptor arrow at a favored enemy, the arrow additionally gains the bane
quality against that foe.

To use this relic, you must worship Ehlonna and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat.

Strong evocation; CL 12th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bane bow, creator
must worship Ehlonna; Price 14,500 gp; Cost 7,273 gp + 580 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Axe of Ancestral Virtue

+4 adamantine keen dwarven waraxe, AL LN; Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 17; Speech, telepathy, 120
ft. darkvision and hearing; Ego score 17.
Lesser Powers: Bless 3/day, cure moderate wounds on wielder 3/day, faerie fire 3/day.

Greater Power: Haste on wielder 3/day.

Personality: One of Moradin's high priests volunteered to be bound into the original axe of
ancestral virtue ages ago, and his personality has since been duplicated into what few copies
of the weapon that exist. The priest, who refuses to reveal his old name, is a fierce warrior
who urges his owner to attack the ancient enemies of the dwarves (goblinoids and giants) at
every available opportunity. He takes great delight in "illuminating targets" (faerie fire),
"salving honor-wounds" (cure moderate wounds), and granting "godspeed" (haste). He judges
wielders on how well they adhere to ttaditional dwarven culture. He rebels mightily against
nondwarves who so much as pick him up.

To use this relic, you must worship Moradin and either sacrifice a 7th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.

Strong transmutation; Cl 15th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bless, cure
moderate wounds, faerie fire, haste, creator must worship Moradin; Price 50,230 gp; Cost
26,780 gp + 1,876 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Belt of the Champion

Kord gives one of these gem-studded belts to a favorite gladiator each decade. The wearer
gains a +6 bonus on Strength checks and an additional +4 bonus on grapple and bull-rush
checks. If the wearer of a belt of the champion ever fails a save against a fear effect, the belt
ceases functioning for 1 hour.

To use this relic, you must worship Kord and either sacrifice a 5th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.

Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength,
creator must worship Kord; Price 22,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Boots of the Unending Journey

These black leather boots leave no tracks wherever they go. They also render the wearer
immune to the effects of fatigue and exhaustion as long as he ends each round at least 10 feet
away from where he started it. It is said that once a century, Fharlanghn gives a pair of boots
of the unending journey to a fellow traveler, and then magically endows an ordinary cobbler
with the power to make him a new pair.

To use this relic, you must worship Fharlanghn and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell
slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.

Moderate conjuration; CL 11th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, restoration, pass
without trace, creator must worship Fharlanghn; Price 23,600 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Bow of the Wintermoon

Corellon gave the original bow of the wintermoon to the elf hero Seskaya more than two
thousand years ago, but his clerics have since made four identical copies. This +4 frost
composite longbow adjusts its pull automatically to match its wielder (allowing her to add her
full Strength bonus to damage with each arrow fired). It is considered bane to drow elves (as
the weapon special ability).

To use this relic, you must worship Corellon Larethian and either sacrifice a 7th-level divine
spell slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.

Strong conjuration; CL 18th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster
I; Price 36,300 gp; Cost 18,550 gp + 1,420 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Censer of the Last Breath

Nerull's favorite followers fill this censer, a perforated iron ball on a jeweled chain, with
ground-up gems rather than incense. Doing so is a full-round action that provokes an attack of
opportunity. The censer of the last breath then automatically starts burning the gem dust,
creating a dangerous cloud that fills a 20-foot radius emanation centered on the caster. The
cloud's effects depend on the kind of gem dust burned in the censer of the last breath.
Gem type Value Effect
250 gp Solid fog (as the spell, except that only living creatures are slowed)
Cloudkill (as the spell, except that it hovers near caster; Fort partial
Emerald dust 500 gp
DC 17)
Sapphire 1,000
Acidfog (as the spell, except that only living creatures are slowed)
dust gp
2,000 Incendiary cloud (as the spell, except that it hovers near caster; Reflex
Ruby dust
gp half DC 22)

The bearer of the censer of the last breath is completely unaffected by the cloud; it doesn't
slow movement, deal him damage, or obscure his vision. The gem dust burns in the censer of
the last breath for 15 rounds.

To use this relic, you must worship Nerull and either sacrifice an 8th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 15 HD.

Strong conjuration; CL 15th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, acid fog, cloudkill,
incendiary cloud, solid fog, creator must worship Nerull; Price 82,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Chain of Obeisance
It is said that these +2 unholy spiked chains are made from the shackles in Hextor's hellish
prison-fortress. Despite their size and unwieldiness, they can be wielded in a grapple, and
anyone pinned by a foe wielding a chain of obeisance must succeed on a Will save (DC 22) or
be dominated (as the dominate monster spell).

To use this relic, you must worship Hextor and either sacrifice a 7th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.
Strong enchantment; CL 18th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dominate
monster, creator must worship Hextor; Price 35,600 gp; Cost 17,963 gp + 1,411 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Chromatic Rod
Forged in hellfire itself, these iron-shod rods have five dragon heads (black, blue, green, red,
and white) facing outward and encircling one end. A chromatic rod can be used as a +2
morningstar with either the frost, flaming, or shocking qualities (wielder's choice, changed
with a command word). It also has a number of spell-like abilities, each usable once per day.

 Insect plague with a 1,040 foot range, creating five adjacent swarms.
 Veil with a Will disbelief save of DC 19.
 Dominate person with a 65-footrange. A DC 17 Will save negates the effect.
 Find the path lasting 160 minutes.
 Wall of ice with a 65-foot range, covering up to sixteen 10-foot squares.

To use this relic, you must worship Tiamat and either sacrifice a 7th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.

Strong conjuration; CL 16th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Rod, dominate person, find the path, insect
plague, veil, wall of ice, creator must worship Tiamat; Price 71,908 gp; Cost 36,108 gp +
2,864 XP; Weight 5 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Cloak, Dragonscale
This long, flowing cloak, sewn from a random assortment of miniscule chromatic dragon
scales, transforms into functional dragon wings upon command, enabling flight with a speed
of 150 feet and poor maneuverability. The wings last 2 hours per day, divided up as the
wearer of the dragonscale cloak wishes. Additionally, the cloak always provides 10 points
each of resistance to fire, resistance to electricity, resistance to cold, and resistance to acid.

To use this relic, you must worship Tiamar and either sacrifice an 8th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 15 HD.

Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph, resist
energy, creator must worship Tiamat; Price 75,840 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Cornucopia of the Needful

Yondalla wove these conical baskets herself, and then gave them to her high priesthood. Each
morning at dawn, there are 2d4 fruits in each cornucopia of the needful. When consumed (a
full-round action), each fruit has the following effect.
d% Fruit Effect
01-15 Apple Eater healed (as the heal spell).
Grape If split into 12 portions, functions as a heroes' feast spell for those that
cluster consume it.
31-45 Tangerine Break enchantment on eater.
46-60 Strawberry Spell resistance 24 for 12 minutes.
61-74 Cherry Death ward for 12 minutes.
75-89 Peach Divine power for 12 rounds.
Lemon Neutralize Poison on eater for 2 hours.

To use this relic, you must worship Yondalla and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.

Strong conjuration; CL 12th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, break enchantment, death
ward, divine power, heal, heroes' feast, neutralize poison, spell resistance, creator must
worship Yondalla; Price 44,600 gp; Weight 8 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Cudgel that Never Forgets

+2 axiomatic heavy mace; AL LN; Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16; speech; 60 ft. darkvision and
hearing; Ego score 16.

Lesser Powers: Continuous deathwatch, 10 ranks Intimidate (total modifier +13), cure
moderate wounds 3/day.

Personality: A cudgel that never forgets speaks little except during combat, during which it
reminds its wielder in stentorian tones about the transgressions of each enemy, whether
witnessed personally ("That bugbear wounded Lidda most grievously" or assumed based on
creature type ("That succubus hath surely tempted many good men toward evil"). The
imprecations of a cudgel that never forgets count as an attempt to demoralize an opponent
with the Intimidate skill. Unless it's healing its wielder, the cudgel that never forgets attempts
to demoralize every round during its wielder's turn. The cudgel that never forgets speaks
Common, Infernal, Abyssal, and Celestial.

A cudgel that never forgets has an additional weapon quality: it remembers which foes have
struck its wielder and delivers extra damage retribution. If an enemy hits the wielder of a
cudgel that never forgets with a weapon (including a natural weapon), the weapon thereafter
has an effective enhancement bonus of +2 better than its normal enhancement bonus. It also
deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against such a foe.

To use this relic, you must worship St. Cuthbert and either sacrifice a 7th-level divine spell
slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.

Strong conjuration; CL 20th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure moderate
wounds, deathwatch, creator must worship St. Cuthbert; Price 82,112 gp; Cost 41,212 gp +
3,272 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Dagger of Denial
+2 unholy dagger; AL NE; Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 18; speech, telepathy, 120 ft. darkvision,
blindsense, and hearing; Ego score 26.

Lesser Powers: Detect magic at will, 10 ranks in Spellcraft (total modifier +14), 10 ranks in
Bluff (total modifier +14).
Greater Powers: Continuous detect scrying effect, arcane eye 1/day.

Special Purpose: Defeat/slay divine spellcasters.

Dedicated Powers: Item can cast dispel magic as a 10th-level caster. Personality: The dagger
of denial takes great glee in disrupting other spellcasters, giggling and cackling to its wielder
as it counters their spells. It generally readies an action to counterspell with dispel magic each
round, then uses its Spellcraft ability to discern which enemy spells are worth dispelling. If its
wielder attacks in melee, the dagger attempts a feint in combat immediately prior to its
wielder's attack. Four daggers of denial are known to exist; they were originally gifts from
Vecna to wizards he charged with keeping his priests in line. A dagger of denial happily lets
anyone wield it, and it'll cheerfully lie about its powers and purpose (using its Bluff skill). But
if a wielder doesn't worship Vecna and obey the relic rules, she doesn't get access to the
dagger of denial's powers and the dagger betrays her at the first available opportunity. A
dagger of denial who's working against its wielder starts by surreptitiously dispelling the
spells of the wielder and her allies, leaving them without the magic that they're depending on.

To use this relic, you must worship Vecna and either sacrifice an 8th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 15 HD.

Moderate abjuration; CL 10th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, arcane eye,
detect scrying, dispel magic, creator must worship Vecna; Price 77,902 gp; Cost 39, 102 gp +
3,104 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Dagger of the Fireheart

This ornate dagger is decorated with a skull-and-fireball motif Forged by the Suel witch
Akalra and quenched in her own blood, this talisman was the key to protecting her against her
political and arcane enemies. Born of low social status, she managed to join a witch's coven
based on her raw talent, which she refined over the years until she became its leader.
Eventually, she came into conflict with Iggwilv, a powerful witch who despises Wee Jas and
her followers. Lover of the demon prince Graz'zt and mother of the demigod Iuz, Iggwilv was
not to be trifled with and eventually she killed Akalra in 465 CY. It is presumed the dagger
was taken to Iggwilv's base (the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth) but several expeditions there have
failed to find it. As a powerful witch who died trying to destroy Iggwilv, Akalra is one of the
few martyrs of Wee Jas's church.
The weapon is a +4 defending spell storing dagger. It adds +4 to the DC of the bearer's charm,
fire, and necromancy spells and has all the powers of a hat of disguise.
Source:Dragon #350

Darax's Staff
This staff of power was wielded by a mighty Oerdian wizard during the height of the Great
Kingdom of Aerdy. Darvax was an accomplished wizard with several personalized
teleportation spells, and with the staff he flitted about the Great Kingdom unearthing troves of
ancient lore and carefully spinning lies and spells to maintain the balance. He left on a planar
quest in his fortieth year and was never heard from again, although rumors of his staff surface
every few decades in strange documents found in other realms.

Easily recognized by the adamantine symbol of Boccob on its top end, the staff is made of a
black dragon's carved thighbone. In addition to the normal powers of the staff, it can also
create a disk of concordant opposition for 2 charges and automatically absorbs all magic
missile spells directed at the wielder. It is possible that the item has lost all of its charges and
is just a magical quarterstaff now, but given Darvax's skill it is likely he allowed for some
way to recharge it, especially given that he wielded it for years and wasn't shy about using it.
Source:Dragon #338

Originally gifts from Pelor to four solars who rescued a paladin from Hell itself, each
dawnstar is a +3 brilliant energy morningstar. If a dawnstar is ever sundered or otherwise
broken, it explodes, dealing 200 points of damage to everything within 10 feet, 150 points of
damage to everything within 20 feet, and 100 points of damage to everything within 30 feet.

All those affected can make DC 17 Reflex saves to reduce the damage by half. A dawnstar
has hardness 8 and 8 hp.

To use this relic, you must worship Pelor and either sacrifice a 7th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.

Strong transmutation; CL 16th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, continual
flame, gaseous form, creator must worship Pelor; Price 61,908 gp; Cost 31,108 + 2,464 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Ehlonna's Seed Pouch

This brown fur pouch appears to hold six ordinary acorns within it when examined. But when
a worshiper of Ehlonna flings an acorn from the pouch, she can make one of three things

 Create a treant (as the changestaff spell, but the treant emerges from the acorn)
anywhere it will physically fit.
 Create a wall of thorns (as the spell)
 Create an acorn grenade that be hurled up to 100 feet away, dealing 11d6 points of fire
damage (as the fire seeds spell, but the damage isn't split up among multiple acorns).

Every morning, there are six acorns in Ehlonna's seed pouch, no matter how many were there

To use this relic, you must worship Ehlonna and either sacrifice an 8th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 15 HD.

Moderate conjuration; CL 11th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, changestaff, fire seeds,
creator must worship Ehlonna; Price 93,800 gp; Weight 4 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Enveloping Pit
Centuries ago, Kurtulmak gave his high priesthood a half-dozen copies of a portable pit trap:
the enveloping pit. This functions like a portable hole, except that it is 50 feet deep. The
enveloping pit covers a 10-foot square when opened fully and shrinks down to a 1-foot hole. It
can be picked up and moved when it's at its smallest, and its owner can open or close it with a
command word from anywhere within 60 feet. An enveloping pit opens fully only if it has
enough flat space to do so; it halts when an edge hits a wall or other obstruction.
A common tactic is to lie in wait until foes are standing nearby a shrunk enveloping pit, and
then open it fully, dropping enemies into a pit that wasn't there a moment earlier. Those who
find an enveloping pit underneath them must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 22) or fall into the

To use this relic, you must worship Kurrulmak and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.

Strong conjuration; CL 16th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift, creator must
worship Kurrulmak; Price 33,600 gp.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Executioner's Hood
Originally one of three such hoods worn by Xeric IV, who publicly executed every member
of his own extended family two centuries ago, the executioner's hoods have been scattered
across the globe by tides of war and conquest. The wearer of an executioner's hood (which
takes up the head band body slot) can make a coup de grace attacks as a standard action rather
than a full action. Whenever he succeeds at a coup de grace attempt, he gains a +2 bonus to
Strength and Constitution for the next 5 minutes that is cumulative with each successful coup
de grace attempt (+10 max).

To use this relic, you must worship Erythnul and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.

Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, bear's endurance,
bull's strength, creator must worship Erythnul; Price 50,400 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Fragments of Vecna
Numerous other pieces of Vecna's body have surfaced over the years, each with significant
powers. While not true artifacts, these bits of mummified flesh have the power to corrupt
those who wear them, while giving them resistance to magic and unholy powers. Rumors hold
that some of the fingers from his right hand, his teeth, one of his feet, his heart, and possibly
even his head still linger, waiting to be found and attached by the power hungry.
Source:Dragon #348

Gauntlets of the Blood-Lord

These slick metal gauntlets slowly drip blood, seemingly from nowhere. They grant their
wearer a +4 luck bonus on melee touch attacks. Furthermore, any touch spell the wearer casts
is maximized as though using the Maximize Spell fear, although the spell doesn't use a
higher-level spell slot.

To use this relic, you must worship Hextor and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 11 HD

Strong universal; CL 17th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell, creator
must worship Hextor; Price 33,600 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Gauntlets of the Talon

It is said that this silvery spiked set of gauntlets was fashioned by Bahamut himself, then
given to the master of a now-defunct order of monks. A character wearing gauntlets of the
talon effectively has natural weapons that deal 1d8 points of slashing damage and count as
magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. If a monk dons the gauntlets of the
talon, she is treated as if she were five levels higher for purposes of AC, unarmed damage
(which now counts as slashing), and the monk's ki strike ability (this function stacks with the
similar functions of a monk's belt). Gauntlets of the talon function as ghost touch weapons for
the purpose of attacking incorporeal creatures. Finally, the wearer gains a +4 bonus on all
grapple checks.

To use this relic, you must worship Bahamut and either sacrifice a 4th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 7 HD.

Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Sancrify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, righteous might,
creator must worship Bahamut; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Gem of the Glitterdepth

This black, thousand-faceted gem is said to be carved by Garl Glittergold himself. Worn like a
brooch, a gem of the glitterdepth grants its owner a +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and the
instinctive knowledge of where the walls, ceiling, and floor are in any cavern he's in, no
matter how big the cavern is or what the illumination is.

To use this relic, you must worship Garl Glittergold and either sacrifice a 5th-level divine
spell slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.

Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, owl's wisdom,
creator must worship Garl Glittergold; Price 22,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Helm, Platinum
This smooth helm covers three-quarters of the face and is decorated with a dragon-wing

The original platinum helms were given to seven gold dragons that acted as Bahamut's
consorts, but they have since passed to his servants on the Material Plane. Anyone who wears
a platinum helm has the frightful presence of a dragon, potentially affecting everyone with
fewer Hit Dice within a 150-foot radius. Whenever the wearer of the platinum helm attacks,
foes must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 wearer's HD + wearer's Cha modifier) or be
panicked (foes of 4 or less HD) or shaken (foes of 5 or more HD) for 4d6 rounds. The wearer
also gains blindsense with a 60-foot range.

To use this relic, you must worship Bahamut and either sacrifice an 8th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 15 HD.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, shapechange, creator
must worship Bahamut; Price 64,000 gp; Weight 3 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Helm of the Purple Plume

Helms of the Purple Plume were originally given as trophies to the winners of jousting
tourneys among Heironeous's followers, but they have since been passed from noble knight to
brave squire through the centuries. A helm of the purple plume gives its wearer a +2 bonus to
Charisma. Not only is the wearer of the helm immune to fear, but exposure to fear emboldens
him further. Whenever the wearer is subject to a fear effect, he instead receives the benefit of
a heroism spell for 10 minutes.

To use this relic, you must worship Heironeous and either sacrifice a 5th-level divine spell
sloe or have the True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.

Moderate abjuration; CL 10th; Sancrify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, heroism, creator must
worship Heironeous; Price 22,000 gp; Weight 4 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Hooked Hammer of the Hearthfire

It is said that Garl Glittergold gave one of these weapons to each of twelve noble families
many centuries ago. Eight are believed to remain among the gnomes. This +2/+2 flaming
gnome hooked hammer becomes a +4 flaming burst/+4 flaming burst hooked hammer in the
hands of a gnome. The hooked hammer of the hearthfire automatically deals its flaming burst
damage every round to any kobold or goblinoid unfortunate enough to grasp its handle.

To use this relic, you must worship Garl Glittergold and either sacrifice a 7th-level divine
spell slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.

Strong evocation; CL 18th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, flame strike, creator
must worship Garl Glittergold; Price 35,600 gp; Cost 18,110 gp + 1,400 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Invulnerable Coat of Arnd

This fine chain shirt was either owned by or created by the legendary Oeridian hero Arnd of
Tdon, who established the first paladin orders of Heironeous among his people more than a
thousand years ago. The armor fully protects the wearer from any attack that hits it (although
the wearer's limbs are still vulnerable, so this is not complete protection). It is said to provide
resistance to acid, cold, electricity, and fire, as well as most magic. Various legends equate
other minor powers with it, although the sources conflict each other. The item is famous
outside of the church and many do not know its associations with Heironeous, but his
worshipers consider it a sacred artifact of the faith.
Source:Dragon #354

Kanteel of the Oldest

Olidammara occasionally lends this artifact to mortals or allows it to be stolen for a time. The
kanteel of the oldest gives a +5 competence bonus on bardic music checks. Using the
instrument's other powers require a minimum number of ranks in the Perform (string
instrument) skill. In the hands of a skilled user it can produce the following effects as if cast
by a 20th level bard: 1/day - charm monster (9 ranks, DC 18), crushing despair (9 ranks, DC
18), fog cloud (6 ranks), greater dispel magic (15 ranks), heroism (6 ranks), legend lore (12
ranks), major creation (12 ranks), programmed image (18 ranks), rage (6 ranks), vision (18

Olidammara can call the kanteel to his person at any time, even across planar barriers.
Strong (all schools); CL 20th; Weight 2 lb.
Source:Dragon #342

Mace of Saint Cuthbert

This bronzewood +5 disruption holy lawful heavy mace is the personal weapon of the god,
and he sometimes lends it to great mortal heroes (although he can recall it to himself at any
time, even across planar barriers). The mace has other powers (such as the ability to cast
searing light at will), sometimes varying with each time he sends it to Oerth. Several lesser
versions of this item exist, crafted by church blacksmiths over the past centuries (typically +1
holy or +1 axiomatic heavy maces). Some believe that any weapon of this type discovered in
the world is merely an homage to the original, not actually the god's own weapon, as common
sense dictates that Saint Cuthbert would not "lose" his weapon in the mortal world or leave it
around for anyone to find - if he wanted someone to have it, he would just give it to the
intended recipient. If this is true, it is entirely possible that several powerful maces exist in the
world bearing this name.

Malf Ulad's Divining Board

Whether the Suel mage-priest Malf Ulad created or discovered this device is unknown, but his
many years of unearthing prophecy and dodging\ disasters proved the item has significant
power. Built of lacquered cedar wood, the board consists of two hinged pieces covering an
area 2 feet on a side when fully opened. Nearly half an inch thick, the board is inlaid on the
edges with runes of gold and silver, and the top is covered in dozens of runes, arcane symbols,
and letters in various alphabets, either carved or inlaid with ivory.
To activate the board, the user places a large gem upon its surface and holds it with the tips of
his fingers (rumors have it that ioun stones are likely to give better results, with certain ioun
stones being more suitable for certain kinds of questions). The user calls out to the board in a
clear voice, asking a question about the past, present, or future. The board steers the gem
toward various symbols and letters, spelling out its answers. Because of the age of the
divining board, it is likely that it only responds to requests spoken in the dead Suloise
language (although it may be able to understand parts of the Cold Tongue spoken by Suel-
descended barbarians and the dialect of Suel spoken by the humans of the Lendore Isles).
The board's effects equal those of an augury spell, which may be used once per day. Once per
week, it may be used to perform a divination, and with a sacrifice of at least 500 gp worth of
rubies it can be used to cast commune. All information revealed by the divining board comes
from Wee Jas or her supernatural agents and is at least 90% accurate. If a gem is left on the
board when it is not being used, it sometimes rattles to warn its owner of danger approaching
within the hour. Its bearer gains a +5 luck bonus on all saving throws. Malf Ulad's fate is
unknown. He might have perished in the Rain of Colorless Fire or survived by becoming a
Suel lich. In either case, the divining board is likely buried somewhere in a ruin deep in the
Sea of Dust.
Source:Dragon #350

Map of Unseen Lands

This rolled-up sheet of vellum, often kept in a darkwood tube, is a boon to caravans of
halfling pilgrims, who use it to avoid danger and make their way through the wilderness.
Once per day, the map of unseen lands can be commanded to spend two minutes redrawing
itself, mapping the terrain within a 16-mile radius with total accuracy but only middling
detail. The DM should spend two minutes of real time sketching out such a map, working
down the following list in terms of priority:
 General terrain features (mountains, rivers, and so forth) labeled if their names are
widely known.
 Structures of more than 5,000 square feet (castles, temples, ruins) named either
specifically (Fortress of the Undying) or generally (bardic college).
 Structures important for travel (bridges, dungeon entrances, magic portals), labeled
only if they're unusual in some respect.
 Lairs of creatures with more than 15 Hit Dice, labeled by creature type only.

The map of unseen lands doesn't function underground.

To use this relic, you must worship Yondalla and either sacrifice a 5th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.

Strong divination; CL 15th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, discern location, creator
must worship Yondalla; Price 25,200 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Mask of Imontilo
This theater mask is white with black jewels around the eyes and a goatee-like formation of
precious stones under the mouth. Created by and named for a clever cleric of Olidammara, the
mask acts as a hat of disguise, goggles of night, and a cloak of Charisma +6. With these
powers Imontilo charmed his way into the beds and treasure troves of dozens of nobles,
including a drow high preistess.

After an unfortunate incident where he was walled up in a dungeon and left to die (at least
three poetic compositions tell this story) he had a wizard friend add to it the ability to use
dimension door and passwall once per day (CL 14th). In the decades since Imontilo's
disappearance the item has appeared in different hands, usually involved in some caper that is
only partially successful. Rumor has it the mask is now cursed, causing the sought-after prize
to fall from the wearers hands at the last minute and leaving only a hollow victory, but the
church denies this.

Strong conjuration, illusion, and transmutation; CL 14th; Weight 1 lb.

Source:Dragon #342

Although not a rare or single item, meersalm is a magical substance unique to the church of
Heironeous - a portion of the same coppery liquid the Invincible's mother, Stern Alia,
embalmed him in to make him invulnerable to weapons. Any creature that receives this
treatment (a carefully protected secret of the church) gains similar protection. Every temple
has a tiny amount of this wondrous material, used for certain ceremonies but kept within its
container. A member of the church who wishes to be embalmed with it must prove his
worthiness and pay for it to be manufactured in sufficient quantity for the ritual. Meersalm
gives the recipient damage reduction 10/adamantine, and if a weapon's damage is completely
absorbed the weapon might break (see the meersalm skin spell). This protection lasts for 1
year so long as the character upholds the tenets of Heironeous. Those who lose this protection
are ostracized by the church.
Source:Dragon #354

Millennial Chainmail
This suit of armor feels like mithral chainmail to the touch, but the miniscule rings are a pale
green, turning brighter when the millennial chainmail is in the sun. Millennial chainmail
functions as +3 chain mail, but it has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +8, an armor check
penalty of-2, and an arcane spell failure chance of 15%. It is considered light armor.
Millennial chainmail painlessly extends tiny green roots into the wearer's skin, granting fast
healing 3 as long as the wearer is standing in better than shadowy illumination.

To use this relic, you must worship Corellon Larethian and either sacrifice a 4th-level divine
spell slot or have the True Believer fear and at least 7 HD.

Moderate conjuration; CL 10th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, regenerate,
creator must worship Corellon Laretian; Price 18,800 gp; Cost 9,550 gp + 740 XP; Weight 20
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Morningstar of the Many

It is said that these morningstars have been dipped in the blood of creatures from every known
plane on the Great Wheel. Until the command word is spoken, the morningstar of the many is
a +2 morningstar covered with carved, laughing mouths. But once commanded into action, it
becomes a weapon that takes on a different set of weapon qualities each round:
Round Weapon Qualities
1 +4 anarchic morningstar
2 +4 wounding battleaxe
3 +4 unholy morningstar
4 +1 vorpal longsword
5 +4 flaming burst morningstar
6 +4 vicious shortspear

After the sixth round, the morningstar of the many is again a +2 morningstar until the
command word is given anew.

To use this relic, you must worship Erythnul and either sacrifice a 5th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 9HD.

Strong necromancy and evocation; CL 18th; Sanctity Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
circle of death, creator must worship Eryrhnul; Price 30,300 gp; Cost 15,304 gp + 1,200 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Norem,s Helm
This polished steel bascinet helm has a moveable dull gray steel visor resembling a stylized
hideous face. It is named for the Hextoran champion who wore it as part of a complete suit of
armor, leading many battles in the god's name before being disintegrated by a Heironean
deva-sorcerer's well-placed spell, leaving behind only his armor. The helm provides a +5
profane bonus to AC to anyone who wears it, fully protects the wearer against decapitation,
and has all the powers of a helm of telepathy. If the wearer is a worshiper of Hextor he also
gains a +3 insight bonus to AC. An especially devout wearer can communicate with the
lingering spirit of Norem once per day for tactical advice or historical knowledge (treat as
commune, but only when asking knowledge about battle or history).
The remaining pieces of the armor are lost, but church elders believe they retain magic and
have greater powers when recombined with others in the set.
Source:Dragon #356

Norem's Helm
A relic of Hextor. This polished steel bascinet helm has a moveable dull gray steel visor
resembling a stylized hideous face. It is named for the Hextoran champion who wore it as part
of a complete suit of armor, leading many battles in the god's name before being disintegrated
by a Heironean deva-sorcerer's well-placed spell, leaving behind only his armor. The helm
provides a +5 profane bonus to AC to anyone who wears it, fully protects the wearer against
decapitation, and has all the powers of a helm of telepathy. If the wearer is a worshiper of
Hextor he also gains a +3 insight bonus to AC. An especially devout wearer can communicate
with the lingering spirit of Norem once per day for tactical advice or historical knowledge
(treat as commune, but only when asking for knowledge about battle or history).

The remaining pieces of the armor are lost, but church elders believe they retain magic and
have greater powers when recombined with others in the set.
Source:Dragon #356

Pipes of Frenzied Revelry

These pipes, created by a secretive order of bard/clerics devoted to Olidammara, require the
piper to succeed on a DC 20 Perform (wind instruments) check each round to function
properly. If the check succeeds, any living creature within 30 feet of the piper must succeed
on a DC 16 Will save or suffer a confusion effect - with one exception. Whenever the die roll
calls for the subject to attack someone, the subject nakes a mildly amorous advance (such as
an embrace or kiss) instead. The effect lasts as long as the subject remains within 30 feet of
the piper. If the piper is interrupted or fails a Perform check, then resumes piping with a
successful check, creatures within 30 feet get to make new save attempts. Subjects who
successfully save are thereafter immune to the pipes of frenzied revelry for 24 hours.

To use this relic, you must worship Olidammara and either sacrifice a 5th-level divine spell
slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 9 HD

Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, confusion, creator must
worship Olidammara; Price 22,320 gp; Cost 11,320gp + 880 XP; Weight 3 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Rapier of Desperate Measures

Olidammara awards one of these nondescript rapiers when the whim strikes him. A rapier of
desperate measures has only the faintest magic aura about it and seems otherwise ordinary,
except for an inscription near the base of the blade: "Don't be careful." This +2 keen rapier
becomes a +4 keen rapier if its wielder has less than half of his full normal hit points and a
+5 vicious keen rapier if its wielder has less than one-quarter of his full normal hit points.

To use this relic, you must worship Olidammara and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell
slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.

Faint transmutation; CL 9th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge, creator
must worship Olidammara; Price 23,920 gp; Cost: 16,960 gp.
Source:Magic Item Compendium
Rapier of Unerring Direction
Originally a gift to Fharlanghn from Olidammara, this rapier has been copied several times by
Fharlanghn's most powerful clerics. This +4 ghost touch rapier ignores all miss chances,
whether from concealment, blink, or another source.

To use this relic, you must worship Fharlanghn and either sacrifice a 7th-level divine spell
slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.

Strong divination; CL 15th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, true seeing, creator
must worship Fharlanghn; Price 35,600 gp; Cost 17,920 gp + 1,412 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Razor Bands of the Archmage

This powerful magic item is held in high esteem by the church of Boccob, for it received a
blessing from the god himself during an encounter on a remote plane. The item is a steel orb
about 3 inches across, graven with lines, spirals, and a single instance of Boccob's symbol. It
orbits its bearer's head like an ioun stone and provides a +6 enhancement bonus to
Intelligence when doing so. The orb is also an offensive weapon, unfolding into a tangle of
razor-sharp loops on command and functioning like iron bands of Bilarro.

Any creature held by the razor bands cannot use any spell effects of 4th level or lower, just as
if it were within an enemy's globe of invulnerability; this globelike effect only affects a 10-
foot-diameter sphere, but the bearer's spells can penetrate it as if he had cast the spell. A
creature caught in the bands takes 1d8+4 points of slashing damage per round (the item is
considered a magic weapon for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction). The bands are
flexible and hard to break; a creature can escape them with a DC 30 Escape Artist or Strength
check, but to actually break them requires a successful DC 40 Strength check.
Source:Dragon #338

Red Thunderbolt
This +2 shocking thundering battleaxe is made of magically hardened copper and inscribed
with Heironeous' symbol. It has all the properties of a holy avenger, damages creatures as if it
were silver, and sheds light (as per the spell). Forged and wielded by the paladin Azkava Mor
two centuries ago, he used it to battle servants of Hextor and mighty devils, once even
traveling into the Nine Hells of Baator itself to reclaim a magical coffer containing the souls
of seven righteous priests. When he fell to a trio of pit fiends the axe vanished, perhaps
spirited away by an angel of Heironeous. Visions of the axe sometimes guide young paladins
to a great destiny.
Source:Dragon #354

Robe of Ebonsilk
Said to be woven from silk extruded by Lolth herself, a robe of ebonsilk gives the wearer a +8
armor bonus, a +4 resistance bonus on all saving throws, and continual spider climb and
freedom of movement effects.

To use this relic, you must worship Lolth and either sacrifice an 8th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer fear and at least 15 HD.
Strong abjuration; CL 15th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement,
spider climb, creator must worship Lolth; Price 134,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source:Complete Divine

Rod of Reversal
This steel rod looks like a length of thick chain, but it doesn't bend even the slightest. On
command, it automatically reflects the next nine levels of spells cast at the wearer, exactly as
if spell turning had been cast upon the wearer. It also grants its wielder the Improved
Counterspelling feat.

Turning a spell changes the rod of reversal's color, depending on the school of the spell

School Color
Abjuration Blue
Conjuration Yellow
Divination Indigo
Enchantment Green
Evocation Red
Illusion Violet
Necromancy Black
Transmutation Orange

To use this relic, you must worship Boccob and either sacrifice an 8th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 15 HD.

Strong abjuration; CL 15th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Rod, spell turning, creator must worship
Boccob; Price 132,000 gp; Weight 5 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Rod of the Recluse

This rod, wielded by some of Lolth's high priestesses, resembles a giant spider leg with its
segmentations and coarse, black hairs. It acts as a +3 light mace that deals no hit point
damage. Instead, the wielder injects a poison that deals 2d6 points of Strength damage to any
creature she touches with the rod (by making a melee touch attack). Like any poison, the
damage repeats 1 minute later. If she scores a critical hit, the damage from that hit (both initial
and secondary) is ability drain. In either case, the defender negates the effect with a DC 20
Fortitude save.

To use this relic, you must worship Lolth and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.

Strong necromancy; CL 16th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Rod, poison, creator must worship Lolrh;
Price 33,600 gp; Cost 16,953 gp + 1,332 XP; Weight 5 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Rod of the Whispered One

This rod of bone and metal looks like a skeletal human hand clutching a sphere of swirled iron
and gold. Designed to allow Vecna's lieutenants to maintain order while he was away from his
throne, it functions as a rod of rulership (DC 20) and once per day can be used as a crystal
ball (up to 10 minutes scrying, DC 20 to resist). When used to scry, all clerics of Vecna within
10 miles are aware of it (as well as Vecna himself, regardless of distance or planar
boundaries), and any scrying attempts against the user are automatically successful (as if he
had failed his saving throw against the scry). Vecnas cultists have a ritual of human sacrifice
that allows them to restore spent charges from the rulership ability; even when the available
uses of the ability are spent it remains a viable scrying device (it does not crumble to dust like
a typical rod of rulership).
Source:Dragon #348

Ronnam's Icon
This item is named for the Pelorian cleric who carried it for many years. Although
apprenticed to a smith, he had little talent for that job and joined Pelor's clergy when his
guildmaster grew frustrated with him. Ronnam took to the priesthood like he was born for it
and helped build several temples, including the main Pelorian temple in the City of
Greyhawk. Always friendly and humble, he made his own holy symbol and displayed it
proudly at all times despite its obvious flaws - a subtle rebuke to those who pursued only
beauty, and a reminder that Pelor's light is even in ugly things. He willed the icon to one of
his students when he died, and it has since passed through many hands.
The icon is a crudely-made bronze holy symbol of Pelor on an unexceptional gold chain.
Originally, the sun-face had twenty rays, but today only twelve remain. It counts as a divine
focus for any worshiper of Pelor. For a good wearer it acts as a phylactery of undead turning
and provides a +3 sacred bonus on saving throws. If a good cleric of Pelor breaks off one of
the sunrays from the item, that ray slowly melts away over the course of a year like an icicle,
leaving behind one drop of pure gold per day (worth 1 gp). Traditionally, this gold is used to
provide some monetary relief to those in extreme need. No one knows what will happen to the
icon when the last sunray is removed. Devlim Handorgan, an adventuring cleric planning a
raid on Iuz's territory, last carried the icon. He and his fellows have not been seen since they
entered the lands of the Old One two years ago.
Source:Dragon #346

Royal Firemage Gown

This elaborate feminine gown is a work of art, decorated in tiny jewels, threads of precious
metals, and exotic fabric. Lost since the destruction of the Suel empire, it was recovered from
the eastern fringes ofthe Sea of Dust by Temeria, an adventuring wizard and one of the lesser
daughters of a previous Gynarch of Hardby. This brave and headstrong woman first wore it to
a formal ball in the City of Greyhawk in 490 CY, and when news of it reached Wee Jas's high
priestess in Hardby a few divination spells revealed its origin as an item from the Suel royal
house. Although she wished to keep it for herself, at her mother's insistence Temeria
eventually gifted the gown to the temple as a gesture of good will and alliance between the
Gynarch and the church. The gown was worn in public on three occasions by two successive
high priestesses but has not been seen for nearly 30 years. It might have been lost while in
transit to another church or stolen by skilled thieves.
The gown is the equivalent of a neutral robe of the archmagi. The wearer gains fire resistance
30, +4 competence bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks, and as a standard action can
activate a fire shield (cold or hot) upon herself once per day. None of these powers functions
unless a female wears the gown. Unlike most magical robes it is rather bulky, weighing 20
pounds and reducing the wearer's movement rate as if it were medium armor.
Source:Dragon #350

Ruby Blade
These deep red, crystal daggers are said to be plucked from the gems on the hem of Wee Jas's
gown. Each ruby blade is a +3 axiomatic dagger that enables its wielder to bolster, rebuke, or
command undead as if her class level were four levels higher than it actually is. It also has a
continuous status effect.

To use this relic, you must worship Wee Jas and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer fear and at least 11 HD.

Moderate evocation; CL 11th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, order's wrath,
status, creator must worship Wee Jas; Price 46,902 gp; Cost 23,602 gp + 1,864 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Scrolls of Uncertain Provenance

These bundles of rough parchment have long been associated with Wee Jas, although even her
lorekeepers don't know where the first ones came from. Their name is something of a
misnomer: The scrolls of uncertain provenance are not spells stored in written form. Instead,
they are a collection of death-obsessed writings in an unknown hand. Those who can
command the lore with a set of scrolls of uncertain provenance, it is said, have power over life
and death itself.

But there are several barriers to understanding the lore of the scrolls. To begin with, they're
written in nearly every language, ancient and modern, and they sometimes switch languages
within the same sentence. One hour of reading allows a DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check to
learn anything useful from the scrolls, with a +2 bonus for every language the reader speaks.
Multiple readers can assist one another in translation, lending the languages they know
automatically, but they share in the risk as well (detailed below). Read magic and comprehend
languages spells don't help a reader understand the scrolls, so cryptic are their wisdom. A
reader - or at least one reader if a group is translating together - must worship Wee Jas to get
anything at all from the scrolls.

The second barrier to reading scrolls of uncertain provenance is that the reader often draws
near to the border between life and death himself. Whenever someone spends an hour reading
scrolls of uncertain provenance, they must roll on the following table whether or not they
learn anything useful.

d% Effect
01-10 DC 20 Will save or go insane (as the insanity spell).
11-30 DC 20 Will save or the scrolls bestow greater curse upon you.
31-60 DC 20 Will save to receive a geas/quest to perform for Wee Jas.
61-90 Take 1 d6 negative levels as energy drain (DC 20 Fort save negates after 24 hours)
91-100 DC 20 Fortitude save or become a ghost for a year and a day.

While the risks of reading scrolls of uncertain provenance are great, so too are the rewards. A
character who successfully reads from the scrolls for the listed time can choose from the
following benefits.
Time Benefit
1 hour Renewal pact for yourself
2 hours Renewal pact for another
3 hours Death pact for yourself
4 hours Death pact for another
6 hours True resurrection (and the scrolls disappear)

To use this relic, at least one reader must worship Wee Jas and either sacrifice an 8th-level
divine spell slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 15 HD.

Strong necromancy; CL 15th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, death pact, renewal pact,
true resurrection, creator must worship Wee Jas; Price 118,000 gp; Weight 10 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Shard of the Sun

This brightly glowing holy symbol of Pelor is mentioned in many religious texts as "Pelor's
gift, which I carry into darkness - a sun that never sets." It continuously emits a warm light
equivalent to a daylight spell heightened to 5th level (the symbol must be covered compterely
to douse the light). On command three times per day, the shard of the sun blasts forth four
beams of light that each deal 10d6 points of damage to undead, 5d6 points of damage to
constructs and objects, and 5d8 points of damage to other creatures. Creatures particularly
vulnerable to bright light, such as vampires, take 10d8 points of damage.

To use this relic, you must worship Pelor and either sacrifice an 8th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 15 HD.

Moderate evocation; CL 11th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, daylight, searing light,
creator must worship Pelor; Price 73,280 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Shield of the Resolute

This +2 mithral moderate fortification heavy shield is made from hundreds of strips of
mithral, each a different size, riveted together. It is said that shields of the resolute are
assembled from pieces of shields from hundreds of dwarves who fell in battle defending their
homelands. Goblinoids and giants within 30 feet who gaze upon a shield of the resolute must
succeed on a Will save (DC 17) or be shaken (if they have the same or more HD than the
wielder) or frightened (if they have fewer HD). This functions like a gaze attack, so the
goblinoids and giants must make saves at the beginning of their turns every round unless they
take measures to avoid seeing the shield of the resolute (see gaze attack rules).

To use this relic, you must worship Moradin and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.

Strong abjuration; CL 15th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fear, limited wish
or miracle, creator must worship Moradin; Price 89,620 gp; Cost 45,320 gp + 3,544 XP;
Weight 7-1/2 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium
Shield of the Severed Hand
This shield's provenance is unrecorded, but it is named for the gory, dripping hand
emblazoned on it. The shield of the severed hand is a +4 heavy wooden shield that gives its
wielder a free bull-rush attempt at a +4 bonus once per round when the shield is struck in
melee by a (in other words, when the +6 bonus from the shield was the difference between
hitting and missing). When the foe hits the shield, make an immediate bull rush attempt, even
if it isn't your turn; you can follow the opponent who gets pushed back if you wish. You can't
fall prone during this attempt.

To use this relic, you must worship Gruumsh and either sacrifice a 4th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 7 HD.

Strong evocation; CL 18th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Bigby's forceful
hand, creator must worship Gruumsh; Price 24,800 gp; Cost 12,479 gp + 986 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

This Small +3 unholy gnomebane spear is quasi-sentient and can ready itself against a
charge, attacking (and dealing double damage) automatically whenever a foe charges the
wielder. The attack uses the wielder's highest base attack bonus and all relevant modifiers,
just as if the wielder were making an attack of opportunity.

To use this relic, you must worship Kurrulmak and either sacrifice a 7th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.

Strong evocation; CL 20th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, unholy blight,
creator must worship Kurrulmak; Price 61,900 gp; Cost 31,101 gp + 2,464 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Spear of Retribution
Once in a great while, Gruumsh flings a spear at a cleric he's annoyed with. If that cleric then
atones for the transgression and keeps the spear, it becomes a spear of retribution. This +2
spear of returning becomes a +4 spear of returning whenever its wielder attacks someone
who dealt damage to the wielder in the previous round. If the wielder received a critical hit in
the last round from the target, the spear of retribution becomes a +5 keen spear of returning
against that foe.

To use this relic, you must worship Gruumsh and either sacrifice a 5th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.

Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, telekinesis,
creator must worship Gruumsh; Price 14,000 gp; Cost 7,151 gp + 548 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Sphere of Time Scrying

This crystal ball with special powers dates back almost to the end of the Suel empire.
Although its command words are in Draconic, magical tests show that the spells used in its
creation bear spell fragments common to Suloise wizardry, and most scholars believe the item
was created by a Suel wizard or recent expatriate who was traveling outside his homeland.
The sphere is usually a blue or green color, but sometimes turns red or even deep violet when
used. In addition to the ability to use detect thoughts on creatures scried with it, once per day
on command it will answer one question (asked in Draconic) about a viewed creature as if
using the divination spell, except the wearer may only use the question to learn about the
creature's past instead of its future. At some point cleric of Boccob attached a new feature to
the item; anyone bearing the sphere receives a +5 insight bonus on saves to avoid being the
subject of a scrying spell or similar magic. The existence of this additional property is
concealed with a variant of Nystul's magic aura that affects only this property.
Source:Dragon #338

Spying Eye of Olidammara

This platinum ring of protection +3 is engraved with the mask-symbol of the Laughing Rogue
flanked by a wine bottle on either side. It functions as a ring of feather falling and a ring of
improved jumping. Once per day it can be used to scry a creature as if using the scrying spell
or create a set of prying eyes (DC 14, CL 10th).

The ring actually began as a luxury item for Vax the Valorous, an adventurer turned bandit
turned innkeeper who wanted easy access to the comforts of life. It has two non-combat
features that function automatically and at will - any liquid drunk with the hand wearing the
ring tastes like fine wine, and any food eaten with that hand (whether directly or with a
utensil) tastes excellent, defaulting to something appropriate for the temperature and texture
of what is being eaten. This pair of abilities allows the wearer to drink foul water and eat
spoiled meat, clods of dirt, or even the gruel made by Murlynd's spoon with a smile on his
face (although the ring does not make the substance safe to eat in any way). When Vax died
he left the ring for his son, Tellik, who became a bard and traveled much of the world. After
Tellik's death in a mountainous dungeon his friends brought his body back to the
Olidammaran temple in a nearby city and donated his equipment to the temple. Since that
time, the ring has been a legacy item of the church, whose members have added various other
abilities over the years.

Moderate divination and transmutation; CL 10th; Weight -.

Source:Dragon #342

Staff of the Unyielding Oak

These staffs, of which three are known to exist, are treants that have willingly bound
themselves into quarterstaff form to aid Obad-Hai's followers. This ability functions like the
changestaff spell, except that the treant is fully real and can control trees and speak to other
treants. If the staff of the unyielding oak is reduced to 0 or less hit points, it reverts to staff
form and can't be used again for twenty-eight days.

The staff can take treant form as often as you like, but it must spend at least half of each day
(dawn to dawn) in staff form.

To use this relic, you must worship Obad-Hai and either sacrifice an 8th-level divine spell slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 15 HD.

Strong transmutation; CL 15th, Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, changestaff, creator
must worship Obad-Hai; Price 81,600 gp; Cost 41,100 gp + 3,240 XP; Weight 4 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium
Sword of Mighty Thews
Kord's high clerics forged these greatswords as homages to Kord's signature weapon, Kelmar.
A sword of mighty thews is a +3 dragonbane greatsword that renders its wielder immune to a
dragon's frightful presence and confers a +4 luck bonus on Reflex saves against a dragon's
breath weapon.

To use this relic, you must worship Kord and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.

Strong abjuration; CL 18th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, resistance, creator
must worship Kord; Price 45,600 gp; Cost 22,975 gp + 1,810 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Sword of Virtue beyond Reproach

This golden +3 holy longsword, one of four commissioned from celestial dwarves by the
great paladin Tardalius the Headstrong, grants its wearer a measure of respite from charms
and compulsions. If the wielder of a sword of virtue beyond reproach fails a save against a
charm or compulsion, she is free from the effects of the charm or compulsion for 1d4 rounds
(DM rolls secretly). The charm or compulsion is not negated during this time, only
suppressed. When the 1d4 rounds are over, the character who failed the Will save begins to
act on any commands received during previous rounds.

To use this relic, you must worship Heironeous and either sacrifice an 8th-level divine spell
slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 15 HD.

Strong abjuration; CL 20th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, mind blank, creator
must worship Heironeous; Price 50,000 gp; Cost 25,157 gp + 1,988 XP.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Tabard of the Disembodied

This tabard, said to be among the burial raiments of Shedlazzar IV, takes wearer to the
Ethereal Plane on command (as the ethereal jaunt spell) for up to 10 rounds per day, which
need not be continuous. The effect is dismissible. While on the Ethereal Plane, the spells you
cast affect the Material Plane normally, unlike those of spellcasters who reach the Ethereal
Plane by another means.

To use this relic, you must worship Nerull and either sacrifice a 7th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer fear and at least 13 HD.

Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, ethereal jaunt,
creator must worship Nerull; Price 68,600 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Tabard of the Great Crusade

This simple white tabard bears Saint Cuthbert's starburst symbol on the right breast. It was
once worn by Mar the Barehanded, a great paladin of the stars who discovered a heretical
Cuthbertine cult and forced them all to convert to the proper teachings of the faith or face his
wrath. In the four years it took to eradicate the cult (by conversion and killing), Mar saved the
lives of dozens of church heroes and inspired thousands more to join the cause. He died an old
man in his bed and was buried with his armor and tabard, but his tomb was later defiled and
looted by the church of Nerull, and most believe the item is still in their possession
somewhere. The wearer of the tabard can cast daylight and prayer once per day, cure minor
wounds twenty times per day, and gains a +5 natural armor bonus. It slowly cleans itself over
time, becoming pristine and white again in at most 24 hours from when it was dirtied. It
counts as a shirt for the purpose of magic item spaces on the body.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Tome of Ancient Lore

Allegedly penned by Boccob himself and "borrowed" from his library, this leather-bound
book is overstuffed with yellowing sheets of parchment. Its magical pages contain every
conceivable spell, but the tome of ancient lore (and copies made since the original left
Boccob's library) is cursed with a deliberately confusing, everchanging system of cross-
referencing. The pages within the tome rearrange themselves, apparently at random. Finding
anything useful by browsing is impossible, but a reader who uses the index at the back has a
90% chance of finding any arcane spell within the tome's pages (retries for the same spell
within 24 hours fail). Spells read from the tome of ancient lore take half as long to prepare as
To use this relic, you must worship Boccob and either sacrifice a 5-th level divine spe11 slot
or have the True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.
Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, secret page, creator
must worship Boccob; Price 22,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Tome of Shared Secrets

A lesser artifact devised to gather information, this is a book of modest size, appearing as a
simple illustrated bestiary. If a reader slices open his hand and places it on a creature's page,
he gains a +4 competence bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws against
creatures of that kind (such as "green dragons," "pit fiends," or "vampires") for six days. Each
time the book's power is used in this way it drains 1 point of Constitution. Restoring this loss
before the duration of the bonus expires causes the bonus to end prematurely. A reader
reduced to 0 Consitution in this manner dies, his soul goes to Vecna, and his body animates as
a mindless zombie.
Source:Dragon #348

Tome of the Stilled Tongue

This thick manuscript has a learherbound cover with a gory decoration: a desiccated tongue
nailed to the front of the book (belonging to a former cleric of Vecna who couldn't keep her
order's secrets). Five copies are known to exist. A tome of the stilled tongue contains
instructions for creating a lich's phylactery and 2d4 wizard spells of each level 6th through
9th. It also contains 500 blank spell pages that function as those in Boccob's blessed book.
The tome of the stilled tongue also contains directions for eldritch mental exercises designed
to strengthen one's spellcasting.
Anyone who reads this section of the tome, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of
six days, increases his effective caster level by 2 for purposes of determining level-dependent
spell variables (such as damage or range) and for caster level checks. However, the exercises
are mystically strenuous, permanently reducing the reader's Constitution score by 2.
To use this relic, you must worship Vecna and either sacrifice a 7th-level divine spell slot or
have the True Believer feat and at least 13 HD.
Strong transmutation; CL 17th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, Scribe Scroll, secret
page, creator must worship Vecna; Price 34,850 gp; Weight 5 lb.
Source:Magic Item Compendium

Trumpet of Acheron
A relic of Hextor. This item sometimes appears as an ivory horn and sometimes as a brass
trumpet, but it is always decorated with arrow symbols and a simple grid pattern on part of its
outer surface. This item is another gift from the Lords of Evil and normally carried by Hextor
himself but he sometimes awards it to worthy champions or places it in the mortal world to
confound the forces of good. Once every six days, its bearer can blow the horn to call 6d10
human skeletons to serve him for 1 hour (they crumble if destroyed or if this time elapses).
Every six years it can instead be used to summon 6d100 human skeletons and 3d100 zombies,
which serve for 24 hours. Hextor normally sends the horn to the mortal world when this
greater power is available, usually to some aspiring warlord. If the person blowing the horn
has a good alignment, the conjured undead attack him rather than serve him.
Source:Dragon #356

Trumpet of Acheron
This item sometimes appears as an ivory horn and sometimes as a brass trumpet, but it is
always decorated with arrow symbols and a simple grid pattern on part of its outer surface.
This item is another gift from the Lords of Evil and normally carried by Hextor himself, but
he sometimes awards it to worthy champions or places it in the mortal world to confound the
forces of good. Once every six days, its bearer can blow the horn to call 6d10 human
skeletons to serve him for 1 hour (they crumble if destroyed or if this time elapses). Every six
years it can instead be used to summon 6d100 human skeletons and 3d100 zombies, which
serve for 24 hours. Hextor normally sends the horn to the mortal world when this greater
power is available, usually to some aspiring warlord. If the person blowing the horn has a
good alignment, the conjured undead attack him rather than serve him.
Source:Dragon #356

Unholy Bloodshield
This +4 mithral spiked buckler drips blood and trails gray energy whenever the wielder is
angry or severely wounded. Its spikes are actually six iron arrows projecting through the
metal of the shield (paralleling the design of Hextor's holy symbol). On command it changes
to a +4 mithral spiked light shield and the spikes gain the wounding property (the spikes are
not useable unless in light shield form). For many years, this item was stored in the Battlehall
of the Unholy Bloodshield in the palace at Rauxes (which was also the headquarters of the
legion sharing the item's name), but it vanished around the time of the mysterious attack that
ruined the capital. It has been missing ever since, with no signs or even any substantiated
rumors placing it in the hands of anyone else. The shield (in either form) counts as a holy
symbol of Hextor for anyone who casts divine spells.
Source:Dragon #356

Unholy Bloodshield
This +4 mithral spiked buckler drips blood and trails gray energy whenever the wielder is
angry or severely wounded. Its spikes are actually six iron arrows projecting through the
metal of the shield (paralleling the design of Hextor's holy symbol). On command it changes
to a +4 mithral spiked light shield and the spikes gain the wounding property (the spikes are
not useable unless in light shield form). For many years, this item was stored in the Battlehall
of the Unholy Bloodshield in the palace at Rauxes (which was also the headquarters ofthe
legion sharing the item's name), but it vanished around the time of the mysterious attack that
ruined the capital. It has been missing ever since, with no signs or even any substantiated
rumors placing it in the hands of anyone else. The shield (in either form) counts as a holy
symbol of Hextor for anyone who casts divine spells.
Source:Dragon #356

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