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The document discusses the structural design and analysis of unreinforced masonry structures based on the Indian code IS: 1905.

It discusses the materials, design considerations, structural design approach and provides an example of designing an unreinforced masonry shear wall for flexure and shear.

The design is checked for two load combinations - one with wind load and one with seismic load. The bending moment and axial load are calculated and the section is checked for tension and shear as per the code provisions.

Document No. :: IITK-GSDMA-EQ12-V4.

Final Report :: A - Earthquake Codes
IITK-GSDMA Project on Building Codes

Structural Use of Unreinforced



Dr. Durgesh C. Rai

Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

With assistance from

Mr. Sandeep Pal

Ms. Ami Patwa
Mr. Samaresh Paikara
Mr. Ashish Narayan
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Code &Commentary IS:1905

• This document has been made available as a “Draft for Comment”

and is not ready for use. It is still in development stage as a part of
ongoing project on Building Codes sponsored by Gujarat State
Disaster Management Authority, Gandhinagar at Indian Institute of
Technology Kanpur.
• The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and not
necessarily of the GSDMA, the World Bank, IIT Kanpur, or the Bureau
of Indian Standards.
• Comments and feedbacks may please be forwarded to:
Prof. Sudhir K Jain, Dept. of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016, email:;

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Code &Commentary IS:1905



0. – FOREWORD .........................................1 5.6 – Permissible Stresses 59
5.6.1 – Basic Compressive stress 59
1. – SCOPE ..................................................5 5.6.2 – Permissible Compressive
1.1 – ..........................................................5 Stress……………………………….60
1.2 – ..........................................................5 5.7 – Combined Permissible Axial and
Flexural Compressive
2. – TERMINOLOGY ....................................6 Stresses…………2066
5.7.1 – …………………………………..66
3. – MATERIALS ........................................16 5.8 – Permissible Tensile Stress.........2067
3.1 – Masonry Units ................................16 5.9 – Permissible Shear Stress...............70
3.1.1 – .................................................17 5.10 – Design Criteria .............................70
3.1.2 – .................................................17
3.2 – Mortar.............................................17 6. – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .........2077
3.2.1 – .................................................18 6.1 –Methods of construction..............2078
3.2.2 – Selection of Mortar ..................19 6.2 – Minimum Thickness of Walls from
3.3 – Material Properties.....................2021 Consideration other than Structural2078
3.3.1 – General................................2021 6.3 – Workmanship.............................2081
3.3.2 - Elastic modulus ....................2021 6.3.1 – General ...............................2081
3.3.3 – Shear modulus ....................2022 6.3.2 – Bedding of Masonry unit .....2081
6.3.3 – Bond ....................................2081
4. – DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS .........2023 6.3.4 – Verticality and alingnment...2081
4.1 – General ......................................2023 6.4 – Joints to control deformation and
4.2 – Lateral Supports and Stability....2023 cracking ..........................................2086
4.3 – Effective Height..........................2033 6.5 – Chases, Recesses and Holes ...2081
4.3.1 –Wall ......................................2033 6.6 – Corbelling...................................2086
4.3.2 – Column ................................2034 7. – Seismic Design RequirementsError! Bookmark not define
4.3.3 – Openings in Walls ...............2035 7.1 –ScopeError! Bookmark not defined.Error! Bookmark
4.4 – Effective Length .........................2038 7.2 – Different Performance Levels of
4.5 – Effective Thickness ....................2038 Masonry Shear WallsError! Bookmark not defined.Error
4.6 – Effective Length .........................2038
4.7 – Slenderness Ratio......................2042 8. – NOTATIONS AND SYMBOLS ....208889
4.8 –Minimum Design Dimention........2044
Appendix A .........................................208990
5. – STRUCTURAL DESIGN......................46 (Clause 4.8) ....................................208990
5.1 – General ..........................................46 Appendix B .........................................209091
5.2 – Design loads ..................................51 Appendix C .........................................209091
5.2.1 – Dead Loads………………........52 Appendix D .........................................209192
5.2.2 – Live Loads and Wind Loads….52 Appendix E .........................................209192
5.2.3 – Seismic Loads……………...….52
5.2.4 – Load Combinations……………52
5.2.5 – Permissible Stresses and
Loads……………………………. 52
5.3 – Vertical Load Dispersion............2053
5.3.1 – General................................2053
5.3.2 – Arching Action .....................2053
5.3.3 – Lintels ..................................2055
5.4 – Lateral Load Distribution............2058
5.5 – Basic Compressive Strength of
5.5.1 – Unit Strength Method ..........2059
5.5.2 – Prism Test Method ..............2059

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Ex. Title Design Issue Page

No. No.
1. Design of a hall subjected to Check for in-plane flexural and shear 99-103
wind load stresses due to gravity and wind loads,
Determination of grade of mortar for long
wall and cross wall
2. Design of a diaphragm type Determination of permissible height of 104-105
free standing wall diaphragm wall for specified masonry type
(grade of mortar and brick units)
3. Design of wall of a room with Check for in-plane flexural and shear 106-108
opening stresses for a clay brick masonry wall with
door opening, Determination of grade of
4. Design of a unreinforced Check for in-plane flexural tensile and 109-111
cross wall for wind load shear stresses, Determination of grade of
mortar for cross wall
5 Design of unreinforced shear Check for tensile and shear stresses for 112-113
wall for in-plane shear and masonry wall subjected to wind and
flexure earthquake load

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

0. – Foreword C0. – Foreword
0.1 –
This Indian Standard (Third Revision) was
adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on
30 August 1987, after the draft finalized by the
Structural Safety Sectional Committee had
been approved by the Civil Engineering
Division Council.
This draft revision of IS: 1905 is prepared as a
project entitled “Review of building codes and
Handbook” awarded to IIT Kanpur by GSDMA,
Gandhinagar through World Bank Finances.

0.2 –
Structural adequacy of masonry walls depends
upon a number of factors, among which
mention may be made of quality and strength
of masonry units and mortars, workmanship,
methods of bonding, unsupported height of
walls, eccentricity in the loading, position and
size of openings in walls: location of cross
walls and the combination of various external
loads to which walls are subjected.

0.3 –
This code was first published in 1961. In its
revision in 1969, basic compressive stresses
and stress factors for slenderness were
modified resulting in increased permissible
stresses in load bearing brick and block walls.
Subsequently two more revisions were
published in 1980 & 1987. The following major
changes were made in its second revision:
a) Use of stones (in regular sized units),
concrete blocks, lime based blocks and
hollow blocks were included as masonry
b) Mix proportions and compressive strengths
of mortars used in masonry were revised;
c) Optimum mortar mixes for maximum
strength of masonry for units of various
strengths were indicated;
d) Provisions for lateral supports to walls had
been amplified so as to include stability
e) Conditions of support for calculation of
effective height of masonry walls and
columns, and effective length of masonry
walls were spelt out more clearly;
f) Maximum allowable slenderness ratio for
load bearing walls was increased;
g) In case of free-standing walls, height to

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

thickness ratios were indicated for different
wind pressures, based upon requirements
for stability;
h) Basic compressive stresses for masonry
members were modified so that strength of
masonry units correspond to revised values
of brick crushing strength specified in
i) Formula for calculating area reduction
factor was modified;
j) Angle of dispersion of concentrated loads,
from the direction of such loads was
changed from 45° to 30°;
k) Provisions relating to shape modification
factors for masonry units other than
common bricks were amplified;
l) Values of permissible shear stress was
related to the actual compressive stresses
in masonry due to dead loads;
m) Provisions on ‘corbelling’ were amplified.

*Specification for common burnt clay building

bricks (Fourth Revision).

0.4 –
The present revision is intended to further
modify certain provisions as a result of
experience gained with the use of the second
revision of the standard. The following major
changes have been made in this revision.
(i) The requirements of a masonry element for
stability have been modified.
(ii) In the design of a free standing wall,
provision has been made for taking
advantage of the tensile resistance in
masonry under certain conditions.
(iii)Provision regarding effective height of a
masonry wall between openings has been
(iv)Method of working out effective height of a
wall with a membrane type DPC has been
(v)Criteria for working out effective length of
wall having openings have been modified.
(vi)Some general guidelines have been given
for dealing with concentrated loads for
design of walls.
(vii)Provisions regarding cutting and chases in
walls have been amplified.
(viii)The title has been changed for the sake of
greater clarity.

0.5 – C0.5 -
The following major changes have been Unlike previous versions of this code, this new
introduced in the present fourth revision : version addresses both unreinforced and
(a) Permissible stresses in masonry reinforced masonry.
whenever applicable have been

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

expressed in terms of compressive
strength of masonry.
(b) Permissible strength in shear has been
modified to include shear strength
corresponding to all likely failure modes.
(c) Some new definitions have been added
and ‘pier’ and ‘pillaster’ have been re-
(d) Some general guidelines for the proper
selection of the mortar have been given.

0.6 – In the present revision the prevailing

practices in the country were taken into
consideration and assistance has been
derived from the following publications:

a) ACI 530-02/ASCE 5-02/TMS 402-02

Building code requirements for Masonry
b) International Building code 2000,
International Code Council.
c) Eurocode 6, Design of Masonry Structures
– Part 1-1: General rules for buildings –
Rules for Reinforced and Unreinforced
Masonry, European Committee for
d) NZS 4230 Part 1 & 2: 1990, Code of
Practice for the Design of Concrete
Masonry Structures and Commentary,
Standards Association of New Zealand.
e) AIJ Standards for Structural Design of
Masonry Structures, 1989 edition.
f) Bangladesh National Building Code, 1993:
Final Draft December 1993.
a)g) AS 1640-1974 - SAA Brickwork Code.
Standards Association of Australia.
b)h) National Building Code of Canada,
1977. National Research Council of
c)i) DIN 1053/l Code on brick calculation
and performance. Deutsches Institut für
d)j) CPlll: Part2: 1970 Structural
recommendations for load bearing walls
with amendments up to 1976. British
Standards Institution.
e)k) BS 5628: Part 1: 1978 1992 & BS 5628:
Part 2: 2000Code of practice for
structural use of masonry, Part 1
Unreinforced masonry, Part 2
Reinforced masonry. British Standards
f)l) CP 12 1: Part 1: 1973 Code of practice
for walling, Part 1 Brick and block
masonry. British Standards Institution.
g)m) Recommended practice for engineered
brick masonry. Brick Institute of

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

America, 1969.
n) Masonry Designer’s Guide (Third Edition),
The Masonry Society.

0.7 –
It is assumed in this code that design of
masonry work is done by qualified engineer
and that execution is carried out (according to
the recommendations of this code read with
other relevant codes) under the directions of
an experienced supervisor.

0.8 –
For the purpose of deciding whether a
particular requirement of this standard is
complied with, the final value, observed or
calculated, expressing the result of a test or
analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS: 2-1960*. The number of significant
places retained in the rounded off value should
be the same as that of the specified value in
this standard
*Rules for rounding off numerical values

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

1. – Scope C1. – Scope

1.1 – C1.1 –
This code gives recommendations for BIS did not formulate any Code of practice for
structural design aspect of un-reinforced and design and construction of reinforced masonry in
reinforced load bearing and non-load bearing the past since it considered the quality of bricks
walls, constructed with solid or perforated generally available in the country were not suitable
burnt clay bricks, sand-lime bricks, stones, for use in reinforced masonry. Despite this
concrete blocks, lime based blocks or burnt reinforcement has been widely used in masonry
clay hollow blocks in regard to the materials to construction and strongly encouraged for the
be used, maximum permissible stresses and earthquake resistance by certain BIS Codes of
methods of design. practices. Presently available masonry materials
certainly can be used for reinforced masonry, if
proper care is exercised about the quality of
construction and use of non-corroding

1.2 – C1.2 –
The recommendations of the code do not Mud mortar for masonry as bonding material is
apply to walls constructed in mud mortars. normally not used in the present day construction
because of its poor bonding quality. Mud mortar
does attain some strength on drying, but it readily
absorbs moisture on coming in contact with
moisture or rain and loses its strength when wet.
For temporary and low cost single storeyed houses,
however, it is sometimes used particularly in rural
areas, when economy in cost is the main

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

2. – Terminology C2. – Terminology
For the purpose of this code, the definitions
For the consistent use of this code, various terms
given in IS: 2212-1962* and the following shall
are assumed to have certain meaning in this code.
Many terms as defined in this commentary not
*Code of practice for brickwork.
always correspond to their meaning in ordinary
Some of the terms defined in this clause are
illustrated further to clarify their meaning.
Some of the terms defined in this clause are
illustrated in Fig. C-l to C-8.

2.1 – Bed Block C2.1 – Bed Block

A block bedded on a wall, column or pilaster to
disperse a concentrated load on a masonry

Figure C1: Bed Block

2.2 – Bond C2.2 – Bond

Arrangement of masonry units in successive Typically running bond is preferred when the units
courses to tie the masonry together both of each course overlap the units in the preceding
longitudinally and transversely; the course by between 24% and 75% of the length of
arrangement is usually worked out to ensure the units.
that no vertical joint of one course is exactly
over the one in the next course above or Stack bond is required when the units of each
below it, and there is maximum possible course do not overlap the units of the preceding
amount of lap. course by the amount specified for running or
stretcher bond.

2.3 – Column, Pier, Pilasters C2.3 – Column, Pier, Pilaster and

and Buttress Buttress

2.3.1 – Column C2.3.1 – Column

An isolated vertical load bearing member, Need to distinguish column from wall arises
width of which does not exceed four times the because a column can take lesser unit load than a
thickness. wall. This behavior of masonry is based on
experimental research where it has been shown that
the characteristic failure of wall under compressive
loading is due to development of horizontal tensile
stresses in the brick, causing vertical splitting of
wall masonry in line with the vertical mortar joints.
The cracks can develop at such intervals as to
result progressively slender columns side by side.
The lower elasticity of mortar causes vertical
compressive load to impart lateral strain
movements to the mortar, which produces tensile

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stresses in the brick by interface bond whilst
maintaining the bed-joint mortar in compression.
Greater the height to length ratio of the wall, higher
the value of horizontal tensile stresses at the
vertical joints and, therefore, weaker the wall
against vertical splitting under load.
Since a column has greater height to length ratio in
comparison to a wall, it has a lower permissible
stress under a vertical load.
A masonry column has been defined as a vertical
member the width of which does not exceed 4
times the thickness. However, a limiting value of 3
times the thickness for width of the column has
also been used by some codes.

2.3.2 – Pier C2.3.2 – Pier

It is an isolated vertical member whose
horizontal dimension measured at right angles
to its thickness is not less than 4 times its
thickness and whose height is less than 5
times its length.

Figure C2-A: Piers and columns

2.3.3 – Pilaster C2.3.3 – Pilaster

A thickened section forming integral part of a In earlier versions of the codes, the pilaster has
wall placed at intervals along the wall, to been referred as pier. In this version pier, as
increase the stiffness of the wall or to carry a defined above, has been used to represent the
vertical concentrated load. Thickness of a pier vertical portion of the masonry in a wall which is
pilaster is the overall thickness including the created by the openings on either side of it.
thickness of the wall or when bonded into a
leaf of a Cavity wall, the thickness obtained by Pilasters are usually visible from one or both sides
treating that leaf as an independent wall (see of the wall but can be hidden. They help in
Fig. 1). improving lateral load resistance of the wall and
may carry vertical load.

Figure C2-B: Pilasters as parts of a wall.

Figure 1: Definition of Pilaster

2.3.4 – Buttress C2.3.4 – Buttress

A pier pilaster of masonry built as an integral Like pilaster, buttresses are used to provide lateral
part of wall and projecting from either or both support to the masonry wall in the horizontal
surfaces, decreasing in cross-sectional area direction.
from base to top.

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Figure C2-C: Buttress

Figure C2: Column, Pier , Pilaster and Buttress

2.4 – Cross-Sectional Area of C2.4 – Cross-Sectional Area of

Masonry Unit Masonry Unit
Net cross-sectional area of a masonry unit Net section area is difficult to ascertain especially
shall be taken as the gross cross-sectional in hollow masonry units. In case of full mortar
area minus the area of cellular space. Gross bedding as shown in Figure C3 it is the gross
cross-sectional area of cored units shall be sectional area based on the out-to-out dimension
determined to the outside of the coring but minus hollow spaces. Often alignment of cross
cross-sectional area of grooves shall not be webs is not possible while laying hollow units and
deducted from the gross cross-sectional area the load transfer takes place through mortars on the
to obtain the net cross sectional area. face shells only. In such cases, it is conservative to
base net cross-sectional area on the minimum face
shell thickness.

(a) Brick more than 75% solid. Net area equals gross

(b) Hollow Unit: Full Mortar Bedding

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(Requires alignment of cross webs)

(c) Hollow unit: Face Shell bedding
Figure C3: Cross sectional area of masonry unit

2.5 – Curtain Wall

A non-load bearing wall subject to lateral
loads. It may be laterally supported by vertical
or horizontal structural members, where
necessary (see Figure 2).

Figure 2:Masonry Curtain Wall

2.6 – Effective Height

The height of a wall or column to be
considered for calculating slenderness ratio.

2.7 – Effective Length

The length of a wall to be considered for
calculating slenderness ratio.

2.8 – Effective Thickness

The thickness of a wall or column to be
considered for calculating slenderness ratio

2.9 – Hollow Unit C2.9 – Hollow Unit

A masonry unit of which net cross-sectional It has been observed that in perforated bricks, type
area in any plane parallel to the bearing and distribution of voids influence the strength of

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

surface is less than 75 percent of its gross bricks but for perforation areas up to 35 percent of
cross-sectional area measured in the same the cross-section, the bricks have been found to
plane (see 2.4 and 2.18). behave as if solid.

2.10 – Grout
A mixture of cement, sand and water of
pourable consistency for filling small voids.

2.11 – Grouted Masonry

2.11.1 – Grouted Hollow-Unit
That form of grouted masonry construction in
which certain designated cells of hollow units
are continuously filled with grout.

2.11.2 – Grouted Multi-Wythe

That form of grouted masonry construction in
which the space between the wythes is solidly
or periodically filled with grout.

2.12 – Jamb C2.12 - Jamb

Side of an opening in wall.

Door Jamb

Figure C4: Door Jamb

2.13 – Joint C2.13 – Joint

Three most common joints in masonry work are
bed, head and collar joints as shown in Figure C5.

Head joints

Collar joints

Bed joints

Figure C5: Joints in masonry

2.13.1 – Bed Joint

A horizontal mortar joint upon which masonry
units are laid.

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

2.13.2 – Cross (Head) Joint
A vertical joint, normal to the face of the wall.

2.13.3 – Wall (Collar) Joint C2.13.3 – Wall (Collar) Joint

A vertical joint parallel to the face of the wall. It is the vertical longitudinal joint between wythes
of masonry or between masonry wythe and back-up
construction which is permitted to be filled with
mortar or grout.

2.14 – Leaf
Inner or outer section of a cavity wall.

2.15 – Lateral Support C2.15 – Lateral Support

A support which enables a masonry element Lateral support is a primary requirement in
to resist lateral load and/or restrains lateral structural design of masonry. A lateral support may
deflection of a masonry element at the point of be provided along either a horizontal or a vertical
support. line, depending on whether the slenderness ratio is
based on a vertical or horizontal dimension.
Horizontal or vertical lateral supports should be
capable of transmitting design lateral forces to the
elements of construction that provide lateral
stability to the structure as a whole.

Figure C6-A RCC slab giving lateral support to

a wall at top

Figure C6-B Cross walls giving lateral support

to a wall

Figure C6-C Pilasters giving lateral support to a


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FigureC6-D RCC FigureC6-E RCC beams

Beam giving lateral giving lateral support to
support to a column a column in the direction
in the direction of of thickness ‘t’ as well as
its thickness ‘t’. width ‘b’

Figure C6: Lateral supports

Preferably, columns should be provided with lateral

support in both horizontal directions.

2.16 – Load Bearing Wall

A wall designed to carry an imposed vertical
load in addition to its own weight, together with
any lateral load

2.17 – Masonry
An assemblage of masonry units properly
bonded together with mortar.

2.18 – Masonry Unit

Individual units which are bonded together
with the help of mortar to form a masonry
element, such as wall, column, pier pilaster
and buttress.

2.19 – Non-Load Bearing Wall

A wall that is not resisting or supporting any
loads such that it can be removed with the
approval of a structural engineer without
jeopardizing integrity of the remaining

2.20 – Partition Wall

An interior non-load bearing wall, one storey or
part storey in height.

2.21 – Panel Wall

An exterior non-load bearing wall in framed
construction wholly supported at each storey

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

but subjected to lateral loads in out plane
direction such as wind loads.

2.22 – Prism
An assemblage of masonry units bonded by
mortar with or without grout used as a test
specimen for determining properties of

2.23 – Shear Wall C2.23 – Shear Wall

A wall designed to carry horizontal forces Horizontal (lateral) force acting on the wall A is
acting in its plane with or without vertical resisted by cross walls B which act as shear wall.
imposed loads. wall

Figure C7: Shear wall

2.24 –Slenderness Ratio

Ratio of effective height or effective length to
effective thickness of a masonry element.

2.25 – Specified Compressive

Strength of Masonry
Minimum Compressive strength, expressed as
force per unit of net cross- section area,
required of the masonry used in construction
by the contract document, and upon the
project design is based. Whenever the
quantity fm is under the radical sign, the square
root of numerical value only is intended and
the result has units of MPa.

2.26 – Solid Unit

A masonry unit whose net cross-sectional area
in any plane parallel to the bearing surface is
75 percent or more of the gross cross-
sectional area in the same plane.

2.27 – Types of Walls

2.27.1 – Cavity Wall
A wall comprising two leaves, each leaf being
built of masonry units and separated by a

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

cavity and tied together with metal ties or
bonding units to ensure that the two leaves act
as one structural unit, the space between the
leaves being either left as continuous cavity or
filled with a non-load bearing insulating and
waterproofing material.

2.27.2 – Faced Wall C2.27.2 – Faced Wall

A wall in which facing and backing of two To ensure monolithic action in faced walls, shear
different materials are bonded together to strength between the facing and the backing shall
ensure common action under load (see Fig. 3 be provided by toothing, bonding or other means.
and Fig. 4).

Figure 3:Typical faced wall

Figure 4: Faced Wall

2.27.3 – Veneered Wall C2.27.3 – Veneered Wall

A wall in which the facing is attached to the Veneer walls have no structural effect, due to it’s
backing but not so bonded as to result in a own weight.
common action under load.

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Figure C8: Veneered wall

2.28 – Wall Tie

A metal fastener which connects wythes of
masonry to each other or to other materials.

2.29 – Wythe
A continuous vertical tie of masonry one unit in
thickness. Plinth Band, Lintel band

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3. – Materials C3. – Materials
3.1 – Masonry Units C3.1 – Masonry Units
Masonry units used in construction shall Choice of masonry units is generally made from
comply with the following standards: the consideration of: (a) local availability, (b)
compressive strength, (c) durability, (d) cost, and
IS : 1077-1986* or (e) ease of construction. Brick has the advantage
Burnt Clay Building
IS : 2180-1985 or over stone that it lends itself to easy construction
IS : 2222-1979 and requires less labour for laying. Stone masonry,
Stones (in regular IS : 3316-1874§ or because of practical limitations of dressing to shape
sized units) IS : 3620-1979** and size, usually has to be thicker and results in
Sand lime bricks IS : 4139-1976∂ unnecessary extra cost. Thus, the first choice for a
IS:2185(Part 1)- building at any place would be brick, if it is
Concrete blocks 1979¥ or available at reasonable cost with requisite strength
(Solid & hollow) IS:2185(Part 2)- and good quality. In hills as well as in certain
1983€ plains where soil suitable for making bricks is not
Lime based blocks IS : 31151978;± available or cost of fuel for burning bricks is very
Burnt clay hollow high and stone is locally available, the choice
IS : 3952-19785║ would be stone. If type and quality of stone
Gypsum partition available is such that it cannot be easily dressed to
IS : 2849-1983╫ shape and size, or if the cost of dressing is too high,
Autoclaved cellular IS:2185 (Part 3)- use of concrete blocks may prove to be more
concrete blocks 1984╤ economical, particularly when construction is to be
more than two storeys, since thickness of walls can
NOTE 1 -Gypsum partition blocks are used be kept within economical limits by using concrete
only for construction of non-load bearing blocks. In areas where bricks and stone of suitable
partition walls. quality are not available and concrete blocks cannot
NOTE 2 - Use of other masonry units, such as be manufactured at reasonable cost, and lime and
precast stone blocks, not covered by the sand of good quality are available, masonry units
above specifications, can also be permitted could be of sand-lime bricks. However, for
based on test results. manufacture of sand-lime bricks, special equipment
is required, and thus use of sand-lime bricks is not
* Specification for common burnt clay building common in India as yet.
bricks (Fourth revision)
Specification for heavy-duty burnt clay
building bricks(second revision)
Specification for burnt clay perforated
building bricks(second revision)
§ Specification for structural granite (First
** Specification for late rite stone block for
masonry (First revision).
∂ Specification for sand lime bricks (First
¥ Specification for concrete masonry units:
Part 1
Hollow and solid concrete blocks (second
€ Specification for concrete masonry units :
Part 2
Hollow and solid lightweight concrete blocks
(First revision).
± Specification for lime based blocks (First
║ Specification for burnt clay hollow blocks for

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

walls and partitions (First revision ).
╫ Specification for non-load bearing gypsum
partition blocks (solid and hollow types)
(First revision )
╤ Specification for concrete masonry units :
Part 3
Autoclaved cellular (aerated) concrete
blocks (First revision).

3.1.1 – C3.1.1 –
Masonry units that have been previously used Bond between mortar and masonry units is largely
shall not be reused in brickwork or block work influenced by suction rate (initial rate of water
construction, unless they have been absorption) of masonry units. Masonry units, which
thoroughly cleaned and conform to the code have been previously used in masonry would not
for similar new masonry units. possess adequate suction rate and as a result may
not develop normal bond and compressive
strengths when reused. It is therefore not advisable
to reuse such units in locations where requirement
of masonry strength is critical.

3.1.2 – C3.1.2 –
The shape and dimension of masonry units, As a general rule, apart from strength of masonry
construction practices, including methods of units and grade of mortar, strength of masonry
positioning of reinforcement, placing and depends on surface characteristics and uniformity
compacting of grout, as well as design and of size and shape of units as well as certain
detailing should be such as to promote properties of mortar. Units which are true in shape
homogeneity of structural members. and size, can be laid with comparatively thinner
joints, thereby resulting in higher strength. For this
reason, use of A grade bricks gives masonry of
higher strength as compared to that with B grade
bricks, even though crushing strength of bricks of
the two grades may be same. For similar reasons
ashlar stone masonry which uses accurately dressed
and shaped stones is much stronger than ordinary
coursed stone masonry.

3.2 – Mortar C3.2 – Mortar

Mortar for masonry shall comply with the Particulars of mortars for masonry are contained in
requirements of IS: 2250-1981**. IS: 2250 - 1981.
** Code of practice for preparation and use of
Masonry mortars (first revision).
It has been observed from experimental results that
lime-based mortars give higher ratio of strength of
brickwork to mortar as compared to non-lime
mortars. This can be explained as follows:
Normally brickwork fails under a compressive load
on account of vertical tensile splitting, for which
bond strength of mortar is more important than its
compressive strength. Since lime-based mortars
have much higher bond strength, as compared to
cement the former produce brickwork of higher
strength. Table C-1 giving test results abstracted
from SIBMAC proceedings illustrates this point
very clearly.

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

Table C1: Effect of Mortar Mix on Strength of
[using clay brick of strength 32.7 MPa ]
Mortar mix Mortar Brickwork Ratio
(Cement: Compressive compressive
Lime: Strength (28 strength (28
Sand) days) days)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1:¼:3 17.8 8.9 0.5
1:½:4½ 10.8 9.3 0.86
1:1:6 4.7 8.5 1.82
1:2:9 1.7 4.6 2.69
NOTE: Lime used was in the form of well matured

3.2.1 – C3.2.1 –
Mix proportions and compressive strengths of
Mortars are intimate mixtures of some cementing
some of the commonly used mortars are given
materials, such as cement, lime and fine aggregate
in Table 1.
(such as sand, burnt clay/surkhi, cinder, etc). When
Table 1: Mix Proportion and Strength of Mortars for only fat lime is used, which sets very slowly
Masonry ( Clause 3.2.1 )
through the process of carbonation, it becomes
Mix Proportions ( By Loose Minimum
S Volume ) Compressi necessary, for the sake of better strength, to use
Grade some pozzolanic material, such as burnt clay/surkhi
L Lime Pozz ve
N Cem Pozzo- o- Sand Strength at or cinder. Plasticizers are used in plain cement-
Mortar Lime
o -ent lana lana 28 Days In sand mortars to improve workability. Mortars
Mixture MPa
¼ C or
could be broadly classified as cement mortars, lime
1 H1 1 0 0 3 10 mortars and cement-lime mortars. Main
¼ C or characteristics and properties of these three
2(a) H2 1 0 0 4 7.5
B categories of mortars are as under:
½ C or a) Cement mortars: These consist of cement and
2(b) H2 1 0 0 4½ 6.0
3(a) M1 1 0 0 5 5.0 sand, varying in proportion from 1:8 to 1:3,
3(b) M1 1 1 C or B 0 0 6 3.0 strength and workability improving with the
1(LP- increase in the proportion of cement. Mortars richer
3(c) M1 0 0 0 1½ 3.0
40) than 1:3 are not used in masonry because these
4(a) M2 1 0 0 0 6 3.0
cause high shrinkage and do not increase in
4(b) M2 1 2B 0 0 9 2.0
4(c) M2 0 1A 0 0 2 2.0 strength of masonry. Mortars leaner than 1:5 tend
4(d) M2 0 1B 0 1 1 2.0 to become harsh and unworkable and are prone to
4(e) M2 0 1 C or B 0 2 0 2.0 segregation. Cement mortars set early and gain
1(LP- strength quickly. Setting action of mortar is on
4(f) M2 0 0 0 1¾ 2.0
40) account of chemical changes in cement in
5(a) M3 1 0 0 0 7 1.5
5(b) M3 1 3B 0 0 12 1.5 combination with water, and thus these mortars can
5(c) M3 0 1A 0 0 3 1.5 set and harden in wet locations. In case of lean
5(d) M3 0 1B 0 2 1 1.5 mortars, voids in sand are not fully filled, and
5(e) M3 0 1 C or B 0 3 0 1.5 therefore, these are not impervious. Rich mortars
M3 0 1(LP- 0 2 1.5 though having good strength have high shrinkage
5(f) 0
6(a) L1 1 0 0 0 8 0.7
and are thus more liable to cracking.
6(b) L1 0 1B 0 1 2 0.7 b) Lime mortars: These consist of intimate
6(c) L1 0 1 C or B 0 2 1 0.7 mixtures of lime as binder and sand, burnt
L1 0 1(LP- 0 1½ 0.7 clay/surkhi, cinder as fine aggregate in the
6(d) 0
40) proportion 1:2 to 1:3. As a general rule, lime
L1 0 1(LP- 0 2½ 0.7
6(e) 0 mortars gain strength slowly and have low ultimate
7(a) L2 0 1B 0 0 3 0.5 strength. Mortars using hydraulic lime attain
7(b) L2 0 1C or B 0 1 2 0.5 somewhat better strength than those using fat lime.
7(c) L2 0 0 1(LP-7) 0 1½ 0.5 In fact, lime mortars using fat lime do not harden at

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

all in wet locations. Properties of mortar using
semi-hydraulic lime are intermediate between those
of hydraulic and fat lime mortars. When using fat
lime, it is necessary to use some pozzolanic
material such as burnt clay/surkhi or cinder to
improve strength of the mortar. The main
advantage of lime mortar lies in its good
workability, good water retentivity and low
shrinkage. Masonry in lime mortar has, thus, better
resistance against rain penetration and is less liable
to cracking, though strength is much less than that
of masonry in cement mortar .
c) Cement/lime mortars: These mortars have the
good qualities of cement as well as lime mortars,
that is, medium strength along with good
workability, good water retentivity, freedom from
cracks and good resistance against rain penetration.
Commonly adopted proportions of the mortar
(cement: lime: sand) are 1:1:6, 1:2:9 and 1:3:12.
When mix proportion of binder (cement and lime)
to sand is kept as 1:3, it gives a very dense mortar
since voids of sand are fully filled.
NOTE 1 - Sand for making mortar should be
well graded. In case sand is not well graded,
its proportion shall be reduced in order to
achieve the minimum specified strength.
NOTE 2 - For mixes in SI No. 1 and 2, use of
lime is not essential from consideration of
strength as it does not result in increase in
strength. However, its use is highly
recommended since it improves workability.
NOTE 3- For mixes in SI No. 3(a), 4(a), 5(a)
and 6(a), either lime C or B to the extent of l/4
part of cement (by volume) or some plasticizer
should be added for improving workability.
NOTE 4- For mixes in Sl No. 4(b) and 5(b),
lime and sand should first be ground in mortar
mill and then cement added to coarse stuff.
NOTE 5 - It is essential that mixes in Sl No.
4(c), 4(d), 4(e), 5(d), 5(e), 6(b), 6(c), 7(a) and
7(b) are prepared by grinding in a mortar mill.
NOTE 6 - Mix in Sl No. 2(b) has been
classified to be of same grade as that of Sl No.
2(a), mixes in SI No. 3(b) and 3(c) same as
that in Sl No. 3(a) and mixes in SI No. 4(b) to
4(f) same as that in SI No. 4(a), even though
their compressive strength is less. This is from
consideration of strength of masonry using
different mix proportions.
NOTE 7 - A, B and C denote eminently
hydraulic lime, semi-hydraulic lime and fat lime
respectively as specified in relevant Indian

3.2.2 – Selection of Mortar C3.2.2 – Selection of Mortar

Mortar for masonry should be selected with care
keeping the following in view. It should be noted

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

that cement-lime mortars are much better than
cement mortars for masonry work in most of the
structures. – C3.2.2.1 –
Requirements of a good masonry for masonry Requirements of a good mortar for masonry are
structures are workability, flow, water strength, workability, water retentivity and low
retentivity in the plastic state and bond, drying shrinkage. A strong mortar will have
extensibility, compressive strength, and adequate crushing strength as well as adequate
durability in the hardened state. Compressive tensile and shear strength. It is necessary that
strength of mortar, in general, should not be mortar should attain initial set early enough to
greater than masonry unit. enable work to proceed at. a reasonable pace. At
the same time it should gain strength within
reasonable period so that masonry is in a position
to take load early. A workable mortar will hang
from the trowel and will spread easily. A mortar
with good water retentivity will not readily lose
water and stiffen on coming in contact with
masonry units, and will remain plastic long enough
to be easily adjusted in line and level. This property
of good water retentivity will enable the mortar to
develop good bond with masonry units and fill the
voids, so that masonry has adequate resistance
against rain-penetration. – C3.2.2.2 –
For commonly-used mortars conforming to Optimum mortar mixes from consideration of
Table 1, the optimum mortar mixes from the maximum strength of brickwork for various brick
unit strength consideration only are given in strengths based on Madras Detailed Standard
Table 2: Specification – 1956 (Reprint 1964), (Second
Table 2: Unit Strength of Mortar
Mortar Masonry unit strength
type (MPa)
M2 Below 5
M1 5-14.9
H2 15-24.9
H1 >25 – C3.2.2.3 –
Compressive strength shall not be sole-
An unnecessarily strong mortar concentrates the
criterion for the selection of mortar. Bond
effect of any differential movement of masonry in
strength, in general, is more important, as is
fewer and wider cracks while a weak mortar
good workability and water retentivity, which
(mortar having more of lime and less of cement)
are required for maximum bond. Lime-based
will accommodate movements, and cracking will
mortars of Table 1 should be preferred for it is
be distributed as thin hair cracks which are less
desirable to sacrifice some compressive
noticeable. Also stresses due to expansion of
strength of the mortar in favour of improved
masonry units are reduced, if a weak mortar is
bond. A set of preferred mortar mixes are
used. Lean mortars of cement alone are harsh,
given in Table 3.
pervious and less workable. Thus when strong
mortars are not required from considerations of
strength or for working under frosty conditions or
for work in wet locations, it is preferable to use
composite mortars of cement, lime and sand, in
appropriate proportions. Figure C9 based on

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

Madras Detailed Standard Specification – 1956
Table 3: Mortar Mix Composition (Reprint 1964) illustrates the relation between
(Clause strength of mortar and brickwork for a number of
Mortar Preferred mix mortar mixes when bricks of medium strength (20
type Cement Lime Sand to 35 MPa according to British Standards) are used.
H1 1 ¼ 3 As the proportion of lime in mortar is increased,
H2 1 ½ 4½ though mortar loses strength, reduction in strength
M1 1 1 6 of brickwork is not much.
M2 1 2 9

Effects of mortar mix proportions on the crushing strengths of

mortar and brickwork built with medium strength bricks
Strengths are shown relative to the strength of a 1:3 cement-
sand mortar and the brickwork built with it

Figure C9: Relation between strength of

brickwork and strength of mortar

3.3 – Material Properties C3.3 – Material Properties

3.3.1 – General C3.3.1 – General
Unless otherwise determined by test, the Material properties can be determined by
following modulus shall be used in determining appropriate tests of the materials to be used.
the effects of elasticity.

3.3.2 – Elastic modulus C3.3.2 - Elastic modulus

For steel reinforcement, Traditionally large elastic modulus has been
Es = 200 GPa = 2.0X105 MPa prescribed by many masonry codes, however,
research indicates that lower values are more
For clay masonry and concrete masonry, typical. Further, large variation has been reported
Em = 550 fm in the relationship between elastic modulus and
or the chord modulus of elasticity taken compressive strength of masonry, fm. A limited
between 0.05 and 0.33 of the maximum tests conducted at IIT Kanpur recently further
compressive strength of each prism confirm this observation and a lower value (about
determined by test in accordance with 550 fm) for elastic modulus agrees with data
Appendix B. reasonably well. Other codes prescribe a higher
value because the actual compressive strength is
usually higher than the fm especially for clay brick
masonry. ACI 530 specifies that for working stress
design procedure, the elastic modulus as the slope
of stress strain curve below allowable flexural
compressive stress (0.33 fm) is most appropriate.

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Data at very low stress (below 0.05 fm) usually
include the deformations of seating if
measurements are made on the testing machine
loading platens. As shown in Figure C10 the elastic
modulus of the masonry is taken as chord modulus
of stress-strain curve obtained during a prism test
between stress levels of 0.05 and 0.33 times fm.

Compressive strength

Δ Stress
Em =

Δ Strain
0.33×Compressive strength

∆ Stress
0.05×Compressive strength
∆ Strain
Figure C10: Chord modulus of elasticity

3.3.3 – Shear modulus C3.3.3 – Shear modulus

For clay and concrete masonry, the shear The relationship between the modulus of rigidity
modulus is 0.4 times the elastic modulus. and the modulus of elasticity has been given as
0.4Em without any experimental evidence to
support it.

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

4.1 – General C4.1 – General
Masonry structures gain stability from the In order to ensure uniformity of loading, openings
support offered by cross walls, floors, roof and in walls should not be too large. and these should
other elements such as piers and buttresses be of 'hole in wall' type as far as possible; Bearings
Load bearing walls are structurally more for lintels and bed blocks under beams should be
efficient when the load is uniformly distributed liberal in sizes; heavy concentration of loads should
and the structure is so planned that be avoided by judicious planning and sections of
eccentricity of loading on the members is as load bearing members should be varied where
small as possible. Avoidance of eccentric feasible with the loadings so as to obtain more or
loading by providing adequate bearing of less uniform stress in adjoining parts of members.
floor/roof on the walls providing adequate One of the commonly occurring causes of cracks in
stiffness in slabs and avoiding fixity at the masonry is wide variation in stress in masonry in
supports, etc, is especially important in load adjoining parts.
bearing walls in multistorey structures. These
matters should receive careful consideration NOTE- A 'hole in wall' type opening is defined as
during the planning stage of masonry an opening where total width or height of solid
structures. masonry around the opening is equal to or greater
than the corresponding window dimension.



b1 b
b1 + b2 ≥ w
a1 + a2 ≥ h

Figure C11: Hole in wall

4.2 – Lateral Supports and

4.2.1 – Lateral Supports
Lateral supports for a masonry element such
as load bearing wall or column are intended to:
a) limit slenderness of a masonry element so
as to prevent or reduce possibility of
buckling of the member due to vertical
loads; and
b) Resist horizontal components of forces so
as to ensure stability of a structure
against overturning.

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

Lateral support may be in the vertical or
horizontal direction, the former consisting of
floor/roof bearing on the wall ‘or properly
anchored to the same and latter consisting of
cross walls, piers or buttresses. –
Requirements of 4.2.1 (a) from consideration
of slenderness may be deemed to have been
met with if:
a) In case of a wall, where slenderness ratio
is based on effective height, any of the
following constructions are provided:
1) RCC floor/roof slab ( or beams and
slab), irrespective of the direction of
span, bears on the supported wall as
well as cross walls to the extent of at
least 9 cm;
2) RCC floor/roof slab not bearing on the
supported wall or cross wall is
anchored to it with non-corrodible
metal ties of 60 cm length and of
section not less than 6 x 30 mm, and
at intervals not exceeding 2 m as
shown in Fig. 5; and

Figure 5: Anchoring of RCC slab with

Masonry wall
(When slab does not bear on wall)
3) Timber floor/roof anchored by non-
corrodible metal ties of length 60 cm
and of minimum section 6 x 30 mm,
securely fastened to joists and built
into walls as shown in Figure 56 and
67. The anchors shall be provided in
the direction of span of timber joists as
well as in its perpendicular direction,
at intervals of not more than 2 m in
buildings up to two storeys and 1.25 m
for buildings more than two storeys in

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Code &Commentary IS:1905


Figure 6: Typical Details for Anchorage of

Solid Walls


Concrete, min
Length 30 cm

Metal anchor fixed to joist

Figure 7A: Timber joist right angle to wall


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Concrete, pad to suit

brick course

Metal anchor
fixed to joist
Mild steel dowel

Figure 7B: Timber joist parallel to wall


Concrete pad to suit

brick courses


Metal anchor turned

down between concrete (ii)

Figure 7C: Precast concrete floor units

parallel to wall
Figure 7: Typical details for anchorage of
cavity walls
NOTE 1 - In case, precast RCC units are used
for floors and roofs, it is necessary to
interconnect them and suitably anchor them to
the cross walls so that they can transfer lateral
forces to the cross-walls.

NOTE 2 - In case of small houses of

conventional designs, not exceeding two
storeys in height, stiffening effect of partitions
and cross walls is such that metal anchors are
normally not necessary in case of timber
floor/roof and precast RCC floor/roof units.

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

In case of a wall, when slenderness ratio is
based on its effective length; a cross
wall/pier/buttress of thickness equal to or more
than half the thickness of the supported wall or
90 mm, whichever is more, and length equal to
or more than one-fifth of the height of wall is
built at right angle to the wall (see Figure 78)
and bonded to it according to provision of (d);

Figure 8: Minimum dimensions for

masonry wall or buttress providing
effective lateral support
b) in case of a column, an RCC or timber
beam/R S joist/roof truss is supported on
the column. In this case, the column will
not be deemed to be laterally supported
in the direction right angle to it; and
c) In case of a column, an RCC beam
forming a part of beam and slab
construction is supported on the column,
and slab adequately bears on stiffening
walls. This construction will provide lateral
support to the column in the direction of
both horizontal axes.

4.2.2 – Stability C4.2.2 – Stability

A wall or column subjected to vertical and In a masonry structure, there are out of balance
lateral loads may be considered to be provided vertical forces due to imperfection in workmanship
with adequate lateral support from and vertical alignment of walls which tend to make
consideration of stability, if the construction the structure unstable. Thus for stability
providing the support is capable of resisting calculations of a lateral support, horizontal force
the following forces: equal to 2.5 percent of all vertical loads acting
a) Simple static reactions at the point of above that lateral support is assumed for checking
lateral support to all the lateral loads; the adequacy of that support. This horizontal force
plus is in addition to any other lateral force, namely
b) 2.5 percent of the total vertical load wind or seismic that the structure may be subjected
that the wall or column is designed to to.
carry at the point of lateral support.
It should be noted that assumed horizontal force of
2.5 percent is the total out of balance force due to
vertical loads at the particular support and it does
not include out of balance forces acting at other

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

supports. Further it should be kept in view that
horizontal force of 2.5 percent of vertical loads
need not be considered for elements of construction
that provide lateral stability to the structure as a
whole. –
For the purpose specified in 4.2.2, if the lateral
supports are in the vertical direction, these
should meet the requirements given in
(a) and should also be capable of acting as
horizontal girders duly anchored to the cross
wall so as to transmit the lateral loads to the
foundations without exceeding the permissible
stresses in the cross walls. – C4.2.2.2 –
In case of load bearing unreinforced buildings Provision in sub-clause (a) of height to width ratio
up to four storeys, stability requirements of of building for stability has been a traditional
4.2.2 may be deemed to have been met with requirement.
a) Height to width ratio of building does A cross wall acting as a stiffening wall provides
not exceed 2; stability to the wall at its junction with the cross
wall thereby resisting movement of wall at
b) Cross walls acting as stiffening walls horizontal intervals and sharing a part of the lateral
continuous from outer wall to outer load. Further in conjunction with the diaphragm
wall or outer wall to a load bearing supported on the wall, it resists horizontal
inner wall, and of thickness and movement of the top of the wall. For the first mode
spacing as given in Table 2 4 are of stiffening, it is necessary that cross wall is built
provided. If stiffening wall or walls jointly with the load bearing wall or is adequately
that are in a line, are interrupted by anchored to it and there should be opening in the
openings, length of solid wall or walls cross wall close to its junction with the main wall
in the zone of the wall that is to be (refer clause of the code); for the second
stiffened shall be at least one-fifth of mode, the diaphragm should be capable of acting as
height of the opening as shown in a horizontal girder and also the diaphragm should
Figure 9; be so connected to the cross walls that lateral forces
c) Floors and roof either bear on cross are transmitted to function the cross walls through
walls or are anchored to those walls shear resistance between diaphragm and cross
as in such that all lateral loads walls.
are safely transmitted to those walls
and through them to the foundation; When bricks of old size that is, 23 X 11.5 X 7.7 cm
are used, Table C-3 may be used in place of Table
d) And cross walls are built jointly with 4 of the Code for buildings up to 3 storeys.
the bearing walls and are jointly
mortared, or the two interconnected Table C3: Thickness and Spacing of stiffening
by toothing. Alternatively, cross walls walls (Brick Size 23 X 11.5 X 7.7 cm)
may be anchored to walls to be
Sl. Thickness of Height Stiffening wall
supported by ties of non-corrodible
no. load bearing of Minimum Maximum
metal of minimum section 6 x 35 mm
wall to be storey thickness spacing
and length 60 cm with ends bent up
stiffened (cm) (m) (cm) (cm)
at least 5 cm; maximum vertical
spacing of ties being 1.2 m (see (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Figure 910). 1 11.5 3.25 11.5 4.50
2 23 3.25 11.5 6.00
3 34.5 and 5.00 11.5 8.00

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Table 4:Thickness and spacing of
stiffening walls [Clause (b)]
Thickness Height* Stiffening Wall*
of load of storey Thickness
No. bearing not to not less than Maximum
wall to be exceed 1 to 3 4 spacing
stiffened storey storey

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

cm m cm cm cm
1 10 3.2 10 - 4.5
2 20 3.2 10 20 6.0
3 30 3.4 10 20 8.0
4 Above 30 5.0 10 20 8.0

Figure 9: Opening in stiffening walls

Figure 10: Anchoring of stiffening wall with

support wall – C4.2.2.3 –
In case of halls exceeding 8.0 m in length, Cross walls in conjunction with floors and roof
safety and adequacy of lateral supports shall diaphragms in a building provide stability to the
always be checked by structural analysis. structure against the effect of lateral loads. In case
of large rooms, halls, etc, we have only end walls
and there are no intermediate cross walls. If hall is
longer than 8.0 m, the end walls may not be able to
provide adequate stability (depending upon the
extent of lateral loads) and therefore, it is necessary
to check stability and stresses by structural

Rigid diaphragms function as a horizontal girder

for transmitting the lateral loads to the end walls
(shear walls). The long walls (in out-of-plane
direction) will therefore function as propped
cantilevers, and should be designed accordingly

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and if found necessary, stiffeners to be provided.
Also end walls will be subjected to shear and
bending and should be designed for permissible
shear and no-tension in case of unreinforced
masonry. It is necessary that diaphragms must bear
on the end walls so that lateral load is transmitted
to these walls through shear resistance. – C4.2.2.4 –
A trussed roofing may not provide lateral When a hall or a large industrial building is
support, unless special measures are adopted provided with trussed roofing the longitudinal
to brace and anchor the roofing. However, in walls cannot be deemed to be laterally supported at
case of residential and similar buildings of the top unless trusses are braced at the tie beam
conventional design with trussed roofing level as shown in Figure C12. With braced trusses
having cross walls, it may be assumed that as lateral supports, longitudinal walls will act as
stability requirements are met with by the propped cantilevers and should be designed
cross walls and structural analysis for stability accordingly.
may be dispensed with.
Tie of roof
Tie runners trusses fixed to

Figure C12: Diagonal bracing at bottom tie of


When bricks of size 23 X 11.5 X 7.7 cm are used

Table C-4 may be used in place of Table 5 of the

Table C4: Minimum thickness of basement walls

(Brick Size 23 X 11.5 X 7.7 cm)
Sl. Minimum Height of the ground (m) above
no. thickness of basement floor with wall
basement loading (permanent load) of
wall (cm) More than Less than
50 kN/m 50 kN/m
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 34.5 2.50 2.00
2 23 1.35 1.00
NOTE: Permanent load means only dead or fixed
load and it does not include live load. –
Capacity of a cross wall and shear wall to take
horizontal loads and consequent bending
moments, increases when parts of bearing
walls act as flanges to the cross wall.
Maximum overhanging length of bearing wall

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

which could effectively function as a flange
should be taken as 12 t or H/6, whichever is
less, in case of T or I shaped walls and 6 t or
H/6, whichever is less, in case of L or U
shaped walls, where t is the thickness of
bearing wall and H is the total height of wall
above the level being considered as shown in
Fig. 11.

The connection of intersecting walls shall

conform to one of the following requirements:
a) Providing proper masonry bonds such that
50% of masonry units at the interface shall
b) Connector or reinforcement extending in
each of the intersecting wall shall have
strength equal to that of the bonded wall
c) Requirements of section 8.2.4 of IS: 4326.

Bearing Wall

Effective overhanging width of flange =

12 t or H/6 whichever is less, H being
the total height of wall above the level
being considered.

Effective overhanging width of flange =

6 t or H/6 whichever is less, H being the
total height of wall above the level
being considered.
Figure 11: Effective overhang width of
flange –
In case of external walls of basement and
plinth stability requirements of 4.2.2 may be

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deemed to have been met with if:
a) bricks used in basement and plinth have a
minimum crushing strength of 5 MPa and
mortar used in masonry is of Grade Ml or
b) clear height of ceiling in basement does
not exceed 2.6 m;
c) walls are stiffened according to provisions
d) in the zone of action of soil pressure on
basement walls, traffic load excluding any
surcharge due to adjoining buildings does
not exceed 5 kN/m2 and terrain does not
rise; and
e) Minimum thickness of basement walls is
in accordance with Table 5.

Table 5: Minimum thickness of basement

Minimum Height of the ground above
thicknes basement floor level with
SL s of wall loading (permanent
No. baseme load)
nt walls More than Less than
50 kN/m 50 kN/m
(1) (2) (3) (4)

cm m m
1 40 2.50 2.00
2 30 1.75 1.40

NOTE - In case there is surcharge on

basement walls from adjoining buildings,
thickness of basement walls shall be based on
structural analysis. – Walls Mainly Subjected to Lateral C4.2.2.7 – Walls Mainly Subjected to Lateral
Loads Loads
A free standing wall has no cross walls to give it
a) Free-standing wall - A free-standing wall
stability against overturning due to lateral loads
such as compound wall or parapet wall is
that is, wind or seismic loads. It thus acts like a
acted upon by wind force which tends to
cantilever fixed at the base and free at the top.
overturn it. This tendency to overturning is
resisted by gravity force due to self weight
of wall, and also by flexural moment of
resistance on account of tensile strength of
masonry. Free-standing walls shall thus be
designed as in If mortar used for
masonry can not be relied upon for taking
flexural tension (see 5.7.1), stability of free-
standing wall shall be ensured such that
stabilizing moment of wall due to self weight
equals or exceeds 1.5 times the overturning

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b) Retaining wall - Stability for retaining walls If a wall is intended to retain some dry material and
shall normally be achieved through gravity there is no likelihood of any hydrostatic pressure,
action to ensure that the entire cross- the design of wall could be based on permissible
section is in compression but flexural tension in masonry. A retaining wall intended to
moment of resistance could also be taken support earth should be designed as a gravity
advantage of under special circumstances structure, placing no reliance on flexural moment
at the discretion of the designer (see 5.8) of resistance, since water can get access to the back
of the wall and impose pressure through tensile
cracks if any and endanger the structure.

4.2.3 Structural Continuity

Intersecting structural elements intended to act
as a unit shall be joined together to resist the
design forces. Walls shall be joined together to
all floors, roofs or other elements which
provide lateral support for the wall. Where
floors or roofs are designed to transmit
horizontal forces to walls, the anchorages to
the walls shall be designed to resist the
horizontal forces.

4.3 – Effective Height C4.3 – Effective Height

4.3.1 – Wall C4.3.1 –Wall
Effective height of a wall shall be taken as Wall (Table 6-Note 1)
shown in Table 6 (see Fig. 12). Referring to Note 1 of Table 4, strictly speaking
actual height of a wall for the purpose of working
out its effective height should be taken to be the
clear distance between the supports. However, in
the Code it has been given as the height between
centres of supports, which is in accordance with the
provisions of British Standard CP III: Part 2: 1970
as well as Australian Standard 1640-1974. Since
thickness of floors is generally very small as
compared to height of floors, this method of
reckoning actual height will not make any
appreciable difference in the end results. One
could, therefore, take actual height as given in the
Code or clear distance between supports as may be
found convenient to use in calculations.

Wall (Table 6-Note 5)

Implication of this note is that when wall thickness
is not less than 2/3 of the thickness of the pilaster, a
concentrated load on the pilaster, will be borne by
the pilaster as well as the wall. In this case we may
design the element just as a wall supporting a
concentrated load, taking advantage of the increase
in the supporting area due to the pilaster projection.
In case thickness of wall is less than 2/3 of the
thickness of pilaster, we have to design the pilaster
just like a column, for which permissible stress is
less because of greater effective height and further
supporting area will be only that of the pilaster that
is, without getting any benefit in design of the
adjoining walls on either side. However in case, the

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wall and pilasters are supporting a distributed load,
we would get the advantage of stiffening effect of
pilasters as in 4.5.2 of the Code.

Figure 12: Effective height of the wall

NOTE - A roof truss or beam supported on a
column meeting the requirements of is
deemed to provide lateral support to the
column only in the direction of the beam/truss.

4.3.2 – Column C4.3.2 – Column

In case of a column, effective height shall be In case of columns actual height should be taken as
taken as actual height for the direction it is the clear height of a column between supports as
laterally supported and as twice the actual illustrated in Figure C13.
height for the direction it is not laterally
supported (see Figure 13).

Figure C13: Actual height of a column

Figure13: Examples of Effective Height of

the Columns

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NOTE 1 A roof truss or beam supported on a
column meeting the requirements of is
deemed to provide lateral support to the
column only in the direction of the beam/truss.
NOTE 2 - When floor or roof consisting of
RCC beams and slabs is supported on
columns, the columns would be deemed to be
laterally supported in both directions

4.3.3 – Openings in Walls C4.3.3 – Openings in Walls

When openings occur in a wall such that
masonry between the openings is by definition
a column, effective height of masonry between
the openings shall be reckoned as follows:
An RCC slab bearing on a wall is assumed to
a) When wall has full restraint at the top:
provide full restraint to the wall while a timber
1.Effective height for the direction floor comprising timber joints and planking is
perpendicular to the plane of the wall assumed to provide only partial restraint. The
equals 0.75 H plus 0.25 H1, where H is clause makes stipulations for reckoning effective
the distance between supports and H1 height of columns formed by openings in a wall for
is the height of the taller opening; and the two cases:
a) when wall has full restraint at top and bottom;
2.Effective height for the direction parallel b) when wall has partial restraint at top and bottom.
to the wall equals H, that is, the These two cases are illustrated in Figure C14:
distance between the supports.

(a) Walls having full restraint

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(b) Walls having partial restraint

Figure C14: Effective height of walls with
b) When wall has partial restraint at the top: ii) In the case of (b) (see Figure C14), if
height of neither opening exceeds 0.5H, wall
1. Effective height for the direction
masonry would provide some support to the
perpendicular to plane of wall equals
column formed by openings in the direction
H when height of neither opening
parallel to the wall and for this reason
exceeds 0.5H and it is equal to 2H
effective height for the axis perpendicular to
when height of any opening exceeds
the wall is taken as H and otherwise it is to be
0.5H, and
taken as 2H. For the direction perpendicular
2. Effective height for the direction to the wall, there is a likelihood of a situation
parallel to the plane of the wall equals when no joist rests on the column formed
2H. between the openings and thus effective
height is taken as 2H that is, for a column
having no lateral support at the top.

Table 6: Effective Height of Walls

(Clause 4.3.1)
SL Effecti
No. Condition Of Support ve
(1) (2) (3)
Lateral as well as rotational
restraint (that is, full restraint)
at top and bottom. For
example, when the floor/roof
spans on the walls so that
1 reaction to load of floor/roof is 0.75 H
provided by the walls, or when
an RCC floor/roof has bearing
on the wall (minimum 9 cm ),
irrespective of the direction of
the span (foundation footings of
a wall give lateral as well as

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

rotational restraint).
Lateral as well as rotational
restraint (that is, full restraint)
at one end and only lateral
restraint (that is, partial
restraint) at the other. For
2 example, RCC floor/roof at one 0.85 H
end spanning or adequately
bearing on the wall and timber
floor/roof not spanning on wall,
but adequately anchored to it,
on the other end.
Lateral restraint, without
rotational restraint (that is,
partial restraint) on both ends.
3 For example, timber floor/roof, 1.00 H
not spanning on the wall but
adequately anchored to it on
both ends of the wall, that is,
top and bottom.
Lateral restraint as well as
rotational restraint at bottom
but have no restraint at the top.
For example, parapet walls, on
4 1.50 H
RCC roof with slab having
adequate bearing on the lower
wall, or a compound wall with
proper foundation on the soil.
Strictly speaking actual height of a wall for the
NOTE 1 -H is the height of wall between purpose of working out its effective height should
centers of support in case of RCC slabs and be taken to be the clear distance between the
timber floors. In case of footings or foundation supports. However, in the Code it has been given
block, height (H) is measured from top of as the height between centres of supports, which is
footing or foundation block. In case of roof in accordance with the provisions of other masonry
truss, height (H) is measured up to bottom of codes. Since thickness of floors is generally very
the tie beam. In case of beam and slab small as compared to height of floors, this method
construction, height should be measured from of reckoning actual height will not make any
centre of bottom slab to centre of top beam. All appreciable difference in the end results. One
these cases are illustrated by means of could, therefore, take actual height as given in the
examples shown in Figure 12. Code or clear distance between supports as may be
found convenient to use in calculations.
NOTE 2 - For working out effective height, it is
assumed that concrete DPC, when properly
bonded with masonry, does not cause
discontinuity in the wall.
NOTE 3 - Where membrane type damp-proof
course or termite shield causes a discontinuity
in bond, the effective height of wall may be
taken to be greater of the two values
calculated as follows:
a) Consider H from top of footing ignoring
DPC and take effective height as 0.75H
b) Consider H from top of DPC and take
effective height as 0.85H.
NOTE 4 - When assessing effective height of

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walls, floors not adequately anchored to walls
shall not be considered as providing lateral
support to such walls.
NOTE 5 - when thickness of a wall bonded to Implication of this note is that when wall thickness
a pier pilaster is at least two-thirds the is not less than 2/3 of the thickness of the pilaster, a
thickness of the pier pilaster measured in the concentrated load on the pilaster, will be borne by
same direction, the wall and pier pilaster may the pilaster as well as the wall. In this case we may
be deemed to act as one structural element. design the element just as a wall supporting a
concentrated load, taking advantage of the increase
in the supporting area due to the pilaster projection.
In case thickness of wall is less than 2/3 of the
thickness of pilaster, we have to design the pilaster
just like a column, for which permissible stress is
less because of greater effective height and further
supporting area will be only that of the pilaster that
is, without getting any benefit in design of the
adjoining walls on either side. However in case, the
wall and pilasters are supporting a distributed load,
we would get the advantage of stiffening effect of
pilaster as in 4.5.2 of the Code.

4.4 – Effective Length C4.4 – Effective Length

Effective length of a wall shall be as given in When a wall has more than one opening such that
Table 7. there is no opening within a distance of H/8 from a
cross wall and the wall length between openings
are not columns by definition, the design of the
wall should be based on the value of slenderness
ratio obtained from the consideration of height or
length, whichever is less.


L2 x

x< , y≥
8 6
l = 1.5L2

y x x
x≥ , y≥
8 6

x y

x< , y≥
8 6
l = 2L

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x L
Slenderness determined by height

x x y
x≥ , y≥
8 6
l = 0 .9 L

x y

x≥ , y≥
8 6
l = 1.3L

y x x y
x≥ , y≥
8 6
l = 0.8 L
Figure 14: Effective Length of the Wall

Table 7: Effective Length Of Walls

(Clause 4.4)

SL Condition Of Support Effective

(see Fig. 13) Length

(1) (2) (3)

Where a wall is continuous
and is supported by cross
wall, and there is no
opening within a distance
of H/8 from the face of
1 cross wall 0.8 L
Where a wall is continuous
and is supported by piers
pilaster /buttresses
conforming to (b)

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Where a wall is supported by
a cross wall at one end and
continuous with cross wall at
other end
2 0.9 L
Where a wall is supported by
a pier pilaster /buttress at one
end and continuous with pier
pilaster /buttress at other end
conforming to (b)
Where a wall is supported at
each end by cross wall
3 Where a wall is supported at 1.0 L
end by a pier pilaster /buttress
conforming to (b)
Where a wall is free at one
end and is continuous with a
cross wall at the other end
4 Where a wall is free at one 1.5 L
end and continuous with a
pier pilaster /buttress at the
other end conforming to (b)
Where a wall is free at one
end and supported at the
other end by a cross wall
5 Where a wall is free at one 2.0 L
end and supported at the
other end by a pier pilaster /
buttress conforming to
NOTE -In case there is an opening taller than
0.5 H in a wall, ends of the wall at the opening
shall be considered as free

4.5 – Effective Thickness

Effective thickness to be used for calculating
slenderness ratio of a wall or column shall be
obtained as in 4.5.1 to 4.5.4.

4.5.1 – C4.5.1 –
For solid walls, faced walls or columns, In case of masonry using modular bricks, actual
effective thickness shall be the actual thickness of a one-brick wall for design calculation
thickness is taken as 190 mm, though nominal thickness is
200 mm. Similarly in case of brick masonry with
bricks of old size (FPS System) actual thickness of
one-brick wall would be taken as 220 mm though
nominal size of brick is 230 mm.

4.5.2 – C4.5.2 –
For solid walls adequately bonded into piers When the ratio tp/tw is 1.5 or less and the wall is
pilaster /buttresses, effective thickness for having distributed load, Note 4 of Table 6 would be
determining slenderness ratio based on

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effective height shall be the actual thickness applicable. It follows from this that interpolation of
of wall multiplied by stiffening coefficient as values in Table 6 are valid only when tp/tw exceeds
given in Table 8. No modification in effective 1.5.
thickness, however, shall be made when
slenderness ratio is to be based on effective
length of walls

4.5.3 –
For solid walls or faced walls stiffened by
cross walls, appropriate stiffening coefficient
may be determined from Table 8 on the
assumption that walls are equivalent to piers
pilaster of width equal to the thickness of the
cross wall and of thickness equal to three
times the thickness of stiffened wall.

Table 8: Stiffening Coefficient For Walls

Stiffened By Pilasters, Buttresses or Cross
(Clauses 4.5.2 And 4.5.3)
Stiffening coefficient
No. Sp/wp t /t
p w = 1 tp/tw = 2 tp/tw = 3 or
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 6 1.0 1.4 2.0
2 8 1.0 1.3 1.7
3 10 1.0 1.2 1.4
4 15 1.0 1.1 1.2
5 20 or more 1.0 1.0 1.0
Sp = centre-to-centre spacing of the piers
pilaster or cross wall,
tp = the thickness of piers pilaster as defined in
2.3.2 (see Fig. 1),
tw = actual thickness of the wall proper
(see Fig. 1),
wp = width of the piers pilaster in the direction
of the wall or the actual thickness of the
cross wall.
NOTE - Linear interpolation between the
values given in this table is permissible but not
extrapolation outside the limits given.

4.5.4 – C4.5.4 –
For cavity walls with both leaves of uniform It has been observed from tests that a cavity wall is
thickness throughout, effective thickness 30 percent weaker than a solid wall of the same
should be taken as two-thirds the sum of the thickness as the combined thickness of two leaves
actual thickness of the two leaves. of the cavity wall, because bonding action of ties
cannot be as good as that of normal bond in a solid
wall. That explains why effective thickness of a
cavity wall is taken as two-thirds of the sum of the
actual thickness of two leaves.

4.5.5 – C4.5.5 –
For cavity walls with one or both leaves In this type of wall either one leaf (inner) or both
adequately bonded into piers, buttresses or leaves could be load bearing. In the former case,
cross walls at intervals, the effective thickness effective thickness will be two-thirds the sum of

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of the cavity wall shall be two-thirds the sum of the two leaves or the actual thickness of the loaded
the effective thickness of each of the two leaf whichever is more. In the latter case effective
leaves; the effective thickness of each leaf thickness will be two-thirds of the sum of thickness
being calculated using 4.5.1 or 4.5.2 as of both the leaves, or the actual thickness of the
appropriate. stronger leaf, whichever is more.

4.6 – Effective span

4.6.1 –
The effective span of simply
supported/continuous members may be taken
as the smaller of the following:
a) Distance between centers of supports.
b) Clear distance between supports plus
an effective depth, d.

4.6.2 – C4.6.2 –
Effective span of a cantilever shall be taken as
a) distance between the end of cantilever In case, it forms the end of a continuous beam, the
and the center of it’s support length to the center of support should be taken.
b) distance between the end of cantilever
and the face of support plus half it’s
effective depth whichever is greater.

4.7 – Slenderness Ratio C4.7 – Slenderness Ratio

The limits on the ratio of wall thickness (or column
lateral dimension) to distance between lateral
support is specified to exercise a control on the
flexural tension stress within the wall (or column)
and limits possible buckling under compressive
stresses. Masonry wall or column should be
laterally supported in horizontal and vertical
direction at intervals not exceeding those given in
Sec. 4.6.1 and 4.6.2, lateral support should be
provided by cross walls, pilasters/buttresses,
structural frames when limiting horizontal
distances and floor and roof diaphragms, and
structural frames should be used when limiting
distance is taken vertically.

4.7.1 – Walls C4.7.1 – Walls

For a wall slenderness ratio shall be effective Under a vertical load a wall would buckle either
height divided by effective thickness or around a horizontal axis parallel to the length of
effective length divided by the effective the wall or around a vertical axis as illustrated in
thickness, whichever is less. Figure C15. Buckling is resisted by horizontal
supports such as floors and roofs, as well as by
Table 7: Maximum slenderness ratio for a vertical supports such as cross walls, piers and
load bearing wall buttresses. Thus capacity of the walls to take
No. of Maximum slenderness ratio vertical loads depends both on horizontal supports
storey that is, floor or roof as well as on vertical supports
Using Portland Using Lime that is, cross walls, piers and buttresses. However,
Cement or Mortar for the sake of simplicity and erring on safe side,
Portland lesser of the two slenderness ratio namely, one
Pozzolana derived from height and the other derived from
Cement in Mortar length is taken into consideration for determining
(1) (2) (3) permissible stresses in masonry walls, thus

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Not 27 20 ignoring strengthening effect of other supports.
Exceeding 27 13

Figure C15: Buckling of walls –Wall C4.7.1.1 –Wall

For a wall slenderness ratio shall be effective Load carrying capacity of a masonry member
height divided by effective thickness or depends upon its slenderness ratio. As this ratio
effective length divided by the effective increases, crippling stress of the member gets
thickness, whichever is less. In case of a load reduced because of limitations of workmanship and
bearing wall, slenderness ratio shall not elastic instability. A masonry member may fail,
exceed 27. either due to excessive stress or due to buckling
(see Figure C15). For materials of normal strength
with SR less than 30, the load carrying capacity of
a member at ultimate load is limited by stress,
while for higher value of SR failure is initiated by
buckling. Further, mode of failure of a very short
member having h/t ratio of less than 4 is
predominantly through shear action, while with h/t
= 4 or more failure is by vertical tensile splitting.
From consideration of structural soundness and
economy of design, most codes control the
maximum slenderness ratio of walls and columns
so as to ensure failure by excessive stress rather
than buckling.

4.7.2 – Columns C4.7.2 – Columns

For a column, slenderness ratio shall be taken Limiting values of slenderness ratio for column is
to be the greater of the ratios of effective less than that of walls because column can buckle
heights to the respective effective thickness in around either of the two horizontal axes where
the two principal directions. Slenderness ratio walls can buckle around horizontal axis only. In
for a load bearing unreinforced column shall case of columns, there will be two values of
not exceed 15. slenderness ratio as illustrated in Fig 8 of code. For
the purpose of a design, higher of the two values is
taken into account since column will buckle around
that axis with reference to which the value of
slenderness ratio is critical ie., greater.

4.8 – Minimum Design

4.8.1 - Minimum Thickness of Load
Bearing Walls
The nominal thickness of masonry bearing
walls in building shall not be less than
230 mm.

4.8.2 - Parapet Wall

Parapet walls shall be at least 200mm thick

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and height shall not exceed 3 times the
thickness. The parapet wall shall not be
thinner than the wall below.

4.8.3 – C4.8.3 –
Minimum dimension shall be 200 mm.
Due to the structural importance of columns and
Slenderness ratio shall not exceed 20.
their vulnerability as isolated members, many
codes specify a 200 mm nominal minimum

4.9 – C4.9 –
4.9.1 – Eccentricity C4.9.1 – Eccentricity
Eccentricity of vertical loading at a particular Eccentricity of vertical loading on a masonry
junction in a masonry wall shall depend on element increases its tendency to buckling and
factors, such as extent of bearing, magnitude reduces its load carrying capacity; its effect is thus
of loads, stiffness of slab or beam, fixity at the similar to that of slenderness of the member. Thus
support and constructional details at junctions. combined effect of slenderness and eccentricity is
Exact calculations are not possible to make taken into consideration in design calculations by
accurate assessment of eccentricity. Extent of the factor known as Stress reduction factor (ks) as
eccentricity under any particular given in Table 11 of the Code.
circumstances has, therefore, to be decided
according to the best judgment of the Eccentricity caused by an eccentric vertical load is
designer. Some guidelines for assessment of maximum at the top of a member, that is, at the
eccentricity are given in Appendix A. point of loading and it is assumed to reduce
linearly to zero at the bottom of the member that is,
just above the bottom lateral support, while
eccentricity on account of slenderness of a member
is zero at the two supports and is maximum at the
middle. Taking the combined effect of eccentricity
of loading and slenderness critical stress in
masonry occurs at a section 0.6H above the bottom
support as shown in Figure C16.

Figure C16: Eccentricity of loading on a wall

For the sake of simplicity, however, in design

calculations, it is assumed that critical section in a
storey height is at the top of bottom support and
masonry is designed accordingly. In other words
the design method commonly adopted includes
extra self weight of 0.6H of the member and thus
errs on the safe side to some extent. In view of the
fact that design calculations for masonry are not
very precise, the above approximation is justified.

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4.9.2 – C4.9.2 –
Columns shall be designed for a minimum
Columns are generally not subjected to perfectly
eccentricity of 10% of side dimension for each
concentric axial loads. Eccentricity due to
axis in addition to applied loads.
imperfections, lateral loads, and eccentrically
applied axial loads occur almost always and they
must be considered in design. Hence many
masonry codes require a minimum eccentricity of
10% of side dimension.

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5.1 – General C5.1 – General
The building as a whole shall be analyzed by Some general guidance on the design concept of
accepted principles of mechanics to ensure load bearing masonry structures is given in the
safe and proper functioning in service of its following paragraphs.
component parts in relation to the whole
building. All component parts of the structure i) A building is basically subjected to two types of
shall be capable of sustaining the most loads, namely:
adverse combinations of loads, which the a) vertical loads on account of dead loads of
building may be reasonably expected to be materials used in construction, plus live loads due
subjected to during and after construction. to occupancy; and
b) lateral loads due to wind and seismic forces.
While all walls in general can take vertical loads,
ability of a wall to take lateral loads depends on
its disposition in relation to the direction of
lateral load. This could be best explained with the
help of an illustration.
In Figure C17, the wall A has good resistance
against a lateral load, while wall B offers very
little resistance to such load. The lateral loads
acting on the face of a building are transmitted
through floors (which act as horizontal beams) to
cross walls which act as shear walls. From cross
walls, loads are transmitted to the foundation.
This action is illustrated in Fig. C18. Stress
pattern in cross walls due to lateral loads is
illustrated in Fig. C19.


Resistance of brick wall to take lateral loads is greater in case of

wall A than that in case of wall B.

Figure C17: In plane and outer plane lateral


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Wind load on the facade wall 1 is transferred via floor slabs 2 to

the cross walls 3 and thence to the ground.
The strength and stiffness of 2 that is floors as horizontal girders
is vital; floors of lightweight construction should be used with
Figure C18: Function of lateral support to wall
Wind Load on shaded area is
resisted by the cross wall

x x



Cross wall



Figure C19: Bending stress pattern in cross

walls acting as shear wall

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ii)As a result of lateral load, in the cross walls there
will be an increase of compressive stress on the
leeward side, and decrease of compressive stress
on the wind-ward side. These walls should be
designed for 'no tension' and permissible
compressive stress. It will be of interest to note
that a wall which is carrying greater vertical
loads will be in a better position to resist lateral
loads than the one which is lightly loaded in the
vertical direction. This point should be kept in
view while planning the structure so as to
achieve economy in structural design.

iii)A structure should have adequate stability in the

direction of both the principal axes. The so
called 'cross wall' construction may not have
much lateral resistance in the longitudinal
direction. In multi-storeyed buildings, it is
desirable to adopt 'cellular' or 'box type'
construction from consideration of stability and
economy as illustrated in Figure C20.


Figure C20-A Cross wall construction-unstable
in longitudinal direction

Figure C20-B Cellular or box type construction
stable in both directions
Figure C20: Stability of cross wall and cellular
(box type) construction

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iv) Size, shape and location of openings in the
external walls have considerable influence on
stability and magnitude of stresses due to lateral
loads. This has been illustrated in Figure C21.

This wall will not resist lateral

loading as effectively as wall 2; it
tends to act as three separate short
lengths rather than one.

This wall will tend to act as one long

portion of brickwork and will be more
resistant to lateral loading.
Figure C21: Effect of openings on shear
strength of walls

v)If openings in longitudinal walls are so located

that portions of these walls act as flanges to cross
walls, the strength of the cross walls get
considerably increased and structure becomes
much more stable, as will be seen from Figure

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Figure C22-A Brickwork resisting shear (for all

four walls)

Figure C22-B Brickwork resisting shear (for

two central walls)

vi)Ordinarily a load-bearing masonry structure is

designed for permissible compressive and shear
stresses (with no tension) as a vertical cantilever
by accepted principles of engineering mechanics.
No moment transfer is allowed for, at floor to
wall connections and lateral forces are assumed
to be resisted by diaphragm action of floor/roof
slabs, which acting as horizontal beams, transmit
lateral forces to cross walls in proportion to their
relative (moment of inertia). Various modes of
failure of masonry are illustrated in Figure C23.

Figure C23-A: Tensile splitting of a wall under

vertical compressive load.

Figure C23-B: Buckling of a wall under vertical

compressive load

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

Cracking through masonry

Strong mortar & weak units

Sliding along bed joints

Low vertical compression stress

Stair-step cracks through
bed & head joints.

Weak mortar & Strong units

Figure C23-C: Shear failure of a masonry cross
wall under lateral loading

Figure C23-D: Excessive compressive stress in

cross walls resulting in crushing of masonry at
the toe under lateral loading

Figure C23: Various modes of failure of


5.2 – Design Loads

Loads to be taken into consideration for
designing masonry components of a structure
a) dead loads of walls, columns, floors and
b) live loads of floors and roof;
c) wind loads on walls and sloping rootf
d) Seismic forces.
NOTE -When a building is subjected to other
loads, such as vibration from railways and
machinery, these should be taken into

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

consideration according to the best judgement
of the designer.

5.2.1 – Dead Loads

Dead loads shall be calculated on the basis of
unit weights taken in accordance with IS:
1911-1967*IS:875-I (1987).

*Schedule of unit weights of building materials

(First revision).

5.2.2 – Live Loads and Wind Loads

Design loads shall be in accordance with the
recommendations of IS: 875-1964†1987 or
such other loads and forces as may
reasonably be expected to be imposed on the
structure either during or after construction.
NOTE - During construction, suitable
measures shall be taken to ensure that
masonry is not liable to damage or failure due
to action of wind forces, back filling behind
walls or temporary construction loads.
† Code of practice for structural safety of
buildings: Loading standards (revised).

5.2.3 – Seismic Loads

For buildings to be constructed in seismic
zones I and II (see IS: 1893-1984), it is not
necessary to consider seismic forces in design
calculations. In seismic zones III, IV and V,
strengthening measures suggested in IS:
4326-1976§ shall be adopted.
‡ Criteria for earthquake resistant design of
structures (Fourth revision).
§ Code of practice for earthquake resistant
design and construction of buildings (First
Seismic loads shall be determined in
accordance with the IS 1893- Part 1:2002.

5.2.4 – Load combinations C 5.2.4 – Load Combinations

In the allowable stress design method followed The four load combinations given are consistent
for the structural design of masonry structures with those in other BIS codes. In case of wind and
as outlined in this code, adequacy of the earthquake loads, the reversal of forces needs to be
structure and member shall be investigated for considered. The structure is to be designed for the
the following load combinations: critical stresses resulting from these load
a) DL + IL combinations.
b) DL + IL + (WL or EL)
c) DL + WL
d) 0.9 DL +EL

5.2.5 – Permissible stresses and C 5.2.5 – Permissible stresses and loads

loads Traditionally, a 33% increase in permissible stress
Permissible stresses and loads may be values has been permitted when considering wind
increased by one-third for load case b, c, & d or earthquake forces on a structure. Though the
of Clause 5.2.4 when wind or earthquake rationale behind this increase has been subject of

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loads are considered along with normal loads. some criticism, it is permitted by the code in the
absence of more reliable information.
As an alternative of using an increased permissible
stress value when checking safety of structural
components, one can use a 25% reduced load for
load combinations involving wind or earthquake
forces and compare with full permissible stress
values. Thus, the modified load combinations b, c
and d will be:
b) 0.75 [DL + IL + (WL or EL)]
c) 0.75 [DL + WL]
d) 0.75 [0.9DL +EL]

5.3 – Vertical Load Dispersion C5.3 – Vertical Load Dispersion

5.3.1 – General C5.3.1 – General
The angle of dispersion of vertical load on Experiments have shown that dispersion of axial
walls shall be taken as not more than 30” from loads does not take place at an angle 45° to vertical
the vertical. as assumed in previous codes. An angle of
distribution for axial loads not exceeding 30° is
more realistic and is recommended by various other
masonry codes. (see Figure C24).

W = Concentrated load
w = Distributed load after dispersal at depth h from
plane of application of concentrated load

Figure C24: Dispersal of concentrated load in


5.3.2 – Arching Action C5.3.2 – Arching Action

Account may also be taken of the arching i) Arching in masonry is a well known
action of well-bonded masonry walls phenomenon by which part of the load over an

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supported on lintels and beams, in accordance opening in the wall gets transferred to the sides of
with established practice. Increased axial the opening. For good arching action masonry
stresses in the masonry associated with units should have good shear strength and these
arching action in this way, shall not exceed the should be laid in proper masonry bond using a
permissible stresses given in section 5.6. good quality mortar. Further, portions of the wall
on both sides of the opening should be long
enough (see C-6.3.3) to serve as effective
abutments for the arched masonry above the
opening since horizontal thrust for the arch is to
be provided by the shear resistance of the
masonry at the springing level on both sides of
the opening. If an opening is too close to the end
of a wall, shear stress in masonry at springing
level of imaginary arch may be excessive and
thus no advantage can be taken of arching in
masonry for design of lintels.

ii)To explain the effect of arching on design of

lintels and stress in masonry, let us consider a
wall of length AB with an opening of effective
span PQ = L as shown in Figure C25 PRQ is an
equilateral triangle with PQ as its base.

Extra Floor Load on Stretch CD & GH

Extra Masonry Load on
Stretch CD & GH

Masonry Load
On Lintel

L/2 Effective L/2

A G H Level J K B
x x
X= L or (L+H)/2, whichever is less
Figure C25: Arching action in masonry

Because of arching action, loads of floor and

masonry above the equilateral triangle get
transferred to the sides of the wall. Therefore
lintel at PQ is designed for load of masonry
contained in the triangle PRQ.
To work out approximate stress in masonry in
various stretches, it is assumed that:
a) load from the lintel gets uniformly distributed
over the supports,
b) masonry and floor loads above the triangle
PRQ get uniformly distributed over the stretches
of masonry CD and EF at the soffit level of the
lintel, CD and EF being limited in length to L/2
and over the stretches GH and JK at the floor

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level, limited in length to L or (L-H)/2
whichever is less, H being the height of top of
the opening from the floor level.
In case some other opening occurs between the
lintel and horizontal plane 25 cm above the apex
R of the triangle, arching action gets interrupted
because of inadequate depth of masonry above
the triangle to function as an effective arching
ring. Also if there is some other load between
the lintel and horizontal plane 25 cm above the
apex R of the triangle, loading on the lintel gets

iii) In case of buildings of conventional design with

openings of moderate size which are reasonably
concentric, some authorities on masonry
recommend a simplified approach for design. In
simplified approach, stress in masonry at plinth
level is assumed to be uniformly distributed in
different stretches of masonry, taking loadings
in each stretch as indicated in Figure C26
without making any deduction in weight of
masonry for the openings. It is assumed that the
extra stresses obtained in masonry by making no
deduction for openings, compensates more or
less for concentrations of stresses due to
openings. This approach is of special
significance in the design of multi-storeyed
load-bearing structure where intervening floor
slabs tend to disperse the upper storey loads
more or less uniformly on the inter-opening
spaces below the slabs and thus at plinth level
stress in masonry, as worked out by the above
approach is expected to be reasonably accurate.

NOTE: Loads on Sections A to E of the building are considered

to be acting on wall lengths a to e respectively
Figure C26: Stresses in masonry at different
floor levels

5.3.3 – Lintels C5.3.3 – Lintels

Lintels, that support masonry construction, i) Lintels over openings are designed taking into
shall be designed to carry loads for masonry consideration arching action in masonry where
(allowing for arching and dispersion, where feasible as explained earlier. It is a common

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

applicable) and loads received from any other practice to assume that length of walls on both
part of the structure. Length of bearing of lintel sides of an opening should be at least half the
at each end shall not be less than 9 cm or effective span of the opening for transfer of load
one-tenth of the span, whichever is more, and to sides by arch action. In case it is less, lintel
area of the bearing shall be sufficient to should be designed for full load over the opening
ensure that stresses in the masonry regardless of the height of the floor slab as
(combination of wall stresses, stresses due to shown in Figure C27-A.
arching action and bearing stresses from the
lintel) do not exceed the stresses permitted in
5.6 (see AppendixC).

Figure C27-A: Effective load when L1 < L/2

ii) When location and size of opening is such that
arching action can take place, lintel is designed
for the load of masonry included in the
equilateral triangle over the lintel as shown in
Figure C27-B. In case floor or roof slab falls
within a part of the triangle in question or the
triangle is within the influence of a concentrated
load or some other opening occurs within a part
of the triangle, loading on the lintel will get
modified as discussed earlier.

Figure C27-B: Effective load when L1 and L2 ≥

L/2 and floor/roof slab does not intercept the
equilateral over the lintel.

iii) When stretches of wall on sides are equal to or

greater than L/2 and equilateral triangle above
the lintel is intercepted by the floor / roof slab,
the lintel is designed for load of masonry
contained in the equilateral triangle plus load
from the floor falling within the triangle as
shown in Figure C27-C.

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h > 250
Load On

Masonry Load
On Lintel

L1 L L2

Figure C27-C: Effective load when L1 and L2 ≥

L/2, and equilateral triangle over the lintel is
intercepted by floor slab above with no other
opening to intercept arch action

iv) When stretches of wall on the sides of the

opening are equal to or greater than L/2 with the
equilateral triangle over the lintel intercepted by
floor slab and another opening comes within the
horizontal plane 25 cm above the apex of the
triangle, lintel is to be designed for loads shown
in Fig. C27-D.
Floor B

Load of Floor B
Load of and Masonry
Storey B Floor A Load of Storey
Masonry B on Lintel
Load of
Storey B

Floor A
Load of
Storey A
on Lintel
Storey A

L1 L L2

L1 or L2 > L/2
Figure C27-D: Effective load when L1 and L2 ≥
L/2 and equilateral triangle above the lintel is
within 25 cm (vertically) of another opening in
the upper storey.

v) When any other load is coming between the

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

lintel and horizontal plane 25 cm above the apex
of the equilateral triangle over the lintel, the
latter is designed for the loads as shown in Fig.
Another load within 25 cm from the horizontal plan
Additional masonry load on the lintel on
account of the influence of the other

<250 load of
over the

Load from the
other Load
within the
Influence of
L1 L L2 the
triangle over

Figure C27-E: Effective load when L1 and L2 ≥

L/2 and equilateral triangle is within the
influence of another load
Figure C27: Effective loads on lintels for various

vi) It may be clarified that in fact load coming on a

lintel is indeterminate and the above
suggestions for the design of lintels are based
on empirical rules derived from experience and
general principles of engineering.

v) Economy in the design of lintels may be effected

by taking advantage, of composite action
between lintel and the masonry above it. For this
purpose, shuttering of the lintel should not be
removed till both masonry (up to 250 mm above
the apex of equilateral triangle above the lintel)
and RCC of the lintel have gained sufficient
strength so as to be able to bear stresses in the
composite beam having masonry in compressive
zone and RCC lintel in the tensile zone.
Behavior of composite beam in this case is
analogous to that of grade beam in pile

5.4 – Lateral Load Distribution C6.4 – Lateral Load Distribution

Lateral loads shall be distributed to the Lateral loads from the wind or earthquakes are
structure system in accordance with member generally considered to act in the direction of the
stiffness for rigid diaphragms or tributary areas principal axes of the building structure. The
for flexible diaphragms and shall comply with distribution of lateral loads to various masonry wall
the following requirements elements depends on the rigidities of the horizontal
1. Flanges of intersecting walls designed in floor or roof diaphragm and of the wall elements.
accordance with section shall be
included in stiffness determination. If a diaphragm does not undergo significant in-
2. Distribution of load shall include the effect plane deformation with respect to the supporting

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of diaphragm rigidity and of horizontal walls, it can be considered rigid and lateral loads
torsion due to eccentricity of wind and are distributed in various lateral load resisting wall
seismic loads resulting from non-uniform elements in proportion to their relative stiffness.
distribution of mass. Horizontal torsion developed due to eccentricity of
the applied lateral load with the plan centre of the
rigidity can cause forces in the wall parallel and
perpendicular to load direction. In-plane rigidities
are considered in the analysis, which includes both
shearing and flexural deformations. Generally
rigidities of transverse walls in direction
perpendicular to the direction of lateral force, is
usually disregarded. However, stiffening effect of
certain portion of such walls as permitted by the
Code in section can be considered, if the
method of connection between the intersecting
walls and between walls and diaphragms is
adequate for the expected load transfer.

On the other hand, flexible diaphragms change

shape when subjected to lateral loads and are
incapable of transmitting torsional forces. The
distribution of lateral loads to vertical wall
elements takes place in proportion to the tributary
area associated with each wall element for vertical
loads distribution.

5.5 – Basic Compressive C6.5 – Basic Compressive

Strength of Masonry Strength of Masonry
The basic compressive strength of masonry fm The code proposes two methods to determine the
shall be determined by the unit strength compressive strength of masonry. The unit strength
method or by the prism test method as method eliminates the expense of prism tests but is
specified below. more conservative than the prism test method

5.5.1 – Unit Strength Method C6.5.1 – Unit Strength Method

The basic compressive strength of masonry Unit strength method is based on the compressive
shall be four times of the basic compressive strength of masonry units and mortar type, and is
stress which based on the strength of the units developed by using prism test data.
and the type of mortar as given in Table 10.

5.5.2 – Prism Test Method C6.5.2 – Prism Test Method

Basic compressive strength of masonry shall This is a uniform method of testing masonry to
be determined by prism test as given in determine its compressive strength and is used as
Appendix B on masonry made from masonry an alternative to the unit strength method.
units and mortar to be actually used in a
particular job.

5.6 – Permissible Stresses

5.6.1 – Basic Compressive Stress
Permissible compressive stress in masonry
shall be based on the value of basic
compressive stress (fb) as given in Table 8
and multiplying this value by factor known as
stress reduction factor (k,). Area reduction
factor (k,) and shape modification factor (kp) as

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

detailed in to below:
(a) Prism not tested/Unit Strength
Values of basic compressive stress given
in Table 10 which are based on the
crushing strength of masonry unit and
grades of mortar, and hold good for values
of SR not exceeding 6, zero eccentricity
and masonry unit having height to width
ratio ( as laid ) equal to 0.75 or less.
(b) Prisms tested :
The basic compressive stress can be
obtained by multiplying the specified
compressive strength obtained from
prism test with 0.25

5.6.2 – Permissible Compressive

Permissible compressive stress in masonry
shall be based on the value of basic
compressive stress (fb) as given in Table 10
and multiplying this value by factor known as
stress reduction factor (ks). Area reduction
factor (ka) and shape modification factor (kp)
as detailed in to

Sl. Mortar Table 10: Basic compressive strength in MPa corresponding to masonry
no Type units of which height to width ratio does not exceed 0.75 and crushing
strength in MPa is not less than
3.5 5.0 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 25 30 35 40
1 H1 0.35 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.16 1.31 1.45 1.59 1.91 2.21 2.50 3.05
2 H2 0.35 0.50 0.74 0.96 1.09 1.19 1.30 1.41 1.62 1.85 2.10 2.50
3 M1 0.35 0.50 0.74 0.96 1.06 1.13 1.20 1.27 1.47 1.69 1.90 2.20
4 M2 0.35 0.44 0.59 0.81 0.94 1.03 1.10 1.17 1.34 1.51 1.65 1.90
5 M3 0.25 0.41 0.56 0.75 0.87 0.95 1.02 1.10 1.25 1.41 1.55 1.78
6 L1 0.25 0.36 0.53 0.67 0.76 0.83 0.90 0.97 1.11 1.26 1.40 1.06
7 L2 0.25 0.31 0.42 0.53 0.58 0.61 0.65 0.69 0.73 0.78 0.85 0.95 –Stress reduction factor C6.6.2.1 – Stress reduction factor

This factor, as given in Table 11, takes into Since slenderness of a masonry element increases
consideration the slenderness ratio of the its tendency to buckle, permissible compressive
element and also the eccentricity of loading stress of an element is related to its slenderness
ratio and is determined by applying Stress
reduction factor (ks) as given in Table 11 of the
Code. Values of Stress reduction factor have been
worked out by taking into consideration
eccentricity in loading because of slenderness.
Strictly speaking full value of stress reduction
factor is applicable only for central one-fifth height
of the member. In practice however for the sake of
simplicity in design calculations, stress reduction
factor is applied to the masonry throughout its
storey height (Note 3 under Table 11 of the Code is
an exception) and for designing masonry for a

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

particular storey height, generally stress is worked
Table 11: Stress reduction factor for out at the section just above the bottom support
slenderness ratio and assuming it to be maximum at that section.
eccentricity(Clause Theoretically critical section in a storey occurs at a
Slende Eccentricity of loading divided by the height 0.6 H above the bottom support as explained
rness thickness of the member in C-4.8. Thus provisions of the Code and the
Ratio 0 1/24 1/12 1/6 1/4 1/3 design procedure in question as commonly
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) followed, is an approximation that errs on the safe
6 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 side.
8 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 Advantage of Note 3 under Table 11 of the Code is
10 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81 taken when considering bearing stress under a
12 0.84 0.83 0.81 0.78 0.75 0.72 concentrated load from a beam. Bearing stress is
14 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.70 0.66 0.66 worked out immediately below the beam and this
16 0.73 0.71 0.68 0.63 0.58 0.53 should not exceed the permissible compressive
18 0.67 0.64 0.61 0.55 0.49 0.43 stress of masonry. Also stress in masonry is
20 0.62 0.59 0.55 0.48 0.41 0.34
worked out at a depth of H/8 from the bottom of
22 0.56 0.52 0.48 0.40 0.32 0.24
24 0.51 0.47 0.42 0.33 0.24 - the beam. This should not exceed the permissible
26 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.25 - - compressive stress in masonry. If actual stress
27 0.43 0.38 0.33 0.22 - - exceeds allowable stress in either case, a concrete
bed block is provided below the beam.
NOTE 1 - Linear interpolation between values
is permitted. In accordance with of the Code, some
increase in permissible compressive stress is
NOTE 2 - Where, in special cases, the allowed for concentrated loads which are
eccentricity of loading lies between 1/3 and 1/2 concentric. For checking bearing stress under such
of the thickness of the member, the stress a load, however, some authorities on masonry
reduction factor should vary linearly between recommend a conservative approach-that is, either
unity and 0.20 for slenderness ratio of 6 and to take advantage of Note 3 of Table 11 of the
20 respectively. Code or to take advantage of provisions of
NOTE 3 -Slenderness ratio of a member for of the Code but do not apply both the provisions of
sections within 1/8 of the height of the member the code at the same time.
above or below a lateral support may be taken
to be 6. – Area Reduction Factor C5.6.2.2 – Area Reduction Factor

This factor takes into consideration smallness Area reduction factor due to 'small area' of a
of the sectional area of the element and is member is based on the concept that there is
applicable when sectional area of the element statistically greater probability of failure of a small
is less than 0.2 m2. The factor ka=0.7 + 1.5 A, section due to sub-standard units as compared to a
A being the area of section in m2. large element. However North American Codes do
not include any provision for smallness of area.
The reason for this seems to be that factor of
safety/load factors inherent in a Code should be
enough to cover the contingency mentioned above
for this provision. On the other hand, Australian
Code (1974) and draft ISO standard (1987) provide
this limit for smallness of area as 0.13 and 0.10 m2,
respectively. Strictly speaking necessity for this
provision in the Code arises when there is
appreciable variation in strength of individual units.
In view of the fact that strength of masonry units
being manufactured at present in our country can
appreciably vary, the necessity for this provision is
justified in our code.

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PROVISIONS COMMENTARY – Shape Modification Factor C5.6.2.3 – Shape Modification Factor
This factor takes into consideration the shape Shape modification factor is based on the general
of the unit, that is, height to width ratio (as laid) principle that lesser the number of horizontal joints
and is given in Table 12. This factor is in masonry, greater its strength or load carrying
applicable for units of crushing strength up to capacity. It has, however, been found from
15 MPa. experimental studies that for units stronger than
15 MPa, extent of joints in masonry does not have
Table 12: Shape Modification Factor For any significant effect on strength of masonry
Masonry Units (Clause ) because of use of the comparatively high strength
Height to Shape modification factor (kp) for mortar that normally goes with high-strength units.
width ratio units having crushing strength in
of units(as MPa
laid) 5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Up to 0.75 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0
1.5 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1
2.0 to 4.0 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.2

NOTE - When resultant eccentricity ratio of

loading is 1/24 or less, compressive stress due
to bending shall be ignored and only axial
stress need be computed for the purpose of
design. – Increase in Permissible C5.6.2.4 – Increase in Permissible Compressive

Compressive Stresses Allowed for Stresses Allowed for Eccentric
Eccentric Vertical Loads and Lateral Loads Vertical Loads and Lateral Loads
under Certain Conditions under Certain Conditions
In members subjected to eccentric and/or i) Eccentric vertical load (vertical load plus lateral
lateral loads, increase in permissible load in case of free standing walls) on masonry
compressive stress is allowed as follows: causes bending stress in addition to axial stress. It
a) When resultant eccentricity ratio has been found that masonry can take 25 percent
exceeds 1/24 but does not exceed 1/6, greater compressive stress, when it is due to
25 percent increase in permissible bending than when it is due to pure axial load,
compressive stress is allowed in because maximum stress in case of bending
design. occurs at the extreme fibers and then it gets
b) When resultant eccentricity ratio reduced linearly while in axial compression,
exceeds 1/6, 25 percent increase in stress is more or less uniform throughout the
permissible stress is allowed but the section. For similar reasons permissible
area of the section under tension shall compressive stress in concrete for beams also
be disregarded for computing the load called bending compressive stress, is greater than
carrying capacity of the member. that in columns subjected to vertical loads. This
NOTE - When resultant eccentricity ratio of rule of higher permissible compressive stress
loading is 1/24 or less, compressive stress due when due to bending can also be explained from
to bending shall be ignored and only axial the consideration that beyond elastic limit
stress need be computed for the purpose of redistribution of stresses takes place because of
design. plasticity and thus stress block is in practice more
or less rectangular in shape instead of triangular
as is normally assumed in accordance with the
elastic theory. This enables the member to resist
greater load.

ii) When loading on a masonry element has some

eccentricity, the Code lays down the design

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

approach for various ranges of eccentricity ratios
namely (a) eccentricity ratio of 1/24 or less; (b)
eccentricity ratio exceeding 1/24 but not
exceeding 1/6, and (c) eccentricity ratio
exceeding 1/6. Basis of this design approach is
explained below.

a) Eccentricity ratio of 1/24 or less:

Referring to Fig. C28-B, W is total permissible
vertical load per unit length of wall with
resultant eccentricity e, t is thickness of wall, f1
and f2 are the stresses at the two faces of the wall
and 0.25fm is Permissible compressive stress for
axial loading.
f1 = +
f2 = -
Substituting values of A, M and Z
W We × 6 W ⎛ 6e ⎞
f1 = + = ⎜1 + ⎟
t t 2
t ⎝ t ⎠
W We × 6 W ⎛ 6e ⎞
f2 = − = ⎜1 − ⎟
t t 2
t ⎝ t ⎠
For eccentricity ratio e/t = 1/24, and since W/t is
equal to permissible/allowable axial
compressive stress Fa
W ⎛ 1⎞
f1 = ⎜ 1 + ⎟ = 1.25 Fa
t ⎝ 4⎠
W ⎛ 1⎞
f2 = ⎜ 1 − ⎟ = 0.75 Fa
t ⎝ 4⎠

t/2 W = Fat

Fa Fa
Figure C28-A

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

e = t/24
t/2 f1 = 1.25Fa
f2 = 0.75Fa
W = Fat

f2 f1

Figure C28-B

As we allow 25 percent additional compressive

stress in case of eccentric loading, it follows
that maximum compressive stress (f1) for
eccentricity ratio up to 1/24 does not exceed
axial compressive stress by more than 25
percent which is permitted by the code.

Therefore for eccentricity ratio of 1/24 or less,

it is not necessary to compute and add bending
stress to the axial stress. The designer is
expected to work out only axial compressive
stress for the purpose of design and see that it
does not exceed Permissible compressive stress
for axial load.
∴Allowable Design load, W =Fat per unit
length of wall.

b) Eccentricity ratio exceeding 1/24 but not

exceeding 1/6 (see Fig. C28-C and C28-D):
We × 6
Bending stress =
For eccentricity ratios 1/6 (substituting in the
above equations),
W W 2W
f1 = + =
t t t
f2 = − =0
t t
Thus on one face compressive stresses get
doubled and on the other face it is fully
nullified by tensile stress and there is no tension
in the cross section. For loading with
eccentricity ratio between 1/24 and 1/6, we
have to limit the maximum stress f1 to 1.25Fa .
W ⎛ 6e ⎞
f1 = ⎜ 1 + ⎟ = 1.25 Fa
t ⎝ t ⎠
Therefore, Total allowable load
1.25 Fa t
⎛ 1 + 6e ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝ t ⎠
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Code &Commentary IS:1905


t 24 < e < t 26
f1 = 1.25 Fa

W ⎛ 1 + 6e ⎞
⎜ ⎟
t ⎝ t ⎠
t 1.25 Fa t
W =
f1 1+

Figure C28-C

t W
6 t
t 6
6 2W
f1 = = 1.25 Fa
t 1.25 Fa × t

Figure C28-D

c) Eccentricity ratio exceeding 1/6 (see Fig. C28-

We had seen from (b) above that when
eccentricity ratio reaches the value 1/6, stress is
zero on one face; when this ratio exceeds 1/6
there will be tension on one face rendering
ineffective a part of the section of the masonry
and stress distribution in this case would thus be
as shown in Fig. C28-E.
t t
t t W <e<
<e< 6 2
6 2
− e f1 = 1.25 Fa
t/ 2
2 2W
t c ⎛t ⎞
3⎜ − e⎟
f1 ⎝2 ⎠
b ⎛t ⎞
⎛t ⎞ 1.25 Fa × 3 ⎜ − e⎟
3⎜ − e ⎟ ⎝2 ⎠
⎝2 ⎠ W=
Figure C28-
Average compressive stress:

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f1 + 0 f1
f av = =
2 2
Since f1 has to be limited to 1.25Fa
1.25 Fa
f av =
The Total allowable load W in this case will be
equal to average compressive stress multiplied
by length ab of the stress triangle abc. Since for
equilibrium, the load must pass through the
W = average stress × ab
1.25 × Fa t centroid of the
= × 3( − e)
2 2
stress triangle abc and the load is at a distance of
t/2- e from the compressive face, we get
ab t ⎛t ⎞
= − e and ab = 3 ⎜ − e ⎟
3 2 ⎝2 ⎠
Thus Total allowable load,
W = average stress × ab
1.25 × Fa t
= × 3( − e)
2 2
From the above equation we can see that
theoretically design load W is zero when e= t/2.
However for practical considerations e should be
limited to t/3. – Increase in Permissible C5.6.2.5 – Increase in Permissible Compressive

Compressive Stress for Walls Subjected to Stress for Walls Subjected to
Concentrated Loads Concentrated Loads
When a wall is subjected to a concentrated In Appendix C of the Code, use of concrete bed
load (a load being taken to be concentrated block has been suggested. It seems necessary to
when area of supporting walls equals or add that in case some tension is likely to develop in
exceeds three times the bearing area), certain masonry because of eccentricity of concentrated
increase in permissible compressive stress loads, the bed blocks should be suitably reinforced
may be allowed because of dispersal of the and these should be long enough so as to prevent
load. Since, according to the present state of tensile cracks in masonry due to eccentricity of
art, there is diversity of views in regard to loading.
manner and extent of dispersal, design of
walls subjected to concentrated load may,
therefore, be worked out as per the best
judgement of the designer. Some guidelines in
this regard are given in Appendix C.

5.7 – Combined Permissible C5.7 – Combined Permissible

Axial and Flexural Axial and Flexural
Compressive Stress Compressive Stress
5.7.1 – C5.7.1 –
Members subjected to combined axial
The unity equation assumes a straight line
compression and flexure shall be designed to
interaction between axial and flexural compressive
satisfy the following:
stresses for unreinforced masonry sections. This is
simple portioning of the available allowable

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

f A fB stresses between axial and flexure loads, which can
+ ≤1 be extended for the biaxial bending, by using the
Fa Fb bending stress quotients for both axes. In this
Where, interaction formula, the secondary effect of
fa= Calculated compressive stresses due to moment magnification for flexure term due to axial
axial load only loads is not included, which is an error on the
fb= Calculated Compressive stresses due to unsafe side. However, this error for practical size
flexure only of walls will be relatively small and large overall
Fa = Allowable axial compressive stress safety factor of about 4 is adequate to account for
Fb = Allowable flexural compressive stress this amplification of flexure term.
= 1.25 Fa The code allows 25% increase in allowable axial
compressive stress, if it is due to flexure. The
permissible flexural compressive stress can be
expressed as a function of masonry prism strength
as follows:
Fb = 1.25 Fa = 1.25 x 0.25 fm = 0.31 fm

5.8 – Permissible Tensile C5.8 – Permissible Tensile

Stress Stress
As a general rule, design of masonry shall be Variables affecting tensile bond strength of brick
based on the assumption that masonry is not masonry normal to bed joints include mortar
capable of taking any tension. However, in properties, unit initial rate of absorption, surface
case of lateral loads normal to the plane of condition, workmanship and curing condition. Also
wall, which causes flexural tensile stress, as the aspect ratio of brick unit has a significant effect
for example, panel, .curtain partition and free- on the flexural tensile strength. The increase in
standing walls, flexural tensile stresses as aspect ratio of the unit results in an increase in
follows may be permitted in the design for strength parallel to bed joints and a decrease in
masonry: strength normal to bed joints.
Grade M1 or Better mortar
ƒ 0.07 MPa for bending in the vertical
direction where tension developed is
normal to bed joints.
ƒ 0.14 MPa for bending in the longitudinal
direction where tension developed is
parallel to bed joints provided crushing
strength of masonry units is not less than
10 MPa.
Grade M2 mortar
ƒ 0.05 MPa for bending in the vertical
direction where tension developed is
normal to bed joints.
ƒ 0.10 MPa for bending in the longitudinal
direction where tension developed is
parallel to bed joints provided crushing
strength of masonry units is not less than
7.5 MPa.
NOTE 1 - No tensile stress is permitted in
masonry in case of water-retaining structures
in view of water in contact with masonry. Also
no tensile stress is permitted in earth-retaining
structures in view of the possibility of presence
of water at the back of such walls.

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NOTE 2- Allowable tensile stress in bending in In accordance with Note 2 of the clause tensile
the vertical direction may be increased to 0.1 stress up to 0.1 MPa and 0.07 MPa in the masonry
MPa for M1 mortar and 0.07 MPa for M2 of boundary/compound walls is permitted when
mortar in case of boundary walls. mortar used in masonry is of M1 and M2 grade
respectively or better. This relaxation has been
made to effect economy in the design of the
boundary/compound walls since there is not much
risk to life and property in the event of failure of
such walls.

5.9 - Permissible Shear Stress C5.9 – Permissible Shear

Stress– C5.9.1.1 –
In-plane permissible shear stress (Fv )shall not
Unreinforced masonry in shear fails in one of the
exceed any of :
following mode as shown in Fig.C23-C: (a)
a) 0.5 MPa
Diagonal tension cracking of masonry generally
b) 0.1+ 0.2fd
observed when masonry is weak and mortar is
c) 0.125 f m strong, (b) Sliding of masonry units along
horizontal bed joint, especially when masonry is
lightly loaded in vertical direction and (c) Stepped
fd = compressive stress due to dead loads in cracks running through alternate head and bed
N/mm2 joints, usually observed in case of strong units and
weak mortars.

Permissible shear stress for unreinforced masonry

is based on experimental research for various
failure modes. At low pre-compression (<2 MPa),
for sliding type of failure mode, a Mohr-Coulomb
type failure theory is more appropriate and shear
capacity is increased due to increase in the vertical
load (Fig.C29). The coefficient of friction of 0.2
has been long used in the masonry codes, however,
the recent research indicate that a higher value
(about 0.45) is more appropriate. At large pre-
compression (> 2 MPa), tensile cracking of
masonry is more likely which are expressed in
terms of square root of compressive strength of

Shear stress due to applied loads shall be

determined based on the net section properties
using the following expression:
Fv = where,
V = design shear force,
Q = first moment about the neutral axis of a section
of that portion of the cross section lying between
the neutral axis and extreme fiber,
I = moment of inertia of masonry, and
b = width of section.

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0.5 MPa or fm ≥ 16 MPa

Allowable stress, MPa


0.4 0.125√fm fm < 16 MPa


0.2 0.1 + 0.2fd


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Stress due to dead loads, MPa

Figure C30: Allowable Shear for Unreinforced


For rectangular section this amounts to parabolic

stress distribution and the maximum value will be
1.5 times the average shear stress.

5.10 – Design Criteria: Wall

and Dimensions
5.10.1 – Walls and Columns
Subjected to Vertical Loads
Walls and columns bearing vertical loads shall
be designed on the basis of permissible
compressive stress. Design involves in
determining thickness in case of walls and the
section in case of columns in relation to
strength of masonry units and grade of mortar
to be used, taking into consideration various
factors such as slenderness ratio, eccentricity,
area of section, workmanship, quality of
supervision, etc, further to provisions of
to – Solid Walls C5.10.1.1 – Solid Walls

Thickness used for design calculation shall be Brick work is generally finished by either pointing
the actual thickness of masonry computed as or plastering and with that in view, it is necessary
the sum of the average dimensions of the to rake the joints while the mortar is green, in case
masonry units specified in the relevant of plaster work raking is intended to provide key
standard, together with the specified joint for bonding the plaster with the background.
thickness. In masonry with raked joints, Strictly speaking, thickness of masonry for
thickness shall be reduced by the, depth of purposes of design in these cases is the actual
raking of joints for plastering/pointing. thickness less depth of raking. However in case of
design of masonry based on permissible tensile
stress (as for example, design of a free standing
wall), if walls are plastered over (plaster of normal
thickness i.e. 12 to 15 mm) with mortar of same
grade as used in the masonry or M2 grade-
whichever is stronger or if walls are flush pointed

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

with mortar of M1 grade or stronger, raking
thickness can be ignored. – Cavity Walls C5.10.1.2 – Cavity Walls

a) Thickness of each leaf of a cavity wall shall The structural design concept for cavity walls is
not be less than 75 mm. that both wythes contribute in resisting lateral wind
or seismic loads and that one or both wythes can
carry superimposed vertical loads. If only one
wythe supports the superimposed axial load, then
that wythe should be designed to independently
resist the entire compression force.
b) Where the outer leaf is half masonry unit in
thickness, the uninterrupted height and
length of this leaf shall be limited so as to
avoid undue loosening of ties due to
differential movements between two leaves.
The outer leaf shall, therefore, be supported
at least at every third storey or at every
10m of height, whichever is less, and at
every 10 m or less along the length.
c) Where the load is carried by both leaves of
a wall of a cavity construction, the
permissible stress shall be based on the
slenderness ratio derived from the effective
thickness of the wall as given in 4.5.4 or
4.5.5. The eccentricity of the load shall be
considered with respect to the centre of
gravity of the cross-section of the wall.
d) Where the load is carried by one leaf only,
the permissible stress shall be the greater
of values calculated by the following two
alternative methods:
1) The slenderness ratio is based on the
effective thickness of the cavity wall
as a whole as given in 4.5.4 or 4.5.5
and on the eccentricity of the load
with respect to the centre of gravity of
the cross-section of the whole wall
(both leaves). (This is the same
method as where the load is carried
by both the leaves but the eccentricity
will be more when the load is carried
by one leaf only.)
2) The slenderness ratio is based on the
effective thickness of the loaded leaf
only using 4.5.1 and 4.5.2, and the
eccentricity of the load will also be
with respect to the centre of gravity of
the loaded leaf only. In either
alternative, only the actual thickness
of the load bearing leaf shall be used
in arriving at the cross-sectional area
resisting the load (see – Faced Wall

The permissible load per length of wall shall
be taken as the product of the total thickness

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

of the wall and the permissible stress in the
weaker of the two materials. The permissible
stress shall be found by using the total
thickness of the wall when calculating the
slenderness ratio. – Veneered Wall

The facing (veneer) shall be entirely ignored in
calculations of strength and stability. For the
purpose of determining the permissible stress
in the backing, the slenderness ratio shall be
based on the thickness of the backing alone.

5.10.2 – Walls and Columns Mainly C5.10.2 – Walls and Columns Mainly
Subjected to Lateral Loads Subjected to Lateral Loads – Free-Standing Walls C5.10.2.1 – Free-Standing Walls
1980 version of the Code provided for design of a
a) Free-standing walls, subjected to wind
free-standing wall as gravity structure that is,
pressure or seismic forces, shall be
without placing reliance on the flexural moment of
designed on the basis of permissible
resistance of the wall due to tensile strength of
tensile stress in masonry or stability as in
masonry. It was seen that this approach to design However, in seismic zone II,
resulted in fairly thick walls and maximum height
freestanding walls may be apportioned
of an unplastered 230 mm thick wall (one-brick
without making any design calculations
thick of conventional size) could be only about
with the help of Table 14, provided the
0.86 m while it has been a common practice since
mortar used is of grade not leaner than
long to build such walls to heights much greater
than 0.86 m. From a study of practices being
followed in some other countries in this regard, it is
evident that, for design of free-standing walls, it is
appropriate to take into consideration flexural
moment of resistance of masonry according to the
grade of mortar used for the masonry.

The self-weight of a free standing wall reduces

tensile stress in masonry caused by lateral load that
is, wind pressure. Thus heavier the masonry units,
lesser is the design thickness of wall for a particular
height. It is, therefore, advantageous to build
compound walls in stone masonry in place of brick
masonry when stone is readily available and
thickness has to be greater than one brick. Also it
should be kept in view that use of light-weight
units such as hollow bricks/ blocks in free-standing
walls has obvious structural disadvantage.

As a general rule, a straight compound wall of

uniform thickness is not economical except for low
heights or in areas of low wind pressure.
Therefore, when either height is appreciable or
wind pressure is high, economy in the cost of the
wall could be achieved by staggering, zigzagging
or by providing diaphragm walls. It can be shown
that for wind pressure of 750 N/m2, maximum
height of a 230 mm thick brick wall using grade

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M1 mortar can be 1.5 m for a straight wall, 3.2 m
for a staggered wall and 4.0 m for a diaphragm
b) If there is a horizontal damp-proof course
near the base of the wall that is not
capable of developing tension vertically,
the minimum wall thickness should be the
greater of that calculated from either:
1. the appropriate height to thickness
ratio given in Table 14 reduced by 25
percent, reckoning the height from
the level of the damp-proof course; or
2. the appropriate height to thickness
ratio given in Table 14 reckoning the
height from the lower level at which
the wall is restrained laterally.
Retaining walls shall be designed on
the basis of zero-tension, and
permissible compressive stress.
However, in case of retaining walls
for supporting horizontal thrust from
dry materials, retaining walls may be
designed on the basis of permissible
tensile stress at the discretion of the

Table 14: Height to thickness ratio of

free-standing walls related to
wind speed (Clause
Design Wind Pressure Height To
(N/m2) Thickness Ratio
(1) (2)
Up to 285 10
575 7
860 5
1150 4

Note 1: For intermediate values, linear

interpolation is permissible,
Note 2: Height is to be reckoned from 150 mm
below ground level or top of footing/
foundation block, whichever is higher, and up
to the top edge of the wall.
Note 3: The thickness should be measured
including the thickness of the plaster. – Retaining walls

Normally masonry of retaining walls shall be
designed on the basis of zero-tension, and
permissible compressive stress. However, in
case of retaining walls for supporting
horizontal thrust from dry materials, retaining
walls may be designed on the basis of
permissible tensile stresses at the discretion of
the designers.

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5.10.3 – Walls and Columns C5.10.3 – Walls and Columns Subjected
Subjected to Vertical as Well to Vertical as Well as Lateral
as Lateral Loads Loads
For walls and columns, stresses worked out Longitudinal walls of tall single storey wide span
separately for vertical loads as in 5.8.1 and buildings with trussed roofs such as industrial
lateral loads as in 5.8.2, shall be combined buildings, godowns, sports halls, gymnasia, etc,
and elements designed on the basis of which do not have any intermediate cross walls
permissible stresses. other than gable walls, tend to be very thick and
uneconomical if designed as solid walls, since
vertical load is not much and the lateral load due to
wind/earthquake predominates. This would be
particularly so when the trusses are not adequately
braced at the tie beam level so as to be able to act
as horizontal girders for transmitting the lateral
loads to the gable walls. In this case, the walls act
as simple cantilevers and flexural stress at the base
will be quite high. When, however, trusses are
adequately braced to provide girder action and are
suitably anchored to the gable walls, longitudinal
walls would function as propped cantilevers, thus
resulting in considerable reduction in bending
moments on the long walls as shown in Figure
Truss not



(a) Trusses not braced

Truss braced

+ 9PH/128


(b) Trusses braced

Figure C32: Effect of bracing of trussed roofs on

Masonry diaphragm walls can be adopted in wide-
span tall, single storey buildings and have been
proved very economical and successful. Principle
of a diaphragm wall is similar to that of a rolled

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

steel I-joist that is, placing more material at places
where stresses are more. As a result section
modulus to area ratio of a diaphragm wall is much
higher than that of a solid wall, thereby resulting in

A typical arrangement for laying bricks in a

diaphragm wall is shown in Figure C33. By
varying the depth and spacing of ribs in terms of
brick units, designer can obtain an arrangement that
meets the requirement in any particular case.
Placing of ribs is decided on the consideration that
projecting flange length on either side of rib does
not exceed 6 times the thickness of the flange. Thus
rib-spacing is limited to 12 tf + tr where tf and tr
stand for flange and rib thickness respectively.
Brick layout in diaphragm wall is planned such that
proper masonry bond is obtained with the least
number of cut bricks.

Course A

Alternate courses

¼ Bricks Course B


Figure C33: Typical brick laying arrangement

for diaphragm walls

5.10.4 – Walls Subjected to In-Plane C5.10.4 – Walls Subjected to In-Plane

Bending and Vertical Loads Bending and Vertical Loads
(Shear Walls) (Shear Walls)
Unreinforced masonry walls subjected to in- A cross wall which functions as a stiffening wall to
plane bending and vertical loads, that is, shear an external load-bearing wall is subjected to in-
walls shall be designed on the basis of no- plane bending. If it is also supporting a floor/roof
tension, permissible shear stress and load, it is subjected to vertical load in addition to
permissible compressive stress. in-plane bending. It should be kept in view that
such a wall when subjected to vertical load gets
strengthened since vertical load reduces or nullifies
tension due to bending and also increases the value
of permissible shear stress (see also comments on

5.10.5 – Non Load Bearing Walls C5.10.5 – Non Load Bearing Walls
Non-load bearing walls, such as panel walls, Non-load bearing panel and curtain walls if not
curtain walls and partition walls which are designed on the basis of guidelines given in
mainly subjected to lateral loads, according to Appendix D of the Code may be apportioned with

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

present state of the art, are not capable of the help of Table C-5 which is extracted from
precise design and only approximate methods Recommended Practices for Engineered Brick
based on some tests are available. Guidelines Masonry. The table is based on the assumption that
for approximate design of these walls are wall is simply supported only in one direction
given in Appendix D. either vertically or horizontally without any
opening or other interruptions. Where the wall is
supported in both directions, the allowable distance
between lateral supports may be increased such that
the sum of the horizontal and vertical spans
between supports does not exceed three times the
permissible distance permitted for supporting in the
vertical direction.

Guidelines given in Appendix D of the Code are

based on some research in which mainly
rectangular panels without openings were tested. If
openings are small that is hole-in-wall type (see C-
4.1 Note), there would be no appreciable effect on
strength of panels, since timber or metal frames
that are built into the openings compensate to a
great extent for the loss of strength of the panel due
to the openings. However, when the openings are
large or when the openings cannot be categorized
as of 'hole-in-wall' type, it may often be possible to
design the panel by dividing it into sub-panels as
shown in Figure C34.
In situations where design by forming sub-panels is
not feasible, panel may be analyzed using theory of
flat plates (for example, yield line theory or finite
element method) taking into consideration end
conditions as appropriate.

Table C5: Span to Thickness Ratio of non-load

bearing Panel / Curtain walls
Design Vertical span Horizontal span
wind Cement- Cement- Cement- Cement-
pressure lime lime lime lime
N/m2 mortar mortar mortar mortar
1:1:6 1:½:4½ 1:1:6 1:½:4½
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
2.5 38 43 54 61
5.0 27 30 38 43
7.5 22 25 31 35
10.0 19 21 27 30
12.5 17 19 24 27
15.0 15 17 22 25

NOTE: Partition walls which are not subjected to

any wind pressure that is, internal partition walls
may be apportioned with the help of the above
Table by assuming a minimum design wind
pressure of 250 N/m2.

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Figure C34: Design of panel having large


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Code &Commentary IS:1905

6.1 – Methods of Construction
6.1.1 – General
Brickwork IS : 2212-1962*
Stone masonry IS : 1597 ( Part 1 )-1967
IS : 1597 ( Part 2 )-1967
Hollow concrete IS : 2572-1963
block masonry
Autoclaved cellular IS : 6041-1985
concrete block
Lightweight concrete IS : 6042-19697
block masonry
Gypsum partition IS : 2849-1983**

The methods adopted in the construction of

load bearing and non-load bearing shall
comply with the following standards:
* Code of practice for brickwork.
T Code of practice for construction of stone
masonry : Part 1 Rubble stone masonry.
$ Code of practice for construction of stone
masonry : Part 2 Ashlar masonry.
§ Code of practice for construction of hollow
concrete block masonry.
L Code of practice for construction of
autoclaved cellular concrete block masonry
(first revision).
B Code of practice for construction of
lightweight concrete block masonry.
** Specification for non-load bearing gypsum
partition blocks ( solid and hollow types) (first

6.1.2 – Construction of Buildings in C67.1.2 – Construction of Buildings in

Seismic Zones Seismic Zones
No special provisions on construction are Unreinforced shear walls with no reinforcement is
necessary for buildings constructed in zones I used anywhere will in general have poor post-
and II. Special features of construction for elastic response and therefore can be only used for
earthquake resistant masonry buildings in resisting small earthquake forces only. It should be
zones III, IV and V shall be applicable as given used only in low seismic regions and for buildings
in IS: 4326-1993tt. of minor importance and consequence.
tt Code of practice for earthquake resistant
construction of buildings (first revision). Seismic design provisions contained in IS: 4326
Unreinforced masonry buildings shall be are empirical in nature which are based on
designed in accordance with IS 1893 (Part 1) - successful applications in the past and do not
2002 and relevant provisions of this code. require a rational analysis. These can be used for
Alternatively, certain residential buildings upto buildings of small scale nature and are based on the
three storey and other buildings not housing premise that they have enough shear walls in the
essential services may be designed as per the two directions and are properly connected at
requirements of IS: 4326-1993. corners and integrated with roof and floor

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

diaphragms to create a box-like system for lateral
Preferably buildings located in high seismic
regions IV and V shall be designed for forces in IS:
1893 and provisions of reinforced masonry as per
IITK-GSDMA Guidelines (available at

6.2 – Minimum Thickness of C6.2 – Minimum Thickness of

Walls from Consideration Walls from Consideration
other than Structural other than Structural
Thickness of walls determined from i) Requirements for thickness of walls from
consideration of strength and stability may not considerations other than strength and stability
always be adequate in respect of other have been discussed below with regard to fire
requirements such as resistance to fire, resistance, thermal insulation, sound insulation
thermal insulation, sound insulation and and resistance to rain penetration.
resistance to damp penetration for which
reference may be made to the appropriate ii) Resistance to Fire- The subject of fire resistance
Indian Standards, and thickness suitably of buildings has been dealt with
increased, where found necessary comprehensively in appropriate Indian Standards
and also in Part IV of the National Building
Code of India 1983 which may be referred to in
this regard.

iii)Thermal Insulation -Thickness of walls in case

of non-industrial buildings from consideration of
thermal insulation should be worked out for the
climatic conditions of the place where a building
is to be constructed on the basis of IS 3792:
1978. Even though no Indian Standard has yet
been published on the subject for industrial
buildings, data and information given in the
above Indian Standard would be of some
assistance in deciding the thickness of walls
from consideration of thermal insulation.

iv) Sound Insulation of Value of Wall

a) Indian Standard IS 1950: 1962 lays down sound
insulation standards of walls for non-industrial
buildings such as dwellings, schools, hospitals
and office buildings. Salient features of that
standard are summarised below for ready
b) While deciding thickness/specifications of
walls, it is necessary to consider, firstly the level
of ambient noise in the locality where building
is to be constructed depending upon intensity of
traffic and type of occupancy of the building.
Noise level of traffic varies from 70 decibels
(abbreviated as dB) for light traffic to 90 dB for
heavy traffic. Requirements of sound insulation
for different buildings from consideration of
ambient noise level and occupancy are given in
Table C-6. These values are applicable to

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

external walls for reducing outdoor air-borne

Table C-6 Requirements of sound

insulation values (dB) of external walls
of buildings against air-borne noise
Clause C7.2 (iv)(b)
Sl Type of For noisy For quiet
No building locations locations
. (90 dB (70 dB
Level) Level)
1 Dwellings 45 25
2 Schools 45 25
3 Hospitals 50 30
4 Offices 40 20

c) Sound insulation values of partition and internal

walls are decided on considerations of levels of
indoor noise emanating from adjacent buildings
or adjacent rooms and these should be as given
in Table C-7.

Table C-7 Sound Insulation Values for party

and internal walls
Sl Sound
No. Situation insulation
1 Between living /bed room in one 50
house or flat and living /bed
rooms in another
2 Elsewhere between houses or 25
3 Between one room and another 30
in the same house or flat
4 Between teaching room in a 20
5 Between one room and another 30
in office
6 Between one ward and another
in a hospital:
Normal 40
Extra quiet 45

d) Sound insulation values of non-porous

homogeneous rigid constructions, such as a well
plastered brick/ stone masonry or concrete wall,
vary as the logarithm of weight per unit area and
thus increase with the thickness of wall. These
values are given in Table C-8.

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Code &Commentary IS:1905


Table C-8 Sound Insulation Values of Solid

Weight per m2 of wall Sound insulation value
area (kg) (dB)
5 22.8
25 33.2
50 37.6
100 42.0
150 44.7
200 46.4
250 47.9
300 49.1
350 50.0
400 50.9
450 51.6
500 52.3
600 53.6

e) Based on the data given in Table C-8, insulation

values of brick walls plastered on both sides
work out as in Table C-9.

Table C-9 Sound Insulation Values of

Masonry walls plastered on both sides
Thickness of wall (cm) dB
7.7 45.7
10 47.3
11.5 48.0
20 51.3
23 52.2

f) As a general guide, it may be taken that for

noise insulation a one-brick wall (20 or 23 cm
thick/plastered on both sides as external wall and
a ½ brick wall (10 or 11.5 cm thick) plastered on
both sides as internal walls are adequate.

v) Resistance to Rain Penetration -

Recommendations for thickness of walls of
different types of masonry from consideration of
resistance to rain penetration based generally on
IS 2212: 1962 are given in Table C-10.

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

Table C-10 Suitability of Walls for Different
Exposures (R-Recommended and NR- Not
Sl Particulars of wall Type of Exposure
No Shel Mod Seve
. tered erate re
1 Brick mas onry-burnt clay or
a)1 brick wall – not R NR NR
b)1 brick wall – plastered R R NR
both sides
c)1½ brick wall – not R R NR
d) 1½ brick wall – R R R
plastered both sides

2 Stone masonry
a) Minimum thickness R R NR
35cm – not plastered
b)Minimum thickness 35cm R R R
– plastered both sides

Concrete block masonry

3 20cm minimum thickness
a)Not plastered R NR NR
b)Plastered on both sides R R NR

Stone blocks – 20 cm
4 minimum thickness
a)Not plastered R NR NR
b)Plastered both sides R R NR

Cavity wall of 25 cm
5 minimum thickness R R R

1 Use of cement-lime or lime mortar in place of
cement mortar appreciably improves the resistance
of a wall to rain. It is also important that joints in
masonry are fully filled with mortar.
2 Sheltered conditions’ are those where wall is
protected by overhangs or adjoining buildings or
rainfall is low (less than 750 mm per year and is
generally not accompanied by strong winds.
'Severe conditions' occur when wall is subjected to
strong winds and persistent rain and there is no
sheltering action of overhangs or adjoining
buildings, or rain fall is heavy (exceeding 1000
mm). 'Moderate condition' obtains when exposure
conditions are between 'Sheltered' and 'Severe'

6.3 – Workmanship C6.3 – Workmanship

6.3.1 – General C6.3.1 – General
Workmanship has considerable effect on Workmanship has significant effect on strength and
strength of masonry and bad workmanship development of bond. Common defects of
may reduce the strength of brick masonry to workmanship in masonry are:
as low as half the intended strength. The basic a) Improper mixing of mortar;
compressive stress values for masonry as b) Minimum time lapse between spreading of
given in Table 10 would hold good for mortar and placing of masonry unit;
commercially obtainable standards of c) Incorrect adjustment of suction rate of bricks;

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

workmanship with reasonable degree of d) Unduly thick bed joints;
supervision. If the work is inadequately e) Uneven or deeply furrowed bed joints;
supervised, strength should be reduced to f) Voids in perpend (head) joints; and
three-fourths g) Disturbance of bricks after laying.

The time lapse between spreading of mortar and

placing of unit should not normally exceed one
minute and preferably kept lower in hot, dry and
windy conditions. Otherwise, mortars ability to
flow gets diminished through suction on the unit it
is placed on thus resulting in poor bond

Retempering of mortars to restore water lost by

evaporation is allowed and even encouraged to
maintain its original consistency, as long as it is
done within 2.5 hours after the original mixing.

Suction rate of bricks has a very pronounced effect

on the strength of brick-work and especially on the
bond therefore it should be controlled carefully.
Water absorbed from mortar by bricks leaves
cavities in the mortar, which get filled with air and
thereby reduce the strength of mortar. Brick work
built with saturated bricks develop poor adherence
between brick and mortar. Thus flexural strength as
well as shear strength of such brickwork would be
low. At the same time such brickwork will be
prone to excessive cracking due to high shrinkage
and thus rain-resisting qualities of the brickwork
will be poor. British Ceramic Association have
suggested a suction rate of 2 kg/min/m2, while in
accordance with Canadian Code and American
Practice adjustment in suction rate is required, if
initial absorption rate exceeds 1.5 kg/min/m2.
The Commentary on Australian Code specifies that
suction of bricks should be between 1.0 to
3.0 kg/min/m2. Moderate initial rates of absorption
of 0.25 to 1.5 kg/min/m2 at the time of laying
generally produces good bond. Optimum suction
rate depends on atmospheric conditions, namely,
temperature and humidity as well as certain
properties of mortar used in masonry.

Strength of masonry gets reduced as the thickness

of bed joints increases. Taking normal thickness of
bed joints as 10 mm, an increase of 3 mm in
thickness of bed joints may reduce the strength of
brick masonry by 15 percent and vice versa.

Experiments conducted in other countries indicate

that uneven or deeply furrowed joints can reduce
strength of brickwork up to about 33 percent. Thus,
this is rather a serious defect in masonry
construction. Some masons have the habit of
making a furrow in the mortar of the bed joint in
the middle parallel to the face before laying a
course of bricks, so as to lessen squeezing out of

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

mortar from the bed joints on pressing into
position. This practice should be avoided.

Inadequately filled vertical joints substantially

lower the rain resisting property of walls.
Disturbance of bricks after laying affect the bond
strength as well as shear strength of brickwork and
therefore should be avoided. If adjustment in
position of bricks after laying becomes necessary
bricks as well as mortar should be completely
removed and brickwork redone with fresh mortar.

6.3.2 – Bedding of Masonry Units

Masonry units shall be laid on a full bed or
mortar with frog, if any, upward such that
cross-joints and wall joints are completely filled
with mortar. Masonry units which are moved
after initial placement shall be relaid in fresh
mortar, discarding the disturbed mortar.

6.3.3 – Bond
Cross-joints in any course of one brick thick
masonry wall shall be not less than one-fourth
of a masonry unit in horizontal direction from
the cross-joints in the course below. In
masonry walls more than one brick in
thickness, bonding through the thickness of
wall shall be provided by either header units or
by other equivalent means conforming to the
requirements of IS : 2212-1962*.
*Code of practice for brickwork.

6.3.4 – Verticality and Alignment

All masonry shall be built true and plumb
within the tolerances prescribed below. Care
shall be taken to keep the perpends properly
a) Deviation from vertical within a storey
shall not exceed 6 mm per 3 m height.
b) Deviation in verticality in total height of
any wall of a building more than one
storey in height shall not exceed 12.5
c) Deviation from position shown on plan
of any brickwork shall not exceed 12.5
d) Relative offset between load bearing
walls in adjacent storey intended to be
in vertical alignment shall not exceed
6 mm.
e) Deviation of bed-joint from horizontal
in a length of 12 m shall not exceed 6
mm subject to a maximum deviation of
12 mm.
f) Deviation from the specified thickness
of bed-joints, cross-joints and

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

perpends shall not exceed one-fifth of
the specified thickness.
NOTE - These tolerances have been specified
from point of view of their effect on the
strength of masonry. The permissible stresses
recommended in section 5.3 may be
considered applicable only if these tolerances
are adhered to.

6.4 – Joints to Control

Deformation and
Special provision shall be made to control or
isolate thermal and other movements so that
damage to the fabric of the building is avoided
and its structural sufficiency preserved. Design
and installation of joints shall be done
according to the appropriate recommendations
of IS: 3414- 1968*.
*Code of practice for design and installation of
joints in buildings.

6.5 – Chases, Recesses and

6.5.1 –
Chases, recesses and holes are permissible in
masonry only if these do not impair strength
and stability of the structure.

6.5.2 –
In masonry, designed by structural analysis, all
chases, recesses and holes shall be
considered in structural design and detailed in
building plans.

6.5.3 –
When chases, recesses and holes have not
been considered in structural design are not
shown in drawings, these may be provided
subject to the constraints and precautions
specified in 6.5.3 to 6.5.13.

6.5.4 –
As far as possible, services should be planned
with the help of vertical chases and use of
horizontal chases should be avoided.

6.5.5 –
For load bearing walls, depth of vertical and
horizontal chases shall not exceed one-third

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

and one-sixth of the wall thickness

6.5.6 –
Vertical chases shall not be closer than 2 m in
any stretch of wall and shall not be located
within 34.5 cm of an opening or within 23 cm
of a cross wall that serves as a stiffening wall
for stability. Width of a vertical chase shall not
exceed thickness of wall in which it occurs.

6.5.7 –
When unavoidable horizontal chases of width
not exceeding 6 cm in a wall having
slenderness ratio not exceeding 15 may be
provided. These shall be located in the upper
or lower middle third height of wall at a
distance not less than 60 cm from a lateral
support. No horizontal chase shall exceed one
meter in length and there shall not be more
than 2 chases in any one wall. Horizontal
chases shall have minimum mutual separation
distance of 50 cm. Sum of lengths of all
chases and recesses in any horizontal plane
shall not exceed one-fourth the length of the

6.5.8 –
Holes for supporting put-logs of scaffolding
shall be kept away from bearings of beams,
lintels and other concentrated loads. If
unavoidable, stresses in the affected area
shall be checked to ensure that these are
within safe limits.

6.5.9 –
No chase, recess or hole shall be provided in
any stretch of a masonry wall, the length of
which is less than four times the thickness of
wall, except when found safe by structural

6.5.10 –
Masonry directly above a recess or a hole, if
wider than 30 cm, shall be supported on a
lintel. No lintel, however, is necessary in case
of a circular recess or a hole exceeding 30 cm
in diameter provided upper half of the recess
or hole is built as a semi-circular arch of
adequate thickness and there is adequate
length of masonry on the sides of openings to
resist the horizontal thrust.

6.5.11 –
As far as possible, chases, recesses and
holes in masonry should be left (inserting

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

sleeves, where necessary) at the time of
construction of masonry so as to obviate
subsequent cutting. If cutting is unavoidable, it
should be done without damage to the
surrounding or residual masonry. It is
desirable to use such tools for cutting which
depend upon rotary and not on heavy impact
for cutting action.

6.5.12 –
No chase, recess or hole shall be provided in
half-brick load bearing wall, excepting the
minimum number of holes needed for

6.5.13 –
Chases, recesses or holes shall not be cut into
walls made of hollow or perforated units, after
the units have been incorporated in masonry.

6.6 – Corbelling C6.6 – Corbelling

6.6.1 – C6.6.1 –
Where corbelling is required for the support of Limitations of a corbel have been illustrated in
some structural element, maximum projection Fig. C-36. With these limitations, minimum slope
of masonry unit should not exceed one-half of of corbelling (angle measured from the horizontal
the height of the unit or one-half of the built-in to the face of the corbelled surface) would work out
part of the unit and the maximum horizontal to 63°, when using modular bricks with header
projection of the corbel should not exceed courses in the corbelled portion.
one-third of the wall thickness.

θ = tan −1 h / x

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Figure C-36 Limitations of a corbel in masonry

Load on a corbel has very high eccentricity. It is,

therefore, necessary to exercise great caution in the
use of corbelling in buildings since eccentricity in
loads appreciably reduces the permissible
compressive stress in masonry. As it is not feasible
to make precise calculations of actual stress in the
corbelled portion of masonry, the Code provides
for some empirical rules to limit the stress to within
safe limits.

6.6.2 –
The load per unit length on a corbel shall not
be greater than half of the load per unit length
on the wall above the corbel. The load on the
wall above the corbel together with four times
the load on the corbel shall not cause the
average stress in the supporting wall or leaf to
exceed the permissible stresses given in 6.6.

6.6.3 –
It is preferable to adopt header courses in the
corbelled portion of masonry from
considerations of economy and stability.

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

7.1 –
The various notations and letter symbols used
in the text of the standard shall have the
meaning as given in Appendix E.

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

Appendix A
(Clause 4.8)

A1. –
Where a reinforced concrete roof and floor slab of normal span (not exceeding 30 times the
thickness of wall) bear on external masonry walls, the point of application of the vertical loading
shall be taken to be at the centre of the bearing on the wall. When the span is more than 30 times
the thickness of wall, the point of application of the load shall be considered to be displaced from
the centre of bearing towards the span of the floor to, in extent of one-sixth the bearing width.

A2. –
In case of a reinforced concrete slab of normal span (that is, less than 30 times the thickness of
the wall), which does not bear on the full width of the wall and 'cover tiles or bricks' are provided on
the external face, there is some eccentricity of load. The eccentricity may be assumed to be one-
twelfth of the thickness of the wall.

A3. –
Eccentricity of load from the roof/floor increases with the increase in flexibility and thus deflection
of the slabs. Also, eccentricity of loading increases with the increase in fixity of slabs/beams at
supports. Precast RCC slabs are better than in-situ slabs in this regard because of very little fixity.
If supports are released before further construction on top, fixity is reduced.

A4. –
Interior walls carrying continuous floors are assumed to be axially loaded except when carrying
very flexible floor or roof systems. The assumption is valid also for interior walls carrying
independent slabs spanning from both sides, provided the span of the floor on one side does not
exceed that on the other by more than 15 percent. Where the difference is greater, the
displacement of the point of application of each floor load shall be taken as one-sixth of its bearing
width on the wall and the resultant eccentricity calculated there from.

A5. –
For timber and other lightweight floors, even for full width bearing on Wall, an eccentricity of about
one-sixth may be assumed due to deflection. For timber floors with larger spans, that is, more than
30 times the thickness of the wall, eccentricity of one-third the thickness of the wall may be

A6. –
In multi-storeyed buildings, fixity and eccentricity have normally purely local effect and are not
cumulative. They just form a constant ripple on the downward increasing axial stress. If the ripple
is large, it is likely to be more serious at upper levels where it can cause cracking of walls than
lower down where it may or may not cause local over-stressing.

Note-The resultant eccentricity of the total loads on a wall at any level may be calculated on the
assumption that immediately above a horizontal lateral support, the resultant eccentricity of all the
vertical loads above that level is zero.

A7. –
For a wall corbel to support some load, the point of application of the load shall be assumed to be
at the centre of the bearing on the corbel.

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Appendix B
( Clause 6.6.1)

B1. – Determination Of Compressive Strength of Masonry By Prism Test

B1.1 – Testing in advance of construction
A set of five masonry prisms shall be built of similar materials under the same conditions with the
same bonding arrangement as for the structure. In building the prisms, moisture content of the
units at the time of laying, the consistency of the mortar, the thickness of mortar joints and
workmanship shall be the same as will be used in the structure. Assembled specimen shall be at
least 40 cm high and shall have a height to thickness ratio (h/t) of at least 2 but not more than 5. If
the h/t ratio of the prisms tested is less than 5 in case of brickwork and more than 2 in case of
blockwork, compressive strength values indicated by the tests shall be corrected by multiplying
with the factor indicated in Table 12.

Table 15: Correction Factors for Different

h/t Ratios
(Clause B-1.1)
Ratio of height
to thickness 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0
factors for 0.73 0.8 0.86 0.91 0.95 1.0
factors for 1.0 - 1.20 - 1.30 1.37
*Interpolation is valid for intermediate values.

Prisms shall be tested after 28 days between sheets of nominal 4 mm plywood, slightly longer than
the bed area of the prism, in a testing machine, the upper platform of which is spherically seated.
The load shall be evenly distributed over the whole top and bottom surfaces of the specimen and
shall be applied at the rate of 350 to 700 kN/m. The load at failure should be recorded.

B1.2 – Testing during construction

When full allowable stresses are used in design, a set of three prisms shall be built and tested
during construction in accordance with section B1.1 for each 500 square meters of wall area, but
not less than one set of three masonry prisms for any project. No testing during construction shall
be required when three-fourths of the allowable stresses are used in design.

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

Appendix C
(Clauses 5.3.3 and

C1. – Extent of Dispersal of Concentrated Load

C1.1 –
For concentric loading, maximum spread of a concentrated load on a wall may be taken to be
equal to b+4t (b is width of bearing and t is thickness of wall), or stretch of wall supporting the load,
or centre-to-centre distance between loads, whichever is less.

C2. – Increase In Permissible Stress

C2.1 –
When a concentrated load bears on a central strip of wall, not wider than half the thickness of the
wall and is concentric, bearing stress in masonry may exceed the permissible compressive by 50
percent, provided the area of supporting wall is not less than three times the bearing area.

C2.2 –
If the load bears on full thickness of wall and is concentric, 25 percent increase in stress may be

C2.3 –
For loading on central strip wider than half the thickness of the wall but less than full thickness,
increase in stress may be worked out by interpolation between values of increase in stresses as
given in C-2.1 and C-2.2.

C2.4 –
In case concentrated load is from a lintel over an opening, an increase of 50 percent in permissible
stress may be taken, provided the supporting area is not less than 3 times the bearing area.

C3. – Criteria of providing bed block

C3.1 –
If a concentrated load bears on one end of a wall, there is a possibility of masonry in the upper
region developing tension. In such a situation, the load should be supported on an RCC bed block
(of M15 Grade) capable of taking tension.

C3.2 –
When any section of masonry wall is subjected to concentrated as well as uniformly distributed
load and resultant stress, computed by making due allowance for increase in stress on account of
concentrated load, exceeds the permissible stress in masonry, a concrete bed block ( of M-15
Grade ) should be provided under the load in order to relieve stress in masonry. In concrete, angle
of dispersion of concentrated load is taken to be 45° to the vertical.

C3.3 –
In case of cantilevers and long span beams supported on masonry walls, indeterminate but very
high edge stresses occur at the supports and in such cases it is necessary to relieve stress on
masonry by providing concrete bed block of M-15 Grade concrete. Similarly when a wall is
subjected to a concentrated load from a beam which is not sensibly rigid ( for example, a timber
beam or an RS joist), a concrete bed block should be provided below the beam in order to avoid
high edge stress in the wall because of excessive deflection of the beam.

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Appendix D
(Clause 5.8.5)

D1. – Panel Walls

D1.1 –
A panel wall may be designed approximately as under, depending upon its support conditions
and certain assumptions:
a) When there are narrow tall windows on either side of panel, the panel spans in the vertical
direction. Such a panel may be designed for a bending moment of PH/8, where P is the total
horizontal load on the panel and H is the height between the centers of supports. Panel wall is
assumed to be simply supported in the vertical direction.
b) When there are long horizontal windows between top support and the panel, the top edge of the
panel is free. In this case, the panel should be considered to be supported on sides and at the
bottom, and the bending moment would depend upon height to length ratio of panel and flexural
strength of masonry. Approximate values or bending moments in the horizontal direction for this
support condition, when ratio (μ) of flexural strength of wall in the vertical direction to that in
horizontal direction is assumed to be 0.5, are given in Table 16.

TABLE 16: Bending moments in laterally

loaded panel walls, free at top edge and
supported on other three edges
H/L 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75

PL/25 PL/18 PL/14 PL/12 PL/11 PL/10. PL/10

Note - For H/L ratio less than 0.30, the panel should be designed as a free-standing wall and for
H/L ratio exceeding 1.75, it should be designed as a horizontally spanning member for a bending
moment value of PL/8.
c) When either there are no window openings or windows are of ‘hole-in-wall' type, the panel is
considered to be simply supported on all four edges. In this case also, amount of maximum
bending moment depends on height to length ratio of panel and ratio (μ) of flexural strength of
masonry in vertical direction to that in the horizontal direction. Approximate values for maximum
bending moment in the horizontal direction for masonry with μ = 0.50, are given in Table 17.

TABLE 17: Bending moments in laterally

loaded panel walls supported on all four
H/L 0.30 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75

moment PL/72 PL/36 PL/24 PL/18 PL/15 PL/13 PL/12

D2. – Curtain Walls

D2.1 –
Curtain walls may be designed as panel walls taking into consideration the actual supporting

D3. – Partition walls

D3.1 –
These are internal walls usually subjected to much smaller lateral forces. Behavior of such wall is
similar to that of panel wall and these could, therefore, be designed on similar lines. However, in

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

view of smaller lateral loads, ordinarily these could be apportioned empirically as follows:
a) Walls with adequate lateral restraint at both ends but not at the top:
1) The panel may be of any height, provided the length does not exceed 40 times the
thickness; or
2) The panel may be of any length, provided the height does not exceed 15 times the
thickness (that is, it may be considered as a free-standing wall); or
3) Where the length of the panel is over 40 times and less than 60 times the thickness, the
height plus twice the length may not exceed 135 times the thickness;
b) Walls with adequate lateral restraint at both ends and at the top:
1) The panel may be of any height, provided the length does not exceed 40 times the
thickness; or
2) The panel may be of any length, provided the height does not exceed 30 times the
thickness; or
3) Where the length of the panel is over 40 times and less than 110 times the thickness, the
length plus three times the height should not exceed 200 times the thickness; and
c) When walls have adequate lateral restraint at the top but not at the ends, the panel may be of
any length, provided the height does not exceed 30 times the thickness.

D3.2 –
Strength of bricks used in partition walls should not be less than 3.5 MPa or the strength of
masonry units used in adjoining masonry, whichever is less. Grade of mortar should not be leaner
than M2.

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Code &Commentary IS:1905

(Clause 8.1)

E-1. The following notations, letter symbols and abbreviations shall have the meaning indicated
against each, unless otherwise specified in the text of the standard:

A Area of a section
An Net area
Ast Area of steel
Av,min Minimum area of shear reinforcement
b Width of bearing
d Effective depth
db Nominal diameter of bar (mm)
DPC Damp proof course
e Resultant eccentricity
Em Elastic modulus of clay and concrete masonry
Es Elastic modulus of steel reinforcement
fA Calculated axial compressive stress
fB Calculated bending stress
fb Basic compressive stress
fd Compressive stress due to dead loads
fm Compressive strength of masonry ( in prism test)
Fa Allowable axial compressive stress
Fb Allowable bending compressive stress
Fs Permissible tensile/compressive stress in steel (MPa)
Fv Permissible shear stress
GL Ground level
H Actual height between lateral supports
H’ Height of opening
H1, H2 High strength mortars
h Effective height between lateral supports
ka Area factor
kp Shape modification factor
ks Stress reduction factor
L Actual length of wall
Ld Development length
L1, L2 Lower strength mortars
M1, M2 Medium strength mortars
P Total horizontal load
Po Permissible compressive force for Reinforced Masonry
PL Plinth level
RCC Reinforced cement concrete
RS Rolled steel
s Spacing of shear reinforcement
Sp Spacing of piers/buttresses/cross walls
SR Slenderness ratio
t Actual thickness
tp Thickness of pier
tw Thickness of wall
V Total applied shear force
W Resultant load
W1 Axial load
W2 Eccentric load
wp Width of piers/buttresses/ Cross walls
μ Ratio of flexural strength of wall in the vertical direction to that in
the horizontal direction.

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Authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. P Dayaratnam of Hyderbad and Dr. Alok

Madan of IIT Delhi who reviewed an earlier version and provided many
thoughtful suggestions. Review comments by GSDMA Review Committee, in
particular those by Ms. Alpa Sheth, Seismic Advisor, GSDMA are gratefully

Page 95
Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry


Page 97
Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry


Problem Statement:
A hall as shown in Figure 1.1 and of inside dimensions 10.0 m × 20.0 m with a clear height of 5.5 m up to
the bottom of beam is to be constructed with load bearing masonry walls using modular bricks. Calculate
thickness of walls, strength of bricks and grade of mortar for longitudinal and cross walls, assuming a wind
pressure of 1200 N/m2.


1.50 Wall ‘a’ W

2.50 b
1.50 W W

2.50 b b

1.50 D 20.0

Wall ‘b’ N


b b

Wall ‘c’ W

(All Dimensions are in meter)

Figure 1.1: Plan of Hall

Height of plinth above foundation footing = 0.7 m
Design Data/Assumptions:
Clear height of hall, h=5.5 m
Roof consists of RCC T-beams 400 mm×800 mm
with RCC slab 120 mm thick, beams being at c/c spacing of beams, sb=4.0 m
4.0 m centers. Roof covered with lime concrete Wind pressure, fw = 1200 N/m2
terrace of 150 mm average thickness.
Hall Dimension Length, L = 20 m
Modular bricks are used of the nominal size of 20
cm × 10 cm × 10 cm Width, B = 10 m

Height of parapet hp = 200 mm above slab level Size of T-beam: Width, b = 400 mm

Plinth height hptf = 0.5 m Depth, d = 800 mm

Page 98
Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Masonry

Unit wt. of concrete, γc = 25 kN/m3 Loads on Long Wall

Unit wt. of masonry, γm = 20 kN/m
Load from beam,
Minimum Thickness of Wall: Pl = (7500×4+680)×10.3/2 = 190 kN
According to Section of Draft Code IS: Self-load of wall including parapet assuming
1905, maximum slenderness ratio for cement or 30 mm plaster thickness. Since we will be
cement-lime mortar, SRmax = 27 considering combined stresses due to vertical
loads and wind load, we will work out all loads at
Height of long wall
the top of foundation footing.
Hlw = 0.7+5.5+0.8/2 = 6.6 m Self weight of wall,
(from top of foundation to center of T-beam) Psw = (0.29+0.03)×(0.7+5.5+0.8+0.2)×20000
Minimum thickness of long wall required, = 46.1 kN/m
=0.75Hlw/SRmax Loads on Cross wall
= 0.75×6.6/27 = 0.183 m Load from slab, = 7500×4/2= 15000 N/m
Adopt 1.5 brick wall with raked joint up to depth Total load on wall at plinth level,
of 10 mm. Nominal thickness of long wall,
tlw = 0.3 m Pcw =15+46.1= 61.1 kN/m
Height of cross wall (from top of foundation to Calculation of Stress in Wall Due to Vertical
center of slab), Loads:
Hcw = 0.7+5.5+(0.8-0.06)/2 = 6.94 m
Long Wall
Minimum thickness of cross wall required, Length of openings, lop = 1.5 m
= 0.75Hcw/SRmax Stress at footing-top level due to self-weight,
= 0.75×6.94/27 = 0.193 m
46.1 × 103 × 4
Adopt 1.5 brick wall with raked joint up to depth flw = = 0.25 MPa
2.5 × 290 × 1000
of 10 mm. Nominal thickness of cross wall,
tcw = 0.3 m Length of wall supporting concentrated load from
beam is given by:
Calculation of Loads: lbc = b + 4× t = 0.40 + 4×0.29
Roof Load = 1.56 m length of wall
RCC slab, Psl= 0.12×25000 = 3 × 103 N/m2 Stress due to concentrated load,
Terrace, Plt= 0.15×20000 = 3 × 103 N/m2 190000
flw = = 0.42 MPa
Live Load, Pl = 1500 N/m2 1.56 × 290 × 1000

Total roof load, Therefore, total axial stress at plinth level,

Pr = 3000+3000+1500 = 7500 N/m2 fla = flw + flc = 0.25+0.42 = 0.67 MPa

Effective span of beam, leff = 10.3 m Cross wall without Opening

Self-weight of beam, Compressive stress at plinth level of wall 'a' is
Pbw = b × (d-ts) × γc given by

=0.4×(0.8-0.12)×25000 = 6800 N/m 61.1 × 103

f caa = = 0.22 MPa
290 × 1000

Cross wall with Opening

Compressive stress at plinth level of wall 'b' is

Page 99
Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Masonry

given by It can be assumed that the lateral support from

RCC beams and slabs will be adequate as a
61.1 × 103 ⎡ 10 ⎤ horizontal girder to transmit the wind force to the
f cab = = 0.25 MPa
290 × 1000 ⎢⎣10 − 1.5 ⎥⎦ cross walls. The long wall will thus function as
propped cantilever and the maximum bending
Calculation of Stress in Wall due to Lateral Loads
and Combined Stresses:
moment will be at bottom support as shown in
Long Walls
Fig. 1.2
Since long walls are not adequately stiffened in
Maximum B.M. on long wall per bay,
accordance with the requirements of clause of draft code IS:1905, it is necessary to Pb ⎛ d ⎞
work out bending stresses due to wind load in M l max = × ⎜ h + + hplf ⎟
longitudinal as well as cross wall. Obviously wind
8 ⎝ 2 ⎠
load normal to the long walls will be critical and = 31.2×(5.5+0.4+0.7)/8
therefore we will work out bending stresses in
long as well as cross walls on account of wind = 25.74 kNm
load normal to the long walls. Section modulus of long wall,
Wind load on long wall per bay is given by 4 × 0.29 2
Zl = = 0.0561 m3
Pb = fw × (h + d + hp) × sb 6
= 1.2 × (5.5+0.8+0.2) × 4 Bending stress in long wall is given by
= 31.2 kN M l max 25.74 × 10 6
f lb = = = 0.46 MPa
Note: Wind load on exposed portion of wall Zl 0.0561 × 10 9
below plinth has been ignored
Combined stresses in long wall:
Total wind load on long wall:
fl1 = fla + flb = 0.67+0.46 = 1.13 MPa
P = Pb×L/sb = 31.2×5 = 156 kN
fl2 = fla - flb= 0.67-0.46 = 0.21 MPa

RCC slab
and beam

3/8 H
p PH
P 218
5/8 H

B M Diagram
Sectional view
Figure 1.2: Bending moment diagram of wall

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Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry

fcb2 = fcab - fcb = 0.25-0.06 = 0.19 MPa

Cross walls:
Wind forces are shared by the cross walls in the (both compressive)
ratios of their stiffness. In this case, it is assumed
that the walls are identical and the loads shared Check for Shear Stress in Cross wall:
equally by two cross walls. Total wind load on a We will consider wall ‘b’ which will have greater
cross wall may be assumed to be acting at mid- shear stress.
height. Thus total B.M. on one cross wall may be
given by, Shear load on the cross wall,

Mc= 0.25×1560000×(0.7+5.5+0.2+0.8) V = P/2 = 156/2 = 78 kN

= 280.8 kNm In the view of 33% increase in the allowable
stress level due to wind/earthquake load, we will
A part of long wall will act as flange with cross reduce the combined load to 75% and use 100%
wall and the effective overhanging length of of the permissible stress value.
flange is the least of the following. (as per section, Draft Code IS: 1905) Section of wall being rectangular, we will assume
parabolic shear distribution and maximum shear
a) Actual length of wall up to window = 1.25 m
stress will be 1.5 times the average shear. Since
b) 6t : 6 × 0.29 = 1.74 m flanges do not make any contribution for resisting
c) H/16 : (0.7+5.5+0.8+0.2)/16 = 0.45 m shear load, maximum shear stress on wall
(controls) 1.5 × 0.75 × 75 × 103
fv = = 0.04 MPa
Moment of inertia of cross wall 0.29 × (10 − 1.5) × 106

Moment of inertia about neutral axis is given by: Compressive stress due to dead loads (i.e. due to
self weight and load from slab)
Ic = I0 +I1
0.29 × 10 3 fd =
0.75 × 61.1 × 103 + 6 × 103 × 2 ) = 0.19 MPa
where, I 0 = = 24 m4 0.29 × 1000
Permissible shear stress (Fv) is the least of the
2 × (0.45 + 0.29 ) × 0.29 × 5.15 2
I1 = = 0.9 m4 following:
i) 0.5 MPa
Ic = 24+0.9 = 24.9 m4
ii) 0.1 + 0.2fd = 0.14 MPa
Check for Combined Stress: iii) 0.125 √ fm= 0.395MPa
ymax = 5+0.29 = 5.29 m (Assuming crushing strength of masonry as
Bending stresses at extreme fibers, 10 MPa )
M c × y max 280.8 × 5.29 Hence, the permissible shear stress is 0.14 MPa.
f cb = = = 0.06 MPa Actual stress being only 0.04 MPa, the wall is
Ic 24.9
safe in shear. Thus both cross walls are safe in
Combined stresses in cross walls shear and tension. Use M2 grade mortar.
= axial stress + bending stress Masonry for walls:
In case of cross wall ‘a’ combined stresses are:
Long Wall
fca1 = fcaa + fcb = 0.22+0.06 = 0.28 MPa
Masonry of cross wall should be designed for
fca2 = fcaa - fcb = 0.22-0.06 = 0.16 MPa maximum compressive stress i.e., 1.21 MPa
(both compressive) Slenderness ratio is given by:
In case of cross wall ‘b’ combined stresses are: 0.75 × (0.7 + 5.5 + 0.4)
SR = = 19
fcb1 = fcab + fcb = 0.25+0.06 = 0.31 MPa 0.26
As per Table 11, Draft code IS: 1905, Stress
Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry

Reduction Factor, ks = 0.65 0.75 × (0.7 + 5.5 + 0.8 − 0.06)

= = 20
Shape modification factor is taken as unity. 0.26
Required basic compressive stress is given as:
Stress Reduction Factor, ks = 0.62
fb = fl1 / ks=1.13/0.65 = 1.74 MPa
(Table 11, Draft Code IS: 1905)
Referring to Table 10 of draft code IS: 1905,
Basic compressive stress for unit shape
bricks should be of strength 25 MPa and mortar
modification factor = 0.31/0.62 = 0.5 MPa
should be of grade H1. If brick of this strength are
not available it would be necessary to introduce Referring to table 10 and 12 of draft code
piers under the beams so as to increase the IS: 1905, the bricks should be of strength 7.5 MPa
supporting area thereby reducing stress in and with shape modification factor equal to 1.1.
masonry. Thus the basic compressive stress required is
given by
Cross walls
fb = fcb1 / ks = 0.5/1.1 = 0.45 MPa
Masonry of cross wall should be designed for
maximum compressive stress that is, 0.34 N/mm2 Grade of mortar should be of grade M3. However
from the consideration of shear stress, M2 mortar
Slenderness ratio is given by: should be used.
Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry


Problem Statement:
A brick masonry wall (see Fig. 2.1) is built in mortar of grade M1. Find the maximum safe height for this
wall, when it is subjected to a wind velocity of 47 m/s and is located in a built up urban area. Bricks used are
of nominal size 23 × 11.5 × 7.7 cm.( inclusive of 10 mm mortar joint).

Figure 2.1: Plan View of a diaphragm wall

Design wind speed, Vz = k1×k2×Vb
Design Data/ Assumptions:
= 0.73×0.91×47
Grade of Mortar = M1
= 31.2 m/s
Actual Size of Bricks, lb = 0.22 m,
Wind pressure, pz = 0.6Vz2
bb = 0.105 m,
= 0.6(31.2)2
tb = 0.077 m
= 584.9 N/m2
Wind Velocity, Vb = 47 m/s
Risk Coefficient factor, k1 = 0.73 Calculation of Moment of Inertia:
(for boundary wall)
Consider the diaphragm unit of length B and
Terrain & Height factor, k2 = 0.91 height H
Topography factor, k3 = 1.00 Length of diaphragm unit,
Permissible tension in masonry with M1 mortar, 10.5
B = 5.25 × 22 + +6
ft = 70000 N/m2 2
Unit weight of masonry, w = 20000 N/m3 B = 1.27 m
Overall width of unit, D = 22×2 + 10.5 + 2
Calculation of Wind Pressure:
D = 0.565 m
According to IS: 875 (Part 3): 1987,

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Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry

Internal length of unit, b = B - bb 584.9 × 1.27 × H 2

=1.155 m = = 371.4 × H 2
Internal width of unit, d = D -2× bb
Allowable tension in masonry,
= 0.355 m
M×y W M×y
Moment of inertia of diaphragm unit is given by: ft = − = − w× H
B × D3 b × d 3
I= − 371.4 × H 2 × 0.282
12 12 70000 = − 20000 × H
1.27 × ( 0.563) 1.16 × ( 0.355 )
3 3

= − = 6982H2 – 20000H
12 12 Transposing and simplifying,
= 0.015 m (Refer to Fig 2.1) 698.2H2 - 2000H - 7000 = 0
y = D/2 = 0.282 m H2-2.86H-10=0
In accordance with the code, permissible tension Solving the quadratic equation we get
in masonry with mortar M1 is
0.07 N/mm2 = 70000 N/m2 2.86 + (2.86)2 + 4 × 1 × 10
H= = 4.9 m
and w = 20000 N/m3 2 ×1
= 5.0 m (say)
Calculating Height of Wall:
Hence, the wall can be built to a height of 5 m
Bending moment, with M1 mortar.
pz × B × H 2

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Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry


Problem Statement:
Design a wall of a room with openings
as shown in Figure 3.1. The wall is of 1 brick thick. The height of floor to ceiling is 2.8 m and height of
plinth is 1.2 m. The RCC roof slab is 100 mm thick with clear span of 3.0 m. Height of 100 mm thick
parapet above roof slab is 0.8 m. Height of taller door opening is 2.0 m. Unit weight of masonry and
concrete may be taken as 20 kN/m3 and 25 kN/m3 respectively. Assume live load as 1.5 kN/m2.

b W a

2 1 0.5 1.0 0.6

0.19 0.19

(All dimensions are in meters)

Figure 3.1: Plan of wall with opening

From Figure 3.1 it is observed that portion ‘b’ of Live load, LL= 1.5 kN/m2
wall will have the maximum stress. We will,
Unit weight of lime terrace, γlt = 20 kN/m3
however, for the sake of comparison and
illustration, work out stress at plinth level in Calculation of Loads:
portion ‘a’ of the wall as well. Since there are no
openings below PL, load disperses below plinth Parapet load, Ppt = (0.19+0.03)×0.8×20×103
and corresponding stresses get reduced = 3.5 kN/m
notwithstanding the increase in self-load of
masonry. Roof load:
Roof slab, Psl = 0.1×25×103 = 2.5 kN/m2
Given Data:
Lime terrace of 120 mm thick,
Wall thickness = 0.2 m
Plt = 0.12×20×103 = 2.4 kN/m2
Plinth height = 1.2 m
Total roof load, Pt = 1.5+2.5+2.4 = 6.4 kN/m2
Floor to ceiling height = 2.8 m
Effective Span of slab,
Clear span of RCC slab = 3.0 m
leff = ls + 0.1 =3.0+0.1 = 3.1 m
Thickness of slab = 0.1 m
Parapet Details: Roof load on wall,
Height of parapet above roof slab = 0.8 m Prw = 0.5×6.4×3.1 = 9.92 kN/m
Thickness of parapet = 0.1 m Self weight of wall,
Plaster thickness = 0.03 m Psw = (0.19+0.03)×2.8×20×103 = 12.32 kN/m
Unit weight of masonry, γm = 20 kN/m3 Portion “a” of wall:
Unit weight of concrete, γc = 25 kN/m3 Length of wall (up to centre of cross wall)

Page 105
Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry

= 0.6+0.5×0.19 = 0.69 m Total weight of wall at plinth level, (taking

opening at the both side into account)
This portion bears additional load on account of
opening on one side, which is 1.0 m in width. ⎛ 1.0 1 .0 ⎞
= 25.76 × ⎜ + 0 .5 + ⎟ = 38.64 kN
Calculation of compressive stress ⎝ 2 2 ⎠
Total load on wall, Compressive stress in wall at plinth level,
P = (3.5+9.92+12.32)×(0.69+0.5) 38.64 × 10 3
= = 0.45 MPa
= 30.65 kN 0.17 × 0.5
Since the wall is plastered on both sides, it may be
Calculation of Slenderness Ratio
assumed to have raked joints on both sides.
Since the wall is supported by RC slabs both at
Effective thickness = 0.19-0.02 = 0.17 m
top and bottom, it can be considered as fully
Effective area of wall, A = 0.17×0.69 = 0.118 m2 restrained along its height.
Compressive stress at plinth level, Total height of wall, H = 4.05 m
P 30.65 × 10 3 Height of taller openings, Hto=2.0 m
fc = = = 0.26 MPa
A 0.118
Effective height of wall “b” is given by,
Calculation of Slenderness Ratio h = 0.75 × 4.05 + 0.25 × 2.0 = 3.54 m
Total height of a wall, h = 1.2+2.8+0.05 = 4.05 m Slenderness ratio in the direction of height is
Slenderness ratio from consideration of given by,
0.75 × 4.05 3.54
height = = 18 = = 21
0.17 0.17
Since the wall (a) is supported by cross wall at Slenderness ratio in the direction of length is
one end and free at other, given by,
Effective length of wall leff = 2×0.69 = 1.38 m 4.05
= =8
Slenderness ratio from consideration of 0.17
length = = 8.0 (Governs) Determination of grade of mortar:
As per Draft Code IS: 1905 Table 9, stress
Stress reduction factor, k s = 0.95
reduction factor, k sb = 0.59
Area reduction factor,
(for slender ratio of 21.0)
k a = 0.7 + 1.5 × A = 0.7 + 1.5 × 0.118 = 0.88
Area of portion of wall in plan
Shape modification factor = 1.0
= 0.5 × 0.17
Basic compressive stress required for masonry,
f 0.26 = 0.085 m2
fb = c = = 0.31 MPa
k a k s 0.93 × 0.88 Area reduction factor,
ka=0.7+1.5A =0.7+1.5×0.085 =0.83
Portion “b” of wall:
Shape modification factor is taken as unity.
Length of wall, lwb = 0.5m
Basic compressive stress required for masonry,
Length of opening on both sides, lwbo = 1.0m 0.45
fb = = 0.93 MPa
0.59 × 0.83
Calculation of compressive stress
Obviously stress in Wall ‘b’ will govern the
Since the length of wall being less than 4 times design. So bricks of 10.0 MPa strength are
thickness of wall, it becomes a column. required (Refer to Table 10). For these bricks,

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Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry

from Table 12 of Draft Code IS:1905, the shape may be possible to effect economy in cost by
modification factor is given by kp = 1.1. using a lower grade masonry for walls which do
not have large openings and to use the masonry
Basic compressive stress of required masonry,
we have calculated only for the portion of wall ‘b’
f bcb which has openings in both sides. For that
fb = = 0.846 MPa
kp purpose stresses on other walls should also be
calculated and masonry design accordingly. It
So, the grade of mortar for the masonry to be used should however be kept in view that if in one
is M1 (Refer to Table 10). storey of a building, bricks and mortar of different
strength/grades are to be used a very close
Remarks: supervision is required in order to avoid mistakes.
It may be mentioned that if there is only a small
portion of wall which is carrying high stress, it

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Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry


Problem Statement:
A 3-storyed building as shown in Figure 4.1 has load bearing cross walls of 230 mm thickness. The building
is subjected to a wind pressure of 1.32 kN/m2. External longitudinal walls are also 230 mm thick while
internal corridor walls are ½ brick thick. All walls are plastered both sides. Design the masonry is the cross
walls of first floor. Assume roof and floor loads (RCC slab) to be 7 kN/m2. The building is without any
parapet over the roof. Center to center height between floors is 3 m.

Half-brick partition wall

Center Line of Bays

5.0 A A

0.22 8.0 2.5 8.0 0.22


(All dimensions are in meters)
Figure 4.1: General Plan of Building and Cross Wall under Consideration

Thickness of external wall = 0.23 m
Design Data:
Thickness of internal corridor wall = 0.115 m
Number of stories = 3
Centre to centre height of a wall, h = 3.0 m
Number of bays = 6
Roof and floor load = 7 kN/m2
Width of building =18.5 m
Wind pressure = 1.32 kN/m2
Thickness of cross wall = 0.23 m
Unit weight of masonry = 20×103 N/m3
Bay length = 30 m

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Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry

Length of cross wall = 8.0 m = 2.18×103 kN

Depth of raking = 0.01 m Area of cross walls in plane per bay assuming
total depth of raking to be 20 mm
Thickness of plaster = 0.03 m
= 2×8×(0.22-0.02)
Height to Width Ratio of Building:
= 3.2 m2
We will consider the design of atypical cross wall
of first floor marked AA on the plant. Roof and
floor loads borne by the typical cross walls is 10kN
shown shaded on the plan in Figure 4.1
Height to width of the building equals 3.0 m
3× 3
= 0.43
(20.5 + 0.44)
Since the spacing of cross wall spaced 5 meter 3.0 m
apart, (limit is 6.0 meter for 20 cm wall), it is not 20kN
necessary to work out wind stresses. However,
wind stress in the transverse direction has been
calculated in this context for sake of illustration. 3.0 m
Calculation of Loads:
Assume that roof and floor slabs are 150 mm Figure 4.2: Wind forces in one bay
thick. Since the building is only 3 storeyed, we Direct compressive stress in masonry due to
could ignore the live load reduction factor for the vertical loads,
sake of simplicity. As structural system is based
on cross wall construction, slabs are designed for 2.18 × 10 6
= = 0.7 MPa
one-way action so that the slab load is supposed 3 .2
to come only on the cross walls. Since walls are
plastered, joints of masonry are assumed to be Calculation of Bending Stress due to Wind
raked. Load:
Roof / floor load per bay per floor, Wind load normal to the main elevation per bay
will be acting as shown in Fig. 4.2
Pr = 7 × 10 3 × 5 × 18.5 = 648 kN
Wind moments at plinth wall of building per bay,
Self weight of cross wall per bay per floor
Pcw = 2 × 20 × 10 3 × (0.22 + 0.03) × 8 × 3
=270 kN
= 240×10 N = 240 kN Total wind moments at plinth wall of building,
Self weight of 2 corridor walls (1/2 brick thick) = 270×6
per floor per bay ignoring opeings
= 1620 kNm
= 2×20×103×(0.105+0.03)×3×5= 81 kN
Total wind moments will share by the cross walls
Wind load per bay per floor and walls in the ratios of their respective stiffness.
= 1320×5×3 N = 20 kN Maximum projecting flange length being actual
Wind forces at different floor levels is shown in distance between windows openings and cross
Figure 4.2.S walls or 12 times the thickness of longitudinal
wall or H / 6 ; whichever is less
Calculation of Compressive Stress: (Draft Code IS:1905 Section
Total vertical load on cross walls AA of first floor a) Distance between the openings and cross wall,
at plinth level,
= 2.5-0.22 = 2.28 m
= 3(240)+2×648+2×81

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Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry

b) Least of following 1620 × 10 3 × 182.1

= = 245.4 kNm
(i) 12 times thickness of wall 1202.1
= 12×0.22 = 2.64 m In view of wind/earthquake load, the permissible
stress should be increased by 33% i.e., the load
H 3× 3
(ii) = = 1.5 m (Governs) level should be reduced to 75%.
6 6
Bending stress on cross wall due to wind moment:
Effective flange width of cross wall resisting
bending moment is 1.5+0.22 = 1.72 m 0.75My

Moment of inertia of cross wall AA inclusive of I
flanges, assuming two walls act integrally 0.75 × 245.4 × 10 3 ⎛ 18.5 + 0.44 ⎞
= ± ×⎜ ⎟
0.22 × 18.53 0.22 × 2.53 182.1 ⎝ 2 ⎠
= −
12 12 = 0.0096 MPa
⎛ 18.5 + 0.22 ⎞ Overall compressive stress on cross wall
+ 2 × 0.22 × 1.72 × ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
= 0.7±0.0096
= 182.1 m4
= 0.7096 MPa or 0.6904 MPa
Moments of inertia of one end walls:
Hence, when height/width ratio of a building is
The projecting flange width is to be limited to 6t small, the bending stress can be neglected and the
or H/16, whichever is less. design could be based on direct compressive
stress only.
(i) 6 times thickness of wall =6×0.22 m = 1.32 m
H 3× 3 Design of Cross wall:
(ii) = = 0.56 m (Governs)
16 16 Slenderness ratio of wall, assuming plinth level is
Moments of inertia of one end wall: 1.0m above top of footing

0.22 × 18.53 0.22 × 2.53 h 0.75 ( 3.0 + 1.0 )

= − = = = 15
12 12 t 0.22 − 0.02
⎛ 18.5 + 0.22 ⎞ Stress reduction factor, k s = 0.76
+2 × 0.22 × 0.78 × ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
(IS: 1905 Draft Code Table 11)
= 145.8 m
Shape modification factor, k sh = 1
Total moment of inertia of five cross walls and
two end walls, Basic compressive stress
I= 5×182.1+2×145.8 m4 f c 0.711
= = = 0.93 MPa
= 1202.1 m4 ks 0.76

Bending moment borne by one inner cross wall Referring to Table 10 of IS Code IS:1905, bricks
should be 10 MPa and M1 mortar.

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Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry


Problem Statement:
Design the pier 1 of the shear wall of a shopping center shown in Figure 5.1. Pier 1 is subjected to a shear
load of 10 kN from the diaphragm due to wind load and 30 kN due to seismic load, applied at the roof height
of 5.5 m. Assume, compressive strength of masonry, fm = 10 MPa

Control Joints


1 2 3 4 5
6.0 5.5

4.9 4.9 3.0 5.9 5.9


10.0 5.0 12.0

(All dimensions are in meters)

Figure 5.1: Shear wall of shopping center

Load Combinations: Load Combination 0.75(D+W):
The loading on pier 1 is shown in the figure 5.2. It Assume one brick wall with raked joints to a
is assumed that there is no gravity roof load depth of 1cm on both sides is used with unit
applied to this wall pier. Only two load weight of 20 kN/m3. Nominal thickness of wall is
combinations i.e. (i) 0.75(D+W) and (ii) 200 mm and effective wall thickness is 190 mm.
0.75(D+E) are checked, for illustration.
At the base of wall per meter length:
4.9 Factored axial load is given by

Seismic= 30 kN
P = 0.75×20×6×0.19×4.9 kN = 83.79 kN
Wind = 10 kN Factored bending moment is given by
Pier 1 M = 0.75×10×5.5 kN = 41.25 kN
Check for Tension
Area of wall is given by
A = 4.9×0.19 m2 = 0.931 m2
Section modulus is given by
M P 0.19 × 4.92 3
S= m = 0.76 m3
Figure 5.2: Loading on pier 1
In-plane flexural considerations:

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Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry

−P M should be modified. Assume two brick wall with

Max. tensile stress = + raked joints to a depth of 10 mm on both sides is
used. Nominal thickness of wall is 40 cm and
− 83.79 41.25 effective wall thickness is 39 cm.
= + = −0.036 MPa (Compression)
0.931 0.76 Area of wall section is given by A = 1.911 m2
Therefore, no tensile stresses occur. Section Modulus given by S = 1.56 m3
Check for Shear Axial load is given by
Shear force due to wind = 0.75 × 10 kN = 7.5 kN P = 0.75×20×6×0.39×4.9 kN = 172 kN
Max. shear stress for rectangular section Bending moment is given by
3 V 3 ⎛ 7.5 × 10 ⎞
M = 0.75×30×5.5 kN = 123.8 kN
fv = = ⎜ ⎟
2 A 2 ⎝ 0.931 ⎠ In-plane Flexural considerations:

f v =0.012 MPa Max. tensile stress =

− P M ⎡ −172 123.8 ⎤
Allowable shear stress is given by the least of the
+ =⎢ + ⎥ × 10−3 = −0.011 MPa
A S ⎣ 1.911 1.56 ⎦
(i) 0.5 MPa Since no tension occurs in the section, the design
(ii) ( 0.1 + 0.2×f d ) is OK
⎛ P⎞ Note: Increase in masonry wall of 2 brick thick
= ⎜ 0.1 + 0.2× ⎟ = 0.118 MPa
⎝ A⎠ may increase seismic force (for 30 kN) and
should be recalculated. However, in this problem
(iii) 0.125 × f m = 0.125 × 10 this increase in force is neglected.
= 0.395 MPa
Allowable shear =0.118 MPa > 0.012 MPa Check for Shear
(Draft Code IS: 1905: Sec Shear force due to earthquake = 0.75 × 30 kN
=225 kN
Hence, the design of section is safe in shear.
Max. shear stress for rectangular section
Load Combination 0.75(D+E): 3 V 3 ⎛ 10 × 10 3 ⎞
fv = = ⎜ ⎟
Assume 1 brick wall with raked joints to a depth 2 A 2 ⎜⎝ 1.911 ⎟⎠
of 10 mm on both sides is used. Nominal
thickness of wall is 200 mm and effective wall f v = 0.018 MPa
thickness is 190 mm.
Allowable shear stress (Fv) is given by the least of
At the base of wall per meter length: the following:
Axial load is given by (i) 0.5 MPa
P = 0.75×20×6×0.19×4.9 kN = 83.79 kN (ii) 0.1 + 0.2 × f d MPa
Bending moment is given by = 0.1 + 0.2 × = 0.129 MPa (Governs)
M = 0.75×30×5.5 kN = 123.75 kN
(iii) 0.125 × f m = 0.125 × 10
Check for Tension = 0.395 MPa
In-plane flexural considerations: Allowable shear =0.129 MPa > 0.018 MPa
Max. tensile stress (Draft Code IS: 1905: Sec
−P M ⎡ −83.79 123.75⎤
= + = + ×10−3 = 0.07 MPa Hence, the design of section is safe in shear.
A S ⎢⎣ 0.931 0.76 ⎥⎦
As no tension is allowed in un-reinforced
masonry as Draft Code IS: 1905, the design

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Explanatory Examples for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry

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