Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality
Although the physical world is three-dimensional, mostly we prefer to use two-dimensional media in education. The combination
of AR technology with the educational content creates new type of automated applications and acts to enhance the effectiveness
and attractiveness of teaching and learning for students in real life scenarios. Augmented Reality is a new medium, combining
aspects from ubiquitous computing, tangible computing, and social computing. This medium offers unique affordances,
combining physical and virtual worlds, with continuous and implicit user control of the point of view and interactivity. This
paper provides an introduction to the technology of augmented reality (AR) and its possibilities for education. Key technologies
and methods are discussed within the context of education.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Technologies for Augmented Reality Systems;Augmented Reality in Education
Immersing learners to real world and interact them with that world mostly cannot be convenient. Although the
natural world is three-dimensional, we prefer to use two-dimensional media in education which is very convenient,
familiar, flexible, portable and inexpensive. But it is static and does not offer the dynamic content. Alternatively
computer generated three-dimensional virtual environment can be used but these scenes requires high performance
computer graphics which is more expensive than others.
Although lots of opportunities virtual worlds may present for teaching and learning, it is hard to provide an
adequate level of realism. When users are completely immersed in this environment they become divorced from the
real environment. So, it gives you virtual things by modeling the real world you're experiencing.
This study has a dual aim. Firstly definition of augmented reality (AR) is given about this new artificial and
augmented environment. Characteristics of augmented reality system are provided and technologies are classified
used in this system. Secondly it's potential in education within this context.
Augmented Reality
Nowadays a new medium “Augmented Reality” offer us unique affordances, combining physical and virtual
worlds. This is the new way of manipulating how we interact with that world. Without replacing the real world
1877-0428 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.654
298 Mehmet Kesim and Yasin Ozarslan / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47 (2012) 297 – 302
you're experiencing, this technology augments virtual information on top of the real world with continuous and
implicit user control of the point of view and interactivity. It provides a composite view for the user with a
combination of the real scene viewed by the user and computer generated virtual scenes. This is an augmentation of
real world by engaging an ordinary place, space, thing or event in a way that is partly unmediated. We can offer
the educational content. This new approach enhances the effectiveness and attractiveness of teaching and learning.
The ability to overlay computer generated virtual things onto the real world changes the way we interact and
trainings becomes real that can be seen in real time rather than a static experience.
Augmented Reality brings virtual information or object to any indirect -world environment to
objects on the real ones or scenes for maximizing natural and intuitive user experience in real time. It is an
interactive environment where a real life is enhanced by virtual things real time. According to Azuma (1997),
Augmented Reality must have three characteristics: combining the real and virtual worlds, having real-time
interaction with the user, and is being registered in a 3D space. Augmented Reality allows the user to see the real
world and aim to supplement reality without completely immersing user inside a synthetic environment.
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality use same hardware technologies and share lots of factors like computer
generated virtual scenes, 3D objects and interactivity. The main difference between them is where virtual reality
aims to replace the real world while augmented reality respectfully supplements it.
The main devices for augmented reality are displays, computers, input and tracking devices. See-through and
Monitor-based displays are two major types of displays used in augmented reality. See-through displays place both
images of -see-through and Optical see-
through systems are two types of see-through displays.
Video-see through systems are useful when you need to experience something remote or using an image
enhancement system. Optical see-through systems combine computer generated scenes with "through the glasses"
image of the real world. Generally a slanted semi-transparent mirror is used for this. This mirror technology allows
Handheld Displays
Small computing devices with a display that the user can hold in their hands.
A handheld AR system displaying a three Smart AR, a visual technology that capable to capture
dimensional graph registered to the cones and table visual objects through its smartphone webcam and project
(CSM, 2011) it out as a moving subject over an actual 3D space
(Sony, 2011)
Figure2. Handheld Displays
Another type of devices use video-see-through techniques to overlay graphics onto the real environment is
Handheld Displays. These are small computing devices with a display that the user can hold in their hands. The two
main advantages of handheld Augmented Reality are the portable nature of handheld devices and ubiquitous nature
of camera phones. The disadvantages are the physical constraints of the user having to hold the handheld device out
in front of them at all times as well as distorting effect of classically wide-angled mobile phone cameras when
compared to the real world as viewed through the eye (Feiner, 2011). Smart-phones, PDAs and Tablets with
cameras, digital compasses, GPS units for their six degree of freedom tracking sensors and fiducial marker systems
used as a handheld display in augmented reality.
Spatial Displays are use of video-projectors, optical elements, holograms, radio frequency tags, and other
tracking technologies to display graphical information directly onto physical objects without requiring the user to
wear or carry the display (Bimber, Raskar, & Inami, 2007). Another way used to combine physical objects and
computer-generated information is Projection Displays. In this physical three-dimensional model computer image is
projected to create a realistic looking object.
Pinch gloves, wand with buttons and smart phones that signals its position and orientation from camera images
are main input devices used in augmented reality. Pinch is a pair of stretch-fabric gloves contains sensors in each
fingertip which detect contact between the digits of your hand. It is a remarkable new system used gestures for a
wide range of control and interactive functions and interacting with 3D simulation.
300 Mehmet Kesim and Yasin Ozarslan / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47 (2012) 297 – 302
Pinch Gloves
A pinching gesture can be used to grab a virtual object, and provides a reliable and low-cost method of
recognizing natural gestures.
Digital cameras and/or other optical sensors, accelerometers, GPS, gyroscopes, solid state compasses, RFID and
wireless sensors are used as tracking devices for positioning and orientating of the user's head, hand(s) or a handheld
input device. These technologies offer varying levels of accuracy and precision. Computers generally used to
analyze the sensed visual and other data. They synthesize and position augmentations and then reflect users display
Type of devices and interaction of system between the user and the virtual content of augmented reality
applications define systems interface. There are four main ways of interaction in augmented reality applications:
tangible, collaborative, hybrid and emerging multimodal interfaces. Using these devices we can develop five
different augmented reality systems. These systems fixed indoor/outdoor systems, mobile indoor/outdoor systems,
and mobile indoor and outdoor systems. Mobile ones are the systems that allow the user for movement with the help
of a wireless system and Fixed ones are the systems wherever they are set up without having the flexibility to move.
Augmented Reality technology is not a new issue. It has been used in fields such as: military; medicine;
engineering design; robotic; telerobotic; manufacturing, maintenance and repair applications; consumer design;
psychological treatments, etc. (Azuma, Baillot, Behringer, & Feiner, 2001). Displaying information by using virtual
things that the user cannot directly detect with his own senses can enable a person to interact with the real world in
ways never before possible. We can change the position, shape, and/or other graphical features of virtual objects
with interaction techniques augmented reality supports. Using our fingers or motions of handheld devices such as
shake and tilt we have an ability to manipulate virtual objects, as well as to physical objects in the real world.
Augmented Reality can be applied for learning, entertainment, or edutainment by enhancing a user's perception
of and interaction with the real world. User can move around the three-dimensional virtual image and view it from
any vantage point, just like a real object. The information conveyed by the virtual objects helps users perform real-
world tasks. Tangible Interface Metaphor is one of the important way to improve learning. This property enables
manipulation of three-dimensional virtual objects simply by moving real cards without mouse or keyboard.
Augmented Reality can also be used to enhance collaborative tasks. It is possible to develop innovative computer
interfaces that merge virtual and real worlds to enhance face-to-face and remote collaboration. These augmented
Mehmet Kesim and Yasin Ozarslan / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47 (2012) 297 – 302 301
reality applications are more similar to natural face-to-face collaboration than to screen based collaboration
(Kiyokawa, et al., 2002).
Web technologies and internet are popular, as a practical situation people still prefer reading books instead of
facing screens and textbooks are still widely used. Another interesting application of this technology is in
augmented reality textbooks. These books are printed normally but point a webcam to the book brings visualizations
and interactions designed. This is possible by installing special software on a computer, using special mobile apps or
a web site. This technology allows any existing book to be developed into an augmented reality edition after
publication. Using 3D objects and views, miscellaneous and imaginative media, simulations with different types of
interactions is the easiest ways of connecting the two isolated worlds. Through the use of Augmented Reality in
printed book pages, textbooks will became dynamic sources of information. In this way people with no computer
background can still have a rich interactive experience.
Augmented reality has power to change how we use computers. Augmented reality makes the impossible
possible and its potential in education is just beginning. Augmented reality interfaces offer seamless interaction
between the real and virtual worlds. Using augmented reality systems learners interact with the 3D information,
objects and events in a natural way. The educational experience offered by Augmented Reality is different for a
number of reasons as Mark Billinghurst (2002) mentioned:
Support of seamless interaction between real and virtual environments
The use of a tangible interface metaphor for object manipulation
The ability to transition smoothly between reality and virtuality
It is essential to coordinate a team of specialist to possible augmented reality solution in educational issues. In
order to achieve realistic solutions we need to design and coordinate multi-disciplinary research project to enhance
content and environments. Educators must work with researchers to develop augmented reality interfaces. Software
and hardware technologies play an important and key role to produce augmented reality applications. There are
engineers, who can design different augmented reality environments. However for learning, in educational
technology field, there is a big need for instructional designers, who can design learning activities for augmented
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