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Appendix 4 For Taiz's Plant Physiology and Development

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In natural habitats, plants are surrounded by an enormous number

of potential enemies. Nearly all ecosystems contain a wide variety
of bacteria, viruses, fungi, nematodes, mites, insects, mammals, and
other herbivorous animals. By their nature, plants cannot avoid these
herbivores and pathogens simply by moving away; they must protect
themselves in other ways. Their first line of defense involves the plant
surface. The cuticle (a waxy outer layer) and the periderm (secondary
protective tissue), besides retarding water loss, provide passive barri-
ers to bacterial and fungal entry.
A diverse group of plant compounds, commonly referred to as sec-
ondary metabolites, also defends plants against a variety of herbi-
vores and pathogenic microbes. Some secondary metabolites serve
other important functions as well, such as providing structural sup-
port, as in the case of lignin, or acting as pigments, as in the case of
the anthocyanins.

Plants produce a large, diverse array of organic com-

pounds that appear to have no direct function in their Secondary metabolites are divided into
growth and development. These compounds are known three major groups
as secondary metabolites, secondary products, or natu-
Plant secondary metabolites can be divided into three
ral products. Secondary metabolites have no generally
recognized direct roles in the processes of photosynthe- chemically distinct groups: terpenes, phenolics, and nitro-
sis, respiration, solute transport, translocation, protein gen-containing compounds. FIGURE A4.1 shows in sim-
synthesis, nutrient assimilation, or differentiation, or plified form the pathways involved in the biosynthesis of
the formation of the primary metabolites—carbohydrates, secondary metabolites and their interconnections with pri-
proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids—discussed elsewhere mary metabolism. In the next three sections of this chapter,
in this book. we will discuss each of these groups in turn.

Secondary metabolites also differ from primary metab-

olites in having a restricted distribution within the plant
kingdom. That is, certain secondary metabolites are only The terpenes, or terpenoids, constitute the largest class of
found in one plant species or related group of species, secondary metabolites. Most of the diverse substances of
whereas primary metabolites are found throughout the this class are insoluble in water. They are synthesized from
plant kingdom. acetyl-CoA or its glycolytic intermediates. After discussing
the biosynthesis of terpenes, we will examine how they act
to repel herbivores.
Secondary metabolites defend plants
against herbivores and pathogens
Terpenes are formed by the fusion of
For many years the adaptive significance of most second-
five-carbon isoprene units
ary metabolites was unknown. These compounds were
thought to be simply functionless end products of metabo- All terpenes are derived from the union of 5-carbon ele-
lism, or metabolic wastes. Study of these substances was ments (also called C5 units) that have the branched carbon
pioneered by organic chemists of the nineteenth and early skeleton of isopentane:
twentieth centuries who were interested in them because H3C
of their importance as medicinal drugs, poisons, flavors, CH — CH2 — CH3
and industrial materials.
Today we know that many secondary metabolites have H3C
The basic structural elements ofCH
terpenes are sometimes
CH — 2 — CH3
important ecological functions in plants: HH33CC
called isoprene units because terpenes can decompose at
• They protect plants against being eaten by herb- high temperatures to Hgive
ivores and against being infected by microbial H3C
pathogens. H2C
• They serve as attractants (odor, color, taste) for
pollinators and seed-dispersing animals. Thus, terpenes are occasionally also referred to as
• They function as agents of plant–plant competition OH
Terpenes are classified byCthe number of C5 units they
and plant–microbe symbioses. 6
contain, although extensive metabolic modifications can
The ability of plants to compete and survive is therefore sometimes make it difficult to pick out the original five-
profoundly affected by the ecological functions of their carbon residues. For example,C610-carbon terpenes, which
secondary metabolites. C6 monoterpenes;
contain two C5 units, are called C3 15-carbon
Secondary metabolism is also relevant to agriculture. terpenes (three C5 units) are sesquiterpenes; and 20-carbon
The very defensive compounds that increase the repro- terpenes (four C5 units) are Cditerpenes.
6 C3 Larger terpenes
ductive fitness of plants by warding off fungi, bacteria, include triterpenes (30 carbons),
C6 tetraterpenes
C1 (40 carbons),
and herbivores may also make them undesirable as food and polyterpenoids ([C5]n carbons, where n > 8).
for humans. Many important crop plants have been arti-
C6 C1
ficially selected to produce relatively low levels of these
compounds (which, of course, can make them more sus-
There are two pathways forC6terpene
C3 biosynthesis
ceptible to insects and disease). Terpenes are synthesized from primary metabolites in at
In the remainder of this chapter we will discuss the least two different ways. In the
C6 well-studied
C3 C6 mevalonic
major types of plant secondary metabolites, their biosyn- acid pathway, three molecules of acetyl-CoA are joined
thesis, and what is known about their functions in the together stepwise to form mevalonic acid (FIGURE A4.2).
plant, particularly their defensive roles. This key six-carbon intermediate is then pyrophosphory-
lated, decarboxylated, and dehydrated to yield isopente-



Erythrose 4-phosphate 3-Phosphoglycerate

Phosphoenolpyruvate Pyruvate (3-PGA)

Tricarboxylic Acetyl-CoA
acid cycle

amino acids

Shikimic acid Malonic Mevalonic MEP pathway

pathway acid pathway acid pathway

amino acids

secondary products



FIGURE A4.1  A simplified view of the major pathways of

secondary-metabolite biosynthesis and their interrelation-
ships with primary metabolism.

IPP and its isomer combine to form larger terpenes

nyl diphosphate (IPP)*. IPP is the activated five-carbon
building block of terpenes. IPP and its isomer, dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP),
IPP can also be formed from intermediates of glycolysis are the activated 5-carbon building blocks of terpene bio-
or the photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle via a sepa- synthesis that join together to form larger molecules. First
rate setPhysiology
Plant of reactions
5/E called the methylerythritol phosphate
Taiz/Zeiger IPP and DMAPP react to give geranyl diphosphate (GPP),
(MEP) Associatesthat operates in chloroplasts and other the 10-carbon precursor of nearly all the monoterpenes
Morales Studio
plastids (Lichtenthaler
Figure 13.01
1999). Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
Date 02-04-10
(see Figure A4.2). GPP can then link to another molecule
and two carbon atoms derived from pyruvate condense of IPP to give the 15-carbon compound farnesyl diphos-
to form the five-carbon intermediate 1-deoxy-d-xylulose phate (FPP), the precursor of nearly all the sesquiterpenes.
5-phosphate. After this intermediate is rearranged and Addition of yet another molecule of IPP gives the 20-car-
reduced to 2-C-methyl-d-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP), it bon compound geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP), the
is eventually converted into IPP (see Figure A4.2). precursor of the diterpenes. Finally, FPP and GGPP can
dimerize to give the triterpenes (C30) and the tetraterpenes
(C40), respectively.
*IPP is the abbreviation for isopentenyl pyrophosphate, an It is now generally accepted that sesquiterpenes and tri-
earlier name for this compound. The other pyrophosphorylated
intermediates in this pathway are also now referred to as terpenes are synthesized through the cytosolic mevalonic
diphosphates. acid pathway, whereas mono-, di-, and tetraterpenes are

3 Acetyl-CoA (C2) CH2O P
Pyruvate (C3)
3-phosphate (C3)



Mevalonate 1-Deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate Methylerythritol
pathway phosphate (MEP)




Mevalonic acid Methylerythritol

phosphate (MEP)


Isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP, C5) Dimethyallyl diphosphate Isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP, C5)

Isoprene (C5)

Farnesyl diphosphate (FPP, C15) Geranyl diphosphate (GPP, C10)


Sesquiterpenes (C15) Triterpenes (C30) Monoterpenes (C10)

Geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP, C20 )

FIGURE A4.2  Outline of terpene biosynthesis. The CH2 O P P

basic 5-carbon units of terpenes are synthesized
by two different pathways. The phosphorylated
intermediates, IPP and DMAPP, are combined to
make 10-carbon, 15-carbon, and larger terpenes. Diterpenes (C20) Tetraterpenes (C40)

Plant Physiology 5/E Taiz/Zeiger

Sinauer Associates
Morales Studio Unless we can go wider, the brackets will have to be angled. Not

derived from the chloroplastic MEP pathway. However, (A)

cross talk between these two pathways does occasionally
occur, leading to terpenes that are “mixed” with regard to
their biosynthetic origin.

Some terpenes have roles in growth

and development
Certain terpenes have well-characterized functions in plant
growth or development and so can be considered primary
rather than secondary metabolites. For example, the gib- Limonene
berellins (see Chapter 25), an important group of plant (B)
hormones, are diterpenes. Brassinosteroids (see Chapter 15),
another class of plant hormones with growth-regulating CH3
functions, originate from triterpenes.
Sterols are triterpene derivatives that are essential com-
ponents of cell membranes, which they stabilize by inter-
acting with phospholipids. The red, orange, and yellow
carotenoids are tetraterpenes that function as accessory H3C CH3
pigments in photosynthesis and protect photosynthetic
tissues from photooxidation (see Chapter 7). The hormone Menthol
abscisic acid (see Chapter 15) is a C15 terpene produced by
degradation of a carotenoid precursor. FIGURE A4.3  Structures of limonene (A) and menthol
Long-chain polyterpene alcohols known as dolichols (B). These two well-known monoterpenes serve as de-
function as carriers of sugars in cell wall and glycoprotein fenses against insects and other organisms that feed on
the plants that produce them. (A, lemon tree [Citrus
synthesis (see Chapter 14). Terpene-derived side chains, × limon], photo © Soren Pilman/istockphoto; B, pep-
such as the phytol side chain of chlorophyll (see Chapter permint [genus Mentha], photo © Jose Antonio Santiso
7), help anchor certain molecules in membranes. The vast Fernández/istockphoto.)
majority of terpenes, however, are secondary metabolites
presumed to be involved in plant defenses.
The chief monoterpene constituent of lemon oil is limo-
nene; that of peppermint oil is menthol (FIGURE A4.3).
Terpenes defend many plants against herbivores Essential oils have well-known insect repellent proper-
Terpenes are toxins and feeding deterrents to many her- ties. They are frequently found in glandular hairs that proj-
bivorous insects and mammals; thus they appear to play ect outward from the epidermis and serve to “advertise”
important defensive roles in the plant kingdom (Gershen- the toxicity of the plant, repelling potential herbivores even
zon and Croteau 1992). For example, monoterpene esters before they take a trial bite. Within the glandular hairs, the
called pyrethroids, found in the leaves and flowers of terpenes are stored in a modified extracellular space (FIG-
Chrysanthemum species, show striking insecticidal activ- URE A4.4). Essential oils can be extracted from plants by
ity. Both natural and synthetic pyrethroids are popular steam distillation and are important commercially in flavor-
Plant Physiology 5/E Taiz/Zeiger
ingredients in commercial insecticides because of their low ing foods and making perfumes.
Sinauer Associates
persistence in the environment and their negligible toxicity Among
Morales the nonvolatile terpene antiherbivore com-
to mammals. Figure 13.03
pounds Date 11-16-09
are the limonoids, a group of triterpenes (C30)
In conifers such as pine and fir, monoterpenes accumu- well known as bitter substances in citrus fruits. Perhaps
late in resin ducts found in the needles, twigs, and trunk. the most powerful deterrent to insect feeding known is
These compounds are toxic to numerous insects, includ- azadirachtin (FIGURE A4.5A), a complex limonoid from the
ing bark beetles, which are serious pests of conifer spe- neem tree (Azadirachta indica) of Africa and Asia. Azadi-
cies throughout the world. Many conifers respond to bark rachtin is a feeding deterrent to some insects at doses as
beetle infestation by producing additional quantities of low as 50 parts per billion, and it exerts a variety of toxic
monoterpenes (Trapp and Croteau 2001). effects (Aerts and Mordue 1997; Veitch et al. 2008). It has
Many plants contain mixtures of volatile monoterpenes considerable potential as a commercial insect control agent
and sesquiterpenes, called essential oils, that lend a char- because of its low toxicity to mammals, and several prepa-
acteristic odor to their foliage. Peppermint, lemon, basil, rations containing azadirachtin are now being marketed in
and sage are examples of plants that contain essential oils. North America and India.

were recently found to have a defensive function against

plant-parasitic nematodes (Soriano et al. 2004).
Triterpenes that defend plants against vertebrate her-
bivores include cardenolides and saponins. Cardenolides
are glycosides (compounds containing an attached sugar
or sugars) that taste bitter and are extremely toxic to higher
animals. In humans they have dramatic effects on the heart
muscle through their influence on Na+/K+-ATPases. In
carefully regulated doses, they slow and strengthen the
heartbeat. Cardenolides extracted from foxglove (Digitalis)
are prescribed to millions of patients for the treatment of
some types of heart disease.
Saponins are steroid and triterpene glycosides, so
named because of their soaplike properties. The pres-
ence of both lipid-soluble (the steroid or triterpene) and
water-soluble (the sugar) elements in one molecule gives
70 µm
saponins detergent properties, and they form a soapy
FIGURE A4.4  Monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes are com- lather when shaken with water. The toxicity of saponins
monly found in glandular hairs on the surface of a plant. is thought to be a result of their ability to form complexes
This false-colored scanning electron micrograph shows
with sterols. Saponins may interfere with sterol uptake
glandular trichomes (microscopic hairs, purple) on the
calyx of a clary sage (Salvia sclarea) plant. The trichomes from the digestive system or disrupt cell membranes after
are secreting globules of essential oils (round, white). being absorbed into H3the
C bloodstream.
CH — CH2 — CH3
(© Andrew Syred/Photo Researchers, Inc.) H3C

Phenolic Compounds
The phytoecdysones, first isolated from the common Plants produce a large
3 variety
CH — CHof secondary
CH2 compounds
fern (Polypodium vulgare), are a group of plant steroids that H 2C group: a hydroxyl functional group
that contain a phenol
have the same basic structure as insect molting hormones on an aromatic ring:
(FIGURE A4.5B). Ingestion of phytoecdysones by insects
disrupts molting and other developmental processes, often OH
with lethal consequences. In addition, phytoecdysones

(A) Azadirachtin, a limonoid

C6 C1

FIGURE A4.5  Structure of two tri- CH3OC O
terpenes, azadirachtin (A) and C6 C3 C6
α-ecdysone (B), that serve as pow-
erful insecticides. Azadirachtin (B) α-Ecdysone, an insect molting hormone
affects more than 200 species of OH
insects and can be considered a
natural insecticide. α-Ecdysone, H3C
a plant-derived steroidal prohor- CH3 CH3
mone of the insect molting hor-
mone 20-hydroxyecdysone, can CH3
cause irregular molting in insect HO
herbivores. (A, photo of neem OH
leaves © RN Photos/istockphoto; HO
B, photo of Polypodium vulgare
leaves, © blickwinkel/Alamy.) O

Plant Physiology 5/E Taiz/Zeiger

Sinauer Associates
Morales Studio
Figure 13.04 Date 11-16-09

These substances are classified as phenolic compounds, or phosphate pathway into the three aromatic amino acids:
phenolics. Plant phenolics are a chemically heterogeneous phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan. One of the path-
group of nearly 10,000 individual compounds: Some are way intermediates is shikimic acid, which has given its
soluble only in organic solvents, some are water-soluble name to this whole sequence of reactions. The well-known
carboxylic acids and glycosides, and others are large, insol- broad-spectrum herbicide glyphosate (available commer-
uble polymers. cially as Roundup) kills plants by blocking a step in this
In keeping with their chemical diversity, phenolics pathway (see Appendix 1). The shikimic acid pathway
play a variety of roles in the plant. Many serve as defenses is present in plants, fungi, and bacteria but is not found
against herbivores and pathogens. Others function in in animals. Animals have no way to synthesize aromatic
mechanical support, in attracting pollinators and fruit amino acids—phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan—
dispersers, in absorbing harmful ultraviolet radiation, or which are therefore essential nutrients in animal diets.
in reducing the growth of nearby competing plants. After The most abundant classes of phenolic secondary com-
giving a brief account of phenolic biosynthesis, we will pounds in plants are derived from phenylalanine via the
discuss three principal groups of phenolic compounds and elimination of an ammonia molecule to form cinnamic
what is known about their roles in the plant. acid (FIGURE A4.7). This reaction is catalyzed by phenyl-
alanine ammonia lyase (PAL), perhaps the most studied
enzyme in plant secondary metabolism. PAL is situated at
Phenylalanine is an intermediate in the biosynthesis
a branch point between primary and secondary metabo-
of most plant phenolics lism, so the reaction it catalyzes is an important regulatory
Plant phenolics are synthesized by several different routes step in the formation of many phenolic compounds.
and thus constitute a heterogeneous group from a meta- The activity of PAL is increased by environmental fac-
bolic point of view. Two basic pathways are involved: the tors such as low nutrient levels, light (through its effect on
shikimic acid pathway and the malonic acid pathway phytochromes), and fungal infection. The point of control
(FIGURE A4.6). The shikimic acid pathway participates appears to be the initiation of transcription. Fungal inva-
in the biosynthesis of most plant phenolics. The malonic sion, for example, triggers the transcription of messenger
acid pathway, although an important source of phenolic RNA that codes for PAL, thus increasing the amount of
secondary products in fungi and bacteria, is of less signifi- PAL in the plant, which then stimulates the synthesis of
cance in higher plants. phenolic compounds. The regulation of PAL activity in
The shikimic acid pathway converts simple carbohy- many plant species is made more complex by the exis-
drate precursors derived from glycolysis and the pentose tence of multiple PAL-encoding genes, some of which are

Erythrose Phosphoenolpyruvic
4-phosphate acid (from glycolysis)
(from pentose
phosphate pathway)
Shikimic acid

Phenylalanine [C 6 C3] Malonic acid


Cinnamic acid [C 6 C3]


[C 6 C3 ][ C 6 ]
C1 [C 6 C3 C6
] Miscellaneous
Simple phenolics Flavonoids

[ C6
C3 n [ C6 C3 C6
Lignin Condensed tannins

FIGURE A4.6  Plant phenolics are synthesized in several basic arrangement of carbon skeletons: C6 indicates a
different ways. In higher plants, most phenolics are de- benzene ring, and C3 is a three-carbon chain. More detail
rived at least in part from phenylalanine, a product of the on the pathway from phenylalanine onward is given in
shikimic acid pathway. Formulas in brackets indicate the Figure 13.7.

FIGURE A4.7  Outline of phenolic biosynthesis from COOH

phenylalanine onward. The formation of many plant NH2
phenolics, including simple phenylpropanoids,
coumarins, benzoic acid derivatives, lignin, antho- Phenylalanine
cyanins, isoflavones, condensed tannins, and other
flavonoids, begins with phenylalanine.
NH3 Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL)

expressed only Hin3Cspecific tissues or only under Benzoic acid
CH — CH2 — CH3 derivatives (Figure A.8C)
certain environmental
H3C conditions (Logemann et
al. 1995). trans-Cinnamic acid
Reactions subsequent to that catalyzed by
PAL lead to the addition
CH — CHof more
CH2 hydroxyl
groups and other substituents. The metabolites
COOH Caffeic acid
trans-cinnamic acid, p-coumaric acid, and their and other simple
derivatives are simple phenolic compounds phenylpropanoids
OH HO (Figure A.8A)
called phenylpropanoids because they contain
p-Coumaric acid
a benzene ring:
H3C Coumarins (Figure A.8B)
CH — CH2 — CH3
H3C C6
Lignin precursors
and a three-carbon
side chain.
Simple phenolic compounds
CH — CH CH are widespread HO
H2C C6 C3 2 p-Coumaroyl-CoA
in vascular plants and appear to function in
3 Malonyl-CoA molecules
various capacities. Their structures include the
C Chalcone synthase
• Simple phenylpropanoids,
H3C such as trans- OH
cinnamic acid, CH — CH2 —acid,
p-coumaric CH3 and their
derivatives, such as caffeic acid, which have HO OH
a basic phenylpropanoid C3carbonC6 skeleton
H3C ) OH
C6 C3 HO O
• Phenylpropanoid lactones
OH (cyclic esters)
called coumarins,C which
also have a OH O
6 HO O
phenylpropanoid carbon skeleton (FIGURE
A4.8B) C 6
• Benzoic acid derivatives, which have a carbon HO
C6 phenylpropanoids
C3 C6 OH O O
skeleton formed from by
the cleavage of a two-carbon fragment from Flavanones
the side chain ( FIGURE CA4.8C
3 ) (see also
Figure A4.7): OH OH O

HO O Isoflavones (isoflavonoids)
C6 C1

As with many other secondary products, plants
can elaborate on the basic
C6 carbon
C3 skeletons
C6 of HO O
these simple phenolic compounds to make more
complex products.5/E Taiz/Zeiger
Plant Physiology OH
Now that
Sinauer the biosynthetic pathways leading
Morales Studio Anthocyanins OH O
to most widespread phenolic compounds have
Figure 13.00 in-text Date 02-04-10 (Figure A.10A)
been determined, researchers have turned their Condensed tannins Flavonols
attention to studying how those pathways are (Figure A.12A)

(A) causes some furanocoumarins to become activated to a

C C C C high-energy electron state. Activated furanocoumarins
H H can insert themselves into the double helix of DNA and
HO HO bind to the pyrimidine bases cytosine and thymine, thus
blocking transcription and repair and leading eventually
Caffeic acid Ferulic acid
to cell death.
Phototoxic furanocoumarins are especially abundant in
Simple phenylpropanoids [C 6 C3 ] members of the Umbelliferae, including celery, parsnip,
and parsley. In celery, the concentration of these com-
(B) pounds can increase about one-hundredfold if the plant is
Furan ring
stressed or diseased. Celery pickers, and even some gro-
cery shoppers, have been known to develop skin rashes
from handling stressed or diseased celery. Some insects are
HO O O O O O adapted to survive on plants that contain furanocoumarins
and other phototoxic compounds by living in silken webs
Umbelliferone, Psoralen,
a simple coumarin a furanocoumarin or rolled-up leaves, which screen out the activating wave-
lengths (Sandberg and Berenbaum 1989).
Coumarins [C 6 C3 ]
The release of phenolics into the soil may limit the
O growth of other plants
From leaves, roots, and decaying litter, plants release a vari-
ety of primary and secondary metabolites into the environ-
HO OH ment. The release of secondary compounds by one plant
OCH3 that have an effect on neighboring plants is referred to as
Vanillin Salicylic acid allelopathy. If a plant can reduce the growth of nearby
plants by releasing chemicals into the soil, it may increase
Benzoic acid derivatives [C 6 C1 ] its access to light, water, and nutrients and thus its evo-
lutionary fitness. Generally speaking, the term allelopathy
FIGURE A4.8  Simple phenolic compounds play a variety has come to be applied to the harmful effects of plants on
of roles in plants. (A) Caffeic acid and ferulic acid may
their neighbors, although a precise definition also includes
be released into the soil and inhibit the growth of neigh-
boring plants. (B) Psoralen is a furanocoumarin that beneficial effects.
exhibits phototoxicity to insect herbivores. (C) Salicylic Simple phenylpropanoids and benzoic acid derivatives
acid is a plant hormone that is involved in systemic re- are frequently cited as having allelopathic activity. Com-
sistance to plant pathogens. pounds such as caffeic acid and ferulic acid (see Figure
A4.8A) are found in soil in appreciable amounts and have
been shown in laboratory experiments to inhibit the ger-
mination and growth H of Cmany plants (Inderjit et al. 1995).
regulated. In some cases, specific enzymes, such as PAL, Allelopathy is currently CHof CH2 —interest
—great CH3 because of
are important in controlling flux through the pathway. its potential agricultural applications (Kruse et al. 2000).
Several transcription factors have been shown to regulate Reductions in crop yields caused by weeds or residues
phenolic metabolism by binding to the promoter regions from the previous crop H3Cmay in some cases be a result of
of certain biosynthetic genes and activating transcription. allelopathy. An exciting
C prospect is the development
Some of Physiology
Plant these factors
5/E activate the transcription of large
Taiz/Zeiger of crop plants genetically engineered to be allelopathic to
groups of genes
Sinauer (Jin and Martin 1999).
Associates weeds (see WEB ESSAY 23.7).
Morales Studio OH
Figure 13.08 Date 11-16-09
Ultraviolet light activates some simple phenolics Lignin is a highly complex phenolic macromolecule
Many simple phenolic compounds have important roles After cellulose, the most abundant
organic substance in
in plants as defenses against insect herbivores and fungi. plants is lignin, a highly branched polymer of phenylpro-
Of special interest is the phototoxicity of certain couma- panoid groups:
rins called furanocoumarins, which have an attached
furan ring (see Figure A4.8B). These compounds are not C6 C3
toxic until they are activated by light. Sunlight in the
ultraviolet A (UV-A) region of the spectrum (320–400 nm)
C6 C1

Lignin plays both primary and secondary roles in plants. From shikimic acid
Its precise structure is not known because it is difficult to pathway via phenylalanine
extract from plants, in which it is covalently bound to cel- [C 6 ]
lulose and other polysaccharides of the cell wall. 3′
Lignin is generally formed from three different phenyl- 2′ 4′
From malonic B
propanoid alcohols: coniferyl, coumaryl, and sinapyl, all of acid pathway 8 1 1′
7 O 5′
which are synthesized from phenylalanine via various cin-
namic acid derivatives. The phenylpropanoid alcohols are [ ]
C6 A C 2 6′
6 3
joined into a polymer through the action of enzymes that 5 4
generate free-radical intermediates. The proportions of the
three phenylpropanoid alcohols in lignin vary among spe- The three-carbon bridge
cies, plant organs, and even layers of a single cell wall. In Basic flavonoid skeleton
the polymer, there are often multiple C—C and C—O—C
bonds in each phenylpropanoid alcohol unit, resulting in a FIGURE A4.9  Basic flavonoid carbon skeleton. Flavo-
complex structure that branches in three dimensions. noids are synthesized from products of the shikimic acid
Unlike the monomeric units of polymers such as and malonic acid pathways. Flavonoids contain 15 car-
bons in the basic molecular skeleton provided by two
starch, rubber, or cellulose, those of lignin do not appear
aromatic rings and one 3-carbon bridge. Positions of
to be linked in a simple, repeating way. However, recent carbons on the flavonoid ring system are numbered as
research suggests that a guiding protein may bind the indi- shown.
vidual units during lignin biosynthesis, giving rise to a
scaffold that then directs the formation of a large, repeating
unit (Davin and Lewis 2000; Hatfield and Vermerris 2001). Flavonoids are classified primarily on the basis of the
Lignin is found in the cell walls of various cell types that degree of oxidation of the three-carbon bridge. We will dis-
make up supporting and conducting tissues, notably the cuss four of these groups here: the anthocyanins, the fla-
tracheids and vessel elements of the xylem. It is deposited vones, the flavonols, and the isoflavones (see Figure A4.7).
chiefly in the thickened secondary wall, but may also be The basic flavonoid carbon skeleton may have numer-
present in the primary wall and middle lamella in close ous substituents. Hydroxyl groups are usually present at
contact with the celluloses and hemicelluloses already positions 3, 5, and 7, but they may also be found at other
present. The mechanical rigidity of lignin strengthens positions. Sugars are very common as well; in fact, the
stems and vascular tissue, allowing upward growth and majority of flavonoids exist naturally as glycosides.
permitting water andCH minerals
— CH2 —toCHbe3 conducted through Whereas both hydroxyl groups and sugars increase the
the xylem under negative pressure without collapse of the water solubility of flavonoids, other substituents, such as
tissue. Because lignin is such a key component of water methyl ethers or modified isopentyl units, make flavonoids
transport tissue, H
3C ability to synthesize lignin must have lipophilic (hydrophobic). Different types of flavonoids per-
been one of the H most important adaptations permitting form very different functions in the plant, including pig-
primitive plants to colonize dry land. mentation and defense.
Plant Physiology 5/E Taiz/Zeiger
Besides providing mechanical support, lignin has sig- Sinauer Associates
nificant protective functions inOH plants. Its physical tough- Morales Studio
Figure 13.09 areDate
colored flavonoids
11-16-09 that
ness deters herbivory, and its chemical durability makes it
attract animals
relatively indigestible. By bonding to cellulose and protein,
lignin also reduces the digestibility of those substances. The colored pigments of plants provide visual cues that
Lignification blocks the growth of pathogens and is a com- help to attract pollinators and seed dispersers. These pig-
mon response to infection or wounding. ments are of two principal types: carotenoids and flavo-
noids. Carotenoids, as we have already seen, are yellow,
C6 C3 orange, and red terpenoid compounds that also serve as
There are four major groups of flavonoids accessory pigments in photosynthesis (see Chapter 7). The
The flavonoids are one of the largest classes of plant phe- flavonoids also include a wide range of colored substances.
nolics. The basic carbonCskeleton
of a flavonoid contains The most widespread group of pigmented flavonoids is
15 carbons arranged in two aromatic rings connected by a the anthocyanins, which are responsible for most of the
three-carbon bridge: red, pink, purple, and blue colors observed in flowers and
C6 C3 C6 Anthocyanins are glycosides that can have various sugars
at position 3 (FIGURE A4.10A) and sometimes elsewhere.
This structure results from two separate biosynthetic path- Without their sugars, anthocyanins are known as anthocy-
ways: the shikimic acid pathway and the malonic acid
pathway (FIGURE A4.9).

anidins (FIGURE A4.10B). Anthocyanin color is TABLE 13.1

influenced by many factors, including the number Effects of ring substituents on anthocyanidin color
of hydroxyl and methoxyl groups in ring B of the
anthocyanidin (see Figure A4.10A), the presence Anthocyanidin Substituents Color
of aromatic acids esterified to the main skeleton, Pelargonidin 4′— OH Orange red
and the pH of the cell vacuole in which the antho- Cyanidin 3′— OH, 4′— OH Purplish red
cyanins are stored. Anthocyanins may also exist Delphinidin 3′— OH, 4′— OH, 5′— OH Bluish purple
in supramolecular complexes along with chelated Peonidin 3′— OCH 3 , 4′— OH Rosy red
metal ions and flavone copigments. The blue pig- Petunidin 3′— OCH 3 , 4′— OH, 5′— OCH 3 Purple
ment of dayflower (Commelina communis) was
found to consist of a large complex of six anthocy-
anin molecules, six flavones, and two associated magnesium ultraviolet range of the spectrum than humans do, may
ions (Kondo et al. 1992). The most common anthocyanidins respond to flavones and flavonols as visual attractant cues
and their colors are shown in Figure A4.10 and TABLE 13.1. (FIGURE A4.11). Flavonols in a flower often form symmet-
Considering the variety of factors affecting anthocyanin ric patterns of stripes, spots, or concentric circles called nec-
coloration and the possible presence of carotenoids as well, tar guides (Lunau 1992). These patterns may be conspicu-
it is not surprising that so many different shades of flower ous to insects and are thought to help indicate the location
and fruit color are found in nature. The evolution of flower of pollen and nectar.
color may have been governed by selection pressure to Flavones and flavonols are not restricted to flowers;
attract different types of pollinators, many of which have they are also present in the leaves of all green plants. These
different color preferences. two classes of flavonoids protect cells from excessive UV-B
radiation (280–320 nm) because they accumulate in the epi-
dermal layers of leaves and stems and absorb light strongly
Flavones and flavonols may protect against
in the UV-B region while allowing the visible (photosyn-
damage by ultraviolet light thetically active) wavelengths to pass through uninter-
Two other groups of flavonoids found in flowers are fla- rupted. In addition, exposure of plants to increased UV-B
vones and flavonols (see Figure A4.7). These flavonoids light has been demonstrated to increase the synthesis of
generally absorb light at shorter wavelengths than do flavones and flavonols. UV-B radiation is known to induce
anthocyanins, so they are not visible to the human eye. mutations in the DNA as well as oxidative stress, which
However, insects such as bees, which see farther into the has the potential to damage cellular macromolecules.
Arabidopsis thaliana mutants that lack the enzyme chal-
(A) cone synthase produce no flavonoids. Lacking flavonoids,
these plants are much more sensitive to UV-B radiation
B than wild-type individuals are, and they grow very poorly
under normal conditions. When shielded from UV light,
however, they grow normally (Li et al. 1993). A group of
O Sugar
simple phenylpropanoid esters are also important in UV
OH protection in Arabidopsis.
Anthocyanin Other functions of flavones and flavonols have also
been discovered. For example, these flavonoids, when
3′ secreted into the soil by legume roots, mediate the inter-
2′ 4′
action of legumes and rhizobacteria, their nitrogen-fixing
+ 1′ symbionts, as described in Chapter 11. As will be discussed
O 5′
A C 6′ in Chapter 17, recent work suggests that these flavonoids
OH also play a regulatory role in plant development as modu-
lators of polar auxin transport.

FIGURE A4.10  The structures of anthocyanins (A) and an-
Isoflavonoids have widespread
thocyanidins (B). The colors of anthocyanidins depend pharmacological activity
in part on the substituents attached to ring B (see Table
The isoflavones (isoflavonoids) are a group of flavonoids in
13.1). An increase in the number of hydroxyl groups shifts
absorption to a longer wavelength and gives a bluer which the position of one aromatic ring (ring B) is shifted
color. Replacement of a hydroxyl group with a methoxyl (see Figure A4.7). Isoflavonoids, which are found mostly in
group (—OCH3) shifts absorption to a slightly shorter legumes, have several different biological activities. Some,
wavelength, resulting in a redder color. such as rotenone, can be used effectively as insecticides,

(A) (B)

FIGURE A4.11  Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia sp.) as seen found in the inner parts of the rays, but not in the tips.
by humans (A) and as it might appear to honeybees (B). The distribution of flavonols in the rays creates a “bull’s-
(A) To humans, the flowers have yellow rays and a brown eye” pattern visible to honeybees, which presumably
central disc. (B) To bees, the tips of the rays appear “light helps them locate pollen and nectar. Special lighting was
yellow,” the inner portion of the rays “dark yellow,” and used to simulate the spectral sensitivity of the honeybee
the central disc “black.” UV-absorbing flavonols are visual system. (Courtesy of Thomas Eisner.)

pesticides (e.g., as rat poison), and piscicides (fish poisons). Hydrolyzable tannins are heterogeneous polymers
Other isoflavones have anti-estrogenic effects; for example, containing phenolic acids, especially gallic acid, and sim-
sheep grazing on clover rich in isoflavonoids often suf- ple sugars (FIGURE A4.12B). They are smaller than con-
fer from infertility. The ring system of isoflavones has a densed tannins and may be hydrolyzed more easily; only
three-dimensional structure similar to that of steroids (see dilute acid is needed. Most tannins have molecular masses
Figure A4.5B), allowing these substances to bind to estro- between 600 and 3000 Da.
gen receptors. Isoflavones may also be responsible for the Tannins are general toxins that can reduce the growth
anticancer benefits of foods prepared from soybeans. and survival of many herbivores when added to their
In the past few years, isoflavones have become best diets. In addition, tannins act as feeding repellents to a
known for their role as phytoalexins, antimicrobial com- great variety of animals. Mammals such as cattle, deer,
pounds synthesized in response to bacterial or fungal and apes characteristically avoid plants or parts of plants
infection that help limit the spread of the invading patho- with high tannin contents. Unripe fruits, for instance, fre-
gen. Phytoalexins are discussed in more detail later in this quently have very high tannin levels, which deter feed-
Plant Physiology 5/E Taiz/Zeiger
Sinauer Associates ing on the fruits until their seeds are mature enough for
Morales Studio dispersal.
Figure 13.11 Date 11-16-09 Although crop plants generally produce fewer second-
Tannins deter feeding by herbivores ary metabolites, there are exceptions. Humans often prefer
A second category of plant phenolic polymers with defen- a certain level of astringency in tannin-containing foods,
sive properties, besides lignin, is the tannins. The term tan- such as apples, blackberries, tea, and grapes. The tannins
nin was first used to describe compounds that could con- in red wine have been shown to block the formation of
vert raw animal hides into leather in the process known endothelin-1, a signaling molecule that makes blood ves-
as tanning. Tannins bind the collagen proteins of animal sels constrict (Corder et al. 2001). This effect of wine tan-
hides, thereby increasing their resistance to heat, water, nins may account for the often-touted health benefits of
and microbes. red wine, especially the reduction in the risk of heart dis-
There are two categories of tannins: condensed and ease associated with moderate red wine consumption. In
hydrolyzable. Condensed tannins are compounds formed recent years, however, another phenolic compound, the
by the polymerization of flavonoid units (FIGURE A4.12A). stilbene phenylpropanoid resveratrol, has also been identi-
They are common constituents of woody plants. Because fied as a health benefit factor in red wine.
condensed tannins can often be hydrolyzed into anthocy- Moderate amounts of specific tannins may have health
anidins by treatment with strong acids, they are sometimes benefits for humans, but the defensive properties of most
called pro-anthocyanidins. tannins are due to their toxicity, which is generally attrib-

(A) Condensed tannin FIGURE A4.12  Structure of two salivary proteins with a very high proline
OH types of tannins. (A) The general content (25–45%) that have a high affin-
B structure of a condensed tannin, ity for tannins. Secretion of these proteins,
HO where n is usually 1 to 10. There
OH which is induced by ingestion of food
A C may also be a third hydroxyl group
on ring B. (B) The hydrolyzable tan- with a high tannin content, greatly dimin-
OH nin from sumac (Rhus semialata) ishes the toxic effects of tannins (Butler
OH consists of glucose and eight mol- 1989). The large number of proline resi-
HO O ecules of gallic acid. dues gives these proteins a very flexible,
n open conformation and a high degree of
OH hydrophobicity, which facilitate binding
to tannins.
Plant tannins also serve as defenses
OH against microorganisms. For example,
the nonliving heartwood of many trees
contains high concentrations of tannins,
which help prevent fungal and bacterial
(B) Hydrolyzable tannin

H A large variety of plant secondary metab-
HO C olites have nitrogen as part of their struc-
OH ture. Included in this category are such
well-known antiherbivore defenses as
HO O alkaloids and cyanogenic glycosides,
C O which are of considerable interest because
of their toxicity to humans as well as their
C O medicinal properties. Most nitrogenous
Gallic acid
HO OH secondary metabolites are synthesized
from common amino acids.
HO OH In this section we will examine the
OH structures and biological properties of
various nitrogen-containing secondary
uted to their ability to bind proteins nonspecifically. It has metabolites, including alkaloids, cyanogenic glycosides,
long been thought that plant tannins bind proteins in the glucosinolates, and nonprotein amino acids.
guts of herbivores by forming hydrogen bonds between
their hydroxyl groups and electronegative sites on the
Alkaloids have dramatic physiological
proteins (FIGURE A4.13A). More recent evidence indicates
effects on animals
that tannins and other phenolics can also bind to dietary
protein in a covalent fashion (FIGURE A4.13B). The foliage The alkaloids are a large family of more than 15,000 nitro-
of many plants contains enzymes that oxidize phenolics gen-containing secondary metabolites. They are found in
to their corresponding quinone forms in the guts of her- approximately 20% of vascular plant species. The nitrogen
bivores (Felton et al. 1989). Quinones are highly reactive atom in these compounds is usually part of a heterocyclic
electrophilic molecules that readily react with the nucleo- ring, a ring that contains both nitrogen and carbon atoms.
philic —NH2 and —SH groups of proteins (Appel 1993). As a group, alkaloids are best known for their striking
By whatever mechanism protein–tannin binding occurs, pharmacological effects on vertebrate animals.
Plant Physiology 5/E Taiz/Zeiger
this process
Sinauer has a negative effect on herbivore nutrition.
Associates As their name would suggest, most alkaloids are alka-
Morales can inactivate herbivore digestive enzymes and line. At the pH values commonly found in the cytosol (pH
Figure 13.12 Date 11-16-09
create complex aggregates of tannins and plant proteins 7.2) or the vacuole (pH 5–6), the nitrogen atom is proton-
that are difficult to digest. ated; hence alkaloids are positively charged and are gener-
Herbivores that habitually feed on tannin-rich plant ally water soluble.
material appear to possess some interesting adaptations Alkaloids are usually synthesized from one of a few
to remove tannins from their digestive systems. For exam- common amino acids—in particular, lysine, tyrosine, or
ple, some mammals, such as rodents and rabbits, produce
(A) Hydrogen bonding between tannin and protein FIGURE A4.13  Proposed mechanisms for the interaction
of tannins with proteins. (A) Hydrogen bonds may form
between the phenolic hydroxyl groups of the tannin
d+ d− and electronegative sites on the protein. (B) Phenolic
O H N Protein hydroxyl groups may bind covalently to proteins follow-
H2 ing activation by oxidative enzymes, such as polyphenol
(B) Covalent bonding to protein after oxidation

Tannin in phenol form tryptophan. However, the carbon skeleton of some alka-
OH loids contains a component derived from the terpene path-
Polyphenol oxidase
way. TABLE 13.2 lists the major alkaloid types and their
amino acid precursors. Several different types, including
nicotine and its relatives (FIGURE A4.14), are derived from
ornithine, an intermediate in arginine biosynthesis. The B
Tannin in quinone form
vitamin nicotinic acid (niacin) is a precursor of the pyridine
(six-membered) ring of this alkaloid; the pyrrolidine (five-
H2N Protein membered) ring of nicotine arises from ornithine (FIGURE
A4.15). Nicotinic acid is also a constituent of NAD+ and
NADP+, which serve as electron carriers in metabolism.
HN Protein
The role of alkaloids in plants has been a subject of spec-
Covalent bond ulation for at least a century. Alkaloids were once thought
to be nitrogenous wastes (analogous to urea and uric acid
OH in animals), nitrogen storage compounds, or growth regu-
Tannin linked to protein lators, but there is little evidence to support any of these
functions. Most alkaloids are now believed to function as
defenses against herbivores, especially mammals, because

TABLE 13.2 N
Major types of alkaloids,
N their amino acid precursors, and well-known examples of each type
Alkaloid class N
Structure Biosynthetic precursor Examples Human uses
Pyrrolidine N
Ornithine (aspartate) Nicotine Stimulant, depressant,
N tranquilizer

Tropane Ornithine Atropine Prevention of intestinal spasms,
antidote to other poisons,
N dilation of pupils for
Cocaine Stimulant of the central nervous
system, local anesthetic
Piperidine N Lysine (or acetate) Coniine Poison (paralyzes motor
N neurons)
Plant Physiology 5/E Taiz/Zeiger
Ornithine Retrorsine None
Sinauer Associates
Morales Studio NN
Figure 13.13
Quinolizidine Date 02-04-10
N Lysine Lupinine Restoration of heart rhythm
Isoquinoline N
Tyrosine Codeine Analgesic (pain relief), treatment
of coughs
Morphine Analgesic
Indole N Tryptophan Psilocybin Hallucinogen
N Reserpine Treatment of hypertension,
N N treatment of psychoses

N N Strychnine Rat poison, treatment of eye
N disorders

plant defensive compounds and even use them in their

own defense (Hartmann 1999). Within plants, pyrrolizidine
C OCH3 alkaloids occur naturally as nontoxic N-oxides. In the alka-
N line digestive tracts of many insect herbivores, however,
they are quickly reduced to uncharged, hydrophobic ter-
O tiary alkaloids (FIGURE A4.16), which easily pass through
Cocaine Nicotine membranes and are toxic. Nevertheless, some insect her-
bivores, like the cinnabar moth (Tyria jacobeae), have devel-
HO oped the ability to reconvert tertiary pyrrolizidine alka-
O loids into the nontoxic N-oxide form immediately after
N their absorption from the digestive tract. These herbivores
O may then store the N-oxides in their bodies as defenses
against their own predators.
Not all of the alkaloids that appear in plants are pro-
HO duced by the plant itself. Many grasses harbor endogenous
fungal symbionts (endophytes) that grow in the apoplast
Representative alkaloids
and synthesize a variety of different alkaloids. Grasses

FIGURE A4.14  Examples of alkaloids, a diverse group of

secondary metabolites that contain nitrogen, usually as H2C CH2
part of a heterocyclic ring. Caffeine is a purine-type al-
kaloid similar to the nucleotide bases adenine and gua-
nine. The pyrrolidine (five-membered) ring of nicotine NH2
arises from ornithine; the pyridine (six-membered) ring is
derived from nicotinic acid. Ornithine

of their general toxicity and deterrence capability (Hart- COOH

mann 1992). +
Large numbers of livestock deaths are caused by the N
ingestion of alkaloid-containing plants. In the United N
States, many grazing livestock animals are poisoned each
year by consumption of large quantities of alkaloid-con-
taining plants such as lupines (Lupinus), larkspur (Delphin- N-Methyl pyrrolinium
ium), and groundsel (Senecio). This phenomenon may be
due to the fact that domestic animals, unlike wild animals, Nicotinic acid mononucleotide (NADP+)
have not been subjected to natural selection for avoidance
of toxic plants. Indeed, some livestock actually seem to
prefer alkaloid-containing plants to less harmful forage.
Plant Physiology
Nearly 5/E Taiz/Zeiger
all alkaloids are also toxic to humans when taken COOH
Sinauer Associates
sufficient quantities.
For example, strychnine, atropine,
and coniine
Figure 13.14 (from poison hemlock, Conium maculatum) are
Date 11-16-09
classic alkaloid poisons. At lower doses, however, many
Nicotinic acid
are useful pharmacologically. Morphine, codeine, and sco-
polamine are just a few of the plant alkaloids currently N
used in medicine. Other alkaloids, including cocaine, nico-
tine, and caffeine (see Figure A4.14), have widespread non-
medical uses as stimulants or sedatives. Nicotine
On a cellular level, the mode of action of alkaloids in
animals is quite variable. Many alkaloids interfere with FIGURE A4.15  Nicotine biosynthesis begins with the
components of the nervous system, especially neurotrans- synthesis of nicotinic acid (niacin) from aspartate and
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. Nicotinic acid is also a
mitters; others affect membrane transport, protein synthe-
component of NAD+ and NADP+, important participants
sis, or miscellaneous enzyme activities. in biological oxidation–reduction reactions. The five-
One group of alkaloids, the pyrrolizidine alkaloids, membered ring of nicotine is derived from ornithine, an
illustrates how herbivores can become adapted to tolerate intermediate in arginine biosynthesis.

FIGURE A4.16  Two forms of pyrro- HO CH3 HO CH3

lizidine alkaloids occur in nature: O
Reduced in digestive O
the N-oxide form and the tertiary tracts of most herbivores
H3C to toxic form H3C
alkaloid. The nontoxic N-oxide CH3 O CH3 O
form found in plants is reduced O O O O
to the toxic tertiary form in the
digestive tracts of most insect her- Oxidized to nontoxic
bivores. However, some adapted N+ N
form by certain adapted
herbivores can convert the toxic O– herbivores
tertiary form back into the non-
toxic N-oxide. The two forms are N-oxide Tertiary alkaloid
illustrated here for senecionine, a (nontoxic form, (toxic form)
pyrrolizidine alkaloid found in rag- stored in plants)
wort (Senecio).

with fungal symbionts often grow faster and are better 2. In the second step the resulting hydrolysis product,
defended against insect and mammalian herbivores than called an α-hydroxynitrile or cyanohydrin, can
those without symbionts. Unfortunately, certain grasses decompose spontaneously at a low rate to liberate
with symbionts, such as tall fescue, are important pasture HCN. This second step can be accelerated by the lytic
grasses that may become toxic to livestock when their alka- enzyme hydroxynitrile lyase.
loid content is too high. Efforts are under way to breed Cyanogenic glycosides are not normally broken down
tall fescue with alkaloid levels that are not poisonous to in the intact plant because the glycoside and the degra-
livestock but still provide protection against insects . dative enzymes are spatially separated in different cellu-
lar compartments or in different tissues. In sorghum, for
example, the cyanogenic glycoside dhurrin is present in
Cyanogenic glycosides release the poison
the vacuoles of epidermal cells, while the hydrolytic and
hydrogen cyanide lytic enzymes are found in the mesophyll (Poulton 1990).
Various nitrogenous protective compounds other than Under ordinary conditions this compartmentalization
alkaloids are found in plants. Two groups of these sub- prevents decomposition of the glycoside. When the leaf is
stances—cyanogenic glycosides and glucosinolates—are damaged, however, as during herbivore feeding, the cell
not themselves toxic but are readily broken down to give contents of different tissues mix, and HCN forms. Cyano-
off poisons, some of which are volatile, when the plant is genic glycosides are widely distributed in the plant king-
crushed. Cyanogenic glycosides release the well-known dom and are found in many legumes, grasses, and species
poisonous gas hydrogen cyanide (HCN). of the rose family.
The breakdown of cyanogenic glycosides in plants is a Considerable evidence indicates that cyanogenic glyco-
two-step enzymatic process. Species that make cyanogenic sides have a protective function in certain plants. HCN is
Plant Physiology 5/E Taiz/Zeiger
glycosides also make the enzymes necessarySinauerto hydrolyze
Associates a fast-acting toxin that inhibits metalloproteins such as the
the sugar and liberate HCN: Morales Studio iron-containing cytochrome oxidase, a key enzyme of mito-
Figure 13.16 Date 02-04-10
chondrial respiration. The presence of cyanogenic glycosides
1. In the first step the sugar is cleaved by a glycosidase,
a hydrolytic enzyme that separates sugars from other deters feeding by insects and other herbivores such as snails
molecules to which they are linked (FIGURE A4.17). and slugs. As with other classes of secondary metabolites,
however, some herbivores have adapted to feed on cyano-
genic plants and can tolerate large doses of HCN.

FIGURE A4.17  Enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of cyanogenic

glycosides to release hydrogen cyanide. R and R′ repre-
sent various alkyl or aryl substituents. For example, if R is
phenyl, R′ is hydrogen, and
the sugar is the disaccha-
ride β-gentiobiose, then the Hydroxynitrile
R O—Sugar Glycosidase R OH lyase R
compound is amygdalin (the C C C O + HC N
common cyanogenic glyco- or
R′ C N R′ C N R′
side found in the seeds of spontaneous
almonds, apricots, cherries, Cyanogenic Cyanohydrin Ketone Hydrogen
and peaches). glycoside cyanide

The tubers of cassava (Manihot esculenta), a high-car- without ill effects. For adapted herbivores such as the cab-
bohydrate staple food in many tropical countries, contain bage butterfly, glucosinolates serve as stimulants for adult
high levels of cyanogenic glycosides. Traditional processing feeding and egg laying, and the isothiocyanates produced
methods, such as grating, grinding, soaking, and drying, after glucosinolate hydrolysis act as volatile attractants
lead to the removal or degradation of a large fraction of the (Renwick et al. 1992). In addition, the caterpillars can redi-
cyanogenic glycosides present in cassava tubers. However, rect the glucosinolate hydrolysis reaction to the production
chronic cyanide poisoning leading to partial paralysis of the of the less toxic nitriles (Wittstock et al. 2004).
limbs is still widespread in regions where cassava is a major Most of the recent research on glucosinolates in plant
food source because the traditional detoxification methods defense has concentrated on rape, or canola (Brassica napus),
employed to remove cyanogenic glycosides from cassava a major oilseed crop in both North America and Europe.
are not completely effective. In addition, many populations Plant breeders have tried to lower the glucosinolate levels
that consume cassava have poor nutrition, which aggra- of rapeseed so that the high-protein seed meal remaining
vates the effects of the cyanogenic glycosides. after oil extraction can be used as animal food. The first
Efforts are currently under way to reduce the cyano- low-glucosinolate varieties tested in the field were unable
genic glycoside content of cassava through both conven- to survive because of severe pest problems. However,
tional breeding and genetic engineering approaches. How- more recently developed varieties with low glucosinolate
ever, the complete elimination of cyanogenic glycosides levels in seeds but high glucosinolate levels in leaves are
may not be desirable, because these substances are prob- more resistant to pests and still provide a protein-rich seed
ably responsible for the pest resistance of stored cassava. residue for animal feeding.

Glucosinolates release volatile toxins Nonprotein amino acids are toxic to herbivores
A second class of plant glycosides, called the glucosino- Plants and animals incorporate the same 20 amino acids
lates, or mustard oil glycosides, break down to release into their proteins. However, many plants also contain
defensive substances. Found principally in the Brassicaceae unusual amino acids, called nonprotein amino acids, that
and related plant families, glucosinolates break down to are not incorporated into proteins. Instead, these amino
produce the compounds responsible for the smell and taste acids are present in the free form and act as defensive sub-
of vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and radishes. stances. Many nonprotein amino acids are very similar to
Glucosinolate breakdown is catalyzed by a hydrolytic common protein amino acids. Canavanine, for example,
enzyme, called a thioglucosidase or myrosinase, that cleaves is a close analog of arginine, and azetidine-2-carboxylic
glucose from its bond with the sulfur atom (FIGURE A4.18). acid has a structure very much like that of proline (FIGURE
The resulting aglycone—the nonsugar portion of the mole- A4.19).
cule—loses the sulfate and rearranges itself to give pungent Nonprotein amino acids exert their toxicity in various
and chemically reactive products, including isothiocyanates ways. Some block the synthesis or uptake of protein amino
and nitriles, depending on the conditions of hydrolysis. acids. Others, such as canavanine, can be mistakenly incor-
These defensive products function as toxins and herbivore porated into proteins. After ingestion by an herbivore,
repellents. Like cyanogenic glycosides, glucosinolates are canavanine is recognized by the enzyme that normally
stored in the intact plant separately from the enzymes that binds arginine to the arginine transfer RNA molecule, so
hydrolyze them, and they are brought into contact with it becomes incorporated into herbivore proteins in place
these enzymes only when the plant is crushed. of arginine. Canavanine is less basic than arginine and its
As with other secondary metabolites, certain animals incorporation usually results in a nonfunctional protein
are adapted to feed on glucosinolate-containing plants

S Glucose Thioglucosidase SH Spontaneous
R C R C Isothiocyanate
– –
Glucose SO42– R C N

Glucosinolate Aglycone Nitrile

FIGURE A4.18  Hydrolysis of glucosinolates into mustard-smelling

volatiles. R represents various alkyl or aryl substituents. For ex-
ample, if R is CH2=CH—CH2–, the compound is sinigrin, a ma-
jor glucosinolate of black mustard seeds and horseradish roots.

FIGURE A4.19  Nonprotein Nonprotein amino acid Protein amino acid analog
amino acids and their pro-
tein amino acid analogs. The HOOC CH CH2 CH2 O NH CH NH2 HOOC CH CH2 CH2 CH2 NH CH NH2
nonprotein amino acids are
not incorporated into pro- NH2 NH NH2 NH
teins, but are defensive com-
pounds found in free form Canavanine Arginine
in plant cells. Their activity
ranges from interference CH2 CH2 CH2
with the uptake of amino CH2 CH COOH
acids to the disruption of NH
Azetidine-2-carboxylic acid Proline

because either its tertiary structure or its catalytic site is

disrupted (Rosenthal 1991).
It has also been shown that several nonprotein amino
acids, including 4-N-oxalyl-2,4-diaminobutyric acid,
diaminobutyric acid (DABA), 2,3-diaminopropionic
acid (DAPA), 3-N-oxalyl-2,3-diaminopropionic acid, and
2-amino-6-N-oxalylureidopropionic acid, as well as acety-
lated forms of some of these amino acids, occur in certain
fodder legumes and have been linked to toxicity in rumi-
nants (McSweeney et al. 2008).
Plants that synthesize nonprotein amino acids are not
susceptible to the toxicity of these compounds. The jack
bean (Canavalia ensiformis), which has high concentra-
tions of canavanine in its seeds, has protein-synthesizing
machinery that can discriminate between canavanine and
arginine, and it does not incorporate canavanine into its
own proteins. Some insects that are adapted to eat plants
containing nonprotein amino acids have similar biochemi-
cal adaptations.

Plant Physiology 5/E Taiz/Zeiger

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Morales Studio
Figure 13.19 Date 11-16-09

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