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Open Cooling Tower Design Considerations

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The article discusses key design considerations for cooling towers including selection criteria, location, material choices, and water treatment.

Common problems discussed include recirculation, minimum flow requirements, corrosion, scale buildup, slime and algae growth.

Cooling tower performance depends on ambient wet-bulb temperature, entering/leaving water temperatures, airflow, water flow, and physical design factors.


This article was published in ASHRAE Journal, February 2016. Copyright 2016 ASHRAE. Posted at This article may
not be copied and/or distributed electronically or in paper form without permission of ASHRAE. For more information about ASHRAE
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Kent W. Peterson

Open Cooling Tower

Design Considerations

The design decisions made in selecting and sizing cooling towers and their compo-
nents has a direct impact on the performance of the overall chiller water plant. A cool-
ing tower’s long-term performance is a function of the details of design for the cooling
tower and its supporting components.
This month, I point out some common problems that selection with 95°F/85°F (35°C/29.4°C) hot/cold water
must be addressed in cooling tower selection and the temperatures with an entering wet-bulb temperature of
design of condenser water systems. These problems can 75°F (23.9°C). The cooling tower horsepower is the fan
impede the system’s ability to perform reliably and effi- motor nameplate power.
ciently. These are all examples from actual facilities that I There are five parameters that define the perfor-
have designed, peer reviews I have performed on designs mance of a cooling tower: hot water temperature, cold
by others, or retrofits of systems designed by others. water temperature, wet-bulb temperature, water-flow
rate, and airflow rate. The first four items are usually
Principle of Operation provided by the designer while the fifth is selected by
Evaporation is a cooling process. Cooling towers the cooling tower manufacturer. Taylor has provided
use the internal heat from water to vaporize the water excellent guidance on selecting tower approach and
thus removing heat from the water. Sensible heat that efficiency using life-cycle cost based selection.1 A nar-
changes temperature is also responsible for a small rower approach will provide a lower cooling tower leav-
part of the cooling tower’s operation. A cooling tower’s ing water temperature resulting in higher chiller effi-
purpose is to expose as much water surface area to air ciency due to reduced lift on the chiller. The narrower
as possible to promote the evaporation of the water. In approach temperature will typically require a larger
a cooling tower, approximately 1% of the total flow is cooling tower with more fill.
evaporated for each 10°F (6.9°C) temperature change. The location of the cooling tower should be selected to
Range and approach are two important terms used in minimize recirculation by following the manufacturer’s
the discussion of cooling towers (see sidebar, Cooling layout guidelines. Forced draft towers are characterized
Tower Terminology, Page 53). by high air entrance velocities and low exit velocities.
The performance of a cooling tower is a function of Accordingly, they are extremely susceptible to recircula-
the ambient wet-bulb temperature, entering water tion and are considered to have less performance stabil-
temperature, airflow, and water flow. The dry-bulb tem- ity than the induced draft type. The author has success-
perature has an insignificant effect on the performance fully used an allowance of 1 to 2°F (0.6 to 1.1°C) wet-bulb
of a cooling tower. Performance also is a function of the margin of safety added to the ambient wet-bulb tem-
physical design of the tower. perature when recirculation cannot be avoided. The
designer should increase the entering wet-bulb tem-
Design Considerations perature when some recirculation is anticipated.
Selection Criteria There are a variety of cooling tower material choices
ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 and California’s Title 24 use available to construct a cooling tower. Cooling towers and
minimum gpm/hp (L/s·kW) to specify minimum tower Kent W. Peterson, P.E., is chief engineer/COO at P2S Engineering in Long Beach, Calif.
performance. These minimums are based on a tower He is former chair of Standard 189.1.

50 A S H R A E J O U R N A L  FEBRUARY 2016


the areas around them are typically in a continuous corro- pressure drop (Hf) between the basin and the pump suc-
sive environment. Stainless steel, fiberglass and concrete tion is 2 feet and the pump suction elevation is the same
will outlast galvanized steel towers. It is always important as the basin elevation, the NPSHA is:
to ensure the water treatment program is compatible
with the materials used in the cooling tower. An example

(14.7 − 0.5) +
( 0 2 − 12 2 )

(0) − 2 = 28.5 ft (2)
would be using soft water with low dissolved ion content 1 61.3
in a concrete cooling tower. Control and power wiring This is well above NPSHR for common pumps. So cavi-
in PVC coated galvanized rigid steel conduit provides tation is seldom an issue as long as the pressure drop
excellent service life. Thin walled EMT should be avoided between the basin and the pump suction Hf is reason-
around cooling towers. able. Accordingly, avoid fine mesh, high pressure drop
strainers in the suction line when the pump elevation is
Open Piping System Problems to Avoid near that of the basin. Fine mesh strainers in this case
Cooling tower hydronic problems can occur when should be installed on the pump discharge or at the
working with open towers. These problems are generally inlet to the condensers when the pump suction is under
related to one or several of the following issues and can negative pressure. Install a compound pressure gauge
be avoided: on the pump suction when anticipating zero to slightly
Pump cavitation is the flashing of water into a vapor due negative suction pressure.
to excessively low suction pressure. Cavitation sounds What is often mistaken as cavitation is another phe-
like the pump is pumping gravel and can cause severe nomenon that occurs when the pump is not located
damage to the impeller. Net positive suction head well below the basin: air that is dissolved in the water
(NPSH) is the measure of suction pressure. The suction in the tower basin comes out of solution as the pressure
pressure required to prevent cavitation for a particu- drops when water flows into the pump suction. These
lar pump is indicated as NPSHR and is published on air bubbles can make a gurgling sound that is similar to
the pump curve. The NPSH available (NPSHA) must be (but not as loud as) the sound of cavitation. It is generally
calculated by the designer to confirm that the NPSHA > harmless to the pump, although the pump flow and head
NPSHR or pump cavitation will occur. will suffer and efficiency will be reduced. To completely
NPSHA (in feet) is calculated using Equation 1: prevent this from occurring, the pump must be below

(Va2 − Vs2 ) the tower basin by an elevation equal to or larger than the
( Pa − Pvp ) + 61.3
+ ( Z a − Z s ) − H a→ s (1) NPSHR plus the pressure drop of the inlet piping Hf    .
Air traps in the piping between the collection basin
where s is the specific gravity of the fluid (= 1 for water), and pump suction can lead to improper pump opera-
P is absolute pressure (psia), v is velocity (fpm), and tion. The collection basin water is full of entrained air,
H is the head loss (feet) due to piping, fittings, valves so air in the piping should be assumed. The author has
etc. These are defined at two points: Point a, which is witnessed pumps located too close to the basin (less
a reference point in the system where conditions are than 10 pipe diameters) draw entrained air from the
known, and Point s, which is the pump suction. For open cooling tower collection basin into the pump suction.
systems such as cooling towers, point a is the top of the Remember, air vents will not remove air trapped in a
tower cold water basin. Pv  p is the vapor pressure of the negative pressure suction line. It is important to slope
fluid at the pump suction, which is a function of fluid piping up toward the tower collection basin and avoid
temperature. For a typical condenser water supply of any vertical piping traps that would collect air in the
80°F (26.6°C), Pv  p is 0.5 psia (3.45 kPa). pump suction line. Design for eccentric reducers located
Many engineers get concerned about maintaining top side flat, so as not to trap air at the pump suction.
NPSHA in open cooling tower systems and consequently Cooling tower overflow on shutdown is typically caused
insist on elevating the tower basin well above the pump by draining back water to the basin upon shutdown. The
suction. But this is in fact not necessary because atmo- collection basin is designed to hold the pull down volume
spheric pressure (Pa) is so high (14.7 psia [101.4 kPa] of the tower that includes the full volume of water in the
at sea level). For instance, assuming the suction line distribution basin, fill, and overhead supply piping from

FEBRUARY 2016  A S H R A E J O U R N A L 51

Incorrect cooling tower bypass. FIGURE 2  
Correct cooling tower bypass.

Cooling Tower Cooling Tower

Water Bypass
Bypass Diverting Valve
Water Return
(To Pump)
Condenser Condenser
Water Supply Condenser Water Supply
Water Return Water Return

Chiller Chiller
Condenser Water Pump Condenser Water Pump

the tower. It is preferred to minimize the amount of hori- that minimal water level differential exists between oper-
zontal pipe above the distribution basin. Where that can- ating collection basins. The isolation valves should allow
not be avoided, an inverted water trap on the hot water for one tower to be taken out of service while the others
pipe at the inlet to the distribution basin will limit the pull remain active. This situation can usually be avoided by
down volume. A functioning check valve on the condenser paying attention to the design and sizing of the equaliz-
water pump will restrict water from falling back to the ing line. Follow the tower manufacturer’s recommended
collection basin through the tower discharge pipe. guideline for sizing. A means of cleaning the equalizer line
Air introduction to pump suction can be caused by tower should be designed if the equalizer is below the collection
pan vortexing, tower pan drain down, or the pumps basin since it will collect particulate matter.
located too close to the collection basin. Vortexing usu- Improper bypass configuration can sometimes cause air
ally occurs with excessive collection basin discharge introduction into the pump inlet. The author has wit-
pipe velocities. Vortexing can be avoided by maintaining nessed tower bypasses as shown in Figure 1 where a two-
the tower exit pipe diameter for a minimum of 10 pipe way valve was used between the cooling tower inlet pipe
diameters, installing a vortex breaker in the tower pan above the collection basin and pump suction without
where the cold water exits (standard on most towers), automatic isolation on the cooling tower inlet. This type
and not exceeding manufacturer’s stated maximum of bypass can lead to air introduction from the cooling
flow rate. Tower pan drain down is when the tower tower return pipe located above the collection basin
draws air into the pump suction upon startup. This is a when in full bypass. Three-way mixing valves on the
consequence of the tower collection basin overflowing pump suction should also be avoided since this can cause
on shutdown. When the tower starts, the water in over- additional pump suction pressure drop. These problems
head supply piping needs to fill the pipe prior to reach- can be avoided by piping the bypass directly to the collec-
ing the collection basin. This can typically be avoided tion basin, not to the suction piping as shown in Figure 2.
with proper attention to the piping design mentioned
previously to minimize overflow at shutdown. Modulating Flow
Improper equalizing line sizing on multiple towers piped All cooling towers have a minimum flow requirement
in parallel can cause unbalanced water flow through the that is defined as the allowable turndown. Most energy
tower. If the collection basin water levels are not equal, codes (such as Standard 90.1) require a minimum turn-
one tower could draw air into the outlet while the other down of 50%; in a two-chiller plant, this allows one con-
tower overflows. All connected towers should be installed denser water pump and one chiller to operate with both
to have their overflow levels at the same elevation. cooling towers enabled. With variable speed drives on the
Isolation valves at the inlet and outlet of each tower can tower fans (also required by most energy codes), efficiency
also assist in final balancing of water flow. An equalizing is always improved by running as many towers as allowed
line with isolation valves should be adequately sized so by the minimum flow rate. For instance, operating two

52 A S H R A E J O U R N A L  FEBRUARY 2016

Cooling Tower Terminology contacts the air for effective cooling. May include head-
ers, laterals, branch arms, nozzles, distribution basins
Ambient Wet-Bulb Temperature. The wet-bulb tempera- and flow-regulating devices.
ture of the air encompassing a cooling tower, not including
any temperature contribution by the tower. Generally mea- Drift. Circulating water lost from the tower as liquid
sured upwind of a tower, in a number of locations sufficient droplets entrained in the exhausted airstream.
to account for all extraneous sources of heat. Drift Eliminator. An assembly of baffles or labyrinth
Approach. Difference between the cold water tem- passage through which the air passes prior to its exit from
perature and either the ambient or entering wet-bulb the tower for the purpose of removing entrained water
temperature. droplets from the exhaust air.
Atmospheric. Refers to the movement of air through a Entering Wet-Bulb Temperature. The wet-bulb tem-
cooling tower purely by natural means, or by the aspirat- perature of the air actually entering the tower, includ-
ing effect of water flow. ing any effects of recirculation. In testing, the average
of multiple readings taken at the air inlets to establish a
Blowdown. Water discharged from the system to con-
true entering wet-bulb temperature.
trol concentrations of salts and other impurities in the
circulating water. Evaporation Loss. Water evaporated from the circulat-
ing water into the airstream in the cooling process.
Capacity. The amount of water (gpm) that a cooling
tower will cool through a specified range, at a specified Fill. That portion of a cooling tower, which constitutes
approach and wet-bulb temperature. its primary heat transfer surface.
Casing. Exterior enclosing wall of a tower, exclusive of Forced Draft. Refers to the movement of air under
the louvers. pressure through a cooling tower. Fans of forced draft
towers are located at the air inlets to force air through the
Cell. Smallest tower subdivision, which can function as
an independent unit with regard to air and water flow; it
is bounded by either exterior walls or partition walls. Each Hot Water Temperature. Temperature of circulating
cell may have one or more fans and distribution systems. water entering the cooling tower by means of an induced
partial vacuum. Fans of induced draft towers are located
Circulating Water Rate. Quantity of hot water entering
at the air discharges to “draw” air through the tower.
the cooling tower.
Cold Water Temperature. Temperature of the water Makeup Water. Water added to the circulating water
leaving the collection basin, exclusive of any temperature system to replace water lost by evaporation, drift, wind-
effects incurred by the addition of makeup and/or the age, blowdown, and leakage.
removal blowdown. Mechanical Draft. Refers to the movement of air
Collection Basin. Vessel below and integral with the through a cooling tower by means of a fan or other
tower where water is transiently collected and directed to mechanical devices.
the sump or pump suction line. Natural Draft. Refers to the movement of air through a
Counterflow. Airflow direction through the fill is coun- cooling tower purely by natural means. Typically, by the
ter-current to that of the falling water. driving force of a density differential.

Crossflow. Airflow direction through the fill is essen- Nozzle. A device used for controlled distribution of
tially perpendicular to that of the falling water. water in a cooling tower. Nozzles are designed to deliver
water in a spray pattern either by pressure or gravity flow.
Cycles of Concentration (C.O.C). The ratio of dis-
solved solids in circulating water to the dissolved solids in Plume. The effluent mixture of heated air and water
makeup water. vapor (usually visible) discharge from a cooling tower.
Distribution Basin. Shallow pan-type elevated basin Range. Difference between the hot water temperature
used to distribute hot water over the tower fill by means and the cold water temperature (HW-CW).
of orifices in the basin floor. Application is normally lim- Recirculation. Describes a condition in which a portion
ited to crossflow towers. of the tower’s discharge air re-enters the air inlets along
Distribution System. Those parts of a tower, begin- with the fresh air. Its effect is an elevation of the average
ning with the inlet connection, which distributes the hot entering wet-bulb temperature compared to the ambient.
circulating water within the tower to the points where it Windage. Water lost from the tower because of the
Note: Terminology compiled from various manufacturers and the Cooling Tower Institute. effects of wind.

FEBRUARY 2016  A S H R A E J O U R N A L 53

towers at 50% speed uses half the energy of running one PHOTO 1  
SDSU cooling tower.
tower at 100% speed. Operating the tower below its mini-
mum flow turndown can result in the eventual buildup of
mineral deposits (scale) on the cooling tower fill. The pur-
pose of maintaining the minimum flow is to ensure the fill
remains sufficiently wet to provide consistent heat transfer.

Water Treatment
Cooling towers are notorious for requiring high main-
tenance. By their design, open cooling towers are prime
candidates for contamination issues since they are very
effective air scrubbers removing particulate matter from
the air. Because they are open to the atmosphere, the organic material. Cleaning the basin is the best remedy.
water is oxygen-saturated, which can cause corrosion Side stream filters with basin-sweep eductors should
in the tower and associated piping. Towers evaporate be considered for removing solids from the basin and
water, leaving behind calcium carbonate (hardness) that recirculating water. These filters generally include high
can precipitate out on the tubes of the condensers and pressure drop, high energy use pumps so their use is
decrease heat transfer and energy efficiency.2 recommended only where there are high concentrations
Towers must be cleaned and inspected regularly. of airborne particles, such as near farming, freeways,
Well-maintained and regularly cleaned cooling towers and airports. To limit energy use, filters should be oper-
have generally not been associated with outbreaks of ated on a time schedule for a few hours per day on days
Legionellosis. It is best to contract with an experienced when the tower has operated, preferably during off-
cooling tower water treatment specialist. Corrosion can peak energy rate periods; the exact time period required
be caused by high oxygen content, carbon dioxide (car- must be determined empirically by the plant operator.
bonic acid), low pH, or high dissolved solids. Non-chemical technologies are available for the treat-
Mineral scale is the silent threat to plant efficiency due ment and cleaning of cooling towers. The design engineer
to loss of heat transfer efficiency. Scale is mainly com- should carefully review all proposed chemical treatment
posed of inorganic mineral compounds such as calcium and alternate technologies for each specific application.
carbonate, magnesium silicate, calcium phosphate and Makeup water chemistry can vary significantly from loca-
iron oxide. These minerals will tend to precipitate in tion to location and what works in one facility may not work
warmer condensers if left to concentrate without con- in other facilities. The ASHRAE Handbook— HVAC Applications3
trol. It is necessary to continuously blow down a portion provides good guidance on cooling tower water treatment.
of circulating water to maintain a proper total dissolved
solids content level in a cooling tower. This loss of water Conclusion
from the system is necessary and cannot be avoided for Cooling tower performance and operation are a func-
the successful operation of the cooling tower. A rule of tion of both good tower selection and system design for
thumb is that for a buildup of no more than two to four the condenser water system. Poor cooling tower selection
concentrations of hardness, the blowdown rate should or implementation can have significant long-term prob-
be about 0.5 to 1.0% of the total flow rate. lems and costs on chiller plants. Hopefully, these tips can
Control of the pH (acid levels) is also important for help designers and chilled water plant operators improve
scale control. Acids, inorganic phosphates, or similar cooling tower and condenser water system performance.
compounds are commonly used to control pH. Slime
and algae are handled with shock treatments of chlorine References
or chlorine compounds. It is best to alternate between 1. Taylor, S. 2012. “Optimizing Design & Control of Chilled Water
Plants—Part 4: Chiller & Cooling Tower Selection.” ASHRAE Journal 54(3).
two different compounds so that organisms do not 2. Peterson, K. 2009. “Cooling Systems and Thermal Energy Stor-
develop a tolerance to the chemicals. Foam and scum age.” APPA Body of Knowledge Section III-B: District Energy Systems.
in the cooling tower basin is usually caused by excess 3.  2015 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications, Chap. 49.

54 A S H R A E J O U R N A L  FEBRUARY 2016

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