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Water Human Future: Safe Water For All

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Safe Water for All
Capacity Development
in the Water Sector
for the Enhancement of Human Security
Lack of access to safe water is an impediment to the progress of public health, educa-
tion and poverty reduction for many people around the world. Contaminated water and
lack of hygiene practices, such as washing hands and using toilets, expose people in
developing countries to the risk of waterborne diseases. In addition, natural disasters,
such as floods and droughts, have become increasingly serious threats in recent years.

Solving such water-related issues is essential for allowing people to escape the pov-
erty trap and for enhancing human security. In order to develop a system to effectively
manage water resources and to ensure access to stable, equitable and safe water for
people, using the capacity development (CD) approach is an important strategy. With
the CD approach, JICA has been cooperating with partner countries and their communi-
ties to strengthen the capacity of individuals, organiza-
tions, institutions and societies.
■Institutional and social level

JICA places importance on the sharing of experience

■Organizational level
and information gained in the field. We take into ac-
count the needs on the ground of each individual ■Individual level

country while cooperating with institutions that include

government agencies and other public entities. This Three layers of capacity development
knowledge sharing comes not only from Japan, but Source:JICA (2004)             
also from neighboring countries.

Given that many developing countries are situated in areas vulnerable to climate
change, JICA supports the following water-related measures:
(1) Introduce integrated water resources management in the region, reduce climate risks
and promote sustainable water resources management.
(2) In areas with a higher risk of floods and other disasters, consider prevention mea-
sures according to local conditions.
(3) In areas where the risk of drought is expected to increase, accelerate implementa-
tion of water supply measures.
(4) Design projects/programs in view of climate risks.

■JICA’s approach
As water resource problems are
becoming more critical, JICA has
established a development strategy
with four objectives in taking the
initiative to solve global water prob-
lems. These objectives are: (1) to
provide a safe and stable water

supply and improved sanitation; (2) to
enhance flood control to protect lives Safe and stable water supply and Improvement of flood management to
improvement of sanitation protect lives and property
and property; (3) to conserve the
water environment; and (4) to
promote integrated water resources

Presented here are case studies of

JICA’ s contributions to the CD of
institutional systems, organizations
and individuals in relation to the four
objectives of the development strat-
egy mentioned above. Water environment preservation Integrated water resources management

Safe and Stable Water Supply and
Improvement of Sanitation
Supplying water and sanitation through community participation
(Rural water supply and sanitation)

People in many villages in developing countries JICA places great importance on conducting social
have been trying hard to meet their daily water surveys to grasp the real needs of communities,
needs, but without proper water supply facilities. establishing water-user groups, building the capacity
They are often faced with a choice of whether to of communities to maintain water facilities and pro-
carry clean water from a source far from their com- viding education on hygiene.
munities or to fetch water available near at hand, JICA also develops the capacity of central and local
which might possibly be contaminated. Residents governments involved in rural water supply in pre-
have little knowledge about hygiene and sanitation paring for serious breakdowns that communities
and are frequently affected by waterborne diseases. cannot cope with, and thereby ensures the sustain-
ability of projects.
In addition, children lose opportunities to go to
school because of water-fetching responsibilities.
Water scarcity in the dry season brings a great finan-
cial burden to poor households because they have to
purchase expensive drinking water. Access to safe
water is one of the most critical issues to ensure
escaping from the poverty trap.

JICA provides assistance in improving water sup-

plies and sanitation in rural areas through commu-
nity participation, making communities the main
players in development.

Safe and Stable Water Supply and
Improvement of Sanitation
Supplying water and sanitation through community participation
(Rural water supply and sanitation)
■Assistance for Senegal
As a long-term development partner of Senegal, Japan lead them to have less interest in the ASUFOR and fewer
has provided financial and technical assistance in rural payments for the water tariff. Thus, in the project, a rule
water supply for decades, with the construction and ser- was set that at least one post should be allocated to each
vicing of more than 120 motor pump water supply sys- tribe, including pastoral people who do not even reside
tems. This is equivalent to over 10% of facilities in the permanently in one community.
whole nation, enabling 350,000 people in rural areas to
access potable water and 600,000 domestic animals to be The third aspect was gender. Fetching water is a role
fed, in terms of constant secured water. While hardware is assigned to women, and the workload directly affects
built progressively, sof t them. Consequently, women benefit more than men from
components such as the maintenance of the facilities. Women ultimately made up
degradation of facilities more than half of the ASUFOR members.
and unreliable operation
and management systems The four th aspect was to introduce transparency in
became challenges. financial management. In the past, water tariffs were col-
lected but did not last long because of obscure usage. To
Regarding water avail- amend this system, water tariffs were managed by several
ability, the local people, members and there was an obligation to report financial
and espec ially women, status on a regular basis.
had been facing risks all
the time. Fo r example, With all the above points integrated into project activi-
when the pumps or the ties, ASUFORs were successfully established and man-
generators broke down, aged in a self-sustainable manner. As a result, during the
the community had to 2nd Phase period, the government of Senegal institution-
present a petition to the alized ASUFORs as a requirement whenever water supply
government to f ix the facilities are constructed. In addition, the project team
facilities, with no informa- implemented training programs inviting not only the proj-
tion on when they would be fixed because of the limits of ect target areas, but also officers from other regions. This
the government’s budget. Sometimes it took more than attempt resulted in the concept becoming pervasive in a
one year before facilities became functional. wider area and the independent establishment of a
number of ASUFORs.
To overcome these circumstances, JICA started a tech-
nical cooperation project aiming to establish a system for
the sustainable use of potable water, managed by the
local people themselves. The project was called the Proj-
ect on Safe Water and Support on Community Activities
(PEPTAC) (Phase 1: February 2003 to January 2006;
Phase 2: December 2006 to March 2010).

The project was designed to establish associations for

users of rural deep wells (ASUFORs), which are user
associations for the self-sustainable operation and main-
tenance of water supply facilities. ASUFOR associations
collect water tariffs, and whenever facilities break down
(repairs within about 1 million yen), they use their funds to
fix them so that the community does not need to rely on
government support. At the same time, the associations
were expected to play a role in revitalizing their communi-
In addition, hygiene and sanitation related activities were
To introduce and establish ASUFORs in communities, conducted as one component of the project in the 2nd
the project team took various aspects into consideration Phase. The reason behind this was that even if people
for active participation by the community. Among these buy safe water, as long as the water is not properly man-
aspects, four points should be highlighted as follows. aged in line with a “safe water chain” (proper and clean
lif ting up from deep wells, a clean sanitar y situation
The first aspect was consideration of the selection of around the wells, clean buckets for bringing water back
ASUFOR members: in other words, deliberation on indi- home, clean pots for conservation of water, etc.), people
vidual capacity, rather than the constraints of old systems. will end up suffering from waterborne diseases. This may
Neither family status nor age was included in the selec- lead to a loss of credibility for “safe water,” and people
tion criteria. Job descriptions for each post were clearly would not pay for the water any more. To avoid this situa-
stated and selected based on a member’s capacity. tion, members in charge of hygiene and sanitation activi-
ties were selected among ASUFORs members, and they
The second aspect was to allocate posts to each of the used IEC tools made by the PEPTAC project. Further-
tribes in the community. If the members were selected by more, construction of toilets for the improvement of a
votes, the major tribes would dominate the association “total hygiene and sanitation environment” was tried out in
and the minority groups would be neglected, which would collaboration with UNICEF and local governments.

Two new projects were formulated from the community workers, and the next step is the training of village water
development through water management activities based committee members by skilled extension workers. After
on ASUFORs. One, in the water supply sector, was the the training activities, water committee members started
Project for Sustainable Rural Development (March 2008 to improve the hygiene environment around water facili-
to January 2011), in which ASUFORs invested their sur- ties through exchanges of opinions with villagers. Their
plus funds in c ommunit y agr icultural activities that efforts are to construct infiltration and fences around
showed the potential for improving incomes and quality of water facilities, upgrade account-recording systems and
life. The other project, in the sanitation sector, is the Proj- collect water tariffs.
ect for Sanitation and Hygiene Improvement in Rural The results of monitoring conducted after these activities
Areas of Tambacounda, Kedougou and Matam Regions show that the rate of water tarif f collection has been
(March 2012 to Februar y 2016), in which suppor t for improved to 76% from 40%, and there was an increase in
improving sanitar y behavior, the spread of sanitation the number of villages with fences around water facilities,
facilities and building sanitary systems is extended in which were constructed using collected water tariffs.
three target regions.
Another activity contributing to the dissemination of
Thus, with comprehensive cooperation that includes O&M methods is community radio, which airs interviews
both the construction of facilities and capacity building for with villagers or government officials in charge of water
government officials and local people, JICA implements facilities on specific issues such as “Why does a hand
multilateral support that contributes to access to safe pump malfunction?” and “Why do we have to pay a water
water as well as the management of water supply facili- tariff regularly?” Sharing experiences through community
ties, improvement of sanitation and hygiene, community radio contributes to efficiently spreading O&M philoso-
development and improvement of life through ASUFORs. phies.

■Assistance for Malawi

Malawi has around 1,000 mm of precipitation per year,
which is relatively high compared to other countries in
Africa. However, this precipitation has not been fully
utilized, especially in rural areas, where the rate of access
to safe drinking water remains at 50%. In those areas,
villagers have been force to spend time and effor t to
ensure they have enough of the water needed for daily
life. This causes a reduction in the time for work and edu-
cation. In fact, that low rate of access to safe drinking
water is a drag on the economy in Malawi.
There are several reasons for the low rate of access to
safe drinking water, such as inappropriate operation and
maintenance (O&M), aging, destroyed or stolen equip-
ment and an insufficient supply network of spare parts for
hand pumps.
To improve such poor water supply conditions in rural
areas, JICA has been providing support by using a combi-
nation of technical and financial approaches, such as
repairing and installing 1,691 hand pumps from 1987 to
2014 and strengthening central and local government offi-
cer human resources since 2011.
Technical cooperation has been implemented with roots
in the community under the collaboration of JICA experts
and Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers.
Generally, in rural areas of Malawi, it is difficult to have
villagers correctly understand hand pump O&M due to the
low literacy rate. As a result of discussions with local resi-
dents, it was found that the solution for such difficulties is
to convey messages with songs, because Malawian
people enjoy singing songs and dancing in their daily life.
Two songs titled “Water Is Life” and “We Should Not Un-
derrate,” which were written by villagers and composed by
the famous Malawian singer-songwriter Skeffa Chimoto,
are contributing to strengthening their ownership of hand

Training activities are also one of the effective methods

for disseminating O&M know-how for water facilities. The
first step of training activities is the training of extension

Safe and Stable Water Supply and
Improvement of Sanitation
Sharing experience from the field for reliable services
(Urban water supply)
Strong organizations with proper facilities are
essential to ensure a safe and stable water
supply for an urban population.
JICA has been providing support in planning
improvements to water supply facilities and in
developing the human resources of organiza-
tions in order to increase the coverage of water
supply systems and improve services. JICA has
dispatched experts to developing countries
f r o m l o c a l g ove r n m e n t s t h a t o p e r a t e a n d
manage waterworks in Japan, and they have
supported local engineers to develop their po-
tential to solve problems under their own initia-
tives. Capacity development, through on-the-job
training, has led to service improvements such
as a stable water supply, improved water qual-
ity and the reduction of non-revenue water.
JICA has also provided learning opportunities
in Japan for officials and engineers from devel-
oping countries with regard to relevant Japa-
nese technologies and expertise to solve water
supply problems. In addition, JICA has facili-
tated the establishment of partnerships be -
tween water operators in developing countries
and the private sector in Japan.
Some water operators that developed their ca-
pacity through cooperation with JICA are now
active in supporting other water operators in
their own country and neighboring countries.

■Assistance for Thailand

The Bangkok metropolitan region is the hub of politics because the Bangkok Water Supply Improvement Project
and the economy in Thailand, and it occupies an important prompted a change in the water source from groundwater
position in Asia. Japan has implemented cooperation eight to sur face water, along with restrictions on drawing
times since the 1970s as the ODA Loan Bangkok Water groundwater.
Supply Improvement Project for the Metropolitan Water- In the 1980s, the government of Thailand (GOT) rapidly
works Authority (MWA), which is responsible for water ser- expanded water supply facilities nationwide. There was an
vices in the Bangkok metropolitan region, in order to cope urgent need to develop human resources to operate and
with the increasing demand for water due to population maintain these systems. GOT established National Water-
and economic growth. Japan has also developed water works Technology Training Institutes (NWTTI) in Bangkok,
supply facilities as ODA Loan Projects in nine provincial Chiang Mai and Khon Kaen with the support of Japan’ s
cities such as Nakhon Ratchasima and Ubon Ratchathani. grant aid.
These projects contributed to increasing the amount of
water supplied, reducing the amount of water leakage and From 1985 to 1999, through capacity building by NWTTI,
improving water quality as well as the rate of access to including a regional center in Songkhla that was estab-
safe drinking water. In addition, a serious land subsidence lished with GOT’ s own budget for the Phase II project
problem in the Bangkok metropolitan region was solved from 1994, JICA supported the development of human
resources at the MWA and the Provincial Water Authority
(PWA), which is responsible for water services in the pro-
vincial cities. JICA dispatched experts from water opera-
tors of the municipalities of Sapporo, Yokohama, Tokyo,
Osaka and Nagoya to NWTTI. In addition, NWTTI officials
visited several water operators in Japan to participate in
training programs to become core engineers, who would
train other operators and disseminate their knowledge and
experience throughout Thailand.

Japanese and Thai engineers have worked together on

the ground to find appropriate remedies to improve the
maintenance of facilities, to reduce non-revenue water and
to enhance customer service. Through such exercises,
knowledge and experience were shared among MWA,

■Assistance for Cambodia
For the urban water supply sector in Cambodia, Japan, as
a lead development partner, has been supporting the
Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA), whose
success has been acclaimed worldwide. Taking advantage
of this successful experience, JICA is working for the
improvement of the water supply in other major cities.

●Support for the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority

In Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh, the PPWSA has
been working to expand its facilities and strengthen its
technical and management capacity with the help of devel-
opment partners, including Japan, for the restoration of
facilities that were dilapidated after the end of the civil war.
First of all, JICA developed a midterm plan for water
supply development in Phnom Penh in 1993. Based on this
plan, in coordination with other development partners,
JICA extended: (1) grant aid projects for facility improve-
ment; then (2) a technical cooperation project for the
proper maintenance of those facilities and effective busi-
ness management; and (3) an ODA Loan Project for
further facility expansion. These three schemes of coop-
eration were combined to provide effective support accord-
ing to the development stage. As a result, the success of
PPWSA is called the “miracle of Phnom Penh,” which has
come to be highly evaluated worldwide (See accompany-
ing table.).

1993 INDICATORS 2012

20 Staff / 1,000 connections 2.58

PWA and Japanese water operators. This on-the-job 65,000 Production capacity, ㎥/day 300,000
approach was applied nationwide as a model to solve the
problems of water supply systems in Thailand. - Water quality WHO
At present, MWA has undertaken training for neighboring
and African countries in NWTTI. It is regarded as the key 20% Water supply coverage 90%
organization for disseminating waterworks technology.
Thus, JICA has extensively extended financial and tech- 10 hours/day Supply hours 24 hours/day
nical assistance such as developing water supply facilities,
constructing the training center and strengthening capacity
0.2 bar Supply pressure 1∼2.5 bar
development. Partnerships with the private sector have
been developed on the basis of confidential relationships
established through ODA. For example, a Japanese enter- 26,881 Number of connections 234,225
prise with close ties to local government in Japan estab-
lished a joint venture together with a local enterprise, and it 72% Non-Revenue Water 6.63%
was entrusted with leak detection.
48% Collection efficiency 99.9%

Source: Presentation by PPWSA, 2014

●Strengthening the Capacity of Provincial Waterworks
Based on the experience of support for PPWSA, JICA,
with Ministry of Industry and Handicraft, which has jurisdic-
tion over the water supply, has expanded support for pro-
vincial waterworks under the PPWSA’s cooperation, which
has become the core of Cambodia’s water supply sector.
JICA has implemented technical assistance to develop
the capacity of eight provincial waterworks whose facilities
were improved and expanded by JICA’s grant aid projects,
or loan projects by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
For the technical aspects of the proper operation and

maintenance of water supply facilities, technical coopera- ■Assistance for Chittagong, Bangladesh
tion has been conducted in the fields of water quality
analysis, water treatment, operation and maintenance of Chittagong is the second-largest city in Bangladesh and
electrical and mechanical facilities, and distribution facili- its largest commercial city, as well as a center of industry
ties. Capacity development for the stable business man- with the country’s largest seaport. However, its infrastruc-
agement of provincial waterworks is also covered by JICA’s ture has not sufficiently developed, and water supply cov-
technical cooperation, such as improvement of manage- erage still remains 47%. In addition, the non-revenue water
ment information, development, implementation and moni- (NRW) ratio is as high as 30 to 40% due to leaks from
tor ing of busines s manag ement plans, and human aging water supply pipes built in the 1960s, and low collec-
resources management. tion of water tariffs caused by illegal connections, meter
For these major provincial cities, JICA utilized its various
faults, misreading of meters, etc., which affects the finan-
aid modalities to effectively improve their facilities, which
cial sustainability of water supply services.
led to increasing water supply coverage and significant
improvements in water supply services. Through support- With this background, JICA has been providing financial
ing the improvement and expansion of facilities in parallel assistance for efforts to expand water supply facilities and
with capacity development for technical and management rehabilitate aging pipes by means of the Karnaphuli Water
aspects, JICA is contributing to improving an environment Supply Project (from June 2006) and the Karnaphuli Water
in which utilities can consider investing in their facilities Supply Project Phase 2 (from March 2013), which aim to
based on sustainable and sound management of their supply safe water for more than 1 million people and
business. reduce NRW.
In addition to improving facilities, it is essential to
●Strengthening Monitoring the Capacity of
 the Responsible Ministry strengthen water supply operations and management to
ensure the sustainability of the water supply ser vice.
JICA has been supporting strengthening the capacity not
Therefore, JICA has been providing technical assistance to
only of water supply utilities, but also of the Ministry of
Industry and Handicraft, for monitoring the performance of the Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority
water supply utilities, examining the business management (CWASA) to improve NRW management, business man-
plans of utilities and arranging financial support for utilities. agement, financial management, operations and mainte-
nance for water supply facilities by means of the Project for
●Cooperation with Local Governments in Japan Advancing NRW Reduction Initiative (PANI) of Chittagong
The projects in Cambodia have been implemented under WASA (20 09 –2014) and the Project for Institutional
close cooperation with local governments in Japan, such Improvement and Advancing NRW Reduction Initiative of
as the Cities of Kitakyushu, Yokohama, Nagoya, etc. In Chittagong WASA (PANI-2) (2014–2019). In this manner,
particular, many experts have been dispatched from the with the combination of soft and hard infrastructure, com-
Kitakyushu City Water and Sewer Bureau for technical
prehensive assistance is being provided for water supply
cooperation, mainly via OJT, which has significantly helped
services in Chittagong.
in improving workplace operations. Fur thermore, the
experts from local government have made significant con-
tributions to improving water utilities through conveying the
mission and responsibility of water utilities, as they were in
the same position as the staff involved in the waterworks.

Water Environment Preservation

Many developing countries are facing seri- of Water Environmental Management in Vietnam has con-
ous water pollution because of the increase ducted an evaluation of current policy on the water envi-
in household and industrial wastewater asso- ronment, and the formulation of new policies based on the
ciated with rapid economic growth as well as evaluation with the assistance of Japan’s Ministry of the
the concentration of population and indus- Environment. Capacity for formulation of achievable poli-
tries in urban areas. These problems may cies toward enforcement of environmental protection poli-
lead to adverse effects on the health of local cies was strengthened through this project. In this project,
people who use river water and groundwater, JICA also supported provinces to strengthen their capacity
and the destruction of ecosystems. to enforce policies. Technical guidance was conducted for
Improvement of water quality and promo- practical activities in the field for water environmental pro-
tion of appropriate water use through the tection, including water quality monitoring techniques (i.e.,
water cycle in the entire watershed are thus planning of monitoring, chemical analysis, monitoring data
required. Therefore, it is essential to monitor analysis) and the development of pollution source inven-
the condition of water pollution, make regula- tory maps.
tory policies for emission sources and de-
velop appropriate facilities including sewage ●Assistance for the construction of sewage
treatment plants.  treatment plants and technical cooperation from
 the experience of Japanese municipalities
JICA proactively supports these ap- JICA has been assisting the construction of sewerage
proaches for the improvement of water envi- facilities by means of ODA Loan Projects in Hanoi and Ho
ronment in developing countries. Chi Minh City since the 1990s, and has expanded the area
of the construction to South Binh Duong Province and Thua
■Assistance for the Socialist Thien-Hue Province. In addition, JICA is extending a tech-
nical cooperation project aiming at capacity development of
 Republic of Vietnam the organizations concerned with sewerage facilities opera-
tion in Ho Chi Minh City. This project is implemented
Vietnam has recently achieved high economic growth, and
environmental issues, especially water pollution, have through collaboration with a Japanese municipality (Osaka
become a serious problem. Under this situation, the Vietnam- City). In this project, a number of engineers from the Public
ese government has been promoting environmental policy, Works Bureau of Osaka City were dispatched in Vietnam to
the establishment of the Ministry of Natural Resources and pass on experimental know-how and techniques regarding
Environment (MONRE) (20 02), the formulation of the the adequate operation and maintenance of sewerage
National Strategy for Environmental Protection (2003), revi- facilities and sewerage system management.
sion of Law on Environmental Protection (2006 and 2014) JICA has also sup-
and so on. Despite these efforts, the water environment has por ted sewerage ⃝CTII

not been much improved. This is because the construction of treatment in V iet-
infrastructure, development of policies and administration,
nam in collaboration
and knowledge and techniques for the enforcement of policy
on water environment with other munici-
management are palities, including
insuf f icient. Taking Chiba Prefecture,
advantage of the t h e To k yo M et r o -
experience of over- politan Govern-
coming environmental m e n t , Yo ko h a m a
p o l l u t i o n i n J a p a n, City and Kawasaki
JICA has been provid- City.
ing proactive assis-
tance to water envi-
●Comprehensive assistance
ronment protection in
Vietnam. As described above, JICA has been providing support
through a combined approach that incorporates both hard
●Assistance for policy formulation by MONRE and (construction of sewerage and drainage) and soft (policies,
 policy implementation by provinces institutions, technologies, knowledge and awareness raising)
Although the Vietnamese government has been develop- measures in order to make assistance more efficient and
ing the legal systems for environmental protection, they still sustainable. Such assistance with the collaboration of the
have challenges. For example, some regulations that are Japanese Ministry of the Environment and local municipali-
enacted by different ministries overlap each other due to ties makes it possible to comprehensively assist the improve-
the insufficient coordination among ministries, the contents ment of the water environment being promoted by the Viet-
of the legal system are too demanding to be enforced by namese government. Recently, there are expectations for the
the provinces and guidance to the provinces is insufficient. use of the advanced environmental technologies of Japanese
In some cases, the provinces fail to comply with the laws private companies for environmental measures as one of the
due to insufficient budgets, human resources, equipment solutions, so JICA will promote their introduction in Vietnam.
and lack of environmental awareness. JICA will continue to provide suppor t toward achieving
The JICA project titled Project for Strengthening Capacity healthy water environment management in Vietnam.

Improvement of Flood Management to
Protect Lives and Property

Recently, water- related disasters such as economic and social damage to the country.
floods, landslides and storm surges caused by ●Support for Flood Management and Climate
the increasing intensity and frequency of extreme  Change Adaptation
weather events has been magnifying hazards Japan has provided support on a number of occasions for flood
throughout the world. In addition, social vulner- control projects in Metro Manila since a Japanese ODA Loan
abilities such as the concentration of population Project for flood control in 1973. In particular, the Manggahan
in urban areas and residences on steeply sloping Floodway, which was constructed under Japanese ODA financial
assistance, has enhanced the safety level for flooding in the
areas increase water-related disaster risks. downtown area of Metro Manila. In addition to the floodway con-
struction, JICA conducted technical cooperation for updating the
In order to protect human lives and mitigate Master Plan for flood control and drainage improvement in Metro
social and economic damage from water-related Manila and for making a feasibility study in 1990, which proposed
the Pasig - Mar ikina River Channel Improvement Project
disasters, it is important to make preparations (PMRCIP) as one of the priority projects.
from ordinary times (preventive measures) so
that disaster damage can be minimized even if a PMRCIP started under a Japanese ODA Loan Project in 1999,
disaster occurs. and river improvement works such as the construction and reha-
bilitation of embankments and revetments have been steadily
carried out from the lower reaches of the river. In addition to
JICA has examined the combination of preven- these structural measures, JICA has provided support for non-
tive and mitigation measures from the viewpoints structural measures such as establishing flood forecasting and
of both structural measures (e.g., river improve- warning systems, and developing the capacity of governmental
organizations for disaster management in the Philippines through
ment works, construction of retarding basins, grant aid and technical cooperation schemes.
etc.) and non-structural measures (e.g., warning
systems, evacuation activities, etc.) for various Moreover, taking into account the lessons learned from the
potential disaster risk elements, and targets flood disasters due to Typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng, which
caused 956 deaths and affected approximately 9 million people
reducing water-related disaster damage by sup- in Metro Manila and surrounding areas, JICA provides technical
porting flood management planning through proj- evaluations of the effects of climate change on the safety level
ect implementation in a consistent way. for flooding in the Pasig-Marikina river basin and provides the
Philippine government with several scenarios for implementing
■Flood Prevention Measures in flood control measures in order to respond flexibly to future
 Metro Manila, Philippines
The Philippines is one of the countries that are most severely JICA will contribute to economic development in the Philippines
damaged by natural disasters. Metro Manila is the center of the via mitigating flood damage in Metro Manila by supporting flood
politics, economy and culture of the Philippines, with a population management planning through integrated project implementa-
of 12 million (in 2010). It accounts for approximately one-third of tion, which has been carried out steadily by the Philippine gov-
the country’s GDP, but it has suffered great economic and social ernment.
damage from frequent floods every year.

The Philippine government has been making continuous efforts

to mitigate this problem for more than 50 years, such as the
formulation of flood control and drainage improvement plans and
the implementation of projects based on those plans. The
Pasig-Marikina River is a river in Metro Manila that flows through
a highly urbanized and heavily populated area, which is the
center of administration and the economy. It has been prioritized
for implementing river channel improvement works, because
floods in the river basin have inflicted a tremendous amount of

■Flood control of the Medjerda ●Consideration of various aspects of water
 river basin, Tunisia The study takes into account various aspects, such as
water/land resources, quantity/quality of water, and surface
The Medjerda River, which flows through the northern part water/groundwater.
of Tunisia to the Mediterranean Sea, has a catchment area of
23,700k㎡. It has a population of 2,100,000 within its basin. ●Establishment of a collaboration mechanism
Although water resources development/management plans  between various water related organizations
have been prepared and implemented, the focus was on the Flood control in rivers, water use (water supply and sewer-
development and use of water resources rather than flood age systems, agricultural water and industrial water use) and
control. environmental conservation (water for maintaining ecosys-
tems) have been managed by different organizations such as
the Ministry of Agriculture and Water, Ministry of Environment
and Sustainable Development and Ministry of Equipment,
Housing and Territory Development. A forum was created to
discuss and implement comprehensive measures.

●Participation of all stakeholders

JICA intends to promote the participation of all stakeholders
including the central and local governments, the private
sector, NGOs, and local residents. The aim is to maximize the
benefits of water fairly by managing water comprehensively
without compromising the sustainability of ecosystems.

Under these circumstances, a large-scale flood occurred in

the Medjerda River Basin in 2003. The lower plain area was
flooded for a month, and crops, houses, and properties were
damaged. The resultant obstruction of traffic also caused
severe socio-economic damage.

The study suggested splitting the Medjerda river basin into

five zones and implementing river improvement projects one
by one, which have been approved by the Government of
Tunisia. The cost-benefit analysis conducted in the study con-
cluded that, among the five zones of the basin, the lowermost
zone would be the most urgent area in which to implement a
river improvement project. Following this study result and with
the approval of the Government of Tunisia, JICA conducted a
feasibility study on a river improvement (flood control) project
in the lowermost zone of the Medjerda River, and in 2014
Tunisia and Japan signed an ODA Loan Agreement for the
To address drought and flood problems, JICA started a project. The project includes embankment and excavation of
study named The Study on Integrated Basin Management the river channel, development of a retarding basin and non-
Focused on Flood Control in the Medjerda River in the structural measures. In parallel with the project implementa-
Republic of Tunisia in 2006 and completed it in 2009. The tion, JICA dispatched an expert in disaster management and
following are some of the features of the study: shared Japanese experience in disaster damage reduction.

Integrated Water Resources
Management (IWRM)
Basin-wide water resources management

Integrated Water Resources Management Following these efforts by GOI, JICA launched a technical
(IWRM) is the key approach to the solution of cooperation project for the capacity development of RBOs
water-related issues such as water shortages, in 2008 and dispatched Japanese experts with practical
know-how and experience in administration from organiza-
flood disasters and water pollution. In IWRM,
tions such as the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
different stakeholders like local governments, and Tourism (MLIT) and the Japan Water Agency. Although
engineers and the local community work this project was closed in 2011, its follow-up project (Phase
together for better water management. The II project) is to be launched.
concept of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus is
also important to enhance water security. ●Preparation of guidelines and manuals
The basis of water resources management lies in regular
To realize IWRM, we need to formulate a hydrological observation (e.g., precipitation, river water
basin-wide medium- or long-term water levels, etc.) and on-site inspection and maintenance of
resource development plan as well as provide river structures (e.g., dams, dikes, etc.). However, as the
capacity building for the administrative organi- RBOs in Indonesia were still brand-new at the time JICA’s
project began, they had neither standard guidelines to
zations that implement the planned projects.
define regular mandates nor supporting manuals to illus-
The targets of capacity building for administra- trate the guidelines. Therefore, within JICA’s project, 41
tive organizations range from individual-level to issues of standard guidelines, 11 issues of supporting
department-level; sometimes the formulation of manuals and 90 issues of training materials were prepared
social institutions is required. Knowledge shar- under the supervision of Japanese experts.
ing among different countries that are tackling
the same problems is also essential.

JICA has consistently implemented technical

cooperation projects, in parallel with assistance
for the development of social infrastructures, in
various countries to enhance the capacity for
water resources management and realize

■Capacity Development Project for

 River Basin Organizations in
 Integrated Water Resources
●Establishment of dissemination mechanisms
 Management in Indonesia  for water resources management knowledge
JICA has assisted Indonesia in formulating river basin The project supported the establishment of a Dissemina-
master plans for 22 major rivers, thus supporting the real- tion Unit for Water Resources Management Technology
ization of basin-wide IWRM. These master plans also led to (DUWRMT) in the Ministry of Public Works, which conducts
the realization of 14 ODA Loan Projects for water resource training courses for the staffs of RBOs nationwide using the
management facilities. In addition, the master plan led to the guidelines and manuals prepared through the project.
establishment of a water management corporation in the
Brantas river basin to operate and manage river facilities in
the river basin.

Nonetheless, exploding population sizes and urbanization

are causing water shortages, increases in flood damage to
densely inhabited areas and degradation of the water envi-
ronment, thus making the successful implementation of
IWRM more complex. Since these problems are bottlenecks
to sustainable economic development and food security, the
implementation of appropriate IWRM is an urgent issue for

The Government of Indonesia (GOI) revised the Water Act

in 2004, and established River Basin Organizations (RBOs) In the Phase II project, three pillars of activities are to be
in major river basins so as to promote IWRM. GOI also implemented, namely: (1) strengthening of the knowledge
established a knowledge center to accumulate and dissemi- dissemination mechanism established in Phase I; (2) culti-
nate the knowledge and practical experience of RBOs in vating trainers for knowledge dissemination; and (3)
order to strengthen the management capacity of RBOs. improving accessibility to the guidelines and manuals.

■Development of IWRM master plan in the Brantas river basin, Indonesia
The Brantas River, with a length of 320 km and basin A new study to update the basin master plan of the Bran-
area of 12,000 k㎡, is the second-longest river in Java tas River and Musi River has been underway since 2013.
Island, Indonesia. The vast grain belts and Surabaya, the Many research results indicate that Indonesia is subject to
second-largest city in Indonesia, have enjoyed the supply a significant influence by global climate change, so the
of water resources from the Brantas River. On the other new study incorporates an assessment of climate change
hand, the Brantas has also caused flood disasters and impact on the regional water cycle of Indonesia and reflec-
threatened people’s livelihoods. tion of this analysis in the updated water resources man-
agement plan. The scope of the study includes the prepa-
JICA’s cooperation on the Brantas has a long history: the ration of guidelines that instruct processes to develop simi-
first basin master plan with assistance by JICA was com- lar master plans in other river basins.
pleted in 1973; a second revised master plan in 1984 and a
third in 1998 were both supported by JICA. Based on The assessment of the impact of climate change on the
these master plans, a number of ODA Loan Projects were water cycle, namely precipitation and river flow discharge,
implemented, such as water resources development, river is being conducted in collaboration with the University of
improvement, sediment control and irrigation facility devel- Tokyo, making use of the multi-model ensemble technique
opment. The amount of estimated flood damage reduction of 24 general circulation models (GCMs), which is also
achieved by these projects, for example, reaches as much adopted in the assessment reports of Intergovernmental
as 135 million USD. Moreover, agricultural productivity has Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In addition to the analy-
been drastically improved and the rice production amount sis of the water cycle, an assessment of the impact of
in the Brantas basin has increased by 80%. In the power climate change on food production is also being conducted
supply sector, an additional 200 MW of electricity supply in the survey using a crop model named the SImulation
was realized by the projects, contributing to industrial Model for RIce-Weather relations (SIMRIW), which was
development and job creation in the basin. Also noteworthy developed by Kyoto University. Since few countries, includ-
are the human resources developed through these proj- ing developed countries, have conducted such sophisti-
ects: the governmental officials and engineers in the cated climate change impact analysis and practical reflec-
private sector involved in the projects gained expertise tion of the results in their water resources management
through working with Japanese experts and have signifi- plans, the results of this study will be valuable for many
cantly contributed to the development of Indonesia even countries that face serious impacts due to climate change.
after the completion of the projects.

■JICA’s Assistance for Water Issues Worldwide (FY 2004–2013)
Shown here are the cumulative totals of (1) expenditures on water-related projects (JICA’s investments for
technical assistance, Japan’s grant aid projects facilitated and managed by JICA and ODA Loans), (2) the
number of JICA experts dispatched and (3) participants from other countries that received training.

0.3 0.2
Asia ※Note 1 Including Afghanistan

8 4

163 1,078
3 121
8 26 664 6,626
Total amount: Total amount: Total amount: 3,383
57 10
24million dollars 26million dollars 389million dollars 29
Experts Sub-sector Trainees
3 Water supply 92
28 Sewerage system 51 80 71
3 Water environment 37
0 Water resources development 2
142 River management and Sabo 40
JICA experts Participants
dispatched 8 Hydroelectric power generation 10 that received training
Total:184 0 Irrigation 15 Total:247

Total amount: Total amount: Total amount:

637million dollars 1.01billion dollars 13.59billion dollars
Experts Sub-sector Trainees
1,108 Water supply 2,675
1,009 Sewerage system 1,194
891 Water environment 1,178
729 Water resources development 5,997
1,050 River management and Sabo 855
JICA experts Participants
dispatched 25 Hydroelectric power generation 142 that received training
Total:5,087 275 Irrigation 526 Total:12,567

Africa ※Note 2 Areas excluding North Africa
102 1,642

19 21 339
10 11
Middle East
693 ※Note 3 Middle East and North Africa
(excludes Afghanistan)
41 157
10 51
203 14
0.3 230
38 72 54
58 10


19 13

Total amount: Total amount: Total amount: Total amount: Total amount: Total amount:
364million dollars 755million dollars 456million dollars 146million dollars 330million dollars 2.41billion dollars
Experts Sub-sector Trainees Experts Sub-sector Trainees
903 Water supply 2,739 267 Water supply 277
207 Sewerage system 255 51 Sewerage system 138
82 Water environment 194 140 Water environment 229
72 Water resources development 109 71 Water resources development 270
152 River management and Sabo 177 31 River management and Sabo 110
JICA experts Participants JICA experts Participants
dispatched 2 Hydroelectric power generation 64 that received training dispatched 0 Hydroelectric power generation 21 that received training
Total:1,553 135 Irrigation 244 Total:3,782 Total:619 59 Irrigation 162 Total:1,207

■JICA’s Expenditures amount of which was 2.39 billion USD. The largest investment was in
Asia, totaling 1.01 billion USD (42%), followed by 755 million USD (32%)
(1) Expenditures on technical assistance in Africa and 330 million USD (14%) in the Middle East.
 JICA has invested 1.37 billion USD worldwide for technical assistance  In terms of sub-sector expenditures, a significant amount of the invest-
in the water sector. A total of 637 million USD was invested in Asia, ment, 1.63 billion USD (68%), went to the water supply sub-sector,
accounting for 47% of the total investment, followed by 364 million USD followed by 265 million USD (10%) for the river management and Sabo
(27%) in Africa, 156 million USD (11%) in Latin America and the Carib- sub-sector.
bean and 146 million USD (11%) in the Middle East.
 In terms of sub-sector expenditures, 532 million USD (39%) were (3) Expenditures on ODA Loans
invested in the water supply sub-sector, 228 million USD (17%) in the  JICA has invested 18.51 billion USD worldwide for ODA Loans in the
river management and Sabo sub-sector, 172 million USD (13%) in the water sector. The largest investment was in Asia, totaling 13.59 billion
water resources development sub-sector and 138 million USD (10%) in USD (73%), followed by 2.41 billion USD (13%) in the Middle East and
the water environment sub-sector. 1.58 billion USD (9%) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
 In terms of sub-sector expenditures, a significant amount of the invest-
(2) Expenditures on grant aid projects ment, 8.86 billion USD (48%), went to the water supply sub-sector,
 JICA has facilitated and managed Japan’ s grant aid projects, the total followed by 5.13 billion USD (28%) for the sewerage system sub-sector.

JICA's expenditure In million dollars
Water supply Water supply Water supply
Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation
Sewerage Sewerage Sewerage
Hydroelectric system Hydroelectric system Hydroelectric system
power generation power generation power generation

River management Water resources

and Sabo development
Water resources
River management Water environment River management development
and Sabo and Sabo
Water resources

Technical assistance ※1 Grant aid projects ※2 ODA loans ※3

※1 Technical assistance, Study on development assistance, Preliminary study of grant aid project etc.
※2 Japan’s grants and projects facilitated and managed by JICA.
※3 The JBIC projects before the merge in October, 2008 are included.

41 124 532 165 1,529
228 265
16 467
133 1,625

Total amount: Total amount: Total amount:

1.37billion dollars 2.39billion dollars 18.51billion dollars
Experts Sub-sector Trainees
2,718 Water supply 6,230
61 160
1,330 Sewerage system 1,975 219
1,387 Water environment 2,266
999 Water resources development 6,474

JICA experts
1,579 River management and Sabo 1,365
41 Hydroelectric power generation 279
that received training
Latin America and
Total:8,554 500 Irrigation 1,024 Total:19,613 the Caribbean

1 0.02
Pacific Region 85


26 64
8 13 40 17

1 6

Total amount: Total amount: Total amount:

Total amount: Total amount: Total amount:
24million dollars 53million dollars 85million dollars 156million dollars 217million dollars 1.58billion dollars

Experts Sub-sector Trainees Experts Sub-sector Trainees

52 Water supply 42 385 Water supply 405
0 Sewerage system 33 35 Sewerage system 304
0 Water environment 67 271 Water environment 561
4 Water resources development 38 123 Water resources development 58
34 River management and Sabo 38 170 River management and Sabo 145
JICA experts Participants JICA experts Participants
dispatched 0 Hydroelectric power generation 24 that received training dispatched 6 Hydroelectric power generation 18 that received training
Total:90 0 Irrigation 5 Total:247 Total:1,021 31 Irrigation 72 Total:1,563

※The area classifications mentioned above are based on the classifications of the newly merged JICA.

■Experts Dispatched ■Participants Trained

 JICA has dispatched 8,554 experts to other countries, of  JICA has provided training for 19,613 participants from
which 5,087 were assigned to Asia (59%), 1,553 to Africa other countries, including 12,567 (64%) from Asia, 3,782
(18%), 1,021 to Latin America and the Caribbean (12%) and (19%) from Africa and 1,563 (8%) from Latin America
619 to the Middle East (7%). and the Caribbean.
 Of this total, 2,718 experts (31%) were assigned to the  Of this total, 6,474 participants (33%) received training
water supply sub-sector, 1,579 (18%) to the river in the water resources development sub-sector, 6,230
management and Sabo sub-sector, 1,387 (16%) to the water (32%) in the water supply sub-sector and 2,266 (12%) in
environment sub-sector and 1,330 (15%) to the sewerage the water environment sub-sector.
system sub-sector.

Note: As amounts and percentages are rounded off, they may not match the totals.
   Expenditures in USD are calculated by converting the yen amount at an exchange rate of 1 USD = 97.6 yen, as designated by DAC for 2013.

Japan International Cooperation Agency
1-6th floor, Nibancho Center Building, 5-25, Niban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8012, japan
Tel: +81-3-5226-6660~6663 URL: 2015・3

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