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Befa Unit 1

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The key takeaways are the definitions and characteristics of business, concepts in macroeconomics like national income and inflation, and the multidisciplinary nature of business economics.

The main characteristics of business discussed are easy start/close, division of labor, limited liability, exchange, continuity of operations, profit motive, risk, and being organized.

The main factors that influence inflation mentioned are increase in cost of living, decline in value of money, and measurement using indices like RPI and CPI.


UNIT – 1


o Business: Structure of Business Firm
o Theory of Firm, Types of Business Entities
o Limited Liability Companies
o Sources of Capital for a Company
o Non-Conventional Sources of Finance.
o Economics : Significance of Economics
o Nature and Scope of Business Economics
o Role of Business Economist
o Micro and Macro Economic Concepts
o Importance of National Income, Inflation, Money
o Supply in Inflation, Business Cycle
o Features and Phases of Business Cycle
o Multidisciplinary nature of Business Economics


Literally business means „Busyness‟ or the „state of being busy ‟. In economic sense
business means work, efforts and acts of people, concerned with the production of wealth.
Business is a kind of human activity, which is directed towards acquiring wealth through the
production and exchange of goods and services. Properly business is an economic activity. The
production or acquisition of goods and services are for personal consumption. It is not be
considered as business. Business is a continuous activity.

Human being wish to have a satisfactory life in order to do so, they perform a number of
activities such activates are guided by objectives that provide the greater satisfaction; different
people do different things to attain maximum satisfactions.
If the activities involve production, purchase and sale of goods desired by the people such
activities are termed as “Business”
Definition of Business:-
Business is a „Human activity directed towards providing or acquiring wealth through
buying and selling goods‟ --- L.H. Haney
“Business may be defined as the regular production or purchase and sale of goods with the
object of earning profits and acquiring wealth through satisfaction of human wants”
In the words of Petersen and plowman, “Business may be defined as activities is which
different person exchange something of value whether goods or services for mutual gain or profit”
Characteristics of Business:-
From the above definitions, Business will have the following characteristics.

1) Easy to start and easy to close: - The form of business should be such that it should be
easy to start and easy to close. There should not be hassles or long procedures in the
process of setting up business or closing the same
2) Division of labour:- there should be possibility to divide the work among the available
owners the idea is to poll the expertise of all the people in business and run the business
most efficiently
3) Liability: - the liability of the owners should be limited to the extent of money invested in
the business. It is better if their personal properties are not brought into business to make up
the losses of the business.
4) Exchange: - Business involves exchange of goods and services for money or money‟s
worth. On way transactions such as gift given by one person to another do not constitute
5) Continuity of Operation: - Business pre supposes continuity of operations these should be
a regular sequence of dealing isolated transaction such as sale of house do not constitute
6) Profit Motive: - Business activity is motivated by desire to earn profit business has other
objectives apart from. But profit is desired as a fair compensation for the efforts of the
7) Risk: - Every business involves some element of uncertainty in the operating environment.
For ex; one may not be able to sell all the goods produced or purchased, amount due from
credit sales may not be collected etc. Risk is an inherent part of business
8) Organized Activity: - Business needs to be properly organized to be succeeful. There is a
need for clear definition of roles and responsibilities of various people. Systems are
designed and implemented so that there is co-ordination between the various activities.
9) Taxation: - One of the main sources of income to the government was tax .Based on the
level of the income business organizations want to pay the tax to the government More
income means more tax less income means less tax.
10) Secrecy: - The form of business organization you select should be such that it should
permit to take care of the business secrets. we know that century old business units are still
surviving only because they could successfully guard their business secrets

Types of Business Entities:

Business undertaking can be classified on different criteria, such as nature of business and
the activities involved. They can also be classified on the basis of ownership of the business
.business may be owned by – public authority such as state government or central government
such business are called “public sector enterprises”. Alternatively, undertaking owned by private
citizens is known as „private enterprises” private enterprises could be owned by a single person or
by a group of persons.
1) Sole trader or Proprietorship
2) Partnership
3) Joint Stock Company
4) Limited Liability Companies
Sole trading business is the simplest and oldest and natural from of business organization.
It is also called sole proprietorship “sole” means one. Sole trader impels that there is only one
trader who is the owner of the business. Such person introduces his own capital or borrows from
others. uses his own skills or employs people working under his direction, is in personal touch with
the routing of the business, takes all the decisions concerning the business and is completely
responsible for the profits made or losses incurred by the business .the person is called a sole
trader. This business is called one man organisation
Main feature or characteristics:-
1. It is easy to start a business under this from and also easy to close
2. He introduces his own capital. Sometimes, he may borrow, if necessary.
3. He is completely responsible for the profits made or losses incurred by the business
4. Centralization of authority sole trading is the one person show. Total authority can be
enjoyed by him only.
5. Lack of system sole trader organization is largely unorganized. There are no clarity defined
roles and responsibilities.
6. Small size all sole trader concerns are smaller in size this is mainly because the amount of
capital that can be invested by a single person is limited
Merits of Sole Trading:
1. The establishment of a sole trading is very easy and simple. There is no need for
detailed legal formalities to from such a concerns.
2. It is very easy to carry on business operations. The day to day working is free from legal
interference. There is flexibility in operation.
3. Quick decision making he can take decisions very fast and implement them promptly.
4. Incentives to work the sole trading form of business provide the best incentives to
improve performance. All the profits resulting from efforts made by the proprietor are
enjoyed by him.
5. Self employment sole trading business organization provides an alternative for capable
people who are not able to get employment; it serves a useful social purpose as lack of
employment can result in of frustration among such people, leading to crime.
6. Direct contact with customer the sole trading business organization provides direct
contact with customers. He is therefore able to understand their changing needs better. He
can ascertain their taste, attitude and habits and understand their difficulty.
7. Secrecy business secrets can well be maintained because there is only one trader.
8. Total control the ownership and management and control are in the hands of the sole
trader and hence it is easy to maintain the hold on business.
9. Law rate of Tax the rate of income tax was very low camphare to other business
10. Easy to close the sole trader can decide to close down his business at any time he does not
have to go through lengthy legal procedures or obtain approvals.
De - Merits of Sole Trading;
1. Limited capital the amount of capital that a person can invest in a business is limited
moreover he cannot get unlimited credit.
2. Unlimited liability the creditor of the business concern can invest the private property of
the businessman in settlements of their dues. Thus, there is a possibility that the proprietor
may become a pauper because of one single mistake in business.
3. Uncertainty there is no continuity in the duration of the business on the death. Insanity
or insolvency the business may come to an end.
4. Limited growth potential this firm is suitable for only small size, One-man-show type of
organization. This may not really work out for growing and expanding organization.
5. Low bargaining power the sole trader is in the receiving end in terms of loans or supply of
raw materials. He may have to compromise many times regarding the terms and conditions
of purchase of materials of borrowing loans from the finance houses or banks.

Meaning and Definition:
According to the Oxford Dictionary for the Business World. “Partner is a person who
shares or takes part in activities of another person.
Partnership is an association of two or more people formed for the purpose of carrying on a
According to Indian Partnership Act 1932”Tthe business which is organized by two are more
than the two persons for the purpose of distribution of profit and losses equally”

1. No. of Persons: One person cannot have a partnership. It is a joint effort of at least two
persons to start a partnership.
2. Restriction on Number of Partners: Unlike a Joint Hindu Family or a Cooperative
Society, there is a restriction on the maximum number of people who can start a
partnership. The number of partners cannot exceed 20 persons, and in case of banking
business, the maximum number of partners is restricted to 10 persons.
3. Contractual Relationship: The relationship of partners is bound by the legal agreement or
contract entered into by each of them. This agreement is called a „Partnership Deed‟.
4. Sharing of Profits: The intention of partners is to earn profit through collective effort. The
profits earned are shared by partners as per the terms agreed upon by them. Any loss
arising out of business transactions is also shared by the partners. It is not necessary that
profit or loss is to be shared on the basis of capital contributed by the partners.
5. Principle Agent relationship: Each partner is both an agent and a principal of the
partnership firm. The partner is a principal because he is responsible for his own acts and
the acts of other partners. He is an agent of the firm as he can act on behalf of other
partners and bind them with his acts.
6. Utmost Good Faith: Partners can bind each other by their action. Hence, each partner
must be true to all other partners and disclose all the information in his possession to the
other partners. Thus, utmost good faith is very crucial as the business cannot be run without
mutual trust.
1. Ease of Formation: Any two persons capable of entering into contract can start
partnership. The partnership deed can be oral or written. Registration is not compulsory.
Thus, partnership is very easy to form.
2. Flexibility of Operations: There is considerable freedom in carrying out business
operations. There is no need for taking approvals from Government or any other authority,
to change the nature scope or location of the business.
3. Greater Financial Resources: Partnership combines the financial strength of all partners,
as the liability of partners is joint and several. Not only is the ability to contribute capital
greater, it also enhances the borrowing capacity of the firm.
4. Incentive to Hard work: Partners have share in the profits of the firm. Partners put in hard
work and try to increase profits of the firm. A sincere and committed effort brings in extra
5. Risk Reduction: The profits and losses are shared by all partners. Similarly, if the firm is
unable to meet any of its payment obligations, all partners are responsible. Thus,
partnership offers risk reduction as the risk is spread across partners.
6. Maintenance of Secrecy: A partnership firm is a closely held business. It is not required
by law to share its performance and position with others. Thus, all knowledge about the
firm is restricted to only the partners of the firm.
7. Personal contacts with Staff and Customers: A partnership concern is a relatively small
organization, whose activities can be managed by a group of people. Thus, partners keep in
close contact with customers and staff. They are thus able to note the changing tastes and
attitudes and react faster to such changes.
8. Early Dissolution: It is very easy to dissolve the partnership firm. Any partner can ask for
dissolution of firm by giving a 14 day notice. The firm can be dissolved on death,
insolvency or lunacy of any partner. No legal formalities are required.
1. Unlimited Liability: Partners become fully liable for all claims against the firm to an
unlimited extent. The partner might lose all the savings of his life on account of a loss or a
mistake in business.
2. Restriction on Transfer of Interest: One of the golden rules of any investment is that
there must be an easy exit. If partner needs money, or is not in agreement with others, he
cannot transfer his interest in the firm to outsiders without the consent of outsiders.
3. Delay in Decision making: While day to day management is handled by one or more
partners independently, any major decision requires the consent of all partners. A
discussion and consensus on decision to be taken might be time consuming, resulting in the
firm losing out on prompt action.
4. Lack of Public Confidence: The affairs of the firm are not subject to public scrutiny. The
performance and position of the firm is not published. Hence, the firm does not enjoy any
public confidence.
5. Distribution of profits and losses:- 6. More tax payment:

Sole proprietary concern is the business of one person. Partnership is a collective effort of
more than one person, subject to a maximum of 20 persons. However, if the scale of operations is
such that it requires financial resources from more than twenty persons, a Joint Stock Company
needs to be formed. There are certain features and advantages of a Joint Stock Company that may
prompt even two persons to start a Joint Stock Company. Each person who contributes his money
to the company on ownership basis is called a „Share Holder‟ and his contribution is called the
„Share Capital‟ held by him.
Another aspect of Joint Stock Company is that it is treated as a separate artificial person.
Thus, it is different from the persons who have contributed towards the capital of the company.
Moreover, the number of people who have contributed the capital of the company. Moreover, the
number of people who have contributed the capital being large, all people cannot be involved in
decision making. Hence, the shareholders elect the people who manage the company. The
shareholders don‟t have to commit their time for management of the company. They can continue
to work in other organizations or carry on their own business, irrespective of the business of the
The above factors have been brought out in the following definitions:
“A Company is a voluntary association or organization of many persons who contribute money or
money‟s worth to a common stock and employ it in some trade or business and who share the
profit or losses arising there from”--- Lord Justice Lindley.
Lord Justice Lindley further explains that “The common stock so contributed is denoted in
many and is the capital of the company. The persons who contribute it or to whom it belongs are
members of the company. The proportion of capital to which each member is entitled is his
„share‟. The shares are of fixed value and the whole capital of the company is divided into equal
number of shares. The shares are generally transferable although under certain circumstances, the
right to transfer may be restricted”.
“A person – artificial, invisible, intangible and existing only in contemplation of the Law”
– Chief Justice Marshall.
“A voluntary association of individuals for profit, having a capital divided into transferable
shares, the ownership of which is the condition of membership” Prof. L.H.Haney.
“An artificial person (being an association of natural persons) recognized by law, with a
distinctive name, a common seal, a common capital comprising of transferable shares of fixed
value carrying limited liability, and having a perpetual (continuous uninterrupted) succession”-
“A company having permanent paid up or nominal share capital of fixed amount divided
into shares, also of fixed amount, held and transferable as stock and formed on the principles of
having in its members only the holders of those shares or stocks and no other persons” – Indian
Companies Act, 1956.

Characteristics :
1. Artificial Person: Accompany is an artificial person existing in the eyes of Law. It can
enter into contracts, purchase and sell goods, own property, use others and also get used,
just like any other natural person.
2. Separate Legal Entity: The Company being artificial person, it is different from its
shareholders. A shareholder cannot represent the company. A shareholder can enter into a
contract with the company. The shareholder can also start a business competing with the
business of the company.
3. Number of Persons: A minimum of two persons are required to start a company. The
maximum number of shareholders cannot exceed 50 in case of a Private Limited Company.
In case of a Public limited company, a minimum of 7 members are required and there is no
maximum limit.
4. Registration: Registration is compulsory for a Joint Stock Company. Al companies have to
be registered with Registrar of Companies as per the provisions of Companies. Act, 1956.
5. Limited Liability: The liability of shareholders is limited to the extent of his share capital.
The personal property of the shareholder cannot be claimed in satisfaction of dues from the
6. Transferability of Shares: A shareholder can get out of the business by simply
transferring his shares to any other person. The contribution of the organization is not
effected on such transfer.
7. Continuation: A company continues to be in existence until it is wound up. Thus, life of
the company can be perpetual. It is not related to life of shareholders.
8. Ownership and Management are Separating: Shareholders are the owners of the
company. However, all shareholders cannot involve themselves in the management of the
company. Shareholders elect the people who shall be authorized to manage the company.
Professionals might be recruited for the purpose. Thus, owners and managers are different
9. Common Seal: A company can enter into agreements and contracts through its
representatives. A seal is embossed in the documents, which signifies the acceptance of
terms of contract by the company. Thus, the „common seal‟ is the Signature of the

1. Permanent existence. The life of the company is permanent. It is not affected by the
death, incapability, lunacy and insolvency of the shareholders. It has separate legal
entity. The ownership and the management of the company changes smoothly without
the dissolution of it company.
2. Limited liability. The maximum liability of the shareholders of the company is limited
to the face value of shares held by him. The personal assets of the shareholders cannot
be attached, even if the company is unable to meet the claims of outsiders.
3. Availability of large capital: The capital of the company is contributed by its
shareholders, whose number is unlimited as much as the company requires. The face
value of shares being nominal and the liability of shareholders being limited, these
shares are easily sold, and the required capital is collected.
4. Transferability of shares: The shares of the company are transferable easily.
Whenever the shareholder wants the money back, he can obtain it by selling his shares.
This special feature also ensures that the company will not be required to refund the
capital. The shares of the company are purchased and sold in the stock exchange in the
open market.
5. Economics of large scale: The company form of business organization assumes very
large size because of huge share capital and professional management. This is why; the
company enjoys internal and external economies of large scale enterprise.
6. Tax relief: The laws offer certain developmental rebates and concessions on certain
commodities of export promotion and for the establishment of industries in backward
regions. The company is charged income tax at flat rate. As such the tax liability on
higher income is comparatively lo9wer.
7. Diffused risk: The risk of business is shared among innumerable shareh0olders, so
every shareholder, has to bear nominal risk. This is not the case in proprietorship and
partnership, where the loss to be borne by the individual proprietor and limited number
of partners 0of a firm individually or collectively.


The company suffers from the following limitations:

1. Legal formalities: Formation of company requires a lot of legal formalities and filing
of several documents. It is time consuming and expensive. Delay in filing of reports
invites punishment. All these formalities make the formation of company difficult.
2. Fraud by promoters: Sometimes promoters of companies play fraud in the formation
of company. They conceal material facts and cheat the shareholders. They manipulate
the books of accounts in their favor. Promoters are rich people. They gain the
experience at the cost of investors‟ funds, because they are not going to lose anything.
3. Speculation in shares: The shares of the company are purchased and sold in the open
market. This practice encourages speculation, an immoral activity.
4. Lack of secrecy: It is very difficult to maintain secrecy in the company. Every matter
has to be discussed in the board of directors meeting or in the annual general meeting of
shareholders. This is why, there is delay in the decisions and sometimes opportunities
are lost.
5. Delay in Decision making: In company form of organization no single individual can
make a policy decision. All important decisions are taken either by the board of
directors or shareholders. Decision making process is time consuming.


A limited liability company (LLC) is a corporate structure whereby the members of the company
cannot be held personally liable for the company's debts or liabilities. Limited liability companies
are essentially hybrid entities that combine the characteristics of a corporation and a partnership
or sole proprietorship. While the limited liability feature is similar to that of a corporation, the
availability of flow-through taxation to the members of an LLC is a feature of partnerships.



A business firm requires finance to trade/commence its operations and for expansion. Money is
required for all types of business activities. Without adequate capital no enterprise can achieve its
„Business finance‟ term refers to „acquisition of capital funds to meet the financial needs of a
business organization‟
Depending upon the nature and purpose business finance is classified into two types.
They are
a. Fixed capital (Purpose is to acquire fixed assets)
b. Working capital (To meet day to day maintenance of business)
Features: For the effective maintenance of business operations, business finance helps a lot.
Business finance includes both stages of acquiring the funds and proper utilization of funds
The following are the some of the features of business finance.

1. Business finance includes all types of funds used in business

2. It needs for all types of organizations like small, large, trading or manufacturing

3. The amount needed may differ from firm to firm. But the need is the same.

4. It involves an estimation of funds.

5. And it is also responsible for the optimum utilization of funds.


Money is required for all types of business activities. Without adequate capital no enterprise can
achieve its objectives.
1. Long term finance
2. Medium term finance
3. Short term finance

1. Long term finance: Funds that are required in the business for long period are termed as long
term finance. Usually these funds are required for a period of 5 to 20 years. Long term finance is
essential to invest in fixed assets, expansion and modernisation of business and its processes. It
depends upon the size, nature and level of technology of the business. The main sources of long
term finance are:

* Issue of shares
* Issue of debentures
* Loans from banks and other financial institutions
* Hire purchasing
* Retained earnings etc.,

2. Medium term finance: Funds that are required for a period of 1 year to 5 years are known as
medium term finance. These funds are used for
* Modernization of machinery
* To meet huge advertisement expenses
* Launching new products
* Opening new branches etc.,
These types of funds are highly required for manufacturing concerns. To adopt technological
changes and to prevent competition threats, medium term finance is needed.
The main sources of medium term finance are

* Issue of shares
* Issue of debentures
* Loans from Bank‟s and financial institutions
* Public deposits
* Retained earnings etc.,

3. Short term finance: This type of finance is needed for a short period up to one year. Short term
finance is used to meet working capital (day-to-day expenses / maintenance) needs. These funds
are having recurring in nature. The amount required depends upon mainly on the nature of the
business. Like manufacturing, trading, banking etc., The order and delivery time, the
volume of business operations play an important role. The main sources are,

* Bank Credit
* Trade credit
* Installment credit
* Retained earnings
* Customer advances etc.,

The word economics is derived from a Greek term “OCIO NOMOS” which
means house management it explains how different individuals behave while managing their
economics activities. Economics teaches us how a person tries to satisfy his unlimited desires with
the limited resources at his disposal. In other word it teaches us how to use the available scares
resources to meet our unlimited desires. Hear the question of choice comes in the need for choice
arises in the context of “Scarcity”.
Economics is concerned with determining the means of achieving given objectives in the
most efficient manner. While managerial economics is the application of economic theory and
private institutions. It is an extraction from economic theory, particularly micro economics those
concepts and techniques which enable the decision. Makers to efficiently allocate the resources of
the firm. If also enables the decision makers to understand the economic environment and the
effect of changes in this on resources allocation within the organization
Economics is deals with money or money oriented activities.
According to M N Nair‟s and Meram “Managerial economics consist of the use of economic
modes of thought to analyses business situations”
According to Haynes “Managerial economics is economics applied in decision making”.
Nature & Scope of Managerial Economics:-
The nature of economics can be known through its relation with micro and macro
economics normative and descriptive economics, the theory of decision making operations
research and static‟s. It is said that a successful business economist will try to integrate the
concepts and methods from all the disciplines.
The main focus in managerial economics is to find an optimal solution to a given managerial
problem. The problem may relate to production, reduction or control of costs determination of
price of a given product or service make or buy decision inventory decision. Capital management
investment decision or human resource management.
The economist is concerned with analysis of the economy as a whole where as the
managerial economist is essentially concerned with making decision in the context of a single firm.
The main areas of managerial economics
 Demand analysis
 Cost analysis
 Production
 Pricing decisions
 Profit management
 Capital management
Demand analysis:-
A business firm is an economics organism which transforms productive resources in to
goods that are to be sold in a market. A major part of managerial decision making depends on
accurate estimates of demand. Demand analysis helps identify the demand for a form products and
it‟s provide guidelines to manipulate demand.
Cost analysis: -
Every business firm wants to have minimum production cost estimation is essential for
decision making. Every manager should know the causes of variations in cost. Cost control is
essential for pricing policies.
Production decisions:-
This decision deals with changes in the production following changes in input which could
be substitute are complementary. The entire focus of this decision is to optimize the output at
minimum cost. Based up on the demand of the product only the organizer can take the decision to
produce the goods.
Pricing decisions: -
The prices of products bring income to the firm. Profits the difference between total income
and total cost. The success of the business firm depends upon the correct price fixing. It covers
price determination in various markets.
Profit management: -
The primary aim of firm is to maximize profits. Profits depend upon the difference between
revenue changes for a number of reasons. Hence uncertainty in profit planning. It includes profit
policies, brake even analysis.
Capital management: -
Investment decisions are the more complex decisions it includes methods and techniques
used to select the best proposal. The topics covered are cost of capital, capital budgeting.


There are a large no of definitions of economics given by various economists some of the
definitions given by some well know economists are discussed here.
ADAM SMITH”S Definition;-
Adam smith the first among the classical economists and the” father of economics” published a
book in 1776 “WEALTH OF NATION” in this book he defined economics as a Science of
wealth .The other early economists also accepted this definition but this definition received severe
criticism as it exclusively paid its attention to wealth as if wealth was everything.
According to Adam‟s definition every thing is related to money/ finance, if have the
finance we can assume any thing, if we don‟t have the money/ finance we can‟t assume any thing
Main features of wealth definition
1. economics is the study of wealth
2. wealth mean only material things, non material goods like services are not included
3. Human being are guided by self interest
Welfare definition is given by marshal he tried to decreased the defects of wealth
definition according to marshal economics is the one side of study of wealth & the other more
important side it is a part of study of man
When marshal said that economics is a science of ordinary business life that it tells us
about a man‟s way of living that is how he earns his income and how he spends it.
According to marshal economics is human welfare – not the whole of human welfare but
only a part of it namely economics. or rendering services to the society.

Main features of welfare definition

1. Economics is a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life
2. Marshal given primary importance to man where wealth is given in secondary position
3. When marshal said that economics is a science of ordinary business life . In spite of all this
marshal definition was also criticized by Robbins has objected to the welfare definition on the
ground that it includes with in its preview only material welfare. It ignores are excludes non
material welfare of human being.

ROBBIN’S Definition:-
Prof. Robbins has advanced his own definition of economics in 1931 in his famous book of an
essay on the nature and significance of economics science he introduced scarcity definition of
According to him Economics is the science which studies human behavior as a relation
ship between unlimited wants, limited resources which has alternative uses.
Main features of scarcity definition
1. Human wants are unlimited we cannot satisfy all our wants.
2. Resource is limited
3. Resources have alternative uses
4. His definition is universal
Economics is a vast and expanding science for an easier understanding and analysis of
these different types of economics activities the subject is classified into two broad divisions.
1. Micro Economics
2. Macro Economics
The word micro means a” millionth” part or very small the study of individual units are
called micro economics. It deals with individuals or single units. The micro economics is called
as a price theory.
Micro economics is based on the assumption of full employment another important
assumption is free from trade system in the economy.
Importance of micro economics:-
1. It explains how the price mechanism determines the production and distribution
2. it explains how the factor prices product prices are determined
3. It explains how the producer will get maximum product with minimum cost
Macro economics is the study of economic system as a whole it studies not the individual
economics units like consumer but whole economic system “MACRO” means big it is well
developed by J.M.KEYNES. The macro economics is called as an income and employment
theory. This theory deals with aggregates and average of the entire economy for example national
income, aggregates demand, aggregates savings, aggregates investment etc.
National Income

Gross National Income (GNI) is defined as GDP (Gross Domestic Product; income generated by
production activities on economic territory of that particular country) plus the net receipts from
wages, salaries, property income taxes, and subsidies of the country's citizens abroad minus the
income earned in the domestic economy by non residents.

While per capita gross domestic product is the indicator most commonly used to compare income
levels, there are two other measures are generally preferred by analysts: per capita Gross National
Income (GNI) and Net National Income (NNI). Whereas GDP refers to the income generated by
production activities on the economic territory of the country. GNI measures the income earned
by the residents of a country, whether generated on the domestic territory or abroad, NNI is
GNI net of depreciation.

In most countries, net receipts of property income account for most of the difference between GDP
and GNI. However, it is important to note that retained earnings of foreign enterprises owned by
residents do not actually return to the residents concerned. Nevertheless, the retained earnings are
recorded as a receipt of property income. A counter entry of the same amount is treated as a
financial transaction (a reinvestment of earnings abroad, in shares and other equities) and not as a
payment of property income.
Countries with large stocks of outward foreign direct investment may be shown as having large
receipts of property income from abroad and therefore high GNI even though much of the property
income may never actually be returned to the country but instead added to foreign direct
investment. For most OECD countries, GNI per capita does not differ significantly from GDP per

The Importance of National Income

Measuring national income is crucial for various purposes:

 The measurement of the size of the economy and level of country‟s economic performance;

 To trace the trend or the speed of the economic growth in relation to previous year(s) also
in other countries;

 To know the composition and structure of the national income in terms of various sectors
and the periodical variations in them.

 To make projections about the future development trend of the economy.

 To help government formulate suitable development plans and policies to increase growth

1. To fix various development targets for different sectors of the economy on the basis of the
earlier performance.

2. To help businesses to forecast future demand for their products.

3. To make international comparison of people‟s living standards.


Inflation is basically a rise in prices. (or)A more exact definition of inflation is a situation of a
sustained increase in the general price level in an economy. Inflation means an increase in the cost
of living as the price of goods and services rise.

Inflation and value of money

 Inflation leads to a decline in the value of money. “Inflation means that your money won’t
buy as much today as you could yesterday.”
 The inflation rate is the annual percentage change in the price level.
 Inflation is measured by government statistics such as RPI (retail price index) and CPI
(consumer price index)

Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising and,
consequently, the purchasing power of currency is falling. Central banks attempt to limit inflation,
and avoid deflation, in order to keep the economy running smoothly.


The scope of a subject will be more clear by way of it‟s relation with other branches of
learning. Managerial economics has a link of connection in the basic lines of so many fields of
studies such as.
1. Econometrics (or) Statistics
2. Accounting
3. Mathematics
4. Public economics
5. Operation research
6. Decision making

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