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Elementary Theory 00 Grif

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William Ted Martin and E. H. Spanier


ahlfors Complex Analysis •

bellman Stability Theory of Differential Equations

buck Advanced Calculus

busacker and saaty Finite Graphs and Networks

cheney Introduction to Approximation Theory

coddington and levinson Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations•

dettman Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering

epstein • Partial Differential Equations

golomb and shanks Elements of Ordinary Differential Equations
graves The Theory of Functions of Real Variables

Greenspan Introduction to Partial Differential Equation?

griffin Elementary Theory of Numbers

hamming Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers

hildebrand Introduction to Numerical Analysis •

householder Principles of Numerical Analysis

lass Elements of Pure and Applied Mathematics

lass Vector and Tensor Analysis

lepage Complex Variables and the Laplace Transform for Engineers

nehari Conformal Mapping

newell Vector Analysis •

ralston A First Course in Numerical Analysis

rosser Logic for Mathematicians

rudin Principles of Mathematical Analysis

saaty and bram Nonlinear Mathematics

Simmons Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis

Sneddon Elements of Partial Differential Equations

Sneddon Fourier Transforms •

stoll Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory

struble Nonlinear Differential Equations

weinstock •
Calculus of Variations
weiss •
Algebraic Number Theory
zemanian •
Distribution Theory and Transform Analysis

Associate Professor of Mathematics
Brooklyn College



Copyright, 1954, by the McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. Printed in the
United States of America. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof,
may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 53-12046


The arithmetic theory of numbers is ever a fascinating subject, the

fundamentals of which can be presented with ease and profit to the aver-
age undergraduate student of mathematics and to those who are pre-
paring to teach mathematics provided that these students are stimulated
by a clear and logical treatment of carefully selected topics. It is the
aim of this textbook to offer such a development of the subject. The
facts and methods of proof are old, indeed, but the author believes that
her experience of teaching the theory of numbers for over fifteen years
has enabled her to choose the topics that not only develop the student's
an ample basis for
insight into the problems of this field but also furnish
more advanced work. The simplicity and lucidity of the presentation
have been tested time and again in the classroom. Experiment has
shown that the student appreciates knowing on exactly what foundation
the reasoning is Consequently, care has been taken
to be constructed.
to orient him at a level and in language
he can readily understand. Defi-
nitions are precise, but in elementary form. Each new concept is illus-
trated. Theorems are proved in detail. Brief historical comments
elucidate the material and provide a setting for it. The exercises are
graded. They include a sufficiently large number of numerical problems
to develop the student's power of inspection, some to test his understand-
ing of simple theoretical questions, and others to challenge his originality.
It is to be emphasized that this book is just a text. It is written for
the student rather than the teacher. It is neither erudite nor exhaustive.
The reader with a good grasp of algebra and the ability to concentrate
will be able to understand it. It is hoped, moreover, that it will interest
him and induce him to pursue his inquiries further.
The author is indebted to her students in both the graduate and under-
graduate divisions of Brooklyn College for their help in accomplishing
this work. They have patiently perused mimeographed and lithoprinted
material, indicating by their lively reactions the parts to be retained,
improved, or deleted. One of them, Miss Alice Osterberg, has given
expert assistance in reading the proof. Their contributions are gratefully

It is apparent that there is more material in the text than can be

covered by the average class of undergraduates in only one semester.
Owing either to the importance of the information or to the method of
proof involved, however, with the exception of Theorem 3-20, on the
number of primes not exceeding the positive integer n, it is suggested
that no theorem be omitted until Chap. 4 has been completed. Then,
for the ordinary course, Theorems 5-7, 5-8, 5-9, and 5-11, Theorems 6-3
through 6-6 and 6-9 through 6-12, Theorems 7-11 through 7-16, as well
as all of Chap. 8 may be omitted. For the convenience of the reader the
theorems just mentioned have been marked with an asterisk. Most
instructors will wish to include as much of Chap. 9, on quadratic residues,
as time permits. Theorems from Chap. 10 may be selected at pleasure
provided that Theorem 10-4, on the Pythagorean triangle, is included.
The last two chapters will, doubtless, have to be omitted in a 45-hour
Harriet Griffin



1-1. The development of the integers 1
1-2. The system of rational integers 2
1-3. Definitions 6
1-4. The principle of Archimedes 9


2-1. The form ax + by 14
2-2. The Diophantine equation ax + by = n 16
2-3. A method for finding a solution of ax + by = n 19
2-4. The solution of the linear Diophantine equation in more than two variables 21
2-5. Simultaneous linear Diophantine equations 23


3-1. The composite 25
3-2. The sieve of Eratosthenes 25
3-3. The number of primes 26
3-4. Unique factorization 28
3-5. Fermat's method of infinite descent 30
3-6. The Euclidean algorithm 31
3-7. The least common multiple 33
3-8. The an integer
divisors of 34
3-9. Perfect numbers 36
3-10. Scales of notation 37
3-11. The highest power of a prime that is a factor of n! 40
3-12. Some theorems on primes 46


4-1. Congruent integers 53
4-2. Basic properties of congruences 54
4-3. The residue classes 56
4-4. Euler's <j> function 58
4-5. Residue systems modulo m 62


5-1. Identical and conditional congruences 66
5-2. Equivalent congruences 68
5-3. Linear congruences 70
5-4. Division of polynomials 72
5-5. The number and multiplicity of the solutions of a congruence ... 75
5-6. The Chinese remainder theorem 79
5-7. Other simultaneous linear congruences 80
5-8. The number of solutions of the congruence fix) = 0(mod m) . 84
5-9. The solution of f(x) = (mod p 8 ) 85


6-1. Fermat's theorem 88
6-2. Applications of Fermat's theorem 89
6-3. Wilson's theorem 92
6-4. The Mobius function 93
6-5. An application of the Mobius inversion formula 96


7-1. The X function 98
7-2. Belonging to an exponent modulo m 100
7-3. Another test for a prime 104
7-4. Primitive roots 105
7-5. Gauss' method for finding a primitive root modulo p 107
7-6. Primitive roots modulo p n and 2p n 108
7-7. Primitive X roots 112
7-8. Integers belonging to a divisor of X(2 n ) modulo 2 n 114
7-9. Integers belonging to a divisor of <j>(p n ) modulo p n 116
7-10. Integers belonging to a divisor of <f>(2p n ) modulo 2p n 118
7-11. Integers belonging to a divisor of X(m) modulo m 118

chapter 8. INDICES
8-1. Indices for a prime modulus 125
8-2. Euler's criterion for the solvability of x n = c(mod m) 129


9-1. The general quadratic congruence 134
9-2. Quadratic residues 135
9-3. The Legendre symbol 139
9-4. The prime moduli of which an integer is a quadratic residue . . . 140
9-5. The Jacobi symbol 152
9-6. The solution of x 2 = a (mod 2 n ) 156


10-1. The Waring problem 158
10-2. The equation x 2 + y 2 = z2 167
10-3. Fermat's last theorem 168
10-4. The area of an integral right triangle 168
10-5. The generalized Wilson theorem 170
10-6. The Pellian equation 172

chapter 11. POLYNOMIALS

11-1. Integral domains and fields 177
11-2. Polynomials with respect to a prime modulus 186
11-3. A method for solving a congruence modulo p, a prime 188

chapter 12. PARTITIONS

12-1. The additive theory of numbers 190
12-2. Partitions with repetitions 191
12-3. Diagrams of partitions 192
12-4. Generating functions for the number of partitions 193




1-1. The Development of the Integers. The rational integers are the
result ofmany centuries of development of the concept of number.
Doubtless man learned first to distinguish oneness and otherness without
abstracting the idea of number itself. The basic notion in the concept of
number is that of one-to-one correspondence. If there are two sets of
elements, A and B, and if to each element of A there is assigned exactly
one element of B, while each element of B is thereby related to a single
element of A, the relationship is called a one-to-one reciprocal correspond-
ence. By means of such a relation a man could determine that he had
exactly as many rings as he had fingers even though he had not learned to
count. Any two sets that can be put into one-to-one correspondence are
said to have the same number. Thus the concept of number implies the
abstraction of that property which is common to sets that are so related.
However imperfect these concepts may have been, man did eventually
learn to count and to represent by marks the ideas now represented by
the symbols 1, 2, 3, . These numbers have the single property of
. . .

denoting quantity. They answer the question, How many units? They
are the natural numbers, and they were the only numbers known to the
Greeks until Diophantus (c. 275) extended the concept of number to
include fractions. To be sure the Ahmes papyrus, which was written
before 1700 B.C., indicates that in their calculations the Egyptians
employed symbols that are equivalent to fractions with numerator one,
but such symbols, even to the Greeks of Euclid's time, referred to the
notion of magnitude rather than number. The art of calculating was
thus distinguished from the science of number. It is to be noted that
zero is not among the natural numbers. The Greeks had no symbol for
zero. It was probably not until the fifth century that the Hindus intro-
duced a symbol for zero and the principle of position in writing numbers.
These were, indeed, great accomplishments in the field of arithmetic.
By the twelfth century the advancement of the Hindus in algebra almost
matched their achievements in arithmetic, for they were the first to
recognize the existence of negative quantities even though they did not
admit them as solutions of their problems. It was not until the sixteenth
century that European mathematicians reached this stage of development

of the idea of number, and it remained for Descartes (1596-1650) to grasp

completely the concept of signed numbers.*
The signed numbers have two basic properties. They compound the
idea of quantity with that of quality. Thus, although each of the sym-
bols + 1, — 1, +5, and —5 represents but one number, that number has
two fundamental attributes. It is evident, moreover, that a one-to-one
correspondence can be set up between the positive integers and the natural
numbers in the following manner: +1 *-* 1, +2 «-» 2, +3 <-> 3, . . . .

1-2. The System of Rational Integers. theory of num- The classical

bers, arithmetica, is properly concerned with the study of only the natural
numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . . Nevertheless, we shall make use of the system of
rational integers 0, ±1, ±2, . . . because, besides being of interest in
itself, this set has properties not possessed by the natural numbers that
enable us to develop many theorems expounding the qualities of the
natural numbers through methods that have the facility characteristic
of an algebraic presentation. Throughout this text, therefore, the word
" integer," unless otherwise stated, will refer to a rational integer, and the
letters a, b, c, . . . , x, y, z, will represent these integers. Moreover, we
shall, as a rule, observe the usual convention of omitting the positive
signs in writing +1, +2, +3, ....
What shall we study about these integers? Just consider the integers
from through 10, and they will serve to illustrate some salient facts.

It is apparent that the product of three consecutive integers is divisible

by 6, that when two consecutive even integers are chosen, one is divisible
by 4. You will claim you have known all your life that we need only the
10 digits 0,1, 9 to write any integer, but can this be accomplished
. . . ,

in another way? Have you ever noticed the remarkable fact that, of the
consecutive integers 8 and 9, one is a perfect cube and the other a perfect
square? Surely you have not overlooked the familiar right triangle
whose sides have the lengths 3, 4, and 5. Again, the sum of the positive
divisors of 6 is double having this
itself. Can you find another integer
property? Although for its size 6 has many divisors, you notice that
5 has but ± 1 and ± 5. Observe how close the first few integers of the
latter type are. Would you be interested in examining the law indicated
by the following equations?

3 = 1 + 1 + 1 4 = 1+3
5=1+1+3 6=1+5=3+3
7=1+1+5=1+3+3 8=1+7=3+5
9 = 1 + 1+7 = 1+3 + 5 10 = 3 + 7 = 5 + 5

Perhaps these few examples will stimulate the reader to look for some
other significant facts. Having made a discovery, he certainly will want
* F. Cajori, "A History of Mathematics."

to determine why it is so. That, indeed, is the attitude we wish to foster,

and so, starting with elementary notions, we shall set up a basis for show-
ing that certain laws do hold.
We shall is familiar with the concepts of num-
assume that the reader
ber, uniqueness, relation,sum, difference, product, equality, greater than,
absolute value, etc. We shall assume that he understands the funda-
mentals of algebra and the derivative with respect to x of a rational
integral algebraic function of the real variable x. We shall also suppose
that he is familiar with the content of the following system of postulates
which the integers obey:
1. The set of rational integers contains +1 (positive real one) and at
least one other integer.
2. The law of closure for addition: For each pair of integers a and b,

in that order, the sum of a and b exists and is a unique integer c. Thus
a + b = c.
3. The commutative law for addition: a b = b a. + +
4. The associative law for addition (a + b) : c = a + (6 + c) + .

5. The equation a + x = c has a solution for x that is an integer.

The second postulate tells us that the operation of addition exists for
the rational integers. Moreover, since +1 is in the set, we can generate
a subset of integers by merely adding +
1 to itself and to each result so

obtained. Thus we have 1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 1 = 3, We call all . . . .

these numbers positive integers, and 1, 2, 3, are distinct.

. . .

Furthermore, if a + c = b and c is positive, we say that a < b (a is less

than b) or that b > a (b is greater than a) The set of rational integers is

ordered by this relation "less than."

The fifth postulate says that subtraction exists, and we therefore write
the statement a + x = c in the form c — a = x. We shall show later
that we can derive the fact that there is a single integer such that
a + = a for any integer a.
6. The law of closure for multiplication: For each pair of integers a

and b, in that order, the product of a and b exists and is a uniquely deter-
mined integer c. Thus a b = c, or ab = c.

7. o( + l) = a for any integer a.

8. The commutative law for multiplication: ab = ba.

9. The associative law for multiplication: (ab)c = a(bc).

10. The distributive law: a(b + c) = ab + ac.

11. The cancellation law for multiplication: If ab = ac and a tA 0, then
b = c.

12. is no integer x such that a < x < a

There 1. +
The statement means that there is no integer between a and a
last 1. +
Hence, a and a + 1 are called consecutive integers. We say, then, that
the rational integers form a discrete set, for when they are arranged

according to the relation "less than" and then separated into any two
parts without disturbing the array, there is a first integer in one part and
a last integer in the other.
13. Any sequence of integers rii, where i = 1, 2, 3, such that . . .

fti > n2 > •> has a least positive integer.

• '

14. If a = 6 and c = d, then a + c = 6 + d and ac = bd.

15. If a = b, then either one may be substituted for the other in any
16. has a property and if n + 1 has this property whenever the
If +1
positive integer n has it, then every positive integer has the property.
This last postulate is the one on which the method of mathematical
induction, sometimes called "finite induction," is based. We shall use
this method for both definition and proof. For example, we can define
the sum of a finite number of integers inductively on the basis of the
second postulate. Thus a b c = (a b) + + + + c, a+6+c+d=
(a b+ +c) +
d, and, in the general case, a +6+ • • •
(a +b+ * * •
+ m) + n.
It is worth while recalling that the relation "equals" which we have
used so frequently in stating these postulates has the following properties
1. Equals is reflexive; that is, a = a.

2. Equals is symmetric; that is, if a = b, then b = a.

3. Equals is, if a = b and b = c, then a = c.

is transitive; that
The system which we have stated above is certainly not
of postulates
the most concise one that might have been chosen. To be sure, some of
the statements can be derived from others. But the set is sufficiently
elementary for our purposes and permits us to develop the ideas we need
on a basis that will be readily understood by the student.
We shall prove first that there is a unique integer such that, for any
integer b, b + = b. The fifth postulate tells us that corresponding to
a particular integer a there is an x such that a + x = a. We shall call
this integer Oi and shall show that b + Oi = b for any b. We have
a + Oi = a. But c exists such that b = + a.
c Hence,

b + X = (c + a) + Oi
= c + (a + Oi)
= c +a
= b

This integer Oi is unique, for if there were a second integer O2 such that
b + 2 any b, then 2 + Oi = 2 and Oi + 2 = Oi. But Oi +
= b for
2 = 2 + Oi, and therefore Oi = 2 There is, then, but a single integer, .

zero, designated by 0, such that b + = b for any b. We may also write

this statement in the form 6 — 6 = 0.
Since + 6 = 6, it follows immediately that if 6 is positive, 6 is greater

than zero, and conversely. Moreover, + 1 = 1 shows that and +1

are consecutive integers.
Furthermore, for each integer a there exists an integer x such that
a x = o. This integer x is called the negative of a. It is the inverse

of a with respect to addition, and it is designated by —a. Thus a +

— a) =0. This inverse is unique because the following argument shows
that subtraction is always unique.

Suppose that subtraction is not unique and that when a and c are given,
both b\ and 6 2 are such that
a + 6i = c = a + 62

a + — a) ( = ( — a) + a =
and since
(-a) + (a + 6i) = (-a) + (a + 6 2)

it follows that
[(-a) + a] + 6i = [(-a) + a] + 62

and that
+ 6i = + b2

&i = 6

Consequently, subtraction is unique.

The inverse of a positive integer is said to be a negative integer. Accord-
ingly, we write — (+2) = — 2 that is, the negative of positive two is nega-

tive two. Moreover, each of these negative integers is less than zero, for
( — a) + a = 0, where a is positive. For the same reason, — ( — a) = a.
This means that a is the inverse with respect to addition of —a; that is, a
is the negative of negative a. This statement implies that the positive
integers are the negatives of the negative integers. To summarize, we
have proved that:
Theorem 1-1. There is a unique integer such that, for any integer 6,
b + = b.

Theorem 1-2. Subtraction is unique, and each integer has a unique

inverse with respect to addition.
Has it ever occurred to you that 6-0 = for any b because of the basic
principles we have stated? We know that a + = a,and so when
a^0, consider the equation b-a-\-b'0 = b-a. But b a = c and

uniquely so. Hence, c + b • = c. However, c + = c, and subtrac-

tion is unique. Therefore, b • = 0. Notice that when 6 = 0, this
statement includes 0*0 = 0. Thus we have:
Theorem 1-3. For any integer 6, 6 •
= 0.
We have seen that c + ( — c) =0. Hence, ac + a(—c) = a • = 0.

But ac(— oc) = 0, and this inverse is unique. Consequently, a(—c)

= — ac. When c = 1, this equation includes a( — 1) = — (a( + l)) = —a.
Furthermore, subtraction can be accomplished by addition, for we can
Theorem 1-4. a — b = a + — b).

According to the definition of subtraction, a — b = x, where the

integer x is such that b + x = a. We wish to prove that a + ( — b) is the
proper value of x. Substituting a (
— b) for x in the last equation, we
b [a +(-6)] - b + [(-b) +a]
= [b + (~b)] +a
= + a
= a

Theorem If a > b, then — b > — a, and conversely.

If a > b, then a = b +
c with c positive, and, by multiplying each
member of the equation by —1, we find that —a = ( — b) (
— c). +
Hence, — a) + c = [( — b) + — c)] + c, and finally — a) +
( ( ( c = — b, so
that —6 > —a. The converse is now evident.
Theorem 1-6. -(a - 1) = -a + 1.
We know that
-(a- 1) = (a- 1)(-1)
= [a+(-l)](-l)
= -a + 1
As a no integer between —a and — (a — 1) that is, if two
result there is ;

integers are consecutive, as are a — 1 and a, so are their negatives. We

must conclude, therefore, that the integers are positive, zero, or negative.


1. Show that if a =then the negative of a equals the negative of

b, b.

2. Show that if a = cannot also be true that a > b.

b, it

3. Show that a < b and a > b cannot both be true.

4. Show that if a < b and a = b + c, then c is a negative integer.

5. If a = b + c and c is negative, prove that a < b.

6. Prove that a(b — c) = ab — ac.
7. On the basis of postulate 11, prove that if ab = and a ?± 0, then 6=0.
8. Show that the theorem of Exercise 7 is a sufficient condition for the cancellation
law for multiplication.
9. Prove the law of signs for addition.

10. Prove the law of signs for multiplication.

1-3. Definitions. The law of closure with respect to addition together

with the principle of finite induction shows that when we apply the opera-
tion of addition to a finite number of integers of our set, the result is

necessarily in the set. We know also that subtraction can be converted

into addition and that the result is unique. When we restrict ourselves
to the use of integers, it is also evident that our laws provide that the
product of a finite number of them always exists. But it is not always
possible to find an integer that will satisfy the equation ax = b when a
and b are any integers, and therefore it is necessary to define what we
mean by division.
An integer b is said to divide an integer a if there exists an integer c such
that a = be. Under these conditions it is also said that a is divisible by

b. The operation is written in the form b \

a and is read, "b divides a."
If no integer c exists, we write b Jf a and read it, "b does not divide a."
When 6^0 and c exists, c is unique, for if a = bci and a = bc then 2,

bci = bc and c\ = c by the cancellation law for multiplication.

2 2 When
b = 0, c does not exist unless a = 0, in which case c is not unique.
When a = bc,b is said to be a factor of a, or a divisor of a a is a multiple ;

of b; and when b ^ 0, c is the quotient of a by b. The integer c is often

referred to as the factor of a that is complementary to b.

We recall that \a\ and \a\ = —a if a is nega-

= a if a is positive or zero
tive. It is clear, therefore, that and a = be, then \a\ > \b\, when a ^
for a = be implies that neither b nor c is zero and that \a\ = \b\ \c\. But
\c\ being positive, it is at least +1. Hence, \c\ = 1 + r, where r > 0, and
\a\ = |6|(1 + r) = \b\ + \b\r. When r = 0, it is thus evident that
\a\ = \b\, and when r > 0, \a\ > \b\.

Theorem 1-7. If b divides a, and if c divides b, then c divides a.

Since b \
a and c |
b, integers d and e exist such that a = bd and b = ce.

Hence, a = (ce)d = c(ed), and therefore c a. |

Theorem 1-8. If b divides a, and b divides c, then b divides a + c.
Theorem 1-9. If 6 divides a, and b does not divide c, then b does not
divide a + c.

Since 6 |
a, then a = bd and a + c = 6c? + c. If 6 did divide a + c,

we should have a -\- c = be and 6e = 6c? + c. Hence, b(e — d) = c, and

b would divide c.

Theorem 1-10. If 6 ?* 0, the difference between two of the nonnega-

tive integers 0, 1, 2, . . .
, |6|
— 1 is not divisible by b unless the two
integers are equal.
Choose ri and r 2 so that < ri < |6| and < r2< \b\. (These state-
ments are often combined by writing < ri, r 2 < \b\.) Suppose that
ri > r2 . If ri — r2 = mb, then ri = mb + r2 . Therefore, n > |6|, for
mb > 0. But this result is contrary to the hypothesis, and consequently
b \ (n - r 2 ).
A common factor, or common divisor, of two or more integers is an integer
that divides each of the given integers.
A greatest common divisor of a set of two or more integers, not all zero,

is, if it exists, a common divisor of the set that is divisible by every com-
mon divisor of the set.* We notice then that if -\-d is a greatest common
divisor of a set of integers, so is — d. It is conventional, however, to
refer to the one of the two integers -\-d and — d that is positive as the
greatest common divisor. It is evident, too, that the greatest common
divisor of a set of integers is unchanged if any a -
t of the set is replaced by
— cti. The symbol d = (a h a2 , . . . , a r) is used to denote that d is the
greatest common divisor of the set a\, 0,2, , . . , ar ; for example, 3 =
(6, 12, -15), and 12 = (36,48).
A common multiple of two or more integers is an integer that is divisible
by each of the given integers.
A least common multiple of two or more integers is, if it exists, a common
multiple that is a divisor of every common multiple of the given integers.
It is evident that ifa ^ is a least common multiple of a set of integers,
then —a is also. Again, it is usual in this case to refer to the positive
integer that fits the definition as the least common multiple. The least
common multiple is unchanged if any of the given integers az -
is replaced
by — di. The least common multiple of 6, —15, and 9 is 90.

A unit is an integer that divides every integer. Since +1 and —1

divide every integer, they are both units.
Theorem 1-11. have but two units, +1 and — 1.
The rational integers
be denoted by x. Then x divides +1, and
If there is a third unit, let it
therefore \x\ < +1. But because +1 is a unit and x is an integer, +1
divides x and thus +1 < \x\ since x 9^ 0. Consequently, \x\ = +1, and
x is +1 or — 1.
The null element is an integer that divides only itself. We know from
the definition of division that zero divides only itself. For any a, hoAv-
ever, a •
= 0, and consequently any integer divides zero. Therefore,
no integer different from zero is a null element. Hence, we have:
Theorem 1-12. Zero is the null element of the rational integers.
The associates of an integer are the results of multiplying it by the units.
Thus +6 and —6 are a set of associates. When an integer is divisible by
some integer, it is obviously divisible by each of the associates of that
integer and consequently in any problem it is necessary to show only the
division by one of the associates.
A prime is an integer, not a unit, that is divisible by only its associates
and the units. This definition implies that the greatest common divisor
of a prime p and an integer a is 1, or the positive associate of p.

* This definition and that of a least common multiple are so worded that they will
apply equally well in a domain of algebraic integers where we cannot say of two dis-
tinct integers that one must be less than the other. For instance, the set of algebraic
integers of the form a + bi with a and b rational integers is not ordered by the relation
"less than."

An integer that is not the null element, a unit, or a prime is a composite.

Two or more integers are prime to each other, or relatively prime, if their
greatest common divisor is +1. The integers 6, —9, and 14 are rela-
tively prime.
Two or more integers are said to be prime each to each, or relatively
prime in pairs, if the greatest common is +1. divisor of all possible pairs
The integers 3, 4, and 35 are relatively prime in pairs.
Theorem 1-13. If d is the greatest common divisor of a and b, the
quotients obtained by dividing them by d are relatively prime.
If d = (a, b), let a = a Q d and b = bod. Let e be any common divisor
of a and b Then ao = ek, b = em, and a = dek, b = dem. Hence,

de is a common divisor of a and b and must divide d; that is, d = des.

Therefore, es = 1. But this is impossible unless e = +1. Conse-
quently, (o , b ) = 1.

1-4. The Principle of Archimedes. Among the early mathematicians

who contributed to the theory of numbers were Euclid (c. 300 B.C.), and
Archimedes (c. 225 B.C.). Euclid was very much interested in the theory
of numbers. He collected and organized many propositions concerning
the integers in his " Elements. " On the other hand, although Archi-
medes is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, he did

littlewith this branch of the subject and but one theorem in the theory of
numbers bears his name. This theorem is, however, a basic one.
We shall assume the principle of Archimedes extended to include the
rational integers. This principle states that any integer a either is a
multiple of an integer b ^ or lies between two consecutive multiples of
b; that is, corresponding to each pair of integers a and 6^0, there exists
an integer m such that, for b > 0,

mb < a < (m + 1)6

and, for b < 0,
mb < a < (m — l)b

Theorem 1-14. The theorem of Euclid. Corresponding to two

integers a and 6^0, there exist two integers m and r such that

a = bm + r < r < |6|

and m and r are unique.

Except for the unicity of m and r the theorem follows immediately
from the principle of Archimedes, for when b > 0, it is evident that the
inequalities yield < a — mb and a — mb < b, and when b < 0, <
a — mb and a — mb < —b. Thus r = a — mb exists and fulfills the
required conditions. Suppose then that a — bm\ + n and a = bm 2 + r 2 ,

where < r 1} r 2 < \b\. Hence, b{m — m 2 ) = r 2 — r h and b divides


r2 — r\. Therefore, r\ = r and 2, b (mi — m 2) = 0. Since 6^0, this

equation shows that mi — m = 2 and that mi = ra 2 .

We shall call r the remainder and m the quotient in the division of a by b.

Theorem 1-15. An integer a is or is not prime to an integer 6^0
according as the remainder in the division of a by b is or is not prime to b.

The theorem of Euclid shows that

a = bm + r < r < \b\

and hence an integer d divides a and b if and only if d divides both r and
b. For example, to find out whether or not 152 is prime to 21, just divide
152 by 21, getting the remainder 5. Since (5, 21) = 1, then (152, 21) = 1.
Theorem 1-16. All integers take the form 2n or 2n + 1.
According to the theorem of Euclid, any integer a can be expressed in
the form
a = 2n + r < r < 2
so that r is either or 1.

An even integer is one that is a multiple of 2. An integer that is not

even is odd. The classification of the integers into odd and even integers
was made by the Pythagoreans.


Prove that the product of any two consecutive integers is divisible by 2.


The product of any two consecutive integers can be written in the form n(n + 1).
But then, according to the theorem of Euclid, n has the form 2k or 2k 1, whence +
the product has the form 2k(2k + 1) or (2k + l)(2k + 2) = 2 (2k + 1)(& + 1). In
either case the product has the factor 2. /
2. Show that the sum of an integer and its square is even.

3. Show that all integers take the form Sn, Sn + 1, or Sn — 1. *

4. Prove that the product of any three consecutive integers is divisible by 3.

5. Prove that the square of an odd integer has the form 8n + 1.

6. Prove by induction: 1 + 3 + 6 + + n(n + l)/2 = n(n + l)(n + 2)/6 • • •

for n > 0.

When n = 1, the left-hand member is 1 and the right-hand member is l(2)(3)/6 = 1.

The statement is thus true in the first case. Now assume that the statement is true
for n = k. The first term of this series is 1, and the £th term, given by the term
formula n(n + l)/2, is k(k + l)/2. Hence,

1J _o.
1 + 3 +
k(k + 1) _ k(k + l)(fc +2)
• • •

( }

where the right-hand member of the equation is the sum of the first k terms of the
series obtained from the formula for the sum of n terms.
We must now show by a general method that the sum of the first k + 1 terms of
the series can be correctly obtained from the sum formula. To accomplish this end,
we shall build up the series of k + 1 terms by adding the (k + l)st term to the indi-
cated sum of the first A; terms. The (k + l)st term is obtained from the term formula

by substituting k + 1 for n and is (k + l)(k + 2)/2. Butif we add this number to

one member of Eq. (1), we must add it to the other member also to maintain an
equality. Thus we have

1+3+-..+ k(k 2+
,,,, ,
(k + l)(k+2)
= k(k + l)(k+2)
6 + ,
(k + l)(k+2)
2 m

But the right-hand member of Eq. (2) can be factored and simplified, giving

*(* + !)(* +2) + (* + !)(*

l) (*+2)
+2) . n 1WJ
+ 1)(t+2)
(k l).
1\ (Jfe + l)(*+2)(*+3)
. . .

6 2

Assuming that the law is correct in the fcth case, (k + 1) (k + 2) + 3) /6 is the correct (A;

sum of the first k + 1 terms. Consequently, unless the sum formula gives this result
for the sum of k + 1 terms, the sum formula is in error. Substituting + 1 for n in fe

the formula n(n + l)(n + 2)/6, we find that it also gives + l)(fc + 2) + 3)/6. (fc (A;

We must conclude that this formula gave the correct result for n = 1,
is correct, for it
and, upon the assumption of its truth for n = k, we found it gave the correct result
for n = ft + 1. Hence, being true for n = 1, it is true for n = 2, 3, . . . .

7. Prove by induction: 1 + 2 + n = n(n + l)/2 for n > 0. • • •

8. Prove by induction: l
+ 22 + + n 2 = n(n + l)(2n + l)/6 for n > 0. • •

9. Prove by induction: l 3 + 2 3 + + n 3 = n 2 (n + l) 2 /4 for n > 0. • • •

10. Prove by induction that a n — b n is divisible by a — b if n is a positive integer.

If n = 1, a — b is divisible by a — b.
Assume that ak — bk = (a — b)F(a, b). Now divide ak+1 — b k+1 by a — b, getting
the quotient ak and the remainder ak b — b k+1 . Thus

ak+i _ &fc +i = ( a - h)a k + a 6 fc - 6 fc+1

= (a - 6)a* + 6(a fc
- bk )

But since a — b is a factor of a k — b k the distributive law , shows that a — b is a

factor of a k+1 — b k+1 Then according to postulate 16, a n —
. b n is divisible by a — b
ioT/n > 0.
v^ll. Prove that n is a positive odd integer, a n + 6 n is divisible by a + 6.
if ^
12. Prove that if n is a positive even integer, a + 6 is a factor of a n — 6 n . ^
13. Prove by induction that 10 n + 3 4 n+2 + 5 is divisible by 9 if n is zero •
or a
positive integer.
If n — 0, then 1 +3(16) +5 = 54 and this integer is divisible by 9. Now form
the difference between the (n + l)st and the nth case and simplify by factoring,
getting the result

10»+i +3 • 4-+ 3 +5 - (10" + 3 • 4"+ 2 + 5) = 10*(9) +3 • 4- +2 (3)

The right-hand member is clearly divisible by 9. Substituting n = and applying

the distributive law, the above equation implies that 10 + 3 • 43 + 5 is a multiple of
9, and hence the theorem is true for n = 1. But, being true for n = 1, it is likewise
true for all the positive integers.
14. Prove that:
a. 7 2n + 16n — 1 is divisible by 64 for n > 0.

b. 2 •7n + 3 5 W - 5 is divisible by 24 for n >

• 0.

c. 3 4 "+ 2 + 5 " +1 is divisible by 14 for n > 0.


15. Prove that the cube of any integer is equal to the difference of the squares of
two integers.
To solve a problem of this type, we often set up a few examples with the purpose of

discovering the law by inspection. Thus

1« = p _ Q2
23 = 32 - l2
33 = 62 - 32
43 = 10* - 62

The sequence of integers 1, 3, 6, 10, reminds us of the sum of the series 1+2 . . .

+ •
+ n = n(n + l)/2. Hence, we should like to show that n 3 is the difference
• •

of [n(n + l)/2] 2 and [(n — l)n/2] 2 This statement is correct, for .

V n(n + 1) 1
_ (n - l)rc T n 2 (n 2 + 2^i + 1 - n2 + 2w - i;

16. Show that if 7z — 5 is a multiple of then 28z 2 — 13x — 5 is a multiple of 9.

17. Show that if 2x + 1 is a multiple of then 14z 2 + 19a: — 19 is a multiple of 25.
18. Show that if an integer is both a square and a cube, it is of the form bn, bn + 1,
or 5n + 4.

19. Show that the square of an integer that is not a multiple of 2 or 3 is of the form
24A; + 1.

20. Prove that the sum of the odd integers from 1 through In — 1 is a perfect
square, n 2 .

21. Prove that every odd cube, n 3 is the sum of n consecutive odd integers. Find ,

a corresponding law for an even cube.

22. We have assumed the principle of Archimedes, but just as some of our other
postulates are not independent, it is possible to prove the principle of Archimedes on
the basis of the assumptions already made.
Case 1. Let a > and 6 > 0. If a < b, then < a < b and = 0. If a = b, m
then b = a < 26 and m
= 1, If a > b, there is a positive multiple of b that is less
than a. But
a < a + 1 < (a + 1)6

Thus in the sequence of multiples of 6,

(a + 1)6 > ab > • •

there is a least positive multiple of 6 that is greater than a. Let this multiple of 6
be (m + 1)6. Then
mb < a < (in + 1)6

Case 2. Let a < and 6 > 0. Then nonnegative c exists so that

cb < \a\ < (c + 1)6

-cb > a > (-c - 1)6

If a < —cb, let m = —c — 1, but if a = —cb, then a < (— c + 1)6 and m = —c.
Let the student complete the proof.
23. If a ^ and |6| > \a\, then 6 does not divide a.
24. What values can you assign to r in order that 4n + r include all odd primes?
26. Using the idea of Exercise 24, write another set of expressions whose values
include all odd primes.
26. If n is a positive integer, the triangular numbers are given by the formula
n(n + l)/2. Find by trial some integers that are both square and triangular.

27. Is the set of even integers closed under the operation of addition? Do the odd
integers have this property? Is the set of even integers closed under multiplication?
What important property that pertains to multiplication does the set of even integers
28. Peano stated the following postulates, together with the principle of finite
induction, to define the natural numbers
a. There is a number 1.

b. Every number n has a unique successor n

+ .

c. The number 1 is not the successor of any number.

d. If n + = m + then n = m.

Define addition and multiplication, and derive the commutative, associative, and
distributive laws for the natural numbers on the basis of these postulates.


The Form ax
2-1. by. +
A polynomial in the variables Xi, x 2 xT , . . . ,

is a rational integral algebraic expression in these variables. Thus

a Qx n +
aix n l + +
a n where the exponents of the variable x are
• • •

positive integers or zero, is a polynomial in x. The expression b\X 2 +

bixy + bzxy %
is a polynomial in x and y. The degree of a polynomial is the
degree in all its variables of its term or terms of highest degree. The first
polynomial is of degree n, and the second is of the fourth degree. The
second, however, is of only the second degree in x, but it is of the third
degree in y. If all the coefficients of a polynomial are integers, it is said
to be an integral polynomial.
A form* in the variables x h x 2 x r is a homogeneous polynomial
, . . • ,

in these variables; that is, each term of the polynomial is of the same
degree. The degree of a form is the degree in all its variables of any term
of the form. The polynomial Sx 2 y + 5xy 2 — y z is a form of the third
degree. All the forms with which we shall be concerned will have
integers as coefficients. We shall make use of the form ax + by to show
that the greatest common divisor of two rational integers (not both zero)
exists and is a rational integer.
Theorem 2-1. The least positive integer in the set of integers defined
by ax + by, where a and b are not both zero, is the greatest common
divisor of the set.
Consider the set of integers defined by the linear form ax by when +
a and b are constants and x and y are variables whose values are all the
integers. Since there is but a finite number of integers between zero and
any positive integer, and since the set ax by contains a positive integer, +
this set has a least positive integer. Let it be represented by
L = ax + by

This integer L divides every integer of the set because, according to the

This technical use of the word "form" is not to be confused with the ordinary

sense in which we have made use of the term. When we say, for instance, that an
integer has the form Qk + 1, the word is synonymous with "mold" or "structure"
and in this case designates that the given integer is always a multiple of six, plus one.
Whenever "form " is used to mean a homogeneous polynomial, the implication will be
clear from the text.

theorem of Euclid, corresponding to the integers n = ax x + by\ and L

there exist integers m and r such that

n = mh + r < r <L
ax\ + byi = m(ax + by ) + r

a(zi — mxo) + 6(?/i - m?/ ) = r

Therefore, r is an integer of the set, but, being less than L, r must be 0.

The least positive integer of the set thus divides every integer of the set
and is necessarily a common divisor of the set. But L is in the set, and
therefore any common divisor of the set divides L. Hence, L is the
greatest common divisor of the set ax + by, for it satisfies the stated
definitionby being a positive integer which is a common divisor of the
setand which is divisible by every common divisor of the set.
Theorem 2-2. The greatest common divisor of a and b, where not
both are zero, exists and is the least positive integer in the set defined by
ax -f- by.
The and b are determined by the form ax + by, when x = 1,
integers a
y = 0, and when x = 0, y = 1, respectively. Hence, Theorem 2-1 shows
that L is a common divisor of a and b. But L = ax + by and thus srny ,

common divisor of a and b divides L. Therefore, the greatest common

divisor of a and b exists and is L.
Theorem 2-3. If d is the greatest common divisor of a and b, then d is
the greatest common divisor of the set of integers ax + by.
If d = (a, b), so that a = a d, b = b d, we see that d is a common
divisor of the set, for ax + by = d(a x + b y). On the other hand, any
common divisor of the set divides a and b, for both a and b are in the set.
But any common divisor of a and b is a divisor of d. Thus a common
divisor of the set ax + by necessarily divides d. The integer d is, there-
fore, the greatest common divisor of the set.
Theorem 2-4. The greatest common divisor of the set of integers
ax + by is unique.
Suppose that both d\ and d 2 are greatest common divisors of the set
ax + by and that they are positive. Then, according to the definition,
d\ di and d 2 d\.
Consequently, d\ < d 2 and d 2 < d\, so that di = d 2
\ , .

It follows, then, that the greatest common divisor of a and b is the least
positive integer in the set ax + by and that d = (a, b) can be expressed
as a linear function of a and b with integral coefficients. Thus 4 =
(12, 20) can be written 4 = 12(2) + 20(-l) = 12(-18) + 20(11).
The fact that the greatest common divisor of any two rational integers
a and b, where not both are zero, can be written in the form ax + by with
x and y rational integers is an important characteristic of the set of

rational integers. Not

all sets of integers have this property. Consider,
even rational integers. Although the integers 4 and
for instance, the set of
6 have the greatest common divisor 2 which is in this particular set, 2
cannot be written in the form 2 = 4x + Qy, where x and y are selected
from the set of even integers.
Theorem 2-5. The set of integers ax + by consists of all the multiples
of d = (a, 6).
It has been shown that every integer of the set ax + by is a multiple of
d. Moreover, every multiple of d = ax + by is in the set, for k(ax Q +
by ) = a(kx ) + b(ky ). Therefore, all and only multiples of d are mem-
bers of the set defined by ax + by.
It is interesting to notice that because d is not zero, the set ax + by
never consists of just one integer. Furthermore, the sum and difference
of any two integers defined by ax +
by are also in this set.
Any set of at least two elements is called a modul if its elements obey
the associative and commutative laws for addition and if the equation
a + b = c is satisfied by an element of the set whenever two of the three
elements a, b, c are chosen from the set. It is now apparent that the
integers ax + by form a modul.


1. Describe the set of integers 3z + 6y.

2. Use the form ax + by to define a set of integers all of which are even.
3. Use the form ax + by to define a set of integers that are multiples of 5. Are
all multiples of 5 included?
4. Use the linear form in two variables to determine a set of even integers that are
multiples of 5.
5. When will the set ax +
by include all the integers?

2-2. The Diophantine Equation ax + by = n. Diophantus (c. 275)

was the one Greek mathematician of note who devoted himself to algebra.
He solved quadratic equations in a single variable, but he found only one
answer and discarded all but positive rational numbers as solutions. He
even considered types of quadratics in two unknowns and two simul-
taneous equations of this kind. He is credited with enlarging the concept
of number to include the fractions. Because he sometimes restricted his
solutions to integers, his name is now attached to the kind of equation
defined below. Diophantus developed no general method for the solution
of these equations, however. It was not until the Hindus attacked the
problem that such general methods were devised.
A Diophantine equation is a rational integral algebraic equation in
which the coefficients of the variables and the absolute term are integers
and of which the solutions, or values of the variable or variables that

satisfy the equation, must be integers. Such an equation would be used

to solve the problem: In how many ways can $25 be paid in five-dollar
bills and two-dollar bills?

Theorem 2-6. The linear Diophantine equation ax -\- by = n has a

solution and only if the greatest common divisor of a and b divides n.

Since we have shown that d — (a, b) divides ax + by for all integral

values of x and y, if ax + by = n has a solution, d divides n.
If d divides n, let n = n d. Because d has been proved to be an integer
of the set ax + by, it follows that n = no(ax + by ) = a(n x ) + b(noy Q ).
This result shows that x = n Q xo, y = n yo is a solution of the equation.
Corollary. A necessary and sufficient condition that a and b be rela-
tively prime is that there be a solution of the linear Diophantine equation
ax + by = 1.

The preceding proof if (a, b) = d and ax by = n

also implies that +
has a solution x = x , y =
then this very pair satisfies a Q x
y , b y = n' +
where a = a Q d, b = b d, n = n'd. Again, if (a, b) = 1, the equation
ax +by = n has a solution and that same solution holds for kax kby = +
kn. The problem of solving the equation ax by = n is, therefore, +
reduced to finding a general method for solving the equation in the case
where the coefficients of the variables are relatively prime.
Theorem 2-7. If m divides ab, and m and a are relatively prime, then
m divides b.

Since (m, a) = 1, the equation mx + ay = 1 has a solution x = Xi,

y = z/i. Then
b(mxi + ayi) = b
mbxi + abyi = b

But m |
mb, and m\ ab. Therefore, m \

Observe that Theorem 2-7 holds even when m — 0, for then if (m, a) =
1, it is necessary that a = +1. But m \
ab implies that ab = 0. Con-
sequently, 6 = 0, and m\b.
Notice also that if m ^ + 1 is prime to an integer n, then m does not
divide n. On the other hand, if m does not divide n, the integers m and n
need not be relatively prime; for example, 6 \ 15, but (6, 15) = 3.
Corollary 1. If m is prime to both a and b, then m is prime to ab.
Corollary 2. If m is prime to a h a 2 , a^, then m is prime to their , . . .



1. Prove that the product of three consecutive integers is divisible by 6. *

Let P = n(n + l)(n + 2). Then P is divisible by both 2 and 3. Hence, P = 2k
= 3m. But (2, 3) = 1, and 2 3m. Therefore, 2 m. Thus m = 2s, and| |
P =
3 (2s) = 6s.

2. Show that n(n 2 — 1) is a multiple of 24 if n is odd.

3. Show that n 5 — n is a multiple of 30.
4. If n 2 is divisible by 3 but not by 4, then n 2 — 1 is divisible by 4.

6. Prove that V2 is irrational.

A number is rational if and only if it can be expressed as a quotient a/b of two
rational integers with the denominator 6 different from zero. Hence, assume that
y/2 = a/b with (a, b) = 1. From 26 2 = a 2 we see that b a 2 Now apply Theorem \

2-7,and show a contradiction.

6. Prove that V^3 and -^2 are irrational.

7. When m is a positive integer, prove that if \/m is not an integer, it is irrational.

8. If the sum of two fractions a/b + c/d in their lowest terms is an integer,
b = +d or —d.
9. If (a, b) = 1 and c > 0, then (ac, be) = c.

10. If (a, 6) = 1, the greatest common divisor of a + b and a — b is either 1 or 2.

Notice that (a -\- b) — (a — b) = 26 and (a + 6) + (a — 6) = 2a. Furthermore,
(2a, 26) = 2. Thus d = (a + 6, a - 6) is a divisor of 2.

11. If (a, 6) = 1, the greatest common divisor of a 2 + 62 and a + 6 is either 1 or 2.

12. Show that if (a, 6) = 1, the greatest common divisor of a 3 + 63 and a 2 + 6 2 is
a divisor of a — 6.

Theorem 2-8. The greatest common divisor d of a finite set of integers

0i, as, . . . , On can be expressed in the form

ai^i + a 2£ 2 + * * "
+ «nX„ = d
where the Xi, for i — 1,2, . . . , n, are integers.
Let us start with the integers oi, a 2 and a 3 and let d\
, ,
= (a h a 2 ). Then
?/i and 2/ 2 exist so that
aiyi + CL2V2 = di

Any common divisor of a h a 2 , and a 3 must be a common divisor of d\ and

a 3 and hence a divisor of d 2
= (di, a 3 ). But d 2 is itself a common divisor
of di, a 2 , and a 3 and therefore d 2 ,
is the greatest common divisor of these
three integers. Since integers Z\ and z 2 exist so that

diZi + a 32 2 = d2
we have
(«i2/i + a 2 y 2 )zi + a 3z 2 = d2
and finally
diXx + a 2£ 2 + a 3£ 3 = d2

Using induction, we can similarly raise the number of the integers in the
set to n.
Furthermore, as in Theorem 2-6, we can now show that when d =
(oi, a2 a n ) and d m, there exist integers x'i7 where i = 1,2,
, . . . , \
. . .

n, that satisfy the equation a\X\ + a 2 x 2 + + a nx n = m and that • • •

if such an equation has a solution in integers, d m. \

Corollary. If d\ is the greatest common divisor of a h a 2 ak , . . . , ,

then the greatest common divisor of d\, a 2 , . a,k, a*+i is the greatest . . ,

common divisor of d\ and a^+i.


Theorem 2-9. If a and b are relatively prime and x = x y = y is a ,

solution of the equation ax by = n, all solutions are given by the equa-

tions x= x + kb, y = y — ka for all integral values of k.
Supposing that both pairs of integers Xo, yo and x y' satisfy ax , +
by = n, we have
axo + by = n
ax' + by' — n
so that
a(x' - x ) + b(y
- y ) =
a{x' — xo) = —b{y' — y )

Since provided that 6 ^ 0, it follows that b (V —

(a, b) = 1, \
Xo) and
therefore — x = kb, or x' = x
that x' /b5. Substituting + kb for
a/ — xo, we obtain
akb = — b(y f — y )

After applying the cancellation law, we find that y' = y — ka. If b = 0,

the original equation is clearly trivial.
That the integers x = x + kb, y = y — ka satisfy ax + by = n for
all integral values of the parameter k can be determined by substituting
them in the given equation.
2-3. A Method for Finding a Solution of ax + by = n. If (a, b) = d
and d\n, we have shown that, by dividing each term of the equation
ax + by = n by d, we obtain an equivalent equation, that is, one which
is satisfied by all and only the solutions of the original equation. Con-
sequently, it will be sufficient to solve the equation ax + by = n when
(a, b) = 1.

If a |
n, so that n — n a, let y = and x = n , and the equation is

If a Jf n, then a 5* ±1 and we may suppose that 1 < \a\ < \b\. Then

b = qia +n < ri < |a|

w = #20 + 7*2 < r2 < |a|

ax + (oia + ri)i/ = q 2a + r2

Since a solution oi ax -\- by = n exists, riy — r% is a multiple of a; that is,

ri?/ + az = r2 . If n |
r2 , choose 2 = 0, and y is thus determined. Then
by substituting in the original equation, a value for x is found. But if

T\ Jf r 2, proceed as before, using y and z as the variables and n as the

divisor since r\ < \a\. Therefore, where

a = qsri + r3 < rz <n


and .

T2 = #47-1 + 7*4 < r4 < ri

we have
ny = q*ri + r4 - (gs^i + r )« 3

and, as above,
r 3z + riw = r4

If we continue in this manner, we find that \a\ > r\ > r > > 3

r 2s _i > 0. Each of the remainders r 2k+ and r 2 +2 determined when i fc

r 2 fc-3 and r respectively, are divided by r 2k -i is less than r 2k -\.

2fc , We see,
therefore, that each new set of two nonnegative remainders has an upper
bound r 2 k-i which is smaller than the upper bound of the preceding set of
two. Within a finite number of steps the process will necessarily end, for
some r 2 k-i will divide r 2k Supposing that this happens when k = s, the

equation r 2s -\U + r 2s -%v = r 2s will be solved by letting v = and u = m,

where r 2s = mr 2s _i. The original variables can then be determined by
Example. Solve the Diophantine equation 69x + Illy = 9000.
Solution. Since (69, 111) = 3, we solve the equivalent equation
23a; + S7y = 3000. Thus
2Sx + (23 + 14)y = (130) (23) + 10
Uy + 2Sz = 10 IH-l '

14t/ + (14 + 9)2 = 10
so that
9z + Uw = 10
9z + (9 + S)w = 9 + 1

bw + 9v = 1

bw + (5 + 4)t> = 1

4^ + 5s = 1

4z; + (4 + 1)« = 1

so that
a^ j s = i
l/ 1

Therefore, v — — 1, w = 2, z = — 2, ?/ = 4, and a; = 124. Conse-

quently, all the solutions of the original equation are of the form

x = 124 + 37k
y = 4 - 23/c

If we wish only the positive integers that satisfy the given equation,
we take
124 + 37/c >
4 - 23/c >
so that
4 -v L v _ 124

Hence, k can have only the values —3, —2, —1, and 0.


Solve the equations and determine the number of solutions for which both x and
y are positive.
1. 16x + 7y = 601. 2. Ux - 45y = 11.

3. 75z + 91y = 320. 4. 56x - 50y = 74.

5. 40x - 63?/ = 135. 6. 123a; + 57y = 393.

7. 77z + 165?/ = 3553.

8. Separate 1591 into two parts such that one part is a multiple of 23 and the other
a multiple of 34.

2-4. The More than

Solution of the Linear Diophantine Equation in
Two Variables. A
Diophantine equation in more than two
single linear
variables or a simultaneous set of such equations can be solved very
expeditiously, when there is a solution, by the reduction of the augmented
matrix of the equation or system of equations to a canonical form. * This
method enables us to determine a linear transformation the application
of which substitutes for the original equation or equations a set of one or
more equations which is easily solved. We shall not develop any of this
theory, but we shall show in the case of a single equation in three variables
how a linear transformation can be used to facilitate the finding of the
Consider the equation
d\X + a 2y + a zz = m (1)

If (ai, a 2 a 3)
= d, there is no solution unless d \
m. Supposing that d m, \

to find the solutions we should first divide each member of the equation
by d. Therefore, let us assume that (a h a 2 a 3 ) = , 1. Then if d\ =
(a h a 2 ), it is necessary and sufficient that d\ divide a z z — m in order that
there be a solution of the given equation. But (a 3 , di) = 1, and therefore

atf + dit = m
has the solutions z = 2 — diw, t = t + a z w, where z = z , t = to is one
* H. J. S. Smith, "Collected Mathematics Papers," Vol. 1, Oxford University Press,
New York, 1894.

solution. Hence, z — diw, for all integral values of the parameter w,

gives all and only values of z for which a 3 z — m is a multiple of d\.
Now consider the linear transformation

x = biu +bv 2
y = c\U +cv 2

We, of course, wish u and v to be integers, and we know that

= c 2x - b 2y
bic 2 — b 2 c\

= biy — Cix
bic 2 — b 2 Ci

Therefore, any choice of integral values for 61, b 2 , Ci, c 2 that makes

bic 2 — b 2 Ci = 1

will force u and v to be integers since x and y have only integral values.
Applying this transformation (2) to the original equation (1), and sub-
stituting z = z — diw, the resulting equation is

ai(biu + b 2 v) + a 2 (ciu + c 2 v) + a 3 (^o — diw) = m

(01&1 + a 2 Ci)u + (ai&2 + a 2 c 2 )v — a 3 diw = dit (3)
a dz + ^1^0 = m
Because we introduced two independent variables u and v, we are per-
mitted to impose a second condition upon the coefficients of the trans-
formation. We, therefore, set

aib 2 + a>iC 2 =
Since (a,i, a 2) = di, let a\ = doidi, a2 = aoarfi, and then

dQidib 2 = —a 02 dic 2

«01?>2 = —CLo 2 C 2

Let us, therefore, choose b2 = —a 02 and c2 = floi- Then the condition

6iC 2 — 6 2 Ci = 1 becomes
aoi&i + «02Ci = 1

and this equation determines 61 and C\ since (a i, a Q2 ) = 1. Choose a set

of values so determined for b\ and Ci in which neither bi nor Ci is zero.
Now if we multiply each member of the last equation by d\, we have
a x bi + a%c x = d x

and therefore the transformed equation (3) takes the form

d\U — a^diw = dito

u = to + a>zw

which is the same as the value found for t. Then by eliminating u from
Eqs. (2) for x and y, we find that the solutions of the original equation are
of the form
x = bit — a 02 v + dzbiw
y = crfo + a 01 v + a ciw3

z = 20 — diw

where v and w are the parameters. That all these values of x, y, and z
determined by integral values of the parameters satisfy the equation is
easily verified.
It is evident that the solution of a Diophantine equation in four
variables can now be made
depend upon the solution of one with three
variables in the we have used equations in two variables
same manner as
in the above development to solve an equation in three variables.
Example. Solve: Qx + 24?/ - 41z = 91.
Solution. (6, 24) = 6, and —Alz + Qt = 91 has the solutions z =

1 — Qw, t = 22 — 41w. The equations aib 2 + a 2 c 2 = and 6ic 2 — b 2 Ci =

1 become 6b 2 + 24c 2 = and bi + 4d = 1, so that b 2 = —4, c 2 = 1;
bi = — 3, C\ = 1. Since u = t, it is easy to compute the answer in the
form x = -3(22 - 41ti>) - 4v = -66 + 123w - 4v, y = 22 - 41w +
v, z = 1 — Qw.
2-5. Simultaneous Linear Diophantine Equations. A set of two equa-
tions in three variables may or may not have a solution in integers. Con-
sider the set
aix +ay+az = 2 z mi , .

bix +by+bz = 2 3 ra 2

If (ai, a2 ,
CJ3) = di does not divide mi
d 2 fails to divide
or if (61, 62, &s) =
m 2, there is, of course, no solution for the set. But even when these con-
ditions are fulfilled, there need not be a common solution. Take, for
instance, the set
2x + Sy +z= 7
2x - y + 3z = 8

If the second equation is subtracted from the first, the result is

4y - 2s = -
Any y and z that, together with an x, satisfy the given set must satisfy this
equation, but because (4, 2) = 2, the equation has no solution whatever.
When each individual equation has a solution, we can always determine

the common solutions, if they exist, by solving one equation and sub-
stituting these values in the second. Thus, when the solutions of the
aix + a 2y + a 3z = mi (5)
x — ri + SiV + t\W
y = r2 + s 2v + t2 w (6)
z = r3 + s 3^

with parameters v and w, upon substituting these expressions in bix +

&2?/ + £>32 = m we 2, obtain an equation of the form

Aw + Bv = C
The given equations have a common solution ifand only if this last equa-
tion is solvable. Suppose the solutions exist and are of the form
w = Wo -\- Bit
v = v + Ait

When these values are substituted in the solutions (6) of the first equation
(5), the common solutions of (4) take the form
x = X + Kit
y = Y +K 2t

z = Z + K^
where there is but one parameter t.

Example. Solve the set of equations: 6x + 24?/ — 412 = 91,

2x - Sy + 7z = 2.

Solution.Substituting in the second equation the solutions of the

firstone arrived at in the preceding example, we have 2( — 66 + 123w —
4w) - 3(22 - 41tc + v) 7(1 - Gw) = 2, or 327w - Uv = 193.
+ Hence
w = -2 + life, and v = -77 + 327/c. Therefore x = -66 + 123(-2
+ lift) - 4(-77 + 327/c) = -4 + 45/c; y = 22 - 41(-2 + 11/c) +
(-77 + 327/c) = 27 - 124/c; 2 = 1- 6(-2 + 11/c) = 13 - 66/c.


1. Solve: 2x - 5y + 3s = 17. 2. Solve: 3z - 6y + 2z = 11.

3. Solve: 10a; + 16?/ - 4z = 48. 4. = 521.
Solve: 127a: + 319?/ - 43z
5. Solve the set: 2x + 2y + = 22,
7z 6. Solve the set: x + 3y - = 11,
7x - 4y - hz = 29. 5a: - 5y - 3z = 33.

7. A room has 100 seats. How many men, women, and children should be admitted
to realize exactly $10 if the men will pay 50 cents each; the women, 20 cents each; and
the children, 1 cent each?
8. If 100 pieces of money in denominations of 50 cents, $5, and $10 are to amount to
$100, how many of each denomination must there be?


3-1. The Composite. Perhaps one of the facts with which you are
most familiar is that a composite has a prime factor, but have you ever
proved it?
Theorem 3-1. Every composite has a prime factor.
Because any negative integer can be expressed as the product of its
positive associate and the unit — 1, we shall assume that the composite m
is positive. Since m is neither a unit nor a prime, it has a factor that is
not a unit or an associate of m. Therefore, let m = /i/ 2 where both ,

factors are positive. Then /i < m, and /i is either a prime or another

composite. If /i is a prime, the theorem is complete, but if /i is a com-

posite, it, in turn, has a factor other than an associate or a unit. Then
/i = fzfA, where < /3 < /i. If /3 is not a prime, the line of reasoning
continues in the above manner, but only for a finite number of steps, for
m > /i > / > 3 • •
we must arrive at a positive factor f<m-\ that is divisible only by its asso-
ciates and theunits. The integer 2n -i is, therefore, a prime, and by sub-
stitution it is obviously shown to be a factor of m.
3-2. The Sieve of Eratosthenes (c. 230 B.C.). It is evident that one
way to test whether or not a positive integer m is a prime would be to
write all the integers from 1 through m; then to leave 2, and strike out
every second integer thereafter; next to leave 3, and strike out every third
integer thereafter; generally, to leave the next unstruck integer p, and
strike out every pth integer thereafter. Each integer except 1 that is not
crossed off by For how long must this
this process is obviously a prime.
process be continued before we know that m is a prime? Eratosthenes
answered this question by means of the following theorem and thus
presented a useful test for a prime:
Theorem 3-2. A positive integer m is prime if it has no positive prime
factor less than or equal to /, where I is the greatest integer such that I 2
is less than or equal to m.
Suppose that m is not a prime but is a composite. Then m has a prime
factor. This prime factor p must be greater than / according to the

hypothesis of the theorem. But when m = pf, the complementary factor

/ must also be greater than /, for if it were not, a prime factor of it, which
would necessarily be a prime factor of m, would be less than or equal to /.
Therefore, both p and / are at least equal to / 1, and m = pf shows +
m > (I + l) 2

This statement is contrary to the hypothesis which says that (I + l) 2 >

m, and hence m is a prime.
Example. To test 2503 to see whether or not it is a prime, we try to
divide 2503 by the primes 2, 3, 5, through 47, since in this case I is 50.
Because none of these primes is a divisor of 2503, this integer is a prime.
3-3. The Number of Primes. Euclid included the following theorem
in his " Elements."
Theorem 3-3. The number of primes is infinite.
So that we may understand the method of this proof, let us recall that a
set of elements is said to be infinite if it has a proper subset, that is, a
subset different from the whole set, which can be put into one-to-one
correspondence with the whole set. Otherwise, a set is said to be finite.
Consequently, if it can be shown that, in addition to a finite subset of a
set, there is always another element that belongs to the set, the set is
Suppose that the number of primes is finite. Then there is a largest
prime p. Form the integer N
by taking the product of all the primes
from 2 through p and adding the integer 1 thus ;

N = (2 •
3 • 5 p) + 1

N is either a prime or a composite. But if N is a prime, it is greater than

p, which is contrary to the assumption. If N is a composite, has a posi-

tive prime factor. This factor is not one of the primes in the set 2, 3,
5, . . .
, p, or according to the distributive law it would divide 1, which is

impossible. a prime larger than p. Because we have

Consequently, it is

shown that when we assume the number of primes is finite, we can always
find a positive prime that was not previously counted, the number of
primes is infinite.

moreover, that Euclid's proof shows that if p h p 2

It is evident, , , . . .

p r are the first prime lies in the interval from p r

r primes, the next 1 +
through pip 2 pr 1.* ' • '
This interval provided one of the first
answers to the question, Where is the next prime larger than a given
* D. N. Lehmer has compiled a "List of Prime Numbers from 1 to 10,006,721,"
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1914.

Theorem 3-4. The number of primes of the form An — 1 is infinite.

Suppose the number of positive primes of the form 4n — 1 is finite, and
let p be the largest one of them. Determine all such primes from 1
through p, and form their product. Then construct the integer N by
multiplying this product by 4 and subtracting 1 from the result. Thus

N = (4 •
3 • 7 p) - 1

If AT" is a prime,one of the form An — 1 that was not previously

it is

counted, for it is larger than p. But if iV is a composite, it has an odd

prime factor. Consequently, this factor has the form 4n — 1 or 4n + 1.
If it is of the form An — 1, it is not one of the primes from 1 through p, or
by the distributive law it would divide 1, and that is impossible. There-
fore, if the prime factor is of this form, it is a prime larger than p. But
if the prime factor of N
has the form An +
1, there is a complementary

factor of the form An — I, for the complementary factor must also be odd,
and the product
(4s + 1)(4« + 1) = 4/c + 1

does not yield the form An — 1, whereas the product

(4s + l)(At - 1) = Ak - 1

does. We observe immediately that this complementary factor At — I

has a prime factor.
The argument is now repeated with reference to this last prime factor.
Since the size of each of the positive factors having the form An — 1
decreases as the argument proceeds, we must finally arrive at a factor
having the form An — 1 that has only itself and 1 as positive factors.
This integer is, therefore, a prime. It is of the proper form, and it is not
one of the primes from 1 through p. It is, therefore, larger than p, and,
as a result, the number of primes of the form An — 1 is infinite.
Dirichlet (1805 — 1859) showed by using advanced methods that the
arithmetic progression determined by an + b, where a and b are fixed
integers and (a, 6) = 1, while n has all integral values, contains an infinite
number of primes. Although for many years elementary proofs were
known for special cases of this theorem, such as An — 1, no proof of
the general theorem that did not make use of the methods of analysis
employed by Dirichlet had been developed until 1949. About this time
certain mathematicians (Paul Erdos, Atle Selberg, H. N. Shapiro, and
H. Zassenhaus), working on the prime number theorem and in the theory
of algebraic numbers, developed methods that produce new proofs of
Dirichlet's theorem. These are, however, beyond the scope of this text.

Theorem 3-5. If 2 n — 1 is a prime, n is a prime.

Suppose that n a composite and that n = nin 2 where 1 < n\ < n.
is ,

Then 2 nin — 1 has the factor 2 n — 1 which is neither 1 nor 2 n — 1.

* *

Consequently, n must be a prime if 2 n — 1 is a prime.

Notice, however, that when p is a prime, 2 P — 1 need not be a prime,
for when p = 11, 2 11 — 1 has the factor 23.


1. Show that all primes except ±2, ±3 are represented by the forms 6n — 1 and
6n + 1.

2. Show that there is an infinite number of primes of the form 6n — 1.

3. Prove that n 4 + 4 is composite when n > 1.

4. Show that if 2 n + 1 is an odd prime, n is a power of 2.

5. Determine whether or not 1781 and 4079 are primes.

3-4. Unique Factorization. We have previously proved by means of

a rather long discussion that when m
ab and (m, a) = 1, then m\b.
the case where m is a prime this theorem can also be proved in the follow-
ing manner:
Theorem 3-6. If p is a prime and p does not divide a or b, then p does
not divide ab.
a, 6, and p positive integers, and consider the case in which

a < and b < p. We shall prove that the prime p does not divide ab
by assuming the contrary and showing that we arrive at an impossibility.
According to the principle of Archimedes there exists a positive integer k
such that for a > 1

ka < p < (k + l)a

where the equality sign is omitted because p is a prime. Therefore

< p — ka < a
< (p - ka)b < ab

But if p divides ab, then p divides pb — kab and this positive integer is a
smaller multiple of b than is ab. This argument leads to the conclusion
that there is always a positive multiple of b that is divisible by p and is at

the same time smaller than the one last found. Accordingly there would
be an infinite number of multiples of b between b and ab. The result is,
of course, impossible, and consequently p Jf ab.
Suppose now that not both a and b are less than p. Then

a = mip + ri
b = mp 2 + r2 < ri, r2 < p

ab = Kp + rir 2

and if p \
ab, it follows that and r 2 are positive and p |
nr 2 where both , r\

less than p. We know and therefore p \ ab. this division is impossible,

The result implies that if p ab, p divides at least one of a and b. \

Theorem 3-7. If p is a prime and p does not divide a where i = 1,2, t-,

. . n, then p does not divide the product of the a

. , {.

If p divides aia 2 a n then p divides a± or a 2 a 3 an

• But p does
- -
• •

not divide oi, and so it divides a 2 a% an In like manner p divides • • •


o 2 or a 3 an Finally, p would have to divide a n but it does not, and

• * *
. ,

therefore p does not divide the given product.

Theorem 3-8. Fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Except for
associated primes and the order of the factors, a composite can be factored
into primes in one and only one way.
Assuming that m is a positive composite, according to Theorem 3-1, m
has a positive prime factor pi so that m = piirii. If mi is not a prime, we
again apply this theorem and obtain mi = p 2 m 2 and m = pip 2 m 2 Since .

m > mi > m 2 > > 0, we need carry out this process only a finite
• • •

number of times until we have factored m into positive primes. Thus

m = PiPi • ' '
Suppose that there is a second factorization of m into positive primes so
that m= qiq 2 • •
q r, where n > r. Then

P1P2 • • •
pn = qiq2 '

Therefore, p\ divides the product qiq 2 qr and must divide one of the
• * *

primes qh where j = 1, 2, r. . . . , Suppose pi divides^i. The only

divisors of qi are + 1 and ± qi, and since pi and qi are positive primes,
Pi = q\. Hence,
P2PZ • '
Pn = qiqz ' • '

Continuing this process, we see that when n = r, each p where i = 1, {,

2, n, is identical with a corresponding qj} but when n > r, we

. . . ,

finally have
Pr+l * • '
Pn = 1

and each of the integers Therefore, the p r+i, . . .

, p n must be a unit.
factorization of the positive composite primes is unique. m into positive
It is obvious, then, that if we gather the equal primes together into the
power form p s any composite m can be written in the form ± pi n ^p 2 n2
• •

p r *, where the factorization is unique except for the use of an associate
in the place of any prime and the order of the factors.
The reader may well remember that an algebraic factorization of an
expression shows factors of all integers represented by the expression, and

the factorization may, therefore, be used to demonstrate a property of all

these integers. -\- I and a — 1, we
For instance, by using the factors a
can show that, for a > 2, a 1 never 2 —
represents a prime. In factoring
an integer that is written in polynomial form into the product of two
integers, however, one must recall that while the expression may not be
factorable algebraically into rational factors or may be factorable in just
one way besides itself and 1, a particular integer represented by the
expression may have several factorizations. It is evident that although
the expression a 2 + 1 lacks factors in our domain, yet, for the particular
value a = 5, a 2 + 1 = 26 has the factors 2 and 13. Again, an integer
represented by a 2 — 1 may have factors other than those given by the
only rational factors a — 1 and a 1 of a — 1.
For instance, when
2 —
a = 5, a 1 = 24 and this integer has the factors 3 and 8, 2 and 12, as
well as 4 and 6. Hence, we must be careful to avoid drawing the conclu-
sion that an integer lacks factors just because the algebraic expression of
which it is a value fails to produce the factors.


1. Show that if both x and y are odd, there is no z such that x 2 + y 2 = z 2 .

2. Show that if {a, b) = 1 and ab = c n then a = s n b = t n

, , .

3. Show that an integer can be represented as a difference of two squares if and only
if it is of the form 2n + 1 or 4n. Show also that the representation is unique when
the integer is a prime.

4. Find the positive integers x that make x(x + 42) a perfect square.
5. Find the positive integers x that make x(x + 84) a perfect square.

3-5. Fermat's Method Although it was fairly

of Infinite Descent.
easy to show prime
in Exercise 3 of the last set that a of the form 4ft -j- 1
can be represented uniquely as a difference of two squares, the problem of
expressing a prime of the form 4ft + 1 as a sum of two squares attracted
the attention of mathematicians for many years. Fermat claimed in
1641 that he had proved the theorem by the inductive method, called the
method of infinite descent, which was exhibited in the proof of Theorem
3-6. Thus he said, " If a prime 4n + 1 is not a sum of two squares, there
is a smaller prime of the same nature, then a third still smaller, etc., until

the number 5 is reached."* Since 5 is the smallest positive prime of the

form 4n + 1, and since it can be written 5 = l 2 + 2 2 the method leads ,

to a contradiction and consequently each prime of the form 4ft + 1 is a

sum of two squares. Whether or not Fermat actually proved the theorem
we do not know, but Euler is generally credited with developing the first
proof together with the proof of the unicity of the representation. It
was not until 1843, however, that he established a point that he needed
* L. E. Dickson, " History of the Theory of Numbers," Vol. 2, p. 228.

for a rigorous proof. In the meantime by 1801 Gauss had applied

the theory of binary biquadratic forms to show the existence of the
representation. *
But Fermat's method of infinite descent used, as he claimed, in the
proof of the above theorem is of particular interest. He admitted that
it could be applied with more facility to prove the impossibility of certain
relations, of which Theorem 3-6
an example, than to show affirmativeis

statements. He made use of the method in the one specimen of a

detailed proof that has been left by him when he showed that if integers
a, b, c are the sides of a right triangle, the area cannot be a perfect square.
The Euclidean Algorithm. An algorithm is a method of obtaining
a result by repeated applications of an operation and is such that an
element determined by one application of the operation is used at least
once in a succeeding application until the desired result has been found.
It is important to have a method for finding the greatest common
divisor of two integers a and b. If one integer is zero, the greatest com-
mon divisor is evidently the positive associate of the other integer, and if

either or both integers are negative, the greatest common divisor is the
same as it is for the positive associates. Taking both a and b positive,
therefore, with a > b, we shall set up the Euclidean algorithm for finding
the greatest common divisor of a and b.
Applying the theorem of Euclid, we have

a = rriib + r\ <n < b

b = ra ri + r 22 <r < n 2

ri = m r2 + r3 3 < r3 < r 2

Ti-2 = rrtiTi-i + Ti < Ti < Ti-i

r k -2 = m k r k -i + rk < rk < r*_i

r k -! = m k+x r k
Because b > r\ > r2 > • • •
> r* > 0, it is evident that after k appli-
cations of the theorem we must arrive at a remainder r k that is a divisor
of r k -i. Then r k is the greatest common divisor of a and b, for first of all

rk |
In like manner because r k divides r k -i and
r k -2 since it divides r&_i.
rfc-2, it must divide r _ 3 Using the steps of the algorithm in reverse
fc .

order, we observe, therefore, that r k divides each r* and finally that it is a

common divisor of b and a. But any common divisor of a and b divides
ri, and by the second step it also divides r 2 Proceeding in this manner, .

we see that any common divisor of a and b divides r k Therefore, r k is the .

greatest common divisor of a and b.

The first step of the algorithm shows that n can be expressed linearly
* Ibid., p. 233.

in terms of a and b, for

ri = a — mj)

Moreover, r2 = b — m 2r h so that r 2 = 6 — ra 2 (a — raib) = (1 + mim 2 )b

— m 2 a. Thus from the equations

Ti-i = Mia +Mb 2

n = N a x +Nb 2

we see that since

ri+ i = u-i — mi+iTi
r l+1 = Qid + Q 2b
Hence, as was shown by a different method in Chap. 2, r k the greatest ,

common divisor of a and b, can be expressed as a linear function of a and

b with integral coefficients.
In the special case where b a so that ri = 0, it is evident that b is the

greatest common and b and that b = a(0)

divisor of a b(l). +
Byapplying the unique factorization theorem, it is also apparent that
if the integers a i} where i = 1, 2, n, are factored into powers of . . . ,

distinct primes so that


en = n vr^
3 =1
the exponents being positive integers or zero, the greatest common divisor

of the di is ] [ pj >, where each Sj is the smallest exponent that occurs for
3 =1
Pj in the factorizations of the a;.

Example. Find the greatest common divisor of 573 and 291.

573 = 291 + 282, 291 = 282 + 9, 282 = (31) (9) + 3, 9 = (3) (3)

Hence, the greatest common divisor is 3.


1. Find the greatest common divisor of 5040 and 4704.

2. Express the greatest common divisor of 168 and 525 as a linear function of these
3. If d = (a, b), then d is the number of integers in the sequence a, 2a, 3a, ba . . . ,

that are divisible by b. Prove it.

4. Show that the sum of a finite number of rational fractions in their lowest terms

cannot be an integer if the denominators are prime each to each.

5. Prove that two integers having the form 2
+ 1 are relatively prime. From
this fact develop another proof that there are infinitely many primes. (Integers of
the form 2 2 " + 1 are called Fermat numbers. He believed erroneously that the for-
mula generated primes for all integral values of n.)

6.Prove that the number of divisions required to find the greatest common divisor
of two positive integers written in the scale of 10 by means of the Euclidean algorithm
does not exceed five times the number of digits in the smaller integer.

3-7. The Least Common Multiple

Theorem 3-9. If d is the greatest common divisor of the positive
integers a and b so that a = a Q d, b = b d, the least common multiple of a
and b is a b d.
Any common multiple of a and b is a multiple of a and therefore has the
form ma. But it is also a multiple of b = b d. Thus b d ma d, and
Q \

because (a , b ) = 1, it follows that b \

m. Hence, any common multiple
of a and b has the form ka bod.
However, a W
ka b d, and in order that an integer be a common

multiple of a and b, it is sufficient that it have the factors a and b d.

Therefore, the positive common multiple of a and b that divides every
common multiple is a W-
Corollary 1. If a and b are relatively prime, their least common
multiple is the positive associate of their product ab.
Corollary 2. An integer is the least common multiple of the nonzero
integers a and 6 if and only if it is the smallest positive integer that is a
common multiple of them.
Theorem 3-10. If the least common multiple of a\ and a 2 is L 12 , then
the least common multiple of a h a 2 and a 3 , is the least common multiple
of L12 and a%.

Let L be the least common multiple of L 12 and a 3 Then L is a common .

multiple of a 1} a 2 and a 3 , . But any common multiple of a and a 2 is a x

multiple of their least common multiple L i2 For the same reason, if .

besides being a multiple of Li 2 an integer is a multiple of a 3 , it is a multiple

of L. Thus any common multiple of a h a 2 ,
and a 3 is a multiple of L.
Therefore, L is the least common multiple of oi, a 2 and a 3 for it is a com-
, ,

mon multiple of them, and it divides all their common multiples.

In like manner we can extend the theorem to show that:
Theorem 3-11. The least common multiple of the set of integers
ai, a2 , . . .
, cin-i, an is the least common multiple of a n and the integer
that is the least ccmmon multiple of the set Oi, a 2, . . . , a n _i.
Corollary. Any common multiple of the nonzero integers a h a 2 , . . .

an is a multiple of the smallest positive integer of which each a z -

is a factor.

It is obvious that when a { = ]} p/

>, where i = 1, 2, . . . , n, the
3 =1

least common multiple of the a { is

J J p/**,
where Gj is the exponent of the

highest power of p3 occurring in the factorizations of the a z- -.



1. If d = (a, b), where a and b are positive, show that ab is equal to the product of
d and the least common multiple of a and b.
2. Show that if 2 is the highest power of 2 that
k is a factor of an integer of the set 1,
then that integer of the set that a multiple of 2 is 2 itself and is the
2, 3, . . . , n, is

only integer in the set that is divisible by 2 k .

3. Prove that \ \ 1/n is not an integer. + + • • •

4. necessary and sufficient condition that a positive common multiple
A of the M
nonzero integers a t where i = 1, 2, n, be their least common multiple is that
-, . . . ,

the quotients M/ca be relatively prime. Prove it.

6. Show that the product of n positive integers is equal to the product of their least
common multiple and the greatest common divisor of all possible products that can be
formed by taking the integers n — 1 at a time.
6. If rrii, where i = 1, 2, r, is a set of integers having (m,, m,) = . . . , di }-, where
j = 1, 2, r, and if A» is the least common multiple of m h m 2
. . . , , . . . , m»_i,
m i+h . and m r then the greatest common divisor of rm and Ai is the
. . , ,
least com-
mon multiple of da, di 2 , . . . , d<,»-i, d*,*+i, . . . , di r .

3-8. The Divisors of an Integer. When we refer to the number of

divisors of an integer m, we mean the number of positive divisors of that
integer and we designate it by r(ra). Thus r (6) = r( — 6) =4. We also
use the symbol <r(m) to represent the sum of the positive divisors of m.
It is evident that the number of divisors of a prime p is 2 and the sum
of the divisors is just p + 1 if p > 0.
Moreover, the divisors of p a are 1, p, p 2 , . . .
, p ,
and so their number
a + 1, and their sum is 1 + P + P + +
2 a
is • •
P -

Theorem 3-12. If <m — pi p2

ai az • *
the number of divisors

of m is (a\ + 1)(«2 + 1) * * '

(«r + 1) and the sum of the divisors of m is
«i+i _ i p2
« 2 +i _ i Pr
«r+i _ i

Pi - 1 P2 — 1 Pr - 1

If m = ] J Pi
, it is evident that each divisor of m which is also a divisor
i = l

of p\ ai is a term in the expression

1 + Pi + Pi
+ • • •
+ Pi

Moreover, only these terms are divisors of both m and pi ai . In like man-
ner the terms of
1 + P2 + P2
+ ' ' • + P2"> (2)

give and only the divisors common to m and p 2 a2

all If we multiply these .

two sums together, each of the terms of the result is a divisor of pi ai p 2 a2

and furthermore these terms give all the common divisors of pi ai p 2 a and *

m. This product of (1) and (2) is


1 + Pi + Pi
+ ' • '
+ Pi"
+ Vi + P1P2 + Pi
2>2 + '••• +
P2 + +
ai ai a*
Pi ' ' *
Pi p2
and it has («i + l)(a 2 + 1) terms.

Continuing the reasoning in this manner, we see that the terms of the
expansion of the product

(1 + Pi + • ' • + Pl 0(l
+ P2 + ' ' ' + P2«
) * * '

(1 + Vt + ' • ' + Pr°') (3)

give all and only divisors of m. There are

r(ro) = («i + l)(a 2 + 1) • • •

(«, + 1) = 11 («* + !)

terms in this result, and therefore that is the number of divisors of m.

The sum of the divisors of m is the sum of the terms in the same product
(3) and is, therefore,
r r

= \\ +P + + Pf) = J! g

i = 1
(1 t .
• • •;

t -1

1. Prove that the sum of the nth powers of the divisors of m = JJ

p*"** is

p.»(«i+D - i
n P<
n - 1
i =l

2. Find the smallest positive integer with 6 divisors.

Since 6 =6-1 =2-3 = (ai + l)(a 2 + l), the exponents of the prime factors of
the required number are either the pair 5, or the pair 1, 2. Evidently 2 2 • 3 = 12 is

smaller than 2 5 .

Find some integers having 10 divisors.

Find the smallest positive integer with 15 divisors.
-1 n » -1
5. Prove that if n = ninz, with n\ > ni > 1, so that both 2 n_1 and 2 n 3 have i

n divisors, then 2 n_1 > 2 n i- 1 3 n 2 _1 .

6. Prove that if n = nintfiz, with 1 < n\ < ni < n 3 then 2

n -1 3"«~ 1 5 n -1 is less s i

than 2 2 n 3-i3»H-i and both have n divisors. Consider the cases in which n 2 = n%, in

which ni = n 2 and in which n\ = ni — n^.


7. Find by trial positive integers n such that the sum of the divisors of n is a
perfect square.
Find all primes that are one less than a perfect square. Is there a prime that

is one than a perfect cube? Can you find a prime that is one less than n 4 ? Prove
a general statement to cover these results.
9. Find by trial positive integers n such that the sum of the divisors of n is a

multiple of n.
Prove that a positive integer is the sum of consecutive positive integers if and
only not a power of 2.
if it is

11. Prove that the number of divisors of a positive integer is odd or even according
as the integer is or is not a square.

12. Prove that the product of the divisors of a positive integer n is n 8/2 where
, s is
the number of divisors of n.
13. Prove that if r is the number of distinct prime factors of n > 0, the number of
ways inwhich n can be factored into two relatively prime factors is 2 r_1 .

3-9. Perfect Numbers. Examine the

6, and you will notice divisors of
the interesting fact that their sum is
Observe also that the sum of the
divisors of 28 is 56. A positive integer is said to be perfect if the sum of
its divisors is double itself. Besides 6 and 28, the integers
to 496, 8128, ' ' '
Hi* 3??Z-
130,816, 2,096,128, and 33,550,336 are perfect. Notice that all these
perfect numbers are even. Although no odd perfect number has ever
been found, mathematicians have not been able to prove that none exists.
It has been shown, however, that if one does exist, it is greater than 10
billion.* On the other hand, we can prove:
Theorem 3-13. An even integer is perfect if and only if it has the
form 2 P 1 (2 P — 1), where 2 P — 1 is a prime.
If an integer is of the given form, which is due to Euclid, the sum of its
divisors is

(1 + 2 + • • •
+ 2^- 1 )(l + 2P - 1) = 2^(2^ - 1)

and hence the integer is perfect.

The converse was first proved by Euler, but we shall present a method
due essentially to L. E. Dickson. Assume that m is of the form 2 k q,
where q is odd. If, further, m is perfect, by letting s represent the sum of
all the divisors of q except q itself, we have

2 k+i q = ( 2 *+i - l)(g + s)

But 2 k+l — 1 is odd, and hence 2 k+l divides q + s, so that

q + s = 2 k+l n

Upon substituting this value in the first equation, we obtain

q = (2* +1 - l)n

Consequently, n is But by subtracting q from q + s we

a divisor of q.

find that s = n. Now lets = n = q. Then the equa-

us suppose that
tion q = (2 — l)q gives 1 = 2 k+1 — 1, and k = 0. In this case the

original integer 2 k q would not be even. But if we suppose that n is a

divisor of q that is not q and not 1, then n = s is at least the sum of the
divisors n and 1. However, it is impossible that n > n + 1. Accord-
ingly, n = l, and the only divisors of q are q and 1. Thus q is a prime.
Since q = 2 k+l — 1, the exponent k 1 + is a prime. Therefore, every
even perfect number has the form 2 P_1 (2 P — 1), in which both 2 P — 1 and
p are primes.
* Am. Math. Soc, Vol. 49, No. 10, pp. 712-718,
A. Brauer, Bull. 1943. H. A. Bern-
hard, Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 56, No. 9, pp. 628-629, 1949.

Integers of the form 2 P — less than or equal to 257 are

1 with p a prime
called Mer serine numbers* mathematician Marin Mersenne, who
after the
lived from 1588 to 1648. Mersenne was interested in discovering which
of these numbers 2 P — 1 are primes and made certain decisions about
their primality even though he lacked the modern facilities for testing
numbers of this magnitude. It has taken many years to decide that
exactly 12f of the Mersenne numbers are primes. In 1944, six Mersenne
numbers corresponding to the primes p = 157, 167, 193, 199, 227, and 229
remained to be tested. The tremendous task of investigating the char-
acter of these 6 numbers was carried out by H. S. Uhler. He completed
the work in 1947, finding no prime among them. We now know that
only the primes p = 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 61, 89, 107, and 127 deter-
.mine Mersenne primes of the form 2 P — 1 and hence that only these 12
Mersenne numbers yield perfect numbers. The largest of these perfect
numbers has 77 digits J when written in the scale of 10.
The author is indebted to D. H. Lehmer for the information that during
the year 1952 it was demonstrated by the electronic calculator SWAC
that 2 P - 1 is prime for p = 521, 607, 1279, 2203, and 2281. Conse-
quently, five more integers are now known to be perfect. It is particu-
gaps between some of these primes.
larly interesting to notice the large
Doubtless you have noticed that each of the first seven perfect numbers
given above ends in 6 or 28. It has been proved that all perfect numbers
of Euclid's type end in this way.
A multiply perfect number an integer n the sum of whose positive

divisors is a multiple of n. The

first integer n the sum of whose divisors

is Sn is 120. Fermat found the second one, which is 672. The third is
523,776. The first integer the sum of whose divisors is four times itself
is 30,240. Recently some new multiply perfect numbers have been
discovered. §
Two integers are said to be amicable if their sum is the sum of the
divisors of each one. The numbers is 220 and
smallest pair of amicable
284. Another pair, 17,296 and 18,416, was found by Fermat.
3-10. Scales of Notation. Have you thought of 5347 in the form of
the polynomial 5x z + Sx 2 + 4x + 7, where x = 10?
Theorem 3-14. Any positive integer m can be written uniquely in the
form m = a r
+ a\r n + • • •
+ a n where r > 1 and the coefficients

are such that < a < r and < a$ < r for i = 1, 2, . . . , n.

* R. C. Archibald, Scripta Mathematica, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 112-119, 1937.
f D. H. Lehmer, Bull. Am. Math. Soc, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 164-169, 1947. H. S.
Uhler, Bull. Am. Math. Soc, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 163-164, 1947; ibid., Vol. 54, No. 4.
pp. 378-380, 1948; Scripta Mathematica, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 122-131, 1952; Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S., Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 102-103, 1948.
t H. Gupta, Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 163-164, 1935.
§ B. Franqui and M. Garcia, Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 60, No. 7, pp. 459-462, 1953.


When m is written in the form a rn -+- air"

+ • • • -\- a n with the
conditions designated in the theorem, m is said to be expressed in the
scale of r and r is called the base, or radix.
For a given m and r > 1, we know that

m = qir -\- an
qi = qtf + a n _i

ft = ft fir + a n -i

fti-l = ft^r + Ol
?n = a

where < a* < r, for i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Furthermore, we must finally

arrive at q n , which is positive and less than r, because m > q± > q 2 >
• • •
> 0. Then
g n _i = a Qr +a Y

qn - 2 = a r2 + a±r + a2

m = a rn + a xrn + • •
+ a„ vl'^

This representation is unique, for if n > s and

a rn + air 71 + • • •
+ an = b r8 + b^ ' 8 1
with < bj < r and j = 0, 1, . . . , s, then
s- 1
r(a r n-1 + • • •
+ a n -i — b r — • • • — fe 8 _i) = bs — an

Therefore, r divides b s — a„, and bs = an . Continuing in this manner,

we find that each 6 S _; a n -j
- = }
until, if n = s, we have b = a but if ,

n > s, 6 = «n- s ,
and then
_ s _! =
aorn + . . .
+ (ln _s _ i Q

Since r > 0, the remaining coefficients must all be and the representa-
tion is unique.
on the basis of this theorem that we know we can write an integer
It is
in justone way in the Hindu- Arabic system, which uses the scale of 10
and the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The integer 363 in the
ordinary scale becomes 2423 in the scale of 5, while it is 101,101,011 in the
scale of 2.
Corollary. Any positive integer n can be expressed in one and only
one way as a sum of distinct powers of 2.
We can apply this corollary to show that for weighing approximately
any load not exceeding 127 lb but seven weights of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,32, and 64 lb
each are needed for the scales, for 127 is written 1,111,111 in the scale of 2.

It is interesting to notice that the Egyptians recognized that an integer

can be expressed as a sum of powers of 2 and that they made use of this
fact in doing multiplication. Suppose, for instance, that 237 was to be
multiplied by 45. They would first determine that 45 = 32 + 8 + 4 1 +
and then compute the corresponding multiples of 237 by the process of
doubling. Accordingly, the calculations would be:

1 237
2 474
4 948
8 1896
16 3792
32 7584

Then all that was necessary was to find the sum, 237 + 948 + 1896 +
7584 = 10,665.
They carried out division in a similar manner. If 539 was to be divided
by 41, they used the process of doubling on the divisor until they could
find suitable multiples of it which, when added, would give a result smaller
than 539 but less than 41 units from it. Their work might be indicated
as follows:
1 41
2 82
4 164
8 328

But 328 + 164 + 41 = 533, and so 539 = 8(41) + 4(41) + 1(41) + 6,

or 539 = 13(41) + 6.
The digital idea is the basis for many of our computing machines.
Indeed even the abacus, which was probably the earliest mathematical
machine, makes use of it. Each rod of the abacus corresponds to the
place a digit occupies when the number is written in the scale of 10, and
the beads on the rods correspond to the digits. Corresponding to the
digital places, some of the calculating machines use the contrivance of a
gearwheels that rotate when certain levers are pressed. Each
series of
such cogwheel has 10 teeth to correspond to the 10 digits, and upon a
complete rotation of a given wheel there is a mechanism that turns the
wheel corresponding to the next higher digital place through one-tenth
of a rotation.
In setting up some of the modern electrical calculating machines it has
been found practical to use the binary rather than the denary system of
notation. In spite of the increased number of digital positions necessary
for representing any number greater than one in the scale of 2 as com-
pared with the scale of 10, fewer electronic tubes are required by machines

constructed on the basis of this system, for but two digits, and 1, are
needed in each position. The mechanism is, therefore, decidedly simpler.
The calculator at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton is of this


1. Prove that any positive integer can be expressed uniquely as a sum of distinct

powers of 3 with coefficient — 1, 0, or +1. From this representation show that a set
of five weights is sufficient to weigh any load of at most 121 lb if a balance scale having
two pans is used.
2. Set up multiplication tables for the scale of 5. Then write 42 and 352 in the
scale of 5, and find their product when they are so written. Check the answer by
converting the result to the ordinary scale of 10.
3. If 42 and 352 are in the scale of 6, find their sum and product in that scale.

4. Explain the ordinary process of multiplication by writing 382 and 73 as poly-

nomials in 10 and finding the product of the polynomials.
5. In what scale is 374 written if it is the square of an integer?
6. Prove that the fraction a/b with (a, b) = 1 and a < b can be expressed uniquely
in decimal form. Show that the decimal either terminates or repeats in cycles of not
more than 6 — 1 digits. For what values of b will the decimal terminate?
7. If (a, b) = 1 with a < b and if in calculating the value of a/b in decimal form a

remainder b — a occurs, show that half of the repeating cycle of digits has been found
and that the remainder of the cycle can be determined by finding in order the differ-
ences between 9 and the digits already established.

3-11. The Highest Power of a Prime That Is a Factor of n\. If a is a

positive integer, — is the largest integer a such that aa < n. This

definition is equivalent to saying that - = a, where n = aa + r with

< r < a. Thus U? = 2, and ^~? = -3.

Theorem 3-15. For any a and b greater than 0,


_ &
n a
Let = a and = (3, so thaib
a T)_

n = aa + 1 "i < 7*1 < a

a = 3b / + r 2 < r2 < b
n = + ar 2 + n
Mathematical Machines, Sci. American, April, 1949, pp. 29-39.


However, r 2 is at most b — 1, and r± is at most a — 1, and thus ar 2 + n
isat most a(jb — 1) + a — 1 = a& — 1. Therefore,

Corollary 1. If p is a positive prime,

p< s+,\
l p
Corollary 2. If n > a > and 6 > 1, then

Corollary 3. If ra, n, and a are positive,

Corollary 4. If n = wi + n2 + • •
+ n t , where the n^ for i = 1,

2, . . . , t, are positive, then

[>] >[?] + + + [si

Letting — = a we have n; =
i; a»a + n with < n < a. Therefore,

n = (ai + a2 + * * * + «*)« + ri + r2 + * ' ' + r«

= ai + a2 + * * * + OL t + •i + ;

+ n \

a J

[i]^ [?] + [?]+ •+[?]

If p is a positive prime, let E p (m) be the exponent of the highest power
of the prime p that is a divisor of ra. Using this symbol, we shall prove
the following theorem due to Legendre (1752-1833). It will help you to
appreciate how E p (n\) increases as n increases.
Theorem 3-16. If both n and the prime p are positive, the exponent
of the highest power of p that divides n\ is

K+ [?]
+ -- + H \M-

Consider the set of integers

1, 2, . . .
, p, . . • , 2p, . . .
, V\ • • , n (4)

The last integer of the set that is divisible by p is p, and the coeffi-

cient of p shows that there are - multiples of p in this set. All other

integers of the set are prime to p. Hence,

E p (n\) =E p (v-2p p"

|j] p)

Now take out one factor p from each of these multiples of p that are in
the set (4), thereby obtaining the factor pL^-l. Therefore,

«.o-[;]+*.0-> [;])

But the last integer of the new set 1, 2, . . .

- that is a multiple of p is

P = — o
2 P- We can, as before, ,? J from
remove the factor pLp 2

P J Lp J
the product of the integers of the new set, showing that

*M*[S] + &] + *('-» [?])

r-i r-iJ
the factors pL? - pLp 4
Likewise, we remove 3
. . . until we find that

< n < p
, so that \
— ^ \ 0, while -^ = 0. Therefore,

Corollary. If n = a&, #P ((a6)I) > a# p (6!).

Theorem 3-17. If n > is written in the scale of the prime p so that

n = a Qp s -{-•• + a s then,

n — > di
Because n = ap s
+ aip s + + a s with < a < p and <
a,i < p for i — 1, 2, . . . , s,

= a p s_1 + aip s_2 + •
+ as _ 2p + a s _i
n ~2
= a ps + ai7?
+ •
+ as_ 2


+ + a,_i

a ps + aip s
+ • • •
+ a s _ip - ao --
Oi — • • •
— a 8 -i
tf,(n!) =
v- i

a ps + ' •
+ a s _ip + as — a - a s -i - - as

P- 1

n — (a + ai + + a.)

p- 1

Example. Find the exponent of the highest power of 5 in 138!.

= + = +
138 (27)5 3; [±|?] = 27; 27 (5)5 2;
^J = 5; 5 = (1)5

+ 0; ^ = 1. Hence # 5 (138!) = 27 + 5 + 1 = 33.

We may also use the second formula for E p (n\). Writing 138 in the
scale of 5, we have 53 + 0(5 2 ) + 2(5) + 3. Therefore J£,(138!) =
(138 - 6)/4 = 33.

Theorem 3-18. The expression n!/ai!a 2 ! •

a t \, where > a{ = n,
is an integer.
We shall show that n!/ai!a 2 ! • • • at \ is an integer by proving that the
highest power of any prime contained in the denominator is at least
equaled by the highest power of that prime contained in the numerator.
We know that

w* - [=] + [>] + • •
+ [£] +
n n
+ 8
= (5)

Since a\ + «2+ * * *
+ <H = n, if p
exceeds n, it exceeds each a*, and

therefore -^ = for i = 1, 2, . . .
, £. Hence,

--- +
*^-[|] + [p] + fe]
+ ...+[p]

where, of course, some —^ ,

for m < s + 1, may be 0, in which case all

the integers that follow it in the sum are also 0. Likewise,

*;'""; [?] + + + +
.fe] .7.'.
.;;; [r]

But by Corollary 4 above,

+ + ' '
L?J - L^J l_^j ' Yv

As a result of summing by columns the expressions (6) for the EP (ai\), we

conclude from Eq. (5) that

E p (n\) > E p ( ai \) + E p (a 2 \) + - - -
+ E p (a t \)

and thus the given expression is an integer.

Corollary 1. The product of any n consecutive positive integers is

divisible by n\.
The + l)(fc + 2)
expression k(k (k + n - l)/n\ = (k + n - 1) !/ •

(k — and therefore is an integer.

1) \n\
This corollary shows that the coefficients in the expansion of (a + b) n
with n a positive integer are themselves integers, a fact otherwise known
from the multiplication itself. As a matter of fact Theorem 3-18 proves
that the coefficients in the expansion of (6i + b 2 + + b r ) n for n > 0, ,

obtained by means of the multinomial theorem are integers, for any term
of the expansion takes the form

n \

j , bi
b 2a * • ' b ra -
ai!a 2 !

ar \

where a x + a2 + ' ' '

+ ar = n.
In particular it is now evident that:
Corollary 2. If p is a positive prime, all the coefficients of (6i + b2 +
* • •
+ b r) p except the coefficients of the &* p , where i = 1, 2, . . . , r, are
multiples of p.

The with d\ + a 2
expression p\/ai\a 2 ar — p, is
• • •
ar \, + • • •
an integer, and furthermore since each a,- either is positive and less than
p or is 0, there is no factor p in the denominator. Hence, (p — 1)!/
atlas! • • *
ar ! — M is an integer, and the required coefficient is Mp.


1. If aP — bp , where p is a positive prime, is divisible by p, prove that it is divisible

by p 2 .

2. Prove that if m, n, and a are positive integers,

3. If re is a real number and [x] is the largest integer that is less than or equal to x>

show that:
a. [(1 + \/S) n ], for n > 0, is odd or even according as n is even or odd.
b. [(1 + \/3)
] +
1 is divisible by 2 n+1 for n > 0.

c. [(3 + -\/o>] +1 is divisible by 2".

4. For which values of n is [4 n — (2 + \/2)

] divisible by 112?
5. Is there a positive integer n such that 3 200 is the highest power of 3 contained
Applying Theorem 3-17, let (n — l)/2 = 200, for the sum of the coefficients of the
powers of 3 necessary to express n in the scale of 3 is at least 1. Then n is at least 401.
But the highest power of 3 contained in 401! is 3 196 However, 402 has the factor 3, .

so that 402!, 403!, and 404! have the factor 3 197 but 405 has the factor 3 4 so that 405! , ,

has the factor 3 201 Hence, there is no n such that n\ has the factor required.

6. Find a positive integer n such that 5 is the highest power of 5 contained inn!.

7. Show that 95! ends with 22 zeros. With how many zeros does 100! end?
8. Find the highest power of 12 contained in 500!.

9. Prove that the exponent of the highest power of 3 contained in (3 r — 2)! is

(3*- - 2r - l)/2.
10. Find the exponent of the highest power of 5 that is a factor of (5 r — 1)!.
11. If m > and r(ra) means the number of positive divisors of m, show that

*>+*>+•+*) -R] + [5] + ....+ [2]

12. If m > and a(m) is the sum of the positive divisors of m, prove that

•a)+w» + ---+-«-[f]+.[5]+8[;] + ... + .[2]

When a > and b > 0, prove that if m = ab, then m\ is divisible by
13. (a!) 6 .
m = ab with a and b positive integers, prove that m! is divisible by the
14. If least
common multiple of (a\) b and (6!) a .

15. Prove that when (m, n) = 1 and m and n are positive integers,

(m +n - 1)!
is an integer.
16. Prove that when m and n are positive integers,

7n\n\(m + n)\
is an integer.

17. If n = Oi + 0,2 + • • •
+ a>r with all en > and (ai, a2 , . . . , ar) = <2, then

d(n - 1)!
ai!a 2 ! • • • ar \

is an integer.
18. If m, n, and a are positive integers, under what conditions will

19. Prove that (x - l)(x 2 - 1) • • • (z r - 1) is a factor of (x n - l)(x n+1 - l)
. . . (x»+r-i _ i) w hen n is a positive integer.

3-12. Some Theorems on Primes. We have already found some poly-

nomials like 4as — 1 that represent an infinite number of primes for
integral values of x, but we have noticed that not all the values of these
polynomials obtained when integers are substituted for the variable are
primes. For instance, 4xwhen x = 4. The polynomial — 1 gives 15
x2 — x + 41 produces primes f or x = 0, ±1, ±2,
is extraordinary, for it

±3, .±39, and 40. Mathematicians have not yet produced an

. .

integral polynomial of the second degree in one variable that can be

shown to represent an infinite number of primes, nor have they proved
that such a polynomial does not exist. On the other hand, certain
quadratic forms represent an infinitude of primes.
If f(x) is a function of x whose value is a prime whenever x is a positive
integer, then f(x) is a prime-representing function.
Mathematicians have recently developed prime-representing functions*
that require the symbol [as], denoting the largest integer less than or equal
to x, but it is interesting to observe that no algebraic expression that
represents an infinite number of distinct primes, and only primes, has
been discovered. Euler (1707-1783) showed that Fermat (1601 - 1665)
was in error in thinking that all integers of the form 2 + 1 are primes

by showing that 2 32 +
1 = 4,294,967,297 has the factor 641. It has
been proved, however, that no rational function of x except a constant
can be a prime-representing function, f We shall prove the corresponding
well-known theorem about a polynomial.
Theorem 3-19. An integral polynomial of at least the first degree
cannot represent primes alone.
Suppose that, for x = x' where x' > 0, f(x) = a x n + + an ',
• • •

represents the prime p. Substituting x = x' mp in /(as), we obtain +

f(x' + mp) = a Q (x f
+ mp) n + a x {x
+ mp) n ~ l
+ • • •
+ a»
where the coefficients in the expansions are integers and in each expansion

* W. H. Mills, Bull. Am. Math. Soc, Vol. 53, No. 6, p. 604, 1947. E. M. Wright,
Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 58, No. 9, pp. 616-618, 1951.
t R. C. Buck, Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 53, No. 5, p. 265, 1946.

every term except the first is a multiple of p. Therefore,

f(x' + mp) = a x' n + aix'
+ ' '
+ an + Kp
f{x' + Kp + mp) = p
Hence, p f{x' \
and f(x' + mp) is not a prime unless f(x' + ^p)
+ mp),
is p or —p. Suppose that, for m = 0, 1, 2, n — 1, f(x''+ mp) = . . .

p. Then no other value of m can yield p, or the equation f(x) = p of

degree n would have more than n roots. In like manner, but n values of
m can yield —p. Consequently, there is a value of m for which x' +
mp > and /(V + mp) ^ ± p.
Moreover, if the integral polynomial f(xi,x 2 ,£ n ) represented , . . .

primes alone, then for x 2 = a 2 x n = a n the integral polynomial

, . . .

f(x h a 2
, .,a n ) having but one variable would represent primes for all
. .

positive values of xi. The given polynomial is thus not a prime-repre-

senting function.
In the proof given above it has been necessary to refer to the theorem
on the number of roots of a rational integral algebraic equation which
depends upon analysis for its validity. A property of the whole set of
complex numbers is accordingly made use of in order to show a character-
istic of the rational integers. Such cases, in which we use a domain that
includes as part of itself the one with which we are particularly con-
cerned, are not rare in mathematics. Can you name some of them?

Prove that for integral values of x an integral polynomial a x n + a\X n + l
• • •

+ a n of degree n > has an infinite number of distinct prime factors. (Assuming the

number is finite, substitute multiples of a n \[ pi for x.)

i =i

*Theorem 3-20 (Legendre). The number of positive primes not exceed-

n is
ing the positive integer

7r(n) = n +r— 1
Lf lPi\ Z/ IViVA
M= l

+ (-!)'
P1P2 '

where p h p 2 p r are all the positive primes such that pi < n

, . . .
, }

where i = 1,2, r. . . .

Determine I so that / is the largest integer whose square is less than or

equal to n. Then find all positive primes p h p 2 p r that are less , . . .

than or equal to I. Since exactly Mi = — of the integers 1,2,...,

n are divisible by p h none of these multiples of p h except p\ itself, is a

prime. In like manner, — integers from 1 through n are divisible by


p2 . Of these multiples of p 2 however,

, are divisible by both pi

and pi, and hence

M 2
= [il
+ [ » 1 - \jl]
is thenumber of integers from 1 through n that are divisible by either of
the two primes, pi and p 2
first .

Assuming then that

Mi + +
fe] LVkj

+ [-=-1+

+(-««rLP1P2 —— •


pk \
1 (

isthe number of integers from 1 through n that are divisible by at least

one of the first k primes pi, p 2 Pk, we shall find the number of
, . . .

integers from 1 through n that are divisible by the next prime p k +i and
that are prime to all the first k primes.
The number of integers from 1 through n that are divisible by p k +\ is
Of these integers are also divisible by pi, for if we
Pk+i Pi J
examine the set of multiples of Pk+i,

p k+h 2p*+i, . . .
, \-^-\ Pk+i

the coefficients of m+i, which are 1,2, . . . , ? determine whether

or not the integers are divisible by p\. Likewise, if we wish to determine
how many of these integers are divisible by p h p 2 , . . . , or p r we must

operate on just as we operated on n above. Hence,

lPk+i \ Pk+i.
+ Pk

L P1P2

1 n
-1 .Pk+i.
(-D ;

[pip 2
L Pk-iPk * * "

is the number of integers from 1 through n that are divisible by p k+ i and

also by at least one of the primes p h p 2 , . . .
, Pk- Using the fact that

* •
LP1P2 • •
5 —


and subtracting M'k from L we have

_p k +ii
_ r_5_i
+ \^—\ +


as the number of integers from 1 through n that are divisible by p k+ but i

not by any of the primes p p 2 Pa- Adding this number (8) to

1} , . . .

the number (7) of integers from 1 through n that are divisible by at least
one of pi, P2,

M =-+...+
Pk, we
. .find
. that

zlI + r jl] _ [jl] ——




JL -]+

of integers from 1 through n that are divisible by at least one



LP1P2 - -


of the primes p h p 2} Pk, Pk+i.

. This formula (7) with k = r, there-
. .

fore, holds for the first r primes. But by Theorem 3-2 any positive integer
less than or equal to n and greater than p r is a prime unless it is divisible by
one of these first r primes. Hence, n — r is the number of integers M
from 1 through n that are prime to pi, p 2 and p r Consequently, , . . . , .

this number counts the integer 1 and all primes greater than p r but it ,

does not include the primes pi, P2, p r themselves. Therefore . . .


w(n) = n — M r +r— 1

is number of positive primes that are less than or equal to n.

Sometimes the symbol <fr(n,r) is used to indicate the number of positive
integers not exceeding n and prime to the first r primes. Then 4>{n,r) =
n — r M
and the
, number of positive primes not exceeding n can be
ir(n) = <f>(n } r) +r— 1

where r is the number of positive primes not exceeding y/n.

This formula obviously becomes impracticable when n is large. In
1870 Meissel developed another formula the use of which is less cumber-

some, but even though his method has been improved upon,* no expe-
ditious method for finding the exact number of positive primes less than
a large n has been discovered.
On the other hand, due to the work of Legendre and Gauss (1777-1855)
in applying analysis to the theory of numbers, we have formulas which
approximate the number of primes not exceeding x. Legendre stated the
empirical formula

F(x) =
logx -

which agrees very well with t(x) so long as x is not greater than 1,000,000.
Gauss discovered "the integral logarithm of x,"

[* dt
0) =
. ,
T ,

J 2 log t

but we have no reason to believe that he developed a proof of it. Basing

their work on that of Riemann (1826-1866), mathematicians succeeded
in developing an asymptotic formula that is a refinement of Gauss'
observation. By 1900 they had proved what is called "the prime number
lim -*&- = 1
x ^ „ z/log x

As recently as 1948 Paul Erdos and Atle Selberg developed new and more
elementary methods for showing this limit.
As a matter of fact although many theorems about primes have been
demonstrated, we can still state a large number of theories that mathe-
maticians believe to be true but which remain unproved. We have seen
that Euclid established an interval within which there must be a prime.
Again it has been proved that if p 1} p 2 Pn-i are the first n — 1
, • •

primes, when n > 4, the next prime p n is such that

Vn < PlP2 ' ' •


Furthermore, Tchebysheff (1821-1894) developed a better result by

proving that for a real number n > \ there is always at least one prime
between n and 2n — 2. But the problem of naming the next prime after
any given prime remains unsolved. Likewise, we have no formula for
finding even one prime greater than a given one.
It has been previously pointed out that Dirichlet (1805-1859) proved
that there is an infinite number of primes among the terms of any arith-
metic progression in which the first term and the difference are relatively
prime. Kronecker (1823-1891) later showed an interval within which
the next prime after a given one of such a progression must lie.
* A. Brauer, Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 521-523, 1946.

Kronecker remarked, but there is no proof, that every positive even

integer can be represented as the difference of two positive primes in
infinitely many ways. If this theorem is true, it means that there are
infinitely many pairs of primes that differ by 2, and hence no matter how
far out we go in the sequence of consecutive positive integers there will
always be primes that are as close to each other as it is possible for them
to be. Of course the frequency of the appearance of such primes decreases
as the primes increase in size. We can show, moreover, that if we take
sufficiently large positive integers, we can find as many consecutive
integers as we please all of which are composites, for none of the integers

n\ + 2, n\ + 3, . . . , n\ + n

is a prime when n >

Hence, as we move out in the sequence of posi-

tive integers, there must be consecutive primes whose difference is larger

than any assigned integer.
Euler mentioned that Goldbach (1742) had stated the empirical
theorem that every even integer greater than 2 can be represented as the
sum of two positive primes. Although the truth of this conjecture has
been verified in many cases, it has never been proved. Goldbach also
said that every odd integer greater than or equal to 9 is the sum of three
odd primes. In 1937 Vinogradov proved by analytical means that this
theorem is true for sufficiently large odd integers.
If we examine a table of primes, we notice that there is at least one
prime between any two consecutive squares n 2 and (n l)
but whether + ,

or not this statement is always true, we do not know. Again, we do not

know whether or not there is an infinite number of primes of the form
(2n) 2 + 1.
Table of Primes

2 233 547 877 1229 1597 1993 2371 2749

3 239 557 881 1231 1601 1997 2377 2753
5 241 563 883 1237 1607 1999 2381 2767
7 251 569 887 1249 1609 2003 2383 2777
11 257 571 907 1259 1613 2011 2389 2789
13 263 577 911 1277 1619 2017 2393 2791
17 269 587 919 1279 1621 2027 2399 2797
19 271 593 929 1283 1627 2029 2411 2801
23 277 599 937 1289 1637 2039 2417 2803
29 281 601 941 1291 1657 2053 2423 2819

31 283 607 947 1297 1663 2063 2437 2833

37 293 613 953 1301 1667 2069 2441 2837
41 307 617 967 1303 1669 2081 2447 2843
43 311 619 971 1307 1693 2083 2459 2851
47 313 631 977 1319 1697 2087 2467 2857
53 317 641 983 1321 1699 2089 2473 2861
59 331 643 991 1327 1709 2099 2477 2879
61 337 647 997 1361 1721 2111 2503 2887
67 347 653 1009 1367 1723 2113 2521 2897
71 349 659 1013 1373 1733 2129 2531 2903

73 353 661 1019 1381 1741 2131 2539 2909

79 359 673 1021 1399 1747 2137 2543 2917
83 367 677 1031 1409 1753 2141 2549 2927
89 373 683 1033 1423 1759 2143 2551 2939
97 379 691 1039 1427 1777 2153 2557 2953
101 383 701 1049 1429 1783 2161 2579 2957
103 389 709 1051 1433 1787 2179 2591 2963
107 397 719 1061 1439 1789 2203 2593 2969
109 401 727 1063 1447 1801 2207 2609 2971
113 409 733 1069 1451 1811 2213 2617 2999

127 419 739 1087 1453 1823 2221 2621 3001

131 421 743 1091 1459 1831 2237 2633 3011
137 431 751 1093 1471 1847 2239 2647 3019
139 433 757 1097 1481 1861 2243 2657 3023
149 439 761 1103 1483 1867 2251 2659 3037
151 443 769 1109 1487 1871 2267 2663 3041
157 449 773 1117 1489 1873 2269 2671 3049
163 457 787 1123 1493 1877 2273 2677 3061
167 461 797 1129 1499 1879 2281 2683 3067
173 463 809 1151 1511 1889 2287 2687 3079

179 467 811 1153 1523 1901 2293 2689 3083

181 479 821 1163 1531 1907 2297 2693 3089
191 487 823 1171 1543 1913 2309 2699 3109
193 491 827 1181 1549 1931 2311 2707 3119
197 499 829 1187 1553 1933 2333 2711 3121
199 503 839 1193 1559 1949 2339 2713 3137
211 509 853 1201 1567 1951 2341 2719 3163
223 521 857 1213 1571 1973 2347 2729 3167
227 523 859 1217 1579 1979 2351 2731 3169
229 541 863 1223 1583 1987 2357 2741 3181


4-1. Congruent Integers. We have shown that when n and m 9^

are given, the integer n can be expressed uniquely in the form

n = qm + V < r < \m\

Now we separate all integers n into \m\ classes according to the remainders
r upon being divided by m. We say that two integers
that they yield
are congruent modulo m if and only if the integers produce the same least
nonnegative remainder upon being divided by m ^ 0.
Gauss (1777-1855) introduced this idea of congruence, and it was he
who suggested the notation a = 6(mod m), which is read, "a is congruent

to b modulo m," or "a is congruent to b for the modulus ra." The value
of this concept and its symbol is that emphasis is placed upon the impor-
tant integers in the equations

a = giw +r
b = q m + r
2 < r < \m\

Since the definition requires that when a = b (mod m) the remainders

in the above equations be identical, it follows immediately that the
difference a — b is divisible by m. Conversely, if a — b =
km, then
a S3 b (mod m), for if a = qim + r\ and b = q2 m+ r2 , where < n,
r2 < \m\, then a — b = m(qi — q 2) +n— r2 ,
and ri — r 2 is divisible by m.
Therefore, r\ = r2 . Thus we have:
Theorem 4-1. Two integers are congruent modulo m if and only if

their difference is divisible by m^ 0.

If a and b have distinct remainders r x and r 2 where < r h r 2 < \m\, ,

upon being divided by m, then a and b are said to be incongruent modulo m.

The difference between two incongruent integers modulo m is, therefore,
not divisible by m. In this case we write: a ^ b(mod m).
When two integers are congruent to each other modulo m, each is said
to be a residue of the other for that modulus. Thus, because 12 =
2(mod 10), 2 is a residue of 12, and 12 is a residue of 2 modulo 10.
The totality of integers congruent to a given integer for the modulus m
constitutes a residue class modulo m.

These definitions imply that each integer belongs to exactly one residue
class for a givenmodulus and that each residue class modulo m contains
one and only one of the integers 0, 1, 2, \m\ — 1. Hence, there . . .

are exactly \m\ residue classes modulo m.

Any set of \m\ integers selected so that no two of them belong to the
same residue class modulo m forms a complete residue system modulo m.
Thus for the modulus m the set of integers 0, 1, 2, \m\ — 1 or the . . .

set 1, 2, 3, . . chosen to represent the classes of which the

\m\ is often
individual integers are members. The class represented by contains all
and only multiples of m, and the class represented by r consists of all the
integers of the form km + r. Any set of \m\ integers containing one and
only one integer represented by each of the forms km, km + 1, km + 2,
. . . , km + \m\ — 1 is, therefore, a complete residue system modulo m.
Since, as we have already shown, an integer is or is not prime to m
according as the remainder obtained upon not its division by m is or is

prime to m, the set of remainders from 1 through \m\ — 1 which are prime
to m represents all and only the integers that are prime to m. These
integers, prime to m, are thus separated into residue classes modulo m
that are in one-to-one correspondence with the positive integers from 1
through \m\ — 1 that are prime to m.
Any set of integers prime to m and selected so that one and only one
of them belongs to each of the residue classes of integers prime to m for
the modulus m constitutes a reduced residue system modulo m. For the
modulus 5 the set 1, 2, 3, 4 is a reduced residue system, but for the
modulus 6 the integers 1 and 5, as well as the set 1 and —1, form such a
It is evident also that the residue classes for the modulus m are iden-
ticalwith the residue classes modulo — m, for when the sign of m is

changed, we need change only the sign of q in the equation

a = qm + r < r < \m\

Thus any congruence that holds for either m or — m as modulus holds for
the other one. It is convenient, therefore, to use only positive integers
as moduli, and we
shall hereafter adhere to this convention without
making a statement of the fact in the discussion.
4-2. Basic Properties of Congruences. The relation of congruence
has some properties similar to those of equality:
1. For any modulus m, a = a(mod m).

2. If a = b (mod m), then b = a (mod m).

3. If a = 6(mod m) and b = c(mod m), then a = c(mod m).

4. If a = 6(mod m) and c = d(mod m), then a ± c = b ± d(mod m).

From the equations a = b + km, c = d + tm, we have a + c = b ±

d + Lm.
5. If a = b (mod m) and c = d(mod m), then ac = bd(mod m).

6. If a= b (mod m), then a n = 6 n (mod m), where n is a positive integer.

7. If a = b (mod m) and /(rr) = a x n + aix n_1 + + an is an • • •

integral rational function of x with integral coefficients, then f(a) =

/(6)(mod m).
The first show that the congruence relation is reflexive,
three statements
symmetric, and transitive. It is also clear that when a + b = c(mod m)
and b = d(mod m), then a + d = c(mod m). In a congruence the laws
thus permit the substitution of a number or expression in the place of a
term congruent to The application of the fifth
it for the given modulus.
statement allows us to conclude that when ac + b = 0(mod m) and
c S3 e (mod m), then ae + b = 0(mod m). Accordingly, we infer that for
a given modulus a congruent number or expression may be substituted
for a factor of a term of a congruence.
When the relation, substitutions of the above types are
equality" is

just twocovered by the familiar postulate, " Equals may be sub-

of those
stituted for equals in any operation." It is, however, not true that
integers which are congruent for a modulus m may always be substituted
one for the other in a congruence modulo m. If a s = b (mod m) and s =
2 (mod m), it need not happen that a = b (mod m), for a s need not be 1

congruent to a* modulo m. Notice that 5 2 = 4 (mod 7) and that 2 =

9(mod 7) but 5 9 = 6(mod 7), so that 5 2 ^ 5 9 (mod 7).
The congruence relation also has the following properties that pertain
to division:
1. If m and a = b (mod m), then a = 6 (mod d).
d is a divisor of
2. If and a = b (mod m 2 ), then a = b (mod L), where L
a = b (mod mi)
is the least common multiple of m x and m 2 .

3. If ac = be (mod m) and c ^ is such that (c, m) = 1, then a =

b (mod m).
4. If ac = be (mod m) and (c, m) = d, then a = 6 (mod m ), where

m =m d.

Examples. 1. We
can find the remainder when 2 30 is divided by 17
by simple operations on congruences. Since 2 4 = 16 (mod 17) and 16 =
— l(mod 17), we have 2 4 = — l(mod 17). Raising each member of the
congruence to the seventh power, we obtain 2 28 = — l(mod 17). But
22 = and therefore 2 30 = -4(mod 17), or 2 30 = 13(mod 17).
4(mod 17),
2. We know that 10 = l(mod3). Accordingly, a (10) n + a^lO)"- + 1

• •
+ a n = a Q + ai +

+ a n (mod 3). Thus a number written in
• • •

the scale of 10 is divisible by 3 if and only if the sum of its digits is divisible
by 3.


1. Find the remainder when 7 10 is divided by 51; when 3 10 is divided by 51; when
21 10 is divided by 51.
2. Find the remainder when 5 21 is divided by 127. Do the same for 5 66 .

3. Prove that 2 U —
has the factor 23 and that 2 23 — 1 has the factor 47.

4. If a prove that the greatest common divisor of a and m is the

= b (mod ra),

greatest common divisor of b and m. State this result in terms of the integers of a
residue class modulo m.
5. If a + b = c(mod m) and b = d(mod m), show that a + d = c(mod m).

6. If ab = c(mod m) and b = d(mod m), show that ad = c(mod ra).

7. Since 2
= l(mod 5) and 4 = 9 (mod 5), is 2 9 = l(mod 5)? Explain.
8. Prove that an integer is divisible by 9 if and only if the sum of its digits is divisi-
ble by 9.

9. Prove that an integer is divisible by 8 if and only if the number formed by its

last three digits is divisible by 8.

10. Prove that an integer is divisible by 1 1 if and only if the sum of the digits in the
odd-numbered places diminished by the sum of the digits in the even-numbered places
is divisible by 11.

11. If an integer N is written in the scale of r and then its digits are rearranged in
any way to form the integer M, the difference N — M
is divisible by r — 1.

4-3. The Residue Classes. The properties of congruences stated

above show that as far as the operations of addition, subtraction, and
multiplication are concerned the elements in any two residue classes for
the modulus ra combine to give results that are always in the residue class
designated by carrying out the very operations on any convenient repre-
sentatives of the classes. Thus if an element a of class A is added to an
element b of class B and the result a + b is in the class C, then if any
element of A is added to any element of B, the result will be in class C.
Because subtraction is always possible, it follows, moreover, that when
a + b is an element of class C, any element a + b + km of C can be
expressed as the sum of an element of A and one of B.
It is important to notice, however, that although the result of multi-
plying any element of class A by an element of class B is always in the
same class D, say, yet each element of D need not be a product of an
element from A and an element from B. Take, for instance, the residue
classes modulo 10. When any element of the class represented by 2 is
multiplied by an element of the class of 3, the result is an element in the
class represented by 6. Yet the particular element 16, which is con-
gruent to 6 modulo 10, cannot be written as the product of two factors,
one from the class of 2 and the other from the class of 3, for if

16 = (2 + 10fc)(3 + 100

an odd number would divide 16.

It is interesting to notice also that 2 4 (mod 6) as well as 2 2 =

5 = •

4(mod 6); that is, the same least positive residue 2 ^ 0(mod 6) can be
multiplied by either one of the distinct least positive residues 2 and 5 to
produce a number of the class of 4 modulo 6. If we examine the least
positive residues of any prime, we find that no such thing happens when

we do not choose the first factor from the class of zero for the given prime.
To prove this statement, let p be a prime, and suppose that aci =
6(mod p) 6(mod
and ac 2 = p). Therefore, aci = ac 2 (mod p),
and since
(a, p) = 1, C\ = c 2 (mod p). Hence, C\ and c2 must come from the same
residue class modulo p.
When we select the integers a and b and ask whether or not there is an
integer x such that ax = b (mod m), it is evident that we are dealing with
a problem in division, the inverse of multiplication. We have, therefore,
shown that when we divide b by a for the modulus m, have it is possible to
results that do not belong to the same residue class for that modulus.
It may happen, of course, that all answers are in but one residue class as
is true in the case of the congruence 5x = 1 (mod 6) But it is also pos- .

sible that there be no answer whatever, for a solution of 2x = l(mod 6)

would demand that 2x = 1 + 6/c and that 2 divide 1. Consequently, we
must proceed with care, for division modulo m is not always possible and,
when it is, need not yield a unique result.
One of the important ideas of arithmetic is that if ab = and a ^ 0,
then b must be 0. Suppose that

ab = 0(mod m)

Is it necessary that either a or b be in the class of for the modulus m?

When the modulus is 6, we 0(mod 6) and
notice immediately that 2 •
3 =
that neither 2 nor 3 is congruent to modulo 6. But when the modulus
is a prime p and ab = 0(mod p), both a and b cannot come from the set

of integers 1, 2, 3, p — 1, for the product of any two of these

. . .

integers is prime to p. Consequently, we see that in this case a product

is not congruent to unless at least one factor is in the class of for the
given modulus. When the modulus m is composite, however, by factor-
ing m^Oso that m = n n^ where 1 < n\ < m, it follows that ttin =
x 2

0(mod m).
We call any integers ni and n 2 neither one of which is in the class of

modulo m, but whose product is congruent to for the modulus m,

divisors of zero modulo m. The existence of divisors of zero for a com-
posite modulus again reminds us of the need of caution in applying the
idea of division to the notion of congruence.


1. that although 2(6) = 26 (mod 14), 26 cannot be factored into integers such
that one in the class of 2 and the other in the class of 6 modulo 14.

2. Find numbers in the class of 10 modulo 11 that can, and some that cannot, be

expressed as a product of two integers, one from the class of 2 and the other from the
class of 5 modulo 11.

3. How many solutions do each of the following congruences have?

2x m 6 (mod 10)
2x = 3 (mod 4)
2x a 3 (mod 5)
Sx = 6(mod 15)

4. Find some divisors of zero modulo 12.

6. Compare the residue classes of the powers of 2, 4, and 7 modulo 15 with those of
the powers of 3, 5, and 6 modulo 15. Can you find a law that governs them?

4-4. Euler's Function. Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) worked in

many pure and applied mathematics. His voluminous publica-
fields of
tions were concerned with algebra, the calculus of finite differences, the
differential and integral calculus, the calculus of variations, astronomy,
and analytical mechanics besides the theory of numbers. In the latter
field he discovered the theorems which taken together make up the
quadratic reciprocity law, supplied the proof and generalization of
Fermat's theorem, showed that every prime of the form 4n + 1 is
expressible as a sum of two squares in exactly one way, as well as making
many less startling but nevertheless important discoveries, one of which
is the function.
The an integer m ^
indicator <f>(m) of is the number of positive

integers less than or equal to \m\ and prime to m. Thus 0(m) is the
number of integers in a reduced residue system modulo m, and 4>(m) =
0( — ra). Because of this last fact, it will be sufficient to use only positive
integers m in considering the function.
Examples. 0(1) = 1, 0(5) = 4, 0(6) = 2.

It is evident that when p is a positive prime, 4>(p) is p — 1.

Theorem 4-2. If p is a positive prime and n is a positive integer,

) = p n~Kv - i).

To find 4>{p n ), consider the set of integers

r n
1, 2, . . •
, p, . . • , 2p, . . .
, p , . . .
, p

Each of these integers is either divisible by p or is prime to p. But p n ~ 1

= p (p — 1) of the n~ l n~ 1
of them are divisible by p. Therefore, p — p n

integers through p n are prime to p.

from 1

Any function of the variables Xi, where i = 1, 2, r, is arithmetic . . . ,

if it assumes only integral values for the sets of integral values of the

variables Xi for which the function is defined. The function <f>(x) is

arithmetic, as are the integral polynomials.
A single-valued arithmetic function f(x) is said to be regular or multi-
plicative if, for any a and b which are relatively prime, f(ab) = f(a)f(b).
We shall show that the function is multiplicative.

Theorem 4-3. If a and 6 are relatively prime, 0(a6) = 0(a) 0(6).

We suppose that the integers a and b are positive and arrange the
integers from 1 through m = ab in the following array suggested by the
residue classes modulo a:

1 2 3 k a
a + 1 a + 2 a + 3 a +k 2a
2a + 1 2a + 2 2a + 3 2a + k 3a

(6 L)o+ 1 (6- l)a + fc ba

Because an integer is prime to m if and only if it is prime to both a and b,

we shall determine first the number of integers in the above array that
are prime to a and then find how many of these are also prime to b.
We know that there are 0(a) integers prime to a in the first row.
Moreover, each integer in the column headed by an integer k, from 1
through a, is of the form sa + k. Furthermore,

sa + k = k(mod a)

Therefore, if the integer k at the top of a column has a divisor in common

with a, every integer in that column has that divisor in common with a,
and if k is prime to a, every integer in that column is prime to a. There
are then 0(a) columns of integers that are prime to a. How many of
these integers are prime to 6?
Consider the set of b integers in any column,

k a + k 2a + k ... (b - \)a + k

No two of these integers are congruent modulo b, for if

sa + k = ta + /c(mod b)

(t - s)a = 0(mod b)

t - s = 0(mod b)

since (a, b) = 1. But t and s range through the residue system 0, 1,

2, . . . , b — 1 modulo 6, so that unless t = s, t ^ s(mod b). The b

integers of any column are, therefore, in some order congruent modulo b
to the integers 1, 2, . . . , b. But then exactly 0(6) of them are prime
Since 0(6) integers in each of the 0(a) columns of integers prime to a
are also prime to 6, the number of integers from 1 through ab that are

prime to both a and 6 is 0(a) 0(6).

Theorem 4-4. If m= ni
p1 p2
U2 * *
where the p { for i — , 1, 2,
~ n2 "" 1 ~
. . . , r, are positive primes, 0(m) = pi'
Vr (Vi * * *
lr l

(P. - 1) ' ' * (Pr ~ 1).


Since m has been factored into powers of distinct primes,

0(m) = 0(pi ni )0(P2 n2 • • '


By repeating this process, we find

4>(m) = <t>(p^)<t>(p2
) • •
HPr nr )
from which we infer the desired result.
Corollary. If m> 2, <t>(m) is even.
Example. The number of positive integers less than 360 and prime
to 360 is 0(360) = 2 2 3 (2 - 1)(3 - 1)(5 - •
1) = 96.


1. Show that the formulas for the number of divisors of an integer and the sum of m
the divisors are multiplicative functions.
2. Show that, for n > 1, the sum of the positive integers less than n and prime to n

is (n/2)<f>(n).

3. Show that the sum of the squares of the positive integers less than n and prime to
n is

f(i-a 0-3 •-(i-£)+Sa-»>a-*> ••*-»

where pi, Pi, and p T are the distinct positive prime factors of n.
. . . ,

4. Prove that if n = p\Pip%, where the pi, with i = 1, 2, 3, are distinct primes, then

the product of all the positive integers less than n and prime to n is

(n - 1)! [] ^~ 1)1

3 3

n cp*p< - 1)!
[1 pi<r -l)(Pfc-l)
i =i

Use the method so developed to find the product of all positive integers less than n and
prime ton = pi ai p2 a2 Pr
ar • • • .

6. Set up a method for finding by trial all integers x such that <f>(x) = n. Use your
method to find the solutions of <j>(x) =16.

6. If G(n) = > 4>(d), show that G(n) is multiplicative.


Note that the symbol > ^>(d) is read "the sum over the divisors of n of </>(d)," and

we understand that we use only the positive divisors of n.

Theorem 4-5. pi p 2Urn = p^ *

ni U2 • •
where the p if i = 1,

2, . . . , r, are distinct positive primes, the number of integers from 1

through m that are prime to p h p 2, . . .

p*ism(l — (l/pi))(l — (I/P2))
• • '
(1 - (1/Pi)).

sometimes important to find the number of positive integers not

It is
greater than the positive integer m and prime to some but not all of the
prime factors of m. For instance, we may wish to know the number of
positive integers less than 360 and prime to 2 and 5.
When m= ni
pi p 2
n* * *
, it is evident that the number of integers
from 1 through m that are divisible by pi is m/pi, leaving then m—
(m/pi) = ra(l — (1/pi)) integers that are prime to pi.
Proceeding by induction, suppose that the number of integers from 1

through m that are prime to p h p 2 , . . .

, and p k is

Some of these integers, however, are divisible by pk+i. We wish, there-
fore, to subtract from the above number the number of integers from 1
through m that are divisible by pk+i and at the same time are prime to
Pi, P2, • • .
, Pk- To find this number, first consider the integers of the
set from 1 through m that are multiples of p k+i. They are

p k+h 2p k+h 3p k+ i, . . .
, —
-TYl p k +i

Since any integer cp k+1 is or is not prime to pi, p2 , . . and p k according

. ,

as its coefficient c not prime to

is or is p±, p2 , . . . , and p k we must ask

how many integers of the set

1, 2, 3,
' '

are prime to pi, p2 , . . . , and p k . Referring to our inductive assumption

(1), we consequently know that

Vk+ A pj\ vj \ Pk)

is the of integers from 1 through m/p k+ i that are prime to p h p 2

number ,

. . and p k and is, therefore, the number of integers from 1 through m


divisible by p k+ i and also prime to p h p 2 pk Subtracting this , . . .


last number (2) from the number (1) of integers prime to p h p 2 pk , . . .


we have

m "
\ Pi)\~pJ \ p k)
Pk+ii \ Pi) \ pi) \
~ Ph)

\ Pi) \ pi) V ~ Pk) \ " Pk~^)


as the number of integers from 1 through m that are prime to p h p 2, . . .


p and
k also p*+i. Thus by induction we may write this formula so that
it includes the number of integers from 1 through m that are prime to
some or all of the distinct prime factors of m.
Example. If m = 23 • 32 • 53 , the number of integers from 1 through
m that are prime to 2 and 5 is 23 •
32 •
5 3 (1 - £)(1 - -J)
= 3600.
Theorem 4-6. If the positive integer m = kd, the number of integers
n from 1 through m having the property that d is the greatest common
divisor of n and m is <f>(k).

Consider the integers 1, 2, , d, . . . , 2d, . , kd. There are . . . . .

k multiples of d in this set, but the integers id and m = kd have the great-
est common divisor d if and only if t and k are relatively prime. Since t
has the values 1, 2, . . . , k, there are exactly 0(/c) integers from 1

through m that have with m the greatest common divisor d.

Theorem 4-7. If d h d 2j . . . , d r are the distinct positive divisors of

m^ 0, then Y 0(d) = 0(di) + 0(d 2 ) + • •
+ 4>(d r ) = \m\.
Each integer n in the set 1, 2, one and only one . . .
\m\ has with m
of the di, where i = 1, 2, divisor.
. Conse-
. . , r, as greatest common
quently, if we pick from this set the integers n such that (n, m) = d {,

where \m\ = didj, there will be exactly <f>(dj) of them. As di ranges

through all the positive divisors of m, so does dj, and each integer from 1
through \m\ will thereby have been put into one and only one class
defined by the greatest common divisor it has with m. Recalling that the

symbol > <j>(d) is read, "the sum over the divisors of m of <£(d)," the sum
of the numbers indicating the sizes of these classes is > tf>(d)

Examples. 1. If m = 90, the number of integers n from 1 through 90

such that (n, 90) = 6 is 0(15) = 8. The integers are 6, 12, 24, 42, 48, 66,
78, and 84.
2. The positive divisors of 70 are 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 14, 35, and 70. More-
over, 0(1) 1; 0(2) = 1; 0(5) 4; 0(7) = 6; 0(10) = 4; 0(14) = 6; = =
0(35) = 24; 0(70) = 24; and the sum of these integers is 70.
4-5. Residue Systems Modulo m. Take any integer a prime to
m> 1, and let
r h r 2) . . . , rm

be a complete residue system modulo m. Form the products

ar h ar 2 , . . . , ar m

No two of these m integers are congruent modulo m, for if i ^j and

ari = arj (mod m)


Ti = r,-(mod ra)

which is contrary to our assumption. Consequently, these integers

represent the ra residue classes modulo ra.

Moreover, if

n, r 2 , . . . , r^m)

is a reduced residue system modulo ra and (a, ra) = 1, the set

ar h ar 2 , . . . , ar^m)

is also a reduced residue system modulo m, for this set contains exactly
</>(ra) integers, all of which are incongruent modulo
and each integer ra,

is itself prime to ra.

Example. The set 0, 5, 5 2, 5 3, ,5-11, or 0, 5, 10, 15, ...
• •
. . .

55, is a complete residue system modulo 12, while 5, 25, 35, 55 is a reduced
residue system modulo 12.
Again if r 1} r 2 r w is a complete residue system modulo ra,
, . . . ,

a + rh a + r2, . . . , a + rm

for any a ^ is another complete residue system, for there are m integers
in the set, and if two of them were congruent modulo m, when i ^ j,

a +n= a + ry(mod m)
Ti = ry(mod m)

Sometimes convenient to use the integers of smallest numerical

it is

value to represent the residue classes modulo m. If we write any integer

a in the form
a = km + r < r < m
for this system we keep the values of r which do not exceed ra/2, that is,
the integers from through ra/2 or (ra — l)/2 depending upon whether
ra is even or odd. But those values of r which exceed ra/2 are replaced
by the negative integers of least numerical value to which they are con-
gruent for the modulus ra. Since

ra — r = — r(mod ra)

this complete residue system modulo ra, when ra is even, is

19 m ra ra

and when ra is odd, it is

U, 1, A, . . . ,
ra -—1
m -—1 ,
ra -
— 3
j . . . —2, —1

Examples. For the modulus 14 the set —6, —5, —4, —1,0, . . . ,

1, 2, . a complete residue system, but for the modulus 15 the

. . , 7 is

system using least numerical values is —7,-6, —1,0, 1,2, . . . , . . .



In Theorem 4-3 we showed that the integers

k, k + d, k + 2d, . . .
, k + (& - l)d

of the arithmetic progression in which (b, d) = 1 form a complete residue

system modulo b.
Furthermore, we can generate a complete residue system modulo ab
by using the form ax + y, where x takes all the values in a complete
residue system
ri, r 2} . . . , n (3)

for the modulus b, and y takes all values in a complete residue system

kh k2 , . . . , ka (4)

modulo a. It is evident that the form thereby gives ab integers. These

integers are, moreover, incongruent modulo ab, for if

ari + kj = ar s + A'*(mod ab)

Ufa — rs ) = fa — kj(mod ab)

and a \
(fa — kj), so that
k t = kj (mod a)

But since no two of the integers of (4) are congruent modulo a, k t

= kj.

a(ri — rs ) = 0(mod ab)
Ti — rs = 0(mod b)

so that, as above, n = rs . Consequently, two integers formed as

described cannot be congruent modulo ab unless they are identical, and
the set, therefore, forms a complete residue system modulo ab.

Again when (a, b) = 1, if we use the form ax + by, letting x have the
values of (3) and y have the values of (4), the resulting ab integers form a
complete residue system modulo ab, for if

ari + bkj = ar s + bk t (raod. ab)

a(ri — rs ) = b(k t
— Av)(mod ab)

But then a\ (fa — fa), and therefore fa = fa. Also b |

- — r s ), so that
fj = rs . Hence, the given ab integers are distinct modulo ab.

It is easy to show also that if x has the values in (3) that are prime to b
while y has the values in (4) that are prime to a, then when (a, b) — 1, the
integers ax +
by form a reduced residue system modulo ab.


1. Use the form ax + by with (a, b) = 1 to show that <£(a&) = <t>(a)<t>{b).

2. Prove Theorem 4-5 by setting up the integers 1 through m = p^pf* Pknk s • • •

n n
in an array of s complete residue systems modulo pi ip2 Phnk 2 .

n~ x
3. Show that a + y generates a complete residue system modulo a n if x has the

values in a complete residue system modulo a while y has the values in a complete
residue system modulo a n l .

4. If f(x) is an integral polynomial and if there are \p(m) integers prime to m in the

set/(l),/(2), ,/(m), prove that when (a, b) = 1, xp(ab) = Ha)Hb).

. . .

5. Find the number of integers prime to m in the set:

a. 1 •
2, 2 •
3, . . . , m(m + 1).

, 1-22-3 m(m + 1)
b -
~T' -2~' • ' ' '
6. For m > set up all the permutations fc at a time with repetitions allowed of the
positive integers not greater than m. Then the number of these sets of k integers
whose greatest common divisor is prime to m is 4>k{m). Find a formula for <}>k(p n ), and
show that this function is multiplicative.
7. Without using an enumeration according to size, show that if a, b, and c are

positive integers and a = be, there are in a complete residue system modulo a exactly
c integers that are divisible by b. (Let ci, c 2 c c be a complete residue system , . . . ,

modulo c. Then consider the set be i, 6C2, bc e .) . . . ,

8. Can you find an integer the powers of which set up a complete residue system

modulo 13? Can all integers prime to 13 be used to form such a set?
9. By expanding (1 + 1 + + l) p prove that if p is a prime, a p = a (mod p)
• • •

and hence that when (a, p) = 1, a^ {p) = l(mod p).



and Conditional Congruences. In Sec. 4-3 the consid-

5-1. Identical
eration of themanner in which residue classes combine led to setting up
a congruence in which we used the symbol x to represent an integer.
For instance, when we asked whether or not there is an integer which
when multiplied by 2 would give an integer in the class of 4 modulo 6, we
were dealing with a congruence of the form 2x = 4 (mod 6). In such
congruences we shall hereafter think of x not as just a symbol for an
unknown integer but as a variable whose values are the rational integers.
By substituting such values in the congruence 2x = 4 (mod 6) it has
already been verified that both 2 and 5 are values of x that satisfy this
congruence. In the general case we shall say that if the constants
ai, a,2, . . . , a n are substituted, respectively, for the variables Xi, x 2 ,

. . . , xn (all of whose values are integers) in the congruence

fi(x 1} x 2 ,. . . ,x n ) =f 2 (x h x 2 ,. . . ,^)(modm)
where /i and f2 are integral polynomials in these variables, and if

fi(a h a 2 ,. . . ,a n ) = /2 (ai,a 2 ,. . . ,fl«)(mod m)

then x\ = ah x2 = a2 , . . . , xn — an is a solution of the given congruence.

If two integral polynomials /i and f 2 in the variables x h x 2 , . . . , xn
are such that the coefficients of like terms are congruent to each other for
the given modulus m, then these expressions are said to be identically
congruent for the modulus m, and we sometimes write

fi(x h x 2 ,. . . ,x n ) m f2 (x h x 2 ,. . . ,x n )(modm)
calling this congruence an identical congruence although very often we
use only the ordinary sign of congruence to express this relation. Corre-
spondingly, an integral rational algebraic function f(xi,x 2 ,. ,x n ) with . .

integral coefficients is identically congruent to zero for the modulus if and m

only if all its by m. All the congruences that
coefficients are divisible
involve only constants, such as a = 6 (mod m), are necessarily identical
congruences. 9x 2 — 2x + 5 = Sx 2 + Ax — l(mod 6) is an identical
congruence in the single variable x. It is evident that an identical con-

gruence will be satisfied regardless of the integral values that are assigned
to the variables.
On the other hand, we shall call a congruence of the above form, but in
which the left- and right-hand members /i and f 2 are not identically con-

gruent for the modulus m, a conditional congruence.

We shall be concerned chiefly with congruences of the form fi(x) =
f 2 (x)(mod m), where fi(x) and f 2 (x) are integral polynomials in x. We
know from the properties of congruences that when r is a solution of such
a congruence, every integer in the class with r for the modulus also m
satisfies the congruence, for fi(r) = fi(r km) (mod ra). This whole +
class of integers is considered just one solution of the congruence, and
consequently a solution is itself written in the form of a congruence,
x = r(mod ra).

Example. The congruence 2x = 6 (mod 10) is satisfied by 3 and 8.

Hence, the complete solutions are written in the form x = 3 (mod 10) and
x = 8(mod 10).
Let us recall that in algebra* two polynomials fi(x) and f2 (x) are said
to be identically equal if and only if they are equal for all values of x, and
hence if and only if corresponding terms have the same coefficients. In
particular, a polynomial vanishes identically if and only if it vanishes for all
values of x, which means if and only if all its coefficients are zero. In
contrast, consider the congruence x 3 — x = 0(mod 3), and observe that
although for the modulus 3 the polynomial x 3 — x is congruent to zero for
all x, yet not all its coefficients are congruent to zero modulo 3.
values of
Again, both members of the congruence x 3 — 2 = x + l(mod 3) have the
same values modulo 3 for all values of x, but the members are not iden-
tically congruent modulo 3. In other words a congruence may be
satisfied by all integers and still not be an identical congruence according
to the above definition. Examples of such conditional congruences are

xb — x = 0(mod 5)
x 3
+ Sx 2 + 2x = 0(mod 6)
2x = 4(mod 6)
x2 = 2(mod 5)

are conditional congruences, the first one having two incongruent solu-

tions modulo 6, while the second has no solution whatever.

On the other hand,

x2 - (x - 2)(x + 2) = 0(mod 4)

* M. Bocher, "Introduction to Higher Algebra," Chap. 1, The Macmillan Com-

pany, New York, 1931.

Qx 2 + x - 15 m x + 3(mod 6)

are identical congruences.


Determine whether the following congruences are identical or conditional, and

find the solutions by trial if there are any.

1. 2x 2 + Sx = 5(mod 7). 2. x4 + x m 0(mod 10).


3. xz + x = x - z (mod
2 3 2
2). 4. 2x 3 + 3x + x = 0(mod
5. x2 - 4 = 0(mod 5).
6. x4 - 1 = (x - l)(x - 2){x - 3)(x - 4)(mod 5).

5-2. Equivalent Congruences. Having performed on a congruence an

operation listed among the properties of the congruence relation (Sec.
4-2), if a second one of these operations can be performed on the result so
as to restore the original congruence, the first operation is said to be
reversible. The following operations on a congruence can be reversed:
1. Adding to or subtracting from each member of a congruence con-

gruent integers or other expressions that are identically congruent for the
given modulus.
2. Substituting F(x) for f(x) in a term f(x)g(x) of a congruence if F(x)
is identically congruent to f(x) for the given modulus.
3. Multiplyingor, when possible, dividing the coefficients of each

member congruence by an integer that is prime to the modulus.

of a
4. Multiplying or, when possible, dividing the coefficients of each

member of a congruence as well as the modulus by the same integer.

If any of these operations is performed a finite number of times on a
congruence fi(xi,x 2 ,. ,x n ) = f2(x h x 2 ,.
. . ,x n ) (mod mi) and the result- . .

ing congruence is giix^x*,. ,x n ) = ^2(^1,^2,. ,£n)(mod m^), then

. • . .

the two congruences are said to be equivalent. For instance, when

f(x) = F(x)(y&o& m) identically, then f(x) g (x) = k(x)(mod m) is equiva-
lent to F{x)g(x) + m[h(x)] = k(x)(mod m).
Accordingly, any congruence

fi(x h x 2 ,. . . ,x n ) = f2(xi,x 2 ,. • • ,x n )(modm)

can be reduced to an equivalent congruence of the form f(xi,x 2 ,. ,x n ) . .

= 0(mod m). For example, the congruence x 2 + 10 = 7a:(mod 6) is

equivalent to each of the congruences x 2 — x 4 = 0(mod 6), 5x 2 — +
5x + 2 = 0(mod 6), and 3x 2 - Sx + 12 = 0(mod 18).
a congruence has been written in the form f(xi,x 2 ,. ,x n ) = . .

0(mod m), the degree of the congruence is defined as the degree of the term
or terms of highest degree in f(xi,x 2 ,. . . ,x n ) whose coefficient or coeffi-

cients are not congruent to zero for the modulus m. Thus

6x 3 + 10a;
- 7x + 9 = 0(mod 12)

is of degree three, although

12z 3 + Sx 2 - 5x + 7 = 0(mod 12)

is of only the second degree and can be written

3x 2 - 5x + 7 = 0(mod 12)

when two conditional congruences are equivalent, any

It is evident that
them necessarily satisfies the other. Take,
integer that satisfies one of
for instance, the congruence x = 4 (mod 5) that has the solutions x =

2 (mod 5) and x = 3 (mod 5). The congruence 5x z + 3x 2 = 2 (mod 5)

has the same solutions, for the two are equivalent. Again, consider the
congruence 2x = 4 (mod 6). Every integer that satisfies this congruence
also satisfies the equivalent congruence x = 2 (mod 3). The distinction
lies in the fact that all the integers that satisfy the latter congruence are
in the class of 2 for the modulus 3, but these integers are separated into
the classes of the residues 2 and 5 for the modulus 6. The first con-
gruence, therefore, has two incongruent solutions modulo 6, while the
second one has but one solution modulo 3.
It is not true, however, that two congruences that have the same solu-
tions for a given modulus are necessarily equivalent. Both 2x =
4 (mod 6) and x 2 — x 4 = 0(mod 6) have the solutions x = 2 (mod 6)
and x = 5 (mod 6), yet they are not equivalent.
A single conditional congruence may be equivalent to a set of simul-
taneous congruences. When f(x) = 0(mod m) and m = raim 2 mr •

where (m», m/) — with i, j = 1, 2,

1, r, and i ^ j, then the con-
. . . ,

gruence can be broken up into the set of congruences f(x) = 0(mod mi).
Conversely, if (ra*, my) = 1, the set of congruences f(x) = 0(mod m t ) can
be combined to form f(x) = 0(mod m). We shall say in this case that
f(x) = 0(mod m) is equivalent to the set f(x) = 0(mod m^). For
example, 5x = l(mod 12) is equivalent to the set of two congruences
5x = l(mod 3) and bx = l(mod 4). It follows that if x = £ (mod 12) is
a solution of the first congruence, then x G also satisfies the last two. Con-
versely, any simultaneous solution of the set of two congruences implies
that the original congruence has the same solution, for the moduli 3 and 4
are relatively prime, and thus when 5x — 1 is divisible by both 3 and 4,
it isdivisible by their product.
But when two congruences are themselves not equivalent, the existence
of a solution of either one of them may often be determined by showing
the existence of a solution of the other one. In that case we speak of the
problems of the existence of the solutions as being equivalent. Notice

that if the congruence 2x = 3 (mod 9) has a solution, then 2x = l(mod 3)

has a solution, and conversely. This statement is valid, for any solution
x = £ (mod 9) of the first congruence would have to be a multiple of 3,
and consequently each x /3 satisfies the second congruence. On the
other hand, the second congruence is satisfied by all integers in the class
of 2 modulo 3, and none of these integers is a multiple of 3. However,
where x = x'(mod 3) is a solution of 2x = l(mod 3), x = 3£'( m od 9) must
be a solution of 2x = 3 (mod 9). Thus the questions of the existence of
solutions of these congruences are mutually dependent.
Example. To determine whether or not the congruences 3x 2 — x -f-

7 = 0(mod 15) and 9x 2

— Sx + 11 = 0(mod 15) are equivalent, we try
to find a multiplier prime to the modulus that will change the leading
coefficient of the first congruence into the one we want. What value of
y will satisfy Sy = 9(mod 15)? The solutions are 3, 8, and 13 modulo 15.
We reject 3 since it is not prime to 15. Multiplying each member of the
firstcongruence by 8, we have 24# 2 — 8x + 56 = 0(mod 15), which
reduces to 9x 2 — Sx 11 = 0(mod 15).
+ Thus the congruences are


1. Is x 3 - 2 = 0(mod 3) equivalent to x z + 1 = 0(mod 3)?

2. Show that 2x 3 - x 2 + 2 = 0(mod 5) is equivalent to 2x 3 + 4z 2 = 3 (mod 5).
3. Show that x 2 - 2x + 1 = 0(mod 3) is equivalent to 2x 2 - x + 2 = 0(mod 3).
4. Show that 3a: 2 - 6 = 0(mod 15) is equivalent to x 2 - 2 = 0(mod 5).
5. Are 2x 2 + x - 4 = 0(mod 5) and x 2 + 3x - 2 = 0(mod 5) equivalent?
6. Is the congruence x z — 2 = 0(mod 3) equivalent to the congruence 2x 3 — x
— 2 = 0(mod 3)? Are the solutions the same?
7. Develop two congruences equivalent to x 2 — 9 = 0(mod 12).
8. Are the congruences x z — x = 0(mod 3) and x 4 + 2x 2 = 0(mod 3) equivalent?
Are the solutions the same?
9. Note that 2x = 8 (mod 10) and x
— 2>x + 6 = 0(mod 10) have the same solu-
tions. Are they equivalent?

5-3. Linear Congruences. Can the double of an integer give the

remainder 7 when it is divided by 52? Has 2x = 7 (mod 52) a solution?
Theorem 5-1. When a is prime to m, the congruence ax = l(mod m)
has one and only one solution modulo m and this solution is prime to m.
The congruence ax = l(mod m) is equivalent to the equation ax +
my = 1, which we have shown always has a solution in integers when
(a, m) = 1. There can be but one solution modulo m, moreover, for if
both xi and x 2 satisfy ax = l(mod m),

axi ss ax 2 (mod m)
Xi = .x 2 (mod m)

Furthermore, when ax\ =

l(mod m), it is clear that X\ is prime to m.
Theorem 5-2. prime to m, the congruence ax = 6 (mod m)
When a is

has one and only one solution modulo m.

Now consider the congruence ax = b (mod m) with (a, m) = 1. We
know that ax = l(mod m) has a solution x = £i(mod m). Then
axib = 6 (mod m)
shows that # = Xi6(mod m) satisfies the original congruence.
Again, as proved above, there can be but one solution modulo m, but
notice that it is not necessarily prime to m.
Theorem 5-3. If d is the greatest common divisor of a and m, the
congruence ax = b (mod m) has a solution if and only if d divides b.
When d does divide b, there are exactly d incongruent solutions modulo m.
Let (a, m) = d, a = a d, and m = m d. If ax = b (mod m) has a solu-
tion, it is evident that d divides b. On the other hand, if d divides b, let

b = cd, and reduce the congruence to the equivalent congruence

a x = c(mod m )

In this case (a m ) = 1, and there is but one solution x = #i(mod m ).


Consider this class of integers all of which are of the form Xi km and +
obviously satisfy the given congruence. We wish to know whether these
integers constitute one or more solutions modulo m; that is, we should
like to know for which values of k these integers are in the same residue
class modulo m. We see that

Xi + kmo = Xi + sm (mod m)
if and only if
m Q (k — s) = 0(mod m)
that and only if k
is, if s = 0(mod d).— Consequently, when k ranges
from through d — 1, the integers xi + kmo represent exactly d solutions
that are incongruent for the modulus m and all solutions of the given
congruence lie in one of these d classes modulo m.
Example. Solve: 15x = 12(mod 36).
Since (15, 36) = 3 and 3 12, we reduce the congruence to hx =

4(mod 12) of which there is one solution x = 8(mod 12). Hence, the
solutions of the original congruence are x = 8, 20, 32 (mod 36).


State with reasons the number of distinct solutions of the following congruences, and
find the solutions.

1. 3x m 5(mod 9). 2. 5x = 3(mod 27).

3. 6z = 3(mod 18). 4. 49z = 23(mod 125).
5. 12x s 36 (mod 56).

5-4. Division of Polynomials. If fi(x) and f2 (x) are integral polyno-

mials and if it is where g(x) is
possible to divide /i(x) or/i(x) +m • g(x),
an integral polynomial, by f 2 (x), obtaining integral polynomials q(x) and
r(x) so that

fi(x) = } 2 (x)q(x) + r(a;) (mod m)

is an identical congruence, and is continued until r{x) isif the division

either lower in degree than f congruent to zero modulo m,
is 2 (x) or is

then q(x) is said to be the quotient and r(x) the remainder in the division
modulo m of fi(x) by f 2 (x). When r(x) = 0(mod m) identically, the
division is said to be exact and both f 2 (x) and q(x) are factors modulo m
offi(x) or divisors modulo m oifi(x). Moreover, fi(x) is a multiple modulo
m of f 2 (x).
Notice, for example, that if we divide 2a;
— x — 3 by a; — 3 using
ordinary long division, we find that there is a remainder 12 which is, of
course, in the class of for the modulus 6, and therefore we say that x — 3
is a divisor modulo 6 of 2a;
2 — x — 3.

As it stands, we cannot — 1 by Sx — 2 modulo 6, for if

divide x 2
there were a quotient ax would make (Sx — 2) (ax -f- b) +
+ b that
r = x2 — l(mod 6) an identical congruence, then 3a = l(mod 6). But
there is no value of a that will satisfy this congruence.
On the other hand, the division of 4a;
+ x by 2x — 5 modulo 6 is

possible, but it is not exact, for

2x - 5\ \x 2 + 1 1
2x ± 2
\x 2 - lOx
lOz + 1 = 4x + l(mod 6)
4x - 10
11 = 5(mod 6)

Hence, 4z 2 + 1 = (2x - 5) (2x + 2) + 5 (mod 6).

If we try to divide 4a;
+x+ 1 by 2x — 5 modulo 6, we find we cannot
carry out the division far enough to obtain a remainder of the required
form, for

2x - 5[ 4x 2 + x + 1 1
4x 2 - 10a;

11a; + 1 = 5a; + l(mod 6)

But 2y = 5 (mod 6) has no solution, and the best we can do is to write the
identical congruence 4a;
+ x + 1 = (2x — 5)(2x) + 5x + l(mod 6).
However, if we change the form of the above divisor using —4a; — 5
instead of 2a; — 5, we have

— 4x — 5| 4a;
+ x + 1 \-x + l

+ 5a;

- 4x + 1

— 4a; — 5
6 == 0(mod 6)

Hence, 4a;
+ +a; 1 = (-4x - 5)(-x + l)(mod 6).
We could obtain a like result by first adding Qx 2 to 4a; 2 +x+ 1 , for we
find that
2a - 5 [
10z 2 + x .+ 1 |
5s + 1

10x 2 - 25a;

26a; + 1 s 2a; + l(mod 6)

2a; - 5
6 = 0(mod 6)

We, therefore, have 4a;

+ x + 1 = (2x — 5) (5a; + l)(mod 6).
Notice, furthermore, that when the modulus is 6, we can divide 3a;
+ 1

by 3a;
2 — 1, getting three distinct quotients and three distinct remainders,
+ 1 = (3a;
- l)(x) + x + l(mod 6)
+ 1 = (3a;
- l)(3a;) + 3a; + l(mod 6)
+ 1 = (3a;
- l)(5x) + 5x + l(mod 6)

When the modulus is a prime and the polynomials are not constants, it

iseasy to show that the division modulo p of fi(x) by fz(x) can always be
accomplished, for any term present in either one of these polynomials has
a coefficient that is prime to the modulus and the congruence ay =

6(mod p) has exactly one solution when (a,p) = 1. The remainder r(x)
will, therefore, be congruent either to zero modulo p or to an expression

that is at least one degree lower than the degree of the divisor. In this
case, moreover, both q(x) and r(x) are unique, for if

fi(x) =J2{x)qi{x) + ri(aO(mod p)

fi(x) = f2(x)q 2 (x) + r 2 (x) (mod p)
f2(x)[qi(x) - q 2 (x)] = r 2 (x) - ri(x)(mod p)

If q\{x) — q 2 (x) f£ 0(mod p), let its leading coefficient be b ?£ 0(mod p),
and the leading coefficient of f 2 (x) be a ^ 0(mod p).
let Then the lead-
ing coefficient of f2 (x)[qi(x) — q 2 (x)] is a 6o ^ 0(mod p), and the degree
of this expression is at least that of f2 (x), thereby exceeding the degree of
r 2 (x) — ri(x). This is impossible, and we infer that qi(x) = q-ii-v) (mod p)
identically and likewise that 7*1(0;) = r 2 (o;)(mod p).


1. Explain why x2 +3 cannot be divided by 4a; — 2 modulo 8. Carry out the

division modulo 5.

2.Divide x 2 - 2x + 5 by 2x - 3 modulo 7.
3.Divide 3x 2 - 2x + 4 by 2x - 1 modulo 15.
4. Divide x 3 - 2x + 5x - 1 by 2x - 3 modulo 11.

5. Divide 2x 2 — 2x + 5 by — 2x — 3 modulo 6, and then change the divisor to the

form 4x — 3 and carry out the division modulo 6.
6. Divide Ax z - 3z 2 2x 1 by 2>x - 1 modulo 11.
+ +
7. If fix) = a x
ai^- 1 + +•••+«»
and g(x) = b Q x + friz'" 1 + +b l
• • •

are integral polynomials with t < n, and if (b m) = 1, do polynomials g(x) and r(x) ,

exist so that /(a:) h= g(x)q(x) +r(a;)(mod m) with r{x) lower in degree than g{x)l
If so, are these polynomials unique modulo m?

Theorem 5-4. If x = r(mod m) is a solution of the congruence f(x) =

0(mod m), where the polynomial f(x) = a Q x n + aix n ~ + + an l

with a ^ 0(mod m), then x — r is a factor of /(#) for the modulus m, and
According to the remainder theorem of algebra, f(r) is the remainder
when f(x) is divided by x — r. Consequently,

f(x) = (x - r)q(x) + f(r)

f(x) - f(r) = (x - r)q(x)
identically, and q(x) is a polynomial 6 £ n-1 + b 1x n + • • •
+ &«_i.
But f(r) is an integer, and furthermore /(r) = 0(mod m), for r satisfies
the given congruence. Therefore, the coefficients of f(x) — f(r) are
integers. Moreover, it is evident from a consideration of the process of
long division or from the following argument that the coefficients of q(x)
are integers. Because the leading coefficient of f(x) is an integer, the
product (x — r)q(x) shows that 6 = a is an integer. If bi were not an
integer, the coefficient a\ = b\ — rb where rb Q is an integer, would not ,

be an integer. In like manner the fact that 6 -_i and bi — r6 -_i, where t t

i = 1, 2, . n, are integers implies that bi is also an integer.

. . , Thus
q(x) is an integral polynomial. Hence,

f( x ) ~ f( r) = (x — r)q(x) (mod m)
and so
f(x) = (x — r)q(x)(mod m)

identically, showing that x — r is a factor of f(x) for the modulus m.

Conversely, if

f(x) = (x — r)g(a:)(mod m)
f(r) = 0(mod m)
and x = r(mod m) is a solution oi fix) = 0(mod m).

It is easy to show that when x — r is a factor modulo m of f(x), the

quotient is unique.
5-5. The Number and Multiplicity of the Solutions of a Congruence.
We have shown that the congruence 2x — 4 = 0(mod 6) has the solutions
x = 2 (mod 6) and x = 5 (mod 6). Therefore, Theorem 5-4 shows that
x — 2 and x — 5 are factors modulo 6 of 2x — 4. Thus 2x — 4 =
2(x — 2) (mod 6), and 2x — 4 = 2(x — 5) (mod 6). Notice, however,
that the product (x — 2)(x — 5) is not a factor modulo 6 of 2x — 4. On
the other hand, if the modulus is a prime, the proof of the following

theorem brings out the fact that when ri, r 2 r s are incongruent , . . . ,

integers modulo p that satisfy /(#) = 0(mod p), the product (x — ri)(x —
r 2) •
(x — r s ) is a factor modulo p of f(x)
• *

The eminent mathematician Lagrange (1736-1813) improved the work

of his teacher Euler in the calculus of variations, did extensive work in the
solution of algebraic equations, and expanded the theory of differential
equations. In the theory of numbers he was the first to prove Wilson's
theorem and the first to prove that every integer is a sum of at most four
squares. He gave a
complete proof of the method of solving the equation
x2 — by 2 = 1 Again, he made important contributions to
in integers.
the theory of quadratic residues and binary quadratic forms. The next
theorem is credited to him and reflects his interest in the solution of
equations as well as congruences.
Theorem 5-5 (Lagrange's Theorem). If p is a prime and f(x) is an
integral polynomial a x n + ai^ n_1 +•.••+ o» in which a ^ 0(mod p),
then the congruence j(x) = 0(mod p) has at most n incongruent solutions
modulo p.
We have observed that the congruence f(x) 0(mod p) need have no =
solution, but if there is a solution x =
ri(mod p), it follows from Theorem
5-4 that x — ri is a factor of f(x) for the modulus p. If it should happen
that (x — ri) B1 where 1 < rii < n, is a factor modulo p of f(x) and if this

power is the highest power of x — ri contained as a factor in f(x), then

x = ri (mod p) is said to be a solution of multiplicity n h and

f(x) = (x — ri)
gi(x)(mod p)

with qi(x) of degree n — n\ and leading coefficient b = a (mod p).

If rii < n and if the original congruence has another solution x =
r 2 (mod p) with r 2 incongruent to n modulo p, then

/(r 2 ) = (r 2 - ri)
gi(r 2 )(mod p)

But since /(r 2 ) = 0(mod p) and rx ^ r 2 (mod p), it is evident that gi(r 2 ) =
0(mod p) and, as above,

qi(x) = (x — r 2 ) m q2(x)(mod p)

so that
f(x) = (x — ri)
(x — r 2 ) n2 g 2 (V)(mod p)

If f(x) = O(mod
p) has one or more other distinct solutions for the
modulus we continue in this manner until either all the solutions which
are fewer than n in number have been found or we have at most n linear
factors modulo p of f(x). In the latter case we find the identical

f(x) = a (x — ri)
(x - r 2 ) n2 • • •
(x — r k ) nk (mod p) (1)

where n\ +n + 2 •
n k = n, and hence there are n solutions, for a
solution of multiplicity where i = 1, 2, k, is counted ni times.
rii, . . . ,

If we now substitute for xm (1) any integer s not congruent to any r^

where i = 1, 2, k, for the modulus p, we find
. . .

/(«) = a Q (s - r^is - r 2 ) n2 • •
(s - r k ) n *(mod p) (2)

But s — Ti ^ 0(mod p), and a ^ 0(mod p). Consequently, f(s) ^

0(mod p), and x = s(mod p) is not a solution of f(x) = 0(mod p). There-
fore, there can be no more than n solutions.
show, furthermore, that the solutions are the same regard-
It is easy to
less of the order in which they are found.
Moreover, the multiplicity of each solution is unique regardless of the
order in which the factors are obtained, for if

f(x) = (x — rxYq^x) = (x — r 1 ) v q 2 (x)(mod p)

where neither qi(x) nor q 2 (x) is divisible modulo p by x — rh and if

u > v, we have the identical congruence

— v — u- v — = 0(mod
(x ri) [(x ri) qi(x) q 2 (x)] p)

— u~v —
But if the leading coefficient of the expansion of (x ri) qi(x) qi(x)
is not congruent to zero modulo p, the leading coefficient of the last con-
gruence written in the expanded form cannot be congruent to zero modulo
p. The congruence states, however, that when it is written in the form
a xn +
aix n l + +
a n ss 0(mod p), all its coefficients are multiples
• • •

of p. Consequently, the leading coefficient and, in like manner, each

of the other coefficients of the expansion of (x — ri) u v qi(x) — q%{x) are
congruent to zero modulo p. Therefore, we have the identical congruence

— w- y =
(x ri) giO) q 2 (x)(mod p)

Substituting r\ for x, we find

- w- y =
(ri ri) gi(ri) # 2 (ri)(mod p)

As a result q^ri) = 0(mod p), and x — r\ is a factor modulo p of #2(2),

which is contrary to our assumption.
It is obvious, of course, that when n > p, the congruence f(x) =
0(mod p) can have no more than p distinct solutions modulo p.
Again, let us observe that if we place no condition on the a of f(x) =
0(mod p) and assume that the congruence has an (n + l)st solution
x = s(mod p) that is distinct from each r where i = 1, 4-, 2, . . . , k, for
the modulus p, the congruence (2) requires that a Q be congruent to zero
modulo p. Consequently, the identical congruence (1) implies that
every coefficient of f(x) is congruent to zero modulo p. Hence, we
Theorem 5-6. If the congruence a x n + a\x n ~ x + • •
+ an =
0(mod p), with p a prime, has more than n solutions (a solution of multi-
plicity m being counted m times), each aiy where i = 0, 1, n, is . . . ,

congruent to zero modulo p and the congruence is an identical congruence.

Example. Find by trial the solutions of x* x2 — x 2 = 0(mod 5). + +
If f(x) = x x — x 2, /( — 1) =5.
+ + +
4 2
Hence, x 1 is a factor of
3 —
f(x) modulo 5. By using synthetic division we find f(x) = (x 1) (x +
x2 + 2x - 3) (mod 5). Let/iO) = Then/i(-3) = x* - x2 + 2x - 3.

-45, and therefore f(x) = (x -f l)(x + S)(x 2 - 4x + 4) (mod 5). It is

now evident that f(x) = (x + l)(x + 3) (a; — 2) 2 (mod 5) and that
besides the solutions x = — l(mod 5), x = —3 (mod 5), there is a double
solution re = 2 (mod 5).
Theorem 5-7. If p is a prime, the congruence f(x) = 0(mod p) of
degree n < p has a solution # = a (mod p) of multiplicity r < n if and
only if /(a) = 0(mod p), /'(a) = 0(mod p), /^«(a) = 0(mod p), . . .

and/^(a) ^ 0(mod p).

We recall that x = a (mod p) is a solution of multiplicity r of /(z) =
0(mod p) if and only if (x — a) r is a factor modulo p of the polynomial
f(x), but (# — a)
r+1 is not Furthermore, we
a factor modulo p of /(x).
notice that if we = a xn
define the derivative with respect to x of f(x) +
~ — n~ 2
ai# n-1 + • • •
a n as f(x) = atfix n l «i(^ l)x a n _i, + + • • •
the application of Taylor's theorem to the polynomial f(x) sets up the

f(x) =

If /(a)

+ (x-
0(mod p),/'(a)

+ (x

- a) 2

^ . . .
, and/^a) =


but / (r) (a) ^0(mod p) for r < n, then, the f

(a)/i\ being integers, we

/(*) s (a; - aY J—^- + •••+(*- a)«

-^p (mod p)

/(x) = Or — a) r Q(x)(mod p)

If (x — a) r+1 were a factor modulo p of f(x), then

(x — a) r+1 q(x) = (x — a) r Q(x)(mod p)

and the identical congruence

(x — a) r [(x — a)q(x) — Q(x)] = 0(mod p)

implies that
(x — a)q(x) = Q(x)(mod p)
n -r
Hence, [f (r) (a)/r\] (x - a) +[f^(a)/n\] has the factor x -
• • •
a modulo p, and so/ (r) (a) = 0(mod p), which is contrary to the hypothesis.
To prove the converse of the theorem, first call to mind the rule for
differentiating a product of two functions, and remember that when >

polynomial has been factored into two polynomials, this rule enables us
to set up an identity between two forms of f'(x), for if

f(x) = a Qx n + ciiX"-
1 +-••• + a* = (b Q x
+ • • •
+ b r )(c xs
+ ' • ' +C 8)

f'(x) = a n^ n_1 + ai(n — l)x n +"•••+ &n-i

~2 = (b xr + •

+ kXcowr- 1
+ • •
+ c _i) + (b rx ~ +
8 Q
r l
• • •
+ & r_i)(co^

+ * •
+ c.)

On this basis the method of induction shows that it is valid to apply

Leibnitz's rule for the kih derivative of a product to this case. If u and
v are polynomials in x, we may, therefore, write
~l — ~2
d k (uv) _ dk u , dv d k u k(k 1) d 2 v dk u dkv
~ ~
dx~k+ dx dx ^
+ 1 1
2! dx~ d^F
2 2 '
* ' + u

Consequently, if f(x) = (x —
a) r q(x) (mod p), then the formula verifies
the statement that f (k) (a) = 0(mod p) for k < r, because clearly each
d s (x — a) r /dx s has a factor x — a when s < r. But (x — a) r+l is not a
factor modulo p of f(x), and so we infer from q(a) ^ 0(mod p) and

^ [(X
= ( * ~ a ^ ^+ ir)
' ' '
+ r ( r!)(
^ ~ a WW + ( r!) ^W
that/ (r) (a) ^ 0(mod p).
To make it plain that the restriction which Theorem 5-7 places on the
degree of f(x) = 0(mod p) is a necessary one, consider the congruence '

10 —
a; x b = 0(mod 5). Its only solutions are x = 0(mod 5) of multi-
plicity 5and the simple solution x = l(mod 5). Nevertheless, f (k) (0)
and f (l) are congruent to modulo 5 for all positive values of k.

When we are solving a congruence by trial, It is often helpful to make

use of the following two theorems to eliminate some of the possible

*Theorem 5-8. If r satisfies the congruence a Q x n + a\X n + • • •
a n = 0(mod m), then r is a factor modulo m of a n .

Since r is a solution of the congruence, a x n + aix n

~ l
+•••+«» =
— r)Q(^)(mod n~ 1
(ic m), where Q(x) = b x + • • •
+ 6 n _i(mod m) and
6 = a (mod m). Hence, a n = — r6 n _i(mod m), and thus r is a factor
modulo m of a n .

*Theorem 5-9. If r satisfies the congruence f(x) = 0(mod m), then

r —
a divides f(a) modulo m.
The hypothesis implies that f(x) = (x — r)Q(rc)(mod m). Substi-
tuting a for x, we derive f(a) = (a — r)Q(a)(mod m).
Example. Solve /(x) = ^ 3 - 4x 2 - 11a; 6 = 0(mod 12) by trial. +
Applying Theorem 5-8, the possible solutions are obtained by consider-
ing the congruences rx = 6(mod 12) for r = 1, 2, . . . ,11. The values
r = 4 and 8 are immediately ruled out, for the corresponding linear con-
gruences have no solutiom-
Then we find that /fl) = — 8, and we
apply Theorem 5-9. The
values r = 7 and 10 are thereby eliminated, for there is no y such that
(r — \)y = —8 (mod 12). The possible solutions are, therefore, nar-
rowed to 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, and 11 modulo 12, and the substitution of these
values in f(x) shows that each one is a solution of the given congruence.
5-6.The Chinese Remainder Theorem. The problem of finding an
integer that yields certain remainders upon being divided by given
integers was familiar to the Chinese as early as the first century. The
solution is now easily effected by using congruences. When the integers
mh m2 , m n are relatively prime in pairs, we wish to find an integer
. . . ,

x such that
x = ai(mod mi)
x = a 2 (mod mi)

x = a n (mod mn )

Let M— \\ rrti and Mi = M/rrii, where i = 1, 2, . . . , n. Then set up

the n congruences
Mix = l(mod mi) (4)

In each case (M{, mi) = 1, and there is exactly one solution x = .x\(mod m z)

of each congruence (4). Now consider

X = M iXidi + M2X2CL2 + + M nx n a (mod M) • • •


and substitute X for x in x = ai(mod mi). Since M and each M { except

Mi are congruent to 0, and MiXi is congruent to 1 for the modulus mi,
every integer of the form X + kM satisfies x = a! (mod mi). In like

manner the integers in the residue class of X modulo M satisfy all the
given congruences.
But this class of integers is the only simultaneous solution of the set of
congruences, for if there were a second solution Xi, the substitution of X
and Xi in the given congruences (3) shows that

X= Xi(mod m,-)

and since the ra z are relatively

prime in pairs,

X= Xi(mod M)

Hence, we have shown that

Theorem 5-10. If the im, where i = 1, 2, . . . , n, are relatively
prime in pairs, the congruences x = a; (mod m») have one and only one

simultaneous solution modulo M= \\ m^

Example. Find all integers that give the remainders 2, 6, 5 when

divided by 5, 7, and 11, respectively.

M = 385 x = 77M M* = 55 3 = 35 M
77x = l(mod 5) or 2x = l(mod 5) has the solution x = 3 (mod 5)
55a: = l(mod 7) or Qx = l(mod 7) has the solution x = 6 (mod 7)
S5x = l(mod 11) or 2x = l(mod 11) has the solution x = 6 (mod 11)

Hence, X= (77) (3) (2) + (55) (6) (6) + (35) (6) (5) (mod 385), or Xm
27(mod 385).
5-7. Other Simultaneous Linear Congruences. We shall demonstrate
a method for finding a solution, when it exists, of certain linear simul-
taneous congruences whose moduli are not relatively prime in pairs by
proving the following theorem by induction:
Theorem 5-11. The set of n linear congruences x = a;(mod mi) has
a solution if and only if the greatest common divisor of any pair of moduli,
m^ mj, i and j having the values 1, 2, . . . , n, with % ^ j, divides the
corresponding a -
— a,j. When the integer X satisfies each congruence
of the set,t all common solutions take the form X + Lt, where L is the
least common multiple of the m,- and t is any integer.
Taking the two congruences

x = ai(mod mi) . .

x = a 2 (mod m 2 )

f Oystein Ore gave the general form of the solution in Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 59,
No. 6, pp. 365-370, 1952.

with d\2 = (mi, m 2 ), let us suppose that x satisfies both of them. Then
x = ai(mod m x)

Xq = a 2 (mod m 2)

we infer that
Xq = ai(mod di 2 )
£ = a 2 (mod c? i2 )

and that
a-i = a 2 (mod d i2 )

if d i2 divides a\ — a 2 we can show that there is a solution

Conversely, ,

of the congruence
first that satisfies the second one. Every solution of
the first congruence is of the form a\ nay, and if any of these integers +
satisfy the second congruence, the values of y are determined by the
cti + miy = a 2 (mod m 2)

miy = a2 — ai(mod m 2)

But since dn \
(a 2 — «i), there is at least one value y of y that produces
a simultaneous solution a\ miy of the two congruences. +
Moreover, if there are two integers x and x\ that satisfy the given
congruences (5), substituting them in these congruences shows that

X\ = x (mod mi)
x1 = x (mod 2) m
and hence that
Xi = ^ (mod L)

where L is the least common multiple of mi and m 2. Furthermore, any

integer of the form x + Lt is a common solution of the congruences if Xo
is, for Lt is congruent to both the moduli mi and m 2 for .

Suppose now that the theorem is true for a set of k — 1 congruences of

the given form. Then if there is a common solutionX , alland only
simultaneous solutions of the set are of the form X +L k -it, where L k -i
is the least common multiple of mi, m 2, . . . , m^-i, and t is the parameter.
If X is a solution of a set of k congruences of the required form, cer-
tainly X satisfies the first k — 1 congruences, and thus it is true that
dij = dji = (mi, mj) divides a* — a,- for t, j = 1, 2, . . . , k — 1, and
i t* j. But
X= ai(mod m*) i — 1, 2, . . . , k — 1
X= a fc (mod m&)

X= a* (mod dik )
X= a k (mod d ik )
and therefore
di = a (mod d ik )

Consequently, dij divides a* — aj for i, j — 1, 2, . . .

k, where i ^ j.
Conversely, if dy divides di — aj for i, j = 1, 2, . . . , k, common
solutions of the first k — 1 congruences exist and have the form X +
Lk-it, where X is moreover, possible to
a simultaneous solution. It is,

determine a value for the parameter t so that this expression will produce
a solution of x = a (mod m k ). To prove this statement, consider the

X + Lk-it = a k (mod m k)

in the form
Lk-it = ak — X (mod m k )

We can show that this congruence has a solution t = £ (mod m k) by prov-

ing that the greatest common divisor of L k -i and rrik divides ak — X .

If p is a prime factor of any of the ra 4-, let w!i be the exponent of the
highest power of that prime contained in m*. The highest power of this
p power of p that is in any one of m h m 2
in Lk-i is the highest , . . .

m k -i. Suppose it is p m/ the power of p that occurs in m r where 1 < r <

, ,

h — 1. Then the exponent of the highest power of the prime p that is

contained in D = (m k L k -i) is the smaller of m'k and m!r
, Let this integer .

be m's But

X — ar = 0(mod m r)

and hence
X - ar = 0(mod p

Since a k —
is divisible by the greatest common divisor of m k and m r it
ar ,

is by that power of p determined by the smaller of the two

exponents m'h and raj., that is, by m's But from the above congruences .

X — a r is divisible by the power of p designated by the smaller of the

exponents m!k and raj.. Hence,

X - ar = 0(mod p
m °')

ak — ar = 0(mod p vls ')

X - ak - 0(mod p

Furthermore, since this congruence is true for any prime factor of D =

(m k L k -i), the integer
, X — ak is divisible by the product of the very

powers of the primes that are contained in D that is, — a k is divisible ; X

by D. Thus there is a value of t that forces a solution of the first k — 1
congruences to satisfy the kih one, x = a (mod m&). fc

Again, any two solutions of the set of k congruences x = a* (mod mi)

must be congruent modulo the least common multiple of mi, m 2, . . .

m k for two solutions X and Xi are such that


X = Xi(mod L -i) fc

X = Xi(mod m k )
and hence
X = Xi(mod Lk)

where Lk is the least common multiple of L k -i and m k and hence of m h

m 2, . . • , m k. Moreover, all integers of the form X + L k t satisfy each
congruence of the given set if X is a common solution.
Example. Solve
x = 7(mod 18)
x = 10(mod 15)
x = l(mod 14)

Let d! = (18, 15) = 3, d2 = (18, 14) = 2, dz = (15, 14) = 1. It is

evident that dx \
(7 - 10), d2 \
(7 - 1), d3 |
(10 - 1). Therefore, a
solution exists.
Substituting 7 + 18£ in the second congruence, we find

18* = 3(mod 15)

so that
t = l(mod 15)

Since 90 is the least common multiple of 18 and 15, we substitute 7 -f-

18 + 90s in the third congruence and have

90s = -24(mod 14)

and therefore
s = 3 (mod 14)

Hence, the common solution is X= 295 (mod 630).


1. Find by trial all the solutions of 3z 4 - 3z 3 - 2z 2 + 3z + 6 0(mod 7). =

2. Find the solutions of x« + 10x 5 + 4.x 4 - x 3 + x + 6 = 0(mod 11).
3. Decide whether or not the following congruences have multiple solutions.

a. x3 + x2 +3 = 0(mod 5)
6. 2z 3 +1 = 0(mod 3)

4. Find the common solutions of the following sets of congruences.

a. x m 2(mod 11)
x = 4(mod 15)
x = 9 (mod 14)

b. x = 11 (mod 21)
x = 2 (mod 12)
x s 4(mod 10)
c. x a 12 (mod 46)
x = l(mod 31)
x = 16 (mod 28)

6. Find a multiple of 7 that has the remainders 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 when it is divided,

respectively, by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

5-8. The Number of Solutions of the Congruence f(x) = 0(mod m).

If the p^ where i = 1, 2, r, are distinct primes and
. . . , m = ni
pi p 2

• • •
p r there is a solution of the congruence

J{x) = 0(mod w) (6)

where /(#) is an integral polynomial, if and only if there is a simultaneous

solution of the equivalent set of congruences

S{x) = 0(mod pi ni )
Six) = 0(mod p 2 »«)

/(x) = 0(mod p r nr )

But if there is a solution of each of the individual congruences of (7), we

can build up a simultaneous solution of the set by means of the Chinese

remainder theorem. Suppose that integers Xi satisfy /(x) = 0(mod Pi ni ),
where i — 1, 2, r. Then find the common solution of the
. . . ,

x = £i(mod pi ni ) (8)

Let this solution be x = Xi(mod m). The integer X\ satisfies both the
set (7) and the original congruence (6) because for each i

Xi = x z (mod pi ni )
and therefore
SiX,) =f(xi)(mo&pf)
Sixi) = 0(mod pi**)
so that
SiX x)
m 0(mod p^-i)

SiX,) = 0(mod m)

the set of congruences (8) we replace the solution of just one of the
If in
congruences of (7), say the first one, by a solution x[ distinct from X\
modulo pi ni the solution x ,
=X 2 (mod m) of the resulting set,

x = xi(mod pi ni )

x = ^(mod pfi) j = 2, 3, . . . , r

willbe distinct modulo m from the solution Xi of (8), for if the solutions
were the same,

Xi = X 2 (mod m)

would imply that

Xi =X 2 (mod pi
) i = 1, 2, . . . , r
xi = xJ(mod pi ni )

whereas we assumed that these integers are incongruent solutions of

fix) = 0(mod pi ni ). Hence, if each congruence of (7) has kt solutions, by
inserting them in (8), we see that there are kik 2 k r solutions modulo • •

m of f(x) = 0(mod m).

It is evident too that if one congruence of (7) fails to have a solution,
there is no solution of f(x) = 0(mod m).
Thus we have shown that:
Theorem 5-12. If the congruences f(x) = 0(mod Pi ni ), where i = 1,

2, . . . , r, have fc» > solutions, respectively, there are exactly

] [
i =l

incongruent solutions modulo m of f(x) = 0(mod m), where m= J[ pi


and the pi are distinct primes.
We have, therefore, reduced the problem of solving a congruence
f(x) = 0(mod m) to that of solving a congruence whose modulus is a
power of a prime.
5-9. The Solution of f{x) = 0(mod p ). Any integer that satisfies s

f(x) = 0(mod p s ), where p is a prime and f(x) is an integral polynomial,

evidently satisfies the congruence

f(x) = 0(mod p*- 1 )

The converse, however, is not true, but it is obvious that if the second
congruence fails to have a solution, f(x) = 0(mod p s ) can have no solution.
Suppose that f(x) = 0(mod p 8-1 ) has a solution x = a;' (mod p*~ ). l

Under what conditions will one of these integers, x' + kp 5-1 be a solution ,

of f(x) = 0(mod p s )? We must determine which values of k, if any, will


satisfy the congruence

fix' + kp 8 ' 1
) = 0(mod p

n~ l
When/(x) = a x + a\X + n
+ a n is a rational integral function
• • •

of x,we have defined the derivative of fix) with respect to x as a Q nx n ~ 1 +

n~ 2
diin — l)x + + a n -\. The expansion of f(x + h) according to
• •

Taylor's theorem is finite and is of necessity valid for integral values of x.


fix' + kp 8 -^) = f(x') + k V 8 -y{x') + fc

2 *- 2
0^ _+_ . . .

f (x')
n S -n J
+ frn
mQ( J p s\

is an identical congruence, the expressions (r) (re') /r! having been shown
to be integers. Moreover, if s > 2, then p rs r > p 8 f or r > 2 and hence
all except the first two terms of the expansion are congruent to for the
modulus p s so that ,

fix' + kp 8- 1 ) = fix') + kp - f'ix')imod p s l 8


+ kp satisfy fix) = 0(mod p

8-1 s
But if x' is to this congruence ), shows
that fix') +
kp 8 xf'ix') must be divisible by p s and , therefore k must be
-l =
chosen to satisfy the congruence fix') + kp s f'ix
) 0(mod p 8 ). We
= -1
know that fix') tp 8
, and therefore the last congruence can be reduced
to the congruence t + kf'ix') = 0(mod p).
When the greatest common
and p is 1, the congruence
divisor of fix')
kf'ix') = — £(mod has exactly one solution k = /ci(mod p). This
value of k yields exactly one solution x = x' A)ip
(mod p s ) of fix) = +
0(mod p 8 ).
When the greatest common divisor of fix') and p is p, and p does not
divide t, the solution x = a/ (mod p ~ 8 l
) of fix) = 0(mod p ~ s l
) does not
yield a solution of fix) = 0(mod p
p does divide t, fix') is as
). But if

multiple of p s and when k has the values 0,1,

, p — 1, each of the . . .

8- 1
p integers x' + kp is a distinct solution modulo p of fix) = 0(mod p ).
s 8

We have therefore proved:

Theorem 5-13. If fix) = a x n + aix 1 + • +a„ and a/ satisfies 71
• •

the congruence /(a?) = 0(mod p s_1

) and (1) if ifix'),p) = 1, there is
exactly one value of k such that x = x' -\- &p s_1 (mod p s ) is a solution of
/(re) = 0(mod p ), but (2) if ifix'),p) = p, no solution of fix) = 0(mod p )
8 8

can be derived from x' unless x' itself satisfies fix) = 0(mod p ), in which

case x' + /cp s_1 yields exactly p incongruent solutions modulo p by letting

k have all the values in a complete residue system modulo p.

According to this theorem, to solve fix) = 0(mod p 8 ), we first solve
fx) = 0(mod p) and then determine by means of linear congruences

modulo p the solutions, if there are any, of f(x) = O(mod p

), f(x)
= 0(mod p 3 ), ....
Example. To solve 2x 2 - Sx - 1 = 0(mod 19 2 ), first take f(x) =
2x 2 - 3x - 1 = 0(mod 19) and find the solutions x = 4, 7(mod 19).
Since /(4) = 19, t = 1. Also f'(x) = 4x - 3, and therefore /'(4) = 13.
Hence, we must solve 1 + 13ft = 0(mod 19). But k = —3 (mod 19), so
that x = 4 — (3) (19) = 308 (mod 19 2 ) is a solution of the original
Let the student show that x = 235 (mod 19 2 ) is the solution derived
from x = 7 (mod 19).
After showing that x = 3 (mod 4) is the solution of f(x) = 0(mod 4),
apply the Chinese remainder theorem to find the solutions of f(x) =
0(mod 2 2 • 19 2 ).


Solve the following congruences.

1. 3a: 2 - 2x +3 = 0(mod 72). 2. 4a: 3+ 7a: + 16a: - 2 = 0(mod 45).


3. 6a:
+ = 0(mod 500).
17a: - 20 4. a: - 19a; + 32a: + 34 = 0(mod 75).
3 2

5. 2a: - x + 20a: + 4 = 0(mod 1089).

3 2
6. 5a: - 24a: - 9 s 0(mod 1350).

7. x -
s - 2a; - 2 = 0(mod 2000).
8. 2a: + - 6a: - 13 = 0(mod 340).

9. x -2x -8x - Q = 0(mod 357).

3 2
10. a; - 5a: 2 - 12s + 6 = 0(mod 1700).



6-1. Fermat's Theorem. Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665) was a pro-

found scholar who was not especially attracted to mathematics until a
translation of the work of Diophantus excited his interest. Once having
embarked on the study of mathematics, he influenced its development in
all the branches known at the time. With Pascal he originated basic
ideas in the theory of probability, and independent of Descartes he
developed the analytical geometry. He also helped to lay the founda-
tions for the calculus. But he is renowned for his work in the theory of
numbers. Unfortunately he failed to publish the many theorems he
discovered about the integers, and when he announced his results in
letters to other mathematicians, he usually concealed his methods of
The Chinese knew as early as 500 b.c. that 2 P — 2 is divisible by p if p
is a prime, but remained for Fermat in 1640 to state that if p is a prime
and (a, p) = 1, then a p l = l(mod p). We do not have his demonstra-
tion of this fact, but by 1761 both this theorem and the more general one
stated below had been proved by Euler.
The Chinese also believed that if n is not a prime, 2 n — 2 is not divisible
by n. Even Leibnitz (1646-1716) thought this statement to be true.
Not until the latter part of the eighteenth century did mathematicians
show signs of resolving the problem. The conjecture was finally dis-
proved in 1819 when Sarrus found that 341, which is not a prime, is a
factor of 2 341 — 2.* Since then it has been shown that there is an infinite
number of composites n that will divide 2 n — 2.
Theorem 6-1. If the integer a is prime to m, a 0(m) = l(mod m).
We showed in Chap. 4 that when (a, m) = 1 and r h r 2 r 0(M) is
, . . . ,

a reduced residue system modulo ra, the set ar h ar 2 , . ar^o) is also a

. . ,

reduced residue system modulo ra. The integers in the second set are,
therefore, in some order congruent to those in the first set. Hence,

*L. E. Dickson, " History of the Theory of Numbers," Vol. 1, p. 92. D. H.

Lehmer, Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 43, No. 6, p. 347, 1936.

ari 53 rn(mod m)
ar 2 = r» 2 (mod m)

ar^m) = n>(m)(mod m)

a (t>(- m)
r 1r 2 * • r^ (m) = nr 2 • • • r^ (ro) (mod m)
,<Kro) = l(mod m)
Corollary 1. If p is a prime and a is prime to p, av = l(mod p).
Corollary 2. If p is a prime and a isany integer, a p = a (mod p).
Examples. 56 = l(mod 7); 2
= l(mod 105).


1. Find the remainder when 7 48 is divided by 180; when ll 50 is divided by 180.

2. What do you notice about the least positive residues of the powers of 3 modulo
7? Is the same fact true of the powers of 2 modulo 7?
3. Find the remainder when 2 100 is divided by 11 and when 2 105 is divided by 11.
4. Show that n n — 1 is divisible by 7 when n is prime to 7.
5. Find the solutions of the congruence x A — 1 = 0(mod 12).
6. Prove that n 37 — n is divisible by the product of the primes 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, and 37
for any positive n.
7. Prove that a n — b ls is divisible by 133 if a and b are prime to 133.
8. Can you find integers all of whose digits are 9 that are divisible by 7? By other

6-2. Applications of Fermafs Theorem

Theorem 6-2. The solution of ax = b (mod m), where (a, m) = 1,

is x = 6a^ (w)-1 (mod m).

According to Fermat's theorem

a <t>(m) = i( mo d m)
a^ m) b = 6(mod m)

and therefore x = 6a^ (w)_1 (mod m) is the solution of ax = b (mod m).

~ —
Theorem 6-3. If f(x)g(x) m
is a prime xp l l(mod p), where p
greater than each of the congruences f(x) = 0(mod p) and g(x) =

0(mod p) has the maximum number of incongruent solutions modulo p

permitted by its degree.
Fermat's theorem shows that the congruence

x p-i _ i = 0(mod p) (1)

has exactly p — 1 distinct solutions modulo p. When p > 2, if we factor


x p-i _ i modulo p into f(x) and g(x) of degrees r and p — 1 — r, respec-

tively, the congruence
f(x) = 0(mod p) (2)

has no more than r distinct solutions, and

g(x) ^ 0(mod p) (3)

has at most p — 1 — r incongruent solutions modulo p. But since

f(x)g(x) = 0(mod p) has exactly p — 1 distinct solutions, neither of the
congruences (2) and (3) can have fewer than its maximum number of
incongruent solutions modulo p.
For example, if p > 2,
X V-1 _ 1 == ( x _ l)(a;P-2 + 3P-I + • • . + 1)

Hence, the congruence

xP -2 _j_ ^p-3 -{- - . •
+ l == 0(mod p)

has exactly p — 2 incongruent solutions modulo p and they are 2, 3,

. . .
, P -i.
Corollary If p is a prime greater than 2, each of the congruences

x (p-d/2 _ 1 =
0(mod p) andx^-« /2 + 1 = 0(modp) has exactly (p - l)/2
solutions that are incongruent modulo p.
For p > 2,
x p-i _ 1 = (a^-D/ 2 - l)(x^-»' 2 + 1)

of the congruences x (p ~ 1)/2 — = 0(mod and

and therefore each 1 p),
x (p-i)/2 4- 1 = 0(mod p) has exactly (p — l)/2 solutions that are distinct
modulo p. Furthermore, since

(p - a)^- 1)/2 = (-^-^(mod p)

ifp is of the form 4fc + 1 and (p, a) = 1, both a and p — a satisfy the
same congruence, but if p is of the form 4k — 1, a satisfies one of the
congruences while p — a satisfies the other.
Corollary 2. If p is a prime greater than 2 and d divides p — 1, the
congruence x d — 1 = 0(mod p) has exactly d solutions that are incon-
gruent modulo p.


1. Write the solution of Sx = 20 (mod 35), and reduce it to a least positive residue
modulo 35.
2. Find the solutions of x +
1= 0(mod 17) and x8 — 1 = 0(mod 17), and also of
x* + 1 = 0(mod 19) and x» - 1 = 0(mod 19).
How many solutions has the congruence x 3 — 1 = 0(mod 13)? Find them.
Prove that the congruence x 2 + 1 = 0(mod p) in which p is a prime of the form

4n + 1 has two distinct solutions modulo p.


*Theorem Corresponding to any conditional congruence f(x) =

n- 1 an — 0(mod p), where p is a prime, a ^
a x + ai.x
+ • • •
> p, saidf(x) is not a multiple of x — x modulo p, there is a
0(mod p),n
congruence that is lower than p in degree and has the same distinct
solutions modulo p as the original congruence.
Using Fermat's theorem, we showed that

xp — x = 0(mod p)

has all p distinct solutions permitted by the modulus. Moreover, if we

divide f(x) by x p — x until we have a remainder whose degree
than is less

p, we observe that both the quotient Q(x) and the remainder R(x) are
integral polynomials and that

f(x) = (x p - x)Q(x) + R(x)(mod p)

is an identical congruence. Consequently, every distinct solution of

}{x) = 0(mod p) must satisfy
R(x) = 0(mod p)
and conversely.
Example. 2x 4 —
x 2 — 1 = 2x(x z — x) x 2 — l(mod 3), and there- +
2 —
fore the congruence x 1 = 0(mod 3) has the same distinct solutions

x = l(mod 3) and x = 2 (mod 3) as the congruence 2x A — x 2 — 1 =

0(mod 3). Although these integers are simple solutions of the second
congruence, they are double solutions of 2# 4 — x 2 — 1 = 0(mod 3).
Notice that if f(x) = 0(mod p) has p distinct solutions modulo p,
R(x) == 0(mod p) is an identical congruence, for it is lower than p in
degree and yet has p incongruent solutions modulo p. Hence, f(x) is a
multiple of x p — x modulo p. Conversely, if f(x) is a multiple of x p —
x modulo p, f(x) = 0(mod p) has p distinct solutions modulo p. Thus
we have:
Corollary. The congruence f(x) = 0(mod p) with p a prime has p
distinct solutions modulo p if and only if fix) is a multiple of x p — x
modulo p.
= ~x
*Theorem 6-5. The congruence f(x) a xn + a\x n + * • •
a n = 0(mod p) with a ^ 0(mod p) and p a prime is equivalent to a con-
n~ l
gruence b Q x n + bix + • • •
+ bn = 0(mod p) in which 6 = l(mod p).
Let x satisfy the congruence

a x s= l(mod p)

and multiply f(x) by Xo so that

x Q a Qx n + Xodtf"- + 1 • • •
+ x an = xn + bix n l
+ • • •
+ 6 n (mod p)

Obviously, x f(x) = 0(mod p) is equivalent to fix) = 0(mod p), for

(x Q , p) = 1.

Theorem 6-6. The congruence /(V) = a Q x + a-^x " + rl 71 1

' • "
+ «« —
0(mod p) with p a prime, a f£ 0(mod p), and n < p has exactly n
distinct solutions modulo p if and only if the remainder R{x) obtained
upon dividing x p — x by f(x) modulo p is identically congruent to zero
for the modulus p.
Dividing x p — x by f(x) modulo p, suppose that we find the identical
xp — x = f(x)Q(x) + R(x)(mod p)

in which R(x) is an integral polynomial of degree less than n. But then

every solution of f(x) = 0(mod p) must satisfy R(x) = 0(mod p). Con-
sequently, if f(x) = 0(mod p) has n distinct solutions modulo p, R(x) is
identically congruent to zero modulo p.
If, conversely, R(x) is identically congruent to zero for the modulus p,

the congruence
xp — x = f(x)Q(x) (mod p)

is identical and from Theorem 6-3 we infer that f(x) = 0(mod p) has
exactly n distinct solutions modulo p.
6-3. Wilson's Theorem
Theorem 6-7. If p is a positive prime, (p — 1)! +1= 0(mod p).
Since the integers 1, 2, . . .
, p — 1 of a reduced residue system
modulo p constitute the solutions of the congruence x v l
= l(mod p),
there are exactly p — 1 linear factors modulo p of o^
-1 —
1. Hence,

x p-i _ i = ( x _ i)( x _ 2) • • •
(z — p + l)(mod p)

is an identical congruence. It is, therefore, satisfied by x = 0(mod p)

with the result that

-1 = (_i)P-i(p - l)!(mod p)

If p is odd, follows that (p — 1)!

it + 1 = 0(mod p), and if p = 2,
it is evident that the theorem holds.
Corollary. If p is a positive prime and r = 1, 2, . . .
, p —
2, the
sum of all possible products of distinct integers selected rata time from
the set 1, 2, . . .
, p — 1 is a multiple of p.
~ — — — —
Because xp l 1 is identically congruent to (# l)(x 2) (#
p + 1) modulo p, the coefficients of like powers of x in these two poly-
nomials are in the same residue class modulo p. Therefore, the coeffi-
cients of all the positive powers of x occurring in the product with the
exception of the coefficient of x p l
are congruent to modulo p. But
when p > 2, except for its sign, the coefficient of x p 2 in this product is the
sum 1+2+ • •
+ p — 1 ; the coefficient of x p z is the sum of products
of integers selected two at a time in all possible ways without repetition

from 1, 2, . . .
, p — 1. Likewise, except for sign, the coefficient of
X P-r-i ;
for r = 1, 2, . . .
p — 2, is the sum of products of integers
selected r at a time from the same set. All these sums are, therefore,

multiples of p. Equating the absolute terms would, of course, give

Wilson's theorem.
Theorem 6-8. If (n — 1)! + 1 = 0(mod n), then n is a prime.
Suppose that n > 1 is a composite and that

(n - 1)! + 1 = 0(mod n)

Then n = n\n 2 where ,

1 < rii, n2 < n, and consequently both ri\ and n 2
are factors of (n — 1)!. But neither of these integers can divide 1.

Hence, n a prime.

Theoretically Wilson's theorem and its converse afford a test for a

prime, but when n is large, the amount of calculating involved is so great
that the test is entirely impracticable.


Use Wilson's theorem to show that 23 is a prime.


Show that, for p > 5, (p — 1) + 1 has a prime factor different from the prime p.
2. !

3. If p is a prime of the form 4.n + 1, prove that (2n)! is a solution of the con-

gruence x 2 = — l(mod p).

4. If p is a prime of the form 4n — 1, show that (2n — 1)! is a solution of the con-
gruence x 2 = l(mod p).
5. If p is a prime, prove that each of the coefficients of the expansion of (1 — z)
p_1 is

one greater than some multiple of p.

6. If r\, r 2 r p and h\, k 2
, . k p are both complete residue systems for
. . , , . . . ,

the modulus p, a prime, can rjci, r 2 k 2 r p k p form a complete residue system , . . . ,

modulo p?
7. Show that if ri, r 2 r p _i is any reduced residue system modulo p, a prime,
, . . . ,

1 rt - = — l(mod p).
8. If r p _i is a reduced residue system modulo p, an odd prime, then p
n, r 2 , . . . ,

divides any integral rational symmetric function of the n, where i = 1, 2, . . .


p — 1, whose degree is less than p — 1. .

9. Develop another proof of Wilson's theorem by making use of the solutions of

x 2 = l(mod p) and ax = l(mod p), where (a, p) = 1 and p is an odd prime. Notice
that of the integers 1, 2, 3, p — 1 only 1 and p — 1 satisfy the first congruence
. . .

and that when a is selected from the set 2, 3, p — 2, there is a solution of the . . .

second congruence that is in this very set and is distinct from a.

6-4. The Mobius If the p where i = 1, 2, Function.

r, are i} . . . ,

distinct positive primes and if m = ±pi ni p 2 n2 pr

we saj that ,

ju(m) = if any exponent n > 1 that m(^) = (— l) r if each w< = 1 and t ; ;

that p(m) = 1 if each n» = 0, which means that /*( + 1) = 1. When it is

so defined, /x(m) is called the Mobius function.

*Theorem 6-9. The function n(m) is multiplicative.

= 1, and let a = ±pi p 2
b = ±qi si q 2 *
ni n nr
Take (a, b) Pr *

qt where
, the factorizations are into powers of distinct positive primes.
If any n iy where i = 1, 2, . . , r, or S/, where j = 1, 2, . , t, is . . .

greater than 1, jn(a)/*(b) = 0. But then /*(a&) = 0.

If all rii and s,- are 1, then /*(a) = ( — l) and /*(&) = (l— 1)*, so that

M (a)/*(6) = (i-l) r+t

But = (~l) r+f
mW .

If either a = ±1, or a = ±1 and & = ± 1, then ju(a&) = p(a)n(b).

*Theorem 6-10. > ii{d) is or 1 according as \m\ is greater than or

equal to 1.

If m- 1,
J mM = m(1) = 1.


If m= +pi ni p 2 W2 = for any divisor d of m that

* * •
Pr % since p(d)
has a factor p* where i = 1, 2, 2
, r, we need consider only the . . . ,

divisors of pip 2 pr- But these divisors are found by combining

' ' '

factors chosen in all possible ways from these r primes. Thus we find

r Co -M(l)

,Ci( -1) -2> "(Pi)

,c 2 (--I) 2 viViVi)

rC r (-l) r = H{pip 2 • ' '


But r Co-KCi(-l) + r C 2 (-l) 2

+ '
+rCr(-l) r = (1- 1)' = 0, and
hence p(di) + n{d 2 ) +•••+ n(d s) = 0, where di, d2 , . . . , d s are the
positive divisors of m.

*Theorem 6-11. If m is a positive integer, / fi(n) = 1.

The preceding theorem shows that

£ mWi) + £ /ift) + • • •
+ J "W») = X

di|l d 2 |2 dm|m

But 1 will be a divisor of each integer of the set 1, 2, . . . , m, so that

ju(l) will occur m times in the above sum; 2 will be a divisor of — of the

— I

times. Generally, d will be a divisor


of -r of the integers from 1 through m, and therefore fi(d) will occur

-r times in the sum. Hence,

n= l d\n


n =l

^Theorem 6-12 (The Mobius Inversion Formula). If, for m > 0,

f(m) is an arithmetic function and if an arithmetic function g(m) is so

defined that

g(m) =


f{m) = ^ "to» (f) (4)

We shall build up the right-hand member of the equation (4) to be

proved by first observing that as d ranges through all the positive divisors*
of m, the integer m/d does likewise. According to the hypothesis, it
follows that for each positive divisor m/d of m



= mW J /(a)


d\m a\m/d

Reversing the order of summation, we have •

d\m a\m/d d\m

But to say that a ranges through the positive divisors of m/d while d takes
on the values of the positive divisors of m is the same as saying that a
ranges through the positive divisors of m while d is a positive divisor of
m/a. Consequently,

d\m a\m d\m/a

= X /(a)

But > y(d) = unless a = m, so that


6-5. An Application of the Mobius Inversion Formula. We have

shown that if m> 0, m = > 4>{d). Consequently,

</>(ra) =


Thus if ra = 1, then <j>(m) = 1, but if m= pi p 2

ni n2

0(m) = 7?i
/?l I
( 1 — • •

H h " • "
\ Pi Pr PlZ>2 Pr-l??r P1P2P3

•+(-1)' *
PlP2 ' ' •

^..(i-l^i-i).. .(1-1)


1. Is it necessary for the truth of Theorem 6-12 that /(ra) and g(m) be arithmetic

2. If F(ri) = f] f{d) and no f(d) is 0, then/(n) = d

[] F(n/d)^ K Prove this state-

din d\n
ment by using a method analogous to that of Sec. 6-5, and then prove it by taking the
logarithm of each member of the given equation.
3. Prove that for any positive integer m, > v(n)/n < 1. Consider the value
n = l
of V (- - T-l) together with Theorem 6-11.1
n= l


7-1. The X Function. We have proved that for any integer a prime
to m
a 4>(m) = l( mo d m)
In solving congruences, moreover, we have exhibited some cases in which
a positive power, smaller than <f>(m), of a particular integer a is sufficient
to produce modulo m even when a ^ 1. Take, for example, the con-

gruence x 2 ss l(mod 5), which has the solution 4, as well as 1, modulo 5,

and the congruence x z = l(mod 14), with solutions 9, 11, and 1 modulo
14. It is, therefore, important to ask whether there is a positive integer
smaller than and yet such that when any integer prime to m is raised

to that integral power, the result is congruent to 1 modulo ra. We shall

show that when m takes any form except 2 n for n = 0, 1, or 2, andp n or
2p n for p an odd prime and n > 0, there is such a positive integer. For
example, consider the case where m = 15. Here <f>(m) = 8, and x 8 =
l(mod 15) is, of course, satisfied by all integers prime to 15. But each
one of these integers also satisfies the congruence x A = l(mod 15).
Now take any integer a prime to 2. Then a is odd and has the form
2k -r- 1. Hence,
(2k + l)
= 4fc(fc + 1) + 1

a2 = l(mod2 3

( a 2)2 = (l + 2 3 s) 2
a 22 = 1 + 2 4s + 2V
so that
a 22 = l(mod 2 4)
In like manner, if

= l(mod 2k)
it follows that

"' 1
a2 m l(mod2 A:+1 )

Hence, we conclude that if n > 2,

2n ' 2
a = l(mod 2 n )
which means that
*<2«)/2 = l(mod2 w )

Consequently, for n > an integer smaller than <j>(2 n ) such that

2 there is

this integral power of any integer prime to 2 yields the residue 1 for the
modulus 2 n . Accordingly, we proceed to give a name to this number
0(2 )/2 as well as to other numbers closely related to <f>(m).
It was R. Carmichael who used the symbol X(ra) to designate the arith-
metic function which E. Lucas had defined as follows:
1. If m = 2 n and n = 0, 1, or 2, X(ra) = <f>(m).
2. If m = 2 n and n > 2, X(ra) = 0(ra)/2.
3. li m = p n p being an odd prime, X(p n ) = <£(p n ).

4. If m = 2 npiWl2>2n2 Pr
nr the
p where i = 1, ' * •
, 4-, 2, . . . , r, being
distinct odd primes, then X(m) is the least common multiple of X(2 n ),
n ').
X(pi»0, • • • , X(Pr
Thus, when m has the form 2 n for n =
0, 1, or 2, the form p
or 2p n for ,

n >
and p an odd prime, the X function has the same value as the
function, but when m has the factor 2 n with n > 2, or 2 2 and an odd
prime factor, or two factors that are powers of distinct odd primes, the
X function is at most half of the function. <f>

When the p^ where i = r, are odd primes, if m = 2 pi ni p 2

n n2
1, 2, . . . ,

• •
p r and (a, m)
• = 1, we know, therefore, that

a X(2«) = i( mo d2»)
au P
i ) = l(mod pi ni )
But X(m) is a multiple of each of the functions X(2 n ), \(pi ni ), and thus
X(ra)/X(2 ) and \(m) /\(pi ni ) are integers. Consequently,

( a xC2»))x<«)/x(2.) = i( mo d2 TC
( a X(p^))X(m)/X( Pi "») = l( mo d p .».)

Finally, since 2 , pi ni , . . .
, pr
are relatively prime in pairs,

a x(m) = i(mo d m)
Therefore, if m is not of the form 2 1, or 2, and not of the form
for n = 0,
p or 2p f or n >
and p an odd prime, then the X function gives a better
result than does the function. It is on this account often advantageous

to have:
Theorem For (a, m) = 1, a Mm) = l(mod m).
Example. Although 0(2800) = 0(2 4 )0(5 2 )0(7) = 960, X(2800) is the
least common multiple of 4, 20, and 6 and is only 60. Hence, for (a, 2800)
= 1, a 60 = 1 (mod 2800).

The new formula is useful in finding the remainder in the division by

m of the power of an integer prime to m whenever the exponent of the

power lies between X(ra) and <f>(m). Thus, to find the remainder when
7 14 is divided by 180, we start with 7 12 = l(mod 180), for X(180) = 12.
Then 7 2 = 49(mod 180), and 7 14 = 49 (mod 180).
7-2. Belonging to an Exponent Modulo m. Since there is always at
least one positive power of a particular integer a prime to m that is con-
gruent to 1 modulo m, there must be a least positive integer d such that
ad = l(mod ra). We call this integer d the exponent to which a belongs
modulo m, or we say that a belongs to d modulo m. For example, 4 3 =
l(mod 7), while 4 2 = 2 (mod 7), so that 4 belongs to 3 modulo 7. Again,
3 4 = l(mod 5), and there is no smaller positive power of 3 which is con-
gruent to 1 modulo 5. Hence, 3 belongs to </>(5) modulo 5.
Theorem 7-2. If an integer a, prime to m, belongs to d modulo m, and
if a
= l(mod m), then d divides k.
Suppose that k = qd + r, where < r < d, then
ak = (a d ) 3 a r (mod m)
that is

ar = l(mod m)

But d is the least positive exponent such that a d = l(mod ra), and there-
fore r = Consequently, d k.
0. |

Corollary. The exponent d to which an integer a, prime to m, belongs

modulo m
is a divisor of 4>(m) and of X(m).

This corollary shows that we need try only divisors of X(m) to find the
exponent to which an integer belongs modulo m. For instance, to find
the exponent to which 7 belongs modulo 55, we try only the exponents
2, 4, 5, 10, and 20, for X(55) = 20. Thus 7 2 = -6(mod 55), 7 4 =
36(mod 55), 7
^ 32(mod 55), 7
^ 34(mod 55), and 7 20 = l(mod 55).
Hence, 7 belongs to X(55) modulo 55.
In 1844 A. L. Crelle gave a device for finding the exponent to which an
integer a belongs modulo m. To employ this method, first set up the
integers 1,2, m — 1 in a row, and under 1 put r h the least positive
. . . ,

residue modulo m of the integer a under 2 put the least positive residue ;

Ti of n + a = 2ri(mod m); under 3 put the least positive residue of

r 2 + a = r<t + ri(mod m) Then the resulting table
; . . . .

1 2 3 4 ... m- 1

n r2 r3 r4 ... r m -i

gives in order in the second row the residues of

r h 2ri, 3fi, . . .
(m — l)ri

modulo m. According to this scheme the integer r\ congruent to a

modulo m is under 1 the integer congruent to a 2 = r x ri(mod m) is

under t\\ and likewise the integer congruent to a 8 = t ri(mod m) is •

under t.
Thus, if m= 7 and we wish to find the exponent to which 3 belongs
modulo 7, we form the table

12 3 4 5 6
3 6 2 5 14
Then 3 = 3 (mod 7), and so we move to 3 in the first row. We find 2
under 3, and hence 3 2 = 2 (mod 7). Moving to 2 in the first row, we find
6 under it, and have 3 3 = 6 (mod 7). Continuing in this manner, we find
34 = 4, 35 = 5, and 36 = l(mod 7). The integer 3, therefore, belongs to
6 modulo 7. Moreover, the residues of the first six positive integral
powers of 3 are in order 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1, and it is evident that this cycle is

repeated as the exponent of 3 is increased beyond 6 through the positive

an integer a prime to m belongs to d modulo m, the least positive
residues of the powers a, a 2 a 3 a d of a taken in order constitute the
, , . . . ,

period of a modulo m. These residues are distinct modulo m, for if

~ =
a s = a* (mod m) with s > t, then a s l(mod m). But since s and t l

have only the values 1,2, d, the difference s — t is less than d and
. . . ,

cannot be divisible by d. Hence, we have proved

Theorem 7-3. If an integer a belongs to d modulo m, the integers a,
a2 a3, , a d are distinct modulo m.
. . . ,

When (a, m) = 1, s > 0, and a s = b (mod m), then b is said to be a

power residue of a modulo m. Thus Theorem 7-3 shows that if a belongs
to d modulo m, the first d power residues of a modulo m are incongruent
modulo m. Clearly, they constitute the power residues of a modulo m.
We say, then, that there are exactly d incongruent integers that are power
residues of a modulo m, omitting modulo m" after "incongruent integers/'
for there can be no confusion about the required modulus.


Find the exponents to which 5 and 7 belong modulo 11.


Find the remainder when 7 182 is divided by 675.

3. Prove that if a and b are prime to 1729, then a 36 — 6 36 is divisible by 1729.

4. If p is a prime, (a, p) = 1, and a d = 6 d (mod p), where d is the least positive

exponent for which the congruence is true, then d is a divisor of p — 1.
5. If a belongs to d modulo p an odd prime, and if d is even, then a d/2 = — 1 (mod p).

6. If p is an odd prime, and if a k = — l(mod p), where k is the least positive

integer for which the congruence is true, then 2k is the exponent to which a belongs
modulo p.

7. Prove that if a, where

the integer< a < p — 2, belongs to the exponent 3
modulo p, a prime, then a belongs to 6 +
modulo p.

8. If the integer a belongs to d modulo p, a prime, show that the product of all the
distinct residues of the powers of a is congruent to 1 or — 1 according as d is odd or even.
9. Show that x = ba
K(m) ~ (mod m) is a solution of ax = b (mod m) if
(a, m) = 1.

Compare the fact that the powers of 2 will generate all the solutions of x 4
= l(mod 5) with the corresponding property of the root i of the equation x 4 — 1 = 0.
What do you notice about the other solutions?

Theorem 7-4. If an integer a prime to p belongs to d modulo p, a

prime, there are exactly <f>(d) incongruent integers that belong to d
modulo p.
When p = 2, d has only the value 1 and then the integer 1 belongs to
1 modulo 2.
When p is an odd prime, consider the congruence
xd = l(mod p)

and suppose that the integer a belongs to d modulo p. Then each integer
of the set
a, a2 az , , . . . , ad

is prime to p and satisfies the congruence, for

(a 8 )* = (a d ) s = l(mod p)

According to Theorem 7-3, furthermore, no two of these integers are con-

gruent modulo p. Consequently, these powers of a give all the solutions
of x d = 1 (mod p) for the modulus is a prime and there are, therefore, no

more than d solutions. Hence, any integer that belongs to d is congruent

modulo p to an integer of the set a, a 2 ... a d and none of these integers , , ,

belongs to an exponent greater than d.

However, if (s, d) = 1, a s belongs to d modulo p, for if we assume that
a 8 belongs to k < d,
(a 8 ) k ss l(mod p)
a sk == l( mo(l

But since a belongs to d modulo p, d |

sk. Hence, d \
k, and k is not less
than d.

On the other hand, if (s, d) = n ^ 1, so that s = ns , d = nd , then

(a 8 ) do ss a Sod 3= l(mod p)

and a 8 does not belong to d modulo p, for d is less than d.

Since there are <f>{d) positive integers less than d and prime to d, exactly
<j>(d) of the powers a 8 where , s = 1, 2, . . . , d, belong to the exponent
d modulo p.

Corollary d is a divisor of p — 1 and an integer a belongs to d

1. If
modulo p, a prime, the solutions of x d = l(mod p) are congruent to
a, a
... a d modulo p.
, ,

Corollary d is a divisor of p — 1 and an integer a belongs to d

2. If
modulo p, a prime, then a s belongs to d modulo p if and only if the expo-
nent s is prime to d.
Corollary 3. If d is a divisor of p — 1 and an integer a belongs to d
modulo p, a prime, then a s where (s, d) = n ^ 1, belongs to the exponent

d/n modulo p.
To prove Corollary 3, notice that if p = 2, d can be only 1, for a is odd.
In the case of an odd prime, if d = d n, we saw that

(a s ) d ° == l(mod p)
Now suppose that
(a s Y = l(mod p)

with < t < do. Then d |

st. But if s = s n, then (s , do) = 1, and it

follows that do \
t. This is impossible when t < do. Therefore, t = do,

and a s belongs to do modulo p.

Theorem 7-5. When (s, t) = 1, if a belongs to s, and b belongs to t

modulo m, then ab belongs to st modulo m.

We know that a s = l(mod m) and ¥ = l(mod m), so that

(ab) st
= (a') '(&')' = l(mod m)
But if a6 belongs to k modulo m, so that

(ab) k = l(mod m)
then k \
st and k < st. Moreover,

(ab) ks = b ks = l(mod m)
and therefore t \
ks, so that t\k. In like manner,

(ab) kt
= a kt
= l(mod m)
and s |
kt, so that s |
k. Since (s, ^ = 1, it follows that st |
k and s£ < fc.

Consequently, k = st.
Theorem 7-6 (H. G. Erlerus, 1841). When pi and p 2 are odd primes,
if m = ai(mod pi) and m = a 2 (mod p 2 ), and if in addition ai belongs to

di modulo pi and a 2 belongs to d 2 modulo p 2 then , m belongs to the least

common multiple of d\ and d 2 for the modulus pip 2 .

Since m = dl
l(mod pi) and m<* 2 = l(mod p 2), if L is the least common
multiple of di and d 2 then ,

(m dl) L/di = l(mod pi)

(m d *) L/d2 = l(mod p 2)

mL = l(mod P1P2)

But if m belongs to k modulo P1P2, the last congruence implies that k \

Again, from
m =
l(mod P1P2)
we infer that
m =
l(mod pi) i = 1, 2

Therefore, di k, d 2 k, and L
k. \
Hence, k = L. \

Examples. Because 3 belongs to 5 modulo 11 and 10 belongs to 2 for

the same modulus, and since the exponents 5 and 2 are relatively prime,
it is evident from Theorem 7-5 that 30, and hence 8, belongs to the expo-

nent 10 modulo 11.

Again, 7 belongs to 10 for the modulus 11, and 5 belongs to 4 modulo 13.
Thus, according to Theorem 7-6, the integer 18 belongs to 20 modulo 143.


1. Find an integer that belongs to 2 modulo 19 and one that belongs to 3 modulo 19.

Using these results, find an integer that belongs to 6 modulo 19.

2. Set up the least positive residues of the powers of 2, 3, and 6 modulo 17.

3. Find all the integers that belong to 16 modulo 17.

4. Solve the congruences x 3 = l(mod 7) and x = l(mod 31).

5. Show that 2 belongs to 12 modulo 13, and thus find the exponent to which 8

belongs modulo 13. Do any other integers belong to this exponent modulo 13?
6. Find the integer to which 7 belongs modulo 5 and modulo 11. Then determine
the integer to which 7 belongs modulo 55.
7. When p is a prime, if a and b are prime to p, and if a = b (mod p ), show that

a? = 6 p (mod p
), and hence by induction that a pr
= 6
(mod p

8. When the modulus m is composite, prove theorems analogous to Corollaries 2 and

3 of Theorem 7-4.
9. If pi = 2 and p 2 is an odd prime, does Theorem 7-6 hold? Generalize the

7-3. Another Test for a Prime. If we can find one integer a prime to
the integer m and satisfying the condition
~l =
am l(mod m)

is it true that m is a prime? This question is easily answered, for X (21) =

6, and so a
l(mod 21) for all integers a that are prime to 21. Thus
6 - Hence, 8 20 = l(mod21), and yet
21), and 8 = l(mod 21).
2 l(mod
21 is not a prime.
Is it even true that m is a prime if, for all a that are prime to m,

a m-i s i( mo d m)
Again we can answer negatively by showing a case in which the hypothesis

is fulfilledbut where m is a composite. Any integer a prime to 561 =

3(11) (17) satisfies the congruence

a 80 = 1 (mod 561)
because X(561) = 80. Consequently,

a 56o _ i( mo d 561)

Thus the exact converse of Fermat's theorem is not true.

An important test for a prime can, nevertheless, be derived from these
ideas. The following theorem was first proved by Lucas* in 1876, and
from it powerful methods for deciding the primality of integers having
certain forms have been developed
Theorem 7-7. If an integer a is prime to an integer m greater than 1,
and if a m l = l(mod m) although there is no positive integer k less than
m — 1 and such that a k = l(mod m), then m is a prime.
Assuming that m> 1 is composite, since (a, m) = 1,

But 0(m) < m — 1 because m has a factor between 1 and m. Therefore,

m is a prime.
Actually, by virtue of Theorem 7-2, in applying this test for a prime we
need evaluate only those powers a k for which k is a divisor of m — 1.
Example. To test 47 for a prime, we can make use of the fact that 2
belongs to 23 and 46 belongs to 2 modulo 47 and determine by Theorem
7-5 that 2 46 = 45 (mod 47) belongs to 23 2 = 46 for the modulus 47.
• •

Or we may reason that since the divisors of 46 are only 1, 2, 23, and 46,
and because 45 23 = (47 - 2) 23 = (-2) 23 = -l(mod 47), so that 45 does
not belong to 1, 2, or 23, then the integer 45 belongs to 46 modulo 47.
Hence, by virtue of Theorem 7-7, 47 is a prime.
7-4. Primitive Roots. Is there a positive integer k smaller than X(m)
and satisfying the condition that, for any integer a prime to m, a k =
l(mod m)? The answer has been completely determined because Gauss
showed that exactly <£(</>(m)) integers belong to </>(m) if m is 2 n with ,

n = 0, 1, or 2, or if m is p n or 2p n where n > and p is an odd prime, and


R. Carmichael showed that for all other moduli there is at least one integer
that belongs to X(m). Consequently, there is no positive integer k
smaller than X(m) and such that, for all integers prime to m, a k =
l(mod m). We shall proceed to develop these ideas.
We call an integer that belongs to 4>{m) modulo m a primitive root of m
or a primitive root modulo m. It is evident that 1 is a primitive root of 1
and 2 and that 3 is a primitive root of 2 2 There are no other primitive

roots of these moduli.

* E. Lucas, Am. J. Math., Vol. 1, p. 301, 1878.

Theorem There are exactly 0(p — 1) incongruent integers that

are primitive rootsmodulo p, an odd prime.
Of course when d is a divisor of p — 1, as far as we have proved, no
integer need belong to d modulo p, but we have shown that if one integer
does belong to d for the modulus p, exactly <f>(d) incongruent integers
modulo p belong to d. Therefore, if we let \p{d) represent the number of
integers from 1 through p — 1 that belong to d modulo p,

m) < 0(d)

Besides, each integer from 1 through p that is prime to p belongs to one

and only one exponent for the modulus p, and this exponent must be a
divisor of p — 1. It is thus evident that

0(<« + 0(d 2 ) + • • •
+ Hdr) = V - 1

where the di, with i = 1, 2, . . . , r, are the distinct positive divisors of

p — 1. But we have also shown that

4>(di) + <f>(d 2 ) + • •
+ <f>(d r ) = p - 1

Because no yp{d ) can exceed the corresponding 0(d/), if any \p(di) were less

than the corresponding 0((&), these statements could not both be true.
Therefore, for all i,

f(di) = 0(cfc)

In particular when the divisor d is p — 1 itself, there are exactly

cf)(p — 1) = 4>(cf>(p)) incongruent integers that belong top — 1 modulo p.
Corollary. p is an odd prime and d is a divisor of p — 1, 0(d) of the
integers from through p — 1 belong to d modulo p.

Example. We shall find the primitive roots of 17 and the integers

that belong to the divisors of 0(17) = 16. Using Crelle's method, we see
that for the modulus 17 the powers of 3 give the residues

3, 9, 10, 13, 5, 15, 11, 16, 14, 8, 7, 4, 12, 2, 6, 1

It is clear, then, that the primitive roots of 17 determined by the powers

of 3 having exponents prime to 16 are 3, 33 , 35 , 37 , 39 , 3 11 , 3 13 ,
3 15 and
reduce to 3, 10, 5, 11, 14, 7, 12, and 6, modulus
respectively, for the 17.

Notice that 3 2 = 9(mod 17) belongs to the exponent 8 modulo 17, for
(2, 16) = 2 and ^- = 8. Moreover, the other integers that belong to 8
modulo 17 are of the form 3 s where (s, 16) = 2. Hence, s = 6, 10, and

14. The integers are, therefore, 3 6 3 10 and 3 14 and they reduce to 15, , , ,

8, and 2 modulo 17. In like manner we can find the integers that belong
to 4 modulo 17, for in this case (s, 16) = 4. Thus 3 4 and 3 12 belong to
4 modulo 17. There is just one integer that belongs to 2, and it is
3 8 = 16(mod 17).


1. Find all primitive roots of p = 5, 7, 11, and 13.

2. Prove that the product of all the integers that belong to a particular exponent
d > 2 modulo p, an odd prime, is congruent to 1 modulo p.
341 —
3. Show that 2 2 is divisible by 341 even though 341 is not a prime.
4. Find by trial composites m other than 561 such that a m_1 = l(mod m) for all
integers prime to m.

7-5. Gauss' Method for Finding a Primitive Root Modulo p. To find

a primitive root of a prime p, first choose any integer a\ prime to p, and
find the exponent di to which a\ belongs modulo p. If d\ is not p — 1,
find the least positive residues of
2 z
oi, «i , ai , • • • ,
a\ dx

modulo p. None of these integers is a primitive root of p since each one

satisfies the congruence
x dl = l(mod p)

Now select any positive integer a 2 less than p and not one of the residues
of thepowers of a±. Then if a 2 is not a primitive root of p, a 2 belongs to
some d 2 modulo p.
The exponent d 2 cannot be a divisor of d\, for if d\ = kd 2 ,

a hd % = l( mo d p)

and a: =
a 2 (mod p) would be a solution of x dl = l(mod p), which is
impossible because the powers of a\ determine all the solutions of this
If d 2 is a multiple of d h but not p — 1, we have found an integer that
belongs to an exponent modulo p that is greater than d\.
If (di,d 2 ) = I, then a x a 2 belongs to d\d 2 modulo p.
lib = (di, d 2 ) and b is neither 1 nor di, factor b into powers of distinct
primes so that b = pi ni p 2 n pr
Then separate b into two rela-
* • • •

tively prime factors bi and b 2 by taking pi ni as a factor of b i or b 2 according

as di or d 2 contains the lower power of p^ If the power of Pi is the same

in both di and d 2 take pi ni as a factor of either bi or b 2

, .

Then according to Corollary 3 of Theorem belongs to di/bi, and

7-4, ai bl
a 2h2 belongs to d 2 /b 2 modulo p. However, ((di/bi), (d 2 /b 2 )) = 1, for if
di = bdoi and d 2 = bd 02 then (d 0h d 02 ) = , 1. Moreover, di/bi = bd 2 i,

and d 2 /b 2 = bid 02 and we know that (b 1} b 2 )

= 1. But (6i, d i) = 1 also,
for if p
is the highest power of any prime in b h it is the highest power of
p that is a factor of d\ and thus p does not divide d i. In like manner,
(b 2 , d 02 ) = 1. Consequently, the product ai bl a 2bi belongs to did 2 /bib 2 =
d\d 2 /b, p, and this exponent is the least common multiple of
d\ and d 2 .

Thus under any circumstances we have found an integer that belongs

to an exponent modulo p larger than d\. After setting up the power
residues of this integer, we continue as before by choosing a positive
integer less than p but not among any of the power residues thus far
determined. After proceeding for a finite number of steps, we must find
an integer that belongs to p — 1 modulo p.
Example. To find a primitive root of 41, first find the power residues
of 2 modulo 41. These residues of 2, 2 2 2 10 are in order 2, 4, 8,
, . . . ,

16, 32, 23, 5, 10, 20, 40. Since 2 10

= - l(mod 41), the remaining residues
are the negatives of these integers, and 2, therefore, belongs to 20 modulo
Because the integer 3 does not occur among the power residues of 2, we
determine the power residues of 3 modulo 41. They are 3, 9, 27, 40, —3,
— 9, —27, —40. Consequently, 3 belongs to 8 modulo 41.
Since (20, 8) = 4, we use the factors 4 and 1 as &i and b 2 We know .

that 2 4 belongs to 5 and 3 belongs to 8 modulo 41. Consequently,

16 •
3 = 7 (mod 41) belongs to the least common multiple of 5 and 8 and
is, therefore, a primitive root of 41.
The power residues of 7 modulo 41 are

7, 8, 15, 23, 38, 20, 17, 37, 13, 9

22, 31, 12, 2, 14, 16, 30, 5, 35, 40

and the negatives of the above integers taken in order.

Roots Modulo p n and 2p n
7-6. Primitive
Theorem 7-9. If p is an odd prime, there are just <f>(<j>(p )) incon-
gruent primitive roots modulo p n .

Suppose that the integer a is a primitive root modulo p. This state-

ment means, of course, that every integer in the class with a belongs to
the exponent p — 1 for the modulus p. We shall show that we can choose
an integer in this residue class that is a primitive root of p n Specifically, .


a p-i =£ i( mo d p

we shall prove that a is a primitive root modulo p n but ,


aP- 1 = l(mod p'2


we shall prove that k can be so chosen that the integer a + kp satisfies

the condition
(a + kpY~ l
?£ l(mod p 2 )
and that this integer is a primitive root of p .

~ s
First, let us suppose that when a belongs to p — 1 modulo p, av l

l(modp 2
). Then

~l ~2
(a + kp) p = a?- 1 +~(p - l)a p kp + • • •
+ (fcp^-^mod p 2 )
= 1 — ap 2
/cp (mod p 2

and consequently (a + kp) l
is congruent to 1 modulo p 2 if and only if k
is divisible by p. If we, therefore, choose k prime to p, then a + /cp will

not only belong to p — 1 modulo p but

(a + ftp)*'-
^ l(mod p 2 )

that is, there is always a primitive root r = a + kp of p such that r

l(mod p 2

= r<^ = l(mod p n ).
It is true that since (r, p) 1, But does r belong
to an exponent t modulo p smaller than 4>(p n )? If so, t is a divisor of
) = p n~ l
(p — 1). More than that, since it is necessarily true that
r* = l(mod p) and r belongs to p that p — 1 — 1 modulo p, it is clear
divides if. Hence, has the form p s (p — 1) with s = 0, 1, 2,
£ or . . . ,

w — 1. But if s did not exceed n — 2, we could raise each member of the

congruence r* = l(mod p n ) to the p n ~ 2 ~ s power and obtain

pn-2(p-l) _ l( m()( J pn)

We shall show, however, that the last congruence cannot be true and
hence that r cannot belong to an exponent less than </>(p n ) modulo p n .

To do so, use the fact that

r v-i == i( mo d <p)

in the form rp = 1 + cp, where (c, p) = 1. Then
-i =
(r p y
n -*
(1 + cp) pn_2 (niod p")
n-2 _ ^
^ 1 + p^Cp + ^ ^_ ii ( cp )2 +
+ (cp)
(mod p n )
The (m + l)st term of this expansion is

n-2 _ j) . .

( p
n-2 - m+ 1)
: 1/ p

and it is obviously a multiple of p n if m> 2 and if (m, p) = 1, for

n-2 - 1) (yn-2 _m+
. • .
(m — ^T-=

is an integer. But n m = fcp' with

(k, p) = 1, p ^' >
the expression will not be a multiple of p" unless p»-'2 -' •

, that is,kp > n. But
unless n fcp* > t + 2. Each—term 2 — t -{- l

after the second of the expansion is, therefore, a multiple of p n .

Hence, f or n > 3

r p»-2(p-l) = I _j_ pn-l c

( mo(J p n)

and because (c, p) = 1,

rp»-HP -i) =£ i( mo d p

If n = 2, we know that
rp x
^ l(mod p 2 )
r p( P
-i) = i( mo d p

Consequently, r is a primitive root modulo p n where n , > 1.

Now consider the congruence

£3>»-i(p-i) == l(mod p n )
Each of the integers

y y2 yP n_1 (p— 1)

congruence, and each of them

satisfies this is prime to p. They are,
moreover, incongruent modulo p n for if ,

s pn) = n~ 1 —
r v( mo d w, u 1, 2, . . .
, p (p 1)

assuming u > v, we conclude This result isthat r w_ " = l(mod p n ).

n~ 1
impossible because u than p (p — 1).
— Hence, these </>(p n )
v is less
integers are distinct solutions modulo p n of the conditional congruence.
But only integers prime to p can be solutions of this congruence, and since
there are exactly <t>{p n ) integers from 1 through p n that are prime to p, we
have found all the solutions.
Furthermore, the integers that belong to 4>{p n ) modulo p n must be
among the solutions of the given congruence. By arguing just as we did
inTheorem 7-4, we can show that r belongs to <i>{p n ) modulo p n if and s

n~ 1 — n
only if s is prime to p (p 1). There are, then, exactly <f>(4>(p ))
incongruent integers that are primitive roots modulo p .

Example. We have already shown that 3 is a primitive root of 17.

But 3 16 = 171 (mod 289). Accordingly, 3 is a primitive root of 17 2 since
3 16 ^ l(mod Furthermore, the powers of 3 having exponents
prime to 0(17 2 ) =
complete set of distinct primi-
(17) (16) constitute the
tive roots of 17 2 There are exactly 0(272) = 128 of them.

The theorem shows, moreover, that because 3 16 ^ l(mod 289), 3 is a

primitive root of 17 3 , 17 4 , ....


Find all the primitive roots of 5 2 and 5 3

1. .

Find the primitive roots of 49. Find also all the integers that belong to the

exponent 6 modulo 49. Find a primitive root of 343.

3. If p is an odd prime, prove that any primitive root of p n is a primitive root of p.

4. Prove that if p is a prime and an integer a prime to p belongs to the exponent

d modulo p, and if p
is the highest power of p that divides a d — \ then a belongs to the ,

exponent dp n ~h modulo p n for n > h.

5. If p is an odd prime, prove that the product of two primitive roots modulo p is

not a primitive root modulo p n .

6. If r belongs to <j>(p ) modulo p and (s, <t>(p )) = d ?* 1, does r belong to <f>(p )/d
n n n 8 n

modulo p n ?

Theorem 7-10. There are exactly cf>(<j>(2p )) incongruent primitive
roots modulo 2p n .

Any integer that satisfies the congruence

l(mod 2p n )

isnecessarily odd, and so a primitive root of 2p n must be odd. But if an

~ —
odd integer a belongs to 4>{2p n ) = p n l (p 1) modulo 2p
it , is a primi-
tive root of p , for
pn-i( P -i) = i( mo d 2p n )
implies that
a p--i(p-D = i( mo d p n )

n~ 1
< (p — 1) modulo p
and if a belonged to d p then since a is odd, ,

ad = l(mod 2p n ). The last congruence is, of course, impossible, for a is

a primitive root of 2p n . We must, therefore, look for the primitive roots
of 2p n among the primitive roots of p n .

But an odd primitive root of p n it is a primitive root of 2p n for

if r is , ,

— 1 is divisible by 2 as well as by p
and if r belonged to an exponent ,

n n
smaller than 4>(2p ) modulo 2p it would belong to that exponent ,

modulo p n .

Moreover, if r is an even primitive root of p n the integer r + p n which , ,

is also a primitive root of p because it is in the same residue class as r
modulo p n is odd and is of necessity a primitive root of 2p n
, .

We have shown, therefore, that a primitive root of p n is a primitive

root of 2p n if and only if it is an odd integer.
It is evident, furthermore, that two odd primitive roots of p n that are
in the same residue class modulo p n are congruent modulo 2p n On the .

other hand, if two of the <f>(<f>(p n )) odd primitive roots modulo p n selected
one from each of the residue classes modulo p n were congruent modulo
2p n they would be congruent modulo p n
There are, therefore, exactly .

incongruent primitive roots of 2p n
(f>(<l>(2p )) .

Example. We have shown that 3 is a primitive root of 17 2 . It is also

a primitive root of 2(17 2 ) = 578, for it is odd.
In like manner 3 3 and 3 5 are primitive roots of 578. But 3 7 =
166(mod 289) and is, therefore, an even primitive root of 289. It is not a
primitive root of 578, but the odd number 166 + 289 = 455, which is in
the same class as 166 modulo 289, is a primitive root of 578. Again, 3 9 =

49(mod 289) a primitive root of 578, and although 3 11 = 152(mod 289)


is not a primitive root of 578, it yields 152 289 = 441, which is. There +
are in all 0(272) = 128 incongruent primitive roots of 578.


Find all the primitive roots of 50 and 250.


Find the primitive roots of 98. Determine the integers that belong to the
exponent 3 modulo 98. Find a primitive root of 686.
3. Prove that the congruence x^ 2 ?") = l(mod 2p n ) has exactly 4>{2p n ) solutions

modulo 2p n if p is an odd prime.

4. If r is a primitive root of 2p n p being an odd prime, show that r 8 belongs to ,

) if and only if (s,<j>(2p ))
n =
Prove, furthermore, that if (s,(j>(2p n )) = d, then 1.

rsbelongs to <p(2p n )/d modulo 2p n .

5. Show that if p is an odd prime, the product of two primitive roots modulo 2p n is

not a primitive root of 2p n .

7-7. Primitive X Roots. R. Carmichael called integers that belong to

X(m) for the modulus m "primitive X roots of m.*
When m = 2n , where n > 2, the integer 3 always belongs to X(2 n ) =
2 "" 3
2 n-2 modulo 2 n
, for if 3 belonged to a smaller exponent, 3 would have
to be congruent to 1 modulo 2 n
not true is evident . That this relation is

from the following argument: According to the binomial expansion,

- = _ ~3 - 2n - 2
(22 I)*-
i 2n •
22 + 2*- 4 (2"- 3 1)2 4 - • • •
+ 2 (mod 2")

so that, for n > 3,

2n- 3
s X _ 2 »-i(mod 2 n )
2n " 3
and hence in this case 3 ^ l(mod 2 n ). When n = 3, X(2 3 ) = 2 and
it is obvious that 3 belongs to 2 modulo 2 3 .

Because a primitive root is necessarily a primitive X root, we have now

shown that there isa primitive X root for every modulus of the form p n
with p a prime. On this basis R. Carmichael proved by induction that
there is always a primitive X root of m. He showed that if n is a primi-
tive X root of mi = pi p2
ni n2 *
nk - 1 and r 2 is a primitive X root of

*, where the p i} with i = 1, 2, . . . , k, are distinct primes, then an
integer r that satisfies both the congruences

x = ri(mod mi)
si r 2 (mod n
x pk ")

is a primitive X root of m = mip k nk . To show that this statement is true,

suppose that r belongs to s for the modulus m. Then
r s ss l(mod mi)
* R. Carmichael, Bull Am. Math. Soc, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 232-238, 1909-1910.

rs = l(mod p k Uk )

But r belongs to A (mi) modulo mi and to \{pk nk ) for the modulus p& n *.
Therefore, both A (mi) and \(pk nk ) divide s. This means that the smallest
s can be is the least common multiple of A (mi) and \(pk nk ). This integer
is exactly A(m). It is true, moreover, that r X(m) = l(mod m) since
(r, m) = 1. is a primitive A root modulo m.
Therefore, r
Carmichael also showed that when r is a primitive A root of m, the
powers of r whose exponents are prime to A(m) give </>(A(m)) incongruent
primitive A roots of m, and the product of these A roots is congruent to
I modulo m. These powers of r do not necessarily yield all the primitive
A roots of m, but the same powers of another primitive A root will either
repeat in some order the results obtained from r or give </>(A(m)) different
primitive A roots of m distinct from those generated by r.
Although the theory of numbers is a branch of mathematics that we
evaluate on the basis of the profundity of its truths and the variety and
simplicity of its methods rather than on its applicability to practical
problems, yet it is interesting to observe that in 1935 H. P. Lawther
showed how the theory of primitive roots and primitive A roots can be
applied to the problem of splicing telephone cables.*
Example. To find a primitive A root of 21, we first find a primitive
root of 7 and also of 3. It can be easily verified that 3 belongs to 6
modulo 7 and that 2 belongs to 2 modulo 3. We then find the common
solution of the congruences
x = 3 (mod 7)
x = 2 (mod 3)

The solution is x = 17 (mod 21), and this integer is a primitive A root of 21.
If we now find the powers of 17 that have exponents prime to A (21) = 6,
we have a set of 0(6) =2 primitive A roots of 21. They are 17 and
17 5 = 5(mod 21).
There are but two incongruent primitive roots of 7, and they are 3 and
5. When we use the integer 5 with the only primitive root of 3 to form
the set of congruences
x = 5 (mod 7)
x = 2(mod 3)

we is x = 5 (mod 21).
find that the solution But the set of powers, 5 and
5 5 repeat the
, two primitive A roots of 21 already found. This situation,
however, does not mean that there are no other primitive A roots of 21,
for the number 2 belongs to 6 modulo 21. Moreover, 2 and 2 5 =
II (mod 21) form a new set of two primitive A roots of 21.

* H. P. Lawther, Jr., Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 81-91, 1935.


1. Prove that a primitive X root of m, the powers of r having exponents prime

if r is

to X(ra) are primitive X roots of m.

2. Prove that if X(m) > 2, the product of all the incongruent primitive X roots of m
is congruent to 1 modulo m.

7-8. Integers Belonging to a Divisor of X(2 n ) Modulo 2n

n~ 2
*Theorem 7-11. If n > 3 and d, not 2, divides 2 , then there are
exactly d incongruent integers that belong to d modulo 2 n but , if d = 2,

modulo 2\
there are just three incongruent integers that belong to d
We have shown that the integer 3 is a primitive X root of 2 n if n > 3.
On this basis we shall show that for the modulus 2 n any integer having
the form 8/c + 3 cannot belong to an exponent smaller than 2 n_2 If .

n > 3,

2 "- 3 2n ~ 3 2 "- - 1
(8/c ± 3)
2 " -3
= (3 + 8/c) = 3 ± 2*- 3
(2 £0
+ • •

~ 2- -1 - (mod
± 2 W 3 3
3(2 /c)
+ (2
2 3
2 "- 3 "~ 3
(8k ± 3) = 32 (mod 2")

2n " 3 "2
But since 3 ^ l(mod 2 n ), 8/c ± 3 belongs to 2 M modulo 2 n if n > 3.

Consequently, in this case there are at least 2 n_2 integers belonging to

X(2 n ) modulo 2 n for, in the expression 8/c ,3, k can have the values +
n~ 3 - - 2"- 3 thereby
0, 1, 2, 2 . 1.and, in.8/c 3,
, k can be 1, 2, ... , ,

yielding all positive integers of the required form that are less than 2\
If n = 3, it is obvious that 3 and 5 belong to X(2 3 ) = 2 modulo 2 3 .

But besides these two integers the integer 7 = 2 3 — 1 is a primitive

X root of 2 3 . Consequently, three incongruent integers belong to X(2 3 )
modulo 2 3 .

Again, if n > 3, we can prove that for the modulus 2 n all integers
having the form 8/c ± 1, in which k is prime to 2, belong to the exponent
2"~ 3 for ,

2 "" 3 2 "- 3
(8/c ± l) = 1 + 2"- 3 (2 3 /c) + • • •
+ (2
/c) (mod 2")
= l(mod 2 n

On the other hand, if n > 4,

(8/c ± I)
s 1 + 2"- 4 (2 3 /c) + 2"- 5 (2— 4 - 3
1)(2 A0
± • • •

+ (2
A-) (mod 2 n)
= 1 ± 2"" /c(mod 2 n

Hence, if (/c, 2) = 1 and n > 4, the integers 8k ± 1 belong to the expo-

nent 2 n_3 modulo 2 n Moreover, in this case values of k that are prime

to 2 can be chosen from the integers 1,2,3 2 n_3 in 4>(2 n s ) ways,

and thus the form 8k ± 1 yields 20(2 n_3 ) = 2 n_3 integers from 1 through

2" that belong to 2 n_3

modulo 2 n
. But if n — 4, not only the integers 9
and 7 belong to 2 modulo 2 4 but , also 2 4 — 1 = 15 belongs to 2 modulo 2 4 .

We observe, moreover, that if k = 2r with (r, 2) = 1,

2n " 4
(8Jfe ± l) = l(mod 2n)

and that 2 4 r ± 1 must, therefore, belong to an exponent which is a

divisor of 2 n for this modulus.
Similarly, we find that, for n > s > 3,

(2V ± l)
= 1 + 2 (2 s
r) + • • •
+ 8
(2 r)
~'(mod 2 n )
= l(mod2 n )

If, in addition, (r, 2) = 1 and n > s + 1,

2 "" s_1
= 2-- s - 1 n ~ s- 2 n- s~ l -
(2 r ± l) 1 ± s
(2 r) + 2 {2 l)(2 s r) 2 ± • •

2n ~ s-1
+ (2Y) (niod 2 n )
= 1 + 2 w -V(mod 2 n )
so that in this case 2 s r ± 1 belongs to 2 n modulo 2 n . There are then
n~ s
<f>(2 ways of choosing r prime to 2 so that the integers 2 s r ± 1 are

between 1 and 2 n Thus at least 2</>(2 n ~ s ) = 2 n ~ s incongruent integers


belong to 2 n_s modulo 2 n for n > s + 1 > 4.

But if n = s + 1 > 4, the integers 2 n ± 1 belong to 2 modulo 2 n and l

n — n
it is also evident that 2 1 belongs to 2 modulo 2 Consequently, for .

n > 4, 20(2) + 1=3 incongruent integers belong to 2 modulo 2 n .

It is, furthermore, apparent that 1 belongs to 1 modulo 2 n for n > 3.

Consequently, if n > 3, we have shown that, of the 2 n 1 integers 1
through 2 n that are prime to 2,

n~ 2 ~
2 of them belong to 2 n 2 modulo 2 n
n- 3 = ~
2</>(2 ) 2 n 3 belong to 2"~ 3
n~ 4 = ~ ~
2<K2 ) 2 n 4 belong to 2 W 4

~s = ~s ~s
20(2 n ) 2n belong to 2 n

20(2) + 1=3 belong to 2

1 belongs to 1 modulo 2 n
But 1 + 3 + 22 + 23 + • • •
+ 2n = 2 n ~\ and we have thereby
n~ 1
accounted for all the 2 positive integers less than 2 n and prime to 2.
Therefore, the number of integers given in each case is exactly the number
of incongruent integers that belong to the specified exponent modulo 2"
when ft > 3.

When ft = 3, three incongruent integers belong to 2 and one belongs

to 1 modulo 2 3 .

Corollary. The congruence x 2k = l(mod '2 n

), where < k <n — 2,
has 2 k+1 solutionsn > 2. if

Theorem 7-11 shows that the congruence x 2 = l(mod 2 n ), for n > 2,

has 2 2 solutions modulo 2 n since the solutions must be prime to 2 and
belong to the divisors of 2. For a like reason x = l(mod 2 n ), with

1 < k < n - 2, has 1 + 3 + 2 + 2 +

2 3
+ 2 k = 2 k+l solutions • • •

modulo 2 if n > 2.

*Theorem 7-12. If d is a divisor of X(2 n ) and n = 0, 1, or 2, there is

exactly one positive integer less than 2 n that belongs to d modulo 2 n .

7-9. Integers Belonging to a Divisor of (f>(p ) Modulo p n
*Theorem p is an odd prime and d is a divisor of 4>{p n ),
7-13. If
where n > 1, there is an integer that belongs to d modulo p n .

If d <f>(p ), d = kp
n u where k is
a divisor of p — 1 and
, < u < n — 1.
Take an integer a that belongs to k modulo p. Then a = l(mod p).

If a k = l(mod p 2 ), there is an integer r that is congruent to a modulo p

and is such that r k ^ l(mod p 2 ), for

(a + rap^ = a* + ka - mp + k x
• • •
+ (mp) (mod p 2 ) fc

3= 1 + ka ~ mp(mo& k l

Hence, if (m, p) = 1,

(a + mp)* ^ l(mod p 2 )
Therefore, let r = +
mp. Then r belongs to k modulo p, and r k =
1 + cp with p) (c, =
Keeping in mind that the exponent to which r

belongs modulo p n has the factor k, we see that for n > 2 and (w, p) = 1,

&)«,p»-» = (1 + cp)
~\mod p n )
= 1 +
wcp n (mo& p n )
=z£ l(mod p n )
(^p--! == i( mo d p

n~ l
Therefore, r belongs to kp modulo p when n n
> 1.

Furthermore, if a belongs to ft modulo p and

a fc
ss l(mod p s_1 )
a* ^ l(mod p s )
there is an r = a(mod p*), where i = 1, 2, . . . , s — 1, such that

r k ss l(mod p s ),
for since a* = 1 — 2p
s_1 with (£, p) = 1,

(a + mp s l
= a k
-\- fca
mp*~ 1 (mod p s )
ss 1 — £p
+ ka k ~ mp ~ (mod p l s l s

But an integer m prime to p can be so chosen that

~l ~l = ~x
ka k mp s
tp s {mod p s )

for this congruence is equivalent to

ka k m= £(mod p)
{a + mp ~ s l
k ss l(mod p s )

Let r = a + rap s_1 . Then r belongs to the exponent /c for each p*, where
i = 1,2, . . . , s.

In like manner if r k = l(mod p s+1 ), we can find an integer = + s

v r gp
with (g, p) = 1 such that

(r + gp
k as l(mod p s+1 )
This v is in each of the moduli p% where i = 1, 2,
the class with r for

. . s, and hence v belongs to k for each of these moduli.

. ,
since v k = 1 +
cp s with (c, p) = 1, if (w, p) = 1 and w > s,

a) WP »---i = (1 + cp wpn ~\mod s

= 1 + wcp^^mod p w )

^ l(mod p n )
= l(mod p n )
Therefore, v belongs to kp n for n > s > 0. modulo p n
This result
implies that there is always an integer that belongs to a divisor of 4>(p n )
modulo p n .

*Theorem 7-14. If d is a divisor of <f>(p n ), there are exactly <f>(d)

incongruent integers that belong to d modulo p n .

We have proved that there is an integer a that belongs to d modulo p n .

As a result it is clear that the integers a, a 2 ... a d satisfy , ,

x d = l(mod p n

Moreover, a s
, where s = 1,2, . . . belongs to d modulo p n if and only
, d,

if (s, d) — 1. Therefore, <j>(d) of the above powers of a belong to d

modulo p n . Consequently, if \j/(d) is the number of incongruent integers
that belong to d modulo p n \J/(d) > <f>(d). However, every integer from 1 ,

through p n that is prime to p belongs to just one divisor of 4>{p n ) modulo

n and so
p ,

f(di) + ffa) + • • •
+ Hdm) = v n~\v - l)

where the di, with i = 1, 2, . . . , m, are the divisors of 4>{p

). More-
<f>(d 1 ) + 4>(d 2 ) + • • •
+ <t>(d m) = p»-\p - 1)

and hence each \f/(di) = <f>(di).


7-10. Integers Belonging to a Divisor of 4>(2p n ) modulo 2p n

*Theorem 7-15. There are exactly <f>{d) incongruent integers modulo
2p n that belong to any divisor d of (f>(2p n ) modulo 2p n .

If r belongs to <t>(2p ) modulo 2p n the incongruent
, integers modulo
2p that satisfy the congruence

•*(2p») = l(mod 2p n )
are r, r2, . . . , r* . These are all the integers from 1 through 2p n
that are prime to 2p n In the manner previously employed we can show

that r s is a primitive root of 2p n if and only if (s, <f>(2p n )) = 1, and that

if (s, 4>{2p
)) = d ^ 1, rs belongs to <f>(2p
)/d modulo 2p n . There is,

then, always at least one integer r s that belongs to any divisor of n

<f>(2p )

modulo 2p n , for as s takes the values 1, 2, ... , <f>(2p ),

the integer
d = (s,
<j>(2p )) ranges over all divisors of <f>(2p
) and so does n
<j>(2p )/d.
But if b belongs to d, a divisor of 4>(2p n ), modulo 2p n then ,

(5<f)«M2 P »)/<i = & *(2p») = l( m0 d 2p n


(2pn) n
and b satisfies :r> == l(mod 2p ) and is, therefore, con-
the congruence
gruent to a power of modulo 2p n Consequently, all integers that belong
r .

to d modulo 2p n are congruent modulo 2p n to just one integer of the set

r, r
r3 , r^ 2pn)
, . By choosing s so that (s, <t>{2p n )) = <f>(2p n )/d, r s
. . , .

will belong to d modulo 2p n But there are exactly cf>(d) integers s in the .

n n
set 1, 2, 3, ... <j)(2p ) that have with 4>{2p ) the greatest common

divisor )/d. Hence, exactly 4>(d) incongruent integers belong to
d modulo 2p n .

7-11. Integers Belonging to a Divisor of X(m) Modulo m. One of the

author's students, Bernard Sussman, and the author have developed the
following proof of a method for finding not only all the primitive X roots
of m but also all the integers that belong to any divisor of X(m) modulo

It has been shown thus far that if m = ] J pj

>, a primitive X root a,- can
3 =
be determined for each of the moduli pf* and the common solution of the
set ofcongruences

x = ^(mod p/0 j = 0, 1, ,r . . . (1)

is a primitive X root of m. We have seen, moreover, that this common

solution X generates by means of its powers X v
with v prime to X(w),
exactly <f>(\(m)) incongruent primitive X roots of m. If there is a primi-
tive X root of m
distinct from those already found, that too will generate
<f>(\(m)) incongruent primitive X roots of m none of which is in a pre-
*R. Carmichael, Quart. J. Math., Vol. 44, pp. 94-104, 1913.

ceding set. Thus the number of incongruent primitive X roots of m is a

multiple of 0(X(ra)), but it isour problem to find this multiple and to
show how to determine all the primitive X roots modulo m.
Let \l/(d) (mod 2 n ) be the number of incongruent integers that belong to
n n
d, a divisor of X(2 ), for the modulus 2 Then if we understand that .

p = 2, the number of a that can be used in the congruences (1) is

^(X(2 n °))(mod 2 no ) and the number of aj} where j = 1, 2, r, is . . . ,

<t>(k(pj )) • Consequently, there are

^(X(2"»))(mod2 w <>)
Y[ cf>(\(pj 0)

sets of congruences each set having a single solution modulo m, and

each of these solutions is a distinct primitive X root modulo m.
But the primitive X roots so determined are not necessarily all that
exist. Let dij, where i = 1, 2, . .
,q3; represent the <& divisors of \(pj ). .

Choose any set of r ni

1 divisors dy of the \(pj ), where j = 0, 1, 2, . . .

r, that contains exactly one divisor of each \(pj ) and such that the least

common multiple of the dy is the number X(m). Then find integers Uj

that belong to the dij modulo pj n >, and find the common solution Y
modulo m of the set of congruences

y s ^(mod pfi) j = 0, 1, 2, ... ,r (2)

This integer Y is a primitive X root modulo m, for it is evident that

YHm) = i( mo d py
w ')

and that
YHm) = l( mo d m )

But if F belonged to an exponent u < X(m) modulo m, then F w =

l(mod m) and F w = l(mod Pj ni ), where j = 0, 1, 2, r. Thus m . . . ,

would be divisible by each d ih and hence by their least common multiple,

which is X(m). Therefore, u is not less than X(m), and F belongs to X(m)
modulo m. It is evident also that if there are h3 integers tq that belong -

to da modulo pj , there will be J] kq congruences (2) for one choice of
3 =1

the d^. Consequently, there are exactly \l/(di ) (mod 2 n °) ] J <f>(da) incon-
=1 3

gruent primitive X roots of m determined by one choice of the dy, where

j = 0, 1, . . . , r, having least common multiple X(m), and this number
is obviously a multiple of <f>(\(m)).

Each set of \l/(d i0 ) (mod 2 n °) \\ 4>(dn) incongruent primitive X roots of m

3 =1

separates without repetition of an element into subsets of </>(X(m))

integers. Each such subset is generated by the powers, with exponents
prime to X(ra), of any member of the subset, for if gi and g 2 are primitive
X roots of m determined by one selection of the d and if g 2 ^ <7i (mod m), i3 ,

where t is prime to X(ra) and < t < X(m), and if

= gi
(mod m)
where Si and s2 are prime to X(ra), then

g-f* = g2
(mod m)
But because the powers of g 2 repeat the S2
original 4>(\(m)) roots generated
by g 2 for a certain t, say ti,

•1*1 = g2
**i = g 2 (mod m)

This conclusion implies that our assumption is false. There will, there-
fore,be exactly

*(<fco)(mod2-) II *(*/)


such sets developed from each of g distinct choices of r + 1 divisors di3 ,

where i = 1, 2, q3 j = 1, 2,
. .
. . r, having the least common
, ,
. ,

multiple X(m). No primitive X root of m generated by the powers of a

primitive X root (3 that has been determined by one choice di l3 of the di3
can be found among the primitive X roots of m determined by a distinct
and dij differ by at least one divisor
set of divisors di 2 j, for the sets dij
corresponding to a X function of a power of a particular prime. Further-
more, assuming that d^h is distinct from di2h and that /3 belongs to d^h
modulo ph nh and 7 belongs to d^n modulo ph nh let us suppose that (3 V = ,

7™ (mod m) with v and w prime to X(m). Then /3 U = 7 w (mod p^**). But

i> and w are prime to X(ph nh and hence to the divisors of \(ph nh
) ) . However,
(pv)*i x * = ((3
hh) v = l(mod p^

( 7 «>)<V = l(mod prt
and thus d,-,* divides wd^. Therefore, d^h divides d^. In like manner,
d it h divides d^h, and finally d^h = d;^, which is contrary to our assumption.
If there are q sets of divisors dij, the primitive X roots of m determined by
them are, therefore, distinct modulo m.
But each integer which belongs to X(m) modulo m and which is, there-
fore, prime to each of the p3 ni belongs to exactly one exponent that is a
divisor of \(p3 nj ) modulo p3 nj Hence, from all possible choices of sets of

r + 1 positive integers d i3 where i = 1, 2, q3 j = 0, 1, 2,

r, . . .
, ,
. . . ,

forwhich the least common multiple of the da in a set is X(m), we find all
the incongruent primitive X roots modulo m, for if a belongs to X(ra)
modulo m, then
a\(pfi) = i( mo d py
j = 0, 1, . . . , r

and hence a belongs to an exponent dij modulo pf that divides 1'


If, however, the least common multiple of these dq were u < X(m), a

would belong to u modulo m. Thus when \f/(X(m)) (mod m) is the number

of incongruent integers that belong to X(m) for the modulus m, we have:
*Theorem the pj} where j
7-16. If = 0, 1, 2, . . . , r, are distinct
primes, there are exactly

^(X(m))(modm) = V i£(dU)(mod 2"°) [] <K<fe)

9 y=i

incongruent primitive X roots modulo m= ]| p/', where the summation

is taken over the number q of distinct sets of r + 1 divisors d#, with
i = 1, 2, . . .
, qj, of the X(py nj ) whose least common multiple is X(m)
and where each of the q sets contains just one divisor of each of the
\(pj )> These primitive X roots of m can be separated into subsets, of
0(X(m)) integers generated by any member of the subset.
It is, furthermore, obvious that the method with an analogous proof
holds for finding the integers that belong to any divisor of X(m) for the
modulus m.
Examples. At the end of Sec. 7-7 we showed that the primitive roots
of 7 and 3 yield exactly two distinct primitive X roots of 21. But it is
evident that X(21) = 6 can be built up, not only as the least common
multiple of 0(7) =6
and <£(3) = 2, but also as the least common multiple
of the factors 6 of 0(7) and 1 of 0(3), and again as the least common multi-
ple of the factors 3 of 0(7) and 2 of 0(3), and in no other way from
factors of 0(7) and 0(3).
Using the fact that 3 and 5 belong to 6 modulo 7 and that 1 belongs to
1 modulo 3, the sets of congruences
x = 3(mod 7) x = 5(mod 7)
x = l(mod 3) x = l(mod 3)

show that 10 and 19 are primitive X roots of 21. Notice that the powers
of 10 yield 0(X(21)) = 2 primitive X roots of 21, and they are 10 and
10 5 = 19(mod 21).
The integers 2 and 4 belong to 3 modulo 7, and 2 belongs to 2 modulo 3.
Therefore, the sets of congruences to be solved are

x = 2(mod 7) x = 4(mod 7)
x s 2(mod 3) x = 2(mod 3)

Their solutions are x = 2, x = 11 (mod 21), respectively, and again we

observe that 2 5 = 11(mod 21). There are then but three sets of two
primitive X roots of 21, and therefore exactly six incongruent integers that
belong to 6 modulo 21.
As a second example consider the problem of finding the primitive
X roots of 168 = 23 • 3 •
7. Since X(2 3 )
2, =
= 2, and X(7) = 6, we X(3)
must determine all possible which X(168) = 6 can be set up as the
ways in
least common multiple of one factor of X(2 3 ), one factor of X(3), and one
factor of X(7). These sets of factors are listed in the following table.

Number of incongruent
Case Factors of X(2 3 ) Factors of A(3) Factors of A (7) primitive X roots of
168 determined

(1) 2 2 6 6
(2) 1 1 6 2
(3) 1 2 6 2
(4) 2 1 6 6
(5) 1 2 3 2
(6) 2 1 3 6
(7) 2 2 3 6

Case 1. The sets of congruences to be satisfied are

x = 3 (mod 8) x = 3 (mod 8)
x = 2 (mod 3) x = 2 (mod 3)
x = 3 (mod 7) x = 5 (mod 7)

x = 5 (mod 8) x = 5 (mod 8)
x = 2 (mod 3) x = 2 (mod 3)
x = 3 (mod 7) x = 5 (mod 7)

x = 7 (mod 8) x = 7 (mod 8)
x = 2 (mod 3) x = 2(mod 3)
x = 3 (mod 7) x = 5 (mod 7)

The primitive X roots of 168 so determined are 59, 131, 101, 5, 143,
and 47, respectively, and they occur in sets of 0(6) = 2, which are
5 and 5 5 = 101 (mod 168); 47 and 47 5 = 143 (mod 168); and 59 and
59 5 = 131(mod 168).

Case 2. The congruences are

x = l(mod 8) x = l(mod 8)
x = l(mod 3) x = l(mod 3)
x = 3(mod 7) x = 5(mod 7)

The solutions are x = 73 and x = 73 5 = 145(mod 168).


Case 3. The congruences are

x ss l(mod 8) x 3= l(mod 8)
a; s 2 (mod 3) x = 2 (mod 3)
x = 3(mod 7) x = 5(mod 7)

The solutions are x = 17 and x = 17 5 = 89(mod 168).

Case 4. The congruences are

x = 3(mod 8) x = 3(mod 8)
a; ss l(mod 3) x = l(mod 3)
a; = 3(mod 7) a; s= 5(mod 7)

x = 5(mod 8) a: = 5(mod 8)
x 3= l(mod 3) x = l(mod 3)
x = 3(mod 7) x 3= 5(mod 7)

a: 3= 7(mod 8) x = 7(mod 8)
x = l(mod 3) x = l(mod 3)
a; s= 3(mod 7) a; = 5(mod 7)

The solutions modulo 168 are 115, 19, 157, 61, 31, and 103, respectively,
and they form the sets 19 and 19 5 = 115 (mod 168); 31 and 31 5 =
103(mod 168); 61 and 61 5 = 157(mod 168).

Case 5. The congruences are

x = l(mod 8) x = l(mod 8)
x = 2 (mod 3) x = 2 (mod 3)
x = 2(mod 7) x = 4(mod 7)

The solutions are x = 65 and x = 65 5

= 137(mod 168).

Case 6. The congruences are

x = 3(mod 8) x = 3(mod 8)
x = l(mod 3) x = l(mod 3)
x = 2(mod 7) x = 4(mod 7)

x = 5(mod 8) x = 5(mod 8)
x 3= l(mod 3) x = l(mod 3)
x = 2(mod 7) x = 4(mod 7)

a; 3e 7(mod 8) a; 3e 7(mod 8)
x 3= l(mod 3) a; = l(mod 3)
a; 3s 2(mod 7) a; = 4(mod 7)

The solutions modulo 168 are 163, 67, 37, 109, 79, and 151. They form
the sets 37 and 37 5 = 109(mod 168); 67 and 67 5 = 163(mod 168); 79 and
79 6 = 151(mod 168).

Case 7. The congruences are

x = 3(mod 8) x hh 3 (mod 8)
x = 2 (mod 3) x = 2 (mod 3)
x = 2(mod 7) x = 4 (mod 7)

x = 5(mod 8) x 5 (mod 8)
x = 2(mod 3) x s= 2(mod 3)
x = 2(mod 7) x = 4(mod 7)

x = 7 (mod 8) x = 7 (mod 8)
x = 2 (mod 3) x = 2(mod 3)
x = 2 (mod 7) x = 4 (mod 7)

The solutions modulo 168 are 107, 11, 149, 53, 23, and 95, and they form
the sets 11 and ll 5 = 107 (mod 168); 23 and 23 5 = 95(mod 168); 53 and
53 5 = 149(mod 168).


1. Find the primitive X roots of 32.

2. Find the integers that belong to 4 modulo 32.
3. Find the integers that belong to 6 and to 9 modulo 27.
4. Find the integers that belong to 6 and to 9 modulo 54.
5. Find the primitive X roots of 72.


8-1. Indices for a Prime Modulus. When p is a prime and r is a

primitive root of p, we have shown that r, r
, . . .
, rp are incongruent
modulo Hence, the power residues of r modulo p are in some order the
integers p — 1 and form a reduced residue system modulo p.
1, 2, . . .

It is evident, then, that any integer n that is prime to p is congruent to

one of the above powers of r for the modulus p. Thus

n = r
(mod p)

Gauss called the exponent s of r the index of n modulo p relative to the base r.
To express this idea, we write s = ind r n, but we usually omit the base r
when there is no danger of confusion as is true in the case of the con-
gruence r indn = ft (mod p).
As thus defined, the index of n modulo p is unique for the modulus
p — 1, for if

n = r
= r
(mod p)
and if s > t, then
-* = l(mod p)
s = 2(mod p — 1)

It is, therefore, convenient to use the least positive exponent s such that
n =
r (mod p) as the index of n modulo p.
Obviously the index of n
modulo 2 is useless.
Of course, the index of n determined by the primitive root r may be
different from that determined by another primitive root of p. For
instance, for the modulus 7, ind 3 2 = 2(mod 6) but inds 2 = 4(mod 6).
Theorem 8-1. If m= n(mod p), their indices relative to a particular
primitive root of a prime p are the same modulo p — 1, and conversely.
The proof follows immediately from the fact that if r is a primitive root
of p, the congruences r indm = r indn (mod p), and ind r m = ind r /t(mod p — 1)
imply each other.
Theorem 8-2. If p is a prime, and m and n are prime to p, then
md mn =
r ind r m+ ind r n(mod p — 1).

n = r indn (mod p)

m 53 r indm (mod p)
it follows that
mn = r
indm+indn (mod
mn = r
indmn (mod
ind r mn = ind r m+ ind r w(mod p — \)

Theorem 8-3. If p is a prime and n is prime to p, then ind r n k =

k ind r n(mod p — 1).

n = r indn (mod p)
nk = r fcindn (mod p)

nk = r indn^ m()CJ p)

ind r n k = k ind r n(mod p — 1)

It is evident from these laws that the index of an integer plays a role
which is analogous to that played by the logarithm of a number. This
analogy is further emphasized by the following formula for changing the
base of a system of indices from one primitive root of p to another
Theorem 8-4. If p is a prime and n is prime to p, then ind ri n =
ind r2 n ind ri r 2 (mod p — 1).

Let ri and r2 be distinct primitive roots modulo p. Then

Hence, taking indices to the base rh

ind ri n ind ri ri = ind r2 n ind n r 2 (mod p — 1)

ind ri n = ind r2 n ind ri r 2 (mod p — 1)

Theorem 8-5. If ri and r 2 are primitive roots of p, a prime, then

ind n r2 ind r2 ri = l(mod p — 1).

ind ri r2 = r 2 (mod p)
ind ri r2 ind r2 r x ss ind r2 r2 (mod p — 1)
ind r r 2 ind r2
, r\ = l(mod p — 1)

If we construct a table of power residues of a primitive root r of p, we


can use indices in the solution of any congruences of the form ax n =

b (mod p), with (a, p) = 1, for the theorems given above show that

ind a + n ind x = ind 6(mod p — 1)

n ind x = ind 6 — ind a(mod p — 1)

and unless d = (n, p — 1) divides ind 6 — ind a, no value of ind x

satisfies the last congruence, and consequently there is no solution of

ax n = b (mod p). But if d |

(ind b — ind a), there are exactly d incon-
gruent values modulo p — 1 of ind x that satisfy n ind x = ind 6 —
ind a (mod p — 1). By letting (p — l)/d = mo we can express these
incongruent solutions modulo p — 1 as

£, i + ra , i + 2ra , . . . , i + (d — l)ra
j. s r i+A;mo( mo ^ p) k = 0, 1, . . . , d ~ 1

gives exactly d incongruent solutions modulo p of the given congruence.

By referring to a table of power residues of r, the d values of x are easily
Of course, this method congruence requires that we have
of solving a
a table of indices for each prime that is used as a modulus. In 1839
Jacobi* constructed such tables of power residues for each prime and
power of a prime less than 1000. Since then men like Goldberg, Wert-
heim, and Cunningham have contributed to the task of finding the power
residues of the least positive primitive root of every prime less than
10,160. M. Kraitchikf has listed a primitive root of each prime less than
25,000, but many errors have been found in his tables.
It is quite evident that, instead of defining the index of an integer only
in the case of a prime modulus, we might have used any other modulus m
for which primitive roots exist, for in these cases the residues of the powers
of a primitive root likewise form a reduced residue system modulo m.
However, tables for such indices are less frequently available than are
those with modulus p, a prime. They are, moreover, not essential
because, as we have shown in Chap. 5, we can reduce the solution of any
congruence to the problem of solving congruences with prime moduli.
Examples. 1. Solve: 5x = 7 (mod 11).
Using the primitive root 2 of 11, we set up the following table of

ind 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 8 9 10

4 8 5 10 9 7 3 6 1

*L. E. Dickson, ''History of the Theory of Numbers," Vol. 1, p. 185.

t Ibid., Vol. 1, p. 202.

Then •

ind 5 + ind x = ind 7 (mod 10)

4 + ind x = 7(mod 10)
ind a; = 3 (mod 10)
x = 8(mod 11)
2. Solve: 7x* = 3(mod 11).

ind 7 + 3 ind x = ind 3 (mod 10)

3 ind x = 8 - 7(mod 10)
ind x = 7 (mod 10)
x = 7(mod 11)
3. Solve: 3a:
= 2(mod 11).

ind 3 + 4 ind x = ind 2 (mod 10)

4 ind x = 3 (mod 10)

But (4, 10) = 2, and 2 Jf 3, so that there is no solution of the given

4. Solve: bx 2 = 3(mod 11).

ind 5 + 2 ind x = ind 3 (mod 10)

2 ind x = 4 (mod 10)

There are two solutions since (2, 10) = 2 and 2 |


ind x = 2(mod 10) x = 4(mod 11)

ind x = 7(mod 10) x = 7(mod 11)

5. Solve: 7x = 4(mod 121).

Any solution of this congruence must satisfy 7x = 4 (mod 11). But
ind 7 + ind x = ind 4 (mod 10)
ind x = 5 (mod 10)

Hence, x = 10(mod 11), and all solutions of the original congruence have
the form x = 10 + 11/c. Therefore,

7(10 + 11/b) b 4(mod 121)

77k m 55(mod 121)
7k m 5(mod 11)

ind 7 + ind k = ind 5 (mod 10)
so that
ind k = 7(mod 10)
k = 7(mod 11)
x = 87(mod 121)

8-2. Euler's Criterion for the Solvability of x n = c(mod m). For

moduli m that have primitive roots we can determine a convenient test
for the solvability of a congruence of the form x n = c(mod m) with
(c, m) =1. Because any binomial congruence ax n = b (mod m) with a
and prime to m can be reduced to this form by multiplying each member
of the congruence by the solution of ax = l(mod m), the problem is also
solved in the latter case.
Theorem 8-6. If m is any modulus for which there is a primitive root
and (c, m) — 1, the congruence x n = c(mod m) has a solution if and only
m)/d =
if c^ l(mod ra), where d = (n,4>{m)). Furthermore, when there
is one solution, there are exactly d solutions modulo m of the given

Suppose that r is a primitive root of m and that c = r s (mod m). If
x = c(mod m) has a solution x = r (mod m), it follows that r kn =
n fc

r (mod m) and kn = s(mod 0(m)).

Since k satisfies this linear con-
gruence, d = (n,<f>(m)) must divide s. Hence,

<j>(m)/d = r
s4>(m)/d = (
<}>(m)\s/d = 1 (mod Til)

Conversely, if

c <Km)/d = i(mod m)
r s<t>(m)/d = i( mo d m)
Therefore, scf)(m)/d is a multiple of <t>(m), and s/d is an integer. As a
result, the congruence nk = s(mod 4>{m)) is satisfied by just d incongruent
values modulo cf>(m) of k. Corresponding to these integers, there are
exactly d incongruent values modulo m of x that form the complete set of
solutions of x n =
c(mod m).
Theorem If p is a prime and d = (n,p — 1), there are (p — l)/d
incongruent values modulo p of c, prime to p, such that x n = c(mod p)
has a solution.
According to Theorem 8-6, the congruence x n = c(mod p) has a solution
~ 1)/d =
if and only if c (p l(mod p) where d = (n, p — 1). But the con-
~ 1)/d
gruence x ip = l(mod p) has a solution. There are, thus, exactly

(p — \)/d incongruent solutions modulo p of 'this congruence, and these

are the values of c for which the first one is solvable.
It is evident also that if an integer c is a residue of the nth power of an
integer for a modulus m having a primitive root, and if d = (n,<£(m)), the
same c is a residue of the dth power of an integer for that modulus, for if

^m)/d == i( mo d m ) ?
the congruence x d
c(mod m) has a solution. =
Hence, if d ^ n, a residue of an nth power modulo m is always a residue
of a power that is smaller than n and is a divisor of both n and 4>(m). It
is thus clear that when p is a prime of the form 5k + 2, 5k + 3, or 5k + 4,

the test for a solution of x 5 = c(mod p) is the same as the test for a solu-
tion of x = c(mod p). Since the last congruence is always solvable, an
integer c, prime to p, is always a residue of a fifth power for prime moduli
of the form 5k + 2, 5k + 3, and 5k + 4. But if p = 5k + 1, c is a
residue of a fifth power modulo p if and only if c k = 1 (mod p) If p is a .

prime of the form 4A; — 1, the very test for a residue of a fourth power
modulo p, c 2fc_1 = l(mod p), is the same as that for a second power and
hence in this case the set of residues of fourth powers modulo p is identical
with the set of residues of second powers. If p = 4k + 1, then 4 =
(4, 4Jc) and no such statement can be made. Again, if p is of the form
3k + 2, every integer not a multiple of 3 is a cubic residue modulo p, but
if p is of the form dk + 1, c is a cubic residue if and only ifc = l(mod p). fc

Finally, if the modulus is an odd prime p = 2k + 1, c is a residue of a

second power if and only if c = l(mod p). It is to the study of these

quadratic residues that we turn in the next chapter.


Prove that the least positive residues of l 2 2 2 (p — l) modulo p, where

1. , , . . .

p is an odd prime, repeat themselves exactly twice.

2. If p is a prime and n is prime to p — 1, prove that the integers l n 2 n 3 n , , , . . .

(p — l) form a reduced residue system modulo p.

n Thus show that if p is a prime of
the form 3n + 2, the integers l 3 2 3 3 3 (p — l) form a reduced residue system
, , , . . .

modulo p.
3. Prove that the odd prime divisors of x A + 1 are of the form Sn + 1.
4. If p is a prime, determine when the existence of a solution of x 6 = c(mod p)
is dependent upon the existence of a solution of x a = c(mod p) with n < 6.
6. Determine whether or not there is a solution and, if so, solve the congruences:

a. x3 = 5(mod 13)
b. x* = 7(mod 13)

6. Show that if r is a primitive root of p, then r^' 1 ^ 2 = — l(mod p), and thus that

if (a, p) = 1, ind (p— a) = ind a ± [(p — l)/2] (mod p — 1).

7. Set up a table of indices for the prime 13, and solve the following congruences:

a. 5x m 4 (mod 13)
b. 5x 2 = 6 (mod 13)

8. Find the index of 5 for each of the primitive roots of 13.

9. Find the index of 5 modulo 13 relative to the base 6 by using a table to the base 2.
10. Use the following table of power residues of the primitive root 5 of 193 to solve
the congruences:
a. Sx = 2 (mod 193)
b. 3x es 191 (mod 193)
c. 7x = 157 (mod 193)
d. x3 = 64(mod 193)

Table of Indices for the Prime 193

n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ind 192 34 84 68 1 118 104 102 168 35

n 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
ind 183 152 141 138 85 136 31 10 145 69

n 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
ind 188 25 162 186 2 175 60 172 123 119

n 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
ind 82 170 75 65 105 44 5 179 33 103

n 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
ind 151 30 24 59 169 4 29 28 16 36

n 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
ind 115 17 77 94 184 14 37 157 148 153

n 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
ind 47 116 80 12 142 109 18 99 54 139

n 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
ind 177 78 91 39 86 21 95 67 167 137

n 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
ind 144 185 122 64 32 58 15 93 147 11

n 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
ind 53 38 166 63 146 62 158 50 159 70

n 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
ind 134 149 107 51 189 111 154 128 160 26

n 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
ind 89 48 41 71 163 191 117 182 135 187

n 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
ind 174 81 43 150 3 114 13 46 108 176

n 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
ind 20 143 57 52 61 133 110 88 190 173

n 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
ind 113 19 132 112 124 125 100 73 155 120

n 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
ind 126 55 7 129 83 101 140 9 161 171

n 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
ind 74 178 23 27 76 156 79 98 90 66

n 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
ind 121 92 165 49 106 127 40 181 42 45

n 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
ind 56 87 131 72 6 8 22 97 164 180

n 191 192
ind 130 96

Table of Indices for the Prime 193 {Continued)

ind 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
n 5 25 125 46 37 185 153 186 158 18

ind 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
n 90 64 127 56 87 49 52 67 142 131

ind 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
n 76 187 163 43 22 110 164 48 47 42

ind 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
n 17 85 39 2 10 50 57 92 74 177

ind 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
n 113 179 123 36 180 128 61 112 174 98

ind 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
n 104 134 91 69 152 181 133 86 44 27

ind 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
n 135 96 94 84 34 170 78 4 20 100

ind 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
n 114 184 148 161 33 165 53 72 167 63

ind 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
n 122 31 155 3 15 75 182 138 111 169

ind 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
n 73 172 88 54 77 192 188 168 68 147

ind 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
n 156 8 40 7 35 175 103 129 66 137

ind 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
n 106 144 141 126 51 62 117 6 30 150

ind 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
n 171 83 29 145 146 151 176 108 154 191

ind 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
n 183 143 136 101 119 16 80 14 70 157

ind 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
n 13 65 132 81 19 95 89 59 102 124

ind 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
n 41 12 60 107 149 166 58 97 99 109

ind 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
n 159 23 115 189 173 93 79 9 45 32

ind 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
n 160 28 140 121 26 130 71 162 38 190

ind 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
n 178 118 11 55 82 24 120 21 105 139

ind 191 192

n 116 1


9-1. The General Quadratic Congruence

Theorem 9-1. A solvable quadratic congruence a y 2 + a y + a 2 x =
0(mod ri), where a ^ 0(mod n), can be reduced to the form x 2 =
a(mod m) in which (a, m) — 1.
By multiplying the modulus and each member of the congruence
a ?/
+ dry + a2 = 0(mod n)

by 4a , we obtain the equivalent congruence

4a y + 4a aii/ + 4a a 2 = 0(mod 4a n)

which, upon completing the square, becomes

(2a y + ai)
= ai
2 — 4a a 2 (mod 4a n)
Now let
4a n = m
2a y + «! = z(mod m)
— 4a a 2 = 6(mod m)
The original congruence is thereby reduced to the form

= b(mod m)
Suppose that (b, m) = d = e k, where e 2 is the largest square contained

in d, and that m = m d, b = bod. Then ek divides z. Therefore, let

z = ekw(mod m)
and the congruence takes the form

k 2w 2 = b (mod m)
kw 2 = 6 (mod m )

If (k, m = ) s, unless s 6 there is no solution.

But (6 , ra ) — 1. Con-
sequently, there is no solution unless s = 1. If s = 1, multiply each
member of the last congruence by k, and let

x = kw (mod m )


x2 s= b k(mod m )
and if we set
b k ss a(mod m )

we have attained the required form x 2 = a (mod m ) with (a, ra ) = 1.

The problem of solving any quadratic congruence is, therefore, reduced
to that of solving binomial quadratic congruences and linear congruences.
Examples. 1. Solve: x 2 = 6 (mod 15).
Let x = 3z(mod 15). Then 3z 2 = 2(mod 5). Multiplying by 3, which
is prime to 5, and letting z = 3w(mod 5), we have w = 6 (mod 5), or

w 2
= l(mod 5). Hence, w = 1, 4(mod 5), 2 = 3, 2 (mod 5), and finally,
x = 9, 6(mod 15).
2. Solve: x = 24(mod 60).

Since (24, 60) = 12, let x = 6z(mod 60). Then Sz 2 = 2(mod 5). Let
z = 3^ (mod 5), so that w = l(mod 5).
Therefore, w = 1, 4 (mod 5),
z = 3, 2(mod 5), and finally, x = 18, 48, 12, 42(mod 60).

Solve the congruences:
a. x2 = 28 (mod 84)
b. x2 = 64(mod420)

9-2. Quadratic Residues. When (a, m) = 1 and the congruence x 2 =

a (mod m) has a solution, the integer a is a quadratic residue modulo m, or
a quadratic residue of m, but if the congruence has no solution, a is a
quadratic nonresidue modulo m, or a quadratic nonresidue of m. For
example, 2 is a quadratic residue of 7 because 3 satisfies x2 = 2 (mod 7),
but 2 is a quadratic nonresidue modulo is no solution of
5 because there
x 2 = 2 (mod 5). Can you find a number whose square gives the remain-
der 4 when it is divided by 15?
If an integer a is prime to m > 0, its quality of being a quadratic
residue or nonresidue modulo m is called its quadratic character with
respect to m. Obviously all integers in the class with a modulo m have the
same quadratic character with respect to m.
The problem of determining the quadratic character of a is, therefore,
equivalent to that of testing the solvability of the congruence x 2 =
a (mod m). We have already shown that by factoring m into powers of
primes we can reduce the discussion to the question of solving the con-
gruence x 2 ss a (mod p n ) with p a prime, and finally to the case x 2 =
a(mod p). Theorem 5-13 shows that when p is an odd prime, these last
two congruences either are both insolvable or have the same number of
solutions, and therefore in this case it will be necessary to study in detail
only the quadratic residues of p.

In the case of the prime 2, any odd integer is a quadratic residue of 2,

and the even integers are excluded from the discussion. But for f(x) =
x 2 — a, f'(x) = 2x, and thus d = (2x',2) is always 2. Hence, Theorem
5-13 shows that either a solution of x 2 = a(mod 2 n_1 ) satisfies x 2 =
a (mod 2 n ) and yields two solutions of the second congruence or no solution
of the second congruence can be developed from the particular solution x'
of the first. The problem of determining quadratic residues of powers of
the even prime must, therefore, be considered separately from that of
powers of odd primes.
Euler (1707-1783), Lagrange (1736-1813), and Legendre (1752-1833)
were all very much interested in the theory of quadratic residues, but
Gauss (1777-1855) was the one who contributed most to this subject.
The fact is that Gauss was one of the greatest mathematicians of all
time. It is really no wonder that his name is connected with so much
that has been produced in the theory of numbers, for it was his favorite
study. He considered it the " queen of mathematics." His "Dis-
quisitiones arithmeticae," published in 1801, is the classic of the theory of
numbers and exhibits very well the elegance of form and rigor of presenta-
tion for which he is noted. Some of the topics to which he made great
contributions are quadratic forms, biquadratic residues, and the theory of
Theorem 9-2 (Euler's Criterion). If p is an odd prime, the integer a
isa quadratic residue of p if and only if a (p 1)/2 = l(mod p).
This theorem is included in Theorem 8-6. Nevertheless, we shall give
an independent proof for the case when n = 2.
Let ai, a 2
, . .a p -i be a reduced residue system modulo p, and sup-
. ,

pose that a is a quadratic nonresidue modulo p. Then each congruence

diX = a(mod p) i = 1, 2, . . .
, p — 1

has just one solution x = a, (mod p) distinct from a* and prime to p.

Moreover, no two of these congruences have the same solution, for if

aidj = a (mod p)
a k a,j = a (mod p) i f^ k ^ j
di = a^mod p)

whereas these integers are distinct modulo p. The integers a are thereby z

separated into (p — l)/2 pairs, and the product of these pairs implies that

«i«2 * * '
cip-i = a (p_1)/2 (mod p)

But from Wilson's theorem

aid? • • •
dp-i = (p — 1)! = — l(mod p)

= -l(modp) (p-i)/2

If a is a quadratic residue modulo p and x = r(mod p) is one solution of

x2 ss a(mod p), then x = p — r(mod p) is the other solution, for (p — r) 2

s= r 2
(mod p). Hence, the congruence

diX 3= a (mod p)

has x a (mod p) as a solution if and only if a* = r(mod p) or a* = p —

S3 z

r(mod p). The remaining p — 3 values of a* set up (p — 3)/2 pairs of

distinct integers such that the product of each pair is congruent to a
modulo p. Consequently,



r(p — r) s= — r = — a(mod
(p - 1)! 33= -tf(p-»/J(modp)
a (p-D/2 = i( m odp)
Furthermore, if a (p_1)/2 = l(mod p), a must be a quadratic residue of
(p_1)/2 = — l(mod This condition is, therefore,
p, for if it were not, a p).
a test for a quadratic residue of p if p is an odd prime and a is prime to p.
Examples. Since 5 3
= 6 (mod 7), 5 is a quadratic nonresidue modulo
7, and because 2
= l(mod 7), 2 is a quadratic residue modulo 7.
It is interesting to observe that if the modulus is a composite m, the
following theorem gives a necessary condition for a quadratic residue of m :

Theorem 9-3. If a is a quadratic residue modulo m > 2, then a^ m)/2 =

l(mod m) and a X(w)/2 = l(mod m).
Suppose that r, prime to m, satisfies the congruence x 2 = a(mod m).
Then because <f>(m) is even if m > 2,

2)*(m)/2 = a ^^ )/2 (mod m)
r *(»») = i( mo d m)
a <^(m)/2 = i( mo d m)
It is obvious that if m> 2, <£(ra) may be replaced by X(m) in the above
This result, however, does not provide a sufficient condition for a
quadratic residue of m, for although (7, 48) = 1, \(48)/2 = 2, and 7 2 =
l(mod 48), still x 2
= 7(mod 48) has no solution.

Theorem 9-4. The quadratic residues of an odd prime p coincide with

the even powers of any primitive root of p.
Consider the congruence x 2 = a(mod p) with (a, p) = 1. Then if r is
a primitive root of p, because the powers r, r2, . . . , rp form a reduced
residue system modulo p, either

a = r 2k (mod p)
a = r 2k+1 (mod p)

In the first case, it is evident that aa quadratic residue of p, for

is (r
a (mod p). Applying Euler's criterion to the second case, if

2fc+i)(p-i)/2 _ i( mc.dp),
the exponent of r must be a multiple of p — 1. But then (2k l)/2 +
would have to be an integer, and that is impossible. Hence, in the second
case a is a quadratic nonresidue of p. Thus the set of quadratic residues
of p even powers of a primitive root of p.
consists of the
Corollary 1. The odd powers of any primitive root of an odd prime p
coincide with the quadratic nonresidues of an odd prime p.
Corollary 2. There are exactly (p — l)/2 incongruent quadratic resi-
dues and the same number of incongruent quadratic nonresidues of an
odd prime p.
Corollary 3. The product of two quadratic residues or two quadratic
nonresidues of an odd prime p is a quadratic residue of p, but the product
of a quadratic residue and a quadratic nonresidue of p is a quadratic
nonresidue of p.
When is at hand, it is convenient to use the even
a table of indices
powers of a primitive root of p to set up the quadratic residues of p, but
if a primitive root of p must be computed, the method implied by the

following theorem is usually the more expeditious one for finding quadratic

Theorem 9-5. The integers

gruent quadratic residues of the odd prime p.


Because a 2 = (p — a) 2 (mod p), we need use only the integers

, 22 , . . . ,

I—=— 1 are the incon

, 22 ,

. . . , (
— =— J
to determine the quadratic residues modulo p. Each of

these integers is evidently a quadratic residue of p, but, more than that,

no two of them are congruent modulo p, for if

= a 2 2 (mod p)
(ai — a 2 )(«i + a 2) = 0(mod p)

and p divides at least one of a\ — a 2 and a\ a2 But since both a\ and + .

a 2 are positive and less than p/2, neither a x — a 2 nor a\ a 2 is divisible +

by p. These (p — l)/2 integers, therefore, yield all the quadratic
residues of p.
Examples. Because 2 is a primitive root of 13, the quadratic residues
of 13 are 2 2 = 4, 24 = 3, 26 = 12, 2
= 9, 2 10 = 10, and 2 12 l(mod 13).
Using the method of Theorem 9-5, they are l
= 1, 22 = 4, 32 = 9,
42 ee 3, 5 2 = 12, 6
= 10(mod 13).

1. Is 15 a quadratic residue of 17?
2. Find all quadratic residues of 29 and 31.
3. Prove that the product of the distinct quadratic residues of a prime p = 4n — 1

is congruent to 1 modulo p, whereas if p = 4n + 1, this product is congruent to —1

modulo p.
4. If p is a prime, prove that the congruence x G + 7x — i
36 = 0(mod p) has a
5. If p is a prime of the form 4n + 1, prove that there is always an x such that
x2 + 1 is divisible by p.
6. If b isa quadratic residue of 7, find all solutions of x 2 = 6 (mod 7) for each 6.
7. a quadratic residue of 7, find all solutions of x 2 = b (mod 7 2 ) for each 6.
If b is
8. Determine whether or not there are solutions, and if so, solve the congruences
x2 = 9 (mod 13 2 ) and x 2 = 5 (mod 13 2 ).
9. Prove that if the prime p = 2 n +
1, every quadratic nonresidue of p is a primi-

tive root modulo p.

10. Make use of Fermat's theorem to show that if a is a quadratic residue of a prime
p, then a(p-D/2 = l(mod p).
11. If p is a prime greater than 3, prove that the sum of the quadratic residues of p
is divisible by p.

9-3. The Legendre Symbol. Legendre was chiefly interested in ellip-

tic functions and the theory of numbers, but he also wrote a book on
geometry which was so well received that at the time it rivaled Euclid's
" Elements" in popularity. In 1830 he published two volumes on the
theory of numbers that organized his own researches and those of his
predecessors in this subject. In this work he partly proved the remark-
able law of quadratic reciprocity.

If p is an odd prime and (a, p) = 1, by letting (-j = -f-lor — 1

according as a is a quadratic residue or a quadratic nonresidue of p,

Legendre introduced a symbol well fitted for expressing the quadratic
character of a with respect to p. This symbol enables us to express
succinctly some important facts with which we are already familiar.

1. It is evident that if p is an odd prime and (a, p) = 1, then ( — =


+ 1.

2. If d\ = a 2 (mod p), a\ and a 2 being prime to the odd prime p, then

(?) - (?)
3. Euler's criterion shows that if p is an odd prime and (a, p) = 1, then

- = -
a (p 1)/2 (mod p).
4. Corollary 3 of Theorem 9-4 implies that if p is an odd prime and

(ai} p) = 1, where i = 1, 2, . . . , n, then f

^ 2
= ( °^\ \^\

5. If ai and a 2 are prime to p, ( — ) (
— )
= + 1, as well as ( — J
= \
expresses the fact that &i and a 2 have the same quadratic character with

respect to the odd prime p. Furthermore, ( — J

( — J
= — 1 and ( — J

that ai and a 2 have opposite quadratic characters with

-(?) indicate
respect to p.
9-4. The Prime Moduli of Which an Integer Is a Quadratic Residue.
Having solved the problem of determining the quadratic residues of a
prime, we now ask if we can find the prime moduli of which a given
integer is a quadratic residue. is odd, it is, of course, a If the integer
quadratic residue of the prime 2 and so the question must be settled only
forodd primes.
Suppose that a = ±k 2
b, with k 2 the largest square in a and b > 0.

Then because ( - ) = (
^=— ) (
- )> the quadratic character of a with

respect to an odd prime p is determined by the quadratic character of ± 1

and the positive prime factors of a that occur in it to an odd power. Let
these primes be q h q 2 , . . .
, qn - Then

W ~ \ v )\v)\v) \v)
and therefore our question about the prime moduli of which a is a quad-

ratic residue can be answered by studying the symbols ( =— h I -


where q is an odd prime.


Taking these symbols in order, it is first of all evident that ( -

= +1
for every prime p.

Theorem 9-6. The integer —1 is a quadratic residue of all primes of

the form 4n + 1 and a quadratic nonresidue of all primes of the form

An + 3.

The congruence x 2 = — 1 (mod p) has a solution if and only if ( — l) (p-d/2

= l(mod p). If p = 4w + 1, then (p - l)/2 = 2n, but if p = 4n + 3,
it is clear that (p —
Hence, —1 is a quadratic residue
l)/2 = 2n + 1.

of the first set of primes, and it is a quadratic nonresidue of the second set.
Example. There is no solution of x 2 = — l(mod 31), but there are
two solutions of x 2 = — l(mod 29), and they are x = 12 and x =
Theorem 9-7 (The Lemma of Gauss). Take p an odd prime and q
prime to p. Find the least positive residues modulo p of the integers
q, 2q, . . .
, [(p — l)/2]q. If u is the number of these residues that are

greater than p/2, then (-) = (-!)"•

The integers

q, 2J, 3q, . . .
^q (1)

are prime to p and incongruent modulo p. Their least positive residues

modulo p are, therefore, distinct integers of the set

1, 2, . . .
, p - 1 (2)
ai, (Li, . . . ,

represent the least positive residues greater than p/2 of the integers in
(1), while
bi, b2 , . . . ,

denote those least positive residues which are less than p/2. Then
u + v = (p - l)/2.
The integers of the set

p — ai, p — a2 , . . .
, p — au

are prime to p, less than p/2, and are incongruent modulo p. Moreover,
these integers are distinct from the bi, for if

bi = p — a/(mod p) i = 1, 2, . . . , v; j — 1, 2, . . . , u
bi + a,j = 0(mod p)

However, both h and a3 are congruent modulo p to integers of

(1), and
therefore sq + tq = 0(mod p), where s and 2 are distinct integers of the
set 1, 2, . . .
, (p — l)/2. Hence, s + t = 0(mod p). But since both

sand t are positive and less than p/2, the sum s + t cannot be divisible
by p. Thus 6t + a,- cannot be divisible by p. Consequently, the integers

61, b 2 , . . . , bv , p — ah p — a2 , p — au

form a set of (p — l)/2 incongruent integers modulo p all of which are

positive and less than p/2. They are, therefore, in some order the
integers 1, 2, . . .
, (p — l)/2. As a result,

616. b v (p - di)(p - a 2) • • •
(p - au ) = —
V ——-
! (mod p)

(-l) u bA b v aia 2 • • •
au = ^—^ — ! (mod p)

But the bi and the a; are the residues of the products in (1). Therefore,

b v a\a 2 au = V g(mod
6162 • • • • • '
q •
2q •

o p)

P- h ^-^(mod
p) !

~ 1)/2
(-1) U ^-7T^^ (P = ^-o-^!(modp)

By multiplying by (
— 1) M and dividing by [(p — l)/2]!, we have
f(p-l)/2 = — l) M (mod
( p)
- 1)/2
= g( p (mod p)

according to Euler's criterion. Hence,


but since both ( - j

and ( — l) u have only the values + 1 and — 1, it follows

that(j) = (-l)«.
Theorem 9-8. If p is an odd prime and q is odd and prime to p, and if

V ~
M + + 1 q
then (-1)*.

Let (p l)/2 = s. Also let
2 p\
the least positive residues modulo p of

q, 2a, ... , s(? be in order n, r2 , . . . , rs . Then


= v
2q = p
_P J

sq = p + rs
Adding these equations and using the fact that 1 + 2 +
[(p - l)/2] = (p - l)/8, we have

- 1

g = pM + ri + r2 + +r 8

But these integers r k ,where k = 1, 2, . . .

, (p — l)/2, are the a z , where
i — 1, 2, . . . , u, and the where j fry, = 1, 2, . . .
, v, of Theorem 9-7.

Let Y a* = A and Y bj = B. Then

»=i y-i

£l__l 9 = pM + A + B (3)

But in Theorem 9-7 we also showed that the p — a together with the ? fey

are in some order the integers 1, 2, (p — l)/2. Hence, . . .


p- 1
= pu — A +B (4)

By subtracting Eq. (4) from (3), we find

v2 - 1
- = -
(q l) p (M u) + 2A (5)

Consequently, if both p and q are odd, — u is even; that is, M M=

u(mod 2). Hence, when q is odd and prime to the odd prime p, by
applying Theorem 9-7 we have

= (-!)•- (-1)"
On the other hand, if q = 2, then = 0, 0,
(P ~ l)g/2 l
= p- 1
= 0. Hence, M = and Eq. shows that
[ 0, (5)

since p = 2& + 1,
p< 1
= -(2k + l)M(mod 2)

— u = w(mod 2)

Therefore, by Theorem 9-7,

(_1)- = (-1)(p D/8 2

Corollary. The integer 2 is a quadratic residue of all primes of the

form Sn ± 1 and a quadratic nonresidue of all primes of the form Sn ± 3.

When p = Sn ± 1, then (p 2 - l)/8 = Sn ± 2

2n, and ( - J
= +1, but

when p = Sn ± 3, (p
2 - l)/8 = Sn ± Qn 2
+ 1, and ( - )
- !

Examples (£)- (_ 1 )(22)(24)/8 = +lj but <- 1) (28)(30)/8

(I) -
Theorem 9-9 (The Quadratic Reciprocity Law). If p and q are dis-
tinct odd primes, ( C?) = (-l)^ .

We shall present a proof of this theorem that is based upon a geometric
demonstration given by F. G. Eisenstein (1823-1852).

c E
; ;

B A 4

Taking rectangular coordinate axes and a convenient unit, mark

offunits from along the x axis to represent the integers 1, 2, ... ,

(p — l)/2, and in like manner along the y axis to represent 1, 2, ... ,

(q - l)/2. Then OB = (p - l)/2, and OD = (q - l)/2. Let OA =

p/2 and OC = q/2. We then call all points both of whose coordinates
are integers lattice points. Within the rectangle OAEC, but not on its

boundary, there are, therefore, — Iff 1

lattice points.
2 2
The equation of the line OE is py = qx, and it intersects any line x k

parallel to the y axis in the point ( k,— )• Therefore, if k is a positive

integer, — is the number of lattice points on x = k above the x axis

and on or below OE. However, when k takes the values 1, 2, ... ,


(p _ i)/2, since (q,p) = 1, kq/p is not an integer and so there will be no

lattice points on OE and within the rectangle OAEC. Consequently, the
number of lattice points within the triangle OAE is

In like manner by taking py = qx and the lines y = t} for t = 1, 2,

• • •
j (<7
~ l)/2, we find that the number of lattice points within the
triangle OEC is

[?H?] + ;
+ [ViH
Hence, the number of lattice points within the rectangle OAEC is

We have shown that \S\ = (-1) M and that = (-1)*. There-


d) (,)
and consequently when p and g are distinct odd primes,

This famous theorem was discovered at different times by Euler,

Legendre, and Gauss, but Gauss was the first one to prove it. He accom-
plished this feat in 1796, when he was but eighteen years of age. He
appraised the theorem so highly as to call it the "gem of higher arith-
metic " and developed six different proofs of it. Among the leading
mathematicians who have also proved the theorem are Cauchy, Eisen-
stein, Jacobi, Kronecker, Kummer, Liouville, and Zeller. Indeed, the
interest that it has continued to arouse is evidenced by the fact that it was
proved in about fifty ways* during the nineteenth century. More than
that, the number of proofs keeps growing, but, of course, not all of them
are essentially different.
Because of the importance of the quadratic reciprocity law, it is worth
while giving a second proof of it that does not depend upon the geometric

meaning of M . The following proof is a modification of one of Gauss'


* P. Bachmann, " Grundlehren der neueren Zahlentheorie."


Taking p and q as odd primes with q < p and

M -[ + 2q
+ •
+ p
V J _ P.
2p — l V
N + + •
+ ff

-fe] L q J 2 q.

we wish to prove that M + 2V = 2

We observe that if

& = 1, 2, . . .
, (p — l)/2, no /bg/p is an integer, for both k and g are less

than the prime p. Moreover, - =0, and — is at most 1. Of

LPJ [P ]

course, if — = s, so that kq = sp + r with < r < p, then (k + l)g

= +r+
sp g. But —^
is at most 1. Therefore, ^+ 1)g
is at

most s + 1.

Furthermore, the value of the last term of M which is

Dffl =

pq -
+p p v -
can be written [**-' + = (2 - D/2,
2p 2p J
because p — q < 2p.

Assuming that for ft < (p — l)/2 the integer — is the last term of

the expression for M whose value is s, we shall find the number k of this term

of the series in terms of p, q, and s. Since — = s + 1,


k< (l±VP <k + 1

and therefore

is the number of the last term of the expression for M having the value s,

where < s < (q — l)/2. It follows then that the number of the last

term of this series that has the value s — 1 is — • Consequently, for

all nonnegative s < (q — l)/2, the number of terms of M that have the

— •
> p^i - [f ]
Moreover, the number of terms of M
that have the value — l)/2 — l)/2 Therefore,
(q is (p
M- - 2g
+ •
+ P Hi
B] P.
Oyg 3p 2p
+ 1
- + 2
2 J ([?] [?]) L 2 J LQ J

+ + +
+ g ~ 1
J 2 ~ 1
_ ["
g ~ *

- -
N+p 1 q 1

Hence, ikf + JV = ^—^ — • ^—^ — > and the quadratic reciprocity law

Corollary 1. If at least one of the primes p and q is of the form 4n + 1,

primes and the form 4^ + then
Corollary 2. If p q are of the 3,

©6)-— (!)-©
Examples. 1. Test z 2 15 (mod 17) for a solution.

Since 15 = — 2(mod 17), we factor —2 and have —=- (

= I -ry ) ( 77 )*

= +L
Also f
^) = (-1) 8 = +1, and
= (-l)tt«>U«>/8 Hence,

( —=-) = +1, and there is a solution of the congruence.

2. Is 67 a quadratic residue of 89?

Since 67 S -22(mod 89), we find

(^) = (^) (|) (j{).
Furthermore, ( -oq-) = +1, for 89 is of the form 4n + l;(^j=+l 7

for 89 is of the form 8n + 1 ; and (oq)(tt) — +1» according to Corol-


lary 1 above. Thus L^J = f —V However, I — = I— J = + 1.

Therefore, there is a solution of x = 67 (mod 89). 2

3. Is 33 a quadratic residue of 89?

Factoring immediately we have = But

(g) (|) Qjj Q0 (|)
= +1, and [~
y) = (3) = —! Therefore, (g^j = -1, and, from

above, L = +1. Consequently, (oq) = —1, and the congruence

x2 33 (mod 89) has no solution.


The quadratic reciprocity law also enables us to solve the problem

previously stated of determining the odd primes of which a given integer
is a quadratic residue or nonresidue.It is apparent that if we wish to
which a composite is a quadratic residue or nonresidue,
find the primes of
the composite must be factored into primes and the conclusions drawn by
means of Corollary 3 of Theorem 9-4. We shall, therefore, consider first
the case where the given number is an odd prime q.

If q is of the form 4n + 1, then ( - )

= ( - )• Hence, if I - ) is to be

+ 1, p must be a quadratic residue of q as well as being odd, and if I —


to be —1,7? must be an odd quadratic nonresidue of q. For example, if

q = 5, the prime p must satisfy the congruence

x = l(mod 2)
and one of
x = 1, 4(mod 5)

in order that (-) = +1. Hence, p = 1, 9(mod 10); that is, 5 is a

quadratic residue of all primes of the form 10A; + 1. On the other hand,

if ( - ) is to be — 1, then p must satisfy

x = l(mod 2)

and one of the congruences

x = 2, 3 (mod 5)

Thus p = 3, 7 (mod 10), and 5 is a quadratic nonresidue of all primes of

the form 10/c + 3 and 10k + 7.

If the given prime q is of the form 4n + 3, then l^J yH = (-i)l*-»/i


and so (^) = (-l)^- 1 )' 2

( £Y In this case if (±\ is to be +1, either

p = l(mod4) and (^) = +1


p = 3(mod4) and 1^1 = -1

If ( - J
is to be — 1, then either

p = 3(mod4) and (^ )
= +1

p = l(mod4) and {-) =


Accordingly, if q = 7 and ( - is to be +1, then p must satisfy


x = l(mod 4)

and one of the congruences

xsl,2, 4(mod 7)

giving p s L 9, 25 (mod 28), or p satisfies the congruence

x = 3 (mod 4)
and one of
x = 3, 5, 6(mod 7)

with the result that p = 3, 19, 27(mod 28). Hence, 7 is a quadratic

residue of all primes of the form 28/c 1, 28/c 3, 28k 9, 28/c 19, + + + +
28k +
25, and 28k 27. +
In like manner we find that 7 is a quadratic
nonresidue of all primes of the form 28k 5, 28k 11, 28k 13, 28k + + + +
15, 28fc + 17, and 28k + 23.
Now suppose that the given integer is of the form 2q with the prime

q = 4n +L Then = = (_l)(f-»/» If 2g is to be
(|) (?) (j) (j).
a quadratic residue of p, it follows that either

p = ±l(mod 8) and f = +1

p = ±3(mod8) and (-]= ~ ]


If either

p m ±l(mod8) and (?

p m ±3(mod 8) and (
- fl
then 2g is a quadratic nonresidue of p.
When the given integer is of the form 2q with the prime q = 4n + 3, it

is evident that
= (-1)^-^ ( £j. But \S\ == (_i)(p-d/2 M ?

P\ + -
f^J = (-1)(p +4 P -5)/8
2 f The exponent 2
so that (p 4p 5)/8 is

even if and only if p = 1, 3 (mod 8). Hence, I — ) will be + 1 when either

and (-) = -

or when

p = 5, 7(mod 8) and (-) = -1

The conditions for ( — ) to be —1 are now obvious.

Finally, let us suppose that the given integer is the product of two odd

primes qi and q2 with q 1 = 4n + 1 and q2 = 4s + 3. Then f i^\ =

( — J
— )• By combining the first two cases it is clear that the primes p
determined by those of which both qi and q 2 are quadratic residues are
characterized by the following statements:
1. They satisfy x = l(mod 2).
2. They are quadratic residues of q\.

3. They satisfy x =
l(mod 4) and are quadratic residues of q 2 , or they
satisfy x = 3 (mod 4) and are quadratic nonresidues of q 2 .

There are also primes p described by the conditions:

1. They satisfy x = l(mod 2).

2. They are quadratic nonresidues of q\.

3. They satisfy x = 3 (mod 4) and are quadratic residues of q 2 or they


satisfy x = l(mod
and are quadratic nonresidues of q 2
4) .

Examples. 1. Find the odd primes of which 14 is a quadratic residue.

If 14 is to be a quadratic residue of the odd prime p, then p must satisfy
two congruences selected in the manner already exhibited from each one

of the following sets:

a? a 1, 3(mod 8)
x = 1, 2, 4(mod 7)
a; ss 5, 7 (mod 8)

z sa 3, 5, 6(mod 7)

From the first set we find that p = 1,9, 11, 25, 43, 51(mod 56), and from
the second, p = 5, 13, 31, 45, 47, 55(mod 56).
2. Find the odd primes of which 35 is a quadratic residue.

( — j
= (-)(-)> an d both symbols must be +1 or both —1 for ( — J

to be +1. Hence, p satisfies one of the congruences

x = +l(mod 10)
and one of
x = 1, 3, 9, 19, 25, 27(mod 28)

giving p = 1,9, 19, 29, 31, 59, 81, 109, 111, 121, 131, 139(mod 140), or p
satisfies one of the congruences

x = 3, 7(mod 10)
and one of
x = 5, 11, 13, 15, 17, 23(mod 28)

with the result that p = 13, 17, 23, 33, 43, 67, 73, 97, 107, 117, 123,
127 (mod 140).


1. Evaluate: (^), (^), (|), (|)-

2. Is there a solution of x 2 = 21 (mod 41)?

3. Find the values of q for which (A) = + 1.

4. Find the primes of which 11 is a quadratic residue.

5. Find the primes of which 6 is a quadratic nonresidue.
6. Prove that 10 is a quadratic residue of all primes p = 1, 3, 9, 13, 27, 31, 37,
39 (mod 40).
7. Prove that —3 is a quadratic residue of all primes of the form 6n + 1 and a
quadratic nonresidue of primes of the form 6n — 1.
8. Find the primes of which 15 is a quadratic residue.

Show that a quadratic residue of an odd prime p is also a quadratic residue of p n

9. .

10. Prove that there are infinitely many primes of the form An + 1. (Assume
the number of these primes is finite and use them to construct an integer 4£ 2 + 1.
Consider the form of the prime factors of this integer.)
11. Show that there is an infinite number of primes of the form Sn + 1.
12. Prove that 3 is a primitive root of every prime of the form 2 2 " + 1 by considering
the quadratic character of 3 with respect to such a prime.

9-5. The Jacobi Symbol. Let P = pip 2 . . .

p r where the
, pi, with
i = 1,2, . . . ,r, are positive odd primes, not necessarily distinct. Then
/ 771 \
if m is any integer prime to P, the Jacobi symbol I -p ) is defined in the

following manner:

\p) ~ xpJ
where the symbols to the right of the equality sign are Legendre symbols.
W '

When P = pip 2 p r and Q = qiq 2 q s with the pi and qj,
• ' ' * • •

where j = 1, 2, s, positive odd primes, the properties of the Jacobi

• • *

symbol are expressed by the following theorems:

Theorem 9-10. If m is prime to both the positive odd integers P and

Applying the definition given above, ("pj^l — )( — ) ' ' '

— ;

-(?) - fe)© 0) h—(?)(s)'= •

fe) •
(!)••• (f) " d "*"*" (?) (l) - fe)-
Theorem 9-11. If m and n are prime to the positive odd integer P,
/mn\ _ (m\ I n\
yv) -
\p) \pf
(mn\ (mn\ (mrb\ (mn\ _, . ,. T , . . (mn\

- (?) fe>
H«- (") - fe) fe) © (s) fe) fe)

Theorem 9-12. If m and n are prime to the positive odd integer P and
if m= n(mod P), then
= ( p)*

Because m= n(mod P) implies that m= n(mod p ), where % i = 1, 2,

. . . , r, the theorem follows immediately from the definition of the

Jacobi symbol.

Theorem 9-13. If P is a positive odd integer,


-=- ) = (
— 1) (P-D/2

According to the definition (

—=r- 1 = ( 1 ( I
• • • ( ]

V[( Pi -l)/2]
— 1) *
, where i = 1, 2, . . . ,
r. But P = p xp 2 • " *

l + (pi - 1)}{1 + (P2- 1)} ' •• •

{1 + (Pr- 1)}, and thus P = 1 +
r r r

J= (»-l)+ J= (pi-1)(p»-1)+ +fl (P.-D- Butpi-l

• • •

i l i,k l

- P- 1
- O(mod 2), so that P= 1 + > (p.- l)(mod 4). Hence,
i =l

V ^^ (mod 2). Therefore, (^j\ = (-l)^' 2 .

i -
pi -
P |j = (- l)<
1 >' 8
Theorem 9-14. If is a positive odd integer, f .

- 1)J{1 + (?>2
- 1)} • • • {1 + (p,* - 1)} = 1 + 2 (Pi
" 1) +
i =l
r r

1 (Pi
- i)fe 2
- 1)
+"••• + n fe
- !)• But since ^- 1 =
i,&=i z=i

P —
0(mod 8), it follows that P = 2
1 +
> fe
- l)(mod 64), and

x—= 1

» =1

V Pi2 ~ 1
(mod 8). Hence, (^\ = (-1)Cp*-u/8.

Theorem 9-15. If P and Q are positive, relatively prime odd integers,

factoring (
p) in like manner and forming the pairs ( ) ( r we find

, where i = 1, 2, . . . , r and

j = 1, 2, . . . , *.

For a fixed j, £ (p* - l)( a - 1) = fe - 1) V (p< - 1). But we

i=l i=l

saw that \ (p» — 1) = P— l(mod 4), and because qj — 1 is even, it is

i = l

evident that

fe - 1) j (lk - 1) = (P - 1)(© - l)(mod 8)

i =i

(^ - i)(* - = - - i)}
J {(»
i) 1) (p<
- p " !)fe- l)(mod8)

- (P- 1)
Jfo- l)(mod8)

Because P - 1 is even, (P - 1) Y fe - 1) = (P - 1)(Q - l)(mod 8).



©®-<-» w
According to the definition of the Jacobi symbol, (^ ) is +1 when all

I )

= +1 or when an even number are — 1. In the first case the

x2 = ra(mod p,-) i = 1, 2, . . . , r (6)

have a solution for each p i} and consequently there is a solution of

x2 = m(mod P) (7)

But in the second case the congruences (6) fail to have a solution for cer-
tain pi, and therefore (7) has no solution. Hence, if the Jacobi symbol

+ 1 , we have a necessary but not a sufficient condition that m be

a quadratic residue of P. However, if (
= — 1, it is evident that con-

gruence (7) has no solution.

Let us take some examples to illustrate the differences in the use of the
Jacobi and the Legendre symbols. Consider the congruence x 2 =
135 (mod 173) in which 135 and 173 are odd and relatively prime. Using

Jacobi symbols, we find = +1 and (jjjlj ) = =

(773 ) (735 ) \j35j

««'• (w) - (I) - -' s° "»' (iS) = +1 '

•* (I) - +1

Therefore, I zr=~ ) = +*• Since 173 is a prime, this is a Legendre symbol

and we can conclude that there is a solution of the congruence.

Since 173 is a prime, we can, moreover, solve the problem by using only

Legendre symbols. Thus

-QL )• But
j (jfg) (jfg

(AX?) - «•
and (-3- J = ( r) = — 1. Hence, (770) = — 1. Furthermore,

(?) = (I) " - 1 and '
(A) - -1 -
Hence '
(m) +1,
and therefore the given congruence has a solution.
Now consider the congruence x 2 = 21 (mod 253), where 253 is not a

prime. In this case

Q£j {^fj
= +1, and
Qj = +1.

/2l\ =
Hence, \kfo ) +1? but this is a Jacobi symbol, and we can reach no
conclusion as to the existence of a solution of the congruence. However,

= and -1 there no solu -

(tt) -
(it) =
(S) (§) (i) '

tion of x = 21 (mod
11). Hence, there is no solution of the given


1. Apply both Jacobi and Legendre symbols to determine whether or not the con-
gruence x 2 S3 35 (mod 71) has a solution.

2. Evaluate the following symbols and interpret the results : ( q= > ( r^ry ) > ( ^rz )

3. Use Legendre symbols to determine all the quadratic residues of 41.


9-6. The Solution of x 2 = o( mod It is evident that if (a, 2) =

2 n ). 1,

the congruence x 2
= a(mod 2) has the solution x = l(mod 2), but if

(a, 2) = 1, the congruence x 2 = a (mod 4) has a solution if and only if

a l(mod
ss 4), in which case there are two solutions 1 and 3 modulo 4.
Theorem If n > 3 and x = a(mod 2 n ) has a solution, then
a ss l(mod 8).
Suppose x satisfies the congruence. Then x 2
= a(mod 2 n ), and there-
fore x a(mod 8)
ss But x is odd, and its square is, therefore, congruent

to 1 modulo 8. Hence, a = l(mod 8).

Theorem 9-17. If a = l(mod 8), there are exactly four distinct solu-
tions modulo 2 n where n > 3, of the congruence x 2 = a(mod 2 n ).

We shall first show by induction that the congruence x 2 = a(mod 2 n )

with a s= 1 (mod 8) has a solution. We know that under the given condi-
tion x 2 s= a(mod 8) has a solution. Assuming that, for a given k, x 2 =
a (mod 2*) is satisfied by x we infer that x 2 — a = 2 k h. , We, therefore,
wish to determine t so that #o + 2 k ~H satisfies x 2 = a(mod 2 k+1 ), that is,
so that
(x + 2 A; 2 s= a (mod2 k+l )
- ~2
x 2
a + 2*x * + 2 2A;
= 0(mod 2 k+l )
2 (h + a; = 0(mod 2 k+1 )
and finally
/i + Xo t = 0(mod 2)

Because this congruence always has a solution, there is a value of t for

which x + 2 fc-1 £ satisfies x 2 = a(mod 2 k+l ). Thus the congruence x 2 =
a(mod 2 n ) has a solution if a s= l(mod 8).
But whenever x 2 = a(mod 2 n ), where n > 3, has one solution x =
a:i(mod 2 n ),has exactly four solutions, for suppose that x\ and x 2 satisfy

the congruence. Then

= a; 2
(mod 2 n)
(xi — x 2 )(xi + x 2) = 0(mod 2n)

and because both x\ and x 2 are odd,

— x2 Xl + 0(mod 2 W ~ 2 )
xi rr 2

However, [(#i — x 2 )/2] + [(^i + a; 2 )/2] = iCi, and therefore one of

(iCi — (iCi + x 2 )/2

x 2 )/2 and is odd. As a result, the other is divisible by
2 n_2 Hence, one of the congruences (xi ± x 2 )/2 = 0(mod 2 n 2 ) holds.

Therefore, x 2 = ^i(mod 2 n l ), or x 2 = — Xi(mod 2 n_1 ). But when x\
satisfies x 2
= a(mod 2 ),n — X\ does also. Consequently, all four integers
n~ l =
±X\, ±xi + 2 satisfy x 2
a(mod 2 n
), and they are incongruent
modulo 2n .

But there = a (mod 2 n ), for a must be

are exactly four solutions of x 2
congruent to modulo 2 3 and thus a has just 2 n ~ 3 distinct values modulo
1 ,

2n. Therefore, the 2 n odd positive integers less than 2 n separate into

2 n_3 sets of four such that all four integers in a set satisfy one and only one
of the 2 n 3 congruences x 2 = a (mod 2 n ) determined by the permissible
values of a.

Example. In the case of x 2 = a(mod 16), a can have only the values
1 and 9 modulo 16. The solutions of x 2 = l(mod 16) are 1, 7, 9, and 15
modulo 16, and those of x 2 = 9 (mod 16) are 3, 5, 11, and 13 modulo 16.


First find the values that a can have in order that there be a solution of x 2 = a (mod
64), and then find all the solutions of these congruences.


10-1. The Waring Problem. In 1770 Waring published the statement

that every positive integer is a sum of not more than 4 squares, not more
than 9 cubes, not more than 19 fourth powers. He gave no proof of his
assertion and may have had only calculations to support it, but the
problem implied by his statement has ever since challenged the best
mathematicians and has been only recently solved. It is generally
agreed that Waring meant to imply that for every positive integer k there
exists a smallest positive integer g(k) such that any positive integer n can
be expressed as a sum of at most g(k) positive kth. powers.*
Certain results connected with this problem of representing a positive
integer as a sum of like powers of integers had long been conjectured even
though not much progress in proving them was made until the eighteenth
century. Fermat, for instance, was much interested in the theorem that
every prime of the form 4n + 1 can be expressed as a sum of two squares
and, barring the use of negative integers, in but one way. Thus 5 = l 2 +
2 and 13 = 2 + 3
2 2
It remained for Euler, however, to demonstrate

the theorem satisfactorily. Moreover, that any integer n is a sum of two

squares if and only if it has the form n = 2 a 2 P, with t > l
and P a
product of different primes of the form 4s + 1, had been determined in
the seventeenth century. Again, mathematicians had asserted that any
integer not of the form 4 r (8s + 7) is expressible as a sum of three squares
and that integers of this form fail to be expressible as such a sum. Fur-
thermore, by 1770 Lagrange had proved that every integer is a sum of at
most four squares.
From the time Waring enunciated his theorem, it took 139 years to
prove that every integer is a sum of at most nine cubes. Although
Liouville proved in 1859 that there exists a smallest integer #(4) such that
every n is a sum of at most #(4) fourth powers, still it has not yet been
proved that in this case #(4) actually is 19. In 1909 Hilbert proved the
general theorem that for each k there exists a positive integer g(k), inde-
pendent of n, such that every integer n is a sum of at most g(k) kth. powers,
but his proof merely shows the existence of algebraic identities for deter-
* G. H. Hardy, "Some Famous Problems of the Theory of Numbers."

mining g(k) and sheds no light on the actual value of g(k). Since then
Hardy and Littlewood have developed by analytical means a formula
that determines an upper bound for g(k) for every k.
From these few remarks we can obtain some idea of the magnitude of
this problem, and certainly a perusal of a few of the original proofs will
give an appreciation of the ingenious adaptation of the tools of the theory
of functions of a complex variable to the problems of the integers. We
are not concerned here with the presentation of any of these powerful
methods, but we shall give two of Euler's* proofs that every prime of the
form 4n + 1 can be represented uniquely as a sum of two squares and then
reproduce a proof, due to Euler and Lagrange, f that uses only the ideas
of the classical theory of numbers to show that every integer can be
expressed as a sum of at most four squares.
Let us recognize first that the identity

(a 2 + b 2 )(c 2 + d2) = (ac ± bd) 2 + (ad + be) 2

expresses the product of two sums of squares as a sum two squares.

For instance, (2
+ 1
+ 2 2
) = 8 2
+ l
= 4 2
+ 7 2
. We notice, how-
ever, that (2 2 + 1)(2
+ 1) = 52 + 2
= 32 + 4 2 and so in this case the

formula gives but one representation of the product as a sum of two posi-
tive squares. Does the formula ever fail to give at least one solution
when (a, b) «= 1 and (c, d) — 1? In this case ac = bd, and ad = be.
But if ac = bd, then a = d and b = c, and so the two given sums are
If ad = be as well, then a = b = 1.
2 2
identical. Hence, in the single
case (1 + 1)(1 + 1) = 2 -f-0, the formula fails to give a sum of two

positive squares.
It is also apparent that when (a, b) = 1 and (c, d) = 1, the squares in
the expression for the result of the product need not be relatively prime,
for example, (8
+ 2
1 )(9
+ 2 2) = 70 2 + 25 2 . On the other hand, if

(ac ± bd, ad + be) — 1, then (a, b) = 1 and (c, d) = 1, for if (a, b) = k,

or if (c, d) = k, it is clear that k divides both ac ± bd and ad + be.

Euler's first proof of the fact that a prime of the form 4n + 1 can be
represented as a sum oftwo squares is a little cumbersome, but it is
instructive to study it and to compare it with the second, more elegant
proof which Euler published about 25 years later. The second proof
exemplifies the enormous improvement in the directness of the presenta-
tion that a mathematician often attains when the initial proof is reviewed.
Lemma 10-la. If a prime p = c 2 + d 2 and if there is a q > 1 such ,

that pq = a 2 + b 2 with (a, b) = 1, then q is a sum of two relatively prime


* L. E. Dickson, "History of the Theory of Numbers," Vol. 2, pp. 230-231.

t Ibid., Vol. 2, p. 281.

If the prime p = c
+ d 2 then
, (c, d) = 1, and if pg = a2 + 52 , we have
c (a
2 2
+ fr
— a 2
+ d 2
) = c
pq — 2
a p = mp
c {a
2 2
+ b
- a 2 (c 2 + d2) = b 2c 2 - a 2d 2 = (be - ad) (be + ad)

Consequently, the prime p divides at least one of be — ad and be + ad.

Moreover, be — ad 7^ 0, for if be = ad, then a = c and b = d. Under
these conditions p and pq would not be distinct. If be — ad = tp, let

b = tc +r
a = —td-\-s
cr = be — tc

ds = ad + id 2
so that
cr - - ds = be — ad — t(c
+ d2) = =
cr = ds
r = dn and s = en

But if be + ad = /cp, the equations

6 = kc + r
a = kd + s

cr = be — kc 2
ds = ad — kd 2
cr + ds = be + ad — k(c 2 + d 2) =
cr = — ds
In this case
r = dn and 5 = — en
In the first case

pq = a2 + b
= (
— td-\-
en) + (tc + 2
dn) 2
= (r2+ n )(c + d 2 2 2

= p(t + n2 2

and in the second

pq = — en) +
(fcc + dn) 2
= + n )(c +
(k 2 2 2
d 2)
= p(fc + n
2 2

Therefore, q is a sum of two positive squares. These squares are rela-

tively prime if (a, 6) = 1, for if in the first case (t, n) = u, the equations
b = + dn, a = —td-\-cn show that u divides both a and b. Likewise,

(A;, = 1 in the second case.

Lemma 10-2a. If PQ is a sum of two relatively prime squares and Q
is not a sum of two relatively prime squares, then P has a prime factor
that is not a sum of two squares.

Consider Lemma 10-la, and let P = pip 2 Pk, where each prime ' ' '

Pi, with i = 1,2, h, is a sum of two squares. Then

. .pi(p 2
. , PkQ) ' * *

= PQ is a sum of two relatively prime squares, and it follows immediately

that P2 PkQ is a sum of two relatively prime squares. By repeating
' • •

this process, we find that Q is a sum of two relatively prime squares.

We must conclude, then, that if PQ is a sum of two relatively prime
squares and Q is not, P must have a prime factor that is not a sum of two
Lemma 10-3a. If a prime p divides a 2 + b
, where (a, b) = 1, then p
is a sum of two squares.
Let the prime p divide a 2 b 2 with + (a, b) = 1, and suppose that p is

not a sum of two squares. Set

a = mp ±ri < n < £

b = np ± r2 < r2 <
+ ?*2
= a2 + 6
+ /cp

= Qp < p

Any common divisor of ri and r must divide Q, and thus the last equation 2

can be reduced to ai 2 + bi = Pp, with (a h hi) = 1. According to 2

Lemma 10-2a, it is now evident that P has a prime factor pi that is not a
sum of two squares, and furthermore, pi < p/2. Using the fact that pi
divides a\ 2 +
we can repeat this process. The method, therefore,

always produces a sum of two relatively prime squares, a; 2 + b { 2 <

(pi-i )/2, which has a prime factor p < p;_i that is not a sum of two

squares. But this statement is contrary to fact, for the prime factors of
all sums of two sufficiently small relatively prime squares are themselves

a sum of two squares. (3

+ 22 = 13, 32 + l
= 10, 22 + l
= 5,
+ l
= 2.) Consequently, the prime factor p of a 2
+ b 2
must be a
sum of two squares.
Theorem 10-1. Every prime of the form An + 1 is a sum of two
squares in just one way.

The integer — 1 is a quadratic residue of all primes of the form 4n 1. +

Hence, there is an integer a such that a 2 = — l(mod p), where p = A.n
+ 1. It is immediately evident that p divides a 2 + 1, and accordingly
p is expressible as a sum of two squares.
Now suppose that p = a2 + b2 = c
d 2 where it is evident that, of

each of the pairs a and b, c and d, one integer is even while the other is
odd. Then
a2 _ C
2 = d2 _ h2
(a - c)(a +c) = \d - b)(d + b)

Let (a — c, d — b) = r, so that a — c = rm and d — b = rn, with

(m, n) = 1. Therefore,

m(a + c) = n(d + b)

Hence, if we let (a + c, d + b) = s, we have

a -\- c = ns
d + 6 = ms
If a and c are both even or both odd, it is clear that r is even, and so is s.
But if only one of a and c is even, then r is odd, and so is s. In the latter
case both m and n are also odd. Moreover,

+ s
)(m 2 + n 2) = mr +ms +nr +ns
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

= (a - c) + (d + 6) + (d -
2 2
+ (a + c)

Hence, the integer

+ s
)(m 2 + Q = a2 + 62
+ cP
4 2 2
= p
Thus, and s are even, p has been factored into the integers (r 2 + s 2 )/4
if r

and m + n 2 both of which are greater than 1. But if r and s are odd,

r and s cannot both be 1, nor can both m and n be 1, for in either case

a = d and b = c. Consequently, when r and s are odd, p is equal to the

product of the integers (r 2 + s 2 )/2 and (m 2 + ^ 2 )/2, neither of which is 1.
Since such a factorization is impossible, we must conclude that the prime
p = \n + 1 has a unique representation as a sum of two squares.
Let us start the second proof of Theorem 10-1 with the statement that
since —1 is a quadratic residue of every prime of the form 4*1 + 1, there
are integers a and m that satisfy the equation a 2 + 1 = mp. The fact
that a is a quadratic residue of p means that a can be chosen positive and
not greater than {p — l)/2. Consequently, a 2 + 1 < (p 2 /4) + 1, But

(p /4) + 1 < p
. Thus mp < p 2 and m < p. Hence, , it is true that
there are integers a and b, with (a, b) = 1 and < a, b < (p — l)/2,
which satisfy the equation a 2
+ b
= mp, m being an integer in the
interval 1 < m < p. If m> 1, we shall show that we can produce a
positive integer mi < m such that rri\p is sum of two squares.
Set a = qim + ri and b = q2 m+ r2 , with |ri| and \r 2 not greater than \

m/2. As a result

a2 + b2 = n + 2
r22 +m 2
( qi
+ g2
) + 2m(r l9l + r 2q 2) (1)
mp = ri
+ r22 + mK
so that
+ r22 = mim

+ r22 < 2 feY
for not both |ri| and \r 2 \
can be m/2 because (a, b) = 1. Hence,

mim <
^ —
m 2

mi <m
Applying the identity exhibited just before Lemma 10-la, we have
+ r 2 )fei
2 2
+ g2
) = (r iqi + r 2q 2 ) 2
+ (nq 2 - r 2qi )

mmiqi 2 + ?2
) = s
+ t
s = ngi + r<# 2

t = r x qi — r 2 qi

Recalling Eq. (1), we observe that

mp = mim +m 2
+ <?2 )
+ 2ms
p = mi + m(qi 2 + q2
) + 2s
m x p = mi 2
+ mim(qi 2 + g2
) + 2miS
and, according to (2),

mp =x mi 2 + s
+ t
+ 2mis
mip = (mi -f s)
+ £

Hence, it is clear that upon the assumption that m > 1 we have con-
structed another integer rrti < m such that mip is a sum of two squares.
We must conclude, therefore, that m 1. —
The unicity of this representation of the prime p = ^n -f- 1 was proved
at the end of the first proof of Theorem 10-1.
Recalling that the even prime 2 = l 2 + l 2 we shall now proceed to the ,

second problem stated above by showing in the following steps that any
odd prime can be expressed as a sum of four squares or fewer:
Lemma 10-16 (Euler's Identity). (xi + x£ -r-z + Z4 )G/i + 2/2 2 + 2
2 2 2

2/3 +2
= {x±yx + x y + x y + x y + (xiy — x y\ + x y± — x y
2/4 )
2 2 z z 4 4)
2 2 z 4 z)

+ (xiy — x y
5 x y — x y z + (xiy* — x y + x y — x y
x -f- 4 2 2 4)
A x 2 z z 2)

If i has the usual meaning, \J — 1, this identity can be proved by find-

ing the following product of two determinants whose values are X\ 2 +
x2 + xz2 + x 4 2 and + y* + v* y^

Xi + ix 2 x3 + 1x4 Vi
W2 -2/3 - iy* A - %B C -iD -

Xz + ixi Xi — ix 2 -
y* - iy* y\ + iyi -C -- iD A +iB
A + B + C + D'
2 2 2

A = xiyi x 2y 2 + xzyz + x y 4 4

B = xiy 2 x 2 yi + x y — x±yz z 4

C = x xy z xzyi +xy —xy 4 2 2 4

D = xiy 4 — x 4 yi +xy xzyi2 3

Lemma 10-26. If p is an odd prime, there exists an integer t, where

1 < < t p, such that tp = Xi
+ x 22 + Xz
+ x42 .

Let Xi, where i = 0, 1, 2, . . .

, (p — l)/2, represent the integers that
lie in the interval < x{ < (p — l)/2. There are then (p + l)/2 values
of x^, and no two of these values are congruent modulo p, for if x? =
^• 2 (mod p), where i 9^ j and j = 0, 1, 2, (p - l)/2, it follows that
(xi — Xj)(xi + Xj) = 0(mod p). Hence, at least one of Xi — x3 and -

Xi + xj would be divisible by p, whichis impossible because each is less

than p.
Again, let yi same interval and form the
represent the integers in the
numbers —1 — y These integers are also incongruent modulo p, for

if — 1 — yi = — 1 —
yj (mod p), where i 7* j, then yf
2 — y^ = 0(mod p),
and we have seen that this congruence is impossible.
Because the Xi 2 and — 1 — y^ taken together form a set of p + 1
integers, two of them must be congruent modulo p. Therefore, some
x^ must be congruent to a particular — 1 — yj 2 Calling these integers .

x 2 and — 1 — y 2 respectively, we have ,

x' as ?/
(mod p)

x2 + y
+ l
+ 2
= 0(mod p)

so that x 2
+ y
+ l
+ 2
= tp, where t is a positive integer.
< p /4. Therefore, (p /4) + (p /4) +
and y 2 <
2 2 2 2
Moreover, x 2 p /^,
> 1 > tp. However, since p > 2, it is evident that
2 2
1 tp, and (p /2) -\-

2p > p2 + 2 and p > (p /2) + 1. Hence, p > (p /2) + 1 > tp,

2 2 2 2 2

which shows that p > t. As a result, 1 < t < p.

Lemma 10-36. If p is an odd prime and t is the least positive integer
such that tp = xi
+ x 22 + x% + 2
x± 2 then
, t is odd.
Suppose that t is even and that Xi 2 + x 2 2 + #3 2 + x± 2 = £p. Then the
xi} where t = 1, 2, 3, 4, are (1) all even, (2) all odd, or (3) two are even
and two are odd. In any of these cases the xi can be grouped in pairs so
that x\ + x 2 = 0(mod 2) and x% + x± = 0(mod 2). Hence, {x\ + x 2 )/2
and (xz + Xi)/2 are integers, and so are (xi — x 2 )/2 and (# 3 — Xa)/2.

( xi + V
a? 2 , / a?i — S2Y ,
/ ffs + gj V ,
_ xi
x 22
\ 2 / "•"
\ 2 /
\ 2 /
\ 2 / '
2 ^ 2
#3 . Xi t

Thus there is an integer t/2 smaller than t and such that tp/2 is a sum of

four squares. Consequently, must be odd.


Lemma 10-46. If p is an odd prime and if the least positive integer

t, less than p, satisfying the condition tp = Xi
+ x 22 + :r 3
+ X4 2
is not 1,

then there exists a positive integer s less than t and such that st = yi
+ 2/3* + 2/4

Choose ?/,-, where i = 1, 2, 3, 4, so that y t = Xi(mod t), and let \yt \

< t/2.
Then y^ = a;*
(mod t), and

\ Vi
— X ^ m °d 2


V ?/,
= tp = 0(mod

Therefore, y x 2 + 2/2
+ y%
+ ?A
= s£. The integer s is not or each
2/» would be 0, and then each Xi would be divisible by t. In this case t 2
would divide tp, and t would divide p. Hence, t would be 1. Moreover,

since \y { \
< t/2, it follows that yi
< Z
/4 and V y- 1 < t
. Hence,
< t
and s < t. Consequently, 1 < s < t.

Theorem 10-2. Every odd prime is a sum of at most, four positive

If p = 3, observe that 3 = l
+ l
+ l

If p > 3, multiply corresponding members of the equations

+ x22 + x, 2 +x = A
tp 3 <t < p
+ yi
+ yz
+ yi = 2
st 1 < s < t

developed in the preceding lemmas. Remember that t is the least posi-

tive integer satisfying the first equation. We find upon applying Euler's
identity that

sp = (xtfji + x 2y 2 + x y + x y^) + (x y - x yi + x y — x yz)
z d A
x 2 2 z A 4

+ {xiyz — Xzyi + x±y — x y^) + {x y — x^yi + x yz — x y

2 2
x k 2 s 2)

But since yi = ^(mod t),

Xiyi +x 2 y2 + x y% + x±y± = Xi + x +
xz2 + x± 2 = tp = 0(mod t)


xiy 2 — x 2 yi + Xzyt — x±y z = Xix 2 — Xix 2 + x d Xi — x&i = 0(mod t), . . .

It is apparent, therefore, that t divides each of the four squares in the
right-hand member of (3) and that sp, with s < t, is a sum of four squares.
But this conclusion contradicts the fact that t was chosen the least posi-
tive integer such that tp is a sum of four squares. Hence, t = 1, and the
theorem is proved.
Theorem 10-3. Every integer is a sum of at most four positive
Upon factoring the given integer into primes, the theorem follows
immediately from Euler's identity.
It may also be added that we must use at least four positive squares to
express some integers as a sum of squares, for we shall show that no integer
that is congruent to 7 for the modulus 8 can be a sum of three squares.
Suppose that Xi 2 x 2 2 + x z 2 = n. Not all the x i} where i = 1, 2, 3,
can be even, nor can just one be, for n = 8k + 7 is odd. But if all the
Xi are odd so that Xi = l(mod 8), then xi + x 2 + £ 3 = 3 (mod 8).
2 2 2 2

Finally, if two of the x are even and one is odd, Xi

{ x 2 2 + Xz 2 = +
l(mod 8) or Xi + x 2 + z
2 2
x 2
= 5(mod 8). Consequently, a sum of three
squares cannot be equal to any integer that is congruent to 7 modulo 8.


1. Prove that integers of the form 4 r (8n + 7) with r and n > cannot be expressed
as a sum of three squares.
2. Write (xi
+ x22 + x 32 + 2
rc 4 )
as a sum of three squares. What does the result

10-2. The Equation x 2 + y

= z
. From the point of view of the
theory of numbers the solution of the Pythagorean triangle means the
determining of formulas for expressing all triplets of positive integral
y = z +
When x, y, z is a solution
2 2 2
values that satisfy the equation x .

of this equation, it is evident that kx, ky, kz is also a solution. We shall,

therefore, confine ourselves to the solutions, called primitive solutions, in
which the values x, y, z are relatively prime. This restriction together
with the equation implies that x, y, z are relatively prime in pairs, for a
common divisor of any two of them divides the third. We infer, then,
that two of these integers cannot be even. But neither can both the
integers xand y be odd, for the square of an odd integer has the form
Sn + 1, and thus the sum
two odd squares is divisible by 2 but not by 4.
Consequently, one of x and y is even, and the other is odd. Let x = 2u.
Then y and z are odd, and x 2 = \u 2 = z 2 — y 2 = (z + y)(z — y). How-
ever, (z + y) + (z — y) = 2z, and therefore any common divisor of z + y
and z — y divides 2z. But a divisor greater than 1 of ^ cannot divide
z + y> Hence, 2 is the greatest common divisor of z + y and z — y.
Therefore, let z + y = 2v 2 and z — y = 2w 2 where (v, w) = 1. Then ,

4u 2 = (2v 2 )(2w 2 ), and x = 2u — 2vw. By adding the members of

z + y = 2v 2 and z — y = 2w we find, furthermore, that z = v + w and
2 2 2

y = v — w Moreover, because (y, z) = 1, one of the integers v, w is

2 2

even, while the other is odd.

If (v, w) = 1 and one is even, while the other is odd, and k is an arbi-
trary integer, the substitution of

x = 2kvw y = k(v 2 — w 2
) z = k(v 2 +w 2

in the given equationmakes it clear that the equation is actually satisfied

by these They, therefore, form the general solution of x 2 + y 2 =
z except for the fact that the values of x and y may be interchanged.

Hence, we have proved that:

Theorem 10-4. If k is an arbitrary integer, the solutions of x 2 +
2 = z
are x 2kvw, y = k(v 2 — w 2 ), and z = k(v 2
= w 2 ) for all integers +
v and w so chosen that (v, w) = 1 and one is even, while the other is odd.


1. Express 21, 31, and 39 as a sum of squares.

2. Solve each of the equations x 2 + y 2 = 169, x 2 +y = 2
625, and x 2 +y 2 = 2704.
3. Is there an isosceles right triangle whose three sides are integers?
4. Find expressions for the sides of all integral right triangles whose hypotenuse is

one greater than a side.

5. Show that if x 2 + y 2 = 2z 2 then x = k(v 2 + 2vw — w 2 ), y = ±£(r 2 - 2vw

— w 2 ), z = k(v 2 + w 2 ), where k is an arbitrary integer, (v, w) = 1 and one of v and iv

is even, while the other is odd.

10-3. Fermat's Last Theorem. About 1637 Fermat stated that there
isno solution in positive integers of the equation x n + y n = z n if n > 2.
This theorem is known as Fermat's last theorem, and about it he wrote,
"I have discovered a truly remarkable proof but this margin is too small
to contain it." To this day mathematicians have been baffled by the
statement, for they have been able neither to prove nor to disprove the
general theorem. The equations (x m ) 4 + (y m ) 4 = (z m ) 4 and (x m ) p +
m p = (z m p show that the proof can be broken up into the cases in
(y ) )

which n = 4 and n is an odd prime. In 1747 Euler published a proof,

which we shall reproduce below, that there is no solution in the first case.
No proof for every odd prime has been discovered although by 1857
Kummer had shown the impossibility of solving the equation if n < 100.
It was Kummer's reflection on his own error made in attempting to prove
this theorem, as well as the misconceptions of Cauchy and Lame, that led
to his invention of the theory of ideals. With this new tool he and other
mathematicians were able to set up various conditions for the insolva-
bility of the equation. H. S. Vandiver* has given a complete account of
the present status of the problem, including his own recent contributions
"toward its solution and his conjectures as to its truth.
Theorem 10-5. There is no solution in positive integers of the equa-
tion x 4 + y
= z

The method we shall use in proving this theorem is a neat example of

Fermat's method of infinite descent. We assume that there are

integers that satisfy the equation and shall show that under this condition
there must always be another having a smaller z. It is evident that if set
there is a solution of the equation in which the integers x, y, z are not rela-
tively prime in pairs, then there is another in which the restriction holds.
We shall assume, therefore, that x, y, and z are prime each to each. Then
(x 2 ) 2 + (y ) = z so that according to Theorem 10-4 we have x = a —
2 2 2 2 2

b y = 2ab, and z = a + b with (a, b) = 1, and where we may choose

2 2 2

a odd and b even. Because y 2 = a(2b), it follows that a = u 2 and

2b = v 2 But a 2 = x 2 + b 2
. Therefore, a = r 2 + s 2 and b = 2rs with
. ,

(r, s) = 1. Hence, 26 = 4rs = v 2 and r = Xi 2 s = yi 2 Thus xi A + , , .

yi = u and, furthermore, 1 < u < a < z. Thus there is a set of

A 2

integers with a smaller z that satisfies the given equation. It is impos-

sible that this always be so, and consequently there is no solution of

+ y = z
xA 2

Corollary. There is no solution in positive integers of the equation

x4 + y
= z

10-4. The Area of an Integral Right Triangle

Theorem 10-6. If the sides of a right triangle are integers, the area
cannot be a perfect square.
* Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 53, No. 10, pp. 555-578, 1946; ibid., Vol. 60, No. 3,
pp. 164-167, 1953.

We shall develop the proof of this theorem as another example of

Fermat's method of infinite descent, using basically the very method he
outlined in the marginal notes of his copy of Bachet's edition of Dio-
phantus's "Arithmetica."*
If x, y, and z are the sides of a right triangle, again restricting ourselves
to the case where these integers are relatively prime in pairs, let x = 2ab,
y = a — b z = a +
2 2
, b 2 where a and b are relatively prime and one is

even, the other odd. Then the area of this triangle, which we assume is a
perfect square, is A = ab(a 2 — b 2 ) = r 2 Since (a, b) = 1, the integers .

a, b, and a — b are relatively prime in pairs, and each is, therefore, a

2 2

perfect square. Let a = m 2 b = n 2 a 2 — b 2 = k 2 But a b and

, , . +
a — b are also relatively prime; so let

a + b = m 2
+ n2 = u2
a — b = m — n2 = 2

As a result
2m = u 2 2
+ v

2n 2 = u — 2
= (u — v){u + v)
Thus (u, v) = 1, and the last equation shows that u — v and u + v are
even integers. Hence, n is even, and 2n = 2
= (u — v)(u + v).
Therefore, one of the integers ——-— —-2—
1£ y
<££ —1_ p
is even. Accordingly, let


-^ =
2s 2 and ^ 2
= t*

^1 = t
and ^±1 = 2s<

2n 2 = SsH'
n2 = 4sH'

Furthermore, in the first case

u = 2s 2
+ t
and v = t
2 - 2s 2

and in the second

u = 2s 2 + t
and v = 2s 2 - t

But m =
+ n2 = t* - 4sH 2 + 4s 4 + 4s 2 £ 2 = 2
(t ) Thus m
+ (2s 2 ) 2 .

is the hypotenuse of a right triangle in which t

2 2
and 2s are the arms. But
* Dickson, op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 615.

notice that since z = a2 + b2 and a — m 2

, it follows that z > a > m, so
that the hypotenuse of the new triangle is smaller than that of the
original. Moreover, the area A i of the new triangle is the integer s
2 2
t =
(u 2 — 2
v )/S, and the area of the original triangle is

A = a H a* - 6-) = (*±*) (^) («V)

(g. + y 4
- p .)
> ^^ o
for + > i

The assumption of the existence of a triangle whose sides are integers

and whose area is a perfect square has led to the conclusion that a triangle
having these properties but of smaller area and shorter hypotenuse must
also exist. Thus there would always be a smaller triangle of this kind,
and that is impossible. We must conclude that such a triangle cannot
On the basis of the last theorem it is easy to show that the following
statement is true:
Theorem 10-7. There are no integers that satisfy the set of equations
x2 -\-
= z
, x2 — y
= w 2

If both p 2 + q
= m and p 2 — q 2 = n 2
, consider the right triangle
p — q and p + q*.
2 2 4
4 A
whose sides are 2p q , , Hence, the area is

p q (p
2 2 i
— q
) = p 2
m 2

But we have shown that if the sides are integers, the area cannot be a
perfect square. Consequently, there is no solution in integers of the
given set of equations.
10-5. The Generalized Wilson Theorem
integers less than m and
Theorem 10-8. The product of the positive
prime to m is congruent to — 1 modulo m if m = 4, p n or 2p n with p an ,

odd prime, but the product is congruent to + 1 modulo m for all other
If ra = product 1 3 = — l(mod 4).
4, the
If m= p
t be a quadratic nonresidue of the odd prime p, and let
, let

Oi, where i = 1, 2,
(f>(p ), be the least positive integers forming a
. . . ,

reduced residue system modulo p n Then, for each a,-, the congruence .

ctiX = £(mod p ) has a solution x = a,- (mod p ) from the set of the a,, and
n n

each integer a is thus paired with an ay distinct from the a^ modulo p n

z ,

for cti 2 f£ £(mod p). The integers a are, therefore, separated into 4>(p n )/2 {

pairs, and if P is the product of these pairs,

p = ^(P»)/2( mo( J pn)


But t^~ 1)/2 m — l(mod p), and hence

(J(p-l)/2)p.-i = (_]_ _|_ k p )p»-*
P»-Hp-l)/2 - _X -f Mpn
f*(p-)/2 == -l(mod p n )
P = -l(mod p

If m= 2p n
be a quadratic nonresidue modulo p, and
, let s let t satisfy
both of the congruences
x = s(mod p)
x = l(mod 2)

Therefore, an odd quadratic nonresidue of 2p n for if x 2 = f (mod 2p n )

t is ,

had a solution, then t = s(mod p) would be a quadratic residue of p. The

congruences ctiX = £(mod 2p n ) now pair the positive integers a,-, where
i = 1, 2, If P
n n
4>{2p ), that are less than 2p and prime to 2p\
. . .

represents the product of these pairs, we find that

~ 1)/2
P= ^ n >/ 2
(mod 2p n )
But t
(p = — l(mod p), and thus t^ pn)/2 = — l(mod n
p j. However,
£ is odd, and (j>(2p
) = <t>{p ).
Therefore, P = — l(mod 2p n ).
If m = > 2, then —1 is a quadratic nonresidue of 2 U
2U , where u .

Hence, the congruences a»# = — l(mod 2 U ), where the a» range through

the positive integers less than 2 U and prime to 2, separate these integers
into 2 U 2 pairs. In this case, therefore, if P again represents the product
u ~2
of these pairs, P = (-iy = +l(mod 2 U ).
When m = 2, moreover, the above congruence is obviously true.
Finally, suppose that m
contains at least two distinct odd primes as
factors or at least one odd prime and the factor 2 U with u > 1. Let
m = 2 u p 1 n ip 2 n n
p r *. Let s be a quadratic nonresidue modulo pi,
z -

and let t satisfy both the congruences

x = s(mod pi)
x = l(mod 2p 2 p 3 ' ' '
p r)
Then a quadratic nonresidue of m. Again, if the a i} where i = 1, 2,
t is

. . . are the positive integers less than

4>(m) }
and prime to m, then the m
congruences a x = i(mod m) pair the a* and, as before, the product P of

the di is such that

P = «*< m>' 2 (mod m)

But i(pi-D/2 = -l(mod pi), and $*&>i*i>/* == — l(mod pi ni )- However,

since (f>{p i
) is even and 0(ra) = <t>(pi'
*) ' •
<f>{p r
" r

pc-o/i = +i(modpi»0

Moreover, t = 1 + p r k, so that t^
2p 2 p 3 m)/2 =
(1 + 2p 2 ps •

j t<i,(m)/2 = -f l (mod p 2
n2 n3 nr 2u ~ l
k)4>(m)/2 anc Furthermore,
p r } P2 Vr ) t ' ' '

= +l(mod 2 ), and thus t+™' = +l(mod 2 ). Therefore, t*™' =

U 2 M 2

+ l(mod m), and P = +l(mod m).

10-6. The Pellian Equation. The equation x 2 — by 2 = 1, in which b
isa positive integer that is not a square, is known as the Pellian equation,
but it should really be called Fermat's equation, for it was he who pro-
posed the problem of finding its integral solutions. As a matter of fact
the problem is a very old one, having been solved in the Middle Ages by
the Hindus. We have but an outline of Fermat's proof showing that the
equation is satisfied by an infinite number of pairs of integers all of which
can be obtained from a particular pair, but a proof was also found con-
jointly by Wallis and Lord Brouncker and was published in 1658. Both
Euler and Lagrange contributed to the further development of the
problem. The following argument is based upon that devised by
Lemma 10-lc. If a is any real, irrational number and m> is an
integer, then there exist integers r and s such that < \r — sa\ < 1/m
and < s < m.
Let x have the values 0, 1, 2, . . . ,m, and determine corresponding
integral values of y so that < y — xa < 1 by taking y = [xa] + 1.
There are, then, m+ 1 values of y — xa that lie in the interval from to
1, excluding but including 1. Separate this interval into m equal parts,
the first one extending from, but not including, up to and including
1/m; the second, extending from, but not including, 1/m up to and
including 2/ra; .... At least two of the m 1 values determined for +
y — xa lie in one of these m intervals. Suppose that these values are
yx — X\a and yi — x^a with x<i > x\. Then

- x 2 a) - {y x - Xia)\ <


- 2/i) - (x 2 - Xi)a\ < m

But the difference cannot be 0, for x\ ^ x2 . Hence, if r = y% — y\ and

s = x2 — Xi, we conclude that

< \r — sa\ < — and < s < m

Lemma 10-2c. If b is a positive integer that is not a square, there is

an infinite number of pairs of integers r and s with s > that satisfy the
inequality < \r
- 2
s b\ < 1 + 2 \/b.

Lemma 10-lc shows that when m is a positive integer, integers r x and S\

exist such that

< In - si Vb\ < — < si < m

Now choose a positive integer mi sufficiently large so that

< |fl-«lV^I

Then r2 and s2 can be determined so that

< — s/b\ < — < s2 < mi

\r 2

\r 2 - s2 Vb\ < \n - Si \A| < —

By continuing to choose m,: sufficiently large, we obtain

< \n — Si \/b\

for i = 1, 2, 3, . . . . This means we can find integers r -+i, s,+i that give t

< |ri+ i — si+1 \/b\ < —

< s i+1 < rrii

\ri+1 — s i+1 y/b\ < \fi — Si y/b\

and in this way we can set up an infinite number of pairs of integers r», Si

satisfying the above condition.

But for any pair ri} s i}

< \n - Si Vb\ < — rrii-i

< -


< \n + 8i Vb\ < -

+ 2si Vb

< \n
- Si b\
<— + 2-v 5<l+2v
/ /6

Therefore, there are infinitely many pairs of integral values of r and s with
s > 0, such that |r
— 2
s b\ lies between and 1+2 y/b.
Lemma 10-3c. If 6 is a positive integer that is not a square, there
exists an integer k ^ such that the equation x 2 — by 2 = k is satisfied by
an infinite number of pairs of integers x and y.

We have seen in lemma 10-2c that an infinite number of pairs of integers

r, s give integral values for \r
— s b\ that lie between and 1+2 s/b.

Since b is not a square, r

— s
b ^ 0, and thus the expression can have at
most 2[1 + 2 s/b] values so determined. Consequently, at least one of
these integral values, k ^determined by an infinite number of the
0, is

pairs of integers r, s, and these are the values of x, y that satisfy x 2 —

by 2 = k.

Theorem 10-9. If b is is not a perfect square,

a positive integer that
the equation x 2 —
has a solution distinct from x = ±1, y — 0.
by 2 = 1

Select k ^ so that the equation x 2 — by 2 = k is satisfied by an infinite

number of pairs of values of x, y. Now separate the values of x, and in
like manner \k\ residue classes modulo k.
of y, into the There are, there-
fore, k 2 pairs of classesmodulo k into which the solutions x, y can fit.
Having excluded the finite number of solutions with either x or y zero, we
recognize that the equation shows that for any solution in which either
or both x and y are negative there is one in which both are positive.
Hence, there is an infinite number of solutions having both x and y posi-
tive. Accordingly, if these positive solutions are distributed among the
k 2 pairs of residue classes modulo k, at least one of these pairs of classes
must contain at least two of these solutions. Consequently, two pairs
#i,2/1 and x 2 2/2 can be so selected that

X\ = £ 2 (mod k) Xi ^ x2 Xi, x2 >

2/i = 2/2(mod k) 2/i ^ 2/2 2/i, 2/2 >
2 - - by, 2 = k
x2 2 - - by 2 2 = k

Now consider the quotient

Xi — 2/1 y/b _ x x x 2 -- 2/12/26 + O12/2 - X2IJ1) \/b

x2 - 2/2 Vb x*2 - y* 2h

From the above congruences

^1^2 — 2/i2/2?> — Xi
— byi
ss 0(mod k)
xiy 2 — x 2y x = Xiiji — xiiji = 0(mod k)

Therefore, let

XiX 2 — 2/12/26 _ u 1 Xiy 2 — x 2 yi

^ — ano j
k k
and thus
xi - 2/1 Vb = (u + v s/b)(x 2 - 2/2 y/b)
£1 + 2/1 V6 = {u — v \A)(>2 + 2/2 \/b)

— by i 2 = (u 2 — bv 2 )(x 2 2 — by 2 2 )
k = k(u 2 — 2
v b)
so that
u2 — bv 2 = 1

and the integers u and v satisfy the equation x 2 — by 2 = 1.

If v = 0, then u = ±1 and then x\ — 2/1 y/b = ±(x 2 — y 2 y/b).
Thus Xi = ±x 2 yi = ±y 2 But since x h x 2 yi, y 2 are positive, x x = x 2

and yi = y 2j whereas we chose x h 2/1 and x 2 y 2 as distinct solutions of ,

x 2 — by 2 = k. We have, therefore, found a solution x = u, y = v oi the

equation # 2 — &2/ 2 = 1 that is distinct from the solutions x = ± 1, y = 0.
Theorem 10-10. If b is a positive integer that is not a square and if
Xi, 2/1 is the solution of x — by = 1 for which Xi and 2/1 are positive and
2 2

#i + 2/i V^> has the least positive value, then any solution x, y of the
equation is determined by the formula x + y s/b = ± (x± + 2/1 y/b) n
for n = 0, ±1, ±2, ... .

Since x 2 — by 2 = 1 has a solution in which 2/^0, there must be one,

Xi, 2/1, with Xi and ?/i positive integers, for which x\ + 2/1 V^> is a mini-
mum. Then Xi 2 — byi 2 = 1, and if x 2 2 — by 2 2 = 1, let
(xi - 2/1 VS)(^2 - 2/2 V^) = £3 - 2/3 V&
and also

Oi + 2/1 V&)(#2 + 2/2 y/b) = ^3 + 2/3 V&

Consequently, x 3 2
— fo/3
= 1, and the pair of integers z 3 , 2/3 so deter-
mined is a solution of the given equation. It follows, by induction, that
(xi + 2/1 y/b) n determines a solution of x 2 — by 2 = 1 for each positive
integral n.

Oi +

2/1 v7rT fr)

= <
Xl ~ ^ ^ )n

and if xi, 2/1, is a solution of the given equation, then x*, y± determined by
X4 — 2/4 y/b = (xi — 2/1 y/b) n for n ,
= 1, 2, . . . , is also a solution of
x2 — fo/
2 = 1-

Again, if n = 0, we find (xi + 2/1 -\A)

= Oi — 2/1 *\A)
n = 1 and
x = ±1, 2/
= 0.

Furthermore, when #, 2/ is a solution, x, —2/ and — x, y, as well as — .t,

— y, are solutions. Consequently, for n = 0, +1, ±2, . all pairs of . . ,

integers x, determined by x 2/ -\A = 2/1 V^) + + 71

2/ ±(#i are solutions
of x2 — by 2 = 1.

But the
pairs of integers x, y determined by the formula constitute all
the solutions of x 2 —
by 2 = 1, for if X, Y with both and positive is X Y

any solution that cannot be developed by the formula, then X + Y y/b

lies between two consecutive powers of the positive number X\ + y\ Vb',

that is,

(*i + 2/i Vh) n < X+ Y Vb < (xi + 2/1 Vb) n+1

By multiplying each member of this statement by (xi — y\ Vb) n and
using the fact that Xi 2 — yi b
= 1, we see that

1 < (X + Y Vb)(x - 1 Vl Vb) n <x + 1 y1 Vb

But if we let

(X + Y Vb)(xi ~ Vi Vb) n = x' + y'Vb

necessarily giving

(X - Y Vb)(x + 1 Vl Vb) n = x' -y'Vb

then x n — by' 2 = 1 and

1 < x' + y' Vb < x1 + Vl Vb (4)

But x' — y' Vb = (x

+ y' Vb)~ and l
, therefore

< x' - y' Vb < 1 (5)

Adding (4) and (5) shows that x' > 0, and subtracting (5) from (4) gives

< f
2y Vb, which implies that y' > 0. Under these circumstances,
however, it is impossible that x' + y' Vb be less than X\ + y\ Vb, for

Xi+ y\ Vb was chosen as the smallest of these numbers. Therefore,

X + Y Vb = (xi +each solution, not x = ±1,
2/1 Vb) n . Since to
y = 0, of x — by = 1 in which one or both the integers x and y are nega-
2 2

tive must correspond a solution in which both are positive, we conclude

that all values of x and y that satisfy the equation can be obtained from
the formula x + y Vb = ± (#i + y\ Vb) n .


1. Show that all solutions of x 2 — 2y 2 = 1 can be developed from x = 3, y = 2.

2. Can you discover a method for developing solutions of both x 2 — 2y 2 = 1 and
X2 _ 2y 2 = -1 from x = 1, y = 1?
3. Show that the formula for developing all solutions of x 2 — 3y 2 = 1 is x +
y V3 = ± (2 + V3) n


11-1. Integral Domains and Fields. Let us recall that the set of
rational integers has certain salient properties with respect to the oper-
ation of addition which can be summarized in the following manner:
1. The sum of two elements in a certain order is a unique element of
the set.

2.Addition is commutative.
3.Addition is associative.
4. Each element has an inverse with respect to addition.

It follows then that there is an element such that a = a for any a. +

There is a second law of combination for the set of rational integers
which we called multiplication, and it has the following properties.
1. Multiplication is unique, and the product is in the set.

2. Multiplication is commutative.

3. Multiplication is associative.
4. Multiplication is distributive with respect to addition.
5. There an element 1, called the unity element, or unity, such that

a •
1 = a for any a.
6. The elements obey the cancellation law, so that if ab = ac and
a ^ 0, then b = c.

Any set of elements that fulfills these 10 conditions is said to be an

integral domain.
When the set has at least two elements and in addition to the above
properties each element of the set except zero has an inverse with respect
to multiplication, the set is called a field. Thus, in a field, ax = 1 with
a^O can be solved for x, and the value is unique. Hence, division by
a t^ is possible, for if ax = 1, then a(bx ) = b and a divides b. The
rational integers fail to form a field, for division of an integer b by a ^
is not always possible, but the set of the rational numbers (ratios a/b of

two rational integers with b t^ 0) is a field. The real numbers as well as

the complex numbers also form fields.
Now consider the set of all polynomials J(x) — a x n + aixtt-1 -j- • •
+ a n where the coefficients a with i = 0, 1,
, t-, n, are selected from
. . . ,

a field. This set includes the field of the coefficients itself, and conse-

quently it contains the numbers and 1, which are called the identity
elements with respect to addition and multiplication, respectively. Con-
stants not are polynomials of degree zero, whereas is said to have no

degree. The laws of elementary algebra show very easily that this set of
polynomials f(x) has the first nine characteristics enumerated above, but
we must clear up another idea before showing that the cancellation law
also holds.
Two polynomials in x are said to be identically equal if and only if they
have equal values for all values of the variable x. But a polynomial in x
of the nth degree with n > is not reduced to zero by more than n values

of x, and therefore f(x) vanishes identically if and only if all of its coeffi-
cients are zero. If, then, the product of two polynomials with coefficients

in a field F is identically zero, at least one factor must vanish identically,

for otherwise the product would be a polynomial of at least degree zero
and could not vanish identically. In short, there are no divisors of zero
in the domain of these polynomials, and that is equivalent to saying that
the cancellation law is observed. The polynomials with coefficients in a
field F, therefore, form an integral domain.
After recalling the early definitions and theorems that pertain to the
elements of the integral domain of the rational integers, it is easy to set
up the following analogous definitions and theorems concerning the ele-
ments of the domain of the polynomials f(x) with coefficients in a field F:
If two polynomials /(a;) and g(x) have coefficients in a field F,f(x) is said
to divide g(x) if there is a polynomial q(x) with coefficients in F such that
g(x) = f(x)q(x) identically. Then f(x) is a factor of g{x) and q{x) is the
quotient of g{x) by f(x). Furthermore, if g(x) ^ 0, the degree of /(re) is at
most that of g(x).
A polynomial that divides only itself is a null polynomial.
A polynomial that divides every polynomial with coefficients in F is a
unit polynomial, or a unit.
Theorem 11-1. If g(x) = f(x)q(x), where f(x) ^ and the polyno-
mials have coefficients in a field F, the quotient q(x) is unique.
g(x) = f(x)qi(x) = f(x)q 2 (x)
f(x)[ qi (x) - q 2 (x)} ^
qi(x) - q 2 (x) = and q x (x) = q 2 (x)

Theorem 11-2. Zero is the null polynomial of the set of polynomials

f(x) with coefficients in F.
The equation f(x) = shows that the quotient of zero by zero exists
but is indeterminate. It also shows that zero divides only itself. Fur-

thermore, every polynomial f(x) divides zero, so that there can be but one
null polynomial.
Theorem 11-3. All the elements except zero of a field F are unit poly-
nomials of the set of polynomials with coefficients in F.
It is evident that a constant not zero of F divides every polynomial
whose coefficients are in this field. But a polynomial of degree n >
cannot divide any constant except zero.
A polynomial with coefficients in a field F whose leading coefficient is
unity is a monic polynomial.
The associates of a polynomial with coefficients in a field F are the prod-
ucts of that polynomial by the unit polynomials of the set of polynomials.
A polynomial with coefficients in F that is not a unit and that is divisi-
ble only by its associates and the units is a prime polynomial.
A polynomial with coefficients in F that is not zero, a unit, or a prime
polynomial is a composite polynomial.
A common divisor of two or more polynomials with coefficients in F is a
polynomial of the set that divides each of the given polynomials.
A greatest common divisor of two or more polynomials, not all zero, with
coefficients in F is a common divisor that is divisible by every common
divisor of the given polynomials. When the coefficients of the given poly-
nomials are in a field F, the monic polynomial that is an associate of a
greatest common divisor is called the greatest common divisor of the set.
If the greatest common divisor of two or more polynomials with coeffi-
cients in a field F is 1, the polynomials are relatively prime.
Theorem 11-4. If f(x) ^ and g(x) are polynomials with coefficients
in a field F, there exists a unique pair of polynomials q(x) and r(x) with
coefficients in F that satisfy the identity g(x) = f(x)q(x) + r(x) with
either r(x) = or of lower degree than fix).
~ =
If g(x) = a xn +
aix n 1 an + • • •
+ is of lower degree than f(x)
b xm + bix m +•••+&•», take q(x) = and r(x) = g{x) and the
theorem is satisfied. Do likewise if g(x) = 0.
If g(x) is not of lower degree than f(x), take qi(x) = kx n m where ,

a = kb n ~
Then ri(x) = g(x) — kx f(x) is lower in degree than g(x)

g(x) = f(x)q 1 {x) + n(x)

If ri(x) =
or if its degree is lower than that of f(x) } the existence of the
pair of polynomials has been demonstrated, but if neither is the case,
repeat the operation, using f{x) and r±(x). Thus we obtain

7*iO) = f(x)q 2 (x) + r 2 (x)

g(x) = f(x)[q!(x) + q*(x)] + r 2 (x)

Again, if r 2 (x) = or if its degree is lower than that of f(x), the required

polynomials are qi(x) + #2(2) and r 2 (x), but if not, the process is repeated
until after a finite number of steps we obtain
r s _i(z) = f(x)q 8 (x) + r s (x)

g(x) = f(x)[qi(x) + q 2 (x) +••+ q.(x)] + r a (x)

and either rs (x) = 0, or it is lower in degree than /(re).

Now suppose that there are two pairs of polynomials that satisfy the
stated conditions. Then
g(x) = f(x)q(x) + r(x) = f(x)Q(x) + R(x)
f(x)[q(x) - Q(x)] + r(x) - R(x) s=

Consequently, q(x) = Q(x), or the degree of the above expression would

be at least that of f(x). Accordingly, r(x) = R{x).
Theorem 11-5. The greatest common divisor D(x) of two polyno-
mials f(x) and g(x), not both zero, with coefficients in a field F exists and
can be expressed in the form D(x) = F(x)f{x) G(x)g(x), where the +
polynomials F(x) and G(x) have coefficients in F.
Using Theorem 11-4 we apply the analogue of the Euclidean algorithm
to the polynomials f(x) and g(x) of degrees m and n, respectively, with
<m< n. Then
g(x) = f(x)Qi(x) + Ri(x) Ri(x) is of degree m\ < m
f(x) = Ri(x)Q (x) + R (x)2 2 R 2 (x) is of degree m < mi

Ri{x) = R (x)Q (x) + R${x)

2 3 Rz{x) is of degree m <m
3 2

Rt-i(x) = R t (x)Qt+i(x) + R t+1

We must finally arrive at a step in which R t+ i is a constant, for the poly-
nomials Ri(x), where i = 1, 2, t 1, decrease in degree.. . Then . , +
by making use of an argument that parallels that in the proof of the
Euclidean algorithm, we see that f(x) and g(x) have a greatest common
divisor R (x) different from a constant if and only if R t+ i = 0.
t It is also
evident that a necessary and sufficient condition that f(x) and g(x) be
relatively prime is that R +i be a constant different from zero.

If Ri(x) f^ 0, solve for each Ri(x) that is not zero, and substitute the
expression in the succeeding equation of the algorithm. Thus when
R t+1 = 0, we find that
R {x) = g{x) -f(x)Q (x)
l 1

R.{x) = [1 + Qi(x)Q 2 (x)]f(x)

- Q {x)g{x)2

Rz(x) = [1 + Q2(x)Q 3 (x)]g(x) - [Q (x)Q 2 (x)Q

1 z (x) + Q 1 (x) + Q*(x)]f(x)

R t (x) = F 1 (x)f(x) + G!(x)g(x)


Hence if f(x) and g(x) are not relatively prime and if R t (x) is not a monic
polynomial, by dividing through by its leading coefficient, we have

D(x) = F,(x)f(x) + G,(x)g(x)

However, if f(x) and g(x) are relatively prime, we find

R t+1 = F 2 (x)f(x) +G 2 (x)g(x)

and dividing by Rt+i, we obtain

1 = F(x)f(x) + G(x)g(x)
In the last case the term of highest degree of F(x) comes from the
product Qi(x)Q 2 (x) Q +i(x). The degree of Qi(x) is n — m, of
• • •

Q 2 (x) is m — mi, and the degree of each Qj(x), where j = 3, 4, . . .


t + 1, is m/_ 2 — W/_i. Therefore, when m > 1, the degree of their

product is less than n, the degree of #(#), for n — m (m — mi) + +
(mi — m 2 ) + (m _i — m ) = n — m
' ' '
In like manner, when
f t t.

m > 1, the degree of G(x) is determined by the degree of Q 2 (x)Q z (x) • •

Q t+ i(x) and is less than m, the degree of f(x).

In the special case where R\(x) = 0, fix) is a greatest common divisor,
and then f(x) = f(x) g(x) and the theorem holds. + •

Notice that although the method is applicable when the polynomial

f(x) is a constant not zero, the statement about the degrees of F(x) and
G(x) does not hold. For example, if g(x) = 4x 3 and f(x) = 2, we +
write 1 = 2 J (4#

3). If f(x) = 0, the result is obvious.
+ •
The following theorem is now evident:
Theorem 11-6. The polynomials f(x) and g(x) with coefficients in a
field F are relatively prime if and only if there exist polynomials F{x) and
G(x) with coefficients in F such that F(x)f(x) + G(x)g(x) = 1.
Theorem 11-7. The greatest common divisor of the polynomials f(x)
and g(x) with coefficients in a field F is unique.
If Di(x) and D 2 (x) are two greatest common divisors of f(x) and g(x),
then Di(x) \
D (x) 2 and the degree d\ of Di(:r) is less than or equal to the
degree d 2 of D (x).
2 Also D 2 (x) \
Di(x), so that d 2 < d\. Hence, di = d 2 .

As a result Di(x) and Z>2(^) can differ only by a constant factor; that is,
Di(x) = cD 2 (x). But each one is a monic polynomial. Therefore,
c = 1, and Di(x) = D 2 (x).

Theorem 11-8. If fi(x) and f 2 (x) are relatively prime polynomials

with coefficients in a field F and if /i(x) divides the product f 2 (x )fz(x), then
/i(z) divides 3 (x).

Since (fi(x),f 2 (x)) = 1,

fi(x)F 1 (x) +f 2 (x)F 2 (x) = 1


MiWW + f*(x)f t (x)F t (x) -/,(*)
Applying the distributive law, evident that f\ (x) divides /3 (x).
it is

Theorem 11-9. If f(x) and g(x) are relatively prime polynomials of

at least thefirst degree with coefficients in a field F, there exists one and

only one pair of polynomials F(x) and G(x) with coefficients in F satisfying
the condition F(x)f(x) + G(x)g{x) =
and such that the degree of F(x) 1

is less than that of g(x) and the degree

than that of /(x). of G(x) is less
That the required polynomials F{x) and G(x) exist has been proved in
Theorem 11-5, but if there is a second pair F\(x) and Gi(x) of such poly-
nomials, then

F(x)f(x) + G(x)g(x) = F 1 {x)f{x) + G l {x)g{x)

f(x)[F(x) - F,(x)] = g{x)[G 1 {x) - G(x)]

But since f(x) and g(x) are relatively prime, g(x) divides F(x) — Fi(x).
Unless F(x) = F\(x) }
this division would be impossible, for the degree of
F{x) — Fi(x) is less than that of g(x). It is then obvious that G(x) =

It is important to observe the conditions set by the last theorem. We

admit that when the given polynomials are the constants a and 6, there are
infinitely many solutions of ax + by = 1. But it is to be noticed that
Theorem 11-9 requires /(x) and g(x) to be of at least the first degree and
places a restriction on the degree of both F(x) and G(x). If the second
condition is removed, we can find many pairs of polynomials F(x) and
G(x) that will satisfy the equation F(x)f{x) + G(x)g(x) = 1, for if Fix)
and G(x) do, then all pairs of the form F(x) + k(x)g(x) and G{x) —
k(x)f(x) will also. Are there any others? When one of the given poly-
nomials is a constant, the results should now be obvious.
On the other hand when the greatest common divisor of the given poly-
nomials is even so simple a case as expressing the greatest common
not 1,

divisor of x 2 — 4x + 3 and 2x — 6 shows the lack of unicity in the pair of

polynomials F(x) and G(x) having the restriction on degree stated in
Theorem 11-9, for

(x 2 - 4x + 3)( + l) + (2.r - 6) (- | + lj = x - 3


(x 2 - 4x + 3)(-l) + (2x - 6)
I - ) = x - 3

When the field F containing the coefficients of f(x) is the set of complex
numbers, on the basis of the fundamental theorem of algebra, we know

that, except for the order of the factors, f(x) can be factored into linear
factors, each with leading coefficient unity and absolute term in F, and a
constant factor, in exactly one way. Hence, the identity
~ — — — —
fix) = a xn + aix n l
+ ' '• '
+ a>n cto(x r l )(x r 2) • • * (x r„)

where the Vi, with i — 1 7 2, . . .

, n, are in F, expresses this unique
factorization of f(x) . The reader realizes, however, that such a factoriza-
tion of f(x) does not exist in all fields. In the field of the real numbers
x2 + cannot be so factored, but in the field of the complex numbers

X2 + i = (x - i)(x + {), Although x 2 - 2 = (x - y/2)(x + y/2) in

the field of the real numbers, it cannot be factored into linear factors in the
field of the rational numbers.
If a polynomial f(x) of degree n with coefficients in a domain F cannot
be factored into two polynomials of at least the first degree with coeffi-
cients in F, then f(x) is said to be irreducible in F. Otherwise f(x) is
reducible in F. Thus x s — 5 is irreducible in the integral domain of the
rational integers and also in the field of the rational numbers, but it is
reducible in the field of the real numbers.
The field of the rational numbers is the smallest infinite field that con-
tains the rational integers, and so we shall consider a few important char-
polynomials with coefficients in this field. We are especially
acteristics of
concerned with being able to classify the coefficients of the factors of an
integral polynomial.
A primitive polynomial is an integral polynomial whose coefficients are
relatively prime.
The primary associate of an integral polynomial is that associate of the
polynomial whose coefficients are relatively prime integers and whose
leading coefficient is positive.
Theorem 11-10. If fi(x) and f 2 (x) are integral polynomials, a neces-
sary and sufficient condition that their product be a primitive polynomial
is that both fi(x) and f 2 (x) be primitive polynomials.
Suppose that
- +•••+««
/iO) = a Q x
aix 1 + 71

f 2 (x) = b xm + b x x™- 1 +•+&.
with n > m, have integral coefficients that are relatively prime. Their
product necessarily has integral coefficients, but suppose that a prime p
divides each of these coefficients. Then there is a first a;, say a r and a ,

first bj, say 6S , that is not divisible by p. Now consider the coefficient of

a r + s bo + • • *
+ a r +ib s -i + a rb s + a r-ib s+ i + • • • + a r+s -m b m

of this expression is divisible by p, and thus it is

Each term except a r b s
impossible that the coefficients of the product be divisible by p.

Hence, the product is a primitive polynomial.

On the other hand, if fi(x) = pg(x), where g(x) an integral polynomial

and p is a prime, then fi(x)f2 (x) = p[g(x)f 2 (x)] and the product is not
Theorem 11-11. If f(x) is a polynomial with integral coefficients and
leading coefficient unity, fix) is factorable into the product of two monic
polynomials in the field of the rational numbers if and only if it is factor-
able in the domain of the rational integers.
Let f(x) = fi(x)f2 (x), where fi(x) and/2 (z) are monic polynomials with
rational coefficients, and suppose that not all the coefficients of the
factors are integers. Reduce all fractional coefficients to their lowest
terms, and let d\ and d 2 be the least common multiples of the denominators
of the coefficients of fi(x) and 2 (#), respectively. Then the coefficients
of both g(x) = difi(x) and h(x) = d 2f2 (x) are relatively prime integers.
Consequently, the product g(x)h(x) = did fi(x)f (x) is a primitive poly-
2 2

nomial. But then f(x) — fi(x)f2 (x) = g(x)h(x)/did cannot have integral

coefficients unless d\d 2 = 1. In short, the coefficients of both fiix) and

f2 ix) are integers.
If f{x) is factorable in the domain of the integers, it is, of course, factor-
able rationally and so the converse is obvious.
Theorem 11-12.a polynomial fix) with coefficients in the field R
of the rational is irreducible in R, and if f(x) divides the product
of the polynomials g(x) and h(x) with coefficients in R, then f(x) divides
at least one of g(x) and h(x).
Because f(x) is irreducible in R, the greatest common divisor of f(x)
and g(x) either is the monic polynomial that is an associate oif(x), or is 1.
In the first case f(x) g(x). In the second, we have shown that /(a;) h(x).

Theorem 11-13. Any polynomial of at least the first degree with

rational coefficients can be resolved into a product of a rational constant
and one or more monic irreducible polynomials of at least the first degree
with coefficients that are rational. Except for the order of the factors
this factorization is unique.
If f(x) is either of the first degree or of higher degree and irreducible
in the field R of the rational numbers, then f(x) = cg(x), where g(x) is a
monic polynomial, and c is a rational number.
If f(x) is reducible in R, let f{x) = fi(x)f 2 (x). Each of the new poly-
nomials is of lower degree than f(x). Either fi(x) is irreducible in R, or
it has a factor fz(x) which is lower in degree than fi(x) and is in turn a

factor of f{x). Continuing in this manner, we observe that the degree

of each factor is lower than that of its predecessor and so the process must
end; that is, there must be an irreducible factor, say p(x),oi f(x). Then

f(x) = p(x)q(x). We now

operate on q(x) in the same way and after a
finite number of steps determine that

f{x) = Cpi(x)p 2 (x) • ' '

p r (x)

where c is a constant and the pj(x) are monic irreducible polynomials.

Suppose that there are two such factorizations of f(x) Then .

cpi(x)p 2 (x) • • •
p r (x) = kq 1 (x)q 2 (x) • • •
q s (x)

Clearly, c = k, for the other factors are monic polynomials. Moreover,

Pi(x) divides the product of the qi(x), where i = 1, 2, . . . ,
s. Hence,
Pi(x) divides one of the qi(x), say qi(x). But qi(x) is irreducible in R.
Thus qi(x) = tpi(x),and since each is monic, qi(x) = pi(x). Canceling
the identical factors and repeating the argument, supposing that s > r,
we have
1 = q r +i(x) • • •
q s (x)

Consequently, each of these factors is 1, and the original factorization is

Theorem 11-14. If fi(x) and f2 (x) are integral polynomials, not both
zero,we can choose a greatest common divisor of them so that it is an
integral polynomial.
Since the coefficients of fi(x) and f 2 (x) are rational, their greatest
common divisor D(x) exists and can be written

D(x) = fi{x)Fi(x) +f 2 (x)F 2 (x)

Let d, g, and h be the least common multiples of the denominators of the

coefficients of D(x), Fi(x), and F 2 (x), respectively. Let D(x) = d(x)/d,
Fxix) = g(x)/g, and F 2 (x) = h(x)/h. Then

^ = fl{x) m+ Mx) m
Multiply both members of this equation by the least common multiple of
d, g, and h. Thus
k,d(x) = fi(x)[k 2 g(x)] +f (x)[kzh(x)]

where kid(x) is an associate of the monic polynomial D(x) and has integral
Very often we use the primary associate of kid(x) in place of the greatest
common divisor of fi(x) and f 2 (x) even though we may not be able to
write it in the above form with k 2 g(x) and k z h(x) integral polynomials.
Example. The greatest common divisor x — § of 3a; 3 — 2x 2 — 3x + 2
and 3a; 2 — 8a; + 4 can be expressed in the form

x -#= i(3a;
- 2a;
- 3a; + 2) - £(a + 2)(3a; 2 - Sx + 4)

Its associate 9x — 6 can be written

9x - 6 = (3x z - 2x 2 - Sx + 2) - (3x 2 - Sx + 4)0 + 2)

Instead of 9x — 6, however, we may prefer to use its primary associate

3a; - 2.


1. Can the primary associate of the greatest common divisor of 2x 2 — x — 3 and

2x2 —
5x + 3 be expressed in the form developed in Theorem 11-14 that uses integral
2. Find the greatest common divisor of 6x 3 + I3x 2 + 4z — 3 and 2a; 3 + 9x 2 + 13x
+ 6, and express it in terms of the given polynomials. Write its primary associate.
3. Do the rational integers modulo p, sl prime, form a field?
4. A number r is said to be an algebraic integer if it satisfies a rational integral equa-
tion x n + aix n 1 + • •
an = 0, where the coefficients a*, for i = 1, 2, . , n, . .

are rational integers. If a is a rational integer, apply this definition to the roots of
the equation x m = a and consider the problem of factoring a.

11-2. Polynomials with Respect to a Prime Modulus. When the

modulus is a prime p, we pointed out in Chap. 5 that the division of fi(x)
by f2 (x) 7^ 0(mod p), where these are integral polynomials, exists. To
carry out the division, we may use the method of choosing k so that the
leading coefficient of kf 2 {x) is congruent to 1 modulo p, and then dividing
fi(x) by kf2 (x) according to the process of ordinary long division, so that

/i(z) = kf2 (x)g(x) + r(x)

where r(x) is or an integral polynomial lower in degree than f2 (x).

fi(x) = f2(x)[kg(x)] + r(x)(mod p)

and kg{x) is is the remainder in the division modulo p

the quotient while r(x)
of fi(x) This division has already been shown to be unique.
by f 2 (x).
Definitions analogous to those in the first paragraph of this chapter
show that the set of integral polynomials modulo p, a prime, forms an
integral domain. The unit polynomials, or units, modulo p are the
rational integers that are prime to p, for when (a, p) = 1, the congruence
ax = b (mod p) has a solution and we can infer that a divides any integral
polynomial modulo p. There can be no other units modulo p, for 1 is not
divisible modulo p by a multiple of p or by any polynomial of the first
degree or higher. Since r is identically congruent to r + kp modulo p,
the integers 1, 2, p — 1 represent all the units modulo p. More-
. . .

over, any integer congruent to modulo p represents the null element.

In like manner, the rational integers congruent to 1 modulo p denote the
unity element of the set of integral polynomials modulo p. The definition
of an identical congruence stated in Chap. 5 is the basis for the statement

that if f(x)g(x) = 0(mod p) identically, at least one of the polynomials

f(x) and g(x) is identically congruent to modulo p. There are, there-
fore, no divisors of modulo p in this set of polynomials.
A monic or primary polynomial modulo p, a prime, is an integral poly-
nomial whose leading coefficient is congruent to 1 modulo p.
The primary polynomial modulo p in a set of associates of f(x) modulo
p is called the primary associate of f(x) modulo p.
A prime polynomial modulo p is an integral polynomial that is not a unit
modulo p and which is divisible modulo p by only its associates and the
units modulo p.
An integral polynomial that is not congruent modulo p to zero, a unit,
or a prime polynomial modulo p is a composite polynomial modulo p.
Example. The integers 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent the unit polynomials
modulo 5. The primary polynomials modulo 5 of the first and second
degree can be reduced modulo 5 to one of the following polynomials:

x x2 x2 +x x2 + 2x x2 + Sx x2 + 4z
x +1 x2 +l x2 +x +1 x2 + 2x + 1 x 2
+ Sx + 1 ic
+ 4z +1
x +2 x2 +2 x2 +x +2 z2 + 2z + 2 z2 + 3x + 2 z2 + 4x +2
x +3 x2 +3 x2 +x +3 x2 + 2x + 3 x2 + 3x + 3 z2 + 4z +3
£ +4 z 2
+4 £2 +z +4 z2 + 2z + 4 a;
+ 3z + 4 z2 + 4z +4
Of these the following are prime polynomials modulo 5:

x x +3 x 2
+ 3 x 2
+ 2^+3 x 2
+ 4x + l

z-fl x +4 z2 +
-f- £ 1 x2 + 2^ + 4
£ + 2 z2 +2 x2 + + ^ 2 z2 + 3z + 4
The associates of this set of primary prime polynomials modulo 5 repre-
sent the incongruent prime polynomials modulo 5 of the first and second

A greatest common
divisor modulo p, a prime, of a set of integral poly-
nomials, not congruent to zero modulo p, is a common divisor of the

set that is divisible modulo p by every common divisor of the set. We

refer to the primary associate of a greatest common divisor modulo p as
the greatest common divisor modulo p.
Theorem 11-15.and f 2 (x) are integral polynomials, not both
If fi(x)
modulo p, a prime, then D(x), the great-
identically congruent to zero
est common divisor modulo p of fi(x) and fi(x), exists and there are
integral polynomials gi(x) and gi(x) such that D(x) = fi(x)gi(x) +
f 2 (x)g 2 (x)(mod p).
If there is any difference in degree, assume that the degree of fi(x) is
higher than that of f 2 (x), for the theorem is evident unless both polyno-

mials are nonconstants. Then

fi(x) =f 2 (x)q!(x) + riO)(mod p)

and = 0(mod p) or ri(x) is of lower degree than/2 (x). Repeat

either r\(x)
this processby dividing the remainder into the previous divisor whenever
Vi(x) ^ 0(mod p), where i = 1, 2, k. After a finite number of
. . . ,

steps we shall arrive at a remainder which is congruent to modulo p,

for the degree of the remainder continually decreases. Thus

/2O) s= ri(x)q 2 (x) +r 2 (x)(mod p)

n(x) = r 2 (x)q 3 (x) +r 3 (x)(mod p)

r k - 2 (x) = r k -i(x)q k (x) + r k (x)(mod p)

r k -i(x) = r k (x)q k+1 (x)(mod p)

Then every common divisor modulo p of fi(x) and/2 (V) divides r k (x), and
r k (x) is a common divisor modulo p of these polynomials. Therefore,
r k (x) is a greatest common divisor modulo p offi(x) and Or). 2 By solving
successively for the n{x) in terms of fi(x) and f 2 (x), we find

nix) = fi(x)hi(x) + f 2 (x)h 2 (x)(mod p)

If the leading coefficient c of r k (x) is not congruent to 1 modulo p, we

determine d so that cd = 1 (mod p) and multiply each member of the con-
gruence by d, thereby obtaining

D(x) ^f^g^x) + f 2 (x)g 2 (x)(modp)

Consider the problem of determining when the degree of g 2 (x) will be

less than the degree of fi(x) and that of gi(x) will be less than the degree
oif2 (x).
It will now be easy for the reader to prove the following theorems:
Theorem 11-16. If the integral polynomials fi(x) and f 2 (x) are rela-
tively prime modulo p, a prime, and if fi(x) divides f 2 (x)fz(x) modulo p,
then fi(x) divides f^(x) modulo p.
Theorem 11-17. If p is a prime, the integral polynomials fi(x) and
f2 (x) are relatively prime modulo p if and only if there exist integral poly-
nomials gi(x) and g 2 (x) such that fi(x)gi(x) + f2 (x)g 2 (x) = l(mod p).
Consider the problem of the unicity of #1(2) and g 2 (x).
Theorem 11-18. A composite integral polynomial modulo p, a prime,
can be factored into prime polynomials modulo p, and except for the
order of the factors and associated polynomials modulo p the factorization
is unique for the modulus p.
11-3. A Method Congruence Modulo p, a Prime. If p
for Solving a
is a prime, all modulo p of f(x) = 0(mod p) are among
distinct solutions
the solutions of x p — x = 0(mod p). Therefore, to solve f(x) = 0(mod p),
find D(x), the greatest common divisor modulo p of f(x) and x p — x.
Then the solutions of D(x) = 0(mod p) are the distinct solutions of
f(x) = 0(mod p), and their number is the degree of D(x). Of course,

f(x) = 0(mod p) may have a repeated solution, but the existence of a

multiple solution x =
r(mod p) can be determined by removing the
factor x — r modulo p from fix) and substituting r for x in the quotient.
Example. We can exhibit the usefulness of this device by finding the
solutions of x 5 + x 3 + x — x + 3 = 0(mod 5). The application of the

5 —
algorithm to a; x and a; 5 + x z + x 2 — x + 3 shows that D(x) = x 2 —
3x + 2 (mod 5) and therefore that the only distinct solutions of the given
congruence are x = 1, x = 2(mod 5). But x b + x z + a; 2 — x + 3 =
3a; + 2)(x + 3a; + Sx + 4) (mod 5). The congruence z 3 + 3a; 2
2 - 3 2

+ 3a; + 4 = 0(mod 5) has the solution x = 2 (mod 5), and a; 3 + 3a; 2 +

3a; + 4 = (a; - 2) (a; - 2) (mod 5). However, a; 2 - 2 = 0(mod 5) is

satisfied by neither x = 1 nor x = 2 (mod 5). Hence, the solutions of the

original congruence are x = 1, x = 2, x = 2 (mod 5).


1. Write the primary prime polynomials modulo 3 of degrees 0, 1, and 2. Then

write all the prime polynomials modulo 3 of degree 2 that are incongruent modulo 3.

2. Factor 2x 5 + x 3 + 2z 2 + 2x + 2 into prime factors modulo 3.

3. Find the solutions of x - 2x - 3 = 0(mod 5).

4 2

4. Find the solutions of x 5 — 4x 3 +

Sx = 0(mod 7).
5. Find the solutions of x 4 — x 1 m 0(mod 7).
6. Find the solutions of 2x - 10z - 27 = 0(mod 35).

7. If f(x) is an integral polynomial and p is a prime, develop a method for solving

the congruence /(x) = 0(mod p) by using the derivatives oif(x) with respect to x and
certain greatest common divisors modulo p.


12-1. The Additive Theory of Numbers. Leibnitz (1646-1716) was

among mathematicians who paid particular attention to develop-
the first

ing the theory concerned with the separation of an integer into all possible
summands selected from a given set, for example, the representation of 4
by 4, 3 + 1, 2 + 2, 2 + 1 + 1, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1, where selections are
made from 1, 2, 3, and 4. To Euler, however, is due a large part of the
basic theory. This additive theory of numbers is a difficult subject. We
shall develop only the fundamental ideas. The student can refer to the
work of G. H. Hardy, one of the modern experts in this field, for an
extensive treatment of this topic.
If from any set of positive integers a», where i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , finite
or infinite, we select m numbers so that n = ax + a2 + •
a m the


representation, whether or not it contains repetitions, a partition of the


integer n. Thus the representation of n as a sum of primes is a partition

of n in which the selection is made from the set of positive primes. In
this chapter we shall confine ourselves to selections of addends from the
set of positive integers 1, 2, . . .
, q or from all the positive integers,
considering both the case where repetitions are permitted and where they
are prohibited, the order of the summands in each situation being
We shall represent the number of partitions of n containing m selections
from the integers 1,2, with repetitions allowed by P(n, m, <g).
. . .
, q
If repetitions are prohibited, we
shall use the symbol Q(n, m, <q). If the
representations are to have at most m parts selected without repetition
from 1, 2, q, their number will be expressed by Q(n, <m, <g).
. . .

When made from the set of all positive integers, we

the selections are
shallemploy P(n, m) and Q(n, m) for the number of partitions of n, with
repetitions and without repetitions, respectively, that have exactly m
parts. If the selections are unrestricted as to the number of parts, we
shall write P(n, <q) to mean the number of partitions of n, with
repetitions permitted, into any number of parts all of which are less than
or equal to q, and Q(n, U) to mean the number of partitions of n into any
number of parts selected without repetition from the positive integers.

If the selection of the unrestricted number of parts is to be from among

1, 2, . . .
, q
and is always to include q, we shall write P(n, U, q) and

Q(n, U, q).
12-2. Partitions with Repetitions. To separate n into m parts with
repetitions let each of the m parts have one unit, and then distribute the
remaining n — m units to one part, to two parts, . . . , to m parts.
Thus when n > m and the selections are from the positive integers, we
P(n, m) = P(n - m, 1) + P(n - m, 2) +
+ P(n — m, m)
But then
P(n - 1, m- 1) = P(n - m, 1) + P(n - m, 2) + • •

+ P(n — m, m— 1)
P(n, m) = P(n — 1, m— 1) + P(n — m, m)

and we have proved:

Theorem 12-1. When the addends are selected from the positive
integers, the number of partitions of n into m parts with repetitions is

equal to P(n — 1, m— 1) +
P(n — m, m).
Example. To find the number of partitions of 7 into three parts, we
find P(7, 3) = P(6, 2) + P(4, 3). Repeating the application of the
recursion formula of Theorem 12-1, we obtain

P(6, 2) = P(5, 1) + P(4, 2) = 1 + P(4, 2)

P(4, 2) = P(3, 1) + P(2, 2) = 1 + 1

P(4, 3) = P(3, 2) + P(l, 3) = P(3, 2)

P(3, 2) = P(2, 1) + P(l, 2) = 1

P(7, 3) = 4

Corollary 1. If = P(n — 1, m — 1).

m > n/2, P(n, m)
If m> n/ 2, n — m < m
and P(n — m, m) = 0.
Corollary 2. P(2n, 2) = n, and P(2n + 1, 2) = n.
The partitions of an even integer 2n into two parts are

1 + (2n - 1)
2 + (2w - 2)

n -f- (2n — n)

The partitions of an odd integer 2n + 1 greater than 1 into two parts


1 + 2n
2 + (2n - 1)

n + (n + 1)

By making use of the formulas P(n, n) = 1, P(n, n — 1) = 1, P(n, 1)

= 1, as well as

P(n, 2) = P(n - 1, 1) + P(n - 2, 2) = 1 + P(» - 2, 2)

P(w, 3) = P(w - 1, 2) + P(n - 3, 3) = P(n - 2, 1) + P(n - 3, 2)
+ P(n - 3, 3)
= 1 + P(n - 3, 2) + P(n - 3, 3)

P(n, k) = P(n - 1, k - 1) + P(w - fc, ft)

= 1 + P(n - *, 2) + P(w - *, 3) + + P(n - k, k)

we can set up a table of the number of partitions of n into m parts selected

from the positive integers with repetitions permitted.

m, the Values of n
of parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
3 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 12
4 1 1 2 3 5 6 9 11 15
5 1 1 2 3 5 7 10 13
6 1 1 2 3 5 7 11
7 1 1 2 3 5 7
8 1 1 2 3 5
9 1 1 2 3

The first row P(n 1) = 1. The formulas P(n, n) — 1

of the table uses 7

and P(n, n — =
account for the two diagonals of l's. Passing to
1) 1

the second row, to find P(3, 2), we merely add the numbers in the column
under 3-2=1. To find P(4, 2), add the numbers under = 2, 4-2
etc. To write the third row, sum the numbers under 4 — 3 = 1 for
P(4, 3), the numbers under 5 — 3 = 2 for P(5, 3), the numbers in the
first three rows under 6 — 3 = 3 for P(6, 3), the numbers in the first three

rows under 7 — 3 = 4 for P(7, 3), etc.

From the way the table has been set up it is evident that we can find
P(n, <m) by merely looking up P(n + m, m).
12-3. Diagrams of Partitions. If we set up all the partitions of n into

exactly m parts selected from 1, 2, . . .

, q, with repetitions permitted,

and always employ at least one q, and then remove one q from each of the

partitions, we obviously have the partitions with repetitions permitted of

n — q intom — 1 parts selected from 1,2, q; that P(n, m, q) = . . .

P( n _ q m — i <g). If repetitions are prohibited, Q(n, m, q) =

f y

Q(n — q, m — 1, <q — 1).

We can diagram a partition of n into m parts that include q as a greatest
integer in the following way and thus graphically exhibit the statement
made above:
1 1 1 1 ... 1 (q units)
1 1 1 ... 1
(m rows)
1 . . . 1

Moreover, if we read the diagram by columns, we have a partition of n

into q parts of which the greatest is m. Such partitions are said to be
conjugate. The diagram shows that the following statement is valid:
Theorem There are as many partitions of n into m parts selected
from 1, 2, and always including q as there are partitions of n into
. . .
, q
qparts such that one is m and the others are less than or equal to m, repe-
titions being permitted in each case.
Similarly the diagrams show the following theorem, due to Euler:
Theorem 12-3. The number of partitions with repetitions permitted
of n into at most m parts is the same as the number of partitions with
repetitions permitted of n into parts which do not exceed m; that is,

P(n, <m) = P(n, U, <m).

Furthermore, by subtracting P(n, <m — 1) = P(n, U, <m — 1) from
P(n, <m) = P(n, U, <m), we have:
Corollary. P(n, m) = P(n, U, m).
The diagrams also make it clear that:
Theorem 12-4. The number of partitions with repetitions permitted
of n into m more parts is the same as the number of partitions with
repetitions permitted of n into parts containing an element that is greater
than or equal to m.
12-4. Generating Functions for the Number of Partitions. Consider
the addends that are summed to determine the exponents of x in the
product (1 x)(l+ z 2 )(l + x*) = 1 x + x2 + x 1+2 + x 3 + x 1+ * + + +
a-2+3 _[_ C
i+2+3 j£ j s evident that these exponents are the results arising

from all possible selections of one, two, and three distinct summands from
the set 1, 2, 3. Consequently, the coefficient 2 of x 3 gives the number of
ways 3 can be produced by adding together distinct integers selected from
1, 2, and 3. Similarly the coefficient of x n in the expansion of (1 +
x)(l -f- x 2 ) (1 + x q ) is the number of partitions of n into dis-
- - •

tinct integers from the set 1, 2, . . .

, q and is, therefore, the value of
Q(n, U, <q).
Now take the product (1 + zx){\ + zx 2 ) • • •
(1 + zx q ). The pres-
ence of the z in each factor enables us to count the number of addends
used to produce the exponent of x. Thus the coefficient of z m x n is the
number of ways in which n can be represented by exactly m distinct
addends from among 1, 2, 3, . . .
q. It, therefore, enables us to deter-
mine Q(n, m, <q).
The effect of multiplying (1 + zx){\ + zx 2 ) • • •
(1 + zx q ) by 1 +
z + z
+ * * *
+ z qiq 1)/2 is to collect the terms representing the number
of ways n can be produced by one, two, m distinct addends, for . . . ,

zx nis multiplied by z
m ~ l to produce z mx n z 2x n by z m ~ 2 etc. Thus the
; , ;

coefficient of z mx n is the number of partitions of n that can be obtained by

choosing at most m distinct integers from the set 1, 2, , q.
It is the . . .

value of Q(n, <q). <m,

The fact that the series 1 xm x 2m developed from the + + + • • •

quotient 1/(1 — m
x ), is absolutely convergent for < x < 1 enabled
Kronecker* to prove that the coefficients of the expansion of the gener-
ating function 1/(1 — x)(l — x 2 )(l — x z ) give the number of par- • • •

titions of n with repetitions permitted. The discovery of this theorem is

due to Euler. We shall merely indicate the truth of the statement by the
following argument: To produce any integer n, we need at most n addends,
and hence but the first n of the factors (1 +x+x + 2 • •
•), (1 + x2 +
x 4
+ • •
•), . . .
, (1 +x +x
n 2n
• • •) determined by the generating
function. term of the (n + l)st factor in the product of the
The first

first n +
would merely reproduce the product of the first n
1 factors
factors, and the next term would add n + 1 to each of the exponents of x
already produced so that the resulting exponents would exceed n. It is
evident also that all succeeding exponents so derived would exceed n.
Moreover, any term developed from the product of the first n factors is
the result of selecting exactly one term from each of these factors. The
choice can be represented as the selection of one of each of the factors
x a x 2b x 3c
, ,x nk where the values of the integers a, 26, Be, . . . , rik
, . . . , ,

are among 0, 1, n, and a is to be interpreted as the sum of a units,

. . . ,

2b as the sum of b 2 s, 3c as the sum of c 3's, etc. Each time the sum of

the exponents, a, 26, 3c, ... , nk, is n, we have a partition of n. Thus

the coefficient of x n gives the number of partitions of n with repetitions
Let us illustrate the use of the generating function by finding the parti-
tions of 5. We need but the factors (1 x + x 2 x 3 + x 4 x b ), + + +
(1 + x 2
x 4
), (1 +
x 3 ), (1 x 4 ), and (1 +
z 5 ). The product is to be + +
*L. E. Dickson, " History of the Theory of Numbers," Vol. 2, p. 104.

interpreted in the form

(1 + X + x l+l + x l+l+1 + x 1+1+1+1 + a;i+i+i+i+i)(l + x + x 2+2


(1 + x )(l + z )(l +
3 4
Z 5)
Then the expansion is

1 + X + £ 1+1 + £ 1+1+1 + x 1+1+1+1 _|_ ^ 1+1+ l+i+l +

+ X 2
+ x 1+2
+ z 1+1 + 2 + ^1+1+1+2
+ x 2+ 2 _J_ x l+2+2 +
+ z 3
+ x 1+3 _|_ ^1+1+3 +
+ X 2+ 3 +
+ x* + Z 1+4 +
+ £5 +
The partitions of 1, 2, 3, 4, as well as 5, are thereby enumerated, and the
coefficient 7 of x 5 is the value of P(5, C/).
Similarly we can see that 1/(1 — x)(l — x 3 )(l — x h ) enumerates • • •

the partitions of n into odd integers with repetitions permitted and that
1/(1 — x 2 )(l — x A )(l — x 6) • - •
does the same when the parts are even.


1. Show that P(n, <m, q) = P(n, q, < in).

2. Show that P(n, U, <q) = P(n q, q). +

3. Find the number of partitions of n into parts selected from 1, 2, 2 2 2 3 , , . . . .

4. Show that the number of partitions of n in terms of odd integers with repetitions
isequal to Q(n, U).
5. Write a generating function which will enumerate the partitions of n into parts

that are odd and unequal.

6. Show that x r /(l — x 2 )(l — x 4 ) (1 — x 2q) enumerates the partitions of
• • •

n — r into even parts that do not exceed 2q with repetitions permitted. Show also
that when n — r is even, the same function enumerates the partitions of (n — r)/2
into parts not larger than m
with repetitions.
7. Find a method for listing all the partitions of n into m parts by starting with

m — 1 units and the integer n — 1. m+

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, "Studies in the Theory of Numbers," University of Chicago Press,
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, "Modern Elementary Theory of Numbers," University of Chicago
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Mathews, G. B., "Theory of Numbers," G. E. Stechert & Company, New York,
Nagell, T., "Introduction to Number Theory," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
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Reid, L. W., "The Elements of the Theory of Algebraic Numbers," The Mac-
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,"A Source Book in Mathematics," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,

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Wright, H. N., "First Course in the Theory of Numbers," John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New York, 1939.

Abacus, 39 Chrystal, G., 197

Absolute value, 7 Closure, 3, 6
Addition, 3, 54, 177 Commutative law, for addition, 3, 177
Additive theory of numbers, 190 for multiplication, 3, 177
Ahmes papyrus, 1 Complementary factors, 7
Algebra, 1, 16, 67 Complex numbers, 47, 182
Algorithm, 31, 180 Composite, 9, 25
Amicable integers, 37 Composite polynomial, 179, 187
Archibald, R. C, 37n. Conditional congruence, 67
Archimedes, 9 Congruence, 53
principle of, 9, 12, 28 conditional, 67
Area an integral right
of triangle, 168 degree of, 68
Arithmetic function, 58 identical, 66
"Arithmetica," 169 properties of, 54-55
Arithmetica, 2 solution of, 66, 67
Associates, of an integer, 8 Congruences, 54jf.
of a polynomial, 179 equivalent, 68-70, 91
Associative law, for addition, 3, 177 linear, 70-71,89
for multiplication, 3, 177 simultaneous, 79-83
operations on, 68
quadratic, 134-135
Bachet, C, 169 solution of, 66, 67
Bachmann, P., 145n., 197 Congruent integers, 53ff.
Base, 38, 125 Consecutive integers, 3, 6
Belonging to an exponent, 100 Consecutive squares, 51
Bernhard, H. A., 36n. Crelle, A. L., 100, 106
Bibliography, 197-198 Criterion for solvability, of ax =
Binary scale, 39 &(mod m), 71
Bocher, M., 67n. of x n = c(mod m), 129
Brauer, A., 36n., 50n. Cunningham, A., 127
Brouncker, W., 172
Buck, R. C, 46ri.
by induction, 3, 4
Denary system of notation, 39
Cahen, R, 197 Derivative of f(x) with respect to x, 77, 86
Cajori, F., 2n., 197 Descartes, R., 2, 88
Calculating machines, 39 Dickson, L. E., 30n., 36, 88n., 127/i.,
Cancellation law, 3, 177 159n., 194n., 197
Carmichael, R. C, 99, 105, 112, 197 Digits, 2, 39-40
Cauchy, A., 145, 168 Diophantine equations, 16
Chinese, 88 linear, 17, 19-23
Chinese remainder theorem, 79-80 simultaneous, 23-24

Diophantine equations, solutions of, 16, Fermat, P., 30, 37, 88, 89, 105
17, 19, 21 last theorem, 168
Diophantus, 1, 16, 88 method of descent, 30, 168
"Arithmetica," 169 Fermat numbers, 32
Dirichlet, L., 27, 172 Field, 177
Discrete set, 3 Finite induction, 4, 10-11
" Disquisitiones arithmeticae," 136 Form, 14
Distribution of primes, 50, 51 degree of, 14
Distributive law, 3, 177 linear, 14r-16
Division, 7, 178 quadratic, 46
by 3, 55 Franqui, B., 37n.
by 8, 9, and 11, 56 Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, 29
modulo ra, 55, 57, 72
Divisor, 7
common, 7 Garcia, M., 37n.
greatest, 7, 14-15, 18, 62, 179, 180, Gauss, C., 50, 53, 107, 136
185, 187, 188 law of quadratic reciprocity, 145-147
Divisors, of an integer, 34 lemma of, 141
number 34-35of, Goldbach, C., 51
sum of, 34-35 Goldberg, B., 127
of zero, 57, 178 Greater than, 3
Greatest common divisor, 7, 14-15, 18,
62, 179, 180, 185, 187,188
Egyptians, 1, 39
used for solving congruences, 188
Eisenstein, R. G., 144
Greeks, 1, 16
"Elements," 9, 139
Gupta, H., 37n.
Equals, 4
Equivalent congruences, 68-70, 91
Eratosthenes, 25
Hancock, H., 197
Erdos, P., 27, 50
Hardy, G. H., 158n., 190, 197
Erlerus, H. G., 103
Heaslet, M., 198
Euclid, 9, 36
Hecke, E., 197
"Elements," 9, 139
Hilbert, D., 158
formula for perfect numbers, 36
Hindu- Arabic system, 38
theorem, 9, 14
Hindus, 1, 172
Euclidean algorithm, 31
Euler, L., 36, 46, 58, 159
criterion for solvability of x n sb
Ideals, 168
c(mod m), 129, 136
Identical congruence, 66
identity, 164
Identically equal polynomials, 67, 178
function, 58-60, 96, 106
Identity element, 178
Even integer, 10
Incongruent integers, 53
Exponent, of a prime contained in n!,
Index of n, 125
Indicator, 58
to which an integer belongs, 100
Indices, 125-131
used in solving congruences, 127-129
Factor, 178
7, Institute forAdvanced Study, 40
common, 7 Integer, associate of, 8
greatest, 7 divisors of, 34-35
(See also Divisor) expressed as a sum, 190
of a polynomial, 74, 178 of 4 squares, 158, 164-166
Factorization, 28-30, 183-185 in terms of a base, 37

Integer, indicator of, 58 Mathematical induction, 4, 10-11

unique factorization of, 28-29 Mathews, G., 197
Integers, algebraic, 8n. Meissel, E., 49
amicable, 37 Mersenne, M., 37
belonging to a divisor of X(2 n ) modulo Method, for finding the exponent to
2», 114-115 which a belongs, 100
belonging to an exponent modulo p, for finding a primitive root of p, 107
103, 106 for finding a quadratic residue of p, 138
congruent, 53 of infinite descent, 30, 168
consecutive, 3, 6, 51 for solving congruences by indices, 127
even, 10 Mills, W. H., 46n.
negative, 5 Mobius function, 93
odd, 10 Mobius inversion formula, 95-96
positive, 3 Modul, 16
rational, 2 Modulo m, 53
square, 51 Modulus, 53
Integral domain, 177, 186 Multinomial theorem, 44
Integral logarithm of x, 50 Multiple, 7, 9
Inverse, 5 common, 8
Inversion formula, 95-96 least, 8, 33
Irreducible polynomials, 183 modulo m, 72
Multiplication, 3, 54, 177
Multiplicative function, 58, 94
Jacobi, C, 127, 145 Multiplicity of solutions of f(x) =
Jacobi symbol, 152 0(mod p), 76, 77
Multiply perfect numbers, 37

Kraitchik, M., 127, 197

Kronecker, L., 50, 145, 194 Nagell, T., 197
Kummer, E., 145, 168 Nonresidue,^quadratic, 135
Null element, 8, 186
Null polynomial, 178
Lagrange, J., 75, 136, 158 Number, of divisors of an integer, 34
Lambda function, 99, 100, 112 of integers that belong, to d modulo p,
Lame, G., 168 102
Landau, E., 197 to d modulo p n 117 ,

Lattice points, 144 to d modulo 2p n 118 ,

Lawther, H. P., 113 of integers that belong to a divisor of

Least common multiple, 8, 33 X(w) modulo m, 118-124
Legendre, A., 47, 50, 136 of positive integers not exceeding \m\,
Legendre symbol, 139 and prime to m, 58
Lehmer, D. H., 37, 88n. and prime to factors of m, 60-62
of positive primes not exceeding n, 47
Lehmer, D. N., 26n.
of primitive roots of p, 106
Leibnitz, G., 190
of solutions, of a linear congruence, 71
rule for derivatives of a product, 78
of /(re) ^O(modp), 75
Less than, 3
of x d = l(modp), 90, 103
Linear congruences, 70-71, 79-83, 89
of/(x) = 0(modp"), 86
Liouville, J., 145, 158
of f(x) m 0(mod m), 84-85
Littlewood, J., 159 of x 2 = a(mod 2 n ), 156-157
Logarithm, 50, 126 of a; 2 " = l(mod2»), 116
Lucas, E., 99, 105 Numbers, 1


Numbers, additive theory of, 190 Polynomials, domain of, 178

complex, 47, 182 greatest common divisor of, 179, 180,
Fermat, 32 185, 187
of the form, 2*> - 1, 37 identically equal, 67, 178
2 2 " + 1, 32, 46 relatively prime, 181-183
Mersenne, 37 Position in writing numbers, 1
natural, 1, 2 Postulates, 3, 13
perfect, 36-37 Power residues of a modulo m, 101
multiply, 37 Prime, 8
rational, 2, 177, 183 Mersenne, 37
real, 183 relatively (to each other), 9
signed, 2 in pairs (each to each), 9
test for, 25, 93, 104
Prime factor, of a composite, 25
Odd integer, 10
of n!, 40
One-to-one reciprocal correspondence, 1
Prime number theorem, 50
Ordering relation, 3
Prime-representing function, 46-47
Ore, O., SOn., 197
Primes, contained in n\, 41-43
distribution of, 50, 51
Partitions, 190 factorization into, 28-29
diagrams for, 192 of form, 2 n - 1, 28, 37
notation for, 190-191 2 2" + 1, 46, 151
number of, formula for, 191-192 An - 1, 27, 141
generating functions for,193-195 An + 1, 30, 58, 141, 159-164
Pascal, B., 88 infinitely many, 26-27
Peano's postulates, 13 of form An - 1, 27
Pellian equation, 172-176 number of, not exceeding n, 47-50
Perfect numbers, 36-37 table of, 52
multiply, 37 Primitive X roots, 112, 118-124
Phi function, 58, 88, 96, 100 Primitive polynomial, 183
Polynomial, 14 Primitive roots, of m, 105
with coefficients in a field, 178-183 of p
composite, 179, 187 of 2p» 111
factor of, 74 and quadratic residues, 138
integral, 14 Primitive solutions, 167
not a prime-representing function, 46 Pythagorean triangle, 167, 168
irreducible, 183 Pythagoreans, 10
monic, 179, 184, 187
null, 178
primary associate of, 183, 187
Quadratic character, 135, 140
prime, 179, 187
Quadratic congruence, 134-135
primitive, 183
Quadratic forms, 46
reducible, 183
Quadratic nonresidue, 135
with rational coefficients, 183-185
prime modulus, Quadratic reciprocity law, 144-147
with respect to a
186-189 Quadratic residue, 135
unique factorization of, 184-185 of p, test for, 137

unit, 178 Quadratic residues and primitive roots,

vanishes identically, 178 138
Polynomials, division of, 72-73, 178 Quotient, 7, 10
quotient in, modulo p, 186 of two polynomials, 178
remainder in, modulo p, 186 modulo p, 186

Radix, 38 Sussman, B., 118

Rational integers, 2, 3, 18, 183 Symbol, definition of, 53
Rational numbers, 177, 183 si, 66
Real numbers, 183 a\b, 7
Reciprocity law, 144-147 Ep {m), 41
Reducible polynomials, 183 g(k), 158
Reflexive property, 4, 55 (a, 6) = d, 8
Regular function, 58
Reid, L., 197
Relatively prime, 9, 179
in pairs, 9
Remainder in division, of a by b, 10 A(m), 99
of g{x) by f(x), 72, 178 fi(m), 93
Residue classes, 53, 56-57 <t>(m), 58
Residue system, 54, 62-65 tt(x), 47

complete, 54 <r(m), 34
least numerical values, 63 r(m), 34
reduced, 54 Symmetric property, 4, 55
Riemann, G., 50
Roots, primitive (see Primitive roots) Table, of indices for prime 193, 132-133
of primes, 52
Taylor's theorem, 77, 86
Sarrus, F., 88 Tchebysheff, P., 50
Scale of notation, 37-40 Telephone cables, 113
ScientificAmerican, 40n. Transitivity, 4, 55
Selberg, A., 27, 50
Sequence, 4
Uhler, H. S., 37
Shapiro, H. N., 27
Unique factorization, 28-30, 183-185
Sieve of Eratosthenes, 25
Unit, 8, 178, 186
Simultaneous congruences, 79-83
Unit polynomial, 178, 179
Single-valued function, 58
Unity, 177
Smith, D. E., 197
Unity element, 177
Smith, H. J. S., 21n.
Uspensky, J., 198
Solution, of f(x) = 0(mod p°), 85-86
of ax = b (mod m), 89
Vandiver, H. S., 168
of ax + by = n, 19-20
Vinogradov, I., 51
of x n + yn = zn , 168
Solutions, of Diophantine equations, 16,
17, 19, 21 Wallis,J., 172

of f(x) = 0(mod
p), 75, 91, 92, 188
Waring, E., 158
multiplicity of, 76-78 Wertheim, G., 127
y = z 167
of x 2 +2 2
Wilson's theorem, 92-93, 136
of x 2 - by 2 = 1, 175 generalization of, 170-172
Squares, integers that are, 12 Wright, E. M., 46n., 197
primes between, 51 Wright, H. N., 198
Stewart, N., 198
Substitution, 4, 55 Zassenhaus, H., 27
Subtraction, 3, 5, 54 Zeller, C., 145
Sum, of the divisors of an integer, 34-35 Zero, 1, 4-5, 178
over the divisors of an integer, 60, 62 divisors of, 57, 178
of 2 squares, 159-164 no degree, 178
of 4 squares, 158, 164-166 as null element, 8

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