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Vibration: (BDA31103) Multi-Degree of Freedom

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Nor Azali Azmir

Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Table of Contents

1. Modeling Continuous System as MDOF System

2. Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Problem
3. Generalized Coordinates and Generalized Forces
4. Lagrange’s Equation

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• For simplicity continuous systems are approximated as

multidegree of freedom (MOF) systems.

• Equations of motion of MOF systems can be obtained

either from Newton’s 2nd law of motion or from
Lagrange’s equations.

• Analysis of MOF systems can be simplified using the

orthogonality property of the mode shapes of the
system’s natural frequencies.

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Modeling of Continuous Systems
as MDOF Systems
• Method 1: Lumped-mass system
• Replace distributed mass of the system by finite number
of lumped masses
• Lumped masses are connected by massless elastic and
damping members
• E.g. Model the 3-storey building
as a 3 lumped mass system

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• Method 2: Finite Element Method (FEM)
• Replace geometry of the system by large number of
small elements
• Principles of compatibility and equilibrium are used to
find an approx. solution to the original system

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Using Newton’s Law to Derive
Equations of Motion
Step 1: Set up suitable coordinates to describe
positions of the various masses in the system.

Step 2: Measure displacements of the masses from

their static equilibrium positions

Step 3: Draw free body diagram and indicate forces

acting on each mass

Step 4: Apply Newton’s 2nd Law to each mass

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Example 1

Derive the equations of motion of the spring-mass damper

system shown below.

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• Free-body diagram is as shown:

• Applying Newton’s 2nd Law gives:

mi xi  k i xi  xi 1   k i 1 xi 1  xi   ci xi  xi 1   ci 1 xi 1  xi   Fi
i  2,3,..., n  1

• Set i=1 with x0=0 and i=n with xn+1=0:

m1 x1  c1  c2 x1  c2 x 2  k1  k 2 x1  k 2 x2  F1

mn xn  cn  cn1 x n  cn1 x n1  k n  k n 1 xn  k n1 xn1  Fn

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• The equations of motion can be expressed in matrix form:
   
mx  cx  k x  F

– [m] is the mass matrix m1 0 ... 0 

0 m 0  
– [c] is the damping matrix m   2 
  0
– [k] is the stiffness matrix  
 0 ... 0 mn

k1  k 2  k2 0  0 
c1  c2  c2 0 0   k 
 c   k 2  k3  k3 0 0 
c 2  c3  c3  2
c   2 , k    0

 k3 k3  k4 0 ,
0 0  0  
   0   
    cn c n  c n 1 
 0  kn k n  k n 1 
 0 0
 x1 t   F1 t 
     
x   x2 t , F   F2 t 
 x t   F t 
 3   3 
BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 9
Influence Coefficients

• One set of influence coefficients is associated with each

matrix involved in the equations of motion

Equation of Motion Influence coefficient

Stiffness matrix Stiffness influence coefficient
Mass matrix Inertia influence coefficient
Inverse stiffness matrix Flexibility influence coefficient
Inverse mass matrix Inverse inertia coefficient

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Flexibility Influence Coefficient, aij

• Have to solve n sets of linear equations to

obtain all the kij’s in an n DOF system
• Generating aij’s is simpler.
• aij is defined as the deflection at point i due to
unit load at point j,
• xij = aijFj, where xij is the displacement at
point i due to external force Fj
n n
xi   xij   aij Fj , i  1,2,..., n
• Matrix form: x  aF
j 1 j 1

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Flexibility Influence Coefficient, aij

• Stiffness and flexibility matrices are the
inverse of each other. k   a , a  k 
1 1

• aij = aji
• aij for torsional systems is defined as the
angular deflection of point i due to unit torque
at point j.

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Example 2

• Find the flexibility influence coefficients of the

system shown below.

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• Let x1, x2 and x3 be the displacements of m1,
m2 and m3 respectively.
• Set F1=1 and F2=F3=0.

• Horizontal equilibrium of forces:

– Mass m1: k1a11 = k2(a21 – a11) + 1 (E1)
– Mass m2: k2(a21 – a11) = k3(a31 – a21) (E2)
– Mass m3: k3(a31 – a21) = 0 (E3)
• Solving E1 to E3 gives a11 = a21 = a31 = 1/k1
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• Next set F2=1 and F1=F3=0.

• Horizontal equilibrium of forces:

– Mass m1: k1a12 = k2(a22 – a12) (E4)
– Mass m2: k2(a22 – a12) = k3(a32 – a22) +1 (E5)
– Mass m3: k3(a32 – a22) = 0 (E6)
• Solving E4 to E6 gives
– a12 = 1/k1
– a22 = a32 = 1/k1 + 1/kNor2 Azali Azmir
BDA31103 15
• Next set F3=1 and F1=F2=0.

• Horizontal equilibrium of forces:

– Mass m1: k1a13 = k2(a23 – a13) (E7)
– Mass m2: k2(a23 – a13) = k3(a33 – a23) (E8)
– Mass m3: k3(a33 – a23) = 1 (E9)
• Solving E7 to E9 gives
– a13 = 1/k1
– a23 = 1/k1 + 1/k2
– a33 = 1/k1 + 1/k2 + 1/k
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Eigenvalue and Eigenvector
An eigenvector describes the movement
of each mass and the direction of each
mass relative to each others.

What is the eigenvector for the 3

mass system ?

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• For the system shown there are 3 natural frequencies and 3
mode shapes.
• The 1st mode shape is characterized by all the mass moving
in phase to each other.

Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3

Eigenvalue ω12 Eigen value ω22 Eigen value ω32
ω2 > ω 1 ω3 > ω2 > ω1

 x   x   x   x   x   x   x 
 1  1  1  1  1  1  1
 x   x   x   x   x   x   x 
 2  or  2  2   2   2  2  2
  x 3    x 3    x 3  or   x 3  or   x 3  x
  x 3  or  3 

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Eigenvalue Problem
  
• To solve mx  k x  0, assume a solution
of the form xi(t)=XiT(t), i=1,2,…,n
– where Xi is constant and T is a function of time
 
• Substituting xi(t)=XiT(t) into mx  k x  0,

  
we obtain mXTt   k XT t   0
• Rewrite as
n   
n  
  mij X j T t     kij X j T t   0, i  1,2,..., n
   
 j 1   j 1 
BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir
Eigenvalue Problem
 n 
  kij X j 
Tt   j 1 
 , i  1,2,..., n
 
T t   n 
  mij X j 
 
 j 1 
• Left side of equation is independent of i
• Right side of equation is independent of t
• Therefore both sides equal to a constant,
which named ω2.

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Eigenvalue Problem

Left hand side: T t    T t   0

 2

• Solution gives: T(t)=C1cos(ωt+Φ)

– C1 is the amplitude
– Φ is the phase angle
• i.e. all coordinates can perform a harmonic
motion with frequency ω and phase angle Φ

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Eigenvalue Problem

 k 
Right hand side: ij   mij X j  0, i  1,2,..., n

j 1

 
 
or k    m X  0 (Eigenvalue problem)

• For a non-trivial solution, determinant Δ of

the coefficient matrix must be zero.
• i.e. Δ= |kij-ω2mij| = |[k]- ω2[m]| =0
(Characteristic equation)
• ω2 is the eigenvalue

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Solution of the Eigenvalue Problem

 
• Eigenvalue problem: k   mX  0 where   2

   
• Multiplying by [k]-1: I   DX  0 or IX  DX
– [I] is identity matrix
– [D]=[k]-1[m] is dynamical matrix.

• For a non-trivial solution of X ,
characteristic determinant Δ=|λ[I]-[D]|=0
• Use numerical methods to solve if DOF of
system is large
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Example 3

Determine the eqn. of motion, the natural frequencies and

mode shapes of the system shown for k1=k2=k3=k and

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In matrix form,
m 0 0   x1  2 k  k 0   x1 
0 m 0   x    k 2 k  k   x   0
  2    2  ( 2)
0 0 m  x3  0  k k   x3 

General solution is in the form :

x  X sin t
x   2 X sin t (3)

Subst. (3) into (2),

2k - m 2  k 0  X 
  1 
 k 2k  m 2 k   X 2  sin t  0 (4 )
 2  X 
 0 k k  m   3 

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For non-trivial soln,
2k - m 2  k 0 
 
 k 2k  m 2 k 0
 0 k k  m 2 

Freq. eqn. is obtained by rule of Sarrus.

The roots of the freq eqn is called eigenvalues which represent

the natural freq of the system.

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The solution for the third order equations are:
1  0.1981 1  0.445
2  1.555 2  1.25
3  3.247 3  1.80

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For the first mode, 1  0.445 , replacing the value of  in
the matrix eqn. (4),

1.802k k 0  X 1  1.802X1 – X2 = 0 (5)

 k  
 1.802k  k   X 2   0 -X2 + 0.802X3 = 0 (7)
 0 k 0.802k  
 3
X 

1 
 
Thus X 1  1.802 
 
Mode Shape

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For second mode shape, 2  1.25

The eigenvectors are given by :

1 
 
X 2  0.438  Mode Shape
 0.779 (Eigenvectors)
 

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For third mode, 3  1.80

The eigenvectors are given by :

1  Mode Shape
 
X 3   1.24 (Eigenvectors)
0.687 
 

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• Dynamical matrix [D]=[k]-1[m] ≡[a][m]
1 1 1
1 
• Flexibility matrix a  k
1 2 2 
1 2 3
1 0 0
   0 1 0
• Mass matrix m m 
0 0 1
1 1 1
D  1 2 2
• Thus k
1 2 3
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• Frequency equation:
 0 0  1 1 1
 0  0   m 1 2 2  0 where   1
Δ=|λ[I]-[D]|=  k   2
 0 0   1 2 3

• Dividing throughout by λ using sarrus,

1  
m m 2
  1  2  2   3  5 2  6  1  0 where   
k k
   2 1  3

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By Rule of Sarrus

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Nor Azali
m 2
1   0.19806 , 1  0.44504
k m
m2 2
2   1.5553, 2  1.2471
k m
m32 k
3   3.2490, 3  1.8025
k m
• Once the natural freq are known, the
eigenvectors can be calculated using
i 
 X1 
 i     i   i  
i I   DX  0, i  1,2,3 where X   X 2  (E1)
 X i  
BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir  3 
1st mode: Substitute λ1=5.0489 k into (E1):
 1 0 0 1 1 1   X 1  0
 m  
m    X 1   0
 5.0489
k 
0 1 0  k  1 2 2  2   
 0 0 1 1 2 3   X 31  0

4.0489 1  1   X 11  0

   1   
i.e.   1 3.0489  2   X 2   0
  1 2 2.0489   X 31  0

• 3 unknowns X1(1),X2(1), X3(1) in 3 equations

• Can express any 2 unknowns in terms of the
remaining one.
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X2(1) + X3(1) = 4.0489 X1(1)
3.0489 X2(1) – 2X3(1) = X1(1)
• Solving the above, we get
X2(1)=1.8019X1(1) and X3(1)=2.2470X1(1)
 1 
 1 1  
• Thus first mode shape X  X 1 1.8019 
2.2470 
 
where X1(1) can be chosen arbitrarily.
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2nd mode: Substitute λ2=0.6430 into (E1):
2 
 1 0 0 1 1 1   X 1  0
 m   m 1 2 2   X 2    0
 0.6430
k 
0 1 0  k   2   
 0 0 1 1 2 3   X 32   0

 0.3570 1  1   X 12   0

   
i.e.   1  1.3570  2   X 22    0
  1 2  2.3570   X 32   0
• 3 unknowns X1(2),X2(2), X3(2) in 3 equations
• Can express any 2 unknowns in terms of the
remaining one.
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–X2(2) – X3(2) = 0.3570X1(2)
-1.3570X2(2) – 2X3(2) = X1(2)
• Solving the above, we get
X2(2)=0.4450X1(2) and X3(2)=-0.8020X1(2)
 1 
• Thus 2nd mode shape  2  2   
X  X 1  0.4450 
 0.8020 
 
where X1(2) can be chosen arbitrarily.
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3rd mode: Substitute λ3=0.3078 k
into (E1):
3 
 1 0 0 1 1 1   X 1  0
 m   m 1 2 2   X 3   0
 0.3780
k 
0 1 0  k   2   
 0 0 1 1 2 3   X 33  0

 0.6922 1  1   X 13  0

   
i.e.   1  1.6922  2   X 23   0
  1 2  2.6922   X 33  0

• 3 unknowns X1(3),X2(3), X3(3) in 3 equations

• Can express any 2 unknowns in terms of the
remaining one.
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-X2(3) - X3(3) = 0.6922X1(3)
-1.6922X2(3) – 2X3(3) = X1(3)
• Solving the above, we get
X2(3)=-1.2468X1(3) and X3(3)=0.5544X1(3)
 1 
 3 
• Thus 3 mode shape X  X 3  1.2468 
 0.5544 
(3)  
where X1 can be chosen arbitrarily.
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• When X1(1) = X1(2) = X1(3)
=1, the mode shapes
are as follows:

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Example 4

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Generalized Coordinates and
Generalized Forces

• n- independent coordinates are

needed to describe the motion
of a n DOF system.
• E.g. Consider the triple
pendulum as shown.

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• (xj,yj) are constrained by the following:
x  y  l , x2  x1    y2  y1   l , x3  x2    y3  y2   l32
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 2

• (xj,yj) are not independent, thus they cannot be called

generalized coordinates.
• If angular displacements θj are used to specify the locations of
the masses mj, there will be no constraints on θj.
• Thus they form a set of generalized coordinates and are
denoted by qj= θj,j=1,2,3
• When external forces act on the system, the new system
configuration is obtained by changing qj by δqj, j=1,2,…,n
• The corresponding generalized force Qj=Uj/δqj, where Uj is
the work done in changing qj by δqj.
• Qj will be a moment when qj is an angular displacement.

BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 53

Lagrange’s Equation

Langrange’s eqn can be stated for n degree of freedom

d  T  T V
   Q (j n ) , j  1,2,..., n
dt  q j  q j q j

T = Kinetic Energy
V = Potential Energy
qj = Generalized coordinate
Qj = Nonconservative generalized force

BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 54

Free vibration for Conservative system

d  T  T V
  0
dt  q j  q j q j

T T
Eg : Spring-mass system   mx
q j x
Kinetic Energy, T  21 mx 2 T T
 0
Potential Energy , V = ½ k x2
q j x
V V
  kx
q j x
mx   0  kx  0
From mx  kx  0
Eqn above: x  x  0
BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 55
If Fxk, Fyk and Fzk are the external forces acting on the kth mass in
the x, y and z directions
xk y z
Q (j n )   Fxk Fyk k  Fzk k
k q j q j q j

 xk ,yk and zk are the displacements of the kth mass in the x,

y and z directions

For a torsional system:

 Fxk is replaced by Mxk, the moment acting about the x axis.
 xk is replaced by θxk, the angular displacement about the x

BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 56

Example 5

Derive the equations of motion of the system shown below using

Lagrange’s Equation by treating θi as generalized coordinates.

– Ji is the mass moments of inertia

– Mti are the external moments acting on the components
– kti are the torsional spring constants of the shaft between the

BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 57

 q1=θ1, q2=θ2, q3=θ3
1 2 1 1 2
 Kinetic energy: T  J11  J 2 2  J 33
 2
2 2 2
 1
 Potential energy (PE): V   (kt )d  kt 2
0 2
 Total PE of system:
1 1 1
V  kt112  kt 2 ( 2  1 ) 2  kt 3 (3   2 ) 2 (E2)
2 2 2

 k
 Generalized force: Q (j n )   M tk
k 1 q j

BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 58


1  2  3
Q1( n )  M t1  Mt2  M t3  M t1
1 1 1

1  2  3 (E3)
Q (n)
 M t1  Mt2  M t3  Mt2
 2  2  2

1  2  3
Q  M t1  Mt2  M t3  M t3
 3  3  3

BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 59

Substituting E1, E2 and E3 into Lagrange’s equations, we get:

J11  (kt1  kt 2 )1  kt 2 2  M t1

J 22  (kt 2  kt 3 ) 2  kt 21  kt 33  M t 2

J 33  kt 33  kt 3 2  M t 3

Transform into the matrix:

BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 60

Example 6

Derive the equations of motion of

the system by using Lagrange’s
equations with y and  as
generalized coordinates.

BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 61

Example 7

BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 62

Example 8

BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 63

Example 9

Derive the equation of motions of the system using Lagrange


BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 64

Thank You For Listening
BDA31103 Nor Azali Azmir 65

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