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2016 Symposium on Colossal Data Analysis and Networking (CDAN)

An Innovative Device for Monitoring and Controlling

Vehicular Movement in a Smart City
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Khare Kumarmanas * , Singh Praveen ,Vaibhav Neema ,Sinnarkar Devendra
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Institute of Engineering and Technology Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced
Technology, Indore-452013, INDIA
* email:

Abstract- An innovative solution is proposed here to monitor, established at various undisclosed locations in city to receive
analyze and control vehicular movement in a city and also in these vital information of every vehicle crossing across the
sensitive border areas of the country. Various applications of particular transceiver, while the transceiver also keep a record
proposed device are discussed in the paper. The method consists of of the received data of last few hours.
installing a RF transmitter in a clandestine location along with the
The big data generated in this manner is more informative
vehicle’s electronics hardware, compulsorily, by road transport
office during registration of vehicle .It is suggested that a particular and reliable, which opens doorway to various opportunities
bandwidth is allocated to these signals. Each and every vehicle like:
continuously broadcasts its own identity through RF transmitter on 1. Reliable real time traffic monitoring at busy routes
an allotted frequency (registration number and the speed as 2. Security of vehicles
obtained from speedometer) . Low cost small sized transceivers are 3. Speed limit monitoring of vehicles
planted at various undisclosed locations in city to receive these vital 4. Recording vehicular activity in sensitive areas
information about of every vehicle crossing the particular 5. Real time tracking of crimes using vehicles
transceiver. These locations compulsorily include all the exit points 6. Big Data Mining of city traffic and analysis for future
of the city. The transceiver is connected to the main server of police
infrastructure projects.
control room where the transmitted data is logged at open source
database MySQL. This logging provides the informative data over
web for authenticated users.
The total cost of such a system which enables real time monitoring,
With the exponentially rising vehicular density, real time
recording and analysis of vehicular movements in a city is
comparatively very low and the advantages are very significant. The analysis of traffic is the need of the hour. Traffic management
proposed project serves as next generation proposal for the Smart systems are yet to be made more smarter and hence arises the
city initiative of the Government of India. The first application is need of big data analysis of the traffic. Scenario becomes
the generation of data which can be analyzed for constructing unimaginably difficult if a close watch is kept over every
flyovers, deciding public transport routes and planning of other vehicle, but if the vehicle itself keeps screaming its identity on
infrastructure. The second advantage pertains to online help in a particular frequency, then with a network of receivers, every
traffic control for example the system can be used for diverting vehicle can be tracked in real time.
vehicles away from congestion zones at peak traffic hours. A third The local governing bodies are dealing with pressure of
application of this system will be in controlling vehicle theft. This
infrastructural expansion in terms of roads, bridges, flyovers,
solution may effectively utilized for solving cases of vehicular theft
and ‘hit & run’ cases. Last but not the least such data is very etc and need a reliable source of traffic trends of the city to
valuable and can be sold commercially to real estate developers, propose projects in areas where they are mostly required. If
vehicle manufacturers and infrastructure planners. This paper local law enforcement agencies have the power to cease the
provides technical details of such a system and the advantages engine of the vehicle and know its live location, it will reduce
perceived from it. the vehicle theft possibility. It will also be a boon to criminal
investigation agencies.
I. INTRODUCTION Thus, there is a need of a technology through which a
exponentially increasing data bank of almost every vehicle on
An innovative method is proposed in this paper for low cost road , and the big data analysis is used by the Government
real time monitoring, recording, analysis and security of agencies for such purpose.
vehicles. The proposed project serves as next generation No such technology is available yet which can provide real
proposal for the Smart India initiative. With the traffic time updated data banks of the vehicular movement on roads.
densities soaring high, it is difficult to monitor and control the Google Maps uses in-built GPS of cell phones to map the
traffic and for an individual vehicle, it is much more hectic. traffic densities, but it is not much reliant because not
This situation will be easily handled, if every vehicle itself everyone has a Smartphone, and not everyone keeps the GPS
mandatorily and continuously broadcast its own identity turned ON at always. Live GPS tracking of vehicles is also
through RF transmitter on an allotted frequency (engine no. prevalent, but it only serves the purpose of security from the
and speed), and low cost small sized transceivers are
978-1-5090-0669-4/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
2016 Symposium on Colossal Data Analysis and Networking (CDAN)

owner point of view. No real time watch over movement of every inch of road needs to be covered, because the location of
vehicles exists. this unit is unknown to the commuter. The location of this unit
is random, say over the street lights, on hoardings, on electric
III. TECHNICAL DETAILS poles, etc. The receiver unit network for a certain can be made
denser with time.
It is proposed in this system, that the Government enforces As soon as a vehicle with transmitter unit come under the
mandatory rule for vehicle manufacturers to install the range of any roadside transceiver, the engine no. an speed are
designed pre-programmed RF transceiver in every vehicle. received and stored in the data bank. The records of a
The proposed method utilizes 2 standalone electronic particular time period (like past 24hours) is maintained, and
transceiver circuits, a transceiver unit installed inside every transmitted periodically to central data bank center for
vehicle, at a place where it is difficult to access without analysis, or rejected if no such requirement exists. The
damaging the vehicle . It transmits vital data (engine no. and roadside transceiver units perform different functions
speed) to multiple on road transceiver units (referred as according to their location of installation:
roadside unit) planted at various locations like roadsides, poles
etc. All the roadside transceiver units of city are connected to TABLE I
a central repository of big data bank with a hard wired or FUNCTIONS OF THE ROADSIDE TRANSCEIVER UNITS ACCORDING
wireless connection. TO THEIR LOCATION
The collected data is stored in freeware available open source
database system like Mysql. Open source refers to a program Kind of location If location of receiver Utilization
known to owners
or software in which the source code is available to the general On intersections Yes Real time traffic monitoring
public for use or modification from its original design free of On highways No Speed checking and initiating
charge. Such software includes the set of software tools for e-challan process
delivering, tracking and managing online data, fast queries and In sensitive areas No Recording activity of passing-
by vehicles
retrieval of information in web enabled technologies, skill
On city roads No Recording activity of passing-
groups management, users ease with updated information and by vehicles
notifications, manage hierarchies, and of course actual serving
and systematic administration.
MySQL is a relational database management system
(RDBMS). MySQL stands for “My Structured Query
Language”. The program runs as a server providing multi-user
access to a number of databases. It is the database engine used
to manage information. Its acceptance was aided in part by the
wide variety of other technologies such as Python, Java, Perl
and PHP.
PHP based front end interface provided the informative data to
the authenticated on web. This system executes the user
requisite queries in very short duration of time and the
analysis from the generated information helps in decision
making and data mining as a feasible solution.


Fig. 1. Schematic of the system
A. Car Transceiver Unit
The RF transceiver unit in the vehicle continuously
C. Arrangement to prevent removal of car-transceiver unit
broadcasts the current speed and engine number. Engine
number being the most reliable identity, (which cannot be
manipulated like number plates) at a particular frequency. To ensure that unit is not removed from the circuit (by a
(about 950Mhz). This unit controls the spark plug supply thief or owner himself), the car unit consists of 2 circuits -RF
through an electric relay. This empowers the unit to stop the circuit and GSM circuit. The GSM circuit is "normally-off"
vehicle, if required. The engine number is a one-time-feed circuit while RF section is "normally-on" circuit. In case
data into circuit, which the manufacturer will feed into the someone tries to remove / bypass the transceiver unit, the
circuit-once and remain constant. Only the owner of the GSM circuit is automatically activated and it sends an SMS to
vehicle knows where exactly this unit is located in the vehicle, the local monitoring bodies, as well as to the owner, informing
like it can be under the hood, or under toolbox unit, etc. that the circuit is being removed. The GSM circuit has a small
independent power supply for itself. Thus, we can ensure that
the vehicle unit is not being uninstalled ever.
B. Roadside Transceiver Unit
Roadside transceivers will be located strategically so as to
cover the maximum road network with minimum units. Not
2016 Symposium on Colossal Data Analysis and Networking (CDAN)


1. Only a large scale implementation can give useful results.

2. Intervention of local government bodies are necessary for
successful implementation, especially enforcing vehicle
owners to install the device in their vehicles.
3. It may take longer time to reach the accuracy of useful

The proposed concept will provide base for big data analysis
of a city's traffic scenario which will be useful for multitude of
applications including traffic management, vehicle security
Fig. 2. Anti removal feature of car transceiver unit etc. After successful implementation, tracking of theft vehicle
will be very easier and timely task irrespective of the vehicle
V. MERITS location. Criminal investigation will become much easier.
Intervention are required from the local administrative bodies
A. Reliable Real Time Traffic Monitoring for large scale implementation of the concept.
1. Transceiver calculates traffic density in real time, which is
available for online monitoring over web or may be displayed
on LCD display boards at the intersections and nearby roads. REFERENCES
2. The traffic density is also sent to "zonal traffic light
[1] PHP6 and MySQL Bible, Wrox Publications
controller circuit" - a circuit which auto-reprograms traffic [2] Swapnila Mundra, Devendra Sinnarkar, Rajiv Jain, “Conceptual Design
signal light durations of neighboring intersections to clear the of Web Portal Using Open Source Software for Diagnostic Centre”,
congestion on a particular route. National Conference on Intelligent System, NCIS-2012, Chameli devi
Institutions, Indore, 2012.
[3] Sinnarkar D., Jain R., Jana A.R., Kumar A., Vora H.S., Navathe C.P.,
B. Anti-theft “Akruti - Wrapper for Poisson SUPERFISH,” in National Symposium
In case of a theft report, along real time tracking, all on Nuclear Instrumentation, NSNI-2013 , Mumbai, 2013.
roadside transceivers of city are instructed to identify and shut [4] N. Kassem ; Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA ; A. E. Kosba ; M.
off the specific vehicle and inform the police headquarters Youssef " RF-Based Vehicle Detection and Speed Estimation Vehicular
Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 2012 IEEE 75th6-9 May 2012
about the location. The advantage is that the location of the [5] G. Jayendra ; Dept. of Electr. Eng., Univ. of Moratuwa, Moratuwa ; S.
vehicle transceiver unit is unknown to the thieves and no thief Kumarawadu ; L. Meegahapola RFID-based anti-theft auto security
can waste time in searching every corner of the vehicle for the system with an immobilizer Industrial and Information Systems,
transceiver unit. 2007. ICIIS 2007. 9-11 Aug. 2007
[6] Boyina S. Rao, Malathy. V, Vivek. R, Karthikeyan. K REAL TIME
C. Speed Monitoring FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION International Journal of Advanced
As soon as over-speeding vehicle passes a roadside unit, the Engineering Technology April-June, 2012
identity is recorded separately and a "e-challan" is sent to the
owner later by the concern department, as identified by the
vehicle number using the engine number.

D. Tracking of vehicles involved in crime activities

In case a vehicle is found to be involved in a serious crime
(terrorism, burglary, etc) its whereabouts can be traced by the
search queries in the data bank.

E. Monitoring Sensitive Areas

A complete record of the visiting vehicles and their
frequency is recorded for monitoring any suspicious behavior
in sensitive areas like national borders, Parliament, etc.

F. BIG-DATA Analysis for City Planning

Analysis of traffic density from the recorded data trends in a
region will help in proposing future infrastructural expansion,
like flyovers, bridges, etc.

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