Windows 95/98/ME + DOS 7.xx/8.00 �Tricks, Secrets, Hacks + Fixes
These topics refer to ALL Microsoft Windows 95, 98 + ME [a.k.a. MS-DOS 7.00,
7.10 + 8.00] retail/final/gamma/Gold/RTM/OEM/MSDN English releases [including
Service Packs (SPs)], unless specified otherwise:
| |
WARNING: Take EXTREME CAUTION when modifying your System/Startup settings!
Faulty changes may result in crashes/lockups/permanent data loss, or
might lead to having you REINSTALL your Operating System(s)!
YOU are the ONLY one responsible for ANY changes YOU make!
NOTES: - These �Tricks + Secrets have been tested on many computers, but with
NO guarantee they should also work for you!
- Some of these tips I stumbled upon while browsing the Internet or
while helping others with WinDOwS problems, some were kindly sent in
by concerned readers (all authors/contributors are acknowledged and
reliable sources given proper credit), and some I discovered on my
own. Enjoy the ride!
- Contributed tips (clearly marked) posted here do not necessarily
reflect the opinion of the author of these files.
[+] = Applies also to Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x, 98/98 SE, ME, NT4, 2000, XP
and/or 2003, and referred to in OSR2TIPS.TXT, TIPS98.TXT, TIPSME.TXT,
TIPSNT4.TXT, TIPS2000.TXT and/or TIPSXP.TXT respectively (all included).
Save this file as DISKTOOL.BAT, and then create a shortcut for it on your
Desktop, or place it into your Startup folder, to run the disk maintenance
utilities every time you load Windows, and keep your hard drives "filthy
Just make sure your MS-DOS shortcut Properties -> Program tab (right-click
to access) has the "Close on exit" box checked.
MS Plus! for Win95 and Win98/ME users can schedule any program, batch file,
screen saver, Windows function etc to run periodically using System Agent or
Task Scheduler.
These are START.EXE (located in C:\Windows\Command) command line switches,
displayed when running:
from the Run box:
- The quotes-unquotes on the START lines are necessary for running Long File
Names (LFNs) apps with program specific command line parameters.
- Running Win9x/ME apps from the DOS command line using START, allows for
multiple instances of the same program (if supported).
In Windows 95 retail, 95a OSR1, 95B OSR 2.0, 95B OSR 2.1 and 95C OSR 2.5 the
SYSTEM.DAT + USER.DAT Registry files can be backed up manually by using the
Emergency Recovery Utility (ERU.exe):
found on the Windows Setup CD-ROM in the \Other\Misc\ERU subfolder, and also
part of Microsoft Windows 95 CD-ROM Extras:
Get ERU.EXE [65 KB, free, unsupported]:
All these files MUST reside into the same directory/folder of your choice for
ERU to work properly: ERU.EXE, ERD.E_E + ERU.INF.
By default ERU creates backups of these boot, system, configuration + registry
files (if present at default locations): AUTOEXEC.BAT, COMMAND.COM,
CONFIG.SYS, IO.SYS + MSDOS.SYS, and can be stored on any available hard,
floppy, optical, USB or removable backup drive.
ERU backs up only %WinDir%\USER.DAT (if only one user), but does NOT backup
%WinDir%\Profiles\User_Name\USER.DAT (if more than 1 user).
Copy & paste the text between cut & paste lines below into Notepad, and save
it for example as ERD95.BAT (example using C:\ERUBKP = which should contain
also all other necessary files: ERU.EXE, ERD.E_E + ERU.INF):
- See also "The Registry" [Intro chapter] in REGISTRY.TXT (included):
- See "REGISTRY BACKUP + RESTORE" in REGISTRY.TXT (included) to learn how
to backup/restore your Windows 9x Registry safely:
In Windows 95 retail, 95a OSR1, 95B OSR 2.0, 95B OSR 2.1 and 95C OSR 2.5 the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE + HKEY_USERS Registry Hive keys can be backed up manually
by using the Configuration Backup tool (CfgBack.exe):
found on the Windows Setup CD-ROM in the \Other\Misc\Cfgback subfolder, and
also part of Microsoft Windows 95 CD-ROM Extras:
Get CFGBACK.EXE [46 KB, free, unsupported]:
Both CFGBACK.EXE + CFGBACK.HLP should reside into the same directory/folder of
your choice.
On computers with more than one user only HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (SYSTEM.DAT) is
backed up.
CfgBack can create up to 9 different compressed Registry SYSTEM.DAT + USER.DAT
backup copies with the .RBK extension. Registry BacKup files (.RBK) can be
stored on any available hard, floppy, optical, USB or removable backup drive,
and are used exclusively by CfgBack to restore an older set of working
Registry Hive keys back into SYSTEM.DAT (+ USER.DAT = if only 1 user).
CfgBack can be scheduled through System Agent/Task Scheduler (MS Plus! 95 or
Win98/98 SE/ME only) to perform periodical backups of the Registry.
WARNING: CfgBack does NOT work correctly according to Microsoft!
Confirmed CfgBack BUGs @ MSKB:
- Configuration Backup Tool Does Not Restore All Settings:
- Configuration Backup Gives Confusing Warning on Restore:
- See also "The Registry" [Intro chapter] in REGISTRY.TXT (included):
- See "REGISTRY BACKUP + RESTORE" in REGISTRY.TXT (included) to learn how
to backup/restore your Windows 9x Registry safely:
To get Explorer to show a two directory view (side by side), similar to File
Manager, open two instances of Explorer, right-click on the Task bar, and
select Tile Vertically. Win9x will retain both if you leave them running when
you shut down your computer, and they will be available from now on whenever
you restart Windows.
Hold down SHIFT while dragging items into the Recycle Bin to DELETE them
immediately rather than place them into the bin. But be careful not to
accidently multi-select more files than you want! :)
Same action is performed by pressing Shift and Del at the same time.
You can play with the "Send To" feature in Windows Explorer, which is actually
a hidden subfolder found under your main Windows folder.
You can add folders and/or files to it, moving things around faster:
right-click on a file/folder -> select the "Send To" item from the drop-down
Example: place your favorite ZIPping/unZIPping tool:
there to create ZIP archives fast, and/or any other frequently used
tools/documents for that matter.
Alternatively you can download the Microsoft Power Toys 95 package [204 KB,
free, unsupported]:
which includes the "Send To X 1.2" toy, that adds extra features to your
SendTo folder.
"Send To X" is one of the few Windows 95/OSR1 Power Toys known to work also
with Windows 95B/95C OSR2, 98, ME and MS IE 4/5/6.
Microsoft acknowledged that you canNOT select multiple files/folders to drag
and drop into the SendTo folder, and that whenever you select more than one
file/folder, the Send To option is absent from the right-click drop down menu.
Select only one file/folder at a time and drop it into the SendTo folder.
2. Download this small ZIP file (OLD fix):
unzip it, then right-click on Sendtox.inf (in Windows Explorer) and select
Install to make SendToX compatible with ALL Windows 9x/ME AND MS IE releases.
3. Thank you Kurt:
Copy & paste lines below in Notepad and save the file as SENDTO.REG (example):
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Send To]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Send To]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Send To]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Send To]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Send To]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemEditObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Send To]
This way the right-click SendTo menu can be used for multiple files, folders,
and even drives/partitions.
Win95's "Send To" righ-click menu shows by default only the floppy drives as
destination. Win98 fixed this, adding some frequently used items, like:
"Desktop (create shortcut)", "Mail Recipient" etc.
But this is still not enough if you're a "Send To freak", like I am. :)
You can add any other disk or folder as "Send To" target by creating
appropriate shortcuts in the SendTo folder: i.e. a shortcut to "Recycle Bin"
bypasses this confirmation prompt dialog box:
"Do you want to send FileName.ext/FolderName to Recycle Bin?"
But you can choose any other directory as your "Send To" target, such as a
temp(orary) directory.
Also, if you have different places to send a file to but they are related,
such as:
|_ Document1
|_ Document2
|_ etc...
you can create an additional subfolder under the SendTo folder (NOT a
shortcut!) called "MyDocs" (no quotes). Then open this new folder and place
there the shortcuts to all your documents' individual folders and make sure to
name them appropriately. From now on, when you right-click a file icon, your
"Send To" right-click menu will show the new "MyDocs" submenu (which allows
you to move files to it) and you will see there another submenu containing all
your documents' shortcuts.
Also, you can remove the annoying "Shortcut to" text from your icons in the
SendTo folder by renaming them.
There is a program automatically installed by Win9x/ME you can use to make old
Windows/WfWG 3.xx (16-bit) applications/games more compatible, called
MKCOMPAT.EXE, located in %windir%\SYSTEM (default is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM).
Run MKCOMPAT and select File -> Open. Open the executable (.EXE) file you are
having problems with. Highlight the choices that seem likely to make a
difference. Select File -> Advanced for more control options. Select File ->
Save to save the new configuration.
There is no online help, so some trial and error is in order until you find
the optimal settings to make your "rebel" program "behave" under Windows
Examples of frequently used MKCOMPAT settings that work with most Win31 16-bit
- Lie about Windows Version Number
- Delay Comm Handshake
- Increase Stack Size.
Drag icons into your documents. This creates a static link to that icon.
Example: drag the "My Computer" icon into a new Word(pad) .DOC and then
(double-)click on it to see what happens. ;)
Would like to have your CD/DVD drive(s) perform at MAX speed under Windows
95/98/ME? Just right-click on the "My Computer" icon -> Properties ->
Performance tab -> File System -> CD-ROM tab -> set "Supplemental cache size:"
slider to maximum (Large) and "Optimize access pattern for:" option to
"Quad-speed or higher" -> click Apply/OK -> restart Windows when prompted ->
Right-click in a Windows application's file Open box for New, Copy, Delete,
Arrange etc. Most of the Windows Explorer functions are there, except half
the Toolbar and no pull down Menus.
- MSKB: How to Install and Use PC Speaker Driver:
- MSKB: SYSTEM.INI Entries made by PC Speaker:
- Windows/WfWG 3.1x users: see "SPEAKER CHALLENGE" in MYTIPS31.TXT (part of
Drag and drop files/desktop objects with the RIGHT mouse button. When you
drop them on the target, you get a little pop-up menu giving you options
like Move, Copy, Create Shortcut etc.
Also, to drag a file from one folder to another, using only one Windows
Explorer window, drag the icon near the top or bottom of a scrolling pane,
and then "nudge" to scroll.
Click on Start, Shut Down, Restart computer. Hold down Shift and click
This ONLY restarts the GUI (Graphical User Interface), NOT your computer
(warm reboot).
This is also valid in some situations when Windows 95/98 prompts you to
restart your computer, after you have made changes to the system (example:
when choosing another video resolution/number of colors in the Display
Settings dialog box).
NOTE: You have to restart your system when changing display resolutions ONLY
IF you use Win95 or Win95a OSR1, but NOT with OSR2, Win98 or WinME!
1. This "Windows fast GUI restart" might cause problems on some Windows 9x
systems: system files and/or registry corruption, lockups, or even data loss,
if there are ANY open applications, running Terminate and Stay Resident
programs (TSRs) or loaded Virtual eXtended Drivers (VXDs) at the moment of the
"Shifted reboot"!
A possible solution is to FIRST press Ctrl-Alt-Del the same time (the famous
"three-finger-salute"), and then click "End Task" for ALL programs listed,
EXCEPT Explorer! ONLY AFTER that hold Shift while rebooting Windows.
2. Certain MS-DOS real mode drivers my not be (re)initialized correctly by
using this "fast restart", because ONLY the Windows GUI restarts, NOT the
underlying DOS. Example: if you use a based DOS utility (TSR) to change your
monitor refresh rate upon boot, that particular program may NOT run (since
it's probably loaded from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file). This means that ONLY your
video controller will be reset, NOT your monitor, which in this case might be
using incorrect refresh rate(s).
For an alternative method of restarting Windows 9x WITHOUT using the "Shifted
reboot" read "FAST EXIT | RESTART!" in MYTIPS95.TXT (included).
1. WIN98 LAPTOP USERS: "Even after disabling "Fast shut down" by running
Msconfig, using SHIFT on Reboot with Win98 still throws WRITE PROTECTION
ERRORS necessitating one or more cold boot-downs and boot-ups on my system.
Possibly this is caused by the laptop's various shut-down power modes. On my
system, there are 3 different shut-off options:
1- full power-off
2- standby
3- hibernation
These are designed to optimize battery use and conserve power as well as save
time for re-starting. In light of the above experience, I think it's wise not
to recommend to laptop owners to try disabling "Fast shut down" in order to
re-enable the SHIFT on RE-BOOT feature."
This update courtesy of Ojatex.
- READ Microsoft's "Restarting Computer While Holding Down SHIFT Key Hangs
Windows" MSKB page for more details about the "Shifted restart" BUG:
- Go to Ojatex's "WIN98 TIPS FOR LAPTOPS" page, and read the topic "B -
NOTE: Ojatex's Win98 Laptop Tips are also included here in LAPTOP98.TXT.
This works pretty much the same with all Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003
Control Object (File, Folder, Shortcut, Link, URL etc) Dragging can be
achieved by holding down the SHIFT and/or CTRL keys while Left Mouse Button
Dragging an Object (or Group of Objects) for different actions:
NOTE: Certain folders do NOT allow objects to be dropped (i.e. Control Panel
+ Printers), others ALWAYS Move To regardless of the SHIFT/CTRL status (i.e.
Recycle Bin).
To drag scraps from documents to the Desktop or to folders and create
Document Scraps (scraps = bits and pieces of your documents archived for
later use):
1. Open Wordpad, or your favorite word processor.
2. Type a few lines of text.
3. Highlight the text.
Place the cursor over the selected text and drag it on to the Desktop.
This will create a "scrap" with some of the actual text in the scrap name.
To expand the Explorer tree view to show all subfolders for a highlighted
drive or folder, press the asterisk (*) key on the numeric keypad.
This is also valid for File Manager (FM = %windir%\WINFILE.EXE).
You can copy any graphics or text from a Windows DOS box (session) into
Windows programs.
For example, while running a DOS VGA/SVGA graphics application/game (i.e.
Duke Nukem 3D), press:
1. Alt-Enter to reduce the full scren DOS session to a window.
2. Click on the upper left hand corner Mark (the square) icon.
3. Select a region in the DOS window with the left mouse button pressed.
4. Click the Edit/Copy icon, and then:
5. Paste it into another Windows application (like MS Paint or WordPad).
"It's usually easier to press PrintScreen to get the whole screen on the
clipboard and then cut & paste the needed pieces. It doesn't require
switching the program to a window."
This update courtesy of Yuri.
Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System -> Device Manager. Or
right-click on My Computer -> Properties -> System -> Device Manager. Now
(double-)click the My Computer icon at the top of the scrollable window. From
there you can view the IRQs, DMA channel usage, I/O assignments and Memory
On Win95, OSR1 and OSR2 machines (Win98 users can access the Print button
from the Device Manager tab), in this area there is an option to print a
detailed or summary report of your System specs. The detailed report can
take a huge amount of paper when printed (over 30 pages on my computer!).
My summary (short) report is only about 3 pages, and contains a list of all
Interrupt Request Lines (IRQ) currently assigned in the system, the system
devices they are assigned to, the Direct Memory Access (DMA) channel
assignments and the Base I/O Port Addresses (BA).
Certain changes to the Registry or system folders take place ONLY after
restarting your computer (or reloading Windows). To refresh the desktop
without restarting Windows: left-click once on any open (empty) Desktop area
or any Desktop icon -> press F5 -> et voila. ;-)
You can benefit from Windows 32-bit/64-bit OS Long Directory Names (LDNs)/Long
File Names (LFNs) feature, but ONLY in a Windows DOS box/session/window, NOT
in native/real/true/pure MS-DOS mode outside Windows. Enter the LFNs (using
spaces between words) by enclosing them in quotes (case insensitive).
to copy a single LFN file, or:
COPY C:\DOCS\"My Documents.*" D:\BACKUPS
to copy all .DOC files with LFNs in a given folder (using DOS style "wild
cards" for multiple files).
Same applies to folders with LDNs. Example:
COPY "C:\My Old DOCs\My Documents.DOC" D:\BACKUPS
Have you tried Microsoft's ERU (Emergency Recovery Utility)? If you have the
CD-ROM version of Windows 95 Setup, look for ERU.EXE in the \OTHER\MISC\ERU
folder, or if you don't have the CD, get it from Microsoft:
Run ERU to back up all your critical system files in the C:\ERD folder, along
with ERD.EXE, a DOS utility which you can use to restore them.
ERU not only makes backups of Win95 key data files to a floppy or a hard
drive, but also gives you the ability to add others, and can also be used as
an emergency boot disk tool, automatically restoring system files in case of
a crash.
CREDITS: Tips below appear courtesy of Casey, Mark, Alan + Hrafl.
BUG #1 [Casey]: Running ERU on a Windows 95 system that doesn't have any of
the files listed in Eru.inf (located in the folder where you installed ERU)
can lockup your machine!
WORKAROUND [Casey]: Create "fake" (empty) AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files
with Notepad in the root folder of your boot drive (C:\ is default), or copy
two small plain text (ASCII) files as AUTOEXEC.BAT and as CONFIG.SYS
respectively, from any folder to C:\, even if your system doesn't need/use
BUG #2 [Alan]: "Watch for the date of the Registry files used for ERU's
backup! I assumed it used the current info, but it used SYSTEM.1ST instead,
and NONE of my custom Registry info was saved. I had to reinstall the
hardware under Windows 95, and to rebuild all of my software entries, even
lost my name and product ID numbers!"
FYI [Hrafl]:
- MSKB: REGEDIT May Not Be Able to Import Registry with Large Keys:
- MSKB: Emergency Recovery Utility Does Not Back Up Files:
You can forget about loading DOS mode drivers/devices/TSRs (real mode,
16-bit) from CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT, under Win95/98.
Actually you can safely delete your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files (ONLY
after making BACKUP copies) if you won't be using any weird (read memory
hungry) DOS program/game, that would require a custom PIF setup (including
custom AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files, which would provide a dedicated
MS-DOS mode) and enter the real 32-bit computing world :) (running only Win32
Most newer DOS games can be run from a PIF file under Win95/98 (READ your
game's documentation on the types/amounts of memory required to run properly,
and then modify the game's PIF file to meet those requirements).
If you need to have custom environment variables at bootup, use WINSET.EXE,
a DOS compatibility mode utility, provided with both Win95 and Win98.
Copy the file Winset.exe from the \ADMIN\APPTOOLS\ENVVARS folder [Win95 Setup
cd-rom], or the \TOOLS\RESKIT\SCRPTING folder [Win98 Setup cd-rom] to your
Windows 95/98 folder on your hard disk (default is \WINDOWS).
If you run:
at a DOS prompt, you'll get this help display:
Winset can be run from Win95/98's Run command, from a DOS session, or from a
DOS batch file. You can run the batch file from WIN.INI's run= command line,
found under WIN.INI's [windows] section. WINSET must be followed by a SET
<variable>=<string> value/parameter. Examples:
WINSET PATH=<your_path>
This way you can set/reset/remove the PATH, PROMPT, WINPMT, MOUSE, TEMP,
TMP, MIDI, BLASTER, SOUND, or any other SET <variable>=<string> command.
To remove a SET variable, type:
WINSET <variable>=
with nothing after the equal sign.
To see the complete list of your system's MS-DOS environment variables,
just run this command from any DOS prompt (spaces are optional):
MORE is an internal MS-DOS command built into COMMAND.COM.
In Explorer, open a folder, any folder, click View, and select Options.
Select the File Types tab and scroll down the list of Registered File Types
to the Folder item. Select the Folder item, click Edit, and click Change
Icon. Select a new icon from an ICO, ICL, DLL or EXE icon file.
Save your changes.
All your folders will display the newly changed icon from now on!
LFNFOR is an internal MS-DOS mode command (built into COMMAND.COM) for those
who like running DOS commands and/or DOS programs/games by writing DOS style
batch (*.BAT) files.
LFNFOR, when enabled, allows the IF, FOR, DO, ERRORLEVEL, GOTO batch style
commands to take in consideration the use of Long File Names (LFNs).
Running LFNFOR from a DOS prompt without parameters, will display the status
of LFN DOS batch usage:
Turn it ON temporarily (until next reboot) by running:
By default LFNFOR is OFF.
To turn it ON permanently, add this line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (if any):
To turn it back OFF temporarily (until next reboot), run:
or remove its line from your AUTOEXEC.BAT (if any) to turn it OFF permanently.
You can manually convert (after Setup successfully finished) all your old
Windows 3.xx program groups to Windows 9x style folder shortcuts [*.LNK], as
1. (Double-)click on any .GRP file to automatically convert respective program
group to a new Programs folder, which will be found on the Start button menu.
Windows 95/98/ME comes equipped with a Group [*.GRP] file conversion utility
called GRPCONV.EXE (located in your main Windows folder, usually C:\WINDOWS),
which is automatically associated with .GRP files.
2. Another (perhaps better) way: select the Run command from the Start button
and type:
and then click OK or press Enter.
The /M switch will open a dialog box that searches your Windows folder for all
.GRP files, allowing you to select which program groups to convert.
If your Windows 95/98 system hangs (locks up) and the "three-finger salute"
(Ctrl + Alt + Del keypress "combo") doesn't restore your Desktop by shutting
down the "offending" program, press Ctrl + Esc. It may bring up the Start
menu from which you may be able to shut down Windows.
To update the Windows 95/98 interface, the Registry, or to recover from a GPF
(General Protection Fault) without rebooting Windows, press Ctrl + Alt + Del,
select Explorer and then click End Task.
Answer No to the Shut Down prompt screen, then click End Task again at the
next prompt.
You should see the Start menu and the Taskbar will reappear as Windows
reloads the Explorer shell. Now everything should be (hopefully) OK again.
1. "Except that the system tray gets cleared, and this can be VERY annoying
sometimes (I have a bunch of system tray icons, and the network chat program,
Cool Mouse:
and QuickRes are among them)."
This update courtesy of Yuri.
2. "TraySaver is an excellent tool (freeware) that allows you to retain your
System Tray icons (i.e. after an Explorer crash):
TraySaver also has the ability of hiding and unhiding tray icons."
[Thank you Andrew!]
HELP! [+]
- Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow or Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow = go to next topic.
- Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow or Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow or Alt + B (or press
the Back button) = go to previous topic.
- Ctrl + Shift + Home = go to first topic.
- Ctrl + Shift + End = go to last topic.
[Windows Help]
Help Author=1
If the "Help Author" setting is enabled (1), ALL Windows Help instances (*.HLP
files) display this as title (example):
[Windows Help]
Help Author=0
or delete it altogether.
- Windows NT/2000/XP/2003: run Regedit and go to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Help
In the right hand pane, modify the "Help Author" (no quotes) String [REG_SZ]
Value to read 0 or delete it altogether.
More info @ MSKB:
FYI: See "COLORFUL HELP" in TIPS95.TXT (this file) to learn how to customize
your Windows Help files colors:
To quickly resort to the command line and do any tasks in a DOS session
(started from within Windows), create a DOS style batch file with the lines
below, and name it MSDOS.BAT:
@START /M COMMAND.COM /C %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
Look up the PATH line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS file, and place
MSDOS.BAT in a directory on your path, to be able to run any DOS/Windows
command/program in the background. For example, running this command line from
a DOS box:
copies all .INI files from the C:\WINDOWS directory (standard Win9x/ME setup)
to the D:\BACKUPS directory in the background, letting you work on other tasks
in the foreground.
If you share your Win95/98 system computer with others, or have different
setups for performing different tasks, you may want to have multiple custom
desktops, each with its own Desktop icons, Start menu, and/or Program Groups.
Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Passwords.
To set up Windows 95/98 for multiple configurations, make sure you're in the
User Profiles dialog box, and select the second option. Different users can
customize their own preferences and Desktop settings. Check both boxes under
User Profile Settings.
When you click OK, Windows asks to restart to set up the new configuration.
As it reloads, it prompts you to set up a new user name and password. You can
leave the password field blank if security is not an issue on your computer.
Answer Yes when asked whether to save the settings for that particular user.
Any desktop customizing you do will be unique to the configuration stored
under this name.
To create additional configurations, just reboot Windows and type a different
name when prompted. To change configurations, select Start -> Shut Down ->
Close all programs, and finally log on as a different user.
BONUS: [;-)]
If you own a Microsoft Natural Keyboard or similar, and have installed
Microsoft IntelliType Software:
you can also do this:
- "NoWinKeys" Registry policy MUST be disabled for WINKEY shortcuts/combos to
work = see "SYSTEM RESTRICTIONS" in REGISTRY.TXT (included):
- "KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS" in TIPS95.TXT (this file):
- "Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 95, 98, 98SE + ME":
- Wikipedia: Windows key:
Here are a few useful keyboard shortcuts ("hot combos") valid for all Windows
95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/8.1/2012 32-bit + 64-bit OSes and
Windows 16-bit/32-bit/64-bit applications/programs/tools/games.
Note that most are available system wide, but some may work only with certain
OSes and/or specific software (see respective documentation/help files for
Have fun...
At some point in your computing life, while working in Windows 9x/ME, you may
receive the following message:
"There are no spare stack pages. It may be necessary to increase the setting
of 'MinSPs' in SYSTEM.INI to prevent possible stack faults.
There are x currently SPs allocated."
NOTE: This has nothing to do with the DOS mode CONFIG.SYS "STACKS=" setting!
Stack overflow indicates errors in [poorly written :(] drivers, and Win9x/ME
sets aside 4 KB of RAM for each stack page used by drivers. But if a driver
tries to use more than 1 page at a time, stack overflow occurs, in which case
your computer may crash. If Windows can successfully "bypass" a stack overflow
situation, it reclaims this memory and returns it back to the system.
To prevent such errors, add the following line under the [386enh] section of
your SYSTEM.INI file, located in your Windows folder (example):
If after doing this you still get those error messages, try increasing the
MinSPs number using multiples of 2: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 etc.
Each stack page requires 4 KB of memory. Default MinSPs value is 2.
To do this edit SYSTEM.INI with Notepad or Sysedit.
Restart Windows when done for this change to take effect.
FYI: More info @ MSKB:
To enable an Explorer Quick View option for web pages (HTML and HTM files):
Open Explorer, choose View, and then Options from the menu. Click the File
Type tab and find the association for web HTML pages. The name for those
files is determined by the default web browser you're currently using, that
created the association and should be something similar to "Internet
Document" (Microsoft Internet Explorer 3/4/5/6) or "Netscape Hypertext
Document" (Netscape Navigator/Communicator 3/4/6).
Select that association and click Edit. Check the "Enable Quick View" box.
From now on you'll have the option to view HTML/HTM files by right-clicking
on your file and selecting View.
Windows 95/98/ME keeps count of dropped frames during video playback, if using
Mplayer (MPLAYER.EXE, located in your Windows folder), the Windows default
multimedia clip player.
To display this feature, after you have played a video clip, hold Ctrl and
press F5. A box called "Send MCI String Command" appears. Type "Status
Frames Skipped" in the Command box and click Send. Windows will tell you how
many total frames were displayed.
Mplayer.exe can play (among other media file formats): .AVI, .MOV, .MMV,
.MPG, .MPEG, .MPE, .MID, .RMI, .WAV, .FLI, .FLC etc.
To have all your media files (at least the ones listed above) associated
with Mplayer, you need to install the required 3rd party codecs/drivers for
each video/audio format not included with MS Video for Windows 32-bit
drivers bundled with the OS (Windows 95/98/ME Setup installs them by default).
Example: to play .MOV files (Apple QuickTime movies), you need to install
the Apple QuickTime 32-bit drivers/codecs/player (free):
Then open File Manager (FM = WINFILE.EXE, located in your Windows folder),
highlight any .MOV file, click File -> Associate..., scroll down through the
registered file types in the "Associate with..." box till you find something
like "Media Clip (Mplayer.exe)", and then click OK.
Setting a Windows 95/98/ME fixed size swap file will drastically reduce the
thrashing (frequent access) your hard disk constantly takes from the Windows
Dynapage VXD [Virtual eXtended (protected mode) Driver], thus avoiding the
continuous variable size swap file resizing (default operation), and therefore
spend less time listening to your hard drive churning. :)
Basically the swap file supplements system RAM (real memory) with disk space
(virtual memory). Windows manages virtual memory by "swapping" ("dumping")
chunks of data from system RAM (much faster), when physical RAM runs out, to
the fixed disk (much slower), by writing them to the swap file (this is called
"paging"), from where it can be later retrieved and used as needed.
To do this, begin by right-clicking on My Computer -> select Properties ->
Performance tab -> Virtual Memory Settings -> disable Virtual Memory
completely -> click OK twice -> restart Windows.
Next, unload all unneeded programs/devices/TSRs/runtimes/etc that load (when
the Windows GUI starts up) from your Registry or Startup folder, by disabling
them using the Startup Control Panel applet (freeware):
Restart Windows when done.
Now Defragment fully all your hard disk(s)/partitions using the Windows
built-in Defrag.exe tool.
Win98/ME users: make sure the "Rearrange program files so my programs start
faster" Defrag option is enabled.
After you're done, right-click on My Computer again -> select Properties ->
Performance tab -> Virtual Memory Settings -> select a new permanent swap file
by setting the Minimum and Maximum sizes the SAME -> click OK twice -> restart
Finally, use Startup CPL again to reenable all previously disabled programs.
From now on you'll enjoy less time waiting for your hard disk to spin. :)
You can also do this by adding or modifying these two lines (using Notepad)
under the [386enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file (found in your Windows
You can organize them so the most frequently used Files/Shortcuts/Folders are
together at the top of your list, in the Start Menu, or at the bottom,
depending on your preferences.
"This approach has one more good point: these labels become shortcut keys!"
This update courtesy of Yuri.
If you ever have printer problems, use the Enhanced Printer TroubleShooter
(EPTS) found on your Windows 95 install CD-ROM, in the \OTHER\MISC folder.
The file is called EPTS.EXE, and is similar to the Printer TroubleShooter
found in Windows Help, but with more horsepower. [... And we can all use a
little extra "power". :-)]
1. "Pressing F5 in Notepad inserts the current date and time stamp at the
location of the cursor.
2. If typing .LOG as the first line in a Notepad document, the current
date/time stamp is added automatically every time upon reopening that file.
These tips work with all Windows 9x/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003 (32-bit) and
Windows/WfWG 3.1x (16-bit) versions of NOTEPAD.EXE (located in %windir% = main
Windows directory/folder).
3. When you highlight a Desktop icon or a file/item in Windows Explorer, hold
SHIFT and press F10 (same as right-clicking the mouse) to get the Open With...
- Read "2 DOS OR NOT 2 DOS" in MYTIPS95.TXT (included) for details on all
Windows 95/98 "Boot to DOS" options.
- MSKB: General Tips for Using MS-DOS Mode:
HINT: This tip is valuable for those who would like to play a VGA/SVGA/3D DOS
game that won't run from a DOS box/session within the Win9x GUI. [Sounds
familiar?! :-)]
IF using Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x or 98, BEFORE attempting to boot into a
previous MS-DOS version (6.xx), you MUST apply the FIX from "DUAL-BOOT IN
OSR2/WIN98" in OSR2TIPS.TXT (included).
HINT: Use the SYS95.BAT DOS style batch file (included) to automate
MSDOS.SYS editing + attribute changing.
Save your changes and reboot (change the drive letter if different on your
You can also have different "after-boot" choices to start with: Win95/98,
Win31, or native/real/true/pure MS-DOS mode. To make this happen, add the
following lines as the last lines into your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (located in
the root folder of your boot drive, usually C:\):
CHOICE /N /C123 Boot into: 1=Windows 95; 2=Windows 3.1; 3=MS-DOS Mode
You can open AUTOEXEC.BAT for editing with Notepad in Windows or EDIT.COM in
You will need to change the directory/folder names where your Windows 95/98
and/or your Windows/WfWG 3.1x reside, if different on your machine.
Save your changes and reboot. From now on, all you have to do is choose a
number to start your favorite Windows version, or to run your favorite
MS-DOS programs/games.
NOTE: To be able to run Windows/WfWG 3.1x under the Win98 or Win95B/95C OSR2
OS, you need to disable the 32-bit File Access feature in Windows/WfWG 3.1x
from: Control Panel -> 386 enhanced icon -> Virtual Memory -> uncheck 32-bit
File Access box. Or modify this SYSTEM.INI line (using Notepad or Sysedit) to
under the [386enh] section. SYSTEM.INI resides in your main Win31 directory,
usually C:\WINDOWS .
Restart Windows/WfWG 3.1x when done.
"To create a shortcut to the Find function, just highlight the Find folder on
the Start menu, go to File and highlight Save Search. Presto!"
This fancy "backup/restore" tip and included batch file below are brought to
you courtesy of Patricio. Enjoy.
This is about your "RESTORE AFTER INSTALL" section [from the MYTIPS95.TXT
file]: I thing backing up my complete Windows and System directories is a
little exaggerated thing to do every time I install a new program/game.
It's useful in case of a program that makes the system crash after the
install. However, if you install and try a program for some time, and then you
want to delete it, you should have a backup of the System before every program
installed. Even that wouldn't help you delete the registry entries, .DLL files
and other things concerning ONLY the program you are deleting. I wrote the
batch file below and it helps me know what modifications have been made to my
system after a program is installed. It creates a set of log files which I can
consult when I decide to delete something.
The BATch must be run both BEFORE and AFTER a program/game is installed, using
the Run... item in the Start menu, and typing:
spy xxxxxxx
where xxxxxxx stands for the name of the log file you will obtain (must have a
maximum of 8 characters, case insensitive). It must be the SAME before and
after the installation. Before installing you have to select option 'B', and
after installing you have to select option 'A'.
It is also very useful running it before and after the first time you run
certain shareware programs/games. I know it generates wasteful info, but after
a while you can learn what is useful and what isn't. :)
And it has a BUG: when comparing the Before and After information, it
generates some DOS sharing errors (I don't know the exact English text of the
message because I have the Spanish version of Win95). Pressing (R)etry every
time the error message appears, makes the batch process finalize OK.
I would be very pleased if you make any improvement to the file, especially
adding any file you consider must be compared before and after any
installation. Also, I think the English messages I wrote can be improved.
Although I read a lot in English, especially scientific and computer
articles, this is the very first time I write an English text and I realize
it is not perfect."
BATCH FILE FOLLOWS (copy & paste the batch file contents as SPY.BAT, using
Ctrl+C to Copy and then Ctrl+V to Paste the text into Notepad):
echo B - Run spy in 'Before' mode
echo A - Run spy in 'After' mode
choice /c:BA
if errorlevel 2 goto After
if errorlevel 1 goto Before
if not exist %1\nul goto OK
echo 'Before' information on %1 already exists
echo A - Run spy in 'After' mode
echo O - Overwrite existing information
echo C - Cancel
choice /c:AOC
if errorlevel 3 goto End
if errorlevel 2 goto Over
if errorlevel 1 goto After
deltree /y %1
md %1
md %1\Before
cd %1\Before
copy \windows\WIN.INI
copy \windows\SYSTEM.INI
copy \windows\control.ini
if exist \CONFIG.SYS copy \CONFIG.SYS
if exist \MSDOS.SYS copy \MSDOS.SYS
dir c:\ /a /o:gen > root.dir
dir c:\windows\ /a /o:gen > windows.dir
dir c:\windows\system\ /a /o:gen > system.dir
regedit /e registry.txt
goto End
if not exist %1\nul goto Noexist
md %1\After
cd %1\After
copy \windows\SYSTEM.INI
copy \windows\WIN.INI
copy \windows\control.ini
if exist \CONFIG.SYS copy \CONFIG.SYS
if exist \MSDOS.SYS copy \MSDOS.SYS
dir c:\ /a /o:gen > root.dir
dir c:\windows\ /a /o:gen > windows.dir
dir c:\windows\system\ /a /o:gen > system.dir
regedit /e registry.txt
cd \spy
fc %1\Before\*.* %1\After\*.* > %1.txt
deltree /y %1
goto end
echo Can't find %1 Information
goto end
echo Must specify an Application name! Example:
echo spy msoffice
------End cut & paste here------
Patricio is too modest. His English is great. I wish mine was as good as
his. ;)
And SPY.BAT is very good at tracking down most ANY new program/game
installation problems under Win95/98. Thanks a lot Patricio for your
valuable contribution to this delicate matter!
If you'd like to compare the changes a program/game has made ONLY to your
Win9x Registry files, follow these steps:
1. Run this command ONLY from native MS-DOS to export the Registry to a REG
(plain text) file (example using C:\ for destination):
or from Windows: click the Start button -> select "Run..." -> type Regedit
-> click OK -> click "Registry" from the file menu -> click "Export
Registry file..." -> browse to your desired drive/folder (C:\ used here) ->
type BEFORE.REG in the "File name:" box -> click the "Save" button.
2. Install your program/game.
3. Run this command ONLY from native MS-DOS to export the Registry to a REG
(plain text) file (example using C:\ for destination):
or from Windows: click the Start button -> select "Run..." -> type Regedit
-> click OK -> click "Registry" from the file menu -> click "Export
Registry file..." -> browse to your desired drive/folder (C:\ used here) ->
type AFTER.REG in the "File name:" box -> click the "Save" button.
4. Run this command from any DOS prompt (example using same path above):
Then open CHANGED.TXT with Notepad in Windows or EDIT.COM in DOS, and you'll
see EXACTLY what changes have been made to your Win9x Registry by the
"incriminated" program/game.
These tips appear courtesy of Ed. Many thanks for your clever solutions!
1. I have found that multiple Win95 versions can be installed on same hard
drive. This is useful for restore purposes should an entire hard drive be
lost. The one key file is MSDOS.SYS. Save it in C:\Windows. Backup entire
system! Should you need to restore entire system:
- Install new Windows to a different directory, say C:\WIN95.
- Install-restore software.
- Restore old system.
- Move old MSDOS.SYS to C:\.
- Reboot under old system.
- Delete new system used for restore.
The above assumes no hardware was changed between backup and restore.
2. Windows 95 will not install on an IOMEGA Zip drive. Nor will a version of
Win95 installed on C: and transferred to Iomega Zip drive run, even if the
Iomega Drive is C:.
Win95 will not install to an extended partition if the primary partition of
the hard disk is unused.
I have made up a version of Win95 on a zip disk with no long file names,
which can be copied to C: and run from there. I have my restored software in
this version. It's not worth making it though, as it takes more time to make
it than to just reinstall as above."
1. WINIPCFG: displays current TCP/IP protocol configuration. Useful for
- Adapter Address: These numbers (hexadecimal) show the identification
number of the Network adapter. If you are using a Dial-Up adapter, this
number is of NO use, because it is NOT hardcoded into modems!
- IP Address: The computer's IP address, dynamically assigned or static.
- Subnet Mask: A portion of the IP address for the TCP/IP protocol to
determine whether an IP address is on a local or remote network.
- Default Gateway: The IP address of the host on the local subnet which
provides the physical connection to remote networks.
- DHCP Server: The IP address of the DHCP server. The DHCP server
dynamically assigns an IP address to a computer once connected to the
network. To obtain a new IP address, click the Release and Renew buttons.
- Primary and Secondary WINS Server: The IP address of the Primary and
Secondary WINS servers (if available on the network). The WINS server
translates NetBIOS names (the alphanumeric computer names displayed by the
user interface) to their corresponding IP addresses.
- MSKB: How to Use Winipcfg to View TCP/IP Settings:
- MSKB: How to Use Ipconfig to Diagnose Network Connections:
- This recovery procedure works ONLY with FAT16 drives/partitions!
- Microsoft REMOVED COMPLETELY the access to native/real/true/pure MS-DOS mode
from Windows Millennium Edition (ME), a.k.a. MS-DOS 8.00. :(
But you CAN get it back by applying the Unofficial WinME DOS Patch:
which modifies COMMAND.COM + IO.SYS (from C:\Windows\Command\EBD) +
REGENV32.EXE (from C:\Windows\System) to allow Windows ME to boot to native
MS-DOS and use DOS mode startup files (AUTOEXEC.BAT + CONFIG.SYS), Windows
95/98 style, to be able to use your (old) MS-DOS based apps/games that do NOT
work from within a Windows DOS session/box.
For this you need to have kept your old MS-DOS 6.xx install floppy disks, or
the old MS-DOS (any version from 6.00 up to 6.22) files on your hard disk.
If you didn't, just download Microsoft Old MS-DOS 6.22 Utilities (include
UNDELETE.EXE) for Windows 9x/ME [836 KB, free]:
I recommend placing UNDELETE.EXE into your C:\Windows\Command folder for easy
access, because this directory is already listed on the default PATH.
If you still have the ol' C:\DOS (or C:\MSDOS) directory (for those who
upgraded from a previous MS-DOS version to Windows 9x/ME), look for the
UNDELETE.EXE file, also found on your Win95 retail Setup CD ONLY [NOT
Win95B/95C OSR 2.x or Win98/ME!], in the \Other\Oldmsdos folder.
Before properly using it to recover your lost files, there is one more thing
you need to do. In DOS mode [of course :)], run this command line (after you
have exited Windows 9x/ME to native MS-DOS, or rebooted to MS-DOS mode, the
equivalent of the "Command prompt only" option from the Windows 95/98 Startup
This internal command built into MS-DOS 7.xx/8.00 secures the hard drive of
your choice (in this case drive C:), to make it useable by UNDELETE!
You can use multiple drive parameters to enable the LOCK command on all your
drives/partitions (example):
Add/change drive letter(s) if necessary.
Now you're ready to get your files back by "UNDELETE-ing" them.
After recovering your files, run this command to return Windows 9x/ME OS to
its normal operation mode, but DO NOT TRY TO RESTART the Windows interface
with the LOCK switch ON:
This is opposite to the LOCK command, disabling direct access to a
drive/partition for all programs.
Of course, you also need to be familiar with UNDELETE's command line
parameters, and you also need to know which directories (folders) your lost
files were located into before the "accident".
to learn more about this native DOS mode ONLY tool, or:
from any DOS prompt, to display its available switches:
1 LAST WORD: [or maybe 2 ;-)] Stay safe => BACKUP FIRST!
There is a simple method to copy to the Clipboard any text string, or even
graphics for that matter, under the Win95 GUI, when you run a DOS program in
a DOS box/session (windowed, NOT full screen: to switch from a full screen
DOS sesion to a DOS window box, hold down Alt and press Enter). Now you
should have the DOS box status bar visible. The first icon in the upper left
corner is called Mark (represented by a square). Left-click your mouse on it.
Select Edit, click Mark, then left-click and drag to choose a region on your
DOS screen to copy, click Edit and then click Copy (or press Enter), and
voila. Now you can paste the saved Clipboard contents (be it text or
graphics) into a Windows application (MS Paint, WordPad etc).
This is yet another trick for DOS afficionados who would like to boot to
MS-DOS mode instead of going straight to Win95/98's GUI (without modifying
ANY Windows 9x startup/system files). Here it goes:
Open Notepad.
Type a space (blank), don't enter any other characters, and save this file as
WIN.BAT in the root directory of your boot drive (default is C:\).
When you reboot into Windows 9x, the OS will "see" the empty WIN.BAT file and
will automatically boot to the native/real/true/pure MS-DOS mode prompt.
When you're done "playing" in DOS, just type WIN.COM and press Enter to start
the Win9x GUI. It is IMPORTANT to type the WIN.COM file extension for this to
work! Typing only WIN not followed by the .COM extension will automatically
default to WIN.BAT.
"It just starts WIN.BAT if you are in that folder. Yes, I know that .COM files
are processed first, but the current directory is processed before the %PATH%
by default. To make the %PATH% variable process earlier, one has to add a
semicolon (;) to the end of the PATH line in AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS."
This update courtesy of Yuri.
This trick applies the reversed method of installing a second (older) version
of Windows/WfWG (3.1x) on a Windows 95 machine.
NOTE: For step by step details on how to install Windows 95 on a MS-DOS 6.xx
+ Windows 3.1x system, read "DUAL BOOT" in MYTIPS95.TXT (included).
You need to have an old MS-DOS 6.xx (any version starting with 6.00 up to
6.22) bootable floppy disk. It is also prefered to keep your old MS-DOS
install diskettes handy, in case something goes wrong.
You also need your Windows/WfWG 3.1x install floppies.
Fire up your PC and then:
1. Insert the old MS-DOS 6.xx boot disk into your primary floppy drive (A: is
the default bootable floppy drive on most systems).
Exit the Win95 GUI to MS-DOS mode prompt.
Switch to your A: floppy drive, and change the attributes of the IO.SYS file
found on the floppy to read:
Copy IO.SYS from the floppy to the root directory of your boot hard drive
(C:\ is default), renaming it to IO.DOS the same time, using this command:
2. Repeat the above operations with the floppy COMMAND.COM and MSDOS.SYS
files, and then use COPY again to rename/copy the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS
files from your boot floppy to C:\ root:
3. Copy all drivers/devices/TSRs (and all other important lines) for hardware
devices that you might have on the boot disk (and you want to enable in
MS-DOS mode), such as your DOS mouse driver (example: MOUSE.COM), CD-ROM
driver and Sound Card drivers to a new directory called C:\DRIVERS on your
hard drive. Then edit CONFIG.DOS and AUTOEXEC.DOS (with Notepad in Windows or in DOS) to modify all the DEVICE (DEVICEHIGH) and LOADHIGH (LH)
lines to point to the new DRIVERS directory on C:\.
4. Now it's time to change the attributes of the C:\MSDOS.SYS file to be able
to edit and modify it (or use the batch file included here, called SYS95.BAT
to ease up this task):
When you're done, edit C:\MSDOS.SYS, the Win95 version (with Notepad in
Windows or in DOS) and make sure you have the lines below listed
under the [Options] section:
5. Reboot, and when you see the familiar "Starting Windows 95" message, press
F4 to load your old version of MS-DOS 6.xx. At the DOS command prompt screen,
insert your Windows/WfWG 3.1x Setup floppy disk #1 and type A:\SETUP. Install
the new copy of Windows/WfWG 3.1x to a different directory than Windows 95!
Example: C:\WIN31. From now on, when you press F4, you'll be able to boot
into MS-DOS 6.xx/Win3.1x. To boot normally with Windows 95 OS, just let the
bootup sequence take you to Win95 GUI.
To be able to choose your OS at bootup time for more than a second,
add/modify these lines to C:\MSDOS.SYS (the Win95 version), under the
[Options] section:
to see the Win95 startup scren for 10 seconds (and choose which option to
boot with).
Reboot, and from now on you'll see the Windows 95 Startup Menu displayed on
your screen, so you can choose your favorite OS (you'll have only 7 choices
if you don't have a network or/and a TCP/IP connection enabled):
The "Normal" option boots to Windows 95, and the "Previous version of MS-DOS"
choice lets you boot into MS-DOS 6.xx (to be able to load your newly installed
Windows/WfWG 3.1x).
Have fun!
"Windows 3.1x runs fine under DOS 7.0 (Windows 95 + 95a OSR1). Windows 95B/95C
OSR 2.x needs the WIN3X.BUG patch:
which handles FAT32 drives even if not allowed to do 32-bit file access."
[Thank you Yuri!]
NOTE: The OSR2 dual-boot BUG and the respective FIX are detailed in "DUAL-BOOT
IN OSR2/WIN98" from OSR2TIPS.TXT (included).
Suggested by Eddie:
Manufacturer=Type manufacturer name here
Model=Type computer model name here
SupportURL=Type URL here [may NOT display without dedicated software!]
LocalFile=Type file name here [may NOT display without dedicated software!]
SubModel=Type submodel name here [may NOT display without dedicated software!]
SerialNo=Type serial number here [may NOT display without dedicated software!]
OEM1=Type OEM1 name here [may NOT display without dedicated software!]
OEM2=Type OEM2 name here [may NOT display without dedicated software!]
[Support Information]
Line1=Type something here
Line2=Type something here
Line3=Type something here
LineX=Type something here
Make sure you type some text on the "Manufacturer=" and "Model=" lines after
the equal sign (no quotes), even if you decide to leave the others empty,
otherwise the logo (see further below) will NOT be displayed.
OEMINFO.INI supports more than 200 lines [I have no idea of the maximum limit
allowed :)] under the [Support Information] section, each numbered
correspondingly in ascending sequence, up to a maximum of 254 characters per
line after the equal sign. You can even have blank lines, or the lines can be
empty themselves (after the equal sign), and all (even special ASCII)
characters typed after the first equal sign are displayed (even multiple equal
Optionally you can enclose typed text with quotation marks, they won't be
Exception: the first tab (which normally adds 8 spaces) is displayed as a
single space, but anything following the second tab is not displayed.
To disable/comment/remark a line (make it invisible) type a semicolon (;) in
front of it (just like in any other Windows INI file), and it won't be
displayed anymore.
The "Support Information" button acts like a "mini" text viewer (no editing
allowed within the box though). :) Click it, and you can use the left mouse
button drag to highlight all lines, and then right-click to Copy the entire
text (including the empty lines, if any) to the Clipboard, which you can Paste
into any text editor.
Then create/edit a custom OEMLOGO.BMP (a bitmap logo, residing in the same
folder as OEMINFO.INI = see above), which must be maximum 180x114 pixels in
size [larger pictures are automatically cropped (downsized) to "fit" the
"window", and smaller ones are displayed with a background surrounding them
(mine is 154x114)], and must have 256 colors [RGB encoded, 24-bit color depth
(16 million colors) also allowed], in BMP format (uncompressed Windows
BitMaP), you can use MS Paint (found as
C:\Program Files\Accessories\MsPaint.exe by default), the primitive but free
painting program bundled with Windows or a better 3rd party utility (most are
Note that you need to fill at least 2 or 3 of the corners (1 pixel size) of
your OEMLOGO.BMP file with a "blank" color (white), to have it display
properly. The white color is shown as transparent (useful as background if the
bitmap logo is smaller than 180x114).
Alternatively you can use OEM Logo Stamper [530 KB, nag freeware]:
to customize both OEMINFO.INI + OEMLOGO.BMP.
When you're done, just left-click your mouse once on an empty spot on your
Desktop background, and then hit F5 to refresh. Now you can open the System
Properties General tab to admire your "handy" work. :)
More info:
Just because your modem's manufacturer claims the device is Hayes compatible,
don't assume that you will connect at maximum speed all the time. Today's 56
and 33.6 kbps modems automatically fall back to a lower speed if the line
noise is too intense to maintain a faster connection, but sometimes they fall
back too far or too soon.
Search for these values: S11= and S36= in your modem initialization string
(or create them if they are not present). Check your modem's settings against
your manual, and if your modem will accept, change/add these settings to read
S11=50 and S36=7 respectively. This will force your modem to cut the dialing
delay in half (default is S11=100, measured in milliseconds) and to try
connecting at high speeds in two ways before dropping back to a standard
asynchronous connection with automatic speed buffering (default is S36=0).
These strings can be used with ANY Hayes compatible modem.
To change your modem's initialization string in Windows 9x, open Control
Panel -> Modems -> Your modem name -> Properties -> Connection tab ->
Advanced -> Extra settings box.
Open Control Panel and select the Regional Settings panel. Click on the Time
tab. In the Time Style field, change the style to read H:mm:ss. If you prefer
a leading zero (so that 7:07am is viewed as 07:07), change the style to read
Changes take effect as soon as you close the applet.
POLICY "0000"
KEYNAME System\Currentcontrolset\Services\Class\Nettrans\0000
PART "Check for 576 or uncheck for default" CHECKBOX
PART "Don't change setting below!" TEXT END PART
POLICY "0001"
KEYNAME System\Currentcontrolset\Services\Class\Nettrans\0001
PART "Check for 576 or uncheck for default" CHECKBOX
PART "Don't change setting below!" TEXT END PART
POLICY "0002"
KEYNAME System\Currentcontrolset\Services\Class\Nettrans\0002
PART "Check for 576 or uncheck for default" CHECKBOX
PART "Don't change setting below!" TEXT END PART
POLICY "0003"
KEYNAME System\Currentcontrolset\Services\Class\Nettrans\0003
PART "Check for 576 or uncheck for default" CHECKBOX
PART "Don't change setting below!" TEXT END PART
POLICY "0004"
KEYNAME System\Currentcontrolset\Services\Class\Nettrans\0004
PART "Check for 576 or uncheck for default" CHECKBOX
PART "Don't change setting below!" TEXT END PART
POLICY "0005"
KEYNAME System\Currentcontrolset\Services\Class\Nettrans\0005
PART "Check for 576 or uncheck for default" CHECKBOX
PART "Don't change setting below!" TEXT END PART
POLICY "0006"
KEYNAME System\Currentcontrolset\Services\Class\Nettrans\0006
PART "Check for 576 or uncheck for default" CHECKBOX
PART "Don't change setting below!" TEXT END PART
POLICY "0007"
KEYNAME System\Currentcontrolset\Services\Class\Nettrans\0007
PART "Check for 576 or uncheck for default" CHECKBOX
PART "Don't change setting below!" TEXT END PART
POLICY "0008"
KEYNAME System\Currentcontrolset\Services\Class\Nettrans\0008
PART "Check for 576 or uncheck for default" CHECKBOX
PART "Don't change setting below!" TEXT END PART
POLICY "0009"
KEYNAME System\Currentcontrolset\Services\Class\Nettrans\0009
PART "Check for 576 or uncheck for default" CHECKBOX
PART "Don't change setting below!" TEXT END PART
POLICY "0010"
KEYNAME System\Currentcontrolset\Services\Class\Nettrans\0010
PART "Check for 576 or uncheck for default" CHECKBOX
PART "Don't change setting below!" TEXT END PART
KEYNAME System\Currentcontrolset\services\Vxd\MSTCP\DefaultRcvWindows
PART "Check for 2144 = 4 * (576-40)" CHECKBOX
VALUENAME DefaultRcvWindow
VALUEON "2144"
KEYNAME system\Currentcontrolset\services\Vxd\MSTCP
PART "Check for value 64 (win95 default value is 32)" CHECKBOX
POLICY netbeui
KEYNAME system\currentcontrolset\services\vxd\netbeui
PART "sessions" EDITTEXT
VALUENAME sessions
KEYNAME system\currentcontrolset\services\vxd\netbeui\ndi\params\ncbs
POLICY sessions
KEYNAME system\currentcontrolset\services\vxd\netbeui\ndi\params\sessions
POLICY maxconnect
KEYNAME system\currentcontrolset\services\vxd\NWLink\ndi\params\maxconnect
POLICY maxsockets
KEYNAME system\currentcontrolset\services\vxd\NWLink\ndi\params\maxsockets
CATEGORY "No settings here"
------End cut & paste here------
If you are trying to install Win95 from the upgrade disk(s), and you don't
have at least one copy of Windows (3.xx or 95/98) already present on your
machine, the installation will be aborted. The SETUP utility checks for
existing copies of Windows and will NOT install Win95 if it doesn't find any!
So if you don't have a full install CD-ROM or a set of floppies handy, you're
back to DOS! Unless you apply this simple trick.
Though for the CD-ROM installation you'll need the DOS mode CD-ROM drivers
loaded in your CONFIG.SYS file.
The floppy version of Win95 install disks doesn't need a CD-ROM driver.
How to do it:
1. Create a text file in the root directory of your boot drive (default on
most machines is C:\). Name this text file INST95.TXT. INST95.TXT must contain
2 lines of text, exactly as they appear below:
2. Save the file.
3. Install Win95 from the DOS command prompt, by running this command:
in case you run SETUP from the upgrade floppy, or:
in case you install Win95 from the upgrade CD-ROM (on systems with only one
hard drive). Change the CD-ROM drive letter if different on your system.
4. Windows 95 is now going to install even if you have NO previous copies of
Windows on your machine.
When you run this command at a DOS prompt box/session from inside Win9x/ME:
you get this help screen:
These tricks have been sent by a good friend (Ojatex), whose contribution to
the improvement of these files is always welcome and greatly appreciated.
Ojatex catalogs his tips as "stupid", I'd call them rather clever. Up to you
to decide... :)
Here's a little trick I have been using when deleting files from Floppy &
Zip disks {Power Users need not read this}.
As you know when you delete a file from a floppy, it is gone forever - no
safety net {i.e. Recycle Bin}. Same problem occurs with zip disks.
Poof & it's gone!
To get around this problem, I do the following:
1- Create a folder on the C:\ drive called "Disk Garbage".
2- Create a shortcut to "Disk Garbage" and cut/paste it into the
Windows\Sendto folder.
3- Paste another shortcut to "Disk Garbage" on the Desktop [Optional].
Now whenever one wants to delete files from a floppy or zip disk, send them
to Disk Garbage first. Then delete them. This extra step can pay off if you
change your mind & want the files back.
After downloading the Win95 Registry program I found this advice:
The DOCUMENTS cascading menu off of the Start Menu is always filling itself
up, and is usually 20 miles long. Then, if you want to empty it, you have to
play click-click-click with the Start Menu.
Wouldn't it be easier if you had an icon right on the Desktop that did this?
Well, pull up a chair. And listen carefully...
1. Create a batch file with the following line:
ECHO Y | DEL %winbootdir%\RECENT\*.*
2. Save the file in a convenient directory, such as \Windows\Command.
3. Create a shortcut to this batch file right on the Desktop.
4. Right-Click on the shortcut, and select Properties.
5. Select the Program tab.
6. Under RUN, choose Minimized.
7. Check the CLOSE ON EXIT checkbox underneath the RUN box.
8. Click on OK, and close the dialog.
Now, to empty the Most Recently Used Documents Folder, all you have to do is
(double-)click on the shortcut you just created."
This works, but I prefer the "two rabbits with the same bullet" solution:
1- Create a Shortcut to the "Recent" subfolder in Windows.
2- Cut/Past the shortcut onto the Desktop.
This allows one to access the recently used documents or delete them,
whichever you choose.
Here's a time saver when working with several files from different folders,
especially BMPs or GIFs which are going to be conglomerated into one BMP or
GIF [especially animated GIFs]:
1- Create a folder on the C:\ drive called "Holding".
2- Create a Shortcut to "Holding" & put it into the "Sendto" subfolder in
the Windows folder.
3- When you have to gather a bunch of clipart files from several folders to
make a new picture, instead of working on the clipart directly in its native
folder where you have the danger of destroying the original or saving it
with a new name, or having to copy/paste the pictures to Holding, just use
the "send to" Holding.
You can work in the "Holding" folder to make your new graphic.
When working on gifs/jpgs for a web-page, instead of sending the clipart to
"Holding", make a Shortcut to your web-site folder & put it in the "Sendto"
folder. I find gathering all the "raw materials" together in one place
saves a lot of time & the "Sendto" folder is a fast way of gathering them
without endangering the originals."
This is in order to harden [i.e. make permanent] the soft files in the
"Temporary Internet Files" folder}. I use MS IE because AOL uses it & it is
faster to open and the resulting cache files are not #'s but the actual file
names. I use the cache files to read web pages.
Now here is my tip/trick:
1- Create a Shortcut to the Temporary Internet Files.
2- Cut/paste shortcut onto Desktop. [Option: rename it to IE Cache for the
sake of brevity.]
3- When you want to harden a cache file, right click on the shortcut & select
"Explore from Here". This will bring up the 4 cache folders. Open these
folders until you find the file[s] you want. Select those files and "Sendto"
the desired location.
4- If you just want to "read" the file, it can be opened from the cache
Note-This seems a little awkward, but I can't use "Sendto" directly out of the
"Temporary Internet Files" folder nor "read" the files from that location. The
files are readable from the "hidden" cache sub-folders, but not hardened."
Thanks again for your efforts Ojatex. Oh, and please do send some more of your
"stupid" tricks... :-)
The cheapest and fastest bitmap viewer comes (surprise!) built right into
Win95's interface (GUI = Graphical User Interface). You can view any BMP or
JPG file this way.
To achieve this, right-click on the Desktop, select Properties, and then
click the Background tab.
Now open Explorer and scroll to the folder where your .BMP and/or .JPG
files are stored. Resize the Explorer window to allow the Display Background
dialog box to be visible at the side, and highlight the desired picture with
your left mouse button. Then drag it (left-click) into the Display monitor
area. You'll notice that the .BMP (.JPG) file will appear instantly as a
thumbnail in the Display preview area (and its name shows up on the Wallpaper
list underneath).
Make sure to drag one file at a time, otherwise only the first image on your
list will be displayed.
You have the choice to select the new file as your Desktop background
(wallpaper) by pressing the OK button (or by clicking Apply), or you can
simply Cancel. The Esc key also closes the Display box without saving.
You can also preview your Logo.sys, Logow.sys and/or Logos.sys files, but
you will have to rename them with the .BMP extension.
Have fun!
"The Logos CAN be used as is for the wallpaper... just click Browse. Doesn't
work with JPGs :-( (but I think it WILL after installing MS IE 4.0x or
This update courtesy of Yuri.
NOTE: This procedure also works for JPGs if you install MS Plus! Pack for
Windows 95 (retail product) on top of Win95 retail or if you use Windows
95B/95C OSR2 or Windows 98.
This tip comes to you courtesy of The Captain. Thanks a bunch for reminding
me of this Win95 install/upgrade "bug"!
"Windows 95 Upgrade will not allow you to install it unless it detects a
previous version of Windows on the hard drive (such as Windows 3.1x).
If you've already installed Windows 95 Upgrade but for whatever reason your
computer has become unusable and you must reinstall Windows 95 Upgrade, you
can do it without having to reinstall Windows 3.x, even if you have formatted
your hard drive, or used FDISK.
This will save you a lot of time and worry if you've lost your old Windows
3.1 disks or don't want to have to install Windows 3.1 simply to reupgrade.
Method 1 - Boot from a floppy disk and create a folder called C:\WINDOWS by
and then type:
and press ENTER.
Run SETUP.EXE from your Windows 95 Upgrade Disk 1 or CD-ROM and it will allow
you to install Windows 95 with no further problems.
Method 2 - Boot from a floppy disk containing EDIT.COM and create a folder
called C:\WINDOWS by typing:
and press enter. Then type in:
and press Enter. Type in:
and press Enter. Then press ALT + F and then press X. It will prompt you to
save before exiting. Press Y to save and it will save and exit the EDIT
program and return you to the command prompt. Run SETUP.EXE from your Windows
95 Upgrade Disk 1 or CD-ROM and it will allow you to install Windows 95 with
no further problems.
As long as Windows 95 Upgrade finds a file named WIN.COM in C:\WINDOWS, it
will allow you to install it."
When you see the screen "It's now safe to turn off your computer", press
Ctrl + Esc, wait 5 seconds, and press Enter. On the screen will appear a
prompt in big fonts. Type WIN and press Enter. You're done. Windows will
"If you choose Run under the Start Menu, you can click on the down arrow and
select any item that is already used in the list. But if your Run list is
fairly long, there's a faster way. Type the first letter(s) of the item you
want to use, then press the up or down cursor key to select the last entry
that starts with that letter (or letters)."
There is a way to install Windows 95 without knowing the install CD-ROM key
(code), if you are installing Win95 on top of Windows/WfWG 3.1x (or without
having a copy of Win95 on your machine).
Start the normal installation routine: run SETUP from the cd-rom, and when
the EULA (End User License Agreement) screen shows up, do NOT press Agree (or
Accept) yet! Hold Alt and press Tab to switch to your current Windows GUI,
and search for a folder (directory) called WININST4.000 on your boot drive
(usually C:).
In this temporary Win95 installation folder you'll find a file named
SETUPPP.INI. Open it with Notepad and scroll down to the [data] section.
Modify/add the lines below to read (under the [data] header):
"Most Microsoft CD-ROM keys are very simple. The first three digits before
the hyphen can be absolutely anything you like. The sum of the remaining
seven digits must be a factor of 7. So you can use: 111-1111111, 222-2222222
1. "Windows 95, MS Plus! and MS Office 95 (and others that accept 3.7 keys)
will accept 111-1111111, and MS Office 97 accepts 1112-1111111.
Also, it seems that SUPPORT is available for such numbers. I managed to
install Office 97 Service Release 1 after entering such a code. :-)"
This update courtesy of Yuri.
2. "This is the generic OEM key for Win95 (works on all versions I believe):
If there needs to be another digit in the 0003121 part, add a zero after the
This update courtesy of LikwidQewL.
When you (double-)click on a folder it opens (by default) showing its contents
in a separate window. To have your folders open in an Explorer view instead,
including their directory structure in the left hand pane, follow these easy
1. Start Explorer.
2. Select View -> Options -> File Types from the menu.
3. In the Registered File Types window scroll to the Folder item.
4. Highlight Folder and click Edit.
5. Highlight Explore from the Actions list.
6. Click the Set Default button.
"Explore" becomes boldfaced, designating it as the new default Action.
From now on all your folders will open in Explorer view with a (double-)click.
If you are having problems starting Windows 95 on your machine, or believe
that your Registry files are corrupted, you can create a new Win95 Registry
without a total Win95 reinstall. All you have to do is run this command at
the real (native) MS-DOS command line (outside Win95):
from your Win95 install cd-rom D:\WIN95 folder (change the cd-rom drive
letter if different on your machine).
This will create a new Registry from scratch (replacing SYSTEM.DAT and
USER.DAT in your Win95 folder with the new ones).
I suggest you BACKUP your old (working) Registry files before doing this!
NOTE: See "95/98/ME SETUP SWITCHES" in TIPS95.TXT (this file) for more
undocumented SETUP parameters.
Microsoft reported several error messages you may encounter when trying to
start Windows 9x:
MSKB: Creating a New WIN.COM File When You Cannot Start Windows:
1. Steve Hartland:
"Sometimes Win9x can fail to boot with a VFAT error message, this error
either halts the system asking the user to reboot or reboots automatically.
But I have found a solution to this problem:
To replace MSDOS.SYS with the one from your Win9x repair disk. If this is not
available, use a text editor (like Notepad) to create one, or repair the
existing one.
The critical entries are those found under the [Paths] heading. It needs to
include these valid lines (change WINDOWS with your Win9x folder name if
If these settings are corrupt or missing, VFAT will fail to load, halting the
system in its tracks!"
"Looks like it can't find IFSHLP.SYS to load."
[Thank you Yuri!]
2. Dustin:
to your CONFIG.SYS file. This causes MS-DOS to load SETVER.EXE, IFSHLP.SYS and
(if not specified) HIMEM.SYS on startup. Without IFSHLP.SYS loading at startup
(which adds support for VFAT, by the way), Windows 9x won't know what to do
with itself. :)"
To move the Start button to another position on the Taskbar, follow these
1. Hold down the Ctrl key and press Esc. This brings up the Start menu.
2. Press Esc to make the Start menu disappear, but to keep it selected.
3. Press Alt + - + and M in this EXACT order: the Alt key, the Plus [+] key,
the Minus [-] key, the Plus [+] key and then the M key.
4. Press any of your 4 arrow keys: Up, Down, Right or Left.
5. Left-click your mouse anywhere on your Taskbar. Poof! The Start button will
suddenly move there.
In case you'd like to move it back to its original location, just left-click
anywhere on your Taskbar once, or drag/resize the Taskbar. That's it.
NOTE: This trick might not work on some OSR2/Win98 systems, or/and if you
installed MS Internet Explorer 4/5/6.
To make the Start button disappear, follow these steps:
1. Left-click on the Start button twice to highlight it.
2. Win95/OSR2 without MS IE 4/5 installed: press Alt and - in this EXACT
order: the Alt key and then the Minus [-] key.
3. Win95/OSR2 with MS IE 4/5 installed and Win98: press Alt and Space in this
EXACT order: the Alt key and then the Spacebar key.
4. All Win95/98 versions: Select Close to make the Start button go away or to
move it to the right.
NOTE: You'll have to restart Windows to make the Start button reappear. :(
"Super Defrag
1. Right-click on "My Computer".
2. Click Properties.
3. Click the Performance tab.
4. Select the Virtual Memory button.
5. Check "Disable virtual memory".
6. Click OK. Windows won't like this, but go ahead anyway...
7. Reboot.
8. Run Defrag.
9. Go back to "My Computer" virtual memory and uncheck "Disable virtual
10. Put back your own virtual memory settings (perhaps you have done this
already in your SYSTEM.INI).
11. Reboot.
With a little luck, you'll have your swap file in one place on the hard
drive, and perhaps a little more space."
To deactivate the Win9x/ME swap file (virtual memory), you can also modify
your SYSTEM.INI, found in your Windows folder. This way Windows won't prompt
you to reboot your computer, all you need to do is restart the GUI: Start ->
Shut down -> Restart -> OK/Yes.
But you have to REBOOT if you do this the "normal" way: open Control Panel
-> System -> Performance -> Virtual Memory... etc.
Open SYSTEM.INI in Notepad, and look under the [386enh] section for these
(similar) lines (the "drive", "folder", "filename.ext" and "xxxxxx" strings
below must display actual values in your file):
NOTE: You might NOT have ALL lines above present, depending on your
System's Virtual Memory (swap file) settings!
Remark them ALL by placing a semicolon (;) in front of each line.
Then create this new line under the same [386enh] section:
Now just restart Windows (as described above), NO need to reboot.
Defragment ALL your hard drive(s) as explained in Bengt's tip above.
When you're done, open SYSTEM.INI again in Notepad, and reenable all your
old lines by erasing the semicolons (;) in front of them, and remark or
delete the new created line (Paging=off).
Restart Windows one more time. Done.
TIP for Win98/ME users: see "CLEAN DEFRAG" in TIPS98.TXT (included).
"When you open an MS-DOS Prompt window, you get to Properties without using
the mouse, by using a menu that appears when you select the icon in the upper
left corner of the window. Press Alt-Spacebar to show this menu and then type
P for Properties."
"This is not specific to the DOS Prompt but applies to any window, except that
most windows don't have a Properties item."
This update courtesy of Yuri.
To search all your available drives for files simultaneously, use the Windows
9x "Find Files or Folders" feature, with a twist.
Type the filename to search for in the "Named" field and then type the drive
letters you want to search into in the "Look in" field, each separated by a
semicolon (;). Example:
C:\;D:\;E:\;F:\... etc.
- For more details read the "ACCDATE" topic in CONFIG.TXT, a text file located
in your Windows 9x/ME folder, or see this MSKB article:
- MSKB: ACCDATE may NOT work in Windows 95:
- MSKB: ACCDATE may NOT work in Windows ME:
- More ACCDATE details:
- There might be certain programs that require ACCDATE enabled in order to run
properly, though I haven't found any yet.
By default, last access dates are recorded for files on hard drive(s) but not
on floppies.
When Windows 9x/ME starts in Safe Mode, last access date recording is turned
OFF automatically for all hard drives/partitions.
ACCDATE canNOT be used to modify the status of last access date recording
while Windows GUI is running. :(
I am not sure when ACCDATE would be used by normal mortals. Some utility
programs (eg. Cleansweep) record when files were last accessed to provide a
basis for suggestions of files that should be considered for deletion or
archiving. Whether such programs use ACCDATE in some way, I do not know."
"The file access date can be found using the DIR/V command from the native
DOS prompt.
Unfortunately Windows Explorer Properties resets the ACCDATE to today's date,
making it useless in Windows. :(
I recently discovered thousands of my old files were attacked by a hacker.
By using DIR/V and checking the ACCDATE, I can tell which files were hacked.
The files still have the same name, length and date, but the content has been
changed to an MP3 file. Many files in other directories had suffered the same
fate, and all my backups were corrupt."
[Thank you Epatters!]
I found two fast ways to bring up the Desktop folder from underneath the
layers of all open windows, without minimizing them:
1. The permanent way: Right-click on an empty spot on the Taskbar. Click on
Properties. Select the Start Menu Programs and click the Add button. Enter
"C:\Windows\Desktop" (no quotes) on the command line. Click Next. Place this
shortcut in your Start Menu folder. Click Next and finally click Finish.
From now on you have access to all your Desktop shortcuts from anywhere, any
time: just click the Start button, and your Desktop folder will show up on
the list.
NOTE: Change the Win95/98 folder name in this example if different on your
2. The temporary way: Click the Start button, select Run, type a dot (.) and
press Enter.
You can map your machine's IP (Internet Protocol) to any valid hostname by
editing the HOSTS file located in your main Windows 9x/ME folder, to save a
few seconds every time your browser tries to access a web site.
The HOSTS file acts like a local DNS (Domain Naming System) server,
translating the domain name into an IP address.
This is the search order of Host Name Resolution over TCP/IP in Windows 9x/ME:
1. HOSTS file
2. DNS Server
3. NetBIOS Cache
4. WINS server
5. Broadcast
6. LMHOSTS file
Example: when your browser tries to contact, the HOSTS file
changes the URL accessed by using the server name UNC (Universal
Naming Convention), in this example, into an IP numeric address
( and decreases the time taken to get there.
Generic HOSTS line:
111.222.333.444 # Web Site Name
Everything after the pound sign (#) is a comment.
Edit it with Notepad, to read the usage guidelines and then add your most
frequently visited web sites IP addresses/host names.
To get the IP address of your favorite server, let's say, run
PING, a Networking tool, also found in your Win9x/ME folder, from a DOS prompt
box/session, while connected to the Internet:
These are the IP numbers you need:
Pinging [] etc...
Copy them on a separate line into your HOSTS file: # AT&T Worldnet
Repeat this operation for each web site you like to add.
Restart Windows so the changes can take effect.
1. Do NOT rename this file: it MUST be HOSTS with no extension!
2. Do NOT map an IP to a name already in use, i.e. your ISP's (Internet
Service Provider) name!
- See HOSTS Files, Guides + Tools [free(ware)]:
- See Ojatex's ADMAD.TXT (included):
"I used your tips to install DOS 6.22. Here is how I did it:
Reinstalling Windows 95 will often fix a problem you might be having with the
system, and this way, it would preserve most of your existing Registry
settings, thus, making it so you didn't have to reinstall most of your
programs and re-optomize any settings you have changed.
You can delete the existing Registry files prior to running SETUP.EXE or
OEMSETUP.EXE, (do this by going to the command prompt, typing "CD\WINDOWS"
then typing "ATTRIB USER.DA* -H -S -R" and "ATTRIB SYSTEM.DA* -H -S -R" and
EXISTING REGISTRY! Make sure you backup first. This will install a "fresh"
copy of Win95 onto the hard disk and create a completely new Registry, for
those times that Win95 just won't stop having problems even after reinstalling
it using the first method.
If you have OSR2 you will need to delete or rename C:\WINDOWS\WIN.* (all files
named "WIN" ending with ANY extension, such as WIN.INI, WIN.COM etc).
Otherwise you won't be able to install Win95 OSR2 again because it doesn't
like installing over a previous version of Windows.
If you are unfortunate enough NOT to have a system that has the Win95 setup
cab files in C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS, then don't worry, as long as you have a
CD-ROM drive and a Win95 CD-ROM.
Just follow the same steps, except after going to the command prompt, switch
to your CD-ROM drive and type in "CD\WIN95" and run SETUP.EXE or OEMSETUP.EXE
after following the other instructions."
If you wish your keyboard had a Windows Key but you don't, and you don't want
to shell out money for a new keyboard when yours is perfectly fine, then make
one. All you must do to complete this operation is the Microsoft Keyboard
Remap Kernel Toy and your Right Ctrl or Right Alt key.
Get the Kernel Toy for keyboard remapping:
Run Keyremap.exe to extract its contents, right-click on Keyremap.inf and
select Install.
Next, open the Control Panel, open Keyboard Properties and select the Remap
tab. Under Right-hand Side, select the key you want to use, such as Right
Alt from the left-hand box. In the right-hand box (still under Right-hand
Side), select Windows. Click OK, and you have now a Windows key. To test it,
press the key you used once and the Start Menu will pop up."
FYI: See "WINKEY SHORTCUTS" in TIPS95.TXT (this file) for a list of keyboard
shortcuts using the Windows Logo key.
This is why Microsoft has made our "computing" lifes a little easier [:-)] by
posting the free Windows 9x/2000/ME/XP/2003 Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) Hotfix
"Setup Options: SETUP [/C] [/IL] [batch] [/T:TMP] [/IM] [/ID] [/IS] [/IQ] [/IN]
/C Instructs Setup not to load the SmartDrive disk cache.
/IL Loads the Logitech mouse driver instead of the Microsoft mouse
driver. Use this option if you have a Logitech Series C mouse.
[batch] Specifies the name and location of the file that contains
Setup options.
/T:TMP Specifies the directory where Setup will copy its temporary
files. If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created.
WARNING: Any existing files in this directory will be deleted.
/IM Skips the memory check.
/ID Skips the disk-space check.
/IS Doesn't run ScanDisk.
/IQ Skips the check for cross-linked files.
/IN Runs Setup without the Network Setup module.
Note: The /a and /n options are no longer valid. Use NETSETUP.EXE instead."
Not all these SETUP parameters work with all Windows releases. Try them all
out to see which ones are valid in your case.
- MSKB: Windows 95 Setup Switches:
- MSKB: Description of Windows 95, 98 and ME Setup Switches:
- Mr. Scary: Description of Windows 95 and 98 Setup Switches:
- Bud Allen: Switches you can use with Win95 and Win98:
Create a new folder on your Desktop or in the Startup folder with the
following exact name:
Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
It should look like the normal Control Panel icon you see when you open My
Computer, not a shortcut! Right-click on the Start button on the Taskbar, and
left-click on Open. Move the new folder you just created to the Start Menu
folder. Close the Start Menu folder.
From now on, when you click on the Start button, you should see the Control
Panel icon.
You can do the same with ALL Win9x System Folders:
Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Dial-Up Networking.{992CFFA0-F557-101A-88EC-00DD010CCC48}
My Computer.{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
Network Neighborhood.{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}
Recycle Bin.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
The Internet.{FBF23B42-E3F0-101B-8488-00AA003E56F8}
The Microsoft Network.{00028B00-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Url History Folder.{FF393560-C2A7-11CF-BFF4-444553540000}
To get the hidden Windows 95 Easter Egg folder on your Desktop,
create a new folder called:
The Microsoft Windows 95 Product Team!.{869DADA0-42A0-1069-A2E7-08002B30309D}
NOTE: You may also need to apply these fixes: "DEFAULT BROWSER - Part 1":
and "DEFAULT BROWSER - Part 2":
both in REGISTRY.TXT (included), to make this trick work properly.
If your View Options are set to Browse Folders Using a Single Window for Each
Folder, you can open an additional window for the folder by holding CTRL while
you double click.
Before you "drop" a drag and drop operation, look at the lower left corner of
the icon you're moving. This will tell you what the default action will be: a
plus means copy, an arrow means a shortcut will be made.
To find a file in MS-DOS mode, use ATTRIB. Type: ATTRIB FILENAME /S. This
will list the path your file is in. You can use wildcards and redirection.
To find all the jpegs on a PC from MS-DOS mode and to save the result to a
floppy disk type:"
If you got a PC within the last few years, there is a good chance you are
using SIMMs (Single Inline Memory Modules), DIMMs (Dual Inline Memory Modules)
or RIMMs (Rambus Inline Memory Modules). No matter your memory type: EDO, FPM,
ECC, SDRAM, RDRAM etc, power spikes or outages, especially on computers not
protected by surge protectors or backup Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
units, inadequate room temperature (too hot), insufficient
case/CPU/motherboard ventilation/cooling, improper/long lasting CPU/bus
overcloking (by increasing the voltage over factory preset values), computing
habbits (some leave their machines on 24 hours a day), can all contribute to
shortening your RAM chips life span.
1. The first step you should take when you suspect bad memory, is to open
your PC case (you need to be a little familiar with your computer's "guts" to
attempt this, so you know how your RAM looks like), pull out ALL memory chips
and clean them with a dry cloth. To do this properly, you MUST FIRST power
off and unplug your PC. Then you MUST "ground" yourself (using an antistatic
grounding cable) to avoid nasty static discharges, that may DAMAGE your
computer's electrical components!
Then reseat them and make sure they "snap" in firmly.
2. If this doesn't work, remove one chip at a time and then reboot each time,
on systems that operate without a minimum or even number (2, 4 etc) of RAM
chips, to see if the error messages are gone.
On systems that take RAM modules only in pairs, remove one pair at a time (if
you have more than 1), and restart your machine.
4. You can also use Microsoft HIMEM.SYS (loads as default memory manager on
ALL Windows 95/98/ME + MS-DOS 6.xx machines) to test the reliability of your
entire extended memory (XMS) area. The HIMEM.SYS /TESTMEM:ON command line
parameter performs a more thorough memory test every time your PC boots than
the standard powerup memory test performed by most computers BIOSes, by
writing and reading data to each memory address and checking for differences.
If the data HIMEM.SYS reads from an address differs from the data it just
wrote to that address, then the memory at that address is unreliable, and can
cause system instability or loss of data!
/TESTMEM is turned ON by default in MS-DOS from 6.00 up to 6.22, and doesn't
need to be mentioned on the CONFIG.SYS HIMEM.SYS line.
But if you own Windows 95, OSR2, 98 or ME (any release), you need to turn it
ON (it is OFF by default) by creating (if not present) or editing (using
Notepad in Windows or EDIT.COM in DOS) your CONFIG.SYS file (located in C:\
root), and add/modify this line to read:
Change the path name if different on your system.
* Win95/98/ME users only:
Add/modify this MSDOS.SYS (found in C:\ root) line to read:
Use SYS95.BAT (included) to edit MSDOS.SYS the easy way.
* All 3.xx/Win95/98/ME + MS-DOS 6.xx users:
Reboot when done.
Now watch the OS bootup screen for any messages like:
"ERROR: HIMEM.SYS has detected unreliable extended memory at address
If this happens, HIMEM.SYS will abort, and Windows won't even load without
extended memory enabled!
In such cases you should have your computer's RAM stick(s) checked for
hardware defects (and eventually replaced if necessary) by qualified
Microsoft REMOVED COMPLETELY the access to native/real/true/pure MS-DOS mode
from Windows Millennium Edition (ME), a.k.a. MS-DOS 8.00. :(
But you CAN get it back by applying the Unofficial WinME DOS Patch:
which modifies COMMAND.COM + IO.SYS (from C:\Windows\Command\EBD) +
REGENV32.EXE (from C:\Windows\System) to allow Windows ME to boot to native
MS-DOS and use DOS mode startup files (AUTOEXEC.BAT + CONFIG.SYS), Windows
95/98 style.
5. A cheap (read "free") and "hands off your PC" troubleshooting method is to
add/modify this line (using Notepad or Sysedit):
under the [386enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file (located in your Windows
directory), to isolate the amount of memory used by Windows, no matter which
version you have: 9x/ME or 3.xx. Most 80386, 80486 and all Pentium class (and
above) CPUs make use of RAM in 4 KB (4096 Bytes) pages. Newer Pentium
II/III/IV and AMD K6/K6-2/K7/K8 CPUs use 4 MB (4096 KB) pages. That's exactly
what "MaxPhysPage" does: limits the number of RAM pages available to Windows.
This way you can tell EXACTLY how much RAM Windows accesses, and if THAT
particular memory is defective.
Example: to force Windows to use only the first 4 MB (MegaBytes) of RAM, this
line must read (hex value):
Save your changes and restart Windows (which is valid every time you make
changes to SYSTEM.INI).
If the GUI (Graphical User Interface) comes back OK, try to perform some
routine tasks. If everything looks good, modify the MaxPhysPage line again to
This setting tells Windows to use only the first 8 MB of RAM.
Similarly, this line:
limits Windows to the first 16 MB of RAM.
Repeat the steps above every time you changed the MaxPhysPage line.
These are the most common values for the "MaxPhysPage" setting:
* Win98/ME users ONLY: you can also decrease the SYSTEM.INI "MaxPhysPage"
value by using MSCONFIG.EXE (System Configuration Utility): click the Start
button -> click Run... -> type MSCONFIG -> click OK or hit Enter -> click the
General tab -> click the Advanced... button -> place a check mark in the
"Limit memory to ??? MB" box -> hold the up arrow or down arrow slider until
the desired value appears -> click OK or hit Enter twice -> restart Windows.
6. The more drastic solution [if everything else fails :)] is to buy more
RAM, again, one chip at a time, and restart your computer each time to test
ALL your RAM chips MUST be of the same type, and you MUST get the RIGHT RAM
type (SIMM, DIMM, RIMM etc) for your specific motherboard/chipset. Read
your system documentation FIRST!
And while you're at it, I recommend you get MORE memory [no more excuses, they
are so cheap now :-)]. 64 MB of RAM is a good start, 128 MB is even better,
and 256 MB SDRAM (or RDRAM) is today's "sweet spot" [but not for long :)],
especially if using Windows 98/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003, to give Windows more
physical RAM (faster operation) to "play" with, instead of spinning that
hard disk to access the slower virtual memory (swap file).
Microsoft acknowledged in these MSKB articles:
- Q184447:
- Q304943:
that Windows 98, 98 SE(U) and ME may NOT start IF you have 1 GB or more RAM
installed! The ONLY known WORKAROUND is to use the "MaxPhysPage=40000"
SYSTEM.INI line to limit the total memory available to Windows to less than 1
GB. :(
This Windows 95/98 Dial-Up Networking (DUN) MTU optimization tip appears
thanks to Ryan.
"Does your ISP tell you their MaxMTU value when you log on?
I have discovered that my Internet Provider "tells" me, everytime I log on,
what "their" MaxMTU is, and have discovered that, although it may not be
standard for the entire world net, provides the quickest times for me when
connecting to them.
If your ISP's tech support won't (can't *gasp*) tell you what MTU they use...
To "see" the MTU setting, I perform this once a month, just to make sure my
ISP's MaxMTU hasn't changed.
When I use a Terminal window (instead of PAP) to log onto my ISP, after
choosing the correct menu choice for PPP, I get these three lines...
Username: ppp,us,rsutton
If YOUR ISP doesn't give you "Shell" access, this procedure WILL NOT work!
1. PPP
Then I get...
"A. If you are setting up an Ethernet network between two or more PCs and find
that you can only "see" your own PC on the network, i.e. in Network
Neighborhood, don't give up.
First: Make sure that you have the correct protocol installed (as MS nonhelp
files always mention), I use both NetBEUI and IPX/SPX successfully.
Second: Check using an ohmmeter, that the terminating resistors are of aprox
50 ohms resistance, if not, replace.
Third: Double-check using any form of continuity checking device (i.e. an
ohmmeter), that there are no breaks or shortages in your Ethernet
- NetBEUI Myth:
- How to remove (or add) NetBEUI protocol in Windows 95/98:
You must be using a 56 kbps modem to connect to the Internet and Dial-Up
Networking TCP/IP (Point to Point Protocol) in Windows 95/98 for this to work.
Microsoft provides STAC compression for use with analog connections.
This applies to users connected to ISPs that support "STAC for analog",
especially to ISPs using Livingston PM3 units and supporting 56 Kbps access
(but not necessarily valid in all cases).
STAC compression can increase your modem performance.
To enable STAC compression:
1. Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Modems, and select your modem
from the list. Click Properties -> Connection -> Advanced. Uncheck the
"Compress data" box under "Error control". Click OK until you exit the Control
Panel and restart Windows. Some users may need to disable error control
completely for this to work!
2. Now call your ISP's tech support voice number (usually toll free) and ask
if they support STAC compression. If they do, click the flashing modem lights
icon in the Taskbar, after connecting to the Internet (using Dial-Up
Networking), and then click the Details button. It should display a message
that STAC is currently running. If it's not present, then it is not supported
by your ISP. :(
In this case, reenable modem error compression, by following the steps at
paragraph #1 above, and check the "Use error control" and "Compress data"
boxes, to use your modem's built-in hardware compression (default).
Courtesy of Asrepka.
"Here's another way of finding out who made your no name modem or other add-on
cards for your PC. Open up your computer case, and take out the no name card.
Write down the FCC ID number on the card. Plug the card back in and close up
your machine. Go to this FCC web page:
Type in the FCC ID number, and then search their database. You will know now
who made your no name card and then you can search the web for updated
"You aren't limited to just the number of characters (letters, symbols and
numbers) on your keyboard. In fact, you could have dozens of characters you
never knew about. Example:
The above is what you get if you hold down ALT and press 3 or 4 numbers on
your numeric keypad.
- Notepad (and similar plain text editors/viewers, including EDIT.COM, the
MS-DOS mode text editor) cannot display properly some of the extra ASCII
characters above. Therefore I recommend using a better text editor or your
favorite word processor to type/read/print them.
- The standard ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
characters and symbols keyboard code combos are listed in MSDOSDRV.TXT (the
ANSI.SYS section), a text file located in your Windows folder (Windows
98/OSR2/95 users). Similarly, MS-DOS 6.xx users can run the HELP command from
any DOS prompt, and then read the ANSI.SYS section to access the ASCII codes.
- The Character Map tool (Charmap.exe) included with all Windows/WfWG
releases, and found in the Windows directory, shows the key code equivalent
for each character supported by the installed fonts.
- "The Character Map tool (Charmap.exe) can be used in Windows 2000/XP/newer
to enter other non-ASCII characters supported by installed fonts.
Windows 9x/ME users can also do this by using BabelMap (donationware):"
[Thank you JP!]
- "There is a freeware replacement called Extended Character Map (ECM):
It gives a larger rendering of each character in a particular font and a large
preview of a selected character. It's useful for small screen users, and those
of us who must squint at the Windows version to make out the characters."
[Thank you Ojatex!]
Windows XP? Windows 98? OSR2? MS-DOS 6.22? Windows 3.11? ... Confused?
Which one are you having trouble with? I know that all Microsoft Operating
Systems I have used so far gave me grief at some point. Why? Simple. They all
exhibit their share of BUGs, glitches, annoyances, quirks, problems,
"issues", incompatibilities, security leaks, or whatever else you want to call
them. :)
But wait! Microsoft is taking important steps towards explaining the most
common problems, answering the most "burning" questions, and eventually fix
some of the BUGs... [and unfortunately ignore others! :(]
The answer is simple. And it's free. All you need is an e-mail account and/or
Internet access.
It's called the MicroSoft Knowledge Base (MSKB):
the "mother" of all support web sites. A vast area full of articles that cover
most of the unsolved, asked about, annoying issues and BUGs. And some of these
articles include free updates/patches for your "affected" Microsoft
1. You can access any MSKB article by searching the entire MSKB web site if
you know the 5, 6 or 7 digit article ID number:
or by typing keywords and/or selecting an OS/Environment/application name to
refer to:
Example using keyword VMM:
This will generate a list of all MSKB articles containing the word VMM.
You can substitute VMM with any other word you wish to search for.
To customize/narrow your search, go to:
Another example: typing keywords Windows 98 and MSDOS.SYS returns a list of
matches (related MSKB articles) you can click on for on-line reading, and
eventually save to disk in HTML ot TEXT format for off-line reading.
To generate a list of all MSKB articles regarding the same particular subject,
you can type keyword(s) in the box of main search page (example using
What Microsoft does NOT tell you, is that you can also access any MSKB article
identified by a 5, 6 or 7 digit ID number (example: "id=242450" = see link
above) by replacing the MSKB URL language specific string (example: "en-us"
for U.S. English = don't type the quotes) with "ln" (abbreviation for Language
Neutral = case insensitive), or even by deleting it altogether. ;)
All these URLs point actually to the same web page [default is English (en-us)
language if en-us or no language (ln) specified]:;en-us;242450;en-us;242450;en-us;242450;en-us;242450
URLs are case insensitive: capital letters are interpreted by Microsoft
servers the same as small letters.
If you wish to view a MSKB page in another supported language, just add or
change the language code [French (fr) in this example]:
Lists of supported languages and their symbols:
- MSDN: Language Identifier Constants and Strings:
- MSDN: Language Codes:
- MDGx Form: Request a MSKB hotfix online in all supported languages:
2. Suggested by Rick:
The Google search engine:
can limit searches by domain.
To get the most relevant hits from searching the MSKB customize Google to
include the site main URL after your keyword(s):
like this (MSDOS.SYS used in this example):
This way you'll get hits only from, which primarily
comprises the MSKB.
If using more than one keyword separate them with spaces.
If looking for exact hits enclose your keywords with quotes.
And Google makes this much easier now, just check the Google Microsoft
Search page: [:)]
Courtesy of Muhamad.
This tip is for those PC users who have an MPEG card and a DVD drive for
watching movies in Windows 95/98.
Sometimes the PC may hang up. May be the DVD (CD) is damaged or dirty, or the
disk format isn't compatible, the thing is the MPEG player cannot return to
the desktop after the movie is over.
Just eject the DVD or CD manually and insert a new one (also valid for movie
CDs). You'll be returned to the desktop again by the MPEG player, not to a
blank screen.
If this fails, you'll have to press ALT+TAB once, then press CTRL+ALT+DEL and
ENTER at the blank screen.
ALT+TAB will return the desktop to the active program (MPEG player). And the
CRTL+ALT+DEL and ENTER combination will close the MPEG player. The "buggy"
program should be highlighted in the End Task property box. This procedure
might just get your desktop back.
MPEG cards take over the monitor from the primary display video card and don't
allow it to return to normal operation."
"Here is a quick way to reenable a program that has a key file residing in bad
sectors. [This happened to an AOL 4.x DLL file on my system.]
1. Copy/Paste the folder which contains the program that isn't working to a
new location. [In this case the AOL folder.]
2. The Paste operation will halt with a report that "FILE NAME" can't be
3. Rename the file residing in the bad sectors.
4. Obtain a fresh copy of the file in the bad sectors from Backup, prior
copies, FTP, the vendor, or a friend.
5. Paste the fresh file into the appropriate location.
This little workaround saves all those AOL Registry Tweaks, favorites, email,
phone numbers, modem setup and re-download/reinstallation of the program."
If you are experiencing frequent Invalid Page Faults (IPFs) or Memory Access
Violation error messages like:
"Program.exe caused an invalid page fault in module MSVCRT.DLL at
when trying to open or close 32-bit apps in Windows 9x/ME, like Microsoft
Office tools, Microsoft Internet Explorer 3/4/5/6, Netscape/Mozilla
Communicator/Navigator 3/4/6/7, Microsoft Encarta, AOL 4/5/6/7/8 etc, you may
need to update your Microsoft system libraries (DLLs) to their current
STDOLE2.TLB. All these files reside in %windir%\SYSTEM (%windir% is usually
to download ALL necessary updates listed here: see below...
Read this MSKB article (and click the related links) for more details:
To install these OLE Automation, Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) and C Runtime
Libraries Updates on your system:
- Windows 98 retail owners: Install the Microsoft Libraries Updates:
and OLE Update:
- ALL Windows 9x/ME owners: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2
[Win95/OSR1/OSR2] or 6.0 SP1 [Win98/ME]:
MS IE 5/6 upgrades all these libraries during Setup.
- Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 owners who chose NOT to upgrade to MS IE 5.5 SP2 need
to download + install the separate Microsoft MFC Libraries:
1. If you use any 32-bit Internet application (i.e. web browser), you need to
install the free Microsoft Internet Interoperability APIs (DCOM), which also
update the OLE Automation Libraries for better compatibility:
- Windows 98/98 SE owners: download + install DCOM98 1.3:
- Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 owners: download + install DCOM95 1.3:
2. If you own Windows 9x/ME or use ANY Windows applications written in or
using JScript or/and VBScript, like Microsoft or Netscape 32-bit web browsers,
you need to install the free Microsoft Scripting Engines (MSE) v5.6 Updates
for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003, which include: VBScript 5.6, JScript 5.6,
Windows Script Components, Windows Script Host 5.6 + Windows Script Runtime
3. It is also recommended to install the free Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0
(VB3), 4.0 (VB4), 5.0 (VB5) and 6.0 (VB6) SP5 Runtime Libraries for Windows
if using ANY Windows applications written in Visual Basic (VB).
"This is yet another way to get rid of the "Shortcut to" text when you create
a new shortcut:
Create 1 shortcut and then remove the "Shortcut to" text (rename it), then
delete that shortcut. Do this 8 times in a row, and Windows will learn that
you don't like it, and will no longer add the "Shortcut to" string to your
This works with ALL Windows 9x releases."
"This technique works fine, until you reboot."
[Thank you Martin!]
"If you have the DOSWINKEY MS Kernel Toy add-on for Windows 95 installed, it
will prevent the Windows key on Win9x keyboards from functioning while the
Desktop (not the Taskbar or any other app) is the active box or part of the
"My tip is how to make a folder that most versions of Windows 9x/ME have
trouble opening (useful for security purposes though).
When creating a folder, give it a name, and add 0255 to the name (these are
ASCII characters), by holding down the Alt key and punching those numbers on
the keypad. When you hit Enter, the name will look something like "Folder_"
(without quotes). If you (double-)click that new folder, you'll get an error
An added feature is that DOS is able to access this folder with no trouble.
I've found no version of Windows 95 that can address this type of folder, but
there are versions of Windows 98 that can. I have not tried this with WinNT."
1. "You can hide a folder or file in Windows ONLY IF you rename the
folder/file at the DOS prompt (not neccessarily in native MS-DOS mode). To
hide a file, modify its extension by pressing Alt and typing 0255."
This update courtesy of Ali.
2. To create a hidden directory (folder) in DOS: type MD (short for MKDIR,
which stands for MaKeDIRectory), type a space, then type the desired name (a
maximum of 7 characters if doing this from the native MS-DOS), and then hold
down Alt, type 0255 (on the keypad), then release the Alt key. Finally press
The only way to access/remove such a hidden directory is from DOS!
To remove a hidden directory: type RD (short for REMDIR, which stands for
REMoveDIRectory), type a space, then type your directory name, and then hold
down Alt, type 0255 (on the keypad), then release the Alt key. Finally press
To change to a hidden directory: type CD (short for CHDIR, stands for
CHangeDIRectory), type a space, then type your directory name, and then hold
down Alt, type 0255 (on the keypad), then release the Alt key. Finally press
3. "This trick doesn't work from within the GUI in Windows 95B OSR 2.1. You
need to do it from DOS (DOS box OK). Works anywhere in a filename/foldername.
Typing Alt+0255 will display as an underscore (�) in Windows or a space ( ) in
This update courtesy of Robert.
4. "You CAN enable Windows to "see" hidden folders from: Control Panel ->
(double-)click Accessibility Options -> select Mouse tab -> check the "Mouse
keys" box -> click OK/Apply."
This update courtesy of Shivnarayan.
If some day your Windows 9x system goes "bonkers", stops working, or you start
getting frequent system errors, you might want to consider reinstalling the
OS. There are several ways you can reinstall Windows 9x:
- install "clean" on a freshly formatted drive/partition,
- reinstall "new" in a different directory/folder,
- reinstall ("refresh") over the old copy, in the same directory/folder.
The first two options above require the user to reinstall ALL apps/programs
from scratch (after installing the OS), because that information is NOT
retained in the newly created Registry.
If you opt for just a "refresh" reinstall (method 3 above), to eventually
solve driver/hardware conflicts, replace corrupted system files, or/and system
configuration errors, then ALL custom settings and app info/entries will be
preserved into the Registry.
This also redetects all hardware devices, and installs the appropriate (i.e.
your vendor provided) drivers, but it will NOT dispose of orphaned/corrupted
files in your C:\Windows and C:\Windows\System folders (presuming you have
used the default directory name for your previous Win9x installation). To
replace older/corrupted files, you need to apply the workarounds detailed
Also, this restore procedure may or MAY NOT succeed, depending on too many
factors, mainly hardware settings changes. Therefore if this "refresh" install
fails, you should be prepared to either do a "clean" install (including
reformatting your drive/partition), or make a FULL SYSTEM BACKUP beforehand,
to be able to restore the OS to its previous working state.
The "full system backup" procedure requires that you have enough room on your
drive/partition for another ENTIRE Win9x copy. If you do, open Explorer, and
copy your Windows folder to another destination (preferably another hard
disk/partition, for a quick restore). If you don't:
1. Pop in a new formatted floppy disk (1.4 MB). Create an Emergency Recovery
Diskette (ERD): Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> Startup Disk tab ->
"Create disk..." button, but make sure the DOS mode CD/DVD drivers are
included on this floppy, and that the proper entries are present in your
startup files: CONFIG.SYS + AUTOEXEC.BAT, to enable your CD/DVD drive in
native DOS. Example:
- CONFIG.SYS line:
4. Now exit Windows to the native MS-DOS mode [described in "MS-DOS PROMPT"
from MYTIPS95.TXT (included)]. Once at the plain DOS prompt, rename these
Win9x System directories, by running:
5. Reboot using the new bootup floppy, and reinstall Windows 9x into the SAME
folder, answering "No" when prompted to overwrite newer files, or "Yes" for
older files.
6. After the OS install is successfully completed, reinstall ALL available
Upgrades, Patches, Fixes etc for your particular Win9x release (ALL of which
can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site).
7. Restart Windows and check if everything works properly.
8. In case of a buggy installation/system lockup, boot again to the native
MS-DOS prompt, and restore your old system (using same folder names as in the
example above):
DELTREE/Y %winbootdir%\INF
DELTREE/Y %winbootdir%\SYSTEM\VMM32
MOVE/Y %winbootdir%\INFOLD %winbootdir%\INF
MOVE/Y %winbootdir%\SYSTEM\VMM32OLD %winbootdir%\SYSTEM\VMM32
ATTRIB -H -R -S %winbootdir%\SYSTEM.DA*
ATTRIB -H -R -S %winbootdir%\USER.DA*
DEL %winbootdir%\SYSTEM.DA*
DEL %winbootdir%\USER.DA*
COPY/Y E:\BACKUPS\USER.DA* %winbootdir%
COPY/Y E:\BACKUPS\*.INI %winbootdir%
9. Type WIN and press Enter to start your old copy of Windows.
NOTE: To decrease OS installation time, you can (if your disk space allows)
copy ALL contents of the \WIN95 (if installing Win95/OSR2) or \WIN98 (if
installing Win98/98 SE) folder on your Setup CD to a new directory on your
hard disk, you can (re)install, and even recover files later from.
"For many old "ini" type apps, reinstall can often be avoided in case #1 + #2,
if the app is run from a portable drive [or its own folder on C:\ in case #2]
-- just save the "ini" file [and any other miscellaneous files belonging to
that app] in the Windows folder before the reinstall, then replace the "ini"
after reinstall. Sometimes there may be an old dll that gets lost.
Also make sure you have a copy of any older "proprietary" driver that doesn't
have a recent substitute."
[Thank you Ojatex!]
Have you ever had the "privilege" of "admiring" the dreaded BSOD (Blue Screen
Of Death):
one of Microsoft Windows' most "treasured features"? :)
Well, if you haven't you're VERY lucky!
But for those who have (and this might include YOU, one dark, cloudy day),
here are a few pointers.
The "birth" of the BSOD goes way back, being introduced in the early days of
Microsoft Windows 3.0 (and possibly even earlier). It has been "spotted" on
ALL incarnations of Windows Environment/OS, including Windows/WfWG 3.xx,
Windows 9x, ME, NT, and even the newer Windows 2000 (formerly known as Windows
NT 5.0) releases.
Whenever the BSOD pops up, it's baaaad news. :(
In most cases, returning to the Operating System (Windows GUI) is not possible
("fatal error"), and a reboot is the only way to "recover" your computer from
an imminent disaster. Usually a classic "three-finger-salute" (Ctrl-Alt-Del)
keypress "combo" (a.k.a. "warm reboot") will save the day, but sometimes a
"cold reboot" (hitting your computer's Reset button) is required.
In the few cases the BSOD indicates a "non-fatal error", you MAY be able to
return to the Windows GUI, but those situations are considered "rara avis"
nowadays. :(
"Lucky" Windows/WfWG 3.xx users can bring up the BSOD "at will" by pressing
Ctrl-Alt-Del simultaneously.
Windows 9x/NT/2000/ME users don't have this "privilege", being able to "enjoy"
the BSOD only if certain system conflicts/errors occur... Or try this one, if
you really, REALLY want to see how the BSOD looks like on your shiny Windows
9x "speed demon":
1. Pop in an empty formatted floppy into your A drive.
2. Copy a non-essential file to disk A.
3. Hit the floppy eject button while the LED is still on.
4. Voila... here comes your "eagerly awaited" BSOD!
5. Enjoy. :) [But do NOT complain IF YOUR COMPUTER JUST CRASHED!]
This other "funny" BSOD pop up method was suggested by Michael:
"Edit the SYSTEM.INI file, located in your Windows directory. Under the
[boot] section, change the line shell=explorer.exe to read shell= (leave it
blank). Now, when you restart Windows, it will appear to load normally, then
it will display the BSOD, saying some error has occurred and that "You MUST
reinstall Windows". Of course, to fix it, just restore the old
shell=explorer.exe line.
Though you will have to boot to MS-DOS to change it: press F8 at the Starting
Windows 95 (98) screen. From the C:\> prompt, edit SYSTEM.INI using EDIT.COM,
by running:
Save the file, exit the editor, and then start Windows by running WIN."
Besides downloading and installing all the "latest" upgrades, patches, fixes,
drivers etc... for your Windows version and particular hardware devices,
there is not much you can do to avoid random system crashes (a.k.a. BSODs).
But there IS something else you can do: you CAN change the BSOD colors! ;-)
Sounds like fun? Then keep reading...
Open SYSTEM.INI (Windows SYSTEM INItialization file), a plain text file
residing in your Windows directory, with Notepad or Sysedit (in Windows), or
EDIT.COM (in DOS), and add/modify the following lines under the [386enh]
section (example):
In this case BSOD will display bright red characters on a dark gray
background. You can give them ANY value from the table below.
You need to restart Windows after making ANY changes to your SYSTEM.INI, so
the new settings can take "charge".
Default BSOD colors are blue (1) for background and bright white (F) for
foreground no matter the Windows version.
There are a total of 16 available colors: 0 to 9, followed by A to F
(hexadecimal values), representing standard VGA color attributes:
0 = black
1 = blue
2 = green
3 = cyan
4 = red
5 = magenta
6 = yellow/brown
7 = white/bright gray
8 = gray/bright black
9 = bright blue
A = bright green
B = bright cyan
C = bright red
D = bright magenta
E = bright yellow
F = bright white
Colors 0 - 8 are usually used for background (screen color), and 9 - F for
foreground (character color). You can use ANY color on this list for either
background or foreground, BUT bright colors will show as dark colors if used
on the background.
- Do this the "easy way": get the BSOD Properties tool for Windows 3.1x/9x/ME
[230 KB, freeware]:
which allows changing BSOD colors from a neat graphic interface.
- BlueScreenView for Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7 (freeware):
allows to view dump binary files created during system crashes.
- MSKB: Color Values for MessageBackColor and MessageTextColor Setting:
- Wikipedia: Standard VGA colors:
Have fun!
"Often, Windows 95 machines that are logged onto a Windows NT based network
must have the Browse Master option disabled or they may conflict with the
Windows NT machine over which of the two will be the Browse Master. In Windows
95, the Browse Master's default setting is "Automatic". To work around this
problem, open Network Properties, select "File and printer sharing for
Microsoft Networks," then click the "Properties" box, select "Browse Master",
select "Disabled" from the menu to the right, and click "OK" twice. You must
reboot for the changes to become effective.
Windows 98/98 SE machines usually do not suffer from this problem, but if they
do, applying same steps may help.
If your Windows 95 and/or Windows 98/98 SE machines have problems seeing one
another on a peer-to-peer network then you should do the following:
1. Ensure that both machines have the same networking protocols installed in
"Network Neighborhood" (renamed "My Network Places" in Windows 2000). Windows
95 and Windows 98 install different protocols by default. I recommend using
Microsoft TCP/IP and Microsoft IPX/SPX compatible protocols.
Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) requires TCP/IP to be installed on all machines
if utilizing the new Internet Connection Sharing [ICS] feature. ICS should
only be installed on one computer if you use it. The IPX/SPX protocol is
required to play most multiplayer network-enabled games. Only install the
protocols you need to reduce traffic on the network and speed it up. Remove
any unnecessary protocols.
3. Disable the Browse Master in Windows 95 and enable it in Windows 98. Do not
set it to "Automatic" in either. If you have multiple Windows 98 machines then
only one should be the Browse Master. Disable the Browse Master on the other
machines on the network. Keep in mind that the Browse Master machine must be
turned on and connected to the network for any of the other machines to see
one another.
4. If you are using a Windows NT 4.0 Server then you should disable the Browse
Master in all the Windows 95 and Windows 98 machines.
Remember - all machines must have at least one common protocol in order to
communicate over the network. You must share drives, folders, files, and/or
other devices [such as printers etc] in order to see them from any other
networked machine.
5. To grant all Win95/98 machines access to the WinNT Workstation
computer(s), open Windows NT Workstation's User Manager program and simply
add an account for the user, which is identical to their Win9x user name. For
example, my Win98 SE user name is Captain - so on Windows NT Workstation, in
User Manager, I added a user named Captain [caps matter] and assigned Full
Control as the user rights. Now I can easily access the Windows NT
Workstation machine from my Windows 98 SE computer and manipulate files and
folders etc.
6. All computers on the same network should be setup with the IP address of
this range [on the Network card, not the Dial-Up Adapter]:
Substitute whatever you want for the xxx value, just be sure that no two
machines have the same number listed."
Just "another" [:)] tip from Ojatex. Thanks a lot, good friend!
The 3-finger salute has also been found to be an effective workaround to the
Win98 SE shutdown problems on some systems. To use this shutdown method:
1. Use Ctrl+Alt+Del to END TASK all running programs except explorer.exe.
2. Use Ctrl+Alt+Del and select the ShutDown button with explorer.exe running.
3. Often 1 & 2 above will bring up the "Windows is shuttting down" screen and
proceed to the "It is Safe..." screen.
4. Even if the "It is Safe..." screen does not appear, a hard shutdown can be
performed from the Windows shutdown screen and subsequent bootups will be
successful without the imposition of Scandisk or other problems."
- See "GUI UPDATE/RECOVER" in TIPS95.TXT (this file).
- This comprehensive Win95, Win98 + Win98 SE Shutdown Troubleshooter is a MUST
Courtesy of Ben.
"To extract any file(s) from your Windows 95/98/ME Setup CD-ROM CABinets
(CABs), create a small DOS batch (.BAT) file using Notepad in Windows or
EDIT.COM in DOS, say EXTRACT.BAT [or any other suggestive name, just keep the
BAT extension :)], with these lines:
MEM /C | FIND /I "vmm32">NUL
VER | FIND /I "95">NUL
VER | FIND /I "98">NUL
VER | FIND /I "Mill">NUL
EXTRAC32.EXE /A /L C:\EXTRACT D:\WIN95\WIN95_02.CAB %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
EXTRAC32.EXE /A /L C:\EXTRACT D:\WIN98\WIN98_21.CAB %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
EXTRAC32.EXE /A /L C:\EXTRACT D:\WIN9X\WIN_10.CAB %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
D is your CD/DVD drive letter (change if necessary). You could also use the
DOS based EXTRACT.EXE tool [see "EXTRACT FROM CAB" in MYTIPS95.TXT (included)]
instead of Extrac32.exe, but if the original files have Long File Names
(LFNs), this information will be lost. :(
Note that EXTRACT.BAT works ONLY from a Windows DOS box/session/window, NOT
from native/real/true/pure MS-DOS mode!
Place this BAT file anywhere. Create a shortcut to it. Then right-click on it
-> click Properties -> on the Shortcut tab add a space after the command line:
Place this shortcut into the folder of your choice, i.e. on your Desktop.
Now when you need to restore a corrupted or overwritten Windows system file or
any type of files from the installation CD-ROM, just (double-)click the
shortcut and type in the filename (wildcards are accepted). Extracted files
will go to C:\EXTRACT in this case.
"Win98/98 SE(U)/ME users can also extract any Windows System files this way:
click the Start button -> Run... -> type SFC (System File Checker) or
MSCONFIG (System Configuration Tool = WinME users ONLY) -> click the Extract
File... button (MSCONFIG ONLY) -> type in the EXACT name AND extension of the
file you want to extract -> click OK.
If you copied the CAB files to your local hard disk/partition, you can extract
from there, otherwise point to your Windows Setup CD-ROM."
[Thank you Silimtao!]
Extract Files From Windows Setup Cabs VBS Script [1.6 KB, free]:
"This technique detects the presence of Windows in a DOS batch (.BAT) file,
useful for preventing crashes, if your batch file needs to run ONLY from
native MS-DOS, or ONLY from a Windows DOS box/session, i.e. while manipulating
the Registry with REGEDIT.EXE (example):
MEM /C | FIND /I "vmm32">NUL
:: Your batch command lines go here...
ECHO Windows detected!
Save these lines as DETWIN.BAT, or place them in batch files before the lines
that depend on Windows presence/absence to run.
This batch file example continues to execute only from a DOS
box/prompt/session/window within Windows GUI, and aborts if Windows is not
You can force this BAT example to work only from native/real/true/pure MS-DOS
mode outside Windows, and abort if Windows is running, by replacing all NO
instances above with OK (and vice versa)."
Save line above as DETWIN.BAT (or any other .BAT name), place it in a
directory (folder) in your path (specified in your AUTOEXEC.BAT or
CONFIG.SYS), or paste it into batch files depending on Win9x/ME or Win31 GUI
detection to run certain DOS commands/programs selectively (i.e. temporary
directory/file "cleaners" using DELTREE, DEL, COPY, MOVE etc).
- Both MEM.EXE + FIND.EXE need to reside in a directory on your path (default
is C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND for Win9x/ME and C:\MSDOS or C:\DOS for Win31 + MS-DOS
6.xx) for this to work.
- Windows/WfWG 3.1x users: replace the "vmm32" text string with "win386" in
the 1st example above.
- Run FIND /? , MEM /? (external DOS commands) and respectively SET /?
(internal DOS command) from any DOS prompt to learn how to use their command
line parameters.
- These techniques work ONLY with MS-DOS 6.00 or newer, or with Windows
95/98/ME [a.k.a. MS-DOS 7.00/7.10/8.00].
- Open BACKUP9X.BAT + RESTOR9X.BAT (both included) with Notepad in Windows or
EDIT.COM in DOS to see these and other similar batch techniques at work.
You can get back some of the memory available to Windows 9x/ME, which after
working/playing for a while, decreases, even if you have closed all open
apps/games, and is not the same as right after bootup, before you started your
first program/game.
This is due in part to poor programming skills, because a lot of software does
not release ALL the memory it has used back to the system, and in part to the
Windows GUI inability of managing memory very well. :(
You can test this "annoyance" by running SysMon, a cool tool included with
Win9x/ME, located in your Windows folder. Start System Monitor right after you
loaded Windows, and before opening any program. Configure it this way: click
Edit -> select Add Item... -> click Memory Manager -> select "Unused physical
memory" -> hit OK. Now remember the number it shows before you start your
first program/game, and then after a while, take a peek at SysMon's chart
again, and compare the current value with the initial one.
The latter will be undoubtedly smaller than the former.
But there is something you can do, you can free some of this memory and return
it to the system: just create a small text file (in Notepad) with this single
Save it as FREEMEM.VBS (Visual Basic Script file) and place it on the Desktop.
The filename is of no importance, but the extension must be kept.
But first you need to make sure your Windows 9x/ME system has the newest
version of Microsoft Scripting Engines (MSE) 5.6 properly installed:
If using Windows 98/ME or MS IE 5/6, you already have all these system
components installed, but an older version (5.1 or 5.5).
If using Windows 95, OSR1 or OSR2 without MS IE 5.x, you need to download and
install MSE.
For more WSH info read this MSKB article:
Now whenever you want to regain a little more RAM, especially after long
periods of time, when system memory depletion might start impairing overall
Windows performance, just (double-)click on FREEMEM.VBS, and your system's
available RAM will increase with the amount specified in parenthesis (see
above), in this case 24 Mb. You can adjust this number to match your needs
(even create more VBS files to free different memory amounts), but try not to
go over 1/2 your installed RAM.
If you do exceed the maximum of (re)usable RAM, you'll get a "Windows
Scripting Host - Script Execution Error" message box, like:
"Category: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Description: Out of string space: 'Space'"
Make sure to close ALL programs you're done with BEFORE running FREEMEM.VBS.
To execute the VBS file unattended, you could use System Agent (Task
Scheduler) to run it at will (i.e. once an hour), but that would consume extra
CPU cycles and Windows GDI memory resources. :(
More info:
Replace the frames number above (20 in this case) with the actual number of
frames in your throbber, and the URL on line #4 with the Internet address of
your choice, which will load up whenever you click on the flying logo (default
is the Netscape web site). Save your file.
Note that Netscape 4.xx supports any names for its logos ONLY IF you match the
Prefs.js lines with your file names.
4. Change the PREFS.JS file attributes to read-only, by running this command
line from any DOS prompt (example):
If you don't do this, your custom throbber lines will be erased from Prefs.js
the next time you open the browser. :(
5. Restart your browser and have fun.
- Customize Netscape 4.xx settings by editing Prefs.js:
- Customize Firefox Throbber by editing UserChrome.css:
- See "CUSTOM IE TOOLBAR" in REGISTRY.TXT (included) to learn how to change
Microsoft Internet Explorer spinning logo:
Here are 4 ways of changing/deleting your Windows 9x/ME Start button title
(the word "Start"):
1. The 1st one involves altering your Explorer.exe executable [Thank you
"Make a backup of Explorer.exe BEFORE doing this.
Boot into native DOS mode and type:
EDIT.COM /70 %winbootdir%\EXPLORER.EXE
Now search for the "S t a r t" string. The spaces there MUST be NUL values
[double zeroes (00) in hex] NOT spaces!
Replace each instance of that text with the new Start button title you want.
The number of characters typed MUST equal the original string length!
Also make sure the size of your new Explorer.exe file does NOT change!
Exit EDIT.COM and start Windows (type WIN and hit Enter) when done."
2. The 2nd one makes use of Resource Hacker (RH):
the best freeware Windows resource editor, for this purpose.
Run RH -> load Explorer.exe -> (double-)click on String Table -> scroll down
to 37 -> (double-)click on it -> click on 1033 -> replace the "Start" string
(on the 578 line) with whatever floats your boat (or delete it if you wish) ->
save your file -> exit RH -> exit/reboot Windows to native MS-DOS -> BACKUP
(or rename) your original file FIRST -> move the "hexed" EXPLORER.EXE to
%winbootdir% (usually C:\WINDOWS) by running (example):
MOVE EXPLORER.EXE %winbootdir%
Then start Windows GUI by running WIN or reboot in "Normal" mode.
Done. :)
4. The 4th one makes use of a freeware Hex Editor (FrHed): follow Starman's
Hacking Start Button guidelines:
"Delete Microsoft Internet Explorer 4/5/6 uninstall folders and files to save
about 9 MB of disk space and a hefty chunk of Registry size: run
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Msinfo\Msinfo32.exe -> go to
Tools -> click Internet Explorer Repair Tool -> click Advanced -> click Remove
previous versions of Internet Explorer -> click OK.
That's it!"
1. The MS IE 4/5/6 Repair Tool can also be accessed from: Control Panel ->
Add/Remove Programs -> (double-)click "Microsoft Internet Explorer (your
version number here)" -> check Repair -> select Advanced -> click "Remove
previous versions of Internet Explorer" -> hit OK.
If this option is not available, you can still do this manually, by running
this command in the Start button -> Run... box (default locations used here):
rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE5Maintenance "C:\Program Files\Internet
Explorer\Setup\setup.exe" /g "%windir%\IE Uninstall Log.Txt"
2. Depending on the MS IE 4/5/6 build, you can also get rid of all its backup
files/folders, by selecting "Delete the backup information", but this won't
allow you to revert back to a previously installed IE release (if any).
3. To reduce your Registry size after doing this, you may need to manually
shrink (compact) it, as described in "SHRINK THE REGISTRY!" in MYTIPS95.TXT
This cool trick comes courtesy of STN, and applies to Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2
(ONLY with MS IE 4/5 installed) and Windows 98/98 SE/ME + MS IE 5/6.
Delete false and type true instead to turn on the hidden preview feature for
all multimedia files! Save your work, close Notepad, and finally reenable its
hidden attribute."
"I have a 28.8 connection and often have trouble with streaming media.
There is a setting that controls the number of seconds buffered by WMP [free
from MS]:
Install WMP -> click the Start button -> Settings -> Control Panel ->
Multimedia -> Devices -> Media Control Devices -> Wave Audio Device. This is a
slider that can be moved between 2 and 9 seconds (default is 4). I have
changed mine to 2, which allows for more frequent gaps of much less duration
with difficult (slower) connections."
When you are done using the Internet or office intranet, visit the fastest
server you can find before you disconnect.
Since all operating systems (at least Windows) do not reset their server
queues when you disconnect, they will not logon as fast since they have to
reroute to your ISP's server. This tip is also good for LAN access such as
Cox@home, because the same thing happens, just a lot faster.
1. Unload/delete ALL startup entries from your Registry and Startup folder,
using Startup Control Panel applet [freeware]:
2. Load them instead using BatchRun [freeware]:
create a script time delay between programs of 5 seconds, and check the "No
load until previous program is finished" box.
3. Place the script file (.BRS) in C:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup or
in C:\Windows\Profiles\Username\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
4. Restart Windows and watch the fur fly. :)
UPDATE [Thank you Don Joe!]:
"BatchRun stops running the startup list if you check "Wait until finished"
for all programs.
BatchRun starts 1 program at a time, every 5 seconds, which means the system
resources are available earlier, with small interruptions every 5 seconds, but
it comes at the cost of having the startup programs available LATER than
Option 1: While pressing SHIFT, select the first and last files in a row. This
will select all the files in between.
Option 2: While pressing CTRL, select the files you want to open. Unlike the
first option, you can select only the files you want, not an entire range."
"I have found a faster way to start MS Internet Explorer 4/5/6. Create a
shortcut with the following switch (quotes are needed):
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" -nohome
The "-nohome" parameter is used by IE for opening pic files like .JPG or .GIF.
It also starts IE without opening the start page (in my case the famous "about
Note that opening IE like this disables some features until you start browsing
the web."
"This tip concerns the free programs all over the net which, in exchange for
using them, put ads all over the program, especially screen savers, and
sometimes all over your desktop.
What happens: every time you log on to the Internet, any and all of these
programs immediately begin to search pre-programmed sites for ads. This will
cause your connection to slow down considerably.
Also, within a few months, your entire hard drive(s) will be full of ads,
annoyingly popping up all over the place. This is all done in the background,
so most people, even hackers, have trouble finding out where the slowdown is
coming from.
Some computer bundles (ALL E-Machines do) have at least one of these. They all
create a new directory at C:\Program Files\Timesink. If you expand it, you
will find all sorts of private information about yourself, your preferences,
and probably 300+ ads. Deleting the directory by itself works only until you
log on to the Internet again; then, there it is back, in all its glory, only
this time with over 500 ads.
To cure the problem: run Regedit -> click on "My Computer" -> click "Edit" ->
"Find" -> type in "timesink" (without quotes) -> hit "Find Next". Every time
Regedit finds "timesink", right-click and choose Delete. Hit F3 and delete ALL
instances (there should be about 7) until it says "Finished checking the
Registry". Go back and click on "My Computer" again -> "Edit" -> "Find". This
time choose "tsadbot.exe" (this file is the real culprit: it executes the
stealth command to search the Internet for the most annoying ads it can
find), hit "Find next", and delete all its instances, until you get the
"Finished checking the Registry" message.
Now close Regedit, open Explorer, and go to C:\Program Files\Timesink.
Right-click on Timesink and choose Delete, or drag it to the Recycle bin.
Win 3.1 and 9x/ME sometimes put the reference to the file "tsadbot.exe" in the
WIN.INI file under the [windows] section, on the load= or the run= line, so
check there too, and remark this executable with a semicolon (;) in front of
it by placing it on its own line, or delete it altogether.
Reboot, and you will notice an IMMEDIATE improvement upon startup, ALL of your
annoying ads will forever be gone, and your Internet connection will be at
least 5% faster, and downloads about 15%. The only side effect is that
whenever you run again the program which caused the ads to appear in first
place, it may ask you what type of connection you have--go ahead and tell it
something--the problem is gone, it will only ask once anyway.
Keep these instructions on hand, because there are quite a few "free" (read
"ad-sponsored") programs out there which do this behind your back.
Example: download Image Carousel II (freeware) from:
and create a simple screen saver, then log on to the web, and you will see
what I mean. Every third picture will be a clickable ad. :("
- AD-Aware Standard (freeware) Internet spyware removal tool for Windows
9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 detects and removes Web3000, Gator, Cydoor, Flyswat,
Radiate/Aureate, Conducent/TimeSink, CometCursor, Alexa etc components:
- Try the SpyChecker extensive database of spyware software:
- See Ojatex's Ad MAD page for more adware/spyware fixes [also in ADMAD.TXT
- "Photocopier v2.01 (free, ad-sponsored) keeps reinstalling Timesink on my
system and into my Registry. After removing it (too bad because it's a useful
utility), Timesink has not come back."
[Thank you M.E. Johnson!]
- "With Iplay Internet gaming site you get Tsadbot.exe, but after following
the instructions above Iplay no longer works. I found out if finding the
Timesink folder, deleting all the subfolders in the Ads folder, and then
making the Ads folder read only, there are no more ads saved on my computer
and I can still use"
[Thank you Roger!]
- "In addition to "Timesink" applications there's another annoying type of
AdWare using Cydoor's Ad Loader. The perpetrator is called Cd_load.exe and
is located in C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 (Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003) or
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM (Windows 95/98/ME). Just do a search on the filename and
remove it.
To get rid of its registry entries, find and remove the following:
Run Regedit and go to:
and delete the "Cydoor" and "Cydoor Services" keys. Then go to:
and delete the "Cydoor"="CD_Load.exe" value.
This is the Cydoor home page:
You might want to check out what software uses the Cydoor Technology:
BEFORE installing anything 'free'."
[Thank you Casper!]
- CPR v1.2 for Windows 98/2000 (free adware):
installs these files in C:\Windows\System: Adimage.dll, Amcis2.dll,
Ipccli~1.dll, Tfde.dll, Htmdeng.exe + Msipcsv.exe, and this entry under this
Registry key:
to run every time Windows starts. They can be removed by completely
uninstalling the program from Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs (deleting
only the Registry value and the files above makes CPR unoperable). Letting
Msipcsv.exe run longer than 10 minutes, drastically reduces system resources!
- "Here are details on Aureate/Radiate spying/advertising software:
and these are the Aureate/Radiate members/partners using its software:"
[Thank you Ojatex!]
- NetNak, a freeware [actually "adware" :(] internet performance monitoring
uses Aureate/Radiate advertising software, and installs these files in
C:\Windows\System: Advert.dll and Amcis.dll. Uninstalling NetNak should
safely remove the files.
- Privacy Power!:
- Bust Banner Ads with Proxy Auto Configuration:
- Aureate 'Spying' case:
- The Spyware Infested Software List:
- Spambot Beware:
- Ad Blocking Resources:
- eZula and Surf+ Script Killer:
- Adware, Spyware and Other Unwanted "Malware" - and how to remove them:
- PC World: Invasion of the Browser Snatchers:
- Protecting The Web from ScumWare:
- Parasites:
- CNN: Invasion of the browser snatchers:
- Anti-Spam Tools:
- Spyware Info:
- Spyware information:
- Spyware List:
- List of programs infected with spyware:
- Windows PopUP SPAM:
- How to Eliminate Spyware, Adware + Random Popups:
- Rogue/Suspect Anti-Spyware Products + Web Sites:
A. Dial-Up modems:
"If you are an avid Net user or Sysadmin, you most likely have to deal with
many "asterisked out" login confirmation boxes.
Chances are you end up entering the password several times, because you can't
see what you're typing. The easy and obvious solution is to type in your
password in the user name box, and then cut and paste it into the password
boxes. Then just type in your user name and you're set!
Also, if you are setting up a proxy and don't know the username and password
of your ISP login, simply view it with SnadBoy's Revelation (freeware):
When you drag the program's cross-hairs over a blocked password, it
automatically displays it in a text box. Then just copy the password to the
other computers in your proxy or LAN/WAN/peer-to-peer system."
For those not familiar with DEBUG, here is how to backup your boot hard disk
MBR (Master Boot Record) in case of disaster.
The MBR is present once on each physical drive, and is beyond the scope of the
MS-DOS filing system to address. That's why the proper way to backup/restore
the MBR is to use a BIOS int13 call to fetch it.
If using Win95, OSR2, 98 or ME, FIRST you need to enable direct hard disk
access to the drive(s)/partition(s) you backup/restore the MBR/DBR on. To do
this run:
After backing up/restoring the MBR/DBR you need to disable direct HD access
(for proper operation in Windows), by running:
Replace X with an actual drive letter from C to Z. Multiple drive letters are
allowed on the same line separated by spaces. Example:
These internal (built-in) DOS commands can be executed ONLY from
native/real/true/pure MS-DOS mode.
Go to any DOS prompt (real mode or windowed session, doesn't matter) and type:
This will start the debug mode, which has a prompt like a hyphen (-).
From now on hitting the Enter key is understood after each line.
to give Debug a filename to save data to.
IMPORTANT: Saving the MBR backup file to the same disk you're backing up makes
no sense, because that drive becomes inaccessible if its MBR gets corrupted.
to place Debug in assemble mode.
MOV DX,9000
to arbitrarily choose a memory segment for the BIOS to put the data we want.
to move that value to the extra segment register.
to clear the BX register. ES:BX specifies the full memory address.
MOV CX,0001
to access track 0 and sector 1.
MOV DX,0080
1st physical drive is 80, 2nd drive is 81, and so on...
MOV AX,0201
to read [02]... one sector [01] into memory.
INT 13
to issue the BIOS int13 call.
INT 20
to tell the BIOS to terminate the program.
Now press the Enter key without entering anything after that to exit assemble
to execute the small assembly program you have just created.
to show the contents of CX register and to allow editing it.
200 hex = 512 decimal - the size of a sector.
W 9000:0
to finally write the data fetched by the BIOS to a file.
to quit Debug.
In the event the MBR ever becomes corrupted, you can create a batch file (e.g.
RESTRMBR.BAT), which can use DEBUG commands echoed to a temporary file (e.g
DEBUG.TMP) by invoking DEBUG, which uses the temporary file as input file.
Copy/paste the lines below into Notepad or EDIT.COM, and save the file as
RESTRMBR.BAT. Then place RESTRMBR.BAT and DEBUG.EXE on the same floppy that
contains the MBR_C.DAT file created above (example):
To restore the saved MBR from the floppy disk, just run RESTRMBR.BAT.
Incidentally DOS assigns drive letters by getting the primary partitions from
each physical drive out of the way first. So if you have two physical hard
disks, then D: would be the primary partition on the second HD, even though
you may have several other partitions on the first HD.
Use DEBUG to backup your DBR (DOS Boot Record), present at the start of all
logical drives/partitions, in case of disaster.
Go to any DOS prompt and type:
This will start the debug mode, which has a prompt like a hyphen (-).
From now on hitting the Enter key is understood after each line.
Now type:
LCS:100 2 0 1
This loads (reading from right to left) the boot sector starting at sector 0,
located on drive number 2 (your C: drive/partition), respecting this
Then type:
N path\filename
to give DEBUG a name to call the file it will write the sector to (example):
IMPORTANT: Saving the DBR backup file to the same disk you're backing up makes
no sense, because that drive becomes inaccessible if its DBR gets corrupted.
This loads register CX with a hex value of 200 (512 decimal), the exact size
of a standard sector, letting it know that 200h (512 dec) is the number of
bytes to save to file.
This writes the number of bytes contained in CX starting at current code
segment at offset 100 to the filename specified by the N command.
In the event the DBR ever becomes corrupted, you can create a batch file (e.g.
RESTRDBR.BAT), which can use DEBUG commands echoed to a temporary file (e.g
DEBUG.TMP) by invoking DEBUG, which uses the temporary file as input file.
Copy/paste the lines listed above under "RESTORE MBR:" (replace them as
necessary with the ones for the DBR file) into Notepad or EDIT.COM, and save
the file as RESTRDBR.BAT. Place RESTRDBR.BAT and DEBUG.EXE on the same floppy
that contains the DBR_C.DAT file created above, and then run RESTRDBR.BAT."
- This works ONLY with MS-DOS 6.00 - 6.22 and MS-DOS 7.xx/8.00 [a.k.a. MS
Windows 9x/ME].
- Read "WINDOWS 95 AND 95a OSR1 MBR REFRESH BUG" in SECRETS.TXT (included) if
using Win95 retail or Win95a OSR1 (upgraded with SP1).
Two great friends kindly sent in these fixes for the notorious "ILOVEYOU"
e-mail virus and its "lovely" clones:
1. Captain's FIXes:
has released a plug-in [3.3 KB, free, unzip the XPL file into your
Xsetup\Plugins subfolder]:
for X-Setup Pro 6.6 [freeware for personal use]:
Essentially this lowers the risk and increases your system security against
potentially dangerous Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) Script files (such as .VBS,
.VBE, .JS, .JSE, .WSH, .WSF), by changing their default action (when these
files are clicked on) to view their contents in Notepad, instead of running
their executable code, which is the default behavior in Microsoft Windows
95/98/NT4/2000/ME/XP. And you can still run such script files if you wish:
right-click on the one you want -> select Open.
The plug-in can also be turned off by unchecking its settings in X-Setup from:
System -> Security -> Script Files.
To uninstall the plug-in: start X-Setup -> follow the path above -> highlight
Script Files -> right-click on it -> click Delete."
2. Chris' FIX:
"In Windows Explorer -> File Association dialog box, move down the list of
"Registered File Types" until you find two entries both titled "VBScript
Script File". Select the first one and click Edit now. In the Actions list
select Edit and then click "Set Default". Now do the same for the second
"VBScript Script File" entry.
From now on each time a VBS or VBE file is executed it will be opened with
Notepad instead of being processed, protecting you from harmful code. To run a
VBS or VBE file, right-click on it and select "Open".
NOTE: Using this tip may have side effects with any software that depends on
its own VBS files and expects them to execute normally."
Check out these "ILOVEYOU" anti-virus pages + tools:
- Cerberus security scanner:
- AnalogX Script Defender [freeware]:
- Script Sentry finder [freeware]:
"I prefer to work most of the time with no file extensions displayed in
Windows Explorer, because this makes renaming files much easier.
But there are occasions when you want to change the extension itself.
I was tired of having to get through the Folder Options settings (too many
clicks), so I have written a VBS script that does all with (nearly) a single
click. Moreover it also affects the visibility of Hidden and System files, so
basically it allows toggling between "Normal" and "Advanced" (full) file
Here is how: first create a text file using Notepad by copying & pasting these
Name this text file ToggleFileView.VBS. The file name is of no importance, but
the extension must be kept.
You need to make sure your Windows 9x/ME system has Microsoft Scripting
Engines (MSE) newest version (5.6 is current as of this writing) installed:
Finally, move the VBS file to a known folder (i.e. C:\Programs\MyScripts), and
then create a link to it in the Start Menu. Done.
Note that you usually need to update the screen (with a right mouse click or
by hitting F5) to see the script effect."
Courtesy of Casey.
"MS Internet Explorer 5.5 Advanced Security Privacy Beta manages cookies and
maintains a higher degree of security and privacy never attained before.
Now you can configure your browser settings to differentiate between cookies
that originate from a web server you're intentionally visiting, and cookies
that originate from other web sites which provide advertising or services. A
new Help menu item provides an overview section and important links to
information about Internet Explorer's security and privacy features.
More info:
- MS TechNet: Internet Explorer 5.0: Persistence...:
- IE 5.0: User Data Persistence:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0: The Inside Story:
- MSN Cookie & GUID tracking techniques:
[This link courtesy of Ojatex!]
1. Courtesy of Tim:
"For those who have a mouse with a Scrolling Wheel and like to use their mice
for most browsing functions: perform the Back and Forward functions rapidly in
your web browser without moving the mouse, by holding down the Shift key, and
rolling the wheel back or forward, one wheel click at a time.
This works with my Microsoft IntelliMouse and MS IE 5.5."
2. Courtesy of Rudolph:
"Hold down the Ctrl key while rolling the mouse scroll wheel to change the web
page font size:
Ctrl + move wheel down (Forward) -> font size decreases.
Ctrl + move wheel up (Back) -> font size increases.
This works with my Logitech Trackman Marble+."
Courtesy of Chris.
"This DOS trick deletes (resets to default) your motherboard BIOS CMOS
password, to grant access to your computer and/or BIOS Setup once again, in
case you have forgotten or lost it. :)
Exit Windows or reboot to native MS-DOS mode, using the "Command prompt only"
option from the Windows 95/98 Startup Menu: hold Shift + F5 at the same time
while your PC boots.
Then type at the C:\> prompt:
and hit Enter. You'll see a dash (-) at the DEBUG prompt. Now type:
o 70 2e
which will show as -o 70 2e at the DEBUG prompt. Hit Enter. Then type:
o 71 ff
and hit Enter. Finally type:
and hit Enter one last time to quit DEBUG back to the C:\> prompt.
Now you're ready to reboot your PC, and press the appropriate key or key combo
(look it up in your motherboard manual if you don't know it) to access your
BIOS Setup. You'll notice the password is gone. :)"
More info:
BIOS resources:
NOTE: This works ONLY with MS-DOS 5.xx/6.xx, MS-DOS 7.xx/8.00 [a.k.a. MS
Windows 9x/ME] or any other real mode OS.
MS-DOS 8.00 [a.k.a. Windows ME] needs a real DOS mode patch:
to be able to boot to native MS-DOS.
"I've seen other "cleaner-upper" type batch files, but mine works especially
well in ANY 32-bit Windows enviroment: Win9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003. :)
Should also work on multi-boot machines, because I used the %windir% variable
instead of C:\Windows.
Save the text between "cut & paste" lines as TMPCLEAN.BAT, using Notepad in
Windows, and then place it in a folder on your path.
ALL files and folders should reside on the C drive for this batch to work
The file will self-close its DOS window when done.
An interesting thing: [/i�/reg�/ver] will look like [/i|/reg|/ver] in DOS.
TMPCLEAN.BAT contents:
- See also my "filthy clean" via RAM disk solution detailed in "BROWSER
- Get Empty Temp Folders (EmpTemp) tool (freeware):
- Get Paul Brown's Xen BATch Cleaner tool (free):
- Get Fred Langa's Batch Cleanup files (free):
Courtesy of Jorge.
"This works fine for Desktop icons, but 2 things [problems :(] cropped up:
Doesn't really "remember" the layout and you'll get a redundant context menu.
This only happens to shortcuts (*.lnk files) on both my Win98 and Win2000
1. Doesn't recall other shortcuts or Desktop files layout.
I sort my shortcuts and some *.txt files (sort of post-it notes) according to
importance on the Desktop. When I restored the Desktop layout, all the
"default" (i.e. MS icons that we can't live without) Desktop icons behaved,
but the rest seem to have forgotten their rank of importance. Irritating,
really to turn off Auto Arrange, rearrange the WHOLE Desktop and turn it back
on, only to have Windows "forget" it on a screen refresh or reboot, and then
having to sort them alphabetically.
Windows might acquire some "memory" after certain number of reboots, sorting
the bloody icons like I want them to, after (of course!) resorting them after
EACH reboot(s), and heh! forget them on the next reboot.
The only workaround is to NOT turn off Auto Arrange and "pull the icons by
their ears", that is sorting them by "pulling" icon(s) you want sorted later,
away from where they were to the last icon listed, so the icon(s) I want
sorted earlier will move forward in line. As soon as an icon falls in line,
I'd continue pulling the next icons till they're in place.
2. Redundant popup menu for shortcuts. Users of WinZip and Norton AntiVirus
will have their options for *.lnk files come up TWICE, making the popup menu
really long. I like mine short, taking out some options manually (like print,
disconnect network drive) by mucking with the Registry.
My AntiVirus was actually a SendTo target, but only after reinstallation did I
realize about the double take.
I backed up my original settings, merging the original *.reg files back to no
avail. Windows would completely forget anyway, and wouldn't give a second
thought to the Desktop layout, totally disregarding its own "icons", and
sorting all icons alphabetically.
The only fix was as I've stated earlier on. Meanwhile, the redundancy is still
there. Installing and reinstalling the "twice-actioned programs" also didn't
work. Nor did removing the layout.reg entries. I used to format my PC on
much-much less (when I was a dripping newbie), but I'd rather spend the time
formatting, reinstalling 2 OSes with all the apps and utils, not to mention
the customizations, on something better, like not fret about why in the world
did the bloody menu misbehave?!"
[Thank you Adee!]
"I discovered a cool trick for MS Internet Explorer 4/5/6 and Outlook Express
Create/copy/convert the pic of your choice using your favorite paint program
in BMP (Windows BitMaP) format and name it IE5_chrome.bmp.
Place it in the C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Signup folder.
Close all MS IE browser windows and OE instances, and then reopen your IE
browser or OE. Now you should see a nice background on the control bar.
This is also useful to remove that ridiculous background and the
annoying "s" that appears in the right upper corner.
NOTE: If you delete ALL BMPs from the Signup directory, Windows will use the
built-in defaults, which are cool too. :)"
Courtesy of Exhydra.
"This is how to remove the AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) annoying ads without
using 3rd party software, tested only with AIM v4.x.xxxx.
Typically, AIM will download ads and place them at the top and bottom of the
main AIM buddy list window while you're logged on. However, these ads can be
removed if you find them as annoying as I do.
1. To remove the ads entirely, make sure that AIM is not currently loaded.
Browse to your main AIM directory and open the file AIM.ODL in Notepad.
2. Scroll down to these lines:
load_ocm advert required
load_ocm advert required
3. Remove the lines inside the brackets, but leave the carriage returns
(empty lines).
If you did this correctly, these lines should now look like this:
4. Save the changed file and close Notepad. If this was done right, the next
time you open AIM and log on, there should be two blank spots at the top and
bottom of your main AIM buddy list window. =)"
"Editing AIM.ODL works only if you manually load AIM. If AIM loads from the
the system Tray, the ads still show up. :(
Besides using the fix above, I am using an empty ADVERT.OCM (edited out its
entire contents).
No ads appear anymore when loading AIM either from the Tray or manually.
I use AOL AIM v4.3.2229."
[Thank you Brian!]
- AIM Ad Hack (freeware):
- Remove AIM Ads:
[Windows Help]
IFJumpColor=000 128 255
IFPopupColor=255 128 000
JumpColor=000 000 255
MacroColor=255 000 128
PopupColor=255 000 000
Triple nul digits (000) can be abbreviated as single zeroes (0). Example:
0 0 0 = Black
For examples of color "combos" in the same format take a look at:
- Windows 9x/ME: the String [REG_SZ] Values found under this Registry key (as
shown in Regedit):
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors
- Windows/WfWG 3.x: the settings found under the [colors] section of your
WIN.INI file.
Feel free to use any combinations until you obtain the desired effects.
But BEWARE that certain color mixes may render your Help file background
and/or foreground (text) unreadable, depending on the colors you use for your
NOTE: You can also achieve this by using the More Control 1.1 Control Panel
applet [21 KB, public domain]:
FYI: See "HELP!" in TIPS95.TXT (this file) to learn how to enable sequential
topic key "combos" for all available topics in ANY Windows Help file:
1. Courtesy of Michael:
"I have managed to retrieve the Win98 product key data from the SYSTEM.DAT
file (located in C:\Windows) using a standard text file editor, like the DOS
based EDIT.COM (located in C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND), provided with the OS.
I booted into native MS-DOS, and then started a textual search for either
ProductId (Win95/OSR2) or ProductKey (Win98/ME) strings. You need to step
through the instances until you find the required key.
I used this for reinstalling Windows when the GUI would not start."
2. If for any reason you're locked out of your Windows 9x/ME interface (GUI),
or even worse, you cannot even boot into your Windows PC, then boot:
- with the "Command prompt only" option from the Windows 95 (98) Startup Menu:
by holding down Shift + F5 while your machine boots,
- or from your Startup (boot) floppy [you DO have one, don't you? :)],
and run this command from the DOS prompt:
- Win95/OSR1/OSR2 users:
FIND /I "ProductId" %winbootdir%\SYSTEM.DAT
- Win98/ME users:
FIND /I "ProductKey" %winbootdir%\SYSTEM.DAT
Notice the first line on the following screen, which looks something like
ProductKey ?????-?????-?????-?????-?????
Those question marks actually represent your Windows Setup CD key.
FYI: See also these tips for similar procedures: "98 INSTALL BLUES" and
"WIN98: NO CODE INSTALL!", both in TIPS98.TXT (included).
Courtesy of Evan.
This BUG is found in ALL Windows 95/98/ME releases.
Unearthed by Trevor.
More info:
- Using a PAC file to modify website content in Firefox:
- Kill Internet Ads with HOSTS and PAC Files:
Courtesy of Freetone.
"Norton Internet Security and Norton Firewall (all versions) have a hidden
ATGuard-like desktop bar function from which you can control almost everything
in the firewall. How to activate:
1. Create a shortcut on desktop for Iamapp.exe, located by default in the
C:\Program Files\Norton SystemWorks\Norton Internet Security folder. Rename
the shortcut to something convenient like Norton Toolbar or whatever you like.
2. Right-click on this shortcut and click Properties. In the destination box
type " -appbar" at the end of the line (without the marks but with the leading
space). The line should look like this:
"C:\Program Files\Norton SystemWorks\Norton Internet Security\Iamapp.exe" -appbar
3. Click OK.
4. Start the program first (or else an error message will occur) and then
(double-)click the shortcut you've just created. A bar on top of your desktop
will open.
There is also another hidden fuction which starts the firewall in no time and
with no graphical interface (Norton menu).
Follow steps 1 to 3 above and use the " -load" parameter instead. Example:
"C:\Program Files\Norton SystemWorks\Norton Internet Security\Iamapp.exe" -load
Use " -unload" (same as above) to disable the firewall, and these:
" -eventlog", " -trashcan", " -settings", " -statistics" for other functions."
1. 1995: First goes the Plus! Pack for Windows 95/95a OSR1/95B OSR 2.0-2.1/95C
OSR 2.5 (used to sell for 30-40 bucks at your local computer store), released
the very day Windows 95 retail was officially "unleashed" (August 15 1995).
Among other "goodies" Plus! 95 comes with a new version of Scan Disk, Drive
Space 3 FAT16 disk compression, Desktop Themes Manager and the famous Task
Scheduler, called back then System Agent.
System Agent should have been implemented into Win95, like many other basic
system utilities that are still missing from the OS, like an anti-virus
scanning/protection tool. :(
And you'll also get all those fancy "screen entertainment" extras: high color
desktop wallpapers, 256 colors icons for your shortcuts, a bunch of fun(k)y
screen savers, a great variety of sound files, animated mouse cursors and the
classic Space Cadet 3D Pinball game (also bundled with Windows ME, 2000 and
MS Plus! 95 Pack is included on the Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x Setup CD part #
0796 000-45236 US and part # 1297 X03-56265 US, according to MSKB OSR2 FAQ.
See "3D PINBALL" in TIPS98.TXT (included):
More info:
Even more info:
See "INSTALL MS PLUS! 95 OVER MS IE 3/4/5" in REGISTRY.TXT (included).
MS Plus! 95 Themes Fix:
Get THEMES.EXE Fix [84 KB]:
MSKB: Plus! 95 Support Center:
Get Plus! 95:
2. 1996: And if one Plus! Pack wouldn't be enough, check out MS Plus! for Kids
for Windows 95/98/ME (retails for ~ $20), with some cool programs suitable for
"kids" of all ages: Play It!, Talk It!, Paint It!, Picture Picker, and last
but not least, the [kinda buggy :(] Security Enhancements designed to deter
prying eyes away from your Windows computer, appreciated nonetheless by
concerned parents.
More info:
3. 1998: The tradition continues... same day the retail version of Windows 98
crowded the stores (June 25 1998), MS added another one to the list: Plus!
Pack for Windows 98/98 SP1/98 SE(U)/ME, worth in Microsoft's eyes exactly 40
George Washington 1 dollar bills. :(
Following the same principle, Plus! 98 includes a respectable list of
multimedia + entertainment software: Deluxe CD Player with customizable
database, the famous 3rd party [eye candy :)] Organic Art Plus 3D Screen
Savers (Special Edition) licensed to Microsoft by Computer Artworks:
more Desktop themes chock full with high resolution wallpapers, icons, sounds
+ cursors, and of course... games [gotta relax somehow :)]: Spider Solitaire
(also included with Windows ME, 2000 and XP), SegaSoft Marbles (Special
Edition) and Microsoft Golf (Lite Edition), not to forget the Picture It!
image manager, and the useful CyberMedia File Cleaner (Special Edition)
troubleshooting tool.
Plus! 98 Review:
MS Plus! 98 ZIP Folder Fix:
Get ZIPFLDR.DLL Fix [268 KB, English]:
4. 1999: Oh no, more games! :-) The Plus! Game Pack: Cards & Puzzles for
Windows 95/98/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 was "shoved out" the (Redmond, Washington,
USA) Microsoft doors, just in time for the release of Windows Millennium
Edition (ME). This "entertainment" package will set you back 20 green beans.
Includes [a bunch of family style Windows games, what else? :)]:
- 12 classic Bicycle Card games: Hearts ("fancier" than MS Hearts bundled with
Windows 98, 2000, ME and XP), Spades, Cribbage, Pinochle, Crazy 8s, Oh Hell!,
Go Fish, Old Maid, Euchre, Gin Rummy, Schafkopf [can you say that 10 times
fast? :)] and Skat;
- 10 Puzzle games: Fringer, Finty Flush, Mixed Genetics, Charmer, Rat Poker,
Color Collision, Jewel Chase, Lineup, Spring Weekend + Muddled Casino;
- And finally... a trial version of Pandora's Box puzzle game (with 8
puzzles), designed by Tetris creator Alexey Pajitnov:
You can purchase Pandora's Box Full Game Of The Year Edition with 400 puzzles
Get Pandora's Box Demo [15.5 MB, English]:
Pandora's Box Intel Pentium III/IV CPUs DirectDraw Fix:
Get Pandora's Box Fix [984 KB, English + French]:
7. 2004: No new Microsoft toys for you to "play" with this year [:-(], but now
(October 19 2004) you can get both Plus! Pack XP [see paragraph 5 above] AND
Plus! Pack DME [see paragraph 6 above] combined as the new "super-duper" Plus!
SuperPack for Windows XP SP1/XP SP2/XP MCE/2003 for "only" 30 mulah from
Microsoft, or 25 if shopping @ [all orders > $25 include free
If you already own either one of these packages, you can get the SuperPack for
the discount price of ~ $20 after sending the mandatory $10 mail-in rebate.
Same as its predecessors, Plus! SuperPack requires product activation (WPA)
after installation. :(
8. And today you want to go to... oh no, please... don't "start me up"! :-)
Have fun "kids"!
%windir%\Explorer.exe /e,/root,C:\
%windir%\Explorer.exe /n,C:\
Of course, you can replace C:\ with any other valid drive/partition/folder
name (complete path required).
This Explorer shortcut opens in the root directory of any valid
drive/partition or in the lower level subdirectory (if any) of any upper level
directory this command is run from (dual pane view):
%windir%\Explorer.exe /e,/root,%1
%windir%\Explorer.exe /e,/IDLIST,%I,%L
This Explorer shortcut opens at the mydir directory located on the myserver
remote server (dual pane view):
%windir%\Explorer.exe /e,/root,\\myserver\mydir
Defaults are assumed for all switches not enumerated on the command line.
LFN (Long File Name) files/folders and shared/remote/network
server/directory/file UNC names are almost always case sensitive.
Explorer command line switches are case insensitive.
Multiple switches must be listed on the same command line separated by commas
All Windows 32-bit + 64-bit OSes support Long File Names (LFNs). But the catch
is that not all characters you see on your keyboard are allowed to be used in
naming of files or folders (a.k.a. directories).
The naming convention limits files + folders to a maximum of 255 [Windows
95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003] or even up to 260 [Windows
Vista/2008/7/8/8.1/2012/newer] total characters including file name + file
extension, distributed in different ways before and after the separating dot
(.) between name (to the left side of the dot) + extension (from the right
side of the dot):
8.3 [native/real/true/pure MS-DOS/DOS OSes + Windows/WfWG 3.xx SFNs (Short
File Names) only]
Generic examples:
- SFN:
- LFN:
MS-DOS, FreeDOS, DR-DOS, IBM PC-DOS, Novell N-DOS, PT-DOS and similar
native/real/true/pure mode DOS (legacy) operating systems:
do NOT support LFNs natively. Such OSes need a 3rd party TSR (memory resident)
tool like DOSLFN (free GPL):
to enable LFNs. DOS applications need to be programmed to support LFNs through
MS Windows 3.0 + 3.1 and WfWG (Windows for WorkGroups) 3.10 + 3.11 do NOT
support LFNs, but LFN 16-bit [adandoned shareware!] adds LFNs support to
Windows/WfWG 3.1x/95 GUI + applications:
Windows NT 3.5 was the first Microsoft OS to support LFNs. ;-/
Microsoft File Manager (FM = %windir%\WINFILE.EXE) 16-bit for Windows 95/98/ME
does NOT support LFNs, but FmLfns [nag shareware!] adds LFNs support to FM:
Get File Manager (FM) updates/fixes (free) for your Windows OS:
More info:
All supported specific language characters + symbols for specific keyboard
layouts can be used:
127 = Del
Alt + (0)160 = blank (empty)
Alt + (0)255 = blank (empty)
See "NAMELESS ICON" in MYTIPS95.TXT (included):
Characters banned from file/folder names (U.S. English QWERTY keyboards):
More info:
Alt key Codes:
Certain names are reserved by the computer BIOS, Operating Systems (OSes) [DOS
+ Windows] and/or hardware devices, like:
COMx [x = 0 - 9]
LPTx [x = 0 - 9]
and therefore canNOT be used as file/folder names. In case poorly developed
software programs or unaware computer operators try to use such "illegal"
names, the machine displays error messages or locks up (real DOS), and even if
banned names sometimes slip through, that will result in operating "glitches".
Windows NTx OSes [2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 8, 8.1, 2012] prevent such
"glitches" by silently renaming ("fixing") incompatible file/folder names.
More info:
- Wikipedia:
- Wikipedia:
- Wikipedia:
- Wikipedia:
- Computer Hope:
- PC Guide:
- Chris Quirke:
- SS64:
- Victor Laurie: