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Adlai Final - Alegado Et - Al

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Allan L. Gloria* , 1Josie C. Alegado, Jr. , and 1Maria Den A. Boco

The study evaluated the adaptation capacity of the five varieties of adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi
L.) grown in marginal land with adverse environmental conditions through the assessment of crop
morphological structures. Based on evaluations of the agronomic traits in two definitive growing
stages of the plant, Tapol and Kiboa had developed better vegetative and reproductive structures.
Tapol was the topmost high yielding variety followed by Kiboa, Gulian, Ginampay and unknown
variety with approximately 3.07 ton/ha, 2.31 tons/ha, 1.85 ton/ha, 1.65 ton/ha and 0.98 ton/ha
respectively. Tapol variety has highest number of grains produced per stem with 322 grains and
then Kiboa with 205 grains. Kiboa and Tapol were the tallest varieties reaching to a total plant
height of 159.6 cm and 152.5 cm respectively. They also have the longest and widest leaves.
Kiboa has leaf with 76.5cm long and width of 4.5cm while Tapol has leaf of 73.2cm long and width
of 4.4cm. All the varieties are pests and diseases resistance wherein the degree of infestation and
infection are below Economic Threshold Level (ETL). Generally, based on the overall performance
of the five varieties of adlai, Tapol and Kiboa are the best adaptive to the local environmental
condition of the area.
Keywords: Adlai, Tapol, Kiboa, Gulian, Ginampay, Unknown Variety, Morphological structures, Grain yield,
adaptation capacity

*Corresponding Author: Allan L. Gloria,

1.0 Introduction
Adaptability trial is a crucial activity before any crop Research Center (BIARC) in which three indigenous
will be adopted for mass production especially if planted in varieties of adlai were planted, the Gulian, Ginampay
low quality or in marginal land. Successful crop production and Tapol. The results of the first trial showed that tapol
largely depends on how well a particular cultivar or variety produces the highest yield. The SANREM – CRSP
variety performs in a new set of environment within a (2012) has recently tested different varieties of adlai
certain geographical location. The current environmental grass for CAPS as a substitute to rice and maize in the
condition, which is vital for plant performance, has Mindanao region at research site in Claveria. Kiboa has
been greatly altered by the impact of climate change the highest grain yield of 3.5 tons per hectare and a total
phenomenon. The agricultural sector, for the purpose dry matter yield (TDMY) of 8.8 tons per hectare, followed
of food security and sufficiency, has kept on breeding, by the ginampay variety with a grain yield of 3.0 tons per
developing and producing crops that are best adaptive hectare and a TDMY of 7.4 tons per hectare while tapol
and resilient to a wide range of environmental adversities. variety was the poorest performer. It appeared therefore,
One of the crops the Department of Agriculture had been that Kiboa was the most adaptive in the area.
introduced is Adlai or Job’s tears (Coix lacryma – jobi It is evident from the cited studies that adaptability
L.). Taking into account the crop novelty in the area, trials of different adlai varieties had been focused only
it is therefore necessary to investigate the crop field in Southern and Northern part of Mindanao. Adlai in
performance that may serves later on as guide to local Northeastern Mindanao is not known and the information
farmers. As part of initiatives in adlai social acceptance, about the crop is very much limited particularly its growing
several field trials on adaptive capacity of different performance and cultural practices. The notion of using
varieties of adlai to local agro-climatic conditions are the crop as climate change adaptation strategy is not yet
conducted by different research institutions across the proven in the region. These are underlying reasons and
country. foundations of the study in pursuing adaptability trials
Adaptability trial on varieties of adlai was conducted of the five varieties of Adlai, kiboa, ginampay, gulian,
in General Santos city to evaluate its growth and yield tapol and unknown variety in San Miguel, Surigao del
performance under the weather condition of the city that Sur, Mindanao, Philippines. This study claimed that better
falls under type I with two pronounced seasons, dry from growth and development of one adlai variety could not be
November to April and wet during the rest of the year with presumed that the rest of the varieties will do and exhibit
maximum rain period from June to September. Another the same performance since each of them may have
adaptability trials and seed production of adlai was made different site requirement. Hence, this study intends to
at the experimental site of Bicol Integrated Agricultural evaluate the adaptive capacity of adlai’s different varieties

Surigao del Sur State University SDSSU Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol 3, Jan. - Dec. 2015 70
Adaptability Trial of Five (5) Varieties Of Adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) Grown in Marginal Land, Under San Miguel Environmental Condition

through assessment of their vegetative and reproductive

Adaptive capability of ADLAI
structures as maybe influence by various environmental (Coix lacryma –jobi L.)
factors. Five
Morphological development
a. Climatic Factors
varieties of I. Vegetative Structure
Municipality of San Miguel, Surigao del Sur falls (precipitation/rainfall
Adlia a. Plant Height
b. Length of leaf
under Type II climatic condition of the country, which is b. Edaphic Factors
a. Kiboa
c. Width of leaf
b. Gulian
(marginal land) d. No. of stem
characterized by rainfall distributed throughout the year, c. Ginampay
c. Biotic Factors d. Tapol II. Reproductive Structure
with a negligible short dry season, although there is a (pests and diseases) e. Unknown a. Number of Grains per stem
b. Yield Per hectare
distinct rainy season which begins from the month of
November and ends in March. The climatic behavior of
the province for the past few years, however, has shown
variations wherein the onset of the rainy season no
longer occurs on the usual time. Months with low rainfall
are from July to October with September as the driest Figure.1. Schematic diagram of the study
month and wet months are from November to June with
January as the wettest month. At this time, staple food Figure 1, the Schematic Diagram of the study, shows
such as rice and corn become scarce resulting to shortage the interrelationship between growing environment
coupled with the price hike. Indeed rice and corn are the and five varieties of adlai and the resultant growth and
staple foods for most Filipinos. During the wet season, development of morphological structures which describe
growing of corn is hardly possible; hence, the search the adaptability of the varieties. It shows the potential
for alternative crop that can withstand through extreme impact of the local climate, the prevailing weather
weather condition is vital. condition, pests and disease and site quality of the area
towards the resiliency of five varieties of adlai. The
2.0 Framework of the Study variables used to measure the adaptive capacity of adlai
The study was anchored on the concept that are basically based on the morphological structures that
environmental factors affect the growth and development include the plant height, length and width of leaf, number
of the plant and the responses of plants varied among of stems and number of grains and yield. It is presumed
different plants. The responses of the plant are exhibited that the five varieties may exhibit different heights. Some
on its morphological structure. Each plant has limitation might have stunted growth and others may grow well as
with respect to climatic factors. Some plants may require response to extreme volume of water and temperature.
large amount of water while others need only few or just Development of leaf might be affected to the presence
enough water to fully activate its physiological processes. of the destructive insects and diseases that may appear
Other plants need to be fully exposed to sunlight while due to sudden change of the environmental condition
others need partial shading for better growth and that trigger their activity and favor their survival and
development. development. Site quality definitely have great impact to
To a greater extent, soil quality affects the growth crop growth and development, hence emphasis is also
of the plants. Fertility, types and pH of soil influence the give to it. To determine which among the varieties best
physiological processes of the plants. Some plants grow adaptive/resilient in the area, the above variables were
best in acidic soil while others may not survive and vice painstakingly choose as parameters to determine the
versa. Many plants have better growth in clayey soil adaptive capacity of five varieties of adlai.
while others are stunted. Other plants grow vigorously
in clay loam and sandy loam. Many varieties of plants 3.0 Research Methodology
stand strong despite of the presence of biodeteriorating Experimental Design
agents. Some plants are resistant to pests and diseases. To gather the necessary data, the study was
In general, the effects of environmental factors on plants conducted using randomized complete block design
may be direct or indirect and the responses of plants also (RCBD) with five (5) treatments and replicated four
varying among plants. times. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and decided
In a broader sense, it was presumed that adlai at 5% level of significance to determine if there are
varieties varied widely in length of growing period and differences or none among the five varieties of adlai. And
development of morphological structures in response to further determine the degree of significance among
to climatic, edaphic and biotic factors. Variation in five varieties, comparison of means was conducted using
morphological development among varieties is dependent Least Significance Difference (LSD).
on environmental condition of the area. In a strict sense, Cultural Management Practices
adlai cultivars are generally much more restricted in 1. Land preparation
their range of adaptation with respect to environmental The area was prepared thoroughly before planting.
factors. It was plowed and harrowed two times at two weeks

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Adaptability Trial of Five (5) Varieties Of Adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) Grown in Marginal Land, Under San Miguel Environmental Condition

interval to permit the seeds to germinate and stubble to number of grains collected.
Lay outing 4.0 Results and Discussion
After the land harrowing, the predetermined Characterization of Adlai (Coix lacryma – jobi L.)
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was laid out morphological structures development was focused on
in the area, according to the total number of replication the vegetative and reproductive parts. The stem was
and treatments. The perimeter of the area and its described in term of plant height and numbers of stem
boundaries between plots and blocks were carefully while the leaf in terms of length and width. The fruit was
delineated including the alley ways with string and meter described in terms of number and weight of grains per
stick. stem and hill respectively.
Planting The results of the analyses of variance are presented
Before planting, furrows were made spaced at 90 in tabular form and only those with significant results were
cm. Two seeds were sowed per hill at a distance of 60 cm described further with graphical illustration to give more
between hills. meaning and clarity of the results. Moreover, the holistic
Thinning interpretations were made. All the results were treated
Two weeks after planting, some excess plants were as one and the relationships between vegetative and
pulled out to maintain at most two plants per hill. reproductive structures development were established
Off- baring
3-4 weeks after planting, the area was cultivated Analysis On The Observation Of The Growth Of Vegetative
between rows to remove weeds. And Reproductive Structures
Insect pest and diseases monitoring Table 1 shows comparative summary observations
To ascertain vigorous and healthy growth of plants, in the growth of vegetative and reproductive structures
regular monitoring as to the occurrence of pest and of adlai five varieties. These visible development in
diseases was conducted. It was done every morning and morphological structures indicated the responses of the
late in the afternoon to keep an eye the presence and crop on the climatic, edaphic, biotic factors and on other
activity of insect pests. Physical observation was also environmental factors in marginal land under San Miguel
carried out to monitor symptoms and signs regarding the condition, San Miguel, Surigao del Sur. The result shows
occurrence of diseases. that, among the five varieties planted, kiboa was the
Fertilizer application tallest with respect to plant height compared to the rest
Thirty days after sowing, complete fertilizer was of varieties while the shortest one is the unknown variety.
applied at a rate of one tablespoon full per hill. Furthermore, it has likewise the longest and largest leaf.
8. Harvesting The unknown variety and kiboa produced more stems
The crops were harvested by cutting its branches and than the other varieties. Ginampay, on the other hand,
stems at one foot from the ground level after maturity of has the least number of stems produced.
grains has started to ripened. Relative to the reproductive structures, tapol
produced more grains than the rest of the varieties and it
C. Data gathering procedure is consistent with the weight of grains per hill. It has the
1. Plant height (cm) highest yield per hectare followed by kiboa and unknown
Ten sample plants were randomly selected as variety with lowest yield per hectare.
experimental units in data gathering. The height of the
plants was measured from the ground level to the upper Presentation and Analysis of the Vegetative Structures
most leaf of each plant. This was done at 15, 30, 45, 60, Development
75, and 90 days after sowing until the height has never A. Stem
changed. It is the main trunk of the plant that supports the
2. Length of leaf branches and leaves including the fruits and flowers. It
This was determined by measuring the length of the serves as the main channel for the transport of the water
leaves at 75 and 90 days after sowing from soil through the roots and foods from the leaves to
3. Width of leaf other parts of the plant. To determine the plant height,
This was done by measuring the width of the leaf the stem is measured from the root collar to apical shoot
of the ten sample plant at 75 and 90 days after sowing. tip.
4. Number of grains 1. Plant height
All the grains in each panicle from the 10 sample Analysis of variance in Plant Height of the Five Varieties
plants per variety were counted carefully. of Adlai
5. Yield per hectare Table 2 presents the result of analysis of variance
Yield per hectare were also calculated based on for the average plant height of adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi

72 SDSSU Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol 3, Jan. - Dec. 2015

Adaptability Trial of Five (5) Varieties Of Adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) Grown in Marginal Land, Under San Miguel Environmental Condition

Table 1. Summary of observation on Vegetative and Reproductive Structures Measurements

Vegetative Structures Observation Reproductive Structures Observation

Average Plant Average Average Average Average Average Weight Average
Height Lenght of Width of Number Number of of grains (g) Yield per
(cm) leaf leaf of Stem grains per per hill hectare
stem (ton/ha)
Kiboa 159. 6 76.5 4.5 6 205 125 2.31
Gulian 128.9 69.9 4.3 5 173 100 1.85
Ginampay 117.5 66.8 4.2 4 136 90 1.67
Tapol 152.5 73.2 4.4 5 322 166 3.07
Unknown 111 62.7 4.3 6 105 53 0.98

L.). The result reveals that there is significant difference differed significantly from all the rest of varieties. The
on plant heights as explained by the p-values which are unknown variety although the shortest variety however,
quite lower than 0.05 level of significance it has no difference with Ginampay
Fig 2 shows graphical comparison of means for plant
height. The means of varieties indicated with the same B. The Leaf
letter/s is/are not significantly different from each other. Botanically, it is broad and photosynthetic organ of
The result explains that though Kiboa is taller than Tapol, the plant that is usually developed on the node of the
but comparison indicates that the difference in plant stem, branches and twigs. The quality and characteristics
height exists between them is insignificant. Clear marked of the leaf believed to have an extensive impact on
differences exist in Kiboa and Tapol against Ginampay flower initiation as well as fruit setting and development.
and Unknown. More so, the height of Gulian differed Generally, the leaf played a major role in the development
significantly from all the rest of varieties. The unknown of the plant. Its growth and development is affected by
variety although the shortest variety however, it has no the climatic, edaphic and biotic factors of the growing
difference with Ginampay. area. Hence, its characterization is vital for determination
of the most adaptive variety of adlai.
B. The Leaf
Figure 2 shows graphical comparison of means for 1. The length of leaf
plant height. The means of varieties indicated with the It is essential to describe the leaf development
same letter/s is/are not significantly different from each such as the length not just to distinguish each variety
other. The result explains that though Kiboa is taller from the other, but as a basis likewise in determining
the adaptive capacity of the crop in harmony with the
local environmental condition, climatic, soil quality and
resistance to biodeteriorating agents.
Analysis on leaf length of the five varieties of adlai (Coix
lacryma – jobi L.)
Table 3 shows the result of the analysis of variance in
leaf length. The result revealed that there is a significant

Table 2. Analysis of Variance for Average Plant Height

Source DF SS MS F P
Variety 4 7439.505 1859.876 2503.48 0.000

Block 3 6.338 2.113 2.84 0.082

Error 12 8.915 0.743
Total 19 7454.757
Figure 2. Graph on average Plant Height

than Tapol, but comparison indicates that the difference difference in length of leaves among the five varieties
in plant height exists between them is insignificant. of adlai as explained by the p-value which is lower than
Clear marked differences exist in Kiboa and Tapol against 0.05 level of significance.
Ginampay and Unknown. More so, the height of Gulian Above graph in Fig 3, indicates the result of the

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Adaptability Trial of Five (5) Varieties Of Adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) Grown in Marginal Land, Under San Miguel Environmental Condition

comparison of means in leaf length. Varieties indicated in number of stems produced by each variety of adlai.
with the same or having common letter/s is/are not The result explains that there is significant difference on
significantly different from each other. Evidently, all the number of stems as elucidated by the p-value which
varieties differed significantly from each other in terms of is lower than 0.05 level of significance.
Above graph indicates the result of the comparison
of means in number of stem developed and produced by
Table 4. Analysis of Variance for the Average number of
stems in five varieties of adlai (Coix lacryma – jobi l.)

Source DF SS MS F P
Treat 4 11.200 2.800 14.00 0.000
Rep 3 7.600 2.533 12.67 0.080
Error 12 2.400 0.200
Total 19 21.200

each variety of adlai. Varieties indicated with the same or

having common letter/s is/are not significantly different
from each other. The result denotes three (3 groups).
Kiboa and Unknown represent as the first group, Gulian
Figure 3. Graph on average Leaf Length
and Tapol the second group, Ginampay on the third group.
leaf length. Kiboa has the longest leaf length followed by Apparently, significant variations exist among the three
Tapol, Gulian and Ginampay while Unknown variety has groups of varieties. However, the third group (Ginampay)
the shortest leaf length.

3. Width of leaf
The width of leaf is a good indicator that would
speak likewise the adaptive capacity of the crop. Leaf
with wider lateral dimension coupled with longer leaves
can be perceived as a good sign of crop suitability in the
area. The width of the leaf was measured at the center
of the leaf. The analysis of variance result in leaf width
indicates that there is no significant difference across the
five varieties of adlai as explained by the p-value of 0.219
which is quite higher than 0.05 level of significance. This
signifies that all varieties have relatively similar in leaf
width dimension.

C. Number of stems
Figure 4. Graph on average number of stem
The stem produced by each variety is important
factor with respect to yield. The number of stems differed significantly from the last two groups.
produced signified the suitability of the variety or
varieties in the local climate. Hence, its determination Presentation and Analysis of the Reproductive Structures
and characterization is imperative. Development
Table 4 shows the results of the analysis of variances D. The Yield per Variety of Adlai
The yield is the ultimate indicator that will describe
Table 3. Analysis of Variance for the Average leaf length
in five varieties of adlai (Coix lacryma – jobi L.) the physiological processes responses to the different
environmental factors. It is basically analyzed in terms of
Source DF SS MS F P
number and weight of grains.
Treat 4 477.927 119.482 180.55 0.000 1. Number of Grains per stem
Rep 3 2.082 0.694 1.05 0.407 The number of grains produced by the crop is
considered to be the best indicator of crop adaptive
Error 12 7.941 0.662
capacity to local climatic condition.
Total 19 487.950 Table 5 shows the result of the Analysis of Variance

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Adaptability Trial of Five (5) Varieties Of Adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) Grown in Marginal Land, Under San Miguel Environmental Condition

on the average number of grains per stem. The result the comparison of means, revealed wide variation in
denotes that there is significant difference in number of grain weight per hill. Tapol has heavier grains, followed
grains per stem as explained by p-value which is lower by Kiboa, Gulian and Ginampay. Unknown has the lowest
than 0.05 level of significance. grain weight.
Figure 5 shows the graphical differences as to
average the number of grains produced by each variety 3. Yield per Hectare
of adlai. This variation is explained by dissimilarities of The grain yield per hectare of each variety is crucial
letters indicated above each bar graph after comparison and need to be determined for it is the basis in making
of means. Clearly, Tapol appear to produce more grains economic analysis and the deciding factor whether the
compared to the rest of varieties. This was followed by crop is adaptive in the area or not.
Kiboa and Gulian having relatively the same in number
and then Ginampay. Unknown has the lowest number of Table 6. Analysis Of Variance for the Weight of Grains per
grains produced. Hill per Variety

Source DF SS MS F P
Table 5. Analysis of Variance for the average num-
ber of Grains per stem in Five Varieties of Adlai (Coix
lacryma-jobi L.)
Treat 4 28592.2 7148.05 358.90 0.0000
Source DF SS MS F P Rep 3 9.75000 3.25000 0.16 0.9191
Treat 4 110918.2 27729.6 8.8E+04 0.000 Error 12 239.000 19.9167
Rep 3 7.0 2.3 7.32 0.005 Total 19 28841.0
Error 12 3.8 0.3
Total 19 110929.0 Analysis on the Average Yield of each Variety of Adlai
As presented in table 1, Tapol produced the highest
2. Weight of grains per hill grain yield followed by Kiboa, Gulian and Ginampay. The
The weight of grain is good determinant to assess the unknown variety appears to be the poorest performer
adaptive capacity of the varieties of adlai. It can be used variety with the least grain yield.
to predict the amount of carbohydrate including other
compounds synthesized in the course of photosynthesis
and by other physiological processes that were stored
in the seeds. These products of metabolic processes
would define the general responses of the crop to the

Figure 6. Graph on Average weight of grain per variety

Figure 7 vividly shows the differences on grain yield
produced by each variety of adlai. The graph supports
Figure 5. Graph on average number of grains the grain yield presented in table 1 wherein Tapol and
unknown variety surfaced to be varieties with highest
environmental conditions. and lowest grain yield produced respectively.
Table 6 displays the result of the analysis of variance PEST AND DISEASE MONITORING
on grain weight. The result shows that on average grain The presence of biotic factors such as insect pests
weight, there is significant difference among the five and diseases in the area absolutely could not be avoided.
varieties of adlai based on the p-value which lower than They will definitely affect the yield if the crop under
0.05 level of significance. attack is less resistant. Hence, to determine and assess
Apparently, based on the above graph, all varieties the resistance of the five varieties of adlai, constant
are varying in grain weight. Different letters designated monitoring was conducted. Below are some of pests and
above each bar representing the variety, indicated after diseases observed and found in the crop.

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Adaptability Trial of Five (5) Varieties Of Adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) Grown in Marginal Land, Under San Miguel Environmental Condition

Analysis on Insect Infestation and Disease Infection affect the growth and development of the plant and the
Table 7 presents the insects and diseases that were responses of plants varied among different plants.
infesting and infecting including the degree of damaged The significant results on the statistical analysis
made on the morphological structures of adlai. Evidently, of the data as per agronomic trait exhibited on the crop
there were number of insects that had attacked the crop. morphological structures are clear-cut manifestation
In spite of this, the crop stood vigorously and resistant that each individual variety of adlai behaves in various
against biodeteriorating agents and non-infectious ways as immediate responses to the local environmental
diseases as explained by the result of the analysis on condition of the area. The five varieties of adlai vary
in almost all of the plant structures all-throughout the
growing stages of the crop beginning from development
of vegetative parts until fruit setting and development.
The vigorous long standing crops, lengthy and
wider leaves coupled with minimal damages from pests
and diseases are essential signs for the adaptive capacity
of the crop to new climatic, edaphic, physiographic and
biotic factors. However, differences in sizes and lengths
of the morphological structures maybe natural and
distinct botanical characteristics to each variety of adlai
and had just been improved or degraded only by current
environmental condition of the area. The superiority
of Kiboa in many vegetative structures over the other
varieties and the early fruit production at 75 days after
Fig.7. Average yield per hectare per variety
sowing (DAS) supports the notion that it is adaptive in
the area.
the extent of infestation and infection in which majority Conversely, Tapol under the local condition, though
of the effect is below Economic Threshold level. Besides, not as superior as Kiboa with regards to vegetative
there were also beneficial microorganisms that served structures growth and development, appears to have an
as natural enemy that control the population against outstanding performance especially on grain yield with
harmful organisms. total produce of 3.07 tons/ha which is considerably higher
Interpretation of the Results than the rest of varieties. This result coincided with the
The results of the study affirmed the claim that finding of the field trial conducted by Bicol Integrated
better growth and development of one adlai variety could Agricultural Research Center (BIARC) wherein Tapol had
not be presumed that the rest of the varieties will do and the highest yield among the three varieties tested. On
exhibit the same performance since each of them may the other hand, though Kiboa has a little bit lower grain
have different site requirement. The results are likewise yield than Tapol but its performance under local condition
in harmony with the concept that environmental factors cannot be discarded since it has closely followed with
Tapol and even surpassed it in some traits. The good
performance of the Kiboa asserted that it is adaptive in
Table 7. List of Insect Pests and Diseases
Local/Common Name Order Variety Occurred Degree of infestation
Insect Leaf aphids Hemiptera All varieties Below ETL

Leaf hopper All varieties Below ETL

Flies Diptera All varieties Below ETL
Black beetle Coleoptera All varieties Below ETL
White Moth All varieties Below ETL
Leaf miner All varieties Below ETL
Cut worm All varieties Below ETL

Sheath blight All varieties Below ETL

Diseases Dead heart All varieties Below ETL

Leaf Scorching All varieties Below ETL

Arachnid Spiders Unknown All varieties None

76 SDSSU Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol 3, Jan. - Dec. 2015

Adaptability Trial of Five (5) Varieties Of Adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) Grown in Marginal Land, Under San Miguel Environmental Condition

the area and this has supported by the finding of the field the other hand, Tapol produced the highest number of
trial conducted in experimental site in Claveria wherein grains with comparatively robust vegetative structures
Kiboa was the topmost performing variety among the as immediate responses to the present environmental
three varieties tested. condition. Moreover, the local conditions regulate the late
These essentials information explain that the floral setting and fruit development of Tapol.
environmental conditions not just enhanced the physical All the varieties are resistant to deteriorating
characteristics of the crop but have facilitated as well the biotic and non-biotic factors. The presence of natural
physiological processes particularly on photosynthesis, enemies controlled the population density of insect pests
assimilation and reproduction processes. The different and diseases including damages inflicted to Economic
findings including the output of this study and of those Threshold Level (ETL). Damages caused by pests and
in earlier studies suggested that each variety had distinct diseases have no economic implication and significance.
site quality requirements. Finally, considering the vegetative growth, yield
Furthermore, the crops showed likewise strong performance and pest resistance, the best adaptive
resistance against biotic and abiotic agents of destruction. varieties under the local condition were Tapol and Kiboa.
The level of damage inflicted by insect pests and diseases Gulian and Ginampay were fairly adaptive and the least
as well as extreme weather condition was negligible as it adaptive was the Unknown variety. Therefore, in effect,
wasn’t reached the Economic Injury Level (EIL) though Tapol and Kiboa are recommended to be planted in marginal
it was planted in low quality soil and during wet season land under San Miguel climatic condition. Furthermore,
wherein volume of rainfall is beyond normal condition. similar studies should be made in different places that
Moreover, the presence of natural enemies such as in addition to varietal trials, agronomic characterisation
spiders helped control the population density of harmful of adlai varieties, must include succeeding ratoon yield
organisms. The effect was generally below Economic performance, and production and harvesting practices
Threshold Level (ETL) and therefore, the impact of and other factors.
damage has no economic significance on yield.
The five varieties of adlai were planted intentionally References
to idle marginal lands with low quality soils as well as h t t p : / / w w w . b a r. g o v. p h / d i g e s t - h o m e / d i g e s t -
adverse weather conditions and yet, they survived and archives/364-2011-4th-quarter/2039-adlai-a-
produced sizable grain yield. It is believed therefore, never-heard-of-crop-that-resembles-tastes-like-
that if the crop will be planted during regular cropping rice.
period and in an area with good quality soils or if the
edaphic factors will be improved, modified or enhanced, h t t p : / / w w w . b a r. g o v. p h / d i g e s t - h o m e / d i g e s t -
the growth and development of the crops principally the archives/364-2011-4th-quarter/2038-why-
grain yield might be doubled or even tripled depending eating-adlai-is-good-for-you.
on the kind of soils or degree of modification conducted.
On the contrary, the results might likewise be reversed. Lesaca, P.R.A. DA’s Food Staples Sufficiency Program.
This means that, it could be Kiboa or the other variety will
do a good performance. h t t p : / / w w w . b a r. g o v. p h / d i g e s t - h o m e / d i g e s t -
Taking into account the overall growth performance archives/364-2011-4th-quarter/2048-in-search-
of Tapol and Kiboa on vegetative structures development of-food-da-s-food-staples-sufficiency-program.
and grain yield, the two varieties therefore can be deemed
as the primary crop to be planted in marginal areas and adlai-instead-of-rice-anyone/.
during extreme environmental conditions. Hence, the
crops will then serve as potential sources of food chiefly
during lean period that substitute the rice and the maize. september-2010-issue/375-bar-leads-training-
5.0 Conclusion
Generally, all the varieties behaved differently as DA-BAR: Research & Development Program on Adlai
their responses towards various climatic, edaphic and (Adaptability Yield Trials & Seed Production).
biotic factors of the area that were manifested on their August 29, 2013 from
varying morphological structures. The environmental
factors have different influences on the two definitive
growth stages of adlai. Under the local condition, Kiboa
developed better vegetative parts with relatively high
grain yield. The local climatic and edaphic factors triggered
Kiboa to early floral induction and grain development. On

SDSSU Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol 3, Jan. - Dec. 2015 77

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