Kaslo & Area Guide 2018
Kaslo & Area Guide 2018
Kaslo & Area Guide 2018
Official 2018
IDidaRide/Run August 11
K a sl o M a y Da y s May 19-21
K as lo Ja zz E tc August 3-5
“You Deserve the Best”
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• Fresh & Smoked Sausages
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• Largest Selection of Bougainville Lodge
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A third generation business... 250-353-2436
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Festivals .............................13-15
Recreation ..............................17
Nakusp Healing & Wellness ............35-38
Lardeau Day Trips ............................40-43
Arrow 6 Landing Woodbury ...............................45
Park Trai
reek Ainsworth ...............................46
Arrow Park y of the Gh Fry C
Ferry Valle ost
s North End of Kootenay Lake .....47
6 Retallack
Slocan Sandon Dining Guide ...........................48
New Denver 31A
Burton Accommodations Guide .....49-50
6 Needles
Home of the SS Moyie
Silverton KASLO National Historic Site Churches .................................50
Needles Fauquier Valhalla 31
Kokanee Be Bear Aware
Glacier Woodbury
Kootenay Lake Ferry wildsafebc.com
Edgewood Park Ainsworth Kootenay Bay
Slocan Hot Springs If you meet a bear in the wild,
Crawford Bay
remain calm. Never approach or
6 Balfour chase the bear; instead face the
Koch Creek Harrop bear without making eye contact
Road Cable Ferry ek
G ra y C rea d and back away slowly. Take the
information on bears.
Deer On Highway
cially at dusk.
They can be unpredictable
around vehicles. Please drive
slowly and with caution.
3 Salmo
Christina 3
Lake 3B Cover Photos:
3B 3
Kaslo aerial: Ken Hewat
TRAIL Airport CRESTON Mtn Biker:
Thomas Nowaczynski
Christina Lake
Street aerial: Dan Seguin
Cascade Paterson Waneta Nelway Jazz Etc Festival:
Louis Bockner
Published yearly in Kaslo, BC, Canada Online at www.visitkaslo.com • © Copyright 2018, KS Perry Publishing Ltd . (Pennywise)
KASLO 400 A Avenue, PO Box 430, Kaslo, BC V0G 1M0 All rights reserved. Printed in Canada
For advertising information phone Larissa Scott at 250-353-2602 or 1-800-663-4619. If you would like to be a
distributor of the Kaslo Guide, please email: distribution@pennywiseads.com
R E S E R VAT I O N S @ KO OT E N AY L A K E V I E W R E S O R T.C O M | 1 . 8 7 7. 2 2 9 . 4 1 4 1
Fauquier-Needles Ferry
All times are Pacific (Balfour) time.
The Langham
ities on Kootenay Lake felt for her during live in tent camps and in the old buildings
her 60 years of faithful service on the lake. that had been abandoned after the mining
The ship is still a welcoming sight. The SS boom went bust.
Moyie is both Kaslo’s Visitor Centre and a In 1942, Kaslo’s heyday was a distant mem-
captivating museum. Read more about the ory. This influx of new residents made national films in the theatre, and partici-
Moyie on page 11. a big impression and animated the half pate in a wide variety of workshops and
classes. In 2014, the Architecture Founda-
The Kaslo Village Hall tion of British Columbia named 12 of the
best buildings in BC. The Langham was
(Kaslo’s “City” days are long gone!) was
recognized as one of that elite dozen.
built in 1898 – the same year the SS Moyie
made her maiden voyage on Kootenay The self-guided tour of the Japanese Can-
A Unique and Axciting FREE Family Show! www.thelangham.ca • 447 A Avenue, Kaslo • 250-353-2661
Self Contained Duplex
On Kootenay Lake Cabins on 25 Acres
Call 250-353-8855
SS Moyie Sternwheeler
Come down to the ship at the bot- Kootenay Star
tom of Front Street for a journey Mining Museum
into the not-so-distant past that feels
like a world away. The sternwheeler This little museum, right in the middle of
SS Moyie belongs to the era when Front Street, celebrates an era when hard,
only steamships could have brought hard work, and unimaginable risk, was
so many settlers and prospectors to the norm for most people. At its found-
this difficult landscape. Kootenay ing, Kaslo was the gateway to the “mining
Lake was the only highway. metropolis of the world”; a time when for-
For nearly sixty years, sternwheelers tunes were made and lost in a day.
provided a transportation lifeline to Hundreds of old tools from the boomtown
the many isolated communities on Photo: Karma Halleran years are on display – also mining ma-
Kootenay Lake. The staterooms and You can tour her decks and her state chines, assaying paraphernalia and min-
decks of the SS Moyie and her sister ships rooms, including the elegant Ladies Salon, eral samples, and miners’ gear. At the back,
welcomed the miners, entrepreneurs, or go down below and look at all the cargo there is one room devoted to the early days
farmers and pioneer families who wanted and the great coal fired engine in her belly. of forestry. Axes of all different shapes and
The Slocan Ramblers, Bluegrass, Argenta Fall Faire
Polar Bear Plunge Jan 1 Langham May 11 2nd or 3rd weekend in September
The New Oxford Quartet, Thanksgiving Rainbow Derby
Salon of the Arts, Langham Jan 19
St Andrew’s Church May 15 Woodbury Resort Oct 6-8
Events Calendar
Robbie Burns Night, BlueBelle Jan 25 Kaslo May Days Festival May 19-21 Christmas Light Up Celebration Dec 1
BC Day Kaslo Logger Sports May 19, 20 Kaslo Legion Craft Faire Dec 1
Winter in the Forest Festival Feb 12
Kaslo Show n' Shine May 20 Winter Solstice Celebrations Dec 21
Heritage Week Activities Feb 19–25 Canada Day July 1 Kaslo Jamboree Hockey Tournament
Early Years of Kaslo, Langham March 2 Kaslo Art Walk summer months Dec 22, 23
Twin Bandit, folk duo, Langham March 3 Jazz Etc. Festival Aug 3-5 ONGOING:
Alexei Tartakovsky, pianist IDIDaRide-Run Aug 11 Kaslo Saturday Market
St Andrew’s Church Mar 9
Pirate’s Day SS Moyie Aug 12 June 9 to Sept 22, 10-2pm
Easter Dolly Derby, Woodbury Resort Workshops, exhibitions, speakers
Columbia Basin Culture Tour Aug 11, 12
March 31-April 2 & film series www.thelangham.ca
Kaslo’s 125th Birthday Aug 14
The Zodiac Trio Piano, violin, clarinet
British Car Show Sept 9
St Andrew’s Church April 5 www.visitkaslo.com
Small Glories folk/roots, Langham April 14 Lardeau Valley Harvest Festival Sept 29 For up to date event info.
Affordable Luxury
400 Front St, Kaslo 250-353-9688
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14 Kaslo and Area Guide 2018| Kaslo BC, Canada www.visitkaslo.com
more Festivals & Events
The best little Festivals
Kaslo Jamboree
mountain bike and trail running race, to
–Halynn Blanchard, Earshot Jazz, Seattle be held Saturday, August 11 on the fabu- 21. Join the Kaslo Trailblazers in a lantern
Keep an eye on their website as the acts are lous Kaslo and area trail network. procession from the main trailhead at the
confirmed. www.kaslojazzfest.com end of Higashi Way to the covered bridge.
This is the second year for this event and Gather at the bridge picnic area for free
there is something for everyone in the hot chocolate while you cozy up around
Artwalk family. Bike races of 40, 20 and 8 km as the fire pits.
is a fusion of visual art and performance. well as running races of 20 km and 8 km
David Stewart of Heritage & Arts in the are on the menu. Kaslo Jamboree
North Kootenay (HANK) says there “are The first year was a great success with over
plans to make it a more celebratory event For nine years now, on the last week-
100 contestants, from as far away as Eng- end before Christmas, the infamous,
with musicians, food, and guided tours…” land, participating on the great single track
Sounds like fun! Details will be made nay notorious, K-Jam has fogged the air
trails around Kaslo. in the Kaslo Arena. It’s old home week
available as the plans unfold.
Some starts and all the finishes are at the log- for all of the graduates of Kaslo’s storied
The best way to know what’s coming up gers sport grounds, situated on the shores of Minor Hockey Association but anybody
is to keep an eye on the events listings Kootenay Lake. The venue is unparalleled in can play as long as they have a connec-
in the Pennywise paper or on Facebook beauty. Many a racer last year happily went tion to Kaslo. The hockey players always
VisitKasloToday. straight into the lake upon finishing. The five have a lot of fun, they usually raise a bit
events offer a variety that makes it "a day" of money for charity, and the players on
for all. From novice riders and runners to the winning team get to hoist the coveted
www.visitkaslo.com the most experienced athlete competing in Colander Cup. Plus they get a full year of
the longer races, each will be challenged and bragging rights until K-Jam rolls around
For up to date event info. satisfied at the end of their day. again next December.
XC Mountain Bike and Trail Running Races
Planning to Build
Kaslo Golf Course is one of the very first in BC.
Set on a bench overlooking the town, the lake or Renovate?
and the stunning mountains, the course offers a Visit the friendly, knowledgeable staff at
unique experience and is challenging to golfers your local building supply dealer!
of all ages and skill levels.
women’s and mixed league, as well as jun-
At the Kaslo Golf Club there is a spectacular
view at each of the 9 holes. Whether you are
ior programs and a drop-in night. There Kootenay Lake Parks
is an active social club, and they welcome
an experienced golfer or a beginner, there are There are quite a few provincial parks on
visitors and newcomers to the sport.
enough nuances of play to keep you coming Kootenay Lake, some quite tiny and ac-
The Kaslo complex is one of the benefits
back to enjoy the course. cessible only by boat, and others that are
that encourages people and connected to vast
The timber frame clubhouse features a fully families to move to Kaslo.
licensed restaurant with a varied menu, Want to visit some areas of protected wil-
Many say they would never derness.
specials and take-out. The food is always have come without one. It is a ancient trees?
fresh and made from scratch. Dine inside Kootenay Lake Prov-
prized amenity, providing re- There are still some pockets
or on the covered patio where you can relax incial Park is really five
creation, social activities, and of ancient forest near Kaslo
and enjoy the view. Occasionally you’ll different parks.
pride. Every icetime is prime- that are easily accessible.
catch sight of a few deer, elk or a bear stroll- time in Kaslo! Campbell Bay: A
Plan to visit at least one –
ing across the greens, taking the shortcut to small park on Koote-
bring your walking shoes
the lake. Have your camera ready! The forest and your camera. These are nay Lake, just across
You do not usually have to pre-book tee the lake from Kaslo. It
times. There are rental clubs and pull and
and the trees special places:
has a sandy beach and
power carts, and motorcyclists can get free If you were to fly over the vil- Retallack Cedar Trail: 28 km is only accessible by
club rentals. lage of Kaslo, you’d be struck by west of Kaslo on Hwy 31A. boat. Primitive camp-
system, or biogeoclimatic zone. But so is the informal camping experience and lovely
membership, both can be arranged at the degree of slope and the aspect – how much wild beaches.
Kaslo Motel, 250-353-2431, 330 D Ave. sunshine? how steep? how high?
The courts are located on the south end of Coffee Creek: If you happen to be driving
Wildfires from lightning strikes have always along the highway from Kaslo to Nelson,
town by the arena. For information email altered the forested hills. Only the cedars in
kaslotennis@netidea.com you will have plenty of warning that you
the wet valley bottoms and the Douglas fir are approaching this park. When you find
with its thick bark have a measure of pro-
Kaslo Recreation Complex tection against the sporadic seasonal fires.
yourself slowing down to 50 kms per hour
The Kaslo and District Complex draws Look at the mountain slopes and see the and hugging a rock bluff on your right side,
people to its doors like a light shining forest fire history. If you can spy a subtle with Kootenay Lake straight down from
bright draws moths. This asset was built patterning of patches, rather like a sculpted the cliff on your left side, you know you’re
by community effort in 1975, with money, wool carpet, you’re seeing the varied ages of almost there. When you descend to a little
materials and labour that were all donat- stands and the extent of old fires. bridge at the bottom of a tight switchback,
ed. The Complex includes a hockey arena pull off the highway and park in the area
Kaslo’s Community Forest Society is
and two sheets of ice on the curling rink by the river. There is a trail from there that
charged with the stewardship of the forest
side. Most weekends, both parking lots are goes under the bridge and down to the lake
resources and other values, such as water
filled with vehicles bringing both budding alongside Coffee Creek.
and recreation, in much of the Crown land
and weathered hockey stars and new and adjacent to Kaslo. It is also responsible for Midge Creek: This boat access only park
used curlers each to their cherished ice a recreation tenure – the Buchanan Re- is located on the west shore of the main
kingdoms. All ages take advantage of our creation Area, locally known as “Bucky”, body of Kootenay Lake, across from Sanca
sacred arena – seniors, oldtimers, women which is located on the lower slopes of Mt Creek. It boasts more than a kilometre of
and minor hockey all have their slot. Buchanan. sandy beach and backs onto the Midge
Creek Wildlife Management Area.
Manager Randy Phipps
Kaslo Husky
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(view is free) Downtown Kaslo
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Hours: Mon – Fri 5am-9pm; Sat, Sun 6am-9pm; Winter Sundays 6am-8pm
Depot Downtown Kaslo 250-353-2205 7 Days a Week
Kootenay Star
Carved Wood
Kaslo has attracted all kinds of artists and artisans. There off on virtually everybody. Original artwork, a lively arts
are portrait painters, landscape artists, silversmiths, scene and an audible rumble during some key weekends
candlemakers, sculptors, woodworkers, potters, felt in the year is the result. The following pages will intro-
crafters, soap makers, musicians and just about any duce you to some of Kaslo and area’s many fine artists
other creative person. and craftspeople.
Like stones rolling down the riverbed in springtime, the
creative nature of so many Kaslo and area residents rubs
studio located in the Uphill district of Nelson. the domestic rituals surrounding the preparation and service of food.
Inspired by traditional wooden folk art, including Thirty years of experience working with earthenware clay has allowed him
decoys, weather vanes and the work of Doukhobor to develop a distinctive style of glaze applications that complement the
and Ukrainian settlers, he creates pieces with his own clean, functional forms he produces on the potter’s wheel.
distinctive style. Karel looks forward to reopening the Kooterra gallery and studio to the
Ric is continually developing his skills; the breadth of public for the fourth year on May 17. The gallery will have an expanded
his artistic output ever evolving. His sculptures range selection of pottery after the enthusiastic response from visitors during
the 2017 season. www.kooterrapottery.ca
Porcelain Ceramics
from an elegantly carved shorebird with subtle tones
to a colourful, whimsical Kootenay caricature.
• Made in Kaslo
• All natural
• Bee friendly
Find a wide selection
of Honey Candles
at fine retailers and
markets throughout
the West Kootenay
Columbia Basin
Culture Tour
Aug 11 & 12, 2018
10:00am - 5:00pm
Explore artists’ studios, museums, art
galleries and heritage sites through
this free, self-guided tour within the
Columbia Basin.
Artisanal Luxury Products
Back Dirt Road Luxury Products
Simple, practical, small luxuries.
Operating in Kaslo for 12 years now, Back Dirt Road
manufactures exceptional soaps, lotion, creams and specialty
skin and hair products for men and women. Treat yourself or a Kentree Speirs
friend. Experience the difference and quality discovered by many Influenced by a passionate love of nature and art, Kentree Speirs’
across British Columbia and the over 20 stores we supply. paintings are joyous celebrations of the natural world.
Marianne Johnston, Proprietor They express a unique voice by blending stylistic elements and full
BDR Luxury Products spectrum colour choices resulting in a kinetic swirl of disorienting,
Box 1421 Kaslo, BC V0G 1M0 spectacular, painterly events.
250-353-7338 www.backdirtroad.com 250-353-8796
Metal Sculpture
Kootenay Interiors - Sue Scott Saturday
We offer custom made curtains, window coverings and fabric 11-5;
accessories in a large selection of styles and fabric choices. Our Sunday 12-4
focus is on high quality products and design, and making the May long weekend to
best possible window treatments to suit your budget. We also September long weekend
May 19 to September 3
offer an extensive fabric selection from a variety of high quality
designers and suppliers, for those who wish to purchase fabric
from our workroom. 444 FRONT ST.
250-353-2993 info@kootenayinteriors.com KASLO
www.visitkaslo.com Kaslo and Area Guide 2018| Kaslo BC, Canada 21
M any stirring tales can be told of the
great wild boom days when Kaslo was
a rival to Nelson, when men came and
went into the wilderness searching for the silver and
lead and zinc that lay so temptingly hidden in the
the white prowed steamers first broke the stillness of
the blue Kootenay waters; when men were made and
married and wealth came and went in a short hour.
In these pages we will relate stories about Kaslo’s
early days, and the 125 years since it was first incor-
great rocks in the interior of the mountains, when porated as a city – correctly as far as we are able –
but knowing we leave so much untold.
A light snow was falling and it was bit- When the force of the gale was spent,
A Cyclone’s Devastating Work and people were able to take stock of
terly cold. The clothing of the firefight-
The weather was close and hot, un- the damage, not a building remained in-
ers was caked with ice. It soon became
usually so for early June. All day Sat- tact east of Third and north of the Kaslo
apparent that desperate measures were
urday the water in Kootenay Lake con- River, and all but four or five had been
necessary. At about 4:30 am, a group
tinued to rise, and by six o’clock it was utterly destroyed.
15 inches higher than on
Kaslo after the storm, June 1894 The depths of Kaslo’s loss had, however
the previous evening.
not yet been sounded. Downwards to-
Sunday dawned exceed- wards the lake came the fierce torrent of
ingly warm and by ten Kaslo River, having busted though a log
o’clock it had become op- jam upriver. About two o’clock on Mon-
pressively hot, continuing day morning the water was flowing over
so until afternoon. The the deck of the Third Street bridge, and
water of the lake was as an immense tree with roots and branch-
smooth as a mill pond, and es attached had lodged against it. Soon
many took to small water- another tree came barrelling down and
craft, some to row among struck a tremendous blow. The wooden
the submerged buildings bridge broke in the centre and its two
and others to visit more halves were taken by the swift current,
distant points of interest. carried out to the lake where they sank.
Charles St
Becker St
Allen St
DA V I D B L I S H E N ad
Victoria Ave
To Retallack, Sandon,
New Denver Kas
H H Trailblazer
X-country skiing, mountain biking, hiking.
For detailed Kaslo area trail maps and oad Park at either end of airstrip to access trails.
ness R
descriptions: www.trailforks.com B jerk
(search Kaslo)
Wardner Trail
31 H Heritage Site
le A P
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ED 1893 Dr H
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Public boat launch Hiking/Biking Trails
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To Mirror Lake, Fletcher Falls,
Woodbury, Ainsworth, Balfour, Nelson
Not to Scale
© Copyright KS Perry Publishing 2018
fore Kaslo became a City. The province be interesting.” During the past year nothing has been done to
complete the road between Nelson and Kaslo,
granted a charter to Alex Ewen, DJ Truer words were never spoken. In although there is not a great deal to be done
Munn and John Hendry of New West- 1910 a wildfire destroyed the tracks to open a highway between the two cities…
Standing by and cussing the government for not
minster for all that was required to get from Rossiter Creek to Sandon. In 1912 making the road will avail nothing…
a railway from Kaslo west to the mines the crippled K&S line and rolling stock
above Carpenter and Sandon creeks was bought out by the Canadian Pacific By Road, South and North
and those lying near the head waters Railway. By 1950 only one mixed pas- A road was finally completed, linking
of Bear Creek. 10,240 acres of land senger/freight train was running just Balfour to Kaslo. By 1926 one could
would be granted (land that the gran- once a week between Kaslo and Nakusp. drive all the way to Nelson, a trip that
tees could sell) per mile of completed formerly could only be made by boat.
Five years later, torrential rains caused
railway. That’s how infrastructure was
Carpenter Creek to flood and burst its The road north opened up in 1955 but it
financed in those days.
banks. Most of downtown Sandon and was pretty rough. In order to get to the
In the summer of ’93 the price of silver its main street collapsed into the creek school bus on time, Meadow Creek teen-
crashed and the owners were permitted and was carried away, taking the tres- agers had to get up at 5:30 in the morning.
to amend the charter to build a narrow tles and creek side grade of the CPR Before the road was built, Kaslo folks like
gauge railway, a significant economy. with it. The CPR made no attempt to re- Edie Allen took in the high school stu-
Tracks that are closer together mean build the line and for many years, end dents who lived up the lake. They’d stay
smaller trains – and smaller trains re- of track was near a spectacular washout at least Monday to Friday, sometimes not
quire shallower cuts, and the rolling with rails still dangling a hundred feet returning home for weeks at a time.
stock can get around curves that lar- above Carpenter Creek. After Kaslo’s flood in 1894, some residents
ger trains cannot. A nimbler train, just
like a packhorse vs a wagon and team, Wagon Road found that they had not only lost their
In 1891, when silver was discovered houses, but their land too had been torn
can make progress on the skimpiest of
in the Kaslo River valley, prospectors away by the raging river. It was cheaper
rushed to stake their claims. The Kaslo to buy land up the hill which was still un-
On May 8th of 1895, the grading of a Board of Trade initiated the work of developed. The road was busy and rutted,
right-of-way up the Kaslo River began. building a proper road and by the win- being the main supply road to Sandon and
Through terrain which is some of the ter of 1892/3 the wagon road was “fit the mines west. of Kaslo. In 1898 a trestle
most savagely hostile to railroading on for sleighing.” The Kaslo Transporta- bridge was constructed which went over
the planet, a track of 45-pound rail was tion Co. had stages running daily to Bear the K&S tracks, a great improvement.
pounded up 3.25% grades to the 1,700 Lake, one leaving Kaslo at
foot level at Zincton. On a fragile looking 7am and another leaving
“grass hopper” trestle, chief construc- from Bear Lake at 8am.
tion engineer W.F. Tye inched the line Horses and wagons, stage
across the brow of Payne’s Bluff, 1,000 coaches, and pack trains
feet above the valley floor. Less than 29 carved pocks and dug ruts
miles from Kaslo, the K&S reached San- as wranglers pushed and
don on October 22nd. Rich ores from the pulled their loads over the
Bonanza King, the Noble Five and the new road. By 1923, the
Eureka joined those of the Goodenough, road was handling gaso-
In 1898 a trestle
the Payne, the Rambler-Cariboo and the bridge was built over
line-powered vehicles. the K&S tracks.
Slocan Star on their way to market.
To all the adventurous souls who forged this amazing place
called Kaslo. Congrats on your first 125 years!
This page sponsored by Kaslo Kayaking & Adventure Centre
250-353-1925 e Kaslokayaking.com
www.visitkaslo.com Kaslo and Area Guide 2018| Kaslo BC, Canada 31
Norm McCartney recalls the first movie
he ever saw. He lived out of town on the
Back Road, on land now known as Lof-
stedt Farm but was known as the Tur-
nip Farm when Norm was a child. He
and his buddy “Tyke” MacMurphey rode
all the way to the Drill Hall in Kaslo on
horseback. They stabled Cherry, Norm’s
The Kaslo Powerhouse horse, over in Hogan’s Alley, at the far-
Photo: Touchstones Nelson Archives rier’s place kitty-corner on A Avenue
Kaslo invited the residents to hook into and 5th. Once inside the hall, after the
Kaslo Fire Department Drill
the Village’s system which at that time opening cartoons and the newsreels, the
was being upgraded to the tune of a mil- dramatic action of Robin Hood began. On
When Kaslo was first in-
lion dollars - a cost borne equally by the screen, arrows were flying in every
corporated in 1893, its
Kaslo and Area D and the provincial and direction and cinematic music boomed
promoters boasted that it
federal government. from the loudspeakers, filling the dark-
was “the neatest wooden
ened hall. Both he and Tyke were too
town in British Columbia.” 1896 was a banner year for new technol- afraid to admit to their terror so they
Yet imagine the simmering ogy and convenience in Kaslo. The first both decided they had better go and see
anxiety of living in a town telephone line – with eight telephones how the horse was doing. They spent the
where every house, shack and a fire alarm system – was installed rest of the movie stroking Cherry’s nose.
and warehouse was built of wood – espe- that summer. The operator worked out
cially in the wintertime when everyone of the Geigerich house, now the home of Radio and TV came to Kaslo much later
was heating their rooms with open fire- Tom and Georgie Humphries. than to most Canadians. The mountains
places and woodstoves. were a formidable barrier in pre-satel-
By Chrismastime, the first electric lite days. Until the CBC was persuaded
Kaslo had no running water and no light was switched on. The newly built to put up a tower at Pilot Point, TV and
fire hydrants until 1896, two years after Langham Hotel was one of the first to be radio signals were spotty, and came
the 1894 fire that destroyed half of the hooked up. An article in the Sandon Pay- from Spokane. In the mid 1950s Bruce
buildings on Front Street. Before that, streak described it as “one of the most Tate and some friends went up and
water from the Kaslo River was sold comfortable and commodious residen- down the beach near Vimy park, hold-
from two hogsheads on a wagon drawn tial quarters in town, having the bene- ing a portable TV connected by several
by a team of horses. The cost was 25¢ a fits of all modern improvements in the linked extension cords to the nearest
barrel to the downtown residents, while way of electric lights, baths, etc.” house. They angled the TV’s antennae
the unfortunate ones living out of the
In 1914 the City of Kaslo purchased the (“rabbit ears”) this way and that until
lower town had to pay double that price.
power plant and distribution system they caught a signal. They had tuned
At first Kaslo’s water was piped from a from George Alexander for $27,500. into a western! The friends all flopped
dam on the Kaslo River to the reservoir, The power system began with a 18m down on the sand and watched the show.
which was located where the commun- dam on the Kaslo River. Water traveled
There is some dispute about who owned
ity garden is now on 8th and Washing- through wood-stave pipe to the power-
the first car in Kaslo. Some claim it
ton streets. But there were complaints house, where it was returned to the
was Fred Archer. It may have been the
about pollution from the mines upriver river. (You can see the remains of these
Caldwells in 1912, whose car is pictured
and in 1936, 6,000 feet of wood-stave wooden pipes still, especially obvious
here. If it was ever to leave Kaslo, the car
piping was laid down through the woods near the Trailblazer bridge on the River
would have been loaded on the K&S Rail-
to bring water from Kemp Creek to the Trail.) Each home in Kaslo was provid-
reservoir. You can still see parts of the way or into the hold of a sternwheeler.
ed with free electricity to power their
old wooden pipes as you walk along the front porch light and this practice
Lettrari Loop of the Kaslo River Trail. In continued until after the powerplant
1981 the reservoir in upper Kaslo was was bought by West Kootenay Power
filled in with sawdust and a new reser- in 1962.
voir was finished west of the airport.
The first motion pictures were
Although the Kemp Creek source is as
shown in 1913 in the Eagles Hall (now
pristine as one could wish for, from time
the Mason Hall on 3rd Street and A
to time, especially during spring runoff,
Avenue.) Later, movies were shown
it needs treatment.
at the Drill Hall (now known as the
In 2002 McDonald creek burst its banks Legion Hall) and then at the Drexall
and washed out the water system used Theatre on Front Street (now Selkirk
by the Allen Division in upper Kaslo. College.)
Fact is...
Just the Facts, Ma'am
Legend Size
If you’re one of those people who feels more glow with the rays of the
grounded and happier when you know dying sun. Climbing Mt
exactly where your feet are planted, let us Loki is a rite of passage for
offer you a few facts about where you’re at many Kaslovians.
when you’re here – in Kaslo: On the western shores of
Lower Kaslo Village occupies the alluvial Kootenay Lake rise the
fan or delta of the Kaslo River, which emp- mountains of the Selkirk
ties into Kootenay Lake. If you are stand- mountain range. The Kaslo
ing at the river mouth and looking across River valley, which is a
the lake, you will be looking at the Purcell steep cut carving through
Mountain Range. the Selkirks between Kaslo
Land area: Kaslo occupies 3.9 square kilo- and New Denver, is riddled
metres or just over a 1.5 square miles. with the remains of mines
and settlements from the
Distance from a major centre:
era of the silver rush.
By highway Kaslo is 753 km (468 miles)
Mount Loki - Photo: Gary Schneider
from Vancouver, 604 km (375 miles) from
Calgary, and 309 km (192 miles) from Spo- Gardeners love Kaslo
kane, Washington. Peaches, espaliered on a south wall, can grow
The big lake (37 cubic kilometres of water) here and some gardeners harvest greens
moderates Kaslo’s temperatures. Con-
Mountains sequently, very low temperatures in win-
from under straw all winter long. It is com-
monplace for yards to boast vegetable gar-
The most dramatic peak, snowtopped for all ter are rare, and Kaslo gardeners enjoy a dens and several varieties of plum, cherry,
but a few weeks every year, is the mountain growing zone rating of between 4 and 6, apple or pear trees, as well as beautiful flower
named after the Norse god Loki, a legend- depending on their proximity to the lake. gardens. If you love to be inspired by gar-
ary trickster and a shape shifter. If you’re By mid-May you can count on it being
dens, a stroll around Kaslo can’t be beat for
there when the sun goes down, the peak of frost-free until about Thanksgiving, or visions of innovation, colour and creativity.
Mt Loki (at 2771 metres) is the last one to mid-October.
Find Sourdough pastas in grocery stores all over the West Kootenay
3 minutes south of Kaslo • Box 540, Kaslo, BC V0G 1M0
* Soft Drinks * Vegetarian Burgers & Sandwiches
Open Daily 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
April to September
Phone: 250-353-7788
333 Front St., Kaslo, BC Beside Historical 1896 Building – Across from the Moyie
Kaslo Community Pharmacy. Supporting
all of your health & wellness needs!
ph: 250-353-2224 fax: 250-353-2336
PO Box 550, 403 Front Street, Kaslo 250-353-2594
Nat�ral Food Store
Joli Guthrie
Registered Massage Therapist
Come visit us to see
To rejuvenate our great selection:
body & soul Grocery • Produce
Dairy • Bulk Section
Snacks • Vitamins
Bath & Beauty Products
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Sunnyside Naturals
Healing and wellness are integrated Their complete lines of natural supple-
in our whole lives; our nutrition nour- ments and remedies are informed by
ishes our bodies, our families and our professional training, and they offer
communities. Sunnyside Naturals en- knowledgeable referrals to local health
sures that organic and GMO-free prod- providers. Stop by to enjoy the warm
ucts are available. They also work with atmosphere and their famous daily hot
small farmers and local certified kitch- soups and fabulous juice bar.
ens to provide the freshest and most 404 Front Street, Kaslo
dynamic foods for the community. 250-353-9667
email: kaslo@wildsafebc.com
phone: 250-353-8101
more info: wildsafebc.com • Don’t feed wildlife • Walk dogs on leash • Feed pets indoors
• Use bear resistant garbage receptacles • Manage compost & fruit trees
Report all wildlife conflicts to the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277 Village of Kaslo
Welc SLO
K A f the
rne o
Luce tenays
Kaslo Pharmacy
building, 1940s
Fishing Houseboating
are spent fishing!” Dolly Varden:
Kootenay Lake has some of the best fish- A storybook character, a profes-
ing in Canada. You can fish by boat, kayak sional women’s baseball team, a
or canoe with bucktail streamers on the fashion fad... or a fish?
surface or plugs down deep. Or cast from
shore with spoons and jigs. There are three That’s a trick question, because the
different types of rainbows in Kootenay answer is yes to all four, (and there
Lake; Mykiss, Kamlooper and the world are more usages for Dolly Varden
renowned Gerrard rainbow with sizes ran- than that.)
ging from 1 to 20 lbs! Not to be outdone is The original Dolly Varden is a char-
the bull trout or what the locals call dollies. acter in Charles Dickens’ 1839 novel Photo: C. Lynch
They are great to eat or smoke up for later Barnaby Rudge. She was a fetching
and range from 1 to 15 lbs. young thing, and her name eventually Gerrard Rainbow Trout
For up to date fishing reports, licensing came to be applied to a colourful and lay-
Would you like to see the largest species of
and gear stop in at Barren’s Sport Shop on ered style of clothing popular in the 1870s.
rainbow trout in the world? There is only
4th Street. A little south of Kaslo, Wood- A popular parlour song of the day went:
one place in the world you can see these
Trout Day trips from Kaslo and
Hot Springs Things to do ‘Up the Lake’
Trout Gerrard
Lake Duncan
Upper H
Arrow Ro
Lake 31 1 k. F
Gla CD
Howser Creek
Nakusp Valley Duncan
Hot Springs Dam
Meadow Creek
#1 Thing to DoNakusp ass
G rey P
Cooper Creek Earl
in Kaslo Lardeau Argenta
TripAdvisor Johnsons
Davis Creek
Arrow Lost Ledge
E Fry C
Retallack Schroeder
Ne nver Creek
Slocan 31 A 31
Discover the Sandon
Kootenay Rockies’ 3,4 Lake
Premier Adventure!
Mirror Lake
edles Fauquier Valhalla 2
Fletcher Falls
Park Kokanee Woodbury
Park 5 Kootenay Bay
wood Ainsworth Crawford Bay
Balfour 3A
6 Creek
In the Woods and Over the Mountain Mountain Biking Day Trips
1. Lardeau River Rafting 1-855-400-RAFT(7238)
River Rafting
The Kaslo area has
250-366-4338 www.LardeauRIverAdventures.com a vast variety of
The 2018 season runs from May 1 till September 30 with biking trails ran-
daily trips departing from Meadow Creek. Due to limited ging from easy to
space, it is essential to book your rafting trip. Enjoy an very challenging.
exhilarating run on the crystal waters of the Lardeau River Trailforks has the
through the awesome scenery of Goat Range Provincial most comprehen-
Park, which is home to an abundance of Rocky Mountain sive set of up-to-
wildlife. date mountain bik-
ing maps for the
2. Fletcher Falls www.visitkaslo.com Kaslo area. Visit
Recently making the top 10 Traveller’s Choice awards list by www.trailforks.com
Canada Travel, Fletcher Falls is best known as a hiking trail to
a waterfall. There is also a marine wilderness campground The Kaslo Mountain
site for boaters and canoers who are exploring on Kootenay Bike Skills Park or Mountain biking on Mt. Reco - Photo: Ernst Garth - Kaslo Manor Lodge
Family Pump Park
Lake. Backpackers arrive via a hiking trail. Drive 6 km south of
is located on the north side Kaslo River trail. It’s really fun for kids, novice and even
Kaslo on Hwy 31. Turn left on Fletcher Creek Frontage Road.
expert mountain bikers to swoop along through this network of single track trails
Park and walk down to the trail that leads to the foot of a
embraced within a curve of the Kaslo River. (see map pg. 26-27)
spectacular waterfall and moss lined grotto.
Mountain Biking
3. Kayaking on Kootenay Lake 250-353-1925 MULTI-PURPOSE KASLO AREA TRAILS
Kaslo River Trail - You can traverse this lovely riverine loop, bracketed by two
The Kaslo Kayaking Adventure Centre is located on Front beet red covered bridges, in under an hour. Starting at the south end of Higashi
Street. Tours, rentals and lessons are offered and there is Way in downtown Kaslo, and heading west along the north side of the river, walk
high quality outdoor gear for sale. Full day and 1/2 days or bike up towards the Trailblazer Bridge. The initial section of the north side trail
tours can be booked. Lessons are offered for kayaking, is wide, with shallow grades and interpretive signs, making it family friendly and
stand up paddleboarding and windsurfing. Rent a kayak, for much of the way, wheelchair accessible. Halfway to the bridge is the Family
canoe or a stand up paddleboard. Pump Park, which is lots of fun for mountain bikers young and old.
4. Explore Kootenay Lake in a Houseboat Crossing over to the south side trail
Daytrips andExcursions
Hikes and Excursions
1-800-554-1657 www.kasloshipyard.com by way of the original Trailblazer
Houseboating is a wonderful way to explore Kootenay covered bridge, head back towards ‘Up the Lake’
Lake and enjoy some of the best fishing in BC. While town along an enchanting path (see map pg 40)
cruising the lake you can check out the secluded coves, complete with steps, hand ropes A Meadow Mountain
sandy beaches, private swimming and amazing nature and benches at view points. In early
summer the Kaslo River is at its
B Macbeth Icefield
hikes as well as the lakeside towns for golf, natural hot C Monica Meadows
springs, shopping and dining. You can rent one of the wildest, and the damp forest floor
is spangled with the white-petalled D Jumbo Pass
four vessels any time of year, for a day, a week, or ...
Queen’s cup. Within 40 minutes or E Fry Creek
5. Cody Caves 250-359-2283 www.codycavetours.com so you’ll be crossing another cov- DUNCAN LAKE
Cody Caves (one of the best known cave systems in BC) ered bridge and find yourself back
F Glayco Beach, Howser: boat
Zip Line
are a network of limestone caves in the Selkirk Mountains where you started, on Higashi Way.
launch, camping, swimming
in BC, located 2 miles (3.2 km) north of Ainsworth Hot If you keep going west along the
Springs on the west side of Kootenay Lake. Cody Cave G Glacier Creek: camping,
riverside after crossing the Trail-
Tours operate year round and offer a variety of tour blazer Bridge, you’ll be travelling
packages: Adventure, Explorer and Family. For children the Lettrari Loop. If it’s a hot sum- LARDEAU RIVER AREA
age 5 and up to adults who enjoy more strenuous and mer day, you’ll love this section. H Gerrard Rainbow (30-40 lb)
physical adventure. There are wooden boardwalks spawning third week in April to
Hiking Trails
and a couple of little bridges to mid May. Peak end of April.
6. Kokanee Mountain Zipline www.zipkokanee.com cross and some deeply shady spots
The original zipline in the West Kootenay zips you I John Fenger Memorial Park
where you can stop and cool your
through 44 acres of old growth Douglas fir and pine toes in the icy water. It eventually in Gerrard. Old growth forest,
forests. Located 22 km north of Hwy 3A on Kokanee leaves the river, and climbs steeply 20 minute walk, hike.
Glacier Park Rd., Kokanee Mountain Zipline offers 6 to the Kaslo airport and the True
For up to date information on the trails
ziplines of varying heights and lengths and provides a Blue Recreation Area. Pick up a in the Purcell Wilderness Conservancy
breathtaking view of the Kokanee Creek canyon. It’s best trail map at a local business or go to
to book your tour ahead as walk-ups are on a first-come, go online to www.Trailforks.com http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/
first-served basis. Some weight restrictions. Fun for the ('Trails' cont'd pages 42- 43) explore/parkpgs/purcell/
whole family!
HAMILL CREEK C u s t o m C u r t a i n s a n d W i n d o w Tr e a t m e n t s
Mount Loki
west towards New Denver on Highway 31A crosses private property and the owners
for 10 km to the Blue Ridge Forest Service have granted permission to cross their
Road, then follow the signs. The Buchanan property. Keeping this in mind, be respon-
Lookout features a refurbished forest fire sible while doing so.
watch tower. This is a great spot for family
oriented outings; views are spectacular and The Fry Creek Trail extends some 12 km up
flowers are lovely in season. A 2 km loop the canyon and takes you to the Purcell Wil-
trail below the lookout provides access to derness Conservancy. The trail winds through
viewpoints. stands of cedar, hemlock and ponderosa pines
above Kootenay Lake. You will stop often and
Hiking Trails
Whitewater Canyon Trail – This hike takes turn around to admire the splendid views of
you through alpine bowls and offers spectacu- the creek, the canyon and surrounding peaks.
lar viewpoints, even fascinating remnants of Once arriving at the canyon, head to the right
the valley’s mining past. It’s also pretty easy and go down the trail to the bridge across
walking. Start with the Whitewater Forest the creek. This trail heads down to Kootenay
Service Road. It begins from Hwy 31A just af- Lake, thus making this trip accessible by boat
ter the abandoned mine buildings and before if one chooses. The hike to the bridge is a good
the sign for Retallack. Walk as far as you like initiation to the canyon.
and then return. Most people opt for a 3 to 5
For the more adventurous, the Fry Creek
hour excursion. Fry Creek Canyon. Photo: Brynne Herbison
Canyon Trail only begins once you reach
Idaho Peak
hour hike to either of two cabins. Get more
Galena Trail– At the turnoff from Hwy the canyon, just above the bridge. One need
info on this route into the park at Wood-
31A to Sandon at Three Forks is the start bury Resort. You can reserve the cabins only hike a kilometre or two up the trail to
of the Galena Trail. This easy single track through www.alpineclubofcanada.ca experience the canyon. The trail stays to the
bike or hiking trail follows the old rail bed north side of the creek and was blasted out
approx. 11 km to New Denver and features The other way to access the high alpine in of the canyon wall by prospectors hoping to
mining ruins and a cable car over Carpen- this provincial park is to take Hwy 31A strike gold. Oftentimes one feels suspended
ter Creek! Approx 40 minutes drive west west of Kaslo 4 km to Southfork. Cross over the rushing creek.
from Kaslo. Season: June – October the bridge you see on your left and keep
driving up and up the Keen Creek main- It is a long five kilometres from the trail
Fry Canyon
Idaho Peak– This is a beautiful place to line. It’s just over 14 km to the boundary of head to the substantial cable car across
view alpine flowers during July and August. the park. From there you are in for some the creek just above the confluence of Fry
The gravel, switchback road begins in San- true wilderness hiking as the trails in that Creek and Carney Creek. Give yourselves
don and climbs 12 km past sights of lakes, section of Kokanee Glacier Park have not plenty of time to get there as there is a
valleys and old mine sites. Idaho Peak is at been maintained. tricky rock slide to scramble over on the
7479 feet and the alpine meadow lies at the way. Crossing using the cable car is also a
12 km mark. The road near the top may be Fry Creek Canyon Trail bit of work as it is quite heavy. Once across
snow-covered as late as mid-June. Fry Creek Canyon is a great place for a the cable car, the trail fades quickly and the
day hike for locals and visitors alike. Ac- wilderness closes in. This trail is a great
Kokanee Glacier Park – You can get to this
www.RustonLaw.ca • RustonLaw@telus.net
Pat • Rhonda • Sylvie
www.visitkaslo.com Kaslo and Area Guide 2018| Kaslo BC, Canada 43
Woodbury Resort Fish for Rainbows from
your front door.
• Campground and
RV park with over
130 RV/campground sites • New 2-bedroom motel
suites, plus chalets with full
• Protected sandy beach kitchen and satellite TV
• Marina – fuel and tackle
• Boat rentals featuring
18’ covered boats
from $35/hr
(no licence
• Swimming in our
seasonal outdoor
Marine Pub & Restaurant heated pool,
250-353-7716 in Kootenay Lake,
or at nearby
The Best Ainsworth
Fish & Chips Hot Springs
on the Planet! • Daily activities
at the rec hall Office/Registration, Store & Laundromat
• Affordable • Family restaurant
Open 7 days a week
4 kms north of Ainsworth Hot Springs PO Box 1262, Ainsworth, BC V0G 1A0
250-353-7717 Fax 250-353-2004 Toll Free 1-877-353-7717 Email: woodburyresort@netidea.com
44 Kaslo and Area Guide 2018| Kaslo BC, Canada www.visitkaslo.com
Woodbury Woodbury
It takes less than five minutes to drive
Cody Caves
tackle, chalet rentals, a recreation hall and May to September there are tours suited to
a swimming pool. all ages from 5 years up, lasting from 2 to
7 hours including the forest hike from the
When you arrive, head into JB’s Restaurant parking lot to the cave entrance.
and enjoy a meal. Linger over dinner and
later chat with the locals in the fun and laid For the very active and adventurous there
back atmosphere of the pub. are now tours into Cody Cave during the
winter. Winter access is via helicopter in
Woodbury is also a gateway to Kokanee and snowshoe out, or an overnight 18 km
Glacier Park and the Silverspray Cabin. round trip snowshoe hike and cabin camp-
Spawning Channel
country is your passion, Kaslo has several
and mountain whitefish. options for heli-skiing or snow cat skiing.
After all, commercial heli and snow cat
Duncan Dam skiing operations were born here!
Kootenay Lake was dammed in 1967. The
Duncan Dam, a 40 metre earth-fill dam To find out more about Mount Carlyle Meadow Creek
with no power generation facilities, was Lodge, Selkirk Snowcat Skiing, Retallack, Spawning Channel
the first of the three Columbia River Treaty Stellar Heliskiing, White Grizzly Cat Sometimes it’s okay to see red. The flashing
dams to be built in the Canadian section of Skiing and more visit our website: http:// bright red of thousands upon thousands of
the Columbia River Basin. It was designed visitkaslo.com/recreation-events/winter- spawning kokanee that is. This is the sight
to control the flow of water from the Dun- sports/ to behold at the Meadow Creek spawning
can River into Kootenay Lake. The Duncan channel from late August to early October.
is the tributary that provides about 13% of Lardeau Valley Museum
the water flowing into Kootenay Lake. The Meadow Creek spawning channel was
A little north of the Meadow Creek town constructed in 1967 with BC Hydro funds
As the dam neared completion, the valley centre, just past the Lardeau Valley Com- and was the world’s largest at the time. The
bottom was cleared of large trees, the ori- munity Hall, is a small museum dedicated channel is 3.3 km long by 12 metres wide;
ginal residents of the community of Hows- to local history. It is open during July and it supports a total of 250,000 spawning
er displaced, and some farms and orchards August or by appointment, email mu- kokanee. 10 – 15 million fry are produced
were flooded. When the water began to seum.lvhs@gmail.com. If the museum is annually with mean egg-to-fry survival
rise and fill the new reservoir, the original not open it’s worth stopping anyway. There rate of 45%.
Duncan Lake increased in size from 25 km is still a fair bit to see just roaming about
to 45 km in length. the grounds. The buildings themselves are The spawning channel is open to the pub-
quite interesting and six interpretive signs lic for the duration of the spawning season,
You can visit the dam. Follow the signs on unless there is unusually high bear activity.
Highway 31 north of Meadow Creek to posted outside give a good sense of time
and place back in the day. The history les- Walkways and an interpretive site allow
Duncan Dam – or do the armchair ver- visitors the opportunity to learn about this
sion! sons become hands-on at the Lardeau Val-
ley Fall Fair every year as some of the old wonder of nature. It is located 4 km north
http : / / w w w. youtu b e. c om / equipment is still functional. of Meadow Creek off Highway 31.
Kaslo Hotel
Luxurious, spacious guest rooms with lake and mountain
views. Deluxe pillow-top beds, private balconies, free
Wi-Fi, deluxe bath, rocking chair, flat screen TV. Enjoy one
of our eleven beers on tap in our pub and licensed dining
with patio. Non-smoking and wheelchair accessible.
Sorry, no pets.
250-353-7714 • www.kaslohotel.com
and Rooms See ad page 44
Kasloand Rooms
Kaslo See ad page 44
Campground See ad pageSee38ad page 38
Valley Valley
Campground See ad pageSee42
ad page 42
Kaslo Municipal Campground See ad page 38
Lake Campground
Municipal Campground See ad page
See 34
Lardeau Valley Campground See ad page 42
Lardeau CreekCampground
Valley Creek
Campground Seeadadpage
See page
ad page 18
Woodbury Lake Campground See ad page 34
Lake Resort
Campground Campground
See adSee ad 34
page page
See44ad page 44
Schroeder Creek Campground See ad page 18
Schroeder Creek Campground See ad page 18
Woodbury Resort Campground See ad page 44
ST. ANDREW’S Campground
CHURCH See ad page 44
CHURCH Kaslo Community
Kaslo Community
ChurchChurch Kaslo Christi
Kaslo an
an Assembly
500 4th500
St. Kaslo
with Village
with MissionsinCanada
Village Missions and Area
Canada Meet inMeet
the Langham
in the Langham
Centre Centre
250-353-2936 430 B Ave.
B Ave.BCKaslo BC TheatreTheatre
250-353-7335 Community
Kaslo Community Church
Church KasloKaslo
447 A Ave. A Christi
Christi an BC
Ave.BCKaslo Assembly
an Assembly
500 4th St. Kaslo BC with Village Missions Canada 250-353-7111
Meet in the Langham Cultural
500 4th St. Kaslo BC villagemissions.ca
with Village Missions Canada Meet Theatre
in the Langham Cultural Centre Centre
250-353-2936 430 B Ave. Kaslo BC kaslochristi
St. Mark’s
St. Mark’s
Anglican Anglican
ChurchChurch 430 B Ave. Kaslo BC
601 5th601
StreetBCKaslo BC Sacred250-353-7335
Heart Heart
250-353-7335 447 A447
Ave. BC
Kaslo BC
villagemissions.ca Quaker: Quaker:
250-353-7111 Argenta
250-353-2159 Roman Roman
villagemissions.ca Catholic
313 5th313St. Kaslo
5th St.BCKaslo BC
Meeti ng
St.St. Mark’s
Mark’s Anglican
Anglican Church
Church ArgentaArgenta
601601 5th Street
5th Kaslo
Street Kaslo BC church)
BC behind church) Sacred
Sacred Heart Heart
Roman Catholic
kaslosacredheart.com Church
Quaker: Argenta Argenta
250-366-4372 Friends
250-353-2159 Roman Catholic Church
313313 5thKaslo
5th St. St. Kaslo
ng House Houseng/argenta
kokanee-parish.com Argenta
250-353-2166 Argenta BC BC
(See Sanctuary
Sanctuary Labyrinth
Labyrinth behind
behind church)
church) 250-353-2166
quaker.ca/meeti ng/argenta
Toll Free: 866-823-1433
430 Front Street, Kaslo, BC