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The journal discusses a variety of topics related to technical analysis including mathematical modeling of price movements, applying the Donchian trading system to commodities, and behavioral finance.

The articles discussed include a paper by two mathematics professors on modeling price movements, an article by Geoff Hicks on applying the Donchian trading system to commodities, and an article by Hank Pruden on behavioral finance.

According to the editor, the research in technical analysis is going in the direction of incorporating fields like sociology, psychology, geophysics, and mathematics to help legitimize technical analysis and solve the question of how and why it works.


Issue 59
Winter-Spring 2003


Market Technicians Association, Inc.

A Not-For-Profit Professional Organization ■ Incorporated 1973
JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 • Issue 59
Table of Contents
This issue of the JOURNAL of Technical Analysis has some extremely interesting, thought-provoking and useful articles. It is led by a wonderful and novel,
though perhaps stressful to those mathematically-challenged, paper by two mathematics professors, Gundez Calginalp and Donald Belenovich. Despite the
mathematics involved, this article shows how the price-determining mixture between extremes of fundamental value-based analysis and purely emotionally-based
speculation can be balanced to produce our typical trends and patterns. What’s also interesting is that Professor Calginalp is the editor of the Journal of Behavioral
Finance, a subject that outwardly would appear to be quite distant from mathematical formulation. However, for our purposes as inquisitors into the realm of
technical analysis theory progresses, the cross discipline and combination of skills and knowledge from many fields is especially useful and desired. Technical
analysis has always been considered by its practitioners to be a multi-disciplined subject incorporating mathematics, finance and behavior. I am seeing and reading
more studies being applied to price structure from outside the traditional finance departments at universities - mostly from sociology, psychology, geophysics, and
mathematics departments. Hopefully, through their work we can finally dispel the finance notion of randomness and rationality that has dominated price theory for
so long and solve the question of how and why technical analysis seems to work.
From the theoretical to the practical, our very own, newly designated CMT, Geoff Hicks reports on work he has done in applying the age-old Donchian four bar
rule to weekly commodity prices. It is an interesting and useful study that gives us all the practical information we need to asses the value of the method for longer-
term commodity trading. And finally our old friend and former Journal editor, Hank Pruden, provides us with an article he wrote for Stocks and Commodities
magazine on behavioral finance, which he has long been interested in, and the life cycle of crowd behavior.
All in all I am really excited about the quality and perspective of these articles and urge you to sit down and read them. They give an excellent indication of the
direction in which the research in technical analysis is going and why we need our academic brethren to help us in legitimizing our field of study.
Charles D. Kirkpatrick II, CMT, Editor

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis Editor & Reviewers 2

The Organization of the Market Technicians Association, Inc. 3

1 A Theoretical Foundation for Technical Analysis

Gunduz Caginalp, Ph.D. and Donald Balenovich, Ph.D.

2 Donchian’s Four-Week Rule Trading System

Geoff C. Hicks, CMT

3 Life Cycle Model Of Crowd Behavior

Henry O. Pruden, Ph.D.

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 1

Journal Editor & Reviewers
Charles D. Kirkpatrick II, CMT
Kirkpatrick & Company, Inc.
Bayfield, Colorado

Associate Editor
Michael Carr
Cheyenne, Wyoming

Manuscript Reviewers

Connie Brown, CMT J. Ronald Davis, CMT Jeffrey Morton, MD, CMT
Aerodynamic Investments Inc. Golum Investors, Inc. PRISM Trading Advisors
Pawley's Island, South Carolina Portland, Oregon Missouri City, Texas
Matthew Claassen, CMT Cynthia Kase, CMT Kenneth G. Tower, CMT
The Technical View Kase and Company CyberTrader, Inc.
Vienna, Virginia Albuquerque, New Mexico Princeton, New Jersey
Julie Dahlquist, Ph.D. Michael J. Moody, CMT Avner Wolf, Ph.D.
University of Texas Dorsey, Wright & Associates Bernard M. Baruch College of the
San Antonio, Texas Pasadena, California City University of New York
New York, New York

Production Coordinator Publisher

Barbara I. Gomperts Market Technicians Association, Inc.
Financial & Investment Graphic Design 74 Main Street, 3rd Floor
Marblehead, Massachusetts Woodbridge, NJ 07095

The JOURNAL of Technical Analysis is published by the Market Technicians Association, Inc., (MTA) 74 Main Street, 3rd Floor, Woodbridge, NJ 07095. Its
purpose is to promote the investigation and analysis of the price and volume activities of the world's financial markets. The JOURNAL of Technical Analysis is
distributed to individuals (both academic and practitioner) and libraries in the United States, Canada and several other countries in Europe and Asia. The JOURNAL of
Technical Analysis is copyrighted by the Market Technicians Association and registered with the Library of Congress. All rights are reserved.

2 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003

The Organization of the Market Technicians Association, Inc.
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MTA MEMBER We want your article to be published and to be read. In the latter regard, we
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JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 3

4 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003

A Theoretical Foundation for Technical Analysis
Gunduz Caginalp, Ph.D. and Donald Balenovich, Ph.D.

Abstract third by using a model which generalizes the classical theory of adjustment to
include supply and demand changes which depend on price derivative in addi-
Using a dynamical microeconomic model which generalizes the classical tion to price [Caginalp and Balenovich (1991), (1994b)]. Within this approach,
theory of adjustment to include finite asset base and trend-based investment the classical (value-based) motivation for purchasing the equity is augmented
preference, we develop a foundation for the technical analyis (or charting) of with a trend-based strategy of buying as a result of rising prices. The analysis
securities. The mathematically complete system of (deterministic) ordinary of supply, demand and price, based on money flow, as a function of time leads
differential equations that has provided a quantitative explanation of the labo- to a system of differential equations, which may be deterministic or stochastic.
ratory bubbles experiments generates a broad spectrum of patterns that are The model incorporates, in a natural way, the conservation of asset principles
used by practitioners of technical analysis. The origins of many of these pat- which prevent a bubble from continuing indefinitely, and includes the effects
terns are classified as (i) those that can be generated by the activities of a of finite markets that are absent in the classical theory. These equations have
single group, and (ii) those that can be generated by the presence of two or been useful in understanding the non-classical behavior of real and experimen-
more groups with asymmetric information. Examples of (i) include the head tal markets such as the formation of bubbles and subsequent fall in prices. In
and shoulders, double tops, rising wedge while (ii) includes pennants and sym- particular, the parameters in the equations can be calibrated with a single ex-
metric triangles. The system of differential equations is easily generalized to periment such as those of Porter and Smith (1989), (1994); the remaining ex-
stochastic ODE’S. Application is also made to Japanese candlestick analysis. periments are then predicted with no adjustable parameters. Statistical tests
confirm that the predictions are overwhelmingly more likely than the alterna-
1. Introduction tive hypothesis, either in the form of the efficient market hypothesis or in the
trivialization of the trend based component.
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY The use of technical analysis has always posed an interesting question for
Technical analysis or charting is a technique which uses the patterns of the the efficient market hypothesis as the latter implies that such methods could
price history of a financial instrument (commodity, currency, stock or compos- not be successful. In particular, the weak form of the efficient market hypoth-
ite average) in order to provide indications on the future behavior of prices esis maintains that prices incorporate all public information so that an analysis
[Edwards and Magee (1992), Myers (1989), Pring (1993)]. Technical analysis of price pattern cannot produce any profits. Moreover, significant return from
actually consists of numerous methods with a common set of basic principles, technical analysis, even in conjunction with valuation methods, tends to argue
and is the chief alternative to fundamental analysis which strives to assess the against the efficient market hypothesis. Consequently, there is a close link
true value of financial instruments. The philosophical basis of fundamental between the validity of technical analysis and the inefficiency of the market.
analysis is quite close to classical economic theory which stipulates that prices For example, the bubbles that have been observed in laboratory experiments
will move in a direction to alleviate the discrepancy between the current price are an example of inefficiency. At the same time, it would be easy to use mo-
and the true value. Thus, the investor tries to discover a stock, commodity or mentum indicators, for example, to profit from these bubbles if one were par-
financial instrument whose current price does not yet reflect its improved for- ticipating in these experiments. Also, the necessity for technical analysis in
tunes. The investor who trades on such a fundamental basis thereby becomes securities marketing, e.g., secondary offerings, becomes evident if the relevant
part of the process by which prices are returned to equilibrium while profits are market is not very efficient. We discuss some recent examples of market inef-
made in the process. Traders who prefer technical analysis usually agree that ficiency below.
the fundamental value will eventually be attained. However, they contend that The second question of statistical testing based upon patterns is not ad-
funds can remain unproductive for the intermediate term (from days to months) dressed in this paper, though it has been studied in others. Brock et al. (1992)
while awaiting the long term process of reaching the equilibrium or fundamen- review the literature and conclude that many simple rules have found no statis-
tal value which may take years. Furthermore, they contend that even the direc- tical validity. In particular, they test the hypothesis of the moving average trad-
tion of prices need not be uniformly in the direction of fundamental value. The ing rule that consists of a buy signal when the price moves above a particular
implicit assumption is that the dissemination of information and reassessment moving average and a sell signal when the price crosses below the average.
of value is a slow process which may be overshadowed by sellers of underval- Using the data set of the Dow Jones average for several decades, they found
ued securities who are either unaware of true value or hesitate to rely on the almost no net gain for using either the buy or the sell signal. White (1993)
optimizing behavior of others (see Section 3) and are attempting to limit losses. analyzed neural networks on 1000 closing prices of IBM stock that was used to
The immediate direction of prices, they argue, is determined solely by the sup- make predictions on the next 500. Roughly speaking, White’s procedures in-
ply and demand of the financial instrument, and that the changes in supply and volved simply finding the optimal fit for the past three days of closing prices
demand are generally evident upon examining recent price trends. and utilizing it to predict the next day. The procedure failed to produce a prof-
Unlike fundamental analysis, technical analysis has no basis in classical itable trading strategy. To technical analysts these failures are not surprising.
economic theory. For example, a decline in prices for an undervalued stock An examination of simply closing prices during three days is unlikely to cap-
can only be attributed to random fluctuations in the context of basic theory. ture the emotion of the previous days. Also a relatively small sample such as
Thus, the widespread practical use of methods of technical analysis which are 500 data points for one stock will not have the capability to uncover particular
contradictory to classical economic theories provides three important puzzles patterns.
for mathematical economics. First, can one explain the key patterns of techni- However, a recent study by Blume et al. (1994) explores technical analysis
cal analysis based on a generalization of the classical theory of adjustment? as a component of agents’ learning process. Focusing mainly on the informa-
Second, can one verify using statistical hypothesis testing that such patterns tional role of volume, they conclude that sequences of volume and price can be
actually appear in real markets? Third, do such patterns have a predictive value informative and argue that traders who use information contained in the market
within the context of a model or in real markets? statistics attain a competitive advantage.
In this paper we focus attention mainly on the first issue and partly on the A different approach, adopted by Caginalp and Laurent (1998) involves

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 5

testing of short term patterns, called Japanese Candlesticks, believed to have maximizing becomes very high for the other player.
predictive power. Scientifically testing all three day reversal patterns discussed The variation in the degree of validity conditions (i) - (iii) in different mar-
in Morris [1992], on a 265,000 day data set of daily open, close, high, low for kets leads to the question of the extent to which markets are near fundamental
each of the S&P 500 stocks for a five year period, they found significant pre- value, or semi-strong efficient, meaning that public information cannot lead to
dictive power. In other words purchasing or selling short at the end of a three profitable trading.
day candlestick pattern (with the correct trend properties as defined in this pa- As with most idealizations, the efficient market hypothesis (in each of its
per) and selling (or buying back in the case of short positions) one-third of the forms) varies in the extent of its applicability depending on the validity of the
shares on each of the next three days leads to statistically significant profit. underlying assumptions. In the Treasury bill market, for example, conditions (i)
Even the short sales during this rising market (1992 to 1996) lead to average and (ii) appear to be valid due to the huge size of the market, the broad participa-
profits of about 0.27% for an average of two trading days. The three day rever- tion of financial institutions and the clear nature of the fundamental value. The
sal patterns (see Section 5) they considered have basic explanations in terms of validity of (iii) can be expected in this market since a player who buys a six
the psychology of trading. We discuss this in terms of our differential equa- month Treasury bill, even though he may need the money in one month, is rely-
tions model. ing on the self-interested maximization of other players who would be sacrific-
In recent years several authors have revisited the tests of classical technical ing a large and certain profit by not purchasing a discounted bill with five months
rules (e.g. moving average) under slightly different conditions and have often left to maturity. At the opposite extreme would be the low capitalization stocks,
concluded that a slight advantage, usually below trading cost, is attained. These emerging markets, etc., where bubbles and other deviations from fundamental
include Antoniou et al.. (1997) who find that price trend integrated with vol- value seem to occur most frequently. The low level market capitalization and
ume yield some predictability in the emerging market of Istanbul. trading volume tends to deter larger investors since the total potential profit,
Similarly, Bessembinder and Chan (1998) included dividends in the re- which may be large by percentage measurements, is small in comparison with
turns and found some positive return. Chang and Osler (1999) found that the the investor’s assets, and, moreover, the profits may be very difficult to realize
head and shoulders pattern, defined below, was predictive in some cases and due to the limited liquidity. Relying upon the self-interested maximization of
not in others. Chan et al. (2000) found that momentum strategies (particularly others appears to be most difficult when there is much uncertainty about their
if augmented by volume considerations) have some significant positive returns potential profits and even about the existence of such players!
for international stock indexes for holding periods less than four weeks. Other In a study examining the evolution of major US stocks during the past cen-
works such as Maillet and Michel (2000) examine technical analysis with fil- tury, Shiller (1981) concludes that volatility over the past century appears to be
tering methods on foreign exchange markets, and conclude that these methods five to thirteen times too high to be attributed to new information about future
can be used to improve upon naïve rules. real dividends. Understanding market efficiency or ineffiency is often difficult
Other works have sought to define and identify computational patterns such because ‘noise makes it very difficult to test either practical or academic theo-
as triangle patterns, etc. (Kamijo and Tanigawa [(1993) and Lo et al. (2000)]. ries about the way that financial or markets work,’ according to Black (1986).
Statistical testing of computationally well defined patterns remains largely a He also states that markets are efficient 90% of the time if one takes a reason-
current research topic. able definition of efficiency such as one in which ‘the price is more than half of
NONCLASSICAL PHENOMENA IN EQUITIES MARKETS value and less than twice value.’ This allows for a quadrupling in price and is
The classical theories of financial markets that have largely dominated the well worth investigating from both a theoretical and practical perspective. Our
academic studies of financial markets are generally based on the concept of approach is based on the idea that there is a deterministic asset flow based on
random price fluctuations about a fundamental value [e.g., Fama (1970), Tirole trend and value, in between the efficient valuation ideas that give a coarse idea
(1982)]. A theoretical basis for this idea is that any deviation from a realistic of price and the fine grain fluctuations that are due to pure randomness.
value is reason for investors to purchase (due to undervaluation) or sell short We present below some recent examples of market phenomena that are not
(due to overvaluation) in the expectation that a profit can be made as other explained by the classical theories unless they are augmented with the concepts
investors follow suit. The following three prerequisites appear to be part of of a trend based aspect of preference and the flow of a finite supply of assets.
any microeconomic model of this concept: (i) There are a group of investors i) Many, though not all, common stocks of bankrupt companies are worthless,
with similar assessments of the value of the security. (ii) These investors have since the common shareholders are legally the last in a long line of credi-
capital that exceeds those of less informed investors. (Or, alternatively they tors for whom there is insufficient funds. Usually even the price of the
manage the capital of less informed investors who have learned of their invest- senior debt reflects a market expectation that the bond holders will receive
ing skill through a perfectly accurate representation of managers’ likely perfor- almost nothing while the common stock, which will receive much less, con-
mance.) (iii) These investors not only want to maximize their returns but are tinues to trade as though it had significant value. In some cases, e.g. Con-
also willing to rely on the self-interested maximization of others. tinental Air in 1992, the common stock had already been pronounced
It will be evident in some of the examples discussed below that (iii) is a worthless by a bankruptcy court judge in accepting a reorganization plan.
crucial component in that the deviation from true value typically does not in Nevertheless, the stock continued to trade and rally for weeks after the de-
itself guarantee a profit in an equity, though it may in Treasury bonds that have cision. This particular example illustrates some of the difficulty in testing
an expiration that is within the investor’s time horizon, for example. An over- efficient market theories. The usual test is that if the market is inefficient,
valued security can become more overvalued and the short position must be then there should be a method for profiting from it. Yet if we consider a
covered before it exceeds margin requirement. The investor who shorts 1000 worthless stock that rallies from ten cents to two dollars and eventually
shares of a $1 stock is forced to buy back those shares (and contribute to further drops to zero, it is clearly a (nearly) zero-sum game: some players win,
price elevation) if the stock subsequently trades at $2, or put up additional cash some lose and probably all have some sort of strategy. Even among the
(under current rules). Consequently, taking such a short position involves rely- players who are quite certain that the stock is worthless, there will be losers
ing upon other investors to take similar actions in self-interested maximization. among those less skilled in anticipating the actions of the majority of inves-
Although it would appear that investors would implement such a strategy, tors. The lack of a precise algorithmic method that always can profit from
the laboratory experiments of Beard and Beil (1994) — to be discussed in Sec- such a situation certainly does not change the obvious conclusion that this
tion 3 — indicate a reluctance of players to rely on the self-interested maximi- is an inefficiency (see also Section 5). The argument that such a stock must
zation of others even while they engage in self-interested optimization have some value, since one can reasonably expect to sell it to someone else
themselves, though they become more willing to do so when the cost of not at a higher price, reduces the efficient valuation theory to a tautology.

6 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003

ii) In some cases, large capitalization stocks that have been privatized by a (1982), Forsythe et al. (1982), Porter and Smith (1989), (1994); Smith et al.
government have risen to a market valuation that cannot be explained on a (1988a,b); Williams and Smith (1984) [see also Porter and Smith (1994) for
fundamental basis. For example, in 1989, as the Japanese government priva- other references] in which prices overshoot the fundamental value and subse-
tized the phone company, Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Co. (NTT) had quently crash.
a market value that exceeded the entire West German market. The theories AN ASSET FLOW PERSPECTIVE IN SECURITIES MARKETING AND
of efficient markets are not only confronted with the puzzle of valuation but TECHNICAL ANALYSIS
of the possible influence of the sale process on the price. We will consider these examples in the context of our asset flow differen-
iii) Many of the world’s markets have suffered severe drops that appear to ex- tial equations [see Caginalp and Balenovich (1991), (1994b) and references
ceed the change in fundamental value after long trends that exaggerated therein] which incorporate the ideas of a finite asset base, a trend based compo-
value. The huge boom and subsequent crash in the Internet/high-tech part nent of investor preference, and the possibility of distinct groups with asym-
of the US market is a reminder that bubbles can occur in markets with rapid metric investors (Section 3). The model can naturally incorporate the flow of
information flow and high liquidity. During the height of the bubble, many additional stock or cash and can be generalized to include a variety of investor
companies soared to market caps of billions without ever recording a profit. strategies and motivations. Moreover, once the parameters in the system of
A large number of such stocks fell below 1% of their peak prices, as nearly equations are calibrated for an investor population using a single experiment,
seven trillion in market capitalization was obliterated by 2002. The the equations can then be utilized to obtain quantitative predictions for any
NASDAQ lost approximately 80% of its value in the two year bear market hypothetical scenario or set of quantitative assumptions such as the magnitude
that began in the year 2000. In the Japanese market, many other Japanese of assets of distinct groups. The classical theories offer a limited amount of
stocks besides NTT soared to excess valuation by the end of 1989, and the insight into the problems that confront practical securities marketing in that the
Nikkei lost half of its value in eight months in 1990. Similarly Taiwan had theories tend to assume infinite arbitrage capital and infinite rationality. Our
seen the price/earnings ratios of many companies reach triple digits until analysis is designed to provide a basic framework in which the flow of various
the Weighted Index lost over 80% of its value in eight months. components of supply and demand is tracked explicitly within the context of
preferences that depend on valuation and the price trend.
iv) Stock market crashes such as those of 1987, 1929 and the mini-crash of
1989 and subsequent rebounds appear to be inexplicable from a valuation In addition to the examples above there is a large body of knowledge known
perspective [see e.g. Kampuis (1989)] as is the large sell off in derivative as technical analysis which attempts to identify the patterns on price charts that
may offer an indication of whether a trend is likely to continue or terminate. Of
and mortgage-backed securities in early 1994. The 1929, 1987 and deriva-
tive crash of 1994 may all be viewed as an exaggerated market response course, such a possibility is ruled out by the (weak) efficient market hypothesis
prompted by the Federal Reserve’s rate increase and aggravated by the in- which maintains that prices alone have no predictive value, and so many acade-
micians are quite skeptical of these ideas, while practitioners use them rou-
creased supply in the midst of declining demand for the securities.
tinely in trading and marketing securities. We will discuss some of the major
v) An equally puzzling phenomena among closed-end funds is the large pre- patterns in Section 3 and then describe how these patterns are a natural conse-
mium (50% to 100%) that has occurred particularly among country funds quence of this asset flow model, thereby providing a theoretical basis for tech-
which generated a high degree of investor interest. nical analysis.
vi) The persistent discount from net asset value that afflicts the average closed-
end fund has been a puzzle for both practical and academic observers, since 2. Technical Analysis
investors with cash can attempt to maximize their returns by buying $100
of stock for $80 in many cases. During 2001 some of the discounts ex- BASIC ASSUMPTIONS AND INTRODUCTION
ceeded 30% so that $66 could buy $100 of stock in the case of India Growth In their lead sentence, Caginalp and Laurent [1998] observed that “The gulf
Fund, for example. Some articles have debated whether the origin of this between academicians and practitioners could hardly be wider on the issue of
discount is related to investor sentiment [Anderson and Born (1992), Lee et the utility of technical analysis.”2 While economic and financial scholars often
al. (1991), Chen et al. (1993), Chopra et al. (1993)]. ignore or downplay the role of conventional technical analysis, financial ex-
perts are often quite eager to implement it without regard to the nature of the
Secondary offerings of stock in major companies and closed end funds have
economic assumptions inherent in the methods. We present here a brief sum-
resulted in lowering prices according to reliable statistical studies on Swiss
mary of some simple patterns and the basic principles that standard references
stocks [Loderer and Zimmermann 1985] and common experience on Wall Street.
state as the justification for technical analysis [Edwards and Magee (1992),
Underwriting specialists generally acknowledge that additional supply of a
Myers (1989), Pring (1993)]. The key assumptions are as follows:
closed-end fund or common stock will “weigh” on the market and attempt to
estimate the amount of new supply that the market will bear. However, the 1) Trends in prices tend to persist. This is essentially a momentum concept
efficient market hypothesis predicts that other investors would eliminate any which means, in economic terms, that the supply/demand ratio is slowly
discount by purchasing the shares and cannot address this issue. The removal varying (despite changing prices) unless there is a significant change in
of stock has essentially the opposite effect. Clearly, the efficient market is fundamentals or the sources of supply or demand. Note that this assump-
contingent upon a large supply of additional funds in these situations. tion may violate classical equilibrium economics in that a price rise is not
The spectacle surrounding initial public offerings (IPO’s) reached a fever expected to bring an immediate decline in demand or rise in supply. Thus,
pitch during the late 1990s. Many newly formed companies soared to market the validity of this key assumption of technical analysis appears to be con-
caps of billions on their first day of trading, often with no sales, let alone profits tingent upon introducing price derivative dependence, in addition to price
[Loughran (2002)]. Even the most generous fundamental assessment led to the dependence, upon the demand function. This is an important issue from the
conclusion that these shares were worth pennies rather than $20 per share or perspective of microeconomic price theory as discussed in greater detail in
higher. When a stock is trading for one hundred times its fundamental value it Section 3, after equation (3.3).
is difficult to attribute the price changes to fundamentals or even new informa- 2) Market action is repetitive. This assumption maintains that various pat-
tion. The price changes are most likely influenced by traders’ perceptions of terns appear again and again in price charts. These patterns evolve as a
others’ motivations. consequence of investors’ reactions to the change in their fortunes. Thus,
These real world market examples are, of course, complemented by the the recurrence of various patterns is a manifestation of the tendency for
controlled laboratory experiments such as those of Smith (1982), Plott and Agha people to behave similarly (or employ analogous strategies) in similar situ-

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 7

Rather than presenting the various price patterns in the traditional way (e.g.,
[Myers (1989)]), we organize these patterns in a manner that will be compat- Dow Jones U.S. Large Cap Technology Index
ible with the asset flow theory, which provides a unified explanation for these
phenomena. Most significantly, we divide patterns into two categories, one of
which can be understood in terms of a single group of investors with similar
information and motivations, and the other which requires at least two such
groups. Furthermore, traditional explanations of charting tend to focus on the
distinction between consolidation patterns (meaning the trend will resume af-
ter a brief respite) and reversal patterns (meaning the trend will terminate and
be replaced by a trend in the opposite direction). While this distinction appears
to be natural when the chief goal is to profit by predicting trends, our analysis
shows that it is not very basic since the origin of some consolidation patterns is
quite close to related reversal patterns. In fact, one of our conclusions is that it
appears to be difficult to predict the direction of prices (using only price histo-
ries) before they emerge from a complex pattern such as a symmetric triangle
as discussed below.
Our methods are aimed at showing that the major patterns of technical analy-
sis can all be obtained from a set of assumptions that consist essentially of the
classical theory of adjustment augmented with the concepts of (a) trend based
investing, (b) finite asset base, and for some patterns, (c) asymmetric assess- Gaps: In a strong uptrend, one often observes that a trading range for a
ment of value. The conclusions we draw would not be significantly altered if a day’s prices lies entirely above the previous day’s. The appearance of an up-
modifications of the asset flow model were used, provided that these ingredi- ward gap is an indication of buying strength and higher prices for the immedi-
ents are preserved and that the parameters are evaluated with the same prin- ate future. The situation is analogous for downtrends. If the latest gap is within
ciples (e.g. calibrated from experiments). the range of prices during a suitable period prior to the gap, then it is called
Criticisms of technical analysis have included the following: Rounding Top or Bottom: A reversal pattern which is simple but not very
common occurs when the price gradually changes direction.
a) The complex patterns are difficult to identify in an objective manner. Key Reversals, V-formations and Spikes: Another set of reversal pat-
b) Academic studies [e.g. White (1993)] have indicated that positive out-of- terns is similar to the rounding top except that they occur more abruptly. A V-
sample results are not obtained in a straightforward manner. formation bottom simply has the appearance of a V as is illustrated in Figure 2.
c) There is a perception that pure technical analysts (who avoid valuation com- A spike is a sharp V in which the maximum is attained and abandoned quickly.
pletely) do not produce consistently large profits. A key reversal is more specific in that a maximum is attained on a particular
The issue of objective identification has recently been considered within day which ends near the lowest part of the day’s trading range.
computer programs that eliminate personal biases [Kamijo and Tanigawa
(1993)], though this endeavor is in its initial stages. The academic studies of
price predictability have often focused on a particular algorithm (e.g. can one
devise a neural network algorithm for using the past three days’ closing prices
to predict the fourth? [White (1993)]) that is far simpler than those used by
practitioners, who are thus unpersuaded by these arguments. Finally, while it is
difficult to ascertain the profitability of pure technical analysis, a simple argu-
ment illustrates the limitations involved in ignoring fundamental developments
in valuation. A price pattern reflects the dynamics of supply and demand for
the security up to the present time. As fundamental changes occur the pure
technician relies on other traders to interpret the changes and make trades that
change the pattern before the technician acts. Suppose we consider a pure
technician in competition with an equally knowledgeable technician who is
also adept at assessing changes in valuation. The latter will always have a
substantial advantage in that he can open or close positions substantially before
(and more favorably than) the pure technician. Moreover, an investor who is
apprised only of fundamental value may not make the optimal trade if he is
unaware of the changing balance of supply/demand. Thus, the technician/fun-
damentalist can be expected to outperform both the pure technician and funda-
mentalist. The latter two can be expected to outperform traders who have no Head and Shoulders: A common reversal pattern with a more complex
information on value or supply/demand. appearance, the head and shoulders pattern appears as a major peak flanked by
SINGLE GROUP PATTERNS a minor peak at either side. The analogous bottom is the inverted head and
shoulders pattern shown in Figure 3. In some ways this is similar to the dia-
Trendlines or Channels: One of the most common patterns or channels mond formation in which the convex hull of the local maxima and minima
observed in financial patterns is the general movement of prices in either the form a diamond shape.
upward or downward direction, roughly between two parallel lines as shown in
Double and Triple Tops (or Bottoms): A pattern which bears some re-
Figure 1. The chief practical uses of trends are to identify them in order to buy semblance to a head and shoulders top occurs when two or three peaks (with
securities in uptrends, trade within limits in horizontal channels and to deter- similar peak values) occur successively as they attain essentially the same maxi-
mine when the trendline has been broken.
mum. Triple tops and bottoms are less common than double.

8 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003

Bombay Sensitive Index

Dow Jones Industrials

Rising (or Falling) Wedge: This is a rather common reversal pattern that
differs in a subtle way from the pennant and symmetric triangle formations
which we discuss as part of the two group patterns below. The price rises into
the wedge which has positive slope (i.e., the rising wedge in Figure 4 and
analogously for a falling wedge in Figure 5) as opposed to the symmetrical
triangle or pennant which have zero or negative slope respectively. The nega-
tive prediction rendered by the rising wedge is evident upon a comparison with
a rising channel. The rising wedge is essentially a deteriorating channel as the
progressive new highs are unable to maintain the same ratios as the new lows
(on the bottom trendline), thereby indicating that selling occurs earlier than
one would expect, and sending a signal that a topping out process may be un-
Symmetrical Triangles and Pennants: A common pattern in charts ap-
pears as a series of oscillations with diminishing amplitude. A pennant is formed
by the two lines which join the successive tops and bottoms respectively. If the
two slopes have equal magnitude and different sign, then the pattern is called a
symmetric triangle (Figure 6). In general, pennants are regarded as consolida-
tion formations which appear at regular intervals as a trend takes a pause. How-
ever, they can also be a reversal formation (Figures 7, 8) as shown in the next
section. A breakout usually occurs before the vertex is reached as the trend is
resumed. The pennant sometimes points down (i.e., the bisector of the two Flags: The flag is a consolidation pattern which is similar to the pennant in
enveloping lines has negative slope) during an uptrend and points up in a which the oscillation occurs between two parallel lines until a breakout occurs
downtrend. Volume is often diminishing until shortly before the breakout point, (Figure 6).
at which time it increases dramatically.

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 9

Breakout from Trendlines: The price moves initially within two parallel
trendlines until one of the trendlines is broken. This provides an indication that
the trend will continue in that direction (Figure 9). The significance of the
breakout is related to the importance of the trendline that is broken, measured
by the time duration of the trend and the number of times the price has touched
and reversed at the trendline, and the decisiveness of the break, namely the
percentage drop below the trendline.

3. The Price Equation and Basic Model

[see also Caginalp and Balenovich (1994b) Appendix B] and are difficult to
explain with supply and demand that depend only on price. Furthermore, there
The Jakarta
is a close mathematical connection between price derivative dependence and
Stock Exchnage the presence of oscillations. The theory of ordinary differential equations
[Coddington and Levinson (1955)] implies the absence of any oscillations for
equation (3.1) for any reasonable (from an economic perspective) functions
D(P) and S(P). The use of non-monotonic or non-convex supply and demand
curves will not alter this conclusion. Hence, (3.1) is modified into the form


Thus, the two-dimensional excess demand versus price curve is replaced

by a three-dimensional graph (Figure 10). Monotonic supply and demand curves
are adequate for our purposes so that there is a unique equilibrium point on the
P′ = 0 plane. Note that for P ′≠ 0 the points (P, P′) such that D(P, P′) = S(P, P′)
cannot be on the evolutionary path since it would imply P′ = 0 which contra-
THE THEORY OF PRICE ADJUSTMENT dicts the assumption. The classical concepts of elasticity of supply and de-
The classical theory of adjustment [see e.g. Watson and Getz (1981)] stipu- mand are easily extended to elasticity as a function of the price derivative. The
lates that relative price change occurs in order to restore a balance between elasticity in terms of the derivatives, written as d(log Q)/d(log P), where Q is
supply, S, and demand, D, which in turn depend on price, i.e. quantity, represents the slope in the (log P) direction and expresses the extent
to which rapid declines in price inhibit demand and encourage supply of stock
(3.1) submitted to the market. This picture is modified somewhat for our purposes
of considering a finite asset base rather than a steady flow of supply and de-
mand that might be more appropriate for a very long term perspective of the
where D(P)/S(P) – 1 may be defined as the excess demand (normalized by aggregate market. In either case, however, the convergence to an equilibrium
supply). The function F has the properties price is significantly more complicated than the classical one in which the price
converges exponentially to the unique equilibrium value without any oscilla-
F (1) = 0 And F ′ > 0 (3.2)
The vast majority of the phenomena discussed in the previous section can- A SUPPLY/DEMAND MODEL
not be explained on the basis of classical economics. We attempt to generalize Equations (3.1) and (3.3) both express the idea that the rate of price change
the classical theories by preserving as much of the foundation as possible, e.g. depends on the demand/supply ratio of stock. This is in fact reasonable not
the structure of the price equation, while modifying some of the concepts that only from a microeconomic perspective but from the actual nature of market
are in clear conflict with the experiments and phenomena. The laboratory ex- making in the exchanges in which many of the orders are placed at “market”
periments such as Porter and Smith (1989) exhibit a very strong autocorrelation and receive priority over “limit” orders. Thus, in an effort to maintain orderly

10 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003

markets, the specialist may buy or sell for his own account with a price deter- of an investor who owns the security as it is undervalued but still declining.
mined by the demand/supply. We consider the total assets involved in trading The choice available to this investor is either to sell or to wait in the expecta-
and normalize it to unity. Each unit of assets is invested in stock or cash so that tion that those with cash will see the opportunity to maximize their profits by
B is the fraction in stock while (1-B) is in cash. This is a simplification of a purchasing the undervalued security. The issue of distinguishing between self-
system in which transitional states are also considered [see Caginalp and maximizing behavior and reliance on optimizing behavior of others is consid-
Balenovich (1991)]. ered in the experiments of Beard and Beil (1994) on the Rosenthal conjecture
The change in price is determined by the supply and demand for stock. The (1981) that showed the unwillingness of agents to rely on others’ optimizing
total demand for a stock is given by the amount of funds in cash multiplied by behavior. In these experiments, player A can choose a smaller payout that does
the probability, k, that someone with a unit of cash will place an order to pur- not depend on player B, or the possibility of a higher payout that is contingent
chase stock (or equivalently the rate k at which cash flows into stock) and simi- on player B making a choice that optimizes B’s return (otherwise A gets no
larly for the total supply of stock, so that one has payoff). The experiments showed that A will accept the certain but smaller
(3.4) outcome that is independent of B. However, reinforcing a line of reasoning
that is compatible with Myerson’s (1978) “proper equilibrium” in which “mis-
We normalize k so that it assumes values between 0 and 1. takes” are related to the payoff consequences, Beard and Beil (1994) showed
These simple equations, which are crucial to a complete dynamic theory, that player A will be less reluctant to depend on B when “deviations from
serve to translate the supply/demand issues into a ratio of buying and selling. maximality become more costly for B” (p. 257).
An analysis of asset flow on the conservation of total capital implies Applying these microeconomic principles to an undervalued [ P(t) < Pa(t) ]
but still declining security [ dP/dt < 0 ] in which players A own the security
(3.5) while players B have cash, the preference of A will depend upon the magnitude
and duration of decline as well as the extent of the undervaluation. In particu-
This equation states that the fraction of assets in stocks changes in accor- lar, the longer and steeper the decline, the more evidence A receives about the
dance with stock purchases, stock sales and stock appreciation respectively. unreliability of B. However, as the undervaluation increases, the Myerson as-
Note that equation (3.3) is often used in the linearized form P′ = (D/S-1). pect increases A’s confidence in B and consequently A’s preference for stock.
The linearized form is inadequate for global results because it (a) allows nega- We take the total investor sentiment or preference function, ζ , as the sum
tive prices (b) requires a reference price to make it dimensionally correct, and of ζ 1 and ζ 2 where the former involves the trend and the latter valuation. In
(c) is not symmetric with respect to excess supply and excess demand. The use each case the basic motivation is summed with a weighting factor that declines
of relative price, i.e. P′ replaced by P-1 P′, remedies the first two problems. The as elapsed time increases.
linearity of excess demand/supply, namely (c), means if D = 0, S ≠ 0 then P′ = We define the trend based component of investor preference as a continu-
-1 while D ≠ 0, S = 0 implies P′ = ∞. Hence linearity implies an extreme ous limit of a weighted sum of price changes, i.e.
asymmetry with respect to demand and supply when D/S deviates significantly
from unity. The logical requirement, F(D/S) = – F(S/D), is satisfied by the loga-
rithm, i.e. log (D/S) = – log (S/D).
In fact, the most general function satisfying F(D/S) = – F(S/D) can easily be
shown to be any odd function of the logarithm. The difference between the where q1 is the amplitude and c1–1 is a measure of the time scale or “memory
logarithmic and the linearized equations is not significant when the excess de- length” for the trend. Hence ζ 1 , is essentially an exponential moving average
mand or supply is not extremely large and simply amounts to rescaling the of the trend. So ζ 1 will be positive if the relative change P–1dP/dt has been
parameters. mainly positive “recently.” We assume similarly that the value based compo-
Using the expressions (3.4) for supply and demand in the price equation nent, ζ 2 is a sum over the relative discount, i.e., [Pa(t) – P(t)] / Pa(t) , weighted
(3.3) one then obtains with an exponentially declining function of time so that
At this stage, if one used the classical assumption that buying/selling oc-
curs only as a consequence of under/over-valuation (so that k depends on P but This means that the longer the discount persists, the greater will be the
not P′ then one would recover a modification (involving finite assets) of the likelihood of investors acting upon it.
classical theory which implies a return to the equilibrium value without any Since k denotes the probability that an investor with cash will invest it in
oscillations. Mathematically, this is a consequence of the first order nature of stock, equivalently, the rate at which cash flows into stock, it is reasonable to
the equations. Note that equation (3.5) implies a finite size effect which is expect that or, the rate (or probability) of selling a unit of stock is 1- k. Then k
nontrivial even in the absence of trend based investment. will be a function of ζ such that k is 1/2 (i.e. neutral probability) when ζ is 0.
We use the notation Pa(t) for the equilibrium point on the P′ = 0 plane of the While k = ζ + 1/2 would be adequate for practical purposes, it is desirable to
supply-demand curve so that Pa(t) is the intrinsic value. In other words, the use a function that maps the range of ζ [namely, (– ∞,∞) into [0, 1] to maintain
price at which supply and demand curves would intersect on a classical graph the logical interpretation as a probability or rate. The simplest function that
with no derivative considerations is represented by Pa(t). In the experiments will accomplish this is
we discuss, for example, Pa(t) unambiguously the computed value of the finan- (3.9)
cial instrument based on the total payout.
A PRICE DERIVATIVE DEPENDENT PREFERENCE FUNCTION Using any other smooth function would make very little difference as it
To complete the system of equations we consider a microeconomic deriva- would essentially rescale the basic parameters.
tion for k as a function of P and P′ . If k depended only on the fundamental We emphasize that the nonlinearities in the log and tanh functions are not
value Pa(t), then one would have a generalization of the classical theory only particularly significant since one has log(1 + x) ≅ x and tanh x ≅ x for small x
in terms of the finiteness of assets and delay in taking action. We let ζ be and both functions will have arguments near these values for the cases of inter-
defined as investor sentiment, or preference for stock over cash. To motivate est. In fact, any reasonable microeconomic derivation of k that has a trend
the dependence of ζ on the history of price change, we consider the motivation based component would be linear in that component for sufficiently small val-

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 11

ues. Without a trend based component, a derivation of k would be incompat- ing is decided by the data, as the model is sufficiently robust to describe the
ible with the laboratory experiments such as those of Porter and Smith (1989). spectrum from purely value based investing to speculative markets.
However, the nonlinearities expressed in (3.4) - (3.6) such as the product MULTIPLE GROUP GENERALIZATION
kB are essential since they provide the crucial idea that the total demand is the The principles used above can be generalized to a set of disparate investor
cash supply times the rate (or probability) of buying. groups labeled 1, 2, ..., m with assets normalized at unity. The assets of inves-
Differentiating ζ 1 and ζ 2 in expressions (3.7) and (3.8) results in the ex- tor group j which are in stocks are denoted by Bj. Each group has its own
pressions preference variables ζ 1j and ζ 2j , analogous to (3.7) and (3.8), and its own
transition ratios, k j (t), given by
(3.10, 3 .11) . (3.14)
Hence, equations (3.4) - (3.6), (3.9) - (3.11) specify the complete system of
ordinary differential equations which can easily be studied numerically on a Each group may also have its own assessment of value Pa = Paj(t) yielding
personal computer with readily available software.
The parameters q1, q2, c1, and c2 are the only parameters in the system in and (3.15)
addition to the scaling of time. Increasing q1 tends to increase the importance
of trend based investing and the amplitude of oscillations. Increasing q2 tends The fraction of assets of group j which are invested in the stock is described
to drive prices closer to the fundamental value. While the value of c2 does not by the analog of (3.5), namely,
usually have a very dramatic effect on the price evolution, the numerical stud-
ies indicate that large values of c1 (i.e. focusing on short term trends) can lead (3.16)
to unstable oscillations. The price equation is determined as in the single group case, since the change
A SIMPLER MODEL IN THE LONG TIME SCALE LIMIT in price depends only on the ratio of buy/sell orders, irrespective of the origin
The four parameters can be reduced to only two by considering the long of these orders, so that one has
time scale limits. Letting c1 and c2 approach zero while F1 = c1q1 and F2 = c2q2
are held fixed, one obtains in place of (3.10) and (3.11) the equations (3.17)
and (3.12, 3.13) Hence, the (3m + 1) ordinary differential equations, (3.15) - (3.17), together
with the m algebraic equations (3.14) provide a mathematically complete sys-
The resulting system (3.4), (3.5), (3.6), (3.9), (3.12), (3.13) can then be tem which can be studied numerically upon specification of the initial condi-
studied and compared with experiment with only two parameters. This method tions. The two-parameter version is generalized in a similar manner.
was implemented in a previous paper [Caginalp and Balenovich (1994b)] in These equations can easily incorporate (i) the effects of additional cash that
which the theoretical results were compared with the experiments of Porter and may be acquired by one or more groups, or (ii) the effect of additional supply
Smith (1989). The procedure consisted of using any one of the experiments to of shares. An influx of cash into group j changes (3.16) by adding a term –
evaluate F1 and F2. The other experiments could then be predicted by the model dN(t)/dt that represents the flow of new cash per unit time. Similarly the effect
with no adjustable parameters. The statistical comparisons showed that the of adding new stock to the system can be considered as a term that is added to
model, with these values of F1 and F2 , was decisively more accurate than the the supply portion of (3.17).
efficient market hypothesis (statistical significance of 1 x 10-12 or the model
with F1 set to zero, thereby confirming the necessity for the trend based term 4. A Theoretical Foundation for Technical Analysis
(statistical significance of 1 x 10-8). Similar results are obtained for the four
parameter system. The classical theories offer no explanation for the set of methods that are
generally described as technical analysis. Some of the patterns such as trendlines
may be partially explained as random fluctuations about a line of constant slope
Throughout this analysis we focus on the active investors who form a small which represents the changing fortunes of the company or stock. However, this
fraction of the total financial system but determine the price through their de- explanation clearly fails for pennants, wedges and other patterns. While the
mand/supply ratio for stock. Thus, the total amount of stock owned by the existence of such patterns must be verified by statistical methods, the modeling
active trading group is not constant, although the total amount of stock in the of these patterns is only possible if there is a mechanism for inducing oscilla-
system may be conserved. The total assets of the investors is assumed to be tions in prices, as discussed in the derivation of the equations in Section 3.
constant except due to changes in stock price, so that the investors are not ex- Our central thesis is that all of the technical charts discussed in Section 2
periencing a change in external resources. This assumption is made simply to can be obtained as a consequence of the simple models defined in Section 3.
focus on the essential issue, since a source term in (3.5) can easily account for Thus, if one accepts the basic economic assumptions of the models of Section
an increase in wealth. 3, which involve capital flow and both value and trend based investment, then
The model we discuss does not prejudice a priori in terms of the extent to one must accept the mathematical conclusion that all of these patterns arise
which markets are efficient. The full range of possibilities is in fact covered by from these economic assumptions.
the range of parameter values of q1, c1, q2, and c2. SINGLE-GROUP PATTERNS
The numerical computations confirm that if the trend based coefficient is
sufficiently small, then the price evolves rapidly toward Pa(t) with little or no We first describe the evolution of patterns which are categorized as a single
oscillations. This corresponds to a classical rational expectation model. As q1 is group in Section 3. In each of these cases we use equations (3.4) - (3.6), (3.9)
increased, the damped oscillations increase in magnitude and frequency. Above - (3.11) subject to an intrinsic price Pa(t).
a critical value of q1 the oscillations become unstable in the sense that they in- Trendlines or Channels: The conventional explanation for these patterns
crease in magnitude without bound. The behavior associated with the experi- is that the potential buyers and sellers both move their bid and ask prices up-
mentally determined values of q1 and q2 falls in the damped oscillation regime. ward (in an uptrend) in a way that is approximately constant in time. This
This pattern of behavior occurs for a broad range of functions Pa(t), including explanation is not completely satisfactory in that the seemingly regular oscilla-
functions with an abrupt drop. Consequently, the extent of trend based invest- tions are attributed to the random buying and selling by a third group of inves-
tors who have a smaller amount of capital than the major buyer or seller.

12 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003

quently in charts and is associated with markets in which volatility is low and
value based investing is the dominant strategy. Examples of such markets in-
clude high-quality utility stocks and bonds in which the value is easily mea-
sured in terms of the dividend paid versus the prevailing interest rates and the
financial health of the company, which is carefully evaluated and rated by
Moody’s or Standard & Poor's, etc. Hence, under these conditions, we do not
expect large oscillations near the tops or bottoms, unlike the head and shoul-
ders or double top formations, to be discussed below, which are characterized
by a trend based strategy resulting in more complex reversal patterns.
Key Reversals, V-formations and Spikes: Clearly, a V-formation will be
obtained in a similar way to the rounding top if the value of q1 is lowered and
the value of q2 is raised. Thus, using the same Pa(t), P(0), c1, and c2 as in the
rounding top discussion we let q1 = 700 and q2 = 1000 (see Figure 13). The
result is that prices track Pa(t) very faithfully. This topping formation is closest
to the principles of classical microeconomics. A key reversal pattern appears
on a typical stock chart as a long vertical line (representing the day’s range),
which is higher than those to the left and right of it, with a slash near the bottom
(representing the closing price) and this vertical line is higher than those to the
left and right of it. Of course, if we were to plot prices as a function of time (by
This theory offers a very simple and natural perspective which explains the minutes or hours) then the day of the key reversal typically contains a V-forma-
regular oscillations between the lower and upper part of the trend channel. A tion or a rounding top on a finer time scale. Hence, the key reversal is ex-
downward trend is assumed to be a consequence of a steadily decreasing as- plained on the same basis as these simple formations on this time scale.
sessment of the value of the financial instrument (Figure 11). Thus, the as-
sumption of a linearly decreasing Pa(t) is compatible with classical economic
theory. The intrinsic value function is given by Pa(t) = -t + 40. Using Pa(t) in
equations (3.10) - (3.11), we compute solutions with a set of initial conditions,
including for example P(0) = 38, and the values of q1 = 950, q2 = 100, c2 =
0.001. Other values for P(0), q1, c1, q2, c2 yield similar results. Under these
conditions, the price oscillates about Pa(t), so that P(t) varies between two lines
parallel to Pa(t). The width of this channel is dependent on the values of the
parameters. In general, a higher trend based coefficient favors larger oscilla-
tions and a larger channel, while a higher value based coefficient favors a stronger
link to the intrinsic value and therefore smaller oscillations.
Within this model a price path similar to a trendline also forms when the
investing is largely trend based and value investing plays a minor role (q2<<q1).
Rounding Top (or Bottom): Once again we make the assumption that is
close to the central ideas of classical economics by assuming a Pa(t) function
which represents a simple turn-in-fortunes of the financial instrument, namely
a linearly increasing Pa(t) for t < t0 and a linearly decreasing Pa(t) for t > 0. The
function in Figure 12 is given by Pa(t) = t + 5 for t < 20 and Pa(t) = -t + 45 for
t > 20, with P(0) = 4, q1 = 820, c1 = 0.001, q2 = 44, c2 = 0.001 For values of q2 Head and Shoulders: We make the same assumption on Pa(t) as in the
which are smaller those found in trendlines we obtain a rounded top. This is rounding top, namely Pa(t) is first linearly increasing, then linearly decreasing.
essentially what is to be expected since the rounded top is not observed fre- We use the same function Pa(t) as in the rounding top with the values P(0) = 5,
q1 = 1000, c1 = .001, q2 = 425, c2 = .001. By using these larger values for q1 and
q2 we obtain a typical head and shoulders reversal or topping out pattern (Figure
14). As in the financial markets, one can obtain a variety of head and shoulders
patterns, e.g., with the right shoulder slightly lower than the left shoulder. This
variation is induced by the timing of the oscillations with respect to the peak
time of Pa(t). In particular, the extent of undervaluation or overvaluation P(ti),
in the initial time, along with the magnitude of t0 - ti, where t0 is the peak time for
Pa(t) will determine the precise shape of the head and shoulders top.
Similarly, a head and shoulders bottom, such as the one shown for the Dow
Industrials in 1990 (Figure 3) is produced with the following parameters: Pa(t)
= -x + 3 for 0 < x < 15 and Pa(t) = x for 15 < x < 30 and c1 = .005, c2 = .05, q1
= 210, q2 = 50 as shown in Figure 15.
An important aspect of our conclusions is that a rather complex reversal
pattern can be obtained as a consequence of a single group of investors with
identical motivations and assessment of the value of the financial instrument.
This may be in the sharp contrast to the initial appearance of a tug-of-war be-
tween disparate investor groups, or vacillating nature of the basic value of the
financial instrument. Hence the conventional wisdom that market tops are gen-
erally complex formations, rather than a simple U-turn, is explained in terms of

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 13

outcome of a war would not be as grave as first thought for the U.S., since oil
supplies would probably not be interrupted. Thus, the intrinsic value of the
stock market, i.e., Pa(t) in our terminology, can be represented by a V-shape.
With this Pa(t) in the equations, one obtains a Pa(t) which is an inverted head
and shoulders pattern similar the general pattern in late 1990 (see Figure 3).
We note that the introduction of a more complex peak for Pa(t) would necessar-
ily introduce the more complex topping out patterns (than the head and shoul-
ders) which are often observed in financial markets.
Double and Triple Tops (or Bottoms): The basis of this pattern is similar
to the head and shoulders. We assume a Pa(t) which is linearly increasing, then
level and finally linearly decreasing. The intrinsic function is Pa(t) = x + 5 for 0
< t < 15, Pa(t) = 20 for 15 < t <20, and Pa(t) = -x + 40 for 20 < t < 35. Using the
same values of P(0), c1, and c2 as those in the V-formations with parameters q1 =
950 and q2 = 400 we obtain a P(t) that is a double top formation. The features of
Pa(t) and the extent of initial undervaluation or overvaluation in P(t) determine
the nature and number of oscillations near the peak. In particular, we have as-
sumed that Pa(t) is symmetric about the peak, then there are the following pa-
rameters: the magnitude of the slope in the first and last parts of Pa(t) is one, the
length of the level part is 5, the magnitude of t0 - ti is 17.5 (where t0 is the mid-
point of Pa(t) and ti is the initial point), and Pa(to) - Pa(ti) is 15.
Our analysis shows that the different shapes such as the double top and the
head and shoulders can be the consequence of identical Pa(t) with slightly dif-
fering undervaluation (in timing or extent). In fact, one can obtain a one-pa-
rameter family of topping patterns, including these two, by simply varying the
timing of the undervaluation and thereby the timing of the oscillations with
respect to the peak of the V-shaped Pa(t). It is also clear why the triple top is
rare in markets, since a V-shaped Pa(t) does not result in such a top with a wide
range of parameters and initial undervaluations. A triple top can be attained
with a Pa(t) function which has a longer flat top, and using parameters in which
the trend based coefficient is rather small.
Two-Group Patterns: A number of patterns arise as a consequence of the
interactions between two or more groups with differing assessments of value
and/or different motivational characteristics. These types of patterns can be
expected in markets that are very speculative and/or highly visible in that they
attract new groups of investors. The origin of many of the bubbles in world
markets can be explained (as elaborated below) with the ansatz that a new group
of investors acquires an interest (or the money to invest) in a security that has
been traded by more experienced investors. The new group has either little
idea of the true value (so that q2 is small) or has an inflated estimate of it (so
that Pa2(t) is high). Just as the influx of their funds creates a bubble, the finite-
ness of their assets terminates it, and is accelerated by the trend based invest-
ing. We use the equations (3.14) - (3.17) in each of the circumstances discussed
the coupling between natural market oscillations and the changing value of the below.
company. In fact, a long standing idea of Wall Street is that when the trend Breakout from a Trendline or Channel: Recall that a channel is essen-
becomes interrupted and begins to move into a region of large oscillations and tially a series of oscillations about a linear Pa(t) which we assume for the sake
slower average increases, then “distribution” has begun. This means that the of concreteness is increasing. If we assume that Group 1 has the characteristics
more knowledgeable investors with large amounts of stock, and presumably that produce the channel (described earlier) then we define Group 2 as inves-
among the early participants in the uptrend, have begun selling their shares into tors with a higher trend based coefficient and/or a higher assessment of value.
the rally. While this may be the origin of some topping formations, as we will Furthermore, we let Group 2 acquire cash during the trendline formation. The
see in the wedge formations below, it is clearly not a necessary condition in the result (Figure 16) is that a break occurs in the upper trendline and the channel
formation of head and shoulders as well as the related multiple tops discussed gives way to a bubble. If we compare this microscopic explanation with a
later. typical bubble, e.g. Indonesia in the late 1980’s (Figure 9), we see that a clear
As an example which illustrates these ideas is the aggregate U.S. market in lower trendline is in effect during the entire process. This trendline is formed
the second half of 1990. Soon after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in early Au- by the more sophisticated and value-oriented investors who are bidding in ac-
gust of 1990, the chances of the U.S. becoming involved in a war and the con- cordance with a value that is steadily increasing at a sustainable rate due to
sequent recessionary effects on the U.S. economy implied a steady downward continued growth and increasing earnings. The steady increase in price, how-
reevaluation of the intrinsic value of the major stocks. By October, the Federal ever, draws the attention of potential investors who may have little or no expe-
Reserve’s concern of a deepening recession led it to a more accommodative rience. These investors are not only mesmerized by daily price changes, but
stance, so that the gradual decline in interest rates effectively provided a steadily they tend to confuse projections of what the stock should be trading say three
increasing value for stocks (by reducing the value of competing fixed income years from now with what one should pay for it today. For example, if the
instruments, and also by reducing corporate financing costs). At the same time stock has been increasing at 20% per year, the price is currently at $10 and the
the analysis of the possible war scenarios led to a general consensus that the investor plans to use the money in three years, the idea of paying $15 now

14 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003

Pa1 = 8, while Group 2 values it at Pa2 = 4. With the other parameters set at c1(1)
= 0.001, q1(1) = 950, c2(1) = 0.001, and q2(1) = 100 for Group 1 and c1(2) = 0.001,
q1(2) = 900, c2(2) = 0.001, and q2(2) = 1000 for Group 2, one obtains the formation
shown in Figure 17. The essential feature of combination does not change if
the parameters q1(1), q2(1), c1(1), c2(1), i = 1 or 2, are altered. The amplitude of the
oscillations in the triangle depends chiefly on the trend based coefficient of the
group whose assessment of value is within the triangle, and secondarily on the
group with the higher assessment.
The continuation triangle can be changed to a reversal pattern (at the higher
value) by exchanging the fraction of assets from one group to the other.
An examination of the Mexico Fund from late 1993 to early 1994 shows a
rapid rise from mid-November until January. A long, symmetric triangle is
then formed and prices break out of this triangle in mid-February and begin a
steady downtrend. The Mexico Fund is a closed-end fund that invests rather
successfully in a diversified manner in Mexican equities, and is affected by
news that impacts Mexico. These include the U.S. House passage of the Imple-
mentation Act in mid-November (where the outcome was in doubt to many),
the peasant rebellion on January 1, 1994, and the assassination of the leading
candidate for President on March 23, all of which were unprecedented in mod-
ern Mexican history. While the rise certainly appears to be precipitated by
NAFTA, neither the rebellion nor the assassination appears as the immediate
seems reasonable to those investors. However, they have a finite supply of cause of the downtrend that begins in mid-February. In fact, this date marked a
cash and ultimately the cash is inadequate to buy the increasing amounts of small scandal in Brazil that drove a number of Latin American markets down,
stock that Group 1 is selling due to the overvaluation. As supply of stock over- perhaps with the explanation that investors realized that political uncertainty
whelms demand the price begins to fall and Group 2 now begins to sell for the remains a possibility in Latin America. From a fundamental point of view, this
same reason that one induced them to buy — the trend in stock price — and the explanation is no more convincing than the factor of (roughly) two variations
bubble bursts. Note that Group 1 is also somewhat trend oriented, and in fact it in the price of this stock in a short time period. Other deviations from classical
would be irrational to sell now if it appears that some investors will pay more theory include the variations in the discount/premium (20% discount to 5%
for it later. premium) and the drop in the stock during the September rights offering that
Symmetric Triangles and Pennants: The basic origin of these formations added more shares.
is the presence of two or more groups with distinct assessments of value. The Our explanation of this price pattern of this stock is based simply on the
pattern is essentially a series of oscillations about a particular value that repre- existence of two groups with differing assessments of value (i.e., asymmetric
sents the assessment of one group on fundamental value. The issue of whether information). As far back as June 1994, published reports indicated that some
the pattern is a consolidation or a reversal is ultimately decided by the exhaus- large investors felt certain of passage and estimated that the Mexican Bolsa
tion of either cash or stock on the part of the net buyers or sellers, and is not could rise from 1900 to 2400 with the passage. This would probably translate
obvious from the immediate appearance of the triangle, though a more careful to a value of about 32 or 33 on the Mexico Fund. This establishes a fundamen-
examination of prices may provide a better indication. tal value for this group. On the other hand, another group of investors, who
An example of a symmetric triangle that is a consolidation can be created probably had not thought of investing in Mexico until the intense debate on
by distributing 80% of the initial assets to Group 1 which assesses true value at NAFTA, probably were much more conscious of the trend, and their vague
assessment of value probably placed the fundamental value at a somewhat higher
number, perhaps 38 or 39. An examination of volume shows that volume in-
creased significantly in the months after the House passage and returned to
previous levels afterwards (Figure 8).
It may also be reasonable to assume that the sophisticated group will have
greater assets or at least will have inventory to sell after the enthusiasm of post-
NAFTA buying has faded. Of course, it is difficult to know for certain the
precise characteristics of various investor groups. However, our approach al-
lows for the testing of a particular set of assumptions to determine whether it is
consistent with a particular pattern.
Toward this end, we make a very simple set of assumptions and examine
the extent to which they can be varied without altering the qualitative nature of
the pattern. We let Group 1 have Pa1(t) = 32 while Group 2 has Pa2(t) = 39. The
other parameters are c1(1) = 1.00, c2(1) = 0.001, q1(1) = 0.54, q2(1) = 900 for Group
1 and c1(2) = 1.00, c2(2) = 0.40, q1(2) = 0.01, q2(2) = 800 for Group 2. The result for
the price evolution is displayed in Figure 18. An explanation of this evolution
is that both groups initially buy due to both undervaluation and positive trend.
As the price becomes very high, however, Group 2 begins some selling. After
a few oscillations the price appears to be very stable and just below 60. Gradu-
ally, Group 2 sells as Group 1 buys, both due to valuation. Perhaps the most

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 15

Total Assets of Group 1

Total Assets of Group 2

16 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003

interesting point occurs when a sharp drop-off appears as almost a discontinu- The bottom of the white body is the opening price while the top is the close.
ity in the derivative of price. At this point, Group 1 has exhausted their supply The opposite is true of the black body, while the doji indicates an equal open-
of cash to the point where their buying is inadequate to sustain the price. Once ing and closing price as shown by the horizontal line. In all three cases, the
the decline begins, however, they participate in the selling due to the trend and lines above and below the body, called the shadows, indicate the trading range
the steep decline sets in. during the day.
If we allow the computations to continue we find that a similar cycle is The main objective of candlestick analysis is to provide an indication of
repeated many times although one of the oscillations disappears (Figure 19). market reversals on a short time scale of about one to five days, and to distin-
In time, the oscillations become much smaller and the price reaches a steady guish these from continuation patterns. As with other forms of technical analy-
state that depends on the parameters and initial conditions (Figure 20). The sis the patterns are grouped into reversal and continuation patterns. For
attainment of this price is considerably more complicated than in the classical candlesticks, however, there is also some indication of the confidence level of
adjustment. An interesting feature of this process emerges in the plot of the the prediction as a result of grouping into three categories: (a) no confirmation
fraction of the total assets owned by each group, as shown in Figure 21 A, B. is necessary, (b) confirmation is suggested, (c) confirmation is necessary. Con-
Throughout this complicated process Group 2’s assets increase almost steadily firmation is defined as an additional day which supports the conclusion of the
from 60% to almost 100% while Group 1 gradually loses its share. pattern, namely continuation or reversal.
Also, it appears that the most important factor in determining the steady Most of the implications of the candlestick analysis are a natural conse-
state price is the fraction of assets of each group rather than the extent to which quence of the asset flow approach. The main difference between the conven-
it emphasizes a value based investment strategy. The group with greater assets tional analysis discussed earlier and candlesticks is that the latter concerns a
dominates the determination of the eventual price and so its strategy pays off much smaller time scale. Consequently if we examine a head and shoulders
more than the other. Furthermore, the numerics also indicate how a quasi- pattern on a small time scale there are five reversals, namely three peaks and
equilibrium can be formed at a price that appears to satisfy both groups — in two troughs. On this small time scale one does not have a complex pattern, but
the case of Figure 22 just below 40 — so that one group sells as the other buys, simply a reversal with no change in sign in the second derivative of price. Con-
although this price cannot be maintained because one group exhausts its supply sequently, one might hope to use the candlestick charts to locate the right shoul-
of cash. Sophisticated traders say that a period with low volatility often pre- der, for example, near the conclusion of a head and shoulders pattern formation.
cedes a big move (up or down). From this perspective, it is clear that this We define a representative selection of candlestick patterns, and discuss
phenomenon is caused by one group exhausting its supply of cash/stock before how our approach would produce the particular pattern and provide an expla-
the other, in a manner that is reminiscent of a simple field battle of foot sol- nation for the dynamics of price movements. We refer to “long white body,”
diers. The battle appears to be a stalemate as the front moves very slowly, until etc. with the understanding that a precise statistical definition would be formu-
one of the armies is decimated and the front then advances rapidly. Conse- lated based on the body length of recent history. Also, we assume some time
quently, if one can make the assumption that two distinct groups are involved elapses between any two trading days in terms of the differential equations due
in trading and both have a significant trend component, then a period with no to the short time scale and the importance of a day’s opening price relative to
oscillations indicates that the trading price is satisfactory to both groups from a the prior day’s close.
value perspective. In fact, numerical studies with a lower trend coefficient for Morning Star, Morning Doji Star and Doji Star: These are all strong
both groups display no oscillations near the two true value prices but a similar indications (no confirmation required) of a reversal from a downtrend into an
oscillation between the two values until a steady state is reached. This con- uptrend (Figure 24). For the morning star the precise requirements, aside from
firms a trader maxim that long periods with little change precede a big move up being in a downtrend are:
or down. i) The first day must coincide with the trend; i.e. black.
ii) The second day (the star) has a “body gap” from the first day and may have
5. Japanese Candlestick Charts either color. That is, the open and close of the second day are strictly below
An approach to technical analysis that has been used for several centuries the first day’s close.
in Japan, but has attracted interest only in the past quarter century in the West, iii) The third day is white and has an upward “body gap” from the second.
is known as Japanese candlesticks [see, for example, Morris (1992)]. As in iv) The first and third days are both longer than the second day.
conventional technical analysis, some interpretation (or statistical criteria) be- If the second day is a doji (open and close price identical) then this is called
comes necessary to decide whether or not one is in a trend. Beyond this, how- a morning doji star. The definitions of evening star and evening doji star are
ever, the rules can be stated completely with several inequalities for each pattern. the analogous reversals from uptrend to downtrend. The doji star refers to the
This method incorporates the additional information of the opening price, as first two days of either a morning or evening doji star.
well as the close and range, thereby giving a clearer indication of the short term
trend. The graphs consist of a series of three types of symbols: the white body, Morning Star
black body and the cross or doji line as shown in Figure 23.


JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 17

Three White Soldiers
On Neckline

Piercing Line
Advanced Block

From the perspective of the theory, each of these patterns represents a small
oscillation about a linear Pa(t), for example, as shown in Figure 24. Hence, in
the head and shoulders pattern [Figure 14] any of the five maxima and minima Three White Soldiers and Advance Block: The three white soldiers pat-
would be similar to the continuous analog of the morning or evening star pat- tern (Figure 26) occurs in a downtrend and is defined by three days of trading
terns. that are all white bodies in which the open and close enclose each day’s trad-
Piercing Line and On Neckline: A pattern which appears to be quite dif- ing. The second and third days both open within the prior day’s body. This
ferent but is again similar to an oscillation about a constant Pa(t) is the piercing defines “three white soldiers.” A pattern similar to this is generated by V-shaped
line (Figure 25). The definition is specified by a downtrend followed by two Pa(t). The overlapping bodies are essentially oscillations about an increasing
days consisting of Pa(t). The temporal length of the transition provides very strong confirmation
i) A long black body for the first day. for this reversal pattern.
ii) A white body for the second day which opens below the low of the previous A pattern that appears to be superficially similar, but is in fact a strong
day and closes above the midpoint of the first day’s body. reversal sign, is the “advance block” (see Figure 26), which occurs during an
uptrend and is defined by the following
The opposite pattern for a bearish reversal is called a dark cloud cover.
Various modifications of these occur depending on the extent of the second i) All three days have white bodies with each of the last two opens within the
day’s rebound. If all features are the same as above except that the close of the prior day’s body.
second day is at the low of the first day then one has an “on neckline” which is ii) The last two bodies are smaller than the first.
a continuation pattern rather than a reversal. iii) The second day has an upper shadow which is much longer than the first
Distinguishing these two patterns, as well as other related patterns that are day.
in between in terms of the rebound (e.g. above the close but below the midpoint iv) The closing prices of all three days are all near one another.
of the body), is accomplished most simply by assuming a (locally) linear Pa(t) While the stock price moves up during each day the rally is actually losing
and examining the oscillation in P(t) as a function of the slope of Pa(t). If the steam as the new closing highs are not significantly higher than the previous,
slope is zero near the relevant time, for example, then an initial overvaluation and consequently it is a reversal signal. From the perspective of the theory, the
will result in overshooting Pa(t) followed by a rebound. On the other hand, a
rebound that does not go far into the previous day’s is easily produced with Pattern Breakdown
either a negative slope or with an increased supply of stock submitted for sale.
Figure 25 shows the differences in the extent of the rebound for a declining
Pa(t) versus one which has leveled off. Thus the extent of the rebound provides ➔
an indication of the perceptions of underlying value.
Other patterns which are related include “kicking” in which a black body in
a downtrend is followed by a white body gapping upward, while both have a
range defined by the body — i.e. no shadows (called “marubazu”). This is
similar to the piercing line except in the abruptness of the transition. In terms
of the model, the same values of q1 and q2 that produced a solution path with
constant Pa(t) will produce one that is consistent with kicking only if Pa(t)
itself exhibits a strong reversal. This is compatible with the designation of
kicking as a strong reversal sign which requires no confirmation.

18 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003

advance block can be modeled using a Pa(t) that is first increasing, then de- assumptions and conclusions to a set of implications that are implied by the
creasing. The opening prices that occur within the prior day’s body provide the unique solution of the differential equations. Given a set of parameters (trend
oscillations that resemble a small head and shoulders pattern. Hence, the model based coefficient, etc.) that describe an investor population, one can obtain the
provides a simple explanation that distinguishes the bearish advance block from implications of a particular configuration of price development as the unique
the bullish three white soldiers. The analogy of three white soldiers for an solution of the equations.
uptrend to downtrend reversal is called three black crows. In view of the simplicity of assumptions and the limited strategy involved
In some cases the patterns discussed can occur in one day. For example, the in the model, it is somewhat surprising that these patterns emerge so naturally.
morning star collapsed into a single day results in a hammer pattern which has In the symmetric triangle pattern, for example, one can imagine a complex set
a short body and a long lower shadow, and a long downward shadow (Figure of strategies evolving in time as each local maximum or minimum is attained.
27). Hence, the morning star that is reduced to a hammer is described by the The numerical results, however, seem to suggest the information included in
same equations upon rescaling time. the price trend and the extent of under/over-valuation is a suitable representa-
Mat Hold: A five day pattern that occurs as a continuation pattern in an tion of the average of a wide spectrum of strategies.
uptrend (Figure 28) is defined by the following: There are two additional research problems that arise from this analysis.
1. A long white candlestick that establishes a closing high is formed in an First, can patterns be detected in a market through statistical and computer
uptrending market. testing, and if so, do they have predictive value? One would need to define the
2. The second day has a small black body with a body gap from the first. patterns in an algorithmic way that corresponds to human experts, as done in
Kamijo and Tanigawa (1993) for some patterns. The next step would be the
3. The second and third days also have small bodies (compared to the first) precise identification of the rules for deciding the trading action. Of course, a
and have successively lower closes. related issue is the possibility that these patterns can be created in a laboratory,
4. The fifth day is another long white day that closes at a new high. perhaps using experienced participants. A second issue is the problem of de-
ducing fundamental values, say Pa(1) and Pa(2), and assets of each group, given
P(t). This is an inverse problem similar to inverse scattering.
We return to some of the issues raised in the Introduction with respect to
market phenomena exhibiting nonclassical behavior. By augmenting the clas-
sical price theory with the concepts of trend based investing and the flow of
finite assets, one can explain a broad spectrum of phenomena.
i) Consider a worthless stock which begins to rally as unknowledgeable in-
vestors buy due to takeover rumors that they (mistakenly) believe will raise
Mat Hold the price to the stock which currently trades for $1. More informed inves-
tors may sell this stock short in the expectation that the stock will eventu-
ally attain its true value of $0. However an investor who has a total of
$1000 in his brokerage account and sells short 1000 shares is aware that he
must begin purchasing back shares if the price moves above $2. In fact, the
brokerage will do this unilaterally if he does not (if no additional cash is
A less bullish version of mat hold is the rising three methods, in which the brought into the account). If the funds of the unknowledgeable investors
fifth day does not establish a new high. Both of these patterns are a simple exceed those of the short sellers and others selling into the rally, then the
consequence of the theoretical model in which Pa(t) is a straight line with a price will move up from $1. The investor who sold short at $1 must be very
large positive slope in the case of a mat hold and a small positive slope for the concerned with the trend since a focus solely on fundamental value (of $0)
rising three methods. will quite possibly lead to a loss. Furthermore, if the price does move suf-
The other continuation patterns can be similarly described within the theory. ficiently higher then the short seller is motivated to close his position by
The central idea is that the candlestick patterns that are approximated by con- purchasing the shares and thereby contributing to further lifting of the price.
tinuous functions are part of an oscillation about a monotonic Pa(t) (that can be Even in this very obvious valuation, the knowledgeable investor is moti-
represented by a linear function due to the very short time scale). Many of vated to have a preference that depends on a price derivative or trend that
these patterns are two day patterns and require confirmation as they form only he knows expresses the preferences of unknowledgeable investors. Hence
part of an oscillation. The mat hold, which is very decisive, is a full cycle (i.e. one may have a bubble (as in the laboratory experiments) and a subsequent
comparable to sin x on [0, 2 π ]) and leaves no doubt about the underlying Pa(t), crash which may be prompted due to various reasons. One of these would
unlike many of the two day patterns that form only a fraction of the cycle. be a published report that the stock is worthless, thereby eliminating almost
Similar comments apply to reversal patterns. all of the buyers, and changing the price derivative that induces others to
sell solely for that reason. Another, but slower mechanism, is that eventu-
6. Discussion and Conclusions ally the supply of cash of the uninformed investors is exhausted.
Our approach provides a coherent explanation of not only the patterns of ii) The large bubbles that have occurred during a government’s sale of stock
technical analysis but also of the limitations involved in their application. One (e.g. NTT) in a privatization program seem paradoxical even in view of the
of the difficulties that afflicts technical analysis is that the rules and conclu- fact that the government is increasing supply. However, the huge amount
sions seem somewhat arbitrary and consequently unscientific. From the per- of free advertising that is available to a government tends to increase the
spective of the asset flow model the validity of technical analysis is contingent demand among the public, often in excess of supply. A series of offerings
upon only two factors: a finite asset base and the influence of trend based in which the initial subscribers have always seen immediate (paper) profits
investing. The vast majority of our conclusions would not be altered with a that are widely reported tend to bring a large demand at the next such sale.
somewhat different approach (e.g. discrete difference equations or a different As in the other examples the resources of the new entrants to a particular
form for the flow rate k) that nevertheless preserves these properties. This (or financial instrument are ultimately overwhelmed by those of the more es-
any similar) methodology elevates technical analysis from a set of arbitrary tablished group that is more concerned with economic fundamentals, and

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 19

prices fall. In summary, the bubbles that arise during highly publicized
government offerings are initiated by a dramatic enlargement of demand,
which creates a trend, followed by further rising prices due to trend based
investing. The implications for efficient market theories and the trend based
asset flow are quite different in terms of public policy. While the efficient
market hypothesis would maintain that prices are at fair value, the asset
flow analysis indicates that careful consideration must be given to balance
the supply of new stock with the new demand created by publicity, particu-
larly since a similar amount of publicity will be created by the bubble’s
demise, thereby choking off additional demand for other new issues.
iii) Many of the world’s bubbles appear to have an origin that is modeled in the
upside breakout from a rising channel (e.g. Jakarta in Figure 9) as follows.
A rising trend develops in response to steadily rising corporate earnings as
the dominance by investors focused on economic fundamentals maintains
the growth of stock prices to value, e.g. at 20% per year. The steady and
seemingly certain increase of share prices attracts the attention of a new
and less knowledgeable group of investors who bring a fresh supply of cash,
a vague notion of value and a strong attachment to the trend. The value
based investors are also aware of the trend, and as in the Mexico example, price is compatible with B > 0.5. Thus the equilibrium price, which depends
do not seem inclined to sell when a powerful rally has begun. However, upon initial conditions and parameters, will be lower than the NAV because of
once the new group begins to run out of funds, the rally begins to falter and the initial overvaluation and an ‘excess’ fraction of investors already invested
the ‘buying is exhausted.’ The value based investors sell out more quickly in the fund. The remedy to this problem would be an industry wide shift to-
simply because the value part of their preference is heavily negative at the ward paying for costs over a long time period rather than through the initial
height of the bubble while the trend part is just mildly positive as the rally offering, and to sell less aggressively before the offering and continue market-
begins to peter out, hence the sum is negative. On the other hand the new ing steadily after the opening.
investors have a positive preference at, and slightly after, the peak. Once In summary, a broad range of phenomena and puzzles observed by practi-
the trend has clearly reversed, the preference of both groups is negative and tioners can be explained by the asset flow theory that is a generalization of the
the rout cannot end until the price is at or below fundamental value and the classical theory of adjustment augmented by the concepts of finite assets and
value based investors resume buying. trend based decisions (in addition to value based). In particular, technical analy-
sis patterns can be explained largely on the basis of oscillations about a chang-
iv) The large declines or crashes in the US and other markets in 1929 and 1987
ing assessment of fundamental value, or on the complex dynamics generated
have been discussed in Caginalp and Balenovich (1991), (1994b). Using a
by multiple groups with varying assessments of value. In the latter, a key issue
constant value for Pa(t) (since economic fundamentals are relatively un- involves the relative assets of the two groups, so that a breakout occurs as one
changed in one week), and the same parameters that were calibrated from group’s resources (cash or stock) is sufficiently diminished.
the experiments, one obtains good agreement with the time evolution for
the first few days. In particular the results explain the large rebound that REFERENCES
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20 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003

■ Caginalp, G. and D. Balenovich 1994b: ‘Market oscillations induced by ■ Pring, M. 1993: Martin Pring on Market Momentum Int. Inst. for Eco-
the competition between value-based and trend-based investment strate- nomic Research, Inc., Gloucester, VA.
gies’ Applied Mathematical Finance 1, 129-164. ■ Rosenthal, R. 1981: ‘Games of perfect information, predatory pricing and
■ Caginalp, G. and H. Laurent 1998: ‘The predictive power of price patterns’ the chain store paradox’ J. Economic Theory 24, 92-100.
Applied Mathematical Finance, 5, 181-205. ■ Shiller, R. 1981: ‘Do stock prices move too much to be justified by subse-
■ Chan, K., A. Hameed and W. Tong 2000: ‘Profitability of Momentum Strat- quent changes in dividends?’ American Economic Review 75, 1071-1082.
egies in the International Equity Markets’ J. of Financial and Quantitative ■ Smith, V. 1982: ‘Microeconomic systems as an experimental science’
Analysis 35, 153-172. American Economic Review 72, 923-955.
■ Chang, P.H. and C. Osler 1999: ‘Methodical madness: Technical analysis ■ Smith, V., G. Suchanek and A. Williams 1988a: ‘An experimental analysis
and the irrationality of exchange-rate forecasts’ Economic Journal 109, 636- of stock market bubbles: prices, expectations and market efficiency’
662. Fianzmarkt und Portfolio Management 3, 19-32.
■ Chen, N., R. Kan and M. Miller 1993: ‘Are the discounts on closed-end ■ Smith, V., G. Suchanek and A. Williams 1988b: ‘Bubbles, crashes and en-
funds a sentiment index?’ J. Finance 48, 795-800. dogenous expectations inexperimental spot asset markets’ Econometrica
■ Chopra, N., C. Lee, A. Shleifer and R. Thaler 1993: ‘Yes, discounts on 56, 1119-1151.
closed-end funds are a sentiment index’ J. Finance 48, 801-808. ■ Tirole, J. 1982: ‘On the possibility of speculation under rational expecta-
■ Coddington, E. and N. Levinson 1955: Theory of Ordinary Differential tions’ Econometrica 50, 1163-1182.
Equations, McGraw-Hill, New York. ■ Watson, D. and M. Getz 1981: Price Theory and Its Uses, University Press
■ Edwards, R. and J. Magee 1992: Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, Sixth of America, Lanham, MD.
Ed, New York Institute of Finance, New York. ■ White, H. 1993: ‘Economic prediction using neural networks: the case of
■ Fama, E. 1970: ‘Efficient capital markets: a review of theory and empiri- IBM daily returns’ in Neural Networks in Finance and Investing (Eds. R.
cal work’ J. Finance 25 383-417. Trippi and E. Turban) pp. 315-328 Probus, Chicago.
■ Forsythe, R., T. Palfrey and C. Plott 1982: ‘Asset valuation in an experi- ■ Williams, A. and V. Smith 1984: ‘Cyclical double-auction markets with and
mental market’ Econometrica 50, 537-567. without speculators’ J. Business 57, 1-33.
■ Fudenberg, D. and J. Tirole 1991: Game Theory, MIT Press, Cambridge,
MA. Footnotes
■ Kamijo, K. and T. Tanigawa 1993: ‘Stock price pattern recognition: a 1. The paper is a revision of a University of Pittsburgh Preprint (1994a) with
recurrent neural network approach’ in Neural Networks in Finance and In- the same title.
vesting (Eds. R. Trippi and E. Turban) pp. 357-369, Probus, Chicago. 2. Lo et al. [2000] also adopted a similar first sentence, and similarly argue
■ Kampuis, R. ed. 1989: ‘Black Monday and the future of financial markets’ that the two groups are difficult to reconcile due to the difference in moti-
Irwin, Homewood, Illinois. vations as well as language.
■ Lee, C., A. Shleifer, and R. Thaler 1991: ‘Investor sentiment and the closed-
end fund puzzle’ J. Finance 48, 75-109. Biographies
■ Lo, A., H. Mamaysky and J. Wang 2000: ‘Foundations of Technical Analy-
sis: Computational Algorithms, Statistical Inference, and Empirical Imple- Dr. Gunduz Caginalp is a Professor of Mathematics at the University
mentation’ J. Finance 55, 1705-1765. of Pittsburgh. He received his PhD in Applied Mathematics from Cornell
University in 1978 after obtaining bachelor and masters degrees there. He
■ Loderer, C., and H. Zimmermann 1985: ‘Rights issues in Switzerland:
has also held academic positions at The Rockefeller University and Carnegie-
some findings to consider in the debate over financing decisions’ Unpub-
Mellon University. He is the Editor of the Journal of Behavioral Finance, a
lished manuscript.
member of the Editorial Board of Applied Mathematical Finance, and au-
■ Loughran, T. 2002: ‘The Changing Nature of the Initial Public Offering thor of over 80 journal articles.
Market’ The Journal of Psychology and Financial Markets, 3.
In addition to mathematical modeling of market phenomena, Professor
■ Maillet, B. and T. Michel 2000: ‘Further Insights on the Puzzle of Techni- Caginalp is also involved in experimental economics. He can be contacted
cal Analysis Profitability’ The European Journal of Finance 6, 196-224. at:
■ Morris, G.L. 1992: Candlepower, Probus, Chicago. Dr. Donald A. Balenovich is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at
■ Myers, T. 1989: The Technical Analysis Course, Probus, Chicago. Indiana University of Pennsylvania in Indiana, PA. He received his MBA
■ Myerson, R. 1978: ‘Refinements of the Nash equilibrium concept,’ Int. J. from the University of Pittsburgh and his Ph.D. in Mathematics from
Game Theory 7, 73-80. Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. He also received an MS in
Mathematics from Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh and a BA in
■ Osborne, M. and A. Rubinstein 1994: A Course in Game Theory, MIT Press, Mathematics from St. Vincent College, Latrobe, PA.
Cambridge, MA.
Professor Balenovich has also been a Consulting Actuary with MMC&P
■ Plott, C. and G. Agha 1982: ‘Intertemporal speculation with a random de- Pension Consultants; a Coordinator of the Actuarial Science Program at
mand in an experimental market’ in Aspiration Levels in Bargaining and Carnegie-Mellon University; Senior Mathematics Lecturer and Staff Asso-
Economic Decision Making, R. Toertz, ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ciate of the Carnegie-Mellon Action Project and a Mathematics Instructor
■ Porter, D. and V. Smith 1989: ‘The scope of bubbles and crashes in experi- at the Shenango Valley Campus of Penn State University. He can be con-
mental asset markets’ Working paper, University of Arizona. tacted at:
■ Porter, D. and V. Smith 1994: ‘Stock market bubbles in the laboratory’
Applied Mathematical Finance 2, 111-128.

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 21

22 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003
Donchian’s Four-Week Rule Trading System
Geoff C. Hicks, CMT

Preface breakouts, N-Day rules, etc. Despite the minor time frame modification to the
original Four-Week Rule, the system tested herein will still be respectfully ad-
Every commodity trader has to decide on a market analysis technique to dressed as The Four-Week Rule.
generate buy and sell signals. Given the plethora of techniques to choose from,
it is not surprising that the eventual choice does not always stem from a thor- Applying Four-Week Rule Trading System to Bridge/
ough analysis of all the available options. Simplicity, convenience, and con- CRB Index Commodities
vention each have intrinsic appeal, but we are ultimately interested in a workable
tool that is successful under a variety of market conditions. The Bridge/CRB (Commodity Research Bureau) Index was first calculated
by the Commodity Research Bureau, Inc. in 1957 and made its inaugural ap-
Introduction pearance in the 1958 CRB Commodity Year Book3. The Index, originally
twenty-eight commodities, was designed to provide a dynamic representation
Most of today’s market analysis techniques have been derived from funda- of broad trends in overall commodity prices.
mental analysis, technical analysis, or a combination of the two. Simply put, The Bridge/CRB Index comprises seventeen commodities which are sepa-
fundamental analysis (FA) concerns itself with the causes of market move- rated into six groups: energies, grains, industrials, livestock, precious metals
ment: commodity supply and demand, macroeconomic data, association pro- and softs. All these commodities have respective futures contracts which are
duction surveys, foreign production and consumption, consumer trends, climate listed on various U.S. futures exchanges.
change, and countless other factors. The weakness of FA is its very sensitivity,
which renders it susceptible to intraday price noise, rumors, boredom, greed, Group Commodity Exchange Contract Months
and fear. Technical analysis, on the other hand, focuses on the effects of market Energy Natural Gas (NG) NYMEX All 12 Calendar Months
movement. Those who favor this approach believe that all the data one needs
Crude Oil (CL) NYMEX All 12 Calendar Months
are derived from the study of the market itself1: historical prices, volume, open
interest, volatility, trend lines, price patterns, moving averages, and momentum Heating Oil (HO) NYMEX All 12 Calendar Months
measures. Grains Corn (C) CBOT Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec
Technical analysts have developed various mechanical trading systems to Soybeans (S) CBOT Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Nov
handle these data and eliminate a trader’s natural tendency to overreact to mar- Wheat (W) CBOT Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec
ket fluctuations. In their simplest form, such trading systems initiate buy and Livestock Cattle (LC) CME Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec
sell signals on the basis of predetermined criteria. The Four-Week Rule, just
Hogs (LH) CME Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec
one of hundreds such mechanical systems, is both popular and simple to use.
Precious Metals Gold (GC) COMEX Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Dec
The Four-Week Rule Silver (SI) COMEX Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec
Platinum (PL) COMEX Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct
The Four-Week Rule was developed by Richard Donchian2 several decades Industrials Copper (CP) COMEX Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec
ago and has maintained its status as one of the best mechanical trading systems
Cotton (CT) NYBOT Mar, May, Jul, Dec
available because of its robustness, simplicity, and versatility. It forms the
basis of the channel breakouts, moving average crossover systems and other Softs Sugar #14 (SE) NYBOT Mar, May, Jul, Oct
trend-following methods. The Four-Week Rule can be stated as follows: Orange Juice (OJ) NYBOT Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov
Cover shorts and go long when the closing price exceeds the highs of the Coffee (CF) NYBOT Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec
preceding four full calendar weeks, and liquidate longs and go short when Cocoa (CC) NYBOT Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Dec
the closing price falls below the lows of the four preceding calendar weeks.
In other words, the Rule compares Friday’s closing price against the previ- These commodity futures provide an excellent pool of historical data for
ous four full calendar weeks’ highs and lows. If the four-week high or low is back-testing a mechanical trading system. The contract histories of the Bridge/
penetrated, the system dictates buying or selling, respectively. Entry and exit CRB Index commodities have experienced the gamut of fundamental price
signals become market orders for execution on the following opening session. shocks. For example, international wars, trade embargoes, economic booms,
Although Donchian’s Four-Week Rule is still applicable today, a more dy- recessions, droughts, floods, food scares, and unpredictable domestic and for-
namic system will be tested for this analysis. Since a four week period is syn- eign demand/supply scenarios are just a few catalysts of the price swings en-
onymous with twenty days, the past 20 days will be back-tested for signals. countered by these commodities over the years.
The advantages of this minor modification are that breakouts are recognized For this analysis, The Four-Week Rule has been back-tested for each con-
earlier and signals may be generated any day of the week. The modified Four- tinuous commodity contract for the last 20 years, thus approximately 5,000
Week Rule will remain a stop-and-reverse (SAR) system and the signals are as trading sessions. The 20-year time period was selected to provide long-term,
follows: equitable evaluation of this trading system over multiple commodities. For the
Cover shorts and go long when the closing price penetrates the previous contracts with a shorter trading history, the back-test will commence with the
twenty day highs and liquidate longs and go short when the closing price contract’s initial trading date. Each of the continuous contracts were constructed
falls below the previous twenty day lows. to rollover three days prior to expiration to allow for the normal volume, li-
quidity shift.
This system also reflects other technical analysis tools and time frames:
Since trading system evaluation encompasses numerous statistics, this analy-
20-day moving average, monthly cycles, weekly price channels, channel sis will present only the “industry accepted” ones. The Four-Week Rule trad-

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 23

Closed Net Profit 112,680 12,550 (1,428) 3,662 (9,675) (2,725) (28,920) 34,850
Total Trade Count 89 144 152 4,125 163 160 163 156
Percent Long 51 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Average. Duration 37 35 34 32 32 32 32 33
Average. Profit 1,345 117 19 22 (68) 0 (171) 228
Average. Win 5,298 2,519 2,611 1,071 2,061 1,304 1,186 2,643
Maximum Win 22,450 15,470 17,430 5,025 10,962 6,700 4,840 8,980
Average. Loss (2,350) (1,261) (1,766) (541) (1,213) (742) (942) (1,408)
Maximum Loss (6,700) (6,080) (9,979) (6,150) (6,900) (3,000) (2,960) (5,520)
Max Closed Drawdown (12,020) (17,320) (19,131) (8,250) (21,850) (7,875) (5,760) (11,480)
Max Drawdown Amount (28,270) (38,990) (58,233) (12,987) (43,512) (16,612) (33,600) (38,460)
Max. Drawdown Duration 914 1,687 3,011 1,742 3,665 2,893 4,987 3,699
Profit To Max Draw 4.23 0.43 0.05 0.28 (0.26) 0.00 (0.83) 0.92
Profit Loss Ratio 2.11 1.15 1.02 1.06 0.91 1.00 0.71 1.27
Percent Winners 48.31 40.28 40.79 34.97 34.97 36.25 36.20 40.38
Remove To Neutral 10.23 0.70 0.00 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.23

Closed Net Profit (22,000) (53,050) (16,110) (19,675) (81,330) (24,232) (65,887) (62,790)
Total Trade Count 95 178 166 83 129 61 181 101
Percent Long 51 50 50 51 50 49 50 50
Average. Duration 38 29 31 61 32 61 29 50
Average. Profit (201) (294) (72) (231) (601) (397) (364) (622)
Average. Win 1,101 1,892 1,228 1,823 2,460 1,470 2,243 1,837
Maximum Win 3,650 13,150 6,735 10,637 10,195 13,410 16,387 12,030
Average. Loss (1,232) (1,221) (789) (1,222) (2,241) (1,527) (1,502) (2,168)
Maximum Loss (31,850) (5,750) (3,025) (4,825) (49,710) (36,255) (6,412) (71,310)
Max Closed Drawdown (31,850) (14,400) (8,050) (23,787) (55,010) (37,222) (21,712) (76,880)
Max Drawdown Amount (41,690) (73,200) (28,785) (34,600) (95,200) (39,789) (107,456) (81,020)
Max. Drawdown Duration 1,064 4,931 3,665 3,753 1,246 3,020 4,432 2,132
Profit To Max Draw (0.46) (0.72) (0.42) (0.55) (0.81) (0.61) (0.61) (0.77)
Profit Loss Ratio 0.71 0.66 0.86 0.72 0.59 0.58 0.65 0.53
Percent Winners 44.21 29.78 35.54 32.53 34.88 37.70 30.39 38.61
Remove To Neutral 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

ing system evaluation herein does not employ “pyramiding,” thus the position following systems may augment returns to various degrees. Optimally, the
size will remain constant. most profitable systems will achieve significant profits in the shortest time
The aforementioned results of the Four-Week Rule will vary per commod- frames thereby reducing the risk exposure. Furthermore, most profitable sys-
ity for multiple reasons. First, the 20-year time period back-test may consist of tems will identify losing trades faster thereby cutting losses sooner. For ex-
varying amount of trading sessions per contract. Second, the important con- ample, NG, CL, C and LH each had average wins almost twice their respective
tract indicators of open interest, daily volume, historical volatility, commercial average losses.
hedging interest and speculative fund participation will impact the successes of
trading systems. For example, the Four-Week Rule system appears to have Conclusion
more successes with contracts (i.e., NG, CL, C and LH) that have large open The success of Donchian’s Four Week Rule with the Bridge/CRB Index
interest, volume, and high speculative fund activity. commodities is a positive testament of the application of mechanical trading
The Remove-To-Neutral (RTN) measures what percentage of all trades may systems among multiple and unrelated markets. The Four-Week Rule trading
be removed prior to becoming a break-even system. High RTN indicates more system, in its most basic form, has proven that it is a profitable, effective sys-
robustness, reliability and system effectiveness. Percent Winners is another tem, especially in four of the sixteen contracts.
important system statistic that appears to also positively correlate with higher
RTN. Thus, the contracts with a higher RTN and Percent Winners were also Suggestions
the most profitable.
The fact that all the winning trade percentages were greater than 30% so- The Four-Week Rule and other mechanical systems may also be applied to
lidifies the technical analysis foundation that markets move in trends and trend over-the-counter (OTC) contracts, fundamental data and virtually all types of

24 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003

numerical data. Even fundamentalists may use this tool to identify the trends
of government/association reports, macroeconomic data and other statistical
data. Technicians may also use the tool for confirmation of signals generated
from technical analysis techniques such as price patterns and mechanical sys-

1. Edwards, Robert M.; John Magee [1992]. Technical Analysis of Stock
Trends, pg. 4
2. Murphy, John J. [1986]. Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets, pg.
3. Bridge/CRB Futures Indices, Background and

■ Burke, Gibbons [February 1998]. Futures, “Turtle redux”
■ Bridge/CRB Futures Indices,
■ Edwards, R. and Magee, J. [1992]. Technical Analysis of Stock Trends,
Sixth Ed., New York Institute of Finance.
■ Kaufman, Perry J. [1998]. Trading Systems and Methods, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
■ Lowenstein, Roger [2000]. When Genius Failed, Random House.
■ Lukac, Louis B., Brorsen, Wade and Irwin, Scott [1980]. A Comparison of
Twelve Technical Trading Systems, Traders Press.
■ Murphy, John J. [1999]. Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets, New
York Institute of Finance.
■ Ruszkowski, Art [2000]. Mechanical Trading System Vs. The S&P 100
Index, Market Technicians Association Library.
■ Turtle Trader, “Richard
■ Logical Information Machines, Inc., Profit/Loss User Manual.
■ Sharpe, William F. [1999]. Investments.
■ Natenberg, Sheldon [1994]. Option Volatility & Pricing.

1. The Commitments of Traders (COT) reports provide a breakdown of each
Tuesday’s open interest for markets in which 20 or more traders hold posi-
tions equal to or above the reporting levels established by the CFTC. The
weekly report for Commitments of Traders in Commodity Futures is re-
leased every Friday at 3:30 p.m. Eastern time.
2. The Four-Week Rule and other mechanical trading systems may be back-
tested through the application of spreadsheet software or complex trading
system software. The author’s results were computed and validated by uti-
lizing CQG and the Logical Information Machine (LIM) XMIM software.

Geoff C. Hicks, CMT, is a trader with El Paso Merchant Energy of Hous-
ton, Texas and a former floor trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
He holds the following degrees: M.B.A with distinction, DePaul Univer-
sity; M.S. thesis, Texas A&M University; B.B.A., Texas Tech University.
This research paper was authored to complete the Chartered Market Tech-
nician (CMT) designation from the Market Technicians Association (MTA).

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 25

26 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003
Life Cycle Model Of Crowd Behavior
Henry O. Pruden, Ph.D.

EHAVIORAL FINANCE adherents believe that markets reflect the

gues that life cycle models can forecast the rise and fall of almost anything.

B thoughts, emotions, and actions of real people as opposed to the

idealized economic investor that underlies the efficient market hy-
pothesis. This longtime technician discusses this new field and the
application of technical analysis as part of the framework.

Over a large part of the past 30 years, the discipline of finance has been
under the aegis of the efficient market hypothesis. But in recent years, enough
The adoption-diffusion life cycle model, which is widely used in social
science and in marketing research, can also be modified to fit the stock market.
Using the model, Figure 3 shows how the four major parameters of technical
analysis – price, volume, time, and sentiment – are interrelated. Further, the
model can be used to specify and interrelate indicators to measure those param-
eters. It also reveals how these parameters can combine to form continuation or
reversal patterns.
anomalies have piled up, cracking its dominance of the field. As a consequence,
the arrival of new thinking to explain market behavior has warranted attention, Four Elements
and its name is behavioral finance.
Behavioral finance proponents believe that markets reflect the thoughts, The four major parameters are a distinct aspect of the technical condition of
emotions, and actions of normal people as opposed to the idealized economic the US stock market. Since the data for each parameter is independent from
investor underlying the efficient market school as well as fundamental analy- that of the others, the indicators representing them can be combined. This fea-
sis. Behavioral man may intend to be rational, but that rationality tends to be ture of price, time, volume, and sentiment is very important; it gives a more
hampered by cognitive biases, emotional quirks, and social influences. complete conclusion regarding the market’s present position and probable fu-
Behavioral finance uses psychology, sociology, and other behavioral theo- ture trend.
ries to explain and predict financial markets. It also describes the behavior of Further, indicators that represent each parameter can be arranged to provide
investors and money managers. In addition, it recognizes the roles that varying a more indepth and reliable understanding of each parameter, as suggested in
attitudes play toward risk, framing of information, cognitive errors, self-con- Figure 4. This can be used as a worksheet to aid in model development and
trol and lack thereof, regret in financial decision-making, and the influence of testing. As can be seen, each element is broken down into three levels of analy-
mass psychology. sis. The columns titled “Indicators” and “Weighting” are filled in by the ana-
Assumptions about the frailty of human rationality and the acceptance of lyst, with the entry depending on the market being analyzed and time frame
such drives as fear and greed have long been accepted by students of technical selected.
analysis. Indeed, in his Stock Market Behavior: The Technical Approach To Joe Granville’s “tree of indicators” concept comes into play during the build-
Understanding Wall Street, Harvey Krow classified technical analysis in the ing and testing of complex models. In this notion, rather than simply relying
behaviorist school of thought. upon price trend and sentiment, the analyst can add together indicators such as
price pattern, Elliott wave count, point-and-figure proportion, on-balance and
Integrating Technical Indicators total volume, and put-call ratio to fully exploit the technical information avail-
able. Using the adoption-diffusion model, analysts can make sense of how these
Conceptual models stemming from behavioral finance can help the techni- various parameters are tied together.
cal analyst construct and test systems of technical analysis. Further, the techni- Depending upon the trader-analyst’s time horizon and confidence in certain
cian can harness his or her intuitive grasp of crowd psychology for practical indicators, an arsenal of specific technical indicators can be judiciously se-
application through the use of a modified version of a life cycle framework. lected. If, for example, an analyst is an intermediate-term options or futures
The framework I have in mind is the adoption-diffusion model of crowd trader, then he or she might wish to examine the price parameter using stochastics
behavior, illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. These figures show how a society adopts or relative strength index (RSI) to study momentum, an hourly Dow Jones chart
an innovation over time. The graph takes on the shape of a bell curve to repre- to count Elliott waves, and a point-and-figure chart of the DJIA to measure the
sent the number of people adopting the change each period and looks like an S- potential extent of moves. These price indicators are seen positioned along the
curve when representing the number of people on a cumulative basis. S-shaped curve.
For examples of crowd behavior, we can look at such classic cases as With respect to volume, the analyst might include total daily New York
Tulipmania, the South Sea Bubble, and the Mississippi Scheme. The herd in- Stock Exchange (NYSE) volume, a measure of overall upside vs. downside
stinct of financial markets in these cases can be analyzed using the adoption- volume, and perhaps also a further refinement of an on-balance volume study
diffusion model. The crowd phenomenon is also observable in market cycles of of the 30 stocks in the DJIA. Volume is appropriately viewed under price on the
much shorter duration and smaller magnitude. Finally, recent observations in bell-shaped curve.
the news media reinforce the logic behind the use of a life cycle model of crowd Sentiment can be seen as measuring both the opinion and the behavior of
behavior, drawing the link between technical analysis and behavioral finance various market participants. Sentiment indicators of opinion are captured by
models. the feedback loop and indicators of sentiment behavior fit into the bell-shaped
adoption curve. Here, the analyst might choose to evaluate market opinion by
Curves, S-shaped and Bell-shaped using the Investor’s Intelligence ratio of bulls to bears. In addition, he might
evaluate prevailing sentiment using the headlines and leading stories from news-
The herd instinct is reflected by the S-shaped curve of the life cycle model
papers and magazines. He can then appraise speculative behavior by calculat-
(Figure 1), while the bell-shaped model shows how groups of market partici-
ing OEX put/call open interest and volume ratios. Finally, the intermediate-term
pants may be positioned and interrelated, ranging from the smart money to
investor might utilize the fourth major parameter, time, by analyzing a 10- to
those who enter the market last (Figure 2). Together, the two form a cycle model
13-week trough-to-trough cycle, the duration spent in a given trend, and sig-
that can be used to organize indicators to gauge technical market conditions
nificance of seasonal influences or special days in the month.
and to predict crowd behavior. In fact, economic theorist Theodore Modis ar-
By framing the indicators into the model shown in Figure 3, the trader can

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 27

Figure 1: Adoption
of an Innovation.
The bell-shaped
curve shows the
number of people in
a society that adopt
an innovation in
each period, while
the S-shaped curve
represents the
cumulative number
of people over time.

Figure 2: Adopter
Categorization. The
innovation dimension,
as measured by time at
which an individual
adopts an innovation, is
continuous. However,
this variable may be
partitioned into five
adopter categories by
laying off standard
deviations from the
average time of

28 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003

Figure 3: The Pruden
Model. The adoption-
diffusion life cycle
model is modified here
to fit the stock market.
Here, we see the four
technical analysis
parameters used in the
process - price,
volume, sentiment,
and time.

Three deep at every position
Four elements: Price, volume, time, and sentiment Figure 4: Three Deep
Three levels of analysis, or three units of analysis for every element At Every Position.
This form shows each
Element Unit Indicators* Weighting element broken down
into three levels or
Bullish-Bearish units of analysis.
+4 +2 +1 -1 -2 -4 Entries under
“Indicators” and
Price Momentum “Weighting” depend
Extent on the market and time
Form frame being analyzed.
Volume Total
Time Cycle
Sentiment News
* Indicators chosen by the analyst. Depending on the time frame used and the market studied, each technician
can systematically select an array of specific technical indicators to represent each element of the model.

JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003 29

Figure 5: The
Shortening of Life
Cycles. An overall S-
curve pattern may
consist of a long series
of smaller S-curves.
The life cycles
indicated by the
smaller S-curves
become longer in the
middle of the overall
curve, then become
shorter again. A
successful technology
will have a longer life
cycle within the
natural growth curve
of a family of
technologies. Toward
the end of that family’s
natural growth, new
products will come and
go quickly. The shorter
life cycles combine to
form a larger cycle.

better judge when the odds are optimal to buy an upside breakout. The com- Further Reading
bined picture of price-volume-sentiment-time appears different in the lower-
left quadrant (accumulation) of the model than in the upper right (distribution). ■ Bazerman, Max [1998]. Judgment In Managerial Decision Making, fourth
One would want to buy every high-volume upside breakout in the former case, edition, John Wiley & Sons.
but not when the latter circumstances appear to prevail. Further timing clues ■ Granville, Joseph [1976]. New Strategy Of Daily Stock Market Timing,
are given by the classic bottom-reversal patterns in the lower left and the clas- Prentice-Hall.
sic top-reversal patterns in the upper right.
■ Hartle, Thom [1998]. “On a new market paradigm: Henry Pruden of Golden
The model also gives the trader grounds for establishing numerical bench-
Gate University,” interview, Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODI-
marks for entry and exit signals. These benchmarks can come from backtesting
TIES, Volume 16: September.
and real-time experience. Certain indicators can be given more weight, and the
threshold levels between bullish, very bullish, bearish, and very bearish de- ■ Investor’s Intelligence/Chartcraft, 30 Church St., New Rochelle, NY 10801.
pend on the analyst’s choice of indicators, beliefs about the market, and expe- ■ Krow, Harvey [1969]. Stock Market Behavior: The Technical Approach To
rience. Understanding Wall Street, Random House.
The adoption-diffusion life cycle model allows the technical trader to use ■ LeBon, Gustave [1995]. The Crowd, Isis Large Print.
the rich array of indicators available in software packages, at the same time
avoiding being overwhelmed by data. As can be seen in Figure 5, small S- ■ Leonard, Brent L. [1996]. “Answering the bell of sentiment indicators,”
shaped life cycle curves build into larger ones. Thus, the model provides a Market Technicians Association Journal, spring-summer .
systematic way of viewing and interrelating the daily, short-term, intermediate ■ MacKay, Charles [1995]. Extraordinary Popular Delusions And The Mad-
and long-term trends of the stock market. ness Of Crowds, Crown Publishing.
■ Modis, Theodore [1994]. “Life cycles: Forecasting the rise and fall of al-
Gaining an Edge most anything,” The Futurist, September-October.
The field of technical trading has become too competitive for a trader to ■ Peters, Edgar E. [1991]. Chaos And Order In The Capital Markets, John
blindly rely on a system that may no longer be feasible. Trading in the markets Wiley & Sons.
is fast approaching the levels of competition found in professional sports; we ■ Pruden, Henry O. [1995]. “Behavioral finance: What is it?” Market Techni-
need something to help us gain that extra edge. Behavioral finance models can cians Association newsletter and MTA Journal, September.
help us frame our technical information to gain that advantage. ■ Rogers, Everett M., and F. Floyd Shoemaker [1971]. Communications of
Innovations, Free Press.

30 JOURNAL of Technical Analysis • Winter-Spring 2003

■ Schwager, Jack D. [1996]. Schwager On Futures: Technical Analysis, John
Wiley & Sons.
■ Statman, Meir [1998]. “Behavioral finance,” Contemporary Finance Di-
gest, Financial Management Association.
■ Thaler, Richard H., ed. [1993]. Advances In Behavioral Finance, Russell
Sage Foundation.

Henry Pruden, Ph.D. is professor of business and executive director of
the Institute for Technical Market Analysis, Golden Gate University, in San
Francisco. He can be reached at Golden Gate University, 536 Mission Street,
San Francisco, CA 94105, phone 415/442-6583, fax 415/442-6579, e-mail:

Reprinted with permission from Technical Analysis of STOCKS &

COMMODITIES™ magazine.© 1999 Technical Analysis, Inc.,
(800) 832-4642,
The original article appeared on pages 77-80 of the January 1999 issue.

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