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School Based Assessment-Edited 2017

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School based assessment (SBA)

Caribbean Secondary Examination Council (CSEC).

SBA 2017



Your cover page must include the following information:

Examination body (Caribbean Examination Council)

Examination (CSEC Information Technology – SBA)

Student (name & registration number)

School (name & centre number)

Territory (Jamaica)


Year of examination (May/June 2017)


Rationale for SBA

The SBA is designed to give students the opportunity to demonstrate, on a timely basis, their ability to
solve problems using computer applications such as:

o Database
o Spreadsheet
o Word Processing
o Programming Language

Students must ensure they have necessary backups of their work as this will alleviate any undue delay of
submission caused by malfunctioning thumb drives, hard drives, etc. A good backup is for students to
email their work to themselves periodically.

The SBA project is marked out of 90 and is worth 30% of your final CXC-CSEC examination grade.

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There is an outbreak of Chic-V in JAMLAND and the Ministry of Health has set up a taskforce (Chic-V
Eradication Task Force) to monitor the affected communities and parishes. The parishes affected are
Queensland, Fairyland, Portabello & Irish Town; the number of reported cases is increasing since the first case
was confirmed August 1, 2014. As of September 17, a total of 50 confirmed cases were reported by personnel
from the health centres in the affected communities.

You have been hired as an Information Systems Specialist whose duties include:
 Recording and monitoring information collected from the health centres of persons who have contracted
the disease in a properly maintained database.

 Recording information, calculating costs, analysing and presenting information on patients’ visits gathered
from the four parishes using electronic spreadsheets.

 Prepare letters to be sent to health officials, et al. of the affected regions inviting them to attend a meeting
to assess the control measures implemented to combat the spread of disease; create a brochure to
inform the public of the dangers of the disease associated and measures to combat the spread of
disease symptoms using a Word Processor.
 Develop and test an algorithm using Pseudocode or Flow Chart.
 Write a code to implement the algorithm using Pascal Programming Language

Database Management


1. Create a database that stores information on all Chic-V patients received from personnel at the health
centres in the affected communities. You may accept at least thirty but no more than forty patients.

Create and populate the following tables in the database.


Fields Description
Registration Number Alphanumeric with 7 characters in the format CV-PP-000 where CV
identifies the disease, PP a 2-digit code that identifies the parish and 000
a 3-digit number
E.g. CV-IT-001 for a patient from Irish Town.
Title Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr. Etc
Last_Name Patient’s Last Name
First_Name Patient’s First Name
Gender M or F
Age Patient’s age in years
Address _1 Patient’s street address
Parish Patient’s parish of residence

 VISIT Table

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Fields Description
Visit_Id A 3 digit code identifying the visit (E.g. 001)
Registration Number Alphanumeric with 7 characters (same as above)
Date of Visit Patient’s Date of Visit to the Health Clinic. Date of visit should range
between August 1, 2014 and Dec 31 2014. Create a validation rule with an
appropriate message for this field.
Health Centre Type Type of health Centre : T1, T2 or T3
Blood Test Yes or No indicates whether or not blood test was ordered.
Insurance Code A 4-digit code identifying the Insurance Company MG01, MS02,

WD03, NN04.
Insurance Name Magicor ( MG01), Medisure (MS02), Warden (WD03) Or None (NN04)
Fees Doctor’s Fees based on the following:
Type of Health Fees $
Type 1 1550
Type 2 2500
Type 3 3000


Insurance Code 4 Digit Code identifying the Company MG01, MS02,
WD03 NN04
Insurance Company Name of Insurance Company MG- Magicor, WD,
Warden and MS- Medisure, NN-None (NN indicates
that the patient does not have any insurance
Coverage Percentage Coverage
MG – 80%, MS – 70 %,WD – 75% and NN -0%


 Design tables using appropriate data types and field widths.

 Copy the tables and table structures and paste in a Word Document.
 Sort Personal Information table by Last Name in ascending order
 Delete the field ‘Insurance Name’ from the Visit table. Copy and paste the new structure and populated
table in a Word Document.
 The third patient had a relapse and paid a second visit to the clinic. At least 4 other patients visited the
clinic more than once. Update the Visits Table to reflect this information. NB:- Do not update the table in
the Word document.
 Create relationship among the tables. Save a picture of the relationship screen in a Word Document.

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Your database should respond to the following queries.

a) Select a Parish of your choice and show the Registration Number, Title, Name, Date of Visit, a Name of
Insurance Company and Insurance Coverage of all patients for that Parish. Name this
b) Count the number of Patients for a type of Health Centre of your choice. Name this query NUM_PAT.
c) List the names and ages of all females patients who are eighteen years or younger. Name this query
d) List all patients from the parish of Portabello for whom Blood Test was ordered. Include patient’s title,
name, registration number, parish, health centre type Blood Test. Name this query P_BELLO.
e) Create a calculated field named Insurance_Amount to store the contribution amount by insurance
companies for each patient ( Insurance_Amount = Fees * Coverage). Include the fields Registration
Number, Visit ID , Fees, Coverage Name this query INS_AMT.


Prepare a report which lists the names of all patients insured by a company of your choice. The report must
show each patient’s title, name, registration number, Date of Visit, Fees, insurance amount and parish. The
report should be grouped by parish and sorted by last name. For each grouping level the report must indicate
the total fees, total insurance amount and grand totals. The first line of the report title should read ‘CHIC-V
Eradication Task Force’ The second line of the report title should be ‘Patients Insured by company of your


 All tables populated with appropriate records.  All Queries

 The design (structure) for each table  The structure for Each query

 The screen showing relationships.  The report.


Export a table from the database component with information on Patients: Registration numbers, First name, Last
name, gender, age, parish, date of visit, Health Center Type, Insurance Code and whether or not the patient did
a blood test. Sample worksheet is shown below.

Health Blood
Title First Last Date of Center Insuranc Test
Reg# Name Name Gender Age Parish Visit Type e Code
CV-IT- Ms. Mary Carter F 27 Irish 29/08/2014 T1 MG01 Yes
001 Town
CVFL00 Mr. Sam Bones M 19 Fairy 13/09/2014 T2 NN04 No
2 Land

 Save the workbook as CHIC_V_OUTBREAK (your name)

 Save the sheet as Patient_Info_1

The following is the fee structure for the Health Centres:

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 Registration fee for all health centres is $500.00.
 A flat rate of $950.00 is charged for each blood test.
 A 10% handling fee is to be applied to the cost of each blood test.
 Doctor’s fees are based on the type of Health Centre as shown below:

Type of Health Centre Code Doctor’s Visit $

Type 1 T1 1550
Type 2 T2 2500
Type 3 T3 3000

 Some patients have health insurance coverage while others do not. The portion of the total medical bill
that is covered by health insurance is outlined in the following table:

Insurance Company Code Coverage

Magicor MG01 80%
Medisure MS02 70%
Warden WD03 75%
None NN04 0%

 Place the information about the fees in a spreadsheet named Fees

 Copy Patient_Info1 and paste in a new sheet. Name this sheet Patient_Info_2
 Modify your spreadsheet by adding the following columns to calculate the amount each patient should pay

for a medical examination at the health centre.

 Registration fee is the amount charged for each visit to the health institution.

 Blood test amount - is the cost for blood test.

 Blood test Handling Fees - the blood test surcharge.

 Doctor’s Fee –Fee for each visit based on type of health centre

 Total Cost - the cost after adding all fee

 Insurance Amount – Insurance Company’s percentage of the Doctor’s Visit Fee

 Patient’s Amount - the amount that the patient will pay after insurance amount is deducted

 Calculate the final payment made by each patient.

 The Chairman of the task force suggested you use cell references in formulae so that the spreadsheet can

be used for future calculations with minimum modifications. Use suitable “VLOOK UP” and “IF” functions to

ensure that your spreadsheet is efficient. Use formatting features to allow clarity of your worksheet

(example bold, no. of decimal places, $, etc.).


 Copy Patient_Info2 and paste in a new sheet. Name this sheet Patient_Info_3
The information for the third patient was incorrectly recorded. Delete this record.
Sort the worksheet based on Parish in ascending order then by Date diagnosed in descending order.
In an appropriate section of the worksheet use advanced filter to extract information for all patients who
had blood test and do not have insurance coverage. Save results to another section of the spreadsheet.


1. Create a Column Chart to compare the number of patients visiting Type1, Type 2 and Type 3 Health
Centers for EACH parish. The chart should be labelled with appropriate title and axis and include a

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2. Create a Pie Chart that compares the number of patients visiting the Health Centres from each parish.
The chart should be labelled with an appropriate title and each slice of the pie should display the
Save the charts in separate worksheets

a. All worksheets.
b. All formula sheets.
c. Both Charts


Develop a letterhead for use by the task force. The letterhead should include the name of the task force,
address, telephone number, fax and email address. Bold and italicize the email address. The letterhead
should be placed in the header. Save as LettHead

The coordinator of the Task Force has instructed you to create an attractive brochure on letter size paper to
alert the public on the dangers of the disease, and the associated signs and symptoms. The following
information was supplied:
1. Use the logo from the letter head at an appropriate location on the brochure.

2. Illustrate at least three preventative measures with two or more graphics showing how to combat the
spreading of the disease.

3. Note – Be creative in the design of your brochure to obtain the required marks by using suitable
features of a word processing application (columns, tables, bullets, colour, etc.). Save as Brochure.

Using the Taskforce Letterhead and mail merge feature of your word processing application, prepare a letter
addressed to the recipients listed below inviting them to a meeting scheduled for January 5, 2015 at 2:30 PM in
the Conference Room of the Ministry of Health.
The nature of the meeting is to (a) assess the control measures being implemented to combat the spread of the
disease, (b) organize and mobilize resources for the next phase of the project, and (c) to discuss ways in which
the health insurance providers will help in funding the fight against Chic-V by paying their portion of the medical
bills for patients they insure.
It is very important that the insurance providers be in attendance as the government has committed to continue
the “Free Health Care” policy with a proviso that “those who can pay, must pay”. Save the letter as Meeting

Modify the letter to include the report from the database section of the project which shows the amount the
government would recover from Company of your Choice for treatment of patients insured by that company.
Save the letter as Meeting2

Letter should be sent to the following persons: (You must supply name, title and address)

List of officials
 The Minister of Health

 Shadow Spokesperson on Health

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 Senior Medical Officer

 Head of Epidemiology

 Head of the Blood Bank

 CEOs of the 3 Insurance companies

For this task save the main document as Meeting2, the data source as Officials and the merged document as

To be Printed
 LettHead
 Brochure
 Meeting
 Meeting 2
 Officials
 MergeLett


1. Develop an algorithm using pseudocode or flowchart that accepts as input relevant

information for an unspecified number of patients. A patient may be from any one of the
four parishes. The algorithm should determine the total costs incurred by each patient.
This includes registration fee, doctor’s fee, total blood test cost, etc. (see spreadsheet
section of SBA). The algorithm should also determine the amount of the patient’s cost
paid by insurance provider as well as the cost borne by the patient. The patient’s
registration number, name, parish, blood test costs (inclusive of surcharge), total cost,
Insurance Amount and patient’s amount should be printed in a tabular format. A
summary showing the number of patients registered should also be printed.

2. Design and execute a trace table that accepts patient’s data at clinics in the various
parishes. Data should include registration number, name, registration fee, doctor’s fees
and blood test costs. Patients who are insured may be insured by any of the three
Insurance Companies, Magicor, Medisure or Warden. The table should trace the
increment of each patient’s visit and total costs. There should have at least ten iterations
and a clear indicator that signals the end of the Trace Table

Program Implementation
3. Using the Programming Language Pascal, write program code to implement the

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