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Stochastic Processes

Prof. Dr. S. Dharmaraja

Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Module - 5
Continuous-time Markov Chain
Lecture - 5
Simple Markovian Queueing Models

This is the lecture five application of a continuous-time Markov chain in simple

Markovian queuing models. The first lecture we have discussed the definition of a
stochastic process in particular continuous-time Markov chain, then we have considered
the Kolmogorov differential equation Chapman-Kolmogorov equations the transient
solutions for the CTMC. In the second lecture, we have discussed the special case of
continuous-time Markov chain that is birth-death process we have discussed in lecture
two. Lecture three the special case of birth-death process it is a very important stochastic
process that is Poisson process is discussed in the lecture three.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:01)

In the lecture four we have discussed the M/M/1 queuing model, that is a very special
and important queuing model and the underlying stochastic process for the M/M/1
queuing model that is a birth-death process with birth rates are lambda, and death rates
are mu. In the fourth lecture we have discussed only the M/M/1 queuing model. In this
lecture we are going to consider the other simple Markovian queuing models as an
application of a continuous-time Markov chain.

So, in this lecture I am planning to discuss other than M/M/1 queuing model I am going
to discuss the simple Markovian queuing models starting with the M/M/c infinity
queuing model, then the finite capacity model Markovian set of M/M/1/N queuing
model. Then I am going to discuss the multi server finite capacity model that is M/M/c/K
queuing model. After that I am going to discuss the loss system that is M/M/c/c model,
for infinite server model that is M/M/infinity also I am going to discuss. At the end I am
going to discuss the finite source Markovian queuing model also, whereas the other five
models the population is infinite source. So, the last one is a finite source Markovian
queuing model also I am going to discuss as the application of continuous-time Markov

(Refer Slide Time: 03:03)

The first model is a multi server infinite capacity Markovian queuing model. The letter
M denotes the inter arrival time is exponentially distributed with parameter lambda. The
service time by the each server that is exponentially distributed with the parameter mu
and all we have more than one server. Suppose you consider as a c where c is a positive
integer, and all the servers are identical, and each server is doing the service which is
exponentially distributed with the parameter mu which is independent of the all other
server, and the service time is independent with the inter arrival time also.
With this assumptions if you make a random variable x of t is the number of customers
in the system at any time t that is a stochastic process. Since the possible values of
number of customers in the system at any time t that is going to be 0, 1, 2 and so on;
therefore, it is a discrete state and you are observing the queuing system at any time t
therefore, it is a continuous time, so discrete state continuous times stochastic process,
and if you observe the system keeps moving into the different states because of either
arrival or the service completion from the any one of the c servers.

So, suppose there is no customer in the system, the system moves from the state 0 to 1 by
one arrival. So, the inter arrival time is exponentially distributed; therefore, the rate in
which the system is moving from the state 0 to 1 is lambda like that you can visualize the
rates for system moving from 1 to 2, 2 to 3 and so on, whereas whenever the system size
is 1, 2 and so on till c, since we have a c number of service in the system whoever is
entering into the system they will start getting the service immediately. Suppose the
system goes from state 1 to 0; that means the customer enter to the system and he get the
service immediately and the service time exponentially distributed with the parameter
mu. Therefore, whenever the service is completed the system goes from the state 1 to 0;
therefore, the rate is mu, whereas from 2 to 1 there are two customers in the system and
both are under service; at any time if any one of the servers completes the service then
the system moves from 2 to 1.

So, the service completion will be minimum of the service time of both the servers. Since
each server is doing the service exponentially distributed with the parameter mu;
therefore, the minimum of two exponential and both are independent also, therefore, that
is also going to be exponentially distributed with the sum of parameters. So, it is going to
be parameter will be mu plus mu that is 2 mu. So, the system moves from the state 2 to 1
will be the rate will be 2 mu, like that it will keep going till the state from c to c minus 1;
that means we have c servers. Therefore, whenever the system size is also less than or
equal to c that means all the customers are under service.

Now we will discuss the rate in which system is moving from the state c plus 1 to c. The
system state is the c plus 1; that means when the number of customer in the system that
is c plus 1, we have c servers; therefore, one customer will be waiting for the service
waiting in the queue. Therefore, the system is moving from c plus 1 to c that is nothing
but one of the server has completed the service out of c servers; therefore, the rate will be
the completion service time will be exponential distribution with the parameter c mu, not
c plus 1 mu it is we have only c servers.

Therefore the minimum of exponentially distributed with the parameters mu and so on

with the c exponentially distributed random variables; therefore, that is going to be
exponential distribution with the parameter mu plus mu plus, there are c mu’s; therefore,
it is going to be c mu. Like that the rate will be the death rate will be c mu after c plus 1
onwards whereas from 0 to c it will be mu, 2 mu, 3 mu and so on till c mu after that it
will be c mu from the state from c plus 1 to c, c plus 2 to c plus 1 and so on.

And if you see the state transition diagram you can observe that this is a birth-death
process. So, before that let me explain what is M/M/c infinity means whenever c
customers or c servers are any one of the c servers are available then the customers will
get the service immediately. If all the c servers are busy then the customer has to wait till
any one of the c servers is going to be completing their service. So, that is the way the
system works; therefore, you will have the system size.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:43)

The system size the underline stochastic process is going to be a birth-death process. It is
a special case of continuous-time Markov chain because the transitions are only the
neighbor’s transition with the forward rate that is lambda, and backward rates are the
death rates are going to be mu, 2 mu and so on. Therefore, this is the special case of a
continues-time Markov chain; the underlying stochastic process for the M/M/c infinity
model that is a birth-death process. The birth rates are lambda whereas the death rates
depends on the n the mu n is the function of n; therefore, it is called a state-dependent
death rates. It need not be the function n times mu it can be a function of n then we can
use the word state-dependent.

So, here it is a linear function. So, state-dependent death rates and the death rates are n
times mu whenever n lies between 1 to c and the mu n is going to be c times mu for n is
greater than or equal to c; that you can observe it from the state transition diagram also;
the death rates are going to be c mu here also c mu and so on. Therefore, this is the birth-
death process with the state-dependent death rates.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:13)

Now our interest is to find out the steady-state or equilibrium solution. Since it is infinite
capacity models if you observe the birth-death process with the infinite state space then
you need condition, so that the steady state probability exists. So, whenever lambda by c
mu is less than 1 you can find out the limiting probabilities. So, sometimes I use the
letter P n, sometimes I use the word pi n, both are one and the same. So, you find out the
steady-state probability by solving P q is equal to 0, and the summation of p I is equal to
1. And if you recall the birth-death process of steady state probabilities the pi naught has
the one divided by the series; whenever the denominator series converges then you will
get the P n’s.
So either I use P n’s or pi n’s both are one and the same. So, here summation of P i is
equal to 1 and if you make a vector p, p times the q is equal to 0 if you solve that
equation, and the denominator of P naught that expression that is going to be converged
only if lambda divided by c mu is less than 1. So therefore, whenever this condition is
there the queuing system is stable also. If you put c is equal to 1 you will get the
M/M/1/q. So, using the normalizing condition you are getting the p naught and P naught
is 1 divided by this. So, this is the series. So, this series is going to be converged only if
this condition is satisfied.

So, by solving that equation you are getting P n in terms of P naught and using
normalizing constant you are getting a P naught; therefore, this is a steady-state also
known as the equilibrium solution for the M/M/c infinity model. So, here we are using
the birth-death process with the birth rates are lambda and the death rates are given in
this form and use the same logic of the stationary distribution for the birth-death process;
using that we are getting the steady-state or equilibrium solutions for the M/M/c model.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:43)

Other than the steady-state probability we can get some more measures. The first one is
the probability that the arriving customer has to wait an arrival. What is the probability
that the arriving customer has to wait on arrival? So, that means the number of customers
in the system is greater than or equal to c, then only the customer has to wait. So, the
probability you add the probability of p c, sorry p n, sorry here it is a mistake p suffix n
where n is running from c to infinity, if you add all those probabilities that is going to be
p c divided by 1 minus rho, and this probability is known as the Erlang’s C formula for a
multi server infinite capacity model; that too I am denoting with the letter C of c comma
lambda by mu

Because you need number of servers in the system and you need lambda as well as mu; if
I know this quantity I can find out what is the Erlang’s C formula. This is a very
important formula; using that you can find out what is the optimal c such a way that the
probability has to be minimum. You can find out what is optimal number of servers
needed to have some upper bound probability of arriving customer has to wait; therefore,
the Erlang’s C formula is very useful in performance analyses of any system.

The next quantity is N q denotes the number of customers in the queue. So, either I use
the letter N suffix q; earlier I used the letter q itself. So, for that I am finding the joint
distribution of what is the probability that the number of customers in the queue is j and
the waiting time is going to be greater than zero, W is used for the waiting time. So, the
waiting time is going to be greater than zero. That is same as the number of customers in
the system that is c plus j. What is the probability that j customers in the queue as well as
the waiting time is greater than zero; that is same as what is the probability that c plus j
customer in the system. We will do the little simplification so you will get this joint
probability in terms of Erlang’s C formula.

(Refer Slide Time: 16:30)

So, using that I am finding the conditional probability, what is the conditional probability
that j customer in the queue given that the waiting time is greater than zero. If I do little
simplification I will get 1 minus rho times rho power j where rho is lambda divided by c
mu. This is nothing but the probability mass function of a geometric distribution. This is
the probability mass function of a geometric distribution; therefore, this conditional
probability is geometrically distributed with the parameter rho. From this we can find out
the next measure is expected number of busy service. What is the average number of
busy servers? That is nothing but the summation of n equal to zero to c minus one n
times p n.

That means whenever the system size is less than c only those many servers are busy and
with the probability. Whenever n customers or more than n customers in the system all
the c servers are going to be busy; therefore, c times p. If you simplify you will get c
times rho. So, that is the expected number of busy servers. Once I know the expected
number of busy servers I can find out what is the expected number of idle servers also, it
is a negation, that is expected number of idle server is nothing but expectation of it is a
random variable.

So, idle number is nothing but there are totally c servers in the system; therefore, c minus
busy servers are capital B. Therefore, c minus B is same as i. So, the expectations
satisfies the linear property; therefore, expectation of i is same as expectation of c minus
B. c is a constant, and B is a random variable; therefore, it is a c minus expectation of a B
expectation of B just now we got c times rho. Therefore, the expected number of idle
server is c times 1 minus rho. So, other than stationary distribution for the M/M/c model
we are getting what is the probability that arriving customer has to wait, and we are
getting the conditional probability of j customers in the queue given that waiting time is
greater than zero as well as this expected quantities we are getting.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:10)

Also we can find out what is the expected number of customers in the system; that is
nothing but expected number is nothing but expected of the busy servers plus expected
number in the queue. Earlier I used the notation n suffix queue; n suffix queue and queue
are both one and the same. So, I can compute what is the expectation of queue come and
do the little simplification. Then I can substitute expectation of queue here; therefore, I
will get expected number of customers in the system that involves the Erlang’s C
formula. So, this Erlang’s C formula is used to get the expected number of customers in
the system and then later we can do some optimization over the probability expected
number with the specified c and lambda by mu.

So, using Little’s formula I can find out the expected time spent in the system, because I
know what is the arrival rate and from the stationary distribution I got expected number
in the system in a steady-state. Therefore, since I know lambda and expectation of n I
can get expectation of r where r is the response time or so joint time is total time spent in
the system. So, that expectation is going to be expectation of n divided by lambda; do
little simplification, you will get expectation of r.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:12)

You can apply the Little’s formula in the Q level also. So, this is the system level and
you can apply the Q level also. So, here lambda times the expectation of waiting time is
same as expectation of number of customer in the queue. So, expectation of waiting time
or average time is same as expectation of a Q divided by lambda. So, since the M/M/c
infinity Q the underlying stochastic process is the birth-death process; therefore, we are
getting the all the measures using the birth-death logic.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:42)

Next I am going for the finite capacity. So, the N is the capacity of the system; that
means whenever the customers arrives and find the queue full that customer will be
rejected. Therefore, at any time the number of customers in the system if you make it as
a random variable and that random variable takes the possible values from zero to capital
N; therefore, the state space is finite. The number of customers in the system makes any
time t, that is a random variable, and you will have a stochastic process. And since the
inter arrival time is exponentially distributed services exponential distributed only one
server finite capacity; therefore, the underling stochastic process is a birth-death process
with the birth rates lambda and the death rates mu.

If you see the queue matrix for a this one infinitesimal generator matrix that is a dry
diagonal matrix with all the half diagonals are lambdas as well as mu and the diagonals
are minus lambda plus mu except the first term and the last term except the first row and
last row. Our interest is to get the stationary distribution; later I going to explain the
time-dependent solution also. So, to get the stationery distribution either you write pi Q
is equal to zero and the summation of pi is equal to one and solve that, or you write the
balance equation. The pi q is equal to zero that will land up a balance equation. So, some
books write this as a balance equation, what is the inflow rate and what is the outflow
rate? Both are going to be same whenever the system reaches the equilibrium solutions
equilibrium state.

Therefore, the outflow is lambda times this; the inflow is mu times lambda one. Like that
you can go for understanding the balance equation for this state and second and so on.
This also satisfies the time, this is also called satisfying the time reversible equation;
therefore, one can use the time reversible property of birth-death process. So, you can
find out pi I’s easily using the time reversible equation itself. You do not want to use a pi
Q is equal to zero; instead of that you can write the time reversible equation since it is
satisfied by all the states. Now you can use the summation of pi i is equal to 1 i starting
from 1 to n; therefore, you will get pi naught, and here the birth-death process with the
finite state space.

Therefore, the pi naught will be 1 divided by the denominator series that is a finite series
finite terms in it. Therefore it always converges immaterial of the value of lambda and
mu; therefore, you will get pi naught without any restriction over lambda and mu. So,
once you get the pi naught you can get pi i’s in terms of pi naught. Therefore, that is 1
minus rho divided by 1 minus rho power n plus 1 times rho power i where rho is lambda
by mu. So, this is the birth; the underline stochastic process is the birth-death process
with the birth rates lambda and death rates mu. So, you can use all the concepts of the
birth-death process and you can analyze the system in an easy way. So, this is a steady-
state probability.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:43)

Once you know the steady-state probability you can get the other measures also. Here the
other important thing is called the effective arrival rate; that means the system the
queuing system is a finite capacity.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:02)

So, maximum N customers can wait in this system and the service rate is mu, the arrival
rate is lambda from the infinite population. So, whenever the system size is full the
customer is rejected; therefore, there is a rejection. After the service is completed the
system leaves the system. So, the effective arrival rate is nothing but what is the rate in
which the customers are entering into the system. So, there is a partition here. So, the
effective arrival rate is lambda H. That rate will be, what is the probability that the
system is not full multiplied by the arrival rate lambda that is going to be the lambda
effective. Whenever the system is not full that proportion of the time or the probability is
1 minus pi N where pi N is the steady state probability just now we got it.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:20)

From here you can get pi suffix N; that is the probability that the system is full and 1
minus pi N is the probability that the system is not full and multiplied by the arrival rate
that is going to be the lambda effective.

And you can also find out the throughput. Throughput is nothing but what is the rate in
which the customers are served per unit of time. The service rate is mu, and this is the
probability that the system is not empty 1 minus pi naught. Therefore 1 minus pi naught
times mu that is the rate in which the customers are served in the M/M/1/N system.
Whenever the system is not empty multiplied by that probability multiplied by mu that is
going to be the throughput. By using the time-reversible equation the mu time 1 minus pi
naught you can get in terms of lambdas equivalent also, but throughput is the service rate
multiplied by what is the probability that the system is not empty.

Since it is a finite capacity system one can find out the blocking probability also.
Blocking probability is nothing but the probability that the customers are blocked. The
customers are blocked whenever the system is full; therefore, the blocking probability
same as the probability that the system is full that is pi N. Once you know the steady-
state probabilities you can find out the average number of customers in the system, and
using the Little’s formula you can get expected time spent in the system by any customer
divided by not lambda it is lambda effective because the effective arrival rate is used in
the Little’s formula not the arrival rate.
For M/M/1 infinity system the effective arrival rate and arrival rate are one and the same,
because there is no blocking; therefore, the probability of 1 minus pi N that is equal to 1
only. Therefore, the effective arrival rate and the arrival rate are same for an infinite
capacity system, because there is no blocking. For a finite capacity system the effective
arrival rate has to be computed. Similarly, we have to go for finding the M/M lambda
effective for the M/M/c/K model also. So, other than the stationary distribution or
equilibrium probabilities we are getting the other performance measures using the birth-
death process concepts.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:10)

Now I am moving into M/M/c/K model queuing model. So, here the change is instead of
one server in the M/M/1 model you have more than one server’s c, and you have finite
capacity that is capital K capacity of the system. So, the arrival follows a Poisson
process; service is exponential. We have c identical servers, the capacity is capital K.
And this is the scenario in which whenever the system size is less than c it will be routed
into the idle server. If it is greater than or equal to c that means all the servers are busy;
that means the customer has to wait.

But if the system size is full that means c customers are under service and k minus c
customers are waiting in the queue for the service. Then whoever comes, it will be
rejected, forced to leave the system. Therefore, you have the waiting as well as blocking,
because it is a finite capacity there is a blocking. And since you have always we choose
the K such that it is K is always greater than or equal to c. If K is equal to c then it is a
loss system. If the K is greater than c then K minus c customers maximum can wait in
the system in the queue.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:47)

Therefore, the underlining stochastic process, here the stochastic process is again number
of customers in the system at any time t. Therefore, this stochastic process is also going
to be a continuous time Markov chain. Because of this assumptions inter arrivals are
exponential distributions are with each service by each server is exponentially distributed
and all are independent and so on. So, with these assumptions this stochastic process is a
continuous time Markov chain, and at any time only one forward or only one backward
the system can move.

Therefore, it is going to be a birth-death process also, and the birth rates are lambda,
because it is an infinite source population. So, all the lambda N’s are going to be lambda
whereas the death rates are state-dependent; that is going to be n times mu lies between 1
to c, from c to k onwards it is going to be c mu. So, I have not drawn the state transition
diagram for M/M/c/K, but you can visualize the way we have M/M/1/n and M/M/c
model with the combination of that; that is going to be the state transition diagram.

Since it is a finite capacity model it is easy to get the steady state and equilibrium the
solution. So, first you solve pi Q is equal to zero; that means you write pi n’s in terms of
pi naught, and use the normalizing constant summation of pi i is equal to 1, using that
you will get pi naught. So, I have not written here. So, use the normalizing constant the
summation of pi i equal to 1 and get the pi naught, then substitute pi naught; therefore,
you will get pi n in terms of pi n completely.

(Refer Slide Time: 33:48)

After that you can get all the other average measures the way I have explained the
M/M/1/N and the M/M/c infinity; the combination of that you can get the average
number of customers in the system, average number of customer in the queue that is n
minus c times pi n; the summation goes from c to k, and the average time spent in the
system. Since, it is a finite capacity you have to find out the lambda effective, effective
arrival rate that is 1 minus its capacity is capital K; therefore, 1 minus pi k and that is the
probability that the system is not full. So, the effective arrival rate is lambda times 1
minus pi k; substitute here and get the average time spent in the system. And similarly,
you can find out the average time spent in the queue also using the Little’s formula.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:48)

Now I am moving into the fourth simple Markovian queuing model. First I started with
the M/M/c infinity, M/M/1/N, then I did M/M/c/K; now I am going for capital K is equal
to c that is loss system. It is not a queuing system, because we have a c servers, and the
capacity of the system is also c. Example is you can think of a parking lot which has
some c parking lots and the cars coming in to the system; that is if you make the
assumption is inter arrival time is exponentially distributed and the car spending time in
each parking lot that is exponentially distributed, then the parking lot problem can be
visualized as the M/M/c loss system.

So, here we have a c identical servers and no waiting room. So, since it is a c capacity
and the c waiting room you can think of a self service with the capacity c that also you
can visualize. So, here the inter arrival times are exponentially distributed and the service
by each server that is exponentially distributed with the parameter mu. Therefore, the
system goes from 2 to 1, 1 to 0 and so on it is going to be how many customers in the
system and completing their service; therefore, the time is exponentially distributed with
the sum of those parameters accordingly.

Therefore, it is going to be 1 mu, 2 mu till c mu. Since, it is a finite capacity and so on it

is an irreducible model positive recurrent; therefore, this steady-state probability exist,
limiting probabilities also exist, and that is same as the equilibrium probabilities also.
Therefore, by using p q is equal to o and the summation of p i is equal to 1 you can get
the steady-state or equilibrium probabilities that is p n’s.

The p suffix c that is nothing but the probability that the system is full and that is same
known as the Erlang B formula. So, this is also useful to design the system for a given or
what is the optimal c such a way that you can minimize the probability that the system is
full. For that you need this formula; therefore, to do the optimization problem over the c.
And here we denote a p suffix c that is the Erlang B formula, whereas, Erlang C formula
comes from the M/M/c/K model; for the loss system you will get the Erlang B formula

(Refer Slide Time: 37:49)

The fifth model that is the M/M/infinity; it is not a queuing model, because the servers
are infinite, unlimited servers in the system. Therefore, the customer whoever enter he
will get immediately the service. The service will be started immediately, whereas, the
service time is exponentially distributed with the parameter mu by the each server. All
the servers are identical, the number of server are infinite here.

Therefore you will have the underling stochastic process for the system size that is the
birth-death process with the birth rates are lambda, because the population is from the
infinite source. The death rates are 1 mu, 2 mu and so on, because the number of servers
are infinite. So, the model which I have discussed in today’s lecture all the five models
are the underlining stochastic process is a birth-death process; this is the simplest
Markovian queuing models.
(Refer Slide Time: 38:59)

You can get the steady-state distribution; use the same theory of birth-death process, and
if you observe this steady-state probabilities is of the same Poisson. It is of the form that
is the probability mass function of the Poisson distribution. Therefore, you can conclude
in a steady-state the number of customers in the system that is Poisson distributed with
the parameter lambda by mu, because the probability mass function for the pi n is the
same as the probability mass function of exponential distributed random variable with
the parameter lambda by mu.

(Refer Slide Time: 39:44)

Now I am explaining the transient solution of a finite birth-death process. So, using these
one can find out the transient solution of the birth-death process which I have discussed
in today’s class M/M/1/n, M/M/c/k and M/M/c/c also. So, the logic is same; that means
you have a birth-death process with the finite state space. Therefore, the Q matrix is
going to be a degree, whatever be the number of states in the state space, and it is going
to be a dry diagonal matrix. And you know the lambda n’s and mu birth rates as well as
the death rates, and the birth rates and death rates are going to be different for these three

There are many literatures over the transient solution of a finite birth-death process
started with a Murphy and O’Donohoe. He uses the polynomial method and in 1978
Rosenlund also found the transient solution for a finite BDP using again the different
polynomial methods. And Chiang in 1980 he made a matrix method to get this transient
solution then later Van Doorn gave the solution using a spectral representation method.
And Nikiforov et al, 1991, he also gave the transient solution using the orthogonal
polynomial, and later Kijima also gave the solution using Eigen value methods. So, these
are all the literatures for getting the transient solution of a finite birth-death process.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:39)

And here I am going to explain how to get the transient behavior of M/M/1/N queue in a
very simplest form even though there are this many literature and many more literatures
for the finite birth-death process. But here I am explaining the overview of how to get the
transient behavior of M/M/1/N queue, and this is by O P Sharma and U C Gupta it
appears in the stochastic processes and their applications Vol. 13 1982. So, what this
method work you start with the forward Kolmogorov equation that is pi t pi dash t and
that is started with.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:33)

Pi dash of t that is equal to pi of t into q matrix where pi is the matrix, and pi dash is with
the derivatives and q is the infinite decimal matrix. Take a forward Kolmogorov equation
then use the Laplace transform and so on for each pi n of t you take, sorry here the pi
dash of t is the vector it is a distribution of a x of t. Therefore, this is a vector, and this is
the vector, and q is the matrix not the matrix which I said wrongly. So, this is a vector,
and this is a vector, and q is the matrix.

So, take a Laplace transform for each probability where the pi n of t that is nothing but so
the pi of t is the vector that started with pi naught of zero t pi 1 of t and so on pi n of t
where pi n of t is nothing but what is the probability that, the same notation I started
when I discussed the continuous time Markov chain, what is the probability that n
customers in the system at time t. These are unconditional probability distribution. So, pi
n of t is the probability that the n customers in the system are time t and using pi n of t
you get the vector, and you make a forward Kolmogorov equation pi dash of t is equal to
pi of t times q.
(Refer Slide Time: 44:15)

And take a Laplace transform for each pi n of t that exist, because this is the probability
and the conditions for the Laplace transform of these functions satisfies, you can cross
check; therefore, you are taking a Laplace transform and this is going to be a function of
theta. Before taking a Laplace transform you need an initial condition also. So, at time
zero you assume that there are no customer in the system, at time zero no customer in the
system; that means x of 0 is equal to 0. Therefore, that probability is going to be 1, and
all other probabilities are going to be zero; that is the initial probability vector. So, use
this initial probability vector and apply it over the forward Kolmogorov equation, taking
a Laplace transform you will get the system of algebraic equation.

Since you are using a pi naught of 0 is equal to 1 you will get the first equation with the
term 1 and all other terms are going to be 0, and you know the Laplace transform of the
derivative of the function. So, you substitute you take a Laplace transform over the
forward Kolmogorov equation with this initial condition as well as pi n’s of 0 is equal to
0 for n naught equal to 0. So, you will have an algebraic equation that is n plus 1
algebraic equation is a function of theta.

You have to solve this algebraic equation system of algebraic equations in terms of theta.
Once you are able to solve this and take an inverse Laplace transform and that is going to
be the system size at any time t. You can start saying that this is going to be of the
solution of A times alpha n and B times beta power n where alpha and beta are given in
this form where alpha is equal to this plus something and the beta is equal to minus
something minus square root of this expression. So you will have alpha as well as beta.
Now what you want to find out? If you find out the constant A and B you can get the
Laplace transform of pi n of t then you take an inverse Laplace transform and you get the
pi n of t.

(Refer Slide Time: 46:41)

So, for that you need the determinant of matrix of this form, and here this is nothing but
all these values are death rates, and these are all the birth rates, and this is corresponding
to the M/M/1/N model, and the same logic goes for the transient solution of the M/M/c/K
as well as M/M/c/c. So, instead of this lambdas and mu’s you will have a corresponding
birth rates and the death rates, but ultimately you will have a n plus 1 matrix determinant
as a function of theta. And since these three models are going to be a irreducible positive
recurrent the stationery probability and the limiting probabilities exist; therefore, this
determinant is going to be always of the form theta times some other function as a degree
as a polynomial of degree n in a function of theta.

So, this theta is corresponding to the stationary probabilities or the limiting probabilities.
Therefore, always you can get the n plus 1 th degree matrix 1 th order matrix determinant
that is theta times the polynomial of degree n as a function of theta. For the M/M/1/N
model the birth rates are lambda and the death rates are mu, and you can get this
polynomial also in the form of product.
The product of theta plus lambda plus mu times alpha of N comma k square root of
lambda mu where alpha of N comma k is nothing but the k roots of a n th degree
Chebyshev’s polynomial of second kind. There is the relation between the birth-death
processes with the orthogonal polynomial. For instance the M/M/1/N model the finite
capacity M/M/1/N model the corresponding orthogonal polynomial for this birth-death
process is the Chebyshev’s polynomial of the second kind.

Similarly you can say the orthogonal polynomial corresponding to the M/M/c/c model
that is the Charlier polynomial. Like that we can discuss the corresponding orthogonal
polynomial for the finite capacity birth-death processes. So, here for the M/M/1/N model
this is related to the Chebyshev’s polynomial of second kind that is U n of x. So, once
you are able to get the Chebyshev’s polynomial roots and that root is going to play a role
in the product form and that is going to be polynomial. Note that this polynomial has a
distinct real factor.

(Refer Slide Time: 49:55)

Therefore, you can use the partial fraction, then you take an inverse Laplace transform
and finally you can get the pi n of t. I am skipping all the simplification part and the main
logic is this n plus 1 th order matrix determinant and that determinant has the factors and
those factors are related to the Chebyshev’s polynomial roots. So, once you use all those
logics and use the partial fraction then finally you take an inverse Laplace transform.
For lambda is not is equal to mu you will get a steady-state or stationary probabilities
plus this expression, and this is the function of t e power minus lambda plus mu times t
plus 2 times square root of lambda mu times t cos of r pi by n plus 1 and denominator
this expression multiplied by this, and here this result is related to the initial condition 0;
that means a time 0 the system is empty. If the system is not empty then you will have
one more expression here sin of this minus another term.

So, that is you will have a getting bigger expression for system size is not empty, and this
theta times this that will give the corresponding partial fraction and so on, inverse
Laplace it will give the terms which is independent of t and that is the related to the
steady-state probabilities, because if you put t tends to infinity if the quantities are
greater than 0, so as a t tends to infinity the whole terms will tend to zero. Therefore, as t
tends to infinity you will have pi n of t is equal to this expression, and this is valid for rho
is less than 1; with that condition rho is less than 1 those terms will tends to 0.

And you will have only this term and that is going to be the steady-state or limiting
probabilities for M/M/1/N model. If you make also n tends to infinity along with the t
tends to the infinity you will have pi n’s that is the steady-state probability for the M/M/1
infinity model. So, even though I have explained the M/M/1/N transient solution in a
brief way but the same logic goes for the M/M/c/c model also. The only difference is this
determinant has the lambdas and instead of mu’s you will have mu 2, mu 3, mu and so

And instead of the Chebyshev’s polynomial you will land up with the Charlier
polynomial, but there is a difference between this M/M/1/N model and the M/M/c/c
model transient solution. Since the Chebyshev’s polynomial has a closed form roots you
can find out the factors. So, here these are all the factors, and you know the factors as
well as you can get the closed form expression for the M/M/1/N transient solution
whereas the Charlier polynomial does not have a closed form roots. Therefore you will
land up with the numerical result for the transient solution for M/M/c/c model.
(Refer Slide Time: 53:31)

Location of a continuous time Markov chain that is a finite source Markovian queuing
models. This model is also known as a machine repairman model, and you can think of
this PCs are nothing but the machines, and this is nothing but the repairman, and here the
scenario is we have KPCs and each PC can give a print job and the inter arrival of print
jobs that is exponentially distributed by the each PC. Therefore the print jobs that follow
a arrival process that is the Poisson process with the parameter lambda from each PC.
And once the print jobs comes into the printer it will wait for the print and the time taken
for the each print that is also exponentially distributed with the parameter mu, and here
there is an another assumption before the first print is over by the same PC it cannot give
another print command.

Therefore, after the print is over by any one particular print job of any PC then these
things will go back to the same thing. Then with the inter arrival of print jobs generated
that is exponentially distributed then the print job can come into the printer. So, with
these assumptions you can think of the stochastic process; that means number of print
jobs at any time t in the printer that is going to form a stochastic process, and with the
assumption of inter arrival of print jobs that is exponential and the actual printing job that
is exponentially distributed and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 55:34)

Therefore this is going to be a birth-death process with the birth rates or k times lambda
and k minus 1 times lambda and so on, whereas, the death rates that is mu because we
only one repair. So, this is nothing but system size number of jobs in the print job printer,
so therefore, that varies from 0 to capital k because we are making the assumption more
than one print job cannot be given by the same PC before the print is over, and from 0 to
1 the arrival rate will be any one of the KPCs; therefore, the arrival rate is k times
lambda and already one print job is there in the system printer. Therefore, out of k minus
1 PC is one print job can come; therefore, the inter arrival time that is exponentially
distributed with the parameter k minus 1 times and lambda and so on. So, this is the way
you can visualize the birth rates whereas the death rates are mu.

Once you know the birth rates and the death rates you can apply the birth-death process
concept to get the steady-state probabilities. So, here we are getting the pi i’s in terms of
pi naught and using the summation of pi I is equal to 1 you are getting the pi naught also.
And once you know the steady-state probability you can get all other measures. So, the
difference is in this model it is finite source; therefore, the birth rates are the function of
it is a state-dependent birth rates whereas the death rates are mu’s only.
(Refer Slide Time: 57:04)

Simulation of a queuing model I will do it in the next lecture.

(Refer Slide Time: 57:10)

The summary of today’s lecture I have discussed the simple Markovian queuing models
other than M/M/1/infinity that I have discussed in the previous lecture and stationary
distribution and all the other performance measures using the birth-death process we
have discussed for this queuing models, and finally I discussed the finite source
Markovian queuing model also.
(Refer Slide Time: 57:37)

These are all the reference books.


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