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Original Research Paper Age Determination From Radiological Study of Epiphysial Appearance and Union Around Wrist Joint and Hand

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J Indian Acad Forensic Med. October- December 2011, Vol. 33, No.

4 ISSN 0971-0973

Original Research Paper

Age Determination from Radiological Study of Epiphysial
Appearance and Union around Wrist Joint and Hand
*S.S. Bhise, **B.G. Chikhalkar, ***S.D. Nanandkar, **G.S. Chavan
To establish exact identity of an individual age determination is essential not only in cases of
living but also for the dead too. Age has to be determined not only for identification purpose but also for
various civil and criminal purposes. The determination of age presents a task of considerable importance
from the view-point of the administration of justice. A roentgenographic study was carried out with the
objective to assess the general skeletal maturity around wrist and hand, of subjects in Mumbai region.
205 males and 94 females between age group of 3-25 years attending the outpatient department of this
hospital are selected. Age confirmed from history and noting the birth dates. The cases selected after
ruling out the nutritional, developmental, and endocrinal abnormality which affects the skeletal growth.
Data analysis was done in P4 computer using HPSS software. At the end conclusions were drawn which
are compared with available results of various previous studies

Key words: Age Estimation, Wrist Joint, Radiological

Introduction: To evaluate sex related variation & its

To establish exact identity of an correlation with age.
individual age determination is essential not only To know variation if any & exception of
in cases of living but also for the dead too. Age appearance & fusion of centers of
has to be determined not only for identification ossification.
purpose but also for various civil and criminal To evaluate the medico-legal aspects of
purposes. Determination of age presents a task different ages.
of considerable importance from the view-point To suggest any additional radiological
of the administration of justice. It is not possible investigation to aid and to reduce range in
to enunciate a hard and fast rule for age determining age.
determination from this union for the whole India Material and Methods:
because India is composed of areas which differ The study was carried out in
in climatic, dietetic and disease factors which Government Hospital in Mumbai which is a
affect skeletal growth. Age Determination of an tertiary referral centre attached to Government
individual from appearance & fusion of Medical College with the objective to assess the
ossification centers is a well accepted fact. The general skeletal maturity of wrist joint and hand
present study was carried out retrospectively to of subjects in Mumbai region. 205 males and 94
study the epiphysial appearance and union at females between age group of 3-25 years
wrist joint with hand in subjects between age attending the outpatient department of this
group of 3 to 25 years attending outpatient hospital are selected. Age confirmed from
department of this hospital. history and noting the birth dates. The cases
Aims and Objectives: selected after ruling out the nutritional,
To assess the skeletal maturity at wrist joint developmental, and endocrinal abnormality
and hand for a known chronological age which affects the skeletal growth. X-ray of wrist
Comparative study of appearance & fusion of with hand is taken at department of
ossification centers at wrist jt. and hand. radiodiagnosis. The epiphysis of wrist with hand
were observed appearance (A) and not
appeared (NA) and different phases of fusion
Corresponding Author: were graded according to Dr. William Sangma et
*Assist. Prof.,
al and Mckern and Stewart 5 stages as fallows
Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,
Grant Medical College, Mumbai Stage 1 (F1): Non union – when the epiphysial
Email: cartilage did not begin to decrease in thickness
** Associate professor, Stage 2(F2): Commence of union – when the
***Professor, HOD thickness of epiphysial cartilage was found to be
reduced appreciably (1/4 united)

J Indian Acad Forensic Med. October- December 2011, Vol. 33, No. 4 ISSN 0971-0973

Stage 3(F3): Incomplete union – when the seen. Pisiform is not appeared below 13 years of
epiphysis has begun to fuse with shaft and age (34.15%) where as in age group 12-13 and
complete union was well underway (1/2 united) above (66.85%) its appearance is seen.
Stage 4(F4): Complete union – when the Trapezium is not appeared below 6 years of age
epiphysial cartilage was bony in architecture and (10.73%) where as in age group 5-6 and above
its density indistinguishable from the epiphysis (89.27%) its appearance is seen. Trapezoid is
and diaphysis in its neighbourhood but an not appeared below 6 years of age (2.92%)
epiphysial line called epiphysial scar could still where as in age group 5-6 and above (97.07%)
be distinguished. (3/4 united) its appearance is seen.
Stage 5(F5): Complete union – with absence of In female subjects below 7 years of age
epiphysial scar. (15.96%) scaphoid is not appeared where as in
Skeletal maturity was evaluated age group 6-7 and above (84.04%) its
radiologically studying the various centres of appearance is seen. Lunate is not appeared
ossification and the results were compared with below 5 years of age (8.51%) where as in age
the previous known standard studies. Only group 5-6 and above (91.49%) its appearance is
appearance and last two stage of fusion cases seen. Pisiform is not appeared below 12 years of
were taken in this paper, remaining cases were age (35.11%) where as in age group 10-11 and
in early stages of fusion above (64.89%) its appearance is seen.
Results and observations: Trapezium is not appeared below 6 years of age
Fusion of distal end of radius: It is clear from (9.57%) where as in age group 5-6 and above
table-1 that in male subjects in majority of cases (90.43%) its appearance is seen. Trapezoid is
in age group 15-16 and 16-17 show near fusion not appeared below 5 years of age (5.32%)
(F4), where as in age groups17-18 and onwards where as in age group 4-5 and above (94.68%)
majority of cases showed fusion (F5) its appearance is seen.
It is clear from table-2 that in female subjects Fusion of base of 1 metacarpal: It is clear
in majority of cases in age group 15-16 and 16- from table-6 that in male subjects in majority of
17 show near fusion (F4), where as in age cases in age group 15-16, 16-17, and 17-18
groups17-18 and onwards majority of cases show near fusion (F4), where as in age
showed fusion (F5) groups16-17, 17-18 and onwards majority of
Appearance of distal end of ulna: It is clear cases showed complete fusion (F5)
from table-3 that in male subject in majority of It is clear from table-6 that in female
cases in age group 7-8 and 8-9 does not show subjects in majority of cases in age group 14-15,
appearance of distal end of ulna. The 15-16, and 16-17 show near fusion (F4), where
appearance of ulna is seen in age group 9-10, as in age groups15-16, 16-17 and onwards
10-11, 11-12 in male majority of cases showed complete fusion (F5)
It is clear from table-3 that in female Fusion of phalanges in males: It is clear from
subject in majority of cases in age group 6-7 and table-7 that in male subjects for proximal row of
7-8 does not show appearance of distal end of phalanges in majority of cases in age group 15-
ulna. The appearance of distal end of ulna is 16, 16-17, and 17-18 show near fusion (F4),
seen in age group 8-9, 9-10, 10-11 in females where as in age groups16-17, 17-18 and
Fusion of distal end of ulna: It is clear from onwards majority of cases showed complete
table-4 that in male subjects in majority of cases fusion (F5). for middle row of phalanges in
in age group 16-17 and 17-18 show near fusion majority of cases in age group 15-16, 16-17, and
(F4), where as in age groups17-18, 18-19 and 17-18 show near fusion (F4), where as in age
onwards majority of cases complete showed groups16-17, 17-18 and onwards majority of
fusion (F5). cases showed complete fusion (F5). for terminal
It is clear from table-5 that in female row of phalanges in majority of cases in age
subjects in majority of cases in age group 15-16 group 15-16, 16-17, and 17-18 show near fusion
and 16-17 show near fusion (F4), where as in (F4), where as in age groups16-17, 17-18 and
age groups16-17, 17-18 and onwards majority of onwards majority of cases showed complete
cases complete showed fusion (F5). fusion (F5).
Carpel bones appearance in both males and Fusion of phalanges in females: It is clear
females: In male subjects below 8 years of age from table-8 that in female subjects for proximal
(13.66%) scaphoid is not appeared where as in row of phalanges in majority of cases in age
age group 7-8 and above (86.34%) its group 14-15, 15-16, and 16-17 show near fusion
appearance is seen. Lunate is not appeared (F4), where as in age groups 15-16, 16-17 and
below 6 years of age (6.345) where as in age onwards majority of cases showed complete
group 5-6 and above (93.66%) its appearance is fusion (F5). for middle row of phalanges in
majority of cases in age group 13-14 and 14-15

J Indian Acad Forensic Med. October- December 2011, Vol. 33, No. 4 ISSN 0971-0973

show near fusion (F4), where as in age 6.Hepworth SM. Determination of age in Indians from study of
ossification of long bones Ind. Med. Gaz., 64,128,1929
groups15-16 and onwards majority of cases 7.Basu SK and Basu S: A contribution to the study of
showed complete fusion (F5). for terminal row of diaphysiopiphysial reletion at elbow of young Bangalee girls.
phalanges in majority of cases in age group 14- Indian journal of Paediatrics, 5, 202-204, 1938.
15, and 16-17 show near fusion (F4), where as
in age groups15-16, 16-17 and onwards majority
of cases showed complete fusion (F5).
The documented study done previously
in Mumbai region was by Homi S. Mehta is
available for standard comparison in Mumbai
region. Observation of present study correlates
with Homi S Mehta for females at the centres of
distal end of radius, ulna. At wrist, the complete
union of epiphysis is seen by 18 - 19 years in
males and 16 - 17 years in females. As b) Dist. end of radius in F1
compared to Flecker‘s study in Australians and stage. Dist. E/O ulna not
Dist. end radius appeared. Dist. appeared (4yr/m)
Davies and Parsons Study in England end ulna not appeared (1yr/m)
ossification center appearance and fusion
occurs one to two years earlier in this study.
The present study signifies that all
centres in females mature 1-2 years earlier than
in Males. These observations correlate with the
previous studies. Comparison of observations of
present study has been made with other workers
with reference to age of fusion in both sexes.
(Table 9)
Conclusions: D) Dist. E/O radius in F2
Apart from consideration of centers of c) Dist E/O radius in F2 stage. Dist stage. Dist E/O ulna in F1
E/O Ulna appeared (9yr/m) stage (10yr/m).
ossification by Dr. Homi S Mehta for population
of Mumbai region additional centers of
ossification have been studied in this study
which will be helpful to arrive at correct
diagnosis with closer range.
As compared to Bengali Hindu female‘s
ossification center fusion occurs one to two year
later in Mumbai region females. As compared to
Hepworth study in Panjabi region skeletal
maturity is delayed by 6 months to 1 year in
Mumbai region. As this study is done in Mumbai
region the application of standards can be
considered ideal for application in Mumbai E) Both Dist. E/O. Radius & ulna F) Both Dist. E/O. Radius &
region. Due to very narrow borderline range of in F3 stage. (14yr/m) ulna in F4 stage. (17yr/m)
differentiation between various stages of fusion
(i.e. Stage 1 to Stage 5), it is difficult to consider
stage of fusion as age indicator.
1.Homi S Mehta: Medical Law and Ethics in India 1st edi. March
1963, p 336 - 339
2.R.N. Karmakar, J.B. MUkharjees Essential of forensic Medicine
and toxicology 3rd edi. p 126, 146, 147, 154, 155
3.V. B. Gaur, V. B. Sahai, Amarjit Singh, Amit Khout.
Determination of age in living by closure of cranial sutures a
radiological study et al journal of IAFM Vol 29 No.1 2007. P
4.H.Flecker, Roentgenographic observations of the times of
appearance of epiphyses and their fusion with the diaphyses, G) Both Dist. E/O. Radius & ulna in
J. Anat. 67 (1933), pp. 118–164. F5 stage. (18yr/m)
5.Krogman WM, Iscan, MY in The human skeleton in Forensic
Medicine, Charles C.Thomas Publisher, Illinois, USA. II
Edition, 1986.

J Indian Acad Forensic Med. October- December 2011, Vol. 33, No. 4 ISSN 0971-0973

Table-1: Fusion of distal end of radius in males

Age [Yrs]/ Stage of Fusion 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-25 Total
F4 3 (13%) 8 (34.8%) 12 (52.2%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 23 (100%)
F5 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (1.6%) 18 (29.5%) 14 (23%) 10 (16.4%) 7 (11.5%) 11(18%) 61 (100%)
Table-2: Fusion of distal end of radius in females
Age [Yrs]/Stage of 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-24 Total
F4 1 [8.3%] 1[8.3%] 4 [ 33.4%] 6 [50%] 0 0 0 0 0 12
F5 0 0 0 0 3 [9.1%] 6[18.2%] 6[18.2%] 10[30.3%] 8[24.2%] 61
Table-3: Distal end of ulna appearance
Age [Yrs]/ Stage of Sex 3-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 &13-14 Total
Not appeared M 23[45.1%] 2[3.9%] 8[15.7%] 9[17.6%] 3[5.9%] 3[5.9%] 3[5.9%] 0 51
F 11[45.8%] 7[29.2%] 5[20.8%] 1[4.2%] 0 0 0 0 24
Appeared M 0 0 0 0 2[14.3%] 7[50%] 5[35.7%] 0 14
F 0 0 0 2[40%] 1[20%] 2[40%] 0 0 5
Table-4: Fusion of distal end of ulna in males
Age [Yrs]/ Fusion 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-25 Total
F4 0 2[9.1%] 7[31.8%] 12[54.5%] 1[4.5%] 0 0 0 22
F5 0 0 0 1[1.7%] 17[18.3%] 14[23.3%] 10[16.7%] 18[30%] 60
Table-5: Fusion of distal end of ulna in females
Age [Yrs]/ Stage of 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-24 Total
F4 0 1[12.5%] 2[25%] 5[62.5%] 0 0 0 0 0 8
F5 0 0 0 1[2.9%] 3[8.8%] 6[17.6%] 6[17.6%] 10[29.4%] 8[23.5%] 34
Table-6: Fusion of base of 1 metacarpal
Age in yrs sex 12- 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-25 Total
Stage of fusion 13
F4 M 0 0 2[8.7%] 7[30.4%] 9[39.1%] 5[21.7%] 0 0 0 23
F 0 0 3[33.3%] 3[33.3%] 3[33.3%] 0 0 0 0 9
F5 M 0 0 0 0 3[4.2%] 8[11.3%] 18[25.4%] 14[19.7%] 28[39.4%] 71
F 0 0 0 3[7.9%] 2[5.3%] 3[7.9%] 6[15.8%] 6[15.8%] 18[47.3%] 38
Table-7: Fusion of phalanges in males
Age [ yrs] 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-25 Total
stage of fusion
Prox. F4 0 0 0 3[14.3%] 10[47.6%] 7[33.3%] 0 0 0 21
Row F5 0 0 0 0 2[3%] 5[7.5%] 18[26.9%] 14[20.9%] 28[41.8%] 67
Midd. F4 0 1[4.3%] 3[13%] 8[34.8%] 5[21.7%] 6[26.1%] 0 0 0 23
Row F5 0 0 0 0 7[9.5%] 7[9.5%] 18[24.3%] 14[18.9%] 28[37.9%] 74
Term. F4 0 0 0 7[35%] 9[45%] 3[15%] 0 0 0 20
Row F5 0 0 0 0 3[4.1%] 10[13.7%] 18[24.7%] 14[19.2%] 28[38.3%] 73
Table-8: Fusion of phalanges in females
Age [ yrs] Fusion Stage 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-25 Total
Prox. F4 0 2[22.2%] 4[44.4%] 1[11.1%] 2[22.2%] 0 0 0 0 9
Row F5 0 0 0 5[11.9%] 4[9.5%] 3[7.1%] 6[14.3%] 6[14.3%] 18[42.9%] 42
Midd. F4 0 2[28.6%] 4[57.1%] 0 1[14.3%] 0 0 0 0 7
Row F5 0 0 0 6[13.6%] 5[11.4%] 3[6.8%] 6[13.6%] 6[13.6%] 18[40.9%] 44
Term. F4 2[18.2%] 2[18.2%] 4[36.4%] 0 3[27.3%] 0 0 0 0 11
Row F5 0 0 0 6[14.3%] 3[7.1%] 3[7.1%] 6[14.3%] 6[14.3%] 18[42.9%] 42
Table-9: Comparison of age of fusion by different workers
Author Present study Galstaun study H. S. Mehta Pillai Franklin
Centre of ossification Appearance (Yr) Fusion (Yr) Appearance (Yr) Fusion (Yr) Fusion (Yr)
Dist. end of radius 17-18 16-17 17-18 16.5-17 18-19 16-17 14-18 17-18
Dist. end of ulna 9-11 8-10 17-19 16-17 18 17 18-19 16-17 14-18 17-18
scaphoid 7-8 6-7 7-11 6
lunate 5-6 5-6 5 5
pisiform 12-13 10-12 12-17 9-12
trapezium 5-6 5-6 7 5-6
trapezoid 4-6 4-5 4-7 5-6
Base of first metacarpel 3-5 ----- 16-18 15-17 4 3 16-18 14-15
Phalanges- prox. row 16-18 15-17 2-4 1.5 17-18 14-15
Midd. row 4-6 16-18 15-17 3 2-3 16-18 14-16
Term. row 4-6 16-18 15-17 3-5 3 17-18 15


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