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Using the Go Programming Language

in Practice

Erik Westrup Fredrik Pettersson

<> <>
<> <>

May 23, 2014

Master’s thesis work carried out at Axis Communications AB for the

Department of Computer Science, Lund University.

Jonas Skeppstedt <>
Mathias Bruce <>
Robert Rosengren <>
Examiner Jonas Skeppstedt

When developing software today, we still use old tools and ideas. Maybe it
is time to start from scratch and try tools and languages that are more in line
with how we actually want to develop software.
The Go Programming Language was created at Google by a rather famous
trio: Rob Pike, Ken Thompson and Robert Griesemer. Before introducing Go,
the company suffered from their development process not scaling well due to
slow builds, uncontrolled dependencies, hard to read code, poor documenta-
tion and so on. Go is set out to provide a solution for these issues.
The purpose of this master’s thesis was to review the current state of the
language. This is not only a study of the language itself but an investigation of
the whole software development process using Go. The study was carried out
from an embedded development perspective which includes an investigation
of compilers and cross-compilation. We found that Go is exciting, fun to use
and fulfills what is promised in many cases. However, we think the tools need
some more time to mature.

Keywords: Go, golang, language review, cross-compilation, developer tools, embed-


We want to give a special thanks to our supervisors at Axis Communications, Matthias

Bruce and Robert Rosengren, for giving guidance and support throughout the thesis and
for the many plain fun discussions about nonsense. We are grateful for our academic
supervisor Jonas Skeppstedt at the Department of Computer Science at Lund University
for discussions about the outline of our thesis and for giving feedback on our progress. We
want to express our gratitude to the whole New Business department at Axis for welcoming
us to the team, lending us hardware to play with and for sharing their expertise. We want
to thank the Go community for answering our questions and yielding discussions. Finally
we are thankful for CSN’s investment in our future.


1 Introduction 7
1.1 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.2 The Go Programming Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.3 Building & Compiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 Purpose & Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.4 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.4.1 The Go Programming Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.4.2 Building & Compiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.4.3 Development Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4.4 Software Product & Development Qualities . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5 Previous Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.6 Distribution of Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2 Approach 15
2.1 The Go Programming Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.1 Syntax & types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.2 Object-orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.1.3 Goroutines & Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.1.4 Standard library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.1.5 Missing features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.1.6 Legal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.2 Building & Compiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.2.1 The Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.2.2 Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2.3 gc & gccgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2.4 Cross-Compilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2.5 C-Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.3 Development Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29


2.3.1 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.3.2 Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3.3 Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3.4 IDEs & Text Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3.5 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.4 Physical Access Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3 Discussion 35
3.1 The Go Programming Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.1.1 Less is More . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.1.2 Syntax & Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.1.3 Object-orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.1.4 Generics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.1.5 Concurrency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.2 Building & Compiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.2.1 Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.2.2 gc & gccgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.2.3 Cross-compilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.2.4 C-Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.3 Development Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.3.1 Package manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.3.2 Documentation & Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.3.3 Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.4 Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.5 The Future of Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.6 Reviewing a Programming Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4 Conclusions 49
4.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.2 Future Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5 Bibliography 51

Appendix A Code 63
A.1 gomips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
A.2 C Function Pointer Callbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Chapter 1

1.1 Outline
Geeks, Computer Scientists and Engineers generally have always been looking for ways of
simplifying their work, a practice that is very present among programmers. This fuels the
steady and increasing stream of new programming languages being developed, some set
out for solving a specific problem domain and some to be “the one language to rule them
all”. Here we have stumbled upon one of the new ones, The Go Programming Language1 ,
and we look into many aspects of it to find out what it brings to the table, what it tastes
like and if we want more of it.
Go is a young language as it appeared publicly in 2009 and is backed up by Google en-
gineers to solve the most common problems they experienced in software development, in-
cluding long build times, hard to understand code and concurrent code organization among
others. It is promised to be a clean and easy open source language with automatic mem-
ory management and built-in concurrency mechanisms. Furthermore it is also promised
to be as easy to use as a dynamic language like Python as well as having the safety and
speed of a statically typed language like C++ [1]. In other words, this is a language that is
interesting to study more closely.
The promises of the designers of a language are not enough for making it a candidate
for personal usage or for corporate adoption. A programming language is only as good
as its compiler, development tools and community. At an early stage these are possibly
flawed. A high level programming language is useless if it cannot be compiled down to
executable instructions. We are also interested in knowing if Go is suitable to use for
embedded programming, which is not an outset goal of the language designers.
Questions like these caught our interest and we have since programmed a lot in Go. We
have tried many tools and reasoned about the language design compared to our previous
knowledge in development with languages like C, C++, Java, Python, etc. Through devel-
From here on referred to as Go

1. Introduction

oping lower level software, cross-compiling and our eager of trying new things we have
been able to build ourselves an opinion about Go and we share our findings and discussions
in this thesis.
In chapter 1 we describe the background of this thesis and formulate questions we want
to find the answers to. It is followed by chapter 2 where we describe in detail our research
and findings. A discussion of the findings can be found in chapter 3. Finally the discussion
leads to the conclusions in chapter 4.

1.2 Background
1.2.1 Introduction
In programming language discussions a quote from Lawrence Flon often shows up from
his 1975 paper [2]:

“There does not now, nor will there ever, exist a programming language in
which it is least bit hard to write bad programs.”

This is important to have in mind when trying a new programming language: we can-
not expect it to be perfect because a bad programmer will always find a way of misusing
the language structures. We should instead focus on how the language helps developers in
using good coding practices. Go cannot let us do things that are not possible with other
languages but the question is how the language lets us do it. For example thread synchro-
nization can be achieved in Java but maybe it is easier to do in Go.

1.2.2 The Go Programming Language

Go has been described as “the C for the 21st century” and that it makes you feel like “being
young again (but more productive!)” [3]. It is a compiled and statically typed language
with C-like but simpler syntax and garbage collection. It was designed and developed
to meet certain problems experienced by software engineers at Google. This company
typically used Java, C++ and Python for their large projects and some of their projects
they claimed to be indeed very large which makes some problems with the development
cycle more evident [4]. Some of the major points were:

1. Build time not scaling well, which slows down the whole development cycle, partly
caused by

2. limited code and package understandability in the team augmented by

3. the usage of different language subsets and patterns among developers (e.g. in C++)
leading to

4. unnecessary safe guarding package imports that again augments confusion and slows
down builds with languages like C where files typically has to be opened before
reaching a header guard.

1.2 Background

Go was designed specifically to address these points through:

1. Reduced build time with a model for dependency management.

2. Reduced bugs arising due to no pointer arithmetic2 and by using a run-time garbage

3. No implicit type conversions (that are often unexpected/forgotten),

4. Type inference i.e. no need to declare the type of a variable since its type can be
inferred at compile time.

5. No complicated type system.

6. A concise language specification that has few keywords and lacks complicated con-

7. Language has built-in and easy to use mechanisms for concurrency.

One important thing to note here, which is also stressed by the creators of Go, is that
concurrency is not parallelism. Concurrency is about organizing the code such that differ-
ent parts can run at the same time along with synchronization and communication between
the parts. Parallelism is about actually running things at the same time. This means that
concurrency enables parallelism [5].
The built-in mechanism for concurrency is revolved around the so called goroutine.
They function as light weight threads that are handled by the Go runtime and it is cheap
to start many of them (in scale of thousands). There is also a built-in type called channel
that enables safe communication and synchronizations between goroutines.
The goal for Go was to fit in between the ease of use of dynamic languages like Python
and the safety and speed of statically typed compiled languages like C++ or Java. The
language was designed by the principles of being simple and clean i.e. the concepts should
be easy to understand, and safety mistakes should be detected [6, p. 10].

1.2.3 Building & Compiling

The Go distribution ships with a set of compiler tools confusingly named3 gc (Go Com-
piler) that targets the i386, amd64 and Arm platforms. Furthermore there is a front-end for
GCC for Go programs, named gccgo [7]. This enables utilization of the GNU build chain
that is familiar to many developers and the GCC’s code optimization which is better than
gc at the moment. The architecture used in many of Axis’ modern products is MIPS, and
also in this thesis since access to such devices were provided. At the time of writing, gc
does not support this architecture but gccgo does (along with x86, x64, PowerPC, Alpha
and more), so it becomes necessary for such use cases to build a cross-compiling GCC [8].
Besides the advantage of supporting more architectures and operating systems gccgo
also supports dynamic linking of libraries while gc only supports the opposite, static link-
ing [9, Why is my trivial program such a large binary?]. Linking libraries statically means
Not supported by normal Go pointers but can still be done if the type Pointer in the unsafe package is
gc normally refers to a Garbage Collector which Go also has. In this thesis gc will refer to the compiler.

1. Introduction

that the external functions found in the library are resolved during compile time and copied
into the target object file. Dynamic linking means that the functions are resolved and
loaded into memory during runtime instead. The advantage of a statically linked exe-
cutable is that it is self-contained. This means that the system does not have to be changed
in order to run the program, which makes the program more portable. The disadvantage is
that the executable becomes large in disk size. The advantage with a dynamically linked
executable is that the disk usage becomes smaller as many programs can share the com-
mon code which is good on systems with sparse storage resources. The disadvantage is
that the shared object has to be loaded into memory (takes time) and must fit in the RAM
memory which could be a problem if the system has a small memory [10].
As we will talk quite a lot about cross-compilation in this thesis we need to establish
what this means and the related terms in this context.

Platform A computer system setup consisting of a hardware architecture, operating sys-

tem and its libraries [11].

Build platform The platform where the compiler is being built on i.e. where the compiler
is compiled.

Host platform The platform where the compiler will run i.e. the system where the com-
piler is used.

Target platform The platform where the resulting executables compiled by the compiler
will run [12].

Cross-compilation When the host 6= target. In normal compilation they are the same.

Canadian Cross When build 6= host 6= target i.e. the compiler is built on one machine,
runs on a second and produces executables for a third one.

1.3 Purpose & Goals

The purpose of this master’s thesis is two-fold. The first one is to investigate the challenges
in introducing Go as the main language/platform for developing embedded platforms. The
second purpose is to be a reference on how to review languages in general.
We want to find out, in some sense, how good Go is in theory and practice as well as
seeing if and how it solves problems programmers face in other languages. More specifi-
cally we want to know how Go stands in an embedded programming environment which
sets more requirements on the surrounding toolchains to be able to support multiple ar-
chitectures. Companies like Axis are interested in knowing if adopting Go is affordable in
the sense of education of employees and wants to know the answer to questions like if the
language, tools, and community are mature enough for production. This means that the
purpose of this thesis is not just to look at the language itself but the whole surrounding
developer environment.
While Go is one alternative for the language of the present and future there are and
will always come more competitors with intersecting target developers. Because of that
it is of interest to also reason about the language review process to learn what ways are

1.4 Problem Formulation

effective for reviewing a new programming language. Hopefully this could mean that one
can use this thesis as a starting point or reference when someone considers adopting a new
programming language for personal or corporate usage.

1.4 Problem Formulation

1.4.1 The Go Programming Language
The most important thing to study is obviously the language syntax, features and standard

• Is the language itself easy to use and understand?

• Is it easier and less error prone to write correct concurrent software in Go compared
to other mainstream languages?

• Are the standard libraries and other common libraries mature enough for usage in
production software development?

• Before learning and using a language there should be some type of assurance of
the future and maintenance of the language, libraries, compilers and tools. Go is
developed by Google, but how is the language governed now (and in the future)?

• How much can other parties influence the development of Go and what would hap-
pen if Google loses interest; is there a committee and community that could take

• Is a permissive license in use for the language specification and current implemen-
tation of tools and libraries?

1.4.2 Building & Compiling

No software is good if we cannot compile and use it; how well can we do this with Go

• The Go build tools seem to impose a certain workspace directory structure; is it

mandatory and limiting, hindering or complicated to integrate Go with existing build

• Is it fast and easy to build a Go program?

• Why is it that static linking was chosen and is dynamic linking on the road map for

• Building programs with the go tool looks easy for small programs, but will work
well with real projects too? Can it be avoided to write explicit complicated build
instructions e.g. Makefiles?

1. Introduction

• Can a custom built gccgo be used with the go build chain as easy as when using
gc, or does one have to resort to the classic GNU toolchain of configure scripts and

• How well does cross-compiling with gccgo work in practice?

• Will integration with C make the builds slower and more complicated?

• How does function pointer and callbacks work between Go ←→ C?

1.4.3 Development Tools

For Go to be adopted, there must be good accompanying tools to ease development. Con-
sidering the young age of Go, it might be that some tools are missing or not stable for
production yet.

• How well established is the existing development tools for Go?

• Are there any tools that simplifies reading Go-code for example text editors that
support Go syntax or code navigation tools like Ctags and cscope [13] [14]?

• Are there tools for debugging, code profiling, testing (automation and coverage anal-
ysis) or memory usage analysis? How useful are they?

• Are there any useful IDEs that support Go?

1.4.4 Software Product & Development Qualities

What matters in the end is how the software product and development qualities are af-
fected when using Go compared to industry established languages and tools. The most
current standard of measuring software quality factors is ISO/IEC 25010:20114 , catego-
rizing qualities in 8 main categories: Functional Sustainability, Reliability, Performance
efficiency, Operability, Security, Compatibility, Maintainability & Transferability [16].
Qualities are by nature subjective, so to make our questions measurable we will answer
them from our experience with the language and tools. Finding more statistically satis-
fying answers would require a larger survey and study which is not in the scope of this
master’s thesis.

• How is development efficiency affected? Do the language and the tools help the
programmer to focus on the important tasks?

• Is Go easy to adopt for programmers coming from C and higher level languages like
Java or Python i.e. does Go offer good Understandability and Learnability?

• Is software written in Go maintainable, compared to other languages?

• How testable is Go-code? How good is the support for testing in the language stan-
dard library? Are there any useful third-party tools?
Replaced the more known ISO/IEC 9126 standard [15].

1.5 Previous Research

• In this thesis, practical testing of Go will be done for embedded devices which is a
field that does not seem to have been the target for the language. How portable and
reliable are Go programs?

• Are Go programs fast in terms of execution speed?

• Go has what is called a segmented stack (see section 2.1.3). Was the choice of having
a segmented stack wise? Does it work well in practice?

1.5 Previous Research

When doing a language review like this, it would be good if there was a standard frame-
work for doing so. Such a framework could specify which aspects of a language are in-
teresting for a review. Then a comparison with other languages that have been reviewed
with the same framework would be easy. However we have not found anything like this,
which is not surprising as it would be a major project. On this subject we have found
some course material that layout out a structure for programming language comparison
aspects [17] [18]. However we found this outline obvious and we decided to not follow it,
since we had already thought of the points raised there ourselves.

1.6 Distribution of Work

This master’s thesis was a joint project between the authors and the burden of work and
times of joy were mostly equally distributed during the project. To make our work more ef-
fective, we divided some tasks between us during a few weeks. Fredrik focused more on the
implementation of the project and testing while Erik focused more on cross-compilation
tools and studies of the language.

1. Introduction

Chapter 2

2.1 The Go Programming Language

The language was designed with simplicity in mind and therefore the language has few
keywords, constructs and built-ins. But what is included is carefully put together and
mixes well with the other language constructs. As a comparison, Go has 25 keywords
whereas ANSI C has 32, Java has 50 and C++11 has 84 [6, p. 12] [19]. Even though the
language specification is said to “be simple enough so that every programmer can have
it in their heads”, we are only going to focus on the features of Go that people might not
be familiar with and what makes Go unique. For the ones that are interested in seeing
more, the language specification is found on the homepage [20]. The recommended way
of learning the language is to take the code-interactive guide “A Tour of Go” [21].

2.1.1 Syntax & types

The syntax will be familiar for programmers used to languages from the C-syntax family
but it is clean and resembles how easy it is to write Python code. To start off, study the
hello world program in listing 2.1.

Listing 2.1: Hello World

1 p a c k a g e main
3 import (
4 " fmt "
5 )
7 func main () {
8 fmt . P r i n t l n ( " Hello , W o r l d ! " )
9 }

2. Approach

First the package is specified, in this case the main package since this package will
contain a main function. After that we have a list of imported packages, in this case the
standard string formatting package. The imported package can either refer to a local pack-
age on the system or can be a URL as described in section 2.3.5. Then we see a declaration
of the main function comes, with no arguments and no return value. As can be seen, state-
ments in Go are not semicolon terminated1 . Also notice that type visibility is determined
by the first letter of the name like the Println() function from the fmt package. Type names
beginning with a capital letter are exported whereas lower cased names are not visible
outside the defining scope.
Go has the types a programmer would expect: integers, floating point numbers, strings,
characters (UTF-8, named runes and can be of variable size). Programmers new to the C-
language often struggle with type declaration, this is because the declaration has to spelled
out from the inside and follow a set of association rules to understand the type [22, 5.12
Complicated Declarations]. Go has a solution for this, variables are declared from left to
right in the same order as one would read them as shown in listing 2.2. Line number 2 in
the same listing illustrates how a variable’s type can be deduced from the expression on
the right of the special assignment symbol :=, which is known as type inference.

Listing 2.2: Types in Go

1 var i int // All Go t y p e s have s e n s i b l e zero values , 0
here .
2 j := 3.14 // Type is inferred , f l o a t 6 4 on our m a c h i n e .
3 str0 := " g o p h e r "
4 var str1 * s t r i n g = & str0 // str is a p o i n t e r to a s t r i n g

Declaring types from left-to-right feels strange in the beginning for a C-programmer,
but it does not take long before it becomes natural. To further illustrate how much of a
difference this means for complex types, compare the two equivalent programs written in
C and Go in listing 2.3 and 2.4. They declare (at line number 1) a new type that is an array
of size one of functions that takes a pointer to integer and returns a string. It is worth to
notice that in Go we do not take the address of a function as functions are "first-class" i.e.
directly supported as a value.

Listing 2.3: Complicated type in Go

1 type f u n c C o l l e c t i o n [1]( func (* int ) * s t r i n g )
3 var str s t r i n g = " g o l a n g "
5 func f0 ( i * int ) * s t r i n g {
6 r e t u r n & str
7 }
9 func main () {
10 f n C o l l := f u n c C o l l e c t i o n { f0 }
11 i n p u t := 32
12 fmt . P r i n t f ( " % s \ n " , * f n C o l l [ 0 ] ( & i n p u t ) )
13 }

The lexer, the initial parsing step during compilation, will insert them during compilation.

2.1 The Go Programming Language

Listing 2.4: Complicated type in C

1 t y p e d e f char *(*( f u n c _ c o l l e c t i o n [1]) ) ( int *) ;
3 char * str = " c l a n g " ;
5 char * f0 ( int * i )
6 {
7 r e t u r n str ;
8 }
10 int main ( int argc , c o n s t char * argv [])
11 {
12 func_collection fn_coll ;
13 f n _ c o l l [0] = f0 ;
14 int i n p u t = 32;
15 printf ("%s\n" , fn_coll [0](& input ));
16 }

Another rather unusual feature of the language is that it supports multiple and named
return values. Multiple return values are typically used for returning an error since excep-
tions are excluded from the language. If the return values are named, they are available
in the scope of the function, reducing the number of variable declarations needed and it
also makes it easier to trace which values are returned. When using named variables, no
arguments have to be provided to the return statement as illustrated in listing 2.5.

Listing 2.5: Multiple and named return values

1 func d i s t a n c e ( p1 , p2 uint ) ( dist uint , err e r r o r ) {
2 dist = 0
3 err = nil
4 if p1 > p2 {
5 err = e r r o r s . New ( " the s e c o n d p o i n t must be the f a r t h e s t
away from o r i g i n " )
6 }
7 dist = p2 - p1
8 return
9 }

11 func main () {
12 var d uint
13 var err e r r o r
14 if d , err = d i s t a n c e (2 , 7) ; err != nil {
15 log . F a t a l f ( " I n v a l i d c o m p u t a t i o n : % s " , err )
16 }
17 log . P r i n t f ( " % d \ n " , d )
18 }

There are several things to notice in that listing. In the argument specification for
the function distance() we utilize that consecutive variables of the same type only need
a type specification for the last value. We also see how error handling is done in Go at
line 14 with the enhanced if-statement that includes an optional statement before the test
expression. The call to the fatal logging function will print the error message and terminate
the program with an error code.

2. Approach

Apart from simple arrays of compile-time known sizes there are dynamic arrays named
slices. The composite type for Go is the struct which is the same concept as in C and
C++. Furthermore Go has a built-in map type which functions under the usual key-value
To make the language cleaner, parenthesis are not needed around conditions, return
values are discarded by naming the variable “_”, the var++/var−− incrementation/decre-
mentation are demoted from expressions to statements so that there will be no confusion
about which value is used. To handle clean-up work that is more advanced than what the
garbage collector can do there is a finally concept in the language. A function can be put
on a call-list, a list of functions that will be called when the current one finishes. It is easy
to forget to do clean up in all of the possible return points of a function, so deferring the
work to when and wherever the function return solves the problem. It is typically used like
seen in code listing 2.6.
Listing 2.6: Deferred execution
1 func main () {
2 f , _ := os . Open ( " / dev / null " ) // D i s c a r d s e r r o r code .
3 d e f e r f . C l o s e ()
4 // ...
5 } // f . C l o s e () is c a l l e d here .

2.1.2 Object-orientation
Since Go is a modern language we would expect it to include the popular concept of Object-
orientation2 . An object is often described as a structure that represents a concept, manages
some information and provides means for operating on them. Is the C language object-
oriented? Not built-in to the language, but Object-oriented behavior can be emulated by
using a struct as the means for data store and then store function pointers in the struct be-
ing the operation that can be done on the object [23, p. 62]. It can even be taken further
by implementing a dynamic dispatch table for the operations and in that way support sub-
classing. Doing so would end up in a large library like GObject in GLib or even a language
like C++ or Objective-C [24].
Go has structs in a very similar way to C but provides ways for operating on that struc-
ture which makes it OO. Methods on a struct can be specified by annotating a normal
function declaration with what is called a method receiver in Go. A method receiver makes
the specified type instance (can be of any type) available in the scope of the function and
it also enables call on the struct’s method with the classic dot notation. The example in
listing 2.7 defines a struct named Object with a name field (not visible outside this package
because of the first letter being small) and two method defined on it.
Listing 2.7: Method Receivers
1 type O b j e c t s t r u c t {
2 name s t r i n g
3 }
5 func ( o O b j e c t ) G e t N a m e () s t r i n g {
Shortened to OO from here on, and OOP for Object-oriented programming.

2.1 The Go Programming Language

6 r e t u r n o . name
7 }
9 func ( o * O b j e c t ) S e t N a m e ( name s t r i n g ) {
10 o . name = name
11 }
13 func ( o O b j e c t ) S t r i n g () s t r i n g {
14 r e t u r n fmt . S p r i n t f ( " O b j e c t with name % s " , o . name )
15 }

17 func main () {
18 obj0 := O b j e c t { " obj0 " }
19 obj1 := O b j e c t { name : obj0 . G e t N a m e () }
20 obj0 . S e t N a m e ( " t c e j b O " )
21 fmt . P r i n t f ( " % s \ n " , obj1 )
22 }

In the main function we see two ways of initializing a struct: with positional or named
values. Notice the difference between how the method receivers are declared in Ob-
ject.GetName() and Object.SetName(). If the receiver is a type, it is a copy of the object
and any changes to its field will not affect the original. To change the value we need a
pointer receiver, which also avoids unnecessary copying. Method receivers make Go very
extensible as we can define them for any type (in the same package though, which can be
worked around with the soon explained concept of struct embedding).
The other key building block for OO in Go are interfaces which enables polymor-
phism [25]. Interface is simply a specification of method signatures under a name. They
are abstract and thus do not qualify as a method receiver (it is not a concrete type!). We
have already came across this in listing 2.7. Our Object struct implements the Stringer
interface (in listing 2.8) from the standard formatting package [26] by having a String()

Listing 2.8: fmt.Stringer interface

1 type S t r i n g e r i n t e r f a c e {
2 S t r i n g () s t r i n g
3 }

Notice how we nowhere explicitly declared that Object should implement this inter-
face3 . This is how Go works; implicit interface implementations. Thus a (struct) type can
implement multiple interfaces, namely all interfaces that consist of a subset of the methods
that are defined for that type (determined at compile time). This resembles the ideas from
duck typing (common in Python and Ruby for example) which is a type of programming
where the provided methods for a type determines what it is – not what it declares itself to
be [27]. This was a very important and well afterthought design decision for the language.
Furthermore all types implement the empty interface, which is Go’s answer to void
pointers in C or the Object type in Java i.e. the most general type. In Go, references to
types come with information on the actual type so it is easy to convert the reference back
to the actual type using what is called a type assertion, possibly with a type switch that
is similar to a switch statement [28, Interface conversions and type assertions]. A type
As we would have done in e.g. Java with the implements keyword.

2. Approach

assertion is illustrated in listing 2.9 where a reference of the empty interface is asserted to
be a type that implements the quacker interface.
Listing 2.9: Type Assertions
1 type q u a c k e r i n t e r f a c e {
2 q u a c k ()
3 }
5 func s o un d ( a n i m a l i n t e r f a c e {}) {
6 duck := a n i m a l .( q u a c k e r )
7 duck . q u a c k ()
8 }

Go is different in the way OOP is done compared to the mainstream languages in that
there are no classes and there is no type hierarchy. The language is Object-oriented, but not
type oriented. Go is designed around the design principle Composition over Inheritance
which says using inheritance as a means for code reuse is bad since it creates unnatural
relationships and breaks the open/closed principle when super classes have to be modified
to embed a concept of a new subclass [29] [4, 15. Composition not inheritance]. It is hard
make the right design decisions in the early phases of a software project. This can lead to
time-consuming redesign, code rewrite and factorization. As Russ Cox put it in a Google
IO talk [30]:

“The most important design decisions do not have to be made first, and it is
easy to change types as the program develops. . . ”

Go implements composition via what is called struct embedding. When an interface

I embeds an interface J, all of J’s declared functions are copied into I. When a struct A
embeds a struct B, all of B’s member variables will be included in the declaration of A
and all methods defined on B will also work on A. An example of the syntax is shown
in listing 2.10. This allows for easy pick-and-choose of functionalities, a concept that is
known in some languages as mixins [31]. In Go programs, it is common to define small
and coherent interfaces that can be reused by embedding.
Listing 2.10: Interface and Struct embedding
1 type J i n t e r f a c e {
2 opJ () s t r i n g
3 }

5 type I i n t e r f a c e {
6 opI () int
7 J // J ’ s d e f i n i t i o n is c o p i e d to I = > I has both opI () &
opJ ()
8 }

10 type B s t r u c t {
11 b D a t a int
12 }
14 func ( b B ) o p e r a t e () {
15 }

2.1 The Go Programming Language

17 // A c o n t a i n s a D a t a & b D a t a
18 // Can call o p e r a t e () on A instances , but in o p e r a t e () of
19 // c o u r s e only the B part is a c c e s s i b l e ( t h i n k s l i c i n g in C
20 type A s t r u c t {
21 a D a t a int
22 B // U n n a m e d type = s t r u c t e m e d d i n g .
23 }

This is the (more flexible) replacement for subclassing and code reuse in Go. When
a field in a struct is accessed, a name resolution is done starting at the outer most scope
and continuing the search in the embedded structs if not found. This allows for method
overriding [28, Embedding].

2.1.3 Goroutines & Channels

Goroutines are advertised as light threads with a small initial stack, having little creation
and context switch overhead. The Go runtime multiplexes one or more goroutines within
native OS threads as well as moving them between threads. This is done to maximize
resource utilization when blocking occurs in goroutines [28, Goroutines].
To make the goroutines cheap they start off with a very small stack segment of 8KiB
(4KiB in earlier versions) which is grown on demand. The whole stack is segmented and
growth and shrinking is accomplished by simply maintaining linked lists of segments. This
makes it cheap to start a routine and easy to both grow and shrink as execution proceeds.
However, this is now considered to be the wrong approach by the Go developers. Consider
the amount of work done by creating and freeing segments if a function that allocated a lot
of memory is called repeatedly. Because of this problem, referred to as “hot split” or “stack
trashing”, the next release of Go, 1.3, will have a contiguous stack allocation that grows and
shrinks very much the same like a typical dynamic array [32] [33]. Other programming
languages projects, like Rust, have come to the same conclusion after experimenting with
split stacks [34].
Syntactically a new routine is started with the go statement followed by a function call.
Often function call is to an anonymous function which is called a function literal in Go as
shown in listing 2.11. These functions are closures meaning that they have access to the
variable scope where it was created [20].

Listing 2.11: Starting a goroutine

1 go work ( data ) // Call work () in a new g o r o u t i n e
3 func p r o c e s s () {
4 data := g e t D a t a ()
5 go func () {
6 work ( data ) // A c c e s s p a r e n t ’ s s c o p e
7 }() // A call to the f u n c t i o n l i t e r a l
8 }

A Common mistake made by new Go programmers is how to use them. The function
starting a goroutine does not wait for it to complete meaning that if code that depends on it
is work has to communicate with it. When the main goroutine completes the program exits

2. Approach

meaning that goroutines that have not completed execution or not even started execution
will be stopped [20, Go statements].
To allow for inter-communication between goroutines channels are used. The idioms
that the channels enable are a bit different from what is common in other languages. For
example in Java a common way of thread inter-communication is by using a data monitor.
The Go-teams opinion about this is summarized into the Go concurrency slogan [28, Share
by communicating]:

“Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by com-


Channels are used for exchange of data between goroutines and for state synchroniza-
tion. A channel has one sending and one receiving end. Listing 2.12 shows that a channels
has a type and a size which is specified when it is allocated and instantiated with the built-in
make function.

Listing 2.12: Allocation and initialization of goroutines

1 s y n c C h a n := make ( chan int )
2 a s y n c C h a n := make ( chan int , 1)
3 a s y n c S e m a C h a n := make ( chan int , 8)

A channel always block on the receiving end until there is data to read. It is not “safe”
to have multiple readers since reading the channel consumes the data exclusively. A syn-
chronized channel (line 1 in listing 2.12) blocks on the sending end until there is a receiver
on the other end. In other words, a synchronized channel synchronizes the execution state
of goroutines.
An asynchronous channel (lines 2 − 3 in listing 2.12) does not block on the sending
end until the size is filled up (1 and 8 in the examples) so there can safely be multiple
senders [28, Channels]. An asynchronous channel could easily be used for resource access
control, a so called semaphore [35]. The syntax for sending and receiving is shown in
listing 2.13.

Listing 2.13: Producer & Consumer with goroutines

1 func main () {
2 s y n c C h a n := make ( chan int )
3 done := make ( chan bool , 2)
4 go c o n s u m e r ( syncChan , done )
5 go p r o d u c e r ( syncChan , done )
6 <- done
7 <- done
8 }
9 func c o n s u m e r ( i n p u t <- chan int , done chan bool ) {
10 in := <- i n p u t // Wait & r e c e i v e
11 fmt . P r i n t f ( " % d \ n " , in )
12 done <- true
13 }
14 func p r o d u c e r ( o u t p u t chan < - int , done chan bool ) {
15 o u t p u t <- (1 << 3) // Wait & send
16 done <- true
17 }

2.1 The Go Programming Language

Notice here that the main goroutine waits for both of the other two goroutines to com-
plete execution (but discards the actual value) and that the type for the communication
channel between the producer and consumer is annotated with a direction making them
read-only and write-only references respectively.
The initial plans for channels was that they should work over the network but that
idea was soon abandoned since there are complications with synchronization over the net-
work [36, 48:00]. In earlier versions of Go though, there was a package called netchans
that wrapped channels over the network. But that package was removed since it was too
complicated to use [37].

2.1.4 Standard library

The standard library for Go is comprehensive and has support for many things but it is
not “fat”. It does not have a myriad of different data structures like Java’s Collection
Framework nor has it conveniences like C++’s Standard Template Library algorithm mod-
ule [38] [39]. As for the language syntax itself, every feature included is well afterthought
and is orthogonal (work well and naturally with) the other features to keep the language
simple [6, p. 10].
There is a potential problem with the TLS implementation in the package crypto/tls
however [40]. Andrew Gerrand states in the go-nuts mailing list that the package “hasn’t
been thoroughly reviewed from a cryptographic standpoint” yet [41]. This could be a
problem for security critical applications.

2.1.5 Missing features

While Go has many of the normal programming language features as well as a couple of
new ones, there are also concepts and constructs common in mainstream programming
languages that are not present in Go. One example is that there is no while loop. Instead
there is an enhanced for loop which can be used with only the conditional expression part.
There is no foreach loop either, it is replaced with the keyword range that is used for
iterating through arrays, slices, maps as well as channels. As mentioned before there are
no exceptions, since error handling is done by returning error codes. Neither is it possible
to do function overloading i.e. having multiple functions with the same name but different
signature determined by arguments or possibly return value. The Go authors think that it
could be nice to have, but in practice it makes for confusion and complicates the function
dispatching. The same goes for operator overloading; it could be nice to have but it is
too complicated to be worth it [9, Why does Go not support overloading of methods and

Go does not support generic programming like in Java4 or C++’s templates. Generics let
the programmer write algorithms operating on types that are not specified but satisfy some
constraint e.g. being descendant of some type or implementing an interface. There are for
Since JDK 5.0 [42]

2. Approach

example maps and channels in Go that can be of different types, but those are built-in
to the language does not qualify under the name generics for the programmer. The Go
authors are open to the question of including it in the language but currently they have
not found a way of doing that without making the type system too complicated [9, Why
does Go not have generic types?]. Currently it has to be done as it was done in Java before
generics i.e. working with a type that all types are (Object in Java). In Go a reference to
the empty interface{} would be used which then is unboxed using type assertion or with
a type switch [28, Type switch]. While the language developers continue to discuss, the
user community has worked around the issues. For example a Go library called gen that
generates types from templates, similar to how C++ generates new types at compile-time
for instantiated templates [43].

2.1.6 Legal
Go and the Go GCC front-end is released under the BSD 3-clause open source license with
an additional right to use the patents that Google has, that are necessary for the provided
implementation of the Go tools [44] [45] [46]. Further, Go is a true open source project
meaning that the development takes place in the open and not behind curtains like some
other Google projects like Android. Everyone can post to the Go development mailing list
golang-dev, post issues to the bug tracker and submit patches [47] [48] [49].
Before a contribution can be accepted into the project, the author must sign a contri-
bution license agreement [50]. This agreement is for the protection of the contributor and
Google. It says that the contributor must only submit original work, that the work submit-
ted can be distributed and derived, that the contributions are entitled e.g. the contributor
is not employed under a contract that forbids contribution to open source projects.

2.2 Building & Compiling

2.2.1 The Environment
To get the Go tools and compilers on a system, one typically follows the official instructions
and downloads a binary distribution or compiles it from source code [51]. Furthermore
many GNU/Linux distributions provide binary packages for Go [52] [53]. The gccgo
compiler is not shipped with the Go tool and has to be downloaded separately or compiled
from source [54]. The Go tools work best if the recommended workspace setup is used.
It is similar to how the tools for the Robot Operating System work in that an environment
variable determines where the code exists. In Go this variable is named $GOPATH and
works like the POSIX $PATH variable in that it lists paths to Go workspaces [55] [56] in
the file system. The Go tools then searches these paths when looking for packages which
mean that Go build commands can be issued from any directory in a shell. This allows for
organization of code into coherent workspaces while still being able to import packages
between workspaces without the need to specify where those are since the tools searches
for them in the $GOPATH. Each workspace has the following structure [57]:

bin compiled executable binaries.

2.2 Building & Compiling

pkg package object files i.e. compiled packages.

src source code divided into directories, one per package.

2.2.2 Building
When building a Go program there is usually no need for writing scripts or Makefiles to
specify how it should be done as there is a whole plethora of build tools available [58].
In this thesis we have focused on the standard build-tool named and referred to as go
because this is the most used tool. It is worth to mention that there are interesting build-
tools targeting cross-compilation e.g. goxc but all of those that we have seen does cross-
compilation with the gc compiler, which is not in our scope [59].
One of the problems the Go creators wanted to solve is how a C-compiler has to resolve
imports by opening the same header files numerous times during a build and most often
just discard it because of header guards (a flag that says it has been read before). To reduce
time spent on resolving imports and opening files in Go, each compiled object file contains
information about imported symbols so that other Go-files importing this symbols does
not have to resolve the same dependencies again. Furthermore the exported symbols and
data in an object file are placed early in the file so that reading of that reading can be done
without having to read the whole file.
Working with the go build tool is easy. The first command in listing 2.14 builds and
runs a Go program or package while the second shows how to just build a package.
Listing 2.14: Running a Go program
$ go run <*. go / package >
$ go build [ - o o u t p u t ] [ build flags ] [ <*. go /
package >]

The compilation can be tweaked by passing arguments to the build tool such as choos-
ing compiler or by passing flags to the linker. To learn more what the tool does when it
builds a package, run it with the -x flag to get list of actions taken. For the hello world pro-
gram we would see that the go tool first creates a temporary work directory, then invokes
the Go compiler and then the linker. In a more complex program with imports we would
see compiler invocations on all imported files, build static libraries for each module and
finally a linking of everything in to one executable.

2.2.3 gc & gccgo

Even though we sometimes refer to gc as one compiler it is actually a set of compilers based
on the Plan 9 operating system5 compiler toolchain [60]. This is not surprising since two
of Go’s designers, Ken Thompson and Rob Pike, also were involved in the development
of Plan 9. In this toolchain architecture there is, for each target architecture, a separate
compiler, linker and assembler. Each architecture has been assigned a random letter e.g.
5 for ARM and 8 for Intel 386. So for Intel 386 in gc the Go compiler, C compiler, linker
and assembler are respectively named 8g, 8c, 8l, 8a [61] [62]. These are the tools that the
The intended successor of UNIX, by Bell Labs.

2. Approach

go build command invokes when gc is in use. Only the Go compilers had to be written
from scratch, which is currently written in C but is likely to be translated/rewritten in Go
soon [63].
When compiling with gc the default behavior is to produce a self-contained statically
linked package containing all used libraries. If other C-libraries are referenced, the result-
ing binary is dynamically linked against libc and libphtreads6 . Unfortunately gc cannot
create shared objects, for that gccgo has to be used at the moment [64]. If gccgo is spec-
ified as the compiler, the resulting program is by default dynamically linked against all
libraries including the go runtime functions in libgo. To get a self-contained program like
gc produces, the flag -gccgoflags ’-static’ can be passed to the go build tool [65].
gccgo is developed separately from GCC and is manually merged with the GCC project
from time to time. Although GCC is released under the GPLv2 gccgo is under the 3-clause
BSD license [66] [46]. This means that the Go front-end code could be reused for other
compilers for example the LLVM back-end which is under BSD too (meaning trouble to
include GPL code) [67].

2.2.4 Cross-Compilation
It is relatively easy to cross-compile with the gc compiler, as described by one of the main
Go developers, Dave Cheney [68]. When cross-compiling with gccgo there are two parts
to it:

1. get a working GCC cross-toolchain and

2. use that toolchain with the Go build tool.

One could imagine that building a cross-GCC would be easy since the target platform for
the resulting compiler can be specified when configuring its sources [69]. However the
compiler is only one part in a working toolchain and will need an implementation of the
C standard library (e.g. glibc, eglibc, newlib, uclibc, musl), helper tools for executables
(binutils) and system headers (i.e. Linux header files) for any practical usage. Most of
these tools are developed under different projects with different goals and release schedule.
Also adding to this is that the tools are to be built on one platform and executed on another
makes it even harder. Multiplying all different versions and combinations of a toolchain
makes for a huge number of possible of setups of a platform. This means that when a cross-
compiling toolchain is built it is not unlikely it is the first time ever that this particular chain
with those versions is built. This can lead to new problems that cannot be found even with
Internet search engines.
The tricky part of building a toolchain is that the components are not separated and
there are mutual dependencies which are not properly documented. This means that for
instance the compiler and libc-implementation has to be partly built to bootstrap the other
until one of them can be fully built. There are several tools that have been developed to
As can be seen by inspecting the binary with readelf(1) or objdump(1).

2.2 Building & Compiling

solve this puzzle, for example crosstool-NG and Gentoo’s crossdev [70] [71]. We success-
fully used crosstool-NG to build a working toolchain with GCC 4.8.1 but that version only
supports an older version of Go. In the project we did in order to evaluate Go we needed to
use language constructs that were included in newer versions. In other words, we needed
to have GCC with version 4.8.2 or ideally from the 4.9 branch (which was not released at
the time). Officially crosstool-NG supported version 4.8.1 but we were able to hack it to
build version 4.8.2 by manually adding it to the install-wizard through a script among the
files provided by crosstool-NG. The build failed but it still produced a seemingly working
compiler. However, the actual performance of it was unknown and could hardly be trusted.
Crossdev requires a Gentoo system which we did not have time to set up. For these rea-
sons we ended up building the toolchain from scratch, which was a far more daunting task
than we ever could have imagined. In the end we succeeded in finding the right recipe for
our platform which we published as a script on GitHub with the hope to help others with
similar problems [72].

The Go Tool

It was not obvious how to do cross-compilation correctly with the go tool using gccgo
as we did not find any documentation on this. This led us to experiment ourselves and
later start a discussion at the Go user mailing list golang-nuts [73]. From this we learned
that the go tool is not easy to use directly in this situation. Cross-compiling tools have a
“triplet prefix” in their name typically in the format of “<cpu>-<vendor>-<os>-<tool>”
e.g. mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-gccgo in our toolchain [74]. The problem with this is that
go tool does allow for specification for such prefix so it will look for tools named “gc” or
“gccgo”. This can be overcome by making symbolic links and make sure that those are
found before the local system versions in the executable search path [75]. Another problem
we experienced is that the go tool produced command-line arguments to GCC and gccgo
that are not supported (the -m32/-m64 architecture size arguments) for a GCC compiler
targeting MIPS. We first tried to fix the issue by submitting patches which started a dis-
cussion where one developer explained that the go tool must support the architectures that
gccgo supports. To get such version of the Go tool, it must be compiled with gccgo itself
(a gccgo targeting the developer machine that is) [73] [76] [77]. This process was how-
ever undocumented and currently does not work as we found a bug with the cgo tool [78].
As we were unable to find any documentation on cross-compilation with gccgo we con-
tributed to the community driven Go wiki by creating a new page with a tutorial on the
subject [79].
To get around these problems so we could compile our projects we ended up writing
a wrapper script, gomips (see Appendix A.1), that sets up the environment with paths to
the tools, sets the right linking flags and more. The scripts first run the go tool in dry
mode and records the compilation commands that would be executed. It removes the
unwanted arguments that are not compatible with our cross-compiler and then evaluate
the commands in a shell. This works as long as the Go tool reveals exactly all commands
that would have been executed but is still a fragile solution as a new version of, or possibly
some untried input to, the go tool could cause it to output commands that breaks our script.

2. Approach

2.2.5 C-Integration
Go is a general purpose language which is especially popular for writing web servers and
related tasks. It is also popular as a system programming language which means that
it will likely be picked up in environments where much software is written in C. It is
therefore of importance that Go can integrate with C-programs if it is to be adopted in
these environments. To solve this the Go distribution ships with a tool called cgo [80].
This tool lets the programmer import and access symbols from a C-library. C-code can be
written in a comment in a Go source file. Such code and any imports will be available in a
special namespace in the Go-code. The C/C++ compilers need directives such as include
and linking flags which are also specified in specially annotated comments in the Go-code.
Manually specifying include paths brings software compilation back to square one in some
sense as one of the design goals for Go was to have easy builds. Fortunately these flags
can also be generated for the C-libraries included by using the pkg-config support in cgo,
which is a tool that is common in the C world [81].
During the build of a Go package that imports the pseudo package “C”, the cgo tool
reads the Go files and records compiler directives, extracts embedded code to own C files
and compiles them and any other C/C++ files found in the package directory. Go symbols
can also be exported and used from C-code if they are preceded with a line containing a
special export comment that cgo looks for, as shown in listing 2.15.

Listing 2.15: Exporting a Go function to C

1 // e x p o r t g o p h e r
2 func g o p h e r () {}

During a build, C header files are generated for the exported Go functions and types
and a header file describing the Go standard data types so that C programs can use the Go-
code and types. Modules (Go or C) that are linked together must not only have the same
target architecture but share the Application Binary Interface on how functions are called.
The gc compiler has a different call convention from GCC meaning that C programs that
should be linked with Go programs compiled with gc must also be compiled with the gc’s
C compiler. At the moment gc does not have a C++ compiler so in that case GCC and
gccgo must be used [9, Do Go programs link with C/C++ programs?].
The cgo library further provides helper function for integration e.g. a function that
converts a Go string to a null terminated C string. When programming with C care must
be taken when it comes to memory allocation and pointers. Since Go is garbage collected
such data should be put in a global declaration so that the garbage collector in Go does not
pick it up, if the data is intend to be shared with C-code [82].
However we experienced a problem that the C-compiler and linker flags that we had put
in our Go source files did not work and we had to specify them manually on the command
line. The issue was that the build tool did not propagate the flags parsed out from the
CGO-sections in our Go sources down to the C compiler tools. This was supposed to
be done by letting the Go tool export the flags in an environment variable that could be
accessed by the other tools. It turned out that this variable was not being built correctly.
First we submitted an issue to the Go project but after a while we got fed up by the bug
and proposed patch that was accepted into the code base [83] [84] [85].
Other quirks includes that macros cannot be directly used in Go-code, but must be used

2.3 Development Tools

in a wrapper C function [86]. While calling Go functions form C is supported, the main
function must be in Go, to start the Go runtime, etc., which complicates situations when a
library in Go should be used from a main C program.

C-libraries are often designed to let the user implement callback functions i.e. functions
that called from the library on certain events. We were interested in knowing how this
works when the callback function is a Go function. As mentioned Go functions can be ex-
ported and made available to C program [82, Calling Go functions from C]. The problem
with this is that then the function must be called by exactly that name. When callbacks
are used, we usually pass a function pointer to a function satisfying a specified interface.
However, we cannot take the address of a exported Go function and pass that as the call-
back, since cgo will generate a name-mangles stub function in C-code uses a cgo function
for calling between Go and C7 . The user community wiki describes that a pointer to a Go
function cannot be casted to the correct function type in Co code, but must be passed to a
Go function that makes the cast. It illustrates in the same example how a callback from C
to Go can be done. The problem with this example is that it assumes that the programmer
can also write the C-code that makes the callback. This is not the case with for example
proprietary third party libraries.
To solve this, we figured out that “gateway” functions must be used. For each Go
function that should be called as a callback via function pointer from a C-library, create
a gateway C function in the Go source file that does only one thing: call the correspond-
ing Go function. Then the address to the gateway function is passed to the C-library. We
experimented and set up a demonstration of how this works in appendix A.2. In this ex-
ample, the Go program wants to be callbacked in a function callOnMeGo() but passes a
pointer to a gateway function in C named callOnMe_cgo that simply calls callonMeGo.
The C-library starts a new thread, which demonstrates Go relatively new capability of be-
ing called by threads not started by Go8 , and this thread calls the callback and waits for
a result. One more quirk is demonstrated in this code, that Go files containing exported
functions cannot co-exist with function C definitions. Therefore the callOnMeGo_cgo
function has to be in another file. They can however co-exist if the C function is defined as
static and inline. We contributed to the Go user wiki about cgo with some code example
how to handle function pointer callbacks [82, Function pointer callbacks].

2.3 Development Tools

2.3.1 Testing
Go has a built-in test framework for automatic testing. Filenames with the suffix _test.go
in a Go package are automatically compiled, along with the actual package, and executed
by the go test tool. In these files all functions with the prefix Test or Benchmark are
run sequentially in order with an instance of a testing struct implementing the interface
Can be seen by using the -work flag to the go build tool, and then inspect the files generated by cgo
Was not supported earlier

2. Approach

for several test related functions like error reporting, test termination and test skipping.
There is a built-in code coverage tool that reports annotated source code with coverage
information. These tools in combination with the testing tool makes it easy to do testing,
see what and how much was tested [87].
Besides the default testing package in Go there are a handful of good third party ex-
tension packages for testing. One example is the package called testify and is used to ease
mocking and testing in general. It allows the user to easily specify function arguments to
return value mappings for a mocked function [88].
Much effort was spent on trying different solution for function indirection that allows
mocking out some functions of interest. The classic C-style approach of collecting func-
tion pointers in a struct could be used but this did not feel like the Go-way. We then decided
make interfaces for the functions we wanted to be able to mock. By doing this, switching
out the real functions with mocked ones was trivial. Mocking a struct is easy by overrid-
ing a method with struct embedding. When testing, simply telling the library to use an
instance of another struct that contains the mocking function is all that has to be done.
Another useful package is the package called Ginkgo that essentially is a Behavior-
Driven Development testing framework [89]. This library allows for writing of easy to
understand tests as well as giving the user the possibility to add setup and tear down before
and after each test. There is also the possibility to add different contexts in which more
specific setup and tear downs can be appended. Once Ginkgo is set up and some common
scenarios are tested, it is easy to take a look at the code coverage report from the go tool and
add a test that covers a new untested function. In the background of Ginkgo the library
Gomega which is a matcher/assertion library [90]. Ginkgo can also be compiled into a
binary for running tests instead of using the normal test tool in Go. It adds special output
for ginkgo-tests as well as running other tests just as normal.

2.3.2 Debugging
Searching for a bug in a computer program is usually done by printing output at relevant
sections in the code (or possibly by using assert statements, which Go does not support)
or by using a debugging tool. A debugger lets the user stop the program execution and
inspect the state of register, variables and arbitrary memory sections. Advanced debuggers
will additionally map the machine instructions back to source code and let the user step
through the code line by line. To enable these features the executable must be annotated
with extra debugging information. The Go compilers insert debugging symbols to the
executables by default using the DWARFv3 format [91] [92].
The most widely known debugger is probably GDB9 which is an advanced command-
line debugger supporting programs written in many languages including C, C++, Objective-
C and Go [93]. GDB automatically looks for a section in the executable file named de-
bug_gdb_script, which can contain a path to a runtime extension to load. Go currently
ships with a GDB-extension which is loaded in this way. This extension makes packages,
functions, Go types and goroutines available for inspection with GDB commands.
During the course of our work we often updated the compiler and tools to the latest
versions and after one update the compiler stopped writing the debug script section to the
The GNU Project Debugger

2.3 Development Tools

executables. After filing a bug report we learned that the Go developers are not satisfied
with the current solution of extending GDB [94]. One of the problems with GDB is that it
follows OS threads whereas, but a programmer debugging a Go program wants to follow
goroutines. Furthermore, at the time of writing10 , programs compiled with gccgo is not
supported by the GDB runtime script. Therefore the developers removed the functionality.
However, about a month later it was added back. But during the time it was disabled
something else must have changed as the runtime script is currently not working which
led us to submit another bug report [95].
The problem with GDB and goroutines is actually a problem we experience ourselves
when we wanted to inspect the state the goroutines of a core dump11 from a crashed pro-
gram by loading the core dump into GDB. It turns out that the GDB Go runtime extension
cannot read the goroutine states from a core dump, which is problematic for embedded
programs where a core dump is the only thing available for inspection after a crashed pro-
gram [96]. One of the original Go authors, Rob Pike, has said that full GDB support is
not a priority and will probably never happen [97]. The first option in debugging i.e. using
print statements is still easy to do in Go because of the fast compile times.

2.3.3 Documentation
In Go there is a built-in tool that produces documentation for Go-code called godoc [98].
When a package is passed to godoc it will parse the source code along with the comments
within the package and output the documentation on standard output. It is also possible to
provide more arguments to the tool so that it produces an HTML page for the documenta-
tion. The resulting web page for the documentation looks the same like the documentation
for the Go standard library. Other arguments can also be specified to the tool for setting
up a server so that the documentation can be reached by other people in the network.
In order to add documentation for something, all that is needed is a preceding comment
with no intervening blank lines. There is no special syntax that has to be followed in the
comments; instead it is up to the developer to provide the documentation best suited for
the situation. The convention however, is to begin the first sentence with the name of the
element it describes.
If a package is hosted on a website e.g. GitHub, there is a service available at
that generates and displays the documentation for them. Getting documentation for a
package is then as simple as entering the path to it in the address field. The documen-
tation for the Ginkgo project for example, can be generated and viewed by visiting the
URL The tool supports all “go-gettable” paths/pack-
ages (described more thoroughly in Section 2.3.5).

2.3.4 IDEs & Text Editors

One of the oldest problems in history of collaborative software development is that each
programmer has its own preference in coding style for example on how to do indentation
and where to place braces, which is very chaotic in the C world. Now, most modern
2014-05-07, gcc version 4.9.0 20140307
A copy of the process’ memory at the point of crash.

2. Approach

languages have a defined coding style standard that is recommended to follow. Go has
such coding styles as well but takes it a step further and ships a formatting tool called
gofmt. This tool parses the input Go source files using the built in parser packages for
Go, builds up a syntax tree and the outputs the code in a correctly formatted fashion. This
tool can easily be added to hooks in code version control systems or integrated to text
editors and IDEs. Having a tool that formats code to a set of rules is not a new concept,
for example the old Berkeley tool indent and its GNU reimplementation [99] has existed
for a long time. But what is new here is that the tool is shipped with the Go distribution
and has one, and only one way of formatting the code: according to the Go coding style.
Furthermore, gofmt has refactorization capabilities that are called “rewrite rules”. This
rules will rewrite matching Go expressions to some replacement expressions [100].
With the Go installation comes various tools (the main feature being syntax highlight-
ing) for different text editors and IDEs, for example Vim, Emacs, IntelliJ IDEA, etc. During
the course of this thesis we have mainly used two different text editors, Vim and Sublime
There are more development tools than what is offered by the Go project for Vim, the
most popular one being vim-gocode. This plug-in adds code completion, auto-formatting
with gofmt and other IDE-like features that are nice to have [101]. There is a similar
plug-in for Sublime-Text called GoSublime.
To easily locate definition in source code, the tool Ctags can be used and it has support
for Go. Another small tool called cscope, that is used for browsing code can also be used
for Go-code. Although their home page states that cscope only support C, C++ and Java,
we have empirical proof of that it works for Go as well.
Several IDEs have support for Go but the only IDE that is specifically developed for Go
is LiteIDE. The IDEs that have the best support, through plug-ins, for developing Go-code
are IntelliJ and Eclipse.

2.3.5 Other
The Go standard library contains an actual Go source file parser in the go/parser package
that outputs an Abstract Syntax Tree representation of the program [102]. This enables
the development of tools that can analyze Go programs. An example of such a program
is a linter which is a tool that inspects a source file for possible mistakes [103]. We have
tried the tool golint that parses input files with the Go parser and gives the user handy tips
on how to improve the code [104].

Package Manager
Go comes with a built-in tool for package managing called go get [105]. When given the
location to a package (a URL), get downloads and installs it as well as all its dependencies.
The path that is provided by the user needs to follow a special syntax depending on what
code hosting site it is. There is a default support for Bitbucket, GitHub, Google Code
and Launchpad but with a little bit of configuration it also works for code hosted on other

2.4 Physical Access Control System

servers. The tool checks for a <meta> tag in the HTML to discover where the code resides.
The version control systems that are supported are: Bazaar, Git, Mercurial and Subversion.

2.4 Physical Access Control System

The many aspects of this thesis could be studied and tested separately however it was
considered to be more efficient and interesting to develop a larger project and exercise
the points of interest. A larger project is more likely to reveal the true nature of Go-
programming and expose more aspects of the language, both advantages and disadvan-
This thesis was carried out at a Swedish company, Axis Communications AB, based in
Lund that is widely known in the network video camera business. The company recently
entered the market of access control by releasing a network attached door control system:
“AXIS A1001 Network Door Controller” [106]. These devices are known as Physical Ac-
cess Control Systems or PACS. It is the first non-proprietary and open IP-based access
controller on the market. The idea behind the product is that it should be easy to install
and maintain while still being configurable and in this way support more advanced solu-
tions [107]. This is done by supporting many different card readers, switches and door
locks as well as providing an open API [108]. The device is connected to and powered
over Ethernet with PoE 12 and has a number of input and output pins where devices can be
connected. The software in PACS is written in C and the architecture is built up by several
daemons using an IPC 13 system for communication.
A typical setup of a PACS is as follows, and depicted in figure 2.1. A RFID14 card
reader with a key set is mounted to the wall and connected to the PACS unit. A user
swipes his or her card and enters an associated PIN code. The daemon handling card reader
events receives the input from the card reader, typically using the protocols Wiegand 15 or
OSDP16 . The information collected by the card reader is then sent to the decision daemon
which either denies or grants access based on the configured security scheme. If access is
granted, the daemon controlling the door is notified which opens the connected lock for a
preconfigured amount of time.
This is the basic structure of PACS but there is of course more to it. For example the
web-interface for configuration, the API, the database and so on. The plan for this thesis
was to reimplement PACS in Go but because of the small time-frame of a master’s thesis,
we considered it to be a good idea to just focus on the three core daemons. Even this
was a huge project to take on so the final Go implementation is a simplified version of
these three daemons. For example the decision daemons database is just an in-memory
map where the card-numbers with their respective PIN-codes are stored. Furthermore,
the communication between the daemons is just a simple D-Bus17 solution. However, the
parts we did implement included low level bit flipping, module design, use of many Go
Power over Ethernet
Interprocess Communication
Radio-frequency Identification
Older protocol, is commonly used with a card swipe mechanism.
Newer protocol, has a better communication solution and more support for different identification meth-
ods [109].
A message bus system, a way for applications in user space to talk to each another [110].

2. Approach

Figure 2.1: Structure of the Go-implementation of PACS.

features, concurrency and IPC. Because of the fact that we did a larger project, things like
testing, debugging, documenting, etc. came naturally in to this project.
The plan was to use the same library for IPC just like the real PACS, instead of just
using plain D-Bus calls. Due to a needed platform update for PACS and there not being
enough time it was not possible to achieve this goal. However, we managed to make a
proof of concept on an Axis camera (with the update) and because of this we got first-
hand experience in how to use large C-libraries in Go. The library uses many GLib18
features and therefore we also got experience in working with the library in Go.

A C-library that provides core application building blocks [111].

Chapter 3

3.1 The Go Programming Language

3.1.1 Less is More
In a blog post Rob Pike, one of the Go authors, talks about the story behind the creation of
Go as well as explaining Go’s simplifications over C and C++ [112]. Before working with
the Go-project, Pike was a C++ programmer and for various reasons he did not like the
language. The idea was to create a language better suited for solving the problems where
he currently used C++. It was also meant to attract other C++ programmers and make
them see Go as an alternative. But now, a couple of years after the release, very few of the
existing Go-programmers come from C++, Pike says. Instead, most programmers come
from languages like Python and Ruby. The reason for this trend can probably be narrowed
down to the mindset of many C++ programmers which is: the more features a language
has and the faster the programs execute, the better. The idea behind Go is the complete
opposite, minimizing programmer effort is much more important. As Pike puts it [112]:

“Less is exponentially more.”

When we started this thesis we had very little knowledge of Go and close to no experi-
ence in developing Go-code. One of the best thing about Go is how easy it is to learn. We
started with going through the interactive “Go tour” at the Go website [21]. It took a few
hours to complete, which should be the case for someone who already know programming
in an imperative language. The tour explains most of the unique concepts and structures
of the language. After that, it took us around a week of using the language to really be
productive and we believe that this is the normal case as well. From our own experiences,
we feel that Go has the edge over any other language in the sense of how easy it is to learn
for people who know how to program in another mainstream language. Since the language
was designed with the philosophy of simplicity and orthogonality, the standard library is

3. Discussion

not complex and learning how to use it is also easy. It has some impact though, an ex-
ample is that Go only provides a small set of data structures, unlike for example Java’s
Collection Framework. This means that when a specialized data structure is needed, e.g.
hash map with predictable iteration order like the LinkedHashMap in Java, the Go-way
is to manually implement it. Because of the fact that the community behind Go are de-
velopers that come from different programming languages with different mindsets, it is
likely that the data structure has already been implemented by someone else. The initial
thought about simplicity and orthogonality is very important for the Go-team and for the
purpose that the language was designed to solve, the data structures that exists are proved
to be enough. This probably means that we will not see an increase in the amount of data
structures available in the standard library, at least in the near future.
Go was designed to solve specific problems that Google has, as described in sec-
tion 1.2.2 which includes the goal of making the whole development process smoother
and faster. To achieve this, the focus has been on the language construction itself and so
far not on making the compilers optimized, as that is something that can be done later.
Go is not a slow programming language but it is not the fastest one either. There is a
project that compares the execution time, memory usage and the lines of code needed for
programs written in different languages. From this site we can see that Go is, on average,
about three times slower than C and C++ but needs few lines of code in return [113]. This
is something that the Go-team is currently working on and they hope that Go will be one of
the top contenders when it comes to execution time in the future. More specifically, they
are aiming to be generally faster than C++ after the release of Go 1.3, that will be released
in June 2014 [114, 12:08].
When dealing with a young language, it is good to prepare for stumbling upon things
that are not quite as they should be. Go is not an exception from this and during our work
we have found a couple of bugs in the standard library. For example we had trouble with
incompatible constants and system functions working incorrectly. This is where Go being
open source comes in handy, the only thing that has to be done is to report the issue on the
Go-project homepage and if a fast fix is desirable (if the source of the problem is known),
submit a solution to the problem [115].

3.1.2 Syntax & Types

There are several constructs in Go that, after using them for a while, we realized they do
not only make it easier for the developer but they also make the code concise and more
understandable. One design decision of the language that makes it easier to learn is that
the types are declared from left-to-right. Having multiple and named return values is
something that many other languages do not have support for and a topic that many have
different opinions on. An example of one approach to support multiple return values is the
keyword out in C#. Although this works, we feel that the Go approach is cleaner and many
languages would benefit from having it. Naming the return values reduces the number of
variable declaration while documenting the function’s interface at the same time, which is
another thing that most programming languages do not support.
We think that embedding type visibility in the name itself, determined by the case of
the first letter, is a really smart as the visibility is known by just seeing the name. A possible
problem with this approach could be if there would be a third or visibility mode added to

3.1 The Go Programming Language

the language at a later point. Then using use the case of the first letter is not enough to
represent the visibility. As long as there are only two types of visibilities though, this
works very well.
Even though it possible, but not recommended, to import a package to the same names-
pace1 we like that this is not common to do. It is really helpful when the full library name
is used with external names because then it is clear where that name comes from. It is a
little longer to type, but the readability and understandability benefits are much greater.
In Go there are only two keywords that has to be known in order perform all kinds of
iteration: for and range. The fact that the Go-team has made the decision to remove all
extra constructs for iteration is something that adds simplicity, especially for people new
to programming. To make the common pattern for testing if a key exists in a map and
then fetching the corresponding value simpler, Go has these two steps combined into one
operation. Go includes other smart ways of making development simpler e.g. uninitialized
types are given a predefined zero value, built-in dynamic arrays, etc.
There are many other afterthought constructs that are aimed to be concise while still
conserving the understandability. Go is a statically and strong typed language but has
type inference that makes it easy to work with variables. The otherwise stuttering variable
declarations are now simple and short2 . We find this useful and comprehensive but there
are situations where, if not used carefully, := can produce bugs which are hard to spot.
As described in section 2.1.1 Go’s if-statement takes an optional statement before the ex-
pression. Variables declared here are available in the if-block’s scope. This can easily
leads to programming mistakes. When we intended to assign a value to a previously de-
clared variable, we used the type inference assignment := which will make a new variable
shadowing the other variable. The effect is that the values assigned to the new variable
disappears with that scope and are not available after, as intended.
While the possibility to defer function calls solved the problem of clean-up work they
can be annoying to use. During the implementation of the PACS project we were debug-
ging a module and had forgot that it contained a deferred call to a clean up function. Thus
we were very confused when we could not explain why the execution did not follow the
path we thought it would do. Experience Go developer will have this in mind when de-
bugging code and code should be divided to small units so it becomes harder to miss defer

3.1.3 Object-orientation
A good thing about Go is that it makes it easy for the programmer to follow good practice.
In the mid-90s, people were really excited about code-reuse through inheritance. Many
of the most used mainstream languages evolved during this time and they were of course
influenced with this new way of programming. It did not take long until it was discovered
that inheritance can easily be abused and gives severe consequences on the effectiveness
of development. As early as 1995 in the famous “Gang of Four” book on programming
design patterns it was concluded that one should “favor object composition over class
inheritance” [116, p. 32]. Go was designed long over a decade since that and puts emphasis
on practicing code reuse by composition. After having played around with composition
By prefixing the import by a single dot.
message := "Hello" instead of var message string = "Hello".

3. Discussion

in Go and thought about program design, we have also come to the understanding that
inheritance can be clumsy. Go makes composition easy to use with struct embedding.
While it is flexible to let a type’s capabilities to be defined by what it can do and not
what it is, we also see some problems and possible abuses with it. One of the pitfalls is to
include too much functionality for a type. This will, without proper documentation, make
it hard for a programmer new to the module to grasp the scope and design of the types.
It makes sense to combine file write and read functionality to a single type but adding
for example graphics rendering functions to the same type makes the type non-coherent
and bloated. Too many levels of struct embedding can also be confusing. The freedom
given by composition should be used to advance the program development and code reuse
but not be abused to create a vague program design. The same things goes with fact that
interfaces in Go are implicitly satisfied. While we like the flexibility it can be hard to spot
what a type is. That is on the other side not a relevant question for a Go program, since a
type’s capabilities defies it.

3.1.4 Generics
When we first started to read and learn about Go and heard that there was no generics
included we thought this was a major shortage in the language. A Java or C++ developer
will ask “how can I write general code without assuming anything about the types if there is
no generics?”. As described in section 2.1.5 it is not hard to get the same functionality, it is
a bit more cumbersome though. Take for example a linked list containing an unspecified
type, which is easy to implement and use in Java. Is the linked list in the Go standard
library equally easy? Implementing it, instantiating and putting values into an instance
works without trouble since the empty interface that all types satisfies can be used. The
trouble comes when we want to get the value contained in a list element. Then we will
have make a type assertion [117].
We have to ask ourselves, how bad is it that we have to do some type assertions once
in a while? Certainly it would be cleaner and less cumbersome if we could get the actual
type directly. However, Go is not type oriented but more of a duck-typing language. This
means that one should not have to know the actual type, but what it can do. Even in those
cases when we want to get the actual type back, a type assertion is a simple expression.
The Go authors say that adding generics would complicate the language. If that is true,
we pay a very small price for keeping the language simple; unboxing a type is not really
that awful. The Go developers state that they are open to adding generics if it can be done
in a good way orthogonal to the existing features. But considering that they still have not
added it, it is not likely to be added soon.

3.1.5 Concurrency
We found it easy to work with Go’s concurrency model, using many goroutines, pass-
ing messages and synchronizing with channels. We also found, after coding a couple of
weeks in Go, that we used goroutines and channels a lot, a lot more than we would have
used threads and mutexes/synchronizations constructs in other languages. In other lan-
guages, we often feel that bringing in a thread is a last resort since it complicates the code.
In Go however it feels very intuitive to separate work to goroutines and communicate with

3.2 Building & Compiling

channels. The amount of work to do is minimal in Go since this is built into the language.
Compare with using e.g. POSIX threads for signaling: both a mutex and a condition struc-
ture must be initialized, take the mutex and call a wait function [118]. This procedure can
be learned by heart and is doable, but all these steps and different arguments to the initial-
ization functions create many possibilities for programming mistakes. Go eliminates this
erroneous work.
Go’s channels works well for intraprocess communication between threads but if in-
terprocess communication is desired for example UNIX Sockets (and libraries on top of
that like D-Bus) has to be used or TCP/UDP sockets for network communications. The
problem of seamless intra/inter-process and network communication and concurrency is
not solved by Go channels but there are many projects aiming for that e.g. ØMQ (has
bindings for Go too) [119].
We can also compare with Java which has a built-in concurrency mechanism for thread-
exclusive access to objects methods. Those methods are declared with the synchronized
keyword to solve communication by modifying an object’s state [120]. This opens up for
many mistakes since the objects data could be modified from a method on that object which
is not synchronized (as a mistake) meaning that the programmer must have discipline to
synchronize the correct methods and keep track on where an object’s variables are used.
Java provides many ways of dealing with concurrency e.g. solving the producer-consumer
problem with the java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue interface. But the problem is just
that, that there are many ways of doing it and no standard way that works well in all cases
so the programmer has to learn many APIs and read documentation on how to achieve
concurrency instead of practicing it. goroutines however solves message passing and syn-
chronization in an easy and general way.
One thing we learned the hard way is that Go makes it clean and easy to write concur-
rent software but it does not solve the problem of writing correct concurrent software i.e.
the problem of concurrent software is as hard as always but hopefully it becomes harder
to do the mistakes when it is easy to see what is written. Go ships with a tool for detect-
ing “racy behavior” at runtime but Go developers still have to keep their design clean and
understandable to be able to write correct software [121].

3.2 Building & Compiling

3.2.1 Building
The build tool is one of the best features with Go according to us. We feel that too much
time is spent on configuring how to build programs. The situation for C projects is often to
write Makefiles, using CMake or Autotools with magic rules that compile packages and its
dependencies [122]. These build files easily become hard to understand, resulting in that
build configurations are made once and then copied to other projects without adjustments,
resulting in slow or even erroneous builds. There are build tools like Apache Ant and
Maven for Java that are simpler to use, since the build files are written in XML. But
it still requires the developer to read a tutorial or manual and can suffer from the same
problems as the C build tools. Having a tool like Go’s build tool is invaluable when a
new code project can be started with zero cost since there is no need for setting up the

3. Discussion

build environment. All that is required is to create another directory in one of the Go
workspaces that is included in the $GOPATH. With a tool that figures out how a package
must be built and which dependences must be compiled the developer does not have to
know exactly what is going on during a build. For most developers this is not a problem
but a blessing. A possible negative effect of this is that the developers has less clue about
the steps involved in building and which relations exists, which could be necessary in
debugging and analyze of a software distribution. Fortunately it is as easy as running
the Go build tool with a verbose flag, and all the intermediate build steps are shown as
executable commands on the screen.
We have not performed any real measurements of the build speed gained from Go’s
dependency model. But it definitely feels very rapid. One example of this is that the whole
Go distribution including C-compilation of gc, the Go tools and the Go compilation of the
standard library takes about 15 wall clock seconds to compile (without the tests) on our
machine3 .
When we wrote our first Go project we felt that the environment set up was forced upon
us; why can we not decide how and where we want to place our Go project source files.
Having workspaces makes us think about the clumsy usage of Eclipse workspaces which
are cluttered with many hidden configuration files spread all over the project directories.
Then we realized that we can have multiple workspaces in our $GOPATH so that we still
can have coherent workspaces. After a while we started to think that having one standard
way of structuring source files can only be good, to keep packages consistent and to work
with all Go tools. There is a potential problem by having multiple Go workspaces though.
If two packages are created with the same name but in different workspaces, the Go build
tool use the first one found in $GOPATH. During some testing we were victim of this
believed that our test program worked fine, but what we were really executing was the
original unmodified module that was in another workspace. This is the same overlaying
problem, but mostly seen as a feature, as with the POSIX PATH variables. We think that it
would be convenient if the build tool at least would search and find all matching packages
and warn if there are multiple packages with the same name.

3.2.2 gc & gccgo

The situation of the two compiler chains that can be used with the go build tool is both
fortunate and troublesome. On the good side we get a broad range of supported archi-
tectures by having a GCC front-end for Go. Having two compilers is also good for the
future development, much similar to why monopoly can be bad for development. As the
Go developer Ian Lance Taylor says [123]:

“Having two different implementations helps ensure that the spec is complete
and correct: when the compilers disagree, we fix the spec, and change one or
both compilers accordingly.”

Unfortunately it turns out that the development of gccgo lags behind the development
of the gc compilers. For the past two releases of Go’s language specification, gccgo has
Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.57-3+deb7u1 x86_64 GNU/Linux, Intel i7-4770 3.4GHz,
16GiB memory.

3.2 Building & Compiling

been implementing an older version. This is partly because the GCC front-end and GCC
are different projects with uncoordinated release schedules. For example when Go 1.1
was released in May 2013 gccgo was released two months earlier in GCC version 4.8.0
and only implemented parts of the Go 1.1 specification [124] [125]. During the work
with this thesis GCC 4.9.0 was released which has support for Go 1.2.1 while gc will very
soon support 1.3 [126]. At the moment however, when the language is still young, the
difference between two consecutive versions can be large and being behind on one update
to the language specification can make it hard to use packages written for the newer version.
This problem was experienced by us during our development of the door control system.
We used a D-Bus wrapper library, go.dbus, which uses standard library functions4 that
was added at a later version than our gccgo supported [127]. This led us to the need of
building a cross-compiling experimental version of gccgo.
As described before, the gc compilers can only produce statically linked executables.
There are many opinions about static versus dynamic linking. Many people, including the
Go author Rob Pike, are skeptical to the benefits of it [128]. Problems with dynamic link-
ing include security issues (if a malicious library loaded) and mismatch between versions
of shared objects on the system. Therefore we do not expect the gc compilers to support
dynamic linking in the near future. When developing for embedded platforms however,
it is common to use dynamic linking. To achieve this, the only option is currently to use
gccgo as it supports both static and dynamic linking. Only having gccgo as an option is
not a problem if there is no need to have the latest version of Go’s language specification
implemented, as gccgo lags behind.
However we did not experience everything to be good with compiling Go packages.
It is already a common practice to treat compiler warnings as errors5 both gc and gccgo
takes this to the extreme and only have errors. It is a great idea that a compiler tool refuses
to accept input source files that has unused imports and variables6 when building for a
release version; clearly code should not be shipped that is not used. It is maybe even good
to be aware of this during the shorter development cycles so that it is known what code is
actually used when debugging etc. Both gc and gccgo treats this as an error and refuses to
accept such source files for compilations, with no built-in option for disabling this. This we
often experienced as tedious when practicing small code-compile-cycles when frequently
adding, removing and toggling small pieces of code. In those situations we wish there was
a way of temporarily toggling off these errors checks, and make them warnings instead.
On the other hand, that would possibly quickly lead to that option being included by default
in an alias or build script and the compilation times would increase.

3.2.3 Cross-compilation
At the time writing, cross-compiling a Go program is a trivial task if the target is one of the
architectures supported by the gc compilers. If cross-compilation to another architecture is
something that is wanted, like in this thesis, the process in configuring and building a cross-
compiling build tool is badly documented and buggy. It was only until after we consulted
the community that we were made aware of the procedure one should take in order to do
Like the -Werror flag to GCC.
Inconsistently does not report unused unexported global variable tho.

3. Discussion

this properly. All the problems that we have had with cross-compilation makes us believe
that this is something that has not got as much attention as other things in the Go-project.
To help Go in being practical to use for embedded programming, these issues should be
solved and the process must be documented. We have tried ourselves to document the
process, but it has not yet been verified by an internal Go member yet that this document
is correct.
One good thing about the cross-compilation part is that building a cross-compiling
GCC with support for Go is no harder than building a normal cross-GCC toolchain. Many
companies and projects in this field have routines and scripts for this process already. All
that is needed to support go is to add it to the list of supported languages in the final step
of the GCC build. The bad part is that building a cross-compiling toolchain is a very
hard problem to begin with. The part that makes cross-compilation hard with Go is the
combination of using a cross-compiling gccgo with the Go tools. The lacking support
of using compiler tools with triplet names and that the Go build has to be compiled in a
special way to work for cross-compilation makes the whole process hard (until properly

3.2.4 C-Integration
How well does integration between Go and C work in practice? We had some first-hand
experience with this when we tried out the different features with toy examples and when
we linked with a large C-library for communication over D-Bus, which is used in many
Axis products, to our Go-code. While there was some bugs with the tools, it is clear that
the developers have thought through the process and tried to make it as easy as compil-
ing normal Go programs for example that C/C++ files found in the same directory as Go
modules importing C are automatically compiled or that pkg-config can be used to resolve
long import and linking flags.
The first problem we encountered with C-integration was about calling C-functions
taking a variadic number of arguments, varargs, from Go as cgo does not support this. Go
has support for variadic number of arguments, but it works different from C so there is not
automatic translation. A work-around is to create a C gateway function for each unique
call to the C vararg function.

C in Go comments
One of the things we have been the most annoyed with concerning C-integration is that the
directives for the cgo tool, and even C-code, are written in plain Go comments. While this
keeps the Go syntax cleaner, we find that it makes C-integration worse. A reason, among
others, is that all text editors we have come around when coding Go, treats Go comments
as comments independent of context and content. This means that the C-code and com-
piler directives will not have syntax highlighting and is not supported by other text editor
tools that works on code blocks. This means that writing C-code like this becomes very
impractical. When building Go programs where inline C-code is found by the cgo tool, it
is extracted to a file of its own and is compiled with a C compiler. If the compiler finds
and error or emits a warning it will be hard for the programmer to map that line number in
the generated file to the erroneous line in the Go-file. Effectively the programmer would

3.2 Building & Compiling

have to invoke the Go tool with an option to keep the temporary build directory and then
manually inspect the generated C-files to find the errors more easily.
It is even error-prone to deal with Go-code using directives in comments. A very an-
noying and hard to find bug is when a Go function is exported but there is a mysterious
linking problem that is hard to analyze if one does not know what is going on. In most
programming languages, including Go, a start-of-comment symbol (// in Go) is by con-
vention followed by a space and then the comments. However, the cgo export command
requires that there should be no space between the slashes and the keyword i.e. //export is
correct and //␣export is wrong. If the export functionality would have been included in the
language, compilers and even text editors could have highlighted and warned about this
common mistake.
A good thing about the annoyances of writing C-code in Go-comments is that it forces
the programmer to write less C-code in Go source files, which is in line with our view:
separate code from different programming languages. We would prefer to either put all C
to Go interacting code in normal C files or that there would be a built-in language construct
specifying that, what follows is C-code and not Go-code (similar to how C-code can be
used in C++ source files with the extern "C" construct). A reason to have the C-code in a
Go source file is that the code is (or should be) coherent to the Go-code. Coherent code
should be close for easier understanding and maintenance. When we first tried out linking
some C-libraries to Go programs we did not understand why we would want have C-code
in Go source files. We wanted to have our C programs in C files only. It soon became
clear to us that they are needed to deal with type conversions, macros, pointer conversion
and callbacks. We think that, to keep Go programs clean, C-code in Go sources should be
limited to the bridging between the languages and not implement any logic at all.

Memory management
There are some things to watch out for when integrating with C and one of them is mem-
ory related. While Go is garbage collected, C-code that Go might interact with is not.
This means that the C-code have to keep track of its own memory deallocation as usual.
Further, if data allocated by Go should be shared with C-code, it must be stored in a global
variable. This extra thinking makes the integration a bit harder, but there is probably no
way around it. While there are built-in functions for converting between Go strings and C
null-terminated character arrays one must keep in mind that these functions makes copies
of the data and not in place conversion. String-intensive programs should consider another
representation that can be used in both C and Go without copying [82, Turning C arrays
into Go slices]. During our own project, we forgot to null-terminate a Go string that was
passed to a C-library which caused mysterious and random errors at other places in the
code. This means that seamless interaction with C-code is not possible. One must always
keep in mind the differences between the languages and think about memory and types.

A build of a Go package that integrates with C takes a notable longer time to build. This is
not surprising as much more automatic work is done: C-code is extracted to new files, Go
exports generates C sources and headers, more C/C++ files are searched for in the package

3. Discussion

directory, C compilers are invoked, C programs are linked to libraries, etc. The positive
side of this is that we can avoid having to write own build instructions (apart from the C
compiler directives) and the C-integration becomes seamless with the build of plain Go
packages. The downside is the builds being slowed down. We think that in the long run,
the automation will save a lot of time for developers since they do not have to spend time
on figuring out the right steps in compiling and linking together Go and C-code. This
outweighs the loss in build time.

3.3 Development Tools

3.3.1 Package manager

For Go to be practical to use for rapid development, it must be easy to manage packages.
Go’s package manager works great but we think it could be even better. Currently the head
of a source control system is checked out when the Go tool fetches the packages. This can
make it confusing which version is in use. The Go developer Andrew Gerrand thinks this
is a release engineering problem, that the Go packages should have a consistent API that
is not broken between versions. If a break in the API is introduced, then the import path of
the package should change as well i.e. adding a version number to the path [129, 37:35].
An alternative would be to specify the version, for example a git tag or changeset, which
should be used.

3.3.2 Documentation & Testing

As discussed earlier the goal with Go is to minimize the efforts needed by programmers.
This is something that is reflected in the built-in tool for documentation and testing as
well. Having these tools built into the language is nice because everything works “out
of the box” which means that developers do not have to download or install anything.
They are easy to use and come with great functionalities, more thoroughly described in
Section 2.3. Furthermore, having composition over inheritance in Go is something that
help both of these tools. Composition encourages the creation of smaller interfaces with
implementations that are easy to test and document.
Writing documentation and not having to follow a specific syntax, unlike Java for ex-
ample, can in many cases results in more descriptive and understandable text. This means
that companies themselves can set up policies for how documentation should be done,
which is positive in one way. It could also be bad since it could result in a lot of different
standards being used. A convention has already been formed; the comment is started with
the name of the element that is documented. We think this is not the right approach. The
reason for this is that if or when the name of an element is changed, the same change must
be done for the documentation which is something that easily can be forgotten or missed.
As it is right now, this is an important part of the generation of documentation [98].

3.4 Community

3.3.3 Debugging
The state of debugging Go programs is a very tricky situation. The way debugging is
done right now works for many cases. However, as explained before, it is not an option for
embedded programming when we need to do remote debugging or inspect core dumps.
In this case a debugger is an important tool for locating the errors, if it cannot be directly
found in the erroneous code that is. Unless GDB can be modified to understand goroutines
it will probably take a while until we see a fully functional Go debugger especially if we
listen to what Rob Pike said at GopherCon in April 2014: "There are plans for a debugger
but they are very sketchy. It is hard because the operating systems today do not want you
to write a debugger." [130, 46:18]. This makes us believe that it will take a while until the
debugging situation becomes better for Go programmers.

3.4 Community
During the whole thesis work we have been in contact with the Go community. When
learning about the language and its tools the greatest source for information, apart from
the official documentation, is the user mailing list golang-nuts. This is a open mailing list
with participants ranging from complete beginners, experts and famous Go developers.
We have seen that many of the most influential Go developers are very active in the user
community as they have participated in many of the threads we started ourselves. Having
the Go developers at such close range makes the gap between the users of Go and its
developers very short. This gives the Go developers better feedback on the language and
development, and users of the language get help with their problems or can express their
opinions about the future of the language. The mailing list is not the only place where Go
discussions take place. We have been involved in the website Stack Overflow, which is a
community for asking and answering questions related to programming. There, we have
followed the discussions about Go and answered several questions ourselves [131].
Having a close and helpful community makes it easier to propose patches for bugs or
propose enhancements for the tools. The fact that many of the Go tools, and soon the gc
compilers, themselves are written in Go makes it easier to contribute as one does not have
to know another language. Having a self-contained language also makes a good quality
assurance reference of the language. There is description on how contribution can be made
to the project that can be found on Go’s website [49].
If the Go user base becomes much larger, it is unclear how the good things about the
community will be affected. If the mailing lists becomes flooded with too much activity,
maybe the important Go developers will lose interest in being active in the mailing list or
be unable to pay attention to every thread that is created.

3.5 The Future of Go

The fact that the development of Go takes place in the open makes it possible for everyone
to participate in the discussion and see what direction the language is taking. Looking at
the upcoming 1.3 release of Go it looks like the pace of introducing features is slow, as
no languages changes are coming and none are proposed for future versions (from what

3. Discussion

we have found). This is in line with the Go philosophy of having a simple and well af-
terthought language. The 1.3 release has, apart from numerous bug fixes, focus on perfor-
mance. A couple of the changes are: the change of stack model that makes them initially
a little bit more expensive but more effective in the long run, speed up of the linking step,
garbage optimizations and more [132]. This is a sign that the project is stabilizing before
considering adding new features. We have not found a long-term road map but one thing
we have seen talk about for versions beyond 1.3 is the translation and rewriting of the gc
compilers from C to Go [63] [133]. Maybe we will see the return of network channels or
the introduction of generics in the future of Go?
We have previously discussed if Go is suited for embedded development but there are
more factors that matter in Go’s success in this area; the community. The question is if
there will be a large enough amount of developers in the community to push the develop-
ment forward of the cross-compilation tools. If not, will the Go-team drop the develop-
ment of these parts and the focus on being a general-purpose language? Discontinuation
is something that we are familiar with when it comes to Google products that do not have
enough users or make enough money [134] [135]. This is however not only a concern that
targets embedded programming with Go but also the whole Go-project. What happens to
Go if Google is not interested in it anymore? We think that this will not happen in the
near future because Google uses Go themselves in many of their internal services. But if
it does, our prediction is that the language will live on through its community and its very
dedicated creators since it is a open project with open sourced tools. How well the quality
of the language would be maintained without Google is hard to say. This aspect strongly
depends on the actions the community take when after the (unlikely) discontinuation of
There are more factors that play a role in Go’s success in the future, other languages
is one example. Every now and then, new languages are created and the question is if Go
will be able to keep its users from switching from Go. An example of a language that often
comes up when discussing adoption of Go is the Rust programming language developed
by Mozilla. It is a compiled system programming language that has focus on running
fast, having garbage collection (optional), concurrency, type inference, C-bindings, etc.
and is currently in version 0.10 (alpha). Although these features sound very familiar, Rust
also includes the feature of generics. This could be a reason to why developers would
choose Rust over Go, especially the ones that do not like the approach that the Go-team
have taken to solve the same problems that generics solves (through interfaces and type
assertion) [136] [137]. Currently Rust is very young and undergoes rapid development and
many changes not making it a viable alternative for production at this moment. In a near
future we think that both Go and Rust will be two of the most popular modern languages
that are adopted for both personal and corporate usage.
Throughout this thesis, we have talked about cross-compiling Go-code and the diffi-
culties with it. There are other compilers out there for example Clang/LLVM that could
possibly easier to get to work for cross-compilation, since “Clang/LLVM is natively a
cross-compiler” [138] [139]. However, the compiler is not enough and the problem of
getting all the needed header files and utilities for the target still exists. Currently there is
an experimental project building a Go front-end for LLVM [140]. If this front-end evolves
to a stable project, cross-compilation for Go programs would probably become easier.

3.6 Reviewing a Programming Language

3.6 Reviewing a Programming Language

In retrospect, was it meaningful to spend such a long time of the thesis work to implement
the physical access control system? That time could have been spent on doing language
performances or study of the language more directly. We think that it was a really good
idea to have a project that we wanted to complete. The reason behind this is that the project
forced us to try out different things that we might have ignored or overlooked otherwise,
for example the steps of cross-compiling. We could have just made a minimal working
example and come to the conclusion that it works. The fact that we had a larger project
exposed us to many details that actually matters for practical development. When we
wanted to use a D-Bus language binding library, it required a more recent version of Go.
Since no cross-compiler builder tool was found that could produce one we were forced to
learn about that process ourselves, to be able to continue with our project7 .
During the project we took the opportunity to try to use as many Go features as possible
and designed a module that internally used goroutines and channels extensively to get the
work done in a simple and understandable way. Through the same module we exposed
ourselves with different kinds of testing and documentation. One of the risks in taking on
a large project is that it consumes too much time. There were several occasions where we
had to take a step back and consider what work we actually would learn something from.

Of course we could have taken the easy way of just modifying the library, but we were set out to learn
things, not to take the easy way.

3. Discussion

Chapter 4

4.1 Summary
This master’s thesis was set out to find out how good Go is and specifically if it is suit-
able and ready to be used for embedded programming. We think that Go’s approach for
simplicity and encouragement for good programming practices makes it very useful for
large-scale software development. Many languages have shorthands, complex constructs
and doubtful concepts that are intended to make it easier for the programmer. However,
we think that the lack of such features in Go makes software development better in the
long run. We think that building concurrency primitives into the language fits very well
with how we want to organize software. The fact that Go is easy to learn makes it very
viable to be adopted. However, more complex integration with C-code is an area in Go
that includes many pitfalls and is therefore something that requires more study before it
can be utilized efficiently. Even though this area works well in simpler cases, we believe
that it could be done more smoothly.
While the language is good and the tools are splendid for the most part, the state of
cross-compilation is worse. Cross-compilation is a tricky problem to start with but the Go
build tool could have worked better with gccgo than it does today. We found that there are
people doing cross-compilation with Go, but they are few compared to the rest, meaning
that this subject receives little attention in the community. As the Go user base grows the
interest for these tools will grow, but we think it will take a while since this subject is not
prioritized. If Go is to be used for embedded programming today, our recommendation is
to wait for the tools to become mature or be prepared to spend time on working around the
quirks and fixing the build tools.
We can recommend people who want to review a programming language to do so by
implementing a larger project in that language. If the project is relevant for what is to be
investigated, it will help to reveal language features and concepts, give a more realistic
view of the language and show how tools really work in practice.

4. Conclusions

4.2 Future Research

During the scope of this thesis we had to limit ourselves to able to complete the task within
a reasonable time frame. We stumbled upon many subjects that we would love to study
further but were impossible to fit into this thesis. We would for example like to study
the effectiveness of goroutines compared to OS threads, both in theory and in practice.
Things to study include the overhead of the Go runtime and extra CPU and memory foot-
prints compared to the cost of setting up OS threads. It would also be interesting to do a
comparison of the optimization and compilation speeds between gc and gccgo. Although
we have looked at Debian’s language comparison we would have liked to do the compari-
son ourselves on the MIPS device that we had access to. The subject of debugging is still
unresolved in Go. Future research could include finding out how to get GDB to work prop-
erly with Go or how to write a new debugger that supports Go specifics like goroutines.
For embedded programming, it would be interesting to study how memory profiling with
tools like Valgrind can be done, especially when integrating with C-code.

Chapter 5

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Appendix A

A.1 gomips

Listing A.1: gomips

1 # !/ usr / bin / env bash
2 # W r a p p e r for go u s i n g our gcc cross - c o m p i l e r .

4 s c r i p t n a m e = $ {0 # #*/}
5 read - r - d ’’ u s a g e << EOF
6 Go MIPS b u i l d e r !
8 Usage : ${ scriptname } [-d] [-u | -U upload_destination ] [ -f
g c c g o f l a g s ] g o f i l e | [ - h | -?] "
9 -d Link d y n a m i c a l l y ( s t a t i c is d e f a u l t ) .
10 -u U p l o a d b i n a r y to d e f a u l t gyup d e s t i n a t i o n .
11 -U U p l o a d to s p e c i f i e d d e s t i n a t i o n with gyup .
12 -f E x t r a g c c g o f l a g s to pass to - g c c g o f l a g s .
13 -h , -? This help text .
14 EOF
15 upl_dest =""
16 gccgoflags =""
17 l i n k _ s t a t i c = " true "
19 if [ " $ # " - eq 0 ]; then
20 echo " $ u s a g e "
21 exit 2
22 fi
23 w h i l e g e t o p t s " duU : f : h ? " opt ; do
24 case " $opt " in
25 d ) l i n k _ s t a t i c = " f a l s e " ;;
26 u ) u p l _ d e s t = " d e f a u l t " ;;
27 U ) u p l _ d e s t = " $ O P T A R G " ;;

A. Code

28 f ) g c c g o f l a g s += " $ O P T A R G " ;;
29 :) echo " O p t i o n - $ O P T A R G r e q u i r e s an a r g u m e n t . " >&2;
exit 1;;
30 h | ? | * ) echo " $ u s a g e " ; exit 0;;
31 esac
32 done
33 s h i f t $ (( $ O P T I N D - 1) )
35 if [ " $ l i n k _ s t a t i c " == " true " ]; then
36 g c c g o f l a g s += " - s t a t i c "
37 fi
40 if [ " $ s c r i p t n a m e " == " m g o m i p s " ]; then
41 s o u r c e " $ ( d i r n a m e $ ( r e a l p a t h " $0 " ) ) / x _ e n v i r o n m e n t . sh "
42 e x p o r t PATH = " $ T O O L S / bin : $ P A T H " # Has o v e r l a y g c c g o b i n a r y
that c r o s s c o m p i l e s .
43 e x p o r t GOOS = " l i n u x "
44 e x p o r t G O A R C H = " mips "
46 mgo b u i l d - c o m p i l e r g c c g o - g c c g o f l a g s " $ g c c g o f l a g s " " $@ "
47 ecode ="$?"
48 if [ " $ e c o d e " - ne 0 ]; then
49 p r i n t f " go b u i l d f a i l e d : % s \ n " " $ g o c m d " >&2
50 exit " $ e c o d e "
51 fi
52 elif [ " $ s c r i p t n a m e " == " g o m i p s " ]; then
53 WORK = " / tmp / go - b u i l d $ $ "
54 mkdir " $WORK "
56 # e x p o r t PATH =" $ H O M E / bin / mipsel - unknown - linux - gnu / bin :
$ P A T H " # Has o v e r l a y g c c g o b i n a r y that c r o s s c o m p i l e s .
57 s o u r c e " $ ( d i r n a m e $ ( r e a l p a t h " $0 " ) ) / x _ e n v i r o n m e n t . sh "
58 e x p o r t PATH = " $ T O O L S / bin : $ P A T H " # Has o v e r l a y g c c g o b i n a r y
that c r o s s c o m p i l e s .
59 export DISABLEARCH =" yesyesyes " # C u s t o m b u i l t cgo that
does not p r o d u c e " - m32 " or " - m64 " o p t i o n s to gcc
commandline .
61 m k d i r - p $ W O R K / command - line - a r g u m e n t s / _obj /

63 g o c m d = $ ( go b u i l d - c o m p i l e r g c c g o - g c c g o f l a g s " $ g c c g o f l a g s
" - n " $@ " 2 >&1)
64 ecode ="$?"
65 if [ " $ e c o d e " - ne 0 ]; then
66 p r i n t f " go b u i l d f a i l e d : % s \ n " " $ g o c m d " >&2
67 exit " $ e c o d e "
68 fi
70 c g o _ f l a g s = $ ( echo $ g o c m d | grep - Pzoi ’ C G O _ L D F L A G S = " .*?
( ? = [ ^ " ]) ’ | sed - e " s /\ " \ s \ s *\ " / / g " )
71 eval " e x p o r t $ c g o _ f l a g s " & >/ dev / null
72 g o c m d = $ ( echo " $ g o c m d " | sed - e ’ s / - m64 // g ’ - e ’ s / -(/ -\\(/
g ’ - e ’ s / -) / -\\) / g ’ -e ’ s /\ " \ s \ s *\ " / / g ’)
74 set - e

A.2 C Function Pointer Callbacks

75 eval " $ g o c m d "

77 rm - r $ W O R K
78 else
79 echo " U n s u p p o r t e d v e r s i o n of s c r i p t : $ s c r i p t n a m e "
80 fi
83 if [ - n " $ u p l _ d e s t " ]; then
84 b i n a r y = " $ ( echo " $@ " | sed ’ s /\. go // ’) "
85 if [ " $ u p l _ d e s t " == " d e f a u l t " ]; then
86 gyup " $ b i n a r y "
87 else
88 gyup - t " $ u p l _ d e s t " " $ b i n a r y "
89 fi
90 fi

A.2 C Function Pointer Callbacks

Listing A.2: Compiling and running
1 $ gcc -c c l i b r a r y . c
2 $ ar cru l i b c l i b r a r y . a c l i b r a r y . o
3 $ go build c c a l l b a c k s
4 $ ./ c c a l l b a c k s
5 Go . main () : c a l l i n g C f u n c t i o n with c a l l b a c k to us
6 C . s o m e _ c _ f u n c () : c a l l i n g c a l l b a c k with arg = 2
7 C . c a l l O n M e G o _ c g o () : c a l l e d with arg = 2
8 Go . c a l l O n M e G o () : c a l l e d with arg = 2
9 C . s o m e _ c _ f u n c () : c a l l b a c k r e s p o n d e d with 3

Listing A.3: goprog.go

1 p a c k a g e main
3 /*
4 # cgo C F L A G S : - I .
5 # cgo L D F L A G S : - L . - l c l i b r a r y
7 # include " clibrary .h"
9 int c a l l O n M e G o _ c g o ( int in ) ; // F o r w a r d d e c l a r a t i o n .
10 */
11 import "C"
13 import (
14 " fmt "
15 " unsafe "
16 )

18 // e x p o r t c a l l O n M e G o

A. Code

19 func c a l l O n M e G o ( in int ) int {

20 fmt . P r i n t f ( " Go . c a l l O n M e G o () : c a l l e d with arg = % d \ n " , in )
21 r e t u r n in + 1
22 }

24 func main () {
25 fmt . P r i n t f ( " Go . main () : c a l l i n g C f u n c t i o n with c a l l b a c k
to us \ n " )
26 C . s o m e _ c _ f u n c (( C . c a l l b a c k _ f c n ) ( u n s a f e . P o i n t e r ( C .
callOnMeGo_cgo )))
27 }

Listing A.4: cfuncs.go

1 p a c k a g e main
3 /*
5 # include < stdio .h >
7 // The g a t e w a y f u n c t i o n
8 int c a l l O n M e G o _ c g o ( int in )
9 {
10 p r i n t f (" C . c a l l O n M e G o _ c g o () : c a l l e d with arg = % d \ n
" , in ) ;
11 r e t u r n c a l l O n M e G o ( in ) ;
12 }
13 */
14 import "C"

Listing A.5: clibrary.h

1 # ifndef CLIBRARY_H
2 # define CLIBRARY_H
3 t y p e d e f int (* c a l l b a c k _ f c n ) ( int ) ;
4 void s o m e _ c _ f u n c ( c a l l b a c k _ f c n ) ;
5 # endif

Listing A.6: clibrary.c

1 # include < stdio .h >
3 # include " clibrary .h"
5 void s o m e _ c _ f u n c ( c a l l b a c k _ f c n c a l l b a c k )
6 {
7 int arg = 2;
8 p r i n t f ( " C . s o m e _ c _ f u n c () : c a l l i n g c a l l b a c k with arg
= % d \ n " , arg ) ;
9 int r e s p o n s e = c a l l b a c k (2) ;
10 p r i n t f ( " C . s o m e _ c _ f u n c () : c a l l b a c k r e s p o n d e d with % d
\n" , response );
11 }


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