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Mock Test - 1 - 21.09.17

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PAPER CODE : 720139.0
Time : 2 Hr. Date : 21-09-17 Max Mark :64
Instructions :

i) The question paper consists of 52 question divided into two parts (part – I & II).
Part – I
Part – I contains 10 questions of Math
Part – I contains 10 questions of Physics
Part – I contains 10 questions of Chemistry
Part – I contains 10 questions of Biology
Part – II
Part – II contains 3 questions of Math
Part – II contains 3 questions of Physics
Part – II contains 3 questions of Chemistry
Part – II contains 3 questions of Biology
ii) Marking Scheme for each section :
each question in Part – I Carries + 1 & Each question in Part – II carries +2 marks

iii) There is NO NEGATIVE marking.

iv) Attempt All questions.
v) Use of Calculator is NOT PERMITTED
vi) All symbols have their usual meanings, if not mentioned in the question.

Part – I (1 marks)
1. If a & b are any two real numbers with opposite signs. Which of the following is the greatest?
(a) (a – b)2 (b) (|a| - |b|)2 (c) |a2 – b2| (d) a2 + b2
2. 1 2 3 n
The sum of the infinite series + 2 + 3 + ....... + n + .........
10 10 10 10
1 10 1 17
(a) (b) (c) (d)
9 81 8 22
3. The numbers (1024)1024 is obtained by raising (16)16 to the power n. What is value of n?
(a) 64 (b) 642 (c) 6464 (d) 160
The smallest value of the expression x2 + 6x + 8 attains on the set x ∈R | x 2 − 2x − 8 ≤ 0 }
(a) 0 (b) – 1 (c) 8 (d) 3
5. The number of integers a such that 1≤ a ≤100 and a is a perfect square is
(a) 50 (b) 53 (c) 55 (d) 56

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KVPY_MT_1_Class XI_2

6. In triangle ABC, with ∠A = 90o , the bisectors of the angles B and C meet at P. The distance from P to the
hypotenuse is 4 2 . The distance AP is
(a) 8 (b) 4 (c) 8 2 (d) 4 2
7. In a rhombus one of the diagonals is twice the other diagonal. Let A be the area of the rhombus in square
units. The each side of the rhombus is
1 1 1
(a) A (b) 2A (c) 5A (d) 4A
2 2 4
8. In the following figure, AE = EB, BD = 2 DC, what is the ratio of the areas A
of ∆ PED & ∆ABC ?
1 1 E
(a) (b)
4 6 P
1 1
(c) (d)
9 12 B D C
9. Let log a b = 4 , log c d = 2 where a, b, c, d are natural numbers, given that b – d = 7, the value of a – c is
(a) 1 (b) – 1 (c) 2 (d) – 2
10. 1 1 1
If a + b + c = 1, a2 + b2 + c2 = 9, a3 + b3 + c3 = 1, then the value of + +
a b c
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) – 1 (d) 3
Part – II (2 marks)
11. A ray of light originating at the vertex A of a square ABCD passes through the vertex B after getting
reflected by BC, CD and DA in that order. If θ is the angle of the initial position of the ray with AB then the
value of tan θ
2 2 3 3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
13 3 2 13
12. Pipes P, Q and R together can empty a full tank in 6 hours. All the three pipes are opened simultaneously
and after 2 hours, P is closed. The tank is emptied in another 6 hours. Find the time in which P can empty the
(a) 18 hour (b) 16 hour (c) 10 hour (d) 24 hour

13. The remainder when x2011 is divided by x2 – 3x + 2 is

(a) 2011 (b) 2011 x – 2010
(c) (22011 – 2) x + 2 – 22011 (d) (22011 – 1) x + (2 – 22011)

Part – I (1 marks)
1. A fast bowler bowls a 126 kmh ball at a batsman and his bat has contact with the ball for 1 millisecond. It
now moves straight towards the bowler at 144 kmh-1. The ball has a mass of 160 g. What is the impulse of
the force exerted on the ball by the bat?
(a) 12000 Ns (b) 12 Ns (c) 800 Na (d) 0.8 Na
2. A scooter generally slips on an oily road, because
(a) friction between tyres and road is large (b) friction between tyres and road is not sufficient
(c) inertia between tyres and road is large (d) coefficient of friction between tyres and road of large
3. A car is moving on a circular path and takes a turn. If R1 and R2 are the reactions on the inner and outer
wheels, respectively, then
(a) R1 = R2 (b) R1 < R2 (c) R1 > R2 (d) R1 ≥ R 2
4. A car has a linear velocity v on a circular track of radius r. If its speed is increasing at a rate of a ms-2, then
its resultant acceleration will be
2 2 2 2
 v2   v2   v2   v2 
(a)   +a
(b)   −a
(c)   + a 2 (d)   − a 2
 r  r  r   r 

FIITJEE KOLKATA NORTH CENTRE: VIP TOWER, Gr. Floor, 80, VIP Road, Golaghata, Ultadanga, Kolkata–7000 48,Tel.40221300 (16 lines)
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5. If a stone is to hit at a point which is at a distance d away and at a height h

above the point from where the stone starts, then what is the value of initial
speed u if the stone is launched at an angle θ ? u
g d d d h
(a) (b)
cos θ 2 ( d tan θ − h ) cos θ 2 ( d tan θ − h ) θ
gd 2
gd 2 d
(c) (d)
h cos 2 θ (d − h )
6. A car of mass 400 kg travelling at 72 km/h crashes into a truck of mass 4000 kg travelling at 9 km/h in the
same direction. The car bounces back at a speed of 18 km/h. The speed of truck after the impact is
(a) 9 km/h (b) 18 km/h (c) 27 km/h (d) 36 km/h
7. A physical quantity that is conserved in a process
(a) Must have the same value for all observers (b) can never take negative values
(c) must be dimensionless (d) need not necessarily be a scalar
8. The rear wheels of a car are turning at an angular speed of 60 rad/s. The brakes are applied for 5s, causing a
uniform angular retardation of 8 rads-2. The number of revolutions turned by the rear wheels during the
braking period is about
(a) 48 (b) 96 (c) 32 (d) 12
9. Find the current in the left most resistor in the given figure 2v 2v 2v
(a) 0 A
(b) 1 A
1Ω 1Ω 1Ω
(c) 2 A
(d) 1/2 A
2v 2v 2v

10. A particle is projected vertically upwards from a points A on the ground. It lakes time t1 to reach a
point B, but it still continues to move up. If it takes further t2 time to reach the ground from point B.
then height of point B from the ground is
1 1 1
(a) g (t1 + t2)2 (b) g t1 t2 (c) g (t1 + t2)2 (d) g t1 t2
2 8 2

Part – II (2 marks)

11. A block of mass m hanging from a spring of force constant K attached to

a ceiling is at rest in the position shown. A constant force F is now K
applied on the block downwards. Find the distance through which the
block will fall before it comes to rest again (momentarily). Ignore any m
friction and air resistance.

(a) 2F / K (b) (F + mg) / K

(c) (2F + mg) / K (d) 2(F + mg) / K

12. Two small particles of equal masses start moving in opposite A

directions from a point A in a horizontal circular orbit. Their 2v v
tangential velocities are v and 2v respectively. As shown in the
figure. Between collisions, the particle move with constant speeds.
After making how many elastic collisions, other than that at
A, these particles will again reach the point A?
(a) 4 (b) 3
(c) 2 (d) 1

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KVPY_MT_1_Class XI_4

13. A hemispherical portion of radius R is removed from the bottom of a

cylinder of radius R. The volume of the remaining cylinder is v and
mass M. It is then suspended by a string in a liquid of density
ρ1 where it stays vertical. The upper surface of the cylinder is at a
ρ h
depth h below the liquid surface. The force on the bottom of the
cylinder by liquid is
(a) Mg (b) Mg – v ρ g
(c) Mg + πR 2 hρg (
(d) ρg v + πR 2 h ) 2R

Part – I (1 marks)
1. The equilibrium constant for the reaction N 2( g ) + 3H 2 ( g ) ↽ ⇀ 2 NH 3 ( g ) at temperature T is 4 × 10-4. The value
3 1
of Kc for the reaction NH 3( g ) ↽ ⇀ H 2 ( g ) + N 2 ( g ) at the same temperature is
2 2
(a) 2.5 × 102 (b) 4 × 10-4 (c) 50 (d) 0.02
2. In a hydrogen atom, if energy of an electron in ground state is 13.6 eV, then the energy in the second excited
state is
(a) 1.5 eV (b) 3.4 eV (c) 6.04 eV (d) 13.6 eV
3. How many moles of magnesium phosphate, Mg3(PO4)2, will contain 0.25 mole of oxygen atoms?
(a) 2.5 × 10-2 (b) 3.125 × 10-2 (c) 1.25 × 10-2 (d) 2 × 10-2
4. The bond order in NO is 2.5 while that in NO+ is 3. which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Bond length in NO+ is equal to that in NO
(b) Bond length in NO is greater than that in NO+
(c) Bond length is NO+ is greater than that in NO
(d) Bond length is unpredictable
5. Aluminium is extracted by the electrolysis of
(a) bauxite (b) alumina
(c) molten Cryolite (d) alumina mixed with molten cryolite

6. Reaction not shown by the compound ‘X’ is

(a) nucleophilic substitution (b) elimination reaction

(c) haloform reaction (d) Cannizaro reaction

7. Cl2
CH 3CH 2 COOH  alc KOH
→ A  → B what is B?
red P
(a) CH2 = CHCOOH (b) CH3CH2COCl (c) ClCH2CH2COOH (d) CH3CH2CHO

8. For an ideal gas, number of moles per litre in terms of its pressure P, gas constant R, and temperature T is
(a) PT/R (b) PRT (c) P/RT (d) RT/P
9. The metallic sodium dissolves in liquid ammonia to form deep blue – coloured solution. The deep blue
colour is due to formation of
− +
(a) solvated electron, e ( NH 3 ) x (b) Solvated atomic sodium, Na ( NH 3 ) y
(c) (Na+ + Na-) (d) NaNH2 + H2

10. What is the conjugate base of OH ?

(a) O− (b) O 2− (c) H 2 O (d) O2

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Part – II (2 marks)
11. The entropy change involved in the isothermal reversible expansion of 2 mole of an ideal gas from a volume
of 10 dm3 to a volume of 100 dm3 at 27oC is
(a) 38.3 J mol-1 K-1 (b) 35.8 J mol-1 K-1 (c) 32.3 J mol-1 K-1 (d) 42.3 J mol-1 K-1
12. Aspirin is known as
(a) phenyl salicylate (b) acetyl salicylate (c) acetyl salicylic acid (d) methyl salicylic acid

13. Which one of the following does not have sp2 hybridized carbon?
(a) Acetic acid (b) Acetonitrile (c) Acetone (d) Acetamide.

Part – I (1 marks)
1. Which of the following is correct about the immune system?
(a) vaccines can cure certain viral infections
(b) Allergies can be cured by antibiotics
(c) Multiple sclerosis is caused by an allergy
(d) Arthritis is an autoimmune disease
2. Reverse transcriptase is an enzyme found in
(a) polio virus (b) T lymphocytes (c) HIV (d) B lymphocytes

1 2 4 6 8 10
A and B in the given graph are the action spectra of two enzymes. The two enzymes are
(a) A – Amylase B – Rennin (b) A – pepsin B – Rennin
(c) A – Pepsin B – Trypsin (d) A – Chymotrypsin B – Amylase
4. Kreb’s cycle is a/an
(a) Amphibolic pathway (b) Anabolic pathway
(c) Catabolic pathway (d) None of these
5. A segment of DNA has a base sequence AAG GAG GAC CAA CCA. Then, the base sequence in mRNA
will be
6. A man who carries an X – linked allele, will pass it on to
(a) all his daughters (b) all his children (c) all his sons (d) half of his daughters
7. Black mice (BB) are crossed with brown mice (bb). The F1 generation thus obtained is crossed with brown
mice. The progeny will be
(a) all black (b) all brown
(c) black : brown : : 3 : 1 (d) brown : black : : 1 : 1
8. Which of the following is incorrectly paired?
(a) Epididymis – Maturation and storage of sperms
(b) Corpus luteum – produces progesterone
(c) Fallopian tube – fertilization
(d) Prostate gland – produces testosterone
9. Oxygen released from plants come from
(a) Air (b) CO2 (c) Glucose (d) Water
10. All of the following about the structure & function of plasma membrane are correct except
(a) All plasma membranes have identical composition and structure
(b) Facilitated diffusion is an example of passive transport
(c) Proteins serve as membrane channels
(d) Diffusion of gases across a membrane require the membrane to be moist

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Part – II (2 marks)
11. 2 Acetyl CoA
1. What kind of a pathway is it?
2. How many turns of A takes place for 1 molecule of glucose?
3. What is the end product of this pathway?
4. Where does it occur?
(a) Amphibolic; once; succinic acid; Mitochondria
(b) Catabolic; once; oxaloacetate; cytoplasm
(c) Amphibolic; twice; oxaloacetate; mitochondria
(d) Catabolic; twice; succinic acid; cytoplasm

Diagram – 1 Diagram – 2
The diagrams show an overview of particular process in the cell
Identify the steps 1, 2 & 3. They are respectively :
(a) Replication, transcription & Translation
(b) Transcription, Translation & Transformation
(c) Replication, Translation & Transcription
(d) Transcription, Replication & Translation.
13. An osmosis investigation was conducted using chicken eggs to represent cells with semipermeable
membranes. The mass of each egg was measured to determine how much water diffused into or out of the
eggs. The eggs were first soaked in vinegar to dissolve the shell. Each egg was then placed in one of three
different solutions for 24 hours. The table below shows the results of the investigation.
Average Mass of Average Mass of Difference in
Percent Change
Solution Eggs Before Soaking Eggs After Soaking Average Mass
in Average Mass
(grams) (grams) (grams)
71.2 98.6 27.4 + 38.5
(95% water)
Corn syrup
98.6 64.5 34.1 − 34.6
(5% water)
Distilled water
64.5 105.3 40.8 + 63.3
(100% water)
Based on this experiment, which of the following should be inferred about cells with semipermeable
(a) Substances other than water may also cross the cell membrane.
(b) Substances other than water may block pores in the cell membrane.
(c) Water enters the cell when placed in environments of high water concentration.
(d) Water leaves the cell when placed in environments with a low concentration of solutes.

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