Danfoss VLT 2800 Manual
Danfoss VLT 2800 Manual
Danfoss VLT 2800 Manual
Drives Solutions
195R0027 MG28A722 www.danfoss.com/drives
*MG28A722* REV. 2003-02-04
VLT® 2800 Series
■ Contents
Installation ......................................................................................................... 5
Mechanical dimensions ......................................................................................... 5
Mechanical installation ........................................................................................... 7
General information about electrical installation ...................................................... 8
Installation to minimize EMI/RFI .............................................................................. 9
Grounding of screened/armored control cables ..................................................... 10
Diagram ................................................................................................................ 11
Electrical installation ............................................................................................... 12
Safety clamp .......................................................................................................... 14
Input fuses ............................................................................................................ 14
AC line connection ................................................................................................ 14
Motor connection .................................................................................................. 14
Direction of motor rotation ..................................................................................... 14
Motor thermal protection ........................................................................................ 14
Parallel connection of motors ................................................................................ 15
Motor cables ......................................................................................................... 15
Brake connection .................................................................................................. 15
Ground connection ............................................................................................... 15
Load sharing ......................................................................................................... 15
Tightening Torque, Power Terminals ....................................................................... 16
Control of mechanical brake .................................................................................. 16
Access to control terminals ................................................................................... 17
Electrical installation, control circuitry ..................................................................... 17
Tightening torques, control cables .......................................................................... 18
Electrical installation, control terminals .................................................................... 18
Relay connection ................................................................................................... 18
VLT Software Dialog .............................................................................................. 19
Connection examples ............................................................................................. 20
Control unit ............................................................................................................ 21
Manual initialization ................................................................................................ 21
Programming the adjustable frequency drive ......................................................... 23
Status messages ................................................................................................... 24
Hand / Auto mode operation ................................................................................. 24
Warnings/alarms ................................................................................................... 25
Special conditions .................................................................................................. 26
Temperature-related switching frequency .............................................................. 26
Derating for long motor cables .............................................................................. 26
VLT 2800 start-up ................................................................................................. 26
Programming .................................................................................................... 28
Introduction to VLT
VLT 2800 Series
Operating instructions
Software version: 2.6x
Indicates something to be noted by the reader.
It can be extremely dangerous to touch the electrical parts
even when the mains supply has been disconnected.
Also ensure that other voltage inputs are disconnected
from load sharing through the DC bus.
Wait at least 4 minutes after the input power has been
removed before servicing the drive.
■ Mechanical dimensions
The drawing below gives the mechanical dimensions The drawing below gives the mechanical dimensions of
of VLT 2803-2815 (1/2 - 2 HP) 200-240 Volts VLT 2840 (5 HP) 200-240 Volt and VLT 2855-2875 (7 -
and VLT 2805-2815 (3/4 - 2 HP) 380-480 Volts. 10HP) 380-480 Volt. All dimensions are in inches.
All dimensions are in inches.
VLT 2840 200-240 Volt
VLT 2803-2815 200-240 Volt VLT 2855-2875 380-480 Volt
VLT 2805-2815 380-480 Volt
The drawing below gives the mechanical dimensions of
VLT 2822 (3 HP) 200-240 Volts and VLT 2822-2840 (3 VLT 2880-82 380-480V
- 5 HP) 380-480 Volts. All dimensions are in inches.
■ Terminal cover
The drawing below gives the dimensions for
the NEMA 1 terminal covers.
Dimension ’a’ depends on the unit type.
■ Mechanical installation
The adjustable frequency drive is cooled by air ■ Side-by-side
circulation. For proper cooling, allow a minimum All VLT 2800 units can be installed side-by-side
of 4 inches (100 mm) of open space above and since they do not require side cooling.
below the unit. To protect the unit from overheating,
ensure that both the ambient temperature and the The VLT 2800 mounts in virtually any position.
24-hour average temperature are not exceeded. This free mounting position offers wide flexibility in
The maximum temperature and 24-hour average system design and motor connection.
are listed in General technical data in this manual. If
the ambient temperature is in the range of 113°F -
131°F (45°C - 55°C), derating of the drive must be
carried out. See Derating for ambient temperature
in this manual. The service life of the unit will be
reduced without applicable derating.
■ Enclosures
In the USA and some other countries, a NEMA 1
terminal cover enclosing terminal connectors is required
if the drive is not installed within another enclosure.
It is the responsibility of the user or installer
to ensure correct grounding and protection in
accordance with national and local standards.
■ Grounding
Comply with the following at installation:
■ Installation to minimize EMI/RFI - Use cable clamps rather than twisted shield
ends (pigtails), for installation to provide
NOTE shielding at high frequencies.
Using unshielded/unarmored cable may not
comply with some EMC/RFI requirements. - Ensure good electrical contact between the
drive and the metal control panel using the
To minimize conducted and radiated high frequency drive installation screws.
emissions, comply with the following procedures: - Use lock washers and conductive fasteners.
- Use shielded/armored motor cables in
- Use only shielded/armored motor cables and the control panel.
shielded/armored control cables.
- Connect the shield to ground at both ends. The illustration below shows proper electrical
installation, with the drive installed in a control
panel and connected to a PLC.
1. Correct grounding
Control cables and cables for serial
communication must be attached with cable
clamps at both ends to ensure maximum
possible electrical contact.
2. Incorrect grounding
Do not use screen ends that are twisted
together (pigtails), as these increase screen
impedance at higher frequencies.
3. Equalizing the ground potential between
a PLC and the adjustable frequency drive
If there is a different ground potential between
the drive and the PLC, electrical noise can be
generated which could interfere with the whole
system. This problem can be solved by attaching
a compensation cable, which is placed beside the
control cable. Minimum cable diameter: 6 AWG.
4. In the event of a 50/60 Hz ground loop
If very long control cables are used, 50/60 Hz
ground loops can arise which can interfere with
the whole system. This problem is resolved by
attaching one end of the screen to ground via a
100 µF condenser (short pin length).
■ Diagram
* Integrated 1A RFI filter and brake is an option.
** VLT 2803-2815 200-240 V is not supplied
with intermediate circuit coils.
■ Electrical installation
VLT 2822 200-240 V, 2822-2840 380-480 V
Please note, that the units will be supplied
with two bottom plates; one for metric glands
and one for conduits.
■ Brake connection
Voltages up to 850 VDC occur on the terminals.
This application is only for lifting/lowering
without counterbalance.
capacitor between the shield and the chassis.
Using unshielded/unarmored cable may not
comply with some EMI/RFI requirements.
No. Function
01-03 Relay outputs 01-03 can be used for
indicating status and alarms/warnings.
12 24 VDC voltage supply.
18-33 Digital inputs.
20, 55 Common frame for input
and output terminals.
42 Analog output for displaying frequency, ■ Profibus DIP switches setting
reference, current or torque.
461 Digital output for displaying status,
warnings or alarms, as well as
frequency output. The dip switch is only on the control card with Profibus
50 +10 VDC supply DP communication. The switch position shown is the
voltage for potentiometer or thermistor. factory setting. Switches 1 and 2 are used as cable
53 Analog voltage input 0 - 10 V DC.
termination for the RS-485 interface. If the adjustable
60 Analog current input 0/4 - 20 mA.
frequency drive is located as the first or last (or only)
671 + 5 VDC supply voltage
unit in the bus system, switches 1 and 2 must be ON.
to Profibus.
On the remaining adjustable frequency drives, switches
68, RS-485, Serial communication.
1 and 2 must be OFF. Switches 3 and 4 are not applied.
701 Frame for terminals 67, 68 and 69.
Normally this terminal is not to be used.
■ Sub D plug
plug on the control card. Ordering number: 175N0131.
LCP control units with ordering number 175Z0401
are not to be connected.
■ Pulse start/stop
Pulse start using terminal 18 and pulse stop
using terminal 19. In addition, the jog frequency
is activated via terminal 29.
■ Speed up/down
Speed up/down using terminals 29/33.
If the [STOP/RESET ] key has been selected
The control panel is divided into four function groups: as Not active [0] in parameter 014 Local
1. Six-digit LED display . stop/reset and there is no stop command via
2. Keys for changing parameters and shifting the digital inputs or serial communication, the motor
display functions. can only be stopped by disconnecting the AC line
3. Indicator lamps. voltage to the adjustable frequency drive.
4. Keys for local operation.
[START] is used for starting the adjustable frequency
All data is displayed on a six-digit LED. The LED can drive. It is always available, but the [START] key cannot
show one item of operating data continuously during override a stop command issued through terminal 27 or
normal operation. There are three indicator lamps a digital communication bus (see connection examples).
for indication of AC line connection (ON), warning
(WARNING) and alarm (ALARM). Most of the adjustable
frequency drive parameters can be changed via the ■ Manual initialization
control panel. This function can be programmed as To manually initialize the adjustable frequency drive to
Locked in parameter 018, Lock for data changes, factory default settings, first disconnect AC line voltage.
to prevent tampering or local data entry. Hold the [QUICK MENU] and [+] and [CHANGE DATA]
keys down while simultaneously reconnecting the AC
A keypad, similar to the larger VLT 6000, is available for
line voltage. Release the keys. The drive has now
cable connection to the VLT 2800. This optional LCP
been programmed for factory settings.
2 allows full text displays and programming multiple
drives. Drive set up data can be loaded onto the LCP
2. The keypad can then be connected to other drives
and the data downloaded for ease of programming.
■ Control keys
[QUICK MENU] allows access to the parameters
in the Quick menu. This menu is for initial setup of
the drive. The [QUICK MENU] key is also used to
Quick menu
Use the [QUICK MENU] key to access the 12 The display example shows that the setting in
most important parameters of the adjustable parameter 102 Motor power PM,N is 0.75. In order to
frequency drive. After programming the Quick menu change the value of 0.75, press [CHANGE DATA]. Use
parameters, the adjustable frequency drive is, in the [+] and [-] keys to change the parameter value.
most cases, ready for operation. See Programming
the adjustable frequency drive.
The Quick menu parameters are:
• Par. 102 Motor power PM,N
• Par. 103 Motor voltage UM,N
• Par. 104 Motor frequency fM,N
• Par. 105 Motor current IM,N
• Par. 106 Rated motor speed nM,N
When, for a given parameter, the display shows
• Par. 107 Automatic motor adaption.
three dots at the right, it means that the parameter
• Par. 204 Minimum reference RefMIN
value has more than three digits. In order to see
• Par. 205 Maximum reference RefMAX
the value, press [CHANGE DATA].
• Par. 207 Ramp-up time
• Par. 208 Ramp-down time
• Par. 002 Local/remote operation
• Par. 003 Local reference
Programming the adjustable frequency drive 4. Press [CHANGE DATA] and use the [+] key
to select data value [2], Optimization on (AMT
NOTE START). [2] will now flash.
The motor must be stopped to change 5. Press [START] key to activate AMT. "107" will
parameter data. now flash and dashes will move from left to
right in the data value field.
Program the drive in accordance with the 6. When "107" appears once more with the data
following procedure: value [0], AMT is complete. Press [STOP/RESET]
1. Press the [QUICK MENU] key to enter to save the motor data into the drive memory.
the Quick menu. 7. "107" will then continue to flash with the data
2. Scroll through the Quick menu using the value [0]. Press [QUICK MENU] to exit Menu
[+] and [-] keys. mode and enter Display mode.
3. Change the data values by first pressing
4. and then change the parameter value with
the [+] and [-] keys.
5. Press [CHANGE DATA] again to accept the change
or [QUICK MENU] to cancel the change. Press
[QUICK MENU] once more to exit Quick menu
mode and enter Display mode. (The drive will
default from Quick menu mode to Display mode
in 2 minutes if no activity has taken place.)
Enter parameters 102 through 106 data, at
minimum, to ready the drive for operation.
Data for parameters 102 through 106 can
be read from the motor nameplate.
■ Status messages
Fr ■ Hand / Auto mode operation
The drive displays the present output frequency During Auto mode operation, the adjustable frequency
in Hertz [Hz]. drive receives an external reference through the control
terminals as analog or digital signals. In Auto mode, use
Io the [+] and [-] keys to scroll through the display of drive
The drive displays the present output current status messages. In Hand mode, it is possible to control
in Amps [A]. the speed of the drive locally through the keypad.
Uo On the control terminals, the following control signals
The drive displays the present output voltage in Volts [V]. will remain active when Hand mode is activated:
Ud • Hand Start (LCP2)
The drive displays the DC bus voltage in Volts [V]. • Off Stop (LCP2)
• Auto Start (LCP2)
Po • Reset
The drive displays the calculated output in kilowatt [kW]. • Coasting Stop Inverse
• Reset and Coasting Stop Inverse
• Quick Stop Inverse
This message is shown if an attempt is made to change
• Stop Inverse
a parameter value while the motor is running. Stop
• Reversing
the motor to change the parameter value.
• DC Braking Inverse
LCP • Setup Select LSB
This message is shown if an LCP 2 control unit is • Setup Select MSB
connected and the [QUICK MENU] or [CHANGE DATA] • Thermistor
key is pressed. With an LCP 2 control unit connected, • Precise Stop Inverse
it is only possible to change parameters via the LCP 2. • Precise Stop/Start
• Jog
HA • Stop Command Via Serial Comm.
HA indicates the drive is in Hand mode, which
means the drive’s speed is controlled at the keypad Switching between Auto and Hand mode:
with the [+] and [-] keys. Only output frequency is To switch between operational modes, press
shown on the display in Hand mode. the [Change Data] key. The display will indicate
the current mode of operation.
In Hand mode, the [+] and [-] keys are also used to
toggle through status messages. Press and hold the
[Change Data] key for approximately 3 seconds. When
the display begins to flash, use the [+] and [-] keys
to change the drive status display. The displays are
temporary and will default back to output frequency.
Parameter 020 can be used to disable
Hand mode operation.
■ Warnings/alarms
Warnings or alarms appear in the LED display as a
numerical code [Err. xx]. A warning is displayed until
the fault has been corrected, while an alarm will flash
until the [STOP/RESET] key is pressed. The table in
Warnings/alarms messages in this manual explains
the various warnings and alarms, and whether a fault
locks the adjustable frequency drive. After a Trip
locked fault, cut off the AC line supply and correct the
fault. Then reconnect the AC line supply and press
the [STOP/RESET] key. The adjustable frequency
drive is now reset and ready. See Warnings/alarms
messages in this manual for more detail.
Installation checks
1. Input fusing in power supply for all drives Operational tests - AUTO
must be provided. 1. Ensure that drive follows run/stop and safety
2. Environmental concerns - for standard interlock commands from system.
NEMA 1 drive: 2. Ensure drive follows speed reference, or
• Clean air supply feedback, from system.
• Dry air (5% to 85% relative humidity,
• 32°F (0°C) to 104°F (40°C) ambient temperature
operating range, or as rated
• 1000m (3,300 ft) maximum elevation
with no derating
• Keep any construction dirt out of drive.
3. Wiring
• Wire drive in accordance with instructions
and diagrams received with drive.
• Separate conduits must be provided to drive for
input power, output power, and control wiring.
• Protect signal wires from noise.
• Ground each drive individually.
• Double check input and output power
wiring for correct location.
■ Operation & Display 2. the [STOP/RESET] and [JOG] keys, on the condition
that these are active. (See parameters 014 and 015.)
001 Language 3. the [FWD/REV] key, on the condition that it has
(LANGUAGE) been selected as active in parameter 016 Local
reversing, and that parameter 013 Local control
is set at Local control and open loop [1] or Local
✭English (ENGLISH) [0]
control as parameter 100 [3]. Parameter 200 Output
German (DEUTSCH) [1]
frequency range is set at Both directions [4].
French (FRANCAIS) [2]
4. parameter 003 Local reference where the reference
Danish (DANSK) [3]
can be set using the [+] and [-] keys.
Spanish (ESPANOL) [4]
5. an external control command that can be
Italian (ITALIANO) [5]
connected to the digital inputs (see parameter
Function: 013 Local control).
This parameter is used to choose the language NOTE
shown in the display whenever an optional LCP
The [JOG] and [FWD/REV] keys are located
control unit is connected.
on the optional LCP control unit.
Description of choice:
Choose the language to display. The factory
003 Local reference
setting may vary.
Par. 013 Local control must be set to [1] or [2]:
002 Local/remote operation
0 - fMAX (par. 202) ✭ 000,000.000
✭Remote operation (REMOTE) [0] Par. 013 Local control must be set to [3] or [4] and
Local operation (LOCAL) [1] parameter 203 Reference/feedback range to [0]:
RefMIN - RefMAX (par. 204-205) ✭ 000,000.000
There is a choice between two modes of operation
for the adjustable frequency drive: Remote operation
Par. 013 Local control must be set to [3] or [4] and
[0] or Local operation [1]. See also parameter 013
parameter 203 Reference/feedback rangeto [1]:
Local control if Local operation [1] is selected.
- RefMAX - + RefMAX (par. 204-205) ✭ 000,000.000
Description of choice:
If Remote operation [0] is selected, the adjustable In this parameter, the local reference can be set
frequency drive is controlled via: manually. The unit of the local reference depends on the
1. the control terminals or serial communication. configuration selected in parameter 100 Configuration.
2. the [START] key. This cannot, however, override
stop commands transmitted via the digital inputs or Description of choice:
via serial communication (see parameter 505 Start). In order to protect the local reference, parameter
3. the [STOP/RESET] and [JOG] keys, on the 002 Local/remote operationmust be set to Local
condition that these are active. (See parameters operation [1]. Local reference cannot be set
014 Local stop and 015 Local jog.) via serial communication.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
004 Active Setup will be equal to parameter 004 Active Setup. Each
(ACTIVE SETUP) Setup 1-4 initially has the Factory Setup.
Value: NOTE
Factory Setup (FACTORY SETUP) [0] If data is modified or copied to the active
✭Setup 1 (SETUP 1) [1] Setup, the modifications have an immediate
Setup 2 (SETUP 2) [2] effect on the unit’s operation.
Setup 3 (SETUP 3) [3]
Setup 4 (SETUP 4) [4]
Multi Setup (MULTI SETUP) [5] 006 Setup copying
The active operational Setup is selected here. All
✭No copying (NO COPY) [0]
parameters can be programmed in four individual
Copy to Setup 1 from #
Setups. Selections between Setups can be made in this
(COPY TO SETUP 1 ) [1]
parameter via a digital input or via serial communication.
Copy to Setup 2 from #
Description of choice: (COPY TO SETUP 2) [2]
Factory Setup [0] contains the factory-set parameter Copy to Setup 3 from #
values. Setups 1-4 [1]-[4] are four individual (COPY TO SETUP 3) [3]
Setups which can be selected for active operation. Copy to Setup 4 from #
Multi Setup [5] is used for remote-controlled (COPY TO SETUP 4) [4]
selection between the four Setups via a digital Copy to all Setups from # (COPY TO ALL) [5]
input or via serial communication.
You can copy from the selected active Setup
in parameter 005 Programming setup to the
005 Programming Setup selected Setup in this parameter.
Copying is only possible in [STOP/RESET]
Factory Setup (FACTORY SETUP) [0]
with the motor stopped.
Setup 1 (SETUP 1) [1]
Setup 2 (SETUP 2) [2]
Description of choice:
Setup 3 (SETUP 3) [3]
Copying begins when the required copying function
Setup 4 (SETUP 4) [4]
has been selected and the [CHANGE DATA] key
✭Active Setup (ACTIVE SETUP) [5]
has been pushed. The display indicates when
Function: copying is in progress. Press [OK] to complete
You can select which Setup you want to program. copying for the optional LCP.
You can program a Setup during operation (from the
control panel or the serial communication port). It is, for
example, possible to program Setup 2 [2], while the 007 LCP copy
active Setup is set to Setup 1 [1] in parameter 004 Active
Setup. You cannot, however, change Factory Setup [0].
Description of choice: ✭No copying (NO COPY) [0]
Factory Setup [0] contains the factory-set data and Upload all parameters (UPL. ALL PAR.) [1]
can be used as a source of data or to reset to a Download all parameters (DWNL. ALL PAR.) [2]
known status. Setup 1-4 [1]-[4] are individual Setups Download size-independent parameters
that can be programmed freely during operation. If (DWNL. OUTPIND. PAR.) [3]
Active Setup [5] is selected, the programming Setup
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 29
VLT® 2800 Series
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
the range from Minimum reference, RefMIN to
Motor current [A]:
Maximum reference, RefMAX.
Gives the phase current of the motor measured
as an effective value. Status word [Hex]:
Gives one or several status conditions in a Hex code
Torque [%]:
Further information is available on serial communication
Denotes the motor’s present load in relation
in the VLT 2800 Design Guide.
to the motor’s rated torque.
Heatsink temp [°C]:
Power [kW]:
Gives the present heatsink temperature of the
Gives the present power that the motor is
adjustable frequency drive. The cut-out limit is
absorbing in kW.
90°C - 100°C (194°F - 212°F), while cutting back
Power [HP]: in occurs at 70°C ± 5°C (158°F ± 9°F).
Gives the present power that the motor is
Alarm word [Hex]:
absorbing in HP.
Gives one or several alarms in hex code.
Motor voltage [V]: Further information is available on serial communication
Gives the voltage supplied to the motor. in the VLT 2800 Design Guide.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 31
VLT® 2800 Series
open loop [1]; however, the unit can also be disengaged on the control panel and on the
controlled via the digital inputs. optional LCP 2 control panel.
Local control as parameter 100 [3] is used when the Description of choice:
motor speed is to be set via parameter 003 Local If Not active [0] is selected in this parameter,
reference, but without parameter 100 Configuration the [STOP]-key will be inactive.
automatically shifting to Speed regulation, open loop [0].
If Not active [0] is selected, the motor cannot
Remote-operated control as parameter 100 be stopped by means of the [STOP]-key.
[4] works the same way as Local control as
parameter 100 [3]; however, the unit can also be
controlled via the digital inputs.
015 Local jog
Shifting from Remote operation to Local operation
in parameter 002 Local/remote operation, while this (LOCAL JOGGING)
parameter 013 is set to Remote-operated control Value:
and open loop [2]: The present motor frequency and ✭Not active (DISABLE) [0]
direction of rotation will be maintained. If the present Active (ENABLE) [1]
direction of rotation does not respond to the reversing
signal (negative reference), the reference will be set to 0.
In this parameter, the jog function on the optional LCP
Shifting from Local operation to Remote operation 2 control panel can be engaged/disengaged.
in parameter 002 Local/remote control, while this
Description of choice:
parameter 013 is set to Remote-operated control
and open loop [2]: The configuration selected If Not active [0] is selected in this parameter,
in parameter 100 Configuration will be active. the [JOG]-key will be inactive.
The transition will be smooth.
Shifting from Remote control to Local control in
016 Local reversing
parameter 002 Local/remote operation, while this
parameter 013 is set to Remote-operated control (LOCAL REVERSING)
as parameter 100 [4]: the present reference will Value:
be maintained. If the reference signal is negative, ✭Not active (DISABLE) [0]
the local reference will be set to 0. Active (ENABLE) [1]
In this parameter, the local stop function of
the [STOP/RESET] key can be engaged or
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 33
VLT® 2800 Series
Description of choice:
020 Lock for Hand mode
If Locked [1] is selected, data changes in the
parameters cannot be made; however, it will (LOCK HAND MODE)
still be possible to make data changes via serial Value:
communication. Parameter 009-012 Display readout ✭Not active (DISABLE) [0]
can be changed via the control panel. Active (ENABLE) [1]
In this parameter, select whether switching between
019 Operating mode at power-up, local Auto and Hand mode at the local keypad is permitted.
operation The keypad can be disabled to prevent local control.
Description of choice:
Auto restart, use saved reference If Not active [0] is selected, the Hand mode function will
(AUTO RESTART) [0] be inactive. If Active [1] is selected, switching between
✭Forced stop, use saved reference Auto and Hand mode at the keypad is permitted. For
(LOCAL=STOP) [1] further information, see the Control Unit section.
Forced stop, set ref. to 0
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
024 User-defined Quick Menu 5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 until all parameters required
(USER QUICK MENU) have been set to the Quick Menu key.
Value: 6. Press [OK] to complete the Quick Menu setup.
✭Not active (DISABLE) [0] If parameter 100 Configuration is selected at Index
Active (ENABLE) [1] 1, Quick Menu will start with this parameter every
time Quick Menu is activated.
In this parameter you can opt out of the standard Please note that parameter 024 User-defined Quick
setup of the Quick menu key on the control Menu and parameter 025 Quick Menu setup are reset
panel and the LCP control panel. to the factory setting during initialization.
Using this function, in parameter 025 Quick Menu
setup the user can select up to 20 parameters
for the Quick Menu key.
Description of choice:
If not active [0] is selected, the standard setup
of the Quick Menu key is active.
If Active [1] is selected, the user-defined
Quick Menu is active.
In this parameter you define which parameters are
required in the Quick Menu when parameter 024
User-defined Quick Menu is set to Active [1].´
Up to 20 parameters can be selected for the
user-defined Quick Menu.
Please note that this parameter can only be set
using an LCP 2 control panel. See Order form.
Description of choice:
The Quick Menu is set up as follows:
1. Select parameter 025 Quick Menu setup
and press [CHANGE DATA].
2. Index 1 indicates the first parameter in Quick
Menu. You can scroll between the index numbers
using the [+ / -] keys. Select Index 1.
3. Using [< >] you can scroll between the
three figures. Press the [<] key once and
the last number in the parameter number
can be selected using the [+ / -] keys.
Set Index 1 to 100 for parameter 100 Configuration.
4. Press [OK] when Index 1 has been set to 100.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 35
VLT® 2800 Series
If Speed control, closed loop [1] is selected, better Select Variable torque low [2], Variable torque
speed accuracy is obtained. A feedback signal must medium [3] or Variable torque high [4], if the load
be added, and the PID regulator must be set in is square (centrifugal pumps, fans).
parameter group 400 Special functions. If a higher break-away torque is required than the
If Process control, closed loop [3] is selected, the three previous choices provide, select Variable
internal process regulator is activated to enable precise torque - low with CT start [5], - medium with CT
control of a process in relation to a given process start [6] or high with CT start [7].
signal. The process signal can be set to the relevant NOTE
process unit or as a percentage. A feedback signal Load and slip compensation are not active
must be added from the process and the process if variable torque or special motor mode
regulator must be set in parameter group 400 Special have been selected.
functions. Process closed loop is not active if a
DeviceNet card is mounted and Instance 20/70 or
21/71 is chosen in parameter 904 Instance types.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
North American HP to kW Function:
Conversion Chart The nominal, rated current of the motor IM,N forms
HP kW part of the unit’s calculation for features such as
1/2 0.37 torque and motor thermal protection.
3/4 0.55
1 0.75 Description of choice:
1 1/2 1.1 Set a value that corresponds to the nameplate
2 1.5 data on the motor.
3 2.2
4 3.0
5 4
7 1/2 5.5 106 Rated motor speed
100 - fM,N x 60 (max. 60000 rpm)
✭ Depends on parameter 102 Motor power, PM,N
103 Motor voltage UM,N
Value: This is where to set the value that corresponds
to the rated motor speed that can be read
For 200 V units: 50 - 999 V ✭ 230 V
from the nameplate data.
- For AMT to define the motor parameters 1. Use the factory settings of RS which the adjustable
acccurately, the correct nameplate data for the frequency drive itself chooses on the basis
motor connected to the adjustable frequency drive of the motor nameplate data.
must be keyed into parameters 102 to 106. 2. The value is stated by the motor supplier.
- Alarms will appear in the display if faults arise 3. The value is obtained through manual
during tuning of the motor. See Warnings/alarms measurements: RS can be calculated by measuring
messages in this manual. the resistance RPHASE-PHASE between two phase
- As a rule, the AMT function can measure the RS terminals. Where RPHASE-PHASE is lower than 1-2
values for motors that are 1-2 sizes larger or smaller Ohms (typical for motors > 7.5 HP, 400 V), a special
than the adjustable frequency drive’s nominal size. Ohm-meter should be used (Thomson-bridge or
- If you wish to interrupt automatic motor tuning, similar). RS = 0.5 x RPHASE-PHASE.
press the [STOP/RESET] key. 4. RS is set automatically when AMT has been
completed. See parameter 107 Auto motor tuning.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
Parameter 109 Stator reactance XS is
normally not changed if nameplate data
has been programmed.
Description of choice:
XS can be set as follows:
electrical motor resonance when the converter is ratio between 0% and 100%. Increase or decrease the
operating under light load in constant torque mode. percentage as necessary to minimize motor resonance.
The converter reduces the voltage applied to the 100% corresponds to a 50% reduction of the U/F ratio.
motor when current draw is low. The minimum voltage
value can be adjusted between 0% (OFF) and 100%.
100% corresponds to a 50% reduction of the motor
119 High start torque
voltage in the U/F ratio. Changes to the motor voltage
are made as shown in the table below. (HIGH START TORQ.)
0.0 - 0.5 sec. ✭ 0.0 sec.
A high starting torque, approx.1.8 x inverter
current, can be permitted for a maximum of 0.5
seconds. The current is, however, limited by the
adjustable frequency drive inverter’s safety limit 0
sec. corresponds to no high start torque.
Description of choice:
Set the necessary time for which a high start
torque is required.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 39
VLT® 2800 Series
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
123 Min. frequency for activation of ETR warning 1 (ETR WARNING 1) [3]
function at stop ETR trip 1 (ETR TRIP 1) [4]
(MIN.F.FUNC.STOP) ETR warning 2 (ETR WARNING 2) [5]
Value: ETR trip 2 (ETR TRIP 2) [6]
0.1 - 10 Hz ✭ 0.1 Hz ETR warning 3 (ETR WARNING 3) [7]
ETR trip 3 (ETR TRIP 3) [8]
Function: ETR warning 4 (ETR WARNING 4) [9]
Choose the output frequency at which the ETR trip 4 (ETR TRIP 4) [10]
function selected in parameter 122 Function
at stop is to be activated. Function:
The adjustable frequency drive can monitor the
Description of choice: motor temperature in two different ways:
Set the required output frequency.
- Via a PTC thermistor that is mounted on the motor.
The thermistor is connected between terminal 50
(+10V) and one of the digital input terminals 18, 19,
126 DC brake time 27 or 29. See parameter 300 Digital inputs.
(DC BRAKING TIME) - Thermal load calculation (ETR - Electronic
Value: Thermal Relay ), based on present load and
0 - 60 sec. ✭ 10 sec time. This is compared with the rated motor
current IM,N and rated motor frequency fM,N.
Function: The calculations take into account the need for
Select the DC brake time at which parameter 132 lower loading at low speeds due to the motor’s
DC brake voltage is to be active. internal ventilation being reduced.
Description of choice:
Set the required time.
127 DC brake cut-in frequency
✭ fOFF
0.0 (OFF) - par. 202 Output frequency high limit, MAX
In this parameter, the DC brake cut-in frequency
is set at which the DC brake is to be activated in
connection with a stop command.
Description of choice: ETR functions 1-4 do not begin to calculate the load
Set the required frequency. until you switch to the Setup in which they have been
selected. This means that you can use the ETR function
even when changing between two or more motors.
128 Thermal motor protection
(MOT.THERM PROTEC) The electronic thermal relay (ETR) in UL
Value: listed VLTs provides Class 20 motor overload
✭No protection (NO PROTECTION) [0] protection in accordance with the NEC in
Thermistor warning single motor applications when parameter 128
(THERMISTOR WARN) [1] is set for "ETR TRIP" and parameter 105 Motor
Thermistor trip (THERMISTOR TRIP) [2] current is set for rated motor current.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 41
VLT® 2800 Series
130 Start frequency
This parameter sets the DC brake voltage at which
it is to be activated at stop when the DC brake
Value: frequency set in parameter 127 DC brake cut-in
0.0 - 10.0 Hz ✭ 0.0 Hz frequency is reached, or if DC braking inverse is
active via a digital input or via serial communication.
Subsequently, the DC brake voltage will be active for
The start frequency is active for the time set in
the time set in parameter 126 DC brake time.
parameter 120 Start delay, after a start command.
The output frequency will ’jump’ to the next preset Description of choice:
frequency. Certain motors, such as conical anchor To be set as a percentage value of the max. DC
motors, need an extra voltage/start frequency brake voltage, which depends on the motor.
(boost) at start to disengage the mechanical brake.
To achieve this parameters 130 Start frequency
and 131 Initial voltage are used.
133 Start voltage
Description of choice: (START VOLTAGE)
Set the required start frequency. It is a precondition Value:
that parameter 121 Start function, is set to 0.00 - 100.00 V ✭ Depends on unit
Start frequency/voltage clockwise [3] or Start
frequency voltage in reference direction [4] and Function:
that in parameter 120 Start delay a time is set A higher start torque can be obtained by increasing
and a reference signal is present. the start voltage. Small motors (<1.0 HP) normally
require a high start voltage.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
135 U/f-ratio
0.00 - 20.00 at Hz ✭ Depends on unit
This parameter enables a linear shift in the ratio
between output voltage (V) and output frequency
(f) to ensure correct energizing of the motor and
thus optimum dynamics, accuracy and efficiency.
The V/f-ratio only affects the voltage characteristic
Description of choice: if Constant torque [1] has been selected in
The factory setting will be suitable for most parameter 101 Torque characteristic.
applications. The value may need to be increase
Description of choice:
gradually for high torque application.
Change the V/f-ratio only if it is not possible to set
Warning: Use of exaggerated start voltage the correct motor data in parameters 102-109.
may lead to over-energizing and overheating The value programmed in the factory settings
the motor. The drive may trip. is based on idle operation.
In this parameter, the load characteristic is set. By
increasing the load compensation, the motor is given an
Slip compensation is calculated automatically, on the
extra voltage and frequency supplement at increasing
basis of such data as the rated motor speed nM,N.
loads. This is used e.g. in motors/applications in
In this parameter, the slip compensation can be fine
which there is a big difference between the full-load
tuned, thereby compensating for tolerances on the
current and idle-load current of the motor.
value for n M,N. Slip compensation is only active if a
NOTE selection has been made of Speed regulation, open
If this value is set too high, the drive may loop [0] in parameter 100 Configuration and Constant
trip due to overcurrent. torque [1] in parameter 101 Torque characteristic.
Description of choice:
Description of choice:
Key in a % value.
If the factory setting is not adequate, load
compensation must be set to enable the motor
to start at the given load.
137 DC hold voltage
Warning: Set to 0% in connection with (DC HOLD VOLTAGE)
synchronous and parallel-coupled motors
and in the cases of quick load changes. Too
0 - 100% of max. DC hold voltage ✭ 0%
high load compensation may lead to instability.
This parameter is used to keep the motor
(holding torque) at start/stop.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 43
VLT® 2800 Series
Function: Function:
Select the frequency at which the external brake is After setting parameters 102-106 Nameplate data,
released, via the output defined in parameter 323 Relay a number of adjustments of various parameter is
output 1-3 or 341 Digital output, terminal 46. made automatically, including the spread reactance
XL. The shaft performance may be improved by
Description of choice:
fine tuning the spread reactance XL.
Set the required frequency.
Parameter 142 Spread reactance XL is normally
not changed if the nameplate data have been
139 Brake cut in frequency
set in parameters 102-106.
Value: Description of choice:
0.5 - 132.0/1000.0 Hz ✭ 3.0 Hz XL can be set as follows:
This parameter is used to set the AC brake. Usingthis
function, it is possible to adjust the size of the generator
torque that can be applied to the motor without the
DC bus voltage exceeding the warning level.
Description of choice:
The value is increased if a greater possible brake
torque is required. If 1.0 is selected, this corresponds
to the AC brake being inactive.
applied. The parameter should therefore only be
changed if it is guaranteed during measurement
that the motor current in all operating situations
will never exceed the maximum permitted current
in the motor. Please note: that the current cannot
be read out from the display.
When the voltage vector is reset it is set to the same
starting point each time a new process commences.
Description of choice:
Select reset (1) when running unique processes each
time they arise. This will enable repetitive precision
when stopping to be improved. Select Off (0) for
example for lifting/lowering operations or synchronous
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 45
VLT® 2800 Series
In this parameter, a maximum output frequency limit
can be selected that corresponds to the highest
speed at which the motor is allowed to run.
The output frequency of the drive can never
assume a value higher than 1/10 of the switching
frequency (parameter 411 Switching frequency).
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
the maximum reference cannot exceed the value
204 Minimum reference , RefMIN in parameter 415 Maximum feedback.
(MIN.REFERENCE) Maximum reference is ignored if the local
Value: reference is active.
Par. 100 Config. = Open loop [0].
The reference unit can be defined from the
-100,000.000 - par. 205 RefMAX ✭ 0.000 Hz
following table:
Par. 100 Config. = Closed loop [1]/[3]. Par. 100 Configuration Unit
-Par. 414 Minimum feedback - par. 205 RefMAX Open loop [0] Hz
✭ 0.000 rpm/par 416 Speed reg, closed loop [1] rpm
Process reg, closed loop [3] Par. 416
Minimum reference is an expression of the minimum Description of choice:
possible value of the total of all references. If in
Maximum reference is set, if the speed of the
parameter 100 Configuration, Speed regulation,
motor is to be the max. of the set value, regardless
closed loop [1] or Process regulation, closed loop
of the whether the resulting reference is greater
[3] is selected, the minimum reference is limited by
than the maximum reference.
parameter 414 Minimum feedback. Minimum reference
is ignored if the local reference is active.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 47
VLT® 2800 Series
Description of choice:
Set the required ramp-down time.
See description of parameter 207 Ramp-up time 1.
Description of choice:
207 Ramp-up time 1
Set the required ramp-up time. Shift from ramp 1 to
ramp 2 by activating Ramp 2 via a digital input.
0.02 - 3600.00 sec ✭ 3.00 sec
Description of choice:
Set the required ramp-down time. Shift from ramp 1 to
ramp 2 by activating Ramp 2 via a digital input.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
Description of choice:
Set the required frequency.
It is possible to define how preset references are to
Description of choice:
be added to the other references; for this purpose,
Set the required ramp time.
use Sum or Relative. It is also possible by using the
External/preset to select whether a shift between
external references and preset references is required.
212 Quick-stop ramp-down time External reference is the sum of the analog
(Q STOP RAMP TIME) references, pulse references and any references
Value: from serial communication.
0.02 - 3600.00 sec. ✭ 3.00 sec Description of choice:
Function: If Sum [0] is selected, one of the adjusted
The quick-stop ramp-down time is the deceleration preset references (parameters 215-218 Preset
time from the rated motor frequency to 0 Hz, provided reference) is summarized as a percentage of
no overvoltage arises in the inverter because of the reference range (RefMIN - RefMAX), added to
generating operation of the motor, or if the generated the other external references.
current exceeds the current limit in parameter 221 If Relative [1] is selected, one of the added preset
Current limit ILIM. Quick-stop is activated via one of references (parameters 215-218 Preset reference)
the digital inputs or the serial communication. is summarized as a percentage of the sum of
present external references.
Description of choice: If External/preset [2] is selected, it is possible via
Set the required ramp-down time. a digital input to shift between external references
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 49
VLT® 2800 Series
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
If the output frequency falls below the preset
limit fLOW, a warning is given.
Parameters 223-228 Warning functions are inactive
during ramp up after a start command, after a
stop command or during a stop. The warning
functions are activated when the output frequency
reaches the resulting reference. The signal outputs
can be programmed to give a warning signal via
terminal 46 and via the relay output.
Description of choice:
The lower signal limit of the output frequency fLOW
must be programmed within the normal operating
224 Warning: High current, IHIGH
range of the adjustable frequency drive. See drawing
(WARN. CURRENT HI) at parameter 223 Warning: Low current, ILOW.
Par. 223 Warn.: Low current, ILOW - IMAX ✭ IMAX
IHIGH a warning is given. Value:
Parameters 223-228 Warning functions are inactive Par. 200 Frequency range = 0-132 Hz [0]/[1].
during ramp up after a start command, after a par. 225 fLOW - 132 Hz ✭ 132.0 Hz
stop command or during a stop. The warning
functions are activated when the output frequency
reaches the resulting reference. The signal outputs Par. 200 Frequency range = 0-1000 Hz [2]/[3].
can be programmed to give a warning signal via par. 225 fLOW - 1000 Hz ✭ 132.0 Hz
terminal 46 and via the relay output.
Description of choice: If the output frequency exceeds the preset limit
The output current’s upper signal limit IHIGH must fHIGH a warning is given.
be programmed within the adjustable frequency Parameters 223-228 Warning functions are inactive
drive’s normal operating range. See drawing at during ramp up after a start command, after a
parameter 223 Warning: Low current, ILOW. stop command or during a stop. The warning
functions are activated when the output frequency
reaches the resulting reference. The signal outputs
can be programmed to give a warning signal via
terminal 46 and via the relay output.
Description of choice:
The output frequency’s upper signal limit fHIGH must
be programmed within the adjustable frequency
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 51
VLT® 2800 Series
drive’s normal operating range. See drawing at 229 Frequence bypass, bandwidth
parameter 223 Warning: Low current, ILOW. (FREQ BYPASS B.W.)
0 (OFF) - 100 Hz ✭ 0 Hz
227 Warning: Low feedback, FBLOW
Some systems call for certain output frequencies
to be avoided because of mechanical resonance
-100,000.000 - par. 228 Warn.:FBHIGH ✭ -4000.000
problems in the system. In parameters 230-231
Frequency bypass these output frequencies can be
programmed. In this parameter a bandwidth can be
If the feedback signal falls below the preset limit
defined on either side of these frequencies.
FBLOW, a warning is given.
Parameters 223-228 Warning functions are inactive Description of choice:
during ramp up after a start command, after a stop
The frequency set in this parameter will be centered
command or during a stop. The warning functions
around parameters 230 Frequency bypass 1
are activated when the output frequency has reached
and 231 Frequency bypass 2.
the resulting reference. The signal outputs can be
programmed to give a warning signal via terminal 46
and via the relay output. The unit for feedback in Closed
loop is programmed in parameter 416 Process units. 230 Frequency bypass 1 (FREQ. BYPASS 1)
231 Frequency bypass 2 (FREQ. BYPASS 2)
Description of choice:
Set the required value within the feedback range 0 - 1000 Hz ✭ 0.0 Hz
(parameter 414 Minimum feedback, FBMIN and
415 Maximum feedback, FBMAX). Function:
Some systems call for certain output frequencies
to be avoided because of mechanical resonance
228 Warning: High feedback, FBHIGH problems in the system.
If the feedback signal gets above the preset
limit FBHIGH, a warning is given.
Parameters 223-228 Warning functions are inactive
during ramp up after a start command, after a stop
command or during a stop. The warning functions
are activated when the output frequency reaches
the resulting reference. The signal outputs can be
programmed to give a warning signal via terminal 46
and via the relay output. The unit for feedback in Closed
loop is programmed in parameter 416 Process units.
Description of choice:
Set the required value within the feedback range
(parameter 414 Minimum feedback, FBMIN and
415 Maximum feedback, FBMAX).
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
D ig i t al i n p u t s Te rm . no. 181 1 91 27 29 33
par. no . 302 30 3 30 4 3 05 307
No function (NO OPERATION) [0] [0] [0] [0] ✭[0]
Reset (RESET) [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]
Coasting stop inverse (MOTOR COAST INVERSE) [2] [2] [2] [2] [2]
Reset and coasting inverse (RESET AND COAST INV.) [3] [3] ✭[3] [3] [3]
Quick-stop inverse (QUICK-STOP INVERSE) [4] [4] [4] [4] [4]
DC braking inverse (DC-BRAKE INVERSE) [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]
Stop inverse (STOP INVERSE) [6] [6] [6] [6] [6]
Start (START) ✭[7] [7] [7] [7] [7]
Pulse start (LATCHED START) [8] [8] [8] [8] [8]
Reversing (REVERSING) [9] ✭[9] [9] [9] [9]
Reversing and start (START REVERSING) [10] [10] [10] [10] [10]
Start clockwise (ENABLE FORWARD) [11] [11] [11] [11] [11]
Start counterclockwise (ENABLE REVERSE) [12] [12] [12] [12] [12]
Jog (JOGGING) [13] [13] [13] ✭[13] [13]
Freeze reference (FREEZE REFERENCE) [14] [14] [14] [14] [14]
Freeze output frequency (FREEZE OUTPUT) [15] [15] [15] [15] [15]
Speed up (SPEED UP) [16] [16] [16] [16] [16]
Speed down (SPEED DOWN) [17] [17] [17] [17] [17]
Catch-up (CATCH-UP) [19] [19] [19] [19] [19]
Slow-down (SLOW-DOWN) [20] [20] [20] [20] [20]
Ramp 2 (RAMP 2) [21] [21] [21] [21] [21]
Preset ref, LSB (PRESET REF, LSB) [22] [22] [22] [22] [22]
Preset ref, MSB (PRESET REF, MSB) [23] [23] [23] [23] [23]
Preset reference on (PRESET REFERENCE ON) [24] [24] [24] [24] [24]
Thermistor (THERMISTOR) [25] [25] [25] [25]
Precise stop, inverse (PRECISE STOP INV.) [26] [26]
Precise start/stop (PRECISE START/STOP) [27] [27]
Pulse reference (PULSE REFERENCE) [28]
Pulse feedback (PULSE FEEDBACK) [29]
Pulse input (PULSE INPUT) [30]
Selection of Setup, lsb (SETUP SELECT LSB) [31] [31] [31] [31] [31]
Selection of Setup, msb (SETUP SELECT MSB) [32] [32] [32] [32] [32]
Reset and start (RESET AND START) [33] [33] [33] [33] [33]
Pulse counter start (PULSE COUNTER START) [34] [34]
Terminals 18 and 19 are controlled by an interrupt,
which means that the accuracy of the response time
is constant. This results in a precise stop function
that can be used for start/stop, setup switching,
and for changing digital preset, such as to obtain an
reproducable stop point when using creep speed.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 53
VLT® 2800 Series
In these parameters 302-307 Digital inputs it is
possible to choose the functions of the digital
inputs (terminals 18-33).
Description of choice:
No operation is selected if the adjustable frequency
drive is not to react to signals transmitted to the terminal.
DC-braking inverse is used for stopping the motor by Start clockwise can be used to set the direction of
energizing it with a DC voltage for a given time, see the rotation of the motor. Do not use in conjunction
parameters 126, 127 and 132 DC brake. Please note with a closed loop process. See parameter 200,
that this function is only active if the value in parameter Output frequency range/direction.
126 DC braking time and 132 DC brake voltage is
Start counterclockwise can be used to set the
different from 0. Logic ’0’ leads to DC braking.
direction of the rotation of the motor. Do not use in
Stop inverse, a logic ’0’ means that the motor speed conjunction with a closed loop process. See parameter
is ramped down to stop via the selected ramp. 200, Output frequency range/direction.
None of the stop commands listed above Jog is used to override the output frequency
removes power from the drive. The to the jog frequency set in parameter 213 Jog
adjustable frequency may have other frequency. Jog is active regardless of whether a
voltage inputs through DC-bus terminals. An external start command has been given, yet not when Coast
input disconnect switch must be opened. Wait 4 stop, Quick-stop or DC braking are active.
minutes before servicing the drive.
Freeze reference freezes the present reference. The
Start is selected if a start/stop command is required. reference can now only be changed via Speed up and
Logic ’1’ = start, logic ’0’ = stop. Speed down. If freeze reference is active, it will be saved
after a stop command and in the event of AC line failure.
Freeze reference can be changed even if the adjustable
frequency drive has stopped. The reference will also
be saved if input power is disconnected.
If a motor has a Klixon thermal switch, this can also be
Catch-up/Slow-down is selected if the reference connected to the input. If motors operate in parallel,
value is to be increased or reduced by a the thermistors/thermal switches must be connected
programmable percentage value set in parameter in series (total resistance lower than 3 k ).
219 Catch-up/Slow-down reference. Parameter 128 Motor thermal protection must be
programmed for Thermistor warning [1] or Thermistor
Slow-down Catch-up Function
trip [2] and the thermistor is to be connected between
0 0 Unchanged speed
0 1 Increase by % value a digital input and terminal 50 (+ 10 V supply).
1 0 Reduce by % value
1 1 Reduce by % value
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 55
VLT® 2800 Series
Pulse counter start is used to start a counter stop 310 Terminal 53 Max. scaling
sequence with a pulse signal. The pulse width must at
least be 14 ms and not longer than the count period.
See also parameter 343 and the instruction, MI28CXYY.
0 - 10.0 Volt ✭ 10.0 Volt
308 Terminal 53, analog input voltage This parameter is used for setting the signal value
(AI [V]53FUNCT.) that is to correspond to the maximum reference value
Value: or maximum feedback, parameter 205 Maximum
No function (NO OPERATION) [0] reference, RefMAX / 414 Maximum feedback, FBMAX.
✭Reference (REFERENCE) [1] Description of choice:
Feedback (FEEDBACK) [2]
Set the required voltage value. For reasons of
Function: accuracy, compensation should be made for
In this parameter it is possible to select the function voltage losses in long signal cables.
connected to terminal 53. Scaling of the input signal
is made in parameter 309 Terminal 53, min. scaling
and parameter 310 Terminal 53, max. scaling. 314 Terminal 60, analog input current
(AI [MA] 60 FUNCT)
Description of choice:
No function [0] is selected if the drive is not
✭No function (NO OPERATION) [0]
to react to signals connected to the terminal.
Reference (REFERENCE) [1]
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
correspond to the minimum reference or minimum Value:
feedback, parameter 204 Minimum reference, RefMIN ✭No operation (NO OPERATION) [0]
/ 414 Minimum feedback, FBMIN. Freeze output frequency
Description of choice: Stop (STOP) [2]
Set the required current value. If the time out function is Jog (JOG) [3]
to be used (parameter 317 Time out and 318 Function Max. speed (MAX SPEED) [4]
after time out) the value set must be higher than 2 mA. Stop and trip (STOP AND TRIP) [5]
This parameter allows a choice of the function to be
316 Terminal 60 Max. scaling
activated after the expiration of the time out (parameter
(AI 60 SCALE HIGH) 317 Time out). If a time out function occurs at the
Value: same time as a bus time out function (parameter
0.0 - 20.0 mA ✭ 20.0 mA 513 Bus time interval function), the time out function
in parameter 318 will be activated.
This parameter is used for setting the signal value that Description of choice:
is to correspond to the maximum reference value, The output frequency of the drive can be:
parameter 205 Maximum reference value, RefMAX. - frozen at the present frequency [1]
- overruled to stop [2]
- overruled to jog frequency [3]
- overruled to max. output frequency [4]
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 57
VLT® 2800 Series
- overruled to stop with subsequent trip [5] Minimum reference, RefMIN - Maximum reference,
RefMAX (parameters 204/205).
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
The relay output can be used for giving the present parameter 225 Warning: Low frequency, fLOW.
status or warning. The relay is a Form C with contacts
1 and 3 normally closed. The output is activated Output current higher than ILOW:
when a given condition is fulfilled. The output current is higher than the value set in
parameter 223 Warning: Low current, ILOW.
Description of choice:
No function:
Is selected if the adjustable frequency drive
is not to react to signals.
Unit ready:
The drive’s control card receives a supply voltage
and the drive is ready for operation.
Enable, no warning:
The adjustable frequency drive is ready for operation,
but no start command has been given. No warning.
A start command has been given. Also active
during ramp down.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 59
VLT® 2800 Series
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
(COUNT STOP NO RESET) [2] Function:
Speed-compensated stop (SPEED CMP STOP) [3] In this parameter you can select the counter
Speed-compensated counter stop with reset value to be used in the integrated precise stop
(SPD CMP CSTOP W. RES) [4] function (parameter 343).
Speed-compensated counter stop without reset
(SPD CMP CSTOP NO RES) [5] Description of choice:
The factory setting is 100000 pulses. The highest
Function: frequency (max. resolution) that can be registered
In this parameter you select which stop function is at terminal 33 is 67.6 kHz.
performed in response to a stop command. All six
data selections contain a precise stop routine, thus
ensuring a high level of repeat accuracy.
349 Speed comp delay
The selections are a combination of the
functions described below. (SPEED COMP DELAY)
NOTE 0 ms - 100 ms ✭ 10 ms
Pulse start [8] (see Inputs and Outputs) may not
be used together with the precise stop function. Function:
In this parameter the user can set the system’s
Description of choice: delay time (Sensor, PLC, etc.). If you are running
Precise ramp stop [0] is selected to achieve high speed-compensated stop, the delay time at
repetitive precision at the stopping point. different frequencies has a major influence on
Counter stop. Once it has received a pulse start signal the way in which you stop.
the adjustable frequency drive runs until the number of
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 61
VLT® 2800 Series
Description of choice:
The factory setting is 10 ms. This means that it is
assumed that the total delay from the Sensor, PLC
and other hardware corresponds to this setting.
Only active for speed-compensated stop.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
Select Load sharing [5] if this is used. Function:
This parameter allows setting of the time from
NOTE tripping until the automatic reset function begins. It
A change of selection will not become is assumed that automatic reset has been selected
active until the AC line voltage has been in parameter 405 Reset function.
disconnected and reconnected.
Description of choice:
Set the required time.
405 Reset function
409 Trip delay overcurrent, ILIM
✭Manual reset (MANUAL RESET) [0]
Automatic reset x 1
(AUTOMATIC X 1) [1] Value:
Automatic reset x 3 0 - 60 sec. (61=OFF) ✭ OFF
Automatic reset x 10
When the adjustable frequency drive registers that
(AUTOMATIC X 10) [10]
the output current has reached the current limit
Reset at power-up
ILIM (parameter 221 Current limit) and remains
there for the preset time, it is disconnected. Can
be used to protect the application, like the ETR
will protect the motor if selected.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 63
VLT® 2800 Series
The parameter must be set to LC-filter connected
if an LC-filter is connected between the adjustable
frequency drive and the motor.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
Units/min. (UNITS/MI) [8]
parameter 100 Configuration the selection
Units/h (UNITS/H) [9]
made is Speed regulation, closed loop [1].
°C (°C) [10]
Pa (PA) [11] 417 Speed PID proportional gain
l/s (L/S) [12] (SPEED PROP GAIN)
m3/s (M3/S) [13]
l/min. (L/M) [14]
0.000 (OFF) - 1.000 ✭ 0.010
m3/min. (M3/MIN) [15]
l/h (L/H) [16] Function:
m3/h (M3/H) [17] Proportional gain indicates how many times the
Kg/s (KG/S) [18] error (deviation between the feedback signal and
Kg/min. (KG/MIN) [19] the setpoint) is to be amplified.
Kg/hour (KG/H) [20]
Tons/min. (T/MIN) [21] Description of choice:
Tons/hour (T/H) [22] Quick regulation is obtained at high amplification,
Meters (M) [23] but if the amplification is too high, the process may
Nm (NM) [24] become unstable in the case of overshooting.
m/s (M/S) [25]
m/min. (M/MIN) [26]
°F (°F) [27]
In wg (IN WG) [28]
gal/s (GAL/S) [29]
Ft3/s (FT3/S) [30]
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 65
VLT® 2800 Series
418 Speed PID integral time frequencies, limiting the gain may be useful. This
(SPEED INT. TIME) enables obtaining a pure D-gain at low frequencies
Value: and a constant D-gain at higher frequencies.
20.00 - 999.99 ms (1000 = OFF) ✭ 100 ms Description of choice:
The differentiator does not react to a constant error.
It only makes a contribution when the error changes.
The quicker the error changes, the stronger the gain
from the differentiator will be. The contribution is
proportional to the speed at which errors change.
Description of choice:
Quick control is obtained by a long differential time.
However, if this time is too long, it can make the
process unstable. When the differential time is
Description of choice:
0 ms, the D-function is not active.
If a time constant (t) of 100 ms is programmed, the
cut-off frequency for the lowpass filter will be 1/0.1 =
10 RAD/sec., corresponding to (10 / 2 x π) = 1.6 Hz.
420 Speed PID D- gain limit
The PID regulator will then only regulate a feedback
(SPEED D-GAIN LIM) signal that varies with a frequency of less than 1.6 Hz.
Value: If the feedback signal varies by a higher frequency than
5.0 - 50.0 ✭ 5.0 1.6 Hz, it will be dampened by the lowpass filter.
It is possible to set a limit for the gain provided by the
differentiator. Since the D-gain increases at higher
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
426 F2 frequency
Parameters 423-428 are used when, in parameter
101 Torque characteristic, a selection has been made
of Special motor characteristic [8]. It is possible to Value:
determine a V/f characteristic on the basis of four Par. 424 F1 frequency - par. 428 F3 frequency
definable voltages and three frequencies. The voltage ✭ Par. 104 Motor frequency
at 0 Hz is set in parameter 133 Start voltage.
See parameter 423 V1 voltage.
Description of choice:
Set the output frequency (F2) that is to match the
second output voltage (V2), parameter 425 V2 voltage.
427 V3 voltage
Description of choice: Value:
Set the output voltage (V1) that is to match the first 0.0 - 999.0 V ✭ par. 103
output frequency (F1), parameter 424 F1 frequency.
See parameter 423 V1 voltage.
424 F1 frequency Description of choice:
(F1 FREQUENCY) Set the output voltage (V3) that is to match the third
Value: output frequency (F3), parameter 428 F3 frequency.
0.0 - par. 426 F2 frequency
✭ Par. 104 Motor frequency
428 F3 frequency
See parameter 423 U1 voltage.
Description of choice: Par. 426 F2 frequency - 1000 Hz
Set the output frequency (F1) that is to match the first ✭ Par. 104 Motor frequency
output voltage (V1), parameter 423 V1 voltage.
See parameter 423 V1 voltage.
See parameter 423 V1 voltage.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 67
VLT® 2800 Series
Parameters 437-444 are only used
If Disable [0] is selected, it will mean that when
if in parameter 100 Configuration a
the deviation changes its sign, the integrator
selection has been made of Process
will first have to integrate down from the level
regulation, closed loop. [3].
obtained as a result of the former error, before any
437 Process PID normal/inverse control change in output frequency occurs.
Value: 439 Process PID start frequency
✭Normal (NORMAL) [0]
Inverse (INVERSE) [1]
Function: fMIN - fMAX (parameter 201/202)
It is possible to choose whether the process regulator ✭ Par. 201 Output frequency, low limit, fMIN
is to increase/reduce the output frequency if there
is a deviation between the reference/setpoint Function:
and the actual process mode. Upon a start signal, the drive will react in the form
of Open loop and will not change to Closed loop
Description of choice: until the programmed start frequency is reached.
If the unit is to reduce the output frequency in case This makes it possible to set a frequency that
the feedback signal increases, select Normal [0]. corresponds to the speed at which the process
If the unit is to increase the output frequency in case normally runs, which will enable the required process
the feedback signal increases, select Inverse [1]. conditions to be reached sooner.
Description of choice:
Set the required start frequency.
438 Process PID anti-windup
If the unit is running at current limit before
the required start frequency is obtained, the
Not active (DISABLE) [0]
process regulator will not be activated. For the
✭Active (ENABLE) [1]
regulator to be activated anyway, the start frequency
Function: must be lower to the required output frequency.
It is possible to select whether the process regulator is This can be done during operation.
to continue regulating on a deviation even if it is not
possible to increase/reduce the output frequency.
440 Process PID proportional gain
Description of choice: (PROC. PROP. GAIN)
The factory setting is Enable [1], which means that Value:
the integration link is initialized in relation to the actual 0.0 - 10.00 ✭ 0.01
output frequency if the current limit, the voltage
limit, or the max./min. frequency has been reached. Function:
The process regulator will not engage again until The proportional gain indicates the number of
either the error is zero or its sign has changed. times the deviation between the setpoint and the
Select Disable [0] if the integrator is to continue feedback signal is to be applied.
integrating on the deviation, even if it is not possible
Description of choice:
to remove the error by such control.
Quick regulation is obtained by a high gain, but,
if the gain is too high, the process may become
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
unstable. See Optimization of the Process Regulator 443 Process PID diff. gain limit
for information on proper adjustment. (PROC. DIFF.GAIN)
5.0 - 50.0 ✭ 5.0
441 Process PID integral time
It is possible to set a limit for the differentiator gain.
The differentiator gain will increase if there are fast
0.01 - 9999.99 (OFF) ✭ OFF changes, which is why it can be beneficial to limit this
gain. Thereby a pure differentiator gain is obtained
at slow changes and a constant differentiator gain
The integrator provides an increasing gain at a constant
where quick changes to the deviation occur.
error between the reference/setpoint and the feedback
signal. The greater the error, the quicker the integrator Description of choice:
frequency contribution will increase. The integral
A lower limit will improve stability, but will reduce
time is the time needed by the integrator to make
the effect of the differential.
the same change as the proportional gain.
Optimization of the Process Regulator:
Description of choice:
To optimize the system, set the proportional gain,
Fast regulation is obtained by setting a short the integration time and, if needed, the differentiation
integration time. However, if this time is too short, time. These are set by parameters 440, 441 and
the process will overcorrect and become unstable. 442. In most processes, this can be done in
See Optimization of the Process Regulator for accordance with the following guidelines:
information on proper adjustment.
1. Start the motor.
2. Set parameter 440, Process PID proportional gain,
to 0.3 and increase it until the feedback signal
442 Process PID differentiation time
becomes unstable. Then reduce the value until
the feedback signal has stabilized. Now lower the
Value: proportional gain by about half (40% to 60%).
0.00 (OFF) - 10.00 sec. ✭ 0.00 sec. 3. Set parameter 441, Process PID integration time, to
20 seconds and reduce the value until the feedback
signal becomes unstable. Increase the integration
The differentiator does not react to a constant error.
time until the feedback signal stabilizes. Now
It only makes a gain when an error changes. The
increase the integration time from 15% to 50%.
quicker the deviation changes, the stronger the gain
4. Parameter 442, Process PID differentiation time, is
from the differentiator. The gain is proportional to
only used in very fast-acting systems and should
the speed at which the deviation changes.
be left off for most HVAC applications. When
Description of choice: it is used, the typical value is 1/4th the value
Fast regulation can be obtained by means of a long set in parameter 441, Process PID integral time.
differentiation time. If this time is too long, the process The differentiator should only be used when the
may overshoot. The differentiator is generally set of OFF setting of the proportional gain and the integration
in HVAC applications. See Optimization of the Process time have been fully optimized.
Regulator for information on proper adjustment.
Starting and stopping the drive will produce the
necessary error signal in the process to set the PID.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 69
VLT® 2800 Series
444 Process PID lowpass filter time selected if in parameter 200 Output frequency range
(PROC FILTER TIME) a selection has been of Clockwise only.
Value: Select OK - both directions [2] if the motor is able
0.02 - 10.00 ✭ 0.02 to rotate in both directions when cutting in.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
This parameter is only active if in parameter
100 Configuration the selection made is Speed
regulation, closed loop.
The controller range (bandwidth) limits the output from
the PID controller as a % of nominal motor frequency.
Description of choice:
The required % value can be selected for nominal
motor frequency. If the controller range is reduced the
speed variations will be less during initial tuning.
The user sets the voltage by which the level for
resistor braking is reduced. It is only active when
resistor in parameter 400 is selected.
Description of choice:
The greater the reduction value, the faster the reaction
to a generator overload. Should only be used if there are
problems with overvoltage in the intermediate circuit.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 71
VLT® 2800 Series
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
Function: Function:
See function description for parameter 502 See function description for parameter 502
Coasting stop. Coasting stop.
Note that Quick-stop inverse and Bit 04 in the Note that DC braking inverse and Bit 02 in the
control word are active at logic ’0’. control word are activt at logic ’0’.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 73
VLT® 2800 Series
Function: Function:
See function description for parameter 502 See function description for parameter 502
Coasting stop. Coasting stop.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
Logic or [3]
See function description of parameter 502 Bus Bus Setup Dig. Setup Dig. Setup no.
Coasting stop. Setup lsb msb Setup
msb lsb
Description of choice: 0 0 0 0 1
The table below shows which Setup (parameter 0 0 0 1 2
004 Active Setup) is selected for each of the 0 0 1 0 3
0 0 1 1 4
following: Digital input [0], Serial communication 0 1 0 0 2
[1], Logic and [2] or Logic or [3]. 0 1 0 1 2
0 1 1 0 4
Digital input [0]
0 1 1 1 4
Setup msb Setup lsb Function
1 0 0 0 3
0 0 Setup 1
1 0 0 1 4
0 1 Setup 2
1 0 1 0 3
1 0 Setup 3
1 0 1 1 4
1 1 Setup 4
1 1 0 0 4
1 1 0 1 4
Serial communication [1] 1 1 1 0 4
Setup msb Setup lsb Function 1 1 1 1 4
0 0 Setup 1
0 1 Setup 2
1 0 Setup 3
1 1 Setup 4
508 Selection of preset ref.
Digital input (DIGITAL INPUT) [0]
Serial comunication (SERIAL PORT) [1]
Logic and (LOGIC AND) [2]
✭Logic or (LOGIC OR) [3]
See function description of parameter 502
Coasting stop.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 75
VLT® 2800 Series
Description of choice:
Select the desired control word profile.
See Serial port for VLT 2800 for further details
of control word profiles.
In this parameter it is possible to preset the maximum
time expected to elapse between receipt of two
consecutive telegrams. If this time is exceeded, the
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
5 1 5-5 44 D a t a re a d o u t
Val ue:
Par. Description Display text Unit Update
no. interval
515 Res. reference (REFERENCE %) %
516 Res. reference [Unit] (REFERENCE [UNIT]) Hz, rpm
517 Feedback [Unit] (FEEDBACK [UNIT]) Par. 416
518 Frequency (FREQUENCY) Hz
519 Frequency x scale (FREQUENCY X SCALE) Hz
520 Motor current (MOTOR CURRENT) Amp
521 Torque (TORQUE) %
522 Power[kW] (POWER (KW)) kW
523 Power[HP] (POWER (HP)) HP
524 Motor voltage (MOTOR VOLTAGE) V
525 DC-link voltage (DC LINK VOLTAGE) V
526 Thermal load motor (MOTOR THERMAL) %
527 Thermal load inverter (INV. THERMAL) %
528 Digital input (DIGITAL INPUT) Bin
529 Term.53, analog input (ANALOG INPUT 53) V
531 Term.60, analog input (ANALOG INPUT 60) mA
532 Pulse reference (PULSE REFERENCE) Hz
533 External ref. (EXT. REF.%) %
534 Status word, Hex (STATUS WORD) Hex
535 Bus feedback 1 (BUS FEEDBACK1) Hex
537 Inverter temperature (INVERTER TEMP.) °C
538 Alarm word (ALARM WORD) Hex
539 Control word (CONTROL WORD) Hex
540 Warning word (WARN. WORD) Hex
541 Extended status word (STATUS WORD) Hex
544 Pulse count (PULSE COUNT)
These parameters can be read out via the serial
Parameter 517, Feedback [unit]:
communication port and the LCP display. See also
Gives the resulting feedback value with the unit/scaling
parameters 009-012 Display readout.
that is selected in parameters 414, 415 and 416.
NOTE See also handling of feedback.
Parameters 515-541 can only be read out
Parameter 518, Frequency [Hz]:
via an LCP control unit.
Gives the output frequency from the adjustable
frequency drive.
Description of choice:
Parameter 515, Resulting reference %: Parameter 519, Frequency x scaling [-]:
Gives the resulting reference as a percentage in the Corresponds to the present output frequency fM
range from Minimum reference, RefMIN to Maximum multiplied by the factor preset in parameter 008
reference, RefMAX. See also Handling of References. Display scaling of output frequency.
Parameter 516, Resulting reference [unit]: Parameter 520, Motor current [A]:
Gives the resulting reference in Hz in closed loop Gives the motor’s phase current measured
(parameter 100). In closed loop the reference unit as an effective value.
in parameter 416 Process units is selected.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 77
VLT® 2800 Series
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
(009-012). When you run with counter stop, this 580-582 Defined parameters
parameter enables you, either with or without reset, to
read the number of pulses registered by the device.
The highest frequency is 67.6 kHz, while the lowest is 5
Read only
Hz. The counter is reset when counter stop is restarted.
The three parameters hold a list of all the parameters
560 N2 Override release time that are defined in the VLT 2800. It is possible to read
(N2 OVER.REL.TIME) single elements of the list by using the corresponding
Value: subindex. The subindexes start at 1 and follow
1 - 65534 (OFF) sec. ✭ OFF the order of the parameter numbers.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 79
VLT® 2800 Series
■ Technical functions
6 0 0-6 05 O pe ra t i n g D at a
Val ue:
Par. no. Description Display text Unit Range
600 Operating hours (OPERATING HOURS) Hours 0-130,000.0
601 Hours run (RUNNING HOURS) Hours 0-130,000.0
602 kWh counter (KWH COUNTER) kWh Depends on unit
603 Number of power-ups (POWER UPS) Number of times 0-9999
604 Number of (OVER TEMPS) Number of times 0-9999
605 Number of overvoltages (OVER VOLTS) Number of times 0-9999
Function: NOTE
These parameters can be read out via the serial Parameters 615-617 Fault log cannot be read
communication port and the LCP control unit. out via the integral control unit.
Description of choice:
Parameter 600, Operating hours: 615 Fault log : Error code
Gives the number of hours the adjustable frequency
drive has been operating. The value is saved
every hour and when there is an AC line failure.
[Index 1 - 10] Error code: 0 - 99
This value cannot be reset.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
In this parameter it is possible to see the total number
of operating hours in connection with the last 10 trips.
10 [1-10] log values are denoted. The lowest
log number [1] contains the latest/most recently
saved data value, and the highest log number
[10] contains the oldest data value.
Description of choice:
Read out as one value.
In this parameter it is possible to see at which value a
trip occurred. The unit of the value depends on which
alarm is active in parameter 615 Fault log: Fault code.
Description of choice:
Read out as one value.
Resetting parameter 602 kWh counter to zero.
Description of choice:
If Reset [1] is selected and you press the [OK] key,
the adjustable frequency drive’s parameter 602 is
reset to zero Hours run. This parameter cannot
be selected via serial communication.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 81
VLT® 2800 Series
Resetting of parameter 601 Hours run to zero.
Description of choice:
If Reset [1] is selected and you press the [OK] key,
the adjustable frequency drive’s parameter 601 is
reset to zero Hours run. This parameter cannot
Use the following procedure for the control card test:
be selected via serial communication.
1. Select control card test.
NOTE 2. Disconnect the AC line voltage and wait until the
When the [OK] key is activated the light in the display has disappeared.
parameter is reset to zero. 3. Mount according to drawing and description.
4. Connect the AC line voltage.
5. The adjustable frequency drive automatically
620 Operation Mode undertakes a test of the control card.
If the adjustable frequency drive displays a fault code
Value: from 37-45, the control card test has failed. Change the
✭Normal operation (NORMAL OPERATION) [0] control card to start up the adjustable frequency drive.
Control card test (CONTROL CARD TEST) [2] If the adjustable frequency drive comes into Display
Initialize (INITIALIZE) [3] mode, the test is OK. Remove the test connector
and the adjustable frequency drive is ready for
operation. Parameter 620 Operating mode is
In addition to its normal function, this parameter
automatically set to Normal operation [0].
can be used to test the control card.
There is also the opportunity to perform an Initialization [3] is selected if you wish to use
initialization at the factory setting for all parameters the unit’s factory setting.
in all Setups, with the exception of parameters Procedure for initialization:
500 Address, 501 Baudrate, 600-605 Operating 1. Select Initialization [3].
data and 615-617 Fault log. 2. Disconnect the AC line voltage and wait until the
light in the display has disappeared.
Description of choice:
3. Connect the AC line voltage.
Normal function [0] is used for normal 4. An initialization is performed in all parameters
operation of the motor. in all Setups, with the exception of parameters
Control card test [2] is selected if you wish to check 500 Address, 501 Baudrate, 600-605 Operating
the control card’s analog/digital inputs, analog/digital data and 615-617 Fault log.
outputs, relay outputs and 10 V and 24 V voltages.
The test is performed as follows:
27 - 29 - 33 - 46 are connected.
50 - 53 are connected.
42 - 60 are connected.
12 - relay terminal 01 is connected.
18 - relay terminal 02 is connected.
19 - relay terminal 03 is connected.
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
6 2 1- 6 42 N am e p la t e
Val ue:
Par. Description Display text
no Nameplate
621 Unit type (DRIVE TYPE)
624 Software version (SOFTWARE VERSION)
625 LCP identification no. (LCP VERSION)
626 Database identification no. (DATABASE VER.)
627 Power parts version (POWER UNIT DB ID)
628 Application option type (APP. OPTION)
630 Communication option type (COM. OPTION)
632 BMC software identification (BMC-SOFTWARE ID)
634 Unit identification for communication (UNIT ID)
635 Software parts no. (SW. PART NO.)
640 Software version (SOFTWARE VERSION)
641 BMC-software identification (BMC2 SW)
642 Power card identification (POWER ID)
Description of choice:
Parameter 621 Nameplate: Unit type:
Gives unit size and AC line voltage.
Example: VLT 2811 380-480 V.
Parameter 624 Nameplate: Software version no.:
The unit’s present software version number
appears here.
Example: V 1.00
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
MG.28.A7.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 83
VLT® 2800 Series
✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
LED indication
Warning yellow
Alarm red
Trip locked yellow and red
WARNING/ALARM 2: Live zero fault DC bus can occur if the motor frequency is reduced
The voltage or current signal on terminal 53 or too quickly due to ramp-down time being too short.
60 is below 50% of the preset value in parameter
309 or 315 Terminal, min. scaling. WARNING/ALARM 8: Undervoltage
If the DC bus voltage is lower than the inverter’s
WARNING/ALARM 4: AC line phase fault Undervoltage limit, the inverter will switch off until the
Missing phase on AC line supply side. VDC once more goes above the undervoltage limit.
Check the supply voltage to the adjustable frequency Check whether the supply voltage fits the adjustable
drive. This fault is only active in 3-phase AC line. frequency drive. (See Technical data.) If the VDC
remains under the undervoltage limit, the inverter will
WARNING 5: Voltage warning high trip after a fixed period of time. The time depends on
If the DC bus voltage (VDC) is higher than the unit and is set at 1 - 3 sec. When the adjustable
Voltage warning high, the adjustable frequency frequency drive is switched off an alarm 8 (and warning
drive will give a warning and the motor will 6) is displayed briefly and a trip reset is generated.
continue to operate unchanged.
NOTE: Voltage warning low (warning 6) will thus
Check whether the supply voltage matches the rating also be able to generate an alarm 8.
of the adjustable frequency drive. (See Technical data.)
If the VDC remains above the voltage warning limit, the WARNING/ALARM 9: Inverter overload
inverter will trip after a fixed period of time. The time Electronic thermal inverter protection indicates that the
depends on the unit and is set at 5 - 10 sec. adjustable frequency drive is close to disconnecting due
to overloading (output current too high for too long). The
NOTE: The adjustable frequency drive will trip with counter for electronic thermal inverter protection gives
an alarm 7 (overvoltage). A voltage warning can also a warning at 98% and trips at 100% giving an alarm.
occur if the motor frequency is reduced too quickly
due to the ramp down time being too short. The adjustable frequency drive cannot be reset
until the counter is below 90%. Remove the
WARNING 6: Voltage warning low overload condition to the drive.
If the DC bus voltage (VDC) is lower than Voltage warn
low, the adjustable frequency drive will give a warning WARNING/ALARM 10: Motor overloaded
and the motor will continue to operate unchanged. According to the electronic thermal inverter protection
the motor is too hot. In parameter 128 the user can
Check whether the supply voltage matches the rating select whether the VLT adjustable frequency drive
of the adjustable frequency drive. (See Technical data.) should emit a warning or an alarm when the counter
NOTE: The adjustable frequency drive will trip with reaches 100%. This fault is due to the motor being
an alarm 5 (undervoltage). When the adjustable overloaded by more than 100% for too long.
frequency drive is switched off, a warning 6 (and Check that motor parameters 102-106 are set correctly.
warning 8) is displayed briefly.
WARNING/ALARM 11: Motor thermistor
WARNING/ALARM 7: Overvoltage The motor is too hot or the thermistor/thermistor
If the DC bus voltage (VDC) is higher than the inverter’s connection is cut off. Parameter 128 Motor thermal
Overvoltage limit, the inverter will switch off until the protection allows a choice of whether the adjustable
VDC once more falls below the overvoltage limit. If the frequency drive is to give a warning or an alarm.
VDC remains above the overvoltage limit, the inverter
will trip after a fixed period of time. The time depends Check that the PTC thermistor has been correctly
on the unit and is set at 5 - 10 sec. When the inverter connected between terminal 18, 19, 27 or 29 (digital
is switched off a trip reset is generated. input) and terminal 50 (+10 V supply).
ALARM: 14: Ground fault If the VLT adjustable frequency drive is in a mode other
There is a discharge from the output phases to ground, than Process regulation, closed loop (parameter 100)
either in the cable between the adjustable frequency the warning will be active in the display. If the VLT
drive and the motor, or in the motor. adjustable frequency drive is in a mode other than
Process regulation, closed loop bit 008000 Out of
Turn off the adjustable frequency drive and frequency range in the extended status word will be
remove the ground fault. active, but there will be no warning in the display.
ALARM: 15: Switch mode fault WARNING/ALARM: 34: HPFB communication fault
Fault in switch mode power supply (internal supply). Communication fault only occurs in Profibus versions.
Contact your Danfoss supplier. ALARM 35: Inrush fault
This alarm appears when the adjustable frequency
ALARM: 16: Short-circuit
drive has been connected to the AC line supply
There is a short-circuit on the motor terminals
too many times within 1 minute.
or in the motor.
WARNING/ALARM 36: Overtemperature
Disconnect the AC line supply to the adjustable
If the temperature of the heatsink moves above
frequency drive and remove the short-circuit.
167°F - 185°F (75° - 85°C), depending on the unit,
WARNING/ALARM 17: Serial commu- the adjustable frequency drive gives a warning,
nication timeout and the motor continues to operate unchanged.
All about VLT
There is no serial communication to the If the temperature continues to rise, the switching
The warning will only be active when parameter 514 Bus See Temperature-dependent switching frequency.
time interval function has been set to a value other than If the temperature of the heatsink rises above 199°F
OFF. If parameter 514 Bus time interval function has - 212°F (92 - 100 °C), depending on the unit, the
been set to Stop and trip [5], it will first give a warning adjustable frequency drive will trip.
and then until it trips and issues an alarm. Parameter
The temperature fault cannot be reset until the
513 Bus time interval could possibly be increased.
temperature of the heatsink has dropped to below
158°F (70 °C). The tolerance is ±9°F (±5 °C). The
temperature can be caused by the following:
- Ambient temperature too high.
- Motor cable too long.
ALARM 41: Internal fault number 4 ALARM 52: AMT faulty motor phase
Data values error in EEPROM. The motor current in at least one of the motor
phases is too low.
ALARM 42: Internal fault number 5
Fault in motor parameter database. ALARM 55: AMT timeout
The calculations are taking too long, possibly
ALARM 43: Internal fault number 6 due to noise in the motor cables.
General power card fault.
ALARM 56: AMT warning during AMT
ALARM 44: Iinternal fault number 7 An adjustable frequency drive warning is given
Minimum software version of control card or BMC2. while AMT is being performed.
When restarting after an alarm 38-45,
the VLT adjustable frequency drive will
display an alarm 37. In parameter 615 the
actual alarm code can be read.
Alarm/warning limits:
Without brake With brake Without brake With brake
VLT 2800 1 / 3 x 200 - 240 V 1 / 3 x 200 - 240 V 3 x 380 - 480 V 3 x 380 - 480 V
Undervoltage 215 215 410 410
Voltage warning low 230 230 440 440
Voltage warning high 385 400 765 800
Overvoltage 410 410 820 820
The voltages stated are the intermediate circuit of ± 5 %. The corresponding line voltage is the
voltage of the frequency converter with a tolerance intermediate circuit voltage divided by 1.35.
B i t ( H ex ) E x t e n d e d s t a t u s w o rd s
000001 Ramping
000002 AMT running
000004 Start forw./reverse
000008 Slow down
000010 Catch-up
000020 Feedback high
000040 Feedback low
000080 Output current high
000100 Output current low
000200 Output frequency high
All about VLT
■ Special conditions of aggressive gases in the air are black copper rails
and cable ends on existing electrical installations.
■ Extreme environments
An adjustable frequency drive contains a number
of mechanical and electronic components which ■ Galvanic isolation (PELV)
are vulnerable to environmental impact. PELV (Protective Extra-Low Voltage) separation is
Do not install the adjustable frequency drive achieved with galvanic separators between control
circuits and circuits connected to the AC line potential.
in environments where liquids, particles
or gases in the air would damage the These separators meet the requirements for increased
electronics of the drive. Take all necessary measures isolation in standard EN 50 178. Installation must be in
accordance with local and national PELV regulations.
to protect the drive. There is a risk of fault trips
and reduced service life of the drive. All control terminals, terminals for serial communication
and relay terminals are safely separated from the
Liquids carried through the air can condense in the
AC line potential, i.e. they comply with the PELV
adjustable frequency drive. Liquids may facilitate
requirements. Circuits that are connected to control
galvanic corrosion of components and metal parts.
terminals 12, 18, 19, 20, 27, 29, 33, 42, 46, 50, 55,
Steam, oil and brine may also cause corrosion of
53 and 60 are galvanically connected to one another.
components and metal parts. In these areas, it
Serial communication connected to terminals 67 -
is recommended to install units in cabinets. As a
70 is galvanically isolated from the control terminals,
minimum, cabinets should meet NEMA 12.
although this is only a functional isolation.
Particles in the air, such as dust, may lead to The relay contacts in terminals 1 - 3 are separated
mechanical, electrical and thermal faults in the from the other control circuits with increased isolation,
adjustable frequency drive. A typical indicator i.e. these comply with PELV even if there is AC
of too many particles in the air is dust around line potential in the relay terminals.
the fan. In very dusty areas, mounting the drive
The circuit elements described below form the safe
in a cabinet is recommended. As a minimum,
electric separation. They fulfill the requirements
cabinets should meet NEMA 12.
for increased isolation and associated testing
Aggressive gases, such as sulfur, nitrogen and pursuant to EN 50 178.
chlorine compounds, together with high humidity and 1. Optical isolation between basic motor control
temperature, facilitate possible chemical processes and control card.
on the components of the adjustable frequency 2. Optical isolation between basic motor control
drive. These chemical processes quickly damage the and control card.
electronics. In these areas, mounting in a cabinet with 3. Isolation between the control card and
fresh-air circulation is recommended, thereby ensuring the power part.
that aggressive gases are kept away from the drive. 4. Relay contacts and terminals relating to other
circuits on the control card.
Installation of adjustable frequency drives PELV isolation of the control card is guaranteed
in extreme environments increases the risk under the following conditions:
of down-time, and considerable reduction - TT network with maximum 300 Vrms between
of the service life of the drive. phase and ground.
- TN network with maximum 300 Vrms between
Before the adjustable frequency drive is installed, check phase and ground.
whether there are liquids, particles or gases in the air. - IT network with maximum 400 Vrms between
Examine existing installations in the same environment. phase and ground.
Typical indicators of harmful airborne liquids are water or At higher voltages only SELV is achieved.
oil on metal parts or corrosion. Too many dust particles
are typically observed on top of cabinets. Indication
■ UL/cUL Standards
All VLT 2800 series adjustable frequency drives
are both UL and cUL listed.
Torque characteristics:
Starting torque (parameter 101 Torque characteristic = Constant torque) ....................................... 160% in 1 min.*
Starting torque (parameter 101 Torque characteristics = Variable torque) ....................................... 160% in 1 min.*
Starting torque (parameter 119 High starting torque) ................................................................. 180% for 0.5 sec.*
Overload torque (parameter 101 Torque characteristic = Constant torque) ................................................... 160%*
Overload torque (parameter 101 Torque characteristic = Variable torque) ..................................................... 160%*
*Percentage relates to adjustable frequency drive’s nominal current.
Relay outputs:
Number of programmable relay outputs ................................................................................................................ 1
Terminal number, control card ............................................................................................. 1-3 (break), 1-2 (make)
Max. terminal load (AC) on 1-3, 1-2, control card .............................................................................. 240 VAC, 2 A
Min. terminal load on 1-3, 1-2, control card ......................................................... 24 VDC 10 mA, 24 VAC 100 mA
The relay contact is separated from the rest of the circuit by strengthened isolation.
See section entitled Galvanic Isolation.
Max. cross section to control cables, cable with enclosed core .................................................. 0.5 mm2/20 AWG
When complying with EN 55011 1A and EN 55011 1B the motor cable must be reduced in certain instances.
Control characteristics:
Frequency range ............................................................................................................ 0.2 - 132 Hz, 1 - 1000 Hz
Resolution of output frequency ......................................................................................... 0.013 Hz, 0.2 - 1000 Hz
Repeat accuracy of Precise start/stop (terminals 18, 19) .................................................................... ≤ ± 0.5 msec
System response time (terminals 18, 19, 27, 29, 33) ........................................................................... ≤ 26.6 msec
Speed control range (open loop) .................................................................................. 1:15 of synchronous speed
Speed control range (closed loop) .............................................................................. 1:120 of synchronous speed
Speed accuracy (open loop) ....................................................................... 90 - 3600 rpm: Max. error of ±23 rpm
Speed accuracy (closed loop) .................................................................... 30 - 3600 rpm: Max. error of ±7.5 rpm
All control characteristics are based on a 4-pole asynchronous motor
Ambient conditions:
Enclosure ................................................................................................................................................. Standard
Optional enclosure ..................................................................................................................................... NEMA 1
Vibration test .................................................................................................................................................. 0.7 g
Max. relative humidity .................................................................................................. 5% - 85% during operation
Ambient temperature, standard enclosure ...................... Max. 113°F (45 °C) 24-hour average max. 104°F (40 °C)
Ambient temperature NEMA 1 ......................................... Max. 104°F (40 °C), 24-hour average max. 95°F (35 °C)
Min. ambient temperature during full-scale operation ............................................................................ 32°F (0 °C)
Min. ambient temperature at reduced performance ........................................................................... 14°F (-10 °C)
Temperature during storage/transport ................................................... 0°F (-25°C) to 150°F/158°F (+65°C/70 °C)
Max. altitude above sea level ........................................................................................................ 3300 ft (1000 m)
EMC standards used, Emission .................................................................... EN 50081-2, EN 61800-3, EN 55011
EMC standards used, immunity ......................................................................................................................... EN
50082-1/2, EN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4-4, EN 61000-4-5, EN 61000-4-6, EN 61800-3
• If an AC line phase is missing, the adjustable frequency drive will cut out.
• Monitoring of the intermediate circuit voltage ensures that the adjustable frequency drive cuts
out if the intermediate circuit voltage is too low or too high.
• The adjustable frequency drive is protected against ground fault on motor terminals U, V, W.
Input current IL,N [A] 1.6 1.9 2.6 3.2 4.7 6.1
(3 x 380-480 V) IL,MAX(60s)[A] 2.6 3.0 4.2 5.1 7.5 9.8
Max. cable cross section, power [mm2/AWG] 1) 4/10 4/10 4/10 4/10 4/10 4/10
Max. pre-fuses [A]/UL 2) [A] 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20
Efficiency3) [%] 96 96 96 96 96 96
Power loss at max. load [W] 28 38 55 75 110 150
Weight [kg] 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 3.7 3.7
Enclosure4) type IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
Acc. to international requirements Type 2840 2855 2875 2880 2881 2882
Output current IINV. [A] 9.1 12 16 24 32.0 37.5
(3 x 380-480V) IMAX (60s) [A] 14.5 19.2 25.6 38.4 51.2 60.0
Output power (400 V) SINV. [KVA] 6.3 8.3 11.1 16.6 22.2 26.0
Typical shaft output PM,N [kW] 4.0 5.5 7.5 11.0 15.0 18.5
Typical shaft output PM,N [HP] 5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
Max. cable cross section, motor [mm2/AWG] 1) 4/10 4/10 4/10 16/6 16/6 16/6
Input current IL,N [A] 8.1 10.6 14.9 24.0 32.0 37.5
(3 x 380-480 V) IL,MAX(60s)[A] 13.0 17.0 23.8 38.4 51.2 60
Max. cable cross section, power [mm2/AWG] 1) 4/10 4/10 4/10 16/6 16/6 16/6
Max. pre-fuses [A]/UL 2) [A] 20/20 25/25 25/25 50/50 50/50 50/50
Efficiency3) [%] 96 96 96 97 97 97
Power loss at max. load [W] 200 275 372 412 562 693
Weight [kg] 3.7 6.0 6.0 18.5 18.5 18.5
Enclosure4) type IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 / IP 20 / IP 20 /
■ Available literature
■ Factory settings
PNU # Parameter Factory setting 4-setup Conv. Data
description index type
001 Language English No 0 5
002 Local/remote operation Remote- Yes 0 5
003 Local reference 000,000.000 Yes -3 4
004 Active Setup Setup 1 No 0 5
005 Programming Setup Active Setup No 0 5
006 Setup copying No copying No 0 5
007 LCP copy No copying No 0 5
008 Display scaling 1.00 Yes -2 6
009 Large display readout Frequency [Hz] Yes 0 5
010 Small display line 1.1 Reference [%] Yes 0 5
011 Small display line 1.2 Motor current Yes 0 5
012 Small display line 1.3 Power [kW] Yes 0 5
013 Local control Remote Yes 0 5
as par. 100
014 Local stop Active Yes 0 5
015 Local jog Not active Yes 0 5
016 Local reversing Not active Yes 0 5
017 Local reset of trip Active Yes 0 5
018 Lock for data changes Not locked Yes 0 5
019 Operating status at Forced stop, Yes 0 5
power up use saved ref.
020 Lock for Hand mode Active No 0 5
024 User-defined Quick Menu Not active No 0 5
025 Quick Menu Setup 000 No 0 6
’Yes’ means that the parameter can be programmed Data type:
individually in each of the four Setups, i.e. one single Data type shows the type and length of the telegram.
parameter can have four different data values. No’
Data type Description
means that the data value will be the same in all Setups.
3 Integer 16
All about VLT
4 Integer 32
Conversion index:
5 Unsigned 8
This number refers to a conversion figure to be used
6 Unsigned 16
when writing or reading via serial communication
7 Unsigned 32
with an adjustable frequency drive.
9 Text string
Conversion Index Conversion Factor
74 3.6
2 100.0
1 10.0
0 1.0
-1 0.1
-2 0.01
-3 0.001
-4 0.0001
Data type:
Data type shows the type and length of the telegram.
’Yes’ means that the parameter can be programmed Data type:
individually in each of the four Setups, i.e. one single Data type shows the type and length of the telegram.
parameter can have four different data values. No’
Data type Description
means that the data value will be the same in all Setups.
3 Integer 16
4 Integer 32
Conversion index:
5 Unsigned 8
This number refers to a conversion figure to be used
6 Unsigned 16
when writing or reading via serial communication
7 Unsigned 32
with an adjustable frequency drive.
9 Text string
All about VLT
74 3.6
2 100.0
1 10.0
0 1.0
-1 0.1
-2 0.01
-3 0.001
-4 0.0001
Catch up .................................................................... 50 I
Constant torque ........................................................... 36 Initialize....................................................................... 82
Control cables .............................................................. 10 Input fuses .................................................................. 14
Control of mechanical brake ............................................ 16
Control terminals .......................................................... 17
Control wires ............................................................... 17
Jog frequency .............................................................. 49
Counter value .............................................................. 61
Jog ramp time .............................................................. 49
Current limit ................................................................. 50
Current, minimum value .................................................. 44
Language.................................................................... 28
Literature .................................................................... 98
DC brake time .............................................................. 41
Load compensation....................................................... 43
DC brake voltage .......................................................... 42
Load sharing................................................................ 15
DC hold voltage ............................................................ 43
Local reference ............................................................. 28
Diagram ...................................................................... 11
Digital inputs ................................................................ 54
Digital output ............................................................... 60
Direction of motor rotation .............................................. 14
Manual initialization........................................................ 21
Display ....................................................................... 21
Maximum Pulse 29........................................................ 60
Display mode ............................................................... 22
Mechanical dimensions .................................................. 5
Mechanical installation ................................................... 7
Menu mode ................................................................. 22
Electrical installation, control circuitry ................................. 17
Motor cables ............................................................... 15
ETR - Electronic ThermalRelay ......................................... 41
Motor connection ......................................................... 14
Motor current ............................................................... 37
Extreme environments ................................................... 90
Motor frequency ........................................................... 37
Motor power ................................................................ 37
F Motor voltage............................................................... 37
Drives Solutions
195R0027 MG28A722 www.danfoss.com/drives
*MG28A722* REV. 2003-02-04