The Elements of Mechanics: Giovanni Gallavotti
The Elements of Mechanics: Giovanni Gallavotti
The Elements of Mechanics: Giovanni Gallavotti
Giovanni Gallavotti
Dipartimento di Fisica
Universita di Roma “La Sapienza”
Pl. Moro 2
00185, Roma, Italy
e-mail: giovanni.gallavotti@roma1
web: http:/ /ipparco.roma1
Giovanni Gallavotti
Dipartimento di Fisica
Universita di Roma “La Sapienza”
Pl. Moro 2
00185, Roma, Italy
e-mail: giovanni.gallavotti@roma1
web: http:/ /ipparco.roma1
P r e f a c e t o t h e S e c o n d E n g li s h e d i t i o n ( 2 0 0 7 ) . ©
In 20071 recovered the Copyright. This is a new version that follows closely
the first edition by Springer-Verlag. I made very few changes. Among them
the Gauss’ method, already inserted in the second Italian edition, has been
included here. Believing that my knowledge of the English language has im-
proved since the late ’970’s I have changed some words and constructions.
This version has been reproduced electronically (from the first edition) and
quite a few errors might have crept in; they are compensated by the corrections
that I have been able to introduce. This version will be updated regularly and
typos or errors found will be amended: it is therefore wise to wait sometime
before printing the file; the versions will be updated and numbered. The ones
labeled 2.* or higher will have been entirely proofread at least once.
As owner of the Copyright I leave this book on my website for free down-
loading and distribution. Optionally the colleagues who download the book
could send me a one line message (saying “downloaded” , at least): I will be
grateful. Please signal any errors, or sources of unhappiness, you spot.
On the web site I also put the codes that generate the non trivial figures
and which provide rough attempts at reproducing results whose originals are
in the quoted literature. Discovering the phenomena was a remarkable achieve-
ment: but reproducing them, having learnt what to do from the original works,
is not really difficult if a reasonably good computer is available.
Typeset with the public Springer-Latex macros.
Giovanni Gallavotti Roma 18, August 2007
The word ” elements” in the title of this book does not convey the impli-
cation that its contents are ” elementary” in the sense of ” easy” : it mainly
means that no prerequisites are required, with the exception of some basic
background in classical physics and calculus.
It also signifies ” devoted to the foundations” . In fact, the arguments chosen
are all very classical, and the formal or technical developments of this century
are absent, as well as a detailed treatment of such problems as the theory
of the planetary motions and other very concrete mechanical problems. This
second meaning, however, is the result of the necessity of finishing this work
in a reasonable amount of time rather than an a priori choice.
Therefore a detailed review of the ” few” results of ergodic theory, of the
” many” results of statistical mechanics, of the classical theory of fields (elas-
ticity and waves), and of quantum mechanics are also totally absent; they
could constitute the subject of two additional volumes on mechanics.
This book grew out of several courses on “Meccanica Razionale” , i.e.,
essentially, Theoretical Mechanics, which I gave at the University of Rome
during the years 1975-1978.
The subjects cover a wide range. Chapter 2, for example, could be used in
an undergraduate course by students who have had basic training in classical
physics; Chapters 3 and 4 could be used in an advanced course; while Chapter
5 might interest students who wish to delve more deeply into the subject, and
fit could be used in a graduate course.
My desire to write a self-contained book that gradually proceeds from
the very simple problems on the qualitative theory of ordinary differential
equations to the more modem theory of stability led me to include arguments
of mathematical analysis, in order to avoid having to refer too much to existing
textbooks (e.g., see the basic theory of the ordinary differential equations in
§2.2-§2.6 or the Fourier analysis in §2.13, etc.).
I have inserted many exercises, problems, and complements which are
meant to illustrate and expand the theory proposed in the text, both to avoid
excessive size of the book and to help the student to learn how to solve theoret-
ical problems by himself. In Chapters 2-4, I have marked with an asterisk the
problems which should be developed with the help of a teacher; the difficulty
of the exercises and problems grows steadily throughout the book, together
with the conciseness of the discussion.
The exercises include some very concrete ones which sometimes require
the help of a programmable computer and the knowledge of some physical
data. An algorithm for the solution of differential equations and some data
tables are in Appendix O and Appendix P, respectively.
The exercises, problems, and complements must be considered as an im-
portant part of the book, necessary to a complete understanding of the theory.
Preface 7
In some sense they are even more important than the propositions selected
for the proofs, since they illustrate several aspects and several examples and
counterexamples that emerge from the proofs or that are naturally associated
with them.
I have separated the proofs from the text: this has been done to facilitate
reading comprehension by those who wish to skip all the proofs without los-
ing continuity. This is particularly true for the more mathematically oriented
sections. Too often students tend to confuse the understanding of a mathemat-
ical proposition with the logical contortions needed to put it into an objective,
written form. So, before studying the proof of a statement, the student should
meditate on its meaning with the help (if necessary) of the observations that
follow it, possibly trying to read also the text of the exercises and problems
at the end of each section (particularly in studying Chapters 3-5).
The student should bear in mind that he will have understood a theorem
only when it appears to be self-evident and as needing no proof at all (which
means that its proof should be present in its entirety in his mind, obvious and
natural in all its aspects and, if necessary, describable in all details). This level
o f understanding can be reached only slowly through an analysis of several
exercises, problem, examples, and careful thought.
I have illustrated various problems of classical mechanics, guided by the
desire to propose always the analysis of simple rather than general cases. I
have carefully avoided formulating ” optimal” results and, in particular, have
always stressed (by using them almost exclusively) my sympathy for the only
” functions” that bear this name with dignity, i.e., the C TO-functions and the
elementary theory of integration (” Riemann integration” ).
I have tried to deal only with concrete problems which could be ” construc-
tively” solved (i.e., involving estimates of quantities which could actually be
computed, at least in principle) and I hope to have avoided indulging in purely
speculative or mathematical considerations. I realize that I have not been en-
tirely successful and I apologize to those readers who agree with this point
of view without, at the same time, accepting mathematically non rigorous
Finally, let me comment on the conspicuous absence of the basic elements
of the classical theory of fluids. The only excuse that I can offer, other than
that of non pertinence (which might seem a pretext to many), is that, perhaps,
the contents of this book (and of Chapter 5 in particular) may serve as an
introduction to this fascinating topic of mathematical physics.
The final sections, §5.9-§5.12, may be of some interest also to non stu-
dents since they provide a self-contained exposition of Arnold's version of the
Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theorem.
This book is an almost faithful translation of the Italian edition, with the
addition of many problems and §5.12 and with §5.5, §5.7, and §5.12 rewritten.
I wish to thank my colleagues who helped me in the revision of the
manuscript and I am indebted to Professor V. Franceschini for providing (from
his files) the very nice graphs of §5.8.
8 Preface
Giovanni Gallavotti
Roma, 27 December 1981
6 A p p e n d ic e s ............................................................................................... 519
6.1 A: The Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality............................................... 519
6.2 B: The Lagrange-Taylor E xpansion............................................... 520
6.3 C : C TO-Functions with Bounded Support and Related
Functions............................................................................................. 521
6.4 D: Principle of the Vanishing Integrals......................................... 522
6.5 E: Matrix Notations. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. A List of
some Basic Results in Algebra ...................................................... 523
6.6 F: Positive-Definite Matrices. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
A List of Basic Properties .............................................................. 525
6.7 G: Implicit Functions Theorems .................................................... 527
6.8 H: The Ascoli-Arzela Convergence Criterion ............................... 534
6.9 I: Fourier Series for Functions in C ([0, L } ) ................................. 536
6.10 L: Proof of Eq. (5.6.20) .................................................................. 537
6.11 M: Proof of Eq. (5.6.63).................................................................. 539
6.12 N: Analytic Implicit Functions ...................................................... 540
6.13 O: Finite-Difference M e th o d ........................................................... 544
6.14 P: Astronomical Data ...................................................................... 546
6.15 Q: Gauss Method for Planetary O rb its......................................... 548
6.16 S: Definitions and Symbols ............................................................. 565
6.17 T: Suggested Books and Com plem ents......................................... 566
R e fe r e n c e s ......................................................................................................... 569
I n d e x ................................................................................................................... 573
1.1 Statements
P (t0 + e) — P (t0)
v (to) (1.2.1)
where the parameter e > 0 is to be chosen “suitably small” (according to well-
defined criteria which, however, depend on the concrete cases). The mathe-
matical model defines the point mass velocity at time t0 G I as the derivative
of the function t ^ x (t) at t = t0.
To complete the mathematical model of a point mass, it is important to
define the “force” acting on it.
Operationally, the force acting at a given instant on the point mass con-
sists of three scalar quantities which together define a vector f (t). The force
acting on the point mass moving in R 3 and observed in the frame (O; i, j , k)
is measured through a “dynamometer” which is an instrument whose use is
convenient to describe in a strongly idealized form. It is, basically, a suitably
built spring which will be imagined as a very thin, light segment with a hook.
Consider a point mass moving in R 3, with a velocity v = (vx,v y, vz)
relative to the reference frame (O; i, j , k) at time t0. To measure the force
acting upon it, hook it to the dynamometer to which the same velocity v has
been imparted and which will be kept fixed during the measurement. Then
try to adjust the spring length and direction so that the acceleration at time
t0 + e is 0, where e > 0 is chosen “suitably small” . (The empirical notion of
acceleration and the corresponding mathematical model of it, as the second
derivative with respect to t of the point position, is discussed along the same
lines as the notion of velocity.)
The force is then the vector f whose direction is that of the dynamometer
at time t0 + e, whose orientation is that parallel to hook but pointing away
from it and whose modulus is the size of the spring elongation.
Summarizing: a point mass subject to forces and observed in a frame
(O; i, j , k) in R 3 as time varies within an interval I is, in its mathematical
1.3 Example of a Model 5
ma = f . (1.3.1)
This law introduces, via the properties of the differential equations, many
relations among the quantities x, v, t, and such relations can sometimes be
experimentally checked. For instance, if it is known a priori which force will
act on the point mass whenever it is at the point (x, y, z) at time t with velocity
(vx, vy, v z), then, denoting such force as f(v x,v y, vz, x , y , z , t ) = f(v , x, t), the
differential equation
m X = f (X, x, t) (1.3.2)
allows the determination of the motion following an initial state, in which the
velocity v 0 and the position x 0 are given at time t0, at least for a small time
interval around t0 if f is a smooth function, see Chapter 2.
The First Principle of Mechanics postulates the existence of at least one
reference frame (O; i, j, k), called “inertial frame” , in R 3 where a point mass
“far” from the other objects in the universe appears to be subjected to a null
force in (O; i, j, k). Such a frame is experimentally identified with a frame with
origin in a fixed star and with axes oriented towards three more fixed stars.
It is to such a frame that motion is often referred.
Of course the notions of “far” and of “fixed star” are empirical notions
rather than mathematical ones.
6 1 Phenomena Reality and models
ma= f (1.3.3)
holds and, furthermore, f is a function of the point velocity, position, and
time; i.e., the following relation holds:
f = f (v , x ,t). (1.3.4)
Clearly, from such a mathematical viewpoint (where f is imagined as given a
priori), the first principle is deprived of its deep physical meaning.
An important extension of the point mass model is a model for the me-
chanics of a “system of N point masses” . Mathematically, such a system con-
sists of N point masses with mass m i ,. . . , mN, in the above sense, satisfying
the Third Principle of Mechanics. This means that it should be possible to
represent the force fi acting on the i-th point as
fi = E fj - j , (1.3.5)
j =j
where fj —i are such that
(a) fj —i = —fi—j , j, i = 1, 2, N , i = j;
(b) fj —i is parallel to Pj —Pi, i.e., to the line joining the positions Pi and Pj
of the i-th and j-th points;
(c) fj —i depends solely upon the positions and velocities of the it-h and j-th
points and on time:
says that experiments starting at any time in any space location will yield
the same results if the points involved are in the same relative positions and
In the mathematical model for mechanics just described, the necessity of
understanding the above problems does not arise, nor do many other similar
problems which the reader will easily think of.
Usually it is possible to complicate the models in order to imbue them with
any given number of physical facts: but an analysis of this type of questions
would lead us beyond the scope of this book.
In any case, a decision is always needed on where to put a stop to the
process of model improvement, which would otherwise hopelessly continue ad
infinitum. We must recall that we have the more down-to-earth, and more
interesting, problem of obtaining some concrete prediction algorithms for our
observations of nature.
the construction of a model and shall leave it to the reader to imagine such an
analysis via the suggestive names used for the various mathematical entities
(with the exception of a few important cases). In any case, this book is devoted
to the mathematical, rather than physical aspects, of mechanical problems.
Bibliographical Comment. It is very useful to study at least the defi-
nition and the laws of motion in the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathe-
matica by I. Newton, [37], to understand exactly the Newtonian formulation
of mechanics and its modernity. To avoid “reading too much” , i.e., to avoid
interpreting these immortal pages in too modern a way, it is a good idea to
read the paper Essays on the history of mechanics by C. Truesdell, pp. 85-137
([48]). The reading of the first two chapters of the work by E. Mach, [31],)
will be a very useful and stimulating complement to the first three chapters
of this book.
Consider a point mass, with mass m, on the line R and subject to a force law
depending uniquely on its position. Therefore, a force law £ ^ f (£) is, given
£ t R , which we shall suppose to be of class C , associating with every point
£ on the line R the component f (£) of the force acting on the point when it
happens to occupy the position £.
A “motion” of the point mass, observed as t varies in an interval I , is a
function t ^ x(t), t t I , of class C TO( I ) such that
mx ( t) = f (x(t)), Vt t I (2.1.1)
mX X = f (x), (2.1.2)
def 1
n ^ T (n) —m ri2, (2.1.3)
2 1’
it is
d d
T (x) = m;x x, V (x) = —f (x) ać (2.1.4)
dt dt