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Comparison of Mesiodistal Tooth Widths in Caucasian, African and Japanese Individuals With Brazilian Ancestry and Normal Occlusion

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Comparison of mesiodistal tooth widths in Caucasian, African and

Japanese individuals with Brazilian ancestry and normal occlusion

Thais Maria Freire Fernandes1, Renata Sathler2, Gabriela Letcia Natalcio3,

Jos Fernando Castanha Henriques4, Arnaldo Pinzan5

Objective: To observe the presence of sexual dimorphism and compare the mesiodistal width of the teeth in Cauca-
sian, African and Japanese individuals with Brazilian ancestry not orthodontically treated and with normal occlusion.
Methods: One hundred pairs of dental casts were used. It was measured, from first molar to first molar in both arches,
the teeths mesiodistal widths, using a digital caliper. For the statistical analysis of results Kolmogorov-Smirnov, t test,
ANOVA and Tukeys test (p < 0.05) were used. Results: Sexual dimorphism occurred on the three evaluated groups,
and the highest mesiodistal widths were found in males. There was statistically significant difference between racial
groups in all evaluated teeth in males. However, in females, this same difference was found only on upper lateral incisor
and first molar; and lower lateral incisor, canine, first premolar and first molar. Conclusion: Most of mesiodistal mea-
sures present particular characteristics in relation to gender, with higher values for males, and to race, with a tendency
for African to present greater mesiodistal distance of the teeth, followed by Japanese and Caucasians, respectively,
important for the correct diagnosis and orthodontic planning.
Keywords: Orthodontics. Balanced dental occlusion. Tooth.

Objetivo: observar a presena de dimorfismo sexual e comparar a largura mesiodistal dos dentes em indivduos bra-
sileiros leucodermas, melanodermas e xantodermas no tratados ortodonticamente e com ocluso normal. Mtodos:
foram utilizados 100 pares de modelos de gesso ortodnticos. As larguras mesiodistais dos dentes foram medidas de
primeiro molar a primeiro molar, em ambas as arcadas, utilizando um paqumetro digital. Para a anlise estatstica dos
resultados foi utilizado o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, o teste t, a Anlise de Varincia (ANOVA) a um critrio e
o teste de Tukey (p < 0,05). Resultados: ocorreu dimorfismo sexual nos trs grupos avaliados, sendo que as maiores
larguras mesiodistais foram encontradas no sexo masculino. Houve diferena estatisticamente significativa entre os
grupos raciais em todos os dentes avaliados para o sexo masculino. J no sexo feminino, essa mesma diferena foi en-
contrada apenas nos dentes incisivo lateral e primeiro molar superior, e incisivo lateral, canino, primeiro pr-molar e
primeiro molar inferior. Concluso: a maioria das medidas dentrias mesiodistais apresentam caractersticas prprias
em relao ao sexo, com valores maiores para o sexo masculino; e em relao raa, com uma tendncia dos melano-
dermas apresentarem maior distncia mesiodistal dos dentes, seguidos pelos xantodermas e leucodermas, respectiva-
mente. O conhecimento dessas diferenas importante para o correto diagnstico e planejamento ortodntico.
Palavras-chave: Ortodontia. Ocluso dentria balanceada. Dente.

The authors report no commercial, proprietary or financial interest in the products How to cite this article: Fernandes TMF, Sathler R, Natalcio GL, Henriques
or companies described in this article. JFC, Pinzan A. Comparison of mesiodistal tooth widths in Caucasian, African
and Japanese individuals with Brazilian ancestry and normal occlusion. Dental
Press J Orthod. 2013 May-June;18(3):130-5.
PhD and Post-doc in Orthodontics, So Paulo University - Bauru (USP). Head
Professor, North Paran University (UNOPAR). Submitted: November 24, 2009 - Revised and accepted: April 27, 2011
MSc and PhD in Orthodontics, USP/Bauru.
Graduated in Dentistry, USP/Bauru. Contact address: Thais Maria Freire Fernandes
PhD in Orthodontics, USP/Bauru. Full professor, USP/Bauru. Alameda Octvio Pinheiro Brisolla, 9-75
PhD in Orthodontics, USP/Bauru. Full Professor and Assistant professor, CEP: 17.012-901 Bauru/SP Brazil
Pediatric Dentistry Department, Orthodontics and Public Health, USP/Bauru. E-mail:

2013 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 130 Dental Press J Orthod. 2013 May-June;18(3):130-5
Fernandes TMF, Sathler R, Natalcio GL, Henriques JFC, Pinzan A original article

introduction facultative the presence of second and third molars;

The dental arch models, part of the orthodontic re- (2) good occlusion (Angle Class I relationship, with
cords, are indispensable for diagnosis and orthodontic no crowding, no open bite or overbite); (3) absence of
planning, being also used for evaluation of treatment previous subjection to orthodontic treatment; (4) ab-
and case control. The mesiodistal and vertical widths sence of teeth with morphology or number anomalies;
of the dental crowns and the shape of upper and low- (5) without extractions; (6) absence of large restora-
er arches enable the correlation of them with the face, tions that could affect the teeths mesiodistal diameter;
besides allow identifying possible alterations of shape.31 (7) models in good conditions and (8) ethnicity veri-
The measurement of upper and lower mesiodistal dental fied by photographs and patients history obtained in
sizes is an important factor to establish an accurate di- surveys filled out by themselves or by their guardians.
agnosis, determine the right treatment plan, and obtain
greater stability.6,21 The tooth contouring and reshap- Data collection
ing, when well indicated and functionally adjusted, can After calibration of the examiner, the process of
provide satisfactory results.11,26,30 data collection was initiated. The measurements were
The dental size can vary according to gender and done directly on the models with the aid of the digital
race1,16,21 becoming necessary new studies that quantify caliper (Mitutoyo, Illinois, USA), enabling to obtain
these measures,2 for these differences can complicate the values with accuracy of up to 0.01 mm, measuring
orthodontic treatment. the largest mesiodistal measure of incisors, canines,
The professionals must be prepared to attend indi- premolars and molars in both sides, in this sequence.
viduals from different ethnicities and be capable to an- The caliper was positioned parallel to the occlusal
ticipate these differences of size and shape of the den- surface, by the buccal face, perpendicular to the long
tal arch, establishing a more personalized treatment.7 axis of the crown, measuring the tooths largest me-
Thus, due to the themes relevance, it was concluded siodistal distance.
the necessity for a comparison of mesiodistal measures
for the different racial groups, constituting appropriated Statistical analysis
patterns for Caucasian, African and Japanese. The data was analyzed through tables and graphics
with mean values and standard deviations. The Kol-
MATERIAL AND METHODS mogorov-Smirnov test proved the normal distribution
Sample composition and criteria for selection for all studied variables allowing the use of parametric
The sample comprised 100 pairs of dental casts of tests. Thus, for the comparative statistical analysis of the
untreated individuals (50 of each gender) with nor- data it were used the following tests: The t test for com-
mal occlusion, harmonious face and mean age of parison between genders and ANOVA, for comparison
15.16 years old. The sample was from the division of of groups (Caucasian, African, and Japanese) consider-
Orthodontics of the Bauru School of Dentistry and ing a significance level of 5%. The tests were performed
approved by this institutions Ethics Committee. The on Statistica for Windows 6.0 (Statistica for Windows
total was 30 Caucasian individuals (15 of each gen- 6.0 Copyright StatSoft, Inc. Tulsa, Okla, USA).
der) with mean age of 20.22 years old, 40 African in-
dividuals (20 of each gender) with mean age of 13.26 RESULTS
years old and 30 Japanese individuals (15 of each gen- The random errors, obtained through the Dalhberg
der) with mean age of 15.71 years old. formula, were considered acceptable and the teeths
The Caucasian group was constituted of Mediter- mesiodistal distances ranged from 0.09 to 0.33 mm.
ranean descendents; the African, mainly descendents The molars presented the higher error and the canines
from the African coast; and the Japanese, by indi- the lower. The systematic errors, observed through
viduals Japanese ancestry, and these three samples did dependent t test, were considered low and from the
not present mixed-race individuals. 24 evaluated variables only 4 presented statistically sig-
The criteria for selection of the sample were: (1)up- nificant difference (upper first premolar and molar and
per and lower permanent teeth in occlusion, being lower canine and first premolar).

2013 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 131 Dental Press J Orthod. 2013 May-June;18(3):130-5
original article Comparison of mesiodistal tooth widths in Caucasian, African and Japanese individuals with Brazilian ancestry and normal occlusion

The results are presented in tables and figures. Di- African Caucasian Japanese
morphism between genders occurred in all evaluated 12 *
Upper teeth Lower teeth
groups and the teeth that presented this statistically 11 *

Mesiodistal distance (mm)


significant difference can be visualized on Tables 1, 10

* 1M
2 and 3 which compare the mesiodistal measures 8 CI
* * *
* *
through t test on African, Caucasians and Japanese, 7
CI * 1Pm
1Pm C 2Pm
respectively. The racial differences were statistically 6 LI 2Pm *
significant between all variables for the male gender CI* LI* C* 1Pm* 2Pm* 1M* CI* LI* C* 1Pm* 2Pm* 1M*
9.05a 7.37a 8.26a 7.63a 7.1a 10.96a 5.61a 6.33a 7.44a 7.7a 7.63a 11.66a
8.7a.c 6.53b.c 7.82b.c 6.86b 6.6b.c 10.01b 5.29b 5.81b 6.84b 7.05b 7.04b 11.01b.c
8.54b.c 7.16a.c 7.95a.c 7.35a 6.82a.c 10.36b 5.31b 5.92b 7.02b 7.24b 6.98b 11.21a.c
Table 1 - Comparison of studied variables between genders on the African
sample with t test.
Figure 1 - Comparison of individual values of the studied dental groups
(upper and lower teeth) for male gender between the different samples by
ANOVA test.
Male (n = 20) Female (n = 20) * Statistically significant for p < 0.05.
p Different letters on the vertical direction indicate significant difference be-
Mean S.D. Mean S.D. tween groups (Tukey).
Upper teeth
CI 9.05 0.56 8.63 0.57 0.024*
LI 7.37 0.53 7.03 0.68 0.085 African Caucasian Japanese
C 8.26 0.50 7.73 0.54 0.003* 12
Mesiodistal distance (mm) Upper teeth Lower teeth *
1Pm 7.63 0.59 7.31 0.64 0.107 11
10 1M
2Pm 7.10 0.67 6.84 0.52 0.170 9 1M

1M 10.96 0.62 10.22 0.48 0.000* 8 IC

* * *
7 C
Lower teeth 1Pm * 1Pm 2Pm
6 IL 2Pm IC C
CI 5.61 0.40 5.25 0.40 0.009* 5 IL

CI LI* C 1Pm 2Pm 1M* CI LI* C* 1Pm* 2Pm 1M*

LI 6.33 0.45 5.97 0.42 0.012* 8.63 7.03a 7.73 7.31 6.84 10.22a 5.25 5.97a 6.86a 7.3a 7.11 11.09a

C 7.44 0.57 6.86 0.49 0.001* 8.4 6.51 b

7.54 6.89 6.56 9.8 b.c
5.14 5.71 a.c
6.48 b.c
6.85 b.c
6.9 10.42b
8.36 6.74a.b 7.7 7.16 6.69 10.19a.c 5.07 5.62b.c 6.61a.c 7.11a.c 7.01 11.05a
1Pm 7.70 0.46 7.30 0.54 0.016*
Figure 2 - Comparison of individual values of the studied dental groups (up-
2Pm 7.63 0.57 7.11 0.60 0.008* per and lower teeth) for female gender between the different samples by
ANOVA test.
1M 11.66 0.49 11.09 0.58 0.002*
* Statistically significant for p < 0,05.
Different letters on the vertical direction indicate significant difference be-
* Statistically significant for p < 0.05
tween groups (Tukey).

Table 2 - Comparison of studied variables between genders on the Cauca- Table 3 - Comparison of studied variables between genders on the Japanese
sian sample by t test. sample by t test.

Caucasian Japanese
Male (n = 15) Female (n = 15) Male (n = 15) Female (n = 15)
p p
MEan S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D.
Upper teeth Upper teeth
CI 8.70 0.55 8.40 0.36 0.088 CI 8.54 0.40 8.36 0.39 0.219
LI 6.53 0.48 6.51 0.50 0.938 LI 7.16 0.36 6.74 0.56 0.021*
C 7.82 0.45 7.54 0.46 0.110 C 7.95 0.44 7.70 0.50 0.166
1Pm 6.86 0.47 6.89 0.42 0.842 1Pm 7.35 0.52 7.16 0.39 0.274
2Pm 6.60 0.34 6.56 0.31 0.739 2Pm 6.82 0.40 6.69 0.37 0.376
1M 10.01 0.39 9.80 0.55 0.235 1M 10.36 0.57 10.19 0.41 0.348
Lower teeth Lower teeth
CI 5.29 0.29 5.14 0.21 0.117 CI 5.31 0.35 5.07 0.22 0.034*
LI 5.81 0.31 5.71 0.30 0.381 LI 5.92 0.36 5.62 0.32 0.019*
C 6.84 0.33 6.48 0.33 0.005* C 7.02 0.42 6.61 0.48 0.020*
1Pm 7.05 0.43 6.85 0.43 0.219 1Pm 7.24 0.43 7.11 0.47 0.433
2Pm 7.04 0.38 6.90 0.42 0.356 2Pm 6.98 0.48 7.01 0.33 0.815
1M 11.01 0.77 10.42 0.57 0.024* 1M 11.21 0.41 11.05 0.51 0.340

* Statistically significant for p < 0.05 * Statistically significant for p < 0.05

2013 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 132 Dental Press J Orthod. 2013 May-June;18(3):130-5
Fernandes TMF, Sathler R, Natalcio GL, Henriques JFC, Pinzan A original article

(Fig 1) and for 6 variables, upper lateral incisor and without miscegenation (African, Caucasians and Japa-
first molar; and lower lateral incisor, canine, first pre- nese). In the African group, the male gender presented
molar and first molar, for the female gender (Fig 2) mesiodistal distances of all teeth larger than the females
when compared the three groups. gender, with nine statistically significant variables (up-
per central incisors, canines and first molars and all
DISCUSSION lower teeth) confirming the study by Burris and Harris7
Measurement collection which also found larger teeth for males than for females
The orthodontic diagnosis is an essential factor in African-American individuals.
for the elaboration of an adequate treatment plan. However, for the other two ethnic groups this differ-
Thus,this research had as main objective to determine ence was not as evident. In Caucasians, only two vari-
the dental mesiodistal distances in dental casts, in order ables (lower canines and first molars) present statistically
to contribute with reasonable information to the orth- significant difference, showing little occurrence of sex-
odontic diagnosis on the different studied races. ual dimorphism (Table 2). But, all dental groups even
In this study, the measurements were performed though not statistically significant presented higher val-
directly on the casts with digital caliper, because it ues for men, except for upper first premolar, with mean
was already proved that measurements done in study of 6.86 mm for males and 6.89mm for females.
models are more reliable than measurements done For Japanese, it occurred sexual dimorphism in
directly in the mouth of the patient 13 and that the four variables (upper lateral incisors; lower central
caliper is the best way to perform the analysis of den- and lateral incisors and canines) as it can be observed
tal size for it has more reliability when compared to on Table 3. Only the lower second premolars were
the EKG caliper.13,24,25 Thus, the method used for the larger in women than in men, despite not statistically
measurement of mesiodistal distance of each tooth significant, with values of 7.01 and 6.98 mm, respec-
was obtained by the largest distance between the tively. It can be said, in general, that the male gender
teeths mesial and distal faces, through a digital cali- presented larger mesiodistal distances than the female
per, positioned as parallel as possible to the occlusal gender, corroborating several authors.4,12,22,27
surface, by the tooths buccal face.14,17,22,31 On the three studied racial groups it was possible
to notice that there was sexual dimorphism on the
Sexual dimorphism lower canine, confirming the studies that indicate the
Several studies have reported the existence of sig- lower canine as the tooth that most presents difference
nificant differences between men and womens tooth between the male and female genders.20 Thisdiffer-
size, with a tendency for men to present larger teeth ence can be used as instrument on the differentiation
on mesiodistal direction.2,5,9,15,21,28 Therefore, the first of genders in Forensic Dentistry.20
caution of this research was to verify the presence of
sexual dimorphism within the different racial types. Ethnic origin
This procedure aimed to determine if it was possible Many reports in literature emphasize the racial dif-
to group the genders in each specific racial group or if ferences,5,10,15,21,28 both in the teeths dimensions and
there would be the necessity for an individual evalu- proportions. Therefore, the authors Nie and Lin19 and
ation, to avoid any gender interferences. Once prov- Ta et al29 suggest to minimize any racial influence, to
en the occurrence of sexual dimorphism between evaluate individually the different groups, as done in this
mesiodistal distance in the three analyzed samples work. All results obtained on the means of mesiodis-
(Tables 1, 2 and 3), the two genders were not grouped tal diameters of the groups of teeth in the male gender,
and it was possible to compare the racial differences, when compared the three ethnic groups, presented sta-
without interference from this factor. tistically significant differences (Fig 1). For the female
Although in Brazil it occurs a large racial miscegena- gender, half of the variables presented statistically sig-
tion of the population, which complicates the accurate nificant difference (upper lateral incisors and first mo-
establishment of the ethnic origin of the individuals, in lars; lower lateral incisors, canines first premolars and
this study it was sought to work only with individuals first molars), as it can be verified on Figure 2.

2013 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 133 Dental Press J Orthod. 2013 May-June;18(3):130-5
original article Comparison of mesiodistal tooth widths in Caucasian, African and Japanese individuals with Brazilian ancestry and normal occlusion

The individual distances of the teeth in the male confirming the conclusions by Smith et al28 who ob-
gender has a tendency to be larger in most dental served that the relation between the teeths size depends
groups of the African sample, followed by the Japanese on the population, gender and arch length.
and the lowest values found are related to Caucasians, Besides, it can be mentioned that the evaluation of
both in the upper and lower teeth (Fig 1). However, the dental size in the clinical behavior can become in-
this difference was not so clear in the female gender, dispensable on the choice for a tooth to be extracted and
which repeated the descending order of mesiodistal on the possible amount of dental stripping, for it can
distances in African, Japanese and Caucasians, but directly affect the treatment planning and prognosis.
with comparative results not always significant for each Thus, confirming the importance of evaluation of den-
group of teeth (Fig 2). tal mesiodistal measurements for the correct diagnosis,
It is known that Negroids present maxilla and orthodontic planning and cases individualization.
mandible more protruded,8 lower and upper incisors
more tipped to buccal and more protruded and up- CONCLUSION
per and lower lips more protruded than individuals The results obtained in this research allowed to con-
from different ethnic origins.3,8,18 It can be conclud- clude that:
ed that this double protrusion of teeth can be associ- 1) There is sexual dimorphism on the teeths mesio-
ated to the larger mesiodistal distance of African as distal distances of male individuals, being greater
it was found in this study, since the sample was con- than in females in:
stituted of patients that presented normal occlusion. African: Lower teeth and upper central inci-
In the same line of reasoning, it can be concluded sors, canines and first molars.
that the smaller mesiodistal distances found in Cau- Caucasian: Lower canines and first molars.
casians can be related to the lower tipping normally Japanese: Upper lateral incisors and lower cen-
found in Caucasians.23 tral and lateral incisors and canines.
In the clinical routine, the orthodontist can have 2) There was a tendency for negroids to present
trouble when find problems in the dental shape and greater mesiodistal distance, followed by Japanese
size.31 From the collected data and its analysis, it can be and Caucasians, respectively.
concluded that most mesiodistal measurements present 3) Most mesiodistal distances presented particular
particular characteristics in relation to gender and race, characteristics in relation to gender and race.

2013 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 134 Dental Press J Orthod. 2013 May-June;18(3):130-5
Fernandes TMF, Sathler R, Natalcio GL, Henriques JFC, Pinzan A original article


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