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Kim Lighting Concept 5000 Series Brochure 1982

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Concept 5000...

Kim Products
Street and Area L ght ng
Env ronmenta L ght nll
Landscape L ghtlnO
Fountaln L ght ng
Custom Arch tectura Founta ns
Founta n Components and Klts
mportant Feat!res
Se ect on Conslderations
Exp anatlor.r of Photometrlcs

and App
rect Bur
Optiors for D rect Burla L ghts



Wel L ghts 16-20

I6555 East Ga e Avenue Lamp Reference Dala 21
Post Offlce Box 1275
ndustry, Ca I 91749'1275
2131968 5666 Telex 67-0491
Cab e KIMLTG NDIISTRY '1982KmLiLrhtinq nc
Concealed Lighting for
Landscape and Architecture.

Lardscape I ght ng s both aesthet c afd funct ofa , ach eving Salety and Maintenance warning
dynarn c eltects n many diverse app cat ons. N4a nta ning those Al I xtures in this cata og must be grounded naccordancewth
eflects ong-term s a s gn licant cha eflge Be ow grade fixtures, ocal codes or the Nat ona EectrcCode FaL Lrretodosomay
by the very nature of the r use, reqLrire spec a design and resu t n ser persofal njury Flxtures itre nol approved for
execltion Of y after extens ve exper ence caf a rfanulacturer wa kover areas where shoe hee s cou al odq-o n orver openlnqs
-ovo ve a fixlure lo w lhstafal the corroslve forces of water and so or hich ter.rperature enses burn hafds leel, etc Kim Light ng
K m p oneered b-. ow gracle ght fg forty years ago Contlnued recorrmends sea ng condu t entrles w th RTV ensur nll a c ear"l
research by Klm eng neers, together with the I rest n mater a s dry sp ce cornpartrlren1 To ma]nta I ght eff clelcy and prever]t
and cralLsmansh p, has created the Cofcept 5000 product ne excessive heal b! d Lrp, lenses must be kept c ean afd lree ol
as t exists today. Tfre K m name is your assurance ol the l nest d d, dust. leaves and lrash
outdoor ght ng equipment made
@ und"r*,,".. Laboralories L sle.l
lmportant Features
Direct Burial Lights

lncandescent, N4ercury Vapor,

or High Pressure Sodium lamp modes.
20't lt, 326" rotalion, and helght
Flal or Roundei lens adjustment on amp.


Heavy Wall, All-Cast Prewired, Pressure-Tested Anti-Siphon Barriers lntegral Ballast Box
Construction at Factory Al Lrndergrourd condu t Af ufderstard ng ol the
There s no harsher Because each d rect buria systerrs conta n mo sture economlcs ol bu d ng and
env ronment than the outdoors, f xture s prewlred and wh ch t drawn nto lhe ba ast rna ntenance has resuLted n an
so mater al Lrsed ior constructlng pressure tested at 10 p s or arnp cornpartment, w ntellra ba ast box The ba ast
be ow grade lixtures is crll ca y while cornp ete y subfilerged in caLrse I xtLTe lar uTe. is not bLrr ed beneath the arnp.
lmportant. lleavy wa cast water, a poss be defects are Efg neer rg to prevent slscept Lr e to water intake and
metaL. whether aiull] num or detected afd e m nated. On rno sture accurfu at on lhus d ll cu t to serv ce Ratfrer
bronze has proven to lle the site, on y tle d connections n becorTres a cr 1ca des gn p acemert of the ba ast box al
most mperv olrs to so ac d ty ihe sp ce compartment ard factor Kms org term !lrade eve of merc!ry vapor
afd r.lo sture Th s consisteft amp insert on are requ red lor exper ence \,! th be ow grade and h gh pressure sod unl
dependab ty s the reason lixture operat of savlng abor lght ng has developed and l]n ts, mln mizes mainterance
the 5000 product ine s casl lime and expense provef the antl-s phon bafr er t me requl.ed. Doub e wa
exc us ve y lorego .rg exot c system to be the best Each construrt on ut ized between
tlr n wa a oys ard assemb es cornpartrnenl arf p sp ce the three compadr.ents
that cafnot ho d up once and ba ast s so ated w th nsu ates and protects the
nsia ed Heavy wa I cast a doub e wa Each w re sp ce area so that standard
a uminLrm construct on wi l tenn nales in an ant -s phon 60" Iie d w re may be used
resist co[osion shou d the barr er. ard the ent re space s
b turn nous coating be sea ed. Even w th the pressure
scratched dur nll nstal at on. changes thal occur when the
Cast bronze is of co!rse the amp LS tLrrnecl on and off.
u t rnate materla lor raroisture and ts destruct ve
be ow grade ght ng The elfects are prevented f rom
one p ece !n t zed castrng enter ng the amp and ballast
comblnes sLrper or strefgth compartments
w lh stream ned appearance
c1 2
t lmportant Features
Well Lights

lncandescent, l\y'ercury Vapor,
or High Pressure Sodium Lamp modes.
Full or Directional
Louvers. 15" tilt with
360" rotation

Cast Bronze or Copper Easy Relamping Anti-Siphon Barriers Grade Level Ballast
Fixtures in Bituminous Wells Aga n des gn s mp c ty results Vlo sture, the constant threat to Ba asts for mercury vapor and
The ongo fg re able I ma ntefafce effic ency. be ow-orade fixtures, has been h gh pressure sod um mode s
pedonarance of cast bronze Sery ce on K m we I lghts s addressed and solved by the are adlaceft to the f xture/we ,

and copper flxtures lustil es the easiy acconrp ished with lnnovat ve K r. ant siphon rroused in a rugged heavy wa I

nvestment in qua ity f xtures fting out of we s for system Barriers ocated at 1wo cast box. Located at grade
mater a. On y these meta s, above-o rade ma ntenance. cr t ca lunctures preveni water eve. tfre com paftment ls
carefu ycrafted by Km ofler Predetermined lxture t t enter ng f xture and
frorar read y accessible for
the proven e ernent res stant anc es are not aflected by this ba ast box F ng the soated servlc ng. Standard 60' f e d
characteristics essenta n we procedLrre so re a ffr rg time is chamberwthafexible w Te meets UL requ rements for
ght des gf . Surround ng the saved. We can be ra sed as hlgh temperature sea ng th s l xture because of the
fixture s abtuminousf brewe qround cover qrows hlq her cornpound comp etes the exce ent lnsLr at or offered witfr
ghtwe ght and corros on sea ino process doub e wa constructlon. Th s
proof Biturn nous fibre we s separate junct on box or bal ast
black lor a concea ed look box trees the f xture wel to be
when lnsta ed s lghtly raised owered or tited wltir
above-grade n high ground ease to adapt to growing
cover The f xture s suspended andscape.
by adjustable c ps from a
grade-leve grate of lu lor
d rect onal ouvers. Required
drainage at the bottom ot the
we prevents possib e

Primary Considerations for Selection

D rect BLr a L cthts Wel L ghLs

Flush Mounted Height Adjustment

There are a var ety of and- The we ight, not mited to
scape lght ng app cators so llLrsh mounted s tuations s
severa guLde nes exist for part cu ar y su Led to
proper I xture se ectlon D rect andscaped locat ons with
bur a qhts should be corflned grow ng ground cover F xtuTe
to areas thal w remair re a and we I are easi y ra sed so
tive y I ush fsta ed in con- thai the qht nq eff clencv con
crete br ck rock or c ose y t nues un mpeded by 10 age
cropped awns Opt mLrrn
effect s ach eved when the f x
tLrre s unobstructed by
e|croaching g rou nd cover
Shield ing Full or Directional Louvers
Sfr eding or no shle d fg s tfre One of two types of louvers are
opt o.r olfered by d recl b!ria an ntegral part of any we ght
!fits W thout any restriction
lul amp o!tput provides more
ight at wrder ang es f some
type of g are contro andro.
and prov de good sh e ding of
lhe soLrrae The D rect onal
Louver alows max mum ight
effciency I d rect on ol arnp
'ectcn:r IcLr\'er oi]1

efs protectior ls requ red, t t wh e reduc nll g are on

there are a var ety ol slr e ds
and lolvers ava ab e These
observers s de. For 360" g are
conlro the Fu Louver s
appropr ate
@ [.,
come asse..b ed to the S:a.a:r. Lo!'rer
se ected mode or may be
added I lhe t eld
Wall or Sign Lighting Flexible lnstallation Angle
Vertca sign and wa surlaces As we ghts are specil ca ly
are gfrted un forrl y and des gr]ed for areas wheTe
unobtrus ve y by direct burla p ants and shrubbery are
modes Aspeca ydesgned g rowing, flxlure adlLrsttfent
relector systern g ves efiic ert may []e necessary after sorne
eftect ve perlormance for tlme. The flex b ty des gned
n ghttime identlf cation and into th s unit perrn ts 15" alnp
secur ty app cat ons t t w thin the we pus
lnsta ation of the ert re we I at
ar ang e

{tr 4
Photometrics and Application

Accent Lighting photometrics Examp e eft Fu candepower

are presented n the forrar of d st. bLrt on curve for one arfp
cand epower d sti []ution type
i UeLr ewll-.
curves These tests were 00! 800 v v
conducted with the lamp Examp e r ght Cafd epower
a med vert ca y and ra sed to d str butlon curves for two amp
ts h ghest posit on in the types Each curve s ore haf
housing Lower ng or titirg the the fu clrrve and s
amp wi a ter these d str bution symmetr cal aboLrt the 0' ax s
The sca e ol each curve may
or may rot be diflerent

The chart at r ght s an a d n

se ect f g a lamp with the
proper beam spread to
iLrrn nate an oblect of g ver
he oht and !! dth Cafd epower
can be converted to
Footcandles by the lofffu a
rc :!B
FC : Footcand es
CP = Cand epow,-r
D : D stafce from ixture
to object n feet
re..-'! w lh alen9e tc aqe
r *tt,
- ri*
4U 35 :{l' ?5' 2{l t5' rC 5 ar 5 t0 15 20 25 30 35'

W= !r a lr (l1O rlecl lror An nat L n. illuminate tom the sides

Wall or Sign Lighting -il.i n:i ar.: :.r rjr: l,r j.ii .l.ii l)r ir,i 2.5' 3 3.5 4 (U . r:..F X C'oss sectiof vle\,!
pfrotomctrlcs afe presented lllii. F r'!re 10 YLia
ofwa orsgn
l! so ux .cs of vert cal 26 ]ll t: t0 ,. lght f!l photometr c
lootcafcj e:j ars prolected on a i.rr.i report
vertica surface w lh the fxt!re 5l r! o -0 frDi I F

at var ous dlst3nces ffom the -1. .r .. ri:

sL[lace Each chart s i] typ ca j rr r-.: er:: - iil
na f the r ghi ha I synrmetr ca I lJ 89 65 So ::;ri",,, ,t,r
w tn thc cft ?lt t8l3 t0Lr rdesrri,. ",,
! r f.rr 1!, .1
5r 36 26 20 ,n, -nrn, ,-n,
l:l 89 65 50 !rc!r
2ti ]Il t3 lo

For conven efce eitch ',!a or "Spi.,r! f rr.s Fiiure Spacing Chart
Spac rg chart does .rot
s gf ght ng f xtl]le l]as a
B.rN,,.ef ril
fd cate Lrll lorrn ty of
spac fg chart show ng actLal um rlator Des gner sho! d
I xture spac rgs for var ous cheok Foolcanl:l e curves to
llht eves wa heglrts. a|d deter.. ne 1 ght eve at top oi
lxt!t-o-lolva al sll]nce! The \,!al and betweef t xt-res w
E S L qht ng llafdbook rfay sat siy deslred uf form ty
offcr some gLr de nes for
recoiTrrTrendcd ght eve s on l,/ x -
veTT ca sLffaces

A!.ra.i. l/r.t.. ned rel.i:

"(ll r:{.r-.r. n! llr '..l.rnd e cL _,'e:
nrrr.lLrrI.. lL,nIr'n_ly :, r..E.l,r! e

150-300W. R-40 lncand.
Direct Burial Light 250W PAR-38 Quaftz
250W KR-38 or R-38 Krypton lncand.



(2) lr'N PT

Housing: One-p ece cast a urf nurn with b tum nous coat ng
on be ow grade portions or one-p ece cast btonze. Doub e wai
separates amp and splce compartments Lens reta ner and
splice compartment cover are cast a um num or bronze w th
neoprene gaskets Lamp wel cont nuously we ded to hous ng.
Lens: Tempered clear glass w th one p ece si icone gaskel. Flat
ens 3/s" th ck. roundel ens 7i3," thick
Socket: Poroe a n medilrm base
Lamp Adjustment: 20' each s de oi vert ca 326'horzontal
rotat on. Posit ve screw ocks on a I adiust no llrackets ho d
a ming pos tion.
Wiring: A cornponents prew red with high temperature w re
terminating n anti-slphon bafi ers lso ation chamber I led with
f exlb e h gh temperature sea ng cornpound Factory pressure-
tested at 10 p.s.i. Sp ce compadment vo ume-40 cub c inches.
Grounding: 1/a-20 grcen hex head screw n splice compartment.
Conduit Taps: Standard tapping is two 3/a" N.PT n bottorn
Optonal tapping is 1" N.PT. n bottom and ends.

Fixtures Available Options: Deta s and restr ctions on p I4 Add option

IL^ bF o .r .ro . od. ." pre 5000 ,081-r.)
d.\o Dec po o'r\", ro
508lHS Haf Shieldid rectona qarecontTo. Cast A um
Lamp and llax Wattage 5181HS Same as above Cast Bronze
Cat (amp by others) Construct on Lens
5083FL Ful Louver,glare contro. ens glard. Cast A unr
5000 R-40 150 300W lncand Cast Alum Ro!ndel 5183FL Same as above. Cast BronT-o
PAR-38 250W Quadz
KR 38 or R'38, 250W Krypton 5085DL Direct ona Louver,,g are contro Cast A ur.l
5185DL Same as above Cast BroNZe
Same as above Cast Alum Fat 5087RG Rock Guard/roufde lens only Casi A urn
5100 Same as above Cast Brofze Roundei 5l87RG Same as above Cast BronTe
s10'l Same as above Cast Biofze F at 5200GM Grout N4asklfor concrete nsta aton Galv. Stee

300W. PAR-56lncand.
Direct Burial Light 500W PAR-56 Quartz


l 1412+

l2l ,r" N PT

Housing: One-piece cast a urfinum with bitum nous coat ng 000
on below-grade port ons, or one piece cast bronze. Doub e wa
separates amp and sp ice compartments. Lens reta ner and
spllce compartmenl cover are cast a um num or bronze with
neoprene gaskets Lamp we I continuous y we ded to hous ng.
Lens: Tempered c ear g ass with one-p ece s cone gasket Fat
ens 3/s" lh ck ro!nde ens /a" th ck.
Socket: Mogu PAR connector.
Lamp Adjustment: 20' each side ol vert ca 326'horzonta
rotat on. Posit ve screw ocks on a I adiust nCJ llrackets ho d
aiming posit on
Wiring: A I co[r]ponents prewired wlth h gh ternperature w re
tem.rinating ln ant siphon barriers solat on chamber f led w th
f exib e h gh temperature sea ng compound Factory pressure
tested at 10 p s.i Sp ce compartmert vo ume 40 cub c lnches ,L _: .h I
Grounding: 1/a 20 grcer hex head screw in splice compartment
?LP, tt l_P-R
I t{ 1.F..
l,/le,l Fooa/
Conduit Taps: Standard tapping is two 3/a" N.P.T. in bottorn.
Optlonal tapp ng is 1" N.Pl n boltom and ends.

Fixlures Available Options: D'd \ d1o F o' o , p I aoo opl ol

'doog',mo6 o' Lo ..p f d'no- -'01 ''88DC,
Cat. No Descript or Construction
5082HS FlaLf Shle d/d rect oral glare contro . Cast A um.
5182HS Same as above Cast Brorze

Cat. No.
Lar.rp and Max. Wattage
(amps bV others) ConsTrLrcl on Lens
5084FL Fu Louver/g are contro. ens guard. Cast A um.
5184FL Same as above. Cast Bronze
5004 PAR 56, 300W ncand Cast Alun. Rounde 5086DL Dlrect ona Louver/glare contro Cast A urn
PAR 56 500W Olra rt7 5186DL Same as above Cast Bronze
5005 Same as al-rove Cast Alum. Fat 5088RG Rock Guardi rounde ens on y Cast Alum.
5104 Same es above Cast Bronze Rounde 5188RG Sarne as above Cast Bronze
5105 Same es above Cast Bronze Flat 5201GM Grol]t l"4ask/for concrete instal aton. Ga v Stee

0l 8
Direct Burial 250W T-4 Quartz

Wall or Sign Lighter

(2)r;'N Pr

Specitications 3.5'.4' tD stance X

Housing: One-p ece cast a uminum w th b tum nous coat ng Elevation-Typical Half
on be ow-qrade portions or one-piece cast bronze Doub e wa I
250W 26 t8 13.T0 lnta
separates lamp and spllce compadments Lens reta ner and Ve( ca
splice compartment cover are cast a um num or bronze, w th 7X 5t 36 26 2A
neoprene gaskets. Lamp we I cont nuous y welded to housing.
Lens: Tempered clear rounde g ass, /a" th ck, with ofe p ece
si cone gasket. 1.3 89 65 50 25 fromwi1 as
Socket: High temperalure min -can type 54 with cast alum num 26 18 t:,0
safety shroud
Reflector: One p ece hydroformed a uminum w th Alzak f nish 13
Beta ners lock reflector in any posit on with n 326' hor zontal ;; 1l 10
Wiring: A I components prew red with high lemperature w re
term nating n ant siphon barr ers. so at on chamber f led w th Frllres
'Spac nq Fixture Spacing Chart
high lemperature sea ng compound. Faclory pressure tested at
10 p s i. Sp ice compartment vo ume-40 cubic nches.
Grounding: 1/a 2A gteen hex head screw n sp ice compafiment
Conduit Taps; Standard tapp ng s two 3/4" N.PT. n bottom.
Opt onai tapping s 1" N P.T. in llottom and ends

'Check spac n!r wth loolcand e c!.,rcr

Ave,aqe Ma nla ned Vcrl ca
to deterrn ne 1!nform ly s acceptabe

Fixtures Available Options: Detai s and reslrictons on p 14. Fu I Louver

D rectiona Louver and Rock Guard not recommended because
of lght restrict on Add opt on cata og number to lixture number
Examp e: 5006/5082HS
Lamp and Wattage
Cat. No (amo bv others) ConstrLCtion Lens Cat. No. Descrlption ConstrLrction
5006 T-4, 250W Ouartz Cast A urn Rotrndel 5082HS Flalf Sh eldi d rectiona g are contro Llast A urf
(frosted) 5182HS Same as above. Cast Bronze
5t06 Same as above Cast Bronze RoLrnde 5201GM Grout lvlask/for concrete nsta lat on Ga v Steel

01 I
75W. E-17 Mercury Vapor
Direct Burial
Wall or Sign Lighter

(21r1 ).1 PT ' boliom

Specitications 2.5' 3' 3.5 4' (f.iafce X

F tl!re ro lla
Housing: Ofe plece cast alum num w th b tuminous coatlng on
below-grade portors Doube wal separates al co..partments 14 i0 07 06 |Ii:,
Lens retainer and covers lor ba last and sp ce cornpartments are Ver1.d
cast a umlnum with neoprene gaskets. Lamp we cont nuous y 29 20 r5 rl
Fool.anr -..
we ded to hous ng Do 'ot o.el-.
Lens: Teffrpered clear rounde g ass r/4" th ck, with one p ece ?r a^ r? ,a f Lr;c .i
sl icone gasket. 2 t lra r!
Socket: Porce a n med um base 1.4 I 0 73 56 u-de:iirali ^.:

Reflector: One-p ece hydroformed a urn num wlth Alzak f nish. 29 20 t5 t.t r tr n or
fl nrt.f arrl
Reta ners ock ref ector in any poslt on with n 326' hor zontal 72 50 l7 28 oLL!r
rotat on. u 1a 73 56
Wiring: A components prew red w th high temperature wire
telrn nat ng n antl s phof barr ers. lso ation chamber filed w th
flex b e h gh temperature sea ng compound Factory pressure 'Spac.!r Bcl\!ce. Frllre: Fixture Spacing Chad
tested at 10 p.s . Splice cornpartmenl volume 40 cub c nches.
Ballast: H gh Power Factor, -20' F start ng.
Grounding:7a 20 green hex head screw n sp ce cornpartment.
Conduit Taps: Standard tapp ng s two 3/a" N.PT n bottotn \
Optiona tappina is 1" N P.T. ln bottorn and ends
= r0

Caution: Some nterpretat ons of the Nat onal E ectrlc Code may
'Crc.k sl,.:. n! rilr ioclcand e.Lrtes
ai ow 120 Vo t f xtures only f20B 240 at277'Jall sdesred, Alpri.. [,1r.r..e.] len.. todeiernn. lLn lon'rlJ s r.ceplabc
check w tfr oca codeauthortybeforespectyng.

Fixtures LneVotage ndcatedby ast 3 d glts in cata og nurnber Available Options: Deta s and restr ct ons on p. l4 Fu Louver,
D rect ona Louver and Rock Guard nol recomrnended beca!se
Larnp and Wattage [,4ax
of ght restriclion Add opt on cata og number to f ixt!re numller.
Cai No (lamp by others) AN,4PS Constrlct Lens Example: 5007MVl 2015082HS
5007MV120 E t7 75W .42 Cast A utn. Rourde
l,4ercury Vapor
5007MV208 Sarne as above 48 CastAum Rolrnde Cat No Descrpton Construct ol-l
5007MV240 Same as above 41 Cast A !m Rounde 5082HS Ha f Shie d,directiona o are contro Cast A ur.l
5OO7MV277 Same as above 36 Cast A l]m Rounde 5202GM Grout [,4aski lor concrete nsta ation Ga v. Stee

70W T-10, E-17 or B-17
Direct Burial High Pressure Sodium
Wall or Sign Lighter

L2lrl N PT rr liollorl



Specifications 3' 3.S, 4' (D s ance X

Housing: One p ece cast alurn num w th b tutrlinous coat ng on 20 tc TT F:l!re lo $/:
lleow grade pofilons. DoubewaL separates al comparlments fl:l
Lens retainer and covers for ba last and splce compartments aTe Ver: ca
casl a uminum w th neoprene gaskets. Lamp we continuousy
72 50 37 28 r-oolca'd e.
welded to housincr rLr 7t 56 Do a ' r'
Lens; Ternpered c ear rounde gass. la"thck wthone-piece i r-.s eir lfan

si icone gasket 20 15 11 25lronir':r a!

Lrnn es rab e
Socket: Porcela n med utn base, 4KV pu se raled. qo t7 28 ri! , i
Reflector: One-plece hydroformed a utn lum wilh A zak fln sh
Retainers ock refiector n any pos t or with n 326' horizonta 14 10 7J 5.b...
ll 20 l5 tl
rolat on r

Wiring: A components prewired w th h gh temperature wlre

terminating in antl sphonbarriers solat on chamber fll ed with
f exib e high temperature sea ing compound. Factory pressure 'Spac fq B.r"!eer F:l|rres Fixture Spacing Chart
iested at I0 p.s i. Sp ce compartment vo ume 40 cub c inches.
Ballast; High Power Factor. 20'F. starting
Grounding: la 20 qeen hex head screw in spllce compartment.
Conduit Taps: Standard tapp ng ls two 3/a" N P.T in bottom.
Optona tapp nq s 1" N PT iri bottom and ends

Caution: Soroe nterpretalons of the Natlona E ectr c Code may 'Clreck spac.!tw l rio.lcanc e.L.ie5
a ow I20 Volt f xtutes only I 2AB.24A ot 277 Vo t is des red Alreraoe lvli, nra.c.i Verl c:l to delerm nc lLrnfornli s.ccaptabe
check w th loca code aulhor ty before spec fy ng

Fixtures Llne Votaqe nd caled by ast 3 d gits in cata og nlrmber Available Options: D6 d; o 'd o o p I f lo F
Dre. lonol d .uo o o p o-tr
oool 'o
Larnp and Wattaqe lvlax Ol q a . Or^OOOOrO ooOO 6.a OE Or' I bF
Cat No (amp bv others) A["4PS Conslrrct Lens F^.rmol-. 5009HPS I20 5082!S
5009HPS120 T-10 E 17 or B 17 L45 Cast A ur.r. Roufde
70W ! gh Pressure Sod lrrn
5009HPS208 Same as afiov-o. Cast A um RoLrnde Cat No Descript on Construction
5009HP5240 Same as above 75 Cast A Lrrn Rolnde 5082HS Ha f Shle dld rect onal qlare contro Cast A Lrnr

5009HP5277 Same as above .65 Cast Alurn RoL.rndel 5202GM Grout Maskifor concrete nsta aton Ga v Stee

70W. PAR-38 High Pressure Sodium
Direct Burial Light 100/175W. R-40 Mercury Vapor

j.1 N Pl r
l2l li(JLLorr


Housing: One-piece cast a um num with bitumino!s coat ng 100 \,! 70 11'
PAN 38
on be ow grade port ons, or one p ece cast bronze Double wa
separates al compartments. Lens reta ner and covers fot ba last
and sp ce compadmerts are cast a Lrm num or bronze with
neoprefe gaskets Larnp we continuous y we ded to hous ng
Lens: Tempered c ear g ass with one-p ece s cofe gasket F at
ens 3/6" th ck rounde lefs l,t" thick.
Socket: Porce a n med um base FIPS mode s 4KV pu se rated.
Lamp Adlustment: 20" each s de ol vert cal, 326" horlzona
rotat on Pos t ve screw ocks on a adl!sting brackets ho d
a m ng poslt on.
Wiring: A components prew red w th high temperatLrre wire
term rat rg I ant s phon barr ers lso ation chamber fi ed wlth
f ex b e h gh ternperature sea ng compound Factory pressLrre-
tested at l0 p s . Spice compartmentvoume 40cubic fches
Ballast: H gh Power Factor, 20'stafi ng.
Grounding: 1/4-2A grcen hex head screw n sp ce compartment.
Conduit Taps: Standard tapping is two 3/a" N P T. in bottom. tNa '{' _ r
De - r-. !{'h . R,10Dl i
Optiona tapping s 1" N PT in bottom and ends l'"']V 7so ll ,10 DX
V!' lrr 50808N I
wv )(

Fixtures and Options See page I3 Note: The 50808N Beam lntens f er s .ecommefded for lse on
R 40 Deluxe Wh te (DX) mercury vapo. larnps of y The add tion
ol th s accessory w I nc.easc the ut zat of of ght lrom the
amp s wlde beam pattern.
R-40 ns de Frosted (l F) rnercury vapor larnps do not need the
Bearn ntensilier frecause lhelr [ream pattern s narro\,! enouoh to
po- .l r- , o,9' ,- , oO ,i ,g
Tfrere s a s gnif cant d fference ln co or temperature lretweef
the two amps sted above. This may be a factor n se ect on
See page 2l.
[,4ercL]ry Vapor. R 40 ns de Frost (lF) 6700" K.
[,4ercL]ry Vapor. R 40 De uxe Wh te (DX) 3900' K
Ilcandescert R ,10 2850' K r-.1
c1 12
Ordering lnformation

Fixtures Lamp and Wattage Lne M ax.

CaT No (amp bV others) Volts A[,4PS Construct on Lens
5026HPS120 PAR-38 7OW 124 145 Cast Alum Rounde
High PressLrre Sodiurn
5026HPS208 Same as above. 208 B5 Cast A um. Founde
5026HPS240 Same as above. 244 75 Cast A um. Fou nde
5026HP5277 Same as above 277 .65 Cast AlLrm. Rou n d
5027HPS120 Sarne as above. 120 1 .45 Cast Alum Fat
5027HPS208 Same as above. 208 .85 Cast A um Flat
5027HPS240 Same as above 244 75 Cast Alum. Fat
5027HP5277 Sarne as above. 277 .65 Cast A um. Fat
5126HPS120 Same as above. 120 145 Cast Bronze Rou nd el
5126HPS208 Same as above 208 B5 Cast Bronze Rounde
5126HPS240 Same as above 240 .75 Cast Bronze Roun de
5126HPS277 Sarne as above 277 65 Cast Bronze RoLrnde
5127HPS120 Same as above. 124 145 Cast Bronze Fat
5127HPS208 Same as above. 2AB B5 Cast Bronze Fat
5127HPS240 Same as above. 244 75 Cast Bronze Fat
5127HPs277 Same as above. 277 .65 Cast Bronze Fal
5020MV120 R-40, 100w 124 l1 Cast Alum Roundel
[,4ercury Vapor
5020MV208 Same as above. 2AB .60 Cast Alum. Roundel
5020MV240 Same as above 244 .55 Cast A u[n. Rounde
5020MV277 Sarne as above 211 .47 Cast A l]m. Rour de
5021 MV.l20 Same as above 120 t1 Cast A u r.l Flat
5021MV208 Sarare as above. 208 60 Cast A urn Flat
5021MV240 Same as above 240 55 Cast A um Flat
5021MV277 Same as afjove. 277 47 Cast Alurl Flat
stzolvwrzo Same as above 124 Ll Cast Brorze Roundel
5120MV208 Same as above. 208 60 Cast Bronze Roundel
5120MV240 Same as above. 244 .55 Cast Bronze Roundel
5'120MV277 Same as above 277 .47 Casl Bronze Rounde
5121MV120 Sarne as above 120 t.l Cast Bronze Flat
5121MV208 Same as above 208 .60 Cast Bronze Flat
5121 MV240 Same as above 240 55 Cast Bronze Flat
5'121MV277 Same as above. 277 47 Casl Bronz-o Flat
5024MV120 R-40 l75W 124 1.9 Cast A urn Rounde
I'lercury Vapor
5024MV208 Sarne as above 208 1.1 Cast A um. Rounde
5024MV240 Same as above. 240 95 Cast A um Roundel
5024MV277 Same as above 277 BO Cast Alum Bounde
5025MV120 Same as above. 124 19 Cast Alum. Fat
5025MV208 Sarne as above. 208 1l Cast Alum. Fat
5025MV240 Same as above. 244 .95 Cast Alum Fat
5025MV277 Same as above 277 BO Cast A um Flat
5124MVt20 Same as above 124 1.9 Cast Bronze Rounde
s124MV208 Same as above 208 1.1 Cast Bronze Rounde
5124MV240 Same as above. 244 95 Cast Brorze Rounde
5124MV277 Sarne as above 277 .80 Cast Bronze Roun de
5125MV120 Same as above 120 1.9 Cast Bronze Flat
5125MV208 Sarfe as above 248 1.1 Cast Bronze FLat
5125MV240 Same as above. 240 95 Cast Bronze Fat
s125MV277 Same as above. 277 BO Cast Bronze Fat

Available Options: Deta ls and restr ctions on p 14 -See rote

on p. 12 Add opt on cataLog number to I xture number.
Examp e: 5026HPSl 20/50B2HS
Cat. No Descr pt on Constructon Caution : Sorne interpretatlons
of the Nat onal E ectric Cod-^
5080BN' Beam lntens t er Alzak A urn
may a ow 120 Vo t f xtures on y.
5082HS Ha f Shie drd rectiona g are cortro. Cast Alum. I ZaB.240 ot 277 vall s
5182HS Same as above Cast Bronze desired. check w th loca code
5084FL Fu Louver/g are control, ens guard Cast A um. author tV before specifyinq
5'l84FL as above Cast Bronze
5086DL D rect ona Louver/g are contro. Cast Alum.
5186DL Same as above. Cast BronTe
5088RG Rock Guardlrounde ens on y. Cast A um.
5188RG Same as above. Cast Bronze
5202GM Grout N,4ask/for concrete instal atlon. Galv. Steel
c] 13
CAUT ON lf Ila f Sh e d, Ful Louver D rect ona Louver or Rock
Options for Guard are used in areas where a rap d col ect on of eaves
and trash s antic pated. a reoularlv schedu ed rna ntenance
Direct Burial Lights Only program must lle eslabl shed to keep I xtures c ean. Dried
eaves afd paper can burn lf a owed to accufi]u ate on h gh
temoeratLrre ens-os
Ava able
or y for
I xtures
De5cr pt on and Restr cl ons Cat No. Constructon on paoe Deta

Beam ntensii er for R 40

Deluxe Wh te (DX) mercury
vapor amps on y. Co ects
ost h gh ang e ghl and re 50808N A zak A urr t3
d strlbutes t at useiul ang es
C ps d rect y to R 40 lamp
De ure Wh le (Llx)

Ha I Sh eld ens r ng for 5081HS Cast Alum 7

d rectiora ght cLrt off and 5181HS Cast BronTe 7
g are coftro For use w th 5081 HS 5082 HS
5082HS Cast A ur.r
roundel lenses only. See
caut on above
5182HS Cast Bronze
8 9 10,1
1 ,1 3
\ tv
518r HS 5r82 HS

Fu Louver ens r nqs for

360'g are contro and ens
protect on. For use with
flat lenses only. See caut on
Alum 7
Bronze 7
Alum I
Bronze B.l3
'o I

Direct ona Louver lens

ring a lows rnax rnum ght
effic ency in d rect on ol 5085DL Cast A um 7
iamp t t while contro llng 5185DL CasT Bronz-o 7
g are n opposite d rect on 5086DL Cast A uffr. B.l3
For use w th llat lenses only. 5186OL Cast Bronze 8.13
See caution above

lrlr:'5087 RG
5187 FG
I /r'5088 RG
5188 RG
Rock Guard ens r ng for 5087RG Cast Alum. 7
vanda protect of of roundel 5'187FG Cast Bronze 7 v
lenses only. See caut on 5088RG Cast A uffr. B,l3
5188RG Cast Bronze 8.13

Lenglir W.llh
Grout Mask and f xture
support for insta at ons ln
concrete l\y'ask is t ed to
reinlorc ng bars and supports 5200GM Ga v. Steel 7
l xture during concrete pour 5201GM Ga v. Steel 8,9
Concrete s kept away from 5202GM Ga v. Steel 10,1113
f xture a ow ng 2" grout
space for fina tr rn.

c] t4
150W R-40 or PAR-38 lncand.
Well Light

12)3,r"NPT n cottorn

91:" sq


Fixture; Cast bronze.
Lens: Convex tempeled c ear g ass w th one p ece s lcone
Socket: Porce ain medilrm base
Wiring: Cord is prewired to f xture passlng through a brass sea.
Each w re termlnates n an anti s phon barrler, encapsu ated n
h gh temperature seal ng compound. Factory pressure tested at
10 p s Sp ice compartment vo ume 40 cullic rches.
Well: Bilurn n zed fjbre, 9" d a x 143/a" depth.
Dra nage (by others) requ red
Louver: Cast a um num lln shed black with pol shed edges,
secured to wel w th socket head sei screws.
Junction Box: Cast alumlnum w th r/2" rigid galvan zed condu t
ard brass seal for f xture cord r/a 20 green hex gtound ng sctew
prov ded
Conduit Taps: Standard tapp ng s two 3r" N.PT n bottom
Opt ona tapp ng s l" N PT in bottom, sides and ends.
Fixture Adiustment: Sta n ess stee w re hangers suspend fixture
lrom loLrver and al ow I5' ti t, 360' rotat of Pos t ve screw ocks
ho d alm ng pos t on.

Fixture Option: Direct ona Louver supp ed ln place of standard fu I

louver, To order opt on add catalog number to llxture number.

Examp e: 5l50i5090D1
Cat No Descript on Construct on
sogoDL i D rect ona Louver alows Cast A um
Larnp and Max. Wattage F xture qr,' max mum i0ht ell c ency
Cat No (lamps bV others) Oonstruct on sq in direction of amp t t
5150 R 40, 150W lncand Cast Bronze wh
wn le contro ng g ar
conlro Iling are
PAR 38 150W ncan{l in oDoosite direction

c1 16
Well Light 70W PAR-38 High Pressure Sodium
100/175W. R-40 Mercury Vapor

L2) 1,1 ' l'l P l n trottom


tl I.t I

Fixture: Cast bronze 175 W

Lens: Convex tempered c ear g ass with one piece s I cone gasket
Socket: Porcela n medium base HPS mode s 4KV pulse rated
Wiring: Al comporents prewired wlth h gh temperature w re.
terminating n ant -siphon barr ers. lso at on cfrarnber f ed with
high temperature sea ng compound. Factory pressure tested at
10 p s . Sp ice compartment vo ume 40 cub c inches.
Well: B turninlzed f bre 9" d a. x 143l+" depth.
Dra raqe (by others) requ red.
Louver: Cast a uminum fin shed b ack with po lshed edges
secured to we wlth socket head set screws.
Ballast: lligh Power Factor, 20'F starting
Ballast Box: One plece cast a uminum w th bitumlnous coat ng
on below grade port on DoubLe wa lseparates baL ast and spl ce
compartment. Cover is cast alum rum with one plece neoprene
gasket 12" r gid ga vanized condu t with brass sea forfxtLrre
catd. 1/a 2a green hex head grounding screw provlded.
Conduit Taps: Standard tapp ng s two 3/4" N.PT n bottom.
Optonal tapping s 1" N.P.l n bottorn and ends
Fixture Adjustment; Sta nless steel w re hangers suspend i xture
from ouver afd a ow l5' ti t. 360' rotatlon Pos t ve screw ocks
Caution: Some nterpretat ofs of the Nat ora EectricCodemay
a ow 120 Vo t fixtLres only. ll 2AB 24A at 277 Vo t is des red
check w th oca code author ty before spec fy ng.
Fixtures Mercury Vapor Fixtures H.rh Pressure SodlLrm
La.fp and Wattage L re fi/lax F xture Larnp and Watta!,le Lfe lvlax F xture
Cat No. ( amps by others) Volts AMPS Constrrction Cat. No (lamps bV others) AN4PS Construct on
5152MV120 R 40 100W 120 I 1 Cast Bronze 5156HPS120 PAB-38.70W 124 1 45 Cast Bronze
Mercury Vapor H gh Pressure Sod um
5152MV208 Sar]]e as above 208 60 Cast Bronze 5156HPS208 Same as above. ZaB .85 Cast Bronz-^
5152MV240 Same as above 244 55 Cast Brofze 5156HPS240 as above. 240 75 Cast Bronze
5152MV277 Sarne as above 277 47 Cast Bronze 5156HPS277 Sarne as above. 277 65 Cast BronT--
5154MV120 R 40 t75W 120 19 Cast Brofze Option: D rectiona LoLrver supp ied I p ace of standardfu ouver
Mercury Vapor
5154MV208 Same as above 208 11 Cast Bronze
Cat No D- p or Co , r'- o't
5154MV240 Same as above 244 95 Cast Bronze
5154MV277 Same as above. 277 .BA Cast Bronze 5090DL D rect ona Lo{rver Cast A um.

c1 17
300W PAR-56 lncand.
Well Light

(2) 1r" N PT

1 211.a'

] I I I. I I I



Fixture: Cast bronze. 300 w
Lens: Convex tempered c ear g ass with one-p ece si lcone
Socket: [,/]ogu PAR connector.
Wiring: Cord is prewlred to f xture. pass ng through a brass sea
Each w re terminates n an anti s phon barr er encapsulated n
high temperaLure sea ing compound Factory pressure tested at
10 p.s. Sp ice volurne 40 cubic nches
Well: Bitum f zed f bre 13" d a x l4" depth Drainage (by others)
.equ red
Louver: Cast a uminum fin shed black w th pol shed edges
secured to we with socket head set screws.
Junction Box: Cast a uminum w th r/r" r gid ga vanized condu t
and brass sea lor f xture cord. la 20 green hex head gro!nd ng
screw prov ded.
Conduit Taps: Staf dard tappirg ls two 3./.r" N PT n bottom
Opt ona tapp rg s l " N P.T in bottom s des and ends
Fixture Adjustment: Staif ess stee wlre hangers suspend fixture
from loLVeT and a ow 15' t lt. 360" rotation. Poslt ve screw ocks

Fixture Option: D rectlona Louver suppl ed n p ace of standa.d fu

ouver. To order optlon add cata og n!mller to f xture nu[fber
Examp e 5160/5091DL
Cat No. Description Construct on
5091DL f- ... =-.... 'J r D rect ona LouveT: a ows Cast Alum
d. ,m rg e
Lamp and Wattage _re
F j do,ro-o'd^p il ,
Cat. No (amp bV others) (,on rtCtOn
Construct on
"A1a Ol O lqqdra
5.160 PAR 56. 300W ncand.
^ -_-
(,, I BronTe !- r n oooo\ le d recLron

150W. R-40 or PAR-38lncand.
Well Light

9lr" sq

(21%" N PT

Drainage by olhers

Fixture: Spun copper w th cast bronze lens r ng
Lens: Convex tempered c ear g ass with one-piece s lcone
Socket: Porce ain med um base.
wiring: Cord s prew red to fixture, pass ng through a brass sea.
Well: Bitum nized fibre,9" dia. x 143la" depth.
Dralnage (by others) required.
Louver: Cast alumlnurn fln shed black with po lshed edges
secured 10 wel with socket head set screws.
Junction Box: Cast ron hot-dipped galvanized w th /2" rigid
galvan zed condu t, brass sea for fixture cord 74 20 green hex
head ground ng screw prov ded. Junction Box vo urne 972
cub c inches.
Conduit Taps: Two '/2" N.PT in ends
Fixture Adjustment: Sta rless steel w re hangers suspend f xture
froTn ouver and al ow 15' t lt, 360' rotat on. Pos tive screw ocks
ho d a mincl pos tion

Fixture Option; Direct ona Louver suppl ed n place of standard fu I

ouver To order opt on add cala ocl number to fixture number.

Examp e C-54/5090D1
Cat No. Descr pt on Constructlon
5o9oDL r D rect ona Louveralows CastAum
Larnp and Max Wattage Ftxture cry:,max murn I ght effic ency
Cat No. (amps bV others) Construction sq n d rection of amp t t
c-54 R-40, 150W ncand. Spun Copper 4'1.P.O O IOOdre
PAR-38 l50W ncand L __ r i1 :on a l,e:t:Ot

C] J9
100W. R-40 or PAR-38
Well Light Mercury Vapor

(2)3/a NPT I bollorn

l I
gr! sq 11A'.



Dralnaqe by others

Fixture: Spun copper with cast bronze ens r ng
Lens: Convex tempered clear glass w th one-p ece si icone gasket
,/i-' r00 w
F 40 DX\
Socket; Porce ain medium base (R 40 modeis), admedium base jDe uxe Wl
(PAR 38 mode s). lM!
wiring:Al components prewired wlth h gh temperature w re /
1"5o /
'6I^ rd rq rorL,- rpho od' 6I\ fdcolpp IF e ted"'
'dp Splreco pa|m^r "ou^o 40'.or( c^e<
Well: B tuminlzed f ibre, 9" d a. x 143/4" deplh.
Drainage (by others) requ red
Louver: Cast a um num f n shed b ack with po shed edges,
secured to we I w th socket head set screws.
Ballast: Hlgh Power Factor, 20' F starting.
Ballast Box: One p ece cast a uminum w th b tum nous coat ng
on below-qrade portons. Doubewa separates bal astand
sp ice compartment. Cover is cast alurn nurn w th one p ece
neoprene gasket. 1/2" tigd ga)vantzed condu t wth brass sea for
llxture cord. 7a 20 green hex head ground ng screw prov ded.
Conduit Taps: Standard tapplng s two %" N.PT n bottom.
Optonal tapplng is 1" N.P.T. I bottom and erds
Fixture Adjustment: Sta n ess stee wire hargers suspend fxture
from ot]ver and a Low 15' ti t. 360' rotat on Pos t ve screw ocks
hold a mlng position

Caution: interpretat ons of the Nationa E ectr c Code may

alow 120 Vo t f xtures on y. lf 208, 24O ot 277 voI is des red
check w th oca code author ty before specifying
Lamp and Wattage Line Max. Fixture
Cat. No (amps bV others) Vots AMPS Construct on
s162MV120 R 40. I00W 12A 1l SpunCopper
Option: D rect ona Louver suppl ed n p ace of standard ful
Ny'ercury Vapor
5162MV208 Same as allove 208 .60 Spun Copper louver. To order opt on add cata og numller to fixture number
5162MV240 Sarne as above. 240 .55 Spun Copper Exampie: 5l 62lu4vl 2015090D1
5162MV277 Sarne as above. 277 .47 Spun Copper Cat No Descr pt on Construction
5154MV120 PAR 38. l00W 12O 11 SpunCopper 5090DL r Direct onal Lorver: a ows Cast Alum.
N.4ercury Vapor (admed um base) nl; maximum ight ell c ency
i"iii"ii l#j
5.164MV208 Same as above 208 60 Spun Copper t t
5164MV240 Same as above 24A 55 Spun Copper """ot inq g are
wh le contro
5164MV277 Same as above 277 47 Spun Copper L.'' - ' ,) rt onoos te direttlon.
in oppos direcl on.

rl l -20
Lamp Reference Data

A Word on Color
Beam or
Lamp and Conliguralion
Raled Life lnitial Color Temp. Available Temperature: Each amp is
CK) From sted with ts approx mate
l- '; n ,rO
r50 2000 1900 2850 U/ SGE
co or temperature n degrees
Spor 2000 2850 WS GE
Kelv n Since these lamps
3Uu 2000 3650 2850 WS.GE vary great y n spectra
tr 3650 2854 WS GE characteristics, co or
ternperature is on y a rough
pred ction of how they w
r50 2000 1T4A 2850 WS.GE allect the co or ot I ghted
2000 I740 2850 WS.GE
Spol 2000 r 740 WS GE
objects. The to ow ng
general zat on can be made:
IKF 38 or E 38 Kryptof lncandescent or quaftz ght
400t) 3200 2951r WS at 3000'K w I render coors
4000 3200 2950 falr y true to the human eye. As
the co or temperature fal s, the
ght becorres warmer n co or.
ll gh Pressure Sod um lamps
300 2000 2850 WS GE
2000 3844 2850 WS GE
at 2100'K conta n arge
2000 WS GE amounts of ye ow and red
[4o!]! Erd Prof! which have a gray ng effect
PAF 38 on co ors As the co or
t-^rnperature rises, the ight
250 6000 3500 2900 GE becomes coo er. Clear Mercury
Spot 60!0 3500
B Vapor amps at 6700'K to
7000'K, conta n arge amounts
(. :l 4000 800ti 2950 W S.GE turn qreen fo iage towards a
turquo se co or lf co or rend'
' ,-i' Narro\/ Spol
2950 !!S GE tion is crit ca . K m suggests a
l/logu End Pronq
fie d test be conducted us ng
des red arnps
250 2000 WS GE

.- iFao I0(l Fooa (De Lix-. Wh te DX) 240{J0 2850 3900 W.S GE
Fooc I fs.le Frost lF)
'r i' 175 Wde Food (De uxe Wlrte DX)
6700 GE
tr I oo.l ( ns.le Frosl lF) 24000 5700 6700 GE

PAlt 38 Wlde Food amps shou d fot

be used n Well Llghts or D rect
r00 Food (Cear) r 6000 7000+ WS GE
t* Spoi iC ear) 16000 28ti0 7000+ WS GE
Burla L ghts w th louver
opt ons These ur ts g ve
opt mum performance when
spot and med um d str but on
_' arnps are selected
tf' Itre r'.!r cD ) 2800 GE

PAF 38

- HBase
TA l- ood (Clear) 10000 4500 2r 00

[4ed Lrm
S= Sy varia
fl l 7A (C ear) 21000 5800 2100 GE: General E ectric

lvled Lrnr Base

E I 7 or 8.17

nt-,) (r, ear) 24000 5800 2100 GE S

Lampdata scurrentattmeofcatalogpubicationandlstsonlythe amps used for products in th s

cataog. lf data s crlt ca , check witfr amp manufacturer for most recent inforrnation.

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