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Achille Mbembe Necropolitics Summary and Considerations

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Mbembe introduces the concept of necropolitics to interrogate how sovereignty is derived from the power to dictate who lives and who dies. Key concepts discussed include biopower, necropower, technologies of death, and death worlds.

Some key concepts discussed include biopower, necropolitics, necropower, technologies of death, death worlds, the state of exception, and martyrdom.

Mbembe argues that sovereignty is ultimately the power to decide who may live and who may die. He describes how colonial and plantation worlds are where controls over life and death can be suspended through terror and violence against those deemed 'Other'.

Date Started: 11-25-2017

Summary of Necropolitics:




1. Mbemes project is to interrogate the politics of death by introducing a new conceptual apparatus
called Necropolitics.


[Key Quotes]

The perception of the existence of the Other as an attempt on

my life, as a mortal threat or absolute danger whose biophysical elimination would
strengthen my potential to life and securitythis, I suggest, is one of the many
imaginaries of sovereignty characteristic of both early and late modernity itself.

[Key Parts]

Biopower and the Relation of Enmity In this section Mbembe builds on the
description of the state of exception theorized Carl Schmitt and considering that
colonial and plantation worlds are manifestation[s] of the state of exception.
He argues that slave plantations and the colonies are the location par excellence
where the controls and guarantees of judicial order can be suspended (24)
because just war theory only applies to civilized states. The sovereignty wields
its right to kill in order to rule these worlds through terror formation or
necropower. Since slaves and savage colonial natives are viewed as more
animal than human,

Necropower and Late Modern Colonial Occupation Here Mbembe discusses more
modern cases of colonialism, namely South Africa and Palestine. Here he
reinterpretes sovereignty in South Africa as how matter and who does not [e.g. who is
War Machines and Heteronomy Here mbembe names how warefare has changed
from the simple annexing of terroritories of cilivized states. Citing the Gulf War and
Kosovo he explans that Wars of the globalization era therefore aim to force the
enemy into submission regardless of the immediate consequences, side effects, and
collateral damage of the military actions. (31)
Of Motion and Metal Here Mbembe interrogates a suidcide bomber to interpret the
logics of martyrdom and survival. Here Mbembe describes freedom as being partial
to a loss of life if by dying you excercise agency over life. So survival may seem like
you want to outlive your enemy while martyrdom appears to dictate the opposite, this
isnt necessarily a contradition as death constitute
The colonial state derives its claim of sovereignty from its own cultural mythology.
The narrative of its own divine right to exist. This gives rise to the domain of
sovereignty being derived from both a myth of truth and exclusivity, visiting terror
and violence on those who are Other.

People who dont comport to the social norms and social categories of the human
arent really living. They are the living dead. Necropolitics is the language and rubric
of non-greivable life.

[Key Terms]

1. Sovereingty (is ultimately) - the power and capacity to dictate who may live and who may die.

2. Biopower - domain of life over which power has taken control.

3. Necropolitics- Necropolitcs allows for the state to have the conversation about who to kill, while
necropower is the actual power exercised in the killing of the people that theyre allowed to kill.
Pretty much, racism is the political conversation that allows states to use necropower
against Black bodies (and brown bodies and other bodies) as theyre the ones that the state is
allowed to kill.

4. Necropower - This is the ability to actually sentence to death with legitmacy. This constrast
from biopolitics as biopolitics is the political control over the forces of life and biology,
necropolitcs is the political control over the forces of death and causes death.

5. Technologies of Death - the state exercises control over death via the technologies of death
(which is basically military technology) in order to control and direct the population of the state to
do as they want.

a) I see math and probability and statistics as one of these?

6. Death World - This is space in which the inhabitants are relegated to life that is living dead.
That is, a liminal position between life and death that means they are easier to manage.
7. [Wikipedia] The state of exception - s a concept in the legal theory of Carl Schmitt, similar to a
state of emergency, but based in the sovereign's ability to transcend the rule of law in the name of
the public good.

8. Martyrdom - This when one who is living-dead, that is, living without a life due to
necropolitical descriptions of ones death as non-grievable, excercising control over ones own
death through martyrdom is a sense of agency.


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